Τοις Εντευξομένοις GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Ή Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Περί της αρχής της διαφάνειας στην δράση της Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και το Πρόγραμμα ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ Concerns Του Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Καθηγητού Νομικής Σχολής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, και Μεταπτ. Προγραμμάτων By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος, Student of the School of Architecture Καθηγητού Προγρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. Αθηνών, Technical University of Crete
Ομοτ. Καθηγητού ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟΥ Π.Κ.Π.Ε., 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Ex Ch. L. U. L., Bruxelles, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Int.BC, I.I.A.P., Paris ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCEx - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), Δικηγόρου, among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established aΚατόχου greatof“principle”: the Τιμητ. Διακρ. acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. LE PRIX EUROPEEN DES 12 ETOILES Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Γενική προσέγγιση Sociology asκοινός well), asτόπος, the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this,Διοίκηση (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually andthe theremoval placement of Είναι ότιofηlow-income αρτίως λειτουργούσα Δημόσια ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc.ύπαρξη, Howeverόχι this μόνον “change”, regardless of συνιστά condicio sine quarestaurants, non για την αυτού τούτου the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the του κρατικού μορφώματος, αλλά και για την εν γένει κοινωνική συνοχή, με whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). όσα αυτή προϋποθέτει και συνεφέλκεται, οικονομική ανάπτυξη και potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to πολιτιστική ανέλιξη ενός Λαού. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Εξ άλλης πλευράς, συνιστά παράμετρο εύρυθμης λειτουργίας the then observed trend wealthyκαι people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof ενός σύγχρονου δημοκρατικού την πρόσθετη London, upgrade them, stay themselvesκαθεστώτος, sometimes thereυπό and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. 1 τηρούσα χρηστές προϋπόθεση, ότι λειτουργεί εντός Κράτους Δικαίου being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 2, (με συνήθη αρχές, αποδεσμευμένη παθογενειών γραφειοκρατίας A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar inτην other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach being summarized below, from 1 Κατά τον Fried. HAYEK οare όρος υποδηλεί, ότιseveral μία Κυβέρνηση δεσμεύεται σεvarious όλες τις comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various ενέργειές της από κανόνες, οι οποίοι of έχουν θεσμοθετηθεί δημοσιοποιηθεί εκ των interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, theκαι following: προτέρων... Βλ. the Fried. HAYEK: The road to serfdom.London, 54. interpretations of the phenomenon of thep. following: In a sense, phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a1944, new category of social groups 2 Κατά τον Max WEBER η έννοια της γραφειοκρατείας «συμποσούται» σε επτά to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money «αρχές»: Ηto εργασία με to συνεχή και αδιάλειπτο and time travelπραγματοποιείται from the purlieus downtown, whereτρόπο. work place is, lack of the The Τηρούνται οι ισχύοντες κανόνες νομοθεσίας. termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Οι ευθύνες και ηher εξουσία ενός εκάστου αξιωματούχου αποτελούν μέροςstudy καθέτου και Berlin, where she made first studies. In 1932 she published an important entitled: services ofωργανωμένης health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) ιεραρχικώς εξουσίας. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for and Οι διαχειριστές πόρων λογοδοτούν για την τους.she lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies research Geneva, Prague, London andχρήση Neweasier York came to back to London, Υπάρχει διαχωρισμός μεταξύ παρεχομένης εργασίας και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toσαφής another approach, the isυπηρεσιακώς due a systematic and εισοδήματος του κατέχοντος αξίωμα. University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying Οare θέσεις άσκησης εξουσίας δενfor ανήκουν jure στους περιστασιακούς κατόχους her work characterized by a passion justice.ipso See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in τους. 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Οι παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες πραγματοποιούνται βάσει εγγράφων. Βλ. Max WEBER: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Οικονομία και Κοινωνία (Μετάφρ.). Αθήνα, 1992, 2005, σ. 110. Εκ των επικριτών αυτής της
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
έννοια του όρου) και τείνουσα να είναι ανοικτή, αποτελεσματική και ανεξάρτητη, όπως αναφέρεται και στο άρθρο 298 των Ενοποιημένων Συνθηκών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Συναφής προς τα ανωτέρω είναι και η προσέγγιση του Χάρτη Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (άρθρα 41, 42): Κάθε Άνθρωπος έχει δικαίωμα να απαιτεί αμερόληπτη, δίκαιη και εντός ευλόγου προθεσμίας εξέταση υποθέσεώνC.του από τα θεσμικά By των Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS και λοιπά Όργανα και τους Οργανισμούς Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Harvard University,της Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Το δικαίωμα αυτό περιλαμβάνει ιδίως: Architect Student of the School of Architecture Α. Το δικαίωμα κάθε Προσώπου σε προηγούμενη ακρόαση πριν να Technical University of Crete ληφθεί ατομικό μέτρο εις βάρος του. Β. Το δικαίωμα κάθεDefining Προσώπου να έχει πρόσβαση στον φάκελλό 1. Introductory approach: the concept του, τηρουμένων των νομίμων συμφερόντων της εμπιστευτικότητας και 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), του ANTISTHENIS, επαγγελματικού καιancient επιχειρηματικού απορρήτου. the Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Γ. Την υποχρέωση της Διοίκησης να αιτιολογεί τις αποφάσεις της. the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. Κάθε Πρόσωπο μπορεί να απευθύνεται στα θεσμικά της acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content ofΌργανα concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, on “principle” inΣυνθηκών a first, if (in not final, approach, the term Ένωσης σεtherefore, μία από τιςthis γλώσσες τωνis και πρέπει λαμβάνει (and urban gentrification) indicated the area of να Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification απάντηση ίδια γλώσσα (άρθρο 41).area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology asστην well), as the “refining” of a city Sociology asΠολίτης well), as the “refining” of aκαθώς city area, the fromthere this,ήof (inνομικό various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement artists, Κάθε της Ένωσης και κάθε φυσικό ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc. However έδρα this “change”, regardless of Πρόσωπο, που κατοικεί ή restaurants, έχει την καταστατική του σε ένα Κράτος the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, στα results also rising land prices theof Μέλος έχει δικαίωμα πρόσβασης έγγραφα των of θεσμικών και(and λοιπών whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Οργάνων και Οργανισμών της Ένωσης, ανεξαρτήτως θέματος, (άρθρο 42). potential relative speculation). TheΕίναι term gentrification found at first in the UK«αρχές» in early 1960s and it refers to αυτονόητο, is ότι οι αναφερθείσες λειτουργίας μίας The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of to buy property in poor areas of , (Μονομελών Δημόσιας Διοίκησηςtrend «υλοποιούνται» διά των της3in the then observed wealthy sometimes people to Οργάνων buy property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents areof ήLondon, Συλλογικών αδιακρίτως), τα οποίαsometimes προφανώς πρέπει να old διακρίνονται upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. για την ακεραιότητα του ήθους, την αντικειμενικότητα, τον προσήκοντα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth σεβασμό προς τον Διοικούμενο Πολίτη και,inwere βεβαίως, διαφάνεια A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work ofτην Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major δράσης τους. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more Διαφάνεια:approach αναγκαιότητα ή ουτοπία; comprehensive arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Υπό έποψη συνάρτησης του όρου διαφάνεια με δράση Οργάνων εν interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the(ανεξαρτήτως phenomenon gentrification, the following: In aτου sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend a new category of groups γένει Κράτους, εάν αυτάof είναι Μονομελή ή social Συλλογικά), to to the city, leaving the purlieus for severalυποδηλώνεται reasons: high costs money σε“return” μία πρώτη, εάν όχι και οριστική προσέγγιση, (όχιinμόνον) and time to travel from the purlieus downtown, where place is, Οργάνων, lack of the η δημοσιοποίηση ενεργειών καιto αποφάσεων τωνwork Κρατικών 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter sense safety the distributed outside town centres, αλλά και η δυνατότητα τουresidencies Διοικουμένου να έχει πρόσβαση σταborn οίαin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at heart of theαποφάσεων, city”,movements (possibly) δήποτε στοιχεία αξιοποίησε τοshe Όργανο γιαthe την έκδοση οιfor Youth Unemployment. The same year left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work areκυριότερος characterized by a passion forCROZIER, justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. προσέγγισης ο Mich. οι θέσεις του οποίου καταγράφονται and selling real estate,θεωρείται etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web,στο in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: έργο του: The Bureaucratic Phenomenon. London, 1974. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety ways, order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 3 Βλ.ofΚωνστ. ΓΕ.inΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Διοικητικό Δίκαιο. Νέα έκδ. Αθήναι, 2014, σ. 81
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
οποίες ευθέως ή εμμέσως συνάπτονται με δικαιώματα ή έννομα συμφέροντά του.4 Κατά την ορθότερη προσέγγιση στην προκειμένη περίπτωση η ατομική διοικητική πράξη πρέπει να είναι ευχερώς προσβάσιμη5, (όχι μόνον από εκείνον στον οποίο αφορά ευθέως), αλλά, πλην των περιπτώσεων δημοσίου συμφέροντος, και από τρίτους ενδιαφερομένους. Εξ άλλης πλευράς, επιβάλλεται δημοσιότητα των κανονιστικών By Mr.η George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS διοικητικών πράξεων, οιHarvard οποίες University, ως εκ της Graduate φύσεώς School τους αφορούν σεStudent, άτομα of Design, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS μη γνωστά εκ των προτέρων. Architect of the School of Architecture Δημόσιας Διοίκησης αποτελεί Η δημοσιότητα 6 της δράσης της Student Technical University of Crete εγγύηση για την τήρηση του Δημοκρατικού Πολιτεύματος, δεδομένου, ότι 7 του Κράτους Συνταγματικές οι 1.διέπουσες την δράση των Οργάνων Introductory approach: Defining the concept διατάξεις, επιβάλλουν την διαφάνεια κατά την δράση τους. 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Διαφάνεια: Συνταγματικές και Νομοθετικές ρυθμίσεις among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Ο όρος διαφάνεια σε with επίπεδο δικαίου, και μάλιστα acquisition of knowledge starts theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a κανόνων first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,πρακτική if (in notthe final, approach, theστο term Συντάγματος, απαντάται στην ελληνική το (and urban gentrification) is area ofπρώτον Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Σύνταγμα έτους 2001, (αναθεώρηση), άρθρο 14, παρ. 9: this, (in various Sociology asτου well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from Sociology as well), as the “refining” ofηa city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Το ιδιοκτησιακό καθεστώς, οικονομική κατάσταση και τα μέσα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However thisνα “change”, regardless of χρηματοδότησης των μέσων ενημέρωσης πρέπει γίνωνται γνωστά, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof όπως νόμος ορίζει. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Νόμος προβλέπει τα μέτρα και τους περιορισμούς, που είναι potential relative speculation). The termγια gentrification found at firstτης in the UK in early 1960s it refers to αναγκαίοι την πλήρηisδιασφάλιση διαφάνειας και τηςand πολυφωνίας The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor στην ενημέρωση. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Άλλα συνταγματικά ερείσματα απαντώνται στις των London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusδιατάξεις old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Α και 10 παρ. 3 του ισχύοντος Συντάγματος: άρθρων 5 being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth AΆρθρο description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the5Α: same while similar in other major Καθένας έχει δικαίωμα στην πληροφόρηση, όπως νόμος ορίζει. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Περιορισμοί δικαίωμα αυτό είναι δυνατόν να επιβληθούν νόμο Since then,στο the issue has several scholars and for με its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more μόνο εφ’ όσον είναι απολύτως αναγκαίοι και δικαιολογούνται για various λόγους comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various εθνικής ασφάλειας, καταπολέμησης του εγκλήματος ή προστασίας interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups δικαιωμάτων και συμφερόντων τρίτων. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside centres, 4 Βλ. και Δ. ΠΑΠΑΔΗΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Διαφάνεια τηςtown Διοικητικής Δράσης: Τοfor δικαίωμα Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, εγγράφων education, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) γνώσης διοικητικών (Ν.entertainment 1599/1986). Διοικητική Αθήνα, 1/1996,for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany andΜεταρρύθμιση. after continuous movements σ.48. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, 5 Βλ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Ενθ΄αν., σ. 247 επόμ. in According 1943 sheΚωνστ. published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and 6 Βλ.College Κωνστ.of ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Η Δημοσιότητα. Α' εκδ. Her 1998, Ι', 2010. Π. University London, where she continued her social research. public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying ΚΟΡΝΟΥΤΟΣ: συμμετοχή του Διοικητική Διαδικασία. Αρχείο Νομολογίας, ΝΕ. her work areΗ characterized by aΠολίτη passionστην for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of partάρθρο of the web, in Αθήναι, 2004, σ.COLLINS 50. Βλ. ακόμη και την πρόβλεψη του Ν. 3861/2010, 7,urban για ελεύθερη 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Πολιτών κείμενα Εφημερίδας της Κυβέρνησης. Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aπρόσβαση variety των of ways, inστα order to της achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 7 Βλ. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Ενθ’ αν., σ. 75 επόμ.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Άρθρο 10, παρ. 3: Η αρμοδία Υπηρεσία ή Αρχή υποχρεούται να απαντά στα αιτήματα για παροχή πληροφοριών και χορήγηση εγγράφων, ιδίως πιστοποιητικών, δικαιολογητικών και βεβαιώσεων μέσα σε ορισμένη προθεσμία, όχι μεγαλύτερη των 60 ημερών, όπως νόμος ορίζει. Σε περίπτωση παρόδου άπρακτης της προθεσμίας αυτής ή παράνομης άρνησης, πέραν των άλλων τυχόν κυρώσεων και έννομων By συνεπειών, καταβάλλεται και ειδική Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS χρηματική ικανοποίηση Harvard στον αιτούντα, όπως νόμοςSchool ορίζει.of Design, Student, University, Graduate By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Τα συνταγματικά «ερείσματα» της έννοιας «διαφάνεια» Architect Student the School Architecture κατοχύρωσαν μεταγενέστερα νομοθετήματα κατάofτρόπο (κατάofτο μάλλον Technical University of Crete και ήττον) επαρκή: Ν. 1599/1986, Ν. 1943/1991, Ν. 2472/1997, Ν. 2690/1999, Ν. 3861/2010 (Πρόγραμμα ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ). 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept εκ των «προδρόμων» ρυθμίσεων, (σε σχέση με το 1. Ενδεικτικώς Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Πρόγραμμα τα εξής: ANTISTHENIS, theαναφέρονται ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ) wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Ρυθμίσεις του Ν. 1943/1991, άρθρο 6: among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Με therefore, σκοπό τη διαφάνεια τηςindefinition της Διοίκησης, οι acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” aδράσης first, if of not final, approach, theκατά term 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, term περίπτωση αρμόδιοι Φορείς του Δημόσιου Τομέα υποχρεούνται να the δίνουν (and urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification στη δημοσιότητα των ενεργειών τους, ιδίως για τους Sociology as well), asστοιχεία the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this,κατωτέρω (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the from this, of (inartists, various ways), ofπαροχής social groups, usually of Οικοδομικές low-income and theremoval placement there τομείς υπηρεσιών: Α. άδειες, πράξεις τακτοποίησης, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of διαδικασία αυθαίρετων κατασκευών, σημειακές χωροθετήσεις. Β. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has,Δ.results also rising of land prices (and theof Στεγαστικά δάνεια. Γ. Συντάξεις. Τηλεφωνικές συνδέσεις, συνδρομητικά whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative κέντρα, κ.ά. potential relative speculation). TheΡυθμίσεις term gentrification is found at first in the του Ν. 2472/1997, άρθρο 12:UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy in poor 1. observed Καθένας έχει δικαίωμα ναpeople γνωρίζει εάνproperty δεδομένα the then trend wealthy to there buy property inπροσωπικού poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof χαρακτήρα, που them, τον stay αφορούν αποτελούν αποτέλεσαν αντικείμενο London, upgrade themselves sometimesήthere and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. επεξεργασίας. τούτο, Ο Υπεύθυνος επεξεργασίας, έχει υποχρέωση να being indirectlyΠρος “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth του A απαντήσει εγγράφως. description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major 2. Τ Ο Υποκείμενο των δεδομένων έχει δικαίωμα να ζητεί και να GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. λαμβάνει από τον Υπεύθυνο επεξεργασίας, χωρίς καθυστέρηση και κατά Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, και the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more τρόπο εύληπτο σαφή, τις πληροφορίες: comprehensive approach areακόλουθες being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various α. Όλα of ταtheδεδομένα προσωπικού χαρακτήρα που το αφορούν, interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theπροέλευσή phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups καθώς και την τους. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for τους several reasons: high costs in money β. Τους σκοπούς της επεξεργασίας, αποδέκτες ή τις κατηγορίες and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the αποδεκτών. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, γ. Την εξέλιξη της επεξεργασίας για το1912-1940. χρονικό διάστημα απόborn τηνin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) προηγούμενη ενημέρωση ή entertainment πληροφόρησή του. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back δικαίωμα δ.and Την λογική της αυτοματοποιημένης επεξεργασίας. ΤtoΟLondon, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and πρόσβασης μπορεί να ασκείται από το Υποκείμενο των δεδομένων και με University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her συνδρομή work are characterized την ειδικού. by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ε. Κατά περίπτωση, την διόρθωση, την διαγραφή ή την δέσμευση G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually (κλείδωμα) των δεδομένων, των οποίων η επεξεργασία δεν είναι σύμφωνη
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
προς τις διατάξεις του παρόντος νόμου, ιδίως λόγω του ελλειπούς ή ανακριβούς χαρακτήρα των δεδομένων. Ρυθμίσεις του Ν. 2690/1999, άρθρο 4: Οι Διοικητικές Αρχές οφείλουν τη αιτήσει του Ενδιαφερομένου να χορηγούν αμέσως πιστοποιητικά και βεβαιώσεις (το αργότερο εντός δέκα ημερών...). Διαδικασία ανάρτησης By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Προβλέπεται εν συνδυασμώ υπό των άρθρων 2 παρ. 4 και 6Student, του Ν. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS 3861/2010. Architect Student δεν of the School of Architecture Η εισαγόμενη διαδικασία ανάρτησης συνεπάγεται την Technical University of Crete υποχρεωτική σύσταση νέων υπηρεσιακών Μονάδων, ενώ η παράλειψη της1.ανάρτησης στο Διαδίκτυο, (ότανthe αυτή προβλέπεται), συνιστά για τον Introductory approach: Defining concept υπόχρεο προς ανάρτηση πειθαρχικό παράπτωμα, άρθρο 107 του Ν. 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), 3528/2007 άρθρο τουleft Ν. 3584/2007. ANTISTHENIS, the111 ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherκαι wise heritage he us, he established(444 a great the Τέλος, σημειώνεται, ότι προβλέπεται (Ν. 3861/2010) και η σύσταση, among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. (υπό προϋποθέσεις) Διοίκησης Έργου, εχουσών ως acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of αντικείμενο concepts. Based, therefore, onΟμάδων this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (andδιαδικαστική therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term την Based, οργανωτική, και τεχνική διαχείριση των αναρτήσεων σε urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification επί μέρους Sociology asΥπηρεσίες. well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Το Πρόγραμμα ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Με other το πρόγραμμα ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ, το οποίο διαχειρίζεται το Υπουργείο whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the in early 1960s andόλων it refers to θεσμοθετείται το πρώτον η υποχρέωση κατ’UK αρχάς ανάρτησης των The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor πράξεων των Οργάνων της wealthy Κυβέρνησης καιtoτης Διοίκησης στοof the then observed trend people buyΔημόσιας property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are Διαδίκτυο, με τηνthem, επιφύλαξη ειδικής διαχείρισης θεμάτων Εθνικής Άμυνας London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. και Ασφαλείας και θεμάτων απτομένων των λεγομένων «ευαίσθητων» being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth προσωπικών δεδομένων. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Εξυπακούεται, ότι η ανάρτηση στο Διαδίκτυο, σκοπούσα στην GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherτης Researchers. μέγιστη δυνατή δημοσιότητα ενέργειας, δεν υποκαθιστά Since then, the issue has several scholars and for itsτυχόν more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more προβλεπόμενη δημοσίευσή τηςbeing στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβέρνησης. comprehensive approach are summarized below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various Αντικείμενο ανάρτησης interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations theαναρτώνται phenomenon of thecategory following: In aΣτο sense, theof phenomenon is due(ενδεικτική togentrification, a trend ofαναφορά): a new of social groups Διαδίκτυο to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Νόμοι. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Πράξεις νομοθετικού περιεχομένου. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Προεδρικά Διατάγματα κανονιστικού χαρακτήρα. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heartγια of the city”,movements (possibly)for εγκύκλιοι την εφαρμογή YouthΕρμηνευτικές Unemployment. Theεγκύκλιοι same year sheκαι left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, νομοθεσίας. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Πράξεις διορισμού Μονομελών Οργάνων κ.ά. research. Her public action and University College of London, where she continued her social long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH Σημειώνεται, ότι by η υποχρεωτική ανάρτηση αποφάσεων καιDICTIONARY. πράξεων and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: (όπου αυτή προβλέπεται) , δεν υποκαθιστά την δημοσίευση, των Υπηρεσιών, G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 711
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete (όπου αυτή απαιτείται), στην Εφημερίδα
της1. Introductory Κυβέρνησης,approach: (άρθρα Defining 2 και 3 the τουconcept Ν. 3861/2010). 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, Μη αναρτώμενες πράξεις ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Κατά την διαδικασία ανάρτησης among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the λαμβάνονται υπ'όψει οι ρυθμίσεις acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a του first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, 2therefore, on “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term άρθρου του urban Ν. this 2472/1997 περί (and gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement (φυλετική προέλευση, πολιτικά φρονήματα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of κ.ά.) και of απορρήτων πληροφοριών, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also rising of land prices (and theof (κρατικών, εταιρειών, has, πνευματικής whatever otherspeculation). results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative ιδιοκτησίας κ.ά.),consequences ενώ ισχύει ο has, αποκλεισμός potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in τον the UK in early 1960s and it refers to πρόσβασης σε διοικητικά έγγραφα The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor οποίο προβλέπει το άρθροwealthy 5 του people Κώδικα the then observed trend to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof Διοικητικής Διαδικασίας. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ισχύς αναρτώμενων στο Διαδίκτυο being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Πράξεων A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Η ισχύς των αναρτώμενων στο GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, byυποχρέων other Researchers. Διαδίκτυο πράξεων των προς Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more τούτο Οργάνωνapproach και Υπηρεσιών ρυθμίζεται comprehensive are being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various υπό του άρθρου 4 του Ν. 3861/2010, interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of social groups προβλεπομένης αδυναμίας εκτέλεσής τουςof a new to to the city, leaving the purlieus reasons: high costs in money σε“return” περίπτωση επιβαλλόμενης καιfor several μη and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the πραγματοποιούμενης ανάρτησης. The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed outside town centres, Εάν παραλλήλως προς residencies τηνRuth ανάρτηση Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) επιβάλλεται και education, δημοσίευση των πράξεων Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London andως Neweasier York she came to back to London, στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβέρνησης, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and ημερομηνία έναρξης της where ισχύος University informal College of London, sheλαμβάνεται continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are η characterized by a passion justice. See συνήθως δημοσίευση σε for αυτήν, μη also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: επηρεαζόμενη από τον χρόνο (ενδεχομένως G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually διαφορετικό) ανάρτησης.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 2521 911
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Ελένη Καββαδία Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Το Ειδικό Καθεστώς Οικονομικών Δραστηριοτήτων του Ελληνικού
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student,
Κράτους και Ελλήνων Υπηκόων Χώρες των Βαλκανίων:Architect By Mr. σε George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture
Θεωρητικές Προσεγγίσεις και Εμπειρικοί Προσανατολισμοί Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification Helen Kavvadia 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of The special status of economic activities of the Hellenic State the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative and of Greek citizens in Balkan countries: potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor theoretical approaches and empirical perspectives the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: Β΄έκδοση In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came to back to London, ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΣΗΣ, ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Αθήναι, 2018 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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ΣΗΜΕΙΩΜΑ ΤΟΥ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types ofΕΚΔΟΤΟΥ Intervention, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification ΤοDefinition, Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης, Μελετών, Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης, συσταθέν εν έτει 1990, εν τηConcerns επιθυμία των Μελών της Διοίκησής του, συγκειμένης εκ Καθηγητών Πανεπιστημίου και Ειδικών Επιστημόνων,
να «διαχέεται», κατά το δυνατόν, σε ευρύτερους κύκλους η γνώση και By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS να προβάλλονται διαπρεπείς Επιστήμονες, αποφάσισε την έκδοση του Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ανά χείρας έργου της κυρίας Ελένης Καββαδία. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Τα Μέλη του Δ.Σ. του Κέντρου έκριναν, ότι εν λόγω έργο, Student of theτο School of Architecture προϊόν μακράς συστηματικής έρευνας και λίαν ευδοκίμου Technical University of Crete επιστημονικής και επαγγελματικής δραστηριότητας, είναι ιδιαζόντως 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept υψηλής ποιότηταςapproach: και αναφέρεται σε ενδιαφέροντα θέματα. 1. Introductory Defining theεξόχως concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -«σύλληψη» 370 BC, Athens), Το όλον έργο διακρίνεται για την πρωτότυπη του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the κεντρικού πυρήνα, τον πλούτο των στοιχείων, το μεγάλο εύρος της among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the θεματολογίας, την on συνθετική κριτική των επιapproach, μέρους πτυχών acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, this “principle” aθεώρηση first, if of not final, the term 1 διαφόρων ζητημάτων. Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Σε μία περίοδο τα Βαλκάνια γίνονται καιfrom πάλιthis, αντικείμενο Sociology as well), as the όπου “refining” of a city area, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” ofοι a city area, the from this,δεν (inartists, various διεθνούς ενδιαφέροντος, καθώς χώρες περιοχής που είναι ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andτης theremoval placement there of ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the of artΕυρωατλαντικών galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, of ήδηoperation μέλη των Δομών δρομολογούν την regardless ενταξιακή the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also rising land prices theof τους πορεία, η Ελλάδα has, επανεξετάζει την of πολιτική της(and στην whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, όπου οι οικονομικές σχέσεις διαδραματίζουν potential relative speculation). The term gentrification at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο. is found The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor Η upgrade Συγγραφέας Ελένη Καββαδία έχει the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, them, stayκυρία themselves sometimes and thusπολυδιάστατες old residents areof ακαδημαϊκές σπουδές στην Οικονομία, την Διοίκηση London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there andΕπιχειρήσεων, thus old residentsτα are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Συστήματα Πληροφοριών και την Γεωστρατηγική, στην Ελλάδα και A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth description of this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth στοAΕξωτερικό. Επιπλέον η similar επαγγελματική της ενασχόληση μεmajor την GLASS at the same period, while in other GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, ως Researchers. ανώτερο Στέλεχος της Ευρωπαϊκής cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several μέρος scholars andυπό for εξέταση its more Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων, κατά το μεγαλύτερο της Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from περιόδου, της επιτρέπει να being έχει summarized επιτόπια γνώση και προσωπική comprehensive approach are below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: εμπειρία στο θέμα. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Το έργο έχει ως βάση Διδακτορική Διατριβή της κυρίας Ελένης to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Καββαδία, με θὲμα οικονομικών and time to travel from«Το the ειδικό purlieusκαθεστώς to downtown, where workδραστηριοτήτων place is, lack of the του Ελληνικού Κράτους ως Μέλους της Ένωσης καιin 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outsideΕυρωπαϊκής town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Ελλήνων σε Χώρες των Βαλκανίων: προσεγγίσεις services of Υπηκόων health, education, entertainment “at theΘεωρητικές heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where και εμπειρικοί προσανατολισμοί», που υπεβλὴθη στο Τμήμα studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Οικονομικής και Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης του Παντείου University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Πανεπιστημίου Κοινωνικών και Πολιτικών Αθηνών και her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also:Επιστημών COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ενεκρίθη το 2016, της οποίας υπήρξα Επιβλέπων Καθηγητής. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Προσεγγίζει το θέμα ολιστικά, εξετάζοντας τόσο την επίσημη 252111 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
αναπτυξιακή βοήθεια μέσω του Ελληνικού Σχεδίου Οικονομικής Ανασυγκρότησης των Βαλκανίων-ΕΣΟΑΒ, όσο και τις Ελληνικές άμεσες ξένες επενδύσεις σε επτά χώρες της Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης, και συγκεκριμένα Αλβανία, Βοσνία και Ερζεγοβίνη, Βουλγαρία, Κροατία, ΠΓΔΜ, Ρουμανία και Σερβία. Από αυτές, εν τω μεταξύ μόνο δύο είναι ήδη μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, ενώ οι υπόλοιπες πέντε φιλοδοξούν By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS να ενταχθούν ως το 2025. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Το βιβλίο και κατά βάση η Διδακτορική Διατριβή στηνStudent, οποία By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect βασίζεται πραγματεύεται ένα θέμα με ιδιαίτερο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον Student of the School of Architecture καθότι, την εικοσαετή περίοδο 1990-2010, η Ελλάδα γίνεται για πρώτη Technical University of Crete φορά στην ιστορία της, τόσο χορηγός/δωρητής Επίσημης 1. Introductory approach: the concept Αναπτυξιακής Βοήθειας - Defining (ΕΑΒ), μέσω του Ελληνικού Σχεδίου για την 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek Οικονομική Ανασυγκρότηση των philosopher, Βαλκανίων - (ΕΣΟΑΒ), όσο και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherΆμεσων wise heritage he Επενδύσεων left us, he established a και great the εξαγωγέας Ξένων - (ΑΞΕ), μάλιστα σε μια among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. περιοχή, και κατά μιαstarts χρονική συγκυρία, όπου γίνονται ιστορικές acquisition of knowledge with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term γεωπολιτικές καιurban γεωοικονομικές με εμπλεκόμενη 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inανακατατάξεις, a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 ολόκληρη την Διεθνή Κοινότητα. Για τον λόγο αυτό η gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, ofάλλωστε Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various οικονομική εμπλοκή της Ελλάδας στα Βαλκάνια έχει απασχολήσει Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, κυρίως την Ελληνική, αλλά και μερικώς την ξένη Βιβλιογραφία, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results rising of land (and the πρωτίστως Επιστήμονες απόhas, χώρες τηςalso Βαλκανικής, καιprices όχι μόνο. Τοof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and potential relative θέμα εξετάζεται σε επτά χώρες, στις οποίες επικεντρώνεται και the η potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to οικονομική δραστηριότητα τόσο του Ελληνικού Κράτους, μέσω The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trendκαι ofiswealthy to buy property poor διμερών συμφωνιών, του Εθνικού ΕΣΟΑΒ,ininόσο και τωνof the then observed trend wealthy peopleΣχεδίου to there buy property poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are Ελλήνων υπηκόων, υπό την μορφή ΑΞΕ. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ως προς “squeezed”. διάρθρωση 16 being indirectly A description ofτην this τυπική phenomenon is includedηinμελέτη the workπεριλαμβάνει of Sociologist Ruth συνολικά Κεφάλαια, ταwhile 15 similar εκ isτων οποίων 5 A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere theταξινομούνται work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same situations recorded in other σε major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major θεματικές ενότητες ενώ το 16ο Κεφάλαιο αποτελεί τον Επίλογο cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more διαπιστώσεων και συμπερασμάτων. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars and for its του, more comprehensive approach are being summarized from various Το έργο παρουσιάζει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον τόσο για τοthe θέμα comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, following: ερευνητική που παραμένει επίκαιρο, όσοofκαι για την the πρωτότυπη interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: social groups In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new μεθοδολογία και την διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση, που ofκεντρίζει το to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ενδιαφέρον για ένα ευρύ αναγνωστικό κοινό, με αναζητήσεις που and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the γεωγραφικά άπτονται στηνresidencies Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, και θεματικά σεin 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense safety the distributed outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her και first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Νομικό επίπεδο, αλλά στους τομείς των Πολιτικών Επιστημών και services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Διεθνών Σχέσεων, της Prague, Οικονομικής Διπλωματίας, των Διεθνών lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, London and car New York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. Inκαι 1950 sheto became teacher in the Οικονομικών, Ευρωπαϊκής Ολοκλήρωσης της Επιχειρηματικής toτης another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Στρατηγικής. Περαιτέρω ενδιαφέρει ερευνητικά όσους ασχολούνται με her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate,της etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London The Free Encyclopedia: την μεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης και 2009. της WIKIPEDIA: χρήσης επιχειρηματικών Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aμοντέλων variety of ανάλυσης, ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, όπως PEST, SWOT, VRIO, “voluntary”, το μοντέλο(actually «πέντε
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
δυνάμεων ή ανταγωνιστικών δυνάμεων» (the five forces model) και το μοντέλο «αλυσίδα αξίας» (the value chain model) του M. Porter. Ειδικά για όσους ενδιαφέρονται για το ΕΣΟΑΒ, η μελέτη περιλαμβάνει μια κριτική προσέγγιση, λεπτομερή ανάλυση της λειτουργίας και δραστηριότητάς του, καθώς και την πρώτη αξιολόγησή του, με βάση την μεθοδολογία Διεθνών Οργανισμών. Η αξιολόγηση, με την George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS παράλληλη αποτίμηση των By Mr. αποτελεσμάτων, δεν αποτελεί Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, παρελθοντολογία, αλλά καθίσταται χρήσιμη για τον σχεδιασμό και By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect εφαρμογή μελλοντικών παρομοίων δράσεων. Student of the School of Architecture Η μελέτη συνδυάζει τις θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις, εμπειρικούς Technicalμε University of Crete προσανατολισμούς, τόσο όσον αφορά στις οικονομικές 1. Introductory του approach: Defining the concept δραστηριότητες Ελληνικού Κράτους, όσο και Ελλήνων Υπηκόων σε 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek BC - 370προσέγγιση, BC, Athens), χώρες των Βαλκανίων. Εδράζει σε philosopher, μια στέρεα (444 θεωρητική ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ολοκληρωμένη και διεξοδική στατιστική ανάλυση αξιόπιστων among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. στοιχείων ταknowledge οποία προέρχονται από επίσημες βάσειςof concepts. δεδομένων acquisition of starts with theindefinition the content Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Διεθνών, και ΕθνικώνisinΦορέων, των οποίων έχειtheγίνει 1 (and urban Based, Ευρωπαϊκών therefore, on this “principle” a first, if (in not final, approach, term gentrification) indicated the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 χρονική εναρμόνιση, ώστε να καλύπτεται ολόκληρη η εικοσαετής υπό gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various εξέταση περίοδος 1990-2010, ενώ παράλληλα έχει γίνει εκτεταμένη Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andτην thethis placement of artists, γραφική επεξεργασία, μεrestaurants, απώτερο σκοπό συγκρισιμότητα των the operation of art galleries, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof αντίστοιχων στοιχείων. whatever otherλόγους consequences resultsότι alsoτοrising landκυρίας prices Ελένης (and the potential speculation). Γιαrelative τους αυτούςhas, θεωρώ, έργοofτης potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first inτους the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Καββαδία αφ΄ενὸς μενis επιτυγχάνει στόχους και απαντά στα The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor ερωτήματα εντός trend του τεθέντος πεδίου αφ΄ετέρου δε the then observed wealthyεπιστημονικού people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof αποτελεί χρήσιμο σημείο υποδειγματικής καιoldπεραιτέρω London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesαναφοράς there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. έρευνας σε σχετικούς τομείς ιδίως σε μια περιοχή της ΕΕ η οποία being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth επηρεάζεται άμεσα συμπεριφορά της από τιςof Sociologist εξελίξεις της A description ofperiod, thisστην phenomenon is situations included inwere the work Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major διεθνούς γεωπολιτικής γεωοικονομίας. cities in Western countries, και by other Researchers. cities countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Ηin Western κριτική αναδρομή στηνResearchers. Ελληνική οικονομική συνεργασία με Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various χώρες της Βαλκανικής κατά την εικοσαετία 1990-2010, την οποία comprehensivethe approach are being summarized from the various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: παρουσιάζει of το έργο αυτό, μπορεί να χρησιμεύσει ως βάση για interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups μελλοντικές δράσεις στην περιοχή, τόσο του Ελληνικού Κράτους, όσο to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money και Ελλήνων επενδυτών. Παρά την οικονομική κρίση, η Ελληνική and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the οικονομία παραμένει συγκριτικά ισχυρή, με1912-1940. ακαθάριστο εθνικό προϊόν 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth search GLASS for was born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, better Berlin, where she madeτο her συνολικό first studies. όλων In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μεγαλύτερο από των υπό ένταξη χωρών, ενώ services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for παράλληλα, αγορές αποτελούν γιαto τις Ελληνικές lower living costοιof,ξένες “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Newδιέξοδο York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. υποτονικής In 1950 sheto became teacher in the επιχειρήσεις, τις τρέχουσες συνθήκες στην toυπό another approach, the phenomenon is due aζήτησης systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying εγχώρια αγορά. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for depreciation initially part of the urban web, in 10th edit. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ΓιαWil. τον λόγο αυτό, η the ιστορική αναδρομή, ηofμέθοδος ανάλυσης και G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. wetzel/gentry.htm aηGentrification: variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually συμπερασματική σύνθεση πουhttp://www.uncanny.net/ παρουσιάζονται σ΄αυτό, μπορούν να 252113 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
είναι χρήσιμες σε Φορείς τόσο του δημόσιου, όσο και του ιδιωτικού τομέα, οι οποίοι ασχολούνται με την χάραξη επίσημης κρατικής οικονομικής πολιτικής και οικονομικής διπλωματίας, καθώς και επενδυτικά σχέδια στην περιοχή, αντίστοιχα. Πέραν αυτών, το έργο απευθύνεται στην Ακαδημαϊκή Κοινότητα, καθότι αποτελεί Β΄ έκδοση Διδακτορικής Διατριβής, η οποία Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS υποστηρίχθηκε με επιτυχία στοByΠάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο το 2016. Η Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, διεπιστημονική προσέγγιση του θέματος το καθιστά χρήσιμο για By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ακαδημαϊκούς Μελετητές της Νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης με υπόβαθρο Student of the School of Architecture διεθνών και ευρωπαϊκών σχέσεων, διεθνών οικονομικών, ή Technical University of Crete επιχειρηματικής στρατηγικής, αλλά και σε όσους ασχολούνται με 1. Introductory approach:και Defining the concept πτυχές του θέματος. νομικές, γεωπολιτικές γεωοικονομικές 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει και η πρωτότυπη μεθοδολογία, η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the οποία χρησιμοποιεί γνωστά μοντέλα της επιχειρηματικής στρατηγικής, among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. με καινοτόμους τρόπους καιwith σε νέους τομείς εφαρμογής. Η του acquisition of knowledge starts theindefinition the content of ένταξη concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term θέματος γεωπολιτικό οικονομικό περιβάλλον καιterm τα 1 γενικότερο Based,στο therefore, on this “principle” is inκαι a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the (and urban gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 σχετικά Κεφάλαια διευρύνουν τον κύκλο Ερευνητών, οι οποίοι gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various μπορούν να αντλήσουν χρήσιμες πληροφορίες για την Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, of low-income and the placement of artists, μακροοικονομική, και usually γεωπολιτική κατάσταση της περιοχής, καθώς και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences alsoΟργανισμών. rising of land Οι prices (and και theof τον ρόλο other άλλων κρατών καιhas, τωνresults Διεθνών πλήρεις whatever other consequences has, results also rising land prices the potential relative speculation). ομοιογενείς στατιστικοί πίνακες εντάσσουν το ofβιβλίο στις (and πηγές potential relative speculation). The termγια gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to αναφοράς περαιτέρω έρευνες. The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Αν και το εν trend γένει θέμα της Ελληνικής οικονομικής the then observed wealthy people to there buy property inπαρέμβασης poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof στα Βαλκάνια έχει αντικείμενο πολλαπλής London, upgrade them,αποτελέσει stay themselves sometimes there and thusσυγγραφικής old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. δραστηριότητας, αυτό είναι το μόνο που ασχολείται τόσο με being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of το thisβιβλίο phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth την Aάμεση «εμπλοκή» του Ελληνικού Κράτους, όσο καιmajor την description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theκρατική same while similar recorded in other GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major έμμεση, μέσω του ΕΣΟΑΒ και των ιδιωτικών επενδύσεων, αντίστοιχα. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several for its more Επί πλέον, είναι το πρώτο ερευνητικό έργο, scholars το οποίοand περιλαμβάνει Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its που more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the τόσο θεωρητικές, όσο και εμπειρικές προσεγγίσεις, και το πρώτο comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: παρουσιάζει ofμια αξιολόγηση, και όχι απλή καταγραφή της interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups δραστηριότητας του ΕΣΟΑΒ. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Η επιχειρηματολογία ρέει από το γενικότερο προς το ειδικότερο, and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the και 1.χωρίζεται σεdistributed πέντε θεματικές ενότητες, αρχίζοντας μεbetter τονin termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born sense ofThe safety the residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her θέματος first studies. και In 1932της she published an important study entitled: προσδιορισμό του ερευνητικής διαδικασίας, services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for περνώντας συνέχεια στην ανάλυση του πριν lower living costστην of, in “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc. studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she cameπλαισίου, back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the εντρυφήσει στο κυρίως θέμα,the έτσι ώστεIn να μην διακόπτεται η to another approach, phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying επιχειρηματολογία. Παράλληλα, η διάταξη του βιβλίου επιτρέπει στον her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: αναγνώστη τον εύκολο εντοπισμό των2009. θεμάτων τουof ενδιαφέροντός Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aτου, variety ways, in order toΚεφαλαίου achieve theξεχωριστά, “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually και ηofαυτοτέλεια κάθε επιτρέπει ακόμη και
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns την αποσπασματική ανάγνωση. Ακόμη, ο λεπτομερής
πίνακας περιεχομένων επιτρέπει τον γρήγορο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS εντοπισμό σημείων του βιβλίου, απ’ όπου ο Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, αναγνώστης μπορεί να αντλήσει στοιχεία για By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect πιθανές συγκεκριμένες Student ερωτήσεις. of the School of Architecture Το έργο διακρίνεται γιαTechnical την πρωτοτυπία University of του Crete θέματος, το μεγάλο εύρος της επιμέρους 1. Introductory approach: Defining theκαινοτόμα concept αναλυτική προσέγγιση, θεματολογίας, την 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS,την the ancient Greek philosopher, εύστοχη συνθετική θεώρηση, και τον πλούτο των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the στοιχείων. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Εν κατακλείδι, το εν λόγω έργο, εκτός της acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term σημαντικής επιστημονικής του στην εν 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if συμβολής notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 γένει έρευνα συγχρόνων θεμάτων πολλαπλού gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various ενδιαφέροντος, συνιστά, πέραν των άλλων, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of ένα low-income and thethis placement ofόλους artists, αφ΄εαυτού πολύτιμο εργαλείο, για the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also rising of land prices (and theof εκείνους, οιhas, οποίοι αντιμετωπίζουν συναφή ζητήματα whatever otherspeculation). consequences has,διεθνούς, results also rising of land (and the potential relative εντός εθνικού, ευρωπαϊκού καιprices παγκοσμίου potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK early 1960s εργαλείο and it refers to περιβάλλοντος. Αποτελεί καιin πολύτιμο για The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor όλους εκείνους που toασχολούνται συναφή the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people buy property inμεpoor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents areof ζητήματα, καθότιsometimes είναι γραμμένο εύγλωττα, έχει London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συνεκτική δομή και περιέχει γραφήματα, έτσι ώστε being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth κατανοητό για ένα ευρύ Κρατικών A description ofνα thisείναι phenomenon is situations included inwere the workκοινό of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Λειτουργών, και Συμβούλων Επιχειρήσεων. cities in Western countries, by otherΣτελεχών Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied severalΓΕ. scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from Καθηγητής Κωνσταντίνος ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the Πρόεδρος phenomenon gentrification, the following: τουofΚέντρου Επιμόρφωσης, Μελετών, Έρευνας interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups και Ανάπτυξης, to “return” to the city, leavingΟμότιμος the purlieus for several reasons: highΠανεπιστημίου costs in money Καθηγητής του Παντείου and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where place is, lack of the Κοινωνικών καιwork Πολιτικών Επιστημών, termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, better Καθηγητής Προγρ. Σπουδών Πανεπ. was Αθηνών, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “atΚαθηγητής the heart ofτης theΣχολής city”,movements (possibly) Νομικώνfor Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York came back toΕπιστημών London, καιshe Κοινωνικών in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and του Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος Κύπρου, Δικηγόρος University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying Ex.justice. Ch. L.U.L., Bruxelles, Int. I.I.A.P., Paris her work are characterized by a passion for See also: COLLINSEx. ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Κάτοχος Τιμητ. Διάκρ. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually LE PRIX EUROPEEN DES 12 ETOILES
252115 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
International Relations and Diplomacy
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the(Serial concept Volume Number 7, July 2019 Number ANTISTHENIS, the7,ancient Greek philosopher, (44470) BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Publishing Da vidLondon G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
David Publishing Company www.davidpublisher.com
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
International Relations and Diplomacy
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Volume 7, Number 7, July 2019 (Serial Number 70)University of Crete Technical
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Conflict and Cooperation Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Egypt, Possible Conflict and Cooperation Areas in the Foreign Policy of the Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of Republic social groups, Islamic of Iran usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, 295 ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of M. Serkan Tafloğlu the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Currency Devaluation potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Egypt’s Currency Devaluation & Impact on the Most in Vulnerable 303 to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of to buy property in poor of Laila El Baradei the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Principle of Subsidiarity being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth The A Principle of Subsidiarity 317 description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Athinodoros D.the Doussis, Vassiliki Delitheou, Constantinos GE. Athanassopoulos GLASS at same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,Policy the issue has several scholars and for its more Russian Foreign Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various The Tsar Legacy: of Russian Foreign Policy inof thegentrification, Mediterranean Area the interpretations the phenomenon the from following: Romanovs to Putin 325 interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Maria Teresa Giusti to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and timeStrength to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Economic termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: The Mythof of health, the Economic Strength entertainment of the United States“at the heart of the city”, (possibly) 331 services education, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Eduardo Alfonso Rosales Herrera lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252117 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Editorial Board Members of International Relations and Diplomacy: Concerns International Relations and Diplomacy. 7(2019). Copyright ©2019 by David Publishing Company
★Martha Mutisi (African Centre for the Constructive
★Abdel-Hady (Qatar University, Qatar);
Resolution of Disputes, South Africa);
★Abosede Omowumi Bababtunde (National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria);
★Menderes Koyuncu (Univercity of Yuzuncu Yil-Van,
★Adriana Lukaszewicz (University of Warsaw, Poland); By
Mr.Turkey); George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS
Harvard Graduate School of Design, Student, ★Myroslava Antonovych (University of Kyiv-Mohyla ★Ahmed Y. Zohny (Coppin State University, USA) University, ★Alessandro Vagnini (Sapienza University of Rome, Rome); ★Ali Bilgiç (Bilkent University, Turkey);
By Mr.Academy, George-Sp. Architect Ukraine); C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School Architecture ★Nazreen Shaik-Peremanov (Universityof of Cambridge, Technical University of Crete UK);
★Nermin Allam (University of Alberta, Edmonton, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Canada); the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Philippines); ★Nadejda Komendantova (International Institute for ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he Applied established a great the Systems Analysis, Austria); ★Basia Spalek (Kingston University, UK); among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ★Beata Przybylska-Maszner (Adam Mickiewicz University, ★Ngozi C. Kamalu (Fayetteville State University, USA); acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Poland); ★Niklas Eklund (Umeå University, Sweden); 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification ★Phua Chao Rong, Charles (Lee Kuan Yew School of ★Brian Leonard Hocking (University of London, UK); 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various Public Policy, Singapore); ★Chandra Lal Pandey (University of Waikato, New Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Zealand); ★Peter A. Mattsson (Swedish Defense College, Sweden); ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of ★Peter Simon Sapaty (National Academy of Sciences of ★Constanze Bauer (Western Institute of Technology of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Ukraine, Ukraine); Taranaki, New Zealand); whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). ★Christian Henrich-Franke (Universität Siegen, Germany); ★Raymond LAU (The University of Queensland, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at firstAustralia); in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to ★Christos Kourtelis (King’s College London, UK); The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ★Raphael Cohen Almagor (The University of Hull, UK); ★David J. Plazek (Johnson State College, USA); the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof ★Satoru Nagao (Gakushuin University, Japan); ★Dimitris Tsarouhas (Bilkent University, Turkey); London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ★Sanjay Singh (Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law ★Fatima Sadiqi (International Institute for Languages and being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth University, India); Cultures, Morocco); A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major ★Shkumbin Misini (Public University, Kosovo); ★Ghadah AlMurshidi (Michigan State University, USA); GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. ★Sotiris Serbos (Democritus University of Thrace,Greece); ★Guseletov (Just World Institute, Russia); cities inBoris Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more ★Stéphanie A. H. Bélanger (Royal and Militaryfor College ★Hanako Koyama (The University of Morioka, Japan); Since then, the issue has several scholars itsofmore comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various Canada, Canada); below, from the various ★Kyeonghi Baek (State University of New York, USA); comprehensive approach are being summarized interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ★John Opute (London Souththe Bankphenomenon University, UK); of gentrification, ★Timothy J. Whitethe (Xavier University, Ireland); interpretations following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of social groups ★Léonie Maes (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium); ★Tumanyan David (Yerevan State University, Armenia); to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ★Lomarsh Roopnarine (Jackson State University, USA); ★Zahid Latif (University of Peshawar, Pakistan); and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the ★Marius-Costel ESI (Stefan Cel Mare University of ★Valentina Vardabasso (Pantheon-Sorbonne University, termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Suceava, Romania); France); Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Rewizorski Unemployment. The same year she left ★Xhaho Germany and(Vitrina afterUniversity, continuous ★Marek (Koszalin University of Technology, Armela Albania); lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Poland); ★Yi-wei WANG (Renmin University of China, China); in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying herEditors work are characterized by warm a passion for to justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. The wish to express their the people who have contributed to the and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for thethanks depreciation initially of generously part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: process of the peer review of articles submitted to International Relations and Diplomacy. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually ★András Mérei (University of Pécs, Hungary);
★Anna D. Malindog (Ateneo De Manila University, 1.Rosario Introductory approach: Defining
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, «Απόβαση» Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns ofΚυπρίων Gentrification Νέων Ελλήνων και Επιστημόνων και Φοιτητών στηνConcerns έδρα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στις Βρυξέλλες
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Της κυρίας Μαρίας Θ. ΤΡΟΥΠΗ Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Φοιτήτριας, Εθνικ. και Καποδιστριακού By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Αθηνών Student ofΠανεπιστημίου the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
Με ιδιαίτερηapproach: επιτυχίαDefining ολοκληρώθηκαν οι εργασίες της 53ης Σειράς 1. Introductory the concept 1. Introductory approach: the Επιστημονικών Ημερίδων γιαDefining Έλληνες καιconcept Κύπριους Νέους και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - Επιστήμονες 370 BC, Athens), Φοιτητές, που ωργανώθηκαν στις Βρυξέλλες προ τινός, από Υπηρεσίες της ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the among other wise heritage he left us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the Ευρωπαϊκής μεstarts επίδοση των Βεβαιώσεων Επιτυχούς Συμμετοχής acquisition of Ένωσης, knowledge with the of the content concepts. σε acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ειδική εκδήλωση στις τουthe Γραφείου τουofΕυρωπαϊκού Based, therefore, on αίθουσες this “principle” indefinition a first, ifΣυνδέσμου not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Κοινοβουλίου στηνurban Ελλάδα. gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Οι 47asΣυμμετασχόντες στις εν δραστηριότητες παρακολούθησαν Sociology well), as the “refining” of λόγω a city area, the removal from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there στις έδρες των οικείων Κοινοτικών Οργάνων στις Βρυξέλλες σειρά διαλέξεων ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Ευρωβουλευτών, Διπλωματών, Ανώτατων Διοικητικών Στελεχών,of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Καθηγητών Πανεπιστημίου ποικίλλων ευρωπαϊκού whatever other consequencesκ.ά., has, επί results also risingθεμάτων of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). ενδιαφέροντος. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atστις first νέες in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy people toεγκαταστάσεις buy property inτου poor ofto Πέραν αυτών, ενημερώθηκαν ΝΑΤΟ από the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are Ανώτατα Στελέχη του για τις δραστηριότητές του, καθώς και στην έδρα τηςof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Αντιπροσωπείας της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος για την εκεί αποστολή της. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon isηςincluded in the work of Sociologist Ruth Σειράς Ημερίδων είχεofορισθεί η κυρία Υπεύθυνη 53 is situations AΕπιστημονική description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whileτης similar in other major Βασιλ. ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ, Καθηγήτρια Επίκ. του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Κοινωνικών καιthe Πολιτικών των Αθηνών καιand Σύμβουλος του cities in Western countries, byΕπιστημονικών other Researchers. Since then, issue has preoccupied several scholars for its more Προγράμματος ο από ετών πρωτοπόρος εμπνευστής του Καθηγητής των Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Πανεπιστημίων το οποίο εδρεύει στηνthe Πάφο της from Κύπρου του comprehensive approach are being summarized below, theκαι various interpretations ofΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, the phenomenon of gentrification, following: Εθν. Καποδ. Πανεπ. Αθηνών ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, the following: In aκαι sense, theof phenomenon is dueof toΚωνσταντίνος a trend of a new category of social groups συνεπικουρούμενοι επί του πρακτέου υπό του Φοιτητού της Ιατρικής to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inΣχολής money του time ΕΚΠΑtoκ.travel Μάριου ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ. and from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Την εκδήλωση παρακολούθησαν Πρυτάνεις, Καθηγητές Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health,Εκπρόσωποι education, entertainment “at Συλλόγων, the heart ofοι theΣυμμετασχόντες, city”,movements (possibly)for Πανεπιστημίων, Επιστημονικών Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where andτους research Geneva, Prague,μηνύματα London and New York sheανέγνωσε came back to οιstudies Γονείς κ.ά.,in ενώ σχετικά τα οποία ο London, κ. Μάριος in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΣ, απέστειλαν οwhere επί κεφαλής τηςher Αντιπροσωπείας της Εκκλησίας University informal College of London, she continued social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying της στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση κ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΣ και ο Καθηγητής Επ. του her Ελλάδος work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Πανεπιστημίου Βόννης, τ. Ανώτατο Στέλεχος της Επιτροπής κ. Θεόδ. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝΟΣ.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, REPRÉSENTATION DE L’ ÉGLISE DE GRÈCE Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification AUPRÈS DE L’UNION EUROPÉENNE Concerns Το μήνυμα του κ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ έχει ως εξής:
Κυρία ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ, Κύριε ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΕ By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Φίλοι, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Αγαπητοί Συνέλληνες, Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Με την ευκαιρία της σημερινήςByσύναξής Σας επικοινωνώ μαζί Σας για να of the of Architecture Σας στείλω τους χαιρετισμούς και τις ευχές μουStudent να ζήσετε καιSchool να εργασθείτε όλοι Technical University of με δημιουργικότητα και με υγεία, πάντα με την υπομονή και επιμονή Crete που χρειάζεστε σ’ένα κόσμο, στον οποίον οι καλές προθέσεις, τις οποίες χαρακτηρίζει 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept η τιμιότητα και η υπεράσπιση αξιών δεν δυστυχώς, για να επιτύχει 1. Introductory approach: the αρκούν, concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), κανείς ένα αειφόρο the αποτέλεσμα. Αιώνες τώρα όσοι έχουμε απομείνει πιστοί ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great επικαλούμαστε τον Θεό να συμπαρασταθεί στον αγώνα τιμίων ανθρώπων καιthe να among otherknowledge wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition starts with of the content concepts. the ευοδωθούνof προσπάθειες που διεξάγονται για το καλό όλων. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, term Στο therefore, Ευαγγέλιοon κατά Ματθαίον (10,16) υπάρχει η προτροπή να the είμαστε 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification έξυπνοι, δηλαδή να μην είμαστε απερίσκεπτοι και έτσι μας πληγώνουν με ευκολία 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various οι κακόβουλοι. Ταυτόχρονα να είμαστε ακέραιοι και ακίνδυνοι όπως τα Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually of low-income and the και placement there of artists, περιστέρια, για groups, να μην αντιδρούμε με εκδικητικότητα βιαιότητα απέναντι σε ways), of social groups, usually ofπάθη, low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. this “change”, regardless of όσους μας αδικούν. Τα ανθρώπινα πουHowever πάντα υπάρχουν, καταπολεμούνται the operation ofconsequences art galleries,όχι restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof με πραότητα και αγαθοσύνη, με εμπάθεια. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has,στην results also rising landΒρυξέλλες, prices (and the potential Το relative Πρόγραμμα Επισκέψεων έδρα της Ε.Ε.,ofστις που potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found οatαγαπητός first in theΚαθηγητής UK in earlyκ.1960s and it refers to δεκαετίες τώρα οργάνωνε isπρώτα ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and Το itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto και συνεχίζει επάξια η κ. ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ, αγκάλιασα με όλη μου την καρδιά. έκανα the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are γιατί ως σύγχρονος Έλληνας δεν μπορώ να αντικρίσω το μέλλον της χώρας μαςof London, upgrade them, stay themselves there andναthus old residents are being indirectly ανεξάρτητα από“squeezed”. την Ευρώπη. Αυτή τηνsometimes Ευρώπη επιθυμώ γνωρίσετε, με τα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this να phenomenon is included theκακά workτης of Sociologist Ruth καλά της που πρέπει διαφυλαχθούν και μεinτα που πρέπει να A description ofperiod, thisόμως phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theΔεν same while similar were in other major διορθωθούν. είναι αυτονόητο, ότι αυτόin γίνεται αμέσως κατανοητό. GLASS atγνώση, the same similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. Χρειάζεται τηνperiod, οποίαν εν μέρει παρέχει το Πρόγραμμα των in Επισκέψεων cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. then,και theοιissue has preoccupied στιςSince Βρυξέλλες συναφείς δράσεις Σας. several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from Αγαπητοί, comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Υπάρχει of έναthe γνωμικό που λέει, ότι η κοινωνία ελπιδοφόρο μέλλον, interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, theέχει following: interpretations the of thecategory following: όταν μεγαλύτερα σεphenomenon ηλικία is μέλη στη σκιά των οποίων In τα a sense, theof phenomenon dueτης togentrification, aφυτεύουν trend of aδένδρα new of social groups δεν θα προλάβουν τα ίδια να καθίσουν. Αυτό σημαίνει, ότι χρειαζόμαστε όραμα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money και η ενωμένη Ευρώπη κτίσθηκε από ανθρώπους που είχαν όραμα. Γι αυτό καιthe η and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born Ευρώπη σήμερα μπορεί 70 χρόνια μετά την ίδρυσή τηςcentres, να φωτίζει sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town searchμεforακτίνες betterin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: φωτός ένα κόσμο που γίνεται ολοένα σκοτεινότερος. services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Ηand Αντιπροσωπεία της Prague, Εκκλησίας τηςand Ελλάδος στην ΕΕ που οργάνωσα και lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc.where studies research Geneva, London Neweasier York she came back to London, διευθύνω εδώ είκοσι χρόνια παρακολουθεί τις1950 εξελίξεις με in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In sheto became teacher in the toκαι another approach, the isευρωπαϊκές due a systematic and Universityτον College of London, where she continued her social Her public and γνώμονα σεβασμό στο ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο και research. στόχο ναbrokers αναδεικνύονται long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. στις αποφάσεις των Θεσμικών Οργάνων της Ευρώπης αξίες ηurban αλληλεγγύη, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of partόπως of the web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: η δικαιοσύνη και η ισότητα για όλους. Το κύριο μέσον που χρησιμοποιούμε για G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
την επιτυχία της αποστολής μας είναι ο διάλογος. Αυτόν τον διάλογο Σας ενθαρρύνω να αναλάβετε με γνώση και να μην σταματήσετε ποτέ να διεξάγετε με κατανόηση που θα καλλιεργείτε ακούραστα. Αναλάβετε την διεξαγωγή του διαλόγου ως προσωπική σταυροφορία, με την πίστη, ότι με αυτόν μπορεί να μείνει άσβεστη η ελπίδα ότι η ειρήνη, η ασφάλεια και η ευημερία που όλοι δικαιούμαστε να γευόμαστε θα επικρατήσει ενδεχομένως παντού.
By Mr.+Ο George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Μητροπολίτης Αχαΐας ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΣ Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Byέχει Mr. ως George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Το μήνυμα του κ. Θ. ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝΟΥ, εξής: Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete Δρ Θεόδωρος ΚΑΛΛΙΑΝΟΣ
Επ. Καθηγητής Ευρωπαϊκής Ολοκληρώσεως 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Παν/μίου Βόννης, Πρ. Ανωτ. Στέλεχος της Ε.Ε. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), Εκλεκτοί και αγαπητοί φίλοι, among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Επιτρέψτε μου να Σας συγχαρώ, για την συμμετοχή Σας, στις διεξαχθείσες among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. Επιστημονικές Ημερίδες τρ. έτ.with στιςthe Βρυξέλλες. πλαίσιο του εξαιρετικού acquisition of knowledge starts of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, ifΣτο not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban αυτού Προγράμματός περιελαμβάνονταν, και Based, therefore, onΣας, this “principle” is inindicated a first,επισκέψεις if (in notthe final, approach, theμετά term gentrification) area of ομιλίες, Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and διαλόγου, έδρες των Ευρωπαϊκών Οργάνων Διπλωματικών gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in theκαι areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology asστις well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal from (in various Αντιπροσωπειών. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Είχα την να συμμετάσχω ενεργά στο ως there Ομιλητής, μία ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andΠρόγραμμα thethis placement of artists, the operation of τιμή art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of ιδιότητα με την οποία με τιμά εδώ και πολλά χρόνια ο εμπνευστής και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof πρωτεργάτης των Ημερίδων has, αυτών, Καθηγητής Κωνσταντίνος whatever other consequences results also risingκ.of land prices (andΓΕ. the potential relative speculation). ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ. Η πρωτοβουλία αυτή απετέλεσε μια ξεχωριστή διαδρομή στο potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Ευρωπαϊκό γίγνεσθαι, γεγονός για at τοpeople οποίο εβραβεύθη σε 1960s ειδική τελετή στις The term gentrification found first in the UK in early and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto Βρυξέλλες ο Καθηγητής κ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, με την ευρωπαϊκή διάκριση PRIX the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof EUROPEEN DES“squeezed”. DOUZE London, upgrade them,ETOILES. stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly Τη διαδρομή αυτή των Ευρωπαϊκών Ημερίδων Ruth στις being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is includedΕπιστημονικών in the work of Sociologist Βρυξέλλες συνεχίζει επαξίως, η Καθηγήτρια κυρία ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Σήμερα ημέρα απονομής των Βεβαιώσεων Συμμετοχής στιςinπρόσφατες GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Επιστημονικές Ημερίδες δενby κατέστη δυνατό να μοιραστώ μαζί Σας, την ωραία cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more αυτήSince εμπειρία, στις αίθουσες του Συνδέσμουseveral Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου then, the issue has preoccupied scholars andthe for various its στην more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from Ελλάδα. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Έχοντας όμως σκέψη μου κοντά Σας θέλω να Σας διαβεβαιώσω, ότι η interpretations theτηphenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups εμπειρία και η γνώση, καθώς και η δικτύωση που αποκτήσατε, ενισχύει to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money σημαντικά τα «φτερά» των προσπαθειών σας, για προσωπική βελτίωση και and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the επαγγελματική πρόοδο. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, πρόοδο, σεherμια κοινωνίας και κοινωνικής Berlin,Μια where she made firstΕυρώπη studies. Inτης 1932ανοιχτής she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The που same επιβιώνει year she leftειρηνικά Germany και and after continuous οικονομίας της αγοράς, ελέγχει τελικά, τις όποιεςfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.που studies and research Prague, London and Newσυνεργασίας York she came back London, where κρίσεις της, εντόςin Geneva, πνεύματος αλληλεγγύης, και toαξιών, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and διαμορφώνονται, δημοκρατικά από τους Πολίτες της δηλαδή από εμάς. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Εσείς οι Νέοι, οιbyΕπιστήμονες Ελληνες και COLLINS Κύπριοι,ENGLISH και ταυτόχρονα her work are characterized a passion for justice. See also: DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Encyclopedia: Ευρωπαίοι, ενεργοί Πολίτες της Ε.Ε., είσαστε η εγγύηση, για Free ένα καλύτερο Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aειρηνικό variety αύριο, of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, (actually εμπνεόμενο από Ευρωπαϊκές Αξίες, και“voluntary”, πραγματικότητες που
252121 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
μοιραζόμαστε και συνδιαμορφώνουμε και οι οποίες - εύχομαι και ελπίζω - να αποτελούν «πυξίδα» της πορείας μας και κοινή μας αναφορά. Η πρόσφατη πρωτοβουλία της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, για την δημιουργία «Ευρωπαϊκών Πανεπιστημίων», βασίζεται μεταξύ άλλων στις θετικές εντυπώσεις και εμπειρίες, διαφόρων Πρωτοβουλιών και Προγραμμάτων, όπως εκείνο το οποίο ολοκληρώνεται με την σημερινή εκδήλωση. Θερμά Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους Σας και Καλή Επιτυχία!
