A CATALOG OF MODERN Coins of Afghanistan
Series III: Amir Amanullah Khan
By: Hakim Hamidi & Masoud Hamidi Second Edition
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Table of Contents
Amir Amanullah Khan
Gold Coins
Silver Coins
Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins !
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
Amir Amanullah Khan 1337-1348 / 1919-1929
On February 20, 1919, Habibullah Khan was assassinated on a hunting trip. He had not declared a succession, but left his third son, Amanullah, in charge in Kabul. Because Amanullah controlled both the national treasury and the army, he was well situated to seize power. Army support allowed Amanullah to suppress other claims and imprison those relatives who would not swear loyalty to him. Within a few months, the new Amir had gained the allegiance of most tribal leaders and established control over the cities. Amanullah's ten years of reign initiated a period of dramatic change in Afghanistan in both foreign and domestic politics. Starting in May 1919 when he won complete independence in the month-long Third Anglo-Afghan War with Britain, Amanullah altered foreign policy in his new relations with external powers and transformed domestic politics with his social, political, and economic reforms. Although his reign ended abruptly, he achieved some notable successes, and his efforts failed as much due to the centripetal forces of tribal Afghanistan and the machinations of Russia and Britain as to any political folly on his part. He was crowned in Kabul over the prior claims of his uncle Nasrullah Khan, whom he denounced as a usurper and an accomplice in the murder of his father. King Amanullah (he assumed the title of king in 1926) was an ardent reformer and contemporary of like-minded rulers, Muhammad Reza in Iran and Kemal Ataturk in Turkey. He demanded a revision of the Anglo-Afghan agreements concluded by Amir Abdur Rahman Khan which left Britain in charge of Afghanistan's foreign relations in exchange for protection from unprovoked Russian aggression and a subsidy in money and military materiel. King Amanullah became a national hero and turned his attention to reforming and modernizing his country. He established diplomatic and commercial relations with major European and Asian states, founded schools in which French, German, and English were the major languages of education, and promulgated a constitution which guaranteed the personal freedom and equal rights of all Afghans. He built a new capital, named Darul Aman (Dar al-Aman – Abode of Peace), which include a monumental parliament and other government buildings as well as villas of prominent Afghans. Social reforms included a new dress code which permitted women in Kabul to go unveiled and encouraged officials to wear Western dress. Modernization proved costly for Afghanistan and was resented by the traditional elements of Afghan society. His policy was to convert Afghanistan into a stable and prosperous kingdom on modern railway lines, and highway system, adapting the best of western practice, but cautiously, to Afghan conditions. C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan In May 1921, the Afghans and the Soviets signed a Treaty of Friendship, Afghanistan’s first international agreement since gaining full independence in 1919. The Soviets provided Amanullah with aid in the form of cash, technology, and military equipment. Despite this, Amanullah grew increasingly disillusioned with the Soviets, especially as he witnessed the widening oppression of his fellow Muslims across the border. Amanullah’s domestic reforms were no less dramatic than his foreign policy initiatives, but those reforms could not match his achievement of complete, lasting independence. Mahmoud Beg Tarzi, Amanullah’s fatherin-law, encouraged the monarch’s interest in social and political reform but urged that it be gradually built upon the basis of a strong army and central government, as had occurred in Turkey under Kemal Atatürk. Amanullah, however, was unwilling to put off implementing his changes. The political and judicial reforms Amanullah proposed were equally radical for the time and included the creation of Afghanistan’s first constitution (in 1923), the guarantee of civil rights (first by decree and later constitutionally), national registration and identity cards for the citizenry, the establishment of a legislative assembly, a court system to enforce new secular penal, civil, and commercial codes, prohibition of blood money, and abolition of subsidies and privileges for tribal chiefs and the royal family. Conventional wisdom holds that the tribal revolt that overthrew Amanullah grew out of opposition to his reform program, although those people most affected by his reforms were urban dwellers not universally opposed to his policies, rather than the tribes. Nevertheless, the king had managed to alienate religious leaders and army members. The unraveling began, however, when Shinwari Pashtun tribesmen revolted in Jalalabad in November 1928. When tribal forces advanced on the capital, many of the king’s troops deserted. Amanullah faced another threat as well: in addition to the Pashtun tribes, forces led by a Tajik tribesman were moving toward Kabul from the north. In January 1929, Amanullah abdicated the throne to his oldest brother, Inayatullah Khan, who ruled for only three days before escaping into exile in India. Amanullah’s efforts to recover power by leading a small, ill-equipped force toward Kabul failed. The deposed king crossed the border into India and went into exile in Italy.
