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E-Governance and Trust
e-governance and trust In an age of declining political trust across the world, e-governance can provide an opportunity for a new type of participation. The Internet provides the educated citizenry who are dissatisfied with the representative form of government with an opportunity to participate (Geiselhart 2004). E-governance can reduce the levels of red tape and the unnecessary layers of hierarchy and reduce the opportunities for bribery by reducing the opportunities for such misconduct. E-governance can also help to promote political trust among the public and may mark a turning point in terms of rebuilding the relationship through increased openness and transparency. Through their involvement in decision-making process, citizens will feel empowered to make a difference. Welch et al. (2003) asserted the association between transparency and citizens’ trust through emphasizing a positive relationship between transparency and government use of the Internet. Similarly, Welch’s (2005) survey finds a positive connection between government website usage and satisfaction from e-government. Simultaneously, the survey finds a positive connection between satisfaction about e-government and trust in government. However, if the opportunities for participation are blocked, this will have a negative impact on political trust. E-governance provides a continuous process for the participation of the people in government services. In a globalized world, there is a need for continuous evaluation of the government because the traditional method of participation like the election and voting with a long interval may not be an effective tool of participation. In most countries, an election takes place every four or five years. In many developing countries, the election is characterized by fraud, manipulation, and intimidation, threatening free and fair elections. So, the election may not represent people’s opinions. E-governance can provide an outlet for expressing their anger or opinion. If people are given the opportunity to express their honest opinion, this might increase trust in government. However, to build the trust, governments must build the confidence of the people to express their honest opinion without any fear or intimidation. In the absence of the creation of an environment of free expression, efforts to build trust will prove fruitless.