Peregian Springs News June 2020

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 5. Issue 8

June 2020


Bikeway ideas gain ground - p8

Sun sets on Stage 1 THE arrival of winter has brought cold nights and good news for local residents and business owners. Queensland’s success in containing the spread of COVID-19 led the State Government to bring forward the move to Stage 2 restrictions, opening the door for travel anywhere in the State, gatherings of up to 20 people in certain spaces including gyms, 50 people at funerals, and the opening of beauty therapy, nail salons, tanning, tattoo studios and spas (with COVID Safe checklists).

Local gym Jetts Peregian re-opened its doors during staffed hours from June 3, with members encouraged to take note of the 20 person limit at any time. Brown Rice opened for 20 people too from June 3. Diners are required to sign in and order their food. The sushi train is not yet allowed to be operating. Further afield Pizzami Gourmet Pizza Bar is also opening for dining. At the time of going to press, Stage 3 restrictions were expected to come in from July 10 allowing gatherings of 100 people. Peregian Springs News, May 2020

Latest news from Ted O’Brien - p12

Police station build gets started - p16

From the Ed’s desk:

There’s been a death in the community and seems hardly anyone is talking about it. Some may say “they were sick anyway” or ‘It was their time to go’. I’m not talking about a person, although they could be thought of as a friend. I’m talking about the death of local News Corp newspapers. As of June 29 there will be no more Sunshine Coast Daily , Coolum News or Noosa News plus many more regional community titles. News Corp killed the regional newspapers in late May with the decision leaving hundreds out of work and communities across Australia without a unique local voice. I must confess a disclaimer, my husband was one of the employees to lose their job in Newspapers last week after 23 years in the business. He and I met doing our Journalism degrees over 25 years ago and became close friends while we honed our craft which we hoped would lead us to


long and prosperous careers in media. On graduating he chose print, but could’ve chosen TV or radio. Online news didn’t exist then. But it looms large now and according to News Corp, is the way of the future ..but they assure us nothing will change. But it changes everything in my view because the MEDUIM IS THE MESSAGE. There’s a bravery and permanence in a print publication and a trust the public can have in it. Printed words can’t be easily deleted or discreetly edited and disappear as online content can. A community can better understand itself through its publications, which are done best by university qualified Journalists, trained in ethics and balance with a unique affinity to the community. These publications are then a mirror the community holds up to itself. Here at Peregian Springs News we’re proud independent publishers of local content and we’re here to stay. Please keep supporting those businesses who help us.

Local News

Mobile tower timing unknown EIGHT months have passed since Sunshine Coast Council approved a 43metre 5G mobile communication tower in northern Peregian Springs, but it is no closer to a build. In July last year Peregian Springs News reported that Optus Mobile had submitted a material change of use application to Council to build a mobile tower. The MCU triggering a process which sought public comment on the proposed tower. A Sunshine Coast Council spokesman told Peregian Springs News late last month development approval for the tower at 255 Peregian Springs Drive, Doonan was granted on 2 October 2019.

“The approval has a currency period of six years, which means the applicant could choose to construct the tower anytime until 2 October 2025 (unless otherwise extended).” the spokesperson said. “Council does not have any information as to whether the applicant intends to proceed with construction of the tower.” Peregian Springs News sought comment from Optus mobile representatives, but no reply was received before print.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

Play space mission complete WHAT started more than five years ago as a bunch of people putting their heads together to think about how they could make life a little better for the youth and their families living in Peregian Springs has finally been delivered, in full, to the community. While COVID-19 has made official celebrations a little difficult, the removal of the fences at the new street skate park next to the basketball hoop by the Recreation Fields were cause for a party. Already the sounds of bouncing basketballs, rolling wheels and children’s laughter can be heard at the park, meaning the people it was intended for have found their place. The formal journey to completion


started way back in November 2016 when then Council, and then Councillor Stephen Robinson put out the call for public opinion on locations and designs generated for the space. Stage 1 of the project took nearly three years to deliver, with the basketball court officially open for business in August last year. The groundwork had been laid though and when Stage 2 kicked off in February/March of this year, a final feather in the cap of Councillor Robinson before he announced he would not be running again for Division 9. For next month’s edition, we’d love to know your thoughts on the park. E:

