Peoria Unified Sch�l District Monthly Newsletter with Breakfast & Lunch Menus
APRIL 2015 Calendar Highlights: April 3 | Deadline for Feedback on Prospec�ve Governing Members
Students Relay, Passing Torch Across 167 Miles
April 9 | Governing Board Mee�ng, 5 p.m. April 11 | Peoria Arts & Cultural Event 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Oldtown April 13-15 | AzMERIT tes�ng, Grades 3-12 April 16 | No School | Full Day Professional Development April 17 | All Schools and Offices Closed | April Break April 20-21 | Make-Up AzMERIT tes�ng, Grades 3-12 April 22 | AIMS Science tes�ng, Grades 4, 8 & 10. High schools will run a late start schedule.
Torch Run runners are introduced by David “Skinny” Hill at Peoria High Old Main during Opening Ceremonies of the three-day 125-Year Commemora�ve event.
Johnson and junior Leah Johnson, across their own campuses beginning at the oldest school in the district, Old Main at Peoria High. Each student carried the torch across their own campus, and handed
it off to a student from the next school, visiting each campus in the order they were built. Students participating in the Torch Run traveled on a school bus from school-toschool until they reached their own respective campus. The school bus was followed by a �loat decorated with a 125th anniversary logo created by the Building Trades students at Liberty High. The Torch Run ended at the district’s newest school, Sunset Heights Elementary, for a closing ceremony and schoolwide celebration.
April 24 | High School Progress Report Distribu�on
To celebrate 125 years of educating students, Peoria Uni�ied held a Torch Run including students from all schools across the district in the three-day event. Students ran with a mock torch, created by Cactus High art teacher MJ
April 28 | ACT tes�ng, Grade 11. High schools will run a late start schedule.
Peoria Unified’s Special Ed Programs Shine
April 22 | District Volunteer Apprecia�on Celebra�on, 6 p.m., Desert Valley Elem. April 23 | Make-Up AIMS Science test April 23 | Governing Board Mee�ng, 5 p.m. April 23 | Elementary Progress Report Distribu�on
Pe o r i a U n i f i e d , o n e o f Arizona’s largest unified school districts, prides itself with a 95 percent high school graduation rate, excelling s c h o o l s , awa rd - w i n n i n g teachers, high AIMS test scores, specialized signature programs and championship sports programs. WWW.PEORIAUD.K12.AZ.US
Many years ago, as a child in elementary school, I looked out the window of my classr o o m , and saw a group of “strange” c h i l d re n at recess. T h e s e Judy Doane c h i l d re n Board Member were almost never outside when we were, and we were not told anything about them,
other than that they were “special.” They looked different to us, and not being allowed to get to know these children or anything about them, we became afraid of them. Of course the most frightened among us would often call these “special” children by hateful names (yes, those names.) I had a cousin in that class that I was never allowed to meet. W h e n my d a u gh te r Aimee was born in 1980, I
For a list of runners by school and more photos, go to page 5.
was so ignorant of special needs individuals, that when I was informed she had Down’s Syndrome, I asked the nurse if it would take her life. My, how life has changed since then! Aimee started school when she was three years old and the teachers were wonderful! School was a joy for her, and a blessing for me. So, things continued for us, and I began to Continued on page 2
A Perfect Score Earned by Oakwood & Parkridge Students
Three Peoria Unified students earned a perfect score on the EXPLORE test: Dallin Johnson from Parkridge Elementary, Hannah Lynch from Oakwood Elementary and Megan Tanner from Parkridge. Just 22 students in the state received a perfect score of the 41,229 students who took the test. The EXPLORE test helps students prepare for their high school coursework, as well as post-high school career choices and can be u�lized as a prepara�on tool for the ACT Test.
Marshall Ranch Has Recipe to Make the World’s Largest Pie
continued from cover see many changes in how special needs individuals were treated. We came to Peoria in 1991, and Aimee was a student at Desert Valley Elementary. After graduation from the eighth-grade, she attended Peoria High and then Centennial High. The teachers, aides, therapists and administration worked very hard to help Aimee and meet her needs, and no one was hiding these children away! I loved the interaction with the other students, and always answered any questions they had about Aimee. Last month, I began a series of visits to Special Education classes in Peoria. It was so wonderful to see their interaction with the other students, the dedication of the teachers and staff, and that many of today’s regular ed children count special needs individuals among their peers and friends. I am so excited to continue these visits and I hope that many of you, students, parents, and everyone else will make an effort to befriend someone who is “different.” It is so rewarding and you will be glad you did!
