Peoria Unifi ed Sch�l District Back-to-School Edition with Breakfast & Lunch Menus
AUGUST 2014 Calendar Highlights: Aug 6 - First day of school Aug 12 - Governing Board mee�ng, 5:30 p.m. Aug 15 - Last day to request mail-in Early Ballot from Aug 19 - Sunset Heights Elementary Dedica�on, 7 a.m. Aug 22 - Last Day to vote in Primary Elec�on at early vo�ng loca�ons, 5 p.m. Aug 26 - Primary Elec�on Aug 26 - Governing Board mee�ng, 5:30 p.m. Sept 1 - Labor Day All schools and offices are closed Sept 2 - Schools are closed for Teacher Training; District offices are open Sept 5 - Progress Report period ends
Peoria Unified Rated “A” District!
The Arizona Department of Education released the AZ Learns A-F labels for schools and districts across our state and Peoria Uni�ied is thrilled to be labeled an “A” school district. The “A” rating is primarily for district-wide pro�iciency and growth in the 2013-14 school year. The district continued to meet the benchmarks set for graduation rates, drop-out rates and English Language Learners’ reclassi�ication rates. This label con�irms what many in our community have always known to be true - the Peoria Uni�ied School District is an excep-
tional place for students! Our district boasts a total of 20 “A” labeled schools and 16 “B” labeled schools. For the complete list of all school labels, click here.
Thanks to the diligence, perseverance and dedication of more than 3,600 employees, we have earned a ranking provided to districts of the highest caliber.
Peoria Unified Continues to be Your Best Choice Peoria Unified, one of Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself on a 94 percent high school graduation rate, excelling schools, award-winning teachers, high AIMS test scores, specialized signature programs and championship sports programs. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US
Well, August has �inally arrived. Some parts of the country are now harvesting c r o p s planted last spring, but here in Arizona we are starting school. On behalf of Hal Borhauer the Peoria Governing Board Uni�ied School District Governing Board, I want to say WELCOME! I am excited school is starting and I
hope your child is as well. Speaking of harvesting; Peoria Uni�ied continues to help students grow. In May, over 2,800 students graduated from high schools in our district. These graduating seniors earned $57.9 million dollars in scholarships towards their future education. These scholarships and Peoria Uni�ied’s continued graduation rate of 95% (no charter school comes close to this graduation percentage), continue to reinforce your knowl-
edge and understanding that your local public school is the “best choice” for the majority of families in Glendale and Peoria. Peoria Uni�ied teachers and staff work hard every day to help your students grow and succeed. A testament to that dedication and the work students accomplish is the “A” Rating the Peoria Uni�ied School District is proud to have achieved. This label proves your children are receiving the best available instruction and support.
Synergy is Coming Soon! A New & Improved Student Info System for Parents
The district will soon be launching a new student information system. Synergy ParentVUE will replace the current Pinnacle Internet Viewer (PIV). Pa r e n t V U E w i l l b e available in mobile formats for both Android and
Apple devices as well as in the traditional web-based format. The district will be hosting parent orientations and providing user guides and help videos in the coming weeks. Please note that you will not have electronic access to
your child’s grades during the �irst two months of school while we provide teachers ample time to get comfortable with this new system. Additional information will be provided as we get closer to the launch of ParentVUE.
Calling all Peoria Unified Alumni! T h e Pe o ri a U n i � i e d School District is proud to be celebrating its 125th year of educating students! Our rich history is made up of countless individual stories of students whose lives have been impacted by Peoria Uni�ied. Was there a teacher or staff member who inspired you? A class that changed the way you thought about the world? Did you participate in an activity or club that sparked an unexpected
passion? If so, we invite you to be a part of the 125: Alumni Impact Project. Tell us your story in 250 words or less. Email it, along with a recent photo of yourself (jpeg format, please) and an old school photo (if available) to by August 18. Your story could be featured in the 125: Alumni Impact Project. By submitting your story, you give permission for the Peoria Uni�ied
School District to share the memory and/or photo that you have submitted on the District’s 125th webpage, via social media, or in other promotional formats. The memories may be included in other publications and websites.