Local News

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News

Pavilions hill land still on the market DEVELOPMENT approval for the last piece of land open for development in the Pavilions area of Peregian Springs has been extended until 13 May 2022. Peregian Springs News reported last month the land, which has approval for 51 townhouses, was on the market for offers over $5.5 million. Part of the land parcel, near the very top of the hill, remains listed as an indigenous cultural heritage site. In a recent statement a Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships spokesperson said; “In January 2016, the Kabi Kabi People requested the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP) record a site located on lot 1400 on SP231599 for inclusion on the Aboriginal cultural heritage database. The site remains recorded on the


Aboriginal cultural heritage database, which DATSIP maintains under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003. For more information about the cultural heritage database visit https:// The development, the final stage of Pavilions, was originally approved in 2009. Anyone who buys the land will be required by Council to work with the heritage listing and local indigenous groups to ensure the cultural site is protected. A Sunland spokesperson previously told PSN in August 2018 that a Cultural Heritage Management Agreement “was signed in February 2018 and continues to be in place however the details of the agreement are confidential.�

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News - Peregian Family & Friends


Proposed bicycle path routes from Peregian Beach to Peregian Springs. By Mike Goss - Secretary Peregian Family and Friends Association (PFAFA) has not been idle during the last few months of COVID19 isolation. However, the community lockdown and also the disruption caused by council elections have had an impact on some of our projects. We are confident that Maria Suarez, our new councillor for Division 9, will be an excellent representative for Peregian Springs and we have already been in contact with her regarding continuing council support for existing and new initiatives, including a community centre to be built near the Recreation Centre in The Avenue. BIKE PATH There has been progress towards gaining support for the proposed bike path between Peregian Beach and Peregian Springs via Peregian 8

Breeze. We have written to Transport and Main Roads (TMR) with the aim of having our path included in the next revision of the South East Queensland Principal Cycle Network.The response was positive and they have asked us to keep discussing further with both Noosa and Sunshine Coast Councils, which we started last year and continue to do so with new councillors. FLIGHT PATH FORUM PFAFA will continue to be involved with the Flight Path Forum and have recently donated funds that we raised towards this cause. The latest action by FPF is to implement a noise monitoring system with the aim of obtaining evidence to support a curfew being imposed.

Continued, page 10

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local News—Peregian Family & Friends Continued from page 8 KOEL CIRCUIT The proposed development opposite Coles on Koel Cct. has had direct involvement from PFAFA with developer representatives since early last year. Some worthwhile changes to the proposal for the adjacent community were achieved as a result and we will continue to closely monitor this development. At this time some finer points are still being negotiated between council and developer but we understand that construction will start soon. PEREGIAN NIPPERS As you know, a large number of the Peregian Beach Nippers come from Peregian Springs and there is consequently great interest here in the future of the Peregian Surf Club. PFAFA have been heavily involved with Peregian Beach Nippers since it was re-invigorated in 2019 and many of you will know our secretary, Leigh McCready, who is currently the Nippers Co-ordinator. PFAFA have been invited to nominate a member for the Peregian Surf Like Saving Advisory Board which meets quarterly to discuss the revival of the


surf club. The Advisory Board is seeking solutions as to how the current entity can maximise its income through the duration of the 3 year permit. Peregian Surf Life Saving had commenced monthly club nights for members prior to COVID-19 and the aim of this is to foster a sense of community and gather the numbers to rebuild the club's active (lifesaving) membership. HAVE YOUR SAY Peregian Family and Friends can only continue to work for the community if we have your support, both in membership numbers and financial support. Membership renewals have been delayed by 3 months due to the COVID-19 lockdown but come June we will be asking for current members to renew and new members to subscribe. We ask that you help us to continue to represent you regarding the above projects and if you have any suggestions for new initiatives or issues that you would like us to investigate, please send us an email to “”.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


FAIRFAX update: Federal Member Ted O’Brien For many of you in Peregian Springs, life is slowly returning to the “new normal” – the kids are back at school for instance – but for many others, the financial pain brought by the Coronavirus pandemic continues. People are still out of work, businesses are still closed or struggling. It is going to be a long road back. A huge range of support measures remain available through the Federal Government and I encourage you to check out or contact my office for help. CONGRATULATIONS Thankfully, Australia’s social distancing measures are working and I want to acknowledge the effort everybody in and around Peregian Springs has been making to protect our community and flatten the curve. Thank you and well done! EASING RESTRICTIONS One relief, is that restrictions are easing. Stage One saw the re-opening of national parks, outdoor gyms, playgrounds and skate parks. Libraries and some swimming pools also reopened. Now, with Stage Two brought forward, things can relax further - more venues are allowed to open and more people are allowed to gather, we can also travel anywhere within Queensland, but it’s important to realise that public health measures still apply. We still have to remain mindful of social distancing 1.5 metres, regular hand washing or hand sanitising is still essential, coughing or sneezing into your elbow and staying home if you’re sick all


