A CATALOG OF MODERN Coins of Afghanistan
Series II: Habibullah Khan
By: Hakim Hamidi & Masoud Hamidi Second Edition
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Table of Contents
Habibullah Khan
Gold Coins
Silver Coins
Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins !
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
Habibullah Khan 1319-1337 / 1901-1919 Habibullah Khan (1872 - 1919) was the Amir of Afghanistan from 1901 until 1919. He was born in Tashkent, the eldest son of Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, whom he succeeded by right of primogeniture in October 1901. Habibullah Khan succeeded peacefully to the throne. At the time, British India was deeply involved in Afghan affairs, and Habibullah agreed to accept British guidance in foreign affairs in return for an annual subsidy of 160,000. He was able to retain full control of his country's internal affairs and maintaining satisfactory relations with British India, he introduced needed reforms in Afghanistan and steered his country on a moderate political course. Although made secure in his position as ruler by virtue of support from the army which was created by his father, Habibullah was not as domineering as Abdul Rahman. Consequently, the influence of religious leaders as well as that of Mahmoud Beg Tarzi, a cousin of the king, increased during his reign. Tarzi, a highly educated, well-traveled poet and journalist, founded an Afghan nationalist newspaper with Abdul Rahman's agreement, and until 1919 he used the newspaper as a platform for rebutting clerical criticism of Western-influenced changes in government and society, for espousing full Afghan independence, and for other reforms. Tarzi's passionate Afghan nationalism influenced a future generation of Asian reformers. Habibullah was a relatively secular, reform-minded ruler who attempted to modernize his country. During his reign he worked to bring Western medicine and other technology to Afghanistan. In 1904, Habibullah founded the Habibia school as well as a military academy. He also published a weekly paper in Persian called Siraj-ulAkhbar, which agitated for reform. He instituted various legal reforms and repealed many of the harshest criminal penalties. Other reforms included the dismantling of the repressive internal intelligence organization that had been put in place by his father. With the outbreak of World War I (1914-18), there was widespread support in Afghanistan of Ottoman Turkey against the British, Habibullah, was able to maintain a policy of non-involvement throughout the war. He did, however, entertain a Turko-German mission in Kabul in 1915. He meanwhile moved to open Afghanistan to technology from the West, founding schools, a military academy, and a weekly newspaper. He also introduced electricity, automobiles, and Western medical methods to the country. After much procrastination, he won an agreement from the Central Powers for a huge payment and arms provision in exchange for attacking British India. But the crafty Afghan ruler clearly viewed the war as an opportunity to play one side off against the
C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan other, for he also offered the British to resist a Central Powers from an attack on India in exchange for an end to British control of Afghan foreign policy. On February 20, 1919, Habibullah, the ruler of Afghanistan, was assassinated on a hunting trip. He had not declared a succession, but left his third son, Amanullah, in charge in Kabul. Because Amanullah controlled both the national treasury and the army, he was well situated to seize power. Army support allowed Amanullah to suppress other claims and imprison those relatives who would not swear loyalty to him. Within a few months, the new amir had gained the allegiance of most tribal leaders and established control over the cities.
C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan Gold Coins
H12a: 1 Tilla in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Star at top. Amir's title and name in center. Date ! H11a: 1 Tilla in Toughra
below, wheat and wreath around. A different writing style.
Obv-! Legend divided by star above toughra, wreath surrounds.
Rev-! Flags flank mosque above weapons, wreath surrounds.
Rev-! Flags flank mosque above weapons, wreath surrounds. !
HQ1325, 4.6gm, 21mm.Unknown Type
HQ1319, 4.6gm, 21mm. KM-836.1
H12b: 1 Tilla in Naskh H11b: 1 Tilla in Toughra
Obv-! Star at top. Amir's title and name in center date below, wheat and wreath around.
Obv-! “Afghanistan” at top. Star below “n” of Afghanistan. wheat wreath around.
Rev-! Hexagram star below Mihrab. A small star at top; Mihrab in sunburst in center wreath of wheat
Rev-! Star at top. Mihrab in center. Crossed sword and
cannon below. Date around wreath of wheat. !
