当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
: 刘丽红
: 吴幕乡
: 彭家祯
出版编号 : MB0207 出版发行 : 人人书楼出版有限公司 People's Book House Sdn Bhd (Co No 318742-K)
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: Syarikat Evergreen
出版日期 : 2013年7月份 本書如有缺頁、破損、倒装,請寄回本書樓更換 版權所有 請勿翻印 When rain is coming Written by Li Hong Lieu (Sun) Translator by Mu-Shiang Wu Copyright C 2013 People's book House Sdn. Bhd. All Rights Reserved ISBN: 978-967-5263-43-9
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
目录 Contents 4
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
主爱,解开了千千结 God’s love unties thousand of knots
遇见主,也遇见另外一半 She met her husband after she met Jesus
学习勇敢,主赐平安 Learn to be brave and God gives her peace
「妈妈说,如果可以,她愿意拿她的双脚与我交换...」拿 着双拐、穿着铁鞋,肢体残障的福音歌手小雨-徐银娇语带哽 咽地站在台上分享和妈妈之间感人的互动,令听者深深为之动 容。 “My mom said she would like to change her good legs with mine if she could…” Wearing her iron shoes with crutches, the crippled gospel singer Rain-Yin-Chiao Hsu choked with tears when she shared about her mom on stage. A lot of people were deeply touched.
「什么?你不知道海水是咸的? 你好逊呀!」 课堂上同学们笑成一团,只有阿 娇面红耳赤,恨不得有个地洞钻下 去。 其实,从小在桃园观音乡海边长 大的阿娇长大了都还不知道海水是 咸的,不仅同学说她逊,连她自己 想想,也都觉得太不可思议了!从 小就被街坊邻居嫌弃的徐银娇确实 是哪儿都不敢去... 四十多年前,纯朴的客家庄徐家 村里男女老少个个都忙于农事,青 壮的下田耕作,妇孺们则在黄昏叶 落的大庭院里捡落花生、编草绳、 养鸡鸭,只有阿娇因右手及双腿受 到小儿麻痹的影响不良于行,经常 一觉醒来坐在大厅门坎边望天发 呆,徐徐吹来的微风夹杂着涩涩的
苦味,小小年纪 的阿娇不知是风 苦还是人生苦。 直到有一天, 从事木匠的堂哥 在大城市里看到 有人拿着拐杖走 路,他想起家乡 仍在地上爬行的 堂妹,于是他试 着做一双木头的拐杖。 「阿娇!阿娇!快出来!哥哥为 你做了一双拐杖!你可以走了!」 听到妈妈急声呼唤,阿娇吃力 地从房间爬出来,初次看到拐杖的 阿娇高兴的笑了,因为堂哥和妈妈 告诉她,她终于可以拿着拐杖站起 来!在妈妈的搀扶之下,阿娇试着 站起来,这是她第一次感觉可以和
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
“What! You didn’t know the seawater is salty? You are so ignorant!” The classmates rolled with laughter in classroom. Only A-Chiao flushed with shame. She wished there was a hole she could get inside. Actually A-Chiao didn’t know the seawater was salty when she grew up near seaside in Guan-In country at Tao-Yuan since her childhood. Not only her classmates thought she was ignorant, but she thought it was so incredible by herself! Yin-Chiao Hsu didn’t dare to go anywhere because the people in her neighborhood disliked her….. The people of all ages and both sexes were busy in farming in her village of Hakka tribes forty years ago. The young and strong ones went down the farmland to work. The women and children were collecting peanuts, weaving straw ropes and raising chickens and ducks at big
country yard with falling leaves at nightfall. Only A-Chiao had difficulty to walk because her right hand and two legs were bad because of polio. She usually sat on the threshold of the hall looking up at the sky absent-mindedly when she woke up. The gentle breeze blowing softly mingled with astringent taste, the little A-Chiao didn’t know if the wind or her life was bitter. Until one day, her cousin, who was a carpenter, saw someone walking with crutches. He recalled his cousin in his hometown still crawling on the ground, so he tried to make two crutches with wood for her. “A-Chiao!A-Chiao!Comeoutquickly!Your brothermadeapairofcrutchesforyou!Youcan walk now!” A-Chiao crawled out laboriously after she heard her mom’s urgent calling. She