continues. And of course, if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, get tested. $9.6M BOOST Locally, federal funding has also started to flow through as the Government turns its focus towards the recovery phase and its Job Maker plan. A new fund has been set up to support local economies hit by the COVID-19 crisis – the Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program – from which $3.65 million in federal funding has been allocated to Sunshine Coast Council. We have also accelerated $6 million in Financial Assistance Grant payments for Sunshine Coast Council, which amounts to a $9.6 million boost for local priority projects like improvements to roads, bridges, tunnels and street lighting. Upgrades to bicycle and foot paths, park barbecues, picnic shelters and other community facilities are also eligible. The initial investment is aimed at supporting local jobs and businesses to help stimulate the Sunshine Coast economy. COVIDSafe Getting out and about more means you’ll also come in contact with more people so if you haven’t already, now is a great time to download the COVIDSafe app. GET IN TOUCH As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any Federal issues, concerns or enquiries on 5479 2800; via email at or visit us at 17 Southern Drive, Maroochydore.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020



Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Ninderry update: State Member Dan Purdie COVID-19 update

All of us have welcomed the early transition to Stage 2 of restrictions which came into effect earlier this month. News that Queenslanders can now travel throughout the state is wonderful news for our tourism operators, who are hoping to make the most of the upcoming school holiday period. Despite this positive step forward, there is still plenty of pain being felt by the tourism industry, which is losing $20million a day in southern tourist spending while our State border remains closed. I know many respect the cautious approach, however equally, our business community is crying out for certainty. The Premier has committed to reviewing the border closure again at the end of this month, so we can only hope that our efforts in flattening the curve will be enough to convince the Government that the health risk is under control.

Sport and Rec funding boost

Funds are available to help local sport and recreation clubs recommence their operations. The COVID SAFE Active Clubs Kickstart will provide eligible clubs with funding of $2000 for equipment and training, as well as catering/food purchases and operational expenses, so they can get members back into physical activity. Round one is now open, with applications closing on 17 June, unless funds are committed earlier. For more information visit https:// -grants 16

Coolum Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator Ken Dredge and I stopped by to check out the progress of the new Coolum Police Station, which is expected to be completed next month.

Roadworks on the Motorway

Work is now underway on a $5million project to resurface the Sunshine Motorway between Maroochydore and Peregian Springs. Nearly 60 jobs will be supported for the duration of works, which are expected to take 12 weeks, and will involve three separate sections of asphalt being removed and replaced. The works will be done at night, between 7pm and 5am, to minimise any inconvenience for motorists. This is a much-needed investment in local jobs and our economy as we commence the long recovery process. And as we look to help the local economy recover, there has never been a more important time for the State Government to invest in significant infrastructure projects that support local jobs here on the Sunshine Coast.

New police station taking shape

Works are now quickly progressing on the new $2.6m Coolum Police Station. It’s been a long time coming, but great to think that our local police will finally have access to a modern, future proofed facility.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Chappy’s Corner with Mark Horsfall

Look out for signs of depression ISOLATION, social distancing and extreme changes in daily life routines, has been the story of the last couple of months for many. So it is with eager anticipation that we all wait to embrace the lifting of restrictions and a return to some form of normality. However many mental health professionals have expressed concerns that in the aftermath of Covid-19 rates of depression will significantly rise. Depression is a persistent feeling of overwhelming sadness, irritability and emptiness that can take over the body and give you a sense of hopelessness. It saps motivation and limits a person’s ability to function physically and emotionally. People often describe it as black cloud or darkness that hangs over them. How can we guard ourselves from depression? • Participate in self-care activities (meditate, listen to music, exercise) that you enjoy daily as it will promote a healthy state of mind. Research indicates time spent outdoors (garden, beach etc.) increases positive endorphins (happy hormones) and reduces stress, improving your mood. We live in a beautiful part of the world so let’s make the most of it. • Practice gratitude by identifying three things you are grateful/ thankful for every day. Write them down and reflect on them when you’re feeling down.

