Peoria Unified School District March 2014 PULSE Newsletter and Menu

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MARCH 2014 Calendar Highlights: March 6 - Professional Development, all schools dismiss early.


Celebrate Peoria’s Arts and Culture at Festival

March 7 - End of third quarter. March 10-14 - Spring Break. All schools and district offices are closed. March 25 - Governing Board Mee�ng, 5:30 p.m. March 27 - Elementary Report Card Distribu�on March 28 - High School Report Card Distribu�on

Free Admission!!

Bring the family and enjoy a day of celebration of the history and culture of Peoria, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, April 5 in Oldtown Peoria, located at 83rd and Grand Avenue. Let the talents of Peoria Uni�ied students amaze you as you look at displays of �ine arts and enjoy all forms of performances: dance, jazz band, orchestra, steel drums, vocal and strings. There will be children’s activities, arts & crafts and bounce houses for a nominal fee. Cool down or �ill-up at one of the many food truck vendors. For more information, call 623-773-7137 or visit www.

Peoria Unified has a Good Thing Going Peoria Unified, one of Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself on a 94 percent high school graduation rate, excelling schools, award-winning teachers, high AIMS test scores, specialized signature programs and championship sports programs. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US

Polls show that while most people are quite pleased with their own kids’ school, the perception of public education in general is not as rosy. Much of the bad rap is undeserved as Kathy Knecht Board Member evidenced in the important article “U.S. Schools are not Flatlining” from the Center for Public Education. The prevalent misperception is a big problem, because public education is under attack, with

policy-makers at the state and national level who would move to dismantle our public system in favor of a privatized one in a heartbeat. There are important conversations to be had about equal access and opportunity for kids across America, but also about what increased privatization would mean to your family, your neighborhood and the Peoria Uni�ied School District. We have a good thing going here with a 94% graduation rate, tens of millions of dollars in scholarships offered every year, students who ace national standardized tests, award-winning arts programs, champion-


ship sports teams and some of the most phenomenal teachers anywhere. The issue is complex, but worthy of every parent’s attention now. Bottom line: If tax dollars are going to private schools (which have no accountability requirements), then they are being diverted from your child’s school. By letting your legislators know how you feel, you support our students, our teachers and our district’s reputation. We have provided a list of legislators who serve in Peoria Uni�ied and their contact information for you on the next page.

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