Peregian Springs News October 2020

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Peregian Springs News Inform know grow Volume 6. Issue 1

October 2020

REUNITED: (L to R) Bryce Knowland, Ethan Tournier, Deakyn Stedwell, Etie Ingram and Ariel Beasley were all smiles on October 5, just over five weeks after the boys’ quick thinking brought medical help to Ariel in the wake of a terrible roller skating accident.

Community spirit shines through Right place at the right time. It is a much said saying that proved correct when it came to getting help for Ariel Beasley after a freak roller skating accident that sent her face first into the footpath opposite Arcare on Ridgeview Drive, Peregian Springs, on September 19. Ariel, 12, remembers nothing of the accident which happened when she and her friend, Etie Ingram, were heading back down the hill toward the Rec Club after a trip to the shops for an iced tea as they enjoyed a pupil

free day off school together. For Ariel, one minute she was gathering speed, the next, she was in the back of an ambulance, covered in blood from a cut on her chin, scrapes on her arms and a sore mouth which she later found out was caused by a jaw that had been broken in three places. For those around her though the moments directly after the accident will be remembered forever. Etie remembers a “lovely lady Kate” who pulled over her car and came to help. Continued page 4

Peregian Springs News, October 2020

From the Ed’s desk: This month more than ever I’m so grateful to live here. Not because, through either luck or design or a combination of both, we’ve managed to be faring better re Covid, than other places and not because we’re having some beautiful weather, but because we have a community that helps each other. This month read about a group of quick acting young men who came to help a shocked and bleeding Ariel Beasley after she fell from her rollerskates in a freak accident on Ridgeview Drive. See page 1. We should be proud of these young people, who could have done nothing, but chose instead to be strong for others and step in where there was a need. Well done!

Peregian Springs News

Also this month, the time has come to cast our votes for the person we’d like to be our representative in State Parliament for the seat of Ninderry for the next four years. Details on how to vote early and the last minute pitches from our candidates so far are inside. See pages 6, 8 and 9. For the golfers among our readership the story on page 10 shows age is no barrier to success as we catch up with nine year old Ellianna MacRae who looks set to be a golfer to watch. She’s closing in on a handicap of 10 and achieved her first taste of the golfer’s holy grail of a hole in one four years ago at the tender age of five. As we head to the pointy end of the year when it comes to school, our regular columnist Mark Horsfall has some tips on teenagers. See page 32. Until Next Month…. Rebecca

Inform know grow

Peregian Springs News thanks our readers and asks you to please show support for the businesses whose advertising dollars allow us the space to share your stories. ADVERTISING DEADLINES FOR NEXT TWO EDITIONS: Edition Booking & Copy deadline Distributed from date November: October 26 Friday, November 6 December: November 23 Friday, December 4 Phone: 0413 988 333. Email: Copies are delivered to letterboxes in Peregian Springs* and Peregian Breeze without no junk mail signs, and bulk dropped at the Pool Café, and the shopping centre.

For Advertising cost and dimensions: Peregian Springs News - independently produced and published by Your Community Media Pty Ltd as trustee for G.E. Investment Trust, T/As Peregian Springs News (ABN 80 382 001 417). Those making advertising placement and/or supply copy material or editorial submissions to the publication undertake to ensure that all such material does not infringe the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 CTH as amended from time to time or other laws, regulations or statutes. Further to this, these persons agree to indemnify the publisher and/or its agents against any investigations, costs, claims and/or judgments. *No hand delivery in Sentosas or Pavilions occurs. ** Responsibility for election comment is taken by Rebecca Crockett, 117 The Avenue, Peregian Springs, Qld, 4573.


Local News

To trick or treat, that is the ?? If there’s one event that Peregian Springs has become somewhat famous for over time, it would be the annual fun that is Halloween. While there’s no doubt the event is still one that divides us along the lines of “irrelevant and not Australian” vs “a great chance to get out and about in the community” it is popular in the suburb and in Covid times the question has been asked - Should it? Would it? Go ahead in 2020. In response, Peregian Springs News asked the team at Queensland Health and a spokesperson returned with this response: “We’d like everyone to have a fun and safe Halloween. While we don’t know how things might change between now and October 31, we’d

like to remind all the monsters, ghouls and ghosties out there to stay up to date with the health directions, stay physically distanced and wash your hands, claws, tentacles, and so on, frequently and well. “Parents and carers should consider things like individually packaging treats for trick-or-treaters, washing hands well before preparing treats and in between handing them out, or using hand sanitiser.”

