黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
: 刘丽红
: 吴幕乡
: 彭家祯
出版编号 : MB0206 出版发行 : 人人书楼出版有限公司 People's Book House Sdn Bhd (Co No 318742-K)
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: Syarikat Evergreen
出版日期 : 2013年7月份 本書如有缺頁、破損、倒装,請寄回本書樓更換 版權所有 請勿翻印 That beam of light in the dark Written by Li Hong Lieu (Sun) Translator by Mu-Shiang Wu Copyright C 2013 People's book House Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved ISBN: 978-967-5263-42-2
2 C
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
目录 Contents 4
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
十二.五公里的健行打开了一生的挑战之门 The 12.5 Km of hiking opens the door of challenges for life
信仰人生 生活信仰 Belief in life Life of faith
拥有隐形翅膀的传爱天使 A love-passing angel with invisible wings
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
「双脚不良于行、笑容却无比灿烂的刘丽红,立足广播领域近二十五年, 凭借自身努力及基督信仰扶持,不仅身兼作家、歌手、表演、编导等多重身 分,更将四十余年来与小儿麻痹奋斗的心路历程,转化为美妙歌声及空中的 温暖问候,一年超过一百五十场以上的演讲及巡回表演,刘丽红用爱与信 仰,照亮每颗流连黑暗角落的心灵,更为世界带来更光洁的正面力量,她是 阳光,她是天使,她是刘丽红。」~台湾平面媒体专访阳光-刘丽红~ “Li-Hong Lieu has been in broadcasting industry for about 24 years though she has difficulty in walking but she has a very bright smile. She not only has a multiple identities as a writer, singer, performer, editor, and director, but also transforms her experience of battle with polio for more than 40 years into beautiful voice and warm greetings in the air by her own efforts and support of Christian faith. She has more than 150 lectures and tours in a year. Li-Hong Lieu lights up many hearts in the dark corner with her love and care. She also brings more bright and positive power for the world. She is Sun. She is an angel. She is Li-Hong Lieu.” Interview of Sun, Li-Hong Lieu, in print media in Taiwan.
「哥哥!等我!等等我!我也要 去!」 跟在哥哥后面的丽红正气喘吁吁 地一格一格的往顶楼爬,只见哥哥 和隔壁邻居的小孩一溜烟地消失在 眼前,丽红心急地大叫!好不容易 地从住家三楼爬上了五楼顶,丽红 一边叫着哥哥,一边往屋顶爬了出 去。 「哎哟!好烫!好烫!」 原来只穿着短裤没有任何防护的 丽红不仅被顶楼毒辣的太阳直射, 更被恐怖火烫的石子地板烫得又哭 又喊! 「叫你照顾妹妹,你还害她的 脚被烫成这样,你看,又红又脱皮 的!去罚跪。」
看着被狠狠处罚的哥哥,丽红心 里可没一点儿高兴,绝对不是因为 她心存仁慈,而是她心想完了!哥 哥一定又会迁怒她,下次更不会带 她出去玩了!丽红从两岁开始就不 能走了,因着当时小儿麻痹症大流 行,她被判定终生不得自由行走, 她开始在地上爬,从床上到地上, 从房间到客厅,到哪里她都要用爬 的,父母为筹钱吃饭常常工作到很 晚,不得不把排行最小的丽红交给 大她没几岁的哥哥、姊姊, 「我好怕哦!哥哥姊姊去哪里 了?爸爸、妈妈为什么还不回来? 」 兄姊毕竟也还是个孩子,常因贪 玩把丽红一个人丢在家里,罹患了 小儿麻痹症这个无比折磨身心的疾
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
“Brother! Wait for me! Please wait for me! I want to go, too.”
Li-Hong Lieu was out of breath and crawled up to the attic one stair at a time behind her brother. She only saw her brother and the child next door ran quickly and disappeared before her eyes. Li-Hong Lieu yelled out impatiently! She finally crawled from her house in the third floor up to the attic in the fifth floor. LiHong Lieu crawled out of the attic while calling her brother. “Ouch! It’s so hot! It’s so hot!”
Li-Hong Lieu cried and shouted because she was not only radiated directly by the diabolic sunlight with just a short without any protection, but she felt so hot on that horrible stone floor in the attic! “Iaskyoutotakecareofyoursisterandyouletherfeetscalded like this. You see! It’s so red and peeling! Go to kneel.”
