A FOCUS ON building the personal capacity of each and every student has seen St Andrew’s AnglicanCollegeawardedSecondarySchoolofthe Year (non-government) at the Australian EducationAwardsonFriday9August.
The Australian Education Awards, now in their seventh year, recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of the country’s top performingschools,principals,departmentheads andteachers.
St Andrew’s Principal, Chris Ivey, said the achievement reflected the College’s reputation as aleadingindependentco-educationalschoolfrom PreptoYear12ontheSunshineCoast,knownfor itsexcellenceandstrongcommunityspirit.
In 2023, the College’s strategic plan undertook a significant revamp, crafted with input from all stakeholders, and charts an ambitious course for the future, focusing on the building of staff and studentpersonalcapacity.
Harnessingtheshiftsintheeducationallandscape andneedsofthefutureworkforce,StAndrew’shas directeditsfocus,missionandvisiontoensureall studentscanachieveandreachtheirfullpotential and be successful in their chosen pathway and equippedtohandleaworldofchange
“Our College seeks to continually improve and be on the cutting edge of providing a future focused educationalexperience,”MrIveysaid.
“Our focus on building Personal Capacity is the central pillar and is the key to our strategic plan and point of difference for our school. This focus ensureseverypartofeachchild’seducational
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journey is based around equipping them to be the best they can be, to find purpose and move confidentlyintotheirfutures.”
Key to this has been the development and implementation of a Personal Capacity Transcript (PCT), which captures and reports on the holistic growth of every student, that sits alongsideacademicreporting
This transcript features a learner statement, credits earned from 8 categories, showcased learning and achievements linked to a QR code and subjects studied that year. This is all designedtocaptureandarticulateabroadrange ofevidencedcapabilitiesandachievementsthat showcase the learner's broader involvement, strengthsandlearning. ContinuedonPG5
AllSecondarystudentsprovideevidenceandselfreflections on their involvement, learning and growth from activities inside and outside the College. Once the evidence for one of the credit outcomes is submitted, these are 'endorsed' by their Mentor Teacher through a coaching conversation. The result is a graph that gives a 360-degree view of the involvement and learning ofthestudent.
The PCT is a 'live' document that can be viewed andprintedoffatanytimebutwillbespecifically produced and sent home twice a year. It can be used for job applications, university entry portfolios and celebrating the learning that takes place due to each child’s unique gifts and passions.
“We are one of the first schools in the country to implementaself-evidencedandteacher-endorsed learnerprofile,andwebelieveitwillbethedriver forcelebratingthewholechildandtheirgrowthin personalcapacity,”MrIveysaid.
Nomination evidence for the award comprised the College’s academic achievements, diverse opportunities, the Personal Capacity Transcript tracking students’ holistic growth, and a dedication to lifelong learning via co-curricular and global service activities. Winning the SecondarySchooloftheYear Non-Government also made the College an excellence awardee in theAustralianSchooloftheYearCategory. St Andrew’s has been a regular finalist in these highly prestigious awards, including twice winning 'Best Co-Curricular Program ' in 2019 and 2020 for its Global and Service-Learning Program Additionally,theCollegehasalsobeen awarded a ‘5-star innovative school’ every year since 2021, highlighting its desire to provide a future focussed educational experience for its students.
Upcoming infrastructure developments at St AndrewsincludeaCulturalPrecinctandaFuture Learningbuilding,reflectingitsholisticapproach toeducation.
It’sbeenamuch-lovedlocalhangoutforadecade now, and it is one of Coolum’s favourite coffee shops,celebratingits10thbirthdaybydoingwhat it’s always done best – giving back to the local community.
To mark the 10-year milestone and to thank its loyalCoolumcustomers,Compoundwillbegiving awayfreecoffeealldayonSunday8thSeptember. HospitalityisachallenginggameontheSunshine Coast. Closed signs are a familiar sight, so it’s worth celebrating when a small, local business goesthedistance.
Since it first opened its doors in 2014, Compound has always been a local fixture owned by locals, runforlocals,andaplaceforlocalstogather
Owner and founder Aaron Bradley and wife Rahel haveseenalotofchangesintheircommunityover the years, and they certainly don’t take it for granted that while many businesses in the region have come and gone, Compound remains. “I feel really honoured to still be here a decade after we firstopenedourdoors,”saysAaron.