• Practice positive self-talk to overcome the negative thought patterns that can dominate our 18

thinking. Recognise negative thoughts when they pop up and replace it with a positive. • Practice healthy eating and sleeping patterns to avoid unhealthy habits as it can significantly impact our emotional resilience. Consuming high levels of alcohol or taking drugs will also heighten depression. Beyond Blue, Reach Out and Black Dog Institute have great resources that you can access for free that will help you combat depression. Should you be struggling with depression it is essential that you don’t isolate yourself rather, reach out to someone (family, friend..) today. Our medical system also has provisions through GP referrals allowing funded sessions to psychologists and social workers. Depression is very real and we must support those that may be suffering, or seek help. Continue to stay safe and well.

Mark Horsfall - Chaplain Coolum State High School

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Councillor Maria Suarez—Division 9

Peregian Springs’ skaters rejoice head to the wetlands at Sports Road, Bli Bli to begin your challenge. The ‘What’s on’ guide on council’s website has more information.

Libraries now open

Peregian Springs Multi-Purpose Active Play Space – Stage 2

I know a lot of families in Peregian Springs will be excited to see the new active play space open and ready for children to use. From my recent door knocking, I know kids are particularly excited for the skate park to be open. I can picture many community and family outings being centred around this space for years to come. With a new skate area, basketball court, netball hoop and barbecue facilities – there is definitely lots of fun to be had! It is looking fantastic!

Free school holiday fun

While council is unable to run its usual school holiday program this winter, we are still able to offer a fun activity at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary – just 20 mins drive away. Together you can become nature agents and go on a mission to explore though an augmented reality game on your smart device. Simply download the free Agents of Discovery App. Load the ‘Wetlands Discovery’ mission and 20

If you didn’t already know, our Sunshine Coast libraries have reopened. The closest library at Coolum will be open from 9am-4pm and only 10 customers at any one time will be allowed into the library to pick up reservations and select and borrow items. Please keep in mind that you’ll only be able to browse and borrow for a maximum of 15 minutes and you may need to queue to comply with national public health directions. Please ensure you continue to practice social distancing, good hygiene and please do not visit if you are feeling unwell.

Environment and Liveability portfolio

In partnership with Cr Peter Cox, I’ve been allocated to the Environment and Liveability portfolio of Council. On top of representing Peregian Springs residents and Division 9, this allows me to be involved with Council proposals, issues and activities relevant to the environment and liveability of the Sunshine Coast, as well as provide input and advice to Council officers on these matters. One project I’m keen to progress is the Blue Heart project. If you have other suggestions, please contact me on 5475 9810 or au

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Practitioner Profile—Swan Counselling

Take life one step at a time THIS MONTH WE MEET LOCAL COUNSELLOR ANITA BALOGH. WE ASKED HER TO TELLS US A BIT ABOUT HERSELF THEN OFFER SOME TIPS ON HOW TO COPE IN THIS COVID LIFE WE’RE LIVING… How long have you been a Counsellor and a bit about your experience? I qualified as a counsellor and became a registered member of the Australian Counselling Association in 2017. In my earlier career, after completing a degree in secondary education, I moved into the corporate world working in senior marketing positions with multinational companies in Europe. Moved to Australia in 2007 with my family and established my own catering business. Whilst I was bringing up a teenage daughter here, I developed a passion for helping people with their emotional issues and so started my counsellor's studies. In addition to running my own practice, Swan Counselling, since 2018, I also work for Lifeline on Crisis Support and as a Community Recovery Officer. I talk to people who want to feel better and they do something about it: call for support and keep coming to therapy. I salute them for having the courage to face their issues - be it trauma, anxiety or depression - and don't give up hope. It's a humbling environment to work in.


Do you have any tips to cope in this COVID climate? If life was not already stressful enough, the COVID situation has magnified this many times over. Our daily lives have been badly impacted in many ways - threat of catching the virus, social isolation, the closing of businesses and schools, pressures on the family unit, money worries etc. All of these lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression. We've heard a lot about how to cope. Perhaps even too much and that could lead to feeling actually worse when things don’t work for us. One of the most important things is to forgive and allow ourselves to be a human: not perfect. Trying to be on top of things at all costs can be damaging. Furthermore: 1. Be open and honest about your feelings. Upset, scared, overwhelmed or sad. Name it, and respond to yourself with kindness as if to a loved one. Even a hand on your heart as a gesture of support tells your brain: ‘caring’, with positive effects on your immune system. 2. Be selective of the advice you listen to. When you see or hear them, categorise them: Yes, Maybe, No. Forget the ones with 'No'. Focus on Yes and Maybe, the ones that resonated with you. Later on, choose from YOUR list depending on your mood or capacity there and then.