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local News - from page 1 From page 1 It was Kate who used Etie’s phone to call Ariel’s mum, Rachel, to let her know what had happened. Coolum High School Year 9 students Bryce, Ethan and Deakyn were rolling past on the other side of the road when it happened - about to split up and go their separate ways after a morning hanging out together. The boys saw the aftermath of the crash and had also spotted an ambulance at Arcare.They raced to get help and within minutes ambulance officers were on site treating Ariel and arranging to have her taken to Nambour Hospital. Etie’s Nanna, Angela McCaffrey, remembers Etie calling her in a state of panic, telling her she needed to come, there had been an accident. Angela had been at home with Etie’s


brother and they had raced down to help out, arriving to find that the boys had the scene under control. For Ariel’s Mum, Rachel, the call came from a stranger “Kate” using Etie’s phone. Rachel said at first she thought Etie must have been hurt as it was her phone number, but Kate had calmly and quietly filled her in on what had happened and let her know help was at hand. For Ariel, the accident meant a visit to Nambour Hospital for stitches to her chin - then a late night drive with her Mum to the Children’s Hospital in Brisbane where she stayed until Sunday for surgery to repair her jaw by inserting a plate and fitting heavy duty metal braces. Rachel said thankfully Ariel’s teeth were not badly damaged in the fall, the jaw was healing and the braces are

Community spirit alive and well expected to be off by the end of October. Etie’s mother, Louise, took to social media on the day after the accident to say thank you to those that had helped the girls at their time of need particularly the boys as they had moved on after Ariel was moved to the ambulance and no-one knew their names or who they were. The post sparked a flood of positive comments and led to Louise being in Looking up the hill at Ridgeview Drive touch with the boys and their families where the accident happened. and inviting them all over to her house last week so the girls and their families Louise said it was wonderful to know could say thank you in person. that Peregian Springs was a While not everyone could make it on community where people do look out the day, Ethan’s mum, Lisa, and for each other and will help others out Bryce’s mum, Kirsty, were there and in their time of need. both said they were very proud of their As for Ariel, for now she says the sons. roller skates that she got earlier this “I’m proud. I wouldn’t expect him to year for her birthday will not be going do anything different,” Lisa said. anywhere near her feet.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


State Election 2020 -

Start voting from October 19 When it comes to Queensland elections, 2020 is sure to go down in history as being slightly unusual to say the least. With the spectre of COVID-19 still in the air this election will include a longer postal voting period and a more comprehensive early voting period than normal in the lead up to election day on October 31 when there will be some 1300 polling booths open across the state from 8am to 6pm. For voters looking to submit their votes by post, the last day to apply for a postal vote is Friday, October 16 (either online at or by phoning 1300 881 665). Early voting booths will open in each State seat from Monday, October 19, with booths to be open 9am to 9pm Tuesdays and Thursdays and 9am to 6pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday every day until the election – and 9am to 5pm on Saturday, October 24. Don’t forget to bring your own pen or pencil. Electoral Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the ECQ is working to ensure Queensland electors have every opportunity to vote for their representative in the next Parliament. “Usually postal vote applications open with the issue of the writ, which begins the election period. “However, with COVID-19 still a factor, we anticipate strong interest in postal voting just as we saw in March’s local government elections where around 570,000 electors applied. “While electors can apply for a postal vote on the ECQ website or by phoning the ECQ’s call centre from Monday 14 September, we can’t mail the ballot papers until after candidate 6

nominations close in mid-October. “We remind electors who applied for a postal vote in March and want to postal vote in October, they need to apply again,” he said. The ECQ is also establishing special postal voting arrangements for residents of certain aged care facilities which would usually receive a mobile polling service as a ‘declared institution’. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and to protect vulnerable residents, the ECQ is unable to provide this service for this election. However, the ECQ will streamline the postal vote process for these facilities, to make sure it is easy for residents to vote by post if that is their preference. Mr Vidgen said electors can be assured ECQ is ready to deliver a COVID-safe State general election with its Statement of Intent outlining the election’s delivery principles. “To ensure voting in person can be

October 31 as streamlined as possible, we ask electors to ‘plan the way they’ll have their say’. “That means planning their vote, choosing where and when they’ll vote, staying 1.5 metres apart, using hand sanitiser and bringing their own pen or pencil. “The ECQ continues to take the advice of the Chief Health Officer in safely managing voting in Queensland. It’s important to note that due to everyone’s careful adherence to health advice during the March local government elections, there was no subsequent spike in COVID-19 infections,” he said. Final polling booth locations for Election Day will be released closer to the election. For more information see

Early voting Ninderry: Coolum Peregian RSL Sub Branch Monday, October 19: 9am to 6pm Tuesday, October 20: 9am to 9pm Wednesday, October 21: 9am to 6pm Thursday, October 22: 9am to 9pm Friday, October 23: 9am to 6pm Saturday, October 24: 9am to 5pm Monday, October 26: 9am to 6pm Tuesday, October 27: 9am to 9pm Wednesday,October 28: 9am to 6pm Thursday, October 29: 9am to 9pm Friday, October 30: 9am to 6pm Polling booths open 8am and close 6pm on Election Day - October 31 see

