Risk Assessment for the Potential Re-opening of Peponi House Preparatory School 2020/21 1. The school follows Government guidelines and recognises its duty of care to pupils and staff. 2. Social distancing, masks and handwashing and general vigilance essential. 3. Pupils in ‘English set’ classes, in one room. Younger classes in Forms. More Form time; pastoral support pro-active, sensitive and thoroughly considered. 4. Year Groups in classrooms adjacent to each other, move only for Maths. 5. Teachers move to classes. 6. Children to minimise contact outside of classes and certainly Year Groups. No Assemblies. 7. Hygiene standards emphasised and modelled by staff – especially hand washing, masks and cleaning. ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’. 8. Cleaning regime regular and enhanced, both during the school day and after school. 9. Drop off/departure/lunch/break staggered. Timetable consequently adjusted. 10. Activities to take place outdoors if possible. Rooms well ventilated. 11. A ‘culture of care’ encouraged and insisted upon. Expectations and protocols made clear. 12. Any person with symptoms supported and dealt with quickly and thoroughly.
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Year Group bubbles and Class arrangements in place to minimise pupil mixing whilst providing full curriculum.
• Pupils not observing social distancing in classrooms
• Health and safety arrangements revisited and reviewed
People that are ill to stay at home. Cleaning arrangements enhanced.
• Pupils not observing social distancing on field • Parents wanting to enter the building
•Sick pupils attending Robust hand washing and school respiratory hygiene arrangements • Staff absence through put in place. sickness, curriculum Broad and balanced curriculum compromised delivered. ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it.’ Culture… Engage with Gov’t Agencies as appropriate.
• Entrance and exits manned • Temperature checks on arrival – tbc. Extra staff needed to carry this out • Staff to be on duty in/around Year Groups from 7.30am • Children to go straight in to classrooms to drop off kit, water bottles etc • Children stay in classrooms until lessons unless directed otherwise • Segregated play areas as necessary • Duty staff to be monitoring social distancing in communal areas/fields • No parents to enter the building • Classes/teachers independently manage control measures • Year Group bubbles to facilitate full curriculum; socially distanced/teaching outdoors where possible • Staff maintaining distance from pupils and each other • Anyone with symptoms of corona to be managed appropriately and sent home as necessary • Children to go straight in to classrooms to drop off kit, water bottles etc • Group children consistently • Pupils in English set class groups, in one room, except for Maths and Science as nec’s • Bring packed lunches if pupils want to? • Notices around for general guidance and information
Residual Risk
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Underlying arrangement of flexible arrivals from 7.30. Plus:
• Parents socialising and mingling at the turning circle
• Parents stay in cars
Staggered arrival time guidelines: 7.30am Years 7/8 7.40am Years 5/6 7.50am Years 3/4 8.00am Year 2 Registration from 8.00, slightly later for Years 2/ 3/4 Parents to drop children off at the school entrance, routes to class formalized etc. Pupils go to classrooms. L1 8.10-9.10 L2 9.10-10.10 Break/snack 10.10-10.50 L3 10.50-11.50 L4 2/3/4 Lch/Ply 11.50-12.50 Play/Lunch 5/6 11.50-12.50 Lunch/Play 7/8 12.50-1.50 L4 2/3/4/5/6 12.50-1.50 L5 1.50-2.50 (3.00 2/3/4) L6 2.50-3.50 (3.20 5/6)
• Pupils mixing during drop off and not socially distancing • Children not following designated routes to Form rooms
• Pupils go to classrooms • Parents do not come to office unless v. impt or by prior appointment • Natural stagger’ of arrivals helpful – formalise underlying rota • Doors and windows of classrooms generally open - classrooms ventilated at all times
• Pupils contaminating areas after entering classrooms • Handwash on arrival and after leaving/returning to class • Pupils not following hygiene/hand washing • Use Science labs as extra washrooms regimes • Use alternate doors for entrance/ • Sanitisers not filled leaving rooms, one way system as possible. • Pupils mixing Year Groups in toilets • Children supervised in/out of school • Much teaching time lost for hand washing etc
• Staff to direct children to correct rooms as routine established • Staff vigilantly monitor exits and play areas • No Assembly, singing practice etc unless directed otherwise
Collection: 3.00pm Year 2 3.10pm Year 3 3.20pm Year 4 3.30pm Year 5 3.40pm Year 6 3.50pm Year 7 4.00pm Year 8
• Year Group meetings, outside especially, possible
Siblings waiting in Year Groups until going to meet siblings/ collection at:
• Sibling collection times considered
3.20pm Years 2/3 (Y 4/5) 3.40pm Years 2/3 (6/7/8) 3.40pm Years 4/5 Years 6/7/8 go for collection as per normal class arrangements.
