A Catalog of Modern Coins of Afghanistan

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A CATALOG OF MODERN Coins of Afghanistan

Series VI: Muhammad Zahir Shah

By: Hakim Hamidi & Masoud Hamidi Second Edition


P e r s i c G a l l e r y P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m

Table of Contents

Muhammad Zahir Shah


Gold Coins


Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins



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Muhammad Zahir Shah

Muhammad Zahir Shah 1312-1352 / 1933-1972

Zahir Khan was proclaimed King (Shah) on 8 November 1933 at the age of 19, after the assassination of his father Mohammed Nadir Shah. Following his ascension to the throne he was given the regnal title "He who puts his trust in God, follower of the firm religion of Islam". For the first thirty years he did not effectively rule, ceding power to his paternal uncles, Sardar Mohammad Hashim Khan and Sardar Shah Mahmud Khan. This period fostered a growth in Afghanistan's relations with the international community as in 1934, Afghanistan joined the League of Nations while also receiving formal recognition from the United States. By the end of the 1930s, agreements on foreign assistance and trade had been reached with many countries, most notably Germany, Italy, and Japan. Following the end of the Second World War, Zahir Shah recognized the need for the modernization of Afghanistan and recruited a number of foreign advisers to assist with the process. During this period Afghanistan's first modern university was founded. During his reign a number of potential advances and reforms were derailed as a result of factionalism and political infighting. Zahir Shah was able to govern on his own in 1963 and despite the factionalism and political infighting a new constitution was introduced in 1964 which turned Afghanistan into a modern democratic state by introducing free elections, a parliament, civil rights, women's rights and universal suffrage. At least 5 of Afghani little Pul coins during his reign bore the Arabic title: 14[,‫"ه‬## # $ %## # &"## # ' ()## # *+ ,‫ ا‬./0 1## # 234## # 5‫" ]ا‬AlMutawakkil 'ala Allah Muhammad Zhahir Shah" which means "The leaner on Allah, Muhammad Zhahir Shah". The title "AlMutawakkil 'ala Allah", "The leaner on Allah" is taken from the Quran, Surah 8, verse 61. In 1973, while Mohammed Zahir Shah was in Italy undergoing eye surgery as well as therapy for lumbago, his cousin and former Prime Minister Mohammed Daoud Khan staged a coup d'état and established a republican government. As a former prime minister, Daoud Khan had been forced to resign by Zahir Shah a decade earlier. In August 1973, Zahir abdicated rather than risk an all-out civil war. Zahir Shah lived in exile in Italy for twenty-nine years. He was barred from returning to Afghanistan during Soviet-backed Communist rule in the late 1970s. In 1983 during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, Zahir Shah was cautiously involved in plans to head a government in exile. Ultimately these plans failed because he could not reach a consensus with the powerful Islamist factions.

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Muhammad Zahir Shah Gold Coins

H70: 6 Grami in Toughra Obv-! Legend in center, “Al-Mota-wakkel Al-Allah, Mohammed Zahir Shah” in a dotted circle. Af-

H68: 8 Grami in Nasta-leeq

ghanistan in outer circle at top.

HS1314, HS1315, HS1317

Rev-! “Tilla-iAfghani” at top. Mihrab in center, date be-

Obv-! Legend in center, “Al-Mota-wakkel Al-Allah,

low Mihrab.

Mohammed Zahir Shah” in a dotted circle. Afghanistan in outer circle at top.


HS1313, 6.0gm, 22mm. KM-933

Rev-! Value 8 grams at top. Mihrab in center, date below Mihrab. !

HS1314, HS1315, HS1317, 8.0gm, 22mm. KM-934

H71: 4 Grami in Toughra Obv-! Legend in center, “Al-Mota-wakkel Al-Allah, Mohammed Zahir Shah” in a dotted circle. Afghanistan in outer circle at top. H69: 8 Grami in Toughra

Rev-! Value 4 grams at top. Mihrab in center. Date HS1315 below Mihrab.

Obv-! “DeAfghanistan Padhahi Daulat”, “The Royal Government of Afghanistan” around lower half.


