Peregian Springs News July 2018

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 3. Issue 10

July 2018

BUTTERFLY FUN: Students at Peregian Beach College enjoyed a great afternoon celebrating the unveiling of their Richmond Birdwing Butterfly mural at the College’s Butterfly Festival community event in June. More on the event on pages 4 and 5.

Play space nets funding THE sounds of bouncing basketballs and children enjoying a healthy break outside of the house are one step closer to becoming reality with the release of funding in the recent Sunshine Coast Council budget. Council allocated $75,000 in its June budget toward the multi-purpose courts that form stage 1 of the play space proposed to be built between the Recreation Club carpark and the recreation fields this financial year. Division 9 Councillor Steve Robinson said he was so keen to see progress on the project he was “committing a

further $75,000 from the next financial year so that we have $150,000 in total to construct the first stage of the project.” “The remainder of the project will be considered as part of future budget processes,” Cr Robinson said. “Council expects to have the final designs of this project finalised by September.” Other budget highlights for Division 9 include $490,000 to revitalise Jack Morgan Park at Coolum and $360,000 for Coolum Aquatic Centre upgrades. More budget highlights on our website.

Peregian Springs News, July 2018

From the Ed’s desk Thanks to all of those readers who entered the ‘Maturity Matters’ words of wisdom competition—I certainly learnt a thing or two reading the entries! The lucky winning entry is ‘If it’s not going to matter in five years don’t spend more than five minutes with it upsetting you.’ Our winner received a $100 voucher, courtesy of Peregian Springs News, to spend at the Aveo Peregian Springs Retirement Village Hairdresser or Beauty/Massage therapist. We’ve put the entries up on our website for those wanting to get wise on some life lessons. The weather might have cooled but local fun is heating up with our Local Councillor Steve Robinson announcing further funding for and final designs coming up for the Youth Play Space slated for the Recreation Fields. The Havana Nights Markets is


now on the last Friday night of each month from July 27 (see Local Heart page 20) and a concert to assist the School Chaplaincy at Coolum State High is planned for July 29 (p.14). What do you think of the new Half Interchange through Ridges? One reader told us he thinks the signage on the Motorway heading north from Coolum should say “Peregian Springs South”. At the moment it says “Peregian Springs” and the reader believes it could be confusing for people not familiar with the area thinking that is the only entry which could contribute to congestion to The Avenue, especially around school time. Please also remember, supporting our advertisers helps keep this local dedicated news publication lively and active for Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze residents. Rebecca

Local News

Ground broken for new pool THE final day of the St Andrew’s School Term on June 22 heralded new beginnings for local swimmers with dignitaries joining school leaders to break ground for the school’s $12 million Aquatic Centre Project. Construction work is now underway, with temporary fencing erected around the building site on the school’s oval and workers driving heavy machinery hard at work over the school holiday period to level the area and set the boundaries for what’s to come. The Aquatic Centre, which is expected to be completed about August 2019, will include a heated fully covered 15m learn to swim pool, a heated 50m pool, a café and administration centre, swim club, changing rooms, function space, flexible learning spaces, covered

stands, a lawn terrace and an entry plaza when completed. Parents at the school can expect communication closer to Term 3 about changes to access to Little Saints and some car parks during construction.

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Local News

Festival celebrates bright project ART, environment and the community met on a large scale at Peregian Beach College at last month’s Butterfly Festival to celebrate the official unveiling of a mural detailing the life cycle of the local Richmond Birdwing butterfly. The aim of the mural was to beautify the newly renovated primary school area’s amenities block but soon became a school wide project encompassing learning opportunities in the arts and sciences as well as creating practical opportunities for members of the school community to get to know each other through painting together. The mural creation was overseen by local fine arts degree holder, artist and


college parent, Charlotte Wensley who volunteered her time and artistic expertise to coordinate the larger than life art project. Ms Wensley said, however, it was very much a school and community effort and she enjoyed the way community art can change a space in a positive way. College Art Teacher Lynn Back said students were able to research the butterfly’s life cycle and habitat and plan the sketches, colours and styles with many students and school community members painting it. Ms Wensley said it was a privilege to help create those opportunities and she was happy to see so many collaborating on such a joyous project.

