GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Το Βήμα των Φοιτητών
Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση: Σύγχρονοι προβληματισμοί
By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, ByΤης Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect κυρίας Χρυσάνθης ΤΣΑΓΚΑΡΗ Student of the School of Architecture Φοιτ. Νομικής Σχολής Πανεπ. ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ, Πάφος Technical University of Crete
1. Introductory approach: Defining the της concept Η οργανωτική αναδιάρθρωση Τοπικής Aυτοδιοίκησης της 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept (444 BC - 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek Ελλάδας συνιστά αναμφίβολα ένα philosopher, ώριμο θεσμικό αίτημα με πληθώρα ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established a great the παραμέτρων και προεκτάσεων. Πρώτα – πρώτα, η αναδιάρθρωση αυτή among other wise heritage he leftthe us,definition he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge starts with of the content concepts. αποτελεί προϋπόθεση και ταυτόχρονα θεμέλιο, πάνω στο οποίο θα acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, the term επιχειρηθούν δραστικές μεταβολές στη δομή και τη λειτουργία 1 (and Based, therefore, on this “principle” is in a first, if (in not final, approach, the της term urban gentrification) indicated the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, κάτι που έχει καταστεί αναγκαίο εδώ και gentrification (and urban gentrification) indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various χρόνια, προκειμένου να ανταποκριθεί λυσιτελώς στις ραγδαίες Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ways), of και social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, εξελίξεις στην ταχύτατη ανάπτυξη νέων τεχνολογιών. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc.των However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the Σε δεύτερο επίπεδο, η αναδιάρθρωση βρίσκεται στο επίκεντρο whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). μιας εκτεταμένης αναδιάταξης του εθνικού κράτους, το οποίο οφείλει potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to να ανανεώνει από καιρούfound εις καιρόν θεσμικό οπλοστάσιο και τη The term gentrification atpeople first inτο the UK in early 1960s and itareas refers the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor ofto διοικητική του ευελιξία, προκειμένου να μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει τις the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof προκλήσεις αλλά και stay τους νέους κινδύνους που προκύπτουν από τα London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. πρόσφατα διεθνή δεδομένα, χαλιναγωγούμενα από το φαινόμενο της A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other «μονοδιάστατα οικονομικής παγκοσμιοποίησης» και από major τις GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. αλλεπάλληλες «επιθέσεις» υπερεθνικών θεσμών και διαδικασιών. Για cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since has several scholars and for its more αυτό τοthen, λόγοthe καιissue η αναδιάρθρωση της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, όχι Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from μόνο δεν νοείται να αντιμετωπισθεί με αποσπασματικό και comprehensive approach are being summarized from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, thebelow, following: αποκομμένο τρόπο από τον γενικό προβληματισμό για τον ολικό interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups μετασχηματισμό της εν γένει Διοικητικής Λειτουργίας, αλλά to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money καθίσταται απολύτως ανάγκη να εξεταστεί μέσα απόofένα and time to travel from theεπιτακτική purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack the πιο εξειδικευμένο πλαίσιο, και αυτό επειδή με μια πιο προσεκτική 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in sense of safety at the distributed residencies outside town centres, search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: αποκέντρωση αρμοδιοτήτων σε Οργανισμούς Τοπικής services of health, education, entertainment “at the heart of theΑυτοδιοίκησης city”, (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc.της με αναβαθμισμένο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό με έμφαση στις studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she came back toαρχές London, where in 1943 she published studies regarding city planning. In 1950 she became teacher in the According to another approach, the phenomenon is due to a systematic and εγγύτητας προς τους Πολίτες και στην διασφάλιση λήψεως University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying αποφάσεων μέσα απόbyδιακριτικές διαδικασίες, θα αποτελέσει μια από her work are characterized a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND LondonΚράτους, 2009. WIKIPEDIA: Free Encyclopedia: τις πιο σημαντικές άμυνες του Ltd. εθνικού έναντιThe στην προϊούσα G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
συρρίκνωση της εθνικής κυριαρχίας .