Εκ των λοιπών παρισταμένων ωμίλησαν οι εξής: School of Design, Student, Harvard University, Graduate Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Ο Εκπρόσωπος του Γραφείου By Συνδέσμου του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου Architect Studentανεφέρθη of the School Architecture στην Ελλάδα κ. Άγγελος ΚΑΠΕΤΑΝΙΔΗΣ, ο οποίος στηνof πολυσχιδή Technical University of Crete αποστολή του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και επήνεσε τους υπευθύνους της πρωτοβουλίας. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, ancientDefining Greek philosopher, Ο Αν. Πρύτανηςthe Διεθνών και Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCΚαθηγητής -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise heritage he leftτου us,Ιονίου he established a great the Έρευναςother και Δια βίου Εκπαίδευσης Πανεπιστημίου, Ιωσήφ among other heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. the ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΣ, ο wise οποίος είπε τα εξής: acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Αξιότιμη κ. Δεληθέου, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Αξιότιμε κ. Αθανασόπουλε, 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aφοιτητές, city area, the removal from this, (in various Αγαπητές φοιτήτριες, αγαπητοί Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various Αγαπητές φίλες - usually αγαπητοί ways), of social groups, of φίλοι, low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Σε μία εκδήλωση σαν την σημερινήetc. είναι απαραίτητο να τονιστεί η σημασία the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless της συνεχούς καιconsequences εις βάθος ενημέρωσης και μελέτης τωνof ευρωπαϊκών whatever other has, results also rising land pricesεξελίξεων, (and theof whatever other consequences has, results rising αυτό of land pricesΘα(and the δεδομένης της συμμετοχής της χώρας στον also σημαντικό θεσμό. ήταν, potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). επίσης, αναμενόμενο ο ομιλητής ναatαναφερθεί σειρά1960s από ζητήματα, που The term gentrification is found first in the σε UKμία in early and it refers to The term gentrification found firstεκπαίδευση in the UK in early and itareas refers θεωρούνται εξαιρετικά σημαντικά γιαatτην και την 1960s πρόοδο των νέων.ofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas Πιοupgrade συγκεκριμένα: London, them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, themselvesυψηλής sometimes there andεκπαιδευτικών thus old residentsκαι are Η εξέλιξη και ηstay εδραίωση ποιότητας being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. ερευνητικών ιδρυμάτων και οι συνέργειες στην περιοχή των Βαλκανίων, της A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, thisκαι phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work χώρου, of Sociologist Ruth ευρύτερης Μεσογείου γενικότερα του Ευρωπαϊκού ώστε να GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major εδραιωθούν ως φορείς έρευνας, αριστείας, καινοτομίας και μάθησης με ενεργό cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. και ουσιαστική στον παγκόσμιο χώρο έρευνας. Since then, συμμετοχή the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more Η σύνδεση με την αγορά εργασίας και τον παραγωγικό ιστό. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ο καταλυτικός που πρέπει να έχουν τα the ιδρύματα αυτά στις τοπικές interpretations of the ρόλος, phenomenon of gentrification, following: κοινωνίες καιthe κατ’ επέκταση και πέραν ως χώρος και interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, phenomenon is due togentrification, a των trendσυνόρων, of a new ofδιαλόγου social groups παραγωγής τεκμηριωμένων προτάσεων για τα μεγάλα πολιτικά, οικονομικά, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money πολιτιστικά και κοινωνικά της εποχής. and time to travel from the προβλήματα purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Αναμφίβολα πρόκειται για το ζητούμενο των centres, καιρών. Αλλά for θαbetter μουin 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town Berlin, where she made her firstτην studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: επιτρέψετε να μην συνεχίσω ομιλία αναλύοντας τα αναφερθέντα. Αντ’ αυτού services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The πρωτίστως same year she left νέες Germany and after continuous θα ήθελα ναcost απευθυνθώ στις και τους νέους μας διατυπώνοντας lower living of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, μερικές in According 1943σκέψεις. she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Η πραγματική πνευματική πρόοδος και her η manufacturers, αληθινή Σοφία δεν είναιofδυνατόν University College of London, where she continued social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, brokers buying herμετρηθούν work are characterized byτεχνολογικούς a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. να με δείκτες ή οικονομικούς. Ας μην ξεχνάμε ότι το and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: μέλλον ανήκει σε εκείνους που υπερβαίνουν τους περιορισμούς, που χτίζει με G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually αγωνία ο χρόνος και παραδίδεται σε εκείνους που με τα πανιά της ενόρασης
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
αρμενίζουν στον ωκεανό της αιωνιότητας. Κάθε όραμα είναι στην ουσία μια συνεχής πρόκληση στις άπειρες δυνατότητες και εκδοχές της δημιουργίας. Και ταυτοχρόνως προβάλει από την ίδια του την φύση μια ποιότητα αναπαραγωγής. Για να υλοποιηθεί όμως το όραμα, πρέπει να είναι ικανό να συγκινήσει και να ερεθίσει την αρχέγονη μήτρα. Και εδώ ακριβώς είναι που θα ξεχωρίσουν οι ονειροπόλοι από τους οραματιστές. Το όνειρο φέρει το στίγμα του υποκειμενικού. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Το Όραμα - με κεφαλαίο όμικρον - φέρει την ιερή σφραγίδα της Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Υπέρβασης. By Mr. σε George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Με βάση τα παραπάνω οδηγούμαστε δύο αντιλήψεις του κόσμου. Student School Architecture Η πρώτη αντίληψη βαρύνεται από την θολήof the θέαση καιofτο πνεύμα Technical University Crete δυσκολεύεται να διακρίνει την ουσία και μαγνητίζεται από τις μορφές. Αργάofαλλά σταθερά συστέλλεται, το διακατέχει η concept απομόνωση, η αβεβαιότητα και η 1. Introductory approach: Defining the καχυποψία. Το πνεύμα περιορίζεται και κατακερματίζοντας τον χώρο, τοποθετεί 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC ANTISTHENIS, the ancient 370ροπές BC, Athens), επιγραφές και ονόματα επάνω Greek στα πράγματα αναλόγως με - τις και τις ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the εμπειρίες του. Όπως αναφέρει ο Επίκτητος: ταράσσει ανθρώπους ου τα πράγματα among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. αυτά, αλλά τα περί των πραγμάτων δόγματα. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Η δεύτερη αντίληψη μας οδηγεί στην υπερβατική, θα έλεγα, σύλληψη των 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if (in not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) indicated the area of Planning) (or gentrification αντιθέτων. Μας(and οδηγεί στον πυρήνα των is πραγμάτων, συμφιλιώνεται με το Όλον 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various χωρίς να ξεχνά το επιμέρους, φωτίζει την θέαση του κόσμου και ισορροπεί Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of ανάμεσα social groups, usually και of low-income the placement artists, επιδέξια στο σχετικό το απόλυτο,and χωρίς όμως ποτέ there να ταofσυγχέει. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of the operation of art galleries, etc. However “change”, regardless of Διαπλέοντας τον ωκεανό τηςrestaurants, ανθρώπινης περιπέτειας και έχοντας there κατά νουartists, την the operation art galleries,ας restaurants, etc. However this “change”, whatever other consequences has, results also rising ofΤίμαιου, land prices theof Υπέρβαση που of προανέφερα, θυμηθούμε τα λόγια του ότιregardless το(and πνεύμα whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). προτιμά τις κορυφές. potential relative speculation). TheΚαταλήγοντας term gentrification is found at first in πιστεύω the UK inότι early 1960s it refersθα to στα καθ’ ημάς, διότι ήδη σαςand κούρασα, The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of ήθελα να σας υπενθυμίσω ότι η μαθητεία δεν τελειώνει ποτέ, αεί διδασκόμενος,to the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof έλεγαν. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Όπως αναφέρεται από τον Κικέρωνα ο όρος civitas περιγράφει το being indirectly “squeezed”. A description thiscives, phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth κοινωνικό σώμα of των των πολιτών, οι οποίοι διατελούν υπό τους ίδιους A description ofperiod, thisλόγω phenomenon is situations includedτους, inwere theέκαστος work ofέναντι Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while recorded in other major νόμους έχοντας ευθύνες τηςsimilar πολιτειότητάς όλων. Σας GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other προτρέπω σε κάθε πράξη του βίου Researchers. σας να μην αμελείτε το κοινωνικό καθήκον. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherτης Researchers. Since then, the issue has scholars and for its more Αποτελεί πάντοτε, νομίζω, την αρχή λύσηςseveral των ζητημάτων. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach being summarized below, from various Και τέλος, μία σύντομηare αναφορά στην κρίση, που ακούμε καιthe διαβάζουμε comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various συνεχώς. Η σύγχρονη χρήση του ofόρου αναφέρεται αμφισβήτηση των interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the στην following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: παραδεδομένων αξιών και την αναγνώριση της πρόσκαιρης δυσλειτουργίας λ.χ. η In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πολιτική, οικονομική, Στηνin αρχαία to “return”θεσμική, to the city, leaving theκλιματική, purlieus forμεταναστευτική several reasons:κρίση. high costs money διανόηση η κρίσις αφορά την δυνατότητα ορθολογικής επιλογής. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in Είτε, λοιπόν, την συνέχιση των1912-1940. σπουδών σας search σε υψηλότερες sense1.of safety atcomes the επιλέξετε distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: βαθμίδες,ofείτε επιλέξετε την διαδικασία εύρεσης έχετε δύσκολη και services health, education, entertainment “at εργασίας, the heart of the μία city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for πιθανώς ομιχλώδη διαδρομή μπροστά σας, όμως ευτυχώς έχετε την νεανική lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where ορμή, το she σφρίγος αλλάstudies καιapproach, τον χρόνοthe να υποδείξετε, και in According 1943 published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In να 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another isεπαναπροσδιορίσετε due a systematic and University College ofτις London, where she continued social research. Her public and να δημιουργήσετε προϋποθέσεις, πουgroups, εσείςher θεωρείτε αναγκαίες, όπως απαιτεί long-term informal effort by organized manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ηher πληρότητα μιας ολοκληρωμένης στάσης ζωής.initially and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Η κρίση που υφιστάμεθα δεν είναι μόνο οικονομική, αλλά κυρίως πείσμων G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252123 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical of Crete και τυφλή άρνηση των κανόνων της ηθικής και κοινωνικής μαςUniversity συμπεριφοράς,
όπως υπαινίχθηκα προηγουμένως. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Σας εύχομαι ναapproach: το αναγνωρίσετε και ναconcept το αλλάξετε. 1. Introductory Defining the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Διαλέξτε τον δρόμο σας με θάρρος, σύνεση και καθαρότητα του νου. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Συγχαρητήρια και among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Καλή επιτυχία σε ό,τι επιλέξετε! acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) of Planning) (or gentrification Ο Ομότιμος Καθηγητής της ΙατρικήςisΣχολής Αθηνών κ. area Γεώργιος ΤΡΟΥΠΗΣ, 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various ο οποίος επήνεσε όσους έλαβαν μέρος στις σχετικές δραστηριότητες για την Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income the υπευθυνότητά placement there of artists, φιλομάθειά τους, την εργατικότητά τους, αλλά and και την τους. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andΑθηνών thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, However “change”, regardless of Ο Διευθυντής Τομέα restaurants, της Ιατρικήςetc. Σχολής Καθηγητής κ. Θεόδ. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the ΤΡΟΥΠΗΣ, ο οποίος παρώτρυνε τους νέους να αναζητούν την μέγιστη δυνατή whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). ενημέρωσή τους επί των τρεχουσών κοινοτικών υποθέσεων. potential relative TheΥπό term gentrification found atεπίσης first in οthe in early 1960s and refers to το αυτό speculation). πνεύμα is ωμίλησαν κ. UK Π. - Γρ. ΣΜΙΓΑΔΗΣ, ο τ. itΠρόεδρος The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas του Δικηγορικού Συλλόγου Πάφου κ. Ιωάν. ΠΑΠΑΖΑΧΑΡΙΑ και η Δήμαρχος the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Αμφίκλειας Ελάτειας κυρία Αθανασία ΣΤΙΒΑΚΤΗ. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Εξ άλλης πλευράς, σύντομες προσλαλιές απηύθυναν η κυρία ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ being indirectly “squeezed”. of this phenomenonΟis τελευταίος included in the of Sociologist Ruth καιAοdescription κ. Κ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ. ως work εμπνευστής της δράσης A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other καταφανώς συγκινημένος ανέφερε, ότιisείναι ευτυχής διότι μίαofκοινή ιδέα major ιδική GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other του και του αειμνήστου Πατέρα τουResearchers. Γεωργίου Κ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ευτύχησε να cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, issue scholars for its more έχει τέτοια καλήthe τύχη και has μακροβιότητα και several εκατοντάδες Νέοιand Επιστήμονες και Since να then, the issue scholars andthe forγια its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from various Φοιτητές μπορούν να has ενημερώνονται επίseveral τόπουbelow, στις Βρυξέλλες όσα comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon ofΑνθρώπους. gentrification, thebelow, following: αποφασίζονται εκεί για εκατομμύρια interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In aΠέραν sense,αυτών, theof phenomenon is due to a trend ofτου a new of social groups ευχαρίστησε τηνof Διεύθυνση Συνδέσμου του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου στην Ελλάδα φιλοξενία της εκδήλωσης σταcosts Γραφεία του to “return” to the city, leavingγια theτην purlieus for several reasons: high in money και time τους to Γονείς γιαtoτην εμπιστοσύνη επιτρέψουν and travelτων fromΦοιτητών the purlieus downtown, whereτους workναplace is, lack ofστα the 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in τέκνα τους να συμμετάσχουν μαζί του στιςGLASS, σχετικές δραστηριότητες. sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin,Μετά whereτην she επίδοση made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: από entertainment τους προλαλήσαντες των Βεβαιώσεων services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”, επιτυχούς (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συμμετοχής καιof,σχετικών συστατικών επιστολών, επακολούθησε δεξίωση, lower living cost “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came to back to London, προσφερθείσα υπό των Καθηγητών της δράσης. in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social Her public and Τέλος, σημειώνεται, ότι οι Συμμετασχόντες στην research. σχετική brokers δράση πλήρωσαν long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. εξher ιδίων τις σχετικές δαπάνες συμμετοχήςinitially τους, των Πανεπιστημίων and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation of part12 of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: προέλευσής τους μη καταβαλλόντων ούτε την αξία ενός γεύματος… G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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ARTETypes POVERA of ΚΑΙIntervention, ΤΟΠΙΑ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Του κ. Σόλ. ΞΕΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ Αρχιτέκτ., Ομότ. Καθηγ. ΕΜΠ, Concerns Κοσμήτορος Σχολής Αρχιτεκτονικής, Μηχανικής και Γεωπεριβαλλοντικών Επιστημών,
By Mr.Πανεπιστήμιο George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ανάμεσα στο τέλος του ‘60 και τιςStudent αρχές of‘70 εμφανίστηκε στην the School of Architecture Ιταλία ένα από τα πλέον συμπαγή κινήματα της ΤέχνηςUniversity του εικοστού Technical of Crete
αιώνα, η «ARTE POVERA», ή η ΦΤΩΧΗ ΤΕΧΝΗ. Εννοείται ότι καλλιτέχνες, 1. Introductory approach:(1936-2017), Defining the concept όπως ο Γιάννης Κουνέλης συνέχισαν αδιάκοπα να παράγουν 1. Introductory approach: Defining the ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), έργο μέχρι το τέλοςthe τηςancient ζωής τους, ενώ η concept καλλιτεχνική παρακαταθήκη του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the κινήματος εξακολουθεί να επηρεάζει μέχρι σήμερα.(444 among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Το διακριτικό γνώρισμα από το οποίο το κίνημα πήρε την ονομασία acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term του, ήταν η 1χρήση για πρώτη ύλη σε αυτούσια μορφή, των λεγόμενων Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification «φτωχών υλικών» την κατασκευήisτων έργων, όπως ανεπεξέργαστα ή 1 (and για gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various σκουριασμένα μέταλλα, χώμα, πέτρες, κάρβουνο, σκοινιά, τσουβάλια από Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement there λινάτσες, βαμβάκι, φλόγα, ρούχα, ή ακόμα και ζωντανά είδη όπως άλογα, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of περιστέρια και παπαγάλοι, αλλά και σφακτάρια. Ακόμα και ανθρώπινα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof σώματα. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Η θεωρία πίσω απόis όλα αυτά, υποστήριζε ότι σε τέτοια υλικά, λόγω potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in earlyτους, 1960s and itareas refersofto της then στοιχειώδους, και μη εξευγενισμένης ενυπάρχουν the observed trend ofiswealthy toυπόστασής buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people buy property in poor πρωτογενείς αισθητικές αξίες οι sometimes οποίες toαποκαλύπτονται μέσωareas των London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, sometimes there andσ’αυτά thus oldκοινωνικές residents are συνδυασμών τους, καιstay ότιthemselves ταυτόχρονα εμπεριέχονται being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisσυνδέονται phenomenonάμεσα is included in the work of Sociologist αξίες. Οι τελευταίες με τις κοινωνικές συνθήκεςRuth της A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere theνωρίτερα work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded inέδωσε other major ωμής πραγματικότητας, η οποία κάποια χρόνια στην GLASS the same period, situations στον were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. Ιταλία ταatαριστουργήματα του similar νέο-ρεαλισμού κινηματογράφο, και cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more βρήκε την αποκάλυψή της στο «Φτωχό Θέατρο» του J.Grotowsky (1933Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from 1999). comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Με τους ευρηματικούς συνδυασμούς των αδρών υλικών, η interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups κοινωνική σκληράδα εύρισκε την υλική της πραγμάτωση. Η δε ενδογενής to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money αισθητική αξία των υλικών, εξωτερικεύεται με την απόσπασή τους από and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the την 1.υποτιθέμενη φυσική τους κατάσταση, την centres, πλήρη αναίρεση τηςin termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town for Berlin, where she made her firstλειτουργικότητας studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: χρηστικότητας και της τους, την τοποθέτησή και services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for έκθεσή τους με απρόσμενους τρόπους σε εντελώς διαφορετικούς χώρους, lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, όπως είναι μια αίθουσα τέχνης, ήthe ο οποιοσδήποτε από την in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, phenomenon is χώρος due aάλλος systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and αρχική τους κατάσταση. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web,σε in Παρόλη την σύντομη διάρκειά του, και σε πλήρη αντίθεση 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aοτιδήποτε variety of ways, in order to achieve the “voluntary”, (actually συμβατικά παραπέμπει ο “assisted”, όρος «ΦΤΩΧΗ», τα έργα του
252125 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
κινήματος υπήρξαν στην πραγματικότητα εξαιρετικά πλούσια σε σχέση με το βάθος της σκέψης και του εξαντλητικού φυσικού κόπου και ενέργειας που ενσωματώθηκαν σε αυτά, αλλά κυρίως όσον αφορά το ίδιο το αισθητικό αποτέλεσμα και τα αισθητικά χαρακτηριστικά τους. Τα τελευταία μάλιστα αποτέλεσαν τη βάση για μια καινούργια αντίληψη για την Τέχνη, η οποία συνδέεται οργανικά με τη έντονη σωματική δράση ως συνθετικό εργαλείο. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Καίρια όμως παρακαταθήκη του κινήματος ήταν ηofεξοικείωση του Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS κοινού και η καλλιέργεια της αισθητικής αγωγής του, έτσι Architect που οι Student of the Architecture σύγχρονες κοινωνίες να μπορούν να αναγνωρίζουν τιςSchool αξίες of αυτών των Technical University of υποτιθέμενων «φτωχών» και γενικά απαξιωμένων πραγμάτων, καιCrete να ανακαλύπτουν μάλιστα αυτές τις αξίες, στην απλή, πεζή καθημερινότητα. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept δείγματαapproach: και τα παραδείγματα βρίσκονται διασκορπισμένα 1. Τα Introductory the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), οπουδήποτε υφίσταται, υπήρξε ανθρώπινη και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC παρουσία -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he ήleft us, he established a great the δραστηριότητα. Είναι δε ιδιαίτερα εμφανή σε μέρη και περιοχές της among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the υπαίθρου, λόγω κυρίως του ανοικτού ανεμπόδιστου ορίζοντα, πλατιάς acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of της concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, theτων term παρουσίας των του τοπίου καιifτων ιδιαιτεροτήτων (andσυστατικών urban gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification καιρικών συνθηκών. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Εικόνα πρώτη. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artτο galleries, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Ενα τοπίο οποίοrestaurants, περιλαμβάνει τσιμεντόλιθους τοποθετημένους the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever otherχώρο consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof στον ανοικτό ενός χωραφιού. Η τοποθέτηση έχει γίνει με το απλό whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative στοίβαγμά και όχι το προσεκτικό κτίσιμό τους, σε πέντε επάλληλες αλλά potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first UK in earlyμια 1960s and it refers to ανολοκλήρωτες σειρές, με τρόπο που inναtheπροκύπτει συμπαγής αλλά The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor ατελής ορθογωνική μάζαwealthy και να προβάλλει μια γενικά άτακτη the then observed trend people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof θραυσματική κατάσταση. Στις γκρίζες επιφάνειες των London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusτσιμεντόλιθων old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. υπάρχουν υπόλοιπα από κονίαμα ή λάσπη, κάτι που υποδηλώνει ότι being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth προέρχονται κατεδάφιση. αποθηκευτεί εκεί,ofείτε για πιθανή A description of this phenomenon isδε included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the από same period, while Έχουν similar situations in other major επαναχρησιμοποίησή τους σε κάποια μελλοντική κατασκευή, είτε απλά GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities countries, by other Researchers. για ναin Western μην Η preoccupied συνολική επιφάνεια του τοιχώματος είναι Since then,πεταχτούν. the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more διάστικτη με μαύρες, διαμπερείς οπές οι οποίες, ενώ είναι συστατικό της comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various κατασκευής του σώματος ενός τσιμεντόλιθου, ενthe τούτοις σε συνάρτηση με interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense,και theof phenomenon is dueτης togentrification, aδίνουν trend of a new ofαποτέλεσμα social groups το κονίαμα τις μικροφθορές, μια αδρή υφή με to “return” to the city, leavingτης the να purlieus for several highερείπιο. costs in money η κατασκευή στο σύνολό παραπέμπει σεreasons: σύγχρονο Πάνω and to travel from theακουμπισμένη purlieus to downtown, whereμια workάλλη place is, lack of the σε time αυτήν, πρόχειρα βρίσκεται κατασκευή, 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety theαπροσδιόριστης distributed residencies outside town centres, άγνωστης και χρήσης, γραμμική, σκουριασμένη, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at heart of the city”, (possibly) φτιαγμένη από μεταλλικούς σωλήνες δύοthe βαριές Δίπλα, τυχαίαfor Youth Unemployment. The same year she leftκαι Germany and afterβάσεις. continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and in Geneva, Prague,εγκαταλειμμένο London and New York came back London, γερμένο σεresearch ένα πεζούλι υπάρχει τοshe φύλλο μιαςtoπόρτας. Τα in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and ετερόκλητα αυτά αντικείμενα περικλείονται καιresearch. καδράρονται από την University informal College of London, where she continued her social Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion also: COLLINS ENGLISH περίφραξη του χωραφιού, που for καιjustice. αυτήSeeείναι από παλιό και DICTIONARY. πρόχειρο and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: μεταλλικό πλέγμα, το οποίο με τον χρόνο έχει απωλέσει την σταθερότητά G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually του. Την βάση της εικόνας συμπληρώνει σε πρώτο πλάνο η λοξή επιφάνεια
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns χαμηλού λευκού πεζουλιού, σε ιδιαίτερα καλή κατάσταση,
ενός σε αντίθεση με όλα τα άλλα υλικά. H σύνθεση ολοκληρώνεται με μια γραμμή από αλμυρίκια στο βάθος, την ανοικτόχρωμη ώχρα C. του στεγνού χώματος By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS και την λεπτή οριζόντια λαμπερή λωρίδα χρώματος ultramarine της Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS θάλασσας. Architect Student of the School of Architecture Εικόνα δεύτερη. University of Crete Ένα διαφορετικό τοπίο σε περιοχή Technical χαρακτηρισμένη ως αρχαιολογικό χώρο. Τα αρχαία λείψανα, ερείπια και ευρήματα βρίσκονται 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept στον της θάλασσας και είναι τεκμήρια αρχαίας πόλης που βυθίστηκε 1.βυθό Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), έπειτα από σεισμό. Στην μεγάλη, ολόλευκη, εκτυφλωτική, από ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -καλυμμένη 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the κιμωλία επιφάνεια που βρίσκεται έξω από το νερό, διασώζονται ίχνη among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. με την μορφή ελαφρών και ανεπαίσθητων εναλλαγών acquisition of knowledge starts withχαρακιών theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, onσκαμμάτων, this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1Η therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a που first,επικρατεί if (in notthe final, approach, the και term στα Based, επίπεδα. κιμωλία είναι το πέτρωμα στην περιοχή, (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ήταν διαχρονικά εμπορεύσιμη. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the of aπεριβάλλει city area, removal this, of (in various ways), ofθάλασσα social groups, usually of μπλε low-income andthe the placement artists, Η και το“refining” βαθύ το τοπίοfrom το there οποίο μοιάζει ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the galleries,απαστράπτον restaurants, etc.σεντόνι. However Η thisανθρώπινη “change”, regardless of με operation απλωμένοof art ολόλευκο παρουσία the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has,από results also στην risingεπιφάνεια, of land prices theof από το παρελθόν, υποδηλώνεται τα ίχνη και (and κάποιες whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative πέτρες κτισμένες περιμετρικά, καθώς επίσης και από την ύπαρξη ενός potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first σε in the in early 1960sθέση, and itπιθανόν refers to μικρού ανοίγματος προςisτη θάλασσα μιαUK συγκεκριμένη The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor για προσέγγιση βαγονιών μεταφοράς εξωρυγμένης γιαof the την then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property inκιμωλίας poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are φόρτωση σε πλοία ή stay βάρκες. Το άνοιγμα τονίζεται επιπλέον, από δύο, London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ανόμοιου ύψους, κατακόρυφες μεταλλικές ράβδους, σκουριασμένες και being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth φθαρμένες οι same οποίες το phenomenon πλαισιώνουν εν μέρει συγκρατούν πλευρικά A description ofperiod, this isκαι included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while similar situations recorded inταother major τοιχώματα, ενώ ενδέχεται να χρησιμεύουν και για το δέσιμο σκοινιών για GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. την συγκράτηση των πλωτών μέσων. Ενώ όμως αυτές οι ράβδοι Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more καταλαμβάνουν το issue πρώτο πλάνο τηςsummarized εικόνας, ταυτόχρονα καδράρουν με comprehensive approach are being below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various καταπληκτικόofτρόπο, το τι υπάρχει πέρα από την τους παρουσία και interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, theδική following: interpretations of theΑυτό phenomenon of the following: In a sense, phenomenon is dueπου togentrification, aυπάρχει trend of aσε new category of social groups τα δικά τουςthe όρια. λοιπόν δεύτερο πλάνο είναι μια to “return”συστοιχία to the city,από leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highξεπροβάλλουν costs in money υπέροχη λευκά οξυκόρυφα βράχια τα οποία and travel fromτου the purlieus to downtown, whereδιαφορετικά work place is, lack of the απόtime τηνtoεπιφάνεια νερού. Τα βράχια έχουν σχήματα, 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, μεγέθη και μορφές, όπως επίσης και γωνιώδη υφή στις επιφάνειές τους. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health,με education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Εμφανίζονται μιαsameμουσική οποία σταδιακά Youth Unemployment. The year she leftρυθμικότητα, Germany and afterηcontinuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New she came back to London, απομειώνεται προς την ανοικτή θάλασσα, καιYork αντίστροφα καταλήγει σε in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and συμπαγή μορφή τηνwhere επίσης λευκή ξηρά. Η εικόνα συμπληρώνεται με University informal College ofπρος London, she continued her social research. Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying herαπαλές work are καμπύλες characterizedτου by aυπόλοιπου, passion for justice. See also: COLLINS τοπίου ENGLISHστο DICTIONARY. τις γυμνού, γαιώδους βάθος and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: του ορίζοντα. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Και τα δύο τοπία είναι από την νήσο Κίμωλο. 252127 11
Δορυφορικά Συστήματα Προσδιορισμού Θέσης και GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Συλλογής Επίγειας Πληροφορίας
Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Γεωργίου ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜ ConcernsΤου κ.Υποψηφίου Διδάκτορος Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, 1.Πρόλογος By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Οι τελευταίες δεκαετίες χαρακτηρίζονται από ραγδαίες και καινοτόμες Student of the School Ηλεκτρονικοί of Architecture εξελίξεις στον τομέα της πληροφορικής και των τηλεπικοινωνιών. Technical Universityκινητά of Crete υπολογιστές, διαδίκτυο, ψηφιακά συστήματα υψηλής ταχύτητας,
τηλέφωνα και άλλος τεχνολογικός εξοπλισμός, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the conceptδημιουργούν επανάσταση σε μεγάλο μέρος του κόσμου. Τα ανεπτυγμένα κράτη επιδιώκουν να 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, BC εφαρμόζοντας - 370 BC, Athens), βελτιστοποιήσουν ταtheοφέλη των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών, την ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση, δηλαδή τη χρήση τεχνολογιών πληροφορικής the και among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. του επικοινωνιών, για τη βελτίωση των definition δραστηριοτήτων των οργανισμών acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term δημόσιου τομέα τους. Συνεχώς αυξάνεται ο αριθμός των ηλεκτρονικών 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first,που if (in notχρησιμοποιούν final, approach, the term gentrification) the area of Planning) (or gentrification συναλλαγών με(and το urban δημόσιο και των προσώπων μεθόδους 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ηλεκτρονικής υπογραφής και ταυτοποίησης.(Ελίκκος Α.Η 2017). Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Ηof τεχνολογία social groups, usually of low-income the placement there of artists, που απαιτείται για την and εφαρμογή ενός κτηματολογικού ways), of social groups, of low-income and placement of artists, the operation ofτόσο art galleries, restaurants, etc.και However this “change”,there regardless of συστήματος, σε usually εξοπλισμό όσο σε the προγράμματα λογισμικού the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other has,προόδου results also rising ofχρόνια. land prices (and theof (GIS/DBMS), έχειconsequences επιτελέσει άλματα τα τελευταία whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results rising of land (and the potential relative Παράλληλα, έχουν προχωρήσει οι also τεχνολογίες των prices δορυφορικών potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first in the in early 1960s and it refersκαι to συστημάτων προσδιορισμού θέσηςat(GNSS), τηςUK λήψης αεροφωτογραφιών The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of εικόνων από δορυφόρους και άλλα ιπτάμενα μέσα, στελεχωμένα ήto the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in μετρήσεις, poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus οι old residents are κατευθυνόμενα. Οι τεχνολογίες αυτές sometimes έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα, οιof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. αποτυπώσεις, ο προσδιορισμός και η απεικόνιση των ακινήτων ιδιοκτησιών να being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this και phenomenon is included the work of Sociologist Ruth γίνονται με ευκολότερο ακριβέστερο τρόπο. Ηinαξιοποίηση των τεχνολογικών A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of πολυδιάστατου Sociologist Ruth GLASS at μπορεί the same while in other major εξελίξεων να οδηγήσει έναsimilar κράτος στη λειτουργία ενός GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. κτηματολογικού συστήματος, το οποίο με τη σειρά του να οδηγήσει σ’ ένα cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholarsΗ.2017). and for its more ευρύτερο σύστημα διαχείρισης ακίνητης ιδιοκτησίας.(Ελίκκος Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various 2.Εισαγωγή interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon of the following: χαρακτηριστικά που θα πρέπει να έχει μελλοντικό κτηματολογικό In aΤα sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of ένα a new category of social groups σύστημα καταγράφηκαν στο Κτηματολόγιο 2014. Γίνεται επίσης αναφορά στη to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money μοντελοποίηση των κτηματολογικών συστημάτων, στα Συστήματα and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Πληροφοριών Γης και Sociologist Ακίνητων Ιδιοκτησιών, στο Κυπριακό Σύστημα 1.of The termat comes from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better Berlin, where sheΓης, madeστο her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Πληροφοριών ηλεκτρονικό, στο τρισδιάστατο και στο θαλάσσιο services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The1998). same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for κτηματολόγιο.(Kaufman lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Σήμερα οtoπροσδιορισμός των ακινήτων διευκολύνεται τεχνολογίες in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheαπό teacher in the another approach, the is due tobecame a τις systematic and των δορυφορικών προσδιορισμού θέσης (GNSS), την εγκατάσταση University College of συστημάτων London, where she continued her social research. Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also:τη COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. κρατικών δικτύων εντοπισμού θέσης (π.χ. CYPOS), λήψη and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part αεροφωτογραφιών of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: και εικόνων από δορυφόρους. Είναι επίσης σημαντικό σε ένα κράτος να G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually υπάρχουν διαδικασίες που να διασφαλίζουν τη συνεχή “χωρική” ενημέρωση του
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
κτηματολογικού συστήματος με τις ακίνητες ιδιοκτησίες/μονάδες, με τρόπο που να διακρίνονται οι συμπληρωμένες και εγκεκριμένες κατασκευαστικά μονάδες, από αυτές που θα κατασκευαστούν, είναι υπό κατασκευή ή κατασκευάστηκαν και δεν εγκρίθηκαν. Στην περίπτωση έργου υπό κατασκευή είναι σημαντικό με τη συμπλήρωσή του, να επικαιροποιηθεί το ακίνητο στο κτηματολογικό σύστημα, ή να δημιουργηθούν και εγγραφούν σε αυτό οι νέες ιδιοκτησιακές μονάδες. Ο ακριβής χωρικός προσδιορισμός, τόσο των ακίνητων ιδιοκτησιών, όσο και άλλων By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS δικαιωμάτων/περιορισμών (π.χ. δικαιωμάτων διέλευσης),C.μειώνει τις συνοριακές Harvard University, Graduate School ofκαι Design, Student, διαφορές μεταξύ των ιδιοκτητών γειτονικών γεωτεμαχίων αυξάνει την By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αξιοπιστία του συστήματος. Student of the School of Architecture Το Τμήμα υιοθέτησε το Κυπριακό Γεωδαιτικό Σύστημα Αναφοράς-1993 Technical University of Crete (Χαρτογραφική Προβολή: Τοπική Εγκάρσια Μερκατορική – LTM, Ελλειψοειδές: WGS84). Το γεωδαιτικό αυτό σύστημα αναφοράς χρησιμοποιείται για την 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ετοιμασία των νέων κτηματικών σχεδίων και σε όλο το φάσμα των 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), χωρομετρικών εργασιών.(Αρχείο Κτηματολογίου). ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444great BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established the Τον Ιούνιο του 2008 ξεκίνησε η λειτουργία του aΚυπριακού Συστήματος among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Εντοπισμού Θέσεων (CYPOS) το οποίο υλοποιήθηκε με την ίδρυση μόνιμων acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term γεωδαιτικών σταθμών και παρέχει υπηρεσίες προσδιορισμού θέσης, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) the area ofθέσης. Planning) (or gentrification αξιοποιώντας τα παγκόσμια δορυφορικάisσυστήματα εντοπισμού Αρχικά 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various εγκαταστάθηκαν πέντε μόνιμοι σταθμοί (Λευκωσία, Λεμεσό, Λάρνακα, Πάφο, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Παραλίμνι), οι groups, οποίοι το Δεκέμβριο του 2009 έγιναν επτά (Πόλη Χρυσοχούς, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of Ευρύχου). the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Με το CYPOS μπορεί να συνδεθούν άλλα κυβερνητικά τμήματα, οργανισμοί whatever other consequences has, ενδεικτικού results also rising of land (andτου the potential relative και πολίτες μεspeculation). την καταβολή τέλους. Οι prices σταθμοί potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atσυνόρθωση first in the UK early 1960sπου andλαμβάνει it refers to χρησιμοποιούνται για την αυτόματη τωνinμετρήσεων o The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersof the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor δέκτης GNSS του χρήστη του συστήματος και έχει ως αποτέλεσμα οto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are προσδιορισμός της θέσης να γίνεται με υψηλή ακρίβεια της τάξης τωνof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. χιλιοστών(mm). being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Αεροφωτογραφήσεις των περιοχών της Κύπρου ελέγχει Δημοκρατία and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, whereπου work placeηis, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in πραγματοποιήθηκαν κατά τα έτη 1993, 2007-2009 και 2014, ενώsearch είναι διαθέσιμη sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: για όληofτην Κύπρο η α/φentertainment του 1963. “at Οι the α/φheart αυτές μετατράπηκαν σε services health, education, of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for ορθοφωτοχάρτες. Επιπρόσθετα, το ΤΚΧ διαθέτει α/φ για τα έτη 1968 και 1970 lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where που καλύπτουν μεγαλύτερο μέρος του νησιού In και του 1957 in και in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. 1950 she teacher the toτο another approach, the phenomenon isα/φ due tobecame a1945, systematic and University College of London, where she Η. continued her social research. brokers Her public and 1973 για μέρος του νησιού.(Ελίκκος 2017). long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Το Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας (ΤΚΧ), διαθέτει δορυφορικούς and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: δέκτες G.N.S.S οι οποίοι συνδέονται και λαμβάνουν σήμα από τους δορυφόρους G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
του Αμερικανικού συστήματος NAVSTAR (GPS) και του Ρώσικου GLONASS. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τη συνεχή δορυφορική κάλυψη της χώρας μας. Το γεγονός αυτό, οδήγησε πολλούς χρήστες δορυφορικών δεκτών, στο συμπέρασμα ότι όσο περισσότερους δορυφόρους διαθέτουμε, τόσο αυξάνεται η ακρίβεια και μειώνεται ο χρόνος καθορισμού της θέσης μας. Αυτή η εντύπωση είναι λανθασμένη. Βασική προϋπόθεση δεν είναι ο αριθμός των δορυφόρων αλλά η γεωμετρία των δορυφόρων σε συνάρτηση με το δορυφορικό δέκτη. Στις By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συσκευές που διαθέτει το ΤΚΧ χρησιμοποιείται η ορολογία G.D.O.P (Geometrical University, Graduateτου School of Design, Student, Dilution of Precision). ΌσοHarvard πιο μικρός είναι ο αριθμός G.D.O.P τόσο αυξάνεται Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect η ακρίβεια καθορισμού της θέσης μας.By Ιδανική ένδειξη G.D.O.P (2.00-3.00).(Αρχείο Student of the School of Architecture Κτηματολογίου). Technical University of Crete Άλλοι παράγοντες εκτός από την καλή γεωμετρία των δορυφόρων, που επηρεάζουν την ακρίβεια καθορισμού θέσης είναι το γήινο περιβάλλον του δέκτη 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (usersegment), για το οποίο έχουμε τη δυνατότητα χρήστες να προβαίνουμε 1. Introductory approach: Defining the conceptως ANTISTHENIS, the ancient GreekΣκοπός philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC,κινήσεων Athens), σε προληπτικές διορθωτικές κινήσεις. των διορθωτικών αυτών ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the είναι ο περιορισμός σφαλμάτων που πιθανόν να προκύψουν κατά τη διάρκεια among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. δορυφορικών παρατηρήσεων, από την ύπαρξη τεχνητών και φυσικών εμποδίων. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Οι παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την ακρίβεια καθορισμού θέσης, όπως η τροχιά 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onχρονόμετρα this “principle” in δορυφόρων, a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) of Planning) (or gentrification των δορυφόρων, τωνis indicated η area γήινη ατμόσφαιρα 1 (andτα gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various (ιονόσφαιρα – τροπόσφαιρα) ανήκουν στο διαστημικό μέρος (spacesegment) και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income placement there of artists, ο απλός χρήστης είναι παθητικός δέκτηςand καιtheδεν έχει τη δυνατότητα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of διορθωτικών κινήσεων. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results rising of land prices (and the Εκ των πραγμάτων ασχολούμαστε με also το γήινο περιβάλλον του δέκτη, σεof whatever otherπροσέγγισης consequences results also rising ofπου land prices (and the potential relative speculation). μια προσπάθεια καιhas, επίλυσης προβλημάτων παρουσιάστηκαν potential relative speculation). term gentrification at first the UKκατά in early and it επίγειας refers to καιThe παρουσιάζονται κατάis found καιρούς στοin Τ.Κ.Χ, τη1960s συλλογή The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas ofto πληροφορίας, τόσο σε κατοικημένες όσο και σε ορεινές περιοχές. Τηνrefers κάθε the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are περίπτωση ακολουθούν εισηγήσεις και ενέργειες προς τον χρήστη, γιαof London, upgrade them, stay αποκλίσεων themselves sometimes there and thus are being indirectly “squeezed”. περιορισμό ανεπιθύμητων και σφαλμάτων, κατάoldτηresidents διάρκεια being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth δορυφορικών παρατηρήσεων.(Χ¨¨Περικλέους 2014). A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in3.Western countries, by otherΕπηρεάζουν Researchers. στην Συλλογή Επίγειας Προβλήματα που cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Πληροφορίας Since then, the issue severalστις scholars andthe forπεριοχές its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various i. Παρατηρείται συχνάhas το preoccupied φαινόμενο, ιδιαίτερα κατοικημένες comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the να υπάρχει σημαντική καθυστέρηση καθορισμό στίγματος τουvarious δέκτη interpretations of the phenomenon of στον gentrification, theτου following: interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, the following: και μερικές φορές καθολική αδυναμία καθορισμού θέσης μας. Αυτό συμβαίνει In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of aτης new category of social groups όταν ο χρήστης να αποτυπώσει και τοποθετεί το δέκτη (sensor) to “return” to theκαλείται city, leaving the purlieusκτήριο for several reasons: high costs in money στη γωνιά κτηρίου. Στην προσπάθεια του ο χρήστης να αποτυπώσει το and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lackκτήριο, of the 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth την GLASS wasbetter born μετακινεί το δέκτη από residencies το κτήριο και ακολούθως μετά επίλυση τηςin sense safety atcomes theμακριά distributed outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: θέσης και λήψηeducation, καλής ποιότητας συντεταγμένων (CQ of –Coordinates Quality) services of τη health, entertainment “at the heart the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for τοποθετεί το ‘sensor’ στη γωνιά του κτηρίου και καταχωρεί τις συντεταγμένες. Σ’ lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, αυτή τη she περίπτωση, επειδή η συσκευή είναι ρυθμισμένη να in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher ανά in the to another approach, the is due aκαταχωρεί systematic and University College ofκάποιων London, where she continued social research. Her public action and χρονικό διάστημα δευτερολέπτων, τηher δεδομένη στιγμήbrokers που θαofπατηθεί long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. το πλήκτρο καταχώρησης δεδομένων, υπάρχει μεγάλη πιθανότητα and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web,να in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: καταχωρηθούν λάθος συντεταγμένες οι οποίες προήλθαν από δορυφόρους με G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
κακή γεωμετρία, εξ αιτίας απώλειας δορυφόρων με καλό G.D.O.P. οι οποίοι αποκλείστηκαν από τη θέση και το ύψος του κτηρίου. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα το κτήριο να αποδοθεί μεν γεωμετρικά αλλά μετατοπισμένο.(Αρχείο Κτηματολογίου). ii. Η εμπειρία κατέδειξε ότι το δορυφορικό σήμα επηρεάζεται από την ύπαρξη βελονοειδών δένδρων, όπως ο πεύκος και το κυπαρίσσι. Το σήμα καταφθάνει στον δέκτη διακοπτόμενο και σε πολλές περιπτώσεις παρατηρείται By Mr. George-Sp. C.από ATHANASOPOULOS καθολική αδυναμία λήψης δορυφορικού σήματος. Εκτός τα πεύκα και τα University, σήμα Graduate School Design, Student, κυπαρίσσια, καθυστέρησηHarvard στο δορυφορικό μπορούν ναofπροκαλέσουν και Byδέντρα. Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect τα υπόλοιπα αειθαλή και φυλλοβόλα Στο νησίC.μας και ιδιαίτερα στις Student of the School of Architecture ορεινές περιοχές, εκτός των δασικών εκτάσεων, ευδοκιμούν σε μεγάλο ποσοστό Technical University of Crete φυλλοβόλα δένδρα (πηγή Τμήμα Γεωργίας). Γι’ αυτό το λόγο ιδανικές συνθήκες αποτύπωσης σε ορεινές περιοχές είναι τους φθινοπωρινούς μήνες. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Οι διορθωτικές κινήσεις που μπορεί να κάνει ο χρήστης σ’ αυτές τις 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCείναι - 370ηBC, Athens), περιπτώσεις είναι πολύ περιορισμένες. Η πρώτη ενέργεια αύξηση του ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ‘angle of elevation’ για να αποκλείσει δορυφόρους, το σήμα των οποίων among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. διακόπτεται από τη δασώδη περιοχή. Με αυτό τον τρόπο περιορίζεται και το acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term φαινόμενο του multipath. Ο χρήστης έχει τη δυνατότητα να βλέπει σε 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification πραγματικό χρόνο στο controllerτου δέκτη, όλους τους διαθέσιμους δορυφόρους. 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Ιδιαίτερη προσοχή πρέπει να εστιάσει στο ύψος των δορυφόρων. Το angle of Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually of low-income and και the πέραν placement of artists, elevation πρέπειgroups, να αυξάνεται χωρίς περιορισμό των there 15ο, φτάνει να ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, “change”, regardless of εξασφαλίζουμε καλό GDOP και etc. CQHowever σταthethis όρια απόκλισης του the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof Τμήματος.(Χ¨¨Περικλέους 2014). whatever otherspeculation). consequences has,προβλήματα results alsoστις rising of land prices κατά (and τη the potential relative iii. Εντοπίστηκαν πάρα πολλά ορεινές περιοχές, potential relative speculation). The term gentrificationαργακιών is found atκαι first ποταμών, in the UK inπου earlyεκ1960s it refers to διάρκεια αποτύπωσης τωνandπραγμάτων The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto βρίσκονται ανάμεσα σε ψηλά βουνά και πυκνή βλάστηση. Σ’ αυτές ειδικά τις the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are περιπτώσεις παρόλο που υπάρχει ικανοποιητικός αριθμός δορυφόρων τοof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. δορυφορικό σήμα λαμβάνεται διακοπτόμενο, έως καθόλου. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the workτων of Sociologist Ruth Αιτία της μη λήψης συνεχούς σήματος είναι η θέση δορυφόρων, οι A description ofperiod, this is situations included inwere the work of Ruth GLASS at the same while ανόδου, similar recorded in οποίοι είτε βρίσκονται σεphenomenon τροχιά είτε τροχιά καθόδου καιSociologist τοother σήμαmajor τους GLASS at the period, similar situations were other cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. εμποδίζεται απόsame φυσικά εμπόδια όπως κορυφογραμμές καιrecorded δένδρα. in Αυτό έχειmajor ως cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then,την the καταχώρηση issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more αποτέλεσμα λανθασμένης θέσης της τοπογραφικής ή Since then, the issue χωρίς has several below, scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from κτηματικής λεπτομέρειας., να το αντιλαμβάνεται ο χρήστης. Ο the χρήστης για comprehensive approach being summarized below, from the various να προλάβει, ναof αποφύγει, ή ναare περιορίσει σφάλματαthe που πιθανόν να προκύψουν interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: από πρέπει να προχωρήσει στιςof πιο κάτω ενέργειες: Inφυσικά a sense,εμπόδια theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend a new of social groups iv. Καλός προγραμματισμός από το γραφείο. Να συμβουλεύεται τις to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money πληροφορίες του Σ.Π.Γ, όπως αεροφωτογραφίες σε συνδυασμό με ισοϋψείς and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born καμπύλες, η πυκνότητα των οποίων καθώς και ο1912-1940. τρόπος διάταξης αποδίδει τηνin sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μορφολογία του εδάφους. Με entertainment αυτό τον τρόπο“at έχει μια πρώτη άποψη για το χώρο services of health, education, the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for τον οποίο θα χωρομετρήσει και γνωρίζει την κατεύθυνση των πιθανών εμποδίων lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, (π.χ. βουνά που περιβάλλουν το αργάκι ή ποταμό). Ηis τροχιά δορυφόρων in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the due aτων systematic and University College of στο London, where she continued her social(ephemeris) research. brokers Her public action and είναι ήδη γνωστή χρήστη από τις groups, πληροφορίες που of έστειλαν long-term informal effort by organized manufacturers, buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ήδη, οιedit. ίδιοι οιCOLLINS δορυφόροι στον δέκτη, κατά την τελευταία φορά που ο χρήστης and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: πραγματοποίησε δορυφορική αποτύπωση. Αφού ο χρήστης αξιολογήσει όλες τις G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
πιο πάνω πληροφορίες θα επιλέξει την συγκεκριμένη μέρα και ώρα για να υλοποιήσει τη χωρομετρική του εργασία, με όσο το δυνατό πιο λίγα δορυφορικά προβλήματα. Θα ρυθμίσει εκ των προτέρων το ‘angle of elevation’ για να αποκλείσει ‘προβληματικούς’ δορυφόρους, των οποίων το σήμα πιθανόν να διακόπτεται από φυσικά εμπόδια.(Αρχείο Τμήματος). v. Υπάρχουν όμως και περιπτώσεις που ο χρήστης αδυνατεί να αποφύγει σφάλματα στο δορυφορικό σήμα. Όπως για παράδειγμα κατά την έναρξη των By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS δορυφορικών παρατηρήσεων. Το όργανο μόλις τεθείC.σε λειτουργία, κάνει University, Graduate School of Design, Student, προσπάθεια να εντοπίσειHarvard δορυφορικό σήμα από οποιοδήποτε δορυφόρο, ο Mr.τροχιά George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect οποίος είναι το σημείο αναφοράς γιαBy την των υπολοίπων. Υπάρχει όμως Student of ορολογία, the Schoolνα of Architecture περίπτωση ο δέκτης να λάβει σήμα (κατά την τεχνική κλειδώσει Technical University of Crete (lock)) σε συγκεκριμένο, αλλά προβληματικό δορυφόρο. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι να καθυστερεί η επίλυση της θέσης μας, με αυξημένη την πιθανότητα να εισέλθουν 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept σφάλματα στο δέκτη. Μια ένδειξη είναι ότι σήμα που στέλλει ο συγκεκριμένος 1. Introductory approach: theτοconcept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC, Athens), δορυφόρος είναι διακοπτόμενο, παρ’ όλο που η θέση μαςBC δεν- 370 εμποδίζεται από ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the φυσική ή τεχνητή λεπτομέρεια. Η λανθασμένη θέση του προβληματικού among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. δορυφόρου, συμπαρασύρει και τους υπόλοιπους. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Μια άλλη ένδειξη είναι ότι ο συγκεκριμένος δορυφόρος, παρ’ όλο που 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification βρίσκεται σε τροχιά στέλλει σήμαis και ακολούθως χάνουμε κάθε επαφή. 1 (and ανόδου gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Στη συνέχεια μπορεί να επανέλθει σε μερικά λεπτά σε διαφορετική γωνία τόσο Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually and μπορεί the placement thereστιγμή of artists, οριζόντια όσο groups, και καθ’ ύψος.ofΟlow-income χρήστης δεν ανά πάσα να ways), of social groups, usually ofπεριπτώσεων. low-income and placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of προβλέψει την ύπαρξη τέτοιων Οιthe προβληματικοί δορυφόροι the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof έχουν την ένδειξη 'sick'.(Χ¨¨Περικλέους 2014). whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The4.term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Συμπεράσματα The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first inσήμα the UK early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Οι ενέργειες του χρήστη να αποφύγει απόin προβληματικό δορυφόρο, the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents είναι η μετακίνηση του σε άλλο σημείο και επανεκκίνηση της συσκευής για are ναof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. δώσει την ευκαιρία στη συσκευή, να κλειδώσει ξανά σε άλλο δορυφόρο. Η αύξηση being indirectly “squeezed”. description είναι of thisβοηθητική phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth τουAcutoffangle καθ’is ότι θα αποφεύγεται ασθενές, πλευρικό A description of thisδορυφόρους phenomenon included inwere the work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theσήμα same period, while similar situations recorded in other δορυφορικό από μεisχαμηλό ύψος, και τωνofοποίων το major σήμα GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western other Researchers. επηρεάζεται απόcountries, τεχνητά by ή φυσικά εμπόδια. Μια άλλη αιτία για καθυστέρηση cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherνα Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for more επίλυσης της θέσης του rover, είναι παρουσιάζονται προβλήματα στοits σταθμό Since (reference), then, the issue has several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various αναφοράς ο οποίος είναι υπεύθυνος για τη διόρθωση και αποστολή comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the (Τμήμα various δορυφορικών στο Rover (Δέκτη) theμέσω modem. interpretations ofδεδομένων the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: Κτηματολογίου). In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Όπως προκύπτει από τις πιο πάνω οδηγίες, το πεδίο δράσης τουinχρήστη to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs money περιορίζεται μόνο στο γήινο περιβάλλον για το οποίο έχει τη δυνατότητα να and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born προβαίνει στιςatαναγκαίες ενέργειες, για ναoutside περιορίσει σφάλματα, sense of safety the distributed residencies townοποιαδήποτε centres, search for betterin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: που δυνατόν να προκύψουν τη διάρκεια“at δορυφορικών services of health, education,κατά entertainment the heart ofπαρατηρήσεων. the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Ταand δορυφορικά συστήματα εντοπισμού θέσης αποτύπωσης επίγειας lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies research Geneva, Prague, London and car New York και she came back to London, πληροφορίας χρησιμοποιούνται στοthe τμήμα τα τελευταία είκοσι χρονιά γιαin τη in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher the to another approach, is due tobecame a systematic and University informal College London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and διεκπεραίωση τωνof χωρομετρικών εργασιών. long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ευρέως στις initially αποτυπώσεις για σκοπούς and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: επαναχωρομέτρησης. Το έργο της επαναχωρομέτρησης ξεκίνησε το 1999 και G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
συμπληρώνεται σταδιακά. Η επαναχωρομέτρηση γίνεται με τη σύγκριση και επεξεργασία στοιχείων, με τη χρήση ειδικών προγραμμάτων μετασχηματισμών, από κτηματικά σχέδια που είναι σε χρήση, φωτογραμμετρικά σχέδια, ορθοφωτοχάρτες, σχέδια αποτυπώσεων πεδίου και άλλων στοιχείων που κατέχει το Τμήμα από προηγούμενες υποθέσεις. Σκοπός του έργου αυτού είναι η ετοιμασία ενός νέου κτηματικού σχεδίου, μεγάλης ακρίβειας, με την βοήθεια πάντοτε των δορυφορικών συστημάτων.
5. ΣυντομογραφίεςHarvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Architect G.P.S. Global Positioning SystemBy Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture G.N.S.S Global Navigation Satellite System NAV.S.T.A.R Navigation System Time And RangeTechnical University of Crete GLO.NA.S.S Global Navigation Satellite System 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept G.D.O.P Geometrical Dilution of Precision 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, C.Q Coordinates Quality ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), amongL.T.M otherLocal wiseTraverse heritageMercator he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. s.e.e. Surveying Engineering Environment acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Τ.Κ.Χ Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και Χωρομετρίας 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) gentrification Σ.Π.Γ. Σύστημα Πληροφοριών Γής is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),6. ofΒιβλιογραφία social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art restaurants, etc.Εκδόσεις However this “change”, regardless of Αρβανίτης, Α. galleries, (2000) «Κτηματολόγιο», Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, Μάρτιος the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof 2000. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the ΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΟΣ ΚΤΗΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΧΩΡΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ. potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). Κτηματολογικών Θεμάτων, Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου καιand Χωρομετρίας, TheΕγχειρίδιο term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s it refers to TheΕκπαίδευσης. term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto Τομέας the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people toΑύγουστος buy property in poor areas Ελίκκος Α.Ηλία Εισαγωγή στο Κτηματολόγιο 2017.old London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus residents areof Kaufmann, J., them, Steudler, (1998) «Cadastre 2014-there A vision a future cadastral London, upgrade stayD.themselves sometimes and for thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. system», F.I.G., Commission 7, Working Group 7.1. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Συστήματα Αναφοράς της in Κύπρου.(Τ.Κ.Χ). AΚρατικά description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the Γεωδαιτικά same while similar were in other major Ο Κτηματικός Χάρτης της Κύπρου, Ελίκκος Ηλία, Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου και GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Χωρομετρίας, Σεπτέμβριος 2012. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Papaefthymiou, M., Labropoulos T., Zentelis, P. (2004) «3-D Cadastre Greece Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe forinvarious its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from –comprehensive Legal, Physical andapproach Practical Issues. Application on Santorini Island», FIG Working are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of theMay phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Week, Athens, Greece, 2004. interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aΠερικλής sense, the phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend ofΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ, a new of social groups Π. Χ¨¨Περικλέους ΤΟ ΔΟΡΥΦΟΡΙΚΟ Λευκωσία, Αύγουστος to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money 2014. and time to travel from the to downtown, where work place lack of the Stoter, J. (2004) «3Dpurlieus Cadastre», PhD thesis, Publications on is, Geodesy 57, 1.of The term from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Netherlands Geodetic Commision, Delft,Ruth Netherlands, September 2004. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Σώκος, Α. (1959) «Συμβολή του Πολυσήμαντου στη Στατιστική services of health, education, entertainment “at theΚτηματολογίου heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Πληροφόρηση», Αθήνα, Εκδότης ΤΕΕ. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, ΤΕΧΝΙΚΕΣ ΔΙΕΚΠ ΚΤΗΜ ΧΩΡ ΕΡΓ ΑΠΟ ΑΡΜΟΔΙΟΥΣ ΧΩΡΟΜΕΤΡΕΣ, in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2016. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for See also: COLLINSΤΟ ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Τμήμα Κτηματολογίου καιjustice. Χωρομετρίας, ΕΡΓΟ ΤΗΣ and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ΕΠΑΝΑΧΩΡΟΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ, Οκτώβριος 2006. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Υπουργείο Γεωργίας (Αρχείο).
252133 11
«Αμαρτία» GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Ηθικό παράπτωμα, παράβαση του νόμων του Θεού, περιφρόνηση Definition, Types intervention, Concerns of Gentrification και καταπάτηση τωνof εντολών Του Concerns Του κ. Παρ. - Γρηγ. ΣΜΙΓΑΔΗ
Μεταπτ. Φοιτ. Προγρ. Διεθνούς και Ευρωπαϊκού Οικονομικού Δικαίου του Πανεπ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Κατόχου Μεταπτ. Τίτλου Ανθρωπ. Σπουδών επί θεμάτων Harvard University, Graduate School of Design,του Student, Ορθόδοξης Θεολογίας Ε.Α.Π. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Πτυχ. Διαχείρ. Ανθρωπ. Πόρων και Διοίκ., Student theΚαποδ. School of Architecture Εθν.ofκαι Πανεπ. Αθηνών Technical University of Crete Πτυχ. Σχολής Διοικητικών ΑΣΣΥ Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας C. Migration Studies in European University of Florence
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), amongΗother wise heritage he leftσημαίνει us, he established a great λέξη αμαρτία ή αμάρτημα, λάθος, σφάλμα, παράπτωμα και the δεν among other wise he leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content of“principle”: concepts. χρησιμοποιείται μόνοheritage στα θρησκευτικά ζητήματα, αλλά και σε άλλες γενικά acquisition of knowledge starts with theυπάρχει of the content concepts. Based, therefore, on ιατρική this “principle” indefinition a first,ο if not final, approach, the term περιπτώσεις, όπως στην π.χ. που όρος «αμαρτία ήof διαμαρτία περί 1 (and therefore, on this “principle” inγενετής a first, ifκακοσχηματισμένο notthe final, approach, the term την Based, διάπλασιν», πουurban σημαίνει κάποιο εκis μέλος του gentrification) indicated (in area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification σώματος. Στη Θρησκευτική γλώσσα of αμαρτία σημαίνει ηθικό παράπτωμα, παράβαση Sociology as well), as the “refining” a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the from this, of (in various του νόμου του Θεού, περιφρόνηση καταπάτηση εντολών τουthere Θεού, που είναι ways), of social groups, usually ofκαι low-income andτων theremoval placement artists, διατυπωμένες στην Αγία Γραφή ή βρίσκονται άγραφες στη συνείδηση του ανθρώπου. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Ζούμε σε of μια εποχή ανακατατάξεων και οalso άνθρωπος καθημερινά αντιμετωπίζει the operation art galleries, restaurants, etc. However regardless whatever other consequences has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof ποικίλους πειρασμούς. Και επειδή η ανθρώπινη φύση είναι ευεπίφορη προς whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (andτην the potential relative speculation). αμαρτία, ο άνθρωπος αστοχεί, αμαρτάνει. Βέβαια, ο άνθρωπος μετά από κάθε πτώση potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to του αισθάνεται την ανάγκη για ανακαίνιση του Έκφραση αυτής της «διαto The term gentrification found atpeople first inεαυτού the UKτου. in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trendπορείας ofiswealthy toη buy property inσυντριβή poor of Χριστόν» ανακαινιστικής του αποτελεί εσωτερική του και ηof the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents are εξωτερίκευση των αμαρτιών. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A Όλοι description ofperiod, this phenomenon isφυλής, included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while similar situations other major οι same άνθρωποι, ανεξαρτήτως χρώματος, γλώσσας,in μορφώσεως, GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western by other Researchers. φέρουν τη θεία countries, εικόνα, νουν δηλαδή, ελεύθερη θέληση και αγάπη. Η μετοχή cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other στη Researchers. Since then, the issue has scholars for its more ολόκληρης της ανθρώπινης υπάρξεως θεία several εικόνα καθιστά τηνand ανθρώπινη φύση Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more «αδιάτμητον» ενότητα. comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being below, from various Η φυσικήofσυνεπώς κατάσταση τουsummarized ανθρώπουthe είναι να ζει σε the κοινότηταinterpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: ακριβέστερα Δυστυχώς στην αφετηρία της ιστορίας συνέβη μια In a sense,σε theκοινωνία. phenomenon is dueόμως, togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups διάσπαση, μια ουσιαστική «αλλοτρίωση», όταν ο άνθρωπος, προσκολλημένος στο to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ατομικό εγώ, from θέλησε καθορίσει την περαιτέρω του is, θέτοντας σε and time του to travel theνα purlieus to downtown, where πορεία work place lack of the αμφιβολία την κοινωνία με τον Θεότη βάση της ενότητας και «κοινωνίας» με τους 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin άλλους το περιβάλλον. Berlin, ανθρώπους where she made herφυσικό first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, και education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly)for YouthΎστερα Unemployment. same she left του Germany and after από τηThe ρήξη τωνyear σχέσεων ανθρώπου με continuous τον Θεό, ηmovements δραματική lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies andπροκαλεί research in Geneva, Prague, and από New York came to back to London, αυτή τάση αδιάκοπη κίνησηLondon χωρισμού τουςshe συνανθρώπους, τους «κατ’ in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and εικόνα Θεού» πλασθέντες, και από she τη φύσηκίνηση που κορυφώνεται στη διάσπαση University College of London, where continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying του τουcharacterized εγώ. Η ορμή θεωρήθηκε από χριστιανική σκέψη εκφυλισμός, her ίδιου work are byαυτή a passion for justice. Seeτη also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
«αμαρτία», «αλλοτρίωση» της ουσίας της ανθρώπινης φύσεως· λόγω δε του ενιαίου του ανθρώπινου φυράματος κατέστη πανανθρώπινη αναπηρία. 1 Ακόμα και στην έσχατη πτώση και υπαρκτική του αλλοτρίωση ο άνθρωπος παραμένει πρόσωπο, σαρκώνει την τρομακτική δυνατότητα να αναμετριέται με το Θεό, να αντιθέτει στην άβυσσο της αγάπης τον ίλιγγο της δικής του ανταρσίας και άρνησης. «Αμαρτιών μου τα πλήθη και κριμάτων σου αβύσσους, τις εξιχνιάσει, ψυχοσώστα Σωτήρ μου»2 Αυτό γίνεται διότι εξωγενείςByπαράγοντες, όπως δαιμονικές δυνάμεις Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αποτρέπουν τον άνθρωπο να πράξει το κατά φύσιν, με αποτέλεσμα η έκπτωση του Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ανθρώπου να μην είναι μόνο ηθική αλλάBy και διανοητική. Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Η ίδια ανεξιχνίαστη αμετρία σε δύο αβυσσαλέα μεγέθη: στην of αμαρτία του Student of the School Architecture ανθρώπου και στο έλεος του Θεού – τα αδιάστατα όρια της αλήθειας του Technical University of Crete προσωπικού Θεού και του ανθρώπινου προσώπου αποκαλυπτόμενα μέσα από το γεγονός της μετάνοιας. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory Defining theπαραμέτρους, concept (444το Το ανθρωπολογικό ζήτημα έχει δύο και την ANTISTHENIS,approach: the ancient Greek philosopher, BCκατ’ - 370εικόνα BC, Athens), αμαρτία. Το κατ’ εικόνα δεν επηρεάζει την ανθρώπινη (444 βούληση και προαίρεση η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the οποία οδηγεί στην επιλογή. Η κατά φύση και η παρά φύση δηλαδή η άρνηση που among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the οδηγεί στην αμαρτία, την αδυναμία δηλαδή πραγματοποίησης, του σχεδίου του Θεού. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Η προτεραιότητα που έχει στον άνθρωπο του καιρού μας η λογική αμφισβήτηση των 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification καθιερωμένων, 1η ευκολία ερμηνείας των παραδεδομένων «αξιών» σαν κοινωνικών gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various προκαταλήψεων, τότε από την αμαρτία δεν έχει απομείνει παρά η εντύπωση μιας Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income από and the placement there of artists, δεσμευτικής αναστολής ή και συμπλέγματος τα οποία ο άνθρωπος πρέπει ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation ofελευθερωθεί. art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of οπωσδήποτε να the operation artηgalleries, restaurants, etc. However regardless whatever consequences has, results also risingthis of “change”, landερμηνευτική prices (andμας, theof Αλλάother να of που Εκκλησία περιπλέκει την απλουστευμένη whatever other consequences has, results also αντίστοιχο rising of land prices (andτης the αναδεικνύοντας την αμαρτία σε υπαρκτικό μέγεθος με την άβυσσο potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). θείας ζωής. είναι άλλη μια θεώρηση τηςinαμαρτίας, απρόσιτη στις and κοινωνικές The termΑυτή gentrification is found at first the UK in early 1960s it refersκαι to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto αντικειμενικές μας μετρήσεις. the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas Είναι η αμαρτία η μεταποιημένη σε μετάνοια, η αποτυχία ανθρώπου, ηof London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thusτου old residents are μετρημένη με το “squeezed”. μέγεθος του ύπαρξης, there της προσωπικής αλήθειας, που London, upgrade them,της stayαυθεντικής themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly είναι της αλήθειας του προσωπικού Θεού. 3 in the work of Sociologist Ruth being indirectly “squeezed”. A εικόνα description of this phenomenon is included Για τηνsame εκκλησία η αμαρτία δενisείναι νομικό, είναι υπαρκτό Δεν A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while similar situations recorded inγεγονός. other major είναι απλήat παράβαση, αλλά έμπρακτη άρνησηsituations του ανθρώπου να είναι αυτό που «κατ’ GLASS the same period, while similar were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. αλήθειαν» είναι: Εικόνα και «δόξα» δηλαδή φανέρωση – του Θεού. Ο άνθρωπος cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other- Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and forΘεό itsκαι more αρνείται να είναι πρόσωπο, σε σχέση και κοινωνία με τον προσωπικό τα Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from πρόσωπα των συνανθρώπων του. Και δεν πρόκειται εδώ για άρνηση των κοινωνικών comprehensivethe approach are being summarized from the various interpretations phenomenon gentrification, thebelow, following: κατηγοριών τουof«αλτρουϊσμού» καιofτης «φιλαλληλίας», αλλά για οχύρωση του interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aτου trend of a new of«παρά social φύσιν» groups ανθρώπου στηthe βιολογική και ψυχολογική ατομικότητα που είναι to “return” to the city, leavingτης theυπαρκτικής purlieus forτου several reasons: high costs in money τρόπος υπάρξεως, αλλοίωση αλήθειας, αναίρεση του Τριαδικού and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Πρωτοτύπου της φύσεώς του. The term fromαλλοίωση Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Και η υπαρκτική σημαίνει αναπόφευκτη φυσική αποργάνωση, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: φθορά και services ofθάνατο. health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for
lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 1 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Αρχιεπισκόπου Τιράνων και πάσης Αλβανίας Αν.Γιαννουλάτου, «Παγκοσμιότητα και her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ορθοδοξία», εκδ. Ακρίτας, έκδοση (Αθήνα 2005). and selling realCOLLINS estate, στ΄ etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2 Χρήστου Γιανναρά, Η ελευθερία του ήθους, εκδ. Ίκαρος (Αθήνα 2002). G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 3 Χρήστου Γιανναρά, Η ελευθερία του ήθους, εκδ. Ίκαρος (Αθήνα 2002).
