KIdS News 19 June 2020

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K.Id.S News Weekly

Dear Parents

families all safe and well. I hope this finds you and your e only two weeks of school left It is hard to believe that we hav to all be planning for our travels this year. Ordinarily we would our ning plan are we year s Thi interesting places for the holiday. I invite you all to share your es. hom own our in ’ ons cati ‘stay to publish in our holiday plans in an email to info e ld all find inspiration from som final newsletter. I think we wou shared ideas. their teachers have enjoyed Here at KIS, your children and Zoom lessons and had visiting guests taking their 1s r another busy week. The Yea classes have been offer for our Year 1s! All our what an array of topics were on I am sure you will s this week for Father’s Day and celebrating their wonderful Dad classes. tion nda Fou zing artwork done by our enjoy seeing some of the ama all enjoy the events and k. I hope you and your children This is our virtual Sports Wee in a photo to send to ts men mo g’ these special ‘sportin we ask that you please capture your teacher. n dates: A reminder of the Presentatio 1 and Reception. : Sports Presentation for Year Wednesday 24th at 11:00 Wed 24th in your diaries s, please book 11:00 – 11:40 on Y1 and Reception parent rts presentation. puter with your child for the Spo so that you can be on the com tion and Playgroup. Sports Presentation for Founda Thursday 25th at 10:30 : :10 on Thursday parents, please book 10:30-11 Foundation and Playgroup r child for the Sports can be on the computer with you 25th in your diaries so that you presentation. tual Leavers your diaries is our Year 1 Vir Another reminder to book in s will be a very special Thi 45. 1st July at 11:00 - 11: y sda dne We on bly em Ass prep school journeys. are leaving KIS to begin their celebration for our Year 1s who k ahead. I hope you all have a lovely wee Best regards Sue Small

Year v1ing parents

d ha e y o j n e some 1 e k a t Year s r e teach and other lessons this week. of their

We also did some outdoor ma and made F ths ‘making 10’ athers’ Day cards

on space, i t p e c e t R ning abou

een lear lien underpants b e v a h e W en, a m e how c a d p e s n r g a n i e l k a m e have W . s s Day t e r p i o c p e S r . s d r n a ng r ule wing. i s u e r u s a full s to me n i s i e c i t c pra


This week we had aft hippo and rhino art and cr and made windmills


gehogs, We made spiky hed s of badgers and all sort creatures...

sic with We love mu .. Ms. Valerie..

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