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


State Election 2020 -

Meet the candidates so far… As we go to print on October 6 for this month’s edition there’s still a chance new candidates may put their hand up to run for the seat of Ninderry - with nominations open until mid-October. In a bid to help our readers understand a bit about the candidates we know of so far we offered each candidate 300 words and a picture to “pitch” the reason you should vote for them come October 31. The responses we’ve received are reported in the following pages, in order of response. FRANK WEIJERS Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party “Frank Weijers is the candidate for Pauline Hansen’s One Nation party in the seat of Ninderry. He is a family man with a young family who owns a local business in Coolum. Previously Frank worked for many years in the medical industry throughout QLD, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. He has a thorough understanding of the corporate world, business world and is determined to bring his skills into the public sector, to get our economy back into the black. Frank chose to run in the election as he is tired of seeing the same broken promises and lack of understanding of what people really want. He is frustrated at the amount of money wasted at the expense of the public purse, the ongoing saga of political party politics and the utter lack of direction in general. QLD has a current eye watering debt of over $102,000,000,000. The interest alone is a staggering $2000,000,000; just think of how much infrastructure QLD could do this amount of money each year! Both of the major parties need to go, they are both out of touch with the reality of living in todays world. We need to help small business, farmers, families and retirees thrive 8

rather than starve. Frank wants to bring a common sense approach to the QLD parliament, wants to see politicians become more accountable for their actions and take more of an ownership approach to money spent. Please help Frank win the upcoming election! Your vote counts and we need the silent majority to stand up for what is right and get QLD moving forward.

DAN PURDIE Liberal National Party Queensland As the inaugural member for Ninderry, I am proud to have represented the communities of Peregian Springs and Peregian Breeze over the past three years. Before entering parliament, I was a police officer. My wife Andrea is a school teacher and we have two young daughters, Emelia and Chloe. They are a strong motivating force and part of the reason why I ran for Parliament, and why I am recontesting the seat. I want our kids to grow up in a society where they don't live in fear of being a victim of crime. I want them to enjoy our pristine environment, to surf and play at our stunning beaches, and to have all the opportunities they need, right here on the coast. To get a world-class education, gain

Ninderry Candidates meaningful employment and pursue a career, and start families of their own. With your support over the last three years, I’ve secured over $250 million in infrastructure upgrades, $23 million for local schools, more police and a new $2.7 million police station at Coolum. There’s also $1.1 million for a new pedestrian bridge at Eumundi, and over $1 million in grants and sponsorship for local community groups and sports clubs. Only a LNP Government will deliver a bold visionary plan to stimulate the economy, boost small business, secure retirement incomes, build infrastructure and create a generation of jobs for our kids and grandkids. We will get tough on crime and give our police the laws and resources they need to keep us safe. We’ll bust congestion in Coolum with a $30 million commitment to upgrade the road network to get you home sooner, and we’ll protect our pristine natural environment for future generations. A vote for me and the LNP will ensure our bold vision for Queensland can be delivered - to make our community the best place to get a job, to get ahead, and to raise a family.

MELINDA DODDS Labor Party Queensland With the election approaching, now is the time for the electors of Ninderry to ask of the candidates, “How can you assist me and my family?” First and foremost, my aim is to be a strong and caring voice for you in the re-elected Anastacia Palaszczuk government. A government that has stood up for the safety of all Queenslanders by resisting calls from

a number of quarters to prematurely open the borders. This is in stark contrast to our opposition who would have seen our state exposed to undue risks. Looking towards the southern states provides ample evidence of the impact of early border openings. We can’t afford four more years of empty promises. Now is the time to look towards a post pandemic state and what it means for our district. Like you, I want to see the best possible future for my children and yours. The re-elected Palaszczuk government needs a strong advocate for Ninderry in securing our fair share of the key areas of the recovery plan. We need to have access to the $51.8 billion in infrastructure spending over the next four years that will create thousands of good jobs and build a lasting legacy. We need to be part of the plan to rebuild Queensland’s manufacturing sector. We need to be able to take advantage of the $200 million small business support package and the plan to buy local. We live in a part of the world that visitors often describe as paradise. We are in the middle of the Sunshine Coast’s “Blue Heart” – the Maroochy River flood plain. I believe in sustainable jobs and environmental protection and I will strongly represent the views of the community to the Premier and government. My job as your representative will be to ensure future growth recognises the importance of environmental protection. ANDREA NEWLAND Informed Medical Options Party - did not respond in time. See

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local Profile - Ellianna MacRae

Love of golf brings early success Wandering down the front nine at Peregian Golf course with the MacRae family on a Friday afternoon it is easy to forget that two of the four players having a hit are under the age of 9. Despite having played 54 holes in the Under 15’s section of the Katherine Kirk Classic at Maroochy River earlier in the week, scoring 256 off the stick (84, 87, 85) and finishing 29th, 9-year-old Peregian Springs State School student Ellianna MacRae is full of energy and ready to hit, Friday afternoons are “fun” time in the training schedule Ellianna and her coach Dominic Azzopardi have developed - a chance to have a round with her brother Brody, 8, and a couple of her neighbours more than happy to make up the four. Dominic, who also coaches Australian golf star Lucas Herbert (who finished tied for 4th place in the Scottish Open last week), said the Friday session was about Ellianna coming out and having a relaxed round of golf to end the week. He said he tries to come along for a few holes when possible to check on her swing and catch up with the family - but it’s more of chance to let Ellianna just play the game and make her own choices on the way around. Ellianna’s golf journey started at the age of four when her Dad, David, noticed the children having great fun playing with a toy golfing set and decided to have a look at what lessons might be around for kids that age. He found a junior golf option for four and up at Maroochy River Golf Club and took them both along to have a hit. Ellianna loved it, Brody too, although he had his heart set on playing soccer like his Dad who played 10

