Peregian Springs News August 2017

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 2. Issue 11

August 2017

Buyer sought for local shops BREAD, milk, eggs, Shopping Centre? It’s the worst kept secret in townthe Peregian Springs Shopping Centre is up for sale. With the tenancies all now full, thanks to the Burrito Bar opening three weeks ago, the trees thinned out along the front and the car park signs being given a coat of paint, Centre owner, Alceon Group Pty Ltd is now offering the Centre for purchase by expression of interest through agents Jones Lang Lasalle. According to the sale prospectus obtained by Peregian Springs News, the site spreads over 37,260sqm with

current rent bringing in over $2 million net. However new owners may change the face of the Centre as the documents spruik the possibility of reconfiguring the Centre to develop a 4380 sqm strip of land at the front along Ridgeview Drive to include possible further retail and car parking. Currently leased space in the Shopping Centre occupies around 4772sqm and the sale documents indicate a possible increase to 6500 sqm if the currently vegetated 4380 sqm strip is approved for development . Continued, page 2

Peregian Springs News, August 2017

From the Ed’s desk It was great to see the ideas and debate stirred up at a Seniors Forum organised by Fairfax Federal LNP member Ted O’Brien with the help of his Seniors advisory committee on Friday 4th of August at Living Choice Retirement Village at Twin Waters. Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt came up from Canberra on his birthday especially for the event which was well attended with over 150 people there. The Minister said he’d like to work on the notion we live to 100 that we are not old until we become frail and that one of the issues of importance was “that people are given the opportunity to enjoy a quality of life because we’re talking about people who built this nation— who built this region.” The range of issues discussed included Medicare, natural and preventative medicines, Retirement Villages, Holistic Care, “My Aged Care” and disabled citizens. Retirement Villages were also the focus at a One Nation Forum the day before at Buderim. Retirement Village issues are important but we mustn’t lose sight of those older people who couldn’t dream of entering a Retirement Village lifestyle because they are on a pension only and have no funding for an ingoing deposit. These really vulnerable people in society also need the benefit of safe and secure housing within a supportive and familiar community. In other news, NAPLAN results are out and you can look those up online. We are so lucky to have a wonderful range of educational institutions of excellent quality here. NAPLAN results are just one of the tools the federal government uses to fund state education. With many now looking at school choice for next year, NAPLAN in my view certainly shouldn’t be the only benchmark to base a school choice on. It’s our second birthday next month and my huge thanks to all that made it happen. I’ll bring you some highlights of the last 2 years in the next edition (time flies!) Rebecca 2

From page 1.... The shopping centre land, including the strip at the front of the centre (owned by Alceon Pty Ltd) as well as some 1.4 hectares of cleared land adjacent to the entry road to the shopping centre (owned by FKP Residential Pty Ltd), are zoned “Village Centre ” under the Coolum Ridges Master Plan which envisages a range of uses such as shops, commercial offices and other community facilities. These sites contain some of the last remaining vacant village centre land in Peregian Springs and Council indicates the public will not necessarily have a say on what goes in at these sites saying “Public notification depends on the proposed use of the land”. However Council has previously indicated in a report prepared during the planning assessment process for the land clearing next to Coles that “any proposal for additional gross floor area over 5000 m2 is not preferred and will be subject to an impact assessment.” The “Delegated Authority Report” report of November 2015 also said the “precinct intent” for the village centre zoning meant “the precinct is expected to include a range of shops, commercial offices, community facilities (eg community hall, public library childcare centre) entertainment use, restaurants and cafes. It is envisaged that a service station and tavern may also be developed in suitable parts of the centre subject to favourable impact assessment.” Impact assessment means public comment is involved. Expressions of interest to purchase the Centre close on August 17. What do you want to see in the village centre? Email

Local News

Rescued food makes a debut LUCKY locals were treated to a free lunch last month as Pitchfork Restaurant and the crew from OzHarvest, pictured right, joined forces to get deliciously creative with great quality rescued food at the first Think. Eat. Save. function held on the Coast. Along with great tasting lunch options and a dessert OzHarvest Sunshine Coast, Noosa Council and Peregian Beach Veggie Village representatives served up top tips on healthy eating, minimising food waste, recycling and community gardening. Other help on the day came from Gail from Life’s a Feast, Woolworth’s Noosa Civic & Coolum, Noosa Farmer’s market stallholders and the Fisherman’s Road Markets. For

more on Think. Eat. Save. see Michele Lipner of Peregian Springs (pictured 2nd right) is the Coast’s Ozharvest coordinator.

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local News

Aged care in the spotlight MORE than 150 people came to have their views heard on various aspects affecting older people in our region at an Aged Care forum organised by local federal Member Ted O’Brien (Fairfax) and attended by the Federal Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt. Mr O’Brien said the forum was the second held in the region with the first held last year from which a Seniors advisory committee was established and that the Forum was “an opportunity for local seniors to have their say against those topics they themselves have identified and give the opportunity for the Minister to listen but also to respond.” A range of issues were discussed


including medicare, natural and preventative medicines, Retirement Villages, Holistic Care, service providers and “My Aged Care” (the main entry point into the aged care system in Australia) and community engagement for disabled citizens and the NDIS. Fiona Simpson, State LNP Member for Maroochydore, was present and said in relation to Retirement Villages: “There needs to be a deadline on this stuff instead of being pushed out because there have been reviews done before”. Speaking at the forum Ms Simpson said people had raised issues around inconsistencies between old contracts

Aged Care Forum and new ones, inequality in the power relationship when signing up to a Retirement Village contract and people not realising what could happen as part of the contracts they signed. She said they also often didn’t realise they had any choice. “Clearly there does need to be a simplification, greater transparency so that when people are entering into contracts they know what they are getting and they have a more fair and equal power balance in that situation, dispute resolution, a range of things. We’re listening to that. There needs to be a review, a rewrite of the Act and that doesn’t need to take years – it needs to be done quickly. That’s a conversation that I’ll certainly be taking your feedback and one that has to be addressed as urgently as possible,” Ms Simpson said.

The Aged Care Minister said Retirement Villages are within the scope of state and territory governments and the Commonwealth must make laws within it’s constitutional scope otherwise .. Continued, page 6

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local News—Aged Care Forum... FROM PAGE 5... “anything outside of that is challengeable to the High Court.” “If the Commonwealth took it (Retirement Village laws) over, we’d have to get State and Territories to relinquish their responsibility and have a uniform agreement that would hand that over to the Commonwealth like they did with Aged Care.” Mr Wyatt said a report into the legal issues for older Australians made minimal recommendations into Retirement Villages due to it being a state and territory responsibility but the issues of unconscionable behaviour, particularly in terms of contracts, are being examined at a Federal level and he is working with the Minister responsible for the ACCC to look at unconscionable behaviour to


do with financial transactions and contracts and calling on State and Territory Fair Trading Ministers on this also. The Aged Care Minister and Mr O’Brien said they’d take the matters back to Canberra. “Rest assured we will be finalising and coming back to you on these things,” Mr O’Brien said.

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local News

Retirement Villages Act changes LABOR introduced into Parliament last week proposed amendments to the Retirement Villages laws. The proposals are in the Housing Legislation (Building Better Futures) Amendment Bill 2017 and Mick De Brenni, Minister for Housing and Public Works and Minister for Sport told Parliament on 10 August that the amendments “will increase transparency in the relationships between operators and residents, and provide greater security to residents, balanced against ongoing industry viability.” The Minister also told Parliament “Greater financial transparency will be required about retirement village funds, budgets and financial statements, and will address resident and consumer advocate concerns about fees and contracts.” The proposed amendments come as the Retirement Villages sector shapes up to be a hot State Government election topic with Retirement Villages being hotly discussed at two recent public forums. A One Nation Retirement Villages forum was held by the State branch on 3 August at Buderim, and a federal LNP Seniors Forum was held on 4


August at Twin Waters with the ARQRV represented at both. ARQRV Vice President Mike Fairbairn said at the One Nation Forum there are weaknesses retirement village industry regulations and indicated that governments have caused it but said the current government has done more than those before it adding “whether or not they succeed in the time available to them remains to be seen”. At the federal LNP forum many raised Retirement Village concerns including what people saw as too many complex business models making decisions too difficult, perceived power imbalance between operators and residents, “punitive” exit arrangements and refurbishment costs “leaving a cloud of permanent anxiety over residents”. Fiona Simpson, State LNP rep for Maroochydore, was also at the LNP forum and called for the whole Act to be re-written. One Nation’s Steve Dickson says his party’s main priority is to appoint a Retirement Villages Ombudsman. Debate resumes on the proposed law changes when Parliament sits again from August 22 to 24.

Local News

IT’S NOW OFFICIAL THE team at Aussie Coolum cut the ribbon at the official opening on their new office in Birtwill Street on Friday, July 28. The event was well attended by members of the local business community keen to welcome Aussie to the Centre and see what they had to offer. Aussie Coolum owners Trevor and Denise Ryan said the night was a great chance to say thank you to the many loyal customers and referrers they had worked with as they built up the business. The shop was the natural next step for the couple, building on Trevor's success in the mobile lending space where he was named Aussie's number 1 broker in Queensland six years in a row, from 2010 to 2016, and top in Australia in his category in both 2015 and 2016.

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local News

Body corporates take legal steps THE resident Chaired Subsidiary Body Corporates within the Ridges estate have confirmed they intend to take legal action to have questions answered in the wake of the AGM of The Principal Body Corporate (PBC) held on June 20 this year. A key point expected to be debated at that annual general meeting was whether or not a special levy would be required to pay off what appeared to be a deficit of more than $300,000 in the Administrative Fund. A motion on the Special Levy, put up by the resident led Subsidiary Body Corporates, was voted down by the newly elected PBC— a committee elected amid some controversy after a failure to have body corporate fees deposited into the PBC account prior to the meeting was deemed by the PBC to disqualify the resident candidates for PBC Committee


positions for the upcoming year from being considered. Since the AGM, the resident SBC Chairs have met with LNP Member for Noosa Glen Elmes and Ninderry LNP candidate Dan Purdie, to discuss the State Body Corporate laws and seek change in the Ridges Scheme. The resident SBCs are taking action in the Body Corporate Commission seeking an order that “the deficit must be addressed by special levy(s)” They will also be seeking an interim order to stop the PBC making decisions and for an EGM to be called to bring on fresh PBC elections on the grounds that the recently elected PBC committee apparently consists of six corporate owner nominees— a breach they say of body corporate rules. We will continue to follow the story...

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local News—

Action heats up for Ninderry While the date for the State election to provide the inaugural candidate for the seat of Ninderry is yet to be set, political parties are busy selecting candidates to represent them come ballot time. A number of candidates have already been chosen, and we’ll introduce you to them as we can so residents can get to know the people who want their vote. This month we let you know where you can meet One Nation candidate Barry Ward and Liberal National Party’s Candidate Daniel Purdie.

BARRY WARD One Nation When were you endorsed as Ninderry candidate? This was announced at the start of May and I became active from June after all my campaigning material was printed. Have you launched your campaign yet? A Sunshine Coast team launch was done at Palmwoods in late June. I will be doing a personal launch late August and early


September in Coolum, Peregian Springs and Bli Bli. Do you have any plans to visit Peregian Springs and when? I am presently active driving around Peregian Springs with my campaign trailer, and being a resident of nearby Doonan I am a regular at the Peregian Springs shopping centre, where I have spoken to businesses and residents. Do you have any upcoming events where people can come and meet you in late August and September? Most weekends I will be spending time in

Meet the candidates various locations in the seat of Ninderry suburbs with my gazebo and signage, and will be announcing the locations each week on my Facebook page ninderry.phon. (August 5) I spent 6 hours talking to residents of Coolum Beach.

DANIEL PURDIE LNP When were you endorsed as Ninderry candidate? I was endorsed as the LNP Candidate for Ninderry on Ist June after winning a preselection contest at the Coolum-Peregian RSL. Have you launched your campaign yet? We are doing local community launches across the Ninderry electorate. Our first launch was at Coolum on Saturday 8 July which was followed up by 3 weeks of extensive door knocking and listening posts around Coolum. We launched the Bli

Bli leg of our campaign in Muller Park on Saturday 29 July. We'll be launching our Peregian Springs campaign with a free sausage sizzle @ 8.30am on Saturday 26 August at The Avenue Park Duck Pond, The Avenue, Peregian Springs. Do you have any plans to visit Peregian Springs and when? After the PS Launch we'll then be concentrating on door knocking, Listening Posts, Roadside etc in and around Peregian Springs from 26/8 right up until the school holidays. I don't have exact times and locations of these listening posts etc but I'll be announcing them on FB 'DanPurdieLNP' . Do you have any upcoming events where people can come and meet you in late August and September? The PS Launch on 26 August followed by numerous listening posts etc which will be advertised on FB closer to the date. Next month – meet Susan Etheridge, Greens Candidate for Ninderry....

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local News—New childcare centre opens..

Childcare a breeze at Big Day Out IT SEEMS fitting that at the heart of the young community of Peregian Breeze are the young people themselves. Taking pride of place in the Centre of the estate is the new and vibrant Big Day Out Care and Education Centre, now open at Peregian Breeze. “Getting us open for families is the most exciting part,” Care and Education Leader, Owner and Centre co-designer Pam Maclean, pictured above, says “It gives the community something of their own.” Pam says her first local Centre, the Big Day Out Care & Education in Peregian Springs which opened in September 2015, proved so popular she regularly had over 100 on the wait list, so when the chance to open a new Centre came up at Peregian Breeze she was keen to help meet that demand. The Peregian Breeze Centre is the culmination of 12 months’ planning. Inside follows a neutral palette of décor and furniture with the use of glass and natural timber to give a sense of the outside in. Quirky placement of windows allows children a perspective on their level and emphasis on abundant non-plastic, age appropriate toys and well-stocked resource materials allows carers to facilitate activities to follow the children’s imaginations to make connections with their world. There’s a kitchen in the heart of the Centre where a chef makes daily on site meals and snacks from fresh ingredients with an extra oven for carers wishing to cook with the children at child friendly bench in the 14

kitchen. All rooms are named after a book appropriate to that age group that promotes the wonder of the world around them and values to help selfesteem and friendship. Carers are hand-picked by Pam who has more than 30 years’ experience in early childhood. She has a Masters degree in Education, has operated high quality centres, worked as an early childhood assessor, trainer and mentor for centres around Australia and co-develops posters and aids for delivery of the Early Years framework. Pam also has a consultancy business which designs early childhood playgounds and says she had particular delight designing this one as the north east facing play space allowed her to give each area its own space and ‘set up the environment in the right way”, including having a babies and toddlers play area where siblings of different ages can meet up if they like. The main play area features an undercover ball games square, huge sandpit, creekbed, boat, jetty and an edible garden. The two BDO Centre mini buses will enable a wider variety of excursions for the Centre’s children and Vacation care children and offer more flexibility in school pickups and drop offs for Before and After School Care. Pam says she’s excited to be sharing the journey of local families. “Many don’t have family networks so we are the hub for families..we offer a landscape of communication and can put people in touch with lots of information, even on a confidential basis..we are part of the community, it’s all part of who and what we are”.

Peregian Springs News, August 2017



Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Chappy’s Column—Family Focus

Take the time for real sleep SLEEP was something that I didn’t really appreciate till I had a child who doesn’t like to sleep. Now a full night sleep is like finding Gold in Gympie. But did you know that it’s recommended we sleep for 8-10 hours a night? For teenagers, it is recommended they sleep for 9 hours plus. This seems almost impossible in today’s fast paced society. We can all tend to spend too much time on social media, watching devices, have schedules that are overloaded, and live with high levels of stress. However, the right amount of sleep is essential to all. Sleeping for adolescents is vital and should be strongly encouraged as it greatly assists in their physical and emotional development. Sleep isn’t merely a time when your body shuts off. While you rest, your brain stays busy, overseeing biological maintenance that keeps your body running in top condition. Your body releases a number of hormones that contribute to growth and development. Without enough hours of restorative sleep, you won’t be able to work, learn, create, and communicate at a level even close to your true potential. Sleep loss can take a substantial toll on your mood, energy, mental sharpness, and ability to handle stress. It greatly hinders teenager’s concentration, study and/or work effectiveness and is a strong contributor to emotional and mental health problems like depression. If you were to rank yourself 18

between 110 (10 being fantastic) on your sleep what would your score be? If you or your adolescent are below 7 then it is highly encouraged to reflect on your habits and maybe make some lifestyle changes. It is important that we prioritise our sleep! We can adapt and learn to survive without sleep however it inhibits our potential and ability to achieve. Some tips to improving sleep include turning of the phone, computer, iPad and TV at least 30 minutes before bed. Eat and drink healthy foods watching the level of caffeine you drink at night. Participate in exercise and have a regular sleeping schedule. Having a good sleeping environment is important, sleep with the lights off as many studies highlight its detrimental effect on sleep, and limit noise. Manage your stress and worry levels and develop a way to wind down and calm the mind before sleep. If you’re not getting enough sleep consider making some changes today. You will be far better off for it. Till next month good night and sleep tight!! By Chappy Mark (Mark Horsfall - Chaplain, Coolum High)

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Local Heart COOK’S CORNER with Elisabeth from Purple Copper at the Golf Course

Almond Honey Squares

Base-170 gm plain flour 110 gm brown sugar 90 gm Butter Combine all in a bowl and evenly press into a 20 cm square tin. Bake for 7 min at 180 Celsius, allow to cool. Top- 100 gm milk chocolate melt and set aside 3 eggs 55 gm brown sugar 90 gm honey 210 gm Almond slivers Combine eggs, brown sugar, honey, melted chocolate and almond silvers. Pour over the cooled base and bake for 25 minutes on 160 Celsius.

HAVANA NIGHTS PEREGIAN SPRINGS MARKETS: at the Rec Club carpark, 222 The Avenue, will be held on Saturday, September 9 from 4.30-8.30pm. The market facebook site says there will be no market in August with the food stall holders away attending a host of festivals that month. Promotion for the September event includes talk of a Light Up Your Night disco for 5-13 year olds from 68.30pm, with prizes for the brightest costume. The market also includes Street Food, Artisan stalls, Kids entertainment, seating and live music, with The Pool Cafe open for drinks and cocktails. It supports Regain Hope, a charity aiming to end international child slavery and trafficking. See havananightsperegianspringsmarkets on for more. 20

PLAYGROUPS A PLENTY See our Facebook page for playgroup details and updates- peregianspringsnews PEREGIAN SPRINGS FAMILY FUN SPRING FAIR: ARCARE is hosting a Spring Fair on Saturday, 16th September from 10am to 1pm; There will be an animal farm, horse rides for $2 and ‘Peanut’ the donkey to say hello too. Face painting (gold coin donation) and a sausage sizzle and drink for $2, plus a $2 ‘Jumble Sale’ stall with a bit of everything—donations accepted now. See our Facebook at peregianspringsnews COUNTRY CLUB RESIDENTS GENEROUS SPIRIT: Lawn bowls, Craft, Line Dancing Aqua, Broomstick, Mahjong, Pilates, Computer and Book club and more all help their bodies and minds stay fit but the residents at the Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club exercise their spirit of generosity too with two fundraisers being held in August to raise money for cancer research. Well done! PSRA AGM SATURDAY AUGUST 19 THE Peregian Springs Residents Association Inc AGM is on Saturday, 19 August 2017 from 3pm – 4pm, at The Pool Café, 222 The Ave. Come along for a coffee at 2:30pm. Afterwards stay for nibbles (drinks available from the bar) and meet and chat with neighbours. Division 9 Councillor Stephen Robinson will attend. Justice of the Peace : Coolum LibraryWednesday, 9am - 12pm; Noosa CivicTuesday, 1pm - 4pm Thursday, 9:30am 12:30pm and Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm; Noosa Library-Tuesday and Saturday, 9am - 12pm; Noosa Courthouse - Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am - 4pm.

Peregian Springs News, August 2017



Doggy Park Diaries– August 2017 SPECIAL DOGGY PARK FIRST BIRTHDAY EDITION - Peregian

Springs Vet Surgery is offering a prize pack to the Doggy featured in the Doggy Park Diaries — thanks Dr Barb and Dr Alice! What are the names & ages of your dogs? Buzz, 4, Milly, 6. What sort of dog: Pugs What do you love about them? They are loving and loyal and quickly became family members. After coming to us on a 6 week trial from our cousin, after 6 weeks, they weren’t going back! What do you think is great about having dogs? It’s therapeutic coming here to the Dog Park. I love watching the dogs grow and progress. What can people learn from dogs? Respect. To respect one another. Dogs do. When you watch them. You might get a rogue one that has a barney but they back off and kiss each

Dental Health Month with Dr Alice Dogs eat some gross things - but believe it or not, their breath shouldn’t stink. If it does, then it is very likely that the dog is suffering with gingivitis and peridontal disease, painful infection and inflammation around the teeth and gums associated with plaque and tartar, and possibly broken teeth.. “Gingivitis occurs where there’s an accumulation of tartar and the gums start to recede from the tooth leaving it more prone to damage,” Dr Alice O’Hare of Peregian Springs Veterinary Surgery says. To help care for their pearly whites, until September 15, the surgery is offering a FREE DENTAL HEALTH CHECK for dogs & cats ..budgies need not apply! Dr Alice says if dogs have a painful mouth you won’t necessarily know but dogs with infection

RHYS & Dave with dogs Buzz & Milly. other and go on. Treat them the right way and they’ll treat you the right way. There are different personalities, some are ball driven and some are treat driven. PS: Buzz lost 5 kg since coming to the Dog Park a year ago with change of diet and doggy park exercise. Their first friend was “Blossom” the Golden Retriever and soon became friends with “Flash” sharing a ball. Top tip for new Dog Parkers- Don’t be nervous to come here, dogs pick up on that. Take your dog off the lead just as they come in so they can have a run. often suffer flow-on health effects such as potentially devastating infections of the kidneys, liver and heart. “Removing sepsis (infection) results in an immediate improvement, ” Dr Alice says. She says often owners have had no idea their dogs were in pain until the painful area was cleaned or offending tooth removed and the dog started acting years younger. Owners bringing their pet into Peregian Springs Vet for the FREE DENTAL HEALTH CHECK will get advice on easy home care strategies to optimise tooth health and will take home a showbag including treats designed to keep dog’s teeth clean. If it turns out your pet needs a dental treatment, Peregian Springs Vet Surgery is offering huge savings with discounted procedures this month. To book your pet’s FREE DENTAL HEALTH CHECK call the Surgery on 5471 2006. Shop 13 Peregian Springs Shopping Centre PHONE: 07

Peregian Springs News, August 2017

5471 2006 23

Business profile ...

Beachside Property Rentals

Find your way in the rental world... HOW likely are you to share with someone you don’t know? We should but we don’t always. Liz Malthouse, Owner of Beachside Property Rentals (pictured right) says it’s the little things that if known and shared through good phone and face-to-face communication along the way can help alleviate unhappy tenants and stress and cost to owners. Liz observes this is often overlooked in managing a property. Some inexperienced property managers often won’t ask probing questions or phone people, instead preferring to email which she says is perhaps due to inexperience or avoidance of conflict and says “this does the owners no favours in the long run.” Liz, with her small and intimate team at Beachside Property Rentals, takes the time to get to know owners and aim to ensure the right tenant for owners’ property to maximise their investment. Liz has the flexibility to contact and be contacted by owners when it suits them — after hours or by face-time or Skype if interstate or overseas to understand what their needs and concerns are. With a depth of experience in the tenant selection process Liz asks many tough questions during tenant reference checks including asking the employers of prospective tenants “would you rent to this tenant?” Detailed reports are given to help owners decide on which tenants to choose, and once chosen the 24

relationship starts with clear understanding of expectations with main lease points discussed with tenants and detailed photographic entry reports also done to protect owners’ investment and the relationship in the long run with the tenant. With more than 13 years experience in the accommodation and property management industry in Queensland, there isn’t much Liz hasn’t seen but she is always ready for a challenge. Her team prides itself on going above and beyond for tenants and owners. Tenants will often take pictures of problems and she can quickly identify a cost effective solution for the owners while balancing tenant need, comfort and safety. With a team of trusted trades contractors behind her with an small management team with intimate knowledge of their properties and the people Liz says it’s the “one percenters” – her passion for seeing constant ways of doing better every time in every contact, that drives her. If you’re an owner looking for a more personalised, experienced service, or a tenant wanting a more proactive and approachable manager give Liz a call on 0438 409 842.

Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Legal Matters

Tackling the issue of Guardianship LEGAL MATTERS with Fiona Allen BCom, LLB, LLM, TEP Phone: 5302 7933 PREMATURE death of a parent can have a profound impact on minor children. Coping with the death can be a significant and possibly lifelong challenge - which can be further exacerbated if the deceased parent was the primary carer, and was separated or divorced from the child’s other parent. Avoiding a legal mess at any time is preferable, however in such catastrophic situations, some previous consideration may assist in mitigating some of the difficulties faced. Wills can and, in Wills of parents of minor children, should, appoint Guardians. A Guardian has all the powers, rights and responsibilities for making decisions about the long-term care, welfare and development of a child. Parents still in a relationship with each other, usually appoint a Guardian who only acts after both parents die. If however a child’s parents are separated or divorced or have an acrimonious relationship, one parent may wish to appoint someone else as Guardian (for example grandparents or siblings), even if

the other parent survives them. Legally this is problematic. Firstly, residence and day to day decisions concerning the child will usually, as a matter of practical reality, revert to the surviving parent. This is rarely challenged. If it were challenged in the Family Court arena, the Court will determine the issue of where the child resides based upon what is in the child's best interest. All things being equal, this will generally mean the surviving natural parent will be favoured. In effect, the deceased parent’s appointment of Guardian will be seen as little more than an expression of wishes. This will not bind the Family Court. When appointing a Guardian, consideration should also be given to the financial impact of acting as Guardian. A well drafted Will allows Guardians funds to mitigate this impost. In addition, if more than one person is appointed as Guardian, the Guardians need to act jointly. Careful consideration should be given to how practical a joint appointment would be. Fiona is a Senior Associate with Dore and Webb Lawyers. The information in this article is general and for specific advice on your Wills and Estate situation call Fiona on 5302 7933.

Peregian Springs News

Inform know grow

ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT EDITION: Copy and advertising art is due by NOON, Sept 5 Ph 0422 215 648 Email

Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

Peregian Springs News is independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those who make advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *Pavilions and Sentosa - no hand delivery occurs


Peregian Springs News, August 2017


Finance Matters with ...

Class performance of Australian shares 12 MONTHS TO AUG 2017 — 8.73% Our View:  The Australian sharemarket was marginally lower in the month, marking its worst July in six years.  July is historically a positive period for Australian equities as investors Patersons team: Tom, Aaron & Antonia take advantages of opportunities created by tax loss selling ahead of June 30. risk to resources company earnings,  The strong performance of the while Australian companies with Australian Dollar relative to the US global operations should benefit Dollar during the month meant from a robust macro-economic Australian domiciled global growth backdrop across all regions, albeit stocks with US Dollar earnings were partly offset by the stronger negatively impacted in July. Australian Dollar, at least in the  The month of August marks short term. reporting season in Australia with  Growth expectations for fiscal year consensus earnings growth for fiscal 2017/18 show a subdued picture in year 2016/17 at around 15%. We aggregate, with the market expected expect companies exposed to the to deliver low single digit growth. In domestic economy to have weak general, we believe this constrained earnings growth and/or outlook earnings growth outlook is in part statements given the weakness of behind the underperformance of the Australian consumer. Australian equities this year as  Meanwhile, the construction side is investors look forward into next year. likely to be firmer as housing  We continue to take a neutral conditions remain solid while the position in Australian equities with a infrastructure pipeline is picking up. focus on stock selection.  The recent move higher in Please contact your Patersons advisor commodity prices suggests upside for more information.

Need help navigating the aged-care maze? Our comprehensive Aged Care Advice Package can help. Talk to one of our Accredited Aged Care specialists today.

Tom Wigzell (07) 5409 6120

Aaron Cross (07) 5409 6100

Patersons Peregian Springs, Suite 4, 2 Balgownie Drive, Peregian Springs 4573

Patersons Securities Limited ABN 69 008 896 311 AFSL No. 239 052


Local Connect 8 spots per page: Price $40 for 1 spot, $75 for 2 spots in one edition


Peregian Springs News, August 2017



Peregian Springs News, August 2017



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