Li-Hong didn’t feel happy at all in her heart to see her brother punished so cruelly by her mother. It’s absolutely not because she was kind but she thought it’s hopeless! His brother wouldn’t take her out to play next time because he definitely would vent his anger on her! Li-Hong
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
could not walk since she was two years old, She was convicted she couldn’t walk freely for life because of big widespread polio at that time. She started crawling on the ground. She went everywhere by crawling from bed to ground, from her room to living room. Her parents had to hand their youngest Li-Hong over her brother and sister, who were only a few years older than she, because they needed to work until very late to get money for eating. “Iamsoscared!Wherearemybrotherand sister?Whyhaven’tmyDadandMomcomeback yet?”
After all her brother and sister were just kids and they usually left Li-Hong at home alone because they liked to play. Li-Hong Lieu deeply felt she was different with other children so she was shut down in her heart as long as 20 years because she was extremely tortured physi-
cally and mentally by the sickness of polio! Li-Hong Lieu built an impregnable wall between herself and other people because of her inferiority complex. She didn’t want to communicate with the guests and crawled rapidly back to her room without taking her crutches when the doorbell of her home rang. She usually talked to the wall because she felt lonely and unsociable in her heart. She swallowed every little bit of tears into her stomach because the pain in her body and mind interweaved with unstoppable tears. She forced herself to look strong outside but cried noisily if anything didn’t go her way at home because she didn’t want other people to look down upon her. “Dad!Takeoutyourlunchbox!Iwanttoeat that fish!”
Lieu-Dad never said no to Li-Hong’s demands because he felt sorry his little
病,深深感受到自己与一般孩子不 同的刘丽红,甚至自此展开了长达 二十年的心灵闭锁! 因自卑的缘故,刘丽红在自己 与他人之间,建筑了一道不可攻破 的墙,每当家中的门铃响起,拐杖 来不及拿,她便赶紧爬回自己的房 间,不愿与来客交流,更因内心寂 寞、孤僻,经常面对墙壁自言自 语,身心的疼痛交织着止不住的泪 水,一点一滴皆往肚子里吞,然又 因不想被人看轻,外表强装坚强, 在家里如有一点儿不顺她意便大肆 哭闹。 「爸爸!把便当拿出来!我要吃 那条鱼!」 因为心疼这个从小无法走路的小 女儿,刘爸爸对丽红的要求从来不
拒绝,他将昨晚太太为他包好的便 当拿出来给丽红吃,只见丽红不一 会儿就将鱼大口大口地吃得只剩一 点碎肉沾在鱼骨上,这条鱼其实只 有半面,因为家贫,好不容易饭桌 上有一整条鱼可以吃,爱面子的妈 妈一方面想让大家打打牙祭,但另 一方面她也想让爸爸带便当,让别 人看看我们家也有鱼吃,一家六口 人人都想吃,但丽红抢不过哥哥姐 姐,吃不到二、三口,妈妈规定大 家只能吃半面,另外半面鱼翻过来 假装还是一整条鱼放进爸爸的便当 里,一早等妈妈出门工作后,丽红 就大声命令爸爸拿出鱼给她吃。 「我没想到老实的爸爸中午便 当还是拿出来!当场因为那条尸骨 不全的鱼被同事取笑,笑他娶了一 个“厉害”的妻子!」
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
daughter couldn’t walk since her childhood. He took out his lunch box prepared by his wife last night and gave it to LiHong to eat. He saw Li-Hong ate that fish with her wide open mouth and there was just only a little fish left on the fish bones in just a while. This fish actually had only one side with fish because her home was poor and it’s not easy with a full fish on the dining table. On one hand her Mom was keen on face-saving so she wished everyone could have fish to eat. On the other hand she wanted the fish put inside the lunch box of her husband and let other people see their home also had fish to eat. All six people in her family wanted to eat that fish but Li-Hong couldn’t compete with her brothers and sister and her Mom ordered everyone could only eat one side of the fish after she only ate two or three bites. The other side of fish was turned over pretended as a whole fish and was put inside the
lunch box of her Dad. Li-Hong loudly ordered her Dad to take out the fish for her to eat after her Mom went to work in the morning. “Ididn’tknowmyhonestDadactuallytook outhislunchboxatnoon!Hiscolleaguesmocked himtomarrya“formidable”wifewhentheysaw that incomplete fish almost with no fish!”
Li-Hong knew things were not good when she saw her Mom came back with a livid face in the evening. Actually that fish set off a big war. Her Mom was so angry that she didn’t talk to her Dad for a few days because she was misunderstood to be a fierce wife. But her Dad was not willing to speak out who actually ate that fish all the way. “I usually describe myself as a dragon at home but a worm outside.”
Your family could endure your domi-
晚上看到一脸铁青回家的妈妈, 丽红就知道大事不妙,果然因为那 条鱼掀起了一番大战,被冤枉误会 的妈妈气得好几天不跟爸爸说话, 而爸爸却自始至终都不愿说出到底 是谁吃了那条鱼。 「我常形容当时的自己是那种在 家一条龙,出外一条虫的人。」 家人可以因为爱你而忍受你的跋 扈霸道,可是外人呢?丽红深深明 白,在外人面前她必须隐藏自己, 因此在外人面前,即便是一个小孩 子,她也不敢勇敢地抬起头来。
她,喝了酒以后总是喜欢把行动不 方便的她抱在怀里,一身酒气地和 她说一大堆人生的大道理,一说就 是二、三个小时。 「我是丽红不是丽丽!哼!要不 是我不能走,我才不要在这里听你 们这些大人说废话!你又不是我, 你怎么知道我心里的苦啊!」
「丽丽啊!来!坐在这边,舅舅 告诉你,人生啊!要懂得...」
丽红只敢在内心不平的吶喊,在 人前她却什么也不敢说!平时在家 颐指气使、耀武扬威,出了门就一 副小家碧玉、楚楚可怜的样子,她 也不知道自己怎么了?只觉得自己 心中彷佛有一盆火,想尽情燃烧却 又缺了那根燃火的火柴棒!
这是丽红小时候最讨厌的时刻, 在学校担任老师的舅舅每次看到
「丽红!来!快一点!妈妈带你 去一个地方!」
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
neering behaviors because they all loved you. But what about an outsider? LiHong knew she had to hide herself from outside people. She didn’t dare to raise her head bravely before outside people even including just a child. “Li-Li Ah! Come! Sit over here!Your uncle wantstotellyouaboutlife!Youmustunderstand….”
This was the moment she hated most in her childhood. Her uncle, a school teacher, usually liked to hold the inconvenient Li-Hong in his arms every time he saw her after he was drunk. He always talked to her about a lot of principles in life for 2 or 3 hours with an alcoholic smell all over his body. “IamLi-HongnotLi-Li!Heng!Idon’twantto sitherelisteningtoyouadultstalkingnonsense ifIcouldwalk!Howcanyouunderstandthepain in my heart because you are not me!”
Li-Hong could only shout resentfully at heart but didn’t dare to say anything before people! She was extremely bossy and showed off a lot at home but she looked delicate and pitiful like a daughter of a humble family. She didn’t know why she was acting like this? She only felt there seemed a tub of fire in her heart. She wanted to burn heartily but with no match stick to ignite it. “Li-Hong!Come!Comequickly!Momwantsto take you to a place!”
It came again! Li-Hong knew her mom wanted to take her out to see some doctors to cure her feet. She hated it a lot and she was also quite fearful. There would have a terrible injection or eat some inexplicable medicine every time! All these years Lieu-Mom always took her crippled daughter to look for a doctor everywhere if there was a chance.
又来了!每次看到妈妈兴奋地 要背她出门,丽红就知道妈妈一定 又是要带她出去找什么医生来医她 的脚,好讨厌也好害怕,每次不是 恐怖打针就是吃一大堆莫名其妙的 药!这些年,只要有机会,刘妈妈 总是带着脚残的女儿四处寻医。 这一次似乎特别远,刘妈妈背着 不怎么轻的女儿,一路换了三班公 交车,好不容易到了「振兴复健中 心」,她听说这里有外国医生可以 治疗丽红的脚,因此再怎么辛苦她 都要来!趴在妈妈背上的丽红平时 很喜欢让妈妈背,因为平时妈妈总 是要求她做这个、学那个的,只有 在这个时刻在妈妈的背上,她听着 妈妈的呼吸声,可以感受到妈妈对 她的爱,而又不用看到那张严肃的 脸。
「小姐!我求求你啦!我的女儿 真的很严重,你看她的腰都快向后 转了,她的两只脚差那么多,长短 不一,左脚板又向内翻,她只能在 地上爬,求求你让我挂号,请医生 看看我女儿啦!」 丽红不懂为什么妈妈在哭?为什 么自己不能看医生? 原来,当时小儿麻痹症大流行, 国内医疗资源不足,经验水平也不 够,因此总统夫人蒋夫人请来外国 医生为孩子治疗,然因得病的孩子 实在太多了,不得不设下门坎,以 低收入户的孩子为优先,刘爸爸虽 然只是在铁路局修理火车,但毕竟 有份正当的工作,因此,她们被拒 于门外,刘妈妈不甘心因此放弃这 一线希望,见求情无望,当下坚强 的她背了女儿就在窗户外站了一个
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
This time it seemed especially far away. It was not easy for Lieu-Mom to carry her daughter, who was not very light, on her back to “Zhen Xing Rehabilitation Center” for a three-shift bus. She heard there was a foreign doctor who could cure Li-Hong’s feet so she would like to come no matter how hard it was! Ordinarily Li-Hong liked to be carried and lie prone on her Mom’s back because her Mom always asked her to do this or to do that in her free time. Only on her Mom’s back while listening to her
Mom’s breathing without looking at her solemn face could she feel her Mom’s love for her. “Miss! I beg of you! My daughter is really quiteserious.Youcanseeherwaisthasalmost turned backward. Her two feet have a lot of differenceinlength.Herleftsolehasturned inwardly.Shecouldonlycrawlontheground. Please let me register. Please ask doctor to check on my daughter!”