Local News

“It has been immensely exciting to see the energy in the school community,” Ms Wensley said. The festival celebrated the collaborative project as part of the College’s Open Day and continued the creativity on the day with tables of nature themed craft items for students and the wider community to make and enjoy along with a bake stall (including butterfly cupcakes) and a BBQ and drinks, games and live entertainment. College Founder, local

philanthropist, businessman, lawyer and entrepreneur, Noel Woodall, attended the event along with College Principal Wayne Kennedy to present Ms Wensley and many others involved in the project with appreciation awards. Peregian Beach College is on Old Emu Mtn Rd (just off Murdering Creek Rd, next to Peregian Breeze). For College information call 5448 1722. More pics of the mural are on our website.

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Local News

Spotlight on a safer childhood WHEN it comes to talking about the sexploitation of our youth, author, speaker, blogger, media commentator, and recently appointed Senior Lecturer for the Centre of Culture and Ethics at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney Melinda Tankand Reist has plenty to say. The co-founder of campaigning movement: Collective Shout: for a world free of sexploitation, has authored five books on the topic and is renowned across Australia for her high impact presentations. Melinda will bring her message to local residents and members of the school community on Thursday, July 19, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at the


Coolum Christian Family Church hall, at the Coolum Beach Christian College on the corner of YandinaCoolum Rd and Arcoona Rd in a session open to everyone. Entitled: Too much too young: the sexualisation of our children and what we can do about it the session will talk about the challenges of growing up in our high tech world and how, as a community, we can work together to address the challenges of our current culture and raise happy, healthy and resilient young people who value their dignity and self-worth and aspire to relationships based on respect and authentic connection. The notes explaining the contents of

Local News the session say: “Have you noticed that your children seem to be growing up too fast? That they are worried about their appearance and more aware of sexual issues at earlier stages? Children and young people are bombarded with hyper-sexualised messages from media and popular culture. “Even small children are worried about their looks and physical appearance, shaped GUEST PRESENTER: Melinda Tankard Reist. and conditioned at the earliest of ages by a dominant message that tells images and messages contributes to a them they have to be “hot” to be liked distorted view of bodies, relationships and accepted. and sexuality in young people, “Drawing from current global hampering their healthy physical literature on the subject, as well as the emotional and social development.” experiences of young people For more information, phone Coolum themselves, Melinda will explore with Beach Christian College on 5446 4780 us how the proliferation of sexualised or email

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


NINDERRY UPDATE: State MP Dan Purdie Budget fails to deliver for local area To say the recent State Budget failed to deliver for our region is an understatement. Not only did it fail to deliver on important infrastructure projects in our local area, including the Coolum Roundabout and a new facility for the Coolum police, it also failed to address the state’s crippling debt crisis. The state is on a downward spiral to reach a record debt bomb of $83billion, while locally, our region is facing an infrastructure funding shortfall of $234 million at the expense of the south-east. We’ve all experienced the bottleneck that is the roundabout at YandinaCoolum Road and South Coolum Road, and yet despite my repeated calls to fund an upgrade to this dangerous intersection, I am disappointed that not a cent has been allocated. Similarly, Coolum police have worked out of a temporary demountable for 13 years and have been promised a more permanent, secure and appropriate facility. It’s a shame to see the project pushed back yet another year, with only $100,000 for initial planning being allocated.. You can watch my Budget speech on Facebook, or read it online. Cool schools for our region I was delighted to join the Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington at Coolum State High recently to talk about the LNP’s commitment to air-condition every state school. We are lucky to have some of the best schools on the coast right here in our local area, and it makes sense that students, teachers and support staff are equipped with the right tools to ensure quality outcomes. 8

Particularly in our climate, airconditioning is not a luxury, it is a basic resource that every student and hard-working teacher in our state schools deserves.