HS1315, HS1317, 4.0gm, 19mm. KM-935

Legend and name in toughra in center. Rev-! Value 8 grams at top. Lunar date HQ1380 at right, solar year HS1339 at left. Kabul at right bottom. !

HQ1380, 8.0gm, 22.5mm. KM-952

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Muhammad Zahir Shah

H72: 4 Grami in Toughra Obv-! “DeAfghanistan Padhahi Daulat”, “The Royal Government of Afghanistan” around lower half. Legend and name in toughra in center. Rev-! Value 8 grams at top. Lunar date HQ1380 at right, solar year HS1339 atleft. Kabul at right bottom. !

HQ1380, 4.0gm, 22.5mm. KM-952

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Muhammad Zahir Shah Silver Coins

H72a: AR 1/2 Afghani in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Afghanistan at top. Legend in small font within small dotted circles. Value “Neem Afghani” within wreath. Rev-! Kabul above, mosque in center, date below mosque, rare date. !

HS1312, 5.0gm,24mm. KM-932.1

H72b: AR 1/2 Afghani in Nasta-leeq Obv-! Afghanistan at top. Legend in larger font within large dotted circles. Value “Neem Afghani” within wreath. Rev-! Kabul above, mosque in center, date below mosque. !

HS1312 ~ HS1316, 5.0gm,24mm. KM-932.2

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Muhammad Zahir Shah Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins

H74b: Nickel-Steel 2 Afghani !

As H74a, but when observe side turned horizontally, the value 2 of reverse side stays in upward position.

H73: Nickel-Steel 5 Afghani Obv-! Portrait of Muhammad Zahir Shah in uniform, facing 3/4 to right. Date HQ1381 at right, date HS1340 at left. Legend around upper half: Mohammed Zahir, King of Afghanistan. Rev-! Large numeral 5 for value in center. Afghani at bottom. !

H75: Nickel-Steel 1 Afghani

HS1340, 8.0gm, 29mm. KM-955

Obv-! Afghanistan above. 3 vertical ears of wheat in center. Date HS1340 below wheat. Rev-! Value 1 in center. “Yawa” in Pashto script at top, Afghani below. !

HS1340, 4.0gm, 23mm. KM-955

H74a: Nickel-Steel 2 Afghani Obv-! Afghanistan at top. Eagle in flight center, date below. Rev-! “Dowi” above, value 2 in center. Wheat wreath at left. 3 stars at right. Afghani below. !

HS1340, 5.2gm, 25mm. KM-954.1

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Muhammad Zahir Shah

H77: Aluminum 2 Afghani H76a: Aluminum 10 Afghani

Obv-! “Dowi” Afghani value above. Value 2 in dotted circle in center, date below.

Obv- Legend in toughra in small dotted circle. Value 10 below. Value “Las” in Pashto to the right and “Af-

Rev-! Mosque in dotted circle within a circle. Star below.

ghani” to the left.

Legend left and right of star.

Rev-! Kabul above, date below toughra, all within 6 stars. !


HS1337, 2.5gm, 25mm. KM-949

HS1336, 5.39gm, 31.2mm 3.5mm thick. KM-948

H78a: AE 50 Pul Obv-! Afghanistan above. 50 Pul in center within a circle. H76b: Aluminum 5 Afghani

Legend around lower half.

Obv-! Kabul above. Name and title within a circle in cen-

Rev-! Mosque within wheat wreath, date below.

ter, date below; all enclosed with 6 stars around. !

HS1330, 5.0gm, 22mm. KM-942

Rev-! Mosque in dotted circle in upper half. Value 5 underneath mosque. Value “Penza” in Pashto to the right and Afghani left. 6 stars around upper half. !

HS1337, 3.0gm, 31mm. KM-950

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Muhammad Zahir Shah

H78a.1: AE 50 Pul

H79: Nickel-Clad Steel 50 Pul

Obv- !Afghanistan above. 50 Pul in center within a circle.

Obv-! Afghanistan above, 50 Pul in Pashto script within a circle. Legend around lower half.

Legend around lower half.

Rev-! Mosque and date within wheat wreath, date below

Rev-! Mosque within wheat wreath, date HS133 (without


0) below. !