The Re-dedication of the District’s Oldest Educational Asset, Old Main
Superintendent Dr. Santarelli, governing board members James Kistner, Hal Borhauer, Kathy Knecht and Ma� Bullock, and Deputy Superintendent Dr. Cruz cut the ribbon at the re-dedica�on of Old Main on the Peoria High School campus.
It was an exciting morning for hundreds of Peoria High School alumni and community members who attended the re-dedication of the district’s oldest educational asset, Old Main on the Peoria High School campus. In 1922, Old Main opened it’s doors to 50 students. The doors were closed in 2008 and Old Main’s future was uncertain. However, in 2011 the Governing Board voted to use bond dollars to make repairs to Old Main for future use. Old Main may be 92-years old, but it is beautifully remodeled inside and out and ready for a new generation of students. Old Main will open on Aug. 6 to current Peoria Transition Center students. In January, students enrolled in the MET Professional Academy, a new district program, will begin their studies. The MET Professional Academy will inspire and elevate high-achieving, driven college-bound students in medical, engineering or technology careers.
AUG 2014 PULSE / PG 2
For a printable 2014-15 school year calendar, go to the Schools section at
Back-to-School Information for Our Community District Provides Back-to-School Assistance District patrons have opened their hearts and wallets to assist Peoria Uni�ied students with clothing, back-to-school supplies and hygiene kits. The pantry is maintained at Cotton Boll Elementary to aid those in need. Many of our schools have onsite pantries overseen by
advisors, nurses or counselors. If you are seeking assistance, or would like to contribute to a school pantry, please contact your local school, or the Cotton Boll Elementary pantry directly at 623-412-4714, or Peoria Uni�ied’s Homeless Liaison at 623-486-6058.
For Your Convenience, Check out our App Install the district’s free app on your Apple or Android device for quick access to a day-to-day calendar with 6-day rotation schedule, menus, district news and the monthly PULSE newsletter. From our app, you can be connected immediately to your
school’s attendance of�ice, make a payment for Kindergarten Academy or a Tax Credit donation. You can also maintain your mylunchmoney. com account from the app. Additionally, ParentVUE, the new student information system, will be available on the app soon!
Your School Earns Cash from Your Donations Are you clearing out closets to get ready for back-to-school? Consider this! Peoria Uni�ied partners with Swift Charities for Children to collect used clothing, shoes, accessories and linens.
Any donation you make will directly support activities at your child’s school. If you need a receipt, visit to print one. Visit the Parents tab at for a list of Swift Charities drop box sites on Peoria Uni�ied school campuses.
Keeping Students Safe with Phone or App In order to maintain the safest learning environment, Peoria Uni�ied provides a Safe School Line and an app for students and parents to report threats or suspicious activity. Students or parents can call the Safe School Line anonymously at 623-4866199, or can launch the district’s free app to report
weapons, drugs, theft, vandalism, graf�iti, suicide or abuse. If you are reporting an incident, provide specific details, which school is involved, possible students involved, and the time and location of the incident. Messages are retrieved during the district’s regular business hours and reported to the appropriate personnel.
County Offers Low Cost or Free Immunizations
The Maricopa County Department of Public Health provides free immunizations Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the West Clinic located at 6666 W. Peoria Ave. For hours or more information, call 623-979-4895.