Practitioner Profile—Anita Balogh Feeling energetic? Do something that requires physically more. Feeling tired? Try the ones suited to peace and quiet. 3. Focus on things that you have control over and accept those you don't. They are not worth of spending your emotional energy on. The world is in a mess. Accept it. However, can you tidy up YOUR desk, bench-top or a shelf in your wardrobe? Make a nutritious meal. Your piece of the world is more in order now! Make sure you savour this moment with joy! This is how we start making habits: if rewarded we want to do it again. 4. Stay active. Any regular physical activity will give structure and increase endorphins levels (the feel-good

hormones). Find something to do every day. Choose outdoors for an extra lift. 5. Meaningful relationships are cornerstones of our wellbeing. We've been through lockdown feeling isolated from or over-exposed to loved ones. Well done if you've regularly checked in with family, friends or neighbours. When we feel powerless, helping others is the best antidote. 6. If you're feeling lonely or a bit lost, please reach out to your support network or helping professionals like myself. Together we can start making sense of the past, traumas and difficult feelings that we all have.

Peregian Springs News, May 2020


Local Heart LOCAL CHURCH CONTACTS (no onsite services during COVID-19 call churches for their alternative services - eg zoom services or videos) Coolum Beach Anglican Church -Cnr Perry St & Beach Rd Coolum Beach 0447 002 573 Or see Noosa Anglican Church- 5449 8009 & Sunshine Beach (Bicentennial Drv) or Peregian Springs (in St Andrew’s , 40 Peregian Springs Dve) Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way -call 5446 1957 or St Peter’s Catholic Church 28-32 Elizabeth St, Coolum 5443 3488 Coolum Christian Family Church 2 Arcoona Rd (Coolum Beach Christian College) or call 5446 1295. Coolum Uniting Church, Cnr Elizabeth St & Heathfield Rd ,Coolum or

Peregian Springs News

5446 1815 C3 Church Noosa, Noosaville State School Hall, 75 Beckmans Rd, Noosaville. See Salvation Army, Meeting Rooms 127, Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Warren or Denise 0400 797 480 / 0418 214 723. Wave Church, The Cavern Theatre. Sunshine Beach State High. Ph: 5353 5152. Weekly events for youth, children and adults. GOVERNMENT REP CONTACTS Peregian Springs– Local Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez, office (Division 9) Tel – 5441 8086 State (Ninderry) - Dan Purdie (Liberal National Party) Tel - 5406 7900 Federal (Fairfax) Ted O’Brien (Liberal member of Liberal National Party) Tel- 5479 2800 Peregian Breeze— Local Maria Suarez (Division 9) State (Ninderry) Dan Purdie – see above Federal (Wide Bay) Llew O’Brien (National member of the LNP) Tel - 1300 301 968

Inform know grow

Peregian Springs News thanks our readers and asks you to please show support for the businesses whose advertising dollars allow us the space to share your stories. ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT TWO EDITIONS: Edition Booking & Copy deadline Distributed from date July: June 22 Friday, June 26 August: July 27 Friday, July 31 Phone: 0422 215 648 (leave a message). Email: Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

For Advertising cost and dimensions: Peregian Springs News - independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those making advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 CT as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *No hand delivery in Sentosas or Pavilions occurs.


PEREGIAN FAMILY & FRIENDS COMMUNITY GROUP., or peregianfamilyandfriends. Phone 0400 053 444. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE United Synergies at 12-14 Ernest St, Tewantin, is offering emergency relief assistance to people experiencing financial hardship from COVID-19. Help includes food vouchers, emergency payments and temporary accommodation. Phone 5442 4277 and selection option 3 or email

PRINCIPAL BODY CORPORATE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE Ridges Principal Body Corporate AGM was held by Skype conference under COVID-19 restrictions on April 17. The AGM considered 19 questions and the election of committee members for the year ahead. On the committee front, Doug Merritt returned as chairperson, Seamus O’Connor was named Secretary, David Villani, Treasurer and Roger Cook, Gregory Fitzgerald, Gary Kordic and Janine Walker as Ordinary Committee Members. In setting the contributions for the year ahead the Committee noted that they would “consider extending the due date of the next levy via a Vote Outside of Committee (VOC) meeting to assist schemes whose lot owners may be experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 restrictions”. Ernst Body Corporate Management Pty Ltd were retained as the PBC body corporate managers for another year and the books will be audited by Kelly & Partners. Peregian Springs News, May 2020



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Peregian Springs News, May 2020



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