Peoria Unifi ed Sch�l District Monthly Newsletter with Breakfast & Lunch Menus
FEBRUARY 2015 Calendar Highlights: Feb 9 & 10 | Future Schools Compe��on, a 125 Year Commemora�ve Event Feb 12 | Governing Board Mee�ng, 5 p.m. Feb 12-13 | Parent/Teacher Conferences. Elementary schools will release early. Feb 16 | All Schools and Offices Closed | Presidents’ Day Feb 17 | No School | Full Day Professional Development Feb 24 | District Patrio�c Speech Contest Feb 24 | Governing Board Mee�ng, 5 p.m. Feb 27 | Purple Day, a district-wide fundraiser for the American Cancer Society
District Spelling Bee Champ from Apache The district’s annual Spelling Bee was held Jan. 23 and the top spellers from across the district competed in front of peers and family members. The winner of the district’s Spelling Bee is Seth Reay, in seventh-grade at Apache Elementary. Seth won against Pioneer Elementary’s Jessa Stiefer in the 25th round with the winning word “variance.” The champion and seven runner-ups will advance to a County Regional Spelling Bee to be held Feb. 20 in Peoria Uni�ied’s Governing Board Room. The seven runner-ups are: Becca Johnson, in
Peoria Unified Spelling Bee runners-up: Becca Johnson Johnson, Jessa S�efer efer, Brianna Peel, Jessica Evans Peel Evans, Alexander Huguez Huguez, Michael Davey Davey, Ben Jones and Spelling Bee champion Seth Reay champion, Reay.
seventh-grade at Copperwood; Ben Jones, in �ifthgrade at Desert Valley; Jessica Evans, in seventhgrade at Frontier; Michael Davey, in sixth-grade at Parkridge; Alexander Huguez, in seventh-grade at Peoria Traditional;
Jessa Stiefer, in eighthgrade at Pioneer; Brianna Peel, in seventh-grade at Sunset Heights. Top spellers from all 15 Regional bees will move up to the state-level bee to be held Sat., March 21.
What Do You Guys Actually Do? Pe o r i a U n i f i e d , o n e o f Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself with a 95 percent high school graduation rate, excelling s c h o o l s , awa rd - w i n n i n g teachers, high AIMS test scores, specialized signature programs and championship sports programs. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US
I was talking with a good friend last week and he asked me “What do you guys actually do on the school board?” I have heard t h a t question Ma� Bullock before, Board President so here is a brief explanation: Your �ive-member Peoria Uni�ied school board is an elected position with the primary duty of hiring, monitoring
and retaining the superintendent. Our next most important task is approving the annual budget and large expenditures. We work for the tax payers, parents and students of Peoria Un�ied to ensure that their concerns are being given proper attention from the district administration. We vote on every policy in the district and approve new textbooks, teacher resources and construction of new facilities. We meet with district administration to learn what’s being
planned for the upcoming semester and year and have study sessions to determine how those plans support Peoria Uni�ied students, parents and educators. We meet with state legislators to advocate for resources for our schools, including increased teacher pay and money for repairs to increase safety. Peoria Uni�ied board members are parents with a strong desire to make education the number one priority in our community.
Fourth-Graders Investigate H2O at Festival Hundreds of Peoria Uni�ied fourth graders attended the City of Peoria’s inaugural Project: Wet Water Festival. During the event, kids traveled through four different interactive stations, each offering a 30-minute activity
Monday, March 2 is Dr. Seuss’ Birthday and the 125th day of school. You can celebrate Dr. Seuss & Peoria Unified’s 125-year legacy by reading 125 minutes, or pages, or books!
Send pics of you reading to and your pic may be included in a Facebook photo album!
All Peoria Unified fourthgrade students rotated through four interac�ve sta�ons to learn more about water in Arizona at the City of Peoria’s Project: Wet Water Fes�val.
focused on the water cycle, water technology, watersheds or groundwater. Students learned how water is used - and protected - in Arizona through exploration, using interactive models.
The water festival was held at Pioneer Park and City of Peoria and University of Arizona staff made this learning experience possible for Peoria Uni�ied students.
Cactus High Walks Commemorates Alum at Parade As outstanding champions for organ donations, Cactus High students were invited by the Donor Network of Ariz., the state’s only organ recovery organization, to participate in the Fiesta Bowl parade. The honor included walking with the Donor Network’s balloon, Reggie,
which was the tallest balloon in the parade. The students earned the honor when they celebrated Cactus alum
Joshua Florence, who saved four lives through organ donation after his death in 2007, during a football game in last fall.