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan Gold Coins
Rev- Value 5 at top. Mihrab within a sun-burst. Crossed swords below Mihrab, all within wheat and wreaths. !
HS1299, 23.0gm, 34mm. KM-890
H19a: 5 Amaniya in Toughra-i-Rumi Obv-! Value 5 at top. Amir's name in center. “Al ghazi” at right of toughra. Date below toughra, all with H20: 2-1/2 Amaniya in Toughra
wheat and wreath. Rev-! “Amaniya” at top. Mihrab within a sun-burst.
Obv-! Value 2-1/2 Amani at top. Amir's name in center.
Crossed swords below Mihrab, all within wheat
“Al ghazi” at right of toughra; date below Toughra.
and wreaths. !
Rev-! Regnal year "9" at bottom of Mihrab. Wheat and Wreath around, Mihrab in center.
HS1299, 23.0gm, 33.5mm. KM-889 !
HS1306, 15.0gm, 29.5mm. KM914
H21: 2 Amaniya in Toughra H19b: 5 Amaniya in Toughra-i-Rumi
Obv-! Value 2 at top. Amir's name in the center. “Al ghazi” right of Toughra. Date below toughra, all
Obv- Star at top. Amir's name in center. “Al ghazi” at
within wheat and wreath.
right of toughra. Date below toughra, all with wheat and wreath.
Rev- “Amaniya” at top. Mihrab within sun-burst. Crossed swords below Mihrab, all within wreath of wheat around. !
HS1299 ~ HS1303, 9.14gm, 24mm. KM888
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H23a: 1 Tilla in Suls
H22: 2 Tilla Suls, HS1298
Obv- A star at top. Amir's name in the center. Date below
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” at top. Amir's name in the center. Date
Amir’ name. Wheat and wreath around.
underneath toughra, wreath of wheat around.
Rev- Mihrab in a circular sun-burst center. Crossed
Rev-! Value 2 at top. Mihrab within a circular sunburst,
swords below Mihrab. A star above, wreath of
wreath of wheat around. !
wheat around.
HS1298, 9.22gm, 23mm. KM879
HS1337, 4.6gm, 21mm. K-868.1
H23b: 1 Tilla Suls
H22a: 1-1/2 Tilla in Suls
Obv- A star at top. Amir's name in the center. Date below
Obv-! Amir's name in the center. Date underneath
Amir’s name. Wheat and wreath around.
toughra, wreath of wheat around.
Rev- Mihrab in a circular sun-burst center. Six pointed
Rev-! Legends around the outer circle. Mihrab within a
star below Mihrab. A star above, wreath of wheat
circular sunburst, wreath of wheat around. !
HS1337, 7.0gm
HS1337, 4.6gm, 21mm. KM-868.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H24: 1 Amanyia in Toughra-i-Rumi
H25a: 1 Amanyia in Toughra
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Amir's name in center,
Obv-! Value 1 Amani around the upper part. Amir's name
date below Toughra.
in the center. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Date (smaller date) below tourgra, wreath of wheat
Rev-! Mihrab within a sunburst in center. "Amaniya" at
top. Crossed swords below Mihrab, wreath of wheat around. !
Rev- Miharab in center. Seven years of reign below toughra. Wreath of wheat around.
HS1299, 6.0gm, 22.5mm. KM-887 !
HS1304, 6.0gm, 23mm. KM-912
H25: 1 Amanyia in Toughra H26: 1/2 Amaniya in Toughra-i-Rumi
Obv-! Value 1 Amani around the upper part. Amir's name in the center. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra, date be-
Obv-! Value (half) at top. Amir's name in the center, date
low tourgra, wreath of wheat around.
below tourghra
Rev-! Miharab in center. Seven years of reign below
Rev-! Mihrab within sunburst in center. “Amaniya” at
toughra. Wreath of wheat around. !
top. Crossed swords below Mihrab, wheat of wreath around.
HS1304 ~ HS1306, 6.0gm, 23mm. KM-912 !
HS1299, 2.3gm, 16mm. KM-866
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H26.1: AR 1/2 Amani in Toughra
H27a: 1/2 Amani in Toughra
Obv-! Value “Neem” above toughra. “Al ghazi” to the
Obv- Value 1/2 Amani around the upper part. Amir's
right, date below toughra.
name in the center. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra.