大人一样地抬头挺胸,但高兴不到 二、三秒,很快地,阿娇跌倒了! 跌倒的窘态让她任性地哭了! 「我不要走了啦!我在地上爬也 很好啊!我不要了!我不要啦!」 可是,妈妈仍坚持要她学习,还 规定她一定要练到会为止,一步一 步阿娇像个婴孩一样地学走路,农 忙之余,妈妈总是陪在她身边要她 练习,总算皇天不负苦心人,阿娇 学会走路了,只是,人生的挑战才 正要开始。 爸爸和妈妈不断地在家为了阿娇 到底要不要上学而争吵,徐爸爸反 对让阿娇到学校,妈妈则希望阿娇 要去上学识字,两人经常为此事斗 嘴,表面上,爸爸认为女孩子读书 没什么用,留在家里就好了;但实
际上,徐爸爸是怕残障的女儿阿娇 到学校会被同学欺负,不过,最后 还是在徐妈妈的坚持之下,阿娇以 十岁「高龄」进入小学就读。 徐爸爸拗不过徐妈妈,只能闭 眼不看,经常一个人躲在鱼塭的工 寮里偷偷叹气,徐妈妈则试着骑脚 踏车每天载着阿娇去上学,由于家 处偏僻,所经之路不是田埂就是湿 地,妈妈的技术又不纯熟,经常两 个人连人带车摔倒在地,但即便如
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
laughed happily when she saw the crutches for the first time because her mom and cousin told her she finally could stand up with crutches! A-Chiao tried to stand up with her mom’s support. It’s the first time she felt she could chin up and chest out confidently. But she fell down quickly after only two or three seconds! She cried willfully because she felt distressed after falling! “Ididn’twanttowalk!Istillcancrawlonthe ground! I don’t want it! I don’t want it!” But her mom still insisted she should learn how to walk. She ordered her to practice until she could do it. A-Chiao started to learn how to walk step be step like a baby using crutches. Her mom always accompanied beside her and urged her to practice when her busy work was over. Her hard work finally paid off and she learned how to walk with crutches.
But it’s only the beginning of the challenge in her life. Her dad and mom quarreled constantly at home over if A-Chiao should go to school. Her dad was against her going to school. But her mom hoped she could go to school to learn reading. On the surface, her dad thought it’s useless for girls to attend school. She could only stay at home. But actually he was afraid that his crippled daughter will be bullied by her classmates if she went to school. Nevertheless, A-Chiao finally went to school because her mom’s insistence when she was “ten” years old. A-Chiao’s dad resigned and remained silent after her wife’s insistence. He usually hided at the workman’s hut in the fish farm and sighed secretly. However, A-Chiao’s mom tried to ride bicycle and took her daughter to school every day. The
此,徐妈妈还是坚持要送阿娇去读 书。 「徐银娇!我才是正义的一方, 来挑战啊!来啊!」 当时盛行的卡通影片「无敌铁 金刚」深深影响着孩子,面对同学 无情的挑衅,阿娇手拿木头做的拐 杖和手持木棍的同学打了起来,没 想到阿娇木头拐杖却一下子应声断 裂,断了拐杖的阿娇被同学用推垃 圾的小推车带回家,好强的她沿途 一滴眼泪也没有滑落,直到回到自 己的房间,躲进棉被里才放声大 哭!
好不公平,家中兄弟姊妹个个生得 高大俊美,四肢健全,为什么惟独 她两脚不良于行,愤恨不平之下阿 娇开始对母亲产生了误解与怨怼。 「不公平!为什么是我?一定是 我长得比较丑,一定是妈妈不喜欢 我,没有把我照顾好。」
「为什么?为什么?为什么我这 么可怜?」
回想起妈妈对自己的苛刻,阿娇 就一脸愤恨,家事一样要轮着做, 甚至每天连洗澡水都还要自己在炉 灶上拿柴起火烧水;有一次,她想 和邻居的小女孩一样要一件漂亮的 花裙子穿,妈妈也不给...爬呀 爬!小时候站不起来的阿娇不知爬 破了多少补了又补的裤子,始终, 妈妈没有告诉她,为什么她不能穿 可爱、漂亮的裙子?