• Lesson 1 to start promptly at 8.10 • Years 2/3/4 might be a little later • Utilise all time effectively/efficiently • Siblings will arrive together • Younger siblings to stay in Year Groups until times indicated and then go to main entrance to be collected • Collection waiting zones established
Residual Risk
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Entering and leaving classrooms carefully considered with regard to class and those nearby.
• Contamination of door handles and other heavily ‘touched’ places
• All movement in/out of classrooms etc carefully managed to avoid across group interaction
• Contamination of key boards in ICT
• Rigorous cleaning regime in place – everyone monitoring
• Pupils not social distancing when entering and exiting rooms
• Facilities managed to allow maximum hand washing etc. Sinks/sanitisers…
• Contamination of areas within the classroom • Contamination of play equipment on field/ courtyard • Pupils mingling/loitering in washrooms, paths etc
Residual Risk
• Doors opened first thing • Door handles and other surfaces disinfected regularly during the day • Disinfectant wipes available for children to disinfect key boards in ICT Suite? Cleaning between lessons if used • Staff to monitor doors • Pupils to wash hands immediately after entering classroom at sinks/ antibac • Pupils to wash hands upon entering the classroom and if being playing on field/courtyard/leaving for lunch/ returning to classroom • Play equipment not shared across year groups and disinfected regularly • Pupils to avoid changing in school. Come in sports kit etc
Use of paths and transit routes carefully considered and thorough managed
• Pupils not socially distancing and not following designated routes to classrooms • Pupils mingling/loitering on paths/courtyards
All bags and coats to be deposited and left in assigned classroom/rack/locker.
• Pupils placing bags in classrooms not assigned to them • Contamination of bags in classrooms • Changing rooms no Social Distancing
• Circulation plans revised, one way systems where appropriate, including paths as nec’s, movement minimised, clear routes of travel to toilets, fields etc
• Utilise outdoor space and individual class exits as feasible • Children to only access allocated classroom/desks/lockers • Groups belonging’s kept separate in classroom • Pupils to come to school in Games kit on sports days • Clubs that require changing not on
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Consider and mark play zones as necessary.
• Pupils contaminating other furniture in the classroom
• Pupils set in classes in English Groups, stay in these groups for all subjects
• Pupil positioning themselves in the field/ on playground so as not to observe social distancing.
• Minimising contacts between pupils, especially across year groups
Each Year Group bubble will be allocated a zone. No movement between bubble zones. Groups will also have the option of using the climbing apparatus as possible. Rota/Year Group tennis courts use… Specialist lessons in own classrooms, teachers moving rooms where possible.
• Pupil positioning themselves in the classroom not observing social distancing.
• Teachers move, not pupils as possible • Year Groups in classes near each other • Use Science labs as washrooms….