Rev-! “Amania” at top. Mosque within sunburst.
Date below toughra, wreath of wheat around.
Crossed swords with hilts down. !
Rev- Miharab in center. Seven years of reign below
HS1299, Silver pattern for gold
Toughra. Wreath of wheat around. “Kandi”writing on the left. !
HS1304. Not listed in KM
H27: 1/2 Amani in Toughra Obv-! Value 1/2 Amani around the upper part. Amir's name in the center. Al-ghazi right of toughra. Date below tourgra, wreath of wheat around. Rev-! Miharab in center. Seven years of reign below Toughra. Wreath of wheat around. !
HS1304 ~ HS1306, 2.3gm, 18mm. KM91
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan Silver Coins
H28c: AR 2-1/2 Rupee in Toughra Obv-! Star above toughra, “Al-ghazi” at right, date below. H28a: AR 2-1/2 Rupee in Toughra
Wheat and wreaths around.
Obv-! Star above toughra, “Al-ghazi” at right, date below.
Rev-! 2-1/2 rupee above mosque within sunburst. The
Wheat and wreaths around.
value in a relatively larger character and additional conjunctions are designed over it. Wheat and
Rev-! 2-1/2 rupee above mosque within sunburst. More
wreaths around almost reaching the value 2-1/2.
diacritical marks above value. Wheat and wreaths around, but not quite reaching the value 2-1/2. !
HS1298 ~ HS1300, 23.2gm, 34mm. KM-878.3
HS1298 ~ HA1301, 23.2gm, 34mm. KM-878.1
H29a: AR 2-1/2 Afghani in Toughra H28b: AR 2-1/2 Rupee in Toughra Obv-! 2-1/2 Afghani above toughra. “Al-ghazi” right of Obv- Star above toughra, “Al-ghazi” at right, date below.
toughra, Amir’s name in center, date below
Wheat and wreaths around.
toughra. All within wheat wreaths.
Rev- 2-1/2 rupee above mosque within sunburst. The
Rev-! Regnal year 9 below mosque. Type with smaller
value in a relatively larger letters and no conjunc-
tions over it. Wheat and wreaths around, but not !
quite reaching the value (2-1/2). !
HS1305, HS1306, 25.1gm, 38.5mm. KM-913.1
HS1298 ~ HS1300, 23.2gm, 34mm. KM-878.2 C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H30b: AR 1 Rupee in Suls Obv-! Star above Amir’s name, Date below, 2 dots diH29b: AR 2-1/2 Afghani in Toughra
rectly above 7 of date. Two additional diacritical
Obv- 2-1/2 Afghani above toughra. ”Al-ghazi” right of
marks left of “n” of Aman. Date completely below Amir, a dash right of date.
toughra, Amir’s name in center, date below toughra, the last number of date in a larger style.
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
All within wheat wreaths.
Crossed sabres with hilts up below mosque.
Rev- Regnal year 8 below mosque. The last number of
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.2
date in a larger style. !
HS1305, HS1306, 25.1gm, 38.5mm. KM-913.2
4H30c: AR 1 Rupee in Suls Obv-! Star above Amir’s name. Date below, 2 dots diH30a: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
rectly above 37 of date. Two additional diacritical
Obv- Star above Amir’s name. Date below, 2 dots directly
marks left of “n” of Aman. 1 of date below “n” of Aman, a dash right of date.
above 3 of date. No diacritical mark left of “n”, a dash below “m”of Amir.
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst. Crossed sabres with hilts up below mosque.
Rev- “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst. Crossed sabres with hilts down below mosque. !
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.3
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H30d: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
H30f: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! Star above Amir’s name, Date below, 2 dots di-
Obv-! Star above Amir’s name, Date below, 2 dots di-
rectly above 7 of date. Two large additional dia-
rectly above 3 and 7 of date. Two additional dia-
critical marks left of “n” of Aman. Date completely
critical marks left of ”n” of Aman. Date completely
below Amir, a dash right of date. 1 diacritical mark
below Amir, a dash right of date.
right of date. Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst. Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
Hexagram star below mosque.
Crossed sabres with hilts up below mosque. !
