An abandoned TAFE site is set to be revitalized afterspendingadecadeinlimbo.Planshavebeen unveiled to transform the former Tewantin TAFE campusintotheSunshineCoastSchoolofDesign IndependentMemberforNoosa,SandyBoltonMP has been advocating for the decommissioned Noosa TAFE site to be utilised to benefit our community, since it was closed by the State Government without community consultation back in 2014. This long journey, after Noosa Council rejected the opportunity to purchase the site in 2020, culminated in an expression of interest (EOI) process in 2021 with successful proponents chosen, the only hurdle remaining being the finalisation of Native Title processes overtheNoosaregion.
“After a long, now nine (9) year journey that started in efforts to overturn the closure decision by a previous government, transgress the protocols with the next government, through to the devastation when Noosa Council rejected purchasingthesite,ourcommunityhaslivedwith theramifications.
The waste of taxpayer dollars as it has disintegrated and been vandalised, as has occurred in other TAFE sites across Queensland that were closed, has been an example of the appallingdecisionsmadebythatgovernmentat thetime”saidMs.Bolton.
The successful proponents, who have been waiting patiently for the Native Title determinationstobeheardbytheFederalCourt whichhasnowbeenfinalised,cannowgetonto bringthissitebacktoourcommunity’sbenefit. MsBoltonannouncedpartneringwithrenowned architects NRA Collective, to commence repurposing the buildings to develop a new Sunshine Coast School of Design offering creative courses including industrial design, architectureandfashion.
In addition, NRA Collective proposes further consultation on previous feedback from the community on a research facility to care for the local koala population, theatre, and creative publicartspaceandsaidtheywerepleasedafter thelongpublictenderprocesstohavebeen awarded the site and understood the importanceofthistothecommunity.
“The TAFE was one of the reasons I stood as an independentMPbackin2016whenitwasclosed without warning. This is an example of where Noosa’s priorities were sacrificed for a broader politicalpartyagendaandisjustoneofthemany reasonswhyweneedtostayindependent,” saidMs.Bolton.
Thefactthatweareabouttoembarkonthisnew journey,unlockingthesite'spotentialtobenefit the Noosa community, is truly something to celebrate
Foranyoneunfamiliarwiththehistoryofthesite, more information is available at
MitchMcIntyre NationalwinnerEntry54
Local not-for-profit organisation Reviva has launchedtheirannual‘RevivaReuseCompetition,’ giving Noosa locals a chance to showcase their creativereuseandupcyclingprojectsforachance towincashprizes.
RevivaNoosaManager,MitchMcIntrye,says,“This competitionisthehighlightofouryearbecauseit showcases the incredible ideas and talents in our community.Weoftenhavecustomerschatwithus about their upcycling projects, all eager to enter andwinthecompetition.”
Nowinitsfifthyear,theRevivaReuseCompetition has become a much-loved event that showcases the creative reuse projects of our talented community.Pastentrieshavefeaturedeverything from repurposed clothing transformed into bedspreads to intricate mosaic art made from brokentiles,andevenentirekitchenscraftedfrom upcycled materials. “This year, we’re offering a nationalprizeofa$300Visagiftcard,alongwitha local prize of a $200 Visa gift card,” said Mitch “Every Reviva site across Australia is cheering for their local entrants, but we’re confident that the top prize will go to someone from Noosa the talentandideashereareunmatched.”
The Reviva team at Noosa are ready to support locals with inspiration and assistance in entering thecompetition
“Upcycling helps reduce waste and the demand for new raw materials, making it a simple yet effective way to care for our planet,” Mitch explains. “It’s about taking old, discarded items and transforming them into something useful. Our community never ceases to amaze us with whattheycancreate.”
Withthecostoflivingontherise,upcyclingand reusehavebecomeevenmoreimportant “Byupcycling,youcansavemoneywhilemaking the most of what you already own instead of buyingnewitems,”saidMitch.
EntrytotheRevivaReuseCompetitionisopento all members of the community. To enter, visit community cares about our native species and understands how the environment supports us all. By working together, we strengthen ecosystemsintheMaryRiverCatchment.Vitalfor protecting species like the Mary River Turtle. Nestingprovidesacriticaltimeforthesurvivalof thisveryspecialspecies.TheBushCareSunshine Coast program carries out bushland restoration alongcreeksprovidinghabitatfortheMaryRiver Turtle, working with dedicated community volunteers. Council manages 44 reserves in the Mary River Catchment area, including almost 600ha of land purchased through the Environment levy. . The competition runs until theendofNationalRecyclingWeek,withentries closingonFriday15November2024.
Spring has definitely sprung, and conditions are perfectforspectaculardisplaysatthisyear’smuch anticipatedannualBuderimGardenFestival.
Thisyear’sFestivalwhichcelebratesthespectacle of Spring will run from Friday 18th October to Sunday 20th October with gardens, garden sculptures,plantsandflowersalltobeshowcased.
All access Festival tickets are still just $20 per person, with Flower Show tickets from $3 per person,and$5forfamilies.
“The Garden Club itself was formed in 1946 so gardening has been part of the region’s long horticulturalhistory.
“This year’s festival is coming together better thanever.Thebusythree-dayscheduleincluding Open Gardens, the Garden Sculpture Exhibition, the Spring Flower Show and Photographic Display, the Church Floral Display, as well as the alwayspopularplantmarkets.TheOpenGardens includes six very different but all beautiful gardens that showcase the diversity in size and styleofgardeninginourarea.”
Mr Lyon advised that the Buderim community hasalwayshadastrongconnectiontogardening, andthefestivaldrawsvisitorsfromnearandfar.
Tickets and more information are available online at or from the Old Post Office, Manawee Garden Centre, Buderim Newsagency or Buderim BendigoBank.
Congratulations to the latest recipients of funding from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund,including:
The last round of the year, Round 122, is open now,andcloseson30November.
A special congratulations to Coolum State High School,whorecentlytookoutaveryprestigious awardattheShowcaseAwardsforExcellencein Schools. The award recognizes their exceptional approach to senior schooling, which recognizes andvalueseveryindividualstudentbyproviding meaningful pathways that are supported and nurtured.Thisissuchafantasticoutcomeforthe school, its leaders, teachers, support staff and parents, who have long been committed to helping every student reach their potential. It’s just another example of the high standard of educational facilities that are available in our community.
A unique turtle species, famed for its punk rocker hairstyle and wacky breathing ability, needs everyone’s help to survive. The Australian Government classified the Mary River Turtle as now being critically endangered, and its future hangs in the balance. The turtle is only found in the Mary River Catchment, which spans Sunshine Coast Council, Noosa Council, Gympie Regional Council and Fraser Coast Regional Council local government areas. Adult turtles may grow algae ontheirheadandshell,leadingtothemonikerof the “punk rocker turtle” with a green mohawk. Most outlandish of all, they can stay underwater for up to three days by breathing through special glandsinsidetheircloaca–theirrearend Protectingourone-of-a-kindturtle SunshineCoastCouncilrunstheMaryRiverTurtle Program. The program partners with other councils, environment groups and landholders to remove invasive animals, conduct research and protect turtle nests. Division 10 Councillor David Law said working with community groups increasedtheimpactoftheprogram,asour
community cares about our native species and understands how the environment supports us all. By working together, we strengthen ecosystemsintheMaryRiverCatchment.Vitalfor protecting species like the Mary River Turtle. Nestingprovidesacriticaltimeforthesurvivalof thisveryspecialspecies.TheBushCareSunshine Coast program carries out bushland restoration alongcreeksprovidinghabitatfortheMaryRiver Turtle, working with dedicated community volunteers Council manages 44 reserves in the MaryRiverCatchmentarea,includingalmost
600ha of land purchased through the Environment levy. Threats to the Mary River Turtle
Mary River Turtle eggs are buried in riverbanks, wheretheyarevulnerabletoinvasiveanimalswho eatupto90%ofMaryRiverTurtleeggs.
The invasive European red fox is the most common predator of turtle eggs, and there is evidence of feral pigs also engaging in this behaviour.Division5CouncillorWinstonJohnston urged landholders to get involved with Council’s invasive animal programs. That means improving safety for your pets and livestock and protecting all our native animals from rampant predators. Council programs can also help with managing feraldeer,feralpigsandwilddogs.Feralpigsand feral deer can destroy vegetation and erode riverbanks, impacting water quality and food supply for the river ecosystem. Meanwhile, invasive plants such as cat’s claw creeper reduce habitat quality, smother plants or even restrict animalmovement.
How you can help save the Mary River Turtle. LandholderscanjoinCouncil’sprogramstohelp managefoxesandotherinvasivespeciesatyour place Landholderscanjoin“LandforWildlife”to help protect our biodiversity. Community members can join BushCare groups to restore vegetation and remove weeds in the Mary River Catchment. You can report priority invasive plants and animals and remove them from your
GIVE A SHEET FOR THE PLANET THIS NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK! Springistheperfecttimetocleanoutthose forgottenshelvesandgivethoseoldsheetsa secondchanceatlife.