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
route they passed through was usually bank or wetland because their home was quite remote. They often tumbled down together because her mom couldn’t ride skillfully. But her mom still insisted on taking A-Chiao to school for study. “Yin-ChiaoHsu!Iamtherighteousone!Cometochallengeme!Come on!” At that time there was a very famous animated cartoon “Unbeatable iron robot” which influenced children deeply. Confronting the heartless offense from her classmate, A-Chiao used her crutches to fight with her classmate holding his stick. To A-Chiao’s surprise, her wooden crutch was broken suddenly. Her classmates used a small wagon for garbage to take her home. A-Chiao just held her tears along the way. But she finally bawled hiding under her bed quilt when she returned back to her own room. “Why? Why? Why am I so pitiful?”
艾自怜变成愤世嫉俗、怨天尤人。 徐妈妈是个传统的客家妇女, 一辈子住在客家庄,她不懂和孩子 做什么沟通,只知道用自己的方式 爱孩子,虽然她没读过书,但她知 道,残障孩子的人生仍然要她自己 过。 到了高中,徐妈妈放手让残障的 阿娇出外住校求学,上了中学,阿 娇变得叛逆、脱序,一离开家彷佛 就像匹脱缰的野马,她尽情地去尝 试一切新奇的事物,她和同学玩乐 玩到疯,放假也不想回家,别人以 为她是因为喜欢学校,其实在阿娇 的内心深处是在抗议、在生气。别 人的父母再怎么忙也会抽空到学校 探视孩子,而她的父母却一次也没 到学校来看她,可是,一次次的期
待却也一次次的失望与落空,每次 同学看她落寞地望天发呆,会好心 的把父母带来的食物与她分享,可 是阿娇心中难过与失落总是会化为 莫名高张的自尊,她转而面墙高声 大叫!
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
Little A-Chiao felt heaven treated her so unfairly. Her brothers and sisters were all tall, handsome, and beautiful. There limbs were all healthy. Why only she couldn’t walk with her two legs? Resentfully A-Chiao started to misunderstand and blame her mom. “It’s not fair! Why it is me? Mom didn’t takegoodcareofmebecauseIamugly.Mom certainly didn’t like me.” A-Chiao resented her mom when she recalled that her mom was so harsh to her. She needed to do the household duties as her brothers and sisters. She even needed to use firewood to heat up water on the kitchen stove for bath. Once she wished she could have a beautiful skirt like the little girl next door but her mom wouldn’t give it to her….. She just kept crawling! A-Chiao tore a lot of pants which were patched up many times. But her mom still
didn’t tell her why she couldn’t wear those lovely and beautiful skirts. A-Chiao used to blame herself. But she felt so much fury that she became cynical and blamed everyone and everything. Hsu-mom was a traditional Hakka woman. She lived in the Hakka village all her life. She didn’t know how to communicate with her children. She just loved her children with the ways she knew. Though she didn’t study before, yet she knew the crippled child needed to live her own life by herself. When A-Chiao reached senior high school, her mom let go of her crippled child to attend the school away from home and live there. A-Chiao became quite revolting and incoherent when she was in senior high school. She was like a wild runaway horse when she left her home. She tried every new thing as much as she could.
「我不饿!我要睡觉了!」 看到别的同学见到父母来访的那 份雀跃与欣喜,阿娇就好忌妒也好 生气,这下子她更确信爸爸、妈妈 根本不爱她。 好想,她好想离开家! 毕业后找工作四处碰壁,拿着双 拐的阿娇当过工厂的女工,每天拿 螺丝穿螺帽机械式的工作;她也试 着当别人两个孩子的保姆,居然有 人愿意将孩子交给双脚残障的她, 虽然她心中充满了知遇之恩的感 动,但正值年轻的她知道这不是她 所想要的人生。 阿娇又失业了! 在家无聊翻看报纸,阿娇看到 台北伊甸残障基金会为残障者开办
了「广告设计班」,她在振声高中 原本就是美工科,或许这是一个机 会,是她扭转及开创梦想的机会, 于是她撑起拐杖、踏着铁鞋勇敢的 离开家,来到了台北。 台北-这个编织美梦的大城市, 其实一开始并没有带给阿娇预期的 顺利及完美,只身来到异乡,她渴 望事业成功却又偏偏遇到连连受挫 的感情,情荳初开的她交了第一个 男朋友,却在付出情感之际,无预 警也没理由地,他悄悄的搬走了。 原先感受家庭的不温暖再加上求 职连连碰壁,来到异乡又遇到感情 受挫...一连串的不如意,使一 向爱唱歌的阿娇深深地跌入充满苦 痛的流行哀歌里,每到深夜,端着 酒杯倚在窗前,她反复流泪吟唱。
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
She didn’t feel like to go home even on holidays. Her classmates thought it was because she liked school a lot. But as a matter of fact A-Chiao was protesting and she was angry deep inside her heart. The parents of her classmates would come to school to visit their children even though they were very busy. But her parents never came to school to visit her once. Every time she looked forward to their arrival but she was disappointed and ended with nothing every time. Her classmates would kindheartedly share with her the foods brought by their parents because they had pity on her. But A-Chiao felt very sad and frustrated that her proud self-respect was hurt badly. She turned to face the wall and cried out! “I am not hungry! I am going to sleep!” She was jealous and angry that her classmates were so glad that their parents
could come to visit them. She was sure that her parents didn’t love her at all. She really wished she could leave home one day! She tried to find a job after her graduation but it was very hard for her to get one. She was a female worker with two crutches in a factory once. She was doing mechanical work with screws and nuts every day. She even tried to be the baby-sitter of two small babies. She was quite moved that there was someone who was willing to ask her to take care of her babies even though she was crippled. But she knew it was not the life she wanted. She lost her job again! One day she read newspaper boringly. She saw that the Eden social welfare foundation started an “Advertisement design class” for handicapped people. She ma-
「一张张的票根,那里是我的 家?...」 无声滑落脸颊的泪珠,咸咸涩 涩,又是苦的。 心中的愁苦与哀怨让阿娇的脸 上布满了烂痘,也让她经常眉心 深锁!当阿娇四处寻觅心灵归宿 时,有一群和她一样有着共同遭 遇的残障朋友,他们却早已找着 了人生的方向盘、喜乐泉! 在伊甸残障福利基金会几乎 人人都是喜乐满怀,创办人杏林 子刘侠曾说:「伊甸有三多~蚊 子多、胖子多、笑声也很多。」 ,当时阿娇才警觉到自己没有笑 声,双脚残障的总机小姐天天喜 乐的在唱歌、双目失明的哥哥走 路撞到也是自己哈哈大笑,连必 须手拿脚掌在地上走路的重残者
当小雨来的时候 When Rain is coming
jored in art designing in Jen-Sheng senior high school. She thought maybe it was a chance for her to turn her life and start her dream. So she bravely left her home and came to Taipei with her iron shoes and crutches. Taipei was a big city to weave beautiful dreams. But it was not so smooth and perfect for A-Chiao at first. She came to a foreign city alone. She thirsted for a successful career but her feelings were hurt successively. She had her first boy friend, but he left her quietly without any reasons and warnings after she devoted all her feelings. At first she didn’t feel warmth from home, then her job hunting run against the wall constantly. Her feelings were deeply hurt when she came to the foreign city…. A-Chiao liked singing but a lot of misfortunes let her fall into those painful popu-
lar sad songs. She sang with tears over and over at night while leaning against the windows with a wineglass in her hand. “These are a sheet of tickets.Where is my home?” The bitter and salty tears kept sliding down her cheeks silently. A-Chiao had a lot of rotten pocks on her face because she felt sadness and sorrow in her heart. Her eyebrows always looked unhappy! A-Chiao was seeking the destination of heart everywhere. There were a group of handicapped people like her. But they had already found the steering wheel and joy fountain of their lives! Almost everyone at Eden social welfare foundation was filled with joy. The founder Lieu-Xia once said: “There are three “many” in E-den. There are many mosquitoes, many fat people, and much