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GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
Είναι αδιαμφισβήτητο, στη βάση των προαναφερθέντων, ότι η εν λόγω οργανωτική αναδιάρθρωση της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, θα περιλαμβάνει τρία καίρια και πολυσήμαντα σκέλη. Πρώτον, την αναβάθμιση του πρώτου βαθμού με τη δημιουργία λιγότερων και ισχυρότερων οργανισμών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, η συγκρότηση των οποίων θα στηριχθεί πάνω σε ασφαλή και όχι By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ριψοκίνδυνα κριτήρια. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, Δεύτερον, την αναδιάταξηByτου δευτέρου C. βαθμού σε επίπεδο Mr. George-Sp. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect Student of theτου Schoolχάρτη of Architecture Περιφέρειας με ενδεχόμενο επανασχεδιασμό των Technical University of Crete υφιστάμενων Περιφερειών. Τρίτον, τηνapproach: κατασκευή αυτοδιοικητικών 1. Introductory Defining the concept θεσμών μητροπολιτικού 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept χαρακτήρα για τα πολεοδομικά συγκροτήματα αναζήτηση ANTISTHENIS, theδυο ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC - και 370 BC, Athens), ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, (444 BC 370 BC, Athens), αναλόγων αυτοδιοικητικής την“principle”: εύρεση λύσης among otherμορφών wise heritage he left us, heοργάνωσης established για a great the among other wiseτων heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: acquisition of knowledge startshe with definition of the content concepts. the στα προβλήματα νησιωτικών περιοχών. acquisition of knowledge starts with theindefinition the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” a first, if of not final, approach, theπρος term Το ελληνικό Σύνταγμά περικλείει αρκετές πρωτοτυπίες ως 1 (and urban Based, therefore, on this “principle” is inindicated a first, if (in notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) area of Planning) (or gentrification την διευθέτηση ζητημάτων τηςindicated Τοπικής(inΑυτοδιοίκησης, που 1 (andτων gentrification urban gentrification) thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a cityisarea, the removal (in various επιτρέπουν μια ριζική αναδιοργάνωση του δευτέρου βαθμού. Τα Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, καίρια, ωστόσο, σημεία του νέου συνταγματικού πλαισίου, με ιδιαίτερη ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and thethis placement of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However “change”,there regardless of the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless σημασία συνοψίζονται στα εξής τρία: Το αρχικό αφορά στον αυστηρό whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof whatever other consequences has, results also rising land prices the καθορισμό δυοspeculation). αυτοδιοικητικών βαθμών, το of δεύτερο την(and ρητή potential relative potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK τους in early and it refersτις to περιγραφή των αρμοδιοτήτων και του έργου και1960s το τελευταίο The term gentrification iswealthy found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto the then observed trend of to buy property in poor ρυθμίσεις, που θα αφορούν τα οικονομικά θέματα της αυτοδιοίκησης. the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof Σύμφωνα με τοstay ισχύον ελληνικό Σύνταγμα των London, upgrade them, themselves sometimes there and«η thusδιοίκηση old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. τοπικών υποθέσεων ανήκει στους Οργανισμούς Τοπικής being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work102 of Sociologist Ruth Αυτοδιοίκησης πρώτου και δευτέρου βαθμού» [άρθρο παρ. 1Σ]. Με GLASS at the same while similar in other major GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major τη λιτή αυτή countries, διατύπωση επέρχονται δυο σημαντικές αλλαγές στην cities in Western by other Researchers. cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied otherτην Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and forτοπικών its more προϊσχύσασα ρύθμιση κατά οποία «η διοίκηση των Since then, the issue has preoccupied several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach are being summarized from υποθέσεων ανήκει στους Οργανισμούς Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, των comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: οποίων την πρώτη βαθμίδα αποτελούν οι Δήμοι και οι Κοινότητες. Οι interpretations the phenomenon thecategory following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is dueof togentrification, a trend of a new of social groups λοιπές βαθμίδες ορίζονται με νόμο. to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money Οι to μεταβολές θα επέλθουν θα είναι οι work ακόλουθες: Πρώτον, and time travel fromπου the purlieus to downtown, where place is, lack of the 1. The term comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS wasbetter born in κατοχυρώνονται συνταγματικά δυο outside βαθμοίtown Τοπικής sense of safety at the distributed residencies centres,Αυτοδιοίκησης search for Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at the αναφορά heart of theσε city”, (possibly) χωρίς να πραγματοποιείται ρητή και σαφή Δήμους και Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New York she cameδεσμευτική back to London, where Περιφέρειες. Δεύτερον, η κατοχύρωση αυτή είναι και in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to Ο another approach, the isέχει due a systematic and περιοριστική. κοινός Νομοθέτης πλέον δεν το δικαίωμα να University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying προσθέσει και άλλο byβαθμό Αυτοδιοίκησης. Η λύση αυτή, her work are characterized a passionΤοπικής for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: βέβαια, ανταποκρίνεται άριστα στη λογική ενός συνταγματικού G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually πλαισίου ανοικτού μεν, στις εξελίξεις, αλλά και παράλληλα 165 2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Concerns
αποτρεπτικού προς τα ριψοκίνδυνα και απρόσφορα μελλοντικά πειράματα. Αξιοπρόσεκτη πρωτοβουλία του αναθεωρητικού νομοθέτη θα αποτελέσει και η προσπάθεια περαιτέρω αποσαφήνισης των αρμοδιοτήτων των Οργανισμών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης. Με τη νέα διατύπωση του άρθρου 102 παρ. 1Σ «Υπέρ των Οργανισμών Τοπικής By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS Αυτοδιοίκησης συντρέχει τεκμήριο αρμοδιότητας για τη διοίκηση των Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, τοπικών υποθέσεων». ΠρόσφατηByδιάταξη του νόμου εναρμονίζεται με Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS Architect τον Ευρωπαϊκό Χάρτη Τοπικής Αυτονομίας και of μπορεί να αξιολογηθεί Student the School of Architecture και ως επιτυχής ως προς τη γενική κατεύθυνση,Technical διότι η University συνταγματική of Crete καθιέρωση ενός τεκμηρίου αρμοδιότητας υπέρ των Οργανισμών 1. Introductory approach: Defining the concept Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης γιαDefining τη διεκπεραίωση τοπικών υποθέσεων, 1. Introductory approach: the conceptτων ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greekεξέλιξη. philosopher, (444 BC -η370 BC, Athens), αποτελεί αναμφισβήτητα θετική Ειδικότερα, ρύθμιση αυτή ANTISTHENIS, the ancient Greek philosopher, BC -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wise heritage he left us, he established(444 a great the στοχεύει στην των αρμοδιοτήτων τωνof“principle”: Οργανισμών among other wiseοριοθέτηση heritage left us,definition he established a great acquisition of knowledge startshe with the of the content concepts. the Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης και στη συνακόλουθη αποφυγή του acquisition of knowledge starts with the the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” indefinition a first, if of not final, approach, the term 1 φαινομένου της νοσφισής κεντρική εξουσία, Based, therefore, on this “principle” inindicated aτους first, από if (in notτην final, approach, the term (andεπιλεκτικής urban gentrification) is the area of Planning) (or gentrification 1 (and urban gentrification) is indicated (in the area of Planning) (or gentrification κάτι πουas well), συνιστά δημοκρατική επιβεβαίωση, τόσο τους Sociology as theμια “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, για (in various Sociology as well), asθεσμούς the “refining” of a city fromthere this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually low-income andthe theremoval placement artists, αυτοδιοικητικούς ,of όσο και γιαarea, την ίδια την έννοια της of τοπικής ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless of αυτονομίας. the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and theof Σε ένα δεύτερο επίπεδο, has, εξαιρετικά σημαντικές την προοπτική whatever other consequences results also rising ofγια land prices (and the potential relative speculation). της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης στη χώρα μας, είναι οι ρυθμίσεις που potential relative speculation). The term gentrification is found at first in the UK in early 1960s and it refers to αφορούν στα οικονομικά της. Πυρήνας των ρυθμίσεων αυτών είναι ηto The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersof the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor the then observed trend of wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas ρητή κατοχύρωση της αυτοτέλειας, πουthus εξειδικεύεται αφ London, upgrade them, stayοικονομικής themselves and old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are ενός με την διασφάλιση πόρων από τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό και being indirectly “squeezed”. being indirectly “squeezed”. description of this phenomenon is included in Εξέχουσα the work ofκαινοτομία Sociologist Ruth αφ’Aετέρου με την καθιέρωση ίδιων πόρων. για description ofperiod, this phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same similar other major την Aπραγμάτωση της while οικονομικής αυτοτέλειας των in Οργανισμών GLASS at the same period, similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, bywhile other Researchers. Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, αποτελεί η υιοθέτηση αυστηρότερων cities in Western countries, by other Researchers. Since then, the issue has preoccupied several scholars and for its more επιταγών ως προς την υποχρέωση των several αρμοδίων κρατικών οργάνων. Since then, the issue has scholars andthe for its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized below, from various Έτσι η προϊσχύουσα χαλαρά δεσμευτική διάταξη έχει ήδη comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: αντικατασταθεί με σαφώς πιο και αυστηρή, κατά την interpretations theμια phenomenon of gentrification, the following: In a sense, theof phenomenon is due toεξειδικευμένη a trend of a new category of social groups οποία «το Κράτος λαμβάνει τα νομοθετικά, κανονιστικά και to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money δημοσιονομικά μέτρα που απαιτούνται για την and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where workδιασφάλιση place is, lack ofτης the 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth GLASS for was born sense safety the distributed outside town centres, search οικονομικής αυτοτέλειας καιresidencies των πόρων, που είναι αναγκαίοι γιαbetter τηνin Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she published an important study entitled: services of health, entertainment “at the heart the city”,movements (possibly) εκπλήρωση της education, αποστολής τηνGermany άσκηση τωνof αρμοδιοτήτων μεfor Youth Unemployment. The same yearκαι she left and after continuous lower living cost of, “withdrawal” from private car easier access to markets, etc. studies and research in Geneva, Prague, London and New κατά York sheτην came διαχείριση back to London, where ταυτόχρονη διασφάλιση της διαφάνειας των in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and πόρων αυτών». αυτόν τονshe τρόπο καθίσταται σαφές, ότι η δέσμευση University College ofΜε London, where continued her social research. Her public and long-term informal effort by organized groups, manufacturers, brokers ofaction buying her work are characterized by a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. των αρμοδίων Κρατικών Οργάνων, τα οποία προσδιορίζονται εμμέσως, and selling realCOLLINS estate, etc., for theCodepreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. SONS AND Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: πλην σαφώς, από τη διάταξη είναι προδήλως επιτακτικότερη. G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
2521 11
GENTRIFICATION Definition, Types of Intervention, Definition, of intervention, ConcernsTypes of Gentrification Η διοικητική μεταρρύθμιση που θα εφαρμοσθεί στους Οργανισμούς Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης πρώτου και δευτέρου βαθμού θα Concerns
πρέπει να έχει ως κύριο σκοπό το επιτελικό Κράτος και την πολυεπίπεδη διακυβέρνηση και να περιλαμβάνει την περαιτέρω By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASOPOULOS ενίσχυση της οικονομικής ανεξαρτησίας και της λειτουργικής Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Student, αυτοτέλειας των Οργανισμών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης σύμφωναArchitect πάντα By Mr. George-Sp. C. ATHANASSOPOULOS School of Architecture με τις συνταγματικές επιταγές. Σε Student δεύτεροof the στάδιο, πρέπει να Technical University of Crete επιδιωχθεί η αποκέντρωση με βάση τις αρχές της εγγύτητας, της επικουρικότητας και της Defining αποτελεσματικότητας των Υπηρεσιών των 1. Introductory approach: the concept Οργανισμών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης κατά των 1. Introductory approach: the concept (444 BC αναλογία ANTISTHENIS, the ancientDefining Greek philosopher, - 370 BC, Athens), προδιαγραφών Κρατών - Greek Μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής ANTISTHENIS, the ancient philosopher, (444 BCΈνωσης. -“principle”: 370 BC, Athens), among other wiseτων heritage he left us, he established a great the among other wise heritage leftthe us, he established a greatof“principle”: the acquisition of knowledge startshe with definition of the content concepts. Συνοπτικώς, οι Οργανισμοί Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης πρώτου και acquisition of knowledge starts with the definition of the content of concepts. Based, therefore, on this “principle” in a first, if not final, approach, the term δευτέρου βαθμού συνιστούν νομικές οντότητες, οι οποίες αποτελούν 1 (and urban therefore, on this “principle” inindicated a first, ifτου notthe final, approach, the term gentrification) is (in area of Planning) (or gentrification την Based, μικρογραφία τοπικών υποθέσεων κράτους. Η εύρυθμη 1 (and των gentrification urban gentrification) isarea, indicated (in thefrom areathis, of Planning) (or Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city the removal (in various λειτουργία και η απόδοσή τους εξαρτάται από τη συνισταμένη Sociology as well), as the “refining” of a city area, the removal from this, (in various ways), of social groups, usually of low-income and the placement there of artists, ποικίλων παραγόντων καθοριστικών για and τηνthe ομαλή διάρθρωσήof τους. ways), of social groups, usually of low-income placement artists, the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”,there regardless of Γι αυτό το λόγο και η εμπεριστατωμένη οργάνωση, μαζί με τηof the operation of art galleries, restaurants, etc. However this “change”, regardless whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the σύμπραξη εναλλακτικών διαδικασιών διευκολύνει το βεβαρυμμένο whatever other consequences has, results also rising of land prices (and the potential relative speculation). potential relative speculation). έργο αποφέροντας τεράστια τη 1960s διευθέτηση των Theτους, term gentrification is found at first inοφέλη the UKαπό in early and it refers to The term gentrification found atpeople first in the UK in early 1960s and itareas refersofto τοπικών υποθέσεων. the then observed trend ofiswealthy to buy property in poor
the then observed trend wealthy sometimes people to there buy property in poor areas London, upgrade them, stay of themselves and thus old residents areof London, upgrade them, stay themselves sometimes there and thus old residents are being indirectly “squeezed”. ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ being indirectly “squeezed”. A description of this phenomenon is included in the work of Sociologist Ruth A description ofperiod, thisΓΕ phenomenon is situations included inwere the recorded work of Sociologist Ruth GLASS at the same while similar in other major Κωνσταντίνος ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Διοικητικό Δίκαιο, Νέα GLASS at the same period, while similar situations were recorded in other major cities in Western countries, other Researchers. Έκδοση, Αθήναι, 2014, by Κέντρο Επιμόρφωσης, Μελετών, Έρευνας και cities in Western countries, bypreoccupied other Researchers. Since then, the issue has several scholars and for its more Ανάπτυξης (ΚΕΜΕΑ) Since then, the issue has several below, scholars andthe for various its more comprehensive approach arepreoccupied being summarized from Κωνσταντίνος ΓΕ ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Περιφερειακή και Τοπική comprehensive approach are being summarized below, from the various interpretations of the phenomenon of gentrification, the following: interpretations the phenomenon the following: Αυτοδιοίκηση: Ελλάδα – isΆλλα Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, In a sense, theof phenomenon dueof togentrification, aκράτη trend ofτης a new category of social groups Εκδόσεις ΚΕΜΕΑ to “return” to the city, leaving the purlieus for several reasons: high costs in money and time to travel from the purlieus to downtown, where work place is, lack ofκαι the Επιθεώρηση Αποκέντρωσης Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης 1.of The termat comes from Sociologist Ruth GLASS, 1912-1940. Ruth search GLASS for wasbetter born in sense safety the distributed residencies outside town centres, Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης, Έτος πρώτης έκδοσης 1995 Berlin, where she made her first studies. In 1932 she entitled: services of health, education, entertainment “at published the heartan ofimportant the city”,study (possibly) Youth Unemployment. The same year she left Germany and after continuous movements for Ι. Ράλλης, Το Κανονιστικό Πλαίσιο των Δημοτικών Επιχειρήσεων, lower living cost of, in “withdrawal” from private access markets, etc.where studies and research Geneva, Prague, London and car Neweasier York she came to back to London, Έκδοση 2009 in According 1943 she published studies regarding cityphenomenon planning. In 1950 sheto became teacher in the to another approach, the is due a systematic and University informal College of London, where she continued her social research. brokers Her public action and long-term effort by organized groups, manufacturers, of buying Κ. areΣαββαϊδάς, Διοίκηση και Διαχείριση των her work characterized byΟικονομική a passion for justice. See also: COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. and selling real estate, etc., for the depreciation initially of part of the urban web, in 10th edit. Wil. COLLINS SONS AND Co Ltd. London 2009. WIKIPEDIA: The Free Encyclopedia: Οργανισμών Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης, Έκδοση 2009 G. ALEXANDRI: http://www.uncanny.net/ wetzel/gentry.htm a Gentrification: variety of ways, in order Abstract. to achieve the “assisted”, “voluntary”, (actually
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