Celebrating local achievement I was privileged to meet local Peregian Springs resident John Crossley, pictured above left, and his wife Nancy recently. I dropped in to present John with a special certificate to acknowledge his 60 years of service as a JP. This is certainly a wonderful achievement. Many people aren’t aware that the role of a Justice of the Peace is a volunteer service, and a very important one. A huge thanks to all the local JPs in our community who volunteer their time to help others. To find your nearest JP service, visit about-justice-of-the-peace/search-foryour-nearest-jp-or-cdec Contacts: Email:, phone 5406 7900, or follow me on Facebook.

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Fed Govt update: Federal Member Ted O’Brien EXPORT AWARDS Peregian is proving to be a hotspot of entrepreneurs, not only with Atmail and other IT ventures earning the town the tag of “Silicon Beach” but the way in which locals are blazing trails in everything from music festivals to harnessing drone technology. I love the entrepreneurial spirit on the Sunshine Coast and believe we should celebrate the ideas and achievements of people thinking outside the square. The Federal Government also wants to recognise successful Australian products and services and has announced awards for Australian exporters. I am very keen to see another Sunshine Coast business follow in the footsteps of local IT firm Typefi and win an export award category. So if you run a business that exports overseas please enter at ENTREPRENEURIAL TALENTS Speaking of entrepreneurs, I really enjoyed visiting Peregian Beach College recently where I ran a session with students on how to turn their individual passions and talents into commercial ideas for start-up businesses. Within just 30 minutes, the students had identified half a dozen terrific ideas to solve real problems in the marketplace. As you may know, I was in business for more than 20 years before entering politics and much of that time was spent as a deal guy – negotiating large deals, managing mergers and acquisition, joint ventures, start-ups 10

and so forth – and I believe we need to equip the next generation with problem solving and entrepreneurship skills to be successful in tomorrow’s economy. Interestingly, there’s something about Peregian Springs that oozes talent in this regard. It was no surprise to see a Peregian school boy Eamon Kriz win last year’s Generation Innovation challenge, for example. Generation Innovation is an initiative that helps create young entrepreneurs on the Sunshine Coast. The GI Challenge is on again this year with ten business ventures being pursued by young locals including Peregian’s Cloey Capewell. Cloey’s idea is Free Expression, a platform connecting ethically created art with clients. If you’d like to follow Generation Innovation and Cloey’s progress, please visit And, by the way, Eamon is going great guns with his business In the Air which uses drones to film adventure sports. He was recently interviewed on ABC radio. Email:

Ed’s note:

IN THE AIR: Eamon Kriz’s business can be found at

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


School news

Coolum High all set for take off By Tim Robinson Deputy Principal of Initiatives Coolum State High School NEXT term, Coolum State High launches a Certificate III Aviation – Remote Pilot. To add to this, in 2019, the school will also be offering a program called Aerospace Studies, as part of the new Queensland senior syllabus. Why has the school decided to fly off on a new path? Will the courses take off? Bad puns aside, there are distinctly compelling reasons why these courses have the potential to offer incredible opportunities for our


Coolum and Peregian school leavers. In 2017, Boeing, the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners in the world, commissioned and published a report on the requirements of the aviation and aerospace industries for the next twenty years. The findings of the report caused the