Cactus High giant balloon wranglers: Nick Bastain Bastain, Jus�n Barnes-Oursler Barnes-Oursler, Rebecca Jarnagin, Jarnagin Alfred Varela Varela, Jacob Honn Honn, Tuesday Elias Elias, Kloey Figg Figg, Savannah Sco�, Addy King King, Kelsey Gibbs.
FEB 2015 | PG 2
Festival Seeks Community Support The Peoria Educa�on Founda�on invites business partners and community organizations to be involved in the annual Peoria Arts & Cultural Fes�val. This family-friendly community event draws more than 12,000 to Oldtown Peoria and features visual arts from Peoria Unified students, dance, band and choir performances. A number of sponsor opportuni�es are available, from Event Title Sponsor to Exhibitors. The event is free to a�end and includes a variety of ac�vi�es for families. There will be nominal fees for the kids zone and makeand-take cra�s. Several gourmet food vendor trucks will also be available. Proceeds from the event will go to the Peoria Education Founda�on which provides grants to teachers and scholarships to students within the Peoria Unified School District. For more sponsor informa�on, please visit the Events page at www.peoriaedfounda�
New Event Planned for Arts & Cultural Festival Working in groups, Peoria Uni�ied art teachers repurposed chairs to be auctioned at the Peoria Arts & Cultural Festival held on April 11. Teachers used a variety of materials and techniques to convert seven typical household chairs into functional works of art. This is the �irst time teacher artwork and a silent auction fundraiser will be featured at the Peoria Arts & Cultural Festival. The chairs will be set up to view from 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. and bidding will take place from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Proceeds from the chair auction will go the the Peoria Education Foundation, which provides grants to Peoria Uni�ied teachers and scholarships to students.
Art teachers Julie Flaherty from Raymond S. Kellis High High, Gary Thompson from Sahuaro Ranch Elementary and Tonia Stone from Alta Loma Elementary Elementary, worked together to design a chair for the Peoria Arts & Cultural Fes�val.
Students Accept Challenge to Serve Seniors
Thank you ria — Sky Zone Peo e h Sponsor of t Kids Zone!
Sunset Heights Elementary students Chet and Lily Van Roekel and brother Cole, who a�ends preschool at Fron�er Elementary, accepted Peoria Unified’s 125-Year challenge by bringing Thanksgiving meals to the homes of community Elementary members in need and served tradi�onal Thanksgiving dinner to more than 125 senior ci�zens at a local re�rement center.
FEB 2015 | PG 3
Peoria Unified’s Governing Board & Meeting Information
At First Board Meeting of 2015: New President & Clerk Elected, Meetings Moved to Thursdays
The Peoria Unified School District Governing Board consists of five members, each of whom resides within the school district. They serve voluntarily. School board elec�ons are held in conjunction with state and federal elec�ons every two years. Peoria Unified Governing Board Meetings are typically held at 5 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month with a few excep�ons. Mee�ngs are held at the District Administra�on Center, 6330 W. Thunderbird Road, unless otherwise posted. The public is welcome to a�end. To verify the start time of a meeting, access an agenda, or view a meeting streaming live, visit The public is welcome to contact board members by email:
At the �irst Board Meeting of the year, Jan. 13, newly elected Board Members Judy Doane and Beverly Pingerelli were introduced. One of the �irst votes they took as new members was the adoption of a Board Meeting schedule for the calendar year. Effective Thursday, Jan. 29, Governing Board meetings will take place at 5 p.m.
on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, with a few exceptions. The new meeting schedule, as well as the link to stream t h e G ove r n i n g B o a rd meetings live, is posted on the district’s website at Also during the Board Meeting, the Governing Board elected Matt Bullock
as President and Beverly Pingerelli as Clerk for 2015. Additional information on Governing Board meetings is available through the district’s social media channels: Facebook, Twitter and a Board Meeting re-cap through the district’s RSS Feed.
Life-Saving Action of Foothills Pair Recognized by Firefighters
Ma� Bullock
Judy Doane
Daphne Dugan and Olivia Lee Lee, in eighth-grade at Foothills Fine Arts Acadeny, cadeny, were each cadeny presented a Lifesaving Award by Glendale fire officials for their quick ac�ons in the classroom to help their teacher, Michele Knape Knape, prevent a diabe�c a�ack.