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.6
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.4
H30g: AR 1 Rupee in Suls H30e: AR 1 Rupee in Suls Obv-! Star above Amir’s name, Date below, 2 dots diObv- Star above Amir’s name, Date below, 2 dots directly
rectly above 7 of date. Two additional diacritical
above 7 of date. Two large additional diacritical
marks left of “n” of Aman. Date completely below
marks left of “n” of Aman. Date completely below
Amir, letter “Alef” right of date.
Amir, 1 diacritical mark right of date. Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst. Obv- “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
Hexagram star below mosque.
Crossed cannons below mosque. ! !
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.7
HQ1337, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-867.5
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H30h: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
H30j: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above Amir’s name, date below. Two
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above Amir’s name. Date below in
large diacritical marks left of “n” of Aman.
large characters. Two large diacritical marks left of “n” of Aman.
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst. Crossed sabers with hilts down below mosque. !
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst. Crossed sabers with hilts up below mosque.
HS1298, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-877.1 !
HS1298, 9.2gm., 25mm. KM-877.3
H30i: AR 1 Rupee in Suls H30k: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above Amir’s name, date below. No diacritical marks left of “n” of Aman.
Obv-! “Al ghazi” above Amir’s name. Date below in small characters. Two large diacritical marks left of
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
“n” of Aman.
Crossed sabers with hilts up below mosque. !
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
HS1298, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-877.2
Crossed sabers with hilts up below mosque. !
HS1298, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-877.4
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H30L: AR 1 Rupee in Suls
H31: AR 1 Rupee in Toughra
Obv-! “Al ghazi” above Amir’s name. Date below, 2 dots
Obv-! Star at top. Date below toughra, “Al-ghazi” right of
to the right of date. Date in small characters. No
diacritical marks left of “n” of Aman.
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” above. Mosque within sunburst.
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
Crossed swords with hilts down.
Crossed sabers with hilts up below mosque. !
HS1299, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-877.5
HS1299 ~ HS1303, 9.2gm, 27mm. KM-855
H30m: AR 1 Rupee in Suls H32a: AR 1 Afghani in Toughra Obv-! “Al ghazi” above Amir’s name. Date below, 2 dots to the right of date and a dash to the right of 9 of
Obv- Value at top. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s
date. Date in small characters. A diacritical marks
name in center, date below tourghra. All within
below “n” of Aman.
wheat wreaths. Rev- Regnal year 7 below mosque. Type with smaller
Rev-! “Yak Rupya” at top. Mosque in a circular sunburst.
Crossed sabers with hilts up below mosque. !
HS1299, 9.2gm, 25mm. KM-877.6
HS1304 ~ HS1306, 10.0gm, 29mm. KM-910.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H32b: AR 1 Afghani in Toughra
H32d: AR 1 Afghani in Toughra
Obv-! Value at top. “Al ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s
Obv- Value at top. Al-ghazi right of toughra. Amir’s
name in center, date below tourghra. All within
name in center, date below tourghra. All within
wheat wreaths.
wheat wreaths. Rev-! Regnal year 9 below mosque. Banner with lines,
Rev-! Regnal year 7 below mosque. Type with larger reg-
the mosque in 3 dimensional format.
nal date and folded banner. !
HS1304, HS1305, 10.0gm, 29mm. KM-910.2
HS1306, 10.0gm, 29mm. KM-901.4
H33a: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
H32c: AR 1Afghani in Toughra
below script. A diacritical mark at the bottom and a comma at the left of letter “n”, a dash below “m” of
Obv-! Value at top. “Al ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s
name in center, date below tourghra. All within wheat wreaths.
Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts down at
Rev-! Regnal year 7 below mosque. Type with large reg-
bottom of mosque.
nal date. Unfolded flag banner with lines. !
HS1304, 10.0gm, 29mm. KM-901.3
HQ1337, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-865.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H33b: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
H33d: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
below script. Two diacritical marks at the bottom of
below script. 3 diacritical marks at the bottom of
letter “n”, dash below “m” of Amir.
letter “n”, a dash below “m” of Amir. Letter “m”right of date.
Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
Rev- Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts up at
sunburst center. Crossed cannons below mosque.
bottom of mosque. !
HQ1337, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-865.2
HQ1337, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-865.4
H33c: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
H33e: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
below script. 3 diacritical marks at the bottom of
below script. 2 diacritical marks at the bottom of
letter “n”, a dash below “m” of Amir.
letter “n”, no dash below “m” of Amir.