School news airlines of the world to sit up and start planning. In essence, the report noted that there are currently around 240,000 commercial pilots in the world today and in 2036, the world will need a predicted 625,000 pilots. In this region, that equates to an increase of more than 40% above the current pilot numbers. When retirement of pilots is taken into consideration, it means the Asia-Pacific region needs to replace 90% of its current pilots as well as the additional 40%. That is a lot of pilots. In a bid to provide for this, QANTAS have launched a tender process, asking pilot training organisations to bid to train 500 pilots a year. The scheme is called ‘Zero to the Right Hand Seat’. It means that for the very first time, a school leaver will be able, within 18 months, to be the co-pilot of a commercial jetliner. If that hasn’t got you excited about the possibilities for our students, the final piece of the puzzle is that one of the region’s leading pilot training organisation is based in Maroochydore airport. Flight Options, has a $50 million facility, including two state of the art simulators and is a leading contender to fulfil some, if not all, of the QANTAS contract, as well as providing training for a number of other airlines. Coolum High has established a relationship with this company and will be able to provide access and real expert knowledge for students of the subjects. This very exciting development is the pathway to real opportunities, both in the air and on ground. Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Chappy’s Corner—with Mark Horsfall

Growth mindset vs Fixed mindset EXPERIENCE has taught me that one of the biggest contributors to people reaching their full potential is their mind. As a personal trainer, many clients employ my services after they have tried (to no avail) many diets and weight loss programs. All these attempts mean I have to change their mindset and beliefs first. If they never believe they can lose weight then I will have an uphill battle from the start. It is the same for students at school. If a student thinks they are no good at maths and never believes that they can do it, then they never will. William Boetcker quotes “Your success depends mainly upon what you think of yourself and whether you believe in yourself”. Over the next couple of issues, I will be exploring having a growth mindset. Let’s begin with what is a growth mindset verses a fixed mindset? Carol Dweck, a pyschcology professor at Stanford University says, “A growth mindset is where a person understands that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, good teaching and persistence.


“A person with a fixed mindset believes that their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits.” A fixed mindset avoids challenges, setbacks and failures whereas a growth mindset sees them as opportunities to learn and improve. A fixed mindset bases success on the talents and abilities you are born with. A growth mindset values effort and hard work and finds both rewarding. People with a growth mindset are prepared to stretch themselves and take risks enjoying the process of learning regardless of the outcome. They believe anyone can be good at anything because your abilities are entirely due to your actions. What are the stories your mind tells you? What are the things you believe about yourself? Your mindset will encourage or prevent change, discourage or allow new skills to blossom. What Mindset do you have?

Mark Horsfall School chaplain, Coolum State High

Peregian Springs News, July 2018



Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Local News

Doors open again for future AGMs RIDGES Body Corporates will once again be able to hold their meetings at the Rec Club facility in Peregian Springs after FKP wrote to committee members to reverse a previous decision banning the meetings from the centre. A letter, sighted by Peregian Springs News, and signed by Gary Kordic of FKP Residential Developments, says: “We refer to the previous letter where we denied access to the Recreational Facility for any Body Corporate Subsidiary or Principal Meetings due to the conduct displayed at these meetings. “We are now aware that the Police investigation into the alleged incident reported to them by a female attendee


at the cancelled AGM on 21 April 2017 has concluded and Police are highly doubtful the offence occurred and believe the report is unfounded. “In light of this we are now willing to allow all Body Corporate meetings to be held at the Recreation Facility provided: • The conduct and behaviour meets required standards • The Subsidiary Body Corporate meetings be limited to 30 attendees as per the Rec Club requirements • The Principal Body Corporate meetings be limited to 14 representatives as per the BCCM Order still in place.” Ed’s note– QPS spokesperson says the allegations were deemed unfounded on June 12, 2017

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Local Heart HAVANA NIGHTS MARKETS HAS CHANGED TIMES- NOW ON THE LAST FRIDAY NIGHT OF EACH MONTH ! Next Market– Friday 27 July 4.30pm to 8.30pm at the Recreation Fields car park (behind the Pool Café) Come join the fun at the new ongoing time to greet in the weekend with amazing Street Food, live entertainment, artisan stalls and friendly local vibe. The change to the new ongoing timeslot (being last Friday of each month) is to help the event avoid clashing with other “amazing local events”, Organisers said. MONTHLY SOCIAL NIGHT A fun, social all ages evening event is held each month at a local venue for locals (Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze included) to make new friends . This is not a business network event– it’s just purely social. For more information call Amanda on 0419 678 041 or see Facebook https:// events/1835515769834567/ PEREGIAN GOLF: Our local course and driving range is a public course open to all - beginners to advanced. PAR Bar and Purple Copper Austrian restaurant open to players and the public. See or for the latest news and information or call the pro shop to book (07) 5471 5400. PLAYGROUPS (during school terms) MAINLY MUSIC Tuesdays 9.30-10.30am during school term at the Salvation Army Meeting Rooms at 127 Greenoaks Drive, Coolum. $3 for one child, $5, per family. Incl morning tea. For more– call 5442 4218 (business hours) PEREGIAN STORYTIME Through games & stories little ones play their way to a love 20