Marshall Ranch Elementary eighth-grade students Brinleigh Williams, Sarah Norton and Kassidy Peikert, with math teacher Teresa McElhaney, celebrated Pi Day, March 14, by using the eight mathema�cal prac�ces to derive pi. Math students calculated how many �mes a recipe was mul�plied to make the world’s largest key lime pie. The answer is 500.
APRIL 2015 | PG 2
Peoria Unified 7/8th Students Show Their Skills!
Vistancia Elemenary students competed in the Arizona SkillsUSA compe��on held at Ironwood High.
More than 450 seventhand eighth-grade Technical, Life & Careers (TLC) students from across Arizona competed in the Arizona SkillsUSA competition held in March at Ironwood High School. TLC is the �irst level of
Career and Technical Education in Peoria Uni�ied schools introducing students to six Peoria Uni�ied Career Fields and 16 National Career Clusters. Students explore career �ields with classroom in-
struction and hands on lab experiences related to speci�ic careers. Several Peoria Uni�ied teams took �irst, second and third place in the competitions. Teams and individuals that took �irst place are:
Vistancia Elementary Home Design: Tanner Ayars, Colton Thompson, Jess Hogue, Jon Bachanos Shark Tank: Jack Rector, Charlie Pasmore, Brock Arnold, Andrew Mongin Cake Design, Frosting: Madison Comella, Sarah Colynga Lake Pleasant Elementary Robotics: Tanner Birecki, Leilani Lam, Cole Maxey
Sundance Elementary Build-A-House: Angelica Carrisoza-Gamboa, Mary Irish Heritage Elementary CO2 Drag Racing: Dairius Grantling
Canyon Elementary Fondant Cake Design: Zach Villalobos
Parkridge Elementary Fashion Design: Alyssa Martin, Carlee Hall, Janelle Kruse
Santa Fe Elementary Video Production: Adam Spiller, Ezra Ramirez, Melessa Madrigal
Frontier Elementary Crime Scene Investigation: Angela Chambers, Robbie McMenemy
APRIL 2015 | PG 3
Peoria Unified’s Governing Board & Meeting Information The Peoria Unified School District Governing Board consists of five members, each of whom resides within the school district. They serve voluntarily. School board elec�ons are held in conjunction with state and federal elec�ons every two years. Peoria Unified Governing Board Meetings are typically held at 5 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month with a few excep�ons. Mee�ngs are held at the District Administra�on Center, 6330 W. Thunderbird Road, unless otherwise posted. The public is welcome to a�end. To verify the start time of a meeting, access an agenda, or view a meeting streaming live, visit The public is welcome to contact board members by email:
Ira A. Murphy Team Earns $5K Grant for School A team of Ira A. Murphy Elementary fi�h-graders: Joshua Villanueva, Ivy Chapman, Corey Grabowski, Ursher Carr, Jasmine Sorrow, Ashley Valle Pedroza, were selected for a “We Love it Here!” grant from the Phoenix Suns and Southwest Airlines. The grant wri�ng and presenta�on team earned $5,000 for wri�ng a crea�ve grant proposal and for their dedica�on to the betterment of their school. Each student who par�cipated in the grant proposal process received �ckets to a Phoenix Suns game. Also pictured: art teacher Dr. Laurie Eldridge; principal Lorisa Pombo.
Peoria Unified to Administer State Testing
Ma� Bullock
Judy Doane
Kathy Knecht
Beverly Pingerelli Dr. Heather Cruz Deputy Superintendent
The PULSE is published by Peoria Unified’s Public Rela�ons Department: Danielle Airey, Janet Clarke, Erin Dunsey, Kerri Staack.
Non-discrimination Statement: The Peoria Unified School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, na�onal origin, sex, age or disability. Declaración de Non Discriminación: El Peoria Unified School District no discrimina a raza, color, nacionalidad, género, edad, o habilidad diferenciada.