semi-professional soccer in Scotland before the family moved to Australia. Ellianna’s already making a mark on the sport. She hit her first hole in one at the age of five (to give that context, Tiger Woods was six when he got his first) and has played in international tournaments, winning the US Kids Golf Aus tournament in 2018/19 and the Asia Pacific Age Division Championship in 2019. After last week’s tournament her handicap is likely to drop below 12.5. Ellianna, whose favourite club is her 56 degrees wedge, says when she’s not playing a round in a week, she will practise three or four times at least. “It’s fun, but you have to take it seriously too,” she said. Dominic said he saw this time in Ellianna’s career as being all about enjoying golf and setting a strong foundation of skills and a strong swing for the future - a future which he is confident will be a bright one.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


News Briefs

PARK UPGRADE UNDERWAY Work has begun to replace some play equipment and plant new trees at Peachtree Park in Peregian Springs. Sunshine Coast Council had allocated $15,000 towards the project in the budget set down in June. COVID ROADMAP UPDATE Queensland has now entered Stage 4 of the roadmap to recovery meaning we’re now allowed to stand to eat and drink at venues with COVID Safe plans, have up to 100 people at an outdoor event (with a COVID Safe Events Checklist in place), and open air stadiums are able to operate at 75% capacity with a COVID Safe Plan. On the home front, we are able to gather in groups of up to 30 people. If community transition rates remain


as low as they we may go into Stage 5 of the Recovery Plan on November 1 which would mean visitors and returned travellers from NSW could enter Queensland with a valid border declaration pass without having to complete mandatory quarantine. It would also increase gatherings at home to 40 people and allow up to 40 people to dance at a wedding (with a COVID Safe Plan. See for updates. MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS Mental Health Awareness Week falls from October 10-18 in Queensland and in NSW, ACT and Victoria the whole month is focused on the The team at Rotary Noosa Daybreak will be doing their bit to raise awareness and funding through a Hat Day Breakfast on October 8 to Lift the Lid on Mental Illness. Almost one in five Australians will experience a mental illness in a 12-month period and mental illnesses are the third leading cause of disability burden in Australia. To find out more about Queensland Mental Health Week and other programs available for people to access see the website information at

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local Entertainment - Diplomatic Relations

Live theatre making a comeback at Coolum Dust off your theatre clothes, grab a ticket and get ready to have a laugh when Coolum Theatre Players finally get the chance to deliver the farce and fun that is Diplomatic Relations. Originally scheduled to open on March 27 this year at the Coolum Civic Centre the production became a victim of the Covid-19 crisis and the social distancing rules that came with it. Coolum actor and musician Michael Broer said it had been a tough call at the time for the cast and crew just 10 days out from opening night - but the right one to make. Michael, who previously performed as the Killer Queen in CTP’s production of We Will Rock You, said he was enjoying the change of pace with his role in the new show as the bumbling Hamish Carruthers - the freewheeling husband to the Australian ambassador to the mythical country of Guaranguay. “I’m a complete idiot, caught in a web of lies of my own doing,” Michael said. “I’m frantic and kind of panicked for most of the play.” Michael said he had not heard of the play until he saw the script. “It’s a very English script, it’s a farce and it is quite funny.” For Michael, the show offers the hope of a bit of stage time. His other regular gig on the Coast, as bass player with the three piece band The Cumquats playing a regular gig at the 14

Coolum local Michael Broer plays Hamish Carruthers in the upcoming season of Diplomatic Relations. See

Alex Surf Club has also been on hold due to Covid. On the positive side though, he said he’d had more time to put into his study for a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Theatre and Performance) at the University of Sunshine Coast. Diplomatic Relations is a fast and funny farce written by Geoff Bamber and directed by Janet Marshall. It’s set in a post-revolutionary country somewhere in South America and centre on ambassador Miranda Carruthers as she tries to keep her husband’s dodgy dealings secret and deal with all manner of chaos. It opens on November 13, with evening shows on the 14th, 20th, 21st, and matinees on November 14 and 22. Tickets, $28 (adult), $25 (concession), $22 (members) available by phoning 5446 2500 or at