of reading. Phone the Anglican Church of Noosa on 5449 8009 for more info. ABCD SCRAMBLE—singing and dancing playgroup. Thursdays 10-11.30am school terms. Anglican Church Coolum on Beach Rd. $3 for one child, $5 for 2 or more. Incl morning tea . Call Carol - 5446 5334. COOLUM BAPTIST CHURCH – Playgroup on Fridays 9.30-11.30am school term time Call Shauna for more 0414 864 714 GOVERNMENT REP CONTACTS Peregian Springs– Local Sunshine Coast Councillor Stephen Robinson (Division 9) Tel– 5441 8086 State (Ninderry) - Daniel Purdie (Liberal National Party) Tel- 5406 7900 Federal (Fairfax) Ted O’Brien (Liberal National Party) Tel- 5479 2800 Peregian Breeze— Local Stephen Robinson (Division 9) & State (Ninderry) Daniel Purdie—above Federal (Wide Bay) Llew O’Brien (Liberal National Party) Tel 1300 301 968 NEED A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE? Peregian Breeze, local Justice of the Peace (Qual) Peter Terrill is offering JP services to the local community. To inquire, call Peter on 0410 500 375.

STORIES OF HOPE: Kerrie Atherton, mental health and addictions counsellor, herself a survivor of addiction and abuse is joined by a team of empathetic community minded people for Stories of Hope. The next event is on at 7pm on July 31 at the Sands Tavern, Maroochydore, who sponsor the event. For information on speakers who will this month share their own sotories of struggle and hope see events/497787530652799/

Local Heart WINTER JAZZ– The Nambour Winter Jazz Festival has received over $8000 additional funding for 2018 from the Qld Govt Arts Showcase Program. Many locals are involved in this event on 21 July. See http:// for info LOCAL CHURCH CONTACTS: Our Local Churches run many small groups for religious and spiritual enrichment and also for socialising too for example, craft, playgroups, after school youth groups for older kids etc. Get in touch with your local Church and see what’s available for you. Coolum Beach Anglican Church -Corner of Perry St & Beach Rd Coolum Beach Tel – 0447 002 573 Or see Noosa Anglican Church- 5449 8009 and Sunshine Beach (Bicentennial Drv – opp the school) or Peregian Springs (in St Andrew’s , 40 Peregian Springs Dve) Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way, Coolum. 5446 1957 or St Peter’s Catholic Church (Stella Maris Parish) 28-32 Elizabeth St, Coolum Beach 5443 3488 / Coolum Christian Family Church 2 Arcoona Road (Cnr Coolum Yandina

Rd) , (it’s at Coolum Beach Christian College) or call 5446 1295. Coolum Uniting Church, Cnr Elizabeth St & Heathfield Rd, Coolum Beach or call 07 5446 1815 Salvation Army , Meeting Rooms 127, Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Warren or Denise 0400 797 480 / 0418 214 723. RSPCA FUNDRAISING SUCCESS The RSPCA have advised the Trivia Night on June 7 held at Purple Copper, (Peregian Golf course ) was a fantastic success and just over $1500 for the Noosa RSPCA Animal Care Centre. The RSPCA want to thank all who came and were involved for the event in support of Noosa RSPCA Animal Care Centre. PEREGIAN SPRINGS RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION – Are you concerned about local development or any community issues? Get in touch with the PSRA for more information and details on what the PSRA is investigation at the momentincluding local community issues and the latest activities re the Peregian Beach Surf Club and the Ridges Body Corporate. See psrainc or or email Secretary Mike Goss on