APRIL 2015 | PG 4
Dear Parents & Guardians, In April, hundreds of thousands of students across Arizona will be tested on what they have been studying. More than 30,000 Peoria Uni�ied students will, as well. Students in third- through e i gh t h - g ra d e w i l l t a ke AzMERIT tests in writing, reading and mathematics at their grade level. Elementary schools will administer paper-based AzMERIT testing April 13-15. In addition, students in fourth and eighthgrades will take the AIMS
Science test on April 22. Schools administering the computer-based AzMERIT testing, which are Ira A. Murphy, Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch and Sundance, will schedule tests through May 8, as will the Peoria Flex Academy. If your child attends one of these schools, please reach out to the school directly for grade-level testing dates. High schools will administer paper-based AzMERIT tests April 13-15. Schools will be on a regular schedule on those dates. High schools will have a late start schedule on April 22 for AIMS Science and April 28 for ACT testing. Sophomores will take the AIMS Science test on April 22, and juniors will take the ACT April 28. High school students will be taking the AzMERIT End-of-Course (EOC) as-
sessments that will test their pro�iciency if they are currently enrolled this semester in the following subjects: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, English I, English II and English III. Students are not required to pass the EOC assessments in order to graduate, but they still must earn the minimum required English and mathematics credits in order to graduate as stipulated by Peoria Uni�ied School District policy. While your school and, most speci�ically your teacher are the best source for information, you may �ind additional information on Arizona Department of Education’s website at A link to this website has also been added to Peoria Uni�ied’s website under the Parents tab.
42 Students Run the Torch, Cover 167 Miles The Peoria Uni�ied students who ran the torch on their *campus, in order by day and school visited are: Day 1, March 10 Alex Martinez, Peoria High Kodie Romero, Peoria Elementary Alexis Jackson, Alta Loma Ben Toone, Sky View Ryan Leff, Santa Fe Bahzad Amiri, Cheyenne Kenzie Fitzgerald, Cactus Kaylee Stuf�lebeam, Kachina Megan Arganbright, Pioneer Todd Kajornkittipoom, Foothills Maggie Gibbs, Oakwood
Charlo�e Deeg from Copperwood Elementary passes the torch to Hector Flores from Desert Valley Elementary.
Kylie Goodman and Jacob Ostwinkle, Canyon/ Sun�lower Center
Day 2, March 11 Sarah Kerbaugh, Ironwood Kamryn Perkins, Heritage Kenneth Armstrong, Desert Palms Charlotte Deeg, Copperwood Hector Flores, Desert Valley Gianna Montiel, Sahuaro Ranch Nathan Kuban, Marshall Ranch Alejandro Ruiz, Centennial Cesar Diaz, Ira A. Murphy Haley Rivera, Sundance Abbie Spiek from Zuni Hills Elementary accepts the Dylan Wampler, Oasis torch passed to her by Liberty High’s Logan Johnston Taylor Robinson, Paseo Verde and Tori Durfey. Scott Towers, Desert Harbor Day 3, March 12 Joey Anderson, Sunrise Mountain Season Motz, Apache Cayden Geffre, Frontier Tanner Lattie, Coyote Hills Jonah Guevara, Peoria Traditional Elena Yoder, Parkridge Rose Cobbins, Raymond S. Kellis Colin Curtis, Cotton Boll Tyrel Milam, Sun Valley Andrew Deleon, Country Meadows Logan Johnston and Tori Durfey, Liberty Abbie Spiek, Zuni Hills Reed Harris, Vistancia Nathan Kuban gets rock-star treatment as Kendall Black, Lake Pleasant he runs the torch across the Marshall Ranch Cody Pulaski, Sunset Heights Elementary campus.
Foothills Elementary torch-runner Todd Kajornkittipoom passes it to Maggie Gibbs from Oakwood Elementary. Also pictured holding their own hand-made torches are firstgraders Colton Lara, Ciara Navarro, Sierra Wi� and Peyton Higley.
Tannie Lattie from Coyote Hills Elementary and Jonah Guevara from Peoria Tradi�onal pass the torch to Elena Yoder from Parkridge Elementary.
Cheyenne Elementary’s Bahzad Amiri takes the torch passed to him by Santa Fe Elementary’s Ryan Leff.
* Some Peoria Unified schools had relays with addi�onal student runners not listed. More pictures of the Torch Run are available on the district’s website, under Celebrate the Legacy.