HQ1320, 4.6gm, 21mm. KM-836.2
HQ1335 ~ HA1337, 4.6gm, 21mm. KM-856
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan Silver Coins
H13a: AR 5 Rupee in Toughra -i- Khorasonee H13c: AR 5 Rupee in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Star above king’s name. Title in toughra. Date at Obv-! 3 stars above king’s name. Title in nast’aleeq, date
lower left of tourghra. Value “Punj-Rupya” at bot-
in lower left of “Seraj”. Legend in center within a
tom of toughra.
dotted circle. Rev-! Star at top. Mihrab in center. Crossed sword and Rev-! Afghanistan above mosque. Crossed cannons be-
cannon below.
low mosque. A star between Afghanistan. Wreath !
HQ1319, 46gm, 46.5mm. KM-834
of wheat around in outer circle of dots. !
HQ1322 ~ HQ1324 & HQ1326 ~ Q1329, 46.1gm, 46.8mm. KM-843
H13d: AR 5 Rupee in Nasta-leeq
H13b: AR 5 Rupee in Toughra -i- Khorasonee
Obv-! 3 stars above king’s name. Title in nast’aleeq, date
Obv-! Star above king’s name. Title in toughra. Date split,
in lower left. Two large diacrticial marks in “Seraj”
13 left and 19 right below tourghra. Value “Punj-
Legend in center within a dotted circle.
Rupya” at bottom of toughra.
Rev-! “Afghanistan” above mosque. Crossed cannons
Rev-! Star at top. Mihrab in center. Crossed sword and
below mosque. A star between Afghanistan.
cannon below. !
Wreath of wheat around in outer circle of dots.
HQ1319, 46gm, 46.5mm. KM-834.1
HQ1324, HQ1327, 46.1gm, 46.8mm
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H14a: AR Rupee in Toughra
H14c: AR Rupee in Toughra
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above toughra, legend in center,
Obv-! A large star above toughra, date below toughra. No
“Amir Habibullah”. Date below toughra, wreath of
numerical 1 to the right of 9 of date.
wheat around.
Rev-! Mosque in wreath. A lstar above the inverted
Rev-! Mosque with a rounded dome topped by inverted
pyramid dome. Crossed cannons and swords un-
pyramid block in center. A star above the inverted
derneath mosque.
pyramid dome. Crossed cannons and swords un-
derneath mosque. !
HQ1319, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-832
HQ1319, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-833.2
H14d: AR Rupee in Toughra -i- Khorasonee Obv-! Afghanistan divided by a star. Date and Amir’s
H14b: AR Rupee in Toughra
title below toughra. Obv- Star above toughra. Numerical 1 over 9 of date, Rev-! Mosque with a rounded dome topped by inverted
below toughra. Wreath of wheat around.
pyramid block in center. A star above the inverted Rev- ! Mosque with a rounded dome topped by inverted
pyramid dome. Crossed cannons and swords un-
pyramid block in center. A star above the inverted
derneath mosque.
pyramid dome. Crossed cannons and swords un!
derneath mosque. !
HQ1320, HQ1325, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-839
HQ1319, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-832.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H14e: AR Rupee in Toughra
4H14g: AR Rupee in Toughra -i- Khorasonee
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above toughra, legend in center,
Obv-! “Afghanistan” divided by a star. Date in loop of tougrha.
“Amir Habibullah”. Date below toughra, wreath of wheat around. A star added at upper right of
Rev-! Mosque in wreath, star above a small dome.
Crossed cannons and swords underneath mosque. HQ1321, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-840.2
Rev-! Mosque with a rounded dome topped by inverted pyramid block in center. A star above the inverted pyramid dome. Crossed cannons and swords underneath mosque. !
HQ1320, HQ1325, 9.2gm, 25mm
H14h: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date divided 13 to left of Seraj and 21 over “Seen” of “Seraj”. Rev- “Afghanistan” above mosque and a new style to
H14f: AR Rupee in Toughra -i- Khorasonee
mosque. Smaller crossed cannons and swords underneath.
Obv-! “Afghanistan” divided by a star. Date below toughra.
