Peregian Springs News December 2017

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 3. Issue 3

December 2017

Merry Christmas!

Ho, Ho, Ho! Santa’s out and about among the Christmas lights this month in Peregian Springs. To find out more, see page 16.

Interchange nearing completion MOTORISTS are set for a new year treat with the Peregian Springs half interchange and connecting internal road set to open before school starts. Aveo Territory Development Manager Troy Thompson says the overpass is nearing completion and there’s only landscaping and electrical work to be completed over the coming eight weeks, with the opening of the

overpass and the connecting road expected to be early in the new year. “It will be more convenient for anyone travelling south and be the third major access point from the Sunshine Coast Motorway giving the Peregian community a first class road network for heading North or South,” Mr Thompson said. Continued, page 3

Peregian Springs News, December 2017

From the Ed’s desk Don’t tell my kids but they’re getting a trampoline for Christmas. They wanted a certain game console, but that’s not happening! Not only am I trying to reduce the tech time at home, the age gap between my two would make game choice a nightmare... The trampoline they are getting is one of the old retro ones with no net. We didn’t have nets when I was a kid, or safety pads for that matter (but I’ve got those at least this time). It set me wondering when enclosures became the norm and if they taught kids to be reliant on the net, rather than their own sense of safety. There’s a fine line between being safe and giving kids scope to take a little risk and grow in the process. Hope you enjoy some outside time with the family these holidays and find that balance. And next year will be a great year for youth to get out and about too with your feedback on the youth play space design at the Rec Fields now being considered by Council. It’ll be an exciting coming year for Peregian Springs with the balance of the vacant land set to be sold, new parks added and the new entrance to the estate opening in late January. Peregian Breeze will grow into a larger community and i’ll be following issues there too. For 2017, a huge thanks to the readers for sharing your issues and stories and to my wonderful advertisers who’ve shared their services and products with us. Without the advertiser’s support we couldn’t have kept the magazine going for the 26 editions we have so far, so please, if you’re shopping for Christmas or beyond, do what you can to support those who are supporting us. Thanks also to Nick Harris at Limehouse Press for his outstanding service & expertise in printing the magazine ..I’m looking forward to 2018! Look for January’s edition out mid –Jan. All the peace of the season to you all, Rebecca


Local News

Pedestrians sorted, furry or not.. From page 1. Meantime…Council has included an allocation in the 2018/19 Capital Budget to recalibrate the traffic signals at the intersection of Ridges Blvd and The Avenue, Peregian Springs. A Sunshine Coast Council Spokesperson said the change will extend the red signal time for vehicles and give pedestrians more time to move onto the crossing before vehicles get a green signal. “This delay places the pedestrian out in front of turning vehicles so that motorists can clearly identify pedestrians on the crossing,” the spokesperson said, also noting that “..under the Queensland Road Rules, vehicles turning left or right at an

intersection with or without traffic signals, must give way to any pedestrian crossing the road. If residents are concerned that motorists are not giving way to pedestrians they should report the matter to the Queensland Police Service who have responsibility for enforcing road rules.” And, another piece of the new works is raising eyebrows. Is it Santa’s bulk present drop or a koala crossing? Koalas now have their own wildlife overpass as part of the interchange works to keep them off the roads.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News—Ninderry results

Purdie powers home to win OUR new State government representative is Dan Purdie from the Liberal National Party (LNP), following his win on election night Saturday 25 November. Until recently Mr Purdie was a Child Protection Detective with a background with homicide policing, and is now a State Parliament MP- the first member to be elected to our new seat of Ninderry, created as a result of the State government boundary changes earlier this year. Ninderry takes in a wide range of areas including Peregian Springs, Peregian Breeze, Doonan, Verrierdale, Eumundi, Bli Bli and some of Coolum and covers areas that were previously shared by


Independent Peter Wellington (Nicklin) and the LNP’s Glen Elmes (Noosa). Mr Purdie won Ninderry from a field of six candidates. With 87% of the vote counted as at going to print he took 36.13% of the vote, with Bill Gissane of the Labor Party coming in second with 22.76% of the vote. Ninderry had 35,706 voters registered on the roll and a total of 31,112 ballots were received. The booths with the largest voter turn out in Ninderry were Peregian Springs, Bli Bli, the Ninderry Pre-Poll at Coolum Industrial Park and the Maroochydore Pre Poll centre. Voters at the Peregian Springs booth and the Maroochydore pre-poll cast

