Peregian Springs News May 2019 v2

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 4. Issue 8

May 2019


Flight path fury rises as consultation ends Page 4

Game on!

CONSTRUCTION has begun on Stage 1 of the Peregian Springs Multi Purpose Active Play Space next to the Recreation Fields (pictured above). Contractor Aspect Constructions has been busy on site in the past few weeks, levelling out the ground to make way for a concrete basketball halfcourt and hoop, a netball hoop, and some skate elements. The first stage, due for completion late June to early July, will also include a retaining wall and fence, stairs from the existing barbecue shelter next to the site and the relocation of the bin storage that previously sat on the site. The play space was first mooted in September 2015 with Council consulting with the community on the location, then advancing the design process. It has been backed by Cr Stephen Robinson as a key project for the area this year. Peregian Springs News, May 2019

New Travel Team comes to town Page 16

Learn new skills and help your neighbours Page 20

From the Ed’s desk:

My Father served 30 years in the Army and so I have been to many parades and remembrance services over time and this year I attended the Coolum Peregian RSL Dawn Service and the Anzac day service at Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club. Both were sad yet hopeful commemorations for Servicepeople involved in the Gallipoli campaign. Many local school students were actively involved in both services and each year I am relieved that so many young people turn out to remember- and that’s where my hopefulness comes from. These young people say they are grateful for the service people who fought for our freedoms. Interestingly, I’ve never heard anyone at a service thank them for fighting for our rights. With the election looming on May 18, it is timely to think about freedoms and rights. There is a difference between freedoms and rights yet these days both are seemingly used interchangeably. The call for more rights seems to be a recent phenomena but we don’t have a Bill of Rights (like America). Freedoms are part of our culture (our culture is, over time, what we value and decided to hold onto and take with us into the future). Freedoms belong to everyone individually - they allow everyone to just “be” as everyone has free will and people get upset


if you interfere with free will*. That’s not to say there are no boundaries on acceptable behaviour. You are free to be a racist, or be sexist, or just generally be nasty BUT culture dictates - be prepared for the consequences. For example consequences evolving from penalties under the various government acts which our parliament (through our democratically elected representatives) makes for behaviour that doesn’t meet community standards. Equally if you are nasty to people face to face or online via Facebook (which is the biggest misnomer of the century as there is nothing face-to-face about Facebook) then you will be judged by other individuals which over time creates a pattern you can read and pay attention to if you are interested in improving yourself and your relationships. Freedom of speech – no matter what people have to say - is important so everyone can honestly have their say on the way the conversations are going, shaping culture as we go. Rights limit freedom and sometimes that is for the best. But your rights mean someone else’s freedom has been curtailed and this needs to be approached with caution. You have the freedom to vote on May 18. Use it wisely and consider who you believe will listen to you and help to create the sort of future you would like to see. Until next month! Rebecca

(*Acknowledgement to Dr J B Peterson for his work on rights and freedoms.)

Local News

Big fields in local seats WITH the Federal election formally called for May 18 the race to win the seat of Fairfax, which includes Peregian Springs, is shaping up to feature a big field. As of May 6 there are nine candidates signed up and hoping to attract the attention of local residents before they go to cast their vote next Saturday. Incumbent member, Ted O’Brien (Liberal National Party of Qld) will be joined on the how to vote card by Julie McGlone (Australian Labor Party), Bertrand Cadart (Liberal Democrats), Paul Henselin (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation), Richard Belcher (Sustainable Australia), Sue Etheridge (The Greens), Jake Luke Ryan (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party), Kylie Natasha Cowling (United

Australia Party) and Sinim Australie (Independent). Wide Bay, covering Peregian Breeze, has a field of 7 candidates. Incumbent Llew O’Brien (Liberal National Party), is joined by Aaron Vico (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation), Tim Jerome (Independent), Jasmine Smith (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party), Andrew Schebella (United Australia Party), Jason Scanes (Australian Labor Party) and Daniel Bryar (The Greens). Pre-polling has opened with the closest booth at Coolum Civic Centre, Park St, Coolum Beach. Doors open 8.30am to 5.30pm most days, and until 6pm on May 10, 15 and 17. Peregian Springs State School will have a polling booth on May 18.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local News

Flight path fury hits the beach PROPOSED flight paths for passenger jets hoping to make use of the new runway at Sunshine Coast Airport when it is completed in late 2020 have caused uproar among residents of Castaways Beach, Marcus Beach, Peregian Beach, and inland at Verrierdale, Weyba Downs and Cooroy. The new flight paths do not appear to directly affect Peregian Springs or Peregian Breeze. Sunshine Coast Council, Sunshine Coast Airport and Air Services Australia announced a six week public consultation period on the flight paths (March 20 to April 30) which spurred local community groups to band together to spread the word about flight paths that the groups argue were


contrary to any advice they had seen before. Released by Air Services Australia, the proposed flight paths for the airport include a primary option that would see passenger jets flying over Marcus, Peregian and Castaways beaches at 3000ft (914m) as they loop in from the ocean to line up with the runway. Another path would also see air traffic increasing over Cooroy, Verrierdale and Weyba Downs from the inland loop. More than 400 concerned residents attended Peregian Beach Community House on April 27 in a last ditch effort to coordinate a community response and submit solid feedback on the flight paths by April 30.

Local News

Hundreds of concerned residents spilled out of the Peregian Beach Community House on April 27 to find out more about the proposed flight paths and what could be done about their concerns. Speakers there raised concerns over a lack of consultation on the flight paths and the effect the noise in particular would have on the enjoyment of the areas over which the planes would fly. Environmental and economic concerns were also raised, including the possibility the flight paths would have a negative impact on local wildlife and

house prices. In response to the consultation period, a new facebook page, Flight Path Forum, has been created, with members collating all relevant information in a single spot in a bid to inform the community and coordinate an ongoing campaign to have the flight paths altered. Continued page 6

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local News—Flight Path debate From page 5 Local politicians, including State Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton have attended community events in recent weeks to hear the resident’s concerns. Ms Bolton wrote to Air Services Australia CEO Jason Harfield to request an extension to the submission period for the flight path consultation. On May 4, she posted on social media the reply she received from ASA, which made it clear this was not an option it would consider. Summarising the reply, Ms Bolton noted the key points of the Air Services Australia response: • ASA has designed proposed airspace and flight paths as required to support the new runway. • These are modelled on the flight path design concept in the EIS for which consultation was held in 2014 and subsequently approved. • Consultation for these proposed flight paths has been conducted over a 6 week period and has incorporated a variety of information kiosks, drop in sessions, briefings and 22 letters to schools and hospitals in potentially affected areas together with multiple fact sheets and information presented on Airservices website. • To date in excess of 1300 submissions have been received from the Sunshine Coast community indicating that there is strong community awareness on the issue. • To meet the planned opening date of the new runway, a number of steps are required following the consultation period, prior to submission the Civil Aviation Authority (CASA) in late July. • Airservices will now consider stakeholder feedback and undertake 6

a view of the proposed design. Considering the volume of feedback, this is both an important and significant body of work. • Unfortunately ASA is unable to extend the consultation period as there would be insufficient time to complete this important process prior to submission to CASA. • A Summary of Feedback and the final flight path and airspace design will be provided on the ASA website. Other activities in recent weeks included Noosa Council passing a resolution to lobby for a night time curfew for the airport, similar to those imposed at Gold Coast, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne’s Essendon Airport, and to seek an extension of public consultation. Sunshine Coast Council and Sunshine Coast Airport have rejected both options. Ms Bolton said the latest advice to her in relation to who may be able to assist residents with achieving a curfew was that is the Federal Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, via the Minister for this Department, The Hon Michael McCormack MP on Peregian Springs News asked the candidates for the Federal seats of Fairfax and Wide Bay whether they support a curfew. Replies from those candidates who would support calls for

Local News—Flight Path debate a curfew at the Sunshine Coast Airport include: Richard Belcher (Sustainable Australia - Fairfax), Daniel Bryar and Sue Etheridge (Greens candidates Wide Bay and Fairfax respectively) and Llew O’Brien (Current Member LNP - Wide Bay). Current Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien said: “While Sunshine Coast Airport is not federally leased, I expect all concerns raised by residents during the consultation process, including noise abatement issues, now be given due consideration.” Labor candidate for Fairfax Julie McGlone said: “Whether to impose a night curfew would depend on the outcome of further discussion with ASA to see if the flightpath could be diverted after 8pm to an overwater approach, and a host of other issues that I would need to familiarise myself

with prior to any commitment to raise it as a bill in Parliament, but your readers can be assured that I will be consulting with residents affected by any new flightpath noise and pollution, and acting on their behalf if and when required.” Greens candidates for Fairfax (Sue Etheridge) and Wide Bay (Daniel Bryar) “promised their backing of a night time curfew if the new flight path was to maintain a path over predominantly residential areas to the North of the airport.” No other replies were received prior to going to press. The next step in the process is for ASA post a summary of the feedback at Read candidates full replies and find more information and links on this at

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local News

Game, set, and two new homes? FKP Residential (Aveo) has applied to Council to rezone two lots of land that currently hold tennis courts for residents of the Sentosa East gated community from Sport and Recreational to low density residential. The tennis courts, which are within the gated estate on the Balgownie Drive side of Peregian Springs Drive, and for use only of Sentosa residents, were built on land the Developer states was originally zoned residential in the plans approved in the early 2000’s before being incorrectly re-zoned to Sport and Rec with the introduction of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme in 2014. In it’s application to have the zoning changed the developer says the current zoning is “at odds with their


approval as residential lots in the original subdivision application” and incompatible with the Developer and Sentosa Body Corporate’s “desire to action the approved residential use of the sites”. Material Change of Use signs went up on the site on April 15, with residents having until May 10 to submit comments to Council. Previous attempts by the Developer to have golf course land rezoned from Sport & Rec to residential for units were strongly opposed at the time on the basis it set a concerning precedent for the certainty of the protection of recreational land zoning and took away resident’s amenity. For more see

and see application no. MCU19/0068.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local News

PBC to clear admin deficit OVERALL body corporate fees for Ridges residents will rise by about $3 per week per residence ($160 a year) in the year ahead as the Principal Body Corporate moves to clear a deficit in its Admin Fund that has been carried forward in previous years. Owners in the Ridges pay body corporate fees to the subsidiary body corporates covering their part of the estate, eg East Village, who then pay the Principal Body Corporate (which is in charge of the whole estate) the amount assigned by the PBC budget for their subsidiary scheme. For owners in some of the residentowned subsidiary schemes this means the increase they see this year could be as little as $1 per week, as these subsidiaries had allowed for the likelihood the extra money would be required and kept funds aside in their Admin funds to soften the blow for their owners when the fees rose. At the PBC’s AGM held at Surfair in Marcoola on April 17, the committee accepted a budget to see the PBC’s finances strengthened in the year ahead and the clearing of an Administrative fund deficit of over $350,000 which the State’s Body Corporate referee, The Office of the Body Corporate and Community Management, had ordered the PBC to fix in this financial year. The order followed an action lodged by a number of the resident-led subsidiary body corporates within the Ridges scheme. They asserted the deficit was contrary to Body Corporate legislation - and it was assertion with which the adjudicator agreed. As the final stage of Ridges comes on for sale, representatives of the Developer FKP Residential (Aveo) still 10

hold the majority of the positions on the PBC committee with the minority being resident-owners. According AGM documents there are 1265 residential lots in Ridges currently with 54 to come. Of the 15 motions put forward by the subsidiary body corporates at the AGM, 14 were voted down and one was ruled out of order. It was a result members of the resident-led subsidiaries suggested would go no way to encouraging other residents to become active in body corporate roles. Subsidiary-led motions included calling on the PBC committee that presided over the administrative fund deficit to step down and not seek reelection; seeking disclosure of accounts and any outstanding creditors; seeking information on any cost savings achieved by the landscaping agreement and group buying initiatives and; calling for the engagement of a specialist to report on the suitability of trees planted on the common property - “especially with respect to liability for trees planted on common property falling on private lots, people or property”. The new PBC committee was voted in at the AGM. Doug Merritt retains the title of Chairperson, Seamus O’Connor was named Secretary, David Villani retained the role of Treasurer and Gary Kordic, Lija Primmer, Joan Shanahan and Janine Walter were elected as Ordinary Committee Members. Ridges residents will also have a change in security contractor with Prosek Security Services Pty Ltd receiving the majority of the votes to take on patrol duties for the area in the year head.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local News

Calls to end surf club EOI push AS uncertainty over the future use of the top floor of the Peregian Beach surf club continues this month, a group of concerned Peregian Beach residents, lifesavers and business owners have lodged a formal complaint with the CEO of Noosa Council to try and put a halt to a proposed Expression of Interest process voted into being by Noosa Council on March 20. As of May 6, no documentation about the proposed process has been uploaded to the Noosa Council website with details of how to go about lodging an expression of interest, and it would appear no contact has been made with local community groups or Surf Life Saving Queensland with this information either.


Peregian Family and Friends has lobbied hard in favour of retaining the top floor for life savers and life saving, arguing that without a clubhouse for the lifesavers to use for training and development and social get togethers, it is likely any chance of reigniting a self-sufficient surf club at Peregian Beach would fail. Peregian Family and Friends have enacted a new petition online at which they intend to deliver to Council in support of their complaint. The key description of the online petition is: “The results of the Peregian Surf Club community consultation run in 2018 showed that 87% of more than 700 participants supported a commercial activity at the

Local News club, which includes family dining, a bar and entertainment such as live music. These activities not only financially support the lifesaving services which operate on the beach and the nipper program, but also channel funds into local community groups such as sporting teams, charities and schools. We call on Noosa Shire Council to award a long term lease to SLSQ as it agreed in September to allow the revival of Peregian Surf Life Saving to continue.� Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington told Council at the vote for the EOI process there had been numerous approaches from local community groups keen to activate the top floor of the club house for broader community use. Council holds the building in Trust and is charged with assigning the lease in line with the gazetted State use of the reserve for surf life saving. Peregian Beach Supporters Club

(upstairs) was closed in May 2014 after an independent audit found it was no longer financially viable. It had started operation in 1994. Noosa Heads Surf Lifesaving Club became involved soon after to assist life savers still keen to patrol. The clubhouse was renovated, with the bar and commercial kitchen removed, in 2017 with a $20,000 Federal government grant and $105,677 by Noosa Heads SLSC. Tenure over the lower floor of the clubhouse has been promised to SLSQ and more than 110 families were involved in the Nippers season on the beach this year. Peregian Beach Community Association has backed surf life saving for the lower floor of the building, and supported an Ocean Life Saving Association’s ideas for the top floor. See the-ocean-life-saving-hub/ for more.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Police News

A wrap up of April’s statistics

COOLUM Police have provided the following statistics around police activity for Peregian Springs from April 1 to 28 2: Domestic violence police application

1: Domestic violence private application 4: DV other incidents 2: Drug offences 1: Enter shop with intent / breaking 1: Warrant executed 1: Steal motor vehicle 2: Steal from dwelling 2: Stealing from buildings 2: Traffic crash 7: Infringement notices issues 3: Steal from vehicle (enter with intent)

COOLUM Police recently brought the Mobile Police Facility to Peregian Beach to share the Crime Prevention message, answer questions and hand out pamphlets offering some great advice.

2: Wilful damage If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day. You can report information about crime


anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local News— I Talk Travel opening—May 16

Travel help close to home TRAVEL opens up the world and the options these days are almost endless to suit you. A lifetime of memories await if only you knew what you wanted, where to look and how to tailor it to your timeframe, budget and style. And there’s a definite art to all of that! Luckily we’ve now got a great new travel team at `ITalk travel and Cruise’ at Peregian Springs Shopping Centre led by Craig McDonnell and his team of passionate travel planners keen to chat about what’s on your travel wishlist and make those wishes come true - including some ideas you didn’t think possible. The team offers a wide range of advice on worldwide, Australian and Cruise destinations - popular and offthe-beaten-track tours, side trips, personal touring, and travelling via any mode of transport to suit you. The team can even organize the little things to maximise your experience while you’re away, like tickets to local attractions and festivals which you might not know about. In a coup for the new team -they are the only travel company on the Sunshine Coast allowed to offer travelers the full range of ’Luxury Escapes’ travel packages - which are renowned for their fantastic value and wide range of inclusions from flights, drinks, meals, massages and spa treatments at a huge number of destinations. The Peregian Springs Store’s grand opening is on Thursday May 16 with the fun starting after School from 3pm 16

on the day with Mix FM presenting live from the carpark including some giveaways and fantastic opening specials offered to the public, including a VIP event with top travel companies attending offering invited lucky locals some great advice and deals. I Talk Travel and Cruise have also partnered with Club Med and Luxury Escapes as well as with Air New Zealand to promote the airline’s seasonal flights to and from Maroochydore. “Not many people know you can fly to the United States West Coast (east coast coming soon) via Auckland from Maroochydore, saving Sunshine Coasters the trek to Brisbane Airport,” Craig said. Get in touch with Craig and the team on 5477 1580 or email and see the website peregian. “Or, of course, pop in for a chat at Shop 9 Peregian Springs Shopping Centre because talking travel is what we love to do at iTalk Travel and Cruise,” Craig said.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019



NINDERRY UPDATE: State Member Dan Purdie

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Community News—Coolum SES

Learn skills and serve with Coolum SES The Coolum SES, active in the local community assisting with a wide variety activities and emergencies, is looking for new Volunteers. Read about why one local Peregian Springs Dad and his son joined up last year (and it’s not just for the chainsaw skills you learn!) FALLEN trees, flooded houses and storm-damaged roofs are just three of the many reasons why volunteers from the Coolum State Emergency Service group have assisted Peregian Springs home owners in recent years. And it’s not just us they’re looking after. SES Coolum territory passes through Doonan and Verrierdale to the North, towards Eumundi to the West, heads South through Valdora to Twin Waters and includes the Sunshine Coast Airport. “All up there’s well over 12,000 dwellings in our patch and Peregian Springs is our fastest growing community,” said Group Leader Brendan Jones. “That’s why we are always delighted to receive enquiries from residents interested in learning more about volunteering with the SES.” SES volunteers meet up on Tuesday evenings in Coolum and enjoy many opportunities to acquire new skills and experiences. “In simple terms the SES is about mates helping mates and neighbours helping neighbours. “But to do that safely and effectively, 20

we provide a lot of training such as operating radio communication equipment, working safely at heights to repair buildings during storms, land searches, chainsaw skills, operating flood boats, off-road driving and much more,” said Brendan. The Coolum SES team already includes two Peregian Springs residents. Tim Eldridge and his son Charles, a year 12 student at St Andrew’s Anglican College, joined just over a year ago. “I’ve done all kinds of volunteer work during my life, but what makes the SES special is acquiring new skills and putting them to use in difficult circumstances. It’s good exercise, very challenging and equips you with a whole extra set of life skills,” said Tim. To request support and assistance from the SES, such as during a storm, telephone 132 500, or for life threatening emergencies call 000. For more information about supporting your local community as an SES volunteer, contact Group Leader Brendan Jones for membership enquiries on 0400 997 542 or visit

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


ANZAC Day 2019—Coolum Peregian RSL

Large crowds for Dawn Service COOLUM Peregian RSL's Dawn Service was well attended at David Low Way on April 25 with hundreds turning out to pay their respects to the ANZACs. Peregian Springs State School student Jackson Budd had the honour of playing The Last Post and Reveille


at the event and did a great job. Students from Noosa to Coolum were among the crowds with many performing and participating on the day, including playing music and laying wreaths. Well done to the RSL team and their volunteers and supporters on a memorable ceremony.

ANZAC Day 2019—Aveo Peregian Springs

Seniors and students pay tribute

RESIDENTS of Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club were joined by family, friends and students from St Andrew’s Anglican College to remember the service of the ANZACs on April 25.

Former Naval officer William Rooke led the service which included readings from the bible, a poem by A B “Banjo” Patterson, read by Wayne Collard, and a wreath laying ceremony at the club’s cenotaph.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


NINDERRY update: State Member Dan Purdie

ANZAC DAY I was honoured to participate in Anzac Day services across our local community to commemorate what rightfully remains one of the most important days of the year. As well as attending school services at Coolum High and Coolum State Primary School earlier in the week, I joined record crowds for the annual Dawn Service hosted by the Coolum Peregian RSL Sub Branch, which just seems to get bigger every year. I then attended local services in Eumundi and Yandina, where the Coolum Surf Lifesaving Club, who are this year celebrating their Centenary, were also acknowledge for their pivotal role in the community. It was humbling to see such large crowds gather for these services – there’s no doubt the Anzac spirit is alive and well in our community. Thank you to everyone who took the opportunity to pay tribute to all the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom. COOLUM SURF LIFESAVING CLUB CELEBRATES ITS CENTENARY Over Easter, the Coolum Surf Lifesaving Club celebrated the launch of its centenary celebrations. 24

Did you know the first beach patrol was conducted on the Easter weekend back in 1919, when Coolum had no sealed roads, and only 12 families lived in the area? Today, the Club has around 250 active members from across the community who volunteer their time to look after more than 65,000 beachgoers every year. With the 2018/19 volunteer patrol season now over, it’s a fitting time to recognise and acknowledge not only their efforts, but all of our surf lifesaving volunteers across the Coast. GAMBLING GRANTS Congratulations to Coolum Hearts and Coolum and District Netball Association who were both successful in the latest funding round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund grants. Coolum Hearts received $6979.20 to purchase new equipment, while the Netball Club received $20,000 to upgrade fencing. They joined four other local groups who shared in more than $150,000 in this latest round. The next round of the Fund closes at the end of this month, on May 31. Log on to the GCBF online grants portal at

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


FAIRFAX update: Federal Member Ted O’Brien PRE-POLL LOCATIONS IF you’re heading away and can’t vote in the Federal Election on May 18 please head along to a pre-poll stations near you. The below are open from 8:30am-5:30pm most days, with hours extended until 6pm on May 10, 15 and 17. •

64 Aerodrome Rd, MAROOCHYDORE (not open election day, May 18)

Coolum Civic Centre, Park St, COOLUM BEACH.

Sunrise Beach Uniting Church, 6 Grasstree Ct, SUNRISE BEACH (closing at 4pm 11/5)

A full list of pre-poll and Election Day polling stations is also available on my website

PREFERENCING I would like to take the opportunity to explain why I am the only LNP candidate in Queensland who does not have Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party, at number 2, on my how-to-vote card. Quite simply, I believed it would have been an insult to the people of Fairfax and in particular the communities in and around Coolum to have Clive Palmer’s candidate at the top of my how-to-vote card.


I took a strong stand on this and I am happy to say the LNP organisation got it right when it came to how we preferenced Clive Palmer’s candidate in Fairfax. That said, my message to voters has always been to please put the LNP number 1, mark every box and make your own decision about where your preferences go. FLIGHT PATH CONCERNS Over recent weeks my office has been contacted by residents expressing concern over the proposed flight path which will operate when the new Sunshine Coast Airport runway opens. While less than 5% of those queries came from Peregian Springs residents, the issue is still of upmost importance, which is why I encouraged as many people as possible to have their say during the community consultation process (now closed). I have also given an undertaking to follow up on concerns about communication around the consultation process and have written to Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, seeking a response to a review Flight Path Forum submitted to me on 30 April. While Sunshine Coast Airport is not federally leased, I expect all concerns raised by residents during the consultation process, including noise abatement issues, now be given due consideration. As always, please get in touch with issues, concerns or enquiries on 5479 2800, or via email at or visit us at 20 Southern Drive, Maroochydore.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Chappy’s Corner with Mark Horsfall

Help your student beat stress DID you know that 1 in 4 teenagers will experience a mental health challenge? In term two, many students may start to feel the academic stress of their education. They could also be facing social and emotional challenges and peer relationship issues that could be creating a boiling pot for a mental health challenge. Here are some positive coping strategies that you as a parent can encourage that will help your child have a healthier state of mind. EXERCISE Exercise is a great proactive way to help relieve stress and anxiety. It produces endorphins in your body which creates a positive feeling similar to morphine. Exercise relaxes you, increases your focus and helps to improve your mood. It is vital for maintaining mental fitness, and can enhance alertness, concentration and overall cognitive function. SELF-TALK The majority of us can have a tendency to think negatively about ourselves and our actions. Help your child be mindful of their


negative self-talk and encourage them to replace it with positive self-talk. Encourage “I can” and “I will” statements that they can repeat. RELATIONAL SUPPORT Many teenagers struggle to ask for help. I have often wondered how many hardships could have been prevented if a teenager had just sought out some help. Establishing a strong supportive relationship with your child takes work but is worth the effort. Encourage your child to have role models (Uncles, Aunts, friends) and mentors as they will often talk to them before they will talk to a parent. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is paying attention to our thoughts and feelings, seeing clearly and being present. Teach some calm breathing techniques and self-reflection skills that can easily be googled if you don’t know them. These skills can help them manage the many feelings and emotions that they will experience with adolescence. By Mark Horsfall Chaplain Coolum State High School

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Local Heart COFFEE MORNING—ALL WELCOME A very casual and informal coffee group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 11am at Peregian Golf Club Clubhouse. Blokes don’t be shy – men and women of all ages are very welcome! Contact Marianne by email: HOME LEAGUE AT THE SALVOS Are you looking to join a positive group of women where you will meet new people, learn new skills, support local community and enjoy being encouraged in the Christian faith? Commences 7th Feb. Every Thursday during school terms 9.3011.00. $5 includes morning tea. 3/127 Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Geraldine 5446 1973. PLAYGROUPS (during school terms)

PEREGIAN SPRINGS PLAYGROUP meets on Wednesdays during school term from 9am –11am at St Andrew’s Anglican College. For children aged 0-5 years and is a free, community based initiative established by Noosa Anglican Church and co-ordinated by a local Mum. Contact the church on 5449 8009 for more. MAINLY MUSIC Tuesdays 9.30-10.30am during school term at the Salvation Army Meeting Rooms at 127 Greenoaks Drive, Coolum. $3 for one child, $5, per family. Incl morning tea. Call 5442 4218. ABCD SCRAMBLE—singing & dancing playgroup. Thurs 10-11.30am school terms. Anglican Church Coolum on cnr Perry St & Beach Rd. $3 for one child, $5 for 2 or more. Incl morning tea. Call Carol - 5446 5334.

COOLUM BAPTIST CHURCH – Playgroup on Fridays 9.30-11.30am school term time. Call Shauna on 0414 864 714 30

NEED A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE? To inquire, call Peregian Breeze local JP (Qual) Peter Terrill on 0410 500 375. LOCAL CHURCH CONTACTS Coolum Beach Anglican Church -Cnr Perry St & Beach Rd Coolum Beach 0447 002 573 Or see Noosa Anglican Church- 5449 8009 & Sunshine Beach (Bicentennial Drv) or Peregian Springs (in St Andrew’s , 40 Peregian Springs Dve) Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way -call 5446 1957 or St Peter’s Catholic Church 28-32 Elizabeth St, Coolum 5443 3488 Coolum Christian Family Church 2 Arcoona Rd (Coolum Beach Christian College) or call 5446 1295. Coolum Uniting Church, Cnr Elizabeth St & Heathfield Rd ,Coolum or 5446 1815 Salvation Army , Meeting Rooms 127, Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Warren or Denise 0400 797 480 / 0418 214 723.

GOVERNMENT REP CONTACTS Peregian Springs– Local Sunshine Coast Councillor Stephen Robinson (Division 9) Tel – 5441 8086 State (Ninderry) - Daniel Purdie (Liberal National Party) Tel - 5406 7900 Federal (Fairfax) Ted O’Brien (Liberal member of Liberal National Party) Tel- 5479 2800 Peregian Breeze— Local Stephen Robinson (Division 9) & State (Ninderry) Daniel Purdie—above Federal (Wide Bay) Llew O’Brien (National member of the LNP) Tel - 1300 301 968


Norfolk Island shines bright By Lenette Paul Local resident and avid traveller

FROM the air, Norfolk Island boasts rolling green hills dotted with majestic pines and surrounded by cobaltblue ocean, steep rocky cliffs and white sandy beaches. At 5kms by 3kms and 32 kms of coastline Norfolk Island is relatively small, easy to move around with plenty to see and experience. Unique among islands of the South Pacific, Norfolk Island has a living history and culture. Originally settled by Polynesian seafarers, it was uninhabited when discovered by Captain Cook in 1774. Initially settled as a penal colony with a reputation for unmatched brutality (Slaughter Bay, Bloody Bridge and The Graveyard), Queen Victoria gifted the island to descendants of the Pitcairn Island Bounty mutineers, hence the strong historical thread with many present-day dwellers having Bounty surnames, speaking a mixture of English/Tahitian called Norf’k. With a mild sub-tropical climate the island is an easy 2 hour-flight from Brisbane/Sydney and offers a diversity of experiences for the discerning traveller. Popular are National Park bushwalking and hiking, diving, snorkeling, fishing and the excellent 9hole course (18 tees). The fourth hole boasts the largest

water hazard in the world - the Pacific Ocean! For those wanting an excellent shopping experience numerous varieties of goods are duty-free. Kingston is the area with the strongest sense of history and many buildings have been faithfully restored as museums. Exploring the graveyard is a must and the epitaphs often tell painful tales. The island atmosphere is typically laid-back with no high-rises, cows have right-of-way, no large-scale industry, fresh clean air and excellent restaurants and cafes. A variety of tours are on offer including island culture, history reenactments, progressive dinners with hosts telling Norfolk tales, horticulture and birding and the island ‘fish-fry’ at sunset is a magical experience. Norfolk Island has its own unique identity and charm, interesting history and delightful scenery. Highly recommended.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


Election brings taxing times A FEDERAL election has been called for 18th May 2019, with most indicators suggesting a Labor victory. One of Labor’s key policies is reform of the tax system, including limiting negative gearing on investments (both property and shares), reducing the capital gains tax (CGT) discount from 50% to 25% and abolishing the cash rebate on franking credits. We understand Labor wants to implement these changes as at 1 July 2019 and once enacted they will immediately impact self-managed super funds (SMSFs) and low income self-funded retirees. Self-funded retirees who pay little or no tax and SMSFs in the pension phase (0% tax rate) will be the most impacted, while some super funds in accumulation phase (15% tax rate) and those with both pension and accumulation members will also be impacted, but to a lesser degree. Under the proposed changes by Labor, franking credits would only be claimed against actual tax liabilities owed to the ATO. So those shareholders who are either exempt from tax or pay little to no tax would no longer be able to receive the cash refunds (aged


pension recipients may be exempt). While the story still has some ways to play out, if Labor do get into power and implement this policy as it stands, those that are likely to suffer the most are those that have utilised the value of franking credits for income enhancing purposes rather than for tax minimisation. However, there are a number of strategies to limit this impact for SMSF and self-funded retirees, please contact your Patersons Adviser for further details. The information contained above is general in nature and you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances. For further information, please speak to your Patersons Wealth Adviser.

Peregian Springs News, May 2019


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Peregian Springs News, May 2019



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