• Use larger classrooms as possible, • Cross contamination consider class sizes between field and classroom • Sanitiser in every room • Pupils moving classrooms • Have a stock of stationery to avoid and spreading any sharing contamination • Adults to socially distance to 2m if possible • Pupils not to touch each other/staff - minimising staff/pupil/pupil physical contact • Pupils sit at end s of desks to ensure 1m distance • Use in/out system where possible • Teachers move to classes for specialist teaching if necessary • Limit Music groups to 15 and fix L Spt lessons to these times…. • Pupils encouraged to observe social distancing during classroom movement • Pupils encouraged to only touch furniture assigned to them • Layout design, rooms cleared, furniture repositioned • Pupils informed of entry system to enter classroom, pupils arranged in alphabetical order, pupils positioned accordingly from front of classroom • Ensure outdoor equipment stays in bubbles where possible. If not thorough cleaning required • Windows, doors ALWAYS open • Pupils to wash hands if have been playing on fields • Desks will be set apart and face the front of classrooms. Normal seating OK. • Pupils encouraged not to face each other for paired work etc • Consider paths one way to toilets. No loitering etc • Reminders re washing/personal hygiene/space/contact/fields • Sanitiser/sinks in each room • Specialist staff to collect pupils from classrooms if necessarily being taught elsewhere
Residual Risk
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
• Contamination between pupils
• Year Group rota established for toilet use, with 5 minute intervals, eg Year 3 at 00.05.10 past the hour etc
Procedures clear
• Bubbles mixing in toilets • Contamination of surfaces
• One Group (max nos tbc) at a time using/queuing • ? pupils use toilets at one time • Pupils encouraged to rotate use of toilets and sinks – bowls etc • Wait outside if toilet ‘full’ • All ‘random’ visits to toilets managed and monitored – pupils not to use toilets if already in use, if visiting toilets during lessons etc • Staff to monitor children from Groups moving to and from toilets • Signs on toilet doors to remind children of SD and hygiene • Regular cleaning takes place • Hand washing resources regularly refilled and replaced • Full cleaning takes place after school • Hand washing monitored • Use of one way systems
Residual Risk
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Main field divided into zones. Each Year Group will then be allocated a zone.
• Mixing of pupils during break times
• Stagger snack times to avoid congestion – older children go out then eat, younger children eat then go out as having lunch earlier…
Year 2 children will generally play in the courtyard? Wet play in classrooms.
• Contamination of play equipment • Pupils contaminating surfaces on way to toilet. • Minor injuries sustained during play times/break
• Snacks taken in classrooms • Wash hands before and after break • Staff to monitor children leaving and entering rooms • Groups will not be allowed to play in other Groups’ field zones • Children supervised thoroughly at all times • Supervision appropriate to sustain safe play • Pupils will wait in a in a distanced line to enter the classroom/dining room. • Pupils will wash their hands before moving to their desk. • Play equipment will be cleaned regularly • Apparatus use rota’d • Essential toilet visits only • Wait if busy, SD on paths etc • Injuries to the medical room/nurse • PPE available in Medical Rm for First Aid as necessary • Two water bottles per child encouraged • Year 2 can play on field when it is otherwise not in use • Staff to have refreshments on lawn/ in hall
Residual Risk
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
• Contamination between pupils
• Staggered lunchtimes
• Bubbles mixing in toilets
Residual Risk
• Can staff cook for all?
• Staff trained • Contamination of surfaces • Consider shorter lunch break Contamination of snacks/ lunch • Lunch to be 1 hour • Pupils not socially distancing during lunch times/break times •Contamination of water fountain tap • Pupils not socially distancing when using the toilets • Pupils not socially distancing after break and lunch times
• Allow packed lunches from home • Pupils eat packed lunches in classrooms? On field? Dining hall? • Toilet visits scheduled before and after lunch in Groups • Wash hands before and after lunch session • Own water bottles • Water dispensers tap regularly disinfected by cleaners
• Pupils not SD in the dining room
• Toilet visits during Lunch if necessary.
• Pupils not SD when collecting food in dining hall
• One person in toilet at once, pupils waiting outside if toilet occupied
• Pupils sitting too close together in dining hall/ facing each other
• Pupils will be asked to line up outside washroom/classrooms and stagger entry to wash hands and move to their desks
• Not enough seating in courtyard
• Split dining hall into clear Year Group spaces - zones • Remove some chairs/benches from dining room • Thorough supervision of pupils eating at all times • Play on field after lunch
Collection: 3.00pm 3.10pm 3.20pm 3.30pm 3.40pm 3.50pm 4.00pm
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8
Siblings waiting in Year Groups until going to meet siblings/ collection at: 3.20pm Years 2/3 3.40pm Years 4/5 Years 6/7/8 go for collection as per normal class arrangements.