Kathy Knecht
Tracy Livingston
Beverly Pingerelli
The PULSE is published by Peoria Unified’s Public Rela�ons Department: Danielle Airey, Janet Clarke, Erin Dunsey, Kerri Staack.
Non-discrimination Statement: The Peoria Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, na�onal origin, sex, age or disability. Declaración de Non Discriminación: El Peoria Unified School District no discrimina a raza, color, nacionalidad, género, edad, o habilidad diferenciada.
FEB 2015 | PG 4
Ironwood Student Designs Best Cardboard Car Camryn Rodgers, in 11th grade at Ironwood High High, designed, built, competed and won three awards for a cardboard car assignment in Physics class. The car, named Lightning McQueen, won the award for greatest average velocity (5.18 �. per second), best design and most beau�ful. According to Physics teacher Theresa Burch Burch, Lightning McQueen will compete this spring with cardboard cars built by Cactus High Physics students.
Unified Sports Athletes Compete on the Court
The gym at Liberty High was packed with students, staff, parents and cheerleaders for the Liberty vs. Ironwood Unified Sports basketball game. Unified Sports teams includes regular and special educa�on student athletes who work collabora�vely on the same team. Male and female students from both high schools competed against each other in two- 20 minute halves.
District Bus Driver Karen Haney Duncan is #1 Fan of Ironwood BB Team WOW ! s to r i e s a re shared weekly in the Bulletin Board, a newsle�er emailed to all Peoria Unified staff. Our friends at Horace Mann generously sponsor WOW! stories and present gift cards to staff members featured in a Bulletin Board newsle�er. If you have a WOW! story to share, go to www.peoriaud.k12., click the Departments tab, then click Public Relations.
FEB 2015 | PG 5
Here is a WOW! story submitted by a parent to Karen Haney Duncan, a district bus driver: My son plays basketball at Ironwood High. During the holiday break, the boys had a tournament which meant they traveled to other schools via a school bus. As parents, we all took notice early on in the tournament of “someone new” sitting in the stands cheering for our kids. She was very proud and cheered for each player as if they were her own child. It took us by surprise because we had never noticed her before. We assumed she was a grandparent. While getting into my car, I noticed the bus waiting for the players to get on, and the same woman was behind the wheel!
The boys had a very tough loss in the �irst game, which she took notice. While on the bus back to school, they were indulged in a memorable conversation with the bus driver. She told them how proud she was of each of them and knew they could win. She could tell they needed a pep talk to help them feel better after a devastating loss. She asked, “how would you guys feel if I bought you all pizza for a WIN after the next game?” It wasn’t until the end of the 3rd game that I approached her, at which time asked her name. I wanted to tell her what an amazing thing she had done for our kids, and offered to give her some money to cover the cost of pizzas (a collective decision
by all parents). She declined the money, stating that she just wanted to help the boys gain their con�idence back and bring them closer together. The team has not stopped talking about this experience and how wonderful the bus driver is. She made a difference by doing such a kind-hearted, caring thing that should not go unnoticed! If more people in this world had her attitude and strength, it would be a much brighter place!
Sky View Elementary Students Have the Right Stuff Sky View Elementary students who write, report and anchor a daily school news show were recently commended by NASA. Each week, the students present a science feature on the news show with information from a NASA series called “Space to Ground.” NASA’s Public Relations Of�icer, Dan Huot, saw the news show featuring the Space to Ground segment on YouTube and contacted m e d i a m e n t o r, E l i s s a Novikoff, to tell the students they did a fantastic job and to keep up the good work.
the First Day of year is next school . 10, 2015 Monday, Aug
FEB 2015 | PG 6
Sky View Elementary News Show writers, reporters and anchors: Fredreka Wheeler Kiki Norberg, Wheeler, Norberg Maya Golic Golic, Mackensie Taegel Taegel, Benjamin Novikoff, Nate McLamb and Beatriz Razon Razon, have contributed a combined 700 hours wri�ng ng, producing and recording the morning school news show show.