Local News the most votes for the LNP party followed by Labor then the Greens, bucking the trend at those other large Ninderry voter booths which cast most votes for LNP, Labor and then One Nation. Mr Purdie has been out in the electorate thanking voters for his election, including making a visit to Peregian Springs to thank residents on 28 November (pictured right). “There’s no electoral office in Ninderry yet but that doesn’t mean we’re not open for business,” Mr Purdie said on his Facebook page. Stay tuned for more news on Mr Purdie and his plans for Ninderry in upcoming editions of Peregian Springs News.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News

Brothers bound by marrow gift THE Lukritz family is looking forward to a bright Christmas this year thanks to the courage and bravery of brothers Archie and Oscar. Earlier this year Archie donated bone marrow for his big brother Oscar who has been battling Leukaemia. Oscar is now well on the road to recovery and just moved home to the Sunshine Coast. Archie Lukritz is a Year 6 student at Coolum Beach Christian College and was acknowledged with a Fred Hollows Humanity Award in late October for his brave donation and for his service to the community. Coolum Beach Christian College said on its Facebook page “We could


not be more proud of Archie and his family, and the way they have banded together to successfully fight this terrible disease.� Pictured above is Archie, right, with his brother Oscar and grandmother Jo.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News

Green zone no go ‘til after 3pm PEREGIAN Springs State School parents who use the green zone to pick up or drop off their children will have the Christmas break to learn a new regime for when school returns in 2018. In the November school newsletter Dave Williams, P&C Vice president, said after improvements were made to the drop off/ pick up Green Zone at the beginning of Term 4 unfortunately there were still a number of parents not using the area correctly and lining up well before school is due to finish. “This is continuing to cause a major congestion issue at pick up time, and has raised significant safety concerns from parents and members of the local community, “ Mr Williams said.


From the beginning of Term 1 next year the Green Zone will be closed until 3pm, with parents intending on picking their children up using the green zone, urged not to arrive at the zone before 3pm. Parking remains welcome in allocated car park spaces if any are available before 3pm. The green zone rule - if your children are not there when you arrive, drive through and come back again.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News

Nothing new with yellow road lines YELLOW “no parking” lines painted in some private roads in the Ridges Body Corporate scheme have left some residents seeing red — however they were already planned according to local community leaders. All residents in Ridges, both owners and renters, are subject to By-Laws covering a wide range of issues from keeping animals to parking. By-Law 5 relates to “Vehicles, Parking and Driving” and basically says no street parking or parking on “common areas” such as nature strips is allowed. Designated off street parking bays are for visitors only and not residents and the Body Corporate committee can arrange towing of vehicles parked contrary to by-laws.


Yellow line markings were requested via motions by three resident led subsidiary body corporates at the July AGM of the Principal Body Corporate. The PBC passed these motions and set about doing the work in November. Yellow lines allow police to issue fines directly to the owners of cars found parking on them. Ridges owners are kept informed of Body Corporate proposals through direct mail outs from Body Corporate managers. However renters do not receive body corporate paperwork as a matter of course and should talk to their rental agencies if they wish to know more about the body corporate decisions affecting them.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News

Craft fair a hit! THE annual toys and craft fundraiser hosted at Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club proved to be a hit again. As a fundraiser and fun event Aveo residents, staff, visitors and families purchased beautifully handcrafted toys, rugs, jewellery, bags, dolls and clothing made during the year. Many residents had been busy doing creative things during the year. Gloria and Marjorie led the team and used a wide range of contacts and donations of materials to produce wonderful results for all to enjoy. Staff from Sunshine Coast University Hospital, and volunteers from Noosa Hospital and Katie Rose Cottage, attended to receive Trauma Teddies and other items to help them with


LEFT: Marjorie and Gloria from Craft Group with Sue from Katie Rose. RIGHT: A display of some of the many craft items for sale at this year’s event.

babies and children. Representatives spoke to the crowd and took away gifts and mountains of toys for their centres. The total raised on the day, from raffles (including a gift basket donated by Aveo), sales and morning tea was $3510.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News

Missing cats spur resident action WHETHER you’re a “cat” person or not, many would be concerned to read that over 30 cats have apparently gone missing in the last two years in Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze according to a flyer letterboxed to both suburbs in the last month. The flyer was written by a representative of the Lost Pet Coordinator Sunshine Coast, which is one of regions of the Queensland Lost Pet Register Inc. A group of missing cat owners paid for the printing of the flyers and also hand delivered the 2500 flyers. Peregian Springs News got in touch with Queensland Lost Pet register and asked for a map of the missing cats to give readers an idea of locations, see it pictured far right. Lost Pet Coordinator Sunshine Coast spokesperson asked that anyone with information contact local police, or send an email to One of the owners of a missing cat, who assisted with production of the flyer, said the response to the flyer has been great. “We’ve had terrific media coverage (TV, radio and ABC online) and we’ve had lots of support and “shares” on Facebook. “Several people who had received the flyers in their letterbox have come forward to tell stories about their missing cats, so the number of missing cats is actually higher than first thought. “We have received lots of information which has been passed on to Queensland Police,” the Peregian 14

Breeze resident said. Anyone interested in finding out more about the missing cats and seeing a picture to help keep a look out for them please see our website for links to their individual missing profiles on the Sunshine Coast lost pet page. Remi, pictured here, is one of the last cats to be reported missing from Peregian Breeze, on October 31. See our website for the map.