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local News

School sits atop the apple tree Peregian Springs State School has become one of 535 schools across 32 countries in the world to be granted Apple Distinguished School status for its use of technology to bolster learning. It is a coup for our local school it will be recognised for three years (2020 to 2022). The recognition comes with access to international Apple events and support aimed at assisting teachers and schools using Apple technology in innovative ways to support learning. Apple’s website for the program states: “Apple Distinguished School leaders, staff members and extended communities have a clear vision for how their technology-rich environments support learning goals. “School leaders have established elements for continuous innovation that include culture, team, capacity, community, finance and measurement. “Supporting their school’s vision is an ongoing process that requires thoughtful planning, practice and improvement along the way. “They use iPad and Mac products to inspire student creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. “And they cultivate environments in which students are excited and curious about learning.” Kylie Westlake, Peregian Springs State School Head of School for Curriculum and ICT said the selection for distinguished school status was a 16

real celebration of the work “done each and every school day at the school as they support and challenge all learners to reach quality”. “It is also a reflection of the school’s success as an innovative and compelling learning environment that engages students and provides tangible evidence of academic accomplishment.” Peregian Springs State School’s culture allows for teachers and students to problem solve, think deeply, and create - which they see as important ingredients for the inspiring use of technology. “The culture has been strategically designed to support best practice aligning with reliable research and challenging traditional pedagogies that can specifically impact on students’ learning. “Parents, students and teachers agree that the school has created an environment in which technology is truly used as a learning tool.”

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Police News with Snr Const Maria O’Brien

Expect to see extra traffic police For the month of September 2020, there have been 40 reportable police occurrences for the Peregian Springs suburb. This is not the number of jobs police have attended, this is only the number of reportable occurrences. • 31 of these occurrences are for traffic related offences, including drug driving and 2 x traffic crashes; • 6 of these are Domestic Violence occurrences; • 1 x steal from vehicle; and • 1 x wilful damage offence. Due to the high percentage of traffic related occurrences, police would like to remind motorists to follow the road


rules and remember the fatal five – speeding; drink/drug driving; fatigue; seat belt use; and driver distraction/ inattention. Residents will be noticing a higher volume of traffic police in the area, so please drive with care and caution. For emergencies - phone 000. Coolum Police - 5440 2777

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local News

Coast wins multicultural award A program designed to help migrants to the Sunshine Coast find employment has helped Sunshine Coast Council to take out an award in the 2020 National Awards for Local Government. Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien said more than 100 entries were received across nine award categories for this year’s awards. “These awards celebrate the hard work of our local governments in delivering targeted, quality, services to local communities,” Mr O’Brien said. “Recent migrants to the Sunshine Coast can face challenges in finding employment. “Council’s Migrant Work Ready Program helps them understand Australia’s work culture, overcome the challenges of not having locallyrecognised qualifications and provides networking opportunities.” Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said the award was 20

recognition of the need for programs such as the Migrant Work Ready Program. “Our Sunshine Coast is an increasingly diverse and welcoming community and our Council has always placed a high priority on promoting inclusion and valuing contributions that new residents add to the economic and social fabric of our region,” Mayor Jamieson said. “Receiving this national award for a program that is squarely focused on valuing inclusion and providing opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds to find a job in their new home really reinforces the aspiration we have set through our Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041 - that Together we Thrive”. As a category winner, Sunshine Coast Council is nw in the running for the 2020 National Award for Excellence in Local Government to be announced in November this year.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020



Peregian Springs News, October 2020


News Briefs CANBERRA CALLING Sunshine Coast travellers looking for a new destination to fly to from our local airport are in for a treat from October 23 with Alliance Airlines announcing a twice a week direct link to Canberra. It is set to deliver up to 1600 seats a month to the local tourism market. IT’S OFFICIALLY OPEN Coolum State High School played host to a suite of politicians on September 14 at the official opening of its newest building Wandama which means to rise, climb or be born in Gubbi Gubbi. The official opening honours went to Mr Chris Whiting, MP for Bancroft. The building contains science laboratories, design studios, fully equipped health rooms, flexible learning areas and general classrooms.


MELBOURNE CUP EVENTS While it seems a long way away, Melbourne Cup is really just around the corner. If you’re looking for an event to go to Pizzami Gourmet Pizza Bar is promoting a Melbourne Cup luncheon from Noon to 3.30pm on November 3. Phone 5471 2300. LAST BLOCKS FOR SALE Two blocks in Sentosa at $430,000 and $425,000 respectively, six blocks at The Address and a few at the Vistas. See

Local News

Cupcake Day to support RSPCA When it comes to annual fundraising events for a good cause, few are as sweet as the RSPCA’s Cupcake Day. This year, the official day is October 26, although any day in October works just fine for anyone willing to host a party and help the RSPCA to fund their work in the months ahead. The official RSPCA website for the event - notes that Cupcake Day “isn’t just limited to cupcakes, by the way. Feel free to get creative and put your baking skills to the test. We’re expecting to see your most decadent cookies, brownies, trifles, pies and slices — you name it!” For Cupcake Day 2020 the RSPCA has provided a wide range of information on how to host events

online and to encourage supporters to back your efforts via your personal fundraising page online. Money raised goes towards keeping the doors open on shelters and RSPCA inspectors on the road.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Councillor Maria Suarez—Division 9 SHADE SAIL

I’m pleased to advise that Peregian Breeze playground will receive a shade sail before the end of the financial year as I’ve been able to successfully secure funding for this upgrade. The playground equipment is dark and gets too hot to touch during the summer months making the playground unusable. It will be great for families to be able to use the playground all year long.

winding road. In an attempt to provide a safe off road pedestrian environment and to minimise vegetation impacts, this two metre wide pathway extension is currently being considered for the douthern side of Havana Street West, within the road reserve. A number of existing verge gardens and driveways will be affected and we would like to hear from the residents on this road as well as the students and community members who use the overpass to get to the coast. Please send your feedback to and quote the reference number H9519. Thank-you to those who have already taken the time to have their say.