Schools Prepare to Register Kindergartners for Upcoming School Year Peoria Uni�ied elementary schools will hold early kindergarten registration for the 2015-16 school year during the week of Feb. 2327. While registration occurs year-round, this is a special week for parents to expedite the process by downloading a registration packet, completing the forms and registering their child for the upcoming school year. All schools will stay open until 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 26 for working parents to register their child. Children who will be �iveyears-old before Sept. 1 are eligible for kindergarten. Peoria Uni�ied provides a half-day of kindergarten instruction tuition-free, and offers a full-day, tuition-based Kindergarten Academy with art, music, physical education
and opportunities to explore and expand on core curriculum instruction. Tuition for Kindergarten Academy is $175/mo. which will be collected in nine equal installments beginning Aug. 2015. Parents who register on or before Fri., Feb. 27, will have the $35 registration fee waived. Parents registering for Kindergarten Academy will need to complete a Kindergarten Academy Application form, and beginning March 2, pay a $35 non-refundable registration fee.
Download all enrollment forms in the ‘Parents’ section at www.peoriaud. For more information, call your neighborhood school or the Peoria Uni�ied’s District Administration Center, 623-4866000.
Peoria Unified Announces New AzMERIT Test Schedule Paper-based AzMERIT Schedule, Grades 3-8: Mon. April 13 Tues. April 14 Wed. April 15
Mon. April 20 Tues. April 21
Writing Reading, Part 1 Math, Part 1 Reading, Part 2 Math, Part 2 Make-up: Reading, Writing, Math Make-up: Reading, Writing, Math
AIMS Science Schedule, Grades 4, 8 and 10: Wed. April 22 Thurs. April 23
AIMS Science Make-up: AIMS Science
* Paper-Based AzMERIT End of Course (EOC) Schedule, Grades 9-12: Mon. April 13 Tues. April 14 Wed. April 15 Mon. April 20 Tues. April 21
Writing Reading, Part 1 & 2 Math, Part 1 & 2 Make-Up: Reading, Writing, Math Make-Up: Reading, Writing, Math
* Students currently taking English I, II, III, Algebra I, II or Geometry classes are required to take the EOC AzMERIT assessment in April.
All High Schools will run a late-start schedule April 13, 14 and 15 for AzMERIT and April 22 for AIMS Science.
Students in Peoria Uni�ied schools will be taking the new state assessments, AzMERIT, (Ariz. MeasureAzMERIT ment of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching) during the month of April. The AzMERIT tests replace the Math, Reading and Writing sections previously administered to students as AIMS assessments. Since there is not an equivalent AzMERIT science test, students in grades 4, 8 and 10 will take the AIMS Science test. For the �irst time ever, the state is allowing school
districts the option of paper-based or computerbased AzMERIT tests. Peoria Uni�ied will administer paper-based tests at most schools, with a handful of schools testing via computer-based tests. Schools that will be taking the computer-based AzMERIT tests are: Ira A. Murphy, Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch, Sundance and the Peoria Transition Center. These schools met the required ratio of computersto-students. The testing dates will be announced in the near future.
On Thursday, Feb. 12 and Friday, Feb. 13, all elementary schools will dismiss early for ParentTeacher Conferences. Elementary schools that start at 8 a.m. will dismiss at 10 a.m.; schools that starts at 8:40 a.m. will dismiss at 10:40 a.m. Parents: Please accept the invitation and attend
a conference with your child’s teacher. Just a few minutes of time spent with your child’s teacher will strengthen a parentteacher partnership which is a critical component to reaching our common goal of helping your child get the best education possible.
A Strong Partnership Begins at Conference
Come Tour Our Schools: Peoria High & Santa Fe Elem.
FEB 2015 | PG 7
Would you like to see what goes on in a 21 st Century classroom? Join Superintendent Dr. Denton Santarelli, Governing Board Members, district administrators and school of�icials to tour Peoria High and Santa Fe Elementary schools. The Spring Patron Tour begins at 8:15 a.m., Friday, March 6, at Peoria High School, 11200 N. 83rd Avenue with a light breakfast and overview of Peoria High.
Then, patrons will board a yellow school bus to Santa Fe Elementary, 9880 N. 77 th Ave., for a campus tour. Santa Fe Elementary is home to the Language Immersion Signature program. Then, it’s back to Peoria High where patrons will observe high school students engaged in core classes and Career & Technical Education courses and marvel at the newly
renovated Old Main, home to the MET Professional Academy and Peoria Transition Center, a non-traditional high school. The tour will conclude with lunch. Any business leader, neighbor, parent, retiree or government employee is welcome to join us on the Spring Patron Tour Tour. Email your reservation to, or call 623-486-6100.