Rev- Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
Rev- Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts up at
sunburst center. Crossed cannons below mosque.
bottom of mosque. !
HQ1337, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-865.5
HQ1337, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-865.3
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H33f: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
H33h: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
Obv-! “Al ghazi” above. Amir’s name in center, date be-
below script. 2 diacritical marks at the bottom of
low below script. 2 diacritical marks at the bottom
letter “n”, a dash below “m” of Amir. “Shamsi” left
of letter “n”, a dash below “m” of Amir. “Shamsi“
of date.
left of date.
Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts down
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts up below
below mosque.
HQ1298, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-875.1
HS1298, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-875.3
H33g: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
H33i: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
Obv-! A star above. Amir’s name in center, date below
Obv-! “Al ghazi” above. Amir’s name in center. Date be-
below script. 2 diacritical marks at the bottom of
low below script. (x) mark at the bottom of letter
letter “n”, a dash below “m” of Amir. “Shamsi” left
“n”, no dash below “m” of Amir. No “Shamsi” left
of date.
of date.
Rev- Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts up below
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts up below
HQ1298, 4.4gm, 20mm. MK-875.2
HS1299, HS1300, 4.4gm. KM-875.4
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H33j: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
H34: AR 1/2 Rupee in Toughra
Obv-! “Al ghazi” above. Amir’s name in center, date be-
Obv-! Star at top, date below toughra, “Al-ghazi” right of toughra.
low below script. No (x) mark at the bottom of letter “n”, no dash below “m” of Amir. No “Shamsi
Rev-! Value”Neem Rupya” above. Mosque within sun-
“left of date.
burst. Crossed swords with hilts down.
Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular
sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts down
HS1304 ~ HS1307, 4.7gm. KM-894
below mosque. !
HS1299, 4.4gm. KM-875.5
H34a: AR 1/2 Billion in Toughra Obv-! Star at top, date below toughra, “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. H33k: AR 1/2 Rupee in Suls
Rev-! Value “NeemRupya” above. Mosque within sunburst. Crossed swords with hilts down.
Obv-! “Al ghazi” above. Amir’s name in center within circle, date below legend. 2 diacritical marks at the
HS1301, 4.7gm. KM-894.1
bottom of letter “n”, a dash below “m” of Amir. Rev-! Value “Neem Rupya” above. Mosque in circular sunburst center. Crossed sabres with hilts down below mosque. !
HS1337, 4.6gm. KM-866
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H35a: AR 1/2 Afghani in Toughra
H35c: AR 1/2 Afghani in Toughra
Obv-! Value at top. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s
Obv- Value at top. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s
name in center, large date below tourghra. All
name in center, small date below tourghra. All
within wheat wreaths.
within wheat wreaths.
Rev-! Small regnal year 7 below mosque. Banner with
Rev-! Large regnal year 9 below mosque. Banner with
lines, the mosque in 3 dimensional format. Berries
lines, the mosque in 3 dimensional format. No Ber-
on wreath.
ries on wreath.
HS1304, 5.0gm. KM-909.1
HS1305, HS1306, 5.0gm. KM-909.3
H35d: AR 1/2 Afghani in Toughra H35b: AR 1/2 Afghani in Toughra
Obv- Value at top. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s name in center, large date below tourghra. All
Obv-! Value at top. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Amir’s
within wheat wreaths.
name in center, small date below tourghra. All within wheat wreaths.
Rev-! Date below mosque. Banner with lines, the mosque in 3 dimensional format. Berries on wreath.
Rev-! Large regnal year 7 below mosque. Banner with lines, the mosque in 3 dimensional format. Berries
on wreath. !
HS1307, 5.0gm. KM-909.4
HS1304, 5.0gm. KM-909.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H36c: AR 20 Pul in Toughra
H36a: AR 20 Pul in Toughra
Obv-! Afghanistan above. “Al-ghazi” at right, legend in
Obv-! Afghanistan above. “Al-ghazi” at right, legend in
center, no date below Amir’s name; 2 dots above
center, date below Amir’s name. All within a circle.
date. All within a circle.
Rev-! Value “Pul” above. Large numeral 20 within circle
Rev-! Value “Pul” above. Large numeral 20 within circle
in center. Wheat wreaths around. !
in center. Wheat wreaths around.
HS1304, 2.0gm. KM-908.1 !
