11 Fun workshops will run between 16-27 September.Thenewworkshopsare:Programan AI-powered webcam gesture mouse to control your computer (using computer vision, Python); Intro to Engineering Challenges for kids; Create your own virtual pet (iOS app!); along with the return of Beginners Video Editing using DaVinci Resolve.
Plus a few more popular workshops are returning: LEGO Spike robotics (beginners and up); making fun projects with 3D design and printing including a chocolate catapult! (beginners-advanced); Digital Art for iPad (Procreate app) x3 courses to suit all skill levels frombeginnerstointermediate;ProblemSolving with LEGO Spike Robotics (beginners and up); and Making Games with Python coding (beginnersandup).
For more information and ticket links, visit the PeregianDigitalHubholidayprogramwebsite.
A FOCUS ON building the personal capacity of each and every student has seen St Andrew’s AnglicanCollegeawardedSecondarySchoolofthe Year (non-government) at the Australian EducationAwardsonFriday9August.
The Australian Education Awards, now in their seventh year, recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of the country’s top performingschools,principals,departmentheads andteachers.
St Andrew’s Principal, Chris Ivey, said the achievement reflected the College’s reputation as aleadingindependentco-educationalschoolfrom PreptoYear12ontheSunshineCoast,knownfor itsexcellenceandstrongcommunityspirit.
In 2023, the College’s strategic plan undertook a significant revamp, crafted with input from all stakeholders, and charts an ambitious course for the future, focusing on the building of staff and studentpersonalcapacity.
Harnessingtheshiftsintheeducationallandscape andneedsofthefutureworkforce,StAndrew’shas directeditsfocus,missionandvisiontoensureall studentscanachieveandreachtheirfullpotential and be successful in their chosen pathway and equippedtohandleaworldofchange
“Our College seeks to continually improve and be on the cutting edge of providing a future focused educationalexperience,”MrIveysaid.
“Our focus on building Personal Capacity is the central pillar and is the key to our strategic plan and point of difference for our school. This focus ensureseverypartofeachchild’seducational
journey is based around equipping them to be the best they can be, to find purpose and move confidentlyintotheirfutures.”
Key to this has been the development and implementation of a Personal Capacity Transcript (PCT), which captures and reports on the holistic growth of every student, that sits alongsideacademicreporting
This transcript features a learner statement, credits earned from 8 categories, showcased learning and achievements linked to a QR code and subjects studied that year. This is all designedtocaptureandarticulateabroadrange ofevidencedcapabilitiesandachievementsthat showcase the learner's broader involvement, strengthsandlearning. ContinuedonPG5
AllSecondarystudentsprovideevidenceandselfreflections on their involvement, learning and growth from activities inside and outside the College. Once the evidence for one of the credit outcomes is submitted, these are 'endorsed' by their Mentor Teacher through a coaching conversation. The result is a graph that gives a 360-degree view of the involvement and learning ofthestudent.
The PCT is a 'live' document that can be viewed andprintedoffatanytimebutwillbespecifically produced and sent home twice a year. It can be used for job applications, university entry portfolios and celebrating the learning that takes place due to each child’s unique gifts and passions.
“We are one of the first schools in the country to implementaself-evidencedandteacher-endorsed learnerprofile,andwebelieveitwillbethedriver forcelebratingthewholechildandtheirgrowthin personalcapacity,”MrIveysaid.
Nomination evidence for the award comprised the College’s academic achievements, diverse opportunities, the Personal Capacity Transcript tracking students’ holistic growth, and a dedication to lifelong learning via co-curricular and global service activities. Winning the SecondarySchooloftheYear Non-Government also made the College an excellence awardee in theAustralianSchooloftheYearCategory.
St Andrew’s has been a regular finalist in these highly prestigious awards, including twice winning 'Best Co-Curricular Program ' in 2019 and 2020 for its Global and Service-Learning Program Additionally,theCollegehasalsobeen awarded a ‘5-star innovative school’ every year since 2021, highlighting its desire to provide a future focussed educational experience for its students.