252135 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Α. ΑΜΑΡΤΙΑ – ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗ ΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ Η αμαρτία είναι ως προς την ουσία της μία ελεύθερη επιλογή του ανθρώπου που στρέφεται εναντίον του Θεού και των νόμων της ανθρώπινης φύσης (εις Ρωμ. Ομ. 13,3 σελ. 60, 511 «Αντίκειται τω νόμω τω φυσικώ»). Αυτή χωρίζει τον άνθρωπο από τον Θεό, εφόσον ο άνθρωπος μολύνει με τις παράνομες πράξεις του τον εαυτό του (Εις Γεν. Ομ. 24,3 σελ. 53,209). Κατά τον Χρυσόστομο ο άνθρωπος είναι δημιουργημένος από τη φύση του να κλίνει προς την αρετή. Όταν αμαρτάνει, τη φύση του (Εις Εφες. Ομ. 2,3 Byπαραβιάζει Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS σελ.62,20. Εις Εφες. Ομ. 2,4,Harvard σελ. 62,21). Την έννοια της αμαρτίας αναλύειStudent, ως εξής: University, Graduate Schoolτην of Design, «Αμαρτία δε όταν ακούσης, μη δύναμινBy τίνα ενυπόστατον νομίσης, αλλά την πράξιν Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect πονηράν, επιγινομένην και απογινομένην αεί καιStudent ούτε προ του γενέσθαι ούσαν και of the School of Architecture μετά το γένεσθαι πάλιν αφανιζομένην» (Εις. Ρωμ. Ομ. 12,6, σελ. 60, 503). Η αμαρτία Technical University of Crete δεν είναι λοιπόν κατά το Χρυσόστομο φυσική ιδιότητα της ανθρώπινης φύσεως, γιατί και1. η Introductory σωτηρία τότε θα ήταν ανέφικτη. Αφού εφικτή, εύλογο είναι ότι χρειάζεται approach: Defining theείναι concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept τηνANTISTHENIS, επέμβαση του Θεού (Εις. Ιωάν. Ομ. 25,2, σελ. 59,150), ο άνθρωπος της the ancient Greek philosopher, (444εφόσον BC - 370 BC, Athens), πτώσεως δεν μπορεί the μόνος του Greek τα «διεστώτα» να (444 επανασυνδέσει γιατί έχει ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the μολυσμένη τη συνείδησή του (Περί μετανοίας σελ.49,345). a great “principle”: the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he9,established acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content of concepts. Η εξασθένηση της ανθρώπινης ελευθερίας εκδηλώνεται στηνofαμαρτία, στην acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term αντίθεση προς1 το Θεό που είναι η ελευθερία που δεν εμποδίζεται από τίποτα. Η Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification ανθρώπινη φύση που έχει προσληφθεί από τη Θεία Υπόσταση, ξανακερδίζει την 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), the ελευθερία “refining” που of a city the removal this, (in various πλήρη ελευθερία ήasτην δεν area, εμποδίζεται από from την αμαρτία και τη Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this,τον (inartists, various ways), of social usually of low-income and και the έτσι placement there of συμφωνία με τοgroups, Θεό, που είναι απόλυτα ελεύθερος ξαναβρίσκει εαυτό ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, 4 the of art galleries, restaurants, etc.ενισχυμένη However this “change”, regardless of Η ανθρώπινη ελευθερία ήταν τόσο μέσα στο Χριστό, που τη της.operation the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever results also διατηρούσεother ακόμηconsequences και όσο βάσταζεhas, τις αδυναμίες μας.rising of land prices (and theof
whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). ΑΡΝΗΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ TheΒ.term gentrification is found ΤΟΥ at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first άρνηση in the UK early 1960s and itareas refers Η ΔΙΑΠΡΑΞΗ ΤΗΣ ΑΜΑΡΤΙΑΣ αποτελεί τηςin παρουσίας Χριστού στη the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property inτου poor ofto theμας, then observed wealthy people buy in poor areas ζωή προσβολή τουtrend ονόματός Του καιsometimes επιβολή to τουthere εγώproperty μας. thus «Η αμαρτία είναι κατ’ London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and old residents areof ουσίαν άρνηση αγάπης. Η themselves αγάπη δεν είναι υπόθεση λόγων και London, upgrade them, stay sometimes there and απλών thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συναισθημάτων. Είναι πρώτιστα υπόθεση της θέλησης. Θέλουμε ό,τι θέλει το being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth πρόσωπο Επιθυμούμε ό,τι is εκείνο επιθυμεί. με όλες μας A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere theΠροσπαθούμε work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atπου theαγαπάμε. same while similar situations recorded in other major τις δυνάμεις να κάνουμε ό,τι μας ζητά. Αν δενsituations το κάνουμε σημαίνει πωςin δεν αγαπάμε GLASS at the same period, while similar were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. αληθινά ειλικρινά» (Λεβ Ζιλέ). cities inκαι Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,οιthe issueμας has several scholars and for its more Πλήθος ανομίες γιατί «η αμαρτίαseveral εστίν ηscholars ανομία». and Η αμαρτία Since then, the issue has preoccupied for various its είναι more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the επανάσταση ενάντια στο νόμο του Θεού. Είναι ανατροπή του έργου του Χριστού comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon the following: (Ερμηνεία Κ. Διαθήκης Παν. Τρεμπέλα,ofΑ’gentrification, Ιω. Γ’4). interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In aΕγωπαθής sense, theof phenomenon is due to a trend of a new social groups κίνηση η αμαρτία, που στρέφεται κατά του Ιησού of που πέθανε για to to the city, leavingτον the εγωισμό purlieus for reasons: high costs in money τον“return” άνθρωπο. Προτάσσουμε μαςseveral απέναντι στο θέλημα Εκείνου, που and time to travel purlieus to downtown, work place is, of the έχυσε το Αίμα Του from για τηthe σωτηρία μας. Καθημερινή where υπόθεση η τέλεση τηςlack αμαρτίας 1.of The term from Ruth 1912-1940. GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for και συχνή η παράβαση και Sociologist η ανομία. Έτσι GLASS, αποδεικνύουμε τη Ruth φίλαυτη ικανοποίηση Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: του δικού θελήματος. Προτιμάμε να διαφεντεύει στη ζωή μαςcity”, ο φίλαυτος και services ofμας health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 5 παλαιός άνθρωπος παρά η αγαπητική παρουσία του Ιησού. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 4 Άγιου Μάξιμου Ομολογητού, Μυσταγωγία, εκδ. 2009. Αποστολική της Ελλάδος. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially ofΔιακονία part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 5 Πρεσβυτ. Ηλία Γ. Διακουμάκου, Αμαρτία. Τα αποτελέσματα της παράβασης του Θείου G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
Νόμου, εκδ. Παρρησία.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Εάν η αμαρτία, η παράβαση του Νόμου του Θεού, μας απομακρύνει από την αγάπη Του, ο νυγμός της καρδιάς, το δάκρυ και ο πόνος της ψυχής, μας επαναφέρει πλησίον Του. Δίνεται ολοκληρωτικά σε κάθε αμαρτωλό, εφόσον μετανοήσουμε έμπρακτα. Προσφέρεται άπειρα, αν συνειδητά ανταποκριθούμε στο κάλεσμα. Δεν παραβιάζει την ελευθερία μας, αλλά καρτερικά προσμένει. Δεν συμπεριφέρεται εξουσιαστικά για να μας κατακτήσει αλλά πατρικά υπομένει και θυσιαστικά δίνεται για να μας κερδίσει. Να λοιπόν ποιος είναι ο Ιησούς. Ενώ οι άνθρωποι: By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Tον βλασφημούν, Αυτός τους συγχωρεί Harvard University,˙ Graduate School of Design, Student, Τον αρνούνται, Αυτός τους αγκαλιάζει By Mr.˙ George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Τον περιγελούν, Αυτός τους προσφέρεται ˙Student of the School of Architecture Τον προσβάλλουν, Αυτός τους τιμά ˙ Technical University of Crete Τον βρίζουν, Αυτός τους αγαπά ˙ Τον φτύνουν,approach: Αυτός τουςDefining ελεεί ˙ 1. Introductory the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the˙ concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Τον θανατώνουν, Αυτός τους ζωοποιεί ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Τον σταυρώνουν,the Αυτός τους Greek ελευθερώνει ˙ ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Τον σαρκάζουν, Αυτός τους χαμογελά ˙ among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Τον κρίνουν, Αυτός τους χαρίζεται ˙ definition of the content of concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with the Based, on και this “principle” in a first, not final, the term Τον therefore, διαβάλλουν Αυτός γεμάτος από if αγάπη τουςapproach, ευλογεί και τους 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification συγχωρεί.6 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Τελικά, το άκρως επικίνδυνο δεν είναι η αμαρτία και τα συμπτώματα της αλλά as well), as the “refining” ofεαυτόν» a city area, the removal fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), groups, usually low-income and the placement τοSociology να of μη social θέλει κανείς να έλθειof«εις ώστε με συνείδηση γρηγορούσα ο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation art galleries, restaurants, However this “change”, regardless of άνθρωπος της of πτώσης να μετανοήσει και ναetc. ζητήσει τη λυτρωτική συγχώρεση.
the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Γ. ΔΙΑΚΡΙΣΗ-ΜΕΓΕΘΟΣ potential relative speculation).ΑΜΑΡΤΗΜΑΤΩΝ potential relative speculation). αμαρτήματα που προσβάλλουν ευθείας το1960s Θεό, όπως άρνηση TheΥπάρχουν term gentrification is found at first in theαπ’ UK in early and itηrefers to The term found atpeople first in ηthe UK in early and itareas refersof της then πίστης, η gentrification βλασφημία, η isψευδομαρτυρία, στο1960s Θεό, η ασέβεια, ηto the observed trend of wealthy toαχαριστία buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy people buy property in poor areas θεληματική εναντίωση στο θέλημα Του και άλλα. to there London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof Υπάρχουν αμαρτήματα που θίγουν, που προσβάλλουν, ζημιώνουν London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusπου old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ανθρώπους, όπως π.χ η συκοφαντία, η αδικία, η εκμετάλλευση, η κλεψιά ή και που being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth θανατώνουν άνθρωπο, όπως ο φόνος, η is έκτρωση καιin άλλα. Υπάρχουν εκ A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations were in άλλα otherπου major πρώτης όψεως δεν φαίνεται ότι ζημιώνουν κάποιον άλλον, όπως π.χ οinεγωισμός, ο GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. φθόνος, η φιλαργυρία, η μέθη, η αισχρολογία, η φλυαρία, η κολακεία και άλλα. Και cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more όμωςSince όλα τα αμαρτήματα προσβάλλουν το Θεό,several διότι αποτελούν παραβάσεις των then, the issue has preoccupied scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the 7 εντολών Του και ενοχοποιούν τον άνθρωπο που υποπίπτει σε αυτά. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon following: Επίσης πρέπει να γνωρίζουμε of ότιgentrification, αμάρτημα δενthe είναι μόνο η απαγορευμένη interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aπου sense, theof phenomenon is dueσκέψη togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πράξη κάναμε, αλλά και μια κακή που καλλιεργούμε στο μυαλό μας, έστω to to πραγματοποιήσαμε. the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money και“return” αν δεν την and time to travel the να purlieus downtown, work place is, lack the Επίσης είναιfrom ανάγκη έχουμεtoπάντα υπόψηwhere μας, ότι αμαρτήματα δενofείναι termat comes from Sociologist Ruth Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for μόνο1.of οιThe κακές πράξεις που κάναμε αλλά GLASS, και μια1912-1940. παράλειψη γιαsearch ένα καλό πουin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μπορούσαμε να κάνουμε και δεν το κάναμε, αποφεύγοντας, την ανάγκη του services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart ofίσως, the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for άλλου ή θυσιάζοντας το καθήκον μας στο κακώς εννοούμενο συμφέρον μας. Διότι lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 6 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Πρεσβ. Ηλία Γ. Διακουμάκου, Αμαρτία. Τα αποτελέσματα της παράβασης του Θείου her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Νόμου, εκδ. Wil. Παρρησία. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 7 Γεωργίου Π. Σωτηρίου, Αμαρτία και λύτρωση, εκδ. Αποστολική Διακονία της Ελλάδας, G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Αθήνα 1996.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
είναι βέβαια αμάρτημα να επιτεθείς σε κάποιον, να τον τραυματίσεις, να τον κλέψεις αλλά επίσης είναι αμάρτημα να τον βρεις έτσι μισοπεθαμένο στην ερημιά και να τον εγκαταλείψεις χωρίς την παραμικρή βοήθεια. Υπάρχουν επίσης τα θανάσιμα που είναι αμαρτήματα, τα οποία αποχωρίζουν τον άνθρωπο από το Θεό και διώχνουν τη χάρη του Αγίου Πνεύματος και είναι η υπερηφάνεια, η πλεονεξία, η πορνεία, ο φθόνος, η γαστριμαργία, η μνησικακία και η πνευματική αδιαφορία (ακηδία) και τα συγγνωστά. Ο Νικόδημος ο Αγιορείτης αναφέρει σχετικά με τα συγγνωστά αμαρτήματα ότι By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS αδυνατίζουν τις δυνάμεις της ψυχής, καταστρέφουν την ευλάβεια, εμποδίζουν τη Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, χάρη που προέρχεται από το Θεό, ανοίγουν θύρα στους πειρασμούς και αν δεν By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect θανατώνουν την ψυχή, την κάνουν όμως να ασθενεί ιδιαιτέρως κανείς Studentκαι of the School ofόταν Architecture παραμένει σ’ αυτά για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα με τηνTechnical κλήση που έχει και τη University ofμεCrete θέληση του. Δεν υπάρχει μικρή ή μεγάλη αμαρτία. αμαρτία είναι πάντα αμαρτία. Το μικρό 1. Introductory approach: Defining theΗconcept 1. Introductory Defining the concept(της καιANTISTHENIS, το μεγάλο έχει ναapproach: κάνει με το βαθμό της αμαρτίας τωνAthens), εντολών the ancient Greek philosopher, (444παράβασης BC - 370 BC, του Θεού και τη διάκριση της σε θανάσιμη και συγγνωστή) και όχι με BC, την κλίμακα ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the μικρή-μεσαία-μεγάλη αμαρτία. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Στο Κατά Ματθαίον 5:21-28, ο Ιησούς εξισώνει of τιςthe πράξεις τηςof μοιχείας με την acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition content concepts. Based,της therefore, on this “principle” aμίσος first, στην if not final, approach, the term επιθυμία καρδιάς και τον φόνο με το καρδιά. Ωστόσο, αυτό δεν 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification σημαίνει ότι οι(and αμαρτίες είναι ίσες. Αυτό που ο Ιησούς προσπαθούσε να περάσει 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various στους Φαρισαίους είναι ότι και το να σκέφτεται ή να θέλεις να κάνεις την πράξη είναι Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofηγέτες low-income andthe theremoval placement πάλι αμαρτία. Οι θρησκευτικοί τωνarea, ημερών του Ιησού δίδασκαν τους ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation artπείραζε galleries, etc.θέλεις However this “change”, of ανθρώπους ότιofδεν ναrestaurants, σκέφτεσαι ότι εφόσον δεν κάνεις regardless πράξη αυτές the operation art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results ofκαταδικάζει land prices theof τις επιθυμίες. Ο of Ιησούς τους πιέζει να καταλάβουν ότιrising ο Θεός τις(and σκέψεις whatever other consequences has, also rising of pricesμας (and the του ανθρώπου όπως και τις πράξεις. Ο results Ιησούς ισχυρίστηκε ότιland οι πράξεις είναι potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). αποτέλεσμα σκέψεων μας (Κατά at Ματθαίον 12:34). The termτων gentrification is found first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found firstη in the UK in 1960s andκαι itareas refers Έτσι, παρόλο που ο Ιησούς είπεatότι λαγνεία και ηearly μοιχεία οι δύο the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property inείναι poor ofto the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas αμαρτίες-αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι είναι sometimes ίσες. Είναι πολύ χειρότερο βεβαίως ναof London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are σκοτώσεις έναν άνθρωπο από το να τον μισείς -παρόλοthere που είναι και τα αμαρτίες London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus oldδύο residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. μπροστά στο Θεό. Μερικές αμαρτίες είναι χειρότερες από άλλες. Παράλληλα, όσον being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth αφορά τις συνέπειες και τηsimilar σωτηρία, όλες οιin αμαρτίες ίδιες. Κάθε μια A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded workείναι of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at αιώνιες the same while were in other major αμαρτία οδηγεί σε αιώνια καταδίκη (Ρωμαίους 6:23). Όλες οι αμαρτίεςinανεξάρτητα GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. πόσο «μικρές», είναι ενάντια by σ’ έναν και αιώνιο Θεό, αξίζουν μια άπειρη και cities in Western countries, otherάπειρο Researchers. Since then, the issue δεν has υπάρχει preoccupied several scholarsώστε and οfor its more αιώνια τιμωρία. Επιπλέον, αμαρτία τόσο «μεγάλη» Θεός μη Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for itsναmore comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various 8 μπορεί να τη συγχωρέσει. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, O Ιησούς πέθανε για να πληρώσει την τιμωρία γιαthe τηνfollowing: αμαρτία (Α’ Ιωάννη 2:2). interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, aμας trend a new of Eίναι socialόλες groups O Ιησούς πέθανε για όλες τις is αμαρτίες (Β’ofΚορινθίους 5:21). οι to “return” to the purlieus several reasons: costs in Ναι. money αμαρτίες ίσες για city, τον leaving Θεό; Ναιthe και όχι. Σεfor αυστηρότητα; Όχι. high Σε τιμωρία; Σε and time to travel συγχώρηση; Nαι. from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termat comes fromστην Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth«Του GLASS wasbetter bornοin sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Ο Γέροντας Παΐσιος πνευματική του διαθήκη αναφέρει: λόγου μου Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Μοναχόςof Παΐσιος, εξέτασαentertainment τον εαυτό μου,“at είδαthe ότιheart όλες τις εντολές του Θεού τις services health,όπως education, of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for παρέβην. Όλες τις αμαρτίες τις έχω κάνει. Δεν έχει σημασία εάν ορισμένες έχουν γίνει lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where σε βαθμό διότι δεν έχω καθόλου ελαφρυντικά, με ευεργετήσει inμικρότερο 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the According to another approach, the isεπειδή due aέχει systematic and University College9 of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and πολύ ο Κύριος…» long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY.
and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 8 Ιστοσελίδα, gotquestions.org/Greek/Greek-sins-equal.html. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 9
Ιστοσελίδα, orthodox-answers.gr/node/512.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Δ. AMAΡΤΙΑ-ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ Είναι ασύγκριτο το κάλλος της αληθινής ζωής της ψυχής. Εκείνος που θα ζήσει τη ζωή του Θείου Φωτός, δεν θέλγεται από την επίγεια ζωή. Η ρωσίδα Ουστγιούζινα, όταν μετά τον πρόσκαιρο θάνατό της επρόκειτο να επανέλθει στο σώμα της, δυσαρεστήθηκε. «Μετά από εκείνο το φως», γράφει, «που είδα εκεί (στον παράδεισο), όλα στη γη μου φαίνονταν άσχημα και δεν μου άρεσε, που ήμουν σ’ αυτήν. Πως χωρίζεται η ψυχή από τον Θεό και πεθαίνει; Με την αμαρτία. «Το δε κέντρον (θανατηφόρο κεντρί)του θανάτου η αμαρτία», λέγειC.ο ATHANASOPOULOS Απόστολος Παύλος (Α΄ By Mr. George-Sp. Κορ.ιε΄56).10 Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Γιατί, πράγματι, ο μισθός της αμαρτίας θάνατος,C. ενώ η παροχή χάρης από By Mr. είναι George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect το Θεό είναι ζωή αιώνια, χάρη στο Χριστό Ιησού, τον Κύριο μας (Ρωμαίους 6:23). Student of the School of Architecture Eίναι φοβερή, φρικτή σαν προσβολή του ευεργέτη Technical μας, του πατέρα μας Θεού η University of Crete αμαρτία και που μόνο γι’ αυτή πρέπει να κλαίει και να θρηνεί ο άνθρωπος. Ο Μ. Βασίλειος γράφει «υπέρ αμαρτίας κλαίτε,the αυτή αρρώστια ψυχής, αυτή θάνατος έστι 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept τουANTISTHENIS, αθανάτου (της αθάνατης ψυχής), αυτή πένθους ασιγήτων». the ancient Greek philosopher,αξία (444και BCοδυρμών - 370 BC, Athens), Επίσης, θάνατο ονομάζει την αμαρτία ο άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Θεολόγος «θάνατος, η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the αμαρτία-γράφει-ψυχής γαρ όλεθρος», δηλαδή θάνατος είναι η αμαρτία, γιατί είναι among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the καταστροφή της ψυχής. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, term Παρόμοια γράφει και ο άγιος Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος «εν λυπηρόνthe αμαρτία 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification μόνον, τα δε λοιπά κόνις και τέφρα», δηλαδή για την αμαρτία μόνο πρέπει να θρηνεί ο 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various άνθρωπος, όλα τα άλλα για τα οποία φροντίζει και αγωνίζεται και θρηνεί, όταν τα Sociology as well), the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement χάσει, είναι σκόνη καιasστάχτη. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this πολλές “change”, regardless of Πραγματικά, παρατηρούμε στην Αγία Γραφή, ότι φορές θάνατος the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results also rising of land prices theof ονομάζεταιother η αμαρτία. Ο Απόστολος Παύλος παρατηρεί ότι «Τα οψώνια της (and αμαρτίας whatever consequences has, results also rising of land pricesτης (and the θάνατος» (τοother κέρδος, ο μισθός με τον οποίο πληρώνει η αμαρτία τα θύματα είναι potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). ο θάνατος) Ρωμ. στ.’ 23. The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople firstστον in the UK οδηγεί in earlyη1960s andηitareas refers Πολλές φορές ο σωματικός θάνατος οποίο ασωτία, μέθη, τα the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buyτην property inζωή, poor areas εγκλήματα, οι φόνοι και οι ασθένειες έχουν σχέση με ανήθικη όπως στα London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof 11 χρόνια μαςupgrade με το “squeezed”. AIDS, τα ναρκωτικά αλλά και ο ψυχικός, ο αιώνιος θάνατος. London, them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly
being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Κανείς άνθρωπος στη while ζωή similar του δε situations μπορεί να βρεθεί μακριά από major τους GLASS at the same period, were recorded in other cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. πειρασμούς, επειδήcountries, ο πειρασμός έχει αφετηρία μέσα μας, είναι στην αχρειωμένη μας cities in Western bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more φύση. Τα δεινά διαδέχονται το ένα το άλλο. Πάντα κάτι θα μαςand βασανίζει, Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars for various its γιατί more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the χάσαμε την αρχική μας μακαριότητα. Η αμαρτία βρίσκει έδαφος εκεί που υπάρχει comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, άστατο πνεύμα και έλλειψη πεποιθήσεως στο Θεό.12 the following: interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In aΠως sense, the phenomenon is due to trend of new of την social groups λοιπόν θα μπορούσαμε αυτή τηaστιγμή ναaβοηθήσουμε λίγο ψυχή μας, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus in money που είναι δύσκαμπτη και κλειστή, κάπωςfor ναseveral ανοίξει,reasons: να γίνειhigh πιοcosts ευέλικτη, πιο and time περί to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is,που lackέχει of the ευκίνητη τα πνευματικά και να μπορέσει να θέσει σε εφαρμογή αυτό ως 1.of The term comes from Sociologist Ruthνα GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense safety theως distributed residencies outside townηcentres, for όνειρο, ως πόθοat και προσδοκία, ώστε διευκολυνθεί είσοδος της χάριτος καιin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: της ευλογίας τουeducation, Θεού και entertainment να φανερωθεί“at κάποιο αποτέλεσμα στη (possibly) ζωή μας. services of health, the heart of the city”, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Τα στοιχεία που χρειαζόμαστε είναι ο αγώνας, η συγχώρεση με τους αδελφούς, lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 10 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Ιωάννας Π.Τσεκούρα, Από την Αμαρτία στην Αγιότητα, γ΄ έκδοση(Λαμία 1993). her work 11 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Γεωργίου Π. Σωτηρίου, Αμαρτία και Λύτρωση, εκδ. WIKIPEDIA: Αποστολική Διακονία της Ελλάδος, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: Αθήνα 1996. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 12 Θωμά Κεμπησίου (Απόδοση Βασ. Πέντζα), Η μίμηση του Χριστού, εκδ. Αστήρ, Αθήνα 2002.
252139 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture η συγχώρεση από τον Θεό και οι αρετές της καρδιάς, Technical του χρόνου της ζωής, του University of Crete βάθους της ψυχής και του ύψους του νοός. Έλεγε ένα τροπάριο Αίνους: «Το στάδιο των αρετών ηνέωκται». 1. Introductory approach:στους Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Αναφέρεται σε ένα στάδιο αρετών και αγώνων που ήδη έχειBC ανοίξει ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 - 370 και BC,προτρέπει Athens), όποιον θέλει, χωρίς αναστολές, να εισέλθει: «οι βουλόμενοι αθλήσαι εισέλθετε». Και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the παρακάτω χρησιμοποιεί τη λέξη «αντιμαχησόμεθα», που εκφράζει το μαχητικό among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the φρόνημα με το πρέπειstarts να ανταποδώσουμε τις επιθέσεις που δεχόμαστε, για να acquisition ofοποίο knowledge with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term μπορέσουμε, όπως λέγει στη συνέχεια, οπλισμένος με τα όπλα των αρετών να 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification προχωρήσουμε (and σε αυτόν τον αγώνα. 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology well), as the “refining” of a cityτους area,πιστούς the removal this,χωρισμούς, (in various Αν οιasαρετές καλούνται να ανεβάσουν πάνωfrom από τους Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (inartists, various ways), of social οgroups, usually of low-income theκιplacement of που δημιουργεί αμαρτωλός εγωισμός ανάμεσαand τους ανάμεσα σ’there αυτούς και το ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the art αρετών galleries,και restaurants, “change”, regardless of Θεό,operation ο έπαινοςofτων ο έπαινος etc. του However Θεού, τουthis ανώτατου προτύπου όλων the αρετών, operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other has, results rising of “change”, land prices (and theof των δίδει στους πιστούς ακόμη μεγαλύτερη δύναμη, για να προχωρήσουν whatever other consequences has,μ’results alsoένωση risingανάμεσα of landτους prices (and the στις αρετές και ναspeculation). πραγματοποιήσουν αυτές την κι ανάμεσα potential relative 13 potential relative speculation). σ’ αυτούς και gentrification το Θεό. The term is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to
The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Άγιου Μάξιμου Ομολογητού, Μυσταγωγία, Αποστολική Διακονία London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesεκδ. there and thus old residentsτης are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ελλάδος. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth και is situations πάσης in Αλβανίας AΑρχιεπισκόπου description ofperiod, thisΤιράνων phenomenon included the recorded work ofΑν.Γιαννουλάτου, Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar were in other major «Παγκοσμιότητα και Ορθοδοξία», εκδ.similar Ακρίτας, στ΄ έκδοση(Αθήνα 2005)in other major GLASS at the same period, while situations were recorded cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Γεωργίου Π.countries, Σωτηρίου,by Αμαρτία και Λύτρωση, εκδ. Αποστολική Διακονία της cities in Western other Researchers. Since then, 1996). the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Ελλάδος (Αθήνα Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Θωμά Κεμπησίου (Απόδοση Βασ. Πέντζα), Η μίμησηbelow, του Χριστού, εκδ.various Αστήρ comprehensive approach are being summarized from the interpretations (Αθήνα 2002). of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aΙωάννας sense, the phenomenon due togentrification, a trend a new of social groups Π.Τσεκούρα, Από is την Αμαρτία στηνofΑγιότητα, γ΄ έκδοση(Λαμία 1993) to “return” to theΜητροπολίτου city, leaving the purlieus for costs ομοίωσιν, in money Nικολάου Μεσογαίας, Απόseveral το καθ’reasons: ημέραν high στο καθ’ and to travel the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the εκδ. time Εν πλω, (Αθήναfrom 2008) The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Πρεσβύτ. ΗΛΙΑ. Γ. ΔΙΑΚΟΥΜΑΚΟΥ, Αμαρτία. Τα αποτελέσματα της παράβασης Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: του ΘείουofΝόμου, εκδ. Παρρησία. services health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Χρήστου Γιανναρά, Η ελευθερία του ήθους, εκδ. Ίκαρος (Αθήνα 2002). lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came back to London, https:/ /www. gotquestions.org/Greek/Greek-sins-equal.html. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and https:/ /www. orthodox-answers.gr/node/512 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 13
Άγιου Μάξιμου Ομολογητού, Μυσταγωγία, εκδ. Αποστολική Διακονία της Ελλάδος.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Πολυφαρμακία: Concerns Λυσιτελείς θεωρητικές προσεγγίσεις, αλυσιτελής πρακτικές
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS κ. Μάριου Σπ. ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΥ Harvard University,Του Graduate School-of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Φοιτητού Ιατρικής Σχολής του Εθν. και Architect Student of the Πανεπιστ. School of Architecture Καποδ. Αθηνών Technical University of Crete
Η πολυφαρμακία, δηλαδή το φαινόμενο που σχετίζεται με την λήψη 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept πολλών φαρμάκων σωρευτικά ή διαδοχικά, παρουσιάζει τάσεις 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC αυξητικές ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), στις σύγχρονες συνέπειες, τόσο στην των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 υγεία BC, Athens), among other wiseκοινωνίες heritage heέχοντας left us, he established(444 a great the ασθενών όσο και στην οικονομία. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, η πολυφαρμακία among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the αφορά στην πολλαπλών διαφορετικών φαρμάκων, την αλόγιστη acquisition ofλήψη knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term λήψη μεγάλων ποσοτήτων συγκεκριμένων φαρμάκων και ορίζεται στην urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification διεθνή βιβλιογραφία η λήψη ή περισσοτέρων Sociology as well), as theως “refining” of aπέντε city area, the removal fromδιαφορετικών this, (in various Sociology asσε well), as the “refining” of aαπό city area, removal from this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofβάση low-income andthe theασθενή. placement of φαρμάκων καθημερινή έναν Ωςthere εκτεταμένη ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artορίζεται galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of πολυφαρμακία η λήψη δέκα ή περισσοτέρων φαρμάκων the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other has,που results also rising landφαινόμενο prices (andτης theof ημερησίως. Μιαconsequences άλλη έννοια σχετίζεται μεof το whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative πολυφαρμακίας είναι αυτή της πολλαπλής νοσηρότητας, καθώς, όσο πιο potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first the UK in early 1960sδιαφορετικές and it refers to επιβαρυμένος είναι ο is ασθενής και inόσο περισσότερες The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor παθήσεις εμφανίζει, τόσο wealthy περισσότερα απαιτούνται στηνof the then observed trend people φάρμακα to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents are πλειοψηφία των περιπτώσεων για τηνsometimes θεραπείαthere ή τηνand ίασή του. London, upgrade them, stay themselves thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Το φαινόμενο της πολυφαρμακίας σχετίζεται με διάφορες being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth παραμέτρους, με of κυριότερες αυτές του γεωγραφικού προσδιορισμού, της A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major οργάνωσης του κράτους και της ηλικιακής ομάδας του ασθενούς. Η GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. πολυφαρμακία εντοπίζεται κυρίως στις κοινωνίες δυτικού τύπου, είναι Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more εντονότερη στιςthe Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής και ακολουθούν χώρες comprehensive approach are being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ,όπως είναι αυτές της Γαλλίας και της Ελλάδας. Ο interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon of the following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of το a new category ofκράτος social groups τρόπος με τον οποίον είναι οργανωμένο κοινωνικό στις to “return” toχώρες the city,είναι leaving purlieus for several reasons: high costs inκαθώς, money αντίστοιχες μιαthe ακόμη παράμετρος του φαινομένου, and time travel from από the purlieus to downtown, where place is,οlack of the όπως έχειtoαποδειχθεί επιστημονικές μελέτες, όσοwork αυξάνεται αριθμός 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, των ιατρών, που παρακολουθούν και είναι υπεύθυνοι για τον ασθενή, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health,και education, entertainment “at theστον heart of the city”, (possibly) τόσο ο κίνδυνος περισσότερα Youthαυξάνεται Unemployment. The same year να sheχορηγηθούν left Germany and afterασθενή continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research Prague,Επιπροσθέτως, London and New York came back to London, where φάρμακα από ταin Geneva, αναγκαία. η she ηλικιακή ομάδα του in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and ασθενούς κρίνεται βαρύνουσας σημασίας, καθώς το Her φαινόμενο της University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. πολυφαρμακίας εντοπίζεται κυρίως σε See ασθενείς τηςENGLISH τρίτης ηλικίας. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Μάλιστα, σε έρευνα που πραγματοποιήθηκε πρόσφατα στην Θεσσαλονίκη G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually διαπιστώθηκε πως το 55% των Πολιτών της τρίτης ηλικίας λαμβάνει 252141 11 καθημερινά πέντε ή περισσότερα φάρμακα.
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results rising of land (andτης the Εξ relative άλλης πλευράς, αναφέρεται εδώalso ενδεικτικά και prices το θέμα potential potential relative speculation). υπερκατανάλωσης αντιβιοτικών. Έτσιin σύμφωνα με στοιχεία οποία The term gentrification is found at first the UK in early 1960s and τα it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UKΕθνικού in early 1960s and itareas refersofto κατέθεσαν Καθηγητές Ιατρικής Σχολής Καποδιστριακού the then observed trendτης ofiswealthy toτου buy property in poor the then observed trend people to there buy property in areas ο poor London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and residents areof Πανελλήνιο Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, οιwealthy οποίοιsometimes συμμετείχαν στοthus 15old London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Συνέδριο του Ελληνικού Διαδημοτικού Δικτύου Υγιών Πόλεων, (Ίδρυμα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of Ερευνών this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Ιατροβιολογικών Ακαδημίας Αθηνών,14-16 Νοεμβρίου 2019), η A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Ελλάδα είναι η πρώτη χώρα εντός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στην GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. κατανάλωση αντιβιοτικών με 33,85 ημερήσιες δόσεις ανά 1000 κατοίκους, cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. then,μη the issue has preoccupied scholars and(Παγκόσμιος for its more εν Since πολλοίς αναγκαίων και άνευseveral αποτελέσματος Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from Οργανισμός Υγείας,2017). comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Τα φάρμακα που χορηγούνται στους ασθενείς είναι εύλογο να interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups δοσολογούνται όσο το δυνατόν πιο κοντά στην ελάχιστη αποτελεσματική to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money συγκέντρωση να μην υπερβαίνουν την place ελάχιστη and time to travel(ΜΕC) from theκαι purlieus to downtown, where work is, lackτοξική of the συγκέντρωση (MTC), δηλαδή την ποσότητα πέραν της οποίας 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: καθίστανται για την “atυγεία Η services of health,επικίνδυνα education, entertainment the heartτου of the ασθενούς. city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for αποτελεσματικότητα του φαρμάκου βρίσκεται μέσα στο θεραπευτικό lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where in According 1943(ασφάλεια) she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheΣυνεπώς, teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and εύρος μεταξύ των δυο συγκεντρώσεων. η δόση University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying πρέπει να δίνει θεραπευτικό και όχι τοξικό επίπεδο. Για την σαφέστερη her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realτου estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of άρα part of the urban web, in κατανόηση τρόπου δράσης φαρμάκου, και του τρόπου 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd.του London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aαλληλεπίδρασης, variety of ways, in οι orderέννοιες to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually της φαρμακοκινητικής και της
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
φαρμακοδυναμικής είναι αναγκαίες. Ως γνωστόν φαρμακοκινητική ορίζεται η πορεία, που ακολουθεί κάθε φάρμακο στον οργανισμό και αφορά την απορρόφησή του, την κατανομή του, τον μεταβολισμό του, την λειτουργική σύνδεση με πρωτεΐνες του πλάσματος και τον ανταγωνισμό που υφίσταται το φάρμακο με άλλες ουσίες και φάρμακα, με επίδραση στις φαρμακοκινητικές του ιδιότητες καιGeorge-Sp. την απέκκριση-αποβολή του. Ως By Mr. C. ATHANASOPOULOS φαρμακοδυναμική αναφέρεται η σύνδεση του κάθε με τα Harvard University, Graduate Schoolφάρμακου of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect σημεία του κυττάρου, (ειδικοί υποδοχείς), με τελικό αποτέλεσμα τη Student of the School of Architecture διέγερση ή όχι του κυττάρου, ανάλογα με τις φυσικοχημικές ιδιότητες του Technical University of Crete φαρμάκου και η μελέτη της δράσης-επίδρασης των φαρμάκων και της σχέσης δόσης-επίδρασης. Κατά την παράλληλη χορήγηση φαρμάκων που 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept δρουν στον ίδιο υποδοχέα μπορεί να philosopher, συμβεί εξουδετέρωση τωνBC, συνολικών 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek (444 BC - 370 Athens), ενεργειών του φαρμάκου με αποτέλεσμα αρνητική θεραπευτική δράση, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the ταυτόχρονη διέγερση του υποδοχέα με τελικό αποτέλεσμα ενίσχυση among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with ήthein definition of the content concepts. δράσης ενέργεια) να μην ifεπηρεαστεί ηof δράση του Based,(αθροιστική therefore, on this “principle” a first, not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term φαρμάκου από τηνurban αλληλεπίδραση. gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Σε έρευνα, που πραγματοποιήθηκε Ελλάδαfrom σε this, δείγμα 2545 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area,στην the removal (in various Sociology as well), asσύμφωνα the “refining” of city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofμε low-income andthe theremoval placement Πολιτών, βρέθηκε τοa πόρισμα πως το 15% κατανάλωσε ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artσυνταγή, galleries, το restaurants, However thisείτε “change”, regardless of φάρμακα χωρίς 15% με etc. άλλη συνταγή, παλαιότερη δική the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the του, είτε με συνταγή φιλικού προσώπου, το 28% έχει στο σπίτι τουof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative αχρησιμοποίητα φάρμακα «για ώρα ανάγκης», ενώ το υπόλοιπο ποσοστό potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s andσε it refers to ακολουθεί τις οδηγίες των δεν προβαίνει χρήση The term gentrification foundΙατρών atpeople first inκαι the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto φαρμακευτικών σκευασμάτων χωρίςpeople αυτές.to buy property in poor areas of the then observed trend wealthy London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are Οι πιθανές αλληλεπιδράσεις μεταξύ there των φαρμάκων, που London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συγχορηγούνται και οι συνέπειές τους στην υγεία του ασθενούς being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ποικίλλουν. παρατηρηθεί τουλάχιστον δεκαπέντε A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the Έχουν same while similar recorded inσυνδυασμοί other major φαρμάκων, που είναι δυνητικά απειλητικοί για τη ζωή του ασθενούς, ενώ GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. ταυτόχρονα μέσα από έρευνες προκύπτει πως τοscholars 15% των που Since then, the issue has several andΠολιτών for its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various itsέναν more ανήκουν ηλικιακά στην τρίτη ηλικίαsummarized λαμβάνει τακτικά τουλάχιστον comprehensive approach are being below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various από αυτούςof the τους επικίνδυνους φαρμακευτικούς συνδυασμούς. interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new social groups Χαρακτηριστικά παραδείγματα τέτοιων συνδυασμών είναι of η ταυτόχρονη to “return” the city, leavingαντιφλεγμονωδών the purlieus for severalφάρμακων reasons: high(NSAIDs) costs in money λήψη μη to στεροειδών με and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the αντιπηκτικά φάρμακα,(δυνητικός κίνδυνος αιμορραγίας σε ασθενείς με 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, ιστορικό θρόμβωσης), με αντιβιοτικά φάρμακα, (πιθανή αύξηση τοξικής Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) δράσης καιhealth, πιθανή πρόκληση σοβαρών βλαβών καθώς και οfor Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany andστα afterνεφρά), continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva,όπως Prague,είναι Londonτα andπαυσίπονα New York she came London, συνδυασμός φαρμάκων και back τα toαγχολυτικά in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and φάρμακα, επειδή, τόσο τα αγχολυτικά όσο και οπιοειδή αναλγητικά, University informal College of London, where she continued her socialτα research. Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work characterized a passion for justice.κατασταλτική See also: COLLINSδράση, ENGLISH DICTIONARY. όπως η are κωδεΐνη καιetc., ηbyμορφίνη, έχουν (μπορεί and selling realCOLLINS estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,να in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: προκληθεί σημαντική επιβράδυνση ρυθμού αναπνοής και καρδιακού G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually παλμού). 252143 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Οι επιπτώσεις στους ασθενείς που καταφεύγουν στην πολυφαρμακία είναι πολλαπλές. Η υγεία του ασθενούς επηρεάζεται από την ποσότητα και την συχνότητα των χορηγούμενων δόσεων, από τις παρενέργειες, που πιθανώς να προκαλεί κάθε φάρμακο, καθώς και από το αποτέλεσμα, που μπορεί να προκύψει από τις φαρμακοκινητικές ή φαρμακοδυναμικές αλληλεπιδράσεις κατά τον συνδυασμό φαρμάκων, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS όπως είναι αυτό της υποθεραπείας του ασθενούς. Επισημαίνεται πως Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ασθενείς, που εμφανίζουν το φαινόμενο της πολυφαρμακίας, αποδείχθηκε By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect πως έχουν λιγότερες δραστηριότητες στην καθημερινότητά τους σε Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete σύγκριση με ασθενείς που λαμβάνουν λιγότερα από πέντε φάρμακα καθημερινά. Σύμφωνα με έρευνα στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept εκτιμάται πως το 28% των εισαγωγών στα νοσοκομεία ατόμων της τρίτης 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370με BC, Athens), ηλικίας είναι αποτέλεσμα προβλημάτων, που σχετίζονται φάρμακα, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the ενώ το 70% των εισαγωγών αυτών οφείλεται σε παρενέργειες φαρμάκων. among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with definition of the content concepts. the Οι συνέπειες του φαινομένου της πολυφαρμακίας στην οικονομία acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term έχουν διπλή όψη. Αφ΄ενός υπάρχει πλεονάζουσα ροή χρήματος προς τις 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 φαρμακευτικές εταιρείες, τα ερευνητικά κέντρα, τα φαρμακεία, τα gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various ιδιωτικά κέντρα υγείας και τους μηχανισμούς ελέγχου, αφ΄ετέρου Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there artists, σημειώνεται σημαντική επιβάρυνση της δημόσιας δαπάνης για τηνofυγεία, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless είτε άμεσα με την αγορά των μη αναγκαίων φαρμάκων ή την συμμετοχή whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences of land (and the των ασφαλιστικών ταμείων has, σε results αυτήν, also είτεrising έμμεσα μεprices έξοδα, που potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK inπου earlyαπαιτείται 1960s and itγια refers to σχετίζονται με υποδομές και το προσωπικό, την The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of αντιμετώπιση των παρενεργειών στην υγεία του ασθενούς. Ακόμη,to the then observed trend wealthy peopleτων to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof σημαντική είναι them, η οικονομική επιβάρυνση Πολιτών για την αγορά των London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. φαρμάκων αυτών, σε περιπτώσεις που τα έξοδα δεν καλύπτονται από τον being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth φορέα ασφάλισης. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while inΟργανισμός other major Λόγω της έκτασης του similar φαινομένου ο Ευρωπαϊκός GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Φαρμάκων (ΕΜΕΑ) αποφάσισε την λήψη μέτρων για τον περιορισμό της cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more πολυφαρμακίας, μεταξύ των οποίων, την σταδιακή κατάργηση Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its των more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from συσκευασιών με μεγάλες ποσότητες σκευάσματος. Άλλα μέσα πρόληψης comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: και του φαινομένου είναι η πιο ενημέρωση interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: Inπεριορισμού a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of αποτελεσματική a new of social groups τόσο του προσωπικού στον χώρο της υγείας, όσο και των πολιτών για to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money τους κινδύνους που ελλοχεύουν κατά την συγχορήγηση πολλών and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born διαφορετικών φαρμακευτικών σκευασμάτων, καθώς και η search βελτίωση τωνin sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment ήδη υφιστάμενων μηχανισμών ελέγχου. “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc.την Συμπερασματικά, η πολυφαρμακία κινδύνους για studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London andσυνεφέλκεται Neweasier York she came back to London, where in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and υγεία του ασθενούς, κυρίως λόγω των επιπτώσεων από την University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying αλληλεπίδραση διαφορετικών φαρμάκων που ταυτόχρονα, her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also:χορηγούνται COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: φαινόμενο ιδιαιτέρως συχνό στην τρίτη ηλικία, αλλά πέραν αυτού, έχει και Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aουσιώδεις variety ofοικονομικές ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually παραμέτρους, με ουσιώδη οικονομικό αντίκτυπο.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Τέλος, σε ενδεχόμενη ρητορική ερώτηση, ποια είναιBy ηMr. στάση τωνC. ATHANASOPOULOS Ιατρών και των George-Sp. Φαρμακοποιών έναντι School του of θέματος της Harvard University, Graduate Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS πολυφαρμακίας, η προσήκουσα απάντηση είναι, Architect Student of the School of Architecture ότι, πλην ελαχίστων περιπτώσεων, μη Technical University of Crete ενδεικνυόμενης συνταγογράφησης, Ιατροί και Φαρμακοποιοί 1. Introductory approach: Defining theγίνονται concept αποδέκτες πιέσεων, (και μάλιστα μετά την αγορά (444 φαρμάκων από ασθενείς 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), να εκδώσουν συνταγές, ώστε την ANTISTHENIS, theοικεία ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he βουλήσει), left us, he established a great the σχετική δαπάνη αγοράς να καλύψουν τα οικεία among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Ασφαλιστικά acquisition of knowledge starts with theΤαμεία… the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Ενδεικτική Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aΒιβλιογραφία city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, removal fromthere this, (inartists, various Ευρωπαϊκός Πυλώνας Κοινωνικών ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe the placement of ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Δικαιωμάτων, Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο, Συμβούλιο, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has,Βρυξέλλες, results also rising of land prices (and theof Επιτροπή, 17/11/2017. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results rising of land (andOl., the potential relative Kaitelidou D.,also Economou Ch., prices Siskou potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the in early P., 1960s and it refers to Konstantakopulou Ol.,UK Galanis Mylonezos Th., The term gentrification foundS.,atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trendDomente ofiswealthy to buy property in poor areas of Human Resourses for Health in Greece:to the then observed trend of wealthy people toway buy forward. property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus Social old residents areof Current Statussometimes and the Cohesion London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. and Development, Aut.2018, vol.13, issue 2, p.107. are being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is includedΝ.,in the of Sociologist Καλλιακμάνης Η work πολυφαρμακία καιRuth οι A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major συνέπειές της. http://elzoni.gr/html/ent/629/ GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. ent.37629.asp cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and οικονομικών for its more Κανέλλος, Μαρκάκης: Aξιολόγηση Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from και άλλων παραγόντων τηςbelow, πολυφαρμακίας στην comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the υγείας following:και πρόνοιας, Ελλάδα, Τμήμα μονάδων interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof toΊδρυμα a trendΚαλαμάτας, of a new Τεχνολογικό 2009. of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: in money Παπαϊωαννίδου Παρ., high costs Καθηγήτρια and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Φαρμακολογίας Α.Π.Θ., 1912-1940. https://tinyurl.com/y2oykrut termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Τσαρμπόπουλος Αντ., Καθηγητής, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an importantΕργαστήριο study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The Φαρμακολογίας same year she left Germany and after continuous Ιατρικής Σχολής Πανεπιστημίουfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Αθηνών. Παρουσίαση Βιοφαρμακευτική και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Φαρμακοκινητική, 2019. University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ευρωπαϊκή Χάρτα των των and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of partδικαιωμάτων of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ασθενών. Δίκτυο Active Citizenship Network. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Bruxelles. 2002. 252145 11
New perspectives Space’s GENTRIFICATION Definition, TypesforofOuter Intervention, security in the European Union Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification By Francesco Michele Dicearco MANTI Concerns University of Luxembourg
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS I. New challenges for European Union’s security: Space and Cyberspace Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, The development of space technology and the associated increase in the By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect sector’s public and private investment have made space systems a key strategic factor Student of the School of Architecture that unites a wide variety of fields together. History teaches us that much of the Technical University of Crete scientific discoveries have an origin in military research, with the space sector being it’s 1.epitome ; from approach: the V-2 ballistic missile technology to the search of a proper Introductory Defining the concept Lebensraum in the geostationary orbit through satellite equipment. Therefore, the 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek in philosopher, (444 BC - 370 by BC,this Athens), importance of having the a global advantage this field can be observed classic ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the raison d'État. After this purely scientific-military phase, the field of this area starts among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. widening and encompasses more "civil" affairs such as health and commerce, acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term promptly seeing private actors emerge ready to take the economic reins of a new 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification order. 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various The increase in the expenditure of space infrastructure marks a new milestone Sociology associeties well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal fromthere this, (in various ways), of social groups, of century. low-income and theplots placement for advanced ofusually the 21st The dense interwoven byof aartists, multiways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, modal and multi-item interconnected network have considerably changed the concept the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Space as can be observed from the several threats faced by our security interests. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (andand the They can be internal and external, regional and global, civil and military, natural potential relative speculation). artificial; the development of an EU action requires a clear navigation path in a potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to network increasingly connected, contested in a multi-polar world . The evolution of The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the strategic documents relating the EU’s security these themain then observed trend wealthyto people to there buy property in reflects poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes andstrategy thus old residents areof changes. In 2003, terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. regional conflicts, “squeezed”. state failure and organised crime have been identified as the five being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included in the work change of Sociologist Ruth mainAthreats. In 2008, IT security, energyis security climate were added. description ofperiod, this phenomenon includedand inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major Since 2010atcross-border crime,while natural or man-made disasters have been recognized GLASS the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. as threats. In 2015, terrorism,byorganised crime and cybercrime were again the priority cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and foron itsforeign more . As the landscape’s threat has changed again, the EU's new global strategy Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various and security policy included in this list, the hybrid challenges and risk comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: management/assessment of the external borders . interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In aComparing sense, theof phenomenon is due to a trend of a new social groups the range of these threats, new challenges require of different sets of tools and capabilities. The EU has long prioritised global responses to security to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inthreats, money recognising these complex interdependent issues. Space assets and in and time to travel from theand purlieus to downtown, where work place is,services, lack of the particular for early warning, observation and navigation, have become essential 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin Berlin, whereinshe made her first studies. In 1932 published an important instruments this effort. However, unlike theshe national security strategies of entitled: some services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for countries, such as the United States, space and (cyber)defence have not been the main lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc. studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, where priority of EU’s security documents, with the exception of Commission’s in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and communication Towards a more competitive andher efficient sector, University informal College of London, where she continued social defence research.and Hersecurity public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work characterized a passion for justice. also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. where theare linkage betweenbyspace and security isSee highlighted. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. explain London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Encyclopedia: There are two main factors which this situation: Most ofFree EU’s MSs have Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm abeen variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually involved in space security issues only since this past decade. Unlike USA and 46 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Russia, the political and military importance of space is traditionally taken into account less throughout Europe, which has focused more on scientific programs and civil space projects. Thus, even if Member States have military space programs, their focus is to guarantee autonomous access to space through its start-up programs, despite the dual-use potential of military technology as well as the absence of a unique coherent strategy between MSs. Each State has a different space program vision, so national policies reflect on this division. For example, Luxembourg relies more in creating and attracting private companies consortium),C. while France’s strategy is By(SES Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS more focused on national security. At the same time, the EU has mainly been confined Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, to general statements on the links between space and security, even if it has slowly By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect enlarged its competition range both in security and space, as observed in the Lisbon Student of the School of Architecture Treaty which gives the EU space jurisdiction (Article 4.3 and Article 189 of the TFEU). Technical University of Crete A converging link between Space and Cyberspace can also be seen; another bond that has certainly not gone unnoticed by some countries, such as the United 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept States, which for the Information Operations’s overall perspective, hasBC, added to the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 Athens), previous four warfare dimensions, foreseeing a greater increase of -importance of the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the joint operations concerning the Space and the Cyberspace, stating that “will become among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the both а precursor to and integral part armed combat inthe thecontent land, maritime and air acquisition of knowledge starts withofthe of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term domains.” 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification To be precise, the Space Operations are included all those actions that 1 (andwithin gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various concern space support and control, while the Cyberspace Operations aim to fully Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups,of usually of low-income and procedures the placement there of artists, exploit of the capabilities the cyberspace, through involving computer ways), of social groups, of low-income andof the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.defence However this “change”, regardless of network operations for theusually maintenance and the Global Information Grid. thetools operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc. However regardless whatever other has, results also risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof As and interconnectedness increase, the dependence between the various whatever otherconsequently consequences has,placing resultsorbital also rising of in land the sectors increases as well, systems theprices area of(and critical potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). infrastructures. The tasks ofis securing andincyberspace The term gentrification found at outer first inspace the UK early 1960sare andoverlapping. it refers to The term iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers The then stakes are gentrification very high andofthis dependency creates new threats, vulnerabilities and the observed trend to buy property in poor ofto the then trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas risks, so upgrade anobserved increase of the of efficiency ofsometimes these structures represents an important London, them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof challenge for the “squeezed”. European Union in terms of strengthening London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereprestige and thusand oldparticipation residents are being indirectly inbeing the international arena. The challenge for Europe integration starts once again,Ruth this indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist time from Space. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major
GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. II. A new security dimension: threats and hazards on Space Systems cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then,systems the issue has in preoccupied several scholarsThey andare forexposed its more Satellite operate the most hostile environment. to Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from many threats and dangers, both human and natural, such as cosmic radioactive comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of collisions the phenomenon of gentrification, theouter following: hazards, ASAT or with space debris and other space objects. Outer interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aassets sense,and theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trendfrom of a signal new of social space services can regularly suffer interference and groups cyberto “return” to the city,can leaving purlieus for several highlimited costs in money attacks. Attacks which oftenthe be launched at low costsreasons: and require technical and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack of the skills, making them accessible to non-State actorswhere such as terrorist and criminal 1.of The term from Sociologist 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS was born in sense safety atcomes the distributed town centres, better groups, who are not receptive toresidencies the Ruth logicGLASS, ofoutside conventional deterrence. Infor addition, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: both theofspace and cyber assets, demand a“atcontinuous situational services health, education, entertainment the heart of the city”,awareness, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for requiring a perennial control in order to deploy precise operation while maintaining a lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, fast network. Even in studies theapproach, absence ofthe a phenomenon particular threat, the stressors of space in According 1943 she published regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and environment and the complexity of space systems indicate that unexpected failures long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. can selling still occur. Another potential threat to space systems regards hybrid warfare and realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: techniques, particularly the propaganda of deception and other threats associated G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually with information dominance.
252147 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Space-Cybersecurity requires a holistic approach since space systems have three ways to be endangered: the hardware and software embedded in a satellite, the information transmitted by the satellite, and the network of terrestrial stations . Satellite data and services are not only attractive targets for cyberattacks, but there is also the risk that hackers will take physical control of satellites via remotely configurable computers or the intrusion of terrestrial networks. Computer attacks could even lead to the destruction of a satellite, by adjusting the solar panels to overload the energy system or by moving on the path of other satellites. ByitMr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS In fact, space technologies: “contain a variety of components, in most Student, of cases Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, manufactured by foreign vendors, which hardware may support backdoors, bugs, or By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect latent malware that can be activated once in spaceStudent and compromise all the system. ” of the School of Architecture For instance, ESA purchased microcircuits that could only demonstrate Technical Universitythrough of Crete a microscopic analysis what had been degraded to a fundamental level. Luckily, the cyber-intrusion wasapproach: detected inDefining time, andthe theconcept operators prevented the hackers from 1. Introductory 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), accessing the satellite . ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, The complexity behind an effective prevention’s strategy is another reason why ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the European space actors must take the opportunity to co-operate more closely in the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the cybersecurity domain facilitating the protection of their data, the improvement of acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, ifdevelop, not final, approach, the term their missions and amelioration of the satellites they responding to satellite 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification security through technological development.indicated For example, the European Defence 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various Agency (EDA) and the ESA have expanded their co-operation in the cyber-area. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),The of social usually low-income thethe placement artists, ESA groups, conducted two of ranked studiesand with support there of theofsector’s ways), ofinsocial groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of expertise order to galleries, develop technical recommendations and a cybersecurity policy at theESA operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof the level. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the There are several options to increase the security of space systems, by ensuring potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). a space free from threats, of outer space The environment term gentrification is found atand firstenhancing in the UKthe insustainability early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto activities. the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy property in poor Physical protection involves different strategies such as thus hardening theareas assets’ London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and old residents areof structure to protect the system, for example, from a space London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there radioactive and thus oldphenomenon residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. through a better shield. way isistoincluded change design, evolving them with more being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisAnother phenomenon in the work of Sociologist Ruth sensible and efficient devices in order to better foster the change of trajectories. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recordedSociologist in other major Lastly, deploying new constellations of satellites contributes in other increasing GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. reliability and robustness tobythe space assets. A strategy used in Europe with cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and forisits more Copernicus , acting in a multi-mission with Sentinel satellites. The and resultfor aitsbetter Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various availability of data, security and are a stronger comprehensive approach beingintegrity. summarized below, from the various
interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aSubsequently, sense, theof phenomenon is dueofof toagentrification, a trend of aspace new of social groups the management sustainable environment is necessary to to the city,inleaving the purlieus several reasons: high costs in money to “return” exploit outer space the long-term. In thisfor area Europe is several steps ahead from and to travel from purlieus to downtown, wherespace workdebris place is, lackitof the othertime countries, since it the counts only about 6% of orbital , and must 1.of The term frominSociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASSfor wasorbital born in sense safety atcomes the role distributed residencies outside townnew centres, search for better consider the strong creating and implementing measures Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: pollution European countries are studying active debris(possibly) removal services ofmanagement. health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for technology, but for the time being, the best and most affordable strategy is to remove lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, satellites from areas densely occupied by clusters, byInfacilitating their re-entry and in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College London, where she continued her social research. Her and burn-up if informal they areof located in the Low Earth Orbit (< 2000 Km), or bypublic manoeuvring long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work characterized byorbits a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. them intoarereal into graveyard ifdepreciation located more or less thanENGLISH 200 Km from and selling estate, etc., for theCo initially of part of the urban web,the in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Geostationary Orbit (36,000 km). G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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Space Situational Awareness is the ability to evaluate the activities in space and, in particular, to monitor any dangers that could afflict a space infrastructure. SSA information serves to reduce events uncertainty, risks of collision between space assets, tracing debris or planning future manoeuvres. SSA is equally useful for governments to understand the strategic evolution of the space environment, by characterising possible hostile behaviour or violation of space treaties. Governments that do not have these capabilities risk becoming victims of false information. The ESA and some Member States have SSA assetsC. , but Europe still highly By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS relies on the US Space Surveillance Network for detailed information on spaceStudent, objects, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, as it lacks autonomous sources of information. However, the EU has demonstrated the By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect will to improve its capacity in the SSA area, establishing a framework to support the Student of the School of Architecture creation of a consortium of Member States in order to Technical track and University link the existing of Crete resources, deploying an anti-collision alert service at the Communitarian level. Furthermore, the EUapproach: plans to develop andthe integrate new SSA facilities to address any 1. Introductory Defining concept 1. approach: Defining the concept sortANTISTHENIS, of Introductory cosmic environment threats. the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), In addition, the the concept deterrence can also be space. It is ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370toBC, Athens), among other wise heritage heofleft us, he established aapplicable great the described as the power to divert from a harmful action, for fear of a punishment or among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the retaliation. Space deterrence strategies can be based on: retribution, using the threat acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. therefore, onathis “principle” first, if of not final, approach, term of Based, punishment against hostile country’s asatellite in order to increase the costs of 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification enemy’s assets;1denial, by convincing the adversary that performing an attack gives gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as the “refining” of aare citylow. thestrategy removal (inbuilding various practically as nowell), benefits since the chances This is endorsed by Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of entanglement, low-income and theon placement there ofbecause artists, a strongofsatellite system resilience; based interdependency ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of the operation art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of destroying a of satellite constellation couldetc. also damage its own interest. Inartists, fact, the operation ofconsequences art galleries, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other results rising ofthird landcountries, prices (and theof multinational engagement leadsrestaurants, tohas, sharing capabilities with making whatever otherspeculation). has, results also rising of land prices (and the this kind of attack aconsequences mutual destruction. potential relative potential relative speculation). International Co-operation’s role is peaceful, leading theit potential TheThe term gentrification is found at first in more the UK in early 1960s to and refers to The term gentrification found atGood first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers diminishment of geopolitical communication and diplomacy are an the then observed trend ofistensions. wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people buya property in poor areas effective strategy in soothing perceptions, creatingtoalso social environment and are co-of London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and thus old residents operative framework with common interests to pursue (e.g. Pollution, London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes therealtogether and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. demilitarisation of space). Generally, this happens at a multi-polar level at UN Copuos, being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth withA space mitigation, treaty et cetera. description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at debris the same while discussions similar in other major Theat European Union andwhile the European Space Agency are also active players in GLASS the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. space security by concluding bilateral agreements with Brazil, China, Japan, Russia, cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more South Africathen, and the US. Thesehas relationships referseveral majorly to satellite and navigation, Since the issue preoccupied scholars for various itsearth more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the observation and joint space research. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the of gentrification, following: During the pastphenomenon years, European space actorsthe have improved their space interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: social groups In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new security activities to counter-attack these challenges, thanks ofto significant to “return” toTheir the city, leaving purlieus for several reasons: high in money investments. efforts are the oriented towards a more feasible andcosts effective risk and time to travel theEU’s purlieus to downtown, where workthe place is, lack of the assessment project.from Thus, attention has shifted towards amelioration of 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthcitizens GLASS for was born sense safety atcomes the outside town centres, search better resilience in order to distributed ensure and residencies deliver services to all European in case ofin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: hazards and disruptive events. entertainment Unfortunately, difficulties lay of under the challenge of services of health, education, “at the heart the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for pursuing an effective European co-operation, seen as each MS prioritises its own lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where sovereignty and studies choices, while others do not have space program for their in According 1943 she goals published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the isa due a systematic and University College London, where she countries continued her social research. Her public action and services that fullyofdepends onorganized third and foreign companies. Inofaddition, long-term informal effort by groups, manufacturers, brokers buying her workframework are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: ENGLISH DICTIONARY. different and strategies also developed byCOLLINS the European Union and and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCoare depreciation initially of part of the urban web,the in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: European Space Agency. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
III. The EU’s external relations in the context of a European Space Governance The European Union is not only facing the internal MSs national space-power libido streams, but it must look outwards against the competition of several spacefaring nations, which have different approaches to space policies and politics. All of these space programmes reflect the peculiar mindset in which their priorities are encompassed. However, there is a common denominator regarding the need to craft a clear space strategy, prioritising security andGeorge-Sp. sustainability, case strong military By Mr. C.in ATHANASOPOULOS states’ space security issues,Harvard such asUniversity, the US’s, China’s and Russia’s, are addressed in Graduate School of Design, Student, their national security strategies. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect But even the largest powers have intertwined extensive over civilian, Student of theactivities School of Architecture military and commercial institutions and facilities, not always being very effective in Technical University of Crete properly formulating and monitoring their policies. But even if theapproach: United States, Russiathe andconcept China, have built a new agenda for the 1. Introductory Defining 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept sustainability of space, they continue to emphasise the military and defence aspect of ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), outerANTISTHENIS, space as the dominant problem is space security. Furthermore, their focus on the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the defence had the negative effect to slow down the implementation into good policies among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the and constructive work on thestarts spacewith substantiality. acquisition of knowledge theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term In the 1European Union the situation differs. Some Member States have Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification significant military activities in outer space, but the defence sector in Europe accounts 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various for only a small part of total space expenditure (around 10% compared to more than Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aalways city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement 50% inofthe United States). Europe has focused on science, technology and ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However thisSystem “change”, regardless of industry, consumer safety with high level standards. protection and the operation of art galleries, etc. However this regardless whatever other consequences has,more results also rising of “change”, land space prices (and theof infrastructures resilience have restaurants, been marginal in European strategies, whatever other consequences has, resultsspace also programs. rising of land prices (and the therefore not playing a leading role in European potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). exacerbated by the complex of in space inrefers Europe. TheThis termisgentrification is found at firstsituation in the UK earlygovernance 1960s and it to Therange term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in GNSS the UK in earlyto1960s and itareas refers The then full of space assetsofand facilities, from launchers ELINT , are used of into the observed trend to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people to there buyentities property indo poor Europe, but controlled by complex setsometimes of sovereign thatold not areas always London, upgrade them, staya of themselves and thus residents areof commit themselves to a common space strategy or thethere sameand space policies. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thussecurity old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. The interests of Member States cannot be ignored, since different aspects of space being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth activities have on national security, andin asthe such MS of willSociologist continue toRuth be A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included work GLASS at theconsequences same while similar were recorded in other major the main drivers of space activity wanting their rights guaranteed. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. At level, the ESA is theResearchers. most proactive space actor, managing a great cities in European Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more budget, with the European Commission as theseveral main donor . Asand a consequence, Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from European countries approach with limited space capacity rely heavily on the ESAthe in order to comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, following: continue their activities and developoftheir own spacethe industry. The ESA does not interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due of aintergovernmental new of social groups constitute a supranational body, but to is aatrend classic organisation to “return” the city,aleaving purlieus severalincluding reasons: high costs insciences money agency thattomanages broad the portfolio of for activities, theoretical and time to travel from the purlieus downtown, where work place is, navigation, lack of the (astronomy and astrophysics), Earthtoobservation, telecommunications, 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town for astronauts’ flight, robotics et similia. ESA GLASS, has only been centres, involved in security andin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: defence issues in recent years, putting a regulatory to the address such issues . services of health, education, entertainment “atframework the heart of city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for It has gradually become a collaborator of the European Defence Agency and the lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, European Commission, being involved in cyber-resilience projects for strategic in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social and research. Her public and independence of European Critical Space Infrastructures is currently working on long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. aher space security policy. etc., and selling realCOLLINS estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Over the last decade, the constant growth of the Copernicus and Galileo G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually programs, owned by the European Union, has strengthened the European space 50 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
power. They have been implemented as EU-owned assets, operating under civil control, and although the defence aspects were not initially included in the mandate, the use of the activities for security purposes have long been considered. Additionally, the European Union is borne into the cosmic arena by new geopolitical challenges, such as the new programs developed by space-faring states and the volition of emerging countries to make space an integral part of their strategic position. Captivating and endowed by a very strong symbolic value, space activities, other than constituting a strategic sector of the world economy, represent a source of national By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS and international prestige, able to act as a catalyst for national identity and toStudent, support Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, the request for international recognition. The main reasons in using space as a power By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect medium can be drawn from Thucydides who, in Student the "Peloponnesian War", indicated of the School of Architecture "fear, honour and interest" as driven factors . In the same way, andUniversity in particular for Technical of Crete emerging countries, the creation of space programs is used to increase their own military, national andapproach: economic Defining prestige. the concept 1. Introductory 1. Introductory approach: the concept So, while Europe is fighting in order philosopher, to find a balanced way, others, ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek (444and BCdecisive - 370 BC, Athens), old and new competitors are strongly developing assets(444 in the international space ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the arena. among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the
acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term IV. Conclusion: a new hope 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification From a strategic-military point of view, outer space proves to be a vital sector 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various for defence and security, the importance of which assumes ever greater awareness as Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-incomepart andofthemilitary placement there and of artists, it becomes an integral and non-replaceable planning crisis ways), of Becoming social groups, usually ofindispensable low-income and placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of response. increasingly for the citizens' lives, there the European the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other has,importance results of “change”, landtheir prices (and the institutions have recognised their inrising supporting policies forof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results alsoforgetting rising of security land prices the industrial, economic and political reasons, without and (and defence potential relative potential relative speculation). purposes. Thegentrification recognition ofisthe duality of the programs the 1960s EU-ESA program The term found at first in the UK in in early and it refershas to The term found atinterpretation first in the UK early 1960s refersof eventhen led to thegentrification hypothesis different ofin the mandate ofand theitareas latter, into the observed trendofofaiswealthy people to buy property in poor then observed trend wealthytosometimes people to there buy property in poor athe suitable organisation more coherent the expansion of intrinsically dualareas space London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof products. Following the innovations introduced by the there Lisbonand Treaty, has also London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thus Europe old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. consolidated an architecture of relations between the two international organisations being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth in the of same independence that specifies the termsin ofthe their partnership. Thismajor does Asense description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while similar were recorded in other not however exclude that theirwhile relations willsituations evolve in were the future towards a greater GLASS at the same period, similar recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. integration. From acountries, more specific political-diplomatic and strategic perspective, space cities in Western bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,as the issue for has several scholars and for its more finally appears a stage relations between states the centre of Since then, the issue has preoccupied severaland scholars andthe foreconomic, its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various political, military and cultural gravity, in which an increasing number ofthe actors are comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various interpretations of Thus, the phenomenon of gentrification, thethreatened following:on one hand making their way. US space dominance seems to be by interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: a sense, the phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new of social theIn expansion of European and Russian space activities, andcategory on the other hand,groups by the to “return” to the city, leaving forcountries, several reasons: high costs in money growth of the space activitiesthe ofpurlieus emerging determined to exploit its and time to travel from purlieus to downtown, worktechnologies place is, lackable of the political-diplomatic and the symbolic potential, but alsowhere to acquire to 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruthposes GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth due GLASS was born sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better accelerate economic development. China particular issues, to for a lack ofin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: transparency and reliability, especially following anti-satellite test, and the services of health, education, entertainment “atthe the2007 heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lack of a real separation between its civil and military space activities, which call lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.into studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where question the risks of a technology transfer without control. in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of London, where she her research. brokers Her public and Ultimately, space emerges as acontinued question ofsocial sovereignty, requires strong long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaaction buying her work are of characterized by a passion for justice. Seestrategic also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. involvement states promises autonomy and posing asin a and selling realCOLLINS estate,and etc., for theCodepreciation initially ofindependence, part of the urban web, 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: new stake for gaining power in international relations. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252151 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS This is demonstrated by Europe's towards theDesign, acquisition of Harvard University,journey Graduate School of Student, independent access to space and an autonomous satellite navigation system named By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Galileo. Being aware of the need for a clear division of tasks the who Student of theamong School of actors Architecture give impetus and effectiveness to space policy, it is important to outline the possible Technical University of Crete evolutionary scenarios of the European space sector and the guidelines for future relations between approach: the ESA and the EU, the Union intends to develop a 1. Introductory Defining thesince concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept competitive, independent and global European space industry. possession of ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - The 370 BC, Athens), autonomous space assets isancient therefore very philosopher, important for(444 an international actor who ANTISTHENIS, the Greek BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the wants to be independent and take responsibility on the globalascene. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the If Europe wants to preserve and guarantee access tothe space and space security, it acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term is crucial to strengthen the European space sector by re-launching space research, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification innovation and 1intertwining its defence with the cybersecurity dominion. Thus, the gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various development of a truly European space security policy is a strategic choice for Europe Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), ofaim social groups, usually of low-income the placement there of artists, with the of exercising its leadership in areas and of great interest in the international ways), social groups, usually low-income andEUthe placement there of artists, the operation of art restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of arena. Aof new era forgalleries, security has of emerged, and the has the right possibilities to the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof rise stronger if united.
whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). TheBibliography term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in earlyD.,1960s and itareas refersof SCHROGL, K.-U., HAYS, P.L., ROBINSON, MOURA, GIANNOPAPA, C.to the then observed trend ofiswealthy toJ.,buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas Handbook of Spacethem, Security: Applications and Programs, Springer Reference, London, upgrade stay Policies, themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof 2014 London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. SLANN P.A., RUBIO E., FERNANDES Anticipating The security of being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is S.. included in theuncertainty: work of Sociologist Ruth European critical outer space infrastructures, Space Policy 35 (2016) 6-14 A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major PELLEGRINO M.,period, STANG while G., Space security for Europe, Institute GLASS at the same situations wereEuropean recordedUnion in other major cities in Western countries, by othersimilar Researchers. for Security Studies, Report nº 29, 2016 cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue hasB., preoccupied several scholars andonfor its Policy more AL-EKABI, BARANES, HULSROJ, P., LAHCEN, Yearbookand Space Since then,C., the issue has preoccupied severalA., scholars for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the 2015: Access to Space and the Evolution of Space Activities, below, Springer,from 2017the various comprehensive approach are being summarized interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, the following: SCOTT PACE. Security in space,of Space Policy 33 (2015) 51-55 interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aEUROPEAN sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of aworking new of social COMMISSION.is Commission staff document on groups a new to “return” theEuropean city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in Making money approach totothe Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection and time to travelInfrastructures from the purlieus downtown, European Critical moretosecure, 2013 where work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist Ruthon GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wason born sense1.of safety theversions distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Consolidated of the Treaty European Union and the Treaty thein Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Functioning of the European Union, Official Journal 326, P. 0001 – 0390, services of health, education, entertainment “at Cthe heart of the city”,2012 (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Consolidated version of the treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Community, Journal of the European Union C 327/01, 2012 in According 1943 she Official published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University CollegeOF of London, where she continued her social research.2008/114/EC Her public COUNCIL THE EUROPEAN UNION. Council Directive of and 8 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are2008 characterized aidentification passion for justice. also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. December on etc., thebyfor and See designation ofENGLISH European critical and selling real estate, the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: and the assessment of the need improve their protection (actually Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm ainfrastructures variety of ways, in order to achieve the to “assisted”, “voluntary”,
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ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ GENTRIFICATION Definition, TypesΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ of Intervention, ΚΑΙ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΦΙΛΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΑ Definition, of ΚΑΙ intervention, Concerns of Gentrification ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΗTypes ΑΝΑΔΡΟΜΗ ΑΙΤΙΑ Concerns Του Αρχιμανδρίτου π. Ειρηναίου ΛΑΦΤΣΗ Πρωτοσυγκέλλου της Ιεράς Μητροπόλεως Αλεξανδρουπόλεως
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Α’ ΜΕΡΟΣ Student of the School of Architecture ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach:πολιτική, Defining θα theμπορούσε concept να εννοηθεί, το σχέδιο ενός Με τον όρο κοινωνική 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept η εξάλειψη ANTISTHENIS, theγια ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 Athens), οργανωμένου κράτους την επίτευξη στόχων όπως(444 ή BC, η μείωση της ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370των BC,πολιτών Athens), among other wiseοικονομικών heritage heανισοτήτων, left us, he established great the φτώχειας και των η ευημερία,(444 ηa ασφάλεια among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatγραμμές, the acquisition of knowledge starts with ofΣε theγενικές content of“principle”: concepts. του, η ενίσχυση ευάλωτων κοινωνικών ομάδων. η κάθε acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. είδους οργανωμένη δράση για την ενίσχυση κοινωνικών ομάδων . Based, therefore, on this “principle” aτων first,ευάλωτων if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΣΤΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑ Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Η αρχή του κοινωνικού κράτους αποτελεί θεμελιώδη αρχή του ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Συντάγματος μας, η έμμεση κατοχύρωση της οποίας αποτέλεσε καινοτομία του the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Συντάγματος του speculation). 1975. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). το άρθρο 21,atπαρ. Συντάγματος υπογραμμίζει TheΣυγκεκριμένα, term gentrification is found first 3in του the UK in early 1960s and it refersτην to The term gentrification found at first the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto υποχρέωση του Κράτους για τηνinυγεία των πολιτών και να λαμβάνει the then observed trendνα ofisμεριμνά wealthy people to buy property in poor the τα then observed trend people to buy property in γήρατος, poor areas όλα απαραίτητα μέτρα γιαwealthy την προστασία της νεότητας, της London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thusτου old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there andμεthus residents are αναπηρίας και της περίθαλψης των απόρων, ενώ σύμφωνα τηνold παράγραφο 4 being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. του ίδιου άρθρου αντικείμενο ειδικής φροντίδας του Κράτους αποτελεί και η A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth απόκτηση από αυτούς τηisστερούνται. Στην τελευταία A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at κατοικίας the same whileπου similar situations in παράγραφο other major του ίδιου άρθρου δίνεται έμφαση στο δικαίωμα των ατόμων με αναπηρία να GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. απολαμβάνουν μέτρα που εξασφαλίζουν την αυτονομία, την επαγγελματική cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more ένταξη και then, τη συμμετοχή τους στην κοινωνική, οικονομική και πολιτική ζωή. Since the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Το άρθροofδεthe 25phenomenon με πανηγυρικό τρόπο αναγνωρίζει ότι τα δικαιώματα του interpretations of gentrification, the following: interpretations of theτου phenomenon gentrification, theτελούν following: ανθρώπου ωςthe μέλους κοινωνικού δικαίου υπό την εγγύηση In a sense, phenomenon is dueof toκράτους a trend of a new category of social groups του κράτους. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, ΑΝΑΔΡΟΜΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Berlin,ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΗ where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) YouthΔράσεις Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and από after continuous κοινωνικής πολιτικής ανιχνεύονται την αρχαιότητα. Τοfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, κράτος προνοίας ώστεstudies να εξασφαλίζονται τα απαραίτητα για την επιβίωση είναι in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and υπαρκτό από τηνof London, αρχαιότητα, ήδη από τηνher εποχή του Σόλωνα στην action αρχαία University College where she continued social research. Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Αθήνα. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252153 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Οι φτωχοί πολίτες της αρχαίας Αθήνας αντιμετώπιζαν πρόβλημα επισιτισμού. Η λύση του προβλήματος βρισκόταν στον εφοδιασμό της αγοράς με δημητριακά, δεδομένου ότι βάση της διατροφής ήταν το σταρένιο ψωμί και το κριθαρένιο παξιμάδι. Ένα από τα πρώτα καταγραμμένα μέτρα για την εξασφάλιση του επισιτισμού είναι η απαγόρευση του Σόλωνα από τις αρχές ακόμη του 6ου π.Χ. αιώνα για εξαγωγή εγχώριων δημητριακών. Υπεράνω του συμφέροντος των εμπόρων ή των μεγάλων σιτοπαραγωγών έμπαινε, λοιπόν, το By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS συλλογικό συμφέρον. Ο νόμος του Σόλωνα για τα σιτηρά, όπως για ορισμένα Harvard Graduate School ενώ of Design, Student, άλλα είδη πρώτης ανάγκης (σύκα,University, ξυλεία κ.α.) ίσχυε πάντα, πάρθηκαν και Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect πρόσθετα κατά καιρούς ενισχυτικά By μέτρα. Όπως για παράδειγμα περιορισμοί of the School of Architecture στους εμπόρους, ώστε να αγοράζουν από Student τους εισαγωγείς συγκεκριμένες Technical University of έτσι Crete ποσότητες, για να μη μονοπωλούν την αγορά δημητριακών και να μπορούν 1 να πωλούν σε υψηλές τιμές . Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: 2 Τα παραδείγματα Κίμωνα του Περικλή είναι για 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the του ancient Greekκαι philosopher, (444 BCχαρακτηριστικά - 370 BC, Athens), τον ANTISTHENIS, τρόπο που η αρχαία αθηναϊκή ηγετική τάξη αντιμετώπιζε τη BC, φτώχεια. Ο the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Κίμωνας επέτρεπε να πηγαίνουν ελεύθεροι στα μεγάλα κτήματα ιδιοκτησίας του among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the οιacquisition φτωχοί συμπολίτες του starts και ναwith συμπληρώνουν τηofδιατροφή τους. Ο Περικλής, of knowledge theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term 3. από Based, την άλλη, θέσπισε δημόσιους μισθούς 1 therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and Η ενίσχυση όσων πολιτών ζούσαν στα όρια της φτώχειας, οι gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areaκιthis, ofαυτοί Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in ήταν various περισσότεροι ανάμεσα στους ελεύθερους Αθηναίους, συμβάδιζε με το άμεσο Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, δημοκρατικό Στην ιστορική διαδρομή του οι there πλειοψηφίες ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation ofπολίτευμα. art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of απαιτούσαν, επέβαλλαν ή ενέπνεαν μέτρα οικονομικής στήριξης the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (andτων theof φτωχότερων μελών της πόλης. οικονομική ολιγαρχία whatever other consequences has,Ηresults also rising of land (αριστοκράτες, prices (and the potential relative speculation). γαιοκτήμονες, μεγαλέμποροι κ.α.) ανέχονταν ή υιοθετούσαν τα μέτρα λόγους potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s andγια it refers to κοινωνικής πολιτικής, αλλά και ισορροπίας της κοινωνίας, με κύριο στόχο ή την The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto αύξηση της πολιτικής πελατείας είτε την to εξουδετέρωση και the then observed trend of wealthy people buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusκοινωνικών old residents areof πολιτικών συγκρούσεων. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Επιπλέον, τοthis αθηναϊκό κράτος πήρε μέτρα επιβίωσή Ruth των A description of phenomenon is included in the για workτην of Sociologist A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth αναξιοπαθούντων, των ανίκανων για εργασία, των αναπήρων και των θυμάτων GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major πολέμου. Ταυτόχρονα, έδινε συντάξεις σε όσους δεν είχαν επαρκές εισόδημα ή cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. συγγενείς να τους συντηρήσουν, οι οποίες παρόλο που ήταν μικρές και Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several scholars and forήταν its more κατώτερες από το ημερομίσθιο ενός εργαζομένου σεbelow, δημόσια έργα, μία comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from the various σημαντική ανακούφιση. Η διατροφή των αδυνάτων ήταν ένα σταθερό σημείο comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: αναφοράς τουthe πολιτεύματος και, τηρουμένων των αναλογιών, στις εκδηλώσεις interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups αυτές εντοπίζονται στοιχεία κάποιας κοινωνικής ασφάλισης. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Στηtoνεότερη Ελλάδα, κάποιεςtoμορφές κοινωνικής πολιτικής and time travel from the purlieus downtown, where work place is,κάνουν lack ofτην the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born εμφάνισή τουςatήδη την εποχή του Ιωάννη Καποδίστρια με την ίδρυση επτάin sense of safety theαπό distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she her first studies. In 1932 she published an studyίδρυση entitled: νοσοκομείων, τηνmade οικονομική ενίσχυση περιφερειακών services of health, education, entertainment “at the heartιδρυμάτων ofimportant the city”,και (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for ορφανοτροφείου Αίγινα. Αλλά και and στην οθωνική περίοδο μια lower living cost of,στην “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London Neweasier York she came back toέχουμε London, στοιχειώδη άσκηση κοινωνικής πολιτικής: Διάταγμα «Περί εν in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due aΑστυκλινικής systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 1 Σεισάχθεια, Αριστοτέλης «Αθηναίων Πολιτεία», 6initially – Πλούταρχος, «Βίος Σόλωνα», 15, 3-5.in and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation of part of the urban web, 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 2 ος Πλουτάρχου «Βίοι Παράλληλοι», Τόμος 12 «Κίμων Λεύκολλος», Εκδ. ΚΑΚΤΟΣ. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 3
Vincent Azoulay, «Περικλής» Εκδ. ΠΟΛΙΣ, Αθήνα 2015.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Αθήναις», ο Νόμος «Περί συστάσεως Φρενοκομείων», ο Νόμος «Περί συστάσεως επαρχιακών ιατρών» και το Διάταγμα εφαρμογής του, καθώς και το Διάταγμα «Περί προσόντων των διορισθησομένων ως νομαρχιακών και επαρχιακών ιατρών και περί συστάσεως εξεταστικής αυτών επιτροπής». Στη βενιζελική περίοδο κάνουν την εμφάνισή τους οι πρώτες υπουργικές δομές με αρμοδιότητες κοινωνικής πολιτικής. Το 1911 δημιουργήθηκε στο Υπουργείο Εθνικής Οικονομίας ένα τμήμα Εργασίας και Κοινωνικής Πρόνοιας με By το Mr.τμήμα George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS απόσπαση του γραφείου εργασίας από Εμπορίου και Βιομηχανίας και Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, αναβάθμισή του. Με το Νόμο 748/1917 «Περί συστάσεως Υπουργείου By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Περιθάλψεως» συστήνεται το πρώτο υπουργείο με αρμοδιότητες κοινωνικών Student of the School of Architecture υπηρεσιών και πεδίο πολιτικής τους επίστρατους και τους πρόσφυγες. Το Technical University of Crete υπουργείο μετονομάζεται σε «Υπουργείο Υγιεινής Προνοίας και Αντιλήψεως» το 1922. Το 1928 ο Βενιζέλος εντός αυτού μια ιδιαίτερη δομή για τα 1. Introductory approach:δημιουργεί Defining the concept θέματα υγείας που με το Νόμο 4172/1929 αναβαθμίζεται σε «αυτοτελές 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Υπουργείον Υγιεινής»theκαι αποσπάται από το Υπουργείο Προνοίας και ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the Αντιλήψεως. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Προνοιακές δράσεις μέσα από πρωτοεμφανίζονται τη acquisition of knowledge starts with αυτοτελείς theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first,δομές if of not final, approach, theμε term 1 συγκρότηση μετάurban Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή της Επιτροπής Based, therefore, onτηthis “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and Αποκαταστάσεως Προσφύγων (Ε.Α.Π.), ανεξάρτητης διεθνούς επιτροπής gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityμιας the removal (in various που δεν ελέγχονταν από την ελληνική κυβέρνηση, με αμερικανό πρόεδρο της Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, επιτροπής, καιofλειτουργική και οικονομική αυτοτέλεια, ηplacement οποία συντόνισε όλο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis there ofτοartists, the operation art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of έργο της προσφυγικής αποκατάστασης. Οι ελληνικές δημόσιες υπηρεσίες, παρ’ the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof ότι κατ’ επανάληψη ήρθαν σε σύγκρουση με την Ε.Α.Π. σε θέματα whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of landεφαρμογής, prices (andδεν the potential relative φαίνεται να είχαν αναπτύξει κανένα συγκροτημένο σχέδιο οικονομικής και potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to κοινωνικής ενσωμάτωσης του προσφυγικού Ε.Α.Π. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in earlyκαι 1960s and itηareas refers the then observed trend ofis wealthy toπληθυσμού buy property inόταν poor ofto διαλύθηκε δεν υπήρξε αντίστοιχος εθνικός συντονιστικός μηχανισμός· οιof the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents are αρμοδιότητες κατακερματίσθηκαν μεταξύ ποικίλων συναρμόδιων φορέων. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Μετακατοχικά η phenomenon πρώτη συγκροτημένη κρατικών A description of this is includedπροσπάθεια in the work παροχής of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth υπηρεσιών κοινωνικής φροντίδας είναι η δημιουργία το 1947 του οργανισμού GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major «Πρόνοιας Βορείων Επαρχείων Ελλάδος», ενώ το 1955 μετονομάζεται σε cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. «Βασιλική Πρόνοια». Το 1970 ο οργανισμός «Βασιλική Πρόνοια» μετατρέπεται σε Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more νομικό πρόσωπο ιδιωτικού δικαίου κοινωφελούς χαρακτήρα και Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being (Ν.Π.Ι.Δ.) summarized below, from the υπάγεται στο Υπουργείο Υγείας και Πρόνοιας μετονομαζόμενος εκ νέου σε comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: «Εθνικό Οργανισμό Πρόνοιας» (Ε.Ο.Π.). Το 1998 ο Ε.Ο.Π. μετατρέπεται σε νομικό interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups πρόσωπο δημοσίου δικαίου (Ν.Π.Δ.Δ.) και μετονομάζεται σε «Εθνικό to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costsΟργανισμό in money Κοινωνικής Φροντίδας» (Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ.). Τοdowntown, 2003 καταργούνται and time to travel from the purlieus to where workόλοι placeοιis,προνοιακοί lack of the οργανισμοί καιat οι τους μεταφέρονται στα Περιφερειακά Συστήματα 1.of The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety theυπηρεσίες distributed residencies outside town centres, for Υγείας Πρόνοιας (ΠΕ.Σ.Υ.Π.). Berlin, και where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Με τον Νόμο 2646/1998 ο from Ε.Ο.Π. μαζί Π.Ι.Κ.Π.Α. και Κέντρο Βρεφών lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London andτο New York she cameτο back to London, «Μητέρα» συγχωνεύθηκαν και the μετονομάστηκαν Εθνικό Οργανισμό in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, isσε due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where sheΟcontinued her social research. Her public action and Κοινωνικής Φροντίδας Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ. εντάσσεται στο brokers Εθνικό Σύστημα long-term effort(Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ.). by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Κοινωνικής Φροντίδας (Ε.ΣΥ.Κ.Φ.) ως Ν.Π.Δ.Δ..initially Από τοof1998 καιthe έπειτα οweb, Ε.Ο.Π. and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation part of urban in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252155 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
αναφέρεται πλέον με την επωνυμία Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ. (Ε.Ο.Π.) όπως επίσης και οι άλλοι δύο φορείς αντίστοιχα Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ. (Π.Ι.Κ.Π.Α.) και Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ. (κ.β. «Η ΜΗΤΕΡΑ»). Με τον Νόμο 3106/2003 οι υπηρεσίες του Ε.Ο.Κ.Φ. μετατρέπονται σε υπηρεσίες του ΠΕ.Σ.Υ.Π. στην περιφέρεια του οποίου λειτουργούν. Οι υπηρεσίες αυτές αποτελούν αποκεντρωμένες και ανεξάρτητες υπηρεσιακές μονάδες του ΠΕ.Σ.Υ.Π. με διοικητική και οικονομική αυτοτέλεια και εφεξής θα αναφέρονται ως μονάδες κοινωνικής φροντίδας.
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ΦΟΡΕΙΣ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School Architecture Η κοινωνική πολιτική ασκείται από διαφορετικούς φορείς καιofσε τέσσερα Technical University of Crete διαφορετικά επίπεδα:
α) σε διεθνέςapproach: επίπεδο μέσω διεθνών 1. Introductory Defining theοργανισμών concept και του Ο.Η.Ε., 1. β) Introductory approach: the concept σε ευρωπαϊκό μέσω των οργάνων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, ANTISTHENIS, theεπίπεδο ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), amongγ)other wiseεπίπεδο heritage heτα left us, he Υπουργεία establishedκαι a great “principle”: the σε εθνικό από αρμόδια τους σχετικούς φορείς, among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: και acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” indefinition a first, ifΤοπικής not final, approach, the term δ) σεtherefore, τοπικό επίπεδο μέσω των the Οργανισμών Αυτοδιοίκησης. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΜΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΕΣ ΑΝΑΓΚΕΣ: Sociology as well), as the “refining” ofΑΤΟΜΑ a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofΓΙΑ low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Το 1937 ιδρύθηκε το Ίδρυμα Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων (Ι.Κ.Α.), η the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless λειτουργία του οποίου ήταν συνυφασμένη τη λήψη μέτρων σε περίπτωση whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising land αναπτύχθηκαν prices (and the εργατικού ατυχήματος. Από τα μέσα της δεκαετίας τουof1960 potential relative potential relative speculation). προνοιακές η is οποίες επί inτω αφορούσαν The term υπηρεσίες, gentrification foundως at first theπλείστω UK in early 1960s andιδρυματική it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first the UK in earlyΧρονίων 1960s and itareas refersofto περίθαλψη. Το 1973 δημιουργήθηκαν ταinΘεραπευτήρια Παθήσεων the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend people to there buy property in poor areas σκοπός των οποίων ήταν η wealthy παροχή sometimes υπηρεσιών προς μία ειδική κατηγορία London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, them, stay themselves and thus old residents are ατόμων μεupgrade αναπηρίες (κινητική αναπηρίαsometimes ή νοητική there υστέρηση) being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon included in the work of των Sociologist Ruth Το 1998 εισάγονται μονάδες γιαis την εξυπηρέτηση όλων κατηγοριών A description ofperiod, thisμε phenomenon is situations included inwere theΣυστήματος work of Sociologist Ruth ατόμων at μεthe αναπηρίες την ίδρυση του Εθνικού Κοινωνικής GLASS same while similar recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Φροντίδας. Συστάθηκαν Εκπαίδευσης, Κοινωνικής Υποστήριξης και cities in Western countries,ταbyΚέντρα other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherΑνάγκες, Researchers. Κατάρτισης γιαthe Άτομα Ειδικές τα οποία αποτελούν πρωτογενείς Since then, issueμεhas several scholars and for its more Since πρόνοιας then, the issue has scholars andthe for various its more υπηρεσίες του Υπουργείου Υγείας καιseveral Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης. comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following:πολιτικήvarious Ταυτόχρονα, έλαβαν χώρα πρωτοβουλίες για the επιδοματική ώστε interpretations the φαινόμενα phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend a new of social groups να περιοριστούν τα φτώχιας καιofκοινωνικού αποκλεισμού που to “return”ηtoσυγκεκριμένη the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money υφίσταται κοινωνική ομάδα. and time to travel from purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack με of the Συγκεκριμένα, τοthe 1981 θεσπίστηκε το επίδομα απόλυτης αναπηρίας, τις 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for 4 5 ενBerlin, συνεχεία τροποποιήσεις του , καθώς και το επίδομα τετραπληγίας . Ενώ, και where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 4 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Άρθρο 42, παρ. 3 του Ν. 1140/81 - Εγκύκλιος 111/1981, παρ. 7, άρθρου 5 του Νόμου University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 3232/2004, Εγκύκλιος 53/2004, Γ.Ε. Σ40/86/30.8.2004, άρθρο 60 του Νόμου 3518/2006. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 5 Άρθρο 42, παρ. 1etc., τουfor Νόμου 1140/1981, όπως αντικαταστάθηκε από τηνEncyclopedia: παρ. 1 του and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free άρθρου 16 του Νόμου 2042/1992, Εγκύκλιος 67/1992, παρ. 2, άρθρο 5 του Νόμου 3232/2004, G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
Εγκύκλιος 53/2004, άρθρο 61 του Νόμου 3518/2006, Εγκύκλιος 1/2007.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
με το νόμο 1648/1986 παρέχεται ειδική προστασία για τα άτομα ηλικίας 16-65 χρόνων που έχουν περιορισμένες ικανότητες για επαγγελματική αποκατάσταση. Επιπλέον, θεσπίστηκε η δωρεάν μετακίνηση ατόμων με αναπηρία μεγαλύτερη του 50% για τις αστικές μετακινήσεις και η έκπτωση 50% για τις υπεραστικές μετακινήσεις. Το κύριο γνώρισμα των σχετικών πολιτικών είναι ότι επιλέγονται τεχνικές κάλυψης συγκεκριμένων κατηγοριών ατόμων με αναπηρίες οι οποίες George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS επικεντρώνονται στις ιδιαιτερότητες By τηςMr. κάθε κατηγορίας, καθώς και υπηρεσίες Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ιδρυματικής μορφής με εξαίρεση τις τελευταίες προσπαθείς που έγιναν για By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect υπηρεσίες φροντίδας «ανοικτού τύπου» στα άτομα με αναπηρίες (ξενώνες, Student of the School of Architecture οικοτροφεία). Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΥΠΕΡΗΛΙΚΕΣ 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the μέτρων ancient Greek philosopher, Στο πλαίσιο των κοινωνικής πολιτικής για τους υπερήλικές, το ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise heritage left us, he established a great the 1982 other υλοποιείται μέσω he ενός «ειδικού λογαριασμού συνταξιοδότησης among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. ανασφάλιστων υπερηλίκων» που συστάθηκε στον Ο.Γ.Α.. Ουσιαστικά, επρόκειτο acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term για τη χορήγηση μηνιαίας σύνταξης (παρά την ονομασία αυτή δεν πρόκειται για 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onπρονοιακή this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification ασφαλιστική αλλά παροχή) και υγειονομικής περίθαλψης σε 1 (andγια gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ο πρόσωπα που έχουν συμπληρώσει το 65 έτος της ηλικίας τους και δεν διαθέτουν Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually Οι of low-income and theναplacement there artists, επαρκείς πόρους συντήρησης. δικαιούχοι πρέπει κατοικούν στηνofΕλλάδα ways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there the operation of υποβολής art galleries, etc. However “change”, regardless of κατά τονofχρόνο τηςrestaurants, αίτησης και έχουν ελληνική υπηκοότητα ή of να artists, είναι the operation ofconsequences artσύνταξη galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless whatever other has, results also risingthis ofχαρακτήρα land prices υπήκοοι της Ε.Ε.. Η αυτή ήταν μη etc. ανταποδοτικού με(and βάσηthe τοof whatever other consequences has, results risingνα of καταβάλλεται land prices (and the potential relative εισόδημα και τηνspeculation). ηλικία. Το επίδομα αυτό also συνεχίζει μέχρι potential relative speculation). The term is found atτοfirst in ηλικίας the UK in early 1960s and και it refers to σήμερα, αλλάgentrification πρόσφατα αυξήθηκε όριο κατά δύο χρόνια έγιναν The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of αλλαγές και στα εισοδηματικά και περιουσιακά κριτήρια. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents are Για πρώτη φορά το 1979 λειτούργησαν σε πιλοτικό στάδιο τα Κέντρων London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Ανοικτής Προστασίας των Ηλικιωμένων (Κ.Α.Π.Η.) με σκοπό την παραμονή των being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in theοιwork of Sociologist Ruth ηλικιωμένων στο κοινωνικό περιβάλλον. Από το 1984 λειτουργίες του θεσμού A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major μεταβιβάστηκαν στους Οργανισμούς Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης. Ο θεσμός GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western by other Researchers. λειτουργεί μέχριcountries, σήμερα, αποδεικνύοντας την επιτυχία του και συνδυάζοντας cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has scholarsστον and for its more υπηρεσίες παραδοσιακής ιατρικής και several συμβάλλοντας περιορισμό Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from φαινομένων κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Από το 1996 άρχισε να εφαρμόζεται, επίσης, πιλοτικά το πρόγραμμα interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups «Βοήθεια στο Σπίτι», στόχος του οποίου ήταν η κάλυψη των βασικών αναγκών to “return” toφροντίδας the city, leaving for several highδιαβίωση costs in money κοινωνικής για the τηνpurlieus αξιοπρεπή και reasons: αυτόνομη των and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place lack of the ηλικιωμένων, ιδιαίτερα δε αυτών που ζουν μοναχικά, δεν έχουν is, δυνατότητα 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety theήdistributed residencies outside town centres, αυτοεξυπηρέτησης επαρκείς πόρους διαβίωσή Ο βασικός Berlin, where she made her first studies. In για 1932τη she publishedτους. an important studyστόχος entitled: services of health,αυτών education, “at theτην heart of the city”, (possibly)for των υπηρεσιών είναιentertainment να she εξασφαλίσουν ασφαλή και movements αξιοπρεπή Youth Unemployment. The same year left Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies andτων research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York came back to London, διαβίωση ηλικιωμένων ώστε να αποφύγουν την she περιθωριοποίηση και τον in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and αποκλεισμό ενώ ταυτόχρονα συμβάλουν στη συνοχή της οικογένειας και στην University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying εναρμόνιση οικογενειακής και εργασιακής των μελών της οικογένειας her work are της characterized by a passion for justice. Seeζωής also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: με ηλικιωμένο μέλος G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252157 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Αρχικά το 1945 ιδρύθηκε το Ταμείο Ανεργίας ως Οργανισμός Ανεργίας. Αφορούσε αρχικά μόνο τους εργάτες βιομηχανικών επιχειρήσεων, ενώ μετά το νομοθετικό διάταγμα 1255/1949Concerns απευθυνόταν σε όλους του μισθωτούς. ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΑΝΕΡΓΟΥΣ Για την αντιμετώπιση της ανεργίας εφαρμόστηκαν διαφορετικές πολιτικές:
Το 1922 ιδρύθηκαν τα πρώτα Γραφεία Ευρέσεως Εργασίας που αποτέλεσαν πρόδρομο του Ο.Α.Ε.Δ.. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS
Harvard Graduate διάταγμα School of Design, Student, Το 1955 συστάθηκε μεUniversity, το νομοθετικό 2961/1954, ο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Οργανισμός Απασχολήσεως και Ασφαλίσεως Ανεργίας (Ο.Α.Α.Α.) ως νομικό Student of the School of Architecture πρόσωπο δημοσίου δικαίου που υπάγεται στο Υπουργείο Εργασίας. Technical University of Crete
Το 1969, ο Ο.Α.Α.Α. αντικαθίσταται από τον νεοσύστατο Οργανισμό Απασχολήσεως Εργατικού (Ο.Α.Ε.Δ.), 1. Introductory approach:Δυναμικού Defining the conceptμε το νομοθετικό διάταγμα 6 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 212/1969. Στον τότε Οργανισμό λειτούργησαν νέα Γραφεία 1996, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCΕργασίας - 370 BC,.Το Athens), με τον Νόμο 2434/1996, ορίστηκε ο Ο.Α.Ε.Δ. ως Εθνικός Φορέας Απασχόλησης. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the 7 Το 2001,other οofΟ.Α.Ε.Δ. έλαβε τηhe σύγχρονη μορφή του σύστησε τα Κέντρα among wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a great the acquisition knowledge starts with of the και content of“principle”: concepts. Προώθησης Απασχόλησης (Κ.Π.Α) ως νέες καινοτόμες Υπηρεσίες σε acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term αντικατάσταση τωνurban Γραφείων Εργασίας. is 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Σήμερα ο Ο.Α.Ε.Δ. εδράζεται σε Sociology as well), as the “refining” ofτρεις a cityπυλώνες theλειτουργίας: removal (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),α) of την social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, προώθηση στην απασχόληση, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of β) την ασφάλιση της ανεργίαςetc. και την κοινωνική προστασία της the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the μητρότητας και της οικογένειας, και whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). γ) την επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Αποτελεί τη δημόσια αρχή και at κεντρική δομή διαχείρισης των ενεργητικών The term gentrification found first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property in poor πολιτικών αγοράςthem, εργασίας για την ανάσχεση τηςthere ανεργίας, γιαold την προώθηση the then observed trend wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade stay of themselves sometimes and thus residents areof της απασχόλησης και την επαγγελματική κατάρτιση ανέργων καιold εργαζομένων, London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. των πολιτικών που αφορούν σε μέτρα της ανεργίας being indirectly “squeezed”. A παθητικών description of this phenomenon is included in theασφάλισης work of Sociologist Ruth (βασικό επίδομα ανεργίας) και άλλων επιδομάτων και παροχών κοινωνικής A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major προστασίας (μητρότητας, οικογενειακό, λειτουργία Βρεφονηπιακών Σταθμών GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Ο.Α.Ε.Δ.), και των ενεργητικών για την αρχικήand επαγγελματική cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherπολιτικών Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars for its more εκπαίδευση σε συνδυασμό με την πρακτική άσκηση (σύστημα Μαθητείας). Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Οι άξονεςofτης τουofΟ.Α.Ε.Δ. συνοψίζονται στην προώθηση της interpretations the πολιτικής phenomenon gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: απασχόλησης, μεof προγράμματα τουof μισθολογικού κόστους εργασίας, In a sense, the phenomenon isμείωσης: dueof togentrification, a α) trend a new of social groups β) “return” του μηtoμισθολογικού εργασίας μέσω της επιχορήγησης των to the city, leavingκόστους the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ασφαλιστικών εισφορών, διευκολύνοντας τη μετάβαση στην εργασία, με έμφαση and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the στις 1.ομάδες περισσότερο από την ανεργία, καθώςfor και σεin termπου from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS was born sense ofThe safety atcomes theπλήττονται distributed residencies outside town centres, better Berlin, where she made her ομάδες, first studies. Inσυνεργασία 1932 she published an important study entitled: ευάλωτες πληθυσμιακές στη με κοινωνικούς και τοπικούς services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for φορείς σε τοπικά απασχόλησης με York κεντρικό ρόλο των Κ.Π.Α. του lower living cost of,προγράμματα “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier she came to back to London, Ο.Α.Ε.Δ., σε υπηρεσίες συμβουλευτικής, στην προώθηση της in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and προσαρμοστικότητας εργαζομένων και επιχειρήσεων με παράλληλο στόχο τη long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 6 Βασιλικό Διάταγμα 405 της 18-06-1971. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 7
Νόμος 2956/2001.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
διατήρηση της απασχόλησης, εσμός Μαθητείας των Επαγγελματικών Σχολών (ΕΠ.Α.Σ.) στο σύνολο του εκπαιδευτικού έργου του Ο.Α.Ε.Δ., στη λειτουργία Βρεφονηπιακών Σταθμών, στην σύζευξη προσφοράς και ζήτησης εργασίας με την υποστήριξη εργασιακών συμβούλων αλλά και ηλεκτρονικά, μέσω της νέας διαδικτυακής πύλης (portal) του Οργανισμού και, τέλος, στο δίκτυο EURES για τη σύζευξη προσφοράς και ζήτησης εργασίας σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο. (www.oaed.gr)
ΕΠΙΔΟΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Η επιδοματική πολιτική αποτελεί σύνηθες μέτρο για την αντιμετώπιση By ένα Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School Architecture της φτώχιας. Πρόκειται για ένα μέτρο ενίσχυσης των ατόμων για τηνofαποφυγή ή Technical University of Crete την αντιμετώπιση της φτώχειας. Τα εισοδηματικά επιδόματα της κοινωνικής πρόνοιας απευθύνονται σε πρόσωπα που βρίσκονται σε κίνδυνο ή πλήττονται Introductory Defining the concept από1.τις διαδικασίεςapproach: κοινωνικού αποκλεισμού. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, theενίσχυσης ancient Greek philosopher, Το Πρόγραμμα απροστάτευτων παίδων είναι ένα μέτρο ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage left us, he established a great the εισοδηματικής στήριξης πουhe εγκαινιάσθηκε με το Νόμο 4051/1960 «Περί among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. ενισχύσεως απροστάτευτων παίδων» και περιλαμβάνει τη χορήγηση μηνιαίων acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term επιδομάτων σε παιδιά που είναι ορφανά και από τους δύο γονείς ή μόνο από τον 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if (in notΗthe final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated area of Planning) (or gentrification πατέρα ή αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα συντήρησης. λήψη του επιδόματος 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various προϋποθέτει τον έλεγχο των μέσων βιοπορισμού καθώς και της οικογενειακής Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income the παροχών placementθεμελιώνουν there of artists, κατάστασης των ενδιαφερομένων. Δικαίωμα and λήψης τα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation ofδιαθέτουν art galleries, restaurants, etc.συντήρησης. However “change”,με regardless of παιδιά που δεν επαρκείς πόρους Σύμφωνα το άρθρο 1 theΠροεδρικού operation ofΔιατάγματος art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other consequences has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof του 148/1997, τέτοια ανεπάρκεια νοείται ότι υπάρχει whatever other consequences has,γονείς resultsτους, alsoκαθώς rising of (and the potential relative speculation). για τα παιδιά που διαβιούν με τους καιland για prices τα παιδιά που potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at οικογενειακό first in the UKεισόδημα in early 1960s and it refersγια to διαβιούν με συγγενείς τους, όταν το δεν υπερβαίνει, The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of οικογένεια μέχρι τριών μελών, ένα συγκεκριμένο όριο το μήνα, που αυξάνεται γιαto the then observed trend of wealthy people buy property in poor London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof κάθε επιπλέον μέλος. Το 2006 το επίδομα αυτόtoανερχόταν σε 44,02€ τονareas μήνα. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Επίσης το 1973 δίδεται το έκτακτο χρηματικό βοήθημα των «πρώτων being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon includedανάγκες in the work of Sociologist Ruth κοινωνικών βοηθειών» που κάλυπτεisέκτατες οικονομικά αδύναμων A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included in the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth 8. Το GLASS at the same while similar were in other major προσώπων 1982 θεσπίστηκε το πρόγραμμα κάλυψης των ανασφάλιστων GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, byμητρότητας. other Researchers. γυναικών σε κατάσταση Το Πρόγραμμα εγκαινιάσθηκε με cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. 9 «Περί Since then, the issue has preoccupied several and for its more Υπουργική Απόφαση διάθεσης πιστώσεων γιαscholars την καταβολή χρηματικών Sinceγια then, issue has several scholars and for various its more παροχών το the προ του τοκετού και μετά τον τοκετό χρονικό διάστημα στις comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the γυναίκες που δεν δύνανται να αξιώσουν αυτές από the ασφαλιστικό είναι interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: φορέα ήvarious interpretations of the phenomenon the following: 10 ανασφάλιστες», εξειδικεύθηκε μεgentrification, του Υπουργού Υγείας In a sense, theόπως phenomenon is dueof to a την trendΑπόφαση of a new category of social groups Πρόνοιας «Περί καταβολής χρηματικών παροχών στις γυναίκες λόγω μητρότητας». to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Το Πρόγραμμα προβλέπει τη χορήγηση χρηματικών παροχών σε γυναίκες and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack ofπου the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in βρίσκονται σε κατάσταση μητρότητας. sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work 8 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Αλτάνης Π., 2006.etc., and selling realCOLLINS estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 9 Γ2β/10195/12-12-1983. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 10 Γ2β/οικ. 133/09-01-1984.
252159 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Η ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΜΕΣΩ ΤΩΝ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΩΝ ΤΟΠΙΚΗΣ ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗΣ H αρμοδιότητα άσκησης της κοινωνικής πολιτικής από τους Δήμους προκύπτει απευθείας από το Σύνταγμα, σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 102, παρ. 1, στο οποίο μεταξύ των άλλων αναφέρεται ότι υπέρ των οργανισμών τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης συντρέχει τεκμήριο αρμοδιότητας για τη διοίκηση των τοπικών υποθέσεων. Νωρίτερα με το νομοθετικό διάταγμα 57/197311, «Περί λήψεως By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μέτρων κοινωνικής προστασίας των οικονομικώς αδυνάτων και καταργήσεως των Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, διεπουσών τον θεσμόν της απορίας διατάξεων», θεσπίστηκαν στην Ελλάδα μέτρα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect για την κοινωνική προστασία ευπαθών ομάδων της κοινωνίας που προέρχονται Student of the School of Architecture είτε από οικονομικές δυσκολίες ή άλλου είδους αδυναμία, ομογενών και Technical University of Crete αλλοδαπών . 1. Introductory the concept Η άσκηση approach: κοινωνικήςDefining πολιτικής από τους Οργανισμούς Τοπικής 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Αυτοδιοίκησης (Ο.Τ.Α.) οριοθετείται, επίσης, από(444 τονBC Δημοτικό ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, - 370 BC,Κοινοτικό Athens), 12. Συγκεκριμένα, Κώδικα με το άρθρο 75 του Νόμου 3463/2006 και άρθρο 97 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370το BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great-“principle”: the του Νόμου 3852/2010 οι Δήμοι στο πλαίσιο κατάρτισης των Οργανισμών among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Εσωτερικής μπορούν περιλάβουν, υπηρεσιακή μονάδα με acquisition ofΥπηρεσίας knowledge starts withνα theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 αντικείμενο την Άσκηση Κοινωνικής Πολιτικής Πολιτικών Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,και if (in not final, approach, the των term (and urban gentrification) is the area ofΙσότητας Planning) (or gentrification 1όμως Φύλων. Έχουν δυνατότητα ιδρύσουν καιremoval ξεχωριστά νομικά πρόσωπα gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as τη the “refining” ofνα a city the this, (in various που σκοπός τους είναι η οργάνωση και η λειτουργία ορισμένης δημοτικής ή Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, κοινοτικής υπηρεσίας με γνώμονα την καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση των αναγκών των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of κατοίκων, όπως η σύσταση κέντρων κοινωνικής προστασίας, πνευματικών ήof the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other has, results rising of “change”, land prices (and the 13. Επιτρέπεται επίσης να αθλητικών κέντρων, βιβλιοθηκών, μουσείων κ.ά. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). συστήνουν Δημοτικές ή κοινοτικές κοινωφελείς potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK επιχειρήσεις in early 1960sμε andσκοπό it refersτην to οργάνωση λειτουργιών ή δραστηριοτήτων και την παροχή υπηρεσιών The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s andσυναφών itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ήthe συνδεόμενων με τις αρμοδιότητές πουtoαναφέρονται τομείς της then observed trend of wealthyτους, people buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusστους old residents areof 14. Οι αρμοδιότητες αφορούν κυρίως κοινωνικής προστασίας και αλληλεγγύης London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. τους τομείς: περιβάλλοντος, ποιότητας ζωής και εύρυθμης being indirectlyανάπτυξης, “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth λειτουργίας των πόλεων και των is οικισμών, απασχόλησης, κοινωνικής A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations recorded in other major προστασίας και αλληλεγγύης, παιδείας, πολιτισμού και αθλητισμού και πολιτικής GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. προστασίας. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has scholars andκαθορίζονται for various its more Επιπλέον, στο άρθρο 94, παρ. 3Β του several Νόμου below, 3852/2010, comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from the πρόσθετες αρμοδιότητες στον τομέα της κοινωνικής μέριμνας που σχετίζονται με comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: την προγραμμάτων υγιεινής, τον of έλεγχο την interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: Inυλοποίηση a sense, the phenomenon isδημόσιας dueof togentrification, a υγείας trend ofκαι a new socialκαι groups εποπτεία φιλανθρωπικών σωματείων και ιδρυμάτων, η ρύθμιση θεμάτων to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money διοικητικής τους from λειτουργίας, καθώς και με την καταβολή επιδομάτων. Η and time to travel the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 15 «Μετεξέλιξη του Οργανισμού τελευταία αρμοδιότητα, με τον Νόμο 4520/2018 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin Berlin, where she made herσε first studies. In Προνοιακών 1932 she published an important entitled: Γεωργικών Ασφαλίσεων Οργανισμό Επιδομάτων και study Κοινωνικής services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for
lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 11 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Φ.Ε.Κ. 149 τεύχος Α'. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 12 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Νόμος 3463/2006 Φ.Ε.Κ. 114 τεύχος Α’ του 2006. her work 13 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Κώδικας Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων, άρθρο 239. 2009. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 14 Κώδικας Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων, άρθρο 254. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 15
Φ.Ε.Κ. 30 τεύχος Α’ της 22-2-2018.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Αλληλεγγύης (Ο.Π.Ε.Κ.Α.) και λοιπές διατάξεις», πέρασε στον Οργανισμό Προνοιακών Επιδομάτων και Κοινωνικής Αλληλεγγύης (Ο.Π.Ε.Κ.Α.) χωρίς όμως να τεθεί ακόμη σε πλήρη εφαρμογή. Στο Φ.Ε.Κ. 1397/Β/22-10-2001 δημοσιεύτηκαν Υπουργικές Αποφάσεις, του Υπουργείου Υγείας και Πρόνοιας, καθορίζοντας τις προϋποθέσεις ίδρυσης και λειτουργίας των Κέντρων Δημιουργικής Απασχόλησης Παιδιών (Κ.Δ.Α.Π.), Παιδιών με Αναπηρία (Κ.Δ.Α.Π.ΜεΑ) και των Κέντρων Ημερήσιας Φροντίδας Ηλικιωμένων (Κ.Η.Φ.Η.). Κατόπιν 16 By Mr.αρ. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS με την Κοινή Υπουργική Απόφαση (Κ.Υ.Α.) Δ27/οικ. 9585/399/03-04-2013 17 ανατίθεται Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, και αργότερα την Δ22/οικ.17464/550/24-04-2015 η οργάνωση και By Mr. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect λειτουργία των Παιδικών Εξοχών - George-Sp. Κατασκηνώσεων του Κρατικού Student of the School of Architecture Προγράμματος στους Δήμους. Technical University of Crete Με την Κοινή Υπουργική Απόφαση (Κ.Υ.Α.) με αρ. Δ23/19061−1457/2218 καθορίστηκε το πλαίσιο ελάχιστων προδιαγραφών για Δομές Παροχής 04-2016 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Υπηρεσιών σε Αστέγους (όπως αυτοί philosopher, ορίστηκαν το BC άρθρο τουAthens), Νόμου 1. Introductory Defining the conceptμε(444 ANTISTHENIS,approach: the ancient Greek - 37029BC, 4052/2012): Ανοιχτά Κέντρα Greek Αστέγων,(444Υπνωτήρια, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC,Ξενώνες Athens), among other wise heritage he left Ημέρας us, he established a great the Μεταβατικής Φιλοξενίας, Υποστηριζόμενα Διαμερίσματα. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the 19 Με therefore, τοofΝόμο 4071/2012 θεσμοθετείται λειτουργία του Κοινωνικού acquisition knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, ifη of not final, approach, the term 1 Παντοπωλείου για την παροχή ειδών πρώτης ανάγκης, τη σίτιση και the ένδυση Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notγια final, approach, term (and urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban αστέγων και οικονομικά αδυνάτων δημοτών. gentrification gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various 20 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Με το Νόμο 4314/2014 το Ταμείο Ευρωπαϊκής Βοήθειας για τους ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of (Τ.Ε.Β.Α.) social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of υλική artists, Απόρους διανέμει στους απόρους τρόφιμα ή και βασική the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless συνδρομή στα πλαίσια του Ε.Π. για την κοινωνική απόρων. whatever other consequences has, results also ενσωμάτωση rising of landτων prices (and theof whatever otherΥπουργική consequences has, results alsoΥΠΕΝ/ΥΠΡΓ/1228/08.02.2018 rising of land prices (and the potential speculation). Με relative την Απόφαση (Υ.Α.) potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to «Καθορισμός λεπτομερειώνisγια την at εφαρμογή των ρυθμίσεων του άρθρου 36 του The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers 21 the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of Ν. 4508/2017» , αποφασίστηκε η παροχή εφάπαξ ειδικού βοηθήματος για τηνto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there andαποσυνδεθεί thus old residents are στήριξη καταναλωτών με χαμηλά εισοδήματα που έχουν από τοof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. δίκτυο παροχής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας λόγω ληξιπρόθεσμων οφειλών. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this 4368/2016 phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 22 is 23 Με τον Νόμο και την Κοινή Υπουργική Απόφαση A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major θεσμοθετείται η λειτουργία των Κέντρων Κοινότητας ως υποστηρικτικών δομών GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. των in κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών των ΟΤΑ και καθορίζονται οι ελάχιστες cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, λειτουργίας the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more 24. Σύμφωνα προδιαγραφές τους μ’ αυτόν τα Κέντρα Κοινότητας Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from δύναται να διευρύνουν τη δράση τους με Παραρτήματα για τους Ρομά και Κέντρα comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Ένταξης Μεταναστών (ΚΕΜ). interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 16 Φ.Ε.Κ. 814 τεύχοςfrom Β’ της 08-04-2013. The term comes Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense1.of 17 safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Φ.Ε.Κ. she 784 τεύχος Β’ της 05-05-2015. Berlin, where made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth18Unemployment. TheΒ’same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Φ.Ε.Κ. 1336 τεύχος της 12-05-2016. 19 lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Φ.Ε.Κ. 85 τεύχος Α’ της 11-04-2012. 20 she published in According 1943 studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Φ.Ε.Κ. 265 τεύχος Α’ της 23-12-2014. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and 21 long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Φ.Ε.Κ. 474 τεύχος Α’ της 14-02-2018. her work 22 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Φ.Ε.Κ. 21 τεύχος Α’ τηςfor 21-02-2016. and selling real estate, etc., theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 23 Κ.Υ.Α. Δ23/οικ. 14435/1135/29.03.2016 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 24 Φ.Ε.Κ. 854 τεύχος Β’ της 30-03-2016.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Types of και intervention, of«Κοινωνική Gentrification ΜεDefinition, τονConcerns Νόμο 4430/2016 Αλληλέγγυα Οικονομία και ανάπτυξη των φορέων της και άλλες διατάξεις», ο οποίος αντικατέστησε τον Νόμο Concerns 4019/2011, δίνεται η δυνατότητα να αναπτυχθούν δραστηριότητες που δίνουν 25
προτεραιότητα στην κάλυψη κοινωνικών αναγκών που αναπτύσσονται με δημοκρατικές διαδικασίες συμμετοχής και λήψης αποφάσεων, δημιουργώντας By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS νέες θέσεις εργασίας. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Με τον Νόμο 4483/2017, στο By άρθρο 153 παρατάθηκε εκ νέου η διάρκεια Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of για Architecture του προγράμματος «Βοήθεια στο Σπίτι», το οποίο είχε εφαρμοστεί πρώτη Technical University of Crete φορά πιλοτικά στο Δήμο Περιστερίου ως δήμο με υψηλό δείκτη γήρανσης και χαμηλά εισοδήματα, όσον αφορά τους ηλικιωμένους. 1. Introductory 26 approach: Defining the concept Με τον Νόμο approach: 4445/2016 συστήθηκε ο Εθνικός Μηχανισμός Συντονισμού, 1. Introductory the concept ANTISTHENIS, theΑξιολόγησης ancientDefining Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), Παρακολούθησης και των Πολιτικών(444 Κοινωνικής Ένταξης και ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Κοινωνικής Συνοχής όπου μεταξύ άλλων διαπιστώνει τις κοινωνικές ανάγκες των among otherknowledge wise heritage left us, he established a great the acquisition startshe with the definition the content of“principle”: concepts. πολιτών καιofσχεδιάζει, εποπτεύει και αξιολογεί τοofθεσμικό πλαίσιο της πλήρους acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term 27 εθνικής εφαρμογής του Κοινωνικού Εισοδήματος Αλληλεγγύης . Οι όροι και οι 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aμε first, notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in of Planning) (or gentrification προϋποθέσεις του τελευταίου καθορίστηκαν τηνifΚ.Υ.Α Γ.Δ.area 5/οικ. 2961-10/241 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various 01-2017. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Με Νόμο 4199/2013 (Άρθρο 127 παρ.and ΙΖ) the το Πρόγραμμα «Βοήθεια στο ways), ofτον social groups, usually of low-income placement there of artists, the operation ofνα art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of σπίτι» δύναται παρέχει υπηρεσίες κατ’ οίκον νοσηλείας με σκοπό τη νοσηλεία the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless of whatever other has, results rising of land prices (and the και ανάρρωση τουconsequences ασθενούς στο δικό του χώρο. whatever other has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). οικονομικοί πόροιis found για την και inτην άσκηση των itανωτέρω potential relative speculation). TheΟιterm gentrification at λειτουργία first in the UK early 1960s and refers to δράσεων κοινωνικής πολιτικής από τους Ο.Τ.Α. προέρχονται αφενός από The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto κρατικές επιχορηγήσεις και αφετέρου από ίδιους πόρους, προερχόμενους από the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof τέλη και upgrade δικαιώματα. επιχορηγήσεις δίδονται προκειμένου London, them,Οι stayκρατικές themselves sometimes there and thus old residentsνα are being indirectly “squeezed”. περιοριστούν εισοδηματικές διαφορές μεταξύ των και να αντιμετωπιστούν being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth προβλήματα που προκύπτουν κατά την παραγωγή καιwork παροχή των τοπικών A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major αγαθών από εξωτερικές επιβαρύνσεις. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Όπως προκύπτει απ’has όλα όσα αναφέραμε, το ενδιαφέρον της Πολιτείας για cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue several scholars and for its more τις ευπαθείς ομάδες της κοινωνίας πηγάζει από τη δικαιοσύνη του Συντάγματος, Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various αλλά δεν πρέπει να εξαντλείται πλαίσια μίας the επιδοματικής πολιτικής. Οι comprehensive approach are στα being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: άνθρωποι-πολίτες πρέπει να έχουν ίσα δικαιώματα και ίσες ευκαιρίες στην interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups εργασία και στην κοινωνική επιβίωσή τους. Σ’ αυτά τα πλαίσια να to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costsπρέπει in money ενταχθεί η λεγόμενη «κοινωνική πρόνοια». Κι εκεί χρειάζεται η Εκκλησία· η and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the διδασκαλία του Ευαγγελίου και η βίωση της θυσιαστικής αγάπης της οποίας 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin πρότυπο είναι ο Εσταυρωμένος Χριστός. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Συνεχίζεται…. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work 25 are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Φ.Ε.Κ. 205 τεύχοςetc., Α’ της 31-10-2016. and selling real estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 26 Φ.Ε.Κ. 236 τεύχος Α’ της 19-12-2016. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 27
Εδάφιο 2.5.3, παρ. Γ', άρθρο 3 του Νόμου 4336/2015.
2521 11
ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Η ηθική της επικοινωνίας κατά τον Habermas Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ConcernsΤης Δρος Στάλως ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ
Εισαγωγή Ο Jurgen Habermas είναι ένας σύγχρονος, παγκόσμιας φήμης φιλόσοφος, ο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS οποίος κατέστη ιδιαίτεραHarvard γνωστός για τη θεωρία που ανέπτυξε αναφορικά με University, Graduate School of Design, Student, την επικοινωνιακή δράση (communicative action), στην οποία οι φορείς της By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect κοινωνίας, προκειμένου να ενσαρκώσουν τους στόχους τους, επιδιώκουν την Student of the School of Architecture επίτευξη συναντίληψης και συντονισμού των δράσεωνTechnical τους, μέσα από τη χρήση University of Crete αιτιολογημένης επιχειρηματολογίας, συναίνεσης, και συνεργασίας και όχι κατ’ 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ανάγκη στρατηγικής δράσης (Habermas, 1984). 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Δεν είναι ωστόσο μόνο η γενική του φήμη που καθιστά τονBC, Hambermas ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), σχετικό με το κοινωνικό κεφάλαιο. Υπάρχουν και άλλοι λόγοι, όπως το γεγονός among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the ότι πολλοί γεωγράφοι, κοινωνιολόγοι, και θεωρητικοί προγραμματισμού among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the επηρεάστηκαν από τιςwith ιδέες του 2005). Επιπλέον, το έργο του acquisition of σημαντικά knowledge starts the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a(Bolton, first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and επικεντρώθηκε σταurban θεμέλια της κοινωνικής θεωρίας τηςapproach, επιστημολογίας, Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notκαι final, the term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and στην ανάλυση των αναπτυγμένων καπιταλιστικών κοινωνιών και της gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in the areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal from (in various δημοκρατίας, της έννοιας της νομιμοποίησης σε ένα κριτικό κοινωνικό-εξελικτικό Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, πλαίσιο, και της σύγχρονης πολιτικής — ιδιαίτερα της γερμανικής πολιτικής. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Αυτό ωστόσο που ενδιαφέρει ιδιαίτερα το παρόν πόνημα είναι ότι the τοof the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and θεωρητικό σύστημα του Hambermas είναι αφιερωμένο στην whatever other consequences has, results also rising of landαποκάλυψη prices (andτης the potential relative speculation). δυνατότητας του λόγου, της πολιτικής χειραφέτησης, και της λανθάνουσας potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to ορθολογικής-κριτικής επικοινωνίας στους σύγχρονους θεσμούς, αλλά και της The term gentrification found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property in poor ofto ανθρώπινης ικανότητας να εκπληρώνει και να επιδιώκει ορθολογικά the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof ενδιαφέροντα (Kutchinsky, 2014). London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Στο παρών άρθρο, αφού γίνει μια εννοιολογική ετυμολογική being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work ofκαι Sociologist Ruth προσέγγιση των όρων «Ηθική» και «Επικοινωνία», παρουσιάζονται και A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αναλύονται οι θεωρίες του Habermas ως προς την ηθική της επικοινωνίας. Πιο GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. συγκεκριμένα, παρουσιάζονται οι απόψεις του ως προς τις αρχές που πρέπει να cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more διέπουν επικοινωνία το διάλογο τόσο σε διαπροσωπικό όσο καιmore σε Sinceτην then, the issue και has several scholars andthe for various its comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from διακρατικό επίπεδο, ενώ ιδιαίτερα έμφαση δίνεται στιςbelow, θεωρίες τουthe Habermas comprehensive approach are being summarized from various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: για την ηθική τουthe κοινωνικού διαλόγου. Θεωρίες, the οι οποίες προωθούν τους interpretations phenomenon following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups στόχους για την απελευθέρωση του ανθρώπου, διατηρώντας ένα αποκλειστικά to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money οικουμενικό ηθικό πλαίσιο. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin,Επικοινωνία where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment the heart ofστον the city”, (possibly) YouthΟUnemployment. The sameσυναντάται year she left Germany andφορά after continuous movements όρος «επικοινωνία» για“at πρώτη Πλάτωνα με τηfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva,σχέσης». Prague, London and New York she came back to London, σημασία της «αμοιβαίας Το ρήμα «επικοινωνώ» αρχικά σήμαινε in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and «μεταδίδω μήνυμα, πληροφορία ανταλλάσσω γνώσεις, κ.λπ. με University informal College of London, where sheήcontinued her social research.σκέψεις Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying κάποιον» (Μπαμπινιώτης, her work are characterized by2010). a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. (2010), London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Όπως αναφέρεται στον Πέτρου δεν υπάρχει μιαof οριστικοποιημένη Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aεννοιολογική variety of ways, in order to achieve theόρου “assisted”, “voluntary”, προσέγγιση καιAbstract. ανάλυση του «επικοινωνία». Οι τρεις(actually ωστόσο,
252163 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
κυριότερες θεωρίες που έχουν αναπτυχθεί στις κοινωνικές επιστήμες εστιάζονται στα εξής: α) στη μελέτη της επικοινωνίας βάσει της συγκριτικής ανάλυσης της συμπεριφοράς των διαφόρων ζωικών ειδών και του ανθρώπου β) Στη μελέτη της γλώσσας και στην ανάλυση φορέων και μηνυμάτων και γ) στο σύνολο της επικοινωνιακής διαδικασίας.
Τρόποι διάχυσης της Επικοινωνίας By Mr. ATHANASOPOULOS Σύμφωνα με τον Πέτρου (2010), η George-Sp. επικοινωνίαC.είναι μια πολύπλευρη Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, διαδικασία η οποία επιτελείται με συγκεκριμένους τρόπους, οι of κυριότεροι εκ των By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect οποίων είναι οι εξής: Student the καθίσταται School of Architecture Ομιλία: εφαρμόζεται η επικοινωνία από τη στιγμήofπου εφικτή η Technical University of Crete ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών ανάμεσα σε αυτούς που συμμετέχουν στο σύστημα. Το μέσο επικοινωνίας είναι η γλώσσα, η οποία μπορεί να είναι λεκτική (λέξεις και 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept προτάσεις με βάση approach: την κοινωνική εμπειρία και τον πολιτισμό) ή μη λεκτική 1. Introductory Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek (χειρονομίες, τόνος φωνής, παύσεις κ.α.)philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444great BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established the Ανάπτυξη αμοιβαίων διαπροσωπικών σχέσεων: Οιa άνθρωποι, ως μέλη της among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. κοινωνίας υφίστανται τον κοινωνικό έλεγχο και προσαρμόζουν τη συμπεριφορά acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term τους, στους κοινά αποδεκτούς κανόνες, οι οποίοι ρυθμίζουν την αλληλεπίδραση 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first,και if (in not final, approach, the term the area of Planning) (or gentrification σε βαθμό που να επέρχεταιgentrification) η κοινωνική ισορροπία γαλήνη. 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Αισθήσεις: Ο άνθρωπος, αφού κατανοήσει, εκτιμήσει και γνωρίσει σε Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usuallyτου, of low-income the placement of artists, βάθος of τους συνανθρώπους δύναται ναand αξιολογήσει πολύthere καλύτερα τις ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of προοπτικές μιας συνεργασίας. Τέτοιες διαδικασίες, βοηθούν στην there αμοιβαιότητα the operation of art galleries, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, συναίνεση results rising ofεπιτυχία land prices (and theof των σχέσεων, στην αποδοχή,restaurants, στη και στην των κοινών whatever other2010). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). στόχων (Πέτρου, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Συνεργασία και επικοινωνία the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Η συνεργασία και η επικοινωνία είναι όροι αλληλένδετοι. Σύμφωνα με τον London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Πέτρου (2010), αν οι άνθρωποι αδυνατούν να συνθέσουν ένα μήνυμα, να το being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of included workμεofτη Sociologist Ruth κωδικοποιήσουν ναthis το phenomenon στείλουν στο isδέκτη και in ο the δέκτης σειρά του, να A description ofperiod, this is situations included inwere the recorded workεπικοινωνίας, of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αντιδράσει ανάλογα και phenomenon συνεπώς να ανοιχτεί ένας δίαυλος τότε GLASS at theηsame period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. είναι ανέφικτη επικοινωνία και κατ’ επέκταση η συνεργασία. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being προσέγγιση summarized from Εννοιολογική και ετυμολογική comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ηθική of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: όροςthe «ηθική» συναντάται για πρώτη τον 4ο ofαι. π.Χ.groups στον In aΟsense, phenomenon is dueof to a trend of aφορά new social Αριστοτέλη (Ρητορ. 1391b.20-21), και η αρχική του σημασία ήταν: «σχετική με τα to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ήθη,time δηλαδή τους from τρόπους, το χαρακτήρα και τη διαγωγή». Η σύγχρονη σημασία and to travel the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in του 1.έχει υποστεί επίδραση του γαλλικού όρου (Μπαμπινιώτης, sense ofThe safety theτην distributed residencies outside town«moral» centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: 2010). of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) services Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Ο and Σωκράτης, ως ο πρώτος που έθεσε το easier πρόβλημα περί της αξίας του lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access to markets, etc.where studies research Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came back to London, ανθρώπου πράξεών του, the θεωρείται ο θεμελιωτής της φιλοσοφικής in According 1943 she και published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toτων another approach, is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social τη research. Her and ηθικής καιinformal το περιεχόμενό της είναι συναφές προς θέση brokers και public τη συζήτηση long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. προβλημάτων που προκύπτουν από το βασικό της ερώτημα: «Τι πρέπει and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,να in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: πράξω»; Ο πρώτος ωστόσο που έθεσε και ανέλυσε την έννοιά της ηθικής ήταν ο G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Αριστοτέλης, ο οποίος δίδαξε ότι η ηθική, γέννημα του έθους, της συνήθειας, πήρε το όνομά της από το έθος (συνήθεια), το οποίο ελάχιστα διαφέρει από το ήθος (Μάνος, 2002). Τόσο η θεωρητική όσο και η πρακτική εμπειρία, διδάσκουν ότι οι συγκρούσεις μεταξύ των ηθικών θεωριών δεν θα πάψουν να υφίστανται, δεδομένου ότι δεν υπάρχει ένα συγκεκριμένο σύστημα αξιών, κανόνων και αρχών, καθολικώς αποδεκτό (Μάνος, 2002).