Locate Your Safest Route to Walk or Bike to School
The district works with local city of�icials to communicate the safest routes to school for walking and biking elementary school students. You can view the Safe Routes to School in the Schools section at
Families Can Access Low Cost Technology Connect2Compete (C2C) is a national non-pro�it organization bringing low cost Internet to families. You may be eligible for Internet service at $9.95/month + tax if you: l Have at least one child eligible for free lunches through the National School Lunch Program l Have not subscribed to Cox Internet service within the past 90 days l Have no outstanding bills or unreturned Cox equipment. Through the power of technology, C2C can improve the lives of Americans – regardless of age, race, or education level. C2C assists families access technology through Digital Literacy training, discounted high-speed Internet, and lowcost computers. For more information,
AUG 2014 PULSE / PG 3
Contact Informa�on:
Before-and-A�er School Care
Before-and-A�er School Care Contact Informa�on:
Peoria residents: The City of Peoria’s AM/ PM Recreation Program, co-sponsored with Peoria Uni�ied, operates 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. for students who are in kindergarten to 12-years-old at all district schools within the city. The AM/PM program will operate during the district’s breaks and fullday teacher training days, on the following days at these schools:
City of Peoria AM/PM 623-773-7137 www.recrea� Peoria Unified EXCEL at Glendale schools 623-486-6051, Programs and Services City of Glendale GRASP 623-930-2820, Parks & Recrea�on Department
Sept. 1: Cheyenne, Coyote Hills Oct. 13: Oakwood, Parkridge Nov. 24-26: Alta Loma, Frontier Dec. 19-Jan. 2: Coyote Hills, Oasis Jan. 19-20; Paseo Verde, Sunset Heights Feb. 16-17: Alta Loma, Parkridge March 16-20: Cheyenne, Frontier, Paseo Verde April 16-17: Oasis, Apache
Glendale residents: New this year! Peoria Uni�ied provides care for kindergarten through eighth-grade students attending Desert Palms, Desert Valley, Foothills and Marshall Ranch elementary schools. The EXCEL program operates 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will be open during Peoria Uni�ied’s early release and full-day Teacher Training, Professional Development Days. To d o w n l o a d a registration packet, or more information, visit the Programs/Services tab at
The Glendale Recreation After School Program (GRASP) provides care for kindergarten through eighth-grade students at Sahuaro Ranch, Canyon, Kachina and Pioneer elementary schools. The program operates from 6:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. including early release days. For sites that will be open during school breaks and full-day Teacher Training days, call Glendale Parks and Recreation at 623-930-2820.
Kellis High Students Awarded $25,000! Lead2Feed is a teacherled educa�onal program that combines curriculum on leadership and the challenge of solving hunger locally and globally through service-learning projects conducted by student teams. In 2013-14, 1,000 middle and high schools na�onwide participated in the Lead2Feed program.
Raymond S. Kellis High students received a $25,000 award for doing a good deed. In June, the Li� A Life Founda�on and the Yum! Brands Founda�on recognized the students as one of the top five winners in the Lead2Feed Challenge. As part of a Distribu�ve Educa�on Clubs of America (DECA) project, seven students under advisor Deb Moore, held fundraisers to provide a family in Mexico with food and money to buy necessi�es such as shoes, clothing and fruit trees. They formed a non-profit organiza�on to con�nue the work. The students are: Anna Chacon, Anairis Chacon, Michele To, Leslie Robledo, Ramon Nieto, Ma�hew Gallegos and Jacqueline Enriquez.
AUG 2014 PULSE / PG 4
Zuni Hills Students to Connect with Astronauts at ISS
Over the summer, Zuni Hills Elementary sixth-grade teacher Jennifer Cheesman a�ended Honeywell’s Green Boot Camp.
Students at Zuni Hills Elementary are scheduled to participate in a unique event the week of August 18. Sixth-grade science teacher, Jennifer Cheesman, lead the effort to coordinate radio contact between her students and astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Contact will be made via telebridge, a connection between the school and the space station. Students will assemble in the multi-purpose room and when the telebridge connection is made, will hear astronauts answer the questions they submitted last spring. The contact should excite and inspire students to discover why science experiments are important on board the ISS.
Peoria High’s Future Leaders A�end National Conference
Peoria High School FFA Chapter members, Jacob Kaltenbach, Bailee Dorris and Tanner Wright, a�ended the FFA Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. over the summer. The students joined more than 1,800 FFA members from across the na�on to learn how to develop personal and leadership skills to help them create meaningful community-service projects that will make a difference in their home communi�es.