125-Year Alumni Feature Story: Tressa Rappold Peoria Uni�ied, proudly celebrating 125 years of educating students, is collecting stories submitted by Peoria Uni�ied alumni. Tressa Rappold attended Desert Palms and graduated from Ironwood in 1991. Here is her story: During my 10 years in the district, I had many wonderful friends, teachers, coaches, and experiences, but two people stand out who have most in�luenced my life: Mrs. Nancy Lewis, my French teacher, and Mrs. Lauren Gundrum, my Cross
Are you a Peoria Uni�ied alumni? Is your success due, in part, to your years as a Peoria Uni�ied student? If so, we invite you to be a part of our Alumni Impact Project. Submit your story at www.surveymonAll Peoria Unified students are invited to participate in a district-
Anti-Bullying Art &Video Contest
wide Anti-Bullying Art and Video Contest.This year’s contest is a partnership between the Peoria Unified School District and the City of Peoria. Each student is challenged to develop a visual image, photo or video that best represents this year’s theme:
“Don’t be mean behind the screen.”
2-D Art: All students in 3rd through 12th grade can create a 2-D work of art based on this year’s anti-bullying theme. Any combination of paint, pencil, ink, crayon, marker, collage, etc. is acceptable. 3-D works cannot be accepted.
FEB 2015 | PG 8
Photo/Media: Students in 7th grade - 12th grade may also choose to enter photography or video instead. Photography can be either black and white or color. Photos created using digital manipulation are acceptable.Videos will be entered as a Public Service Announcement that will run for 30 seconds. Sizes and Formats:
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� copyrighted materials. 5. The use of photos or video that portray real bullying taking place will be prohibited.
Country coach. After the Peace Corps, Mrs. Lewis inspired I earned my Masters in me by igniting my love French translation and of French interpretaand other tion, my �ield cultures. She to this day. was an excelThough onlent teacher line bilingual who made dictionaries learning fun, are now de and she sponrigueur, I still sored the cherish the French Club, dictionary which taught given to me me about by Mrs. Lewis leadership with her kind Tressa Rappold and service. Ironwood Alumni, Class of 1991 inscription. Coach GunPeoria Unidrum taught me about de�ied delivered a high quality termination, goal-setting, education not only in the and teamwork, and the joy academic sense, but also by of a good run. introducing me to inspirI went on to join the ing people who imparted Peace Corps and was sent essential life lessons, one to live and work in Frenchthat is full of adventure and speaking Africa, where I ful�illment. relied heavily on the lessons learned from those two mentors. Kellis’ Wooten is When life in the developExemplary Principal ing world challenged me, I used goal-setting and grit to make it through, skills learned during the four years I ran with Coach Gundrum, and in French, thanks to Mrs. Lewis.
Anti-Bullying Art & Video Contest Deadline Nears: Feb. 27 For entry instructions: progserv/SS/Pages/home
Raymond S. Kellis High’s Principal Jeff Wooten was named as a Rodel Exemplary Principal finalist due to his leadership and a record of high levels of academic achievement. Wooten was selected as one of Arizona’s 16 outstanding educa�onal leaders for his ability to inspire staff, contribute to school-wide success and the development of a campus that is high achieving, safe, orderly and welcoming.
Selection: Contest officials will narrow down the selection and submit no more than one piece of art work from each of the following elementary grade levels and no more than three entries total from each high school for final judging. Student entry levels: 3rd grade - 5th grade, 6th grade - 8th grade, 9th grade - 12th grade Dates: • February 27 - Art work due to art teacher or assistant principal.