2.0gm. KM-908.3
H36b: AR 20 Pul in Toughra Obv-! Afghanistan above. “Al-ghazi” at right, legend in center, date below Amir’s name; 2 dots above date. All within a circle. Rev-! Value “Pul” above. Large numeral 20 within circle in center. Wheat wreaths around. !
HS1304, 2.0gm. KM-908.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins
H38a: Billon Abbasi in Toughra H37a: Billlon Abbasi in Suls
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” at right. Legend in center, date below
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” at top. Nine stars around in outer circle.
toughra. All surrounded by eight stars around.
Date and legend within a circle in center.
Rev-! “Abbasi” above. Mosque in a circular sunburst in
Rev-! “Abbasi” above mosque in a circular sunburst.
center. All surrounded by 7 stars.
Crossed sabres below mosque. All surrounded in
an outer circle. !
HS1299 ~ HS1303, KM-883.1
HS1298, 4.4gm, 20mm. KM-874
H38b: AE Abbasi in Toughra, HS1302 Obv- “Al-ghazi” at right. Legend in center, date below
H37b: Billlon Abbasi in Suls
toughra. All surrounded by eight stars around. Obv-! “Al-ghazi” at top. Nine stars around in outer circle. Rev-! “Abbasi” above. Mosque in a circular sunburst in
Date and legend within a circle in center.
center. All surrounded by 7 stars. Rev-! “Abbasi” above mosque in a circular sunburst. !
Crossed sabres below mosque. All surrounded in
HS1302, 6.5gm, 25mm. KM-833.2
an outer circle. !
HS1299, 7.8gm, 25mm. KM-882
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H39a.1: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
H39a.3: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv-! Thick type. Date and legend within a circle sur-
Obv-! Thick type. Date and legend within a circle sur-
rounded by 12 stars.
rounded by 12 stars.
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
the center. All surrounded by 11 stars. Crossed sa-
the center. All surrounded by 11 stars. Crossed sa-
bres hilts up below mosque.
bres hilts up below mosque.
HQ1337, 11.2gm, 32.5mm, 1.7mm thickness. KM-863.1
HQ1337, 9.6gm, 31.1mm, 1.5mm thickness. KM-863.3
H39a.2: AE 3 Shahi in Suls H39a.4: AE 3 Shahi in Suls Obv-! Thick type. Date and legend within a circle surObv-! Thin type. Date and legend within a circle sur-
rounded by 12 stars
rounded by 12 stars. Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
the center. All surrounded by 11 stars. Crossed sa-
the center. All surrounded by 11 stars. Without
bres hilts down below mosque.
crossed sabres. !
HQ1337, 10.5gm, 32.5gm, 1.7mm thickness. KM-863.2 !
HQ1337, 9.0gm, 32.5mm, 1.5mm thickness. KM-863.4
C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H39a.5: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
H39c.1: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv-! Thin type. Large date and legend within a circle
Obv- “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle surrounded by 10 stars. Date over Shamsi.
surrounded by 12 stars. Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
the center. All surrounded by 11 stars. Without
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
crossed sabres.
bres hilts up below mosque.
HQ1337, 9.0gm, 32.5gm, 1.5mm thickness. KM-863.5
HS1298, 9.1gm, 36mm, 1.6mm. KM-871.1
H39b: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
4H39c.2: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle surrounded by 12
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle surrounded by 10 stars. Date 1298 over Shamsi.
stars. Date over Shamsi. Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
the center. All surrounded by 11 stars. Crossed sa-
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
bres hilts up below mosque.
bres hilts down below mosque.
HS1298, 9.0gm, 32.7mm. KM-869
HS1298, 11.9gm, 32.5mm, 1.7mm thickness. KM-871.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H39c.3 AE 3 Shahi in Suls
H39d.1: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv- “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle surrounded by 10 stars. Without Shamsi script be-
surrounded by 10 stars. Date over Shamsi.
low date. An X mark left of date.
Rev- Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
Obv-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
bres hilts up below mosque. !
bres hilts up below mosque.
HS1298, 9.1gm, 32.2mm, 1.6mm thickness. KM-871.3 !
HS1298, 7.7gm, 32.2mm, 1.2mm, thick type. KM-881.1
H39c.4: AE 3 Shahi in Suls H39d.2: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
surrounded by 10 stars. Date over Shamsi.
surrounded by 10 stars. Without Shamsi script be-
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
low date. An X mark left of date.