I’ve also had a number of discussions with council staff about how to progress the initial steps required to design and construct a community centre at Peregian Springs. I’m looking forward to discussing this with Peregian Family and Friends and residents in the near future.


Coolum High School and parents highlighted the safety issue for students along Havana Road West, Peregian Springs. Feedback is required for the construction of a missing section of the pathway between Brushbox Way and the Sunshine Motorway to give pedestrians and cyclists a safe alternative to sharing the road with vehicles on what is a narrow and 26

2020 has been a strange year. Through all of the hurdles COVID-19 has placed on our community we continue to see many incredible acts of ingenuity, selflessness and giving. If you know someone in our community, or a community group or organisation making a difference to our Sunshine Coast, help them to achieve the recognition they deserve by nominating them for one of the 2021 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards. You can nominate online via council’s website. Nominations close on 16 November, 2020. Cheers, Cr. Maria Suarez Division 9 – Sunshine Coast Council Phone 5475 9810 or email

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Ninderry update: State Member Dan Purdie

FUNDS COMMITTED FOR NEW MULTISPORTS FIELDS AT COOLUM STATE HIGH I was proud to announce recently that an LNP Government will invest $350,000 to fast track the development of new multipurpose sports fields at Coolum State High School. The new $8million facility located at Coolum High, currently in design phase, will feature two senior AFL ovals, a senior cricket oval, 12 netball hard courts, a multi-use clubhouse, 150 car parks and an access road. With the Coolum Sports Complex at capacity, we are in desperate need for additional facilities, and for the past three years, I have been working with Council, Coolum State High and our local AFL and cricket clubs to progress plans for new sports fields to help take the pressure off our existing facilities. This funding will help fast-track the detailed designs so that work can start sooner on what will be a first class sports facility that will benefit not only the students of Coolum High, but also the wider community.

SUNCOAST JUNIOR MOTORCYCLE CLUB INC – NOISE COMPLAINTS In recent months, a number of residents have contacted me in relation to the noise being generated from the Suncoast Junior Motorcycle Club. I have since met with some of these residents to discuss their concerns, and have also raised the matter with Council. The Club currently has a lease with the Department of State Development, however, the lease, which expires in December 2023, doesn’t regulate hours of use. These conditions are set and managed by Council, as the relevant 28


planning authority, and it’s Council that is responsible for investigating and responding to noise complaints. Although the Club has been located at their current site for approximately 20 years, I am aware Council has been working for the past few years to try and relocate it to a more suitable location. This work is apparently progressing, however they are yet to find suitable land. I appreciate that until this happens, the noise issues will need to be managed, and I will continue to work closely with the divisional councillor, Cr Suarez, to ensure residents concerns are considered, and that Council’s relocation efforts are prioritised. Noise complaints can be reported to Council by phoning 5409 3215.

MOBILE OFFICE I am hosting my next Mobile Office in Peregian Springs on Wednesday 14 October, at the corner of Ridgeview Drive and Peregian Springs Drive. I’ll be there from 8am, and from 4.00pm in the afternoon, so please pop drop by if you have any local issues or concerns you would like to discuss.

PREPOLL Prepolling starts on Monday 19 October. The Ninderry prepoll centre will be located at the Coolum Peregian RSL Club, on David Low Way. For more information, including times, give me a call on 5406 7900 or email KEEP IN TOUCH To talk to myself and the team phone 5406 7900 or drop by the office at 11 Heathfield Rd, Coolum Beach. Email * Written & authorised by Daniel Purdie, 11 Heathfield Rd, Coolum Beach.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Fairfax update:

Federal Member Ted O’Brien


It was wonderful to have the Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management, Trevor Evans, visit us on the Sunshine Coast and open the Wallum Wildlife Workshop at Yaroomba (pictured right with Ted O’Brien). Coolum and North Shore Coast Care is running a series of workshops educating the public about our native flora and fauna and how we can help protect our unique coastal environment. The workshops have been made possible thanks to a $20,000 Federal Government grant from the Communities Environment Program.


It was great to have such a good turnout at the September Jobs Forum co-hosted with State Member for Ninderry Dan Purdie. We received some great feedback about the JobKeeper payment and how it has been a lifeline for many businesses. We also heard from businesses who were struggling to find employees and how the changes to JobSeeker from 24 September will help.