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Αριστοτέλης και ηθική Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Όπως αναφέρθηκε ήδη στοByπρολογικό σημείωμα, ο πρώτος που Student of theγραμματεία School of Architecture χρησιμοποιεί τον όρο «ηθική» στην Αρχαία Ελληνική είναι ο University of Crete Αριστοτέλης. Πώς ωστόσο αντιλαμβάνεται την ηθική ο Technical ίδιος ο Αριστοτέλης; Ο πρώτος κανόνας για τον Αριστοτέλη είναι ότι στην ηθική δεν υπάρχουν 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept κανόνες. Το να είναι ένας άνθρωπος «καλός» υποδηλώνει ότι αναπτύσσει το 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient (444 το BCκαλύτερο - 370 BC,δυνατό Athens), χαρακτήρα του έτσι ώστε να έχειGreek τη δυνατότητα να κάνει σε ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the κάθε κατάσταση, και στην περίπτωση που εξετάζει η παρούσα εργασία, κατά η among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition ofεπικοινωνίας. knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the διάρκεια της acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first,ναif of not final, approach, term Σύμφωνα με τον Αριστοτέλη, μπορούμε οδηγηθούμε προς τηthe σωστή 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification δράση, παραιτούμενοι από την ιδέα ότι το καλό και το κακό είναι αντίθετα και 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various απεναντίας, αντιλαμβανόμενοι το καλό ως τη μέση οδό ανάμεσα σε δύο ακραίες Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income the placement there ofκατά artists, καταστάσεις υπερβολής και ανεπάρκειας. Γιαand παράδειγμα, το θάρρος, τη ways), ofτης social groups, usually of low-income and the placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of διάρκεια επικοινωνίας βρίσκεται ανάμεσα στην υπερβολή της there απερισκεψίας theτην operation ofconsequences artτης galleries, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof και ανεπάρκεια δειλίαςrestaurants, (Loewer, 2014). whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). TheΗθική term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to της Επικοινωνίας The term gentrification iswealthy found in the UK in earlyτου 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of to buy property inανθρώπου, poor ofto Σύμφωνα με τον Μάνο (2002),atpeople ηfirst ηθική συμπεριφορά δεν the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are επηρεάζεται ουσιαστικά από τα φιλοσοφικά συστήματα, είτε στην πιο ατελή καιof London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes there and thusΑυτό old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. αυθαίρετη είτε στην πιο stay ολοκληρωμένη και τέλεια εκδοχή τους. συνέβαινε being indirectly “squeezed”. description ofεποχές, this phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist Ruth σε Aπαλαιότερες όταν η ηθική φιλοσοφία είχεof στέρεες βάσεις, A description ofperiod, this is situations included inwere the recorded workδιαμόρφωσης of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while in other major αποτελώντας έναν απόphenomenon τους similar βασικούς παράγοντες της GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by τους other ανθρώπου. Researchers.Στις μέρες μας, τον ρόλο αυτό κοινωνικοπολιτικής στάσης cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars ηand for itsκαθώς more επωμίζονται άλλα πολιτισμικά μορφώματα, όπως η οικονομία, πολιτική, Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied beingτεχνικής, summarized from various και ισχυροί μηχανισμοί ψυχολογικής όπωςbelow, τα Μέσα τηςthe λεγόμενης comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης (Μάνος, 2002). interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: τους Fox καιis Demarco (2001), ηθική εμφανίζει μεγαλύτερη In aΣύμφωνα sense, theμε phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend of aηnew of social groups ομοιότητα προς την κοινωνιολογία, μέρος της οποίας αποτελεί και η επικοινωνία, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ότανtime συζητά για την ανθρώπινη συμπεριφορά μεwhere βάση το καλό καιis,τοlack κακό, το and to travel from the purlieus to downtown, work place of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born ορθό of καιsafety το λάθος, όταν, δηλαδή πρόκειται περίtown της centres, κανονιστικής Οin sense at the distributed residencies outside searchηθικής. for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Μάνος (2002), επισημαίνει ότι η “at ηθική υπ’city”, όψιν(possibly) της την services of health, education,πάντως, entertainment the λαμβάνει heart of the Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for κοινωνία και τα δρώμενα γύρω από αυτήν αλλά δε δεσμεύεται από αυτήν. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and Ηθική της of Επικοινωνίας κατά τον Habermas long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Στη real θεωρία τηςetc., επικοινωνιακής δράσης, ο Habermas κάνει τηEncyclopedia: διάκριση and selling estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free μεταξύ του προσανατολισμένου στην επιτυχία και του προσανατολισμένου στη G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
συνεννόηση «πράττειν». Σε αυτά αντιστοιχούν δύο είδη ορθολογικότητας: η ορθολογικότητα ως προς το σκοπό και η επικοινωνιακή ορθολογικότητα. Ο Habermas πιστεύει ότι στην επικοινωνιακή δράση, οι συμμετέχοντες δεν προσανατολίζονται πρωταρχικά προς την ιδία επιτυχία επιδιώκουν τους ατομικούς τους στόχους υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι είναι σε θέση να συνταιριάξουν τα πρακτικά τους σχέδια στη βάση κοινών ορισμών της περίστασης. Με αυτήν την έννοια, η διαπραγμάτευση των ορισμών της περίστασης αποτελεί C. ATHANASOPOULOS αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της αναγκαίαςBy γιαMr. τηνGeorge-Sp. επικοινωνιακή δράση ερμηνευτικής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, δραστηριότητας. By Mr. George-Sp.τη C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Επιπλέον, ο Habermas θεωρεί πρωταρχική θέση ότι γλωσσική Studentεπιδίωξη of the School of Architecture επικοινωνία σημαίνει πρώτιστα συνεννόηση, δηλαδή και επίτευξη μιας Technical University of ορθολογικής συναίνεσης μεταξύ των επικοινωνούντων υποκειμένων. Γι' αυτόCrete και η ανάλυση της γλώσσας ως «του υφαδιού, απ' τις κλωστές του οποίου τα 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept υποκείμενα κρέμονται και όπου διαμορφώνονται εν γένει ως υποκείμενα» μπορεί 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), the το ancient Greek να ANTISTHENIS, στηριχθεί σε αυτό μοντέλο τηςphilosopher, καθαρής επικοινωνιακής δράσης. «Η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherενυπάρχει wise heritage he στην left us, he established a great the συνεννόηση ως τέλος ανθρώπινη γλώσσα». among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, onδιάλογο this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Συμμετοχή στο 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) gentrification Ο Habermas, βιβλίο του «Η ηθική της επικοινωνίας», τονίζει (or τα 1 (and στο gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ακόλουθα όσον αφορά τη συμμετοχή στη διαλογική επικοινωνία: Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Συμπεριλαμβάνει of social groups, usually of low-income placement of artists, όλα τα υποκείμενα and πουtheέχουν την there ικανότητα να ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of συμμετέχουν σε επιχειρηματολογίες the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever has, results rising ofεπιχειρηματολογία land prices (and και theof Όλοιother έχουν ίσες ευκαιρίες για να συμβάλλουν στην whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). να προβάλλουν έγκυρα επιχειρήματα potential relative speculation). TheΌλοι termμπορούν gentrification is found at first the UK in early 1960s and refers to να επωφεληθούν τουinδικαιώματος πρόσβασης καιit ισότιμης The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas συμμετοχής στην επικοινωνία, χωρίς καμία μορφή καταστολής. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents Οι πιο πάνω υποθέσεις θα πρέπει να είναι αναπόφευκτες προκειμένου are ναof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. επιτύχει ένας διάλογος και να προσεγγίσουμε αποδεκτά και αποτελεσματικά being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included the work Sociologist επίπεδα επικοινωνίας. Αυτό υποδηλώνει ότι in όλοι έχουνofτο δικαίωμαRuth να A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theσε same while recorded in other συμμετέχουν έναν διάλογο καιsimilar να προβάλλουν ταthe επιχειρήματά τους, major χωρίς GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities inμορφή Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. καμία καταστολής. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars for its more Σύμφωνα με τον Πέτρου (2010), όσον several αφορά τον τομέα and της εκπαίδευσης, Since then,πρέπει the issue has several που scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being below, from various το ενδιαφέρον να εστιαστεί στοsummarized υποσύστημα ονομάζεται «σχολείο» comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various και το οποίο έχει του ανθρώπινους οργανισμούς. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση, interpretations ofως theμέλη phenomenon of gentrification, the following: of theναphenomenon gentrification, the following: ηinterpretations επικοινωνία πρέπει εξεταστεί ωςof μια διαδικασία ανάπτυξης των In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a πολύπλευρη trend of a new category of social groups επαφών μεταξύ των ανθρώπων, η οποία υπαγορεύεται από σημαντικές ανάγκες, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money κυρίως την from κατάκτηση του toεκπαιδευτικού αγαθού, μέσω is,της and timeαπό to travel the purlieus downtown, where work place lackκοινής of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in δραστηριότητας, με συγκεκριμένους τρόπους δράσης (Πέτρου, 2010). sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin,Οwhere she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Habermas θεωρεί ότιentertainment η συζήτηση είναι η heart ανταλλαγή και αντιservices of health, education, “at the of theλόγων city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for λόγων, επιχειρημάτων και αντεπιχειρημάτων, ανάμεσα σε δύο ή περισσότερους lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, συμμετέχοντες τη studies βασική προϋπόθεση ότι όλοι ίσοι στο διάλογο και in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In είναι 1950 she teacher in the toμεanother approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and ανοικτοί στις απόψεις τωνby άλλων. Στο διάλογο, οι συμμετέχοντες έχουν αμοιβαίες long-term informal effort organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. προσδοκίες ως προςetc., τη for συμπεριφορά, οι οποίες τίθενται σε «κανονιστικό and selling real estate, theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: καθεστώς» (Habermas, 1975). Με άλλα λόγια, αν δύο ηθοποιοί συμφωνούν να G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
συμμετάσχουν σε διάλογο, μπορούμε να υποθέσουμε ότι είναι ανοικτοί αφενός στο να ακούσουν και αφετέρου στο να ακουστούν, υιοθετώντας συγκεκριμένα πρότυπα και συμπεριφορές. Και οι δύο εκθέτουν τα επιχειρήματά τους (αυτό που ο Habermas αποκαλεί «αιτίες») και προσπαθούν μέσω των καλύτερων επιχειρημάτων να πείσουν το συνομιλητή τους για ένα θέμα. Επιπλέον, Απαραίτητη επίσης προϋπόθεση, είναι ότι όσοι συμμετέχουν στο διάλογο είναι ανοιχτοί στο ενδεχόμενο το αντεπιχείρημα να είναι ισχυρότερο από το By Mr. C. ATHANASOPOULOS επιχείρημά τους Εν ολίγοις, ο Habermas, γιαGeorge-Sp. τον καθορισμό της διαδικασίας της Harvard University, Graduate School of Student, επικοινωνιακής ορθολογικότητας, θέτει ως προϋπόθεση οι Design, συμμετέχοντες By Mr. George-Sp. Architect λαμβάνουν μέρος σε έναν εποικοδομητικό διάλογο, C. ο ATHANASSOPOULOS οποίος υιοθετεί την Student ofτης the School of Architecture «καθολική πραγματολογία» (universal pragmatics) γλώσσας και της University of Crete κοινωνικής συμπεριφοράς. Βασική προϋπόθεση είναι Technical ότι οι συμμετέχοντες στο διάλογο, μοιράζονται τις ίδιες έννοιες για την κάθε λέξη και έχουν ένα «αμοιβαία 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αναγνωρισμένο κανονιστικό πλαίσιο»the concept (mutually recognized normative 1. Introductory approach: ANTISTHENIS, the2013). ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), background) (Marquiss, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among otherαναφέρεται wise heritage left us,(1999), he established a great the Όπως στονheRustins οι συμμετέχοντες σε έναν διάλογο among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. επιβάλλεται κατά τον Habermas, να τηρούν ένα σύνολο καθορισμένων acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term προϋποθέσεων. Το έργο του Habermas, σύμφωνα με τον Rustins, ασχολείται με 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the στη term gentrification) is area ofκοινωνίας Planning) (or gentrification την επιθυμία για δημιουργία μιας καλύτερης ή χειραφετημένης 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various δομή της γλώσσας και του λόγου (Bolton, 2005). Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),Ηof«ηθική social groups, usually of low-income the placement there of artists, του διαλόγου» που προβάλλειand ο Habermas εμπερικλείεται στην ways), of παράδοση social groups, of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.ηθικών, However this “change”, regardless of ευρύτερη τωνusually γνωστικιστικών που από τον Kant και μετά the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other has, results also rising ofηθικών land prices (and the επιμένουν να προβάλλουν τη «δυνατότητα αλήθειας» των διλημμάτων. Οιof whatever other consequences has, results also rising land prices (and το the potential relative speculation). ηθικές αυτές θεωρίες χαρακτηρίζονται πάντα από τρίαofβασικά στοιχεία: potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK 1960s andτους. it refers to γνωστικισμό, την καθολικότητα-οικουμενικότητα καιinτοearly φορμαλισμό The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto Η ηθική του διαλόγου είναι γνωστικιστική, γιατί υποστηρίζει σθεναρά τη the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are θέση ότι τα ηθικά προβλήματα είναι δυνατόν να κριθούν στη βάσηof London, upgrade themselves there and residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. επιχειρημάτων, καιthem, κατάstay συνέπεια ότι τοsometimes ηθικό πράττειν δεν thus είναιold αναγκασμένο being indirectly “squeezed”. description phenomenon is included δηλαδή in the work of Sociologist Ruth να A στηριχθεί σε of μιαthis ανεπίδεκτη δικαιολόγηση, εντέλει μη ορθολογική A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included the recorded work«πεποιθήσεις» of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations were in other major απόφαση, η οποία δεν ριζώνει παράis μόνο στιςin τυχαίες και GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western other Researchers. «ανάγκες» του countries, δρώντος byυποκειμένου, όπως υποστηρίζουν οι διαφόρων cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,ντεσιζιονιστικές the issue has several scholars and for its more κατευθύνσεων θεωρίες. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various Όσον αφορά στον ηθικό γνωστικισμό, σύμφωνα με τονthe Habermas, comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the συνεπάγεται τοof αίτημα της καθολικότητας, το οποίο παρουσιάζει δύο όψεις:various Κατά interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: πρώτον, η ηθική θεωρία πρέπει ναof έναofκριτήριο για τηof γενίκευση των In a sense, theof phenomenon is due toδίνει a trend a new social groups ηθικών κανόνων, δηλαδή για τη διατύπωση κανόνων, που θα εκφράζουν γενικά ή to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money γενικεύσιμα διαφέροντα. κριτήριο αυτό είναιwhere μια ηθική αρχή, is, όπως η and time to travel from theΤο purlieus to downtown, work place lack π.χ. of the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in καντιανή κατηγορική προσταγή. Η Ruth δεύτερη πλευρά τηςcentres, καθολικότητας αφορά sense safety the distributed residencies outside town better Berlin, whereαυτή she made her αρχή first studies. In 1932 she published entitled: στο αίτημα, ηeducation, ηθική να υπερβαίνει κάθε μερικότητα, δηλαδή να ριζώνει services of health, entertainment “at the heartan ofimportant the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for σε κάτι καθολικό, όπως π.χ. στον καντιανό πρακτικό Λόγο. lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Τέλος, η to ηθική του διαλόγου, κατά τον Habermas φορμαλιστική. Όπως in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the another approach, the isείναι due tobecame a systematic and College of London, where continued her social research. Her public and ηUniversity καντιανή ηθική, έτσι by και η she ηθική του διαλόγου δεν επιθυμεί να ορίσει long-term informal effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. οντολογικά, μια για πάντα, τους ορθούς ηθικούς κανόνες, αλλά περιορίζεται στο and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: να δώσει ένα τυπικό κριτήριο αξιολόγησης της ορθότητας των εκάστοτε G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Επικοινωνία κατά τον Habermas Η επικοινωνία είναι, σύμφωνα με τον Habermas, πανταχού παρούσα, τόσο Concerns
κανονιστικών περιεχομένων, οι οποίοι πιθανόν να συνδέονται με κάποια συγκεκριμένη κοινωνική «μορφή ζωής»1.
στην προσωπική ζωή όσο και στο δημόσιο βίο καθώς και στην εσωτερική αλλά και διεθνή πολιτική. Η επικοινωνία συναντάται σε διμερές επίπεδο, μεταξύ δύο Mr.σχέσεων, George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS κρατών μέσω των διπλωματικών By τους καθώς και σε πολυμερές Harvardστα University, Graduate of Design, Student, επίπεδο, όπως για παράδειγμα Ηνωμένα Έθνη ήSchool άλλους περιφερειακούς By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect οργανισμούς. Διάλογος διεξάγεται επίσης μεταξύ κρατικών και μη κρατικών Student of the School of Architecture φορέων. Technical University of Crete Η επικοινωνία και ο διάλογος επηρεάζουν ασφαλώς σε μεγάλο βαθμό το διεθνές σύστημα. Μπορούν ωστόσο να επηρεάσουν και να αλλάξουν το διεθνές 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept σκηνικό στο βαθμόapproach: που ο Hambermas θαconcept επιθυμούσε; Ο Hambermas έθεσε 1. Introductory Defining the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), λοιπόν το εξής ερώτημα: "Μπορεί αυτή η μορφή δημοκρατικής αυτοANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great κατεύθυνσης των σύγχρονων κοινωνιών - στο πλαίσιο του έθνους-κράτους -the να among otherknowledge wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition with of the2003: content concepts.ότιthe επεκταθούνofπέρα από ταstarts εθνικά σύνορα» (Habermas, 87); Φαίνεται η acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based,που therefore, on this “principle” first, ηif of not final, approach, the term αλλαγή υποστηρίζει ο Habermasin aείναι χειραφέτηση της διεθνούς 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onνα this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) gentrification κοινωνίας, προκειμένου καταστεί μιαis«αυτο-επηρεαζόμενη (selfaffected)(or ή 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various αυτο-σκηνοθετημένη (self-directing) κοινωνία». Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityναarea, the removal from this, of (inartists, various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there Οof μακροπρόθεσμος στόχος πρέπει είναι το σταθερή ξεπέρασμα της ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.σε However this “change”, regardless of κοινωνικής διαίρεσης και διαστρωμάτωσης μια παγκόσμια κοινωνία, χωρίς να the operation ofωστόσο art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other consequences has, results rising of “change”, land prices (and theof καταστρέφεται η πολιτιστική ιδιαιτερότητα» (Bolton, 2005). whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). TheΚοινωνικός term gentrification is found first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to διάλογος κατά at τον Habermas The term gentrification is found at first in the UK(2012), in earlyο1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor Σύμφωνα με τους Dukes και Χριστοδουλίδη όρος «κοινωνικός the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof διάλογος» χρησιμοποιείται για να αναφερθεί στο διάλογο μεταξύ του London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. εκπροσώπου της διεύθυνσης και των υπαλλήλων («κοινωνικοί εταίροι») στην being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, οι phenomenon οποίοι προσπαθούν να διαπραγματευτούν σχετικά με A description ofπροκειμένου this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atθέματα, the same period, while similar in other major διάφορα να επιτευχθούν δεσμευτικές συμφωνίες. Ο GLASS at the same period, while situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, othersimilar Researchers. κοινωνικός διάλογος στηνbyΕυρωπαϊκή Ένωση θεωρείται ότι βρίσκεται στο cities inτου Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several andτην forκινητήρια its more κέντρο «ευρωπαϊκού κοινωνικού μοντέλου καιscholars αποτελεί Since then, the issue has several μεταρρυθμίσεις. scholars andthe forΗvarious its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being below, from δύναμη πίσω από τις οικονομικές καιsummarized κοινωνικές ίδια η comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, αναφορά της το 2002, επισημαίνει ότι παρόλο που η interpretations of theμε phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon the following: καλύτερη διακυβέρνηση της διευρυμένης Ευρώπης βασίζεται στη συμμετοχή In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups όλων των φορέων στη διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων, οι κοινωνικοί εταίροι to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money καταλαμβάνουν θέση μέσα στηνwhere κοινωνία and time to travelμια fromμοναδική the purlieus to downtown, workτων placeπολιτών, is, lack of την the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born καλύτερη θέση γιαdistributed να αντιμετωπιστούν ζητήματα σχετίζονται μεbetter τηνin sense of safety at the residencies outside townπου centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: εργασία (Marquis, 2013). services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying 1 her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Hambermas, J. Η ηθική της επικοινωνίας Διαθέσιμο and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of[online]. part of the urban web,στο in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: http://www.ardin.gr/?q=node/659 Πρόσβαση: 6/2/2016 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS O κοινωνικός διάλογος στηνByΕυρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα αντιμετωπίσει, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, σύμφωνα με τους Dukes και Χριστοδουλίδη (2012), τις αξιώσεις του Habermas By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS για ένα ανοιχτό και ισότιμο διάλογο, όπου οι συμμετέχοντες στο Architect διάλογο Student of the School Architecture επηρεάζονται από τα αποτελέσματα, με τη συμμετοχή όλων των of φορέων στη Technical University of Crete διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των κοινωνικών εταίρων και1.της κοινωνίας approach: των πολιτών. Ωστόσο, Dukes και Χριστοδουλίδης (2012) Introductory Defining the οι concept επισημαίνουν το θέμα της «αντιπροσωπευτικότητας» στον ευρωπαϊκό κοινωνικό 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, theυποστηρίζουν, ancientDefining Greekθέτει philosopher, - 370του BC,Habermas Athens), διάλογο, ο οποίος όπως σε κίνδυνο τηνBC ελπίδα ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the για την αλλαγή προς μια κοσμοπολίτικη Ευρώπη. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ενδεικτική Βιβλιογραφία 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Bolton, R. (2005). HABERMAS’S THEORY OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTION 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various AND THE THEORY OF SOCIAL CAPITAL. Massachusetts: Williams College Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement Department of Economics and Center for Environmental Studies there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of and thethis placement there of Social artists, the operation of galleries, restaurants, etc.“Habermas However “change”, regardless of Dukes, R.,art Christodoulidis, E.low-income (2012) and the European the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Dialogue: Deliberative Democracy as Industrial Democracy?”, International Union whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Rights Journal, 18:speculation). 4. potential relative speculation). TheFox, term gentrification is found at Moral first inreasoning. the UK in A early 1960s and it refers to to RM., Demarco, J.P. (2001). philosophic approach The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of applied ethics. London: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are Habermas, J. (1975).Legitimation Crisis. London: Heinemann London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus oldVolume residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Habermas, J. them, (1984). Reason and the Rationalization of Society, 1 of being indirectly “squeezed”. description of this phenomenon included in the work Sociologist Ruth TheATheory of Communicative Action,isEnglish translation by of Thomas McCarthy. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whilepublished similar recorded in other major Boston: Beacon Press (originally in German in 1981). GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities inHabermas, Western countries, by otherΚαβουλάκος, Researchers.Κ.) «Η ηθική της επικοινωνίας» J. (Μετάφραση: cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issueστο has several scholars and for its more [online]. Διαθέσιμο http://www.ardin.gr/?q=node/659 Πρόσβαση: Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from 6/2/2016. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Kutchinsky, S. phenomenon (2014). "World thinkers 2014: The results". Prospect interpretations of the of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: Magazine. In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Loewer, B. (2014). 50 Φιλοσοφικές θεωρίες που επηρέασαν την to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money ανθρωπότητα. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termΑ. from Sociologist Ruthτου GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born Μάνος, (2002). Η οντολογία κακού παρά Πλωτίνω. Ηθικοί καιin sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: μεταηθικοί απόηχοι. Αθήνα: Ινστιτούτο του Βιβλίου Α. Καρδαμίτσα. services of health, education, entertainment “at the–heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Μπαμπινιώτης, Γ. (2010). Ετυμολογικό Λεξικό της Νέας Αθήνα: lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she cameΕλληνικής, back to London, Κέντρο in According 1943Λεξικολογίας. she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University CollegeC. of (2013). London, where she continued her social research. Her and Marquiss, Habermas, Dialogue, and Change in brokers thepublic International long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. System. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Πέτρου, Σ. (2010). Σχολεία χωρίς τείχη. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Γκιούρδας G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252169 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252171 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252173 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252175 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns The EIB: technocratic or political? ByBy Francesco Michele Dicearco MANTI Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS University Luxembourg Harvard University, Graduate School ofof Design, Student,
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture there has been a sort of hybridisation Technical University of Crete
In the last two decades, between politics and technocracy. A mixture between public and private, what Peter Crouch in his the Post-Democracy would call private 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Keynesianism, as the tendency by the State to withdraw from ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC,activities Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, of public interest (such as education or research) toAthens), make among other wise heritage he funds left us,for he established a great “principle”: the among wiseactors. heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with content concepts. of room forother private Obviously, the EIB of is the a financial institution acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term the European Union that has as its objective the regional development 1 (and urban therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in final, approach, the term gentrification) the area of Planning) (or gentrification andBased, the under-developed countries’ one; but innot order to answer to the 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various question itasiswell), interesting to look of at athe investments, thefrom projects and the Sociology as the “refining” city area, the removal this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, composition of groups, the Bank. ways), of social usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of For what concerns the economic side, there is a strong emphasis the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof on supporting in ACP creation growth whatever other(especially consequences has,countries) results alsothe rising of landand prices (and of the potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). SMEs, parameters is that areatinfirst sharp contradiction withand those listed The with term gentrification found in the UK in early 1960s it refers to The term gentrification found and atpeople firstoperating in the UK in early 1960s andand itareas refers the observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto by then the European Commission through loans not the then observed wealthy people to there buyitproperty in a poor areas London, upgrade stayaof themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof funds given its them, roletrend as bank. In my opinion, expresses markedly London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. neoliberal logic, arose impetuously during the Washington Consensus’ being indirectly “squeezed”. A description this phenomenon is included thegeneral work of Sociologist Ruth period. A vision,ofof according to which, beyondinin the on tariffs A description this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work oflines Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar were in other major and investments, the private sectorsituations is seen were as the maininfactor for GLASS at the same period, while similar recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. structural cohesion not has only limited in generating wealthand andfor wellbeing, cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue several scholars its more Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more supporting the nascent national institutions. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Besides of thethetechnical nature, the politicalthe situation behind the EIB interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: has be tackled, with shareholders beingofthe 28 Member of the Into a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend a new ofStates social groups to “return” city, leaving the purlieus several reasons: costs in Union money EU, basedto onthe their economic weight for (GDP) within the high European and timetime to travel from the purlieus to downtown, similar where work place is, of the at the of its accession. Conceptually to IMF, thelack shares’ 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, division confers more power the she economically stronger States. Berlin, where she made her first studies.to In 1932 published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same follow year she a leftmore Germany and after and continuous Therefore, those projects coherent interconnectedfor lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, policy with investments ofphenomenon individual MSs, to in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to the another approach, the is due acompared systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and Communitarian projects. long-term informaldevelopment effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Thus, the EIBetc., shows dual nature: technocratic by its means, and selling real estate, for theaCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: intentions of the its members. Gentrification: G. original ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm apolitical variety in of the ways, in order to achieve “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252177 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252179 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Design Types and Construction: Definition, of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification The role of new technologies Concerns Georgios - Spyridon C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Mr. Candidate George-Sp.Cambridge C. ATHANASOPOULOS PhD University, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Engineering Department By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Master ofStudent Architecture in Urban Design of the School of Architecture Harvard Graduate School of Design Technical University of Crete Bachelor of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient From Renaissance to the Greek 21st Century ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other heritage he left us, he established a great the One ofwise the main characteristics ofphilosopher, the design profession is the ability to among wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of synchronical knowledge starts with of the content concepts. adapt toother its changes in society. These changes take place in acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term various fields such as the economic realm or the social organization of a state, 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first,the if (in not final, approach, the and term gentrification) is the of Planning) (or gentrification as well as in technology and the sciences. Since ages ofarea ancient Egypt 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various its Pyramids, the role of the architect, a term that can be translated from the Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofengineer, low-income theremoval placement greek language as the primary wasand to try to invent tools, processes, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operationtechniques of art galleries, etc.common Howeverneeds this “change”, regardless of or material thatrestaurants, would serve and would provide the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the solutions to particular problems. In a similar way, this is also the role of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). technology in general, and that would be the creation of knowledge, materials potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found life. at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to and The methods that aim to facilitate term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the thenOne observed trend of to buy poor fundamental change thatpeople happened atproperty the timeinof Renaissance the then observed trend of wealthy to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof was the invention of thestay perspective drawing. Thisthere wasand seen as old a cutting-edge London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes thus residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. technology and it“squeezed”. altered the way in which space was perceived. An equivalent being indirectly A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth shiftAthat takes place would be the extensive use ofofdigital toolsRuth in ofperiod, thistoday phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist GLASSdescription at the same while similar in other major design and architecture. Digital tools offer a wide range of options in GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. reinterpreting design and in creating particular architectural languages and cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more syntaxes. However, they has also provide the opportunity toand simulate the Since then, the issue several scholars for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the structure of a desirable building in order to explore the performable aspects of comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: the design. In that way, one of the main attempts of this essay is to argue that interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups the new tools not only can be used as form-finding vehicles that to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: highwould costs inexplore money new aesthetics, but at the same time, they can contribute to the and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work placedevelopment is, lack of the of new tectonic principles. 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Simulation lower living cost of, tools “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, role of studies the approach, designer and architect isIn to1950 try to adopt theteacher new tools in According 1943As shethe published regarding city planning. she in the to another the phenomenon is due tobecame a systematic and University College of emerge, London, where she continued her socialhis research. Her public and that continuously itorganized should be noted that role would also be to long-term informal effort by groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. critically engage withetc., thefor new and being able accept or decline and selling realCOLLINS estate, thetechniques depreciation initially of parttoof the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: the outcomes of the digital world. As the new simulation tools may enable the G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification designer to interpret his design in terms of functionality, weather and light Concerns conditions, and stability, the results of that should not be accepted per se.
They should be critically filtered in order to provide feedback for the design. The generation of statistical analysisByand should C. only be used as way to Mr. data George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS redefine the strategies and principles that guide the design process. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student,
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect
Computation vs Computerization | TheStudent Traces of Design of Computational the School of Architecture Technical University Crete At this point there is an important distinction that needs to be of made between the terms “computational” and “computerized” design. One aspect of Introductory approach: the concept the1.“computerized” design Defining method would be the exact replication of an 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient In Greek philosopher, analytical set of information. addition to that, and according to Achim ANTISTHENIS, thedesign ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he follows left us, he established amethods great the Menges, computerized the traditional(444 of design, just among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. through the interface of a computer. On the other hand computational design acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term shifts the discourse of design, by challenging the conventional methods and 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification processes of (and through the introduction of parametric models, and 1design gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various directly through the programming language of the computer. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofcomputation art galleries, restaurants, etc. However regardless of Design and the broader range ofthis all“change”, its relevant tools was the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the primarily adopted by the fields of naval and also aerospace engineering. The main whatever other consequences has, results rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). target wasrelative to generate models of simulation that through analysis and potential speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to interpretation of their results would lead tothe theUK increase performance andto The term gentrification found atpeople first in in earlyin1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor of efficiency of structures. The outcomes of the use of applied physics and the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof applied sciences also introduced new techniques and methods in fabrication London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. and construction. The first attempts to follow the advancements came from being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth the industries, as they tried to respond to market demands for customization A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major of products. At that particular point, the fordist model of the assembly-line GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. production wasthe questioned and Interventions take place cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherredefined. Researchers. Since then, issue has several scholars could and for its more during the production process in order to broaden the variety of the products. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations thethe phenomenon the following: Nevertheless, discourse of computational design dates way back to In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups the invention of analytical geometries and third degree algebraic equations to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money formtime Leibniz. It could that, at a certainwhere degree theplace emergence and to travel frombe theargued purlieus to downtown, work is, lack of of the the new tools came as the outcome of applied mathematics through the extensive 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her firstIn studies. 1932 she published an entitled: use of computer otherInwords, computers the study possibility services of health,resources. education, entertainment “at the heartoffered ofimportant the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for tostudies represent non-euclidean geometries thatcar would take a to great amount of lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, etc.where and research Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, effort to she produce by hand. Computer offered a wide range oftobecame potentials to map in According 1943 published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued social research. Her public and analytical and complex and thisher was about to bring fundamental long-term effortgeometries by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. changes theCOLLINS way space could be perceived, andWIKIPEDIA: as of result the way itweb, could and selling real estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially part in of the urban in 10th edit.in Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm abe variety in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually built. of ways,
252181 11
Redefining Tectonics GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, At this point, before shifting to an understanding of the new design and simulation tools in terms of their practical values, it might worth to Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification interpret their outcomes in terms of design and aesthetics. The new design Concerns techniques have offered new ways to design space and can be criticized for
form-finding obsessions. The result of that could be the fetishization of the architectural object. But the idea that architecture should demonstrate itself By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS and expose its ambitions to lead the aesthetics discourse is a perception that Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, goes back in time. It dates back to the andC.it ATHANASSOPOULOS even goes way more ByRenaissance Mr. George-Sp. Architect back to the construction of the Parthenon. From that point of view the new Student of the School of Architecture design tools are just being used as the contemporaryTechnical vehicle that enables the University of Crete architect-designer to express his aesthetic language and vocabulary. In other 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept words, a computational design language is not necessarily a premise for an 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept expressive architectural vocabulary, the computer be the ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greekand philosopher, (444just BC happens - 370 BC,to Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the latest method of designing. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition ofisknowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aseek first, the if of not final, term What important, however is into way in approach, which anythe design1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification artistic obsession or performative expression is related to a crucial aspectterm of 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various architecture, and that would be the one of tectonics. Structure was always a Sociology as as the “refining” of a city from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andthe theremoval placement there parameter inwell), architecture andofdesign thatarea, defined the final outcome. In the ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation ofdiscourse, art galleries, etc.technologies However this can “change”, of contemporary therestaurants, use of digital greatlyregardless contribute the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the to the field of tectonics. Even if this seems to be obvious, as engineering wasof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential always a relative discipline closely related to computation and mathematics, it could potential relative speculation). term that gentrification is found at first infor thedifferent UK in early 1960s Structure and it refers to be The claimed it is actually happening reasons. and The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor tectonics are redefined, not because of the use of the new tools by the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and residents areof engineers, but basically of the use of thesethere tools bythus theold designers. The London, upgrade them, because stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. new tools have“squeezed”. offered the designers the possibility of an architectural being indirectly A description this phenomenon is included in thecalculate work of Sociologist Ruth vocabulary thatofofconventional tectonics cannot by simplistic A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major simulation andsame analytic models. As an extension to that, form-finding GLASS at the period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. techniques have definitely lead to the emergence of what could be named as cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more “tectonic-finding” techniques. This would be an investigation offor principles Since then, the issue has several scholars and its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the various that, through the engagement of the digital tools, could lead to the realization comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ofinterpretations any unconventional design, and at the same time would manage to the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups overcome construction issues. It should be pointed out, however, that the to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money collaboration between the purlieus engineertoand the architect, wellplace as theis,blurring of and time to travel from the downtown, whereaswork lack of the the boundaries between disciplines a crucial factor for success. And thisin 1.of The termat comes from the Sociologist Ruth is GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better Berlin,only where she happened made her first studies.the In 1932 shea published an important study entitled: could have through use of common language between the services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth which Unemployment. Thethe same year she left Germany and after continuous fields, would be one of mathematics. In other words, it might be afor lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, point in she history where it’s not tectonics define In design, but actually design in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and informs tectonics in by that way it challenges engineering and science. And long-term informaland effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. probably this could beetc., an for irony ofdepreciation our times, the fact that a discipline cannot and selling realCOLLINS estate, theCo initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
any longer challenge itself on its own, but only through the feedback of other disciplines.
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Concludingly, it may be worth to George-Sp. recall Mies C. van der Rohe’sArchitect words By Mr. ATHANASSOPOULOS regarding the advancements that were taking place, back in the beginning of Student of the School of Architecture the twentieth century. Even if the great architect’s words refer to Technical University of Crete
industrialization, his ideas might be still relevant today: 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept of our “yes” or “no.” Yet it “The new era is a fact: it exists,the irrespective 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept is neither better northe worse thanGreek any other era. [...] (444 One BC thing willBC, be decisive: ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, - 370 Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370problems BC, Athens), among wise ourselves heritage he us, he a great the the wayother we assert in left the face of established circumstance. Here the of among wise leftthe us,definition hetoestablished a greatbut the acquisition of knowledge startshe with ofnot the “what” content of“principle”: concepts. the spiritother begin. Theheritage important question ask is “how.” What acquisition of knowledge starts with the content of concepts. Based, onwhat this “principle” indefinition aare first, not final, approach, thevalue. term goods we therefore, produce or tools wethe use notif of questions of spiritual 1 (and urban Based, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, thenew term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification [...] Yet it istherefore, just the question of value that is decisive. We must set up 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various values, fix our ultimate goals so that we may establish standards. For what is Sociology as well), asfor the “refining” of a city area, this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of— low-income and theremoval placement there artists, right and significant any era including thethe new era —from is this: toof give the ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of spirit the opportunity for existence.” the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor BIBLIOGRAPHY the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Mario. Alphabet and the Cambridge, ACarpo, description of thisThe phenomenon is included in theAlgorithm. work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2011. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major citiesCarpo, in Western countries, by other Mario. Ten Years of Researchers. Folding, in Greg Lynn (ed.), Folding in cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Architecture, Architectural Design. Chichester, 1993 revised edition Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Chichester: Wiley-Academy, 2004. comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: Frampton, Kenneth. Modern Architecture : A Critical History. Rev. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups and enl. ed. London: Thames and Hudson, 1985. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Kara, Hanif,from et the al.purlieus Interdisciplinary New Lessons from and time to travel to downtown,Design: where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in Architecture and Engineering. Cambridge, MA: Barcelona: Harvard sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) University Graduate Schoolentertainment of Design, Actar, 2012. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. Luca Digital Fabrication inNew Architecture, and studies andCaneparo. research in Geneva, Prague, London and York she cameEngineering back to London, where in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Construction. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2014. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Menges, Achim, and Design DICTIONARY. Thinking. her work are characterized by a Sean passionAhlquist. for justice. Computational See also: COLLINS ENGLISH and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252183 11
Οι ιδιαιτερότητες του Κυπριακού Συντάγματος. GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Ο προληπτικός έλεγχος της συνταγματικότητας Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification των νόμων. ConcernsΤης κυρίας Νικολ. ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ
Ανεξάρτητης Ερευνήτριας
Εισαγωγή Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 1 του περί Κύπρου νόμου C. που ψηφίστηκεArchitect στις 29 By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Ιουλίου 1960, η Βασίλισσα της Αγγλίας είχε το δικαίωμα να εκδώσει το Student of the School of Architecture «Διάταγμα εν Συμβουλίω» και να θέσει σε ισχύ το Technical ΣύνταγμαUniversity της Κυπριακής of Crete Δημοκρατίας, όπως κι έγινε με το διάταγμα 1368/1960 και καθόρισε ως 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας ημερομηνία έναρξης της ισχύος του Συντάγματος η Αυγούστου του 1. Introductory approach: Defining the2006). concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), τηνANTISTHENIS, 16 1960 (Αιμιλιανίδης, the ancient Greek philosopher, Η υπογραφή του Συντάγματος της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας καιthe η ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great ανακήρυξη της ως ανεξάρτητο και κυρίαρχο κράτος έγινε στις 16 Αυγούστου among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the 1960 με την υπογραφή Συντάγματος, από τονifSir Hugh Foot τότε Κυβερνήτη acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on του this “principle” a first, not final, approach, the term 1 της Αποικίας της Κύπρου, τον Γενικό Πρόξενο της Ελλάδας Γεώργιο Χριστόπουλο Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1Πρόξενο και τον Γενικό της Τουρκίας και the τους Αρχιεπίσκοπο και gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, ofΜακάριο Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of aΤurrel, cityisarea, removal (in various Δρ. Κουτσούκ (Τορναρίτης, 1982; Αιμιλιανίδης, 2006). Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ΤοofΣύνταγμα της Κύπρου ήταν έναetc. δοτό Σύνταγμα αφού η συντακτική του ways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of λειτουργία δεν αντικατόπτριζε την αρχή της λαϊκής κυριαρχίας. Το Σύνταγμα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and της theof Κύπρου δημιουργήθηκε σύμφωναhas, με ταresults όσα προέβλεπαν Ζυρίχης – whatever otherspeculation). consequences also risingοιofσυμφωνίες land prices (and the potential relative Λονδίνου το 1959 όπου αποτελούνται από τρεις ξεχωριστές συνθήκες: α) τη potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to βασική της Δημοκρατίας της in Κύπρου, τη Συνθήκη εγγυήσεως Theδιάρθρωση term gentrification found atpeople first the UKβ) in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor μεταξύ της Δημοκρατίας της Κύπρου, της Ελλάδας, της Αγγλίας. και της Τουρκίας, the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof και γ)indirectly τη Συνθήκη συμμαχίας μεταξύ τηςsometimes Δημοκρατίας της Κύπρου, Ελλάδας London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thus oldτης residents are being “squeezed”. και τηςindirectly Τουρκίας“squeezed”. (Αιμιλιανίδης, 2006). Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που το Σύνταγμα being A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth της AΚύπρου έχειofσυγκεκριμένες ιδιαιτερότητες οι οποίες αναλυθούν description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of θα Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major εκτενέστερα στη συνέχεια. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Ως αποτέλεσμα των πιο πάνωResearchers. συμφωνιών το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Δημοκρατίας είχεthe έντονα την αρχή της scholars δυαδικότητας τωνitsτριών Since then, issueδιατυπωμένη has several andthe for more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various εξουσιών της εκτελεστικής, νομοθετικής και δικαστικής εξουσίας, ως έτσι να comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: εκφράζονται αναλογικά με βάση το πληθυσμό τους οι δύο κοινότητες Ελλήνων interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups και Τούρκων. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Το 1963 οι δικοινοτικές διαταραχές μεταξύ της Ελληνικής και Τουρκικής and time to from the downtown, placeκαθώς is, lackμεof την the κοινότητας,travel επέφεραν τηνpurlieus ανάγκη to θέσπισης τουwhere νόμουwork 33/64, 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, αποχώρηση Τουρκικής απόsheτην εκτελεστική, νομοθετική και Berlin, where της she made her firstκοινότητας studies. In 1932 an important study entitled: services of εξουσία health, education, entertainment “at published the heart ofγια theτην city”, (possibly) δικαστική τοThe κράτος ναGermany καταρρέει. διάσωση τουfor Youth Unemployment. same ξεκίνησε year she left and Έτσι, after continuous movements lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and Geneva, Prague, London andτη New York she came back to London, κράτους καιresearch πρωτίστως των πολιτών της και συνέχιση της νομικής υπόστασης in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, κρίθηκε απαραίτητη η θέσπιση του νόμου 33/64 ο University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying οποίος αποτελεί σταθμό για την απονομή της δικαιοσύνης στην Κύπρο her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially ofτου partνόμου of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: (Μιχαηλίδης, 1983). Ταυτόχρονα, μεLondon την 2009. θέσπιση 33/64 περί Gentrification: G. δικαιοσύνης, ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aαπονομής variety ofτης ways, in order Abstract. to πολύ achieve the “assisted”, σημαντική ήταν η“voluntary”, δικαστική (actually απόφαση
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Μουσταφά Ιμπραχήμ (1964), αφού μέσω αυτής της υπόθεσης προσπάθησε η Τουρκική κοινότητα να εγείρει ζητήματα αντισυνταγματικότητας του νόμου 33/64 με σκοπό την κατάργηση του. Γι’ αυτό το λόγο η απόφαση Ιμπραχήμ υπήρξε καταλυτικός παράγοντας ως προς τη θέσπιση του προληπτικού ελέγχου της συνταγματικότητας των νόμων (Μιχαηλίδης, 1983). Έπειτα της απόφασης Ιμπραχήμ, η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία διασφάλισε συνταγματικά τον έλεγχο της συνταγματικότητας των νόμων, όπως ορίζονται By Mr. C. ATHANASOPOULOS στα άρθρα 140 και 144 του Συντάγματος. Ο George-Sp. έλεγχος της συνταγματικότητας των University, Graduate School Design, Student, νόμων διαιρείται σε τρείς Harvard διαδικασίες, τον προληπτικό έλεγχο,of τον κατασταλτικό Byεπεξηγηθούν Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS έλεγχο και τον διάχυτο έλεγχο, όπου θα σε αυτό το άρθρο. Architect Student of the of Architecture Ο σκοπός αυτού του άρθρου είναι να αποσαφηνίσει τιςSchool ιδιαιτερότητες του Technical University of Crete Κυπριακού Συντάγματος όπως αυτό συντάχθηκε το 1960, να αναδείξει τη σημασία του Περί Απονομής Δικαιοσύνης Νόμου 33/64 καθώς επίσης και τη 1. Introductory approach:της Defining the concept συνεισφορά της διαδικασίας του προληπτικού ελέγχου της συνταγματικότητας 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept the ancient (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), τωνANTISTHENIS, νόμων όπως ορίζεται από το Greek άρθρο 140 του Συντάγματος. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Οι ιδιαιτερότητες του Κυπριακού Συντάγματος acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term Καταρχάς, το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας είναι ένα sui generis 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notπολύπλοκα final, approach, the term gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification Σύνταγμα, το οποίο ανάμεσα στα πιο και άκαμπτα 1 (and περιλαμβάνεται gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Συντάγματα του κόσμου. Οι ιδιαιτερότητες του Κυπριακού Συντάγματος Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, low-income and the placement there of artists, διακρίνονται κατά βάσηusually από τοofγεγονός ότι αποτελεί ένα δοτό Σύνταγμα, αφού ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of τα περιεχόμενα του Συντάγματος του 1960 δεν διαμορφώθηκαν από the operation ofconsequences artσυντακτική galleries, restaurants, etc.ούτε However this regardless whatever other has, results also rising of “change”, land prices (and του theof αντιπροσωπευτική συνέλευση, το τελικό κείμενο αυτού whatever other consequences has, rising of landή prices the potential relative speculation). Συντάγματος επικυρώθηκε από το λαόresults μέσω also δημοψηφίσματος από τη(and Βουλή potential relative speculation). term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to τωνThe Αντιπροσώπων της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας (Αιμιλιανίδης, et al., 2016) The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor Αυτό είχε ως αποτέλεσμα η βούληση του λαού να μην αντικατοπτρίζεται the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof στο Σύνταγμα, αφού αποτελεί ένα δοτό Σύνταγμα το οποίο δημιουργήθηκε London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. σύμφωνα με τις συμφωνίες Ζυρίχης – Λονδίνου το 1959 (Αιμιλιανίδης, 2006). are being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included the work of Sociologist Ruth Στην αναλογική αντιπροσώπευση των inδύο κοινοτήτων, υπάρχουν A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of για Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the χαρακτηριστικά same while in παράδειγμα other major συγκεκριμένα πουsimilar πρέπει να αναφερθούν, όπως GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. τα ποσοστά τα οποία καταμερίζονται ως εξής: το 82% στην Ελληνική κοινότητα cities Western countries, byκοινότητα. other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its και το in18% στην Τουρκική Όπως ορίζεται στο Σύνταγμα γιαmore την Since then, the issue scholars andthe for its είναι more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from εκτελεστική εξουσία, ο has Πρόεδρος της several Δημοκρατίας πρέπει ναvarious comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Ελληνοκύπριος και ο phenomenon Αντιπρόεδρος Όπως προβλέπεται για τη interpretations of the ofΤουρκοκύπριος. gentrification, the following: interpretations the εκλέγονται phenomenon of thecategory following: νομοθετική 35 Ελληνοκύπριοι και 15 of Τουρκοκύπριοι In a sense,εξουσία theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new social groups βουλευτές. Γιαthe την δικαστική εξουσία, ενfor ολίγοις, Σύνταγμα την to “return” to city, leaving the purlieus severalτο reasons: highπροέβλεπε costs in money ύπαρξη δύο ανωτάτων δικαστηρίων, το Ανώτατο Συνταγματικό Δικαστήριο με and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born έναν ουδέτερο έναν Ελληνοκύπριο κι έναν Τουρκοκύπριο Δικαστή καιin sense of safety atΠρόεδρο, the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο με έναν ουδέτερο Πρόεδρο, Ελληνοκύπριους και δύο services of health, education, entertainment “at the δύο heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Τουρκοκύπριους Δικαστές (Αιμιλιανίδης, et al., 2016). lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Πέρα απ’ αυτά,studies τοapproach, περιεχόμενο του Κυπριακού Συντάγματος περιέχει in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another the is due a systematic and University και College of London, where she continued her socialτις research. Her public and διατάξεις ρυθμίσεις είναι αντίθετες προς θεμελιώδεις αρχές του long-term informal effort που by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Δημοσίου Δικαίου όπως για παράδειγμα το δικαίωμα όπως and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially ofτης partαυτοδιάθεσης, of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: διασφαλίζεται από το Χάρτη των Ηνωμένων Εθνών. Το δικαίωμα αυτοδιάθεσης G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
252185 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
δεν κατοχυρώθηκε ποτέ στην Κυπριακό λαό αφού η συνταγματική διάρθρωση του κράτους όπως συμφωνήθηκε στις συμφωνίες Ζυρίχης-Λονδίνου ήταν και θα παραμείνει αμετάβλητη με ορισμό του άρθρου 182.1 ως θεμελιώδους άρθρου (Τορναρίτης, 1982). Άρθρο 182.1 του Συντάγματος (Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, 1960): «1.Τα άρθρα ή τα μέρη των άρθρων του Συντάγματος τα περιλαμβανόμενα εν των συνημμένω τω παρόντι παραρτήματα ΙΙΙ, ενσωματωθέντα εις το Mr.11ης George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Σύνταγμα εκ της συμφωνίας ΖυρίχηςBy της Φεβρουαρίου, 1959, αποτελούσι Harvard University, Graduateκαθ’ School of Design, Student, θεμελιώδη άρθρα του Συντάγματος και δεν δύνανται, οιονδήποτε τρόπον, να By Mr.ήGeorge-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect τροποποιηθώσι δια μεταβολής, προσθήκης καταργήσεως.» Studentδυνατότητα of the Schoolτροποποίησης of Architecture Επ’ αυτού ως θεμελιώδες άρθρο με καμία Technical University of Crete ορίζεται και το Άρθρο 181 του Συντάγματος περί εγγυήσεων και αναφέρεται ως εξής (Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, 1960): 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept συνθήκη εγγυήσεως της ανεξαρτησίας, της εδαφικής ακεραιότητος και 1. «Η Introductory approach: the concept ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - της 370 Δημοκρατίας, BC, Athens), τουANTISTHENIS, Συντάγματος τηςthe Δημοκρατίας, ή συνομολογηθείσα μεταξύ ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the του Βασιλείου της Ελλάδος, της Τουρκικής Δημοκρατίας και του Ηνωμένου among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Βασιλείου της Μεγάλης Βρεταννίας και Βορείου Ιρλανδίας ως και η συνθήκη acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term στρατιωτικής συμμαχίας ή συνομολογηθείσα μεταξύ της Δημοκρατίας, του 1 Based, therefore, onκαι this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) of Planning) (or gentrification Βασιλείου της (and της Τουρκικήςis Δημοκρατίας, τα area κείμενα των οποίων 1Ελλάδος gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various είναι προσηρτημένα τω παρόντι Συντάγματι ως παραρτήματα Ι και ΙΙ κέκτηνται Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of socialισχύν.» groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, συνταγματική ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andτης thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”,there regardless of Προκειμένου να ανακηρυχθεί τοetc. κράτος Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences resultsαπό alsoτην rising of land έπρεπε ναother υπογραφθούν τρείς has, συνθήκες Αγγλία, την prices Ελλάδα(and και the τηof whatever other consequences has, results also rising καθιέρωσε of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). Τουρκία. Κατά πρώτο λόγο, τη Συνθήκη Ίδρυσης, η οποία μια «οιονεί» potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at firstΔεύτερον, in the UKτη in early 1960s and it refers to ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατίαisτης Κύπρου. Συνθήκη Εγγυήσεων που The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of έκανε την Αγγλία, Ελλάδα και Τουρκία εγγυήτριες δυνάμεις, αναγνωρίζονταςto the then observed trend of wealthy people toπαρέμβαση buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayτους themselves sometimes there and thus residents areof ταυτόχρονα το δικαίωμα για στρατιωτική σε old περίπτωση που London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. απειληθεί το καθεστώς της Κύπρου. Τρίτον, τη Συνθήκη Συμμαχίας μεταξύ των being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisτην phenomenon is στρατευμάτων included in the work of Sociologist τριών που προέβλεπε τοποθέτηση από την Ελλάδα καιRuth την A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while2005). similar in other major Τουρκία (Müftüler-Bac & Güney, GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities inΣύμφωνα Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. με την Συνθήκη εγγυήσεως, οι εγγυήτριες δυνάμεις σχεδίασαν cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. then, the hasσυναινώντας preoccupied scholars υπό andόρους for itsπου more τηνSince Δημοκρατία της issue Κύπρου, σεseveral μια ανεξαρτησία θα Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from αναγνωρίζει και θα εγγυάται τηνpreoccupied ανεξαρτησία, την εδαφική την ακεραιότητα και comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various την ασφάλεια του κράτους (Meier, 2001). interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: αναγνωρίζονται οι δύοof διακριτές εθνοτικές ομάδες of η Ελληνική και In aΕπίσης sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new social groups Τουρκική κοινότητα και οι πολίτες της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας έπρεπε να to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money υπάγονται σε μία από τις δύο κοινότητες (Meier, 2001). Κατά συνέπεια, δεν and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The term from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born αναφέρεται πουθενά στοSociologist Σύνταγμα ο όρος «λαός» που θα προσδιόριζε τουςin sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: πολίτες of της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, παρά“atμόνο η Ελληνική και (possibly) Τουρκική services health, education, entertainment the heart of the city”, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for κοινότητα (Τορναρίτης, 1982). lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and Ο Περί Απονομής Δικαιοσύνης Νόμος 33/64 long-term informal effortτης by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Λόγωreal των δικοινοτικών διαταραχών το 1963 Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία and selling estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially ofη part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: επικαλέστηκε το Δίκαιο της Ανάγκης για να συνεχίσει να λειτουργεί G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
αποτελεσματικά στους θεσμούς και στα όργανα της και έτσι να θεσπίσει ένα νέο νόμο για την απονομή της δικαιοσύνης. Ο περί απονομής της δικαιοσύνης νόμος 33/64 συστάθηκε το 1964 εξαιτίας της επιτακτικής ανάγκης που προέκυψε λόγω των δικοινοτικών διαταραχών μεταξύ της Ελληνικής και Τουρκικής κοινότητας. Με την απόφαση της Τουρκικής κοινότητας να αποχωρήσει από την εκτελεστική, νομοθετική και δικαστική εξουσία, το κράτος δεν μπορούσε να λειτουργήσει, αφού η αρχή της δυαδικότητας υπήρχε παντού σε όλα τα δημόσια αξιώματα με By Mr.η George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορεί να απονεμηθεί δικαιοσύνη. C. Ο νόμος 33/64 αποτελεί University, στην Graduate School of Design, σταθμό για την απονομήHarvard της Δικαιοσύνης Κύπρο, αφού με βάσηStudent, αυτόν By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS επιτεύχθηκε η σύμπτυξη του Ανώτατου Συνταγματικού ΔικαστηρίουArchitect με το Student of theενSchool of Architecture Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο το οποίο λειτουργεί μέχρι σήμερα ονόματι Ανώτατο Technical University of Crete Δικαστήριο (Μιχαηλίδης, 1983). Συνεπάγεται λοιπόν ότι το νεοσύστατο Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο έλαβε approach: όλες τις Defining αρμοδιότητες και τις εξουσίες του Ανώτατου 1. Introductory the concept Συνταγματικού Δικαστηρίου. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Έτσι στη συνέχεια, στην υπόθεση (Γενικός Εισαγγελέας της Δημοκρατίας v ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage us, he established(444 a great Μουσταφά Ιμπραχήμ, 1964),heο left Γενικός Εισαγγελέας εφεσιβλήθηκε ενάντια the σε among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. διάταγμα Τουρκοκυπρίων δικαστών με το οποίο αφήνονταν ελεύθεροι με acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term εγγύηση Τουρκοκύπριοι, για αδικήματα πράξεων ένοπλης βίας εναντίον της 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) the area of Planning) (or gentrification Δημοκρατίας. Από την άλλη πλευρά, ο Τουρκοκύπριος Μπερμπέρογλου ο οποίος 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ήταν δικηγόρος των κατηγορουμένων ήγειρε προδικαστικές ενστάσεις Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually of low-income the(Μιχαηλίδης, placement there of artists, αναφορικά με τηgroups, συνταγματικότητα του νόμουand 33/64 1983). ways), social groups, usually ofΔικαστηρίου low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of Η of απόφαση του Ανωτάτου δικαίωσε τον Γενικόthere Εισαγγελέα η the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences results rising of lex land (and της theof οποία ήτανother βασισμένη στο δόγμαhas, salus populialso est suprema καιprices στο Δίκαιο whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also of land prices (and the potential relative Ανάγκης, η οποία προέβλεπε ότι οhas, Νόμος 33/64 είχεrising θεσπιστεί νομότυπα, καθώς potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and refers to υπήρχαν γεγονότα και αιτίες που καθίστατο επιτακτική η ανάγκη της it απονομής The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas ofto δικαιοσύνης. Εξάλλου όπως περιγράφεται ο νόμος 33/64 «νόμος refers αιρών the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are ωρισμένας δυσχέρειας αίτινες προέκυψαν συνέπεια προσφάτων γεγονότων καιof London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. παρεμποδίζουν τηνthem, απονομήν δικαιοσύνης και προνοών περίthus ετέρων συναφών being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this is included ζητημάτων» (Βουλή τωνphenomenon Αντιπροσώπων, 1964). in the work of Sociologist Ruth AΕπίσης description ofperiod, this με phenomenon isτου included inwere theΠίκη workαναφέρεται of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the σύμφωνα same while similar situations recorded in otherότι major την ομιλία Γεώργιου «η GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western byανάγκης other Researchers. νομολογία για τοcountries, δίκαιο της δεν περιορίζεται στην υπόθεση Ιμπραχήμ, cities in Western countries, byάλλες other Researchers. Since then, issue has preoccupied several and for its more εκτείνεται και the σε πολλές αποφάσεις τουscholars Ανωτάτου Δικαστηρίου Since then, the issue has severalΠίκης, scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being below, from various αποκαλυπτικές της εφαρμογής του»summarized (Γεώργιος 2010), όπως για comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various παράδειγμα στην υπόθεση (Παπαδόπουλος v. Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία 1985 ΑΑΔ interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: 165, όπου επιβεβαιώνεται ότιof ηgentrification, ανάγκης είναι δικαιοσύνη In1985) a sense, theof phenomenon is due to aύπαρξη trend ofτης a new ofηsocial groups όσο και των μέτρων που είναι απαραίτητα για την αντιμετώπιση της. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. RuthΝόμων GLASS for wasbetter born in Ο Προληπτικός έλεγχος της Συνταγματικότητας των sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search Berlin,Ηwhere she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Ιμπραχήμ entertainment έθεσε τις βάσεις ώστε διασφαλιστεί services ofυπόθεση health, education, “at theέτσι heart of theναcity”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for συνταγματικά ο προληπτικός έλεγχος της συνταγματικότητας των νόμων lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, ορίζεται στοpublished άρθρο 140approach, του Συντάγματος (Λοίζου, Στο επίπεδο της in According 1943 she studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another the is2001). due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued social research. brokers Her public and Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας οorganized έλεγχος της her συνταγματικότητας τωνofaction νόμων long-term effort by groups, manufacturers, buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. οργανώνεται και ασκείται μέσω τριών initially διαδικασιών, προληπτικού, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation of part του of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: κατασταλτικού και του διάχυτου ελέγχου. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Με τη διαδικασία του κατασταλτικού ελέγχου ο Πρόεδρος της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας έχει το δικαίωμα να κάνει τη σχετική μνεία στο Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο για την αποτροπή εφαρμογής ενός νόμου, αφού δημοσιευθεί στην Επίσημη Εφημερίδα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας εντός 15 ημερών. Επίσης, με το σύστημα διάχυτου ελέγχου στο οποίο όλα τα δικαστήρια όλων των βαθμών και δικαιοδοσιών είναι αρμόδια να προβαίνουν σε δικαστικό έλεγχο της συνταγματικότητας των νόμων, από αφορμή τις διάφορες υποθέσεις που ανήκουν στη δικαιοδοσία τους. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Ο κατασταλτικός έλεγχος της συνταγματικότητας των νόμων ορίζεται από By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect το άρθρο 144 του Συντάγματος στο οποίο όπως αναφέρεται: Studentστάδιον of the School Architecture "Πας διάδικος δικαιούται καθ΄οιονδήποτε της ofδιαδικασίας Technical University of Crete συμπεριλαμβανομένης και της κατ΄έφεσιν, να εγείρει ζήτημα αντισυνταγματικότητος νόμου ή αποφάσεως 1. Introductory approach: Defining the conceptή διατάξεως τινος αυτών ουσιώδους δια τη διάγνωσιν της εκκρεμούς του δικαστηρίου 1. Introductory approach: the conceptενώπιον ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 εγείρεται BC - 370 BC, υποθέσεως. Το δικαστήριον, ενώπιον του οποίου το Athens), ζήτημα, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the παραπέμπει παρευθύς τούτο ενώπιον του Ανωτάτου Συνταγματικού among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Δικαστηρίου και αναστέλλει την πρόοδον της διαδικασίας, μέχρις ου αποφανθή acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term επ αυτού το Ανώτατον Συνταγματικόν Δικαστήριον". 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Δηλαδή, (and διάδικος σεis οποιοδήποτε στάδιο της διαδικασίας 1οποιοσδήποτε gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ακρόασης έχει το δικαίωμα να εγείρει ζήτημα αντισυνταγματικότητας νόμου Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of του social groups, usually of low-income andτου theθα placement artists, ενώπιον δικαστηρίου, και αυτό με τη σειρά αποταθείthere στο of Ανώτατο ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation ofτον art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of Δικαστήριο για δικαστικό έλεγχο. the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other has, results rising ofνόμων land prices (and Ο προληπτικός έλεγχος της συνταγματικότητας των ορίζεται απόthe τοof whatever other consequences has, results also rising(Κυπριακή of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). άρθρο 140 του Συντάγματος στο οποίο όπως αναφέρεται Δημοκρατία, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to 1960): The gentrification found atpeople firstτης in the UK in earlyαπό 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend wealthy to buy property inκοινού poor ofto «1.term O Πρόεδρος και of ο isAντιπρόεδρος Δημοκρατίας προ της the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are εκδόσεως νόμου ή αποφάσεώς τινος της Bουλής των Aντιπροσώπων δικαιούνταιof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesΔικαστήριον there and thus oldγνωματεύση residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. να αναφερθώσιν εις το Aνώτατον Συνταγματικόν ίνα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included work of Sociologist Ruth τούτο, κατά πόσον ο εν λόγω νόμος, απόφασιςin ήtheωρισμένη διάταξις αυτών A description ofperiod, thisήphenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the while similar inΣυντάγματος other major ευρίσκεται εις same αντίθεσιν είναι ασύμφωνος προς διάταξίν τιναof του GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Westernάλλον countries, otherτης Researchers. δι’ οιονδήποτε λόγονbyπλην δυσμενούς εις βάρος εκατέρας κοινότητας cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andτοfor its more διακρίσεως ή ευρίσκεται σεbyαντίθεση ή είναι ασύμφωνος προς δίκαιο των Since then, the issueή has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach areΕυρωπαϊκής being summarized from Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων της Ενώσεως.» comprehensive approach are being summarized below, «2. Tο Aνώτατον Συνταγματικόν Δικαστήριον ερευνά τοfrom υπό the την various κρίσιν interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations theπρώτην phenomenon thecategory following: αυτού την παράγραφον του of παρόντος άρθρουof ζήτημα αφ’ In aτεθέν sense,κατά theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend a new socialκαι groups ου ακούση τας απόψεις του Προέδρου και του Aντιπροέδρου της Δημοκρατίας to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money και time της Bουλής εκδίδει τηνwhere γνωμάτευσιν αυτού επίofτου and to travelτων fromAντιπροσώπων the purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born τεθέντος αυτώat the ζητήματος και residencies κοινοποιείoutside ταύτηνtown εις centres, τον Πρόεδρον καιbetter τονin sense of safety distributed search for Berlin, where she her first studies. Inεις 1932 published important study entitled: Aντιπρόεδρον τηςmade Δημοκρατίας, ως και τηνshe Bουλήν τωνan Aντιπροέδρων.» services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for «3. Eις ην περίπτωσιν το Aνώτατον Συνταγματικόν lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back toΔικαστήριον London, γνωματεύση ότι ο νόμος ή regarding η απόφασις ή διάταξίς τις αυτών ευρίσκεται εις in According 1943 she published studies cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University ή College of London, where she continued her social research.ήbrokers Her and αντίθεσιν ασυμφωνίαν διάταξίν τινα του Συντάγματος, τουpublic δικαίου των long-term informal effortπρος by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων ήfor της Ενώσεως, ο νόμος ήthe ηFree απόφασις δεν and selling real estate, etc., theΕυρωπαϊκής depreciation initially of part of urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Encyclopedia: δύναται να εκδοθή υπό του Προέδρου και του Aντιπροέδρου της Δημοκρατίας.» G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Όσον αφορά τη διαδικασία του προληπτικού ελέγχου ο Πρόεδρος της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας έχει το δικαίωμα για μνεία στο Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο, προτού υπογράψει ένα νεοσύστατο νόμο που ψήφισε η Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων, για να επέλθει η ετυμηγορία από το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο. Σε περίπτωση που το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο κρίνει ότι ένας νόμος αντίκειται στο Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας είτε στις αρχές της Ευρωπαϊκής Κοινότητας τότε ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας δεν τον υπογράφει, δεν By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS δημοσιεύεται και αναπέμπεται, ενώ ταυτόχρονα κοινοποιείται η ετυμηγορία του Harvard University, Graduate of Design, Student, Ανώτατου Δικαστηρίου στον Πρόεδρο και στη Βουλή.School Ενώ, εάν κριθεί ότι ένας Mr.κοινοποιείται George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS νόμος δεν είναι αντισυνταγματικός By τότε στον Πρόεδρο Architect και στη Studentκαι of the School of Architecture Βουλή και ακολούθως υπογράφεται από τον Πρόεδρο δημοσιεύεται. Technical University Crete Σύμφωνα με τον προληπτικό έλεγχο συνταγματικότητας νόμου,ofστην υπόθεση PRES OF REPUBLIC HOUSE OF (1985), όπου ο Πρόεδρος 1. Introductory approach:v.Defining theR/NTATIVES concept της Δημοκρατίας άσκησε σύμφωνα με το Άρθρο 140 το δικαίωμα μνείας ως προς 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept (444 BC - 370 ancient BC, Athens), τη ANTISTHENIS, συνταγματικότηταthe ενός νέου Greek νόμου που ήθελε να επικυρώσει η Βουλή των ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Αντιπροσώπων ως προς την διεύρυνση του δικαιώματος ψήφου σε πολίτες της among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. ο Δημοκρατίας που είχαν συμπληρώσει το 18 έτος της ηλικίας τους αντί το 21ο acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term που προνοούσε το Σύνταγμα. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term area of Planning) (or gentrification Όπως αναφέρεται η gentrification) Απόφαση του Ανώτατου Δικαστηρίου: 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various (1) Ο επίδικος νόμος, που προνοεί ότι πολίτες που έχουν συμπληρώσει το Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social έτος groups, of τους low-income and the there artists, δέκατοofόγδοο τηςusually ηλικίας δικαιούνται ναplacement εγγραφούν ως of εκλογείς, ways), of social groups, usually ofΣυντάγματος. low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of το art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of αντιβαίνει προς Άρθρο 63.1 του the operation ofconsequences artτης galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results rising of “change”, land prices (and theof (2) Το Δίκαιο ανάγκης δεν δικαιολογεί τον πιοthis πάνω νόμο γιατί ο νόμος whatever other consequences has, results also of 63.1 land prices (and the potential speculation). αυτός δενrelative θεσπίσθηκε σαν τροποποιητικός του rising Άρθρου που δεν είναι potential relative speculation). The termΆρθρο gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to θεμελιώδες του Συντάγματος. The term gentrification found at firstθεσπισθεί in the UKως in early and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of people to buy property in poor (3) Επειδή ο επίδικοςiswealthy νόμος έχει ενιαία1960s και αδιαχώριστη the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof νομοθετική διάταξη, είναι ολόκληρος αντίθετος με το Σύνταγμα και ως εκ τούτου London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. είναι αντισυνταγματικός και ως αντίθετος με το Άρθρο 179 του Συντάγματος. are being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this is included the work of Sociologist Ruth Καταληκτικά το phenomenon πιο σημαντικό σημείοin που εξαιτίας του κρίθηκε A description ofαυτός this phenomenon included inwere theολοκλήρου work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, situations recorded inαντίθετος other major αντισυνταγματικός ο while νόμοςsimilar είναιisεπειδή ήταν εξ’ με GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western by other Researchers. το Άρθρο 179 countries, του Συντάγματος (Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, 1960), το οποίο cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, issue has several scholars and for its more προβλέπει ότι: the Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach being summarized «1. Τηρουμένων των are διατάξεων του άρθρου 1Α, το from Σύνταγμα είναι ο comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various υπέρτατος νόμος interpretations ofτης the Δημοκρατίας.» phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: Ουδείς νόμος ή απόφασις Αντιπροσώπων ή εκατέρας In a«2. sense, theof phenomenon is dueτης togentrification, aΒουλής trend ofτων a new of social groups Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεων ως και ουδεμία πράξις ή απόφασις ιουδήποτε οργάνου, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money αρχής ή to προσώπου Δημοκρατία ασκούντος εκτελεστικήν ή and time travel fromενtheτηpurlieus to downtown, where work place is,εξουσίαν lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born οιονδήποτε διοικητικόν λειτούργημα δύναται να είναι οιονδήποτε sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside townκαθ’ centres, search forτρόπον betterin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: αντίθετος ασύμφωνος προςentertainment οιανδήποτε των διατάξεων Συντάγματος ή services of ήhealth, education, “at the heart of του the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for προς οποιαδήποτε υποχρέωση επιβάλλεται στη Δημοκρατία ως αποτέλεσμα της lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where συμμετοχής κράτους μέλους στην Ευρωπαϊκή in According 1943 she της published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. InΈνωση.» 1950 sheto became teacher in the toως another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social Her public and Ανακεφαλαιώνοντας, οorganized προληπτικός έλεγχος τηςresearch. συνταγματικότητας των long-term informal effort by groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. νόμων είναι καταλυτικής σημασίας, για την ομαλή λειτουργία της δικαστικής and selling real estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Συμπεράσματα Καταληκτικά, αυτό το Concerns άρθρο έχει αναδείξει κατά κύριο λόγο
εξουσίας και των θεσμών, και το δικαίωμα αναφοράς ενός νέου νόμου στο Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο το κατέχει αποκλειστικά ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας.