APRIL 2015 | PG 5
MET Professional Academy to hold Open House & Info Night High school students are invited to attend the Peoria Uni�ied Medical, Engineering and Technology (MET) Professional Academy Open House from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, April 16 or the Info Night that same day from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 16 at Peoria High School’s Old Main, 11200 N. 83rd Ave.
The MET Professional Academy, launched in January, is an innovative, entrepreneurial approach to education for juniors and seniors. Students interested in the medical, engineering or technology �ields can attend either the Open House during the day or the Info Night to �ind out if hands-on learning
ex p e r i e n c e s wo r k i n g alongside professionals while earning college credits is an educational opportunity they want to pursue. Find out more about the Peoria Uni�ied MET Professional Academy, including the application to enroll on the district’s website, in the Programs d r o p d o w n l i s t . Fo r additional information, call 623-773-6701, or email:
Country Meadows Chief Meets U.S. Commander in Chief
Country Meadows Elementary principal Val Barre� shook hands with President Obama during a presiden�al visit to Phoenix last month.
APRIL 2015 | PG 6
Time to Pre-Order Thank-You Card for Special Teacher
Pesticide Application Schedule The Peoria Unified School District is required to provide written no�fica�on at least 48 hours prior to the applica�on of any pes�cides at any school site. Pesticides are applied in the late a�ernoon, a�er school is dismissed. Apr 1 Sundance, Sun Valley Apr 2 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills Apr 3 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch Apr 6 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch Apr 7 Oakwood, Peoria Elem. Santa Fe Apr 8 Ira A. Murphy, Peoria High Apr 9 Alta Loma, Apache, Cheyenne, Sunset Heights Apr 10 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde Apr 13 Cactus, Desert Valley, Foothills, Ironwood Apr 14 Centennial, Oasis Apr 15 Support Services Complex Apr 17 Country Meadows, Desert Harbor, Raymond S. Kellis Apr 22 Sky View, Cholla Annex, District Maintenance Apr 24 Vistancia, District Admin. Center Apr 28 Coyote Hills, Lake Pleasant, Liberty May 1 Canyon, Copperwood, Marshall Ranch May 4 Pioneer, Sahuaro Ranch May 5 Oakwood, Peoria Elem., Santa Fe May 6 Sundance, Sun Valley May 7 Co�on Boll, Fron�er, Parkridge, Sunrise Mountain, Zuni Hills May 8 Desert Palms, Heritage, Kachina, Paseo Verde
APRIL 2015 | PG 7
May 5 is National Teacher Appreciation Day and Peoria Uni�ied’s partner, the Peoria Education Foundation, is ready to help you say ‘thank you’ to a teacher — or any school staff member — who has made your child’s school year special during the 10th
Annual Thank-A-Teacher campaign. For a minimum $5 donation, a personalized card will be delivered to the special person you designate on your Thank-ATeacher order form. Order forms will be distributed to all elementary students during the �irst week of April, or you can download the order form at www.peoriaedfoundation.
org. Since 1987, the mission of the Peoria Education Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) non-pro�it organization, is to support and enrich education in Peoria Uni�ied schools. Your Thank-A-Teacher contribution will assist the Foundation to fund grants for teachers and provide scholarships for students.
125-Year Alumni Feature Story: Analicia Flores Peoria Uni�ied alumni Analicia Flores graduated from Centennial High in 2008, and here is her story: “Who knew that 18 years
Peoria Uni�ied greatly appreciates all alumni who have shared their story with us. The �inal alumni feature story will be published in next month’s PULSE newsletter. We have not reached our goal to collect 125 alumni stories and will continue to capture them for a collective report. If you are a Peoria Uni�ied alumni, please share your story with us at www.surveymonkey. com/s/WP2PYSS.
down the line I would be teaching next door to my very own kindergarten teacher? I started Analicia Flores, Centennial High alumni with Be�y Varela, Kindergar- Kindergarten teacher and collegue at Peoria Elementary. ten at Peoria Elementary with Mrs. Elementary. After completBetty Varela as my teacher. ing my �irst year of teachShe was the best teacher ing at Vistancia, I transyou could ask for and she fered to Peoria Elementary inspired me to want to and found out that one of become a teacher. the Kindergarten teachers After second-grade my was my very own kinderfamily moved, and I atgarten teacher from 18 tended Paseo Verde from years ago. I was in shock third-eighth grade, then to think my second year graduated from Centenas a teacher would be at nial High School in 2008. my old elementary school, I attended Arizona State teaching next door to my University and received a Mrs. Betty Varela. Bachelors Degree in Early For me it has been a Childhood Education. My dream come true to be a goal was to become a kinteacher and, better yet, dergarten teacher in Peoto be teaching with the ria Uni�ied because I grew teacher who inspired me up in the district. so many years ago to want I was hired as a Kinderto be a teacher. garten teacher at Vistancia
Peoria Unified School District
Numbers to the right of calendar date indicate the 6-day rota�on schedule.