Li-Hong didn’t understand why her Mom was crying? Why couldn’t she see a doctor? Actually the polio was widespread at that time and the medical treatment resources were not enough with little experience. So Mrs.Jiang, wife of former president, asked the foreign doctors to come and cure those children. But they had to set a threshold for those children with low income to have priority because there were too many such children.
下午,她看里头的外国医生怎么帮 孩子复健,她回家后就按记忆依样 画葫芦为丽红做,即使效果不彰, 刘妈妈还是认真的做,第二天她又 顶着烈日背着女儿换三班公交车再 去医院,她又站在窗户外面看,一 连去了整整一个礼拜,里头的外国 医生忍不住出来关心,当他了解情 形后他很生气的向医院抗议! 「你们没有看到这个母亲的伟 大吗?我不明白你们国家的规定, 但我看到的是这个妈妈的坚持和信 心,我不救这个孩子,还能救谁? 就在这个外国医生力保之下,刘 妈妈终于如愿地让丽红进去接受治 疗了!接着,一连串的水疗、电疗 和开刀,六岁的小丽红终于可以撑 着拐杖、穿铁鞋站起来了!
「她的身体可以站起来,可是她 的心却站不起来!」 刘妈妈说对了!丽红借着治疗 身体可以撑拐穿鞋站起来,可是当 她七岁要进入国小就读的时候,她 常常在家发脾气、摔东西,每天 临要上学就喊头痛、肚子痛,起初 父母并不明白为什么会如此,后来 才知道原来她在学校常常被顽皮的 同学笑她跛脚,自卑感作祟之下她 选择逃避,常常借口不去上课,如 果不得不去她就会要求爸爸一大早 在同学还没到校之前,先以脚踏车 载她到校,待坐定后丽红就不再站 起来,直到放学同学走光她才站起 来,常常看她一起身即急忙冲向厕 所,原来她怕同学笑她的脚,一整 天下来几乎不吃不喝,不上厕所, 憋尿让她经常坐立难安,有一次竟
黑暗中的那道光 That beam of light in the dark
Though Lieu-Dad only worked to repair train at Railroad Bureau, yet he still had a legitimate job so they were rejected. But Lieu-Mom was not willing to give up this slim hope. Though her pleading was hopeless, yet the adamant LieuMom stood outside the window for all afternoon with her daughter on her back. She looked inside to see how the doctors help children rehab and she came back home and imitated to do the same for Li-Hung according to her memory. The results were poor, yet she still did it earnestly. Next day she still carried her daughter on her back to the hospital again under scorching sun for a threeshift bus. She still stood outside looking inside. She went there continuously for a whole week. A foreign doctor couldn’t help coming out to care about it. He protested to the hospital angrily after he understood the situation!
“Don’t you see how great this Mom is? I don’tunderstandtheregulationinyourcountry. ButwhatIseeisherinsistenceandfaith.Who else can I save if I don’t save this child?”
Li-Hong was finally admitted to get inside to accept treatment as her Mom’s wish under the strong guarantee of this foreign doctor! Then 6 years old little Li-Hong finally could stand up with crutches and iron shoes after a series of water cure, electrical treatment, and operations! “She can stand up with her body, but not with her heart!”
What Lieu-Mom said was right! LiHong could stand up with crutches and iron shoes by the treatment of her body. But she usually got angry and threw things around when she was 7 years old and ready to get into elementary school