February 2-6: National Career & Technical Education Week Pesticide Application Schedule The Peoria Unified School District is required to provide written no�fica�on at least 48 hours prior to the applica�on of any pes�cides at any school site. Pes�cides are applied in the late a�ernoon, a�er school is dismissed. Feb 2 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Feb 3 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe Feb 4 Sundance, Sun Valley Feb 5 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Feb 6 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Feb 2 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Feb 3 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe Feb 4 Sundance, Sun Valley Feb 5 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Feb 6 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Feb 9 Cactus, Desert Valley, Foothills, Ironwood Feb 10 Centennial, Oasis Feb 11 Ira A. Murphy, Peoria High Feb 12 Alta Loma, Apache, Cheyenne, Sunset Heights Feb 13 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde Feb 20 Country Meadows, Desert Harbor, Raymond S. Kellis Feb 24 Coyote Hills, Lake Pleasant, Liberty Feb 25 Sky View Feb 27 Vistancia Mar 2 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Mar 3 Oakwood, Peoria Elementary, Santa Fe Mar 4 Sundance, Sun Valley Mar 5 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Mar 6 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch
FEB 2015 | PG 9
Peoria Unified Alumni, Local TV Reporter to Emcee Education Visionary Awards Chelsey Davis, CBS 5 Reporter and Peoria Uni�ied alumni, will emcee the Peoria Education Foundation’s 10th Annual Education Visionary Awards event, Mon., March 30 at the Arizona Broadway Theatre. Davis attended Oasis Elementary and graduated from Centennial High. The Education Visionary Awards honors business leaders
that support public education, and will feature a silent auction, dinner and a special performance by the cast of Les Miserables. Individual tickets for the Visionary Awards event is $150, with table sponsorships available. For more information about the Education Visionary Awards, visit
2015 Education Visionary Awards honoring:
Business Leader: Hunt & Caraway Architects Community Partner: Great Skate Non-profit Collaboration: Theater Works Education Visionary: Arizona School Boards Association
Pe o r i a U n i � i e d w i l l observe National Career & Technical Education (CTE) week, Feb. 2-6. The theme of the week-long celebration is “Recognizing Classroom Innovators.” Did you know that Peoria Uni�ied has 24 CTE programs that are ranked #1 in the state? Programs such as Sports Medicine, Nursing, Fire Science, Culinary Arts, Welding, and so much more. Throughout CTE Week, schools will utilize daily announcements informing students of the district’s award-winning CTE delivery system (classroom, lab, internship and student organizations like DECA and FBLA); about earning college credits, and trending workplace occupations.
Experience the Power of One: Purple Day, Friday, Feb. 27 Peoria Uni�ied students and staff across the district will participate in Purple Day on Friday, Feb. 27, by wearing purple clothing and contributing to the American Cancer Society. Purple Day is a national day of awareness for those who are cancer survivors and those who have lost their lives to the tragic disease. This year’s theme for Purple Day is: The Power of One; one person, one dollar, one step closer to a cure. Peoria Uni�ied students and staff participate in the Race for the Cure and Purple Day every year and have collectively raised more than $70,000 for the cause.
Peoria Unified School District
BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.
Apple Cinnamon Muffin Cereal Kits
French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits
Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits
Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal Kits
Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits
Corn Dog Bean & Cheese Burrito Turkey Combo Sub Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Macaroni & Cheese An�pasto Salad w/ Breads�ck
Philly Cheesesteak Pizza Bites Veggie Sandwich
Turkey & Gravy w/ Roll Popcorn Chicken Bites Garden Salad w/ Roll
Stuffed Crust Pizza Chicken Fajitas Oriental Chicken Salad
Mixed Green Salad Orange Slices
Baked Beans Mixed Berries
Carrots Chilled Peaches
Mashed Potatoes Kiwi
Cucumbers Fruit Ice
Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits
Biscuits & Gravy Cereal Kits
Cereal Bar & String Cheese Cereal Kits
Yogurt Parfait Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Strawberry Pancakes Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Pretzel Melt Hamburger Breakfast Lunchbox
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Oriental Bowl PB&J Pack
Grilled Cheese Meatball Sub Sandwich Tuna Sub Sandwich
Edamame Grapes
Carrots Bananas
EARLY DISMISSAL NO LUNCH Schools that start at 8:00 a.m. dismiss at 10 a.m. and schools that start at 8:40 a.m. dismiss at 10:40 a.m.
EARLY DISMISSAL NO LUNCH Schools that start at 8:00 a.m. dismiss at 10 a.m. and schools that start at 8:40 a.m. dismiss at 10:40 a.m.
