A CATALOG OF MODERN Coins of Afghanistan
Series V: Muhammad Nadir Shah
By: Hakim Hamidi & Masoud Hamidi Second Edition
!! C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Table of Contents
Muhammad Nadir Shah
Gold Coins
Silver Coins
Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah
Muhammad Nadir Shah 1348-1350 / 1929-1933
After King Amanullah was overthrown by Bacha-e Saqao, Nadir Khan returned to Afghanistan via India with his brothers Shah Wali Khan and Shah Mahmud Khan. He amassed tribal troops and attacked Kabul. After initial setbacks, his brother Shah Wali Khan finally managed to capture Kabul in October of 1929. Two days later, Nadir Khan was proclaimed Afghanistan's King. Nadir Shah named a ten-member cabinet, consisting mostly of members of his family, and in September 1930 he called into session a loya jirga of 286 which confirmed his accession to the throne. In 1931 the king promulgated a new constitution. Despite its appearance as a constitutional monarchy, the document officially instituted a royal oligarchy, and popular participation was merely an illusion. Although Nadir Shah placated religious factions with a constitutional emphasis on orthodox denominational principles, he also took steps to modernize Afghanistan in material ways, although far less obtrusively than his cousin Amanullah. He improved road construction, especially the Great North Road through the Hindu Kush, and methods of communication. He forged commercial links with the same foreign powers that Amanullah had established diplomatic relations with in the 1920s, and, under the leadership of several prominent entrepreneurs, he initiated a banking system and long-range economic planning. Although his efforts to improve the army did not bear fruit immediately, by the time of his death in 1933 Nadir Shah had created a 40,000-strong force from almost no national army at all. It is notable that Afghanistan's regeneration was carried out with no external assistance whatsoever. During his reign, Nadir Khan reopened many schools. He established faculty of Medicine, which later became Kabul University with the addition of a few more faculties. Nadir Shah's brief four year reign ended violently, but he nevertheless accomplished a feat of which his greatgreat-uncle, Dost Mohammad, would have been proud: he reunited a fragmented Afghanistan. Nadir Shah was assassinated in 1933 by a young man whose family had been feuding with the king since his accession to power.
C o p y r i g h t Š 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah Gold Coins
H53: 20 Afghani in Toughra Obv-! Legend in center, “Al-ghazi Mohammed Nadir, Afghan”. Value 20 Afghani at top; regnal year 3 underneath. Wheat and wreath around. Rev-! Date below. Mihrab and Menber in center. Wheat wreaths around. !
HQ1349, HQ1350, 6.0gm, 22mm. KM-925
H54: 1 Tilla Obv-! Legend in center, “Al-ghazi Mohammed Nadir, Afghan”. Value 1 Tilla at top; regnal year 3 underneath. Wheat and wreath around. Rev-! Date below. Mihrab and Menber in center. Wheat wreaths around. !
HQ1348 ~ HQ1350, 6.0gm, 22mm.
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah Silver Coins
H56a: AR 1 Afghani in Nasta-leeq Obv-! “Afghanistan” at top. Name and title of king in Nasta-leeq format bounded by circular dots. “Yak
H55: AR 1 Afghani in Toughra
Afghani” at the bottom.
Obv-! 1 Afghani value above toughra. Legend in center,
Rev- “Kabul” at top. Mosque and date in center within
Al-ghazi right of toughra. Regnal year 1 below
wreath of wheat.
toughra. Wheat wreaths around. !
Rev-! Mosque in center, date below mosque. Wheat
HS1311, 10.1gm, 30mm. KM-927.1
wreaths around lower half. !
HQ1348 ~ HQ1350, 10.1gm, 30mm. KM-921
H56b: AR 1 Afghani in Nasta-leeq Obv-! “Afghanistan” at top. Name and title of king in Nasta-leeq format bounded by circular dots. “Yak Afghani” at the bottom. H55a: AR 1 Afghani in Toughra
Rev-! “Kabul” at top. Mosque and date in center within
Obv-! “1 Afghani” value above toughra. Legend in center,
wreath of wheat.
“Al-ghazi” right of toughra. Regnal year 1 below
toughra. Wheat wreaths around.
HS1310, 9.89gm, 22.5mm flan, 2.8mm thick. KM-927.2
Rev-! Mosque in center. Date below mosque with smaller numeral (8). Wheat wreaths around lower half. !
HQ1348, 10.1gm, 30mm. KM-921.1
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah
H57: AR 1/2 Afghani in Toughra Obv-! Legend in center. “Al-ghazi” to the right of toughra. Value 1/2 Afghani above. Regnal year 1 below toughra. Rev-! Date below mosque. Mosque in center. !
HQ1348 ~ HQ1350, 4.5gm, 24mm. KM-920
H58: AR 1/2 Afghani in Nasta-leeq Obv-! “Afghanistan” at top. Name and title of king in Nasta-leeq format bounded by circular dots. “Neem Afghani” at the bottom. Rev- “Kabul” at top. Mosque and date in center within wreath of wheat. !
HS1310 ~ HