Peoria Unifi ed Sch�l District Monthly Newsletter with Breakfast & Lunch Menus
MAY 2015 Calendar Highlights: May 1 | Na�onal Principals Day May 5 | Na�onal Teacher Apprecia�on Day May 6 | Na�onal School Nurse Day May 6 | Peoria Educa�on Founda�on Grants & Scholarships Recep�on, 6 p.m., Peoria Center for the Performing Arts May 7 | All Schools Early Release, Professional Development May 14 | Governing Board Mee�ng, 5 p.m. May 19-20 | Eighth-grade Promo�on Ceremonies May 21 | High School Gradua�ons: 1 p.m. Centennial 3 p.m. Sunrise Mountain 5 p.m. Raymond S. Kellis 7 p.m. Ironwood May 22 | High School Gradua�ons: 1 p.m. Peoria 3 p.m. Liberty 5 p.m. Cactus May 21 | Last Day of School, All Schools Early Release May 25 | Memorial Day, District Offices are closed May 28 | HS Report Card Distribu�on May 28 | Governing Board Mee�ng, 5 p.m. June 5 | District Offices are closed Fridays. A 4-day work week is in effect through July 24.
A Celebration of Student Art & Peoria’s Heritage Peoria celebrated its heritage and youth Saturday, April 11, at the annual Peoria Arts and Cultural
Festival. The festival, sponsored by Sky Zone, Midstate Mechanical and Theater Works, spanned several city blocks and activities and performances took place outdoors and indoors in the Peoria Community Center and Center for the PerformPreparing for a band performance at the Peoria Arts & Cul- ing Arts. tural Fes�val are Pioneer Elementary sixth-graders: Naomi Hancock Lilly Flores Hancock, Flores, Eden Brosseau Brosseau, Amayah Grijalva Grijalva, Karrah Hernandez and Stephanie Brown.
More than 14,000 attended the day-long festival and 5,000 pieces of student art and 80 dance, musical and theater performances were enjoyed. New to the festival this year was a Chair-ity Auction. Teachers, students and community members artistically re-purposed chairs and donated them to the silent auction. Nearly $10,000 was raised, and proceeds will go to Peoria Uni�ied arts teachers in the form of grants from the Peoria Education Foundation.
The Peoria United Parent Council Will Keep You Informed This is a tumultuous time for public district education in Arizona. I’m hopeful that your attention has been drawn to school funding issues that are having real, Kathy Knecht Board Member unfortunate consequences for our district. Here’s the silver lining: In my entire life in Arizona, I have never witnessed this level of interest and engagement by parents and voters. Frankly, it’s long overdue.
There are lots of reasons that people aren’t aware of the goings-on in government that impact our children’s futures. We’re all working harder and longer. We don’t always know where to look for good information. And, let’s be honest: There are many more pleasant distractions than keeping up with proposed legislation. Fortunately, more people are taking steps to get informed and be heard. Peoria Uni�ied has been very straightforward with the community through email and the Peoria Uni-
�ied web site. Nearly 1,000 stakeholders protested the budget at the Capitol in March. And, it was a Peoria Uni�ied mom, along with a teacher from Deer Valley, who stepped up and made that rally happen. Don’t worry, you don’t need to stage a rally, but staying abreast of what’s happening in education is necessary if we are to successfully advocate for our children. Stay informed. Subscribe to the Peoria United Parent Council at and, like them on Facebook.
Nurse vs. Thirst Water Drive Nets 1.600 Cases
Lisa Alexander Alexander, Centennial High school nurse and district nurse coordinator, organized the inaugural district-wide Nurse vs. Thirst water campaign. The campaign collected more than 1,600 cases of water which will go to those in need at the Central Arizona Shelter Services. Fron�er Elementary took first place bringing in 446 cases of water. Ira A. Murphy Elementary students: Carlos Romero Romero, Valerie Madrigal Madrigal, Andrea Peraza Peraza, Camryn Harle Harle, Zachariah Valdivia Valdivia, Minna Lopez Lopez, Velicia Hernandez Brooks Brooks, Angelique Green and Christ Garbaldi Garbaldi, and the Mustang community donated 126 cases of water for the district-wide water drive.
Annual Parent Survey Asks for Feedback It is time once again for the annual Parent Satisfac�on and Engagement Survey. The Governing Board, district administra�ve staff, and local school officials of the Peoria Unified School District believe that parental input to the educa�onal process is cri�cally important. If you have children at multiple schools, we invite you to take the survey for each school or for any school of your choosing. You should plan for 10 to 12 minutes to complete the survey. Results of the survey will provide the district with the necessary details and data to help improve our schools. The deadline to take the survey is May 15. Take the survey here.
MAY 2015 | PG 2
Heritage Duo Achieve at State Science Fair
Heritage Elementary’s Angela Ngo and Ashley Holt won an outstanding achievement award from the American Meteorological Society at the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair for their collabora�ve project ‘Temperature Effects on Cloud Produc�on.’
First & Third Place in Poster Contest Won by Lake Pleasant Pair
Lake Pleasant Elementary sixth-graders Mykaela Wilson was the Grand Pri Prize winner in the fi�h-sixth grade category in Maricopa County’s Stormwater Pollu�on Preven�on poster contest; Maddie Briggs took third place. The contest was open to all third- through sixth-grade students who reside in Maricopa County. The theme of the contest was “Keep It Clean: Stormwater Flows to Our Washes and Waterways.” The students’ artwork is displayed at, and will be featured on the Stormwater calendar and displayed at county buildings. The students were recognized at a recent Board of Supervisors Mee�ng.
3rd Annual Anti-Bullying Art & Video Contest Reveals Winners
Raeli Smith won First Place in the 3rd- 5th grade category.
Hailey Miller won First Place in the 6th-8th grade category.
Ka�a Palomares won First Place in the 9th-12th Grade category.
Peoria Uni�ied and the Peoria Police Department te a m e d u p to h o l d a combined art contest for the third annual AntiBullying Art & Video Contest. Students in thirdthrough twelfth-grade were challenged to develop a visual image, photo or video that best represented the theme: “Don’t Be Mean Behind the Screen.” The contest winners are: l Raeli Smith, in fourthgrade at Alta Loma Elementary won in the 3rd/5th grade category category. Smith was a winner in last year’s contest. l Hailey Miller, in sixthgrade at Coyote Hills Elementary won in the 6th/8th grade category. l Katia Palomares, a sophomore at Raymond S. Kellis High won the 9th/12th grade category. More than 125 pieces of art were submitted and judged by a panel of Peoria Police Department personnel. The winners were revealed at the Peoria Arts & Cultural Festival and each one received a $50 Visa gift card from the Peoria Police Of�icers Association. Peoria Uni�ied’s High School Resource Of�icers held a separate contest for their favorite artwork
among the high school category. A photograph by Kati Kost, a senior at Centennial High, was selected. Peoria Uni�ied supports a n t i - b u l ly i n g e f f o r t s by being in constant communication with school site administration, conducting student lessons and hosting parent groups. Peoria Uni�ied has zero tolerance for bullying and remains vigilant to ensure student safety.
Report Bullying on Peoria Unifed’s Safe School Line 623-486-6199 Student and parents can call the Safe School Line to anonymously report bullying, threats and abuse. Suspicious activity, and the use of weapons or drugs can also be reported. Messages le� on the Safe School Line are retrieved during the district’s regular business hours and reported to the appropriate school principal. Also, make a report to the Safe School Line on Peoria Unified’s mobile app.
Ka� Kost’s photograph was selected for a special recogni� cogni�on by Peoria Unified’s School Resource Officers.
MAY 2015 | PG 3
Peoria Unified’s Governing Board & Meeting Information
National Merit Scholar to Graduate from Sunrise Mountain
The Peoria Unified School District Governing Board consists of five members, each of whom resides within the school district. They serve voluntarily. School board elec�ons are held in conjunction with state and federal elec�ons every two years. Peoria Unified Governing Board Meetings are typically held at 5 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month with a few excep�ons. Mee�ngs are held at the District Administra�on Center, 6330 W. Thunderbird Road, unless otherwise posted. The public is welcome to a�end. To verify the start time of a meeting, access an agenda, or view a meeting streaming live, visit The public is welcome to contact board members by email:
Kenji Onaka Onaka, a senior at Sunrise Mountain High is a Na�onal Merit Finalist and plans to a�end West Point Academy upon gradua�on, majoriing in Physics with a concentration on Astrophysics. Nearly 15,000 semi-finalists competed na�onally for 7,600 Merit Scholarships.
Two National DECA Leaders from Sunrise Mountain Sunrise Mountain High seniors Kevin Hong and Natalynn Masters received na�onal recogni�on as two of 17 students in the state to receive the 2015 DECA Emerging Leader Honor Award. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marke�ng, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the world.
Liberty Engineers Win State SkillsUSA Robotics, Will Compete in Nationals
Ma� Bullock
Judy Doane
Kathy Knecht
Liberty High juniors Bannen Johnson and Ryan Williams took first place in the Robo�cs and Automa�on compe��on at the state SkillsUSA event. The students who are enrolled in the Engineering Sciences 2 program, will represent Arizona at the national compe��on in Kentucky during the summer summer. Also pictured, Mar�n Bencic, Engineering Sciences teacher. Bencic
Beverly Pingerelli
The PULSE is published by Peoria Unified’s Public Rela�ons Department: Danielle Airey, Janet Clarke, Erin Dunsey, Kerri Staack.
Non-discrimination Statement: The Peoria Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, na�onal origin, sex, age or disability. Declaración de Non Discriminación: El Peoria Unified School District no discrimina a raza, color, nacionalidad, género, edad, o habilidad diferenciada.
MAY 2015 | PG 4
Sky View’s GardenPalooza Green Zone to Provide Hands-on Lessons Sky View Elementary’s PTSO provided funding for a garden and students began to design and build it during Dr. Seuss Week, calling it the GardenPalooza Green Zone Garden. According to Occcupa�onal Therapist Veronica Lopez, zz, the garden will help promote self-regulation, incorporate adap�ve coping skills, provide different forms of engagement and will serve as a hands-on learning experience for students with disabili�es.
Girl Scouts Stock Heritage Eagle’s Nest Pantry Morgan Limon Limon, Isabella Torres and Sage White from Girl Scout Troop 1572 earned their Junior Bronze Award by collec�ng nearly 1,000 non-perishable food items to supply the Eagle’s Nest pantry at Heritage Elementary Elementary. The scouts held a school-wide food drive and threw a Popsicle party for classes that donated the most. The scouts also built a wooden clothing collec�on box and collected 73 grocery bags full of clothes for the pantry. Also pictured: Kate Runyon Arwen Rolf Runyon, Rolf, Victoria Gavins Young Young, Ashley Holt and Abby Keeler.
New Flags for Oasis Multi-Purpose Room Courtesy of Girl Scouts Girl Scout Troop 1252 recently replaced the United States Flag and the Arizona Flag in the MPR at Oasis Elementary. The scouts a�end Alta Loma, Loma Desert Palms Palms, Oasis and Sky View elementary schools. In the ffront Row: Izzy Hernandez Hernandez, Katherine Miskimen Miskimen, Kayla Grasso Grasso, Elizabeth Langston Langston, Jayden Zamora Zamora, Bella St. Clair Clair, Haley Spencer Spencer, Kira Thording. Middle Row: Principal Gail Miller Miller, Jaidin McCluskey McCluskey, Audrey Tracey Tracey, Cassandra Staley Staley, Jus�ce Proffi�, Assistant Principal Stephen Balliet. Top Row: Sierra Casasola Casasola, Aliyah Ballard Ballard, Jolina McCoy Menchaca.
Administration Building at Cactus Dedicated for Rob DeSeelhorst On April 2, family, friends as well as current and former staff from Cactus High joined Dr. Denton Santarelli to dedicate the Rob DeSeelhorst Administra�on Building. Rob DeSeelhorst served the district as a beloved teacher and administrator from 1970 to 1997.
Education Foundation Honors Arizona School Boards Association Arizona School Boards Associa�on (ASBA), Execu�ve Director Dr. Tim Ogle was presented with the Educa�on Visionary Award at the 10th Annual Peoria Educa�on Founda�on’s Visionary Awards event. The Founda�on recognized three other recipients at the event held at the Arizona Broadway Theatre on March 30: Bob Sietsma of Great Skate for Community Partner; Dan Schay of Theater Works for Non-pro� Collabora�on; and Tamara Caraway of Hunt & Caraway Architects for Business Leader Leader. Also pictured, Peoria Unified Governing Board member and ASBA president-elect Kathy Knecht Knecht, Founda�on president Tamara Caraway and Superintendent Dr. Denton Santarelli.
MAY 2015 | PG 5
Centennial’s Future Business Leaders Win State, Earn Place at National Conference Centennial High’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) took the top award, the State Sweepstakes, for most overall points earned at the state conference. Not only did the FBLA students walk away with the top award, but they served as jugdges and mentors in a miniconference within the conference for 78 MidLevel FBLA members from across the state. Several students will compete at the national level in Chicago over the summer.
Arts Teacher of the Year from Zuni Hills
Debra Adams Adams, art teacher at Zuni Hills Elementary was recently selected as the West Valley Arts Council’s Arts Teacher of the Year. Congratula�ng her is Peoria Unified Governing Board member Kathy Knecht.
MAY 2015 | PG 6
The Top Individuals & Testing Event: Jesse Hernandez | Networking Concepts Darren Smith | Business Calculations Cindy Sloan | Personal Finance Nate Barry | Business Law The Top Teams & Skill Event: Chalsea Segarra & Karina Williams-Wheeler | Business Plan Cindy Sloan & Annalee Boyle | Business Financial Plan Trenton Gailey & Calvin Baker | Computer Game and Simulation Programming McKenna Fosdick & Vanessa Freeman | Desktop Publishing Brianna Koener & Ryan Bowman & Jacob Lee | Digital Video Production Megan Laufenberg & Blanca Chavez & Jessica Nguyen | E-Business Gwen Shamley & John Sahhar | Mobile Application Development James Jimenez & Billy Ottenheimer | E-Business Ariel Carr & Michael Smyser | Mobile Application Development The Top Individual & Skill Events: Brooke Blizzard | Desktop Application Programming Caprial Grow | Database Design & Applications Cody Downing | Desktop Application Programming Tyler Manning | Computer Applications The Top Individual Performance Event: Ian Mullane | Future Business Leader Ariel Carr | Future Business Leader The Top Team Performance Events: Nate Barry & LeAnne Costa | Social Media Campaign Vincent Ferroni & Austin Penne & Jacob Lee | Management Information Systems Jesse Hernandez & Taryn O’Boyle & Darren Smith | Network Design Lucy-Nicole Fylling & Elizabeth Nycole-Fylling & Bailey Estrella | American Enterprise Project Brandon Hang & Vincent Ferroni & Kody Lewis | Partnership With A Business
District Recognizes Top Volunteers at Annual Event More than 50 volunteers from the Peoria Uni�ied elementary and high schools were honored at the district’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration at Desert Valley Elementary. There are more than 3,700 volunteers who generously contributed more than 60,000 hours to assist staff and students in our schools during the 2014-15 school year. The annual celebration allows Peoria Uni�ied Governing Board members and district Kachina Elementary principal Landa Aponte announced Brian Fromm as the district’s staff to give thanks to Volunteer of the Year Award in the elementary those who give of their school category. time and skills to support the district. As part of the event, the district gave the highest tribute to the following volunteers for their outstanding contributions: Brian Fromm a volunteer at Kachina Elementary was presented with the district’s Volunteer of the Year Debbie Castaldo was congratulated on her Award in the elemenrecogni�on as the district’s Volunteer of the tary school category; Year Award in the high school category by Debbie Castaldo a Centennial High head baseball coach Mike volunteer at CentenOesterle. nial High was presented with the district’s Volunteer of the Year Award in the high school category; Hal Borhauer was honored by the Career & Technical Education Department; Tom Marbois was honored by the Arts Education Department; Nadina Fish was recognized
MAY 2015 | PG 7
The district is grateful for as the Peoria Education the support and from ChickFoundation’s Volunteer of Fil-A, Theater Works and the Year; Melissa Briggs Culver’s of Peoria for door received recognition as prizes for the event, and a Parent Advocate for volunteers and their family her work with the Peoria members enjoyed delectable United Parent Council; dessert refreshments from and Brooke Kistner was Rita’s Ice-Custard Happiness honored as a Community and Nothing Bundt Cakes. Mobilizer for her support of the district. In addition, se2014-15 School Volunteers of the Year l e c t vo l u n t e e r s Alta Loma Ana Moreno Apache Julie Villa from each school Cactus HS Kim Jones received special Canyon Kelli Lenocker recognition includCentennial Debbie Castaldo ing a Certi�icate of Cheyenne Pate Vernon Appreciation and Copperwood Julie Belter a gift presented by Co�on Boll Michelle Pfeiff the Peoria Uni�ied Country Meadows Sadie Myers Governing Board. A Coyote Hills Amy Wolff Desert Harbor Kris�n English special tribute was Desert Palms Windy Griffith made to senior volDesert Valley Michelle Dillon unteers from severFoothills LeAnne Pier al schools:Dorothy Fron�er Jennifer Maccano Hreha, Centennial; Heritage Candice Thompson Rosemary Grimes, Ira A. Murphy Kim Blizzard Copperwood; GilIronwood Anita Vargas lian Horton, CoyKachina Brian Fromm Lake Pleasant Joyce Peterson ote Hills; Nancy Liberty High Debbie Bannister Welz, Desert HarMarshall Ranch Gina Hughes bor; Kathleen Oakwood Holly Towers Duffy, Heritage; Oasis Laura Burgess Janice Kaminski, Parkridge Sonja Jones L a ke P l e a s a n t ; Paseo Verde Chantell Fowler Cheryl Lindsey, Peoria Elem. Faith Aron Peoria HS Eden Berhane Oakwood; Sally Peoria Tradi� onal Michelle Newkirk Renfro, Parkridge; Pioneer Susan MacWilliams Mary Lou ReisenRaymond S. Kellis HS Thu Hoang bigler, Peoria Sahuaro Ranch Lisa Naylor Elementary; DaSanta Fe Rori Corrales vid Krieg, Peoria Sky View Allesia Smith High; Jack Ball, Sunset Heights Nikki Otjen Raymond S. Kellis; Sun Valley Debby Corcoran Sundance Jammie Cas�llo Julie Corder, SunSunrise Mountain Davita Solter dance; and Mary Vistancia Cathy Marzano Nichols, VistanZuni Hills Danielle Wiley cia.
Carol Michael, Apache Elementary Third-grade Gi�ed teacher
2015 Pride of Peoria Recipients Nancy Bieniek, Paseo Verde Aleane Bocconcelli, Fron�er Pa�y Bristol, Oasis Mary Carlson, Country Meadows James Clow, Sahuaro Ranch Skye Cosey, Apache Steve Cushing, Vistancia Chris�e Davis, District Admin. Center Cathy Erickson, Fron�er Dianna Esh, Parkridge Jennifer Fagan, Country Meadows Becky Ferguson, Apache Becky Hiner, Pioneer Jenifer Hogg, District Admin. Center Lynn Jensen, Liberty High Barbara Kane, Sundance Reginna Keagle, Copperwood Monica Kinnaman, Centennial High Debra Lee, Centennial High Gary Mangin, Ironwood Tim Ormsbee, Ironwood Kerry Pennington, Oasis Amy Po�er, Zuni Hills Jose Ramos, Apache Todd Riffle, Pioneer Mona Rodriguez, District Admin. Center Myrna Ruiz, Ironwood High William Silva, Cholla IMT Heather Suess, Copperwood Ka�e Tudor, Country Meadows Jose Valdez, Paseo Verde Ma� Visintainer, Centennial High John Wallander, Co�on Boll Carrie Wetzel, Cheyenne Todd Wolff, Centennial High Jennifer Wood, Coyote Hills Lyle Wright, Peoria High Julie Yacknin, Peoria Elementary
MAY 2015 | PG 8
Jackie Mutchler, Sunrise Mountain Principal’s Secretary
Linda Palles Thompson Administrator for K-12 Academic Services
District Employees Honored at Annual Pride of Peoria Celebration Three Peoria Uni�ied employees were awarded top honors in Teaching, Support Services, and Administration during the 30 th Annual Pride of Peoria Employee Recognition Celebration on April 27 at the Arizona Broadway Theatre. Apache Elementary thirdgrade Gifted teacher, Carol Michael (Teaching), Sunrise Mountain High School principal’s secretary, Jackie Mutchler (Support Services), and K-12 Administrator for Academic Services, Linda Palles Thompson (Administration), were awarded the 2015 Raymond S. Kellis Leadership Awards – the highest honor a Peoria Uni�ied School District employee can receive. These three honorees were surprised with their award during the event. As part of the event, 38 Peoria Uni�ied employees were publicly honored as 2015 Pride of Peoria award recipients for their contributions to their schools and the district. These teachers and support staff were nominated by their colleagues for outstanding
service. All of the Pride of Peoria winners come from different sites, represent different career lengths and work in a variety of positions, yet share one common attribute: They were selected because letters written on their behalf revealed countless examples of how their dedication to the Peoria Uni�ied School District consistently went above and beyond. The event will air on Cox Cable Channel 99 and on YouTube at pusdof�icialchannel. More than 350 attended the event, including Peoria Uni�ied’s Superintendent Dr. Denton Santarelli, Governing Board members, principals, coworkers and relatives of the award recipients. The event was made possible by �inancial support from Hunt and Caraway Architects, 1GPA, Peoria Education Foundation, TSA Consulting Group and Brockhurst & Associates.