On 28 September the first extension of the JobKeeper payment came into effect with the rate now rolled back slightly. The Tier 1 rate is for eligible employees who worked 80 hours or more in the four weeks before either 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020. The Tier 1 JobKeeper payment is $1,200 per fortnight. The Tier 2 rate applies for other eligible employees and works out at 30

$750 per fortnight. Businesses previously ineligible may now be able to apply. Please find more information and relevant links in the News section of my website


There’s great news for Men’s and Women’s Sheds. Last year the Morrison Government committed to providing Sheds with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and that legislation has now come into effect. It means people can claim an income tax deduction when donating $2 or more to their local Shed, incentivising people to donate more. I’d encourage both the Coolum Men’s Shed and Coolum Women’s Shed to take advantage of this great opportunity by registering DGR status with the ATO. GET IN TOUCH As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any Federal issues, concerns or enquiries on 5479 2800; or send them through via email at or visit us at 17 Southern Drive, Maroochydore.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Chappy’s Corner with Mark Horsfall

Stay engaged with teenagers One of the biggest challenges I hear from parents is the feeling that their teenager is pulling away from them. While this can be very hard for parents, it is perfectly normal behaviour for a teenager who searching for their identity and becoming their own person. Here are four strategies you can use to help maintain a positive relationship with your teen: Actively listen. Teens appreciate being listened to and understood. They probably won’t want your advice but instead you can help guide them on their own path of discovery. Try to understand their perspective even though you may not agree. Be non-judgemental in conversations, paying attention to your tone and emotions. The timing of your conversations is everything (not on the way out the door). Talk about your life and feelings. Have open and honest conversations. Parents often don’t discuss their own thoughts, concerns or challenges with their teenagers. They watch you and the world around them closely so model positive behaviour. Show them how to have good relationships, deal with challenges, resolve conflict and manage emotions as this will lead to a better relationship with your teen.

Have Fun. Make time in the business of life to do activities with your teen that they find 32

fun and do it regularly. You will be surprised by the conversations you have with them while having some fun. You may even find that they want to spend more time with you. If you have multiple kids, then have one-on-one time to offset sibling rivalry. Give positive encouragement. Sincere positive praise and feedback will go a long way to reinforcing your relationship. It can be easy to focus on negative behaviour however studies show positive encouragement should be given 5 times more often than negative criticism. Giving feedback on what they did right not just “that’s wonderful”, will help them learn and develop. Even if your teenager is being challenging try to reinforce positive behaviour, attitudes and actions. This does not mean an absence of consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Be encouraged that you can maintain a positive relationship with your child through the teenage years with some intentional effort and hard work. Till next time, happy thinking! Mark Horsfall - Chaplain Coolum State High School

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local Heart LOCAL CHURCH CONTACTS (limits to onsite services during COVID. Contact Churches directly for information on resuming “in person” services) Coolum Beach Anglican Church -Cnr Perry St & Beach Rd Coolum Beach 0447 002 573 email Or see Coolum Beach Baptist Church 1912 David Low Way -call 5446 1957 or Coolum Christian Family Church 2 Arcoona Rd (Coolum Beach Christian College) or call 5446 1295. Coolum Uniting Church, Cnr Elizabeth St & Heathfield Rd ,Coolum or 5446 1815 C3 Church Noosa, Noosaville State School Hall, 75 Beckmans Rd, Noosaville. See Noosa Anglican Church- 5449 8009 & Sunshine Beach (Bicentennial Drv) or Peregian Springs (in St Andrew’s , 40 Peregian Springs Dve) Noosa Coastal Uniting Church 5440 5433 & 0421 540 347 Noosa: 6 Grasstree Court, Sunrise Beach at 8am Sundays: Tewantin: cnr Poinciana Ave & Werin St. at 10am Sundays St Peter’s Catholic Church 28-32 Elizabeth St, Coolum 5443 3488 Salvation Army, Meeting Rooms 127, Greenoaks Drive Coolum. Call Warren or Denise 0400 797 480 / 0418 214 723. 34

Wave Church, The Cavern Theatre. Sunshine Beach State High. Ph: 5353 5152. Weekly events for youth, children and adults. GOVERNMENT REP CONTACTS Peregian Springs– Local Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez, office (Division 9) Tel – 5441 8086 State (Ninderry) - Dan Purdie (Liberal National Party) Tel - 5406 7900 Federal (Fairfax) Ted O’Brien (Liberal member of Liberal National Party) Tel- 5479 2800 Peregian Breeze— Local Maria Suarez (Division 9) State (Ninderry) Dan Purdie – see above Federal (Wide Bay) Llew O’Brien (National member of the LNP) Tel - 1300 301 968