Yogurt & Gripz Cereal Kits
Pancake on a Stick Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits
Omelet & Biscuit Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits
Sweet Southern Brunch Breads�cks w/ Marinara California Turkey Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Beef Dippers w/ Rice Yogurt Lunch Box w/ Muffin
Mini Cheeseburgers Fun Fish w/ Roll Build A Pizza
Chicken Tenders Beefy Mac Garden Salad w/ Roll
Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Hot Dog on a Bun Veggie Wrap
Celery Chilled Pineapple
Broccoli Mango
Curly Fries Bananas
Carrots Mixed Melon
Baked Beans Apples
Apple Cinnamon Muffin Cereal Kits
French Toast Sticks Cereal Kits
Breakfast Pizza Bagel Cereal Kits
Egg & Bacon Breakfast Sandwich Cereal Kits
Cherry Frudel Cereal Kits
Corn Dog Bean & Cheese Burrito Turkey Combo Sub Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Macaroni & Cheese An�pasto Salad w/ Breads�ck
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich Pizza Bites Veggie Sandwich
Turkey & Gravy w/ Roll Popcorn Chicken Bites Garden Salad w/ Roll
Stuffed Crust Pizza Chicken Fajitas Oriental Chicken Salad
Mixed Green Salad Orange Slices
Baked Beans Mixed Berries
Apple Crisp
Carrots Chilled Peaches
Chocolate Chip French Toast Cereal Kits
Biscuits & Gravy Cereal Kits
Yogurt Parfait Cereal Kits
Pretzel Melt Hamburger Breakfast Lunchbox
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Oriental Bowl *PB&J Pack
Grilled Cheese Meatball Sub Sandwich Tuna Sub Sandwich
Tater Tots Chilled Pineapple
Edamame Mango
Carrots Tropical Mixed Fruit
Mashed Potatoes Watermelon
Cucumbers Fruit Ice
PUSD April Break 16
Benefit Bars Cereal Kits
Egg Croissant Sandwich Cereal Kits
Glazed Breakfast Bar Cereal Kits
Cream Cheese Stuffed Bagel Cereal Kits
Cinnamon Roll Cereal Kits
Cheese Crisp Chicken Pa�y Sandwich Italian Sub Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Scoops w/ Beans & Cheese Yogurt Lunch Box w/ Bagel
Mini Corndogs Toasted Turkey Sandwich Build a Pizza
Manager’s Choice Popcorn Chicken Bowl Garden Salad w/ Roll
French Bread Pizza Gordita Taco Cobb Salad w/ Oatmeal Bar
Ranch Beans Orange Slices
Bell Peppers Mixed Berries
Cucumbers Chilled Peaches
Mashed Potatoes Strawberries
Mixed Green Salad Fruit Ice
Yogurt & Gripz Cereal Kits
Pancake on a Stick Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Blueberry Waffles Cereal Kits
Omelet & Biscuit Cereal or Yogurt Kits
Mini Maple Pancakes Cereal Kits
Sweet Southern Brunch Breads�cks w/ Marinara California Turkey Sandwich
Chicken Nuggets Teriyaki Beef Dippers w/ Rice Yogurt Lunch Box w/ Muffin
Cheeseburgers Fun Fish w/ Roll Egg Salad Sandwich
Chicken Tenders Beefy Mac Garden Salad w/ Roll
Sicilian Pepperoni Pizza Hot Dog on a Bun Veggie Wrap
Celery Chilled Pineapple
Broccoli Mango
Curly Fries Bananas
Carrots Mixed Melon
Baked Beans Apples
Elementary Breakfast Includes: Choice of Hot Entrée or Breakfast Kit Fruit & 100% Fruit Juice White or Chocolate Milk
Meal Price, $1.50 Reduced Price, 30-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
*PB&J is not served at peanut-free schools. Subs�tu�ons will be made. The Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer. The Na�onal Clearing House Associa�on requires the following nonsufficient funds disclaimer: if a child brings a check to school, the parent is giving authoriza�on to electronically debit his/her account for the returned check plus fees if the check should be returned. For more informa�on, contact CCM/Restaurant Fund. 1-888-423-8974.