HS1330, 5.0gm, 22.2mm. KM-942.1

HS1331, 5.0gm, 22.5mm. KM-94

H79.1: Nickel-Clad Steel 50 Pul H78b: AE 50 Pul

Obv-! Afghanistan above, 50 Pul in Pashto script within a circle. Legend around lower half.

Obv- Afghanistan above. 50 Pul in center within a circle. Legend around lower half.

Rev-! Mosque and date within wheat wreath. Date HS133 (without 1) below mosque.

Rev-! Mosque within wheat wreath, date below. Large flan. !


HS1331, 5.0gm, 22.5mm. KM-947.1

HS1330, 5.0gm, 24.5mm. KM-942.2

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Muhammad Zahir Shah

H82: Copper Nickel 25 Pul

H80: Nickel-Clad Steel 50 Pul

Obv-! Afghanistan above. 25 Pul value in center in Pashto

Obv-! Afghanistan above, 50 Pul in numeral within a cir-

script within a circle. Legend in lower half.

cle. Legend around lower half.

Rev-! Mosque in center, date below.

Rev-! Mosque and date HS1331 within wheat wreath. !


HS1331 ~ HS1334, 5.0gm, 22.5mm, KM-946

HS1316, 3.0gm, 20mm. KM-940

H83: Bronze 25 Pul H81: Brass or Copper 25 Pul

Obv-! Afghanistan above. 25 Pul in Pashto script in center within a circle. Legend in lower half.

Obv-! Pul above. Value 25 in center within dotted circle/

Rev-! Mosque in center, date below mosque.

Rev- ! Afghanistan above. Legend in center within dotted circle. Date below circle. !


HS1330 ~ HS1332 , 3.0gm, 20mm. KM-941

HS1312 ~ HS1316. 7.0gm, 25mm. KM-932

H84a: Nickel Clad Steel 25 Pul Obv- Afghanistan above. 25 Pul in Pashto script in center within a circle. Legend in lower half. Rev-! Mosque in center, date below. Reeded edge. !

HS1330 ~ HS1334, HS1337, 3.0gm, 20mm. KM-943

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Muhammad Zahir Shah

H84b: Nickel Clad Steel 25 Pul

H85: Copper 10 Pul

Obv-! Afghanistan above. 25 Pul in Pashto script in center

Obv-! Kabul above, date divided left and right below leg-

within a circle. Legend in lower half.


Rev-! Mosque in center, date below. plain edge. !

Rev-! “Pul” above, “10” within dotted circle.

HS1332, HS1333, 3.0gm, 20mm. KM-944


HS1312 ~ HS1314, 5.0gm, 23mm. KM-930

H86: Copper Nickel 10 Pul H84c: Aluminum 25 Pul Obv-! Numeral 10 for value in center, “pul” above. Obv-! Afghanistan above. 25 Pul in Pashto script in center Rev-! Mosque in center, date below.

within a circle. Legend in lower half.


Rev-! Mosque in center, date below. !

HS1316, 2.5gm, 18mm. KM939

HS1331, 2.5gm. KM-945

H87: Copper 5 Pul Obv-! Kabul above, date divided left and right below legend. Rev-! “Pul” above, “5” within dotted circle. !

HS1312 ~ HS314, 2.5gm, 21mm. KM929

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Muhammad Zahir Shah

H91: Bronze 2 Pul

H88: Bronze 5 Pul

Obv-! Numeral 2 for value in center, “pul” above.

Obv-! Numeral 5 for value in center, “pul” above.

Rev-! Mosque in center, date below.

Rev-! Mosque in center, date below. !


HS1316, 2.8gm, 17mm. KM936

HS1316, 2.0gm, 15mm. KM936

H89: Bronze 3 Pul Obv-! Numeral 3 for value in center, “pul” above. Rev-! Mosque in center, date below. !

HS1316, 2.5gm, 16mm. KM937

H90: Copper 2 Pul Obv-! Kabul above, date divided left and right below legend. Rev-! “Pul” above, “2” within dotted circle. !

HS1312 ~ HS1314, 2.0gm, 20mm. KM928

P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m


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