PEREGIAN FAMILY & FRIENDS COMMUNITY GROUP., or peregianfamilyandfriends. Phone 0400 053 444. EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Youturn Youth Support at 12-14 Ernest St, Tewantin, is offering emergency relief assistance to people experiencing financial hardship from COVID-19. Help includes food vouchers, emergency payments and temporary accommodation. Phone 5442 or email QUOTA COOLUM BEACH meet at the Lions Den (next to Fire Station) Russell St Coolum Beach at 2pm on the third Tuesday of the month. We are a community group raising funds for disadvantaged women and children and the hearing impaired. Contact: or Sandra 0427 889 750.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Travel - close to home

Relax and enjoy life at Imbil

If you’re looking for a great spot to camp for a couple of nights that’s less than an hour’s drive from home and caters for the whole family, including your fur baby then Imbil and its surrounds could be worth adding to your list. As a family of four with girls aged 8 and 12 and our trusty dog Ted we’ve found ourselves staying at Imbil Camping Retreat (previously Island Reach Camping Resort) several times over the past few years. While the venue has changed hands a few times in recent years, its infrastructure continues to improve. The facilities are well maintained and there’s a good mix of powered and non-powered sites and a solid camp kitchen too. For those still keen to stay a little close to mod cons such as a pub, bakery, and small supermarket, the park’s location on the edge of town makes it easy to park the car when you arrive and then just take a walk each morning for the coffee and shopping run. The 12 acre park is on the banks of 36

Yabba Creek, providing a great opportunity for kayaking, swimming or even stand up paddle boarding. Rentals available on site too. If you take the bikes, or feel like a decent walk the recently opened Mary Valley Rail Trail from Imbil to Brooloo offers a 10km return trip along a flat, coarse gravel path. The tip is to take your toilet stop and stock up on water at Imbil as there’s no other options along the way, or at Brooloo. Imbil itself has a modern children’s playground and public amenities on the main street. It also has popular bakery, the Rattler Café, Railway Hotel, a petrol station, butcher, laundromat, fishing shop, chemist and a post office and markets every Sunday. The town is in the Mary Valley about 50km west of the Bruce Highway at Cooroy. Nearby attractions include Borumba Dam for fishing and boating (about 6km away from the town) and Imbil State Forest Park, which also has camping and day use areas to explore. See


FOR THE ANSWERS, TURN TO PAGE 38 Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local News

ClimateWatch a first for Coast Encouraging local families to get outdoors and become ‘citizen scientists’ is a key goal for the Sunshine Coast’s first ‘ClimateWatch Trail’ which has been funded by the Federal Government and unveiled just in time for the school holidays. Visitors can download a free app called ClimateWatch to their smart phone and can upload photos or observations about Federal Member for Fairfax Ted O’Brien with Division 9 flora and fauna they Sunshine Coast Councillor Maria Suarez at the ClimateWatch see as they walk Trail in Maroochydore. through the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary. Information collected will contribute to The Maroochy Wetlands project is the the national Atlas of Living Australia Sunshine Coast’s first ClimateWatch database and also used by Sunshine Trail and will complement the 86 Coast Council to inform its already established ClimateWatch trails management plans and climate across Australia. adaption strategies.



Peregian Springs News, October 2020


The Avenue Maroochydore

Advertising feature

Pet friendly and close to it all Work is now complete on the final stage of The Avenue Maroochydore retirement community and it offers something very special for over-60s. The Avenue’s spacious, independent -living two or three-bedroom apartments are finished to a high standard in the heart of Maroochydore. The pet-friendly village is a short stroll from the bustling Sunshine Plaza shopping, commercial and entertainment hub, and 200m from the water. Surrounded by like-minded, friendly neighbours our residents thrive in the secure, vibrant community where they can be as involved and as social as they desire. Community facilities include a heated pool, gym, function room, central courtyard with barbecue and entertaining areas, billiards room, wine room, residents’ gardens, craft space and library. The Avenue is developed and operated by southeast Queensland retirement provider Aura Holdings. Directors Tim Russell and Mark Taylor have more than 35 years’ combined experience in the retirement living sector. Aura’s philosophy is to stand out from the large, corporate retirement village providers by being open, fair and putting residents’ needs first. The directors have an ‘open door’ policy for all their residents. “As a small local company we listen to our residents and proudly maintain personal relationships with our residents,’’ Mr Russell says. “Not only is The Avenue in such a stunning, convenient location but it’s a fabulous place to call home, designed for liveability with facilities to enjoy a 40

relaxed, engaged lifestyle. “Our residents are able to age in place in their own maintenance-free apartment with tailored in-home support services available if needed. “This is retirement living for the 21st century. “None of our residents aspire to live in a nursing home. They are setting a plan in place to live in a supportive community with discreet design features to help them continue living the independent lives they desire.’’ Stage two apartments at The Avenue at 32 Baden Powell Street, Maroochydore, are selling fast. Call (07) 5479 6482 or email to inspect our beautifully-finished apartments and stunning community facilities.

Peregian Springs News, October 2020


Local Connect

Buy this space for $44 inc gst a month Email


Local Connect

Buy this space for $44 inc gst a month Email

Buy this space for $44 inc gst a month Email

Peregian Springs News, October 2020



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