Peoria Unified Summer Schedule Beginning Monday, June 1, all Peoria Unified district offices will be open Monday-Thursday and closed Fridays. Office hours for the District Administration Center, Cholla Annex and Food Services will be 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. The MondayFriday work week will resume Monday, July 20. All District offices will be closed Monday, May 25 for Memorial Day.
Pesticide Application Schedule The Peoria Unified School District is required to provide wri�en no�fica�on at least 48 hours prior to the applica�on of any pes�cides at any school site. Pes�cides are applied in the late a�ernoon, a�er school is dismissed. May 1 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch May 4 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch May 5 Oakwood, Peoria Elem., Santa Fe May 6 Sundance, Sun Valley May 7 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills May 8 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde May 11 Cactus, Desert Valley, Foothills, Ironwood May 12 Centennial, Oasis May 13 Ira A. Murphy, Peoria High May 14 Alta Loma, Apache, Cheyenne, Sunset Heights May 15 Country Meadows, Desert Harbor, Raymond S. Kellis May 22 Vistancia May 26 Coyote Hills, Lake Pleasant, Liberty May 27 Sky View
MAY 2015 | PG 9
125-Year Alumni Feature Story: Trevor Gervais
Trevor Gervais Gervais, a Centennial High alumni, interned at the White House.
Trevor Gervais, a graduate from Centennial High Class of 2011, and an University of Arizona political science major, spent the summer of 2013 completing an internship at the White House. The internship was with the Of�ice of Intergovernmental Affairs, which serves as a liaison between the President and state gover-
nors and legislatures. His daily tasks ranged from managing data used to maintain working relationships with elected of�icials across the country to drafting memos for Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett. Trevor was one of 147 students in the United States selected to serve in the White House Internship Program. Trevor is studying in the Honors College, School of Government & Public Policy. Trevor attended Paseo Verde Elementary and was raised by a father who served in the U.S. Marine Corps and a mother who is a kindergarten teacher. Gervais learned early and often the importance of
service to his community and country, and is committed to such a charge.
Peoria Uni�ied greatly appreciates all alumni who have shared their story with us. We will continue to collect 125-Year alumni stories for a collective report. If you are a Peoria Uni�ied alumni, please share your story with us at www.surveymonkey. com/s/WP2PYSS.
Cactus Student Art to Adorn Valley Metro Bus and Light Rail Cactus High sophomore Sofia Garcia won the 15th annual Valley Metro Design a Transit Wrap art contest. Her artwork was selected among 200 entries and wraps around a Valley Metro bus and a light rail car.
Peoria Unified School District
Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.