Local News— Out and About..

Sweet times at gingerbread event ST Andrew’s Anglican College school hall became a gingerbread house factory full of willing workers on November 30 as the Christmas spirit arrived in Peregian Springs. The sell out event, organised by the Anglican Church of Noosa and making use of Australian made gingerbread house kits from a specialised baker, Jordan’s family bakehouse, saw families grab a kit, a table and their

sense of adventure and build themselves a house full of sweet fun. The sausages were sizzling and the water and juice flowing for the children, who also had their table of extra goodies with gingerbread men to be decorated at will.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local News

Christmas lights spark smiles IF there is one thing that Peregian Springs does a pretty good job at, it’s Christmas lights. As the calendar ticked over to December 1, the lights started appearing, like the lights pictured right here at Bellbird Place in The Ridges. Other places lit up already and well worth a visit are at 15 Kingsmill Circuit. More to be seen at 9 Bellbird Place, 19 Feathertail Place and 3 Honey Myrtle, and it’s always worth a drive along The Avenue to see who has been busy. The Love Your Doorstep Peregian facebook page is pulling together a map for those keen to keep up to date


electronically, otherwise it’s worth taking a bike ride, a walk, or even a drive around the streets to see what you can find.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Business profile—Dr Sven Rees

All ears for high tech training HOW do you gift wrap a personal trainer, instant biometrics feedback device and secure noise cancelling high quality audio headphones in one package? Easy! You check out BioConnected HR+ ingenious headphone technology developed by Peregian Springs resident, Sports Scientist and Exercise Physiologist, Dr Sven Rees (both pictured above) who says the device allows you to become your own precision personal trainer no matter what your fitness level or aim. Hailed as the world's first biosensing sports earphone Dr Rees says BioConnected HR+ has been designed to help everyone from athletes, social runners and people with specific health challenges and can detect minute heart-rate variance which can spur athlete performance or act as a warning to people exercising for health improvement reasons. The BioConnected HR+ earphone measures a range of biometrics including speed, pace, distance, energy expenditure, cadence and heart rate while delivering top quality audio. It also actively coaches the athlete and gives instantaneous voice feedback during exercise. After developing the technology over the last five years the device was launched in October and is now widely available. It will suit users who want a “wearable” that seamlessly fits in with their current training without the bulk of numerous accessories currently used to help keep users in the zone to 18

achieve their specific goals - whether that is improving training threshold, efficiency or fat burning. Physiologically, Dr Rees says the ear is the best spot for accurate heartrate data collection during exercise. The BioConneted HR+ sports earphones are a practical, invisible wearable, that are light weight (weighing just 17 grams), don’t fall out and are impervious to sweat and rain. Dr Rees says a purpose built high performance IOS app has been developed as part of the package to store, analyse and report data on the run but the device can also work with current running apps including Strava and Map My Run. Dr Rees, who recently relocated from Sydney to Peregian Springs, trained athletes at the NSW Institute of Sport and consulted as a sport scientist to various elite sporting teams. His Exercise Matters physiology practise helps everyday people manage persistent health conditions holding them back from enjoying or maximising a healthy lifestyle. Sven and his wife Jasmine welcomed their second child, Sienna (Sister Scout) last month and he’s looking forward to helping other locals manage their fitness and health issues: “It’s exciting to be able to bring both my companies, Exercise Matters and BioConnected, to operate from Peregian Springs,” he says. Get in touch with Dr Sven Rees on 0402 444 543 or through his Exercise Matters website at or

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Chappy’s Column— Family Focus

Chappy says thanks for support ON November 29, I had the privilege of hosting a thank you lunch for some of the volunteers and supporters of the Chaplaincy Program. Without community support, Chaplaincy would not be able to deliver a program that helps young people take positive steps in reaching their full potential. From the Coolum High P&C, to the local churches and community groups, volunteers for breakfast and other school based programs to the businesses and individuals who support Chaplaincy financially, thank you so much for your contribution.