Upcoming infrastructure developments at St AndrewsincludeaCulturalPrecinctandaFuture Learningbuilding,reflectingitsholisticapproach toeducation.
Independent Noosa MP Sandy Bolton with Graham Reid (President)&PennyCasey(CommitteeMember)(PF&F)
Following advocacy from the Independent Member for Noosa, Sandy Bolton MP, new laws werepassedinFebruarytoexpandtheapplication of careless riding offences for personal mobility devices and bicycle riders from roads to all roadrelated areas such as footpaths and bicycle paths and requires riders to stop and provide their detailsintheeventofacrash.
“Itwasimportantthatthesenewlawswouldapply consistently to all riders, regardless of age, and willallowyouthtobefinedinthesamemanneras adults, though this implementation is ultimately reliant on the courts and the police force,” furtheredMsBolton.
The Independent MP has assured residents that thisisonlyonestepintherightdirectionandthat furthereffortsareneeded.Sandyrecentlyspokeat acommunityforumorganisedbyPeregianFamily andFriends.
“With the continued incidents endangering riders, pedestrians and drivers, myself and Coolum Police Officer Joel Bryant and the Department of Transport and Main Roads were invitedtospeakatthePeregianSurfClub.Much wascoveredfromtheconfusionbetweene-bikes and e-motorbikes, the laws in relation to both, throughtowhatisbeingdonetoreducereckless behaviours including education, innovation, confiscationsandextraresourcing.”
“Thank you to our police who shared much including that the vast majority of parents they visitaregenuinelyshockedwhenadvisedoftheir children’s disregard for the safety of themselves and others, and would be immediately selling thedevice,”saidMs.Bolton.
Sandy said that a key takeout was that we all havearesponsibilitytoourchildrenbyensuring theyareoncompliante-bikes,note-motorbikes, andareabidingbythelaws.Importantly,report offenders to Policelink by calling 131 444 or by lodging an online report at www.police.qld.gov.au/policelink-reporting, and for anyone who has CCTV cameras, you can register with the Community Camera Alliance at wwwpoliceqldgovau/safety-and-preventingcrime/community-camera-alliance.
“Gratitude to President Graham and Peregian Family and Friends for hosting, fellow speakers and all in attendance for a great forum with excellent questions. Our advocacy will continue on behalf of our community including for a licensingscheme,”saidMs.Bolton.
Further information on the new laws visit www.SandyBolton.com/Noosa360.
If you haven’t heard the beloved 'Havana Nights Markets' are set to return to Peregian Springs, bringingthecommunitytogetheronceagain.The marketsruneverySundayafternoonfrom4:00PM to 8:00 PM, offering a selection of delicious food anddessertoptionsforanepicSundaySession.
For those who are new to Peregian Springs, Havana Road was the original road before the Springswasdeveloped,sothenamepayshomage tothishistoricalpieceofthelocalarea.
"We are thrilled to bring back the 'Havana Nights Markets' to Peregian Springs," said Lea Bye from Cartel Music & Events, the event organiser. "This event is all about celebrating our community, supporting local businesses, and creating a welcomingatmosphereforeveryonetoenjoy."
HighlightsoftheHavanaNightMarketsinclude: ●LiveMusic&Performances:Enjoyperformances from talented local artists, with the Pool Cafe runningthebarandhostingthelivemusic.
● Gourmet Food and Drinks: Savour delicious street food and desserts from local vendors, offeringavarietyofoptionstosatisfyalltastes.
● Artisan Stalls: Discover unique handmade items, perfect for gifts or personal treasures, craftedbytalentedlocalartisans
● Family-Friendly Activities: Fun for all ages, with activities and entertainment to keep the littleonesdelighted.
The'HavanaNightsMarkets'wereamuch-loved staple event for locals and visitors from 2016 to 2019,offeringaneveningfilledwithfood,music, andcommunityspirit.Thesemarketshavebeen onhiatussincetheskateparkworksinthearea andtheCOVIDpandemic.