• Contamination between adults and pupils • Contamination of personal equipment, bags and kit • Pupils not socially distancing when departing at the end of the school day • Spread across families • Spread within families
• Avoid as much adult to adult contact as possible or cross contamination of Groups • Parents remain in cars, not socialising • Parents distancing if on foot, minimising adult to adult contact • Bags left and kit if possible • Staff supervise departures most thoroughly • Staggered departure/collection times • Distance when walking as possible • Pupils wait in classrooms or as directed • Pupils go to cars when parents sighted • Sibling collection arrangements considered • Younger siblings to stay in Year Groups until times indicated and then go to main entrance to be collected • Collection waiting zones established
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
No after/pre-school clubs
• Pupils not socially distancing in clubs
• Children to stay in separate Year Group classrooms/spaces if not collected
• Contamination across Year Groups/bubbles • Pupils sharing equipment carelessly
Residual Risk
• Teaching staff to help supervision of departures • Less, if any, clubs and activities operating • Social distancing more important in Year Groups than class groups • Office to ring parents of any late collections. • Adequate supervisory staff available
Soft toys and equipment with intricate pieces to be stored away. Only keep out equipment that can be cleaned easily. Minimise equipment out. Staff to wipe down as much as possible at the end of each session.
• Contamination of equipment
• Soft toys and furnishings to be removed or stored away
• More cleaning of clothes/ washing
• Resources put away as possible
Pupils have own pencil cases/ equipment (remains in school) and in allocated store.
• Classroom equipment not to be shared between classes • Outdoor/sports equipment only shared where absolutely necessary, then cleaned thoroughly • School to provide pupil stationery/ equipment if necessary • Extra Art equipment specially cleaned
Enhanced cleaning arrangements • General contamination of surfaces Additional cleaning of surfaces/ door handles etc throughout day. • Contamination in classrooms and corridor Cleaning of toilets and classrooms more regularly. • Contamination of play equipment Classrooms cleaned more often.
• Extra cleaning in place • Cleaning regime monitored and rigorous/thorough • Continue to clean door surfaces and door handles during day • Teachers/TAs to wipe down surfaces at end of sessions • Extra cleaning during the day • Offices regularly wiped down • Full cleaning takes place after school • Group play equipment cleaned regularly • Outside play apparatus rota/cleaned at end of day • Classrooms cleaned more regularly by cleaners/staff • Fumigation carried out • Adequate waste bins available
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
One person needed to look after a child if sick.
• Affected pupils potentially spreading germs
Use of Medical Room for minor First Aid.
• Staff becoming infected when dealing with children with covid symptoms
• Children with covid symptoms to be settled comfortably outside on benches – fresh air and isolation
Safe/comfortable/ventilated/ outdoor space for a child with covid symptoms. People who have been in close contact with person testing positive must quarantine as advised.
Parents to receive detail regarding regulations and our arrangements, including risk assessment, which will be on firefly. Staff to receive communication and induction as necessary. Pupils to receive regular reminders of appropriate behavior and arrangements including personal hygiene and distancing.
• School Nurse called • Any child sick with covid symptoms must use separate toilet which is then not used before a thorough clean • PPE equipment to be worn by person dealing with child with covid symptoms • Medical Rm to be used for injured children as per normal
Guidelines regarding family isolation etc to be followed. Person testing positive must self-isolate for at least 7 days. Their household to self-isolate as directed, following first symptoms of person testing positive.
Residual Risk
• First Aid boxes to be stored in Medical room for minor injuries • Parents reminded re coronavirus protocol • If tested ask for results. • Staff to understand procedures in case of positive test results • Parents not being regularly • Updates through letters updated and informed • Sharing of arrangements and risk • Staff not effectively assessments with parents before pupils informed return to school • Staff more isolated due to SD et; miss info’ • Parents not thoroughly informed re the curriculum etc
• Sharing of RA with all staff • Extra efforts made to include all staff in communications • Parents engaged with H and S programme and monitoring of their children • Parents have safe travelling to/from school info • Covid cases communicated to County Response Teams
Online teaching might have to continue, so we need to be prepared for this.
• Poor education experience • Ensure online provision can continue of pupils and home and in any circumstances in excellent parents dissatisfaction manner
Aligns with in school experience. • Mental health issues with children Ensure we can stream at least one live teaching session per • Mental health issues with Year Group for each subject. staff Ensure computers and kit are good enough to make this happen. Laptops/desktops.