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Business profile—Coochie HydroGreen

Luke takes on his own franchise LOCAL lawn care provider Luke Kendall, pictured right, has taken a step up in the business world and taken ownership of a Coochie HydroGreen franchise for the Sunshine Coast. Luke, who was born in country NSW and grew up working on his family farm and other local farms around Wagga region in southern NSW, including a two year stint working in the vineyards at a winery in Griffith. He started out with Coochie HydroGreen in 2008 as an Area Manager, involved in customer care, sales, marketing, lawn care management, general spraying and building up the business. Luke said: “I moved to Sunshine Coast when offered a great


opportunity to work with a great family business in turf industry which gave me freedom of working outside and making people's lives easier with the Coochie products and programs”. “The great thing about Coochie is the products are only available through the company and they have a strong emphasis on organic-based nutrition. “Products like Ultimate NPK bio, our

Business profile—Coochie HydroGreen main fertiliser, supplies lawns with all the macro elements. Combined with Mega Minerals it delivers all the essential micro nutrients and biology lawns need to stay green and healthy year round. “The wetting agent / soil conditioner combo called Fusion B5 really helps to retain moisture in the sandier soils such as in Peregian area and conserves water — plus it also adds liquid compost (humas) into the lawns roots, feeding beneficial soil microbes which helps them build up in the soil to help control disease and pest in the lawn.” Coochie began in Canberra in 1989 as a Hydroseeding business where it started mixing seed, mulch and fertilisers in a Hydro-mulching tank and then spraying it onto the soil to grow lawns on site, rather than rolling out turf. The company expanded into Qld in

1994 and the lawn maintenance business, Coochie HydroGreen, grew from there. It is a weed, feed and grub control business that saves customers the trouble of buying, mixing and using any products themselves. Today Coochie has over 70 franchises in Australia and launched in Western Australia late last year. After managing the business for the company for many years, Coochie HydroGreen offered Luke the chance to own and manage his own franchise and he started this business effectively July 1, 2018. Luke and his family are very excited starting their own business and wish to thank all their customers located in the Peregian Springs and Northern Sunshine Coast region for their loyal support and help in growing the business, through using the service themselves and referring others to use Coochie on their lawns too.

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Business profile—Liquid Pool Care

Keep your pool in top condition IF any human could grow gills it would be Liquid Pool Care’s Paul Robinson. Water is his work and play and the Peregian Springs’ based business owner loves the challenge of creating and maintaining healthy, beautiful, pool and spa environments for people to enjoy. People might wonder why they would need pool care but Paul says it depends how much time you have to spend looking after the water and pool equipment yourself. “It’s an area you spend a lot of time in so there’s peace of mind in having a safe and clean environment.” Paul and wife Fiona moved to Peregian Springs almost a year ago and took over Liquid Pool and Spa Care having already had 10 years in


the commercial sector looking after Council and YMCA pools in New South Wales, including being active in Surf Lifesaving and running a swim school during that time. Paul says “pools are living, breathing things” and pool care is an all year round commitment with each pool being different due to a number of factors which can affect the quality of the water differently from time to time such as heating, proximity to trees dropping debris, quality of filtration and vacuum systems and the amount of use the pool gets and whether pets use the water also. Paul says maintaining your pool is like maintaining any other major asset in the home, such as the car. “When something goes wrong with