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
Obv-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
bres hilts up below mosque. !
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
HS1298, 8.2gm, 32.6mm, 1.2mm (thin type). KM-871.4
bres hilts up below mosque. !
HS1298 ~ HS1300, 4.5gm, 32.2mm, 1.0mm, thin type. KM-881.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H39e:AE 3 Shahi in Suls Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle surrounded by 10 stars. Without Shamsi script be-
H39f.2: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
low date. No marks left of date.
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular sunburst at
surrounded by 10 stars. Without Shamsi script be-
the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sa-
low date. A dot mark left of date.
bres hilts up below mosque. !
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 8 rays sun-
HS1298 ~ HS1300, 4.5gm, 32.2mm, 1.0mm, thin type.
burst at the center. All surrounded by 10 stars.
Crossed sabres hilts up below mosque. !
HS1298, HS1299, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-881.4
H39f.1: AE 3 Shahi in Suls Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
H39g: Brass 3 Shahi in Suls
surrounded by 10 stars. Without Shamsi script below date. A dot mark left of date.
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle surrounded by 10 stars. Without Shamsi script be-
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 7 rays sun-
low date. A dot mark left of date.
burst at the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. Crossed sabres hilts up below mosque. !
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 7 rays sunburst at the center. All surrounded by 10 stars.
HS1299, HS1300, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-881.3
Crossed sabres hilts up below mosque. !
HS1300, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-892
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H39h: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
H39j: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within circle
surrounded by 10 stars. A dot left of date.
surrounded by 10 stars. Shamsi left of date.
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 8 rays sun-
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 7 rays sun-
burst at the center. All surrounded by 10 stars.
burst at the center. All surrounded by 10 stars.
Crossed sabres hilts down below mosque.
Crossed sabres hilts up below mosque.
HS1302, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-881.5
HS1298, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-872
H39k: AE 3 Shahi in Suls Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within circle surrounded by 10 stars. Shamsi left of date.
H39i: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 7 rays sun-
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above. Date and legend within a circle
burst at the center. Observe and reverse with 8
surrounded by 10 stars. A line below date.
stars around perimeter. Crossed sabres hilts up Rev-! Value at top. Mosque within a circular 8 rays sun-
below mosque.
burst at the center. All surrounded by 10 stars. !
Crossed sabres hilts up below mosque. !
HS1300, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-891
HS1298, 4.5gm, 32mm. KM-870
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H41b: AE 3 Senar in Suls H40: AE 3 Shahi in Toughra Obv-! Date and legend surrounded within circle in center. Obv-! Legend in center. “Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Date
Twelve stars around outer edge.
below toughra, all within 9 stars. Rev-! “3 Senar” value above. Mosque within 8 rays sunRev-! “3 shahi” value above. Mosque within 7 rays sun-
burs, Hilts down. 11 stars in outer edge.
burst. 10 stars around outer edge. ! !
HQ1337, 8.0gm, 29.2mm, thick type. KM-861.1
HS1300, HS1301, 7.5gm, 32mm. KM-893
H42a: AE 3 Shahi in Suls H41a: AE 3 Senar in Suls
Obv-! Date below the legend all within a circle. 12 stars
Obv-! Date and legend surrounded within circle in center.
around the outer edge.
Twelve stars around outer edge.
Rev-! “3 Shahi” value above. Mosque in 8 rays sunburst
Rev-! “3 Senar” value above. Mosque within 8 rays sun-
within circle, hilts up. 11 stars around outer edge.
burst. Hilts up. 11 stars in outer edge. !
HQ1337, 4.9gm, 25mm thick type . KM-859.1
HQ1337, 7.5gm, 29.2mm, thin type. KM-861.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H43b: AE 10 Pul in Toughra H42b: AE 3 Shahi in Suls
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; two
Obv-! Date below the legend all within a circle. 12 stars
dots above numeral 3 of date
around the outer edge.
Rev-! Numeral 10 for value in center within a circle.
Rev-! “3 Shahi” value above. Mosque in 8 rays sunburst
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul value above.
within circle, hilts up. 11 stars around outer edge. !
HQ1337, 3.2gm, 25mm, thin type. KM-859.2
HS1304, HS1305, 4.5gm, 24.5mm. KM-907.2
H43a: AE 10 Pul in Toughra
H43c: AE 10 Pul in Toughra
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat
wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; two
wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; two
dots above numeral 0 of date.
dots above numeral 5 of date.