Yogurt & Gripz Cereal Kits
Pancake on a Stick Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits
Omelet & Biscuit Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits
Sweet Southern Brunch Breads�cks w/ Marinara California Turkey Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Beef Dippers w/ Rice Yogurt Lunch Box w/ Muffin
Cheeseburgers Fun Fish w/ Roll Egg Salad Sandwich
Chicken Tenders Beefy Mac Garden Salad w/ Roll
Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Hot Dog on a Bun Veggie Wrap
Celery Chilled Pineapple
Broccoli Mango
Curly Fries Bananas
Apple Cinnamon Muffin Cereal Kits
French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits
Breakfast Pizza Bagel Cereal Kits
Corn Dog Bean & Cheese Burrito Turkey Combo Sub Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Macaroni & Cheese An�pasto Salad w/ Breads�ck
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich Pizza Bites Veggie Sandwich
Mixed Green Salad Orange Slices
Mini Peppers Mixed Berries
Peas Tropical Mixed Fruit
Carrots Mixed Melon
Baked Beans Apples
Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal Kits
Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits
Early Dismissal
Stuffed Crust Pizza Chicken Fajitas Oriental Chicken Salad
Pinto Beans Fruit Ice
Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits
Biscuits & Gravy Cereal Kits
Cereal Bar & String Cheese Cereal Kits
Yogurt Parfait Cereal Kits
Strawberry Pancakes Cereal Kits
Pretzel Melt Hamburger Breakfast Lunch Box
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Oriental Bowl *PB&J Pack
Grilled Cheese Meatball Sub Sandwich Tuna Sub Sandwich
Manager’s Choice Turkey & Gravy Garden Salad w/ Roll
Pepperoni Pizza Bean & Cheese Burrito Spicy Popcorn Chicken Salad
Celery Chilled Pineapple
Edamame Mango
Carrots Tropical Mixed Fruit
Mashed Potatoes Mandarin Oranges
Cucumbers Chilled Pears
Benefit Bars Cereal Kits
Manager’s Choice Cereal Kits
Glazed Breakfast Bar Cereal Kits
Cinnamon Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits
Mini Corndogs Cheeseburger Build a Pizza
Chicken Nuggets Scoops w/ Beans & Cheese Yogurt Lunch Box w/ Bagel
Manager Choice Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Garden Salad w/Roll
Baked Beans Orange Slices
Broccoli Melon
Cucumbers Chilled Peaches
Early Release for Summer Break
Elementary Breakfast Includes: Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk
Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
*PB&J is not served at peanut-free schools. Subs�tu�ons will be made. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Na�onal Clearing House Associa�on requires the following nonsufficient funds disclaimer: if a child brings a check to school, the parent is giving authoriza�on to electronically debit his/her account for the returned check plus fees if the check should be returned. For more informa�on, contact CCM/Restaurant Fund. 1-888-423-8974.
Elementary Lunch Includes:
Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Peoria Unified School District
High School Menu 2015
Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk
Breakfast Prices
Breakfast Entrées Available Daily
Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30 Adult Meal $1.75
Assorted Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers)
TUESDAY Muffin & Side
WEDNESDAY Honey Wheat Breakfast S�ck
Mini Pancakes
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Chocolate Chip French Toast
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Blueberry Waffles
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
French Toast S�cks
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Breakfast Pla�er (Omelet, Biscuit, Hash brown) Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Pla�er (Omelet, Biscuit, Hash brown) Breakfast Bowl
THURSDAY Muffin & Side 30
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Garden Salad Bean & Cheese Burrito Muffin Lunch Box Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza Hamburger
Green Chili Burrito Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Lunch Prices
Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar Hot Vegetables (Varies Daily)
Grilled Chicken Sandwich Corn Dog or Mini Corn Dogs PB&J Sandwich Pack Chicken Nuggets or Strips Cheeseburger Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage Lunch Entrées Available Daily
Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75
Lunch Entrée Specials for May Monday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Tuna Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 27
Beef So� Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl Gordita Beef Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl Beef So� Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl
Gordita Beef Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Tuesday Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Pastrami Sandwich Turkey Bacon Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos 28
Chicken Quesadilla Chicken Fe�uccini Alfredo
Beef Crunchy Tacos Spaghe� w/ Meatballs
Wednesday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 29
Cheese Quesadilla Chicken Fe�uccine Alfredo
Beef Crunchy Taco Chicken Parmesan Spaghe�
Burrito Bowl Spicy General Tso Bowl Chicken Fajitas Chili Cheese Hot Dog Burrito Bowl Spicy General Tso Bowl
Thursday Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Italian Combo Sub Chicken Wrap Veggie Sub 30
Early Dismissal 14
Early Dismissal 27
Philly Cheesesteak Popcorn Chicken Bowl
Friday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Veggie Wrap
Popcorn Chicken Bowl Meatball Sub Sandwich Last Day of School Early Dismissal
Clux Delux Sandwich Cheese Stuffed Ravioli Clux Delux Sandwich Lasagna w/ Breads�ck
Clux Delux Sandwich Mac & Cheese w/ Breads�ck
Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. Alternate items will be provided. Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.