HQ1321, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-842.1a
Rev-! Mosque in wreath, star above a small dome. Crossed cannons and swords underneath mosque. !
HQ1320, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-840.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H14i: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
H14j: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date split, 13 to
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Large date spilt; 2 of date over “Jeem” of “Seraj” and “Alef” of “Seraj
left and 22 divided by “Alef” of “Seraj”.
“ between numerals 22.
Rev- “Afghanistan” above mosque and a new style to
Rev-! “Afghanistan” above mosque. Crossed cannons
mosque. Crossed cannons underneath. !
and swords below.
HQ1321 ~ HQ1328, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-842.2a !
HQ1322, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-842.1b
H14i-1: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
H14k: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date split, 13 to
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date split, 13 to
left and 28 (larger font of no. 8) divided by “Alef”
left and 22 divided by “Alef” of “Seraj”. 13 of date
of “Seraj”.
in larger style. Rev- “Afghanistan” above mosque and a new style to
Rev-! “Afghanistan” above mosque and a new style to
mosque. Crossed cannons underneath.
mosque. Only smaller crossed cannons underneath. !
HQ1328, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-842.2a
HQ1318, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-842.2b
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H14L: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
H14n: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Both sides dated.
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date split, 13 left
Date split, 13 left and 28 separated by “Alef” of
and 29 right of “Jeem” of “Seraj”, large date.
“Seraj”. Rev- “Afghanistan” above mosque, crossed cannons unRev-! 2 stars divided by a new style of dome of mosque.
Date below, crossed cannons underneath. Large !
dome mosque. !
HQ1329, 9.2gm. K-842.2c
HQ1328, 9.3gm, 25mm . KM-847.1
H14o: AR Rupee in Naskh Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, legend in Naskh
H14m: AR Rupee in Nasta-leeq
character, date below. Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Both sides dated. Rev-! Value “Yak Rupya” above. Mosque within sun-
Date split, 132 left and 8 separated by “Jeem” of
burst. Crossed cannons below.
“Seraj”. !
Rev-! 2 stars divided by a new style of dome of mosque.
HQ1329 ~HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-853.1a
Date below, crossed cannons underneath. Large dome mosque. !
HQ1328, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-847.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H14o.1: AR Rupee in Naskh
H14o.3: AR Rupee in Naskh
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, date below. Small
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, date below. (ç) to
tulip right of date.
right of date.
Rev- Value “Yak Rupya” rupee above. Mosque within
Rev-! One rupee above. Mosque within sunburst, crossed
sunburst, crossed cannons below. !
cannons below.
HQ1333, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-853.1
H14o.2: AR Rupee in Naskh
H14p: AR Rupee in Naskh
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, date below. (√)
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, date below.
right of date.
Rev-! Value “Yak Rupya” above. Mosque within sun-
Rev-! Value “Yak Rupya” above. Mosque within sun-
burst, crossed cannons below. Smaller characters.
burst, crossed cannons below. !
HQ1333, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-853.1.d
HQ1330, HQ1331, HQ1333, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-853.2
HQ1333, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-853.1c
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H15b: AR 1/2 Rupee in Toughra -i- Khorasonee H14q: AR Rupee in Naskh
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above toughra. Slanted date at upper right of toughra.
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, date below.
Rev-! Split date between “Qiran” value, above. Mosque
Rev-! Value “Yak Rupya” above. Mosque within sun-
in wreath. Crossed cannons and swords under-
burst, star of Solomon below mosque.
neath mosque. !
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-853.3 !
H15a: AR 1/2 Rupee in Toughra
H15c: AR 1/2 Rupee in Nasta-leeq
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above toughra. Legend in center,
Obv-! Star above legend. Date divided, 13 left and 23
date below toughra.
right below legend.
Rev-! Split date between Qiran value, above. Mosque in
Rev-! Split date between “Qiran” value, above. Mosque
wreath. Crossed cannons and swords underneath
in wreath. Crossed cannons and swords under-
mosque. !
HQ1321, 4.5gm, 19mm. KM-841
neath mosque.