Peoria High to Host “Chart Your Pathway to Success” Event
Do you have an interest in a career and would like to learn more about it? Would you like to earn college credits while in high school, which will save your family money? Get answers to these questions and more, at the Chart Your Pathway to Success event, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m, Sat., Sept. 6, on the Peoria High School campus, 11200 N. 83rd Ave. Students and parents can tour and experience the exciting Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs offered on Peoria Uni�ied high school campuses. At the Chart Your Pathway to Success event, explore programs such as Agriculture, Financial Services, Marketing, Engineering, Welding, Sports Medicine, Fire Science, Law Enforcement, CuFire Science, a CTE course of study on the Sunrise Mountain High campus, is available to all Peoria linary Arts, Bio-
Unified students.
technology, Veterinary Sciences, Computer Networking and Programming, and Media Productions. These are a few of the 39 CTE programs offered to Peoria Uni�ied students. Discover dual enrollment opportunities, explore student organizations that offer leadership skills and high school career center information regarding testing, scholarships and �inancial aid. Find out how you can earn industry credentials or college credits toward an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree while in high school. Meet CTE teachers, college, military and tech school representatives as well as business and industry partners that are aligned with each of Peoria Uni�ied’s CTE programs. Food trucks will be available, with proceeds from purchases supporting CTE student certi�ications.
AUG 2014 PULSE / PG 5
First, Walk to Support Schools! Then, Stay for Baseball Game Join Peoria Uni�ied, the Arizona Diamondbacks and thousands of supporters from across the state to celebrate Arizona’s public school system, Sat., Sept. 13 at Chase Field, 401 E. Jefferson. Walk 4 Education, sponsored by Support Our Schools AZ, will showcase accomplish-
Teens are Invited to Summit to Prepare for Successful School Year
Learn About: Anti-Bullying Cyber Bullying Internet Safety Drug Awareness Teen Safety Leadership
Back to School Youth Summit
ments and achievements of Arizona public district school children! Walk 4 Education is fun for the entire family and begins at 1p.m. Then, stay for the Ariz. Diamondbacks vs. San Diego Padres baseball game at 5:10 p.m. Paul Goldschmidt bobbleheads will be the promotional item for the game (quantities are limited.)
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 2-18. Families can apply for scholarships to cover ticket costs. Apply soon, scholarship funds will be allocated through Aug. 31. Email info@support or 602686-5338, for more information. Register at
Before You Vote, Learn About Candidates at PUPC Forum Oct. 7 The Peoria United Parent Council (PUPC) will host a Candidates Forum, 6 p.m., Tues., Oct. 7 at the Peoria Uni�ied District Administration Center, 6330 W. Thunderbird Rd. PUPC is a district-wide parent group that offers Peoria Uni�ied parents support and information to help them become better informed to make important decisions
regarding their child’s education. In addition to having a voice and representing schools on critical issues, parent members gain greater access to district administrators, knowledge about state-level legislative and educational issues and opportunities to be more involved at both levels. Visit for more information.
Rio Vista Recreation Center Saturday, August 9th • Noon to 4 pm
The Peoria Police Department, in partnership with community leaders and community youth groups, wants to make sure that our teens head back to school fully prepared for a new year. This gathering is aimed at teens 13-17 who want to learn how to have a successful school year, both in and out of the classroom. Speakers will cover the growing issues with bullying and cyber bullying, what teens need to know in the ever-changing world of technology and how to stay safe when using their computers and smart phones. Teens will also learn about emerging drug concerns, dangerous trends to avoid and also how to set and accomplish their goals throughout the year. The Police Department feels that reaching out this early in the school year to teens is a proactive way to have a positive effect on our community and help prepare teens to make good choices during the year ahead.
Food and refreshments will be served. Please RSVP.
For more information, call 623.773.7093 or visit
Primary Elec�on Voter Registra�on Closes Primary Elec�on
July 28, 2014 at midnight August 26, 2014
General Elec�on Voter Registra�on Closes
Oct. 6, 2014 at midnight
General Elec�on
Nov. 4, 2014
AUG 2014 PULSE / PG 6
New School Snack Regula�ons Who: PreK-12th-graders What: Nutri�on regula�ons for all snack food items and beverages that can be sold to students including: fundraisers, vending machines, school stores and snack bars When: During the school day — which is considered midnight to 30 minutes a�er the last school bell rings Where: All areas of campus accessible to students The new snack food and beverage regula�ons are an effort to make the en�re campus a healthier environment for all students. The guidelines address the amount of calories, sodium, sugar, and fat, along with whole grain, fruit and vegetable content in foods and beverages sold. For more informa�on contact the district’s Food and Nutri�on Department at 623-487-5185.