It hasn’t always been an easy journey for them. “We’ve had some really tough years especially throughtheuncertaintyandpressuresofthe
pandemic, and through industry pressures like staffing shortages and rising costs, there were many moments where we were unsure of the future.Butwewerealwaysabletofindsolutions and adjust to what the business needed,” says Aaron.
Aaron and Rahel even expanded in the coffee industry,pioneeringSlideCoffeeRoastersbased in Coolum Industrial Estate, where they roast anddelivercoffeebeanstolike-mindedcafesall around Southeast Queensland, and are even featuredincafesacrossthecountry.
“We just want to take the opportunity to thank ourloyalcustomers,newandold.It’sbeensuch an epic journey and we wouldn’t still be here without the Coolum community supporting us from day one. We want to celebrate this huge milestone and this space and what it means to Coolum,”saysAaron.
“We'llhaveallhands-ondecktokeepwaittimes to a minimum, we even have an 'express flatty' [flat white] option for people who aren’t fussythey can simply grab a freshly made flat white fullcreamoroatmilkwithoutlininguptoorder.”
Free coffee will be available this Sunday September 8, from 6am – 12pm, and local musician Chucho Bruno will be playing from 10am - 12pm. Compound has also collaborated withalocalartistEmNiwatocreateaspecial10yearanniversarytee-shirtasagreatkeepsakefor localstocelebratethismilestone.
DespitethechangesandgrowthinCoolum,one constant remains – you can always get a great coffee at Compound. Congratulations to the Compoundteam!
Selected from almost 200 AFL Clubs across the wholeofQueensland,theCoolumBeachBreakers wasrecognisedasthetopAFLClubintheState. In recent years the club has experienced significant growth, fielding an increasing number of teams and continuing to maintain its familyfriendly atmosphere & game day experience. During the last round of Youth fixtures in August, theclubhosteditsbiggesteverFamily&Sponsors Day, attracting record crowds to their home groundatCoolumHighSchool
Tyson Smalley, Club President, reflected: "It's a superb achievement for our club, a grass-roots Junior & Youth AFL football club with strong communityandfamilyvalues.Asaclubdrivenby the efforts of a wonderful team of volunteers, winning AFL Queensland Club of the Year is a tremendousrecognitionofnotjustourplayerson the field, but also our impressive army of parents andcommunitymemberswhomakeourclubsuch a great place for young people to build their love for the game and develop life-long health and socialmindsets.Importantlytheawardisproofwe havelaidtherightfoundationsandwillcontinue
to grow in a positive direction We welcome families across the Sunshine Coast to join our growingclubin2025."
Next year, the club will celebrate its 20th-year milestone, highlighting the incredible achievement of winning the AFL Queensland 2024CluboftheYearawardinitslimitedhistory. The club features Junior & Youth teams ranging fromAusKickuptounder17agegroupsforGirls and Boys. Coolum Beach Breakers have also actively supported initiatives to ensure sustainable growth for AFL on the Sunshine Coast including junior umpiring pathways and supportinglocalschoolcarnivals.
Afterasuccessful2024regularseason,nearlyall of our Youth Teams across all age groups reached the Finals fixtures beginning last weekend. AFL National Community Football MediaVolunteerAward
In a further accolade for the club, Amy Sheehan was recently named the National Volunteer of the Year Award winner in the Media category. Amyhastransformedtheclub'smediapresence sincetakingontheCommunicationsOfficerrole in 2023. Her efforts in managing the Club’s website, social media, and even generating AFL content for the local newspaper have significantly boosted participation and awareness of AFL within the Sunshine Coast community.
Amy Sheehan explained "I was honoured to have been nominated and absolutely shocked to have won this award. I am very proud to have been associated with our wonderful Club for the last 7 years. The committee, our members and the wonderfulcohortofplayers;makemyjobeasyas we always have something to photograph, write about and celebrate. I’ve been involved in AFL Clubs all around Australia and there is just something special about the Coolum Beach Breakers."