τις ιδιαιτερότητες που εμπεριέχει το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας και ποιοι ήταν αυτοί οι οποίοι συνέβαλαν στην δημιουργία του. Επίσης, έχει διαπιστωθεί By Mr. George-Sp. C. Σύνταγμα ATHANASOPOULOS που οφείλονται οι περιορισμοί που εμπεριέχει το Κυπριακό ως προς τις Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ελευθερίες του ανθρώπου σύμφωνα με συγκεκριμένα θεμελιώδη άρθρα και Mr.Θεμελιωδών George-Sp.Δικαιωμάτων C. ATHANASSOPOULOS διατάξεις που αντίκεινται στον ΧάρτηBy των τουArchitect ΟΗΕ. Student the School of Επιπρόσθετα μέσα από αυτό το άρθρο έχει ofεπεξηγηθεί η Architecture αρχή της Technical University of πώς Crete δυαδικότητας που εκφράζει το Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, και επηρέασαν οι δικοινοτικές διαταραχές το 1963 την εκτελεστική, νομοθετική και 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept δικαστική εξουσία, έτσι ώστε η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία να αναγκαστεί να λάβει 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 ANTISTHENIS, ancientDefining Greek philosopher, 370 BC,της Athens), ουσιαστικά μεν αλλά the προσωρινά μέτρα για τη διασφάλιση BC των-πολιτών όπως ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the το δίκαιο της ανάγκης. among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. Αποσαφηνίστηκε επίσης η σημασία του περί απονομής της δικαιοσύνης acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term νόμου 33/64 και των θεμελιωδών βάσεων που επέφερε στην διαδικασία 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term of Planning) (or gentrification προληπτικού ελέγχου της gentrification) συνταγματικότητας των νόμων ηarea υπόθεση Ιμπραχήμ 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various και εν κατακλείδι αναφέρθηκαν εκτενώς τα κύρια άρθρα που αναφέρονται στον Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually ofτων low-income the placement of artists, έλεγχοofτης συνταγματικότητας νόμων, and δίνοντας ιδιαίτερηthere έμφαση στην ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of διαδικασία του προληπτικού ελέγχου συνταγματικότητας νόμωνthere όπως αυτή the operation ofconsequences art galleries,της restaurants, etc. However regardless whatever other has, results also risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof διατυπώνεται στο Σύνταγμα Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). TheΒιβλιογραφικές term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Αναφορές The term found atpeople firstThe in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed ofiswealthy to buy property inthe poor ofto Meier, B.,gentrification 2001.trend Reunification of Cyprus: Possibility of Peace in Wake of Past the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas Failure. Cornell International Law Journal, 34(2). London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes residents are Müftüler-Bac, M. & Güney, A., 2005. The Europeanthere Unionand andthus the old Cyprus Problem being indirectly “squeezed”. 1961-2003. Middle Eastern Studies, 41(2), pp. 281-293. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth OF REPUBLIC v. HOUSE OF R/NTATIVES, (1985)3 A.A.Δ. 2224 APRES description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of(1985). Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major Αιμιλιανίδης, Α., period, 2006. while Η υπέρβαση του Κυπριακού Συντάγματος. Αθήνα GLASS at the same similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Θεσσαλονίκη: Σάκκουλα. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has scholars and for more Αιμιλιανίδης, Α., Παπαστυλιανός, Χ. & several Στρατηλάτης, Κ., 2016. Η its Κυπριακή Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various Δημοκρατία και το Δίκαιο της Ανάγκης. Σάκκουλα επιμ. Αθήνα - Θεσσαλονίκη: s.n. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of Αντιπροσώπων, the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Βουλή των 1964. Ο περί Απoνoμής της Δικαιoσύνης (Πoικίλες interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: Διατάξεις) Νόμoς 33. Λευκωσία: Επίσημη Εφημερίδα Δημοκρατίας. In a sense, the phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trendτης of aΚυπριακής new of social groups Γενικός Εισαγγελέας της Δημοκρατίας v Μουσταφά Ιμπραχήμ (1964). to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Γεώργιος Πίκης, Ομιλία γιαtoτα Πενήντα Χρόνια and time to travel from2010. the purlieus downtown, whereΣυνταγματικής work place is,Δικαιοσύνης. lack of the s.l.:s.n. 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, 1960. Σύνταγμα Δημοκρατίας. Λευκωσία: Berlin,Κυπριακή where sheΔημοκρατία, made her first studies. In 1932της she Κυπριακής published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Youth Unemployment. lower living cost “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came to back to London, Λοίζου, Α., of, 2001. Σύνταγμα Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. Λευκωσία: Ανδρέας Νικόλα in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and Λοίζου. University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Μιχαηλίδης, Π., 1983. Η Περί Δικαστηρίων Κυπριακή Νομοθεσία. Λευκωσία: s.n. her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Παπαδόπουλος v. Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία 19852009. ΑΑΔ 165 (1985). and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Τορναρίτης, Κ., 1982. Το Πολιτειακόν Δίκαιον της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Λευκωσία: Κέντρο Επιστημονικών Ερευνών Κύπρου.
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Ανδρέας Π. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Υποψήφιος Διδάκτωρ Definition, Types of intervention, Πανεπιστημίου Πάφος Concerns of ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Gentrification Concerns Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική
Ανατομία της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS και οι Επιπτώσεις μιας Μεγάλης Γεωπολιτικής Δίνης Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, σε Κύπρο και Ελλάδα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
Πρόλογος Καθηγητής Κων. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passionΠάφος for justice. also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 2019See and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252191 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Το ανά χείρας κείμενο αποδίδει εν πολλοίς τον πυρήνα Διπλωματικής Εργασίας εκπονηθείσης υπό τον αυτόν τίτλον υπό του Συγγραφέως του, στα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS πλαίσια περαιτέρω ευδοκίμων σπουδών του Μεταπτυχιακού Επιπέδου, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, κατόπιν επιλογής του υπό των Οικείων Οργάνων, στηνArchitect Σχολή By Mr. Κυπριακών George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Εθνικής Αμύνης της Ελλάδος. Student of the School of Architecture
Technical University of Crete Ο κ. Ανδρέας Π. ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ, Στέλεχος των Κυπριακών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων, επέλεξε το εν λόγω θέμα, ως θέμα της Διατριβής του, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept(σημασία) λόγω της ιδιάζουσας του,philosopher, η οποία διευρύνεται έτι ANTISTHENIS, the σημασίας ancientDefining Greek (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), περαιτέρω τώρα, από το έτος 2016, λόγω της κατ’ αυτάς τρέχουσας Εθνικής ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the other wiseδιεθνούς heritage leftthe us,definition heενestablished aτης great the / among Κυπριακής και συγκυρίας γένει καιcontent περί την Κύπρο acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the of“principle”: concepts. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first,τόσον if of not final, approach, the term εξελισσομένης κατάστασης, εν αναφορά προς τιςof concepts. εσωτερικές 1 (and urban Based, therefore, onκαι this “principle” is inδιεργασίες a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated the area of Planning) (or gentrification πολιτικές, κοινωνικές οικονομικές και εξελίξεις, όσoν και 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various προς τις γειτνιάζουσες περιοχές, τινές των οποίων τελούν υπό καθεστώς Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, from this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement εμπολέμων καταστάσεων, ανασχεδιασμού των there εξωτερικών ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc. this “change”, regardless of προσανατολισμών, νέων restaurants, ουτοπικών ή However μη οραμάτων και εσωτερικών the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof κλυδωνισμών. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative
potential relative speculation). TheΤο term gentrification is found at περί first inαυτής the UK in early 1960s and it refers to οίο δήποτε ενδιαφέρον της δεδομένης κατάστασης The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto ενέχει αφ΄εαυτής ιδιάζουσα σημασία, πέραν των οίων δήποτεitareas άλλων the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents are παραμέτρων, καιthem, εξ εμφανούς εμπλοκής Τρίτων, είτε προς δημιουργία London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. συμπράξεων, είτε προς εξυπηρέτηση ιδίων συμφερόντων. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth AΈτσι, description ofperiod, this phenomenon isκοιτασμάτων included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth εντοπισμός πλουσίων υδρογονανθράκων στην GLASS at theο same while similar situations recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries,Μεσογείου, by other Researchers. λεκάνη της Ανατολικής πέραν εκείνων της Αιγύπτου, εντός της cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars και and του for its more Αποκλειστικής Οικονομικής Ζώνης (ΑΟΖ) της Κύπρου Ισραήλ, Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from έχει αναβαθμίσει approach ακόμη περισσότερο το γεωπολιτικό ενδιαφέρον για τον comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ευρύτερο χώρο τηςtheΜέσης Ανατολής, ο οποίος έχειtheπροσκτηθεί βαρύνουσα interpretations phenomenon following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new category of social groups σημασία, αναδειχθείς ως «ένα από τα πλέον νευραλγικά σημεία του to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money πλανήτη». and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed outside town centres, search for Και είναι ακριβώς αυτή residencies η sui generis κατάσταση, η οποία οδηγεί τονin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) διαθέτοντα στερρώς δομημένη βαθύ γνώστη τουfor Youth Unemployment. The same yearαρτία she leftπροσωπικότητα Germany and afterκαι continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research inτου Geneva, London and Newσε York she came backπροσεγγίσεις to London, θέματος Συντάκτη ανάPrague, χείρας κειμένου πολυεδρικές in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and του υπό διερεύνηση αντικειμένου. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in Ενδεικτικώς αναφέρεται εδώ, συνοπτικώς η διάρθρωσή του: 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd.όλως London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Εν αρχή γίνεται λόγος περί Γεωπολιτικής, Γεωστρατηγικής και Definition, Types ofκαι intervention, Gentrification Συστημικής Concerns Γεωπολιτικής of Ανάλυσης παρατίθενται σχετικά συμπεράσματα, κατά το Αρχαιοελληνικόν Concerns «αρχή Σοφίας ονομάτων επίσκεψις» του Φιλοσόφου ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥΣ.
Ακολουθεί ο γεωγραφικός Byπροσδιορισμός τηςATHANASOPOULOS υπό διερεύνηση Mr. George-Sp. C. περιοχής της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου μετά των ομόρων και εν Harvard University, Graduate School ofΚρατών Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect συνεχεία τονίζεται η Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική σημασία της Student of the School of Architecture Ελλάδος, της Κύπρου και της Τουρκίας. Technical University of Crete
Καταγράφεται ακολούθως το διαμορφωθέν τρέχον διεθνές 1. Introductory approach: περιβάλλον περί την εν λόγωDefining περιοχή,the τοconcept ενδιαφέρον Τρίτων «αυτοβούλως» 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, ancient«επ΄αγαθώ» Greek philosopher, εμπλεκομένων και the δρώντων Τοπικών Δομών και ακολουθεί ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the σειρά συμπερασμάτων.
among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of παρατίθεται knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Τέλος, Γεωπολιτικό Υπόδειγμα Ισορροπιών Ισχύος, Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, the της term επισημαίνονται οι urban ενδεχόμενες επιπτώσεις τουif επί τηςarea Ελλάδος και gentrification) is (in of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Κύπρου, ακολουθούν Παραρτήματα και Ενδεικτική Βιβλιογραφία. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Το έργο διακρίνεται για τον πλούτο των σχετικών στοιχείων, την ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of πλήρη τεκμηρίωση των διατυπουμένων απόψεων, την σαφήνεια και τοof the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the whatever other consequences has, results ευκρινές των σημαντικών στοχεύσεών του. also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Mutatis mutantis, τοisέργο τηνinδιαθέσιμη Βιβλιογραφία The term gentrification foundσυμπληρώνει atpeople first in the UK early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy to buy property in poor επί συγκεκριμμένων θεματικών περιοχών και, εν τίνι μέτρω, ανάγεται theτων then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof σε πολύτιμο βοήθημα ασχολούνται μεthere την and καταγραφή, ανάλυση, London, upgrade them,σε stayόσους themselves sometimes thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. αξιολόγηση, χάραξη και συγκρότηση σχετικών Στρατηγικών, Πολιτικών, being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth Μέσων καιthe Μέτρων. GLASS at same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from Καθηγητής Κωνσταντίνος ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of theΚαθηγητής phenomenon of gentrification, theΚοινωνικών following: Επιστημών Σχολής Νομικών και interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of socialΠάφος groups Πανεπιστημίου ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Ομότιμος Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, και Πολιτικών Επιστημών, Αθηνών Berlin, where sheΚοινωνικών made her first studies. In 1932 she published anΠΑΝΤΕΙΟ, important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. TheΕπί same yearΔιαλέκτης she left Germany andΕθνικής after continuous τιμή Σχολής Αμύνης Ελλάδος lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Ex Ch.the L.U.L. Bruxelles, Inter. I.I.A.P., Paris in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the to another approach, is Ex due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and Κάτοχος Τιμητικής Διακρίσεως «LE PRIX EUROPEEN 12 long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofDES buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ETOILES», HONORIS CAUSA and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252193 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252195 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, KENTPO EPEYNA™ Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ¶EPIºEPEIAKH™ ANA¶TY•H™ «IÂÚÒÓ˘ÌÔ˜ ¢. ¶INTO™ Concerns Î·È AÓ·ÛÙ·Û›· IÂÚ. ¶INTOY»
By Mr. Mr. George-Sp. George-Sp. C. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ATHANASOPOULOS By Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Design, Student, Mε σκ�π� την πρ�ώθησηHarvard της Iδέας της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης, (Oικ�ν�µικής, University, Graduate School of Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS K�ινωνικής και Π�λιτιστικής), έ�ει συσταθεί σήµερα στην Aθήνα απ� Oµάδα Architect KαθηγηStudent of of the the School School of of Architecture Architecture Student τών Πανεπιστηµίων και Eιδικών Eπιστηµ�νων τ� Kέντρ� Έρευνας Περι�ερειακής AνάTechnical University University of of Crete Crete Technical πτυ�ης «Iερώνυµ�ς ∆. ΠINTOΣ και Aναστασία Iερων. ΠINTOY» (αστ. µη κερδ�σκ. εταιρ.), ως �υσιαστικ�ς διάδ���ς, (κατ’ επιθυµία της αειµνήστ�υ Aναστασίας Iερων. 1. Introductory Introductory approach: Defining the concept concept 1. approach: Defining the 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ΠINTOY), τ�υ Kέντρ�υ Έρευνας Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης Iερών. ∆. ΠINTOΣ, συ1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient ancient Greek philosopher, philosopher, (444 BC BC -- 370 370 BC, Athens), Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the Greek (444 BC, σταθέντ�ς εν Aθήναις την 28η Aυγ�ύστ�υ 1986. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC --“principle”: 370 BC, BC, Athens), Athens), among other wise wise heritage heritage he left left us, he he established great “principle”: the ANTISTHENIS, the Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 among other he us, established aa great the O εκ των Πρωτ�π�ρων της Iδέας της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης Kαθηγητής Πανεamong other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the πιστηµίων Iερώνυµ�ς ∆. ΠINTOΣ απε�ίωσε την 5/8/1981, η δε διακριθείσα διά τ� π�λυacquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, therefore, on this this “principle” in first, ififof not final, approach, the term term acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition the content of concepts. Based, on “principle” aa first, not final, approach, the σ�ιδές κ�ινωνικ�, �ιλανθρωπικ� και π�λιτιστικ� Σύ�υγ�ς τ�υ Aναστασία Based, therefore, on this this “principle” inindicated first,της notthe final, approach, theαπεterm 11 (and (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) Planning) (or gentrification Based, therefore, on “principle” in aaέργ� first, ifif (in not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is area of (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or 1 �ίωσε την 14/4/2009. gentrification Sociology as well), well), as the the“refining” “refining” of aa city cityisarea, area, the removal removal from this, (in various various gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as as of the (in Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Mετα�ύ των σκ�πών τ�υ Kέντρ�υ συγκαταλέγ�νται και �ι ε�ής, εντ�ς πνεύµατ�ς ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of social social groups, usually ofτης low-income and the placement there of artists, artists, πάντ�τε παραγωγής έργ�υ επ’ αγαθώ Eπιστήµης και the της K�ινωνίας: ways), of groups, usually of low-income and placement there of the operation of art art galleries, restaurants, etc.However However this “change”, regardless of the operation of galleries, restaurants, etc. this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of H συµ��λή στην πρ�αγωγή της Eπιστήµης και της Iδέας της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυthe operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the �ης εν γένει, δι’ �ί�υ δήπ�τε ν�µίµ�υ τρ�π�υ, της Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης ν��υµένης whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). ωςpotential Oικ�ν�µικής, K�ινωνικής, Π�λιτιστικής. relative speculation). The term term gentrification is found found at at first first in in the the UK UK in in early early 1960s 1960s and and itit refers refers to to The gentrification is The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first inκαι the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersof the then observed trend of ofiswealthy wealthy people toσυνα�ών buy property in poor poor areas ofto Hthen µελέτη σ�έσεων Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης ∆ράσεων και Π�λιτικών. the observed trend to buy property in the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas of the then observed trend wealthy peopleστην to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayενof themselves sometimes there and thus thus old residents areof H συµ��λή των Iδιωτικών γένει Eπενδύσεων υπ�στήρι�η στρατηγικών, π�λιLondon, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and old residents are London, upgrade them,stay stay themselves themselves sometimes sometimes there and and thus thus old old residents residents are are London, upgrade them, there being indirectly “squeezed”. τικών και µέτρων «παραγωγής» Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης. being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Aεκπ�νηση description of this thisηphenomenon phenomenon is included included in the the work work of Sociologist Sociologist Ruth HA Mελετών, διενέργεια Eρευνών, η �ργάνωση Συνεδρίων, Hµερίδων, Σεdescription of is in of Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major µιναρίων, ∆ιαλέ�εων θεµάτων Περι�ερειακής Aνάπτυ�ης. GLASS at the sameεπί period, while similar situations were recorded in other major GLASS atMελετών, the same same period, while similar situations were recorded in other other major GLASS at the period, similar situations were recorded in major cities inWestern Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. H έκδ�ση Eρευνών, Περι�δικών, Eντύπων εν γένει, η παραγωγή σ�ετικ�ύ cities in countries, by other Researchers. cities inWestern Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Researchers. cities in countries, by other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, issue hasυλικ�ύ. preoccupied several scholars and for its more ραδι��ωνικ�ύ καιthe τηλε�πτικ�ύ Since then, then, the the issue has has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more more issue several scholars and for its comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various H Since ��ρήγηση υπ�τρ��ιών, η �ρά�ευση εργασιών Tρίτων και η έκδ�σή τ�υς. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, gentrification, the following: following: interpretations of the H συνεργασίαof µεthe �ί�νphenomenon δήπ�τε, ανε�αρτήτως ν�µικής µ�ρ�ής, επιδιώκ�ντα παρεµ�εinterpretations of the phenomenon phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: interpretations of the of gentrification, the following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social social groups groups In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of ρείς σκ�π�ύς, εντ�ς και εκτ�ς Eλλάδ�ς. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money to “return” to theµε city, leaving the purlieus�πως for several reasons:Eυρωπαϊκή high costs inΈνωση, money H συνεργασία ∆ιεθνή M�ρ�ώµατα, (ενδεικτικώς) and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the the and time toOικ�ν�µικής travel from the purlieus to Oργανισµ�ς Συνεργασίας καιdowntown, Aνάπτυ�ηςwhere κ.ά. work place is, lack of 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for better 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres,πρ�ς search forδήπ�τε betterin H παρ��ή επίfirst θεµάτων Aνάπτυ�ης Berlin, whereυπηρεσιών she made made her her studies.Περι�ερειακής In 1932 1932 she she published published an important important�ί�ν study entitled: entitled: Berlin, where she first studies. In an study services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) services of health, education, entertainment “atτ�υ the heart theΣυµ��υλί�υ city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. Unemployment. The same same year she she left left Germany and afterof continuous movements for του Eνδια�ερ�µεν�, �άσει ειδικών συµ�ωνιών, µερίµνει ∆ι�ικητικ�ύ της ε-for Youth The year Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studiesκ.ά. and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where ταιρείας κέντρου κ.ά inAccording 1943 she she published published studies regarding city planning. In In 1950 1950 sheto became teacher in in the According to another another approach, the phenomenon is due due to systematic and in 1943 regarding city planning. she became teacher the to the phenomenon is aafax: systematic and ∆ιεύθυνση: Ίµ�ρ�υ 6,studies 112approach, 57 Aθήναι, τηλ.: 2108647120, 6944626140, 2108658868. University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal informal effort effort by by organized organized groups, groups, manufacturers, manufacturers, brokers brokers of of buying buying long-term her work work are are characterized characterized by by aa passion passion for justice. See See also: also: COLLINS ENGLISH ENGLISH DICTIONARY. DICTIONARY. Aθήναι,for 5 Aυγ�ύστ�υ 2009COLLINS her justice. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. edit. Wil. Wil. COLLINS COLLINS SONS SONS AND AND Co Co Ltd. Ltd. London London 2009. 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Free Encyclopedia: Encyclopedia: 10th The O Eπιστηµ�νικ�ς Yπεύθυν�ς τ�υWIKIPEDIA: Kέντρ�υ Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a variety of ways, in order to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Kαθηγητής Kωνσταντίν�ς ΓE. AΘANAΣOΠOYΛOΣ 21 141 25 11 21 96 25 11 10 24
και ός, να ους ξει ην
Γ., κή ξη.
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 252197 11
ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ «ΚΛΕΙΣΘΕΝΗΣ Ι» GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, ΟΙ METABOΛΕΣ ΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΕΡΕΙ Definition, of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification ΣΤΗΝ ΤΟΠΙΚΗ Types ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗ Α΄ ΒΑΘΜΟΥ ConcernsΤου κ. Δημ. - Νικ. ΝΕΓΚΑΚΗ Φοιτ. Νομικής Πανεπ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Mr. George-Sp. Architect Συνέχεια εκ του προηγουμένου By τεύχους 96/2019 C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete Διενέργεια δημοτικού δημοψηφίσματος: Προβλέπεται η δυνατότητα
διενέργειας δημοτικού δημοψηφίσματος, του οποίου αντικείμενο μπορεί να 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αποτελέσει κάθε θέμα, ακόμη και αν δεν υπάγεται αρμοδιότητα των ΟΤΑ, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the conceptστην ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greekμε philosopher, BC - 370 Athens), εκτός των ζητημάτωνthe που σχετίζονται την εθνική (444 ασφάλεια, τηνBC, εξωτερική ή ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great μεταναστευτική πολιτική, την ερμηνεία και εφαρμογή διεθνών συνθηκών, the τα among otherknowledge wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition startshe with theθρησκευτικής content concepts. ατομικά καιofκοινωνικά δικαιώματα, τηνdefinition ελευθερίαofτης συνείδησης acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term και λατρείας, 1τη δημοσιονομική διαχείριση των ΟΤΑ, την επιβολή τελών και τη Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification διοικητική διαίρεση χώρας. Για τη διενέργεια δημοτικού δημοψηφίσματος 1 (and της gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various απαιτείται η λήψη σχετικής απόφασης της πλειοψηφίας των 2/3 των μελών του Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, οικείουofΔημοτικού Συμβουλίου ή άλλως κατόπιν αιτήσεως του 10% τουλάχιστον ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, απ9ο τους εγγεγραμμένους στους εκλογικούς καταλόγους του Δήμου.regardless of the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other has, results rising of “change”, land prices (and theof Δημοτικός Διαμεσολαβητής: Καθιερώνεται ο θεσμός του δημοτικού whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relativeμεspeculation). διαμεσολαβητή πενταετή θητεία, με δυνατότητα ανανέωσης για μία φορά, potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UKκαι in early 1960s του and δημοτικού it refers to μετά από σχετική προκήρυξη του δημάρχου. Έργο αποστολή The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto διαμεσολαβητή είναι η διερεύνηση και καταπολέμηση της κακοδιοίκησης στους the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are Ο.Τ.Α. Ο θεσμός του δημοτικού διαμεσολαβητή αποτελεί αντικατάσταση τουof London, upgrade them, stay themselves there and thusόπως old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. θεσμού του συμπαραστάτη του Δημότηsometimes και της Επιχείρησης, ίσχυε και being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon«Καλλικράτης». is included in the of Sociologist εφαρμόστηκε από το πρόγραμμα Ο work συνολικός αριθμός Ruth των A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere theσυνολικά work of σε Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while situations recorded in58 other δημοτικών διαμεσολαβητών στην similar χώραisμας ανέρχονται . major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities inΠλήρης Western countries, by other απελευθέρωση των Researchers. δήμων στην επιβολή τελών: Η αύξηση των cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue να has preoccupied several scholars and for its δημοτικών τελών μπορεί αποφασιστεί από τα δημοτικά συμβούλια με more λήψη Sinceαπόφασης, then, the issue has preoccupied scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from the σχετικής η οποία δεν υπόκειται σεseveral έλεγχοbelow, από την Αποκεντρωμένη comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: Διοίκηση. interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In aΕνισχύεται sense, theof phenomenon is dueΔημάρχου: togentrification, a trend ofΜε a new of social groups ο ρόλος του απόφαση του δημάρχου to “return” to the οι city, leaving του the purlieus for several reasons: highοιcosts in money δρομολογούνται δαπάνες ψηφισμένου προϋπολογισμού, οποίες μέχρι σήμερα εγκρίνονταν την οικονομική επιτροπή. Επίσης η and time to travel from από the purlieus to downtown, where work placeενισχύεται is, lack of the 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in δικαιοδοσία του δημάρχου στηνresidencies Επιτροπή Ποιότητας Ζωής και στην Οικονομική sense safety atcomes the distributed outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. she published entitled: Επιτροπή, αφού εκτός του entertainment ιδίου Inως1932 προέδρου της an ή important άλλου οριζόμενου services of health, education, “at the heart of the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for αντιδημάρχου να διορίσει επιπλέον δύο αντιδημάρχους σε κάθε μία απ΄ lower living costμπορεί of, in “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, αυτές, ενώ τον προηγούμενο νόμοthe τα μέλη αυτών τον επιτροπών εκλέγονταν in According 1943 sheμε published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and από το δημοτικό συμβούλιο και μάλιστα με υποχρεωτική συμμετοχή της long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. αντιπολίτευσης. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
κατά φύλο: GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ ΔΗΜΩΝ ΚΟΝΤΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΠΛΗΣ ΑΝΑΛΟΓΙΚΗΣ (ΘΕΣΕΙΣ και ΑΝΤΙΘΕΣΕΙΣ) Concerns Αύξηση της ποσόστωσης της συμμετοχής Η ποσόστωση κατά φύλο ανεβαίνει από το 30% στο 40%.
Οι Οργανισμοί Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης (Ο.Τ.Α.) αποτελούν αναμφισβήτητα κύτταρα του δημοκρατικού μας συστήματος, μοχλοί της τοπικής και εθνικής George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ανάπτυξης και επίλυσης ζητημάτων By με Mr. στόχο τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας της Harvard University, Graduate Design, Student, ζωής των πολιτών. Οι λόγοι αυτοί αποτέλεσαν τη School βασικήofαιτία ανάπτυξης George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect έντονης πολιτικής αντιπαράθεσης καιBy τηMr. δημιουργία συγκρουόμενων ομάδων και of επιχειρηματολογία the School of Architecture η καθεμία από τη δική της σκοπιά ανέπτυξε τηStudent δική της στην Technical University of Crete εφαρμογή του προγράμματος «Κλεισθένης Ι» και ειδικότερα στην εφαρμογή του νέου εκλογικού συστήματος της απλής αναλογικής για την ανάδειξη των 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept διοικήσεων των Ο. Τ.approach: Α. α΄ και β΄Defining βαθμού. the concept 1. Introductory ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Στην αιτιολογική έκθεση Greek του προγράμματος «Κλεισθένης Ι» προς την ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great Βουλή των Ελλήνων ο νομοθέτης-Κυβέρνηση (ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΑΝΕΛ) εστιάζει the τις among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the concepts. αλλαγές που επιφέρει το πρόγραμμα «Κλεισθένης Ι» content στο μέχρι τότε ισχύον acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term πρόγραμμα «Καλλικράτης» εν συντομία ως εξής :1) το πρόγραμμα «Καλλικράτης» 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if (in not final, approach, the term area of Planning) (or gentrification έθεσε τις βάσεις και τις gentrification) διοικητικές και indicated οργανωτικέςthe προϋποθέσεις για την 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various συγκρότηση ισχυρών Ο.Τ.Α., λιγότερων στον αριθμό και μεγαλύτερων στον Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually low-income and the there of artists, πληθυσμό, σε εναρμόνιση με τοof ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο καιplacement για αποτελεσματικότερη ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of λειτουργία τους. 2)Ενώ το πρόγραμμα «Καλλικράτης» προχώρησε σε θαρραλέα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has,ένα results also rising of land prices (andτων theof αναδιάταξη, εν τούτοις διατήρησε εκλογικό σύστημα διακυβέρνησης whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, μονοπαραταξιακού results also rising of land prices (and (η the potential relative Ο.Τ.Α. «δομημένου στην βάση του πλήρους ελέγχου» potential relative speculation). The termτου gentrification found at first inτην the πρώτη UK in early 1960s and it Κυριακή refers to παράταξη δημάρχου is που εκλέγεται ή την δεύτερη The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas ofto καταλαμβάνει τα 3/5 του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου). Με αυτόν τον refers τρόπο the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are «αποθάρρυνε» την συμμετοχή των τοπικών κοινωνικών και παραγωγικώνof London, upgrade them, την stay δυσπιστία themselvesκαι sometimes thereτους. and thus old πρόγραμμα residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. δυνάμεων και ενίσχυσε απομόνωση 3)Στο being indirectly “squeezed”. A descriptionυπήρχε of this phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist Ruth «Καλλικράτης» η σύνδεση χρόνων διεξαγωγής τωνof αυτοδιοικητικών A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atμεthe while similar were in other major εκλογών τιςsame ευρωεκλογές, καθορίζοντας γι αυτόin χρονική διάρκεια πενταετούς GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. θητείας. Η αποσύνδεση τωνbyδύο εκλογικών διαδικασιών θεωρείται επιβεβλημένη cities in countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, issue διοικητικό has scholars«σύγχυση» and for its στους more τόσο γιαWestern το the τεχνικό σκέλοςseveral (προκαλούσε Since then, the has preoccupied several scholars andthe forόχι itsόμως more comprehensive approach are being summarized from various ψηφοφόρους, ίσχυε οissue θεσμός των ετεροδημοτών για below, τις ευρωεκλογές comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various για τις αυτοδιοικητικές, πολλαπλέςofκάλπες, κίνδυνος interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, theεγκυρότητας), following: όσο και σε interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: πολιτικό επίπεδο, αφού οι πολίτες έπρεπε και να λάβουν In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof to a trendνα of aαξιολογήσουν new of social groups ταυτόχρονα αποφάσεις για διακυβεύματα διαφορετικού χαρακτήρα (υπερεθνικά to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money -τοπικά) κατάληξη την υποβάθμιση και των δύο work διαδικασιών. Τέλος το and time toμε travel from the purlieus to downtown, where place is, lack of the 1.of The term fromκρατικό Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASSδιεξαγωγή wasbetter born in οικονομικό όφελος προϋπολογισμό από τηνcentres, ταυτόχρονη sense safety atcomes theστον distributed residencies outside town for Berlin, where she her firstσημαντικό studies. In 1932 study entitled: των εκλογών δενmade ήταν τόσο «πουshe να published δικαιολογεί και υπερτερεί σε services of health, education, entertainment “at the heartan ofimportant the να city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for άλλες ή σημαντικότερες δικαιοπολιτικές επιδιώξεις». 4)Το εκλογικό σύστημα του lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where προγράμματος παρίσταται εξαιρετικά ακόμα in και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the to«Καλλικράτης» another approach, the isπλειοψηφικό due a systematic and University informal College where she continued her socialεκλογών. research. brokers HerΗpublic and συγκρινόμενο με of τοLondon, εκλογικό σύστημα των εθνικών 5) ισότητα της long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ψήφου ναι real μενCOLLINS δεν θεσπίζεται ρητά στο ισχύονinitially Σύνταγμα απορρέει ωστόσο από and selling estate, etc., for the depreciation of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: την δημοκρατική αρχή της λαϊκής κυριαρχίας και «δεν μπορεί να γίνουν G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
συνταγματικά ανεκτές περιπτώσεις εμφανούς δυσαναλογίας μεταξύ του ποσοστού ψήφων που λαμβάνει μια παράταξη από το ποσοστό των εδρών που καταλαμβάνει στο οικείο Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο». 6)Αρετή κάθε εκλογικού συστήματος είναι και η απλότητα του, όπως η καθιέρωση του εκλογικού συστήματος υπολοίπων. 7)Θεσμικά η έμμεση εκλογή δημάρχου προς την απλή αναλογική είναι πιο συνεπής. Παρόλα αυτά διατηρείται το σύστημα της άμεσης εκλογής του δημάρχου από τον λαό. Ο λόγος είναι «διττός» αφενός ιστορικά «δεν Byτου Mr. δημάρχου George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS μπορεί να αγνοηθεί η ιδιαίτερη θέση που κατέχει στις τοπικές University, Graduate School of Design, Student, κοινωνίες» και αφετέρουHarvard η έμμεση του εκλογή μπορεί να αποτελέσει προϊόν By Mr. George-Sp. Architect παραταξιακής και προσωπικής επιλογής, κάτι το οποίο C. δενATHANASSOPOULOS εξουσιοδοτείται από of the School of Architecture το εκλογικό σώμα. 8)Η αναλογικότητα μπορείStudent να λειτουργήσει παιδευτικά στο Technical University of Crete σύνολο των παρατάξεων καταργώντας την έννοια συμπολίτευσηςαντιπολίτευσης, τις παρατάξεις στην βάσανο διαλόγου και 1. Introductoryοδηγώντας approach: Defining the concept προγραμματικών συμβιβασμών. Η απλή αναλογική προσδοκά στην ενεργοποίηση 1. Introductory approach: Definingphilosopher, the concept the ancient (444 από BC -τον 370δήμαρχο BC, Athens), τωνANTISTHENIS, τοπικών κοινωνιών και στηνGreek μετάθεση των ευθυνών στην ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the κοινωνία. Τέλος ο νόμος δεν παραλείπει θεσμικές επιλογές που να ανατρέπουν among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. τον κατακερματισμό των αυτοδιοικητικών δυνάμεων π.χ. απαγόρευση υποβολής acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term μεμονωμένων υποψηφιοτήτων, υποχρέωση ελάχιστου αριθμού υποψηφίων 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) gentrification Δημοτικών Συμβούλων συνδυασμού κ.λ.π. indicated (in the area of Planning) (or 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal this, (in various Τόσο η ΚΕΔΕ όσο και κόμματα της αντιπολίτευσης αντέδρασαν και Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually low-income and the συστήματος placement there of artists, άσκησαν δριμεία κριτική στηνofεφαρμογή του νέου εκλογής των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andπροσωπικότητες thethis placement artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of αιρετών των Ο.Τ.Α., ενώ κριτική ασκήθηκε και από της of νομικής the οικονομικής operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless whatever other results rising ofαντιδράσεων land prices (and και κοινότητας μεhas, βασικούς άξονες των τουςthe ηof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential speculation). διοικητικήrelative αναποτελεσματικότητα των Ο.Τ.Α.(ακυβερνησία) και ο πολιτικός potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at firstπεριπτώσεις in the UK in early 1960s and(δημοτικών it refers to αμοραλισμός που θα εμφανιστεί στις μεταγραφών The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor συμβούλων) . the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof Από το 1982 ο δήμαρχος εκλέγονταν άμεσα την πρώτη ή την δεύτερη London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. Κυριακή εφόσον καταλάμβανε το 50% και 1 των εγκύρων ψηφοδελτίων, ενώ are ο being indirectly A description of this phenomenon included in work of Sociologist Ruth νόμος του έδινε “squeezed”. τη δυνατότητα κατ΄ is εφαρμογή τηςthe ενισχυμένης αναλογικής, η A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at του the same whileτα similar situations inΣυμβουλίου, other major παράταξη να καταλαμβάνει 3/5isτων εδρών του Δημοτικού GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. ενώ τα υπόλοιπα 2/5 ναbyκατανέμονται με βάση τα ποσοστά των λοιπών cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, issue has several scholars and its more παρατάξεων τηςthe πρώτης εκλογικής διαδικασίας. Η εφαρμογή της for ενισχυμένης Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, αναλογικής της παράταξης του δημάρχου είχε ως στόχο τηνfrom προγραμματικήcomprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the παραταξιακή ομοιογένεια, τη μη θεσμική παρεμπόδιση εκτέλεσης τουvarious έργου interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, theτης following: interpretations the thecategory following: του τουphenomenon δημάρχου και την διοικητική αποτελεσματικότητα, In συνδυασμού a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups αναγνωρίζοντας ταυτόχρονα τηνpurlieus έλλειψη ισότητας της ψήφου, η to “return” to the city, leaving the forτης several reasons: high costs inαφού money ψήφος πολίτη ως αποτέλεσμα δενwhere είχε την βαρύτητα. and timeκάθε to travel fromτελικά the purlieus to downtown, workίδια place is, lack of2)Η the 1.of The term comes from αναλογικής Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS was born in εφαρμογή τηςat απλής στην ανάδειξη αιρετών της for Τοπικής sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, better Berlin, where she made her first studies. 1932 sheστην an δημάρχων Αυτοδιοίκησης (Μάιος-Ιούνιος 2019) In οδήγησε εκλογή όπουentitled: ενώ services of health, education, entertainment “at published the heart ofimportant the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for ήταν δεύτεροι στην πρώτη εκλογική διαδικασία, κατάφεραν να υπερισχύσουν lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where του πρώτου σεtoψήφους υποψηφίου στον α΄ γύρο με αποτέλεσμα να teacher αποτελούν in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became in the another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she και continued her social Her public and μειοψηφία στο Δημοτικό σε μερικές τωνresearch. περιπτώσεων, όπως στον long-term effortΣυμβούλιο by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Δήμο Θεσσαλονίκης παράταξη του Δημάρχου ναWIKIPEDIA: αποτελεί μικρή μειοψηφία, and selling realCOLLINS estate,ηetc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: αφού ο εκλεγείς Δήμαρχος έλαβε επτά (7) έδρες σε σύνολο σαράντα εννέα (49). G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Επί τηςConcerns αρχής του νόμου 4555/2018 η εύρυθμη λειτουργία του Δήμου Definition, Types of intervention, of Gentrification εδράζεται στην ευκταία συναίνεση, ενώ οι προσωπικές και παραταξιακές σκοπιμότητες και ιδεολογικές διαφοροποιήσεις είναι προφανώς «καταδικαστέες, Concerns
άρα εξαναγκάζονται οι παρατάξεις παρά τις ιδεολογικές ή πολιτικές διαφοροποιήσεις τους και τις ψήφους που έλαβαν βάση της τοπικής δημοκρατίας By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS -λαϊκής εντολής, να πράξουν διαφορετικά. 4)Υπάρχει ο κίνδυνος να μην Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ερμηνευθούν σωστά οι επιλογές της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης λ.χ. η παράταξη του By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect νέου δημάρχου να συνδιοικήσει με την παράταξη του τέως δημάρχου, ενώ η of the School of Architecture λαϊκή εντολή αποδοκίμασε το τέως δήμαρχοStudent και την παράταξη του και τον Technical University κατάταξε σε θέση μειοψηφίας-αντιπολίτευσης. Επιπλέον ελλοχεύειof Crete και αντίστροφα η αρνητική απεικόνιση της εικόνας της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept στους πολίτες υπό approach: το πρίσμαDefining της εναλλαγής προσώπων στο αυτοδιοικητικό 1. Introductory the concept ANTISTHENIS, theστην ancient Greek philosopher, (444απλής BC - 370 BC, Athens), σύστημα. 6) Ακόμα και περίπτωση εφαρμογής της στην ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -αναλογικής 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the λειτουργία της κυβέρνησης, ισχύει η αρχή της δεδηλωμένης, που όταν εκλείψει, among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. δίνει την δυνατότητα διεξαγωγής εκλογών για την λύση του θέματος. Στην acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term περίπτωση όμως του προγράμματος «Κλεισθένης Ι» δεν υπάρχει αυτή η 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification δυνατότητα και(and αναγκάζεται ο δήμαρχος ή να παραιτηθεί (καταλαμβάνοντας την 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various θέση του άλλος δημοτικός σύμβουλος ως δήμαρχος) ή να διοικεί και να λαμβάνει Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andπλειοψηφιών. the placement7)Το there of artists, αποφάσεις έρμαιο ευκαιριακών κατά περίπτωση πρόγραμμα ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of «Κλεισθένης Ι» δίνει την δυνατότητα στην κινητικότητα των δημοτικών the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the συμβούλων μεταξύ των παρατάξεων, κυρίως με στόχο την δημιουργία whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). δημαρχιακής πλειοψηφίας, γεγονός που μπορεί να εγείρει υποψίες συναλλαγής potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is του found at first the UK in early 1960s it refers to (μεταγραφής) με «κάλυψη» νόμου, μεinενδεχόμενα οφέλη της and «αποστασίας» The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto τους. 8)Ο Δήμαρχος μπορεί να ορίσει αντιδημάρχους από άλλη παράταξη αρκεί the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are να συναινέσουν τα 2/3 της άλλης παράταξης, δηλαδή δίνει την δυνατότητα καιof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there thusπαρατάξεις old residentsκαι are being indirectly θεσμοθετεί την “squeezed”. πολιτική παρέμβαση του δημάρχου στιςand άλλες being indirectly “squeezed”. Aανάλογο description of this phenomenon included in the work Sociologist Ruth κατ’ τρόπο το ίδιο ισχύει καιisστην περίπτωση που οιofάλλες παρατάξεις A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at να theεπιβάλλουν same while similar in other major θελήσουν ως αντιδήμαρχο πρόσωπο γιαrecorded το οποίο διαφωνεί ο GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. δήμαρχος. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, issue has preoccupied severalδεδομένο scholarsτην andαυτορρύθμιση for its more Τέλος το the πρόγραμμα «Κλεισθένη Ι» θεωρεί Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars andthe for various its comprehensive approach being summarized below, from μεταξύ των παρατάξεων, την are συναίνεση και τηνseveral προγραμματική σύγκλιση γιαmore την comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: προάσπιση τουofτοπικού συμφέροντος και του κινδύνου της ακυβερνησίας. interpretations of the of thecategory following: In a sense, theότι phenomenon is due togentrification, a trendενδιαφέρεται of a new social Θεωρεί δηλαδή τοphenomenon πολιτικό προσωπικό μόνοofγια το groups γενικό to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons:κοινωνίες-διαφορές, high costs in money συμφέρον, αγνοώντας τις προσωπικές-ιδίως σε μικρές and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is,θέματα lack of και the παραταξιακές διαφοροποιήσεις θέσεων και απόψεων για τοπικά 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born ιδεολογικές και πολιτικές διαφοροποιήσεις. Η1912-1940. πραγματικότητα όμως είναιin sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: διαφορετική και στο «παιχνίδι» των διαβουλεύσεων στο όνομα της συναίνεσης services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for και κυβερνησιμότητας, η τοπική κοινωνία θα είναι απούσα, δεν θα μπορεί να lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher in the παρεμβαίνει και αποφαίνεται. Επιπλέον τίθεται το θέμα της παραποίησης της to να another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University College of μια London, where she continued her research. Her public and λαϊκής εντολής για μεγάλη μερίδα πολιτών, οιsocial οποίοι είναι αμετακίνητοι στις long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ιδεολογικές τους πεποιθήσεις καιCodepreciation απόψεις τους για WIKIPEDIA: τοπικά ζητήματα, αφού άλλη and selling real estate, etc., for the initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. The Free Encyclopedia: εντολή έδωσαν με την ψήφο τους. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification ΕΠΙΛΟΓΟΣ Concerns
Είναι γεγονός ότι η διττή υπόσταση εκλογής των αιρετών διοικήσεων των Ο.Τ.Α (άμεση εκλογή του δημάρχου με 50% και 1 και απλή αναλογική στην By Mr.ο George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS κατανομή των εδρών για τις παρατάξεις) δημαρχοκεντρισμός στην συνείδηση Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, των πολιτών, η ανάγκη εξεύρεσης λύσεων στην διοίκηση μεταξύ παρατάξεων, By Mr. George-Sp. C. καθιστά ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect που διαφαίνονται αδύνατες σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, αναγκαία τη the School of Architecture λήψη πρόσθετων νομοθετικών μέτρων από Student τις ήδη of διαφαινόμενες δυσκολίες Technicalόπως University of Crete εφαρμογής, παρά των προθέσεων του νόμου 4555/2018, ισχύει, και η πάντως πριν την 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019, ημερομηνία ανάληψης των καθηκόντων 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept των 1.νέων δημοτικών αρχών. Defining Μετά τις the εθνικές εκλογές της 7ης Ιουλίου 2019 Introductory approach: concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - να 370αντιμετωπίσει BC, Athens), ανέκυψε νέα αυτοδύναμη κυβέρνηση, η οποία όχι μόνο(444 καλείται ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great η άμεσα και πριν την 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019 τα προβλήματα που ανέκυψαν the και among other wise heritage he left us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge of the content concepts. της αναφέρονται παραπάνω,starts αλλάwith καιthe να προβεί βάσει των προεκλογικών acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term εξαγγελιών σε κατάργηση ή τροποποίηση του προγράμματος «Κλεισθένη Ι» στο 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in not final, approach, the term gentrification) of Planning) (or gentrification εγγύς μέλλον ,αφού η παρούσα κυβερνώσα παράταξηthe ωςarea αντιπολίτευση είχε 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various αναγάγει την εφαρμογή του προγράμματος «Κλεισθένη Ι» σε πεδίο πολιτικής Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andπληροφορίες the placement there of artists, αντιπαράθεσης. Σύμφωνα δε μεof δημοσιογραφικές διαφαίνεται ότι η ways), of social groups, of κάποια low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of κυβέρνηση προτίθεται ναusually επιλύσει από τα ζητήματα αυτά με κατεύθυνση the operation ofconsequences artπαραταξιακών galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other has, results rising of “change”, landτου prices (and της theof ενθάρρυνσης των συγχωνεύσεων, ενίσχυσης ελέγχου whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (andτου the potential relative speculation). Οικονομικής Επιτροπής από τον νεοεκλεγέντα δήμαρχο, δίνοντας potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first the UK in early 1960s and it refers to δυνατότητα διορισμού τόσων μελών της in όσων απαιτούνται για τη διασφάλιση The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor ofto της πλειοψηφίας της δημαρχιακής παράταξης ή ακόμα και ενίσχυση του ρόλου the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής. Οι προσπάθειες όμως αυτές μπορούν να εγείρουνof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there thus oldσυμβουλίου residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. νέες αντιδράσεις που αφορούν το ρόλο και την «αξία» τουand δημοτικού being indirectly “squeezed”. description of this phenomenon is included in the of Sociologist Ruth καιA την συνταγματικότητα των νέων τροποποιήσεων. Τοwork βέβαιο είναι ότι αμέσως description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS atβάσει the same while similar recorded in other major μετάAκαι όλων αυτών θα ξεκινήσει ένα νέος διάλογος τροποποιήσεων , GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. βελτιώσεων ή και κατάργησης του προγράμματος «Κλεισθένη Ι» βάσει των cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,εξαγγελιών. the issue has several scholars and for its more κυβερνητικών Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various ΠΗΓΕΣ : of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: έκθεση Ν. 4555/2018 την των Ελλήνων In aΑιτιολογική sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aπρος trend of Βουλή a new of social groups Ζακαλκάς, Δημήτριος, «Κριτική Αξιολόγηση του ΚΛΕΙΣΘΕΝΗ to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money (Ν.4555/2018)», and time to travelhttps//www.grtimes.gr from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the The term from Sociologist Ruthυπόμνημα GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS–Τέσσερις wasbetter born in ΚΕΔΕ, «Κλεισθένης 1» 35σελιδο με παρατηρήσεις sense1.of safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: κόκκινεςof γραμμές, services health, https//www.aftodioikisi.gr education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Κουρής, Γαβριήλ, «Οι 10 βασικές αλλαγές που φέρνει ο «Κλεισθένης» στην lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came back to London, where Τοπική Εφημερίδα Χανιώτικα Νέα, https//www.haniotika-nea.gr in According 1943Αυτοδιοίκηση, she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and Ν.4555/2018 (ΦΕΚ by 133/19-7-2018, τεύχος πρώτο) long-term informal effort organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ν.4604/2019 (ΦΕΚ 50/26-3-2019, τεύχος πρώτο) and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Τηλέφωνο επικοινωνίας 6945495592 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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Δημόσιεςof Σχέσεις: GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types Intervention, Σύγχρονες πρακτικές Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Της κυρίας Χρυσ. ΤΣΑΓΚΑΡΗ Concerns
Φοιτήτριας Νομικής, Πανεπιστήμιο ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος
By Mr.κυρίαρχο George-Sp. C. στο ATHANASOPOULOS Οι Δημόσιες Σχέσεις1 (ΔΣ) παίζουν ρόλο δημόσιο βίο από Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, την αρχαιότητα έως σήμερα. Η πρώτη επίσημη εμφάνιση των ΔΣ στο νεότερο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ελληνικό κράτος έγινε το 1951, όταν ο Ελληνικός Student ofΟργανισμός the School ofΤουρισμού Architecture (ΕΟΤ) αξιοποίησε για πρώτη φορά ειδικούς από Technical τις ΗΠΑ University και στελέχωσε of Crete Γραφείο Δημοσίων Σχέσεων με σκοπό την προβολή, τόσο του ελληνικού 1. Introductory approach: Defining the conceptΑυτό αποτέλεσε το έναυσμα Τουρισμού, όσο και του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), γιαANTISTHENIS, τη μετέπειτα πορεία των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων. the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, των Athens), ήδη 68 την εισαγωγή του-“principle”: θεσμού ΔΣ amongΈχουν other περάσει wise heritage heχρόνια left us,από he established a great the among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established aδιαδραματίζουν, greatof“principle”: the στο ελληνικό Κράτος. Παρά τον γενικό καίριο ρόλο πουcontent acquisition of knowledge starts with of the concepts.τόσο acquisition ofκαι knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. κρατικοί, επιχειρηματικοί φορείς αγνοούσαν επίthe μακρόν Based, όσο therefore, on this “principle” aστην first,Ελλάδα if of not final, approach, term 1τους Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, notthe final, approach, the term (and ως urban gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification τη σημασία προς τη διαμόρφωση τηςif κοινής γνώμης. Η είσοδος 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various διεθνών επιχειρήσεων στον ελληνικό χώρο και η αξιοποίηση τεχνικών των ΔΣ Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this,ευρύτερη (inartists, various ways), social groups, usually ofκαθοριστικά low-income and the placement of από ταofΣτελέχη τους, συνέβαλε στην εδραίωση καιthere την ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operationτων of art galleries,μηχανισμών restaurants, στην etc. However of αξιοποίησή συναφών Ελλάδα.this “change”, regardless the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results also των risingΔΣofείναι land απαραίτητο prices (and the Για other να καταστεί σαφέστερη η σημασία ναof whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). ορισθεί το περιεχόμενο τους. Έτσι, ΔΣ ορίζονται ως διοικητική λειτουργία, potential relative speculation). Theτης termοποίας gentrification is found first in the UK in early 1960s it refers to µέσω δημόσιοι αλλά at και ιδιωτικοί Οργανισμοί καιand Οργανώσεις, The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor επιζητούν την κατανόηση, την υποστήριξη και την εύνοια των ανθρώπων the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents εκείνων µε τους οποίους έρχονται ή επιχειρούν να έρθουν σε επαφή, are µε London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. απώτερο σκοπό την καλύτερη δυνατή ικανοποίηση των κοινών being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth συμφερόντων τους. A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while in other major Οι at ΔΣthe αποδεικνύεται, ότι similar είναι ζήτημα υψίστης σημασίας, το οποίο GLASS same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in να Western countries, by other Researchers. πρέπει χειρίζονται άτομα χαρακτήρα, ικανά να αναλαμβάνουν τις cities in Western countries, byισχυρού other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several and for its υποθέσεις μιας επιχείρησης ή υπηρεσίας και ναscholars τις διευθετούν μεmore τον Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο. Ειδικότερα, για να ανταπεξέλθουν Στελέχη comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: επιφορτισμένα με τις ΔΣ να ανταποκριθούν με επιτυχία στις επιταγές του interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups καθήκοντός τους, θα πρέπει να διαθέτουν μια σειρά από ικανότητες. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Σε πρώτο επίπεδο είναι απαραίτητο να έχουν αναλυτικές και and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the συνθετικές ικανότητες, να επεξεργάζονται δεδομένα, Ruth να GLASS αναλύουν τις termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth 1Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Βλ. Κωνστ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Δημόσιες Σχέσεις, Νέαback Έκδοση, Αθήναι, lower living cost of,ΓΕ. “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to to London, 2018,σ.38 ορισμός – ειδικότερη αναφορά περί οριοθέτησης της έννοιας in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and 2 University College London, where she continued her social research. Her public and Βλ. informal Λύτρας,of Π. 2008by Δημόσιες σχέσεις και επικοινωνία στον τουρισμό σ.23 long-term effort organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work areειδικότερη characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ορισμός και στηdepreciation συμβολή τους στον εργασιακό χώρο and selling realCOLLINS estate,αναφορά etc., for the initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 3 Βλ.Μαγνήσαλης, Κ.2002 Δημόσιες σχέσεις . Δέκατη έκδοση .Αθήνα σ.13 ορισμός G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
και αναφορά στην επίδραση των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων στις επιχειρήσεις και στις υπηρεσίες. 103 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
παραμέτρους ενός προβλήματος και να προτείνουν δημιουργικές και εφικτές λύσεις. Σε δεύτερο επίπεδο είναι πρωταρχικής σημασίας να ενεργούν με διαφάνεια και ειλικρίνεια στις σχέσεις με τους Συνεργάτες τους, διότι μόνο με αυτόν τον τρόπο καλλιεργείται και θεμελιώνεται η εμπιστοσύνη και ο αμφίδρομος σεβασμός. Ο ρεαλισμός με έμφαση στο κοινωνικό συμφέρον και περιστολή του ιδίου συμφέροντος αποτελεί συχνά το κλειδί επιτυχίας των ΔΣ2. Ακόμη, η By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS υπευθυνότητα και η εντιμότητα συγκαταλέγονται στις αρετές που πρέπει να Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, κοσμούν τους ανθρώπους των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, C. για να υπηρετείται η By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect αλήθεια και να ενισχύεται η αξιοπιστία τωνStudent Στελεχών αλλά και του κύρους of the School of Architecture της ίδιας της Υπηρεσίας ή επιχείρησης. Τέλος, τα Στελέχη πρέπει να διαθέτουν Technical University of Crete ακεραιότητα χαρακτήρα ώστε να μην υποκύπτουν σε εξωτερικές πιέσεις. 1. Introductory approach: Defining theκαι concept Φλέγον ζήτημα αποτελεί, επίσης, σκοπός των ΔΣ, καθώς ανάλογα 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept αλλά με ANTISTHENIS, το είδος της επιχείρησης ή της philosopher, Υπηρεσίας και- 370 τηςBC, φύσης του the ancient Greek (444 BC Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise he left us, αντιμετωπίσουν he established(444 a great προβλήματος πουheritage καλούνται να καθορίζεται και the η among other wise heritage left us,definition he established a great the acquisition ofΔΣ knowledge startshe with the ofστόχους the content concepts. στρατηγική με προσδιορισμό τους επιμέρους της.of“principle”: Κύριος στόχος acquisition of knowledge starts with thein definition the content concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term είναι η εμπέδωση των ανθρωπίνων σχέσεων, µε βάση τηνofαλήθεια, τον 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification σεβασμό στον1άνθρωπο, την καλή θέληση, την αμοιβαία κατανόηση και την gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ορθή επικοινωνία. Εξίσου σημαντικός στόχος είναι η καλλιέργεια Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, low-income and the placement of artists, κοινωνικότητας με τηνusually έννοια,ofότι κάθε επιχείρηση πρέπει να there αναπτύσσεται ways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of και να of ενεργεί ωςgalleries, «καλός πολίτης». Αυτήν, ακριβώς, την κοινωνικότητα the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the υπαγορεύουν, υποβάλλουν και καλλιεργούν οι ΔΣ. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). Παράλληλα, η φήμη και το κύρος είναι «εκ των ων ουκ άνευ» για το potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the in early 1960s and it refers to κτίσιμο καλής εικόνας γιαisένα Οργανισμό στηUK συνείδηση του ευρέος κοινού. The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Σε κάθε περίπτωση το «καλό όνομα», το κύρος, η καλή εικόνα, αποτελούν το the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves thus old residents areof κλειδί που επιτρέπει στη του sometimes Οργανισμού ναand εργάζεται σταθερό, London, upgrade them, stayµηχανή themselves there and thus oldµεresidents are being indirectly “squeezed”. και αποδοτικό ρυθμό, χωρίς καθυστερήσεις, προβλήματα, φθορές, απώλεια being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisΌλα phenomenon is included in the work Sociologist χρόνου και χρήματος. αυτά έχουν αποτέλεσμα την of καλή απόδοσηRuth και A description ofperiod, this phenomenon isως included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major την υψηλή παραγωγικότητα του προϊόντος ή της υπηρεσίας που παράγουν. GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. Οι καλές σχέσεις µε το Προσωπικό αποτελούν ένα ακόμη μέλημα των cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Δημοσίων Σχέσεων. Ένας στόχος several είναι ναscholars υπάρχουν καλές σχέσεις Since then, the issue σπουδαίος has and for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from the µε το Προσωπικό.approach Το σπουδαιότερο «κεφάλαιο» κάθε Οργανισμού, είναι το comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό του. Tο Ανθρώπινο Δυναμικό χρειάζεται ανθρώπινη interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups μεταχείριση. Όταν το Προσωπικό αισθάνεται κύριο µέρος της επιχείρησης, to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money που εργάζεται, τότε προσπαθεί να αυξήσει την απόδοσή του, επιδεικνύοντας and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the συγχρόνως ζήλο, αφοσίωση καιresidencies πίστη αυτό που πρέπει. 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruthσε GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed outside town centres, Berlin,Ακόμη, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published anπροβολής important study entitled: η καλλιέργεια σχέσεων συνεργασίας και μέσω των services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same yearσυνιστά she left Germany and after για continuous for Μέσων Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας μια δυναμική κάθε επιχείρηση. lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Κανείς αμφισβητεί άλλωστε, την προσωνυμία του Τύπου, και των in According 1943 δεν she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and ηλεκτρονικών μέσων μαζικής επικοινωνίας, ραδιοφώνου,brokers της τηλεόρασης long-term informal effort by organized groups,του manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. και του ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή, ως τέταρτης εξουσίας. Είναι εύκολα and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: αντιληπτό, ότι με τέτοια ισχύ τα ΜΜΕ παίζουν καθοριστικό ρόλο στο G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
κύκλωμα των ΔΣ3, που ανήκουν και λειτουργούν στο χώρο της επικοινωνίας. Όταν, λοιπόν, η τέταρτη εξουσία είναι σε θέση να «ρίξει» ακόμα και κυβερνήσεις, είναι κατανοητό πόσο εύκολο είναι να «ρίξει» επιχειρήσεις. Κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο, η εκτίμηση και η καλή θέληση των εκπροσώπων και των φορέων των Μέσων Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας σε συνδυασμό με την έντιμη, ειλικρινή και αρμονική συνεργασία μαζί τους, αποτελεί τον βασικότερο, ίσως, χρυσό κανόνα των ΔΣ, αλλά και την ουσιαστικότερη προϋπόθεση για την By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS πρόληψη και επίλυση πλήθους προβλημάτων. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Τέλος, η αντιμετώπιση των κρίσεων σε C. οποιοδήποτε επίπεδο By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Υπηρεσίας ή επιχείρησης συνιστά ένα μεγάλο μέρος της αποστολής των ΔΣ Student of the School of Architecture για αυτό το λόγο και η διαχείριση των κρίσεων, έχει γίνει στις ημέρες µας, Technical University of από Crete τις σημαντικότερες συµβολές των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων. Ο σχεδιασμός αποτελεί Introductory approach: Defining the concept τον1.καλύτερο τρόπο για να κάνει κανείς προληπτικές και όχι κατασταλτικές 1. Introductory approach: Defining the ανάγκης, concept (444 Δημόσιες Σχέσεις. Ακόμα και καταστάσεις πουBC δεν- είναι δυνατόν να ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCτρόπο. -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the προβλεφθούν, πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζονται µε συστηματικό among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition heπου established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition ofείναι knowledge starts with of the content concepts. το Όπως φανερό απόhe όλα αυτά έχουν αναφερθεί, προκύπτει acquisition ofότι knowledge starts with theindefinition the content ofεπιχειρήσεις concepts. Based, therefore, on αποτελούν this “principle” a first,λειτουργία if of not final, approach, the term συμπέρασμα, οι ΔΣ απαραίτητη για τις 1 (and urban therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) indicated area ofεξασφαλίζουν Planning) (or gentrification ή τιςBased, Υπηρεσίες, διότι προωθούν τον is ανταγωνισμό και τις 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various βιωσιμότητα στον χρόνο. Sociology well), as the “refining” of aστην city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement Οι ΔΣasσυμβάλλουν ουσιαστικά ανάπτυξη των Υπηρεσιών ήvarious των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of the operation of διότι art galleries, restaurants, However “change”, regardless of επιχειρήσεων, κτίζουν σταδιακάetc. την καλή this φήμη – κύρος τουςartists, και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the δημιουργούν µια ευνοϊκή εικόνα στο καταναλωτικό τους κοινό, µε τηνof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative προϋπόθεση, ότι µέσα σ΄ αυτές θα επικρατούν καλές σχέσεις µε το potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first theέχει UKως in εν early 1960s and it refers to Προσωπικό, τις Αρχές και isτον Τύπο. Αυτόinθα γένει αποτέλεσμα την The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας και του κέρδους μακροπρόθεσμα. the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas of London, upgrade them, andμιας thus old residents are Συμπερασματικώς, γιαstay ναthemselves είναι εφικτή η εδραίωση ή London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusεπιχείρησης old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Υπηρεσίας απαιτείται η αξιοποίηση των Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, οι οποίες being indirectly “squeezed”. A description ofτεχνική this phenomenon is included in theτελικά work of Sociologist Ruth ενσαρκώνουν την της επιρροής και με αυτές οι A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded workεπιτυγχάνονται of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major αποτελέσματα. επιθυμητοί στόχοι και τα καλύτερα δυνατά GLASS at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Βιβλιογραφία Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from Α. Ελληνόγλωσση: comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Αθανασόπουλος, Κ. (2010) Δημόσιες Σχέσεις. Αθήνα: Νέα Έκδοση. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups Λύτρας, Π. (2008) Δημόσιες σχέσεις και επικοινωνία στον to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costsτουρισμό, in money Αθήνα. and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the Μαγνήσαλης, Κ.from (2002) Δημόσιες Δέκατη Έκδοση. Αθήνα. The termat comes Sociologist Ruth Σχέσεις. GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Berlin,Μαγνήσαλης, where she madeΓ.her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Κ. (2002) Δημόσιες σχέσεις, Θεωρία και τεχνική των services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for σχέσεων με το κοινό, Αθήνα. lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and Β. Ξενόγλωσση: long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Wilcox, D., Ault, P., Agee, W. (2001) Δημόσιες Σχέσεις: Τεχνικές and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Δημοσίων Σχέσεων. 4η έκδοση Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Έλλην. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Professor Const. GE. Κωνστ. ΓΕ. Definition, Types ofΚαθηγητής intervention, Concerns of Gentrification ATHANASOPOULOS ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Μετ. Προγρ. Σπ. Νομικ. Σχ. Postgrad. Progr. Law Sch. Concerns Πανεπ. «Νεάπολις», Πάφος of “Neapolis” Univ., Pafos Postgrad. Progr. Panteion University
Μετ. Προγρ. Σπ. Πανεπ. Αθηνών Μετ. Προγρ. Σπ. Παντείου Πανεπ. C. Επιστημών ATHANASOPOULOS Κοιν. και Πολ. Postgrad. Progr. Univ. of Athens,By Mr. George-Sp. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Δικηγόρος, Lawyer, ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ex Ch.L.U.L.,C. Bruxelles, Ex Ch.L.U.L., Bruxelles,By Mr. George-Sp. Student of the School of Architecture Ex Int. I.I.A.P., Paris Ex Int. I.I.A.P., Paris
Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequencesNew has, results also rising of land prices (and the Νέαrising of land prices (and the whatever other consequences has, results also potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in theέκδοση UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Αθήναι, 2014 Athens, 2014the in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: (Φωτογραφία εξωφύλλου: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend a new of social groups ΧαλκιδικήisΥδρία, 540 - 530of π.Χ., Μόναχο) to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
107 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns Αντιχάρισμα στον Υποστράτηγο By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Γεώργιο Παπαπροδρόμου1 Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Θα Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ήθελα να επισημάνω ότι η αφορμή για το παρόν δόθηκε από Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement μία επίσκεψη στο κλεινόν άστυ. Ειδικότερα, πρωινές ώρες της ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the ης 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 μ.Χ. και δύο μέρες πριν τις τακτικές κρίσεις whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). των Αξιωματικών της at Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας έτους The term gentrification is found first in the UK in early 1960s and2019, it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor περιηγηθήκαμε από την Πλατεία Καραϊσκάκη κατεύθυνση the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes andμε thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. την Ακρόπολη. Λόγω του πιεστικού χρόνου, καταλήξαμε στο being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon isτηsituations included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth μουσείο της Ακρόπολης. διάρκειαin αυτής της περιήγησης, GLASS at the same while Κατά similar were in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries,Παπαπροδρόμου by other Researchers. κ. Γεώργιος μου τόνισε τη σημασία της cities inοWestern countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the has scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being various γνώσης. Με issue συμβούλευσε ότιsummarized στονseveral αέναο below, αγώναfrom μόνο λίγοι comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: άνθρωποι θα είναι δίπλα μας αλλά οι πιο σωστοί. Επίσης, ότι interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to theδεν city, leaving theδύναμη purlieusαλλά for several reasons: high costs in γνώση είναι μόνο και καταφύγιο, ασπίδα καιmoney and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in στολίδι. Πρβλ. ΤηSociologist αριστοτέλεια ρήση « town Η μόρφωση για όσους sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside centres, for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. Theστολίδι same year Germany and afterκαταφύγιο». continuous movements for ευτυχούν είναι καιshe γιαleft όσους δυστυχούν lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
109 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Methods and means of increasing the efficiency of user identification of distributed systems. - The manuscript Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification Concerns Μέθοδοι και μέσα αύξησης αποτελεσματικότητας
της ταυτοποίησης χρηστών σε κατανεμημένα συστήματα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS By Ph.D. Eleftherios ZACHARIOUDAKIS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect The dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty Student of the School of Architecture 05.13.05 - Computer systems and components. - National Technical University of Technical University of Crete Ukraine ”Kiev Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky”, Kiev, 2017. 1. Introductory approach: Defining theproblem conceptof increasing the efficiency of The dissertation is devoted to the 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept identification of users of distributed systems by reducing of BC, unauthorized ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444the BCrisk - 370 Athens), access to its resources and increasing the speed of identification. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the Theother paper analyzes the factors the identification efficiency of remote among wise heritage he leftaffecting us,definition he established a great the acquisition of knowledge starts with the of the content of“principle”: concepts. users of integrated systems. starts The main is paid tothe increasing the productivity acquisition of knowledge withattention theindefinition content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term of identification. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification From a 1theoretical point of view, the highest level of counteraction to gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various unauthorized access to system resources is provided by using strict identification, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usuallyofof“zero low-income and the therethe of artists, which of is based on the model knowledge” and placement which involves use of ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation ofirreversible art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of mathematically transformations. Known methods for implementing strict the operation ofconsequences artnot galleries, etc. However this regardless whatever other results of “change”, land (and theof identification are able restaurants, to has, provide a also highrising speed of itsprices computational whatever other consequences has,the results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). implementation due to the fact that indicated transformations use modular potential relative speculation). The term gentrification found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to exponentiation performed onishigh-digit numbers. The term gentrification found attopeople first the UK in early 1960s andofitareas refersofto In the dissertation, it is proposed use in irreversible transformations Boolean the then observed trend ofis wealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy people buy property in poor areas algebra and Galoisthem, field algebra to speed up theto computational implementation ofof London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are strict identification. being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Three methods arephenomenon proposed forisstrong identification on irreversible A description of this included in the workbased of Sociologist Ruth Boolean transformations. The first of them involves the use of a specially constructed A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major conversion, which generates a single output signal for a group of different input GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. signals. A Western technology has beenby to obtain such a conversion. cities in countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue hasdeveloped preoccupied several scholars and for its more Another developed method for implementing identification Since then, the issue has preoccupied severalstrong scholars andthe for various itsusing more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from irreversible Booleanapproach transformations is based on the use of standardized hash comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, algorithms suchofas SHA or Ripemd-160. The third ofthe thefollowing: methods of accelerated interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new category of social the groups strong identification based on irreversible Boolean transformations involves use to to the city,blocks leavinglike theAES. purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money of “return” standardized cipher and time theproposed purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack and of the Fortoalltravel threefrom of the methods, userwhere registration procedures a 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth developed. GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthand GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for session for their identification have been Theoretical experimental Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, entertainment the heart of the city”,accelerates (possibly) studies have showneducation, that the use of irreversible“at Boolean transformations Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for the computational implementation of the identification process by two orders of lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the magnitude compared tostudies existing methods. Analysis ofInthe to another approach, the ishardware due a implementation systematic and University informal College of London, where she of continued her social research. brokers Her public and capabilities showed the possibility achieving a significantly greater gain in long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. identification speed - byetc., 3-4 for orders magnitude. initially of part of the urban web, in and selling real estate, theCoof depreciation 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: A method for implementing strong ofwetzel/gentry.htm remote users using G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve theidentification “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually irreversible transformations in Galois fields is proposed. The cyclic properties of the 110 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
operation of raising to a power in Galois fields of special classes are investigated. Based on these properties, user registration and identification procedures have been developed, the operation of which is illustrated by numerical examples. It is shown theoretically and experimentally that the proposed approach allows us to speed up the identification procedure by one or two orders of magnitude in hardware implementation. A method is proposed for accelerating the basic computational operation of existing methods of strict identification - modular exponentiation, based on the By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS parallel execution of operations of modular squaring and modular multiplication. It is Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, proved that the proposed method allows to accelerate the calculation of the modular By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect exponent by 1.8 times.Key words: strict identification, zero-knowledge Student of the School identification, of Architecture nonreversable transformation, block ciphers, hash algorithms. Technical University of Crete
ЗАГАЛЬНА ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА РОБОТИ 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Актуальність теми. З появою технологій комп’ютерних мереж ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, прогрес Athens),в більшості областей the людської діяльності значною мірою визначається ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the інтеграцією інформаційних ресурсів. Можливість доступу до якісно більш among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the широких об’ємів інформації дозволяє значно підвищити якість прийняття acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term рішень та проектів, прискорити та здешевити їх розробку. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Необхідною умовою інформаційної інтеграції є застосування ефективних 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various механізмів контролю доступу до даних. Ключову роль серед них займають Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, of low-income and the placement there of artists, засобиof ідентифікації та usually автентифікації віддалених абонентів. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of якісно artists, the operation ofдинамічний art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of Поява та розвиток хмарних технологій знаменуєthere собою the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof новий етап інформаційної інтеграції. Фактично, в рамках цих технологій, whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also крім risingінформаційної of land pricesскладової, (and the категорія інтеграції збагачуєтьсяhas, новим змістом: potential relative potential relative speculation). забезпечується інтеграція обчислювальних та inпрограмних ресурсів на The term gentrification is found at first in the UK early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s andінтеграції, itareas refersofto комерційній основі.trend З іншого боку, якісна інформаційної the then observed ofiswealthy toзміна buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people вимагає to there buy property in poor areas ініційована появою хмарних технологій, адекватного розвитку London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof механізмів контролю користувачів до віддалених інформаційних та London, upgrade them,доступу stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. обчислювальних ресурсів і, в першу голову, засобів ідентифікації та being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth автентифікації абонентів інтегрованих систем. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Широке хмарних технологій надає користувачам GLASS at theрозповсюдження same period, situations were recorded in otherзначні major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. заcities обсягом обчислювальні ресурси, які можуть бути використані потенційними in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more зловмисниками для issue порушення існуючих механізмів контролю доступу до Since then, the has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from various інформації. Це об’єктивно вимагає прийняття заходів для підвищення надійності comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: механізмів ідентифікації віддалених користувачів. the Разом з тим, поява хмарних interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theнаслідком phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups технологій має значне зростання кількості користувачів, для якісного to “return” to theяких city, leaving theрадикально purlieus forприскорити several reasons: high costs in moneyїх обслуговування потрібно процедури контролю and timeдо to інформаційних travel from the та purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the доступу обчислювальних ресурсів. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasзасобів born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, better Таким чином, наукова задача підвищення ефективності Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: ідентифікації та education, автентифікації віддалених актуальною та services of health, entertainment “at користувачів the heart of theє city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for практично важливою з огляду особливостей сучасного етапу розвитку lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where інформаційних комп’ютерних технологій. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toтаanother approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her socialпланами, research. brokers Her public and Зв’язок роботи з by науковими програмами, темами. Дисерlong-term informal effort organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her workдослідження are characterized by a passion for Seeобчислювальної also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. таційне наjustice. кафедрі техніки КПІ імені and selling realCOLLINS estate,виконувалось etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Ігоря Сікорського в рамках держбюджетної теми “Розробка теоретичних основ G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