As we think about the spirit of Christmas remember that you can make a big different to a charity or non -for-profit organization through your generosity. When you’re willing to do what you can (even if it is just a small bit) and it is combined with others it becomes something that can have a great impact. I feel privileged to be a part of such a fantastic supportive community. Thank you so much I look forward to bigger and better achievements in 2018. By Chappy Mark Mark Horsfall - Chaplain, Coolum High

Land clean up brings park hopes THE long awaited park at Kalbarri Crescent looks a step closer to being delivered with the overgrown site having a clean out recently. It's not known whether recent clear out was just on the Developer’s regular maintenance schedule or if it was the result of meeting between South East Village Chairman Noel 20

Loaney and the Developer representatives. The SE Village Committee has been pushing for the park to be completed as quickly as possible for the amenity of local residents.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local Heart HAVANA NIGHTS PEREGIAN SPRINGS MARKETS: at the Rec Club carpark, 222 The Avenue, will be held on Saturday, December 9 from 4.30-8.30pm. The market includes Street Food, Artisan stalls, kids entertainment, seating and live music from the Canta La Tumba Trio. The Pool Cafe will be open for drinks and cocktails on the night as well. For more information on the event see havananightsperegianspringsmarkets on Facebook. The market supports the Regain Hope Charity—Locals fighting Child slavery and trafficking. CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR: The Rec Club grounds at Peregian Springs will be full of life on Wednesday, December 13 as the Anglican Church of Noosa hosts a Christmas carols event for all. Market stalls will open at 4.30pm offering food and gift ideas, followed a live carols performance, kids entertainment and a visit from Santa after 6.30pm. For more information see or phone 5449 8009.


STORIES OF HOPE is a monthly non profit free event open to the community that is organised by a team of community minded volunteers including Kerrie Atherton, Trauma and Addiction Counsellor of Empower Life Solutions, herself a survivor of abuse and addiction. The events aim to bring HOPE and community CONNECTION through stories of triumph over difficult circumstances. On Wednesday 13 December from 7 pm at the Nambour Community Centre Luke Bourne and Shelley Ross May will share their stories at the December Stories of HOPE event and talk about the day their lives changed forever. Luke just wanted to live and Shelley wanted to fade away. Luke appreciates each day he is here and is fighting to find a cure for the world’s rarest brain cancer to which he fell victim and Shelley has turned her back on the eating disorder which tried to destroy her body, mind and spirit. See https:// events/ for more information

Local Heart FREE OUTDOOR MOVIES-family outdoor cinema event - Peregian Beach Park Dec - Jan 2018. The Peregian Beach Business Association and local sponsors are putting on an outdoor cinema series over summer. Running Thursday fortnight from Dec 14th - January 25th this is a FREE event to be held at Peregian Beach Park in front of the surf club. More details at: http:// COOLUM CHRISTMAS IN THE PARKSaturday 16 Dec – The Annual Christmas in the Park Coolum celebration is on 16 December at Tickle Park Coolum from 7pm. Come and enjoy Christmas carols, dancing, fireworks and a visit from Santa. Glowsticks, soft drinks and free tea and coffee are on offer. Hosted by Coolum Christian Family Church and sponsored by Sunshine Coast Council. In the case of wet weather the event will be at Coolum Christian Family Church Cnr Coolum Yandina Rd and Arcoona Rd Coolum Beach. See for more.

MARKET TIME: The last Peregian Beach market before Christmas Day is to be held on December 17 at Peregian Beach park, behind the Surf Club. A great spot to find last minute, hand made gifts for that hard to buy for family member! Doggy Park off leash fun- Looking for the latest fun and “furvolity” these holidays at the doggy park Peregian Springs? Check out peregianspringsdogpark/

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Christmas Church Services Coolum Anglican Church – Church of the Holy Spirit Cnr Beach Rd and Perry St Coolum Beach December 24: Morning Church Service (including Eucharist) - 9am; Christmas Eve service - 5pm (family service with children able to dress up and take part in the Nativity Play) Midnight Mass at 11pm. December 25: Christmas Day - 8.30am Coolum Catholic Church (St Peters) 28 Elizabeth St Coolum December 24 – 5pm and 7pm December 25 - 7.30am and 9am Coolum Christian Family Church2 Arcoona Rd Coolum Beach December 24 – Morning Church service 9am to 11am (No night service) December 25 service 9am to 10am Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way, Coolum December 24 - Sunday service 9am ;