Tyson Smalley, Club President, was full of praise, "TheCoolumBeachBreakersAFLclubisdelighted to see such a deserving member win this award. Amy's role in leading our club's communications has been instrumental in our ongoing development and growth. She's extremely professional and proactive ensuring our entire clubandwidercommunityareuptodatewiththe latestnews,photos,resultsandsuccessesofpast and present players in a variety of pursuits. However,it'salsotheintra-club,behind-the-
scenes communications she is involved in that also makes such a difference in keeping our volunteer-run club ticking. From assisting new families on how to join to updating teams on fixture changes, no task is ever a problem. Amy epitomises the values of our club. This award truly is a fitting recognition of the impact and importance of her and our volunteers more broadly."
A Coolum beach access will soon be upgraded to makeitsaferforthecommunity.
The existing stairs at beach access 83 at Second Bay, Coolum, will be replaced with a new set of robust timber and marine aluminium stairs –similartoothersinthearea.Theprojectisdueto begin in September to avoid the summer storm season
Suarez said Council worked to keep beach accessesingoodcondition.
“The old stone steps were slippery and had reached the end of their life,” Cr Suarez said.
“Council has also had requests from the community for them to be replaced. The new stairs will be strong, last a long time and require minimalmaintenance.Mostimportantly,theywill makeitamuchsaferwalkdowntothebeach.The stairs will have timber treads and balustrades to keepthatcoastaltextureandfeelsimilartobeach access84atThirdBay Thebeachisanimportant partofourSunshineCoastlifestyleandthese
designated entry points help to protect the dunes and coastal foreshore areas from erosion anddamage.
Wethankourcommunityforyourpatiencewhile weworktorestoresafeaccess.”CrSuarezsaid. Construction is scheduled to start in September and will be completed in approximately four to fiveweeks,weatherdependent.
For community safety and the safety of our constructionworkers thebeachaccessandassociatedcarparkwillbe closed while the work takes place. As an alternative access, please use beach access 82 which is 300m to the north or beach access 84, 300mtothesouth.Theoldrockstairswillremain in place under the new staircase so the construction process doesn’t destabilise the hillside.
An aluminium frame will be constructed above the old stairs. Some trees will be trimmed, and one tree will be removed, and relocated if possible.Threemoretreeswillbereplantedinits place. Safety fencing will be placed around the work however the main coastal pathway will be left open. There may be some temporary diversions in place. Please follow the traffic controlonsiteforyourownsafety
New pathway for safer travel between Noosa, Peregian Breeze and Coolum
The weather is getting warmer & the days are growinglonger,summerisjustaroundthecorner. Nowistheperfecttimetocheckyourpoolissafe& educate your family on the importance of water safety.Between2018and2023,privatepoolswere the most common location for child drownings & drownings were the leading cause of death for children aged one to four That is why Sunshine CoastCouncilispleadingwithpoolownerstotake thesimplebutvitalstepstopreventatragedythis summerorriskreceivinga$23,000fine.
Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Christian Dickson said it was part of Council’s role to regulate & educate the community about swimming pool safety. “It’s imperative that pool owners conduct regular checks to ensure their swimmingpoolfencesandgatesaresafeand
compliant.Fencingandgatesbecomefaultywith wear and tear, so I encourage every pool owner to follow Council’s free pool safety checklist regularly to ensure they are providing a safe environment for their families, tenants and visitors Some people deliberately prop pool gatesopenforconvenience,andsadlythiswasa factor in more than 25 per cent of early childhood drownings recorded in Queensland overthepast10years.Youmaythinkitwillnever happen to you, until the unthinkable happens. Please don’t become the next statistic,” Cr Dickson said. The Queensland pool safety standard regulates the location, height and strength of barriers, non-climbable zones, gate latching requirements & prohibits direct access from a building into a pool area. The standard applies to excavations or structures capable of being filled with water to a depth of 300mm & intended for swimming, wading, bathing and paddling, including spas and inflatable wading pools.MoreinformationisavailableonCouncil’s websiteorfromtheQBCC.
Recently I brought together community organisationsyesterdayinaforumtodiscuss cost-of-living with Senator Jane Hume who chaired an inquiry into the issue. She has heardfirst-handmanyharrowingaccountsof the impact families across Australia are feeling. The swapping of ideas between attendees on practical measures to assist those in our community most in need made thisforumreallyvaluable.
If you are experiencing trouble paying your energy bills, or if I or my office can be of assistance in any other way, please do not hesitate to reach out on (07) 5479 2800 or at ted.obrien.mp@aph.gov.au