• Return to work difficult • Online provision challenged through lack of staff and pupil availability • Self-isolating children need online teaching • Self-isolating staff teaching from home, consequently….. • Staff have inadequate ICT resources to teach from home • Poor internet at home, power cuts etc
• Ensure remote learning aligns as closely as possible with ‘in school learning’. Streaming of live lessons…. • Ensure ICT hardware supports online teaching – laptops and desktops. Capability essential • Ensure capacity exists to offer immediate remote education • Have paper copies of books and work available if necessary to facilitate home learning if necessary • Staff bring laptops into school • Stream live lessons on Teams from one Year Group teacher…..for home use and if teachers absent
Risk rating prior to action M
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Visitor numbers are limited.
• Risk of contamination
• Number of visitors kept to a minimum and given clear guidelines
Residual Risk
• Visitor details collected • Social distancing as appropriate • Deliveries left outside • Parents to make appointments via office as necessary CURRICULUM
Gaps in learning tackled early after return. Extra pressure on curriculum time due to early revision sessions. Curriculum less coherent and challenged due to current situation. Children’s recent progress/ attainment more variable than normal.
• Pupils falling behind in their learning, gaps developing in knowledge and skills • Inconsistent home learning experiences • Revision accessible to all to ‘level up’ opportunities for future development • Pupils experiencing anxiety, stress and low mood
• What we teach, how we teach and who we are teaching to be especially carefully considered and planned for • Staggered start leads to new school day. Rearrangement of lesson times • Emphasis on core academic skills, especially for younger pupils • Emphasisie and redevelop good routines • Accessibility managed, especially for anyone at home/absent sick • Ipads shared with home pupils • Staff to be aware of extra pastoral support nec’s • Extra Form Time each morning • Learning Support especially managed/directed for maximum impact • Broad experience sustained… • Sports provision desirable but, ‘Contact sports avoided’ and games following national body/gov’t guidelines • Staff can mark books • Learning Support class/year group based to avoid movement/cross contamination • Year Group in class Learning Support limited to one TA • Online learning continuing effectively, engagement/pastoral support etc...
Risk rating prior to action
Activity Procedures
Control Measures
Clearly understand Government regulations and expectations. GET IT RIGHT.
• Soap dispensers being without sufficient soap
• Staff meet to cover arrangements and protocols
• Insufficient supplies of hygiene materials generally
• Visiting staff briefed and minimise contact
Classes have to be sent home. Year Groups have to be sent home. Teachers have to be sent home. School has to close. Staff health analysis and availability ascertained. Staff familiar with routines and expectations. Pupils familiar with routines and expectations. Staff remember distancing in Staff Room. Teach outside when possible. When dealing with other Groups/Bubbles, distance even if outside. Look out for symptoms and remember procedures….. Wear masks, wash hands regularly, socially distance as possible. PPE for First Aid and infection control. Safeguarding reminders. Fire Safety and evacuation. First Aid and Infection control. Repeated reminders for staff and pupils regarding safer practice. School in house transport utilised if necessary. Protocols followed
• Thermometers insufficient • Staff trained in PPE use in number if all pupils • Antibacterial wiping to be available monitored on arrival for cleaning shared equipment, eg • General cleaning and photocopiers hygiene of classrooms • Pupils not to bring anything in to inconsistent school to share – cakes etc • Washrooms and • Teach good hygiene and hand communal areas not cleaned washing habits, embed in new school effectively culture • Shared equipment not • Face coverings disposed of carefully cleaned effectively • Pupils encouraged to refresh masks/ wash masks daily. Staff to monitor this • Lunch arrangements tbc….. if available, grouping/rotas managed • Staff not to share cups/glasses • No overnight trips • No day trips for now • Plan room use so that movement and contact minimised • Uniform/sports kit to be worn • Swimming allowed? • Contact sports allowed? Cricket? Rounders? Practice general noncontact ball skills etc etc • Minimising pupils changing clothes by coming to school in games/PE kit as appropriate • Focused pastoral support for pupils – rebuilding friendships, coronavirus issues, mental and physical well being • A strong culture of reflection and consideration - emphasis upon a safe community………….
Residual Risk