And 5pm: Christmas Eve Family Fun Time (free sausage sizzle, jumping castle and activities) 6.30pm: Christmas Eve Service (free gift bags and candles for kids) Monday 25th - No Christmas Day service Coolum Beach Uniting Church– Cnr Heathfield St and Elizabeth St Coolum Beach December 17- Ecumenical Carol Service at St Peter's Coolum at 2.30pm December 24– Service 8.30am. December 25- Service 8.00am. Peregian Church – at “The Studio” St Andrew’s College, 40 Peregian Springs Dr December 24—5pm Family Carols December 25- 9.30am Family Carols Peregian Church is a branch of the Anglican Church of Noosa. For details of other Noosa Anglican services at Sunshine Beach and Tewantin see http:// christmas-services-5/

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Local book launch

Maggie back with sisterly tale PEREGIAN Springs author Maggie Christensen has returned to her native Scotland for the backdrop of her newest novel The Good Sister. Maggie, emigrated to Australia from Scotland in her mid-twenties to teach in primary schools, lured by advertisements to “Come and Teach in The Sun”. She has set her earlier books in Sydney where she lived when she first came to Australia, on the Oregon Coast, where her mother-in-law lived for many years, and on the Sunshine Coast where she lives now. The Good Sister is her first book set in her native Scotland and her seventh novel. Maggie writes about mature love – sometimes called seasoned romance, or boomer lit - featuring women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, and sets her books in places she’s familiar with, re-introducing her readers to old friends with each new title. Growing up in Scotland in a house full of adults, Maggie often listened to her aunt tell her the story of the man she’d loved and lost. When Maggie began to write fiction, she knew her aunt’s story was one she had to tell, but for a long time couldn’t work out the best way to do it. Finally, when writing Broken Threads, a book set in Sydney, she set upon the idea of introducing a minor character, Bel, who had an aging aunt in Scotland, with a story to tell. The Good Sister is the tale of what happens when Bel returns to visit her terminally ill aunt and reads the 26

memoir the old woman has written. Isobel has always been the ‘good sister’ of the family, and the reader follows her story from 1938 through to the present day, as she recalls a time when young women were expected so save themselves for marriage, how that pressure can dominate a relationship, and ultimately change lives. It is a beautiful and touching story about love in the 1940's and in the decades after that, about finding love when you are in your twenties, forties, sixties or nineties. And about the blessing and curse family can be. You can buy The Good Sister at or in your local bookshop. Maggie will be signing copies of The Good Sister at Annie’s Books on Peregian on Saturday, December 9, from 10-12 noon.

Peregian Springs News, December 2017


Legal Matters

Bring on the rounding errors this Xmas! LEGAL MATTERS with Fiona Allen BCom, LLB, LLM, TEP Phone: 5302 7933 WOULD you be happy with an inheritance of $3 million? Most of us would be. It would allow us to say good-bye to the mortgage and pay for Christmas presents and Christmas holidays for years into the future. However would you still be happy with $3m if your father’s estate was worth over $1 billion? Olivia Mead is the fourth child of Michael Wright. Mr Wright was a former business partner of Lang Hancock. Mr Wright died in 2012 and left an estate the size of which the Court described as “colossal”. Ms Mead was left $3m via a restrictive trust structure - controlled by a person Ms Mead hadn’t met. If Ms Mead became involved in drugs or was in any way associated religions which weren’t Roman Catholic or Anglican or other “similar traditional faiths”, she would be disinherited. Ms Mead ‘challenged’ the Will asserting that inadequate provision had been made for her. The

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‘challenge’ related to both the quantum gifted to her and the restrictive trust structure. In first instance, the Court agreed that inadequate provision was made and awarded her $25m. Rather colourfully, the court described the amount as “little more than a rounding error” given the size of the estate. Unsurprisingly, Mr Wright’s executor appealed the initial decision. On appeal, the Court agreed that Mr Wright hadn’t make adequate provision for Ms Mead however awarded Ms Mead just over $6.1m instead of $25m. The reasons why stretch over 86 odd pages but boils down to what is ‘adequate’ and ‘proper’, disregarding what the deceased’s other children received. It will be interesting to see if the decision is further appealed to the High Court. In the meantime, Merry Christmas and may everyone benefit from a ‘rounding error’! Fiona is a Senior Associate with Dore & Webb Lawyers. The information in this article is general and for specific advice on your Wills and Estate situation call Fiona on 5302 7933.

Inform know grow Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

Peregian Springs News is independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those who make advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *Pavilions and Sentosa - no hand delivery occurs. Responsibility for election comment is taken by Rebecca Crockett of The Avenue, Peregian Springs.


Peregian Springs News, December 2017


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Peregian Springs News, December 2017



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