Your Cafeteria Serves Nutritious Meals The district participates in the National School Breakfast and Lunch programs in order to provide healthy, affordable meals to your children. The Special Milk Program provides a carton of white or chocolate milk for just 35-cents. An After School Snack Program is available at select schools. T h e d i s t r i c t o f fe r s healthy and appealing meal choices to students.
Monthly menus and nutrient analysis of items served can be found in the Food and Nutrition Department at Children are eligible for low cost or free meals if the household’s gross income falls within the USDA Income Guidelines. Parents can complete and submit the application online at Parents need to only com-
Paying for School Meals If you send a check with your child to pay for school meals, make it payable to Peoria Lunch Fund, and include your phone number and your student’s name. Don’t want to send cash or checks to pay for school meals with your child? Set up an online account which will fund your student’s account.
Peoria Uni�ied Breakfast & Lunch Prices Elementary Breakfast Lunch
Full Price Reduced Price $1.50 $0.30 $2.50 $0.40
High School Full Price Reduced Price Breakfast $1.75 $0.30 Lunch $2.75 $0.40 Improvements made due to recent regulations include: increase in whole grain choices and �iber, elimnating trans-fats, baked food items instead of fried, lower sodium and fat content, and only 100-percent fruit juice and ices are offered. A fruit and vegetable bar with a colorful array of fresh seasonal offerings is available to students. New regulations require a student to take one half cup of fruit or vegetable with breakfast and lunch.
plete one application with all students listed, even if they attend different schools. A new application is required every school year. Last year’s approval will expire Sept. 17, 2014. Meal bene�its do not start right away. Applications must be approved before bene�its begin. The maximum time for processing is 10 days. Applications �illed out online are processed more quickly. If you don’t qualify for assistance now, you can apply at any time during the school year.
At breakfast or lunch, your student will enter a pin number or scan their ID card to debit their cafeteria account. You can set limits and track your student’s account online every day. is a safe, secure, accurate and convenient way to pay for cafeteria meals. Please note that a $1.95 transaction fee is charged whenever money is added to your MyLunchMoney. com account.
AUG 2014 PULSE / PG 7
August 2014 Elementary
Peoria Unified School District
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.
Smart Snacks in Schools Ruling
Star�ng this school year, all foods and beverages sold on campus during school hours must meet new nutri�on guidelines. The guidelines apply to snack bars, vending machines, school stores, and any fundraisers. To view nutri�on guidelines and a list of approved foods visit the Food & Nutri�on page on the Peoria Unified School District Website.
Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits
Omelet & Biscuit Combo Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Strawberry Pancakes Cereal Kits
Pepperoni Pizza Bean & Cheese Burrito Tuna Sub Sandwich
Cheeseburger Chicken Nuggets w/BBQ Garden Salad w/Roll
Grilled Cheese Meatball Sub Sandwich Spicy Popcorn Chicken Salad
Carrots Bananas
Tater Tots Strawberries
Cauliflower Chilled Pears 100% Fruit Juice
Benefit Bar Cereal Kits
Eggs & Croissant Sandwich Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Glazed Breakfast Bar Cereal Kits
Breakfast Pizza Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Cinnamon Roll Cereal Kits
Cheese Crisp Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Italian Turkey Sub Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Scoops w/ Beans & Cheese Bagel Lunch Box
Mini Corn Dogs Toasted Turkey Sandwich Build a Pizza
Beef Fingers Popcorn Chicken Bowl Garden Salad w/Roll
French Bread Cheese Pizza Gordita Taco Cobb Salad w/Oatmeal Bar
Ranch Style Beans Orange Slices
Broccoli Watermelon
Sliced Cucumbers Tropical Mixed Fruit
Mashed Potatoes & Corn Grapes
Fresh Carrots Apples Fruit Ice
Board Mee�ng 5:30 p.m.
Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits
Pancake on a Stick Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Yogurt & Grips Cereal Kits
Omelet, Biscuit Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Maples Pancakes Cereal Kits
Sweet Southern Brunch Stuffed Breads�cks w/Marinara California Turkey Sandwich
Teriyaki Beef Dippers w/Rice Chicken Nuggets Muffin Lunch Box
Mini Cheeseburgers Fun Fish w/Roll Egg Salad Sandwich
Chicken Tenders Spaghe� w/Meatballs Garden Salad w/Roll
Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Hot Dog on a Bun Veggie Wrap
Hash Browns Cantaloupe
Sweet Bell Peppers Applesauce
Pork & Beans Bananas
Broccoli Strawberries
Side Salad Chilled Pears 100% Fruit Juice
Harvest Muffin Cereal Kits
French Toast Sticks Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits
Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits
Bean & Cheese Burrito Corn Dog Turkey Combo Sub
Macaroni & Cheese Chicken Nuggets An�pasto Salad w/Breads�ck
BBQ Pork Rib Sandwich Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Veggie Sandwich
Turkey & Gravy w/Roll Popcorn Chicken Bites Garden Salad w/Roll
Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza Chicken Fajitas Oriental Chicken Salad
Ranch Style Beans Chilled Pineapple
Side Salad Watermelon
Carrots Chilled Peaches
Mashed Potatoes Grapes
Cucumbers Apples Fruit Ice
Labor Day No School
Staff Professional Development Day
September 1 Elementary Breakfast Includes: Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk
Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
No School
Board Mee�ng 5:30 p.m.
Cereal Bar & String Cheese Cereal Kits
Yogurt Parfait Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Strawberry Pancakes Cereal Kits
Oriental Chicken Bowl Meatball Marinara Sub Tuna Sub Sandwich
Hamburger Chicken Tenders PB&J Pack
Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Bean & Cheese Burrito California Turkey Sandwich
Edamame Tropical Mixed Fruit
Corn Chilled Mandarin Oranges
Carrots Chilled Pears
Nutrient Analysis available at *PB&J is not served at peanut-free schools. Subs�tu�ons will be made. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Na�onal Clearing House Associa�on requires the following nonsufficient funds disclaimer: if a child brings a check to school, the parent is giving authoriza�on to electronically debit his/her account for the returned check plus fees if the check should be returned. For more informa�on, contact CCM/Restaurant Fund, 1-888-423-8974.
100% Fruit Juice
Elementary Lunch Includes:
Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
AUGUST High School Menu 2014
Peoria Unified School District
Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk
Breakfast Prices Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30
Breakfast Entrées Available Daily Assorted Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers) Breakfast Bars, Poptarts, Bagel w/ Cream Cheese & Breakfast Pizza
Muffin & Side
French Toast S�cks
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Snack n’ Waffle
Mini Pancakes
Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Green Chili Egg & Potato Burrito
Breakfast Pla�er
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Green Chili Egg & Potato Burrito
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast Pla�er
(Omelet, Biscuit, Hash Brown)
Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage
Garden Salad Bean & Cheese Burrito Muffin Lunch Box Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza
Grilled Chicken Sandwich Corn Dog or Mini Corn Dogs PB&J Sandwich Pack Chicken Nuggets or Strips Hamburger/Cheeseburger
Lunch Entrée Specials for August Monday
Popcorn Chicken Salad Pastrami Sandwich Turkey Bacon Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos
Gordita Taco Sichuan Chicken Bowl
Beef So� Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl
Gordita Taco Kung Pow Chicken Bowl
Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad
Cheese Crisp Fe�uccini Alfredo
Chicken Quesadilla Sichuan Chicken Bowl
Beef Hard Shell Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Chicken Flautas Kung Pow Chicken Bowl
Beef Hard Shell Tacos Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75
Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Italian Combo Sub Chicken Wrap Veggie Sub
Chicken Flautas Sichuan Chicken Bowl
Baked Zi� Chicken Quesadilla
Lunch Prices
Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar Hot Vegetables (Varies Daily)
Raspberry Chicken Salad
Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Tuna Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad
Mini Cinnis
Muffin & Side
(Omelet, Biscuit, Hash Brown)
Lunch Entrées Available Daily
Honey Wheat Breakfast S�ck 6
Adult Meal $1.75
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Veggie Wrap Clux Delux Sandwich 8
Meatball Sub Mac & Cheese w/Roll
Hot Italian Sub
Beefy Mac w/French Bread 22
Philly Sandwich Cheese Stuffed Raviolis 29
Lasagna w/French Bread
Buffalo Chicken Wrap
Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. If the first choice is not available an alternate will be served. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.