Elementary Lunch Includes:
Choice from 2 Hot & 1 Cold Entrée Fruit & Vegetable Bar (Minimum 5 choices) White, Strawberry or Chocolate Milk Meal Price, $2.50 Reduced Price, 40-cents Milk Carton, 35-cents
Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Peoria Unified School District
High School Menu 2015
Breakfast Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit & Milk
Breakfast Prices
Breakfast Entrées Available Daily
Student Meal $1.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.30 Adult Meal $1.75
Assorted Cereal, Cereal Bars & Granola Bars with choice of side item (Cheese, Yogurt or Graham Crackers) Breakfast Bars, Poptarts, Bagel w/ Cream Cheese & Breakfast Pizza MONDAY SuperBun
TUESDAY Muffin & Side
WEDNESDAY Honey Wheat Breakfast S�ck
Mini Pancakes
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Chocolate Chip French Toast
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Blueberry Waffles
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
French Toast S�cks
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Mini Pancakes
Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Sandwich
Breakfast Pla�er (Omelet, Biscuit, Hash brown) Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Pla�er (Omelet, Biscuit, Hash brown) Breakfast Bowl Breakfast Pla�er (Omelet, Biscuit, Hash brown)
THURSDAY Muffin & Side 2
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Ham English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich
Lunch Meal Includes Entrée, Fruit, Vegetable & Beverage Lunch Entrées Available Daily
Garden Salad Bean & Cheese Burrito Muffin Lunch Box Spicy Chicken Sandwich Pizza Hamburger
Green Chili Burrito Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito Green Chili Burrito Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Lunch Prices
Beverages Flavored & White Skim Milk 1% White Milk Bo�led Water Assorted Fountain Drinks Sides Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Bar Hot Vegetables (Varies Daily)
Grilled Chicken Sandwich Corn Dog or Mini Corn Dogs PB&J Sandwich Pack Chicken Nuggets or Strips Cheeseburger Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Bacon, Egg & Cheese Burrito
Student Meal $2.75 Reduced Price Meal $0.40 Adult Lunch $3.75
Lunch Entrée Specials for March Monday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Tuna Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 30
Beef So� Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl Gordita Beef Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl Beef So� Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl
Gordita Beef Taco Teriyaki Chicken Bowl Beef So� Tacos Orange Chicken Bowl
Tuesday Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Pastrami Sandwich Turkey Bacon Wrap Veggie Sub Super Nachos 31
Chicken Fajitas Chicken Fe�uccini Alfredo
Beef Crunchy Tacos Spaghe� w/ Meatballs
Wednesday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Turkey Sandwich Veggie Wrap Taco Salad 1
Cheese Quesadilla Chicken Fe�uccine Alfredo
Beef Crunchy Taco Chicken Parmesan Spaghe� Chicken Quesadilla Chicken Fe�uccine Alfredo
Burrito Bowl Soup & Sandwich Chicken Fajitas Chili Cheese Hot Dog Burrito Bowl Spicy General Tso Bowl
Chicken Fajitas Macaroni & Cheese w/ Roll Burrito Bowl Spicy General Tso Bowl
Thursday Raspberry Chicken Salad Popcorn Chicken Salad Italian Combo Sub Chicken Wrap Veggie Sub 2
Popcorn Chicken Mashed Potato Bowl Enchiladas Popcorn Chicken Bowl Popcorn Chicken Bowl Meatball Sub Sandwich Enchiladas Popcorn Chicken Bowl Philly Cheesesteak Popcorn Chicken Bowl
Friday Chicken Caesar Salad Chef Salad Bagel Lunch Box Veggie Wrap
Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Ravioli Clux Delux Sandwich Lasagna w/ Breads�ck Clux Delux Sandwich Beefy Ma w/ Breads�ck Clux Delux Sandwich Fish & Chips w/ Roll Clux Delux Sandwich Cheese Stuffed Ravioli
Menu items are subject to change without no�fica�on. Alternate items will be provided. Peoria Unified School District is an equal opportunity provider and employer.