Rev-! Numeral 10 for value in center within a circle.
Rev-! Numeral 10 for value in center within a circle.
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul value above.
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul value above.
HS1304, HS1305, 4.5gm, 24.5mm. KM-907.1
HS1304, HS1305, 4.5gm, 24.5mm. KM-907.3
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H43d: AE 10 Pul in Toughra
H44b: AE 5 Pul in Suls
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat
wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; no
wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; no
dots above date.
dots above date.
Rev-! Numeral 10 for value in center within a circle.
Rev-! Numeral 5 for value in center within a circle.
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul above.
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul above.
HS1304 ~ HS1306, 4.5gm., 24.5mm. KM-907.4
H44c: AE 5 Pul in Suls
H44a: AE 5 Pul in Suls
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; 2
wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; 2
dots over (3) of date.
dots over (3) of date. 5 of date touches the circle. Rev-! Numeral 5 for value in center within a circle.
Rev-! Numeral 5 for value in center within a circle.
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul above.
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul above. !
HS1304, HS1305, 2.8gm, 22mm. KM-906.2
HS1304, HS1305, 2.8gm, 22mm. KM-906.1
HS1304, HS1305, 2.8gm, 22mm. KM-906.3
C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H45: AE 2 Pul in Toughra H47a: AE 1 Paisa in Suls
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; no
Obv-! Star above, date below legend. Date and legend
dots above date.
within wheat of wreath.
Rev-! Numeral 2 for value in center within a circle.
Rev-! “Yak Pasia” below. Mosque within circular 8 ray
Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul above. !
sunburst. Crossed sword hilts up below mosque.
HS1304, HS1305, 2.0gm, 18mm. KM-905
H47b: Brass 1 Paisa, in Suls
H46: AE 1 Pul in Toughra
Obv- Star above, date below legend. Date and legend
Obv-! Date and legend within a circle in center. Wheat
within wheat of wreath.
wreaths around lower half. Afghanistan above; no dots above date.
Rev- “Yak Pasia” below. Mosque within circular 8 ray sunburst. Crossed sword hilts up below mosque.
Rev-! Numeral 1 for value in center within a circle. Wheat wreaths around lower half. Pul above. !
HQ1337, 1.0gm, 20mm thin type. KM-857.1
HQ1337, 2.2gm, 19.8mm thick type. KM-857.2
HS1304, 2.8gm, 22mm
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H47c.1: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls
H47d: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls
Obv-! Star above, date below legend. Date and legend
Obv-! Star above, date below legend. Date and legend
within wheat of wreath.
within wheat of wreath.
Rev-! “Yak Pasia” below. Mosque within circular 8 ray
Rev-! “Yak Pasia” below. Mosque within circular 8 ray
sunburst. Crossed sword hilts up below mosque. !
sunburst. Crossed guns below mosque.
HQ1337, 0.9gm, 19.8mm, 0.7mm thin type. KM-858.1
HS1337, 1.0gm, 19.8mm 0.6mm thickness. KM-858.3
H47c.2: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls
H47e.1: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls
Obv-! Star above, date below legend. Date and legend
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above, date below legend. X mark right
within wheat of wreath.
of date. All surrounded by 11 stars.
Rev-! “Yak Pasia” below. Mosque within circular 8 ray sunburst.
Rev-! Mosque within 8 rays of sunburst. Crossed swords
hilts up below mosque.
mosque. !
HS1299, KM-880.1
HQ1337, 0.5gm, 19.9mm, 0.3mm thin type. KM-858.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Amir Amanullah Khan
H47e.2: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls
H47e.4: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above, date below legend. 2 dots right
Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above, date below legend. 4 dots left of date. All surrounded by 11 stars.
of date. All surrounded by 11 stars.
Rev-! Mosque within 8 rays of sunburst. Crossed swords
Rev-! Mosque within 8 rays of sunburst. Crossed swords
hilts up below mosque.
hilts up below mosque. !
HQ1300, HQ1302. KM-880.2
HQ1300, KM-880.4
H47e.3: Brass 1 Paisa in Suls Obv-! “Al-ghazi” above, date below legend. 3 dots left of date. All surrounded by 11 stars. Rev-! Mosque within 8 rays of sunburst. Crossed swords hilts up below mosque. !
HQ1301, HQ1303, KM-880.3
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m