Benefit Bar Cereal Kits
Breakfast Pizza Cereal Kits
Cinnamon Roll Cereal Kits
Scoops w/ Beans & Cheese Mini Corndogs Yogurt Lunchbox w/ Bagel
Beef Fingers Popcorn Chicken Bowl Garden Salad w/ Roll
French Bread Pizza Gordita Taco Cobb Salad w/ Oatmeal Bar
Cucumbers Chilled Mixed Fruit
Mashed Potatoes Kiwi
Tater Tots Craisins
President’s Day NO SCHOOL
Teacher Work Day
Mixed Green Salad Fruit Ice
Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits
Pancake on a Stick Cereal Kits
Yogurt & Gripz Cereal Kits
Omelet & Biscuit Cereal Kits
Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits
Sweet Southern Brunch Breads�cks w/ Marinara California Turkey Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Beef Dippers w/ Rice Yogurt Lunch Box w/ Muffin
Mini Cheeseburgers Fun Fish w/ Roll Build A Pizza
Chicken Tenders Beefy Mac Garden Salad w/ Roll
Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Hot Dog on a Bun Veggie Wrap
Celery Chilled Pineapple
Broccoli Grapes
Curly Fries Bananas
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Mixed Green Salad Strawberries
Baked Beans Fruit Juice
Green Eggs & Ham Cereal Kits
French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits
Breakfast Bagel Pizza Cereal Kits
Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal Kits
Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits
Corn Dog Bean & Cheese Burrito Turkey Combo Sub Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Macaroni & Cheese An�pasto Salad w/ Breads�ck
Philly Cheesesteak Pizza Bites Veggie Sandwich
Turkey & Gravy w/ Roll Popcorn Chicken Bites Garden Salad w/ Roll
Stuffed Crust Pizza Chicken Fajitas Oriental Chicken Salad
Baked Beans Mixed Berries
Carrots Chilled Peaches
Mashed Potatoes Kiwi
Birthday Cupcakes
Salad, Orange Slices
Elementary Breakfast Includes: Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk
Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
*PB&J is not served at peanut-free schools. Subs�tu�ons will be made. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Na�onal Clearing House Associa�on requires the following nonsufficient funds disclaimer: if a child brings a check to school, the parent is giving authoriza�on to electronically debit his/her account for the returned check plus fees if the check should be returned. For more informa�on, contact CCM/Restaurant Fund.
Cucumbers Fruit Ice
Elementary Lunch Includes:
Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Peoria Unified School District
High School Menu
Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk
Breakfast Prices
Breakfast Entrées Available Daily
Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30 Adult Meal $1.75
Assorted Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers) Breakfast Bars, Poptarts, Bagel w/ Cream Cheese & Breakfast Pizza MONDAY SuperBun Mini Pancakes
Chocolate Chip French Toast
President’s Day NO SCHOOL
French Toast S�cks
TUESDAY Muffin & Side Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Sausage Biscuit
10 Breakfast Sandwich 17
Teacher Work Day NO SCHOOL
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
WEDNESDAY Honey Wheat Breakfast Stick
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
18 (Omelet, Biscuit, Hashbrown)
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Breakfast Bowl
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Breakfast Pla�er (Omelet, Biscuit, Hashbrown)
THURSDAY Muffin & Side
Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Pla�er
Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage
Garden Salad Bean & Cheese Burrito Muffin Lunch Box Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza Hamburger
Grilled Chicken Sandwich Corn Dog or Mini Corn Dogs PB&J Sandwich Pack Chicken Nuggets or Strips Cheeseburger Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Green Chili Burrito Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito Green Chili Burrito
Lunch Prices
Lunch Entrées Available Daily
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar
Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75
Lunch Entrée Specials for FEBRUARY Monday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Tuna Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 2
Gordita Taco Orange Chicken Bowl
Beef So� Tacos Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Cheese Quesadilla Spaghe� w/ Meatballs
Tuesday Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Pastrami Sandwich Turkey Bacon Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos
President’s Day NO SCHOOL
Beef So� Tacos Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Wednesday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 4
Chicken Quesadilla Cheese Ravioli w/ Breads�ck 17
Beef Hard Tacos Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Teacher Work Day NO SCHOOL
Chicken Quesadilla Chicken Fe�uccini Alfredo
Thursday Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Italian Combo Sub Chicken Wrap Veggie Sub 5
Beef Hard Tacos Teriyaki Chicken Bowl
Burrito Bowls Orange Chicken Bowl
Clux Delux Sandwich 6
Buffalo Chicken Wrap Lasagna w/ Breads�ck
Meatball Sub Sandwich Mac & Cheese w/ Roll
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Burrito Bowls Orange Chicken Bowl 18
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Friday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Veggie Wrap
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Hot Italian Sub Sandwich Beefy Mac & Breads�ck
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl
Philly Cheesesteak Cheese Ravioli w/ Breads�ck
Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. Alternate items will be provided. Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.