HQ1320, HQ1321, 4.5gm, 19mm. KM-838.1
HQ1323, HQ1324 & HQ1326, 4.6gm, 19mm. KM-844.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H15d: AR 1/2 Rupee in Toughra
H15f: AR 1/2 Rupee in Naskh
Obv-! Afghanistan above toughra. Date below. Star at
Obv-! Star above legend, date below.
upper right of toughra.
Rev-! Vlaue “Qiran” above, mosque within sunburst.
Rev-! Split date between “Qiran” value, above. Mosque
Crossed cannons below
in wreath. Crossed cannons and swords under-
neath mosque. !
HQ1329, HQ1333 ~ HQ1335, HQ1337, 4.7gm, 20mm. KM-852
HQ1325, 4.65gm, 19mm. KM-838
H15g: AR 1/2 Rupee in Naskh H15e: AR 1/2 Rupee in Nasta-leeq
Obv-! Star above legend, date below.
Obv-! Star above legend. Date divided, 13 left and 26
Rev-! Mosque within sunburst. A star of Solomon below,
right below legend.
all within wreath.
Rev-! Split date between “Qiran” value, above. Mosque
in wreath. Crossed cannons and swords under-
HQ1335, 4.7gm, 20mm. KM-864
neath mosque. Date, HQ1326 or HQ1329 instead of HQ1320. !
HQ1326, HQ1329, 4.6gm, 19mm
H16a: AR Abbasi in Toughra Obv-! “Afghanistan” at top. Legend in toughra center, date below toughra. Rev-! “Yak abbasi” below mosque. !
HQ1320, 3.11gm, 165.mm. KM-837
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H17a: AR Sanar in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date left of “Jeem H16b.2: AR Abbasi in Nasta-leeq
“ below title.
Obv- Star above king’s legend. Date divided 132 left and
Rev-! Value “Sanari” above mosque. Crossed cannons
the last digit right of jeem.
and swords below mosque.
Rev-! “Yak abbasi” below mosque. !
HQ1326, HQ1328, 1.55gm, 13mm. KM-846.1
HQ1324, HQ1326, HQ1328, HQ1329, 3.11gm, 16.5mm. KM-845.
H17b: AR Sanar in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Star above king’s name and title. Date below title, 132 left and 6 right of Jeem below inscription. H16c: AR Abbasi in Naskh
Rev- Sanar above mosque. Crossed and swords below mosque.
Obv-! Star above king’s name and title, date below legend.
HQ1326, HQ1329, 1.55gm, 13mm. KM-846.2
Rev-! “Abbasi” above, mosque within sunburst. Crossed cannons below mosque. !
HQ1333 ~ HQ1335, HQ1337, 3.11gm, 16.5mm. KM-851 H17c: AR Sanar in Naskh Obv-! Date below King’s name and title. Rev-! “Sanar” above, mosque in sunburst. Crossed cannons below. !
HQ1329 ~ HQ1331, HQ1333, HQ1335, HQ1337, 1.6gm, 13mm. KM-850.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan
H17d: AR Sanar, in Naskh Obv-! Date below King’s name and title. Rev-! “Sana” above, mosque in sunburst. Crossed cannons below. Different style in “Senair” lettering. !
HQ1335, HQ1337, 1.6gm, 13mm. KM-850
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Habibullah Khan Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins
H18d: AE Pasia in Naskh Obv-! Name and title of Amir in center, date below.
H18a: Brass Pasia, HQ1329
Rev-! Mosque in sunburst, paisa below. Large flan. !
HQ1336, 4.6gm, 19mm, KM-855
H18b: Brass Pasia in Naskh Obv-! Name and title of Amir in center, date below.
H18e: AE &Brass Pasia in Naskh
Rev-! Mosque in sunburst, paisa below. !
Obv-! Name and title of Amir in center, date below.
HQ1329, HQ1331, HQ1332, HQ1334, 6gm, 21mm.
Rev-! Mosque in sunburst in circle, paisa below. Smaller
flan. !
HQ1336, HQ1337, 2.8gm, 19mm. KM-854
H18c: AE Pasia in Naskh Obv-! Name and title of Amir in center, date below. Rev-! Mosque in sunburst, paisa below. !
HQ1329, 4.6gm, 21mm. KM-849.2
C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m