побудови високопродуктивних комп’ютерних систем з динамічним розпар але111 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
люванням обчислювальних процесів” (номер держреєстрації 0111U002729) згідно з науковим напрямком “Розробка високопродуктивних багато кластерних обчислювальних систем”. Мета і завдання дослідження. Метою роботи є підвищення ефективності ідентифікації віддалених користувачів розподілених систем за рахунок прискорення криптографічно строгої, основаної на концепції “нульових знань”, ідентифікації шляхом розробки методів її комп’ютерної реалізації з використанням незворотних перетворень алгебри та алгебри скінчених By Mr.булевої George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS полів Галуа. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Основні задачі дослідження у відповідності до поставленої мети полягають By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect у наступному : Student of the School of Architecture 1. Аналіз загроз несанкціонованого доступу доTechnical ресурсівUniversity в розподілених of Crete системах. Обґрунтування, на основі результатів аналізу, вимог до систем ідентифікації користувачів таDefining критеріївthe їх concept ефективності. Огляд сучасного стану 1. Introductory approach: 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept розподілених засобів ідентифікації віддалених користувачів систем та ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), тенденцій їх розвитку.the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the 2. other Виявлення можливостей підвищення ефективності ідентифікації among wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with definition of the content concepts. the віддалених користувачів за рахунок зниження ризику несанкціонованого acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, theзасобів term доступу доtherefore, ресурсів розподілених систем та підвищення продуктивності 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification ідентифікації. 1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various 3. Теоретичні дослідження можливостей реалізації строгої ідентифікації Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of socialуgroups, usually of andмоделлю the placement there ofзнань” artists,з користувачів відповідності з low-income теоретичною “нульових ways), of social groups, usually of low-income thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of використанням незворотних перетворень в and альтернативних математичних the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof алгебрах, зокрема булевої алгебри таresults алгебри скінчених полів Галуа. whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of landперетворень prices (andдля the 4. Розробка методів використання незворотних булевих potential relative potential relative speculation). прискорення обчислювальної реалізації криптографічно ідентифікації The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in earlyстрогої 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found методу atpeople first inстрогої the UKідентифікації in early 1960s and itareas refersofto віддалених користувачів. Розробка користувачів з the then observed trend of to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas використанням стандартизованих хеш-алгоритмів, заthus допомогою яких London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and old residents areof послідовність сеансових паролей формується користувачем вигляді ланцюжка London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and уthus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. хеш-перетворень. Теоретична та експериментальна оцінка прискорення процесу being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth ідентифікації в рамках теоретичної за рахунок A description ofperiod, this phenomenon isмоделі included “нульових inwere the recorded workзнань” of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar situations in other major використання стандартизованих хеш-перетворень. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. 5.in Western Розробка та дослідження методу строгої ідентифікації віддалених cities countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,на the issue has several scholars and for its more користувачів основі застосування для several реалізації булевих незворотних Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from перетворень стандартизованих шифроблоків, за допомогою яких користувачем comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: формується послідовність сеансових паролей, перевірка правильності яких interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, системою theof phenomenon is dueof to a trend of a new of social groups виконується в зворотному порядку. Теоретична та експериментальна to “return” to the city,реалізації leaving theнезворотних purlieus for several high costs in money оцінка ефективності булевихreasons: перетворень за допомогою and time to travel from the purlieus toдля downtown, where work place is, lack of the стандартизованих шифроблоків прискорення строгої ідентифікації 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, користувачів. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: 6. ofДослідження теоретичних і технологічних аспектів побудови services health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for незворотних неоднозначних булевих функціональних перетворень для lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, прискореної строгої ідентифікації користувачів. Вибір структури обчислення in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where sheметоду continued social research. Her public and таких перетворень та розробка їх her синтезу. Дослідження залежності long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. булевих See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. характеристик неоднозначних незворотних перетворень від параметрів and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: процедурної форми. Створення програмних засобів автоматизації проектування G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
булевих функціональних перетворень спеціальних класів для ідентифікації абонентів на основі теоретичної концепції “нульових знань”. 7. Дослідження можливостей вдосконалення застосування незворотних перетворень в алгебрі полів Галуа для підвищення ефективності строгої ідентифікації користувачів за рахунок зменшення об’єму обчислень, необхідних для реалізації ідентифікації віддалених користувачів. 8. Розробка способу прискореного обчислення модулярної експоненти – базової операції строгої ідентифікації заATHANASOPOULOS рахунок організації By Mr.користувачів George-Sp. C. паралельного виконанняHarvard операцій модулярного піднесення до квадрату та University, Graduate School of Design, Student, модулярного множення, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Об’єкт дослідження – процеси строгої ідентифікації віддалених Student of the School of Architecture користувачів розподілених систем та обчислювальніTechnical процедури її реалізації з University of Crete використанням незворотних перетворень булевої алгебри та алгебри скінчених полів Галуа. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory the concept (444 Предмет дослідження –Defining методи підвищення функціональної ефективANTISTHENIS,approach: the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), ностіANTISTHENIS, строгої ідентифікації користувачів за рахунок використання незворотних the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the перетворень булевої алгебри та алгебри скінчених полів Галуа, програмні та among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the апаратні засоби реалізації ідентифікації, в основі якої лежить теоретична acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term концепція “нульових знань”. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Методи 1дослідження базуються на теорії булевих функцій, комбінатоgentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various рики, теорії ймовірностей, теоретичних положеннях криптографічної концепції Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there artists, “нульових знань”, теорії організації обчислювальних процесів, а of також на ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of використанні методів моделювання. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other consequences has, результатів results risingthis ofв“change”, land prices (and theof Наукова новизна одержаних полягає наступному: whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the - Вперше метод криптографічно строгої ідентифікації potential relative запропоновано speculation). potential relative speculation). користувачів з застосуванням в якості сеансових паролей кодів, що утворюються The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in зthe UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto в результаті послідовності використанням стандартизованих the then observed trend ofхеш-перетворень to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in areas хеш-алгоритмів, який дозволяє прискорити процес ідентифікації за poor рахунок того, London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof що обчислювальна реалізація цих алгоритмів, основаних London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thusнаoldнезворотних residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. булевих перетвореннях, виконується швидшеin вtheпорівнянні з операціями being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included work of Sociologist Ruth модулярного експоненціювання в відомих методах строгої ідентифікації. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major - Вперше запропоновано метод строгої ідентифікації віддалених користуGLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. вачів на застосування стандартизованих шифроблоків, за допомогою яких cities inоснові Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for перевірка its more користувачем формується послідовність сеансових паролей, Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from правильності якихapproach виконується системою в зворотному порядку, що дозволяє comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, theрахунок following: зменшити час ідентифікації користувача системою за того, що обчислюinterpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thecategory following: social groups In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof toшифроблоків, a trend of a new вальна складність стандартизованих основаних of на незворотних to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money булевих перетвореннях, на порядки менша складності операцій модулярного and time to travel from theвеликої purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the експоненціювання чисел розрядності. termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for -The Вдосконалено метод прискореної строгої ідентифікації користувачів з Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: використанням спеціальним чином побудованих незворотних булевих services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for перетворень, якіof, формують єдиний результат для множини паролів, lower living cost “withdrawal” from private easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New York she came сеансових back to London, заinрахунок трапецевидної структури зіteacher зворотним 1943 sheзастосування published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. Inперетворювача 1950 sheto became in the According to another approach, the is due a systematic and University що College of London, where she ризик continued her social research. Her public action and зв’язком, дозволяє підбору пароля, збільшити long-term informal effortзменшити by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofкількість buying her workта are characterizedпроцес by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. паролів прискорити побудови перетворень. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Вдосконалено метод використання для строгої ідентифікації G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually користувачів незворотних перетворень на полях Галуа в частині використання 113 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
властивостей локальних циклів експоненціювання на полях Галуа, утворюючий поліном яких є добутком двох простих поліномів різного ступеня, що дозволяє прискорити процес ідентифікації за рахунок того, що експоненціювання на полях Галуа виконується значно швидше в порівнянні з реалізацією цієї операції в традиційній алгебрі. - Вперше запропоновано спосіб прискореного обчислення модулярної експоненти – базової операції строгої ідентифікації користувачів за рахунок організації паралельного виконання операцій модулярного піднесення до By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS квадрату та модулярногоHarvard множення, що дозволяє практично вдвічі прискорити University, Graduate School of Design, Student, обчислювальну реалізацію процесу строгої ідентифікації користувачів. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Практичне значення одержаних результатів визначається Student of theроботи School of Architecture можливістю значного прискорення (на 2-3 порядки) Technical обчислювальної реалізації University of Crete процедур строгої ідентифікації користувачів з використанням апаратних засобів, що1.дозволяє значно збільшити їх the кількість Introductory approach: Defining conceptа також підвищити рівень 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept захищеності від атак типу перехоплення сеансу обміну даними. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 Використання BC, Athens), стандартизованих, всебічно перевірених хеш-перетворень та -шифроблоків для ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the строгої ідентифиікації дозволяє підвищити рівень інформаційної безпеки та among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the ефективно застосовувати апартно захищені високошвидкісні криптопроцесори, acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term щоBased, випускаються серійно. 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Результати можуть бути застосовані для підвищення 1 (andроботи gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various ефективності ідентифікації абонентів інтегрованих систем зберігання та Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of інформації social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, обробки в рамках глобальних та локальних компютерних мереж. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of Особистий внесок здобувача полягає в теоретичному обґрунтуванні the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results їх also rising of prices (and theof одержанихother результатів, експериментальній перевірці та land дослідженні, а також other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the вwhatever створенні програмних продуктів для практичного використання одержаних potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). результатів. The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto Всіterm результати, що наведені в дисертації отримані автором the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property inсамостійно. poor the then observed trend wealthy people автору to there buy property in[2]poor areas У роботах, що написані в співавторстві, належать: – розробка London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof способу реалізації строгої користувачів використанням хешLondon, upgrade them, stayідентифікації themselves sometimes there зand thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. перетворень та шифроблоків; [3] – розробка способу паралельного обчислення being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth модулярної [4] – метод строгої з A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations includedідентифікації inwere the recorded work of користувачів Sociologist Ruth GLASS at theекспоненти; same while similar in other major використанням алгебри полів Галуа; [5] situations – розробка теоретикних засад застоGLASS at the same period, while similar were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. сування незворотних неоднозначних булевих перетворень для реалізації cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more строгої ідентифікації; [6] – обґрунтована можливість спрощення Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from обчислювальних процедур строгої ідентифікації користувачів; [7]the –various аналіз comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the ефективності використання хеш-перетворювачів дляfollowing: строгої ідентифікації interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, the is dueof togentrification, a trendвикористання of a new social groups користувачів; [8]phenomenon – ідея вдосконалення дляof прискорення to “return” to the city, leaving the for several high costs in money ідентифікації перетворень на purlieus полях Галуа, [9] reasons: – спосіб конфігурування and time to travel the purlieus to паролів downtown, where work place is, lack of the шифроблоків для from генерації сеансових користувачів. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS was born sense1.of safety the робота distributed residencies outside town centres, for better Дисертаційна виконана на кафедрі обчислювальної техніки КПІ ім..in Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Ігоря Сікорського. Науковий керівник д.т.н., доцент С.Г. city”, (possibly) services of health, education, entertainment “at theСтіренко heart of the Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Апробація результатів дисертації. Основні результати дисертації lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, доповідались та на 5 науково-технічних конференціях, з нихin 4 the – in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher to обговорювались another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and міжнародних: long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 1. are Хreal Міжнародній науково-технічній конференції молодих вчених and selling estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ”Електроніка 2017”, 25-27 квітня 2017 р., м. Київ. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
2. ХІ Міжнародній науково-технічній конференції ”Проблеми телекомунікацій”, 18-21 квітня 2017 р., м. Київ. 3. Х Міжнародній науково-технічній конференції “Комп’ютерні системи та мережні технології”, 20-22квітня 2017 р., м. Київ. 4. ІV Міжнародній науково-практичній конференції ”Summer Infocom Advanced Solution 2017”, 1-2 червня 2017 р., м. Київ. 5. ІХ Науковій конференції Прикладна математика та комп’ютинг ПМК2017. Київ. 19-21 квітня 2017 By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Публікації. Основні положення дисертаційної роботиof опубліковані в 9 Harvard University, Graduate School Design, Student, наукових працях, серед яких 5 статейBy у наукових фахових виданнях (в тому числі Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 3 статті, що реферуються міжнародними наукометричними базамиofданих Index Student of the School Architecture Copernicus, INSPEC IDEAS, EBSCO Publishing, DOAJ.,Technical 2 статі, University що входять до of Crete наукометричної бази даних РІНЦ) та тез доповідей. Структура та об’єм роботи. Дисертаційна 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept робота складається з вступу, 1. Introductory approach: Defining theЗагальний concept (444 чотирьох розділів, висновків та додатків. обсяг складає 143 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BCроботи - 370 BC, Athens), сторінки, робота містить 12 рисунків, 7 таблиць та список використаної літераANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the тури на 95 найменувань, 2 додатки. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the ОСНОВНИЙ ЗМІСТ acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term У вступі обґрунтована актуальність проблеми підвищення ефективності 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification строгої ідентифікації користувачів розподілених комп’ютерних систем з огляду 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various на зростання факторів ризику незаконного доступу до їх ресурсів та кількості Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually low-income and the placement of методів artists, користвачів. Цяgroups, проблема можеofбути вирішена шляхом розробкиthere нових ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation ofтаart galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of ідентифікації створення якісно нових програмно-апаратних засобів, які the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However “change”, regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of land prices (and theof забезпечать суттєве покращення характеристик ідентифікації в плані whatever otherїїspeculation). consequences has, results also rising prices (and the прискорення обчислювальної реалізації та of land зниження ризику potential relative potential relative speculation). несанкціонованого доступу. Формулюються мета та задачі дослідження, The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto визначені наукова новизна практичне значення одержаних результатів. the then observed trend ofта to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthyвиконано people to buy property in poor areas У першому розділі аналіз загроз несанкціонованого London, upgrade them, stayдисертації themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof доступу до ресурсів розподілених систем обробкиthere та зберігання в London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus oldінформації residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. сучасних умовах, обґрунтувано на основі результатів аналізу, вимоги до being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth процедур таsituations критеріїв їх ефективності. Виконано A description ofperiod, this користувачів phenomenon is included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at ідентифікації the same while similar recorded in other major огляд сучасного стануperiod, засобівwhile ідентифікації користувачів розподілених систем та GLASS at the same similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. тенденцій їх розвитку з позицій сформульованих критеріїв. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Базовими критеріями ефективності будь-якої системи захисту єitsрівень Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various more comprehensive approach are being summarized from захищеності, що approach досягається при її summarized використанні below, та об’єм ресурсів, що comprehensive are being from the various interpretations the реалізації phenomenon of gentrification, the following: застосовується ofдля функцій захисту. Складність проблеми визнаinterpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new groups чається неможливістю побудови адекватної формальної моделі of дійsocial сторони, що to “return” toреалізувати the city, leaving the purlieus for до several reasons: high costs in money намагається незаконний доступ ресурсів системи. and time travel протоколи from the purlieus to downtown, where work placeнаis,два lackкласи: of theз Всі to сучасні ідентифікації абонентів розділяють 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASSпорівняння wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed outside town centres, search for використанням паролів, що residencies перевіряються системою шляхом Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: (“слабка”ofідентифікація) та на основі теоретичної “нульових знань” ( services health, education, entertainment “at the концепції heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for “строга” ідентифікація). lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Сутність цієї концепції полягаєthe в тому, що для доведення антентичin According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, phenomenon is due aсвоєї systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and ності абонент має неявним чином виявити знання певної інформації, якою long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her workне areволодіє, characterized by a passion for justice. See also: у COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. система але може перевірити її наявність абонента. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: При цьому в системі не зберігається ніякої секретної інформації, яка G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually дозволяє відновити ідентифікаційні дані абонента, що пояснює походження 115 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
назви концепції "нульових знань”. При кожному зверненні до системи абонентом генерується нова ідентифікуюча інформація. Таким чином, концепція “нульових знань” найбільш повною мірою відповідає вимогам забезпечення високого рівня захищеності від спроб несанкціонованого доступу до ресурсів розподілених систем. Концепція “нульових знань” базується на використанні незворотних математичних перетворень. В більшості існуючих схем строгої ідентифікації в якості таких перетворень використовуються аналітично задачі By Mr. George-Sp. C. нерозв’язувані ATHANASOPOULOS теорії чисел, зокрема відома задача дискретного логарифмування. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Найбільш відомими з схем ідентифікації цього C. класу є FFSIS (Feige Fiat By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Shamir Identification Scheme), методи ШнораStudent (Schnorr) та Гіллоу-Квіскватера of the School of Architecture (Guillou- Quisquater). Базовими обчислювальними операціями для FFSIS of Crete Technical University є A2B mod m , а для методів Шнора і Гіллоу-Квіскватера - AeBv mod m. З викладеного слідує, Defining що базовою операцією більшості схем строгої 1. Introductory approach: the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ідентифікації віддалених абонентів є модулярне над ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444експоненціювання BC - 370 BC, Athens), числами, довжина яких значно перевищує розрядність процесору. В умовах ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the стійкої доheritage зростання розрядності чисел, обчислювальна складність amongтенденції other wise leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the реалізації вказаного типу операцій збільшується експоненційно, випереджаючи acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first,систем. if of not final, approach, the term темпи зростання продуктивності комп’ютерних 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification Таким чином, недолік існуючих методів строгої ідентифікації 1 (and основний gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various полягає в значній обчислювальній складності їх базових обчислювальних Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups,умовах usually зростання of low-income and the placement there of artists, процедур. В сучасних кількості користувачів постає задача ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andідентифікації. thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of прискорення обчислювальної реалізації їх строгої the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and для theof Для other вирішення цієї наукової задачі пропонується використати whatever otherspeculation). consequences results also незворотні rising of land prices (and the potential relative реалізації строгої ідентифікаціїhas, користувачів перетворення в potential relative speculation). альтернативних алгебра і, is зокрема булевої полів Галуа. The term gentrification found at first inалгебри the UKта in алгебри early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers В другому розділі досліджуються можливості використання для the then observed trend роботи ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend wealthy people to there buyперетворень. property in poor areas реалізації строгої ідентифікації незворотних булевих London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselvesлежать sometimes thereзначної and thus old residents are Незворотні булеві перетворення в основі частини сучасних being indirectly “squeezed”. механізмів криптографічного захисту інформації: поточних шифрів, алгоритмів being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth симетричного шифрування, Властивість A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whileхеш-перетворень. similar inнезворотності other major нелінійних булевих перетворень ґрунтується на тому, що не існуєinаналітичних GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. методів системby нелінійних булевих рівнянь. Основною перевагою cities inрозв’язання Western countries, other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more використання незворотних булевих перетворень вважається висока Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe forшвидкість its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various обчислювальної реалізації. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, following: Незворотні булеві перетворення можуть the бути спеціальним чином interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense,користувачем, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trendіснуючими of a new of social groups побудовані або isреалізуватися хеш-алгоритмами типу to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: costs in money SHA чи шифроблоками симетричного шифрування, які high пройшли якісне and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack of the тестування та перевірку практикою. Крім того,where промисловістю випускається 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for широкий спектр криптопроцесорів та криптоакселераторів, які на апаратному Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health,стандартизовані education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) рівні реалізують блоки криптографічних перетворень. Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Принципово існує дві можливості використання незворотних булевих lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, перетворень: безanother зміни коду Y ідентифікації користувача, що зберігається в in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and системі, і зinformal його зміною переході доgroups, наступного сеансу ідентифікації. long-term effortпри by organized manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Якщоreal позначити через (р)depreciation перетворення, що виконується системою and selling estate, etc., for the initially of part of the urban web,для in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ідентифікації користувача по його паролю р, то при незмінному коді G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actuallyY ідентифікації користувача потрібно реалізувати таке булеве функціональне 116 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
перетворення (р), для якого користувач може отримати сукупність паролів р1, р2,…,рm pj, j=1,2,…,m: (pj) = Y. Таке перетворення теоретично можна побудувати як хеш-перетворення з вбудованими колізіями. Система, маючи в розпорядженні незворотне перетворення (р) та вихідний вектор Y, не в змозі виконати зворотне перетворення, тобто отримати будь-який з кодів паролів р1, р2,…,рm для яких (pj) = Y. Інший варіант реалізації строгої ідентифікації полягає в тому, що код Y ідентифікації користувача змінюється зверненні його до системи. В Byпри Mr.кожному George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS найпростішому варіанті вHarvard якості коду Y ідентифікації користувача на поточному University, Graduate School of Design, Student, сеансі використовується попередній By пароль користувача. Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Такий варіант реалізації строгої ідентифікації виконувати з Studentпропонується of the School of Architecture використанням стандартизованих хеш-перетворень. Technical University of Crete Стандартизований хеш-перетворювач (Н) – сертифікований відповідними 1. Introductory Defining the concept органами алгоритмapproach: незворотного перетворення інформаційного блоку довільної 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept довжини в код хеш-сигнатури фіксованої розрядності Найбільш відомими ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444h.BC - 370 BC, Athens),є хеш-перетворювачі SHA-1 та RIPEMD-160, що формують 160-бітову хешANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the сигнатуру (h=160). На практиці застосовується також варіант хеш-перетворення among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the збільшеної розрядності SHA-256 для the якого Найважливішою якістю хешacquisition of knowledge starts with the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition ah=256. first, if of not final, approach, the term перетворювачів є їх незворотність – тобто практична неможливість 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification віднаходження блоку, хеш-сигнатура якого заданій. (or 1 інформаційного gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in theдорівнює areathis, of Planning) Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal from (in various Пропонований регламентує ініціалізації та (in сеансової Sociology as well), as метод the “refining” of a cityпроцедури area, the removal fromthere this, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income placement of artists, ідентифікації при кожному зверненні абонентуand до the системи. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, etc.дій However this “change”, regardless of Метод передбачає такуrestaurants, послідовність при реєстрації : the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the 1) Користувач довільно визначає кількість n циклів ідентифікації. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). 2) Випадковим чином генерує n–тий сеансовий пароль Pn. potential relative speculation). The3)term gentrification is found at firstj-тий in theпароль UK in Pearly 1960s and it refers to обчислюється Обчислює n-1 паролів, причому j, j=n-1,…,0 The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s andтаitareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor як хеш-перетворення H(x) від конкатенації попереднього паролю номера the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas = H(P || j) . сеансу: Pupgrade London, them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof j j+1 London, upgrade stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents відсилається в систему, зашифрований її відкритим ключем.are 4) Пароль Р0 them, being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Послідовність дій j–того сеансу ідентифікації A description of this phenomenon is included in має the вигляд: work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon is included in the recorded work Sociologist Ruth 1) Користувач шифрує відкритим ключем системи j-тий of сеансовий GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were in otherпароль major і відсилає його в систему. P GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major j cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. 2) Система виконує хешcities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more перетворення над issue конкатенацією Since then, the has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from отриманого паролю та номера сеансу: comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: || j ) і порівнює результату з = H(P j interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups попередньо отриманим паролем Pj-1 : to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money якщо =Pj-1 то надається доступ. and time to travel from the purlieus to Структура перетворень, щоdowntown, where work place is, lack of the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, виконуються в запропонованому Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) методі показана наeducation, рис.1 Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for
lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
117 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Очевидно, що система, маючи в розпорядженні попередній пароль Pj-1 не здатна сама генерувати наступний пароль Pj : ця задача еквівалентна злому стандартизованого хеш-алгоритму. Використання стандартизованого хешперетворення унеможливлює застосування для цього інших методів крім перебору. При цьому, в середньому, потрібно виконати 2h-1 прорахунків хешперетвореня, що для SHA-1 становить 2159 реалізацій алгоритму і виходить за рамки практичної доцільності. Основною перевагою пропонованого методу C.є ATHANASOPOULOS висока швидкість By Mr. George-Sp. обчислювальної реалізації строгої ідентифікації системою, яка обслуговує в Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, реальному часі сотні тисяч користувачів. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect До недоліків методу слід віднести те, щоStudent всі сеансові of theпаролі Schoolгенеруватися of Architecture користувачем відразу і зберігатися в пам’яті. Крім того, згенеровані Technical University of Crete користувачем паролі мають використовуватися строго послідовно, тобто жорстко прив’язаніapproach: до номеруDefining сеансу ідентифікації. 1. Introductory the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept На основі запропонованого підходу розроблені складні методи ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444більш BC - 370 BC, Athens), строгої ідентифікаціїthe користувачів розподілених систем з- 370 використанням ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the шифроблоків, аwise також шифроблоків і хеш-перетворювачів. among other heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Стандартизований шифроблок являєof the сертифікований органами acquisition of knowledge starts with the(ШБ) definition content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term державної влади, алгоритм симетричного, тобто з використанням однакового 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) gentrification ключа, шифрування-дешифрування блоку даних фіксованої довжини. (or До 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various теперішнього часу найбільшого поширення набув шифроблок Rijndael, Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social of low-income and the thereалгоритму of artists, створений в groups, рамках usually міжнародного проекту AESplacement для заміни ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of шифрування першого покоління – DES. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences results also(ШБ) rising можна of land prices (and the В структурному плані has, шифроблок розглядати як whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative перетворювач speculation). , на входи якого подаються m-розрядний блок D функціональний potential relative speculation). даних k–розрядний ключ K, а at наfirst виході блокtoC The та term gentrification is found in theформується UK in earlym–розрядний 1960s and it refers The term gentrification found atpeople first inвthe UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto зашифрованих даних: C =(D,K). Відповідно, режимі дешифрування шифроблок the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas його входи подаються m-розрядний блок реалізує зворотне перетворення -1: наsometimes London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof upgrade them, та stayk–розрядний themselves sometimes and thus old residents are CLondon, зашифрованих даних ключ K, а there на виході відновлюється mbeing indirectly “squeezed”. -1(C,K). Для шифроблоку AES being indirectly “squeezed”. регламентовано розрядний блок даних D= A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Ruth шифрування довжиною 192 або 256 розрядів. В Sociologist пропонованому GLASS at theблоків, same while 128, similar in other major методі використовується режим шифрування блоків довжиною 256 бітів (m = GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. 256). cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more В останньому методі включає два етапи: Since then, the issue процедура has several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied beingініціалізації summarized below, from 1) Абонент випадковим чином формує d–розрядний двійковий код z, а comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: також m–розрядний код R ідентифікатора абонента. Коди z та R в закритому interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a sense, theof phenomenon режимі передаються в систему.is due to a trend of a new category of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high in money чого 2) Абонент довільним чином обирає h-розрядний код costs qn, після and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the послідовно, з використанням стандартизованого хеш-перетворення Н, обчислює 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, n-1 h-розрядних кодів qn-1, qn-2,…,q 2, q1 так, що кожен наступний з цих кодів являє Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “atкожного the hearti{1,2,…,n-1} of the city”,: q(possibly) ). собою попереднього, тобто, для i = H(qi+1for Youth хеш-сигнатуру Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where Сформовані таким чином коди зберігаються лише у абонента. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she in the to another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and Процедура і–тоstudies сеансу ідентифікації абонента полягає у teacher виконанні University послідовності College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and наступної long-term informal effortдій: by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. як конкатенацію 1) Абонент формує m-розрядний код сеансового ключа Кіthe and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: та d-озрядного коду z: K = q |z. –розрядного коду q i i i G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
2) Абонент формується m-розрядний код Ui як результат зворотного шифрування коду R ключем Ki : Ui = -1(R,Ki). Пара кодів qi та Ui утворюють (h+m)бітовий i-тий сеансовий пароль: Pi = < qi, Ui > . 3) Сеансовий пароль Pi передається системі. 4) Система розділяє отриманий сеансовий пароль на складові qi та Ui. 5) Перевіряється правильність отриманого коду qi шляхом перевірки того, що результат хеш-перетворення qi збігається з кодом qi-1 попереднього сеансу Якщо ця умова не ідентифікації, тобто перевіряється By умова: qi-1 = H(qC. i). ATHANASOPOULOS Mr. George-Sp. виконується, то сеанс ідентифікації переривається. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, коду Architect z формує 6) Система конкатенацією отриманого коду qi та секретного By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS сеансовий ключ Ki : Ki = qi|z. Student of the School of Architecture 7) З використання сеансового ключа система виконує пряме шифрування Technical University of Crete m-розрядного коду Ui : Y=(Ui, Ki). 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept код Y дорівнює коду доступу 8) Якщо отриманий в результаті шифрування 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept R абонента, тобто Y=R, то ідентифікація абонента вважається ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC успішною. - 370 BC, Athens), На рис.2 представлено структуру операцій, при ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BCвиконуються -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 aщо great the реєстрації користувача та при і-тому сеансі його ідентифікації. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Запропоновані процедури можуть бути доволі просто модифіковані для acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term реалізації автентифікації віддалених користувачів розподілених систем. 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification Таким чином, забезпечує ідентифікацію користувачів з викорис1 (and метод gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various танням паролей, що змінюються при кожному сеансі. При цьому система не Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, здатнаof генерувати пароль, а може лише перевіряти його коректність. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andметодів thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, Для аналізу ефективності запропонованих доцільно regardless виконати of їх the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof оцінку за наступними критеріями: whatever other consequences has, отримати results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). - рівень захищеності від спроб незаконний доступ до ресурсів potential relative speculation). The term is found at first in theтак UKі in andнезаконно it refers to системи як зgentrification боку сторонньої зловмисника, з early боку 1960s осіб, що The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto мають доступ до пам’яті the then observed trendсистеми; ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthyпроцесу peopleідентифікації to there buy property in poor areas - час обчислювальної користувача; London, upgrade them, stay реалізації themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and oldі residents are Р2,…,Р стороннім В разі перехоплення послідовності паролей Р1, thus being indirectly “squeezed”. для наступного, зловмисником, його ціллю може бути відтвореня паролю Р being indirectly “squeezed”. і+1 A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth (і+1)-го сеансу ідентифікації. Цейsimilar пароль складається з двох hA description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of компонентів: Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while in other major та m-розрядного коду U q пов'язаний з кодом qi розрядного коду q i+1 period, i+1. Код i+1 recorded GLASS at the same while similar situations were in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. попереднього сеансового пароля через співвідношення: qi = H(qi+1), тобто, для cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more потрібно виконати зворотнє хеш-перетворення. Для реконструкції qi+1 issue Since then, the has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied beingєдиним summarized from стандартизованих хеш-перетворень методом реалізації зворотного comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of phenomenon of gentrification, the following: перетворення є ofthe перебір. При цьому, в середньому, виконати 2h-1 interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, theпотрібно following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups прорахунків хеш-перетвореня, що для хеш-алгоритмуcategory SHA-1 становить 2159 to “return”алгоритму to the city, leaving the за purlieus several reasons: high costs in money реалізацій і виходить рамкиfor практичної доцільності. and time to travelвагома from the purlieus to downtown, where work placeідентифікації is, lack of theв Найбільш перевага запропонованих методів строгої 1.of The term from (схеми Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth в GLASS was born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside townполягає centres, search порівнянні з існуючими Fiat-Shamir, Schnorr) тому,for щоbetter вони Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “atідентифікації. the heart of the city”, (possibly) забезпечують значне проскорення процедури Більшість існуючих Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for методів строгої ідентифікації користувачів використовують незворотні lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, перетворення чисел, базовою операцією яких є teacher модулярне in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she in the to теорії another approach, the is due tobecame a systematic and University informal College of над London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and експоненціювання числами великої розрядності. long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY.
and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
119 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Для therefore, оцінки прискорення строгої ідентифікації, яке досягається розробле1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification ними методами1 розглянуто два варіанти реалізації: програмна та апаратна. gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various При програмній реалізації модулярного експоненціювання n-разрядних Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and theкоди placement there of artists, чисел of на r–розрядному процесорі n-розрядні розділяються на k ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, фрагментів (k=n/r). На сьогоднішній день найбільш ефективним алгоритмом the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However модулярного експоненціювання вважається алгоритм Монтгомері, вregardless якому whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and для theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising ofоперація land prices (and the реалізації редукції використувається не ресурсоємка ділення, а potential relative простий зсув. Число операций процесорного множення при використанні potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to алгоритму Монтгомері а buy число операцій додавання The term gentrification found3n∙r(r+1), atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersof-to the then observed trendдорівнює ofiswealthy to property in poor 4n∙r(r+1). Для сучасних процесорів операція зсуву заof the then observed trend of wealthy peopleдодавання, to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes and thus виконуються old residents are один машинний такт, операція множення – за 10 and тактів. Таким чином, London, upgrade them, аstay themselves sometimes there thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. загальна кількість Т М тактів для експонентціювання методом Монтгомері being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 34nk(k-1). оцінюється як: TM of A description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same= period, while similar in other major Для реалізації шифроблоку AES-256 потрібно виконати 1430 логічних GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. операцій XOR, 40 countries, операцій зсуву, 320Researchers. операцій звернення до табличної пам’яті, cities in Western bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more що загалом становить 1720 процесорних команд. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from На основі наведених даних проведені розрахунки кількості машинних comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Результати тактів для реалізації AES-256 та модулярного експоненціювання. interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a sense,зведено theof phenomenon розрахунків в таблицюis1.due to a trend of a new category of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to 1travel from the purlieus downtown, where work place is, lack of the Табл. Порівняльний аналіз to часу програмної реалізації шифроблока termAES-256 from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, та операції модулярного експоненціювання Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Розряд- of Розрядність Кількість машинних кількості services health, education, entertainment “at theСпіввідношення heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for ність процесора тактів для реалізації машинних тактів для lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, чисел модулярного реалізації модулярного in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and експоненціювання експоненціювання та long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. шифроблоку and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: 1024 32 36765696 5343 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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64 GENTRIFICATION 9469952 1376 Definition, Types of Intervention, 32 289669120 21052 64 73531392 5343 Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification В сучасних умовах динамічного розвитку інтегральної технології Concerns невпинно збільшується питома вага виконання обчислень, пов’язаних з 2048
захистом інформації спеціалізованими апаратними засобами – криптопроцесорами або криптоакселераторів. Якщо в першіC.десять років нашого By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASOPOULOS тисячоліття криптопроцесори складуSchool апаратного комплексу Harvardвходили University,до Graduate of Design, Student, серверів, то нині сопроцесори підтримки обчислень Architect входять By Mr.криптографічних George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS до складу більшості ноутбуків та навіть Student термінальних мікроконтролерів. of the School of Architecture Зокрема, всі мікроконтролери AVR родини XMegaTechnical фірми University Atmel оснащені of Crete криптоакселераторами шифроблоків DES і AES. Проведений аналіз ринку 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept криптопроцесорів та криптоакселераторів показав, що в 100% з них апаратно 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept реалізують шифроблоки DES або AES, 72% реалізують стандартизовані ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), перетворення SHA і лише 42% виконують апаратну підтримку ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370алгоритмів BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: theз відкритими ключами RSA або DSA. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the З наведеного можна зробити наступні acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a висновки: first, if of not final, approach, the term - Використання запропонованих методів організації строгої ідентифікації 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification на стандартизованих шифроблоках та хеш-перетворювачах дозволяє розшити 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal this, (in various сферу можливостей її апаратної швидкісної реалізації. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),-of Оцінка social groups, of low-income and the placement there ofстрогої artists, рівняusually прискорення обчислювальної реалізації ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless ідентифікації, що досягається запропонованими методами у порівнянні of з the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other consequences has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof традиційними може бути проведена шляхом порівняння часових характерwhatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also risingAES of land (and the potential relative ристик реалізації стандартизованих шифроблоків та prices модулярного potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found atіснуючими first in the зразками UK in early 1960s and it refers to експоненціювання ( алгоритму RSA) криптопроцесорів. The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trendHi/fn ofiswealthy to buy property inщо poor Зокрема, фірмою випускаються криптопроцесори, реалізують the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas шифроблоки AES, стандартизовані перетворення SHA та old алгоритм RSA. London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there andв thus old residents are Характеристики сучасного криптопроцесора 7955 наведені таблиці 2. being indirectly “squeezed”.
being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofхарактеристики this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth Табл 2. Часові криптопроцесора 7955 фірми Hi/fn GLASS at the same period, while similar recorded in other major Криптографічний алгоритм Швидкість шифрування Мбіт/с GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. AES - 256 550 Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more SHA Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are 325 being summarized from Час шифруваня мс comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: RSA Розрядність 2048 Розрядність 1024 interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups 82.75 11.88 to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Оцінка прискорення обчислювальної реалізації and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the строгої ідентифікації termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Співвідношення часу 22223 Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published6380 an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. реалізації RSA та AESThe same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Співвідношення часу 13132 3775 in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and реалізації RSA та SHA University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Таким чином доведено, що for при програмній і при апаратній реалізації her work are characterized by a passion justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. Londonідентифікації 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: застосування розроблених методів строгої дозволяє на декілька Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm aпорядків variety прискорити of ways, in обчислення, order Abstract. to achieve the з“assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually пов’язані процедурою ідентифікації.
121 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
В третьому розділі роботи досліджуються теоретичні та практичні аспекти реалізації строгої ідентифікації з використанням незворотних перетворень на полях Галуа. Досліджено циклічні властивості операції експоненціювання на полях Галуа, утворюючий поліном M(x) яких являє собою поліноміальний добуток двох простих поліномів d(x) та g(x) з різними степенями v та u, відповідно. Аналогічно тому, як у традиційній алгебрі в якості базової операції механізмів криптографічного захисту модулярне експоненByвикористовується Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS полів Галуа застосовується експонентціювання AE ціювання AE mod M, в алгебрі Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, rem M на полях. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect AE remofMthe реалізується рекурсивНа практиці обчислення експоненти R1 =Student School of Architecture + 22∙e3+…+of2n-1 ∙en, ною процедурою, яка для n-розрядної експоненти E = e1 + 2∙e2 University Technical Crete e1,e2,…,en {0,1} передбачає послідовне, починаючи з Rn=1 i j=n, обчислення 1. Introductory Definingнаступної the concept формули: значень Rn-1,Rn-2,…,Rapproach: 1 з використанням 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept = ( R R ) rem M (Ae e 1) rem M, R j-1 j j j j ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), деother символом ‘’ операція поліноміального множення або ANTISTHENIS, the позначена ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among wise heritage he left us, he established a great the множення без переносів (Multiplication Without Carry -MWC), а абревіатурою among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the “rem” – операція редукції на полі Галуа, тобтоif of віднаходження при acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of залишку concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, not final, approach, the term поліноміальному діленні на утворюючий поліном М поля. 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and Якщо g(x) – простий поліном ступеню d, то для будь-якого u(х), щo(or є gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in the areathis, of Planning) Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal from (in various d) і якому співвідноситься d-розрядне двійкове число u, елементом поля GF(2 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various
ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), groups, usually of low-income and the there of artists, uetc. | h1However rem gthis placement u“change”, таке, щоof 0<social u ofh,art деgalleries, h=2d-1 виконується . the operation restaurants, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land (and theof Теоретично доведено, що якщо утворюючий поліном М(х) prices ступеню r являє whatever otherдвох consequences has, results rising of prices (and dthe potential relative speculation). собою добуток простих поліномів p(x)also ступеню v land i g(x) ступеню : potential relative speculation). M(x)=p(x)g(x), r = v+d, причому співвідноситься число The term gentrification is foundполіному at first in M(x) the UK in early 1960s двійкове and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople firstполю in the UK vin 1960s and itareas refersofto ) іearly з яким m, то для будь-якого u(х),ofis що належить the then observed trend wealthy to GF(2 buy property inспіввідноситься poor the then observed trend of wealthy people to buy property in poor areas h 1 London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof rem m u p Аналогічно, число u, u h=2d-1 справедливо: (u p) | London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old. residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. для будь-якого поліному w(x), що належить полю GF(2d) та співвідноситься з being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 1 A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included workm of Sociologist Ruth (w g )inwere |lthe rem g major числом w, w l=2v-1 справедливо: GLASS atтак, the що same while similar recorded inwother GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by otherвластивості Researchers. Базуючись на встановленій пропонується метод ідентифікації cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue який has several scholars and for its more віддалених користувачів, реалізує строгу ідентифікацію. Since then, the issue has several scholars andthe for various its more Процедура реєстрації передбачає послідовність дій: comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being наступну summarized below, from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various 1) Користувач від системи її відкритий закриваючий interpretations of theотримує phenomenon of gentrification, the following: ключ К с. interpretations theдовільним phenomenon the following: Користувач простих поліномів p(x) та In a2)sense, theof phenomenon is чином dueof togentrification, aвибирає trend ofпару a new category of social groups + pv-1∙ xv for + …+ +p1∙x +reasons: p0 степені та g(x)= xd + gdg(x) з різними степенями: p(x)= to “return” to the city, leaving thexvpurlieus several highv costs in money d-1 + +…+ g1∙x + gfrom d, де p0to ,p1downtown, ,…,pv-1 {0,1}, g0, g1work ,…,gd-1place {0,1}, d> 0 степені 1∙ x time and to travel the purlieus where is,причому lack of the v. 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin Berlin, she made her first studies. In 1932 published an important study entitled: 3)where формує поліном М(х) she у вигляді поліноміального добутку services ofКористувач health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same yearтаshe left Germany and after continuous for вибраних двох поліномів p(x) g(x) : M(x) = p(x)g(x). Число m, з яким lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc. studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, where співвідноситься М(х)regarding являє собою першу компоненту відкритого ключа in According 1943 she published studies cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to поліном another approach, the is due a systematic and користувача. University College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public action and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS DICTIONARY. та обчислює другу 4) are Користувач вибирає випадкове число : 0< < 2dENGLISH and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of urban web, in the 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: Free rem m.Encyclopedia: компоненту відкритого ключа користувача у вигляді: = pThe G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
5) Обидві компоненти відкритого ключа користувача: m та шифрують ся відкритим закриваючим ключем Кс і відсилаються системі. 6) Система з використанням секретного відкриваючого ключа Ко відновлює значення обох компонентів m і ключа користувача після чого зберігає їх в захищеній пам’яті. Запропонована процедура сеансу ідентифікації передбачає виконання наступної послідовності дій: 1) Користувач довільним чином число k менше за 2d. Виконується Byвибирає Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS поліноміальне множення Harvard відповідного числу k поліному k(х) на p(x): q(x) University, Graduate School of поліном Design, Student, = =k(x)p(x). By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect виконує 2) Користувач довільним чином вибирає число U< 2dofта Student of the School Architecture U rem M. експоненціювання на полі Галуа з базовим поліномом Technical М(х): R= q|University of Crete 3) Користувач обчислює Е = 2u – U і надсилає в систему трійку чисел <q,R, Introductory approach:пароль Defining the concept E>,1. які утворюють сеансовий користувача. 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 4) Система отримує від користувача сеансовий у вигляді трійки ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444пароль BC - 370 BC, Athens), E rem M шляхом піднесення q до степеня Е в полі чисел < q, R, E >, обчислює = q| ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the Галуа з базовим поліномом М(х). Далі системою добуток among other wise heritage he left us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the ofобчислюється the content concepts.в полі =R rem M . Отриманий результат порівнюється з q: якщо =term q, то Галуа: acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the ідентифікація вважається успішною. 1 користувача Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Основна перевага запропонованого способу строгої gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in the areathis, ofідентифікації Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal from (in various користувачів полягає в тому, що використання експоненціювання в полях Галуа Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there ofапаратну artists, дозволяє прискорити час виконання and програм та спростити ways), of значно social groups, usually of low-income thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of реалізацію. Нижче наведені основні чинники, які дозволяють прискорити the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this “change”, regardless of whatever other has, results rising of land prices (and the програмну реалізацію незворотних перетворень на полях Галуа в порівнянні з whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). мультиплікативними перетвореннями модулярної арифметики, що лежать в potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to основі існуючих методів: The term gentrification found до atpeople first in the UK in early and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto - операція піднесення числа квадрату, питома вага1960s якої складає 75% the then observed wealthy peopleдоtoвставки buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thusміж old residents areof об’єму обчислень, наtrend полях Галуа зводиться нулів бітами числа, London, them, stayобчислювальних themselves sometimes there and thusже oldчас residents are тобто не upgrade потребує ніяких операцій. В той операція being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. модулярного піднесення до квадрату n-розрядного числа в традиційній алгебрі A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 2/2 операцій is A description ofperiod, this phenomenon included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth множення; потребує (n/m) GLASS atвиконання the same while similarпроцесорного situations recorded in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major при виконанні операцій на полях Галуа кожен розряд оброблюється cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. незалежно від інших: це дає організувати cities in Western countries, byзмогу other ефективно Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholarsрозпаралелювання and for its more обчислювального процессу, особливо при використанні апаратних засобів; Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the - операції наapproach полях Галуа не використовують міжрозрядних переносів, comprehensive are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: формування яких при розрядностях 2018 і 4096 потребує помітних затрат interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups часових та апаратних ресурсів. to “return” to the city, leaving purlieusрозроблено for several reasons: high costs in money В четвертому розділіtheроботи теоретичні та практичні and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the аспекти прискорення строгої ідентифікації користувачів при використанні 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, незворотних перетворень в традиційній алгебрі. Запропоновано метод Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heartобчислення of the city”,movements (possibly)for прискореної ідентифікації, а також спосіб прискореного Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous модулярної lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where експоненти. Використання розроблених новацій дозволяє прискорити процес studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, in According 1943ідентифікації she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a systematic and строгої приблизно в 1.8the разів. University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and ВИСНОВКИ long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. В дисертаційній роботі, відповідно до поставленої мети, виконано and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: теоретичне обґрунтування і одержано нове вирішення наукової задачі: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
123 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
підвищення ефективності строгої ідентифікації користувачів розподілених систем за рахунок прискорення її обчислювальної реалізації. Основні наукові і практичні результати полягають у наступному. 1. Виконано аналіз сучасного стану механізмів захисту від несанкціонованого доступу до ресурсів розподілених систем. Доведено, що при сучасних можливостях доступу широкого кола користувачів до значних за обсягом обчислювальних ресурсів, які потенційно можуть бути використані для підбору паролей, надійний захист може бути забезпечений лише при By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS застосуванні строгої ідентифікації в рамках моделі “нульових знань”. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, 2. Проведений огляд існуючих механізмів C.строгої ідентифікації By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect користувачів показав, що в їх основі лежить використання ресурсоємких Student of the School of Architecture операцій модулярного експоненціювання над числами, довжина яких of значно Technical University Crete перевищує розрядність процесорів, що зумовлює низьку швидкість обчислювальної ідентифікації користувачів. В сучасних умовах 1. Introductoryреалізації approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept зростання їх кількості ключовою задачею практичного використання моделі ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), строгої ідентифікації єthe підвищення швидкодії її обчислювальної реалізації. ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the 3. Проведений аналіз можливостей прискорення обчислювальної реалізації among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the строгої ідентифікації показав, що найбільш перспективним рішенням є acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a альтернативній first, if of not final, approach, theоснові, term застосування незворотних перетворень на алгебраїчній 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (orв gentrification обчислювальна(and реалізація яких потребує менших обчислювальних ресурсів 1 (and gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various порівнянні з модулярним експоненціюванням. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),4.of social groups, usually of low-income and theзастосування placement there Теоретично обґрунтована можливість дляof artists, строгої ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement artists, the operation ofкористувачів art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of ідентифікації незворотних булевих перетворень. В ofрамках the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever results also risingкриптографічно of land prices (and theof реалізації other цієї consequences можливості has, розроблено метод строгої whatever other consequences has, resultsв also rising of land pricesкодів, (and що the ідентифікації користувачів з застосуванням якості сеансових паролей potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). утворюються в результаті послідовності хеш-перетворень з використанням The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers стандартизованих хеш-алгоритмів, який прискорити процес the then observed trend ofiswealthy toдозволяє buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buyреалізація property in poor areas ідентифікації за them, рахунок що обчислювальна цих алгоритмів, London, upgrade stayтого, themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof основаних на незворотних булевих перетвореннях, швидшеare в London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereвиконується and thus old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. порівнянні з операціями модулярного експоненціювання в відомих методах being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth строгої ідентифікації. стандартизованих, всебічно перевірених A description ofperiod, thisВикористання phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major хеш-перетворень дозволяє зменшити ризики несанкціонованого доступу до GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. ресурсів розподілених систем і використовувати криптопроцесори, які серійно cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,вthe issueвбудовані has severalреалізації scholars стандартизованих and for its more випускаються мають апаратні засоби Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from хеш-перетворень. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, following: 5. Обґрунтовано, розробленоofта досліджено the метод строгої ідентифікації interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend ofстандартизованих a new of шифроблоків, social groups віддалених користувачів на основі застосування to to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inпаролей, money за “return” допомогою яких користувачем формується послідовність сеансових and time toправильності travel from the purlieus to downtown, where place is,порядку, lack of the перевірка яких виконується системою в work зворотному що 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better дозволяє зменшити час ідентифікації користувача системою за рахунок того, що Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: обчислювальна складність на ofнезворотних булевих services of health, education,шифроблоків, entertainmentоснованих “at the heart the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for перетвореннях, на порядки менша складності операцій модулярного lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, експоненціювання чисел великої розрядності. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and 6. Вдосконалено метод прискореної строгої ідентифікації з використанням long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for незворотних justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. спеціальним чином побудованих булевих перетворень, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web,які in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: формують єдиний результат для множини сеансових паролів, за рахунок G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually застосування трапецевидної структури перетворювача зі зворотним зв’язком, 124 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
що дозволяє зменшити ризик підбору пароля, збільшити кількість паролів та прискорити процес побудови перетворень. Розроблено спосіб формування незворотного булевого функціонального перетворення в процедурній формі. 7. Теоретично досліджено властивості локальних циклів, що утворюються при виконанні експоненціювання на полях Галуа, утворюючий поліном якого являє собою добуток двох простих поліномів різного ступеня. На основі виявлених та доведених властивостей запропоновано метод строгої ідентифікації користувачів з використанням незворотних перетворень на полях By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Галуа. Теоретично та експериментально доведено, що використання методу Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, дозволяє прискорити на 1-2 порядки обчислювальну реалізацію строгої By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect ідентифікації відомими методами. Student of the School of Architecture 8. На основі дослідження процедури модулярного Technicalекспоненціювання University of Crete запропоновано спосіб прискореного обчислення модулярної експоненти за рахунок організаціїapproach: паралельного виконання операцій модулярного піднесення 1. Introductory Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept до ANTISTHENIS, квадрату та модулярного множення, що дозволяє в 1.8 разBC, прискорити the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 Athens), обчислювальну реалізацію строгоїGreek ідентифікації користувачів. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the 9. Розроблено програмні засоби прискореної строгої ідентифікації among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the користувачів систем, щоthe реалізують методи. acquisition ofрозподілених knowledge starts with definitionзапропоновані of the content of concepts.
Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification СПИСОК (and ПРАЦЬ ЗА ТЕМОЮ ДИСЕРТАЦІЇ 1ОПУБЛІКОВАНИХ gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various 1. Захариудакис Лефтерис. Метод быстрой аутентификации удаленных Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there ofзаписки artists, пользователей на основе концепции “нулевых знаний” /Наукові ways), of social groups, usually of інституту low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Українського науково-дослідного зв’язку. 2017.№ 1 (45).– С.109-117. the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However this regardless whatever other has, results rising of- “change”, land prices (and theof (Входить до міжнародної наукометричної бази РІНЦ Російського індексу whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the наукового цитування). potential relative potential relative speculation). Марковський О. П.isМетод ідентифікації віддалених абонентів The2.term gentrification foundстрогої at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refersна to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early/1960s and itareas refersofto основі стандартизованих та хеш-перетворень О.П. Марковський, the then observed trend шифроблоків ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy people to there buyНаціонального property in poor areas Захаріудакіс Лефтеріс., М.Ф. Федотовsometimes // Вісник технічного London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof університету України “КПІ” управління та обчислювальна техніка. London, upgrade them, stayІнформатика, themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. К.: ТОО „ВЕК+”. 2016.№ 64.С. 161-165. (Входить до міжнародної being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth наукометричної бази DOAJ -Directory of Open Access Journals, також доmajor бази A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work ofа Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other РІНЦ - Російського індексу наукового цитування). - Автору належить розробка GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. способу строгої ідентифікації користувачів з використанням хешcities inреалізації Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more перетворень та шифроблоків. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from 3. Стіренко С.Г. Спосіб прискореного обчисленняbelow, модулярної експоненти / comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: С.Г. Стіренко О.П. Марковський, Захаріудакіс Лефтеріс., Л.Д. Міщенко // Вісник interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aУкраїни trend of“КПІ” a new of social groups Національного технічного університету Інформатика, управління to to the city, leaving purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money та“return” обчислювальна техніка. К.:the ТОО „ВЕК+”.2017.№ 65.С. 110-115. (Входить до and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack аofакож the міжнародної наукометричної бази DOAJ -Directorywhere of Open Access Journals, 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruthспосіб GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for до бази РІНЦ - Російського індексу наукового цитування) - Автору належить птаралельного Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: обчисленняof модулярної services health, експоненти. education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 4. Марковський О. П. Prague, Використання алгебри полів Галуа для реалізації lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, London and Neweasier York she came back to London, концепції знань при ідентифікації таIn автентифікації віддалених in According 1943 sheнульових published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and користувачів /О.П.Марковський, Захаріудакіс Лефтеріс., В.Р.Максимук // Электlong-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her workмоделирование. are characterized by a passion for С.96-110. justice. See(Реферується also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ронное 2017.6.наукометричними and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the№ depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: базами Україніка наукова, Index Copernicus, INSPEC IDEAS (Institution of G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
125 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Engineering and Technology, Великобританія) – Автору належить метод строгої ідентифікації користувачів з використанням алгебри полів Галуа. 5. Мухін В.Є. Метод ідентифікації віддалених абонентів на основі концепції “нульових знань” / В.Є. Мухін, Лефтеріс Захаріудакіс, Ю.Н. Герасименко, М.С. Козерацький // Телекомунікаційні та інформаційні технології, 2017 –№1.– С.5057. (Входить до міжнародної наукометричної бази РІНЦ - Російського індексу наукового цитування). – Автору належить розробка теоретичних засад застосування незворотних неоднозначних функціональних перетворень By Mr.булевих George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS для реалізації строгої ідентифікації Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, 6. Марковський О.П. Метод строгої в телекомуBy Mr.ідентифікації George-Sp. C.абонентів ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect нікаційних системах / О.П. Марковський, Лефтеріс Захаріудакіс, М.Ф. // Student of the School ofФедотов Architecture ХІ Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція “Проблеми телекомунікації” ПТTechnical University of Crete 2017: Збірник матеріалів конференції.К.:КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2017.- С.334337. Автором обґрунтована можливість спрощення обчислювальних процедур 1.–Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), строгої ідентифікації користувачів ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, 7. Марковськийthe О.П. МетодGreek швидкої строгої (444 ідентифікації віддалених ANTISTHENIS, ancient philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the користувачів / О.П. Марковський, Лефтеріс Захаріудакіс, М.Ф. Федотов // Х among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція “Комп’ютерні системи та мережні acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a С. first, if of not final, approach, theаналіз term технології” : Тези доповідей.К.: НАУ, 2017.59-61. – Автором виконано 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification ефективності 1 використання хеш-перетворювачів для строгої ідентифікації gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various користувачів. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),8.ofЗахаріудакіс social groups, usually Метод of low-income and the placement there of artists, Лефтеріс строгої ідентифікації віддалених користуways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”,there regardless of вачів з of використанням перетворень наetc. полях Галуа /placement Захаріудакіс Лефтеріс, the operation of// artІV galleries, restaurants, etc.also However “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, науково-практична results risingthis ofконференція land prices (and theof А.А.Олієвський Міжнародна ”Summer whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, resultsматеріалів also risingконференції. of land prices (andім. the Infocom Advanced Solution 2017”,: Збірник К.:КПІ potential relative potential relative speculation). Ігоря 2017.-isС.56-60. Автору належить ідея вдосконалення TheСікорського, term gentrification found at –first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early and itareas refers використання для прискорення ідентифікації перетворень на 1960s полях Галуа . the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend of wealthy people buy property inабонентів poor areas 9. upgrade Марковський О.П. Метод sometimes строгоїto there ідентифікації зof London, them, stay themselves and thus old residents are використанням шифроблоків / О.П. Марковський, Захаріудакіс Лефтеріс, Д.В. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Горст // Збірник “squeezed”. тезthis доповідей 9-ї наукової конференції Прикладна математика being indirectly A description of phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth та комп’ютинг ПМК-2017. Київ 19-21 квітня 2017. – К.:Просвіта, 2017 – С.190A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major 194. – Автору належить спосіб конфігурування шифроблоків для генерації GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. сеансових паролів countries, користувачів. cities in Western by other Researchers.
Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive arepreoccupied being summarized from АНОТАЦІЇ approach comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of theЛефтеріс. phenomenon of gentrification, following: ефективності Захаріудакіс Методи та засоби the підвищення interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of –a Рукопис. new of social groups ідентифікації користувачів розподілених систем. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs inнаук money Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних за and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, work place is, lack of the спеціальністю 05.13.05 – Комп’ютерні системи таwhere компоненти. – Національний 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for технічний університет України ”Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: Сікорського”, Київ,education, 2017. services of health, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Дисертація присвячена проблемі підвищення ідентифікації lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier Yorkефективності she came to back to London, користувачів розподілених системthe заphenomenon рахунокIn зниження несанкin According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due aризику systematic and University informal College of London, where she her social research. brokers Her public and ціонованого доступу до її ресурсів таcontinued прискорення ідентифікації. long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. Seeщо also:впливають COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. В роботі проведено аналіз факторів. на urban ефективність and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ідентифікації віддалених користувачів інтегрованих систем. Основну увагу G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually приділено підвищенню продуктивності ідентифікації.
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
З теоретичної точки зору найбільший рівень протидії незаконному доступу до ресурсів системи забезпечується при використанні строгої ідентифікації, в основі якої лежить модель “нульових знань” і яка передбачає використання математичних незворотних перетворень. В дисертаційній роботі пропонується для прискорення строгої ідентифікації використовувати незворотні перетворення булевої алгебри та алгебри полів Галуа. Для строгої ідентифікації на основі незворотних булевих перетворень пропонується три методи. Перший ізBy них спеціально Mr.передбачає George-Sp.використання C. ATHANASOPOULOS побудованого перетворення, яке формує однакових вихідний код для групи Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, різних вхідних кодів. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Інший розроблений метод реалізації ідентифікації з Studentстрогої of the School of Architecture використанням булевих перетвореннях базується на застосуванні стандарTechnical University of Crete тизованих хеш-алгоритмів таких як SHA чи Ripemd-160. Третій метод для прискореної строгої ідентифікації 1. Introductory approach: Definingна theбулевих concept перетвореннях передбачає 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept використання стандартизованих шифроблоків типу AES. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), Для всіх трьохtheзancient запропонованих методів(444 процедури ANTISTHENIS, Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established aрозроблено great the реєстрації користувачів і сеансу ідентифікації. Теоретично та експериментально among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the доведено, що використання незворотних булевих перетворень замість acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” aприскорити first, if of not final, approach, the term моулярного експоненціювання дозволяє процес ідентифікації на 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification два порядки в порівнянні з існуючими методами. 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a строгої city area, the removal from this, (inкористуvarious Запропоновано метод реалізації ідентифікації віддалених Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), social groups, usually of low-income and the thereДосліджено of artists, вачів зofвикористанням незворотних перетворень наplacement полях Галуа. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. this “change”, regardless of циклічні властивості експоненціювання на However полях Галуа спеціальних класів. На the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof основі цихother властивостей запропоновано процедури реєстрації та ідентифікації whatever other consequences has, results alsoдоведено, rising of land prices (and the користувачів. Теоретично та експериментально що запропонований potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). підхід забезпечує прискорення ідентифікації 1-2and порядки The term gentrification is foundпроцесів at first in the UK in earlyна 1960s it refersпри to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto апаратній реалізації. the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes peopleідентифікація to there buy property in poor areas Ключові слова: строга ідентифікація, на основі концепції London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof “нульових знань”, незворотні перетворення, шифр блоки, хеш-алгоритми. London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”.
being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Zacharioudakis Eleftheris. and toolsin for increasing the efficiency of A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same whileMethods similar were recorded in other major distributed systems users identifications. - Manuscript. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Thesis for acountries, Ph.D. degree by Researchers. specialty 05.13.05 – Computer system and cities in Western bypreoccupied other Since then, National the issueTechnical has several scholars andSykorsky for its more components. University of Ukraine “Igorand Kiev Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, 2017. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, following: Thesis is of dedicated to a problem of increasing the of efficiency of distributed interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trend a new of social groups systems usersthe identifications byis impairsing the of risk of illegal access to system to “return” to by thespeed city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money resources and up identification. and time to travel the purlieus to downtown, where work place lack of the In this work from the analysis the factors which affect on efficiency of is, identification 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruthbeen GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter bornisin sense safety the distributed residencies outside townout. centres, search for of remote user of integrate systems have workwed The main attention Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: concentrated to identification increase. services of health, education,performance entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for From the theoretical point of view the best for high ofto safety againetc. illegal lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private easier access markets, studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New Yorkdegree she came back to London, where access system resources is zero-knowledge or In strikt identification, basedin on in According 1943toshe published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. 1950 sheto became teacher the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. Her public and utilization of nonreversable mathematical transformation. In brokers dissertation work long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. proposed for speed upetc., strikt identification to See use nonreversable transformation and selling real estate, for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, of in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: boolean algebra and Galoise fields algebra. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
127 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
For strikt identification based on nonreversable boolean transformation the three method have been proposed. Fist of them provision utilization special building transformation which formed one output code for groop different input code. Another diveloped method strikt identification implementation by nonreversable boolean transformation are based on using standard hash-algorithms lile SHA or Ripemd-160. Third proposed method for strict identification by using boolean transformation is based on using of standard block ciphers such as AES. For all three metdod the procedures user registration and for the execuBy Mr.for George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS tion of a round of identification have been worked out. Theoretical experimental Harvard University, Graduate School of and Design, Student, evaluation have demonstrated that utilisation nonreversable boolean transformation By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect instead modular exponentation achieves an acceleration process Student of of the the identification School of Architecture by two orders of magnitude, compared to existing schemes.Technical University of Crete The method for implementation of strict remote users identification and authentication by using nonreversible Galois transformation has been developed. 1. Introductory approach: Defining thefield concept 1.cyclic Introductory approach: Defining the concept TheANTISTHENIS, properties of special class Galois field (444 exponentiation have been the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), theoretically investigated. Based Greek on those properties(444 theBC procedures of ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”:user the registration and wise user identification procedures have been proposed. It is shown, both among other heritage left us,definition he established a greatof “principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with the of the content concepts. the theoretically and experimentally that the proposed approach providesofofconcepts. acceleration acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first,ofif of not final, approach, the term user identification process by 1 –2 orders magnitude, via a hardware 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification implementation.1 gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various Key words: strict identification, zero-knowledge identification, nonreversable Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social block groups, usually of algorithms. low-income and the placement there of artists, transformation, ciphers, hash
ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences results also rising of land prices (and theof Захариудакис Лефтерис. has, Методы и средства повышения эффективности whatever otherпользователей consequencesраспределенных has, results also rising–of land prices (and the идентификации систем. Рукопись. potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). на соискание ученой кандидата технических наук to по TheДиссертация term gentrification is found at firstстепени in the UK in early 1960s and it refers The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early и1960s and itareas refersofto специальности 05.13.05 Компьютерные системы the then observed trend ofis–wealthy to buy property inкомпоненты. poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas Национальный технический университет Украины ”Киевский London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thusполитехнический old residents areof институт имени Игоря Киев, 2017. London, upgrade them,Сикорского”, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Диссертация посвящена проблеме повышения эффективности идентиbeing indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth фикации пользователей распределенных систем за счет снижения риска A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major несанкционированного доступа к ее situations ресурсамwere и recorded повышения скорости GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. идентификации. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholarsнаandэффективность for its more В работе проведен анализ факторов, влияющих Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from идентификации удаленных пользователей интегрированных систем. Основное comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: внимание уделено повышению производительности идентификации. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aС sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, aнаибольший trend of a new of social groups теоретической точки isзрения уровень противодействия to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money несанкционированному доступу к ресурсам систем обеспечивается при and time to travelстрогой from theидентификации, purlieus to downtown, whereкоторой work place is, lackмодель of the использовании в основе лежит 1.of The term Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, for “нулевых знаний” иfrom которая предполагает использование математически Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: необратимых преобразований. Известные методы реализации строгой services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for идентификации не способны обеспечить высокую скорость ее вычислительной lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, реализации силу того, что вregarding качестве указанных используется in According 1943 she в published studies city planning.преобразований In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social над research. Her public action and модулярное экспоненцирование, выполняемое числами большой long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. разрядности. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, В диссертационной работе предлагается для ускорения вычислительной By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect реализации строгой идентификации использовать необратимые преобраStudent of the School of Architecture зования булевой алгебры и алгебры полей Галуа. Technical University of Crete Для строгой идентификации на основе необратимых булевых преобразований три метода. Первый из них предусматривает 1. Introductoryпредлагается approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept использование специально построенного преобразования, формирует ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCкоторое - 370 BC, Athens), единый выходной сигнал для группы разных входных сигналов. Разработана ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the технология получения такого преобразования. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Другойofразработанный метод строгой идентификации с acquisition knowledge starts with theреализации the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term использованием необратимых булевых преобразований базируется на 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification применении стандартизированных хеш-алгоритмов типа SHA или Ripemd-160. 1 (and urban gentrification) gentrification isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various Третий из предложенных методов ускоренной строгой идентификации на Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, of low-income предусматривает and the placement there of artists, необратимых булевыхusually преобразованиях использование ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of стандартизированных шифроблоков типа AES. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever has, results методов also risingразработаны of land prices (and theof Для other всех consequences трех из предложенных процедуры whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the регистрации пользователей и сеанса их идентификации. Теоретическими и potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). экспериментальными показано, The term gentrificationисследованиями is found at first in the UK in earlyчто 1960sиспользование and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople firstпозволяет in the UKускорить in early 1960s and itareas refersofto необратимых булевых преобразований вычислительную the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property inсравнению poor areas реализации процесса идентификации на два порядка поold London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus residents areсof существующими методами. Анализ возможностей London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereаппаратной and thus oldреализации residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. показал возможность существенно выиграша в скорости being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisдостижения phenomenon is includedбольшего in the work of Sociologist Ruth идентификации – на 3-4 порядка. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Предложен метод реализации строгой идентификации удаленных GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. пользователей с использованием необратимых преобразований на полях Галуа. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then,циклические the issue has several scholarsв and for its more Исследованы свойства операции возведения степень Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe forна itsполях more comprehensive approach are being summarized from various Галуа специальныхapproach классов. are На основе этих свойств below, разработаны процедуры comprehensive being summarized from the various interpretations the phenomenonпользователей, of gentrification,функционирование the following: регистрации иofидентификации которых interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: In a sense, the phenomenon is due to a trend of a new of social groups иллюстрировано числовыми примерами. Теоретически и экспериментально to “return” toчто the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costsпроцедуру in money показано, предложенный подход позволяет ускорить and time to travelнаfrom the purlieus to при downtown, where work place is, lack of the идентификации один-два порядка аппаратной реализации. The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for was born in sense1.of safety theспособ distributed residencies outside town centres, better Предложен ускорения базовой вычислительной операции Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: существующих методов строгой идентификации – модулярного экспоненservices of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for цирования, основанный на параллельном выполнении операций модулярного lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, возведения в квадрат и модулярного умножения. Доказано, что предложенный in According 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the phenomenon is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her and способ позволяет ускорить вычисление модулярной экспоненты в public 1.8 раза. long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passionидентификация, for justice. See also: идентификация COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Ключевые слова: строгая на web, основе and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: концепции “нулевых знаний”, необратимые преобразования, шифроблоки, хешG. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually алгоритмы. 129 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns Της κυρίας Σταματίας ΜΑΛΩΪΝΑΣ
Ανεξάρτητης Ερευνήτριας
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Ανεξάρτητου ερευνητή Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Της κυρίαςC.Νικολίνας ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ By Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Ανεξάρτητης Ερευνήτριας Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Εισαγωγή Ο τομέας της Συμβουλευτικής έχειconcept αγγίξει αμυδρά την πρωτοβάθμια 1. Introductory approach: Defining the εκπαίδευση μέσω της ακαδημαϊκής κατάρτισης ορισμένων εκπαιδευτικών, λόγω του 1. Introductory approach: the concept ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), προσωπικού ενδιαφέροντος και της ενασχόλησης κάποιων άλλων με τον κλάδο της ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Συμβουλευτικής αλλά και της θέλησης μιας μεγάλης μερίδας εκπαιδευτικών για among otherknowledge wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition startsτους. with of the content υποστήριξη of προς τους μαθητές Η γενικότερη προβληματική είναιconcepts. κατά πόσο οι acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, the term εκπαιδευτικοί, ειδικά της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, κατανοούν την προσφορά της 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aσεfirst, if (in not final, approach, the term urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification Συμβουλευτικής(and έργο τους και ειδικότερα αυτό το νέο εκπαιδευτικό μωσαϊκό. 1 στο gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Στόχος του άρθρου αυτού είναι να προσεγγίσει την συμβουλευτική σαν μέθοδο (or η Sociology asνα well), asπροβλήματα the “refining” of aεκπαίδευση, city area, removal from this, (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of στην low-income andthe the placement there of οποία μπορεί λύσει που αφορούν τον ρατσισμό στα ways), of groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”,there regardless of πλαίσια τουsocial σχολείου, αλλά και κατά πόσο etc. οι εκπαιδευτικοί γνωρίζουν για αυτήν και the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless την χρησιμοποιούν στην τάξη. whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof
whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). Συμβουλευτικής The2.Ορισμός term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Ο όρος Συμβουλευτική πολλαπλές σημασίες αυτό 1960s συμβαίνει έχει The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UKκαι in early and γιατί itareas refers the then observed trend ofisέχει wealthy to buy property in poor ofto ευρεία έννοια. Αυτή Χρησιμοποιείται για να δηλώσει the then observed trend wealthy people toκυρίως: buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof την υποστηρικτική σχέση που αναπτύσσεται στο Σύμβουλο και στο London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesανάμεσα there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. άτομο, το οποίο ζητά την βοήθεια του. Η σχέση αυτή δημιουργείται μέσα σε ένα being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth πλαίσιο ειδικών συνθηκών και προϋποθέτει την ύπαρξη συγκεκριμένων δεξιοτήτων A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar recorded in other major του πρώτου, όπως είναι η ικανότητα του να μπαίνει στην θέση του άλλου και ναmajor τον GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. κατανοεί, να τον αποδέχεται, να τον σέβεται και να ανταποκρίνεται συναισθηματικά cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. then, όρισε the issue has several scholars and for its more κ.α.Since Ο Arbuckle τη Συμβουλευτική σαν μια διαδικασία που δημιουργείται από Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from την σχέση δύο ανθρώπων (Arbuckle, 1975). comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations the phenomenon gentrification, thebelow, following: ‘Όλες τιςofδραστηριότητες πουofστηρίζονται σε διάφορες ψυχολογικές θεωρίες interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: a sense,που theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend of a new groups καιInτεχνικές στοχεύουν στην παροχή ψυχολογικής στήριξηςofσεsocial άτομα που to “return”προβλήματα to the city, leaving the purlieus forζωή. several reasons: high costs in money συναντούν στην καθημερινή τους and time to travel theεφαρμογής purlieus toψυχολογικών downtown, where work lack of the ‘Ένα ειδικόfrom πεδίο μεθόδων μεplace στόχοis,την στήριξη term from Sociologist Ruth στην GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born sense ofThe safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town και centres, search των 1. ατόμων που συναντούν προβλήματα ζωή τους δεν υποφέρουν όμωςin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) από σοβαρές διαταραχές στην συμπεριφορά (Κασσωτάκης, 2004). Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Σήμερα ο όρος Συμβουλευτική χρησιμοποιείται για ναto υποδηλώσει την lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, υποστηρικτική που αναπτύσσεται ανάμεσα Σύμβουλο και in τον in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher the toδιαδικασία another approach, the is στον due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she her social research. Her public and Συμβουλευόμενο, στο επίκεντρο τηςcontinued οποίας βρίσκεται η ιδιότυπη σχέση που long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by aΗpassion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. δημιουργείται τους. διαδικασία αυτή αξιοποιεί τις μεθόδους και τις τεχνικές and selling realανάμεσα estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: των επιστημών του ανθρώπου και της ψυχολογίας και επιδιώκει την υποβοήθηση του G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification 3. Στάδια Συμβουλευτικής και τα χαρακτηριστικά ενός συμβούλου. Τα στάδια που περνάει ο συμβουλευόμενος, σύμφωνα με το ανθρωπιστικό Concerns μοντέλο είναι τρία:
ατόμου να αντιμετωπίσει με επιτυχία τα προβλήματα της ζωής του (Κασσωτάκης, 2004).
1.Το στάδιο διερεύνησης που στοχεύει στην κατανόηση του προβλήματος 2.Το στάδιο της ενόρασης που αποσκοπεί στην κατανόηση του εαυτού By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS 3. Το στάδιο της δράσης που στοχεύει στην επίλυση προβλήματος Harvard University, Graduate School ofτου Design, Student, (Μαλικιώση- Λοίζου, 2001). By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Στόχος της συμβουλευτικής διαδικασίας είναι να μπορέσει ο συμβουλευόμενος Student of the School of Architecture να αποδεχθεί τον εαυτό του και να είναι περήφανος γι’Technical αυτό πουUniversity είναι. Θα πρέπει of Crete όμως να γίνει και πλήρως αποδεκτός από το σύμβουλο. Τα χαρακτηριστικά ενός συμβούλου είναι η ενσυναίσθητη κατανόηση, ο σεβασμός, η γνησιότητα, η ζεστασιά, 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept η αυτοαποκάλυψη και η ευκρίνεια. Με τον όρο ενσυναίσθητη εννοούμε ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BCκατανόηση - 370 BC, Athens), την ικανότητα του συμβούλου να κατανοεί τον κόσμο του συμβουλευόμενου έτσι ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the όπως οι ίδιοι τον αντιλαμβάνονται: «σημαίνει να αντιλαμβάνεται το εσωτερικό among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the πλαίσιο αναφοράς ενός άλλου ανθρώπου μεdefinition ακρίβεια, με τα συναισθηματικά στοιχεία acquisition of knowledge starts with the of the content of concepts. therefore, onσαν this “principle” in a first, if όμως not final, approach, the πουBased, υπάρχουν σε αυτό τνα ήταν εκείνος, χωρίς να ξεχάσει ποτέ τονterm όρο 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification «σαν» (Rogers, 1959, σελ. 210). Με τον όρο σεβασμός σημαίνει ότι αποδεχόμαστε τον 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) gentrification (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various άλλο ως ξεχωριστό άτομο, δίχως να επιβάλουμε όρους. Γνησιότητα είναι η ικανότητα Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social αφενός groups,να usually of low-income andτου theπροσωπικές placement εμπειρίες there of artists, του σύμβουλου γνωρίζει τις εσωτερικές καθώς ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation art galleries, etc. However “change”, regardless of προσπαθεί να of κατανοήσει τις restaurants, εμπειρίες του συμβούλου, και αφετέρουthere να εμφανίζει the operation ofconsequences art galleries, etc.also However “change”, regardless whatever has, results risingthis of land prices (and the αυτές τιςother εμπειρίες στην restaurants, συμβουλευτική σχέση όποτε χρειάζεται.: Οιof whatever otherspeculation). consequences prices (and συμβουλευόμενοι είτε είναι παιδιάhas, είτεresults έφηβοιalso θα rising πρέπειofναland αισθάνονται ότι the ο potential relative potential relative speculation). σύμβουλος «όπως αυτοί οι ίδιοι». τοthe βίωμα στην όλη συμβουλευτική The termείναι gentrification is found at Αυτό first in UK δίνει in early 1960s and it refers to The term found first in the UK in early andαποδοχή itareas refersof διαδικασία έναgentrification πλαίσιο αλήθειας και atειλικρίνειας. Η άνευ όρων1960s θετική ήto the then observed trend ofiswealthy people to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthyτων people to there buy property in poor ζεστασιά αναφέρεται στην εμπειριών του άλλου κατά τέτοιοareas τρόπο London, upgrade them, stayαναγνώριση themselves sometimes and thus old residents areof ώστε να upgrade μην μπορεί ο stay σύμβουλος να sometimes κάνει διάκριση αυτών λιγότερο are ή London, them, themselves there and thusως old residents being indirectly “squeezed”. περισσότερο άξιον θετικής αναγνώρισης, τόσο για την έκφραση αρνητικών, being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth επώδυνων ή και αφύσικων συναισθημάτων, όσο in και τηνofέκφραση A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included theγια work Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar were recorded in otherκαλών, major θετικών, ώριµων, και κοινωνικών συναισθηµάτων εκ µέρους του συµβουλευόµενουGLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. µαθητή) .Η αυτοαποκάλυψη είναι μια διαδικασία κατά την οποία ο σύμβουλος cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and στους for itsάλλους. more αποκαλύπτει στοιχεία της προσωπικότητας του τόσο σε αυτόν όσο και Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from Με αυτή την διαδικασία δημιουργείται μια ποιο στενή σχέση μεταξύfrom των δύο, οποία comprehensive approach are being summarized the ηvarious interpretations of the phenomenon gentrification, thebelow, following: οδηγεί σε ποιο στενή επικοινωνία. Η of ευκρίνεια αναφέρεται στην ακριβή επισήμανση interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, thecategory following: a sense, theof phenomenon is due a trend of a new of social groups τωνInσυναισθημάτων, των εμπειριών καιtoτον χαρακτηρισμό τους. Ο σύμβουλος πρέπει to to the city, leaving the several reasons: high costs in Λοίζου, money να“return” είναι σαφής στις εκφράσεις τουpurlieus και στηνfor συμπεριφορά του (Μαλικιώσηand time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the 2001). termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: 4. of Η Συμβουλευτική στην Εκπαίδευση “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) services health, education, entertainment Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Κατά την συμβουλευτική διαδικασία πρέπει να πληρούνται κάποιες βασικές lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and Neweasier York she came to back to London, είναι σπουδαίες και καθορίζουν αποτέλεσμα και in την δεξιότητες. in According 1943 she Αυτές published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 she teacher the to another approach, the isτοdue tobecame a systematic and University informal College of London, where she her social research. Her public and αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ σύμβουλου καιcontinued συμβουλευόμενου ή δασκάλου με μαθητή. Οι long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice.τους See also: COLLINS να ENGLISH DICTIONARY. δεξιότητες αυτές είναι εύκολες στην εκμάθηση και μπορούν χρησιμοποιηθούν and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: από τους εκπαιδευτικούς με την κατάλληλη κατάρτιση. Τις δεξιότητες αυτές πρέπει G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
131 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
να τις εφαρμόζει ο σύμβουλος (εκπαιδευτικός) σε όλα τα επίπεδα της διαπροσωπικής του σχέσης. Μια από αυτές είναι η ορθή αντίληψη μιας κατάστασης. Αυτή η δεξιότητα αναφέρεται στην ικανότητα του συμβούλου να κατανοεί και να ερμηνεύει συγκεκριμένα σημεία μιας κατάστασης. Δηλαδή, να κατανοεί με ακρίβεια την συμπεριφορά του άλλου. Να μην επηρεάζεται αυτός από παράγοντες όπως επιθυμίες, φόβοι και προκαταλήψεις. Αν συμβεί μια λανθασμένη αντίληψη μπορεί να φέρει μη επιθυμητά αποτελέσματα στην By διαπροσωπική σύμβουλου και Mr. George-Sp.σχέση C. ATHANASOPOULOS συμβουλευόμενου με ένα τέλος χωρίς ουσία. Το πρώτο πράγμα που πρέπει Student, να κάνει Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, ένας εκπαιδευτικός, πριν αναπτύξει μια σχέση, είναι να γνωρίσει τον εαυτό του. By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Έπειτα, να αποκτήσει εμπειρία για να βελτιώσειStudent τις επικοινωνιακές του δεξιότητες. of the School of Architecture Τέλος, να μπορεί να συναισθάνεται αυτά που νιώθει και ο Technical μαθητής. University of Crete Μια ακόμα δεξιότητα είναι και η εστίαση. Πολλές φορές ο μαθητής ενδόμυχα γνωρίζει το πρόβλημα που τον απασχολεί και concept επιθυμεί να το λύσει. Απλά δεν γνωρίζει 1. Introductory approach: Defining the 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept τα ANTISTHENIS, βαθύτερα αίτια που δημιουργούν το πρόβλημα. Έτσι(444 χρειάζεται βοήθεια από τον the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, Athens), δάσκαλοσύμβουλο γιαthe ναancient διερευνήσει τιςphilosopher, σκέψεις του(444 και τα συναισθήματα του. ANTISTHENIS, Greek BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the Κατά την διάρκεια αυτής της πορείας ο σύμβουλος επιλέγει τα σημεία που θα among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the εστιάσει την προσοχή του. Έτσι κατευθύνει, με κάποιο τρόπο, την συζήτηση με στόχο acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, theπρέπει term πάντα να κατανοήσει ο μαθητής το πρόβλημα που τον απασχολεί. Αυτό που 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification να προσεχθεί σε1 αυτό το στάδιο είναι η κατεύθυνση της εστίασης γιατί οι άνθρωποι gentrification (and urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various έχουν την τάση να μιλούν για θέματα που οι άλλοι δείχνουν να θέλουν να ακούσουν. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social andότι theη placement thereπροσφέρει of artists, Αυτό που πρέπειgroups, να μηνusually ξεχνάειof ο low-income δάσκαλος είναι κάθε συζήτηση ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of άπειρα στοιχεία. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land (and the Επιπλέον, κατά την συμβουλευτική διαδικασία πρέπει να οprices σύμβουλος ναof whatever consequences has,του results also rising of Με land αναδείξει καιother να αναζητήσει προσόντα συμβουλευόμενου. τονprices τρόπο(and αυτόthe ο potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). μαθητής θα μπορέσει να αντλήσει δύναμη όταν καταλάβει τα θετικά The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960sτου andστοιχεία it refersκαι to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople firstποιο in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers τα then προσόντα του. trend Έτσι of θα αντικρίσει την του the observed to αισιόδοξα buy property inκατάσταση poor ofto the then observed trend wealthy people buy property in ένα poor areas είναι από ταof (ΜαλικιώσηΛοίζου, 2001). Το στάδιο της to διερεύνησης London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are σημαντικότερα στάδια συμβουλευτική γιατίthere επιτρέπει London, upgrade them, στην stay themselves sometimes and thusτον old μαθητή residentsνα are being indirectly “squeezed”. κατανοήσει τα θέματα που τον απασχολούν και να δείχνει στον δάσκαλο σε τι μπορεί being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth να τον Ο of δάσκαλος πρέπειsimilar να κατέχει κάποιες δεξιότητες αυτό. A βοηθήσει. description this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work ofστο Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while recorded inστάδιο other major Ο δάσκαλος πρέπει κατάwhile την διαδικασία να παρακολουθεί προσεκτικά και να GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. ακούει τον μαθητή ενεργητικά. Αυτό πρέπει να συμβαίνει σε όλη την διάρκεια της cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and έτσι for its more συμβουλευτικής για να μπορεί και ο μαθητής several να νιώθει ασφάλεια να Since then, the issue has preoccupied scholars andthe forώστε its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from various εκφράζεται ελεύθερα. Η επικοινωνία μπορεί να υπάρξει με λεκτικούς τρόπους ή και comprehensivethe approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations phenomenon of gentrification, following: με μη λεκτικούςofτρόπους. Στην ενεργητική ακρόαση the ο σύμβουλος προσπαθεί να interpretations the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due togentrification, a trend a new of social groups ταιριάξει λεκτικά και μη λεκτικά μηνύματα τουof συμβουλευόμενου με στόχο να to “return” to city, leaving purlieus for several reasons:στην high συμβουλευτική costs in money καταλάβει τι the νοείται και τα the συναισθήματα. Πληροφορίες and time to όταν travelγίνονται from the purlieus to whereμπορεί work place is, lack of the παίρνονται ερωτήσεις. Οι downtown, ερωτήσεις αυτές να είναι κλειστές ή 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS wasbetter born sense safety distributed residencies outside town centres, for ανοιχτές. Όταν οιthe άνθρωποι ενθαρρύνονται μπορούν να μιλήσουν ποιο εύκολα. Οιin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: ενθαρρύνσεις μπορεί να είναι entertainment απλές λέξεις, νεύματα ή άλλες απλές services of health, education, “at the του heartκεφαλιού of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for εκφράσεις πού δείχνουν ότι ο δάσκαλος παρακολουθεί την συζήτηση προσεκτικά lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where αλλά και she παράλληλα τον προτρέπει να the μιλά. in According 1943 published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her social research.οbrokers Her public Κάποιες ακόμα από τις δεξιότητες που πρέπει να κατέχει δάσκαλός είναι and η long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See Στην also: COLLINS ENGLISH αναδιατύπωση, η επανάληψη ή depreciation παράφραση. παράφραση ο DICTIONARY. δάσκαλος and selling real estate, etc., for the initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: το νόημα όσων ο http://www.uncanny.net/ μαθητής για να δείξει ότι τον παρακολουθεί Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. wetzel/gentry.htm aεπαναλαμβάνει variety of ways, in order to λέει achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually προσεκτικά αλλά και για να ελέγξει αν ακούει προσεκτικά όλα όσα λέει ο μαθητής. Σε 132 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
αυτό το σημείο δεν γίνεται ανατροφοδότηση απλά μια επανάληψη όσων κατάλαβε ο δάσκαλος από την συζήτηση. Η αναδιατύπωση τονίστηκε για πρώτη φορά από τον Carl Rogers. Αυτός πίστευε ότι ο σύμβουλος πρέπει να λειτουργεί ως καθρέπτης για τον συμβουλευόμενο, επιτρέποντας του να ακούσει τα λεγόμενα του, χωρίς αυτά να «χρωματίζονται» από την κριτική διάθεση. Η αντανάκλαση συναισθήματος είναι ακόμα μια δεξιότητα που πρέπει να έχει ο σύμβουλος. Όταν ο σύμβουλος δείχνει να κατανοεί τα συναισθήματα του μαθητή και τα παρουσιάζει σε αυτόν τότε κάνει By χρήση αυτής της δεξιότητας. Το στάδιο της Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ενόρασης είναι το στάδιο όπου οι σύμβουλοι εφαρμόζουν κάποιες Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, επιπλέον Student, δεξιότητες έτσι ώστε να ανιχνεύσουν τοBy πρόβλημα που υπάρχει σε βάθος. Μια πρώτη Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect δεξιότητα είναι αύτη της πρόκλησης ή αντιμετώπισης κατά πρόσωπο. Η δεξιότητα Student of the School of Architecture αυτή χρησιμοποιείται από τον σύμβουλο μόνο όταν θέλει University να φέρειof Crete τον Technical συμβουλευόμενο αντιμέτωπο με τις αντιφάσεις του και τις ανακολουθίες του αλλά και1.μεIntroductory κάποιους μηχανισμούς που ο δεύτερος, για να κρύψει approach: άμυνας Defining theχρησιμοποιεί concept 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept κάποιες αγχώδεις καταστάσεις που αντιμετωπίζει. Σημαντική δεξιότητα στην ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), συμβουλευτική σχέση the είναι και η ερμηνεία όσων ειπώθηκαν στηνBC, σχέση. Ο ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the συμβουλευόμενος περιμένει να την ακούσει από τον σύμβουλο περισσότερο από κάθε among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the άλλη δεξιότητα. Κατά την συμβουλευτική διαδικασία,ofόπως αναφέραμε παραπάνω, acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if not final, approach, theαυτό term πρέπει να δημιουργηθεί μια ουσιαστική σχέση ανάμεσα στους δύο. Αφού γίνει ο 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification σύμβουλος μπορεί να κάνει χρήση την δεξιότητα της αυτοαποκάλυψης. Αυτή 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various συνδέεται as μεwell), την γνωστοποίηση προσωπικών στοιχείων του συμβούλου που αυτά Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social usually ofτου. low-income and the placement there of artists, προέρχονται απόgroups, παλιές εμπειρίες ways), social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of Η ofτελευταία δεξιότητα, στο κομμάτι αυτό, είναι η αμεσότητα. Αυτή the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other has,τα results alsoπου rising ofπαρόντα land prices (and the εφαρμόζεται κατάconsequences την συζήτηση από πρόσωπα είναι και αφορά ταof whatever other consequences has, results also of land prices (and the συναισθήματα τους. Στόχος της αμεσότητας είναι ναrising δει ο συμβουλευόμενος, μέσα potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). απόThe την ανατροφοδότηση, τρόπο οποίο γίνεται αντιληπτός στην term gentrification is τον found at firstμεin τον the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification foundΛοίζου, atpeople first2001). in the UK in earlyτης 1960s and itareas refersτο είναι διαπροσωπική σχέσηtrend (ΜαλικιώσηΤο στάδιο the then observed ofiswealthy to buy property inΔράσης poor ofto the then observed wealthy people buy property in poor areas τελευταίο στάδιο στηνtrend διαδικασία αυτή.sometimes Είναι τοtoσημείο όπουthus ο συμβουλευόμενος London, upgrade them, stay of themselves there and old residents areof είναι έτοιμος να“squeezed”. δραστηριοποιηθεί και ναsometimes αντιμετωπίσει πρόβλημα του με τον London, upgrade them, stay themselves thereτο and thus old residents are being indirectly τρόπο που θα επιλεχτεί. Η πρώτη δεξιότητα είναι η πληροφόρηση. Κάποιες φορές ο being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth μαθητής δεν είναι έτοιμος να προχωρήσει στο τελικό στάδιο και αυτό γιατί του λείπει A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major ηGLASS απαραίτητη πληροφόρηση. at the same period, situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. Σημαντική δεξιότητα στο στάδιοResearchers. δράσης είναι η καθοδήγηση. Ο δάσκαλος σε cities in Western countries, by other Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and με forτην its δράση more αυτόSince το επίπεδο, προσφέρει κάποιες κατευθύνσεις που έχουν σχέση then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from του μαθητή. Ο μαθητής μετά από αυτή την διαδικασία αλλάζει την from συμπεριφορά του comprehensive approach are being summarized the various interpretations of the of gentrification, thebelow, following: και την ενισχύει. Το phenomenon τελικό βήμα είναι η συνεχιζόμενη παρακολούθηση από τον interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, aμόνο trendόταν of a οnew of social groups σύμβουλο. Η συμβουλευτική έχειisπετύχει σύμβουλος αλλάξει και στην to “return” to theζωή city, leaving the purlieus for severalσχέση. reasons: high costsαυτή in money πραγματική του και πέρα από την συμβουλευτική Η δεξιότητα είναι and time to travelστάδιο from the to downtown, where work place is, lack of the το σημαντικότερο σε purlieus όλη την διαδικασία (ΜαλικιώσηΛοίζου, 2001). termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: 5.Διαπολιτισμική Συμβουλευτική και Διαπολιτισμικός Σύμβουλος services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Σύμφωνα με τον Das (1995) η Διαπολιτισμική Συμβουλευτική σε lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back toβασίζεται London, συγκεκριμένες θέσεις οιstudies οποίες είναι: the in According 1943 she published regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, is due a systematic and University College London, where she continued her social research. Her αντιμετώπισης public and Όλοι οι ofπολιτισμοί περιέχουν σημαντικούς τρόπους long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized byνα a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. προβλημάτων που πιθανόν έχει μια συγκεκριμένη ομάδα. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Η Συμβουλευτική θεωρείται Διαπολιτισμική όταν ο πολιτισμός έχει ευρύ G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
ορισμό και περιλαμβάνει όχι μόνο τη φυλή, την εθνικότητα και την καταγωγή αλλά 133 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
και την ηλικία, το φύλο, την κοινωνική τάξη, τις σεξουαλικές προτιμήσεις και τις σωματικές ή μη ικανότητες του ατόμου. Οι άνθρωποι απευθύνονται σε συμβούλους επειδή αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα που προέρχονται από πολιτισμικές συνθήκες. Όλοι οι οργανισμοί έχουν αναπτύξει οργανωμένους τρόπους ή μη αντιμετώπισης των ανθρώπινων προβλημάτων (Παπαστυλιανου, 2003). Η διαπολιτισμική συμβουλευτική είναι μια πολύ δύσκολή διαδικασία διότι στην σχέση που έχει ο Σύμβουλος και By ο Συμβουλευόμενος υπάρχουν λεπτά σημεία Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS που αν ξεπεραστούν ίσως να μην υπάρχει αποτέλεσμα θετικό, διότι η Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, διαφορετικότητα είναι παρούσα σε όληBy την διάρκεια της σχέσης. Ακόμα, μπορούν να Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect συμβούν, χωρίς πρόθεση, ρωγμές στην σχέση Student αυτή και έτσι να υπάρξει ένα μη of the School of Architecture εποικοδομητικό αποτέλεσμα. Για τον λόγο αυτό καθίσταται αναγκαία η ενημέρωση Technical University of Crete και επιμόρφωση του Συμβούλου για Διαπολιτισμικά ζητήματα. Οι Σύμβουλοι είναι 1. Introductory approach:βασικές Defining the concept έννοιες αλλά και να κρίνουν υποχρεωμένοι να γνωρίζουν διαπολιτισμικές 1. Introductory approach: Defining theαξιολογούν concept (444 κατά πόσο είναι συνειδητοποιημένοι με το να τις ικανότητες τουςAthens), με βάση ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC - 370 BC, τα ακόλουθα χαρακτηριστικά: ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the Ικανότητα να ερμηνεύσουν τις άμεσες και έμμεσες μορφές επικοινωνίας among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Ευαισθησία στα λεκτικά συναισθήματα acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, onμη this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Ικανότητα να γνωρίζουν τις γλωσσικές πολιτιστικές διαφορές 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aκαι first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and Ευαισθησία στερεότυπα άλλων πολιτισμών gentrification urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), asστα the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Ενδιαφέρον για την κοινωνική πρόνοια των ανθρώπων από(inάλλους Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, πολιτισμούς ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of Ικανότητα ναgalleries, διατυπώνουν με ευκρίνεια τα στοιχεία του πολιτισμού τουof the operation of art restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the ατόμου whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative Εκτίμηση για την πολύ-πολυτισμικότητα και τον πλουραλισμό potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found first inμεταξύ the UK inπολιτισμικών early 1960s and it refers to Ικανότητα να ξεχωρίζουν τις at σχέσεις των ομάδων The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor Ικανότητα να διακρίνουν «το καλό» από «το κακό» σε άλλα πολιτιστικά the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay themselves and thus old residents areof πλαίσια (Παπαχρήστος, 2007).
London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon και is included in the work Sociologist Ruth 6. Ο ρόλος της συμβουλευτικής του δασκάλου στηνof αντιμετώπιση της A description thisρατσισμού phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major προκατάληψης καιofτου GLASS atτοthe same period, situations wereωςrecorded other major cities inΌλο Western countries, bywhile othersimilar Researchers. θεωρητικό οικοδόμημα της Συμβουλευτικής μεθόδουinπαρέμβασης cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. πουSince βασίζεται στην ιδεολογία, γνώση και αξίες scholars του δυτικού πολιτισμού, then, the issue has preoccupied several and for its more Since then, issue has several below, scholars andthe for various itsΕιδικά more αμφισβητείται καιthe αναπροσαρμόζεται για summarized την καταπολέμηση τουfrom ρατσισμού. comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various για τις εθνοτικέςofομάδες χρησιμοποιείται συστηματικά the η τεχνική της ενσυναίσθησης. interpretations the phenomenon of gentrification, following: interpretations of the phenomenon thecategory following: Ενσυναίσθηση είναι η παροδική του με το άτομο, το groups μερικό In a sense, the phenomenon isταυτοποίηση dueof togentrification, a trend of ειδικού a new of social βίωμα των γεγονότων και συναισθημάτων του. Στον χώρο της εκπαίδευσης όταν to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money λέμε ειδικό εννοούμε τον δάσκαλο τις περισσότερες φορές, αφού καλείται να and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the αναλάβει το ρόλο του συμβούλου. Επομένως, η 1912-1940. ενσυναίσθηση του συμβούλου1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, Ruth GLASS was born sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for betterin δασκάλου αναφέρεται στην κατανόηση τωνan important συναισθημάτων και Berlin, where she made herόχι first μόνο studies. In 1932 she published study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly)for Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after προβλημάτων του ατόμου στο γνωστικό επίπεδο, αλλά και στοcontinuous συναισθηματικό. lower living cost of,σύμβουλος “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies research in Geneva, Prague, London and car New:easier York she came to back to London, Ο and δάσκαλοςοφείλει να συμβάλει in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and α) Στη διαμόρφωση where θετικών αντιλήψεων για τις διαφορές μεταξύ των University informal College of London, she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying πολιτισμών, her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realαλληλεγγύη, estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in β) Στην 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: Abstract. wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of σεβασμό ways, inως order to achieve the πολιτισμών “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually γ) Στο ισότιμων τωνhttp://www.uncanny.net/ άλλων
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
δ) Αγωγή στην Ειρήνη. Κατά τον Helmut Essinger, ο δάσκαλος- σύμβουλος πρέπει να διέπεται από τέσσερις βασικές αρχές: Την ενσυναίσθηση, δηλαδή την κατανόηση των προβλημάτων, Την αλληλεγγύη, η οποία ξεπερνά τα όρια των ομάδων, των κρατών και των φυλών και παραμερίζει την κοινωνική ανισότητα και αδικία, Το σεβασμό στην πολιτισμική ετερότητα που πραγματοποιείται με το άνοιγμά μας στους άλλους πολιτισμούς καιGeorge-Sp. τη συμμετοχή αυτών στο δικό μας By Mr. C. ATHANASOPOULOS πολιτισμό, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Την εξάλειψη του εθνικιστικούBy τρόπου σκέψης και C. τηνATHANASSOPOULOS απαλλαγή από εθνικά Mr. George-Sp. Architect στερεότυπα και προκαταλήψεις, ώστε οι διαφορετικοί λαοί να μπορέσουν να Student of the School of Architecture επικοινωνήσουν μεταξύ τους Technical University of Crete Ο δάσκαλος- σύμβουλος προκειμένου να μπορέσει να αντιμετωπίσει και να περιορίσει τις διάφορες ρατσιστικές συμπεριφορές 1. Introductory approach: Defining the conceptκαι γεγονότα πρέπει πρώτα να 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept ξεπεράσει και να αποβάλει τα δικά του στερεότυπα κα προκαταλήψεις, που Athens), φέρει ως ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, άτομο. Αυτό θα γίνει με the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the 1.ολοκληρωμένη διδασκαλία στην οποία διαπολιτισμικές έννοιες among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with definition of the content concepts. the υπεισέρχονται σε όλα τα μαθήματα. Το μοντέλο αυτό λειτουργεί μέχρι ενός βαθμού acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term προληπτικά, εφόσον εισαχθεί και στηνinπρωτοβάθμια και στη δευτεροβάθμια 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification εκπαίδευση. Καλύπτει δηλαδή κάποια μορφή ευαισθητοποίησης για τις μελλοντικές 1 (and urban gentrification gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various γενιές. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways),2.ofξεχωριστή social groups, usuallyμαθημάτων of low-income and the placement there ofομάδες, artists, διδασκαλία που αναφέρονται στις εθνοτικές ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, However “change”,there regardless of τον κοινωνικό αποκλεισμό και τη etc. συνακόλουθη ευαισθητοποίηση στην the operation ofconsequences art galleries, restaurants, etc.also However regardless whatever other has, results risingthis of “change”, land prices (and theof πολυπολιτισμικότητα.
whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). Επίλογος The7.term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in earlyδια 1960s and itareas refers Στηterm σημερινή εποχή of στην οποία δίνεται έμφαση στη βίου μάθηση και the then observed trend to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend wealthy people to there buy property in poor areas παιδεία αλλά και στην προσωπική ανάπτυξη, η προσωπική καιthus κοινωνική ανάπτυξη London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes and old residents areof των εκπαιδευτικών έχει ρόλο ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό. θεσμός London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimesΟthere and της thusσυμβουλευτικής old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. είναι, κυρίως, ζήτημα βαθιά πολιτικό και συνδέεται με την αναζήτηση ενός σχολείου, being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth στο οποίο η σύνδεση «κεφαλιού – καρδιάς – χεριού» θα είναι, απλά η A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in όχι other major προετοιμασία γιαsame τη ζωή, αλλάwhile η ίδιαsimilar η ζωή. Ο εκπαιδευτικός βρίσκεταιin εκεί, αρωγός GLASS at the period, situations were recorded other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. στην προσπάθεια των μαθητών του γιαResearchers. μόρφωση, τόσο γνωστική όσο και κοινωνική. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Ο παιδαγωγικός και συμβουλευτικός ρόλος των εκπαιδευτικών θα να Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andμπορούσε for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the ενισχυθεί και από άλλους λειτουργούς επικουρίας του ανθρώπου που θα comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: αναλάμβαναν συμβουλευτικές υποχρεώσεις στο σχολείο. Τα οφέλη από αυτή τη interpretations of the phenomenon of thecategory following: In a sense, phenomenon is due togentrification, a trendη of a new social groups συνεργασία θαthe μπορούσαν να είναι σημαντικά: Συμβουλευτική θα of υλοποιείται και to “return” to the city, δε leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money από τον εκπαιδευτικό, θα υπάρχουν συγκρούσεις λόγω επικάλυψης αρμοδιοτήτων and to travel fromσυμφερόντων, the purlieus toούτε downtown, where work place is, lack the και time επαγγελματικών του επαγγελματικού status τωνofδύο 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS was born in sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, search better επιστημόνων και θα συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους προς όφελος, κυρίως, τωνfor μαθητών Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: αλλά και of τουhealth, ευρύτερου κοινωνικού συνόλου. “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) services education, entertainment Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, 8. Βιβλιογραφία in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University CollegeΝ.of (2001) London, where she continued social research. brokers Her public and Ασκούνη, Εθνοκεντρισμός και her πολυπολιτισμικότητα: η αναζήτηση long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work characterized by της a passion for justice. SeeΕκπαίδευση: also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. ενός νέου are προσανατολισμού εκπαίδευσης, στο πολιτισμικές διαφορές and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: και κοινωνικές ανισότητες. Τόμος Β΄, Εθνοπολιτισμικές διαφορές και εκπαίδευση. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually Πάτρα.
135 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete Γκόβαρης Χ. Εισαγωγή στη διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα, Ατραπός, 2004. Γκότοβας Α.approach: Εκπαίδευση και the ετερότητα: 1. Introductory Defining concept Ζητήματα διαπολιτισμικής 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), παιδαγωγικής. Αθήνα, Μεταίχμιο, 2002. ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, Colle,M. –Cole, S. the Η ανάπτυξη των παιδιών. Β’ τόμος(444 (μτφρ Μ.).Athens), Αθήνα: ANTISTHENIS, ancient Greek philosopher, BCΣόλμαν, -“principle”: 370 BC, among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Τυπωθήτω. among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the Καλογερογιάννη, Φ. starts (2011). διδασκαλία τηςthe διαπολιτισμικής παιδικής acquisition of knowledge withΗthe content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition aκαι first, if of not final, approach, the term λογοτεχνίας και η επίδραση της στις στάσεις αντιλήψεις μαθητών απέναντι στην 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification 0 Διεθνές Συνέδριο Με θέμα «Διαπολιτισμική διαφορετικότητα (Επιμ.), 14 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Εκπαίδευση- Μετανάστευση- Διαχείριση Συγκρούσεων και Παιδαγωγικής της Sociology as»,well), asΜαΐου the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually ofΒόλος. low-income andthe theremoval placement Δημοκρατίας 13-15 2011. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of artΕ.galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of Κανακίδου – Παπαγιάννη Β. Διαπολιτισμική αγωγή. Αθήνα, Ελληνικά the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever Γράμματα, other 1997. consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of prices (and the Κασσωτάκης, Μ. (2004). Συμβουλευτική καιlandΕπαγγελματικός potential relative potential relative speculation). Προσανατολισμός: Εννοιολογικές Διασαφήσεις Σκοποί Στόχοι. Στοand Κασσωτάκης, The term gentrification is found at first in the UK Και in early 1960s it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first inΠροσανατολισμός the UK in early 1960s andκαι itareas refers Μ. (Επιμ.), Συμβουλευτική Επαγγελματικός Θεωρία Πράξη. the then observed trendκαι ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas Αθήνα: Τυπώθητο. London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Κυριαζή, Ν.“squeezed”. (2000). Η κοινωνιολογική έρευνα. Αθήνα: London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereΕλληνικά and thusΓράμματα. old residents are being indirectly ΜαλικιώσηΛοίζου, Μ. (2001). Η Συμβουλευτική Ψυχολογία στην Εκπαίδευση. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth Από την θεωρία στην πράξη. Αθήνα: Ελληνικά Γράμματα. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Μάρκου, Γ. (1998) Προσεγγίσεις της Πολυπολιτισμικότητας καιmajor η GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Διαπολιτισμική Εκπαίδευση – Επιμόρφωση των Μαθητών. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο εθνικής cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has severalΕπιμόρφωσης. scholars and for its more παιδείας καιthen, θρησκευμάτων, Γενική Γραμματεία Λαϊκής Since the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from Mertens, D. (2009). Έρευνα καιbeing αξιολόγηση στην εκπαίδευση και τηνthe ψυχολογία. comprehensive approach are summarized below, from various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο. interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In aΠαπαστυλιανου, sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, a trendσυμβουλευτική of a new of social groups Ν. (2003)isΔιαπολιτισμική και Δεοντολογία. Στο to “return” to the city, leaving theΠροσανατολισμού purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Εθνικό Κέντρο Επαγγελματικού (Επιμ.), Ημερίδα Διαπολιτισμική and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, Συμβουλευτική, 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2003. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις where ΕΚΕΠ. work place is, lack of the The termat comes from Sociologist GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense1.of safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, for Παπαχρήστος, Κ. (2007). ΗRuth Εμφυλη Διάσταση της search Διαπολιτισμικής Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: ΣυμβουλευτικήςΑνιχνεύοντας Πτυχές Της /Του Διαπολιτισμικού Συμβούλου (Επιμ.), services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for 0 Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Με θέμα «Σχολείο Ίσο για Παιδιά Άνισα», 4-6 Μαΐου 2007. 4studies lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.where and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, Αθήνα. in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University College of London, where she continued her socialεπιστήμη. research. brokers Her public action and Πυργιωτάκης Ι. Εισαγωγή στην παιδαγωγική Αθήνα, Ελληνικά long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Γράμματα, 2000. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Σαμπάνη Σ. – Μαρκαντωνάτου Α. Διαπολιτισμικότητα: διδακτικές προσεγγίσεις G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually στο δημοτικό σχολείο. Αθήνα, Ταξιδευτής, 2006. 136 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense1.ofThe safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
137 2521 11
GOVERNMENT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT * By Mr. George-Sp. Tριµηνιαία Eπιστηµ�νική Έκδ�σηC. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvardscientifique University,trimestrielle Graduate School of Design, Student, Edition Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS QuartelyBy scientific review Architect Student of the School of Architecture * Έτος ιρδύσεως έκδοσης1995 Α΄ τεύχους μ.Χ. University of Crete Technical Έτ�ςκαι ιδρύσεως µ.X. 1995 * 1. Introductory approach: Defining concept 97 2019 Numb.the Tεύ��ς / Numéro / Issue 68 // 2012 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Απρίλι�ς, Μάϊ�ς, Ι�ύνι�ς 2012 Ιούλιος, Αύγουστος, Σεπτέμβριος(444 2019BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, *he established(444 a great the Kωδικ�ς: 014297 among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with the*indefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban / Propriétaire / Owner Based, therefore, on Iδι�κτήτης this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification
1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various KENTPO EΠIMOPΦΩΣHΣ MEΛETΩN EPEYNAΣ KAI ANAΠTY�HΣ Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually and theremoval placement Aστική of µη low-income κερδ�σκ�πική Eταιρεία ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever otherDE consequences has, results alsoDE rising of land prices (and theof CENTRE FORMATION DES ETUDES RECHERCHE ET DU whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the DEVELOPPEMENT potential relative Société sans potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is foundcivile at first inbut thelucratif UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor CENTER OFtrend EDUCATION RESEARCH the then observed of wealthy people toAND buy DEVELOPMENT property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stayCivil themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof not lucrative Association London, upgrade them, stay themselves*sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectlyYπεύθυν�ς “squeezed”. κατά τ�ν ν�µ�, Eκδ�τηςin /Editeur/Editor A description of this phenomenon is included the work of Sociologist Ruth A description of this phenomenon isAΘANAΣOΠOYΛOΣ included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth Kαθηγητής Kωνστ. ΓE. GLASS at the same period, while similar situations in other major Prof. Const. GE. ATHANASSOPOULOS GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. * cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Eπιστηµ�νικ�ς Yπεύθυν�ς: Kαθηγητής Kωνστ. ΓE. AΘANAΣOΠOYΛOΣ Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from Responsable Scientifique: Professeur Const. GE. ATHANASSOPOULOS comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations ofResponsible: the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: Scientific Professor Const. GE. ATHANASSOPOULOS interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: *a trend of a new In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, of social groups Σύµ��υλ�ς Έκδ�σης to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money EΛΛHNIKO KENTPO AΠOKENTPΩΣHΣ, and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack of the TOΠIKHΣ AYTO∆IOIKHΣHΣ KAI ΠEPIΦEPEIAKHΣ ANAΠTY�HΣ 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributedConseiller residencies outside town centres, d’ édition Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) CENTER HELLENIQUE DEGermany DECENTRALISATION, Youth Unemployment. The same year she left and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where D’ ADMINISTRATION LOCALE ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT REGIONAL studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and Edition Counsellor University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying HELLENIC CENTER FOR LOCALDICTIONARY. her work are characterized by a passion forDECENTRALIZATION, justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in GOVERNMENT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
∆ιευθύνεται υπ� Συντακτικής Eπιτρ�πής εκ Kαθηγητών Πανεπιστηµί�υ και Eιδικών Eπιστηµ�νων. Σύστηµα Kριτών. Dirigée par Comité de rédaction de Professeurs d’ Université et de Scientifiques Spécialisés Directed by Edition Board of University Professors and Specialized Scientists System of external evaluators * Tιµή τεύ��υς: 9 f Συνδρ�µές ετήσιες: Φιλίας: 300 ∆ηµ�σίων By Mr. George-Sp. C.fATHANASOPOULOS Yπηρεσιών, N.Π.∆. και I.∆., ∆ήµων, N�µαρ�ιακών Aυτ�δι�ικήσεων,Tραπε�ών, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Eταιρειών: 150 f Iδιωτών: 30 f Φ�ιτητών: 25 15 f By Mr.US George-Sp. Architect E�ωτερικ�ύ: $ 100, 100 €C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Student of the School of Architecture Prix: 9 f Abonnements: Prix d’ ami: 300 f Services Publics, Personnes Morales de Technical University of Crete Droit Public ou Privé, Communes, Administrations Départementales, Banques, Sociétés: 150 f Individuels: 30 f Etudiants: 25 15 f 1. Introductory approach: Defining Etranger:the USconcept $ 100, 100 € 1. Introductory approach: the concept Price: 9 f Subscriptions: Friendship: 300 f (444 PublicBC Services, ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), Legal Persons of Public orancient Private Law, Communities, Prefecture Administrations, ANTISTHENIS, the Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the Banks, Societies: 150 f Individuals: 30 f among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great “principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. 25 f Abroad: US $ 100, 100 € Students: 15 acquisition of knowledge starts with the*indefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term Υπεύθυνος Τυπογραφείου 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term Yπεύθυν�ς Tυπ�γρα�εί�υ gentrification) is area of Planning) (or gentrification ΕΚΤΥΠΩΣΕΙΣ ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ 1 EI∆IKH EK∆OTIKH A.E.E.B.E. gentrification (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Μάρνη 25, Πλ. Βάθης, Αθήνα, Xαλκ�κ�νδύλη 35,Tηλε�. Kέντρ�: (210) 5242177, (210) 5226641, FAX: (210) 5232409 Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various τηλ.: 210.5234559, φαξ: 2105203633, email: theogi@otenet.gr ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, *etc. However ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, “change”,there regardless of Tα δηµ�σιευ�µενα κείµενα απη��ύν τις απ�ψεις των Συντακτών τ�υς the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof καιother δεν δεσµεύ�υν την EΠIΘ. AYT. KAI ΠEP. AN. (and the whatever consequences has,AΠOK.,TOΠ. results also rising of land prices potential relative speculation). * potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to Oι αναγγελίες εντ�ς πλαισί�υ των νέων εκδ�σεων απ�τελ�ύν πρ�σ��ρά The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early�ιλική 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor τ�υ Eπιστηµ�νικ�ύ Yπευθύν�υ τ�υ Περι�δικ�ύ πρ�ς τ�υς Συγγρα�είς τ�υς the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves*sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. Bάσει τ�υ N. 2121/1993 και των σ�ετικών καν�νων τ�υ ∆ιεθν�ύς ∆ικαί�υ απαbeing indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work ofµεSociologist Ruth γ�ρεύεται η αναδηµ�σίευση ή η αναπαραγωγή (�λική ή µερική) �π�ι�ν δήπ�τε A description ofδήπ�τε this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, whileτων similar in other major τρ�π� και µε �π�ι� µέσ� κειµένων τ�υ παρ�ντ�ς, �ωρίς πρ�ηγ�ύµενη GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major έγγρα�η άδεια τ�υ εκδ�τ�υ. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Toute reproduction un extrait quelconque de scholars cette Revue, cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issued’has several andpar forquelque its more procédé que ce soit, et notamment par photocopie ou microfilm, est strictement Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the interdite. comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations ofthe thematerial phenomenon of gentrification, the following:and may not The whole of appearing in this Review is a copyright be interpretations of theorphenomenon gentrification, following: In a sense,in the phenomenon is dueof tothe a trend of a new category reproduced whole in part without permission ofthe the Editor. of social groups to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus * for several reasons: high costs in money / Address and time to travel from the∆ιεύθυνση purlieus to/ Adresse downtown, where work place is, lack of the Ίµ�ρ�υ 6, 11257 Aθήναι, τηλ.: (210) 8647120, fax:centres, (210) 8658868 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town search GR 11257, ATHENES / ATHENS, teleph.: (210) 8647120, Berlin,IMVROY where she 6, made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year left 8658868 Germany and after continuous movements for fax:she (210) lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, * in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and http : // library.panteion.gr/pandemos • Eλληνικά περι�δικά University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying * her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCo depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd.1106-91-71 London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: ISSN G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, Types of intervention, Concerns of Gentrification ΤΕΥΧΟΣ Ν. 97/2019/ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ/SOMMAIRE/CONTENTS Concerns Σελ./P.
-Κωνστ. ΓΕ. ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ / By Const. GE. ATHANASOPOULOS: Τοις Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Εντευξομένοις, Ή Περί Harvard της αρχής της διαφάνειας στηνof Design, δράση Student, της University, Graduate School By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect 3 Δημόσιας Διοίκησης και το Πρόγραμμα ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ…………………………………… of theCeremony………. School of Architecture 9 - Neapolis University Paphos celebrated its 7thStudent Graduation Technical University of Crete -Ελ. ΚΑΒΒΑΔΙΑ: Το Ειδικό Καθεστώς Οικονομικών Δραστηριοτήτων του Ελληνικού Κράτους και Ελλήνων Υπηκόων σε Χώρες των Βαλκανίων: 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Θεωρητικές Προσεγγίσεις και Εμπειρικοί Προσανατολισμοί……………………. 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), 10 ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, -International Relations and Diplomacy…………………………………………………... 16 ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the -Μαρ. Θ. ΤΡΟΥΠΗ: «Απόβαση» Νέων Ελλήνων και Κυπρίων Επιστημόνων among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the και Φοιτητών έδρα της Ε.Ε.with στιςthe Βρυξέλλες……………………………………... 19 acquisition of στην knowledge starts the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term - Σόλ. ΞΕΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Arte Povera και Τοπία……………………………………………. 25 1 Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term (and urban gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 -Γεωρ. ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜ: Δορυφορικά Συστήματα Προσδιορισμού Θέσης και gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various Συλλογής Επίγειας Πληροφορίας……………………………………………………………. Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, 28 -Παρ.-Γρηγ. ΣΜΙΓΑΔΗΣ: «Αμαρτία» Ηθικό παράπτωμα, παράβαση των ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”, regardless of νόμων του Θεού, περιφρόνηση και καταπάτηση των εντολών Του………….. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof34 -Μ.-Σπ. ΔΕΛΗΘΕΟΣ: Πολυφαρμακία: προσεγγίσεις, whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, Λυσιτελείς results alsoθεωρητικές rising of land prices (and the potential relative αλυσιτελής πρακτικές…………………………………………………………………………….. potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to 41 -Fr. M. D. MANTI: New of perspectives forinOuter Space’s initareas the The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first the UK in earlysecurity 1960s and refersofto the then observed trend to buy property in poor European Union……………………………………………………………………………………... the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof46 London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes thereκαι andΕκκλησιαστική thus old residents are -Αρχιμανδρίτης Ειρ. ΛΑΦΤΣΗΣ: Κοινωνική Πολιτική being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. Φιλανθρωπία. Ιστορική αναδρομή καιisαίτια……………………………………………. A description of this phenomenon included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 53 A description of this phenomenon is included the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth -Στ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ: ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ: Η ηθική της in επικοινωνίας κατά τον GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major Habermas 63 cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other -Γ. ΓΕΩΡΓΗΣ: Ταξιδεύουμε σε Researchers. θάλασσες επικίνδυνες. Ο Γιώργος Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Since then, issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more70 ΘΕΟΤΟΚΑΣ και ηthe Κύπρος………………………………………………………………………... comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various74 -Ναπ. ΜΑΡΑΒΕΓΙΑΣ: βαρβάρους………………………………………………....... interpretations of the Χωρίς phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the EIB: phenomenon thecategory following: InM.a D. sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, aor trend of a new of social groups 77 -Fr. MANTI: The technocratic political?.............................................. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus forΜελετών……………………………….. several reasons: high costs in money 78 -Αντ. ΜΑΝΙΤΑΚΗΣ: Τελετή επίδοση Τόμου and toATHANASOPOULOS: travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place of the -G. -time Sp. C. Design and Construction: The roleis,oflack new 1.of The term from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in80 sense safety atcomes the distributed residencies outside town centres, technologies ………………………….………………………………………………………………. Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of the city”,movements (possibly) -Νικ. ΟιTheιδιαιτερότητες Κυπριακού Συντάγματος. Ο for Youth ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ: Unemployment. same year she leftτου Germany and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. προληπτικός έλεγχος της συνταγματικότητας των νόμων……………………….. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back to London, where84 in According 1943 Π. sheΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ: published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and -Ανδρ. Γεωπολιτική και Γεωστρατηγική Ανατομία University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying της Μεσογείου οι Επιπτώσεις Γεωπολιτικής her Ανατολικής work are characterized by a και passion for justice. Seeμιας also:Μεγάλης COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 91 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Δίνης σε Κύπρο και Ελλάδα…………………………………………………………………….. Gentrification: G.ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, ALEXANDRI: Abstract. http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a-Πανεπιστήμιο variety of ways, in order Πάφος………………………………………………………….. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually 94
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of the School of Architecture Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with of the content concepts. the acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, fromthere this, of (inartists, various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income andthe theremoval placement ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever otherspeculation). consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor -Κέντρο Έρευνας Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης «Ιερώνυμος Δ. ΠΙΝΤΟΣ και the then observed trend wealthy people to buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves sometimes there and thus old residents areof96 Αναστασία Ιερ. ΠΙΝΤΟΥ»………………………………………………………………………... London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. -Δημοτικά Τραγούδια ΣΟΦΑΔΩΝ……………………………………………... being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of thisΠεριοχής phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth 97 -Δημ. Νικ. ΝΕΓΚΑΚΗΣ: Πρόγραμμα «ΚΛΕΙΣΘΕΝΗΣ Ι».recorded Οι μεταβολές που A description of this phenomenon is situations included inwere the work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same period, while similar in other major επιφέρει στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση Α΄ βαθμού………………………………………. 98 GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. -Χρυσ. ΤΣΑΓΚΑΡΗ: Δημόσιες Σχέσεις: Σύγχρονες πρακτικές……………………. 103 Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more -ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΟ……………………………………………………………………………… 106 comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various -Αθ. ΔΟΥΣΗΣ: Ηofαποκωδικοποίηση Μύθου του the Τυφωέως…………………. 107 interpretations the phenomenon ofτου gentrification, following: interpretations the phenomenon of the following: -Αγγ. ΤΣΑΚΛΑΓΚΑΝΟΣ, Παρ.is due ΤΣΑΚΛΑΓΚΑΝΟΥ: Βασικές αρχές In a sense, theof phenomenon togentrification, a trend of a new category of socialτου groups Marketing……………………………………………………………………………………………… to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money109 -El. Methods means of increasing theplace efficiency and ZACHARIOUDAKIS: time to travel from the purlieusand to downtown, where work is, lackof of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born 110 in user identification distributed systems. -outside The manuscript…………………….. sense of safety at theofdistributed residencies town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: -Στ. ΜΑΛΩΪΝΑ, ΧΑΤΖΗΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ, Νικ.“atΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ: services of health, Λ. education, entertainment the heart of Διαπολιτισμική the city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access markets, etc.where συμβουλευτική: Συμβουλευτικές παρεμβάσεις για την καταπολέμηση του studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came to back to London, in According 1943 sheστο published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the toσχολείο…………………………………………………………………………... another approach, the is due a systematic and ρατσισμού 130 University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying -ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ ο Θεσσαλός……………………………………………………………………….. 137 her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in138 -Εκδότης, Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος…………………………………………………….... 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Gentrification: G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a-Περιεχόμενα………………………………………………………….…………………………….... variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually140
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