Peoria Unified Sch�l District
A�ual Review 2013 , y a D y r e v E , t n e d Every Stu w o r r o m o T e p a h S o t Prepared
STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT � LEARNS Labels, Exit Outcomes, MyLife - College and Career Ready
BUDGET AND FINANCE � Financial Repor�ng - Dollars in the Classroom, 2012-13 Expenditures
SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION � Signature Programs, Career and Technical Educa�on
6�8 9-10
PROUDEST ACHIEVEMENTS COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS � Patron Tours, 21st Century Educa�on Forum, Peoria Arts & Cultural Fes�val
Governing GoverningBoard Board
We Are Peoria Unified
We Weare aremore more than than3,700 3,700teachers teachersand and
Hal HalBorhauer Borhauer
PROUD BE PROUD TO BEPEORIA PEORIA support serving more supportstaff staff servingTO more than than36,000 36,000students studentsinin32 32 elementary elementaryschools, schools,77high highschools schools and andone onenon-tradi� non-tradi�onal onalhigh high school schoolfocused focusedon onaacommon common goal goal- -excellence excellence inineduca� educa�on. on.
Ma� Ma�Bullock Bullock As one of the largest unifi ed school districts in in As one of the largest unifi ed school districts Arizona, Peoria Unifi ed prides itself on excelling Arizona, Peoria Unifi ed prides itself on excelling schools, award-winning teachers, highhigh AIMS schools, award-winning teachers, AIMS testtest scores, specialized Signature Programs scores, specialized Signature Programs andand championship sports programs. championship sports programs. Kathy KathyKnecht Knecht
Tracy TracyLivingston Livingston
Joseph JosephMcCord McCord
In addi� on,on, wewe areare proud because wewe share In addi� proud because share in the district’s outstanding reputa� on on with in the district’s outstanding reputa� with a great family of of teachers, classified staff a great family teachers, classified staff andand administrators. WeWe witness first-hand administrators. witness first-hand thethe impact these special people make on on impact these special people make thethe lives of students who pass through ourour lives of students who pass through classrooms. classrooms. WeWe areare humbled by by thethe incredible support humbled incredible support wewe receive from ourour generous community. receive from generous community. Many givegive of their �me andand talents through Many of their �me talents through volunteerism or or offer onsons through volunteerism offcontribu� er contribu� through taxtax credits andand dona� ons.ons. ThisThis support allows credits dona� support allows us us to to do do great things forfor children and, in in great things children and, turn, makes a great diffdiff erence for for ourour future turn, makes a great erence future genera� on on of leaders. genera� of leaders.
Denton Santarelli, Ed.D. Denton Santarelli, Ed.D. Superintendent Superintendent
Heather Cruz, Ed.D. Heather Cruz, Ed.D.
Deputy Superintendent Deputy Superintendent
Ken Hicks Ken Hicks
Chief Financial OffiOffi cercer Chief Financial
Student Achievement
2012 AZ LEARNS LABELS Alta Loma Elementary Apache Elementary Cactus High Canyon Elementary Centennial High Cheyenne Elementary Copperwood Elementary Co�on Boll Elementary Country Meadows Elementary Coyote Hills Elementary Desert Harbor Elementary Desert Palms Elementary Desert Valley Elementary Foothills Elementary Fron�er Elementary Heritage Elementary Ira A. Murphy Elementary Ironwood High Kachina Elementary Lake Pleasant Elementary Liberty High Marshall Ranch Elementary Oakwood Elementary Oasis Elementary Parkridge Elementary Paseo Verde Elementary Peoria Elementary Peoria High Peoria Tradi�onal School Peoria Transi�on Center Pioneer Elementary Raymond S. Kellis High Sahuaro Ranch Elementary Santa Fe Elementary Sky View Elementary Sun Valley Elementary Sundance Elementary Sunrise Mountain High Vistancia Elementary Zuni Hills Elementary
Exit Outcomes, Gradua�on Expecta�ons
Peoria Unified students who achieve gradua�on outcomes will demonstrate competency by mee�ng or exceeding in the following disciplines: l Demonstrate civic and personal responsibility l Access, evaluate and apply informa�on and technology effec�vely l An�cipate and proac�vely react to change l Apply appropriate communica�on skills in a variety of situa�ons l Exhibit life-management skills l Display awareness and understanding of global and cross-cultural events l Think cri�cally, crea�vely, independently and originally l Apply problem-solving strategies in real-world situa�ons
Gradua�on Rates Peoria Unified
Peer Average
State Average
78% Source: Arizona Auditor General, FY2012
$50 million in Scholarships Awarded to Peoria Unified High School Graduates
College & Career Ready: Building a Plan for Life In Peoria Unified, planning for a career starts as early as kindergarten. MyLife, our award-winning career development planning program, provides age-appropriate
opportuni�es for students within each grade level to learn about the many college and career op�ons available to them. When students have a career goal in mind, they are more focused in school.
Budget and Finance Student-to-Administrator Ra�o 79
Peoria Unified
State Average
rce l, FY Sou nera e G
Source: Arizona Auditor General, FY2012
More Dollars In the Classroom Than State Average 2012-13 Expenditures / $188.8 Million Budget 57.6¢ Into the Classroom
Pe o r i a U n i f i e d ’s Financial Office has been recognized for Excellence in Financial Repor�ng for the past 23 consecu�ve years by the Government Finance Officers Associa�on.
View Peoria Unified’s Annual Finance and Budget Reports at, located under Financial Transparency
RA AVE R IED PEE NIF 0 U 2 or IA $6 dit EOR Au P a n 6 rizo 12 $59 : A 20
6 $73
11.7¢ Maintenance & Opera�ons 9.2¢ Student Support 8.8¢ Administra�on 5.2¢ Instruc�onal Support 4.2¢ Food Service 3.3¢ Transporta�on Source: Arizona Auditor General, FY2012
Projected Secondary Bond Tax Rate $180m New Bonds from Nov. 2012 Elec�on
$2.00 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 $0.75 $0.50 $0.25 $0.00
Exis�ng Bonds
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042
Peoria Unified is committed to transparency in financial reporting and con�nues to serve as a responsible steward of taxpayer funds. The community generously supported the district’s 2012 Bond Initiative which provides $180 million in support of school building maintenance, the purchase of new school buses and improved technology for students.
ent trict d u -St n Dis n r e P ng o a�o di nistr AGE n e Sp Admi TE AVER E G
Fiscal Year Ending
Peoria Unified is proud to be unified — not uniform — and caters
to the unique learning styles of individual students. From academics to the arts, our Signature Programs provide customized educa�on and specialized learning opportuni�es for all students.
Specialized Instruction Preschool (full-day) l l l l
High School
Arts Integra�on at Foothills Project Search at Desert Palms Science Inquiry at Desert Palms Second Language Immersion at Santa Fe
l l
Specialized Opportuni�es also available to high school students:
K-8 Elementary l l l l l l l l l
Accelerated Academy at Vistancia Arts Leading Learning at Desert Harbor Center for Differen�ated Instruc�on at Copperwood Fine Arts Academy at Foothills Gi�ed Academy at Apache Leadership Academy at Canyon STEM Academy at Heritage Second Language Immersion at Santa Fe Tradi�onal School at Zuni Hills
You can customize your child’s educa�on in one of our specialized instruc�on programs. To learn more about Signature Programs, and how to enroll in them, visit us at
Open Enrollment applica�ons for Signature Programs are accepted year-round.
Interna�onal Baccalaureate Program at Ironwood University High at Sunrise Mountain
l l l l l l
Math, Engineering, Science and Achievement (MESA) Air Force JROTC Online Courses Dual Enrollment/College Credits Advanced Placement Courses Career and Technical Educa�on
Career & Technical Educa�on (CTE)
Peoria Unified offers dozens of Career and Technical Educa�on (CTE) classes such as construc�on and automo�ve technologies and media produc�ons at all tradi�onal high schools. These classes give students real world experience and training in a wide variety of career fields. There are, however, a select few CTE programs exclusive to one, two or three schools. These outstanding programs are: l Agriscience/Landscape Design at Peoria l Business Administra�on at Centennial, Peoria l Cabinetmaking at Centennial, Liberty, Raymond S. Kellis l Educa�on Professions at Cactus and Liberty l Financial Services at Ironwood l Fire Science at Sunrise Mountain l Computer Networking at Ironwood l Medical Assis�ng at Liberty, Peoria, Raymond S. Kellis l Nursing at Cactus, Centennial, Sunrise Mountain
Highlights of Student Succe� Steven Reed, a Cactus High senior, was awarded a Flinn Scholarship, and is one of just 22 high-achieving students in Ariz. to receive this pres�gious merit scholarship.
Brooke Bardeguez, in first-grade at Desert Harbor Elementary was a first-place winner in her age category in the Ariz. Department of Educa�on’s Visual Arts Compe��on.
Robert Orr, an Interna�onal Baccalaurete diploma graduate from Ironwood High, received a scholarship from the Na�onal Interscholas�c Athle�c Administrators Associa�on and was the top athlete/scholar of the western states region.
Peoria Unified’s Career and Technical Educa�on (CTE) programs celebrated 107 State Championships in the seven CTSO organiza�ons: DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, F.E.A., FFA, JHOSA and SkillsUSA. These state champions were from all seven tradi�onal high schools.
Carl Murphy, a senior at Liberty High, took first place in the statewide Thrive Time Challenge and received a $10,000 scholarship to a�end Ariz. State University.
Seniors Earn Mul�ple Scholarships
Peoria Unified proudly announced six National Merit Finalists: Tiffany Yang, Ironwood High; Riley Smith, Liberty High; and Joshua Smith, Centennial High. Not pictured: Kristen Wong, Centennial High; Sabrina Bare and Jeremy Dietrich, Liberty High.
Sara Bieschke, Cactus High, earned several scholarships totaling more than $95,000, including the ASU President’s Scholarship and the Byron Wiley Memorial Scholarship; Carrie Bi, Centennial High, earned more than $510,000 in scholarships from eight universi�es; Manasseh Oso, Ironwood High, earned a Bill Gates Millenium Scholarship worth more than $420,000 and chose to a�end Harvard University; Alexandra Garza, Raymond S. Kellis High, earned a combined total of more than $430,000 in scholarships, and chose to a�end New York University.
Proudest Achievements Santa Fe Elementary was one of 28 Arizona public schools to earn the coveted A+ School of Excellence Award. It was the second consecu�ve term Principal Robert Miller and his staff received the A+ dis�nc�on from the Arizona Educa�onal Founda�on. Santa Fe is a Signature school and is home of the district’s Language Immersion Program, where students in pre-kindergarten through seventh-grade learn reading, wri�ng and social studies in English, and math, science and language arts in Spanish.
Peoria Unified launched the Peoria Student Broadcast Network the state’s first student-led, district-wide program where media produc�on students put their skills to real-life applica�on. Students write, film, produce, edit and package spor�ng events, educa�onal opportuni�es and commercials that stream online and on the district’s educa�on channel, Cox Ch. 99. Just 28 students were enrolled in PSBN and at start of the school year and enrollment grew to more than 120 by the end of the school year.
Peoria High students and junior high students from Cheyenne, Oasis, Peoria and Sky View elementary schools, took first place for the third year in a row in the Ariz. State Mathema�cs Engineering Science Achievement, MESA, Day Compe��on.
Mark Adams, Ironwood High’s E n g i n e e r i n g a n d C o n st r u c t i o n Technology teacher was recognized by ING Unsung Heroes for having one of the 100 most innova�ve programs in the na�on and was awarded a $2,000 grant to bring more innova�ve ideas to students.
Proudest Achievements Victoria Marbois, right, in eighth-grade at Copperwood Elementary earned a perfect score on the EXPLORE Test.
Cactus High student athletes Aaliyah Cook, Brianna Mus�n, Olivia Knecht, and Megan Schiffmacher (not pictured), coached by Paul Williams won the 4x100m Relay in Division III at the State Track and Field Championships. Additonally, Coach Williams was inducted into the Ariz. High School Coaches Associa�on Hall of Fame.
Ironwood High was the recipient of $100,000 award from State Farm Insurance for the Celebrate My Drive contest which promotes safe teen driving. Drivers educa�on instructor Tim Langan and the Ironwood Booster Club worked closely with State Farm Agent Duvel Pierre to make this great achievement possible.
State Athle�c Championships Cactus High Spiritline, All Girls’ Stunt Raymond S. Kellis High Pom Line Raymond S. Kellis High Boys Track & Field Sunrise Mountain High So�ball Track & Field Champions: Aaliyah Cook, Brianna Mus�n, Olivia Knecht, Megan Schiffmacher, Cactus High, 4x100m Relay Noah Miller, Brandon Gonzalez, Brock Murphy, Zach Neill Liberty High, 4 x 400m Relay Ricky Bain, Deon Parks, Patrick Murillo, DJ Hampton Raymond S. Kellis High, 4 x 100m Relay Individual Track & Field Champions: Drianna Mus�n, Cactus High, 400m & 800m Dash Deon Parks, Raymond S. Kellis High, 200m Dash Tiffany Riley, Liberty High, 800m Dash Brandon Murphy, Liberty High, Long Jump
Raymond S. Kellis High Track & Field State Champions: Ricky Bain, Deon Parks, Patrick Murillo, DJ Hampton, and Tyler Williams.
Proudest Achievements Kris�n Poe, a technology, life, career teacher at Vistancia Elementary was selected as a CenturyLink All Star Teacher. She was nominated by eighthgrader Madison McCall for being an outstanding teacher. The award was presented at an Ariz. Diamondbacks game. Also pictured, Vistancia Elementary principal Steve Gille�.
David Serafin, teacher and student council advisor at Cactus High, Cheryl Mertz, an instructional specialist at Desert Harbor and Foothills elementary schools and Marj Keagle at Desert Palms Elementary were recipients of a 3TV Silver Apple Award. 3TV awarded only eight Silver Apples to educators last year.
Cindy Piano, third grade teacher at Heritage Elementary selected as the State Finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Elementary Science Teaching. The achievement includes a visit to Washington D.C. and a mee�ng with President Obama.
L i s a K l u ge , a T i t l e I Coordinator at Ira A. Murphy Elementary received the Outstanding Afterschool Professional Award at the Ariz. Statewide A�erschool Conference.
Co�unity Co�ections TAKE A SCHOOL TOUR TO SEE EDUCATION IN ACTION! As part of its ongoing commitment to the community, the Peoria Unified School District hosts bi-annual Patron Tours to give an up-close and personal look at a wide variety of excep�onal schools and programs offered. Our award winning Patron Tours have been recognized by the Na�onal School Boards Associa�on and are interac�ve, informa�ve and an ideal way of introducing parents, residents and business leaders to award-winning programs. Any resident of the district – business leaders, neighbors, parents, re�rees and elected officials Spring – are invited Patron Tour to join us for a 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Patron Friday, March 21, 2014 Tour. Sunrise Mountain High
and Apache Elementary
For more informa�on, and to register for the Patron Tour, email
COMMUNITY INPUT INVALUABLE: 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION FORUM Peoria Unified held it’s second annual 21st Century Community Educa�on Forum and parents and patrons turned out to provide feedback about the educational topics most important to them. More than 230 individuals joined the conversa�on and engaged in discussions on the budget, Common Core, the district’s Strategic Plan, school schedule and student safety.
Community members unable to attend could connect to the conversa�on by sending in ques�ons via Facebook and Twi�er and watching the event streamed live. A s a fo l l o w- u p , Pe o r i a Unified posted a Community Engagement Feedback document online which outlines the progress that has been made on the topics following the public forum.
FOUNDATION ENHANCES EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION Since 1987, the Peoria Educa�on Founda�on has offered grants to teachers in the Peoria Unified School District to enhance the educa�onal experience of students.
various fundraisers, the Founda�on has distributed more than $1 million in educator grants to district teachers and scholarships to students over the past 10 years.
Thanks to generous dona�ons from community partners, private donors, the annual Peoria Arts & Cultural Fes�val, Peoria Unified personnel and
The Peoria Educa�on Founda�on is a nonprofit organiza�on and members who serve on the Board are local business and community leaders.
The Founda�on’s largest fundraiser, the ninth annual Visionary Educa�on Awards Gala, will be held at the Arizona Broadway Theatre on March 3, 2014. For more information about the Founda�on, how to get involved, or to make a dona�on, please call 623-4866100 or email
Co�unity Co�ections STUDENTS ARE IN THE SPOTLIGHT AT PEORIA ARTS AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL The district and the Peoria Education Foundation partnered with the City of Peoria to host the inaugural Peoria Arts and
Cultural Festival last April, 2013. This familyfriendly fes�val spread throughout several downtown blocks and
featured works of art, music and dance by district elementary and high school students.
SAVE THE DATE! SAT., APRIL 5, 2014 9 a.m. � 5 p.m. All proceeds from this event will fund grants for arts projects in Peoria Unified classrooms.
DISTRICT RECEIVES STATE RECOGNITION FOR EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC RELATIONS Peoria Unified received four awards from the Arizona Schools Public Rela�ons Associa�on. • Award of Excellence for Parent Support Organiza�on Presidents’ Collabora�on with the Community Legisla�ve Network; • Award of Excellence for Partnership with the City of Peoria for The Educa�on Television News Show; • Award of Excellence for the Pull the Bus for the United Way campaign; and • Is one of three districts in the state to receive an Overall Excellence in Public Rela�ons award.
Peoria Unified earned an Award of Excellence for Parent Support Organiza�on Presidents’ Collabora�on with the Community Legisla�ve Network.
10 Twi�er @peoriaunified11 Subscribe to RSS feed for Governing Board Agendas and Mee�ng Summaries
Sch�l Directory Alta Loma Elementary 9750 N. 87th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-7016 (623) 412-4575 Apache Elementary 8633 W. John Cabot Road Peoria, AZ 85382-0879 (623) 412-4875 Cactus High 6330 W. Greenway Road Glendale, AZ 85306-3204 (623) 412-5000 Canyon Elementary 5490 W. Paradise Lane Glendale, AZ 85306-2535 (623) 412-5050 Centennial High 14388 N. 79th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381-4682 (623) 412-4400 Cheyenne Elementary 11806 N. 87th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-8125 (623) 487-5100 Copperwood Elementary 11232 N. 65th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85304-3640 (623) 412-4650 Co�on Boll Elementary 8540 W. Butler Drive Peoria, AZ 85345-8000 (623) 412-4700 Country Meadows Elementary 8409 N. 111th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-8000 (623) 412-5200 Coyote Hills Elementary 21180 N. 87th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85382 (623) 412-5225
Peoria Unified School District Administra�on Center 6330 W. Thunderbird Road Glendale, Arizona 85306 623-486-6000
Desert Harbor Elementary 15585 N. 91st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85382-3543 (623) 486-6200 Desert Palms Elementary 11441 N. 55th Avenue Glendale, AZ 85304-3402 (623) 412-4600 Desert Valley Elementary 12901 N. 63rd Avenue Glendale, AZ 85304-1702 (623) 412-4750 Foothills Elementary 15808 N. 63rd Avenue Glendale, AZ 85306-2328 (623) 412-4625 Fron�er Elementary 21258 N. 81st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85382 (623) 412-4900 Heritage Elementary 5312 W. Mountain View Road Glendale, AZ 85302-2200 (623) 412-4525 Ira A. Murphy Elementary 7231 W. North Lane Peoria, AZ 85345-6735 (623) 412-4475 Ironwood High 6051 W. Sweetwater Glendale, AZ 85304-1100 (623) 486-6400 Kachina Elementary 5304 W. Crocus Drive Glendale, AZ 85306-4399 (623) 412-4500 Lake Pleasant Elementary 31501 N. Westland Road Peoria, AZ 85383 (623) 773-6575
Liberty High 9621 W. Speckled Gecko Drive Peoria, AZ 85383 (623) 773-6525 Marshall Ranch Elementary 12995 N. Marshall Ranch Drive Glendale, AZ 85304-1966 (623) 486-6450 Oakwood Elementary 12900 N. 71st Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381-5040 (623) 412-4725 Oasis Elementary 7841 W. Sweetwater Peoria, AZ 85381-4994 (623) 412-4800 Parkridge Elementary 9970 W. Beardsley Road Peoria, AZ 85382 (623) 412-5400 Paseo Verde Elementary 7880 W. Greenway Road Peoria, AZ 85381-3830 (623) 412-5075 Peoria Elementary 11501 N. 79th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-1358 (623) 412-4450 Peoria High 11200 N. 83rd Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-5945 (623) 486-6300 Peoria Tradi�onal School 10851 W. Williams Road Sun City, AZ 85373 (623 412-5350 Peoria Transi�on Center 11200 N. 83rd Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-5945 (623) 412-5475
Pioneer Elementary 6315 W. Port au Prince Lane Glendale, AZ 85306-3203 (623) 412-4550 Raymond S. Kellis High 8990 W. Orangewood Avenue Glendale, AZ 85305 (623) 412-5425 Sahuaro Ranch Elementary 10401 N. 63rd Avenue Glendale, AZ 85302-1100 (623) 412-4775 Santa Fe Elementary 9880 N. 77th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-6667 (623) 486-6475 Sky View Elementary 8624 W. Sweetwater Avenue Peoria, AZ 85381-8101 (623) 412-4850 Sundance Elementary 7051 W. Cholla Street Peoria, AZ 85345-5866 (623) 412-4675 Sunset Heights Elementary 9687 W. Adam Avenue Peoria, AZ 85383 Opening August, 2014 Sunrise Mountain High 21200 N. 83rd Avenue Peoria, AZ 85382-2436 (623) 487-5125 Sun Valley Elementary 8361 N. 95th Avenue Peoria, AZ 85345-7717 (623) 412-4825 Vistancia Elementary 30009 North Sunrise Point Peoria, AZ 85383 (623) 773-6500 Zuni Hills Elementary 10851 W. Williams Road Sun City, AZ 85373 (623) 412-5275