Business profile—Liquid Pool Care the car you can get a big shock ... regular servicing can save you money especially if you don’t look after it yourself. “Winter is not that long and the cost of getting a green pool back can far outweigh the cost of keeping on top of the maintenance.” In addition to pool and spa water maintenance, Liquid Pool Care offers equipment repairs, servicing and replacements for pumps, chlorinators, cleaners (such as Creepy Crawlies and robotic), hoses and CPR charts. It also offers pre-purchase inspections on pools and surrounds and help for new pool owners too with quick tips on basic pool care and how to use equipment. “We aim to give personal service and work to people’s individual needs.” When he’s not creating beautiful aquatic environments, Paul, a long

time surfer who once built a snowman on the beach before taking a surf as a youngster in England, loves catching waves and stand up paddle boarding. To find out more about how Liquid Pool Care can help you, phone Paul and Fiona Robinson on 1300 550 120 or email or see

Peregian Springs News, July 2018


Local News

Mobile best at 4G level here A NEW app, Sigmap, which aims to track and map mobile signal strengths across the country based on data gathered by the app’s users, has prompted a Peregian Springs News’ reader to raise concerns local coverage may not be able to keep up with our growing population. The reader sent a Sigmap screenshot of mobile signal coverage in Peregian Springs which showed many areas with no signal reported. Peregian Springs News sought a response from Telstra on the concerns and asked Ted O’Brien’s office if they could help. After contact from Mr O’Brien’s office, a Telstra spokesman sent a response saying the picture changed dramatically if you filtered the Sigmap by carriers and just chose Telstra. He sent through the results of the filtering, with the 4G coverage shot highlighted above.. “I would like to highlight that the SigMaps definition of what is Good

Peregian Springs News

(green) /Poor (yellow) /No Signal (red) is quite arbitrary and does not truly portray the actual performance the customer could perceive. For example in the range of No Signal for 4G, Telstra services can potentially still work at lower levels. And the level for Poor is well within Telstra’s expected good determination or KPI’s.” He said in the last 12 months local base stations have all been upgraded with 4GX. That 4G small cells were installed at the Peregian Springs Retirement Village on Gracemere Blvd in November and Peregian Beach Shopping Centre in April. He said street level coverage was expected to be useable throughout Peregian Breeze and noted: “There are no further projects planned to improve the coverage in the area at this point time.”

Inform know grow

Peregian Springs News thanks our readers and asks you to please show support for the businesses whose advertising dollars allow us the space to share your stories. ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT EDITION: Bookings & advertising art due by NOON, July 30. Phone: 0422 215 648. Email:

Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

Peregian Springs News - independently produced and published by Rebecca J Crockett T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 49865205676). Those making advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 Cth as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *No hand delivery in Sentosas or Pavilions occurs.


Peregian Springs News, July 2018



Growth Assets vs Defensive Assets AT its core, strategic asset allocation seeks to match the proportion of growth versus defensive assets with an investor’s risk profile, matching their return expectations and time horizon with their risk preferences. Assets which are considered to be lower risk and hence lower return, provide a high level of capital protection and are collectively known as defensive assets; cash, term deposits, government & corporate bonds, floating rate notes and hybrid securities. The more conservative an investor, the more likely they will want to have a higher exposure to defensive assets and the more liquid their portfolios will be, given the shorter time horizon of their investment strategy, but at the expense of the return they will earn on those assets. Growth assets tend to have higher returns than defensive assets over the longer term but come with more risk, or volatility, with the key asset class being equities and including both Australian and International equities.

These assets will provide a more aggressive investor with the higher returns they seek, although they may need to have a longer time horizon, such that any short term negative swings, such as a market correction, provides the time for them to recover. The information contained above is general in nature and you should seek professional advice for your particular circumstances. For further information, please speak to your Patersons Wealth Adviser.

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Peregian Springs News, July 2018


JULY 2018 Encouraging individuals, families, businesses and neighbourhoods to work together to strengthen and connect our communities for a safe and secure Queensland.

Coolum 10 Committee AREA COORDINATORS: Paula Lyall Leigh Boggis TREASURER: SECRETARY:


Bob Joubert Vivienne Collins

You can contact us at: or

Local Connect 8 spots per page: Price $40 for 1 spot, $75 for 2 spots in one edition (ex GST)

Peregian Springs News, July 2018



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