The 'Havana Nights Markets' are free to attend, making it an accessible event for the entire community.Whetheryou'relookingtoshop,eat, listen to music, or simply soak in the atmosphere, there's something for everyone at themarkets.
Join us for an enjoyable evening at the 'Havana Nights Markets' in Peregian Springs and be part of this community celebration. For more information, visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/havananightsperegi anspringsmarkets/
The weather is getting warmer & the days are growinglonger,summerisjustaroundthecorner. Nowistheperfecttimetocheckyourpoolissafe& educate your family on the importance of water safety.Between2018and2023,privatepoolswere the most common location for child drownings & drownings were the leading cause of death for children aged one to four. That is why Sunshine CoastCouncilispleadingwithpoolownerstotake thesimplebutvitalstepstopreventatragedythis summerorriskreceivinga$23,000fine.
Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Christian Dickson said it was part of Council’s role to regulate & educate the community about swimming pool safety. “It’s imperative that pool owners conduct regular checks to ensure their swimmingpoolfencesandgatesaresafeand
compliant Fencingandgatesbecomefaultywith wear and tear, so I encourage every pool owner to follow Council’s free pool safety checklist regularly to ensure they are providing a safe environment for their families, tenants and visitors. Some people deliberately prop pool gatesopenforconvenience,andsadlythiswasa factor in more than 25 per cent of early childhood drownings recorded in Queensland overthepast10years.Youmaythinkitwillnever happen to you, until the unthinkable happens. Please don’t become the next statistic,” Cr Dickson said. The Queensland pool safety standard regulates the location, height and strength of barriers, non-climbable zones, gate latching requirements & prohibits direct access from a building into a pool area. The standard applies to excavations or structures capable of being filled with water to a depth of 300mm & intended for swimming, wading, bathing and paddling, including spas and inflatable wading pools.MoreinformationisavailableonCouncil’s websiteorfromtheQBCC.
Soquilichi Rescue Ranch Inc $35,000 for cat enclosures
The funding news couldn’t have come at a better time for some of these groups, including Smart PupsAssistanceDogs,whohostedtheirinaugural fundraisinglunchlastweek,raisingover$70,000. SmartPupsAssistanceDogs,basedatVerrierdale, supports children with special needs, and has a profound impact on helping them improve their independence and quality of life. Since its inception in 2011, Smart Pups, which relies soley ondonations,sponsorshipsandgrants,hasplaced morethan300assistancedogsacrossthecountry.
The event featured several special guests includingTheTodayShow’sKarlStefanovic,Smart Pups Patron and Aussie legend Dawn Fraser, founderPatriciaMacalister,andLNPCandidatefor NoosaClareStewart.
“The timing could not have been better,” Mr Purdiesaid.
The next round of the Gambling Grants, Round 122, which is the last round of the year, is open now,andclosesmidnighton30November,2024
For further information about the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, visit www.qld.gov.au/initiatives/community-grants.
Dan at the inaugural Smart Pups fundraiser last week, with founder Patricia Macalister, MC Karl Stefanovic,SmartPupsPatronDawnFraser,and LNPCandidateforNoosaClareStewart
A Coolum beach access will soon be upgraded to makeitsaferforthecommunity.
The existing stairs at beach access 83 at Second Bay, Coolum, will be replaced with a new set of robust timber and marine aluminium stairs –similartoothersinthearea.Theprojectisdueto begin in September to avoid the summer storm season
SunshineCoastCouncilDivision9CouncillorMaria Suarez said Council worked to keep beach accessesingoodcondition.
“The old stone steps were slippery and had reached the end of their life,” Cr Suarez said. “Council has also had requests from the community for them to be replaced. The new stairs will be strong, last a long time and require minimalmaintenance.Mostimportantly,theywill makeitamuchsaferwalkdowntothebeach.The stairs will have timber treads and balustrades to keepthatcoastaltextureandfeelsimilartobeach access84atThirdBay Thebeachisanimportant partofourSunshineCoastlifestyleandthese
designated entry points help to protect the dunes and coastal foreshore areas from erosion anddamage.
Wethankourcommunityforyourpatiencewhile weworktorestoresafeaccess.”CrSuarezsaid. Construction is scheduled to start in September and will be completed in approximately four to fiveweeks,weatherdependent.
For community safety and the safety of our constructionworkers thebeachaccessandassociatedcarparkwillbe closed while the work takes place. As an alternative access, please use beach access 82 which is 300m to the north or beach access 84, 300mtothesouth.Theoldrockstairswillremain in place under the new staircase so the construction process doesn’t destabilise the hillside.
An aluminium frame will be constructed above the old stairs. Some trees will be trimmed, and one tree will be removed, and relocated if possible.Threemoretreeswillbereplantedinits place. Safety fencing will be placed around the work however the main coastal pathway will be left open. There may be some temporary diversions in place. Please follow the traffic controlonsiteforyourownsafety
New pathway for safer travel between Noosa, Peregian Breeze and Coolum
Recently I brought together community organisationsyesterdayinaforumtodiscuss cost-of-living with Senator Jane Hume who chaired an inquiry into the issue. She has heardfirst-handmanyharrowingaccountsof the impact families across Australia are feeling. The swapping of ideas between attendees on practical measures to assist those in our community most in need made thisforumreallyvaluable.
If you are experiencing trouble paying your energy bills, or if I or my office can be of assistance in any other way, please do not hesitate to reach out on (07) 5479 2800 or at ted.obrien.mp@aph.gov.au
Every year, more than 3000 Sunshine Coast residents are diagnosed with cancer with over 1,000 people dying every year. Cancer Council Queensland and Wishlist have teamed up to expandessentialsupportcancerservicesforlocal cancer patients on the Sunshine Coast. To ensure everyone has access to cancer support services acrosstheSunshineCoast.
Cancer Council Queensland’s Wig and Turban service is now available at Wishlist’s accommodation facility - Wishlist Centre –opposite the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Theserviceoffersapersonalfittingwithatrained volunteer.Therearearangeofwigsandheadwear tochoosefrom,atnocost.
This means cancer patients across the Coast, including those undergoing treatment in hospital and regional patients staying at Wishlist Centre, can access the service without the stress and inconvenienceoftravelduringtreatment.
"We are excited to team up with Cancer Council Queensland to offer essential support services at our accommodation facility, Wishlist Centre, for local cancer patients. This collaboration extends our commitment to enhancing the wellbeing and qualityoflifeforthosefacingacancerdiagnosis,” saidWishlistCEO,LisaRowe.
“Wishlist Centre is a hive of activity for patients of the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, plus accommodation guests and their families. The WigsandTurbansServiceisjustoneofthemany free or low-cost, holistic, and therapeutic supportservicesweofferattheCentre
"The Wigs and Turbans Service - available every MondayandTuesdayatWishlistCentre–offersa personalisedsupportforcancerpatientsdealing withhairloss.It’smorethanjustprovidingwigs and turbans, it’s about restoring confidence, individuality, and a sense of normalcy during a challengingtime
“Other services include sound immersion therapy, gentle yoga, havening, therapy dog visits, massage and reiki – all designed to uplift, comfort and support those going through a difficulthealthjourney,”saidMs.Rowe.
Each year, more than 32,000 Queenslanders are diagnosed with cancer, so most Cancer Council Queensland volunteers have a personal experience with cancer, either as a patient or carer. This means they can provide empathy, understanding,andvalidationtothosecurrently undergoingcancertreatment.
“Cancertreatmentisconfrontingenoughasitis, but when people lose their hair, they often feel they’ve lost their individuality. It makes a huge difference in helping someone regain their confidence,” said Deanna Romain, Cancer Council Queensland’s Senior Manager of Hub Operations.
Sunshine Coast cancer patients can access Cancer Council Queensland’s Wig and Turban service, available at Wishlist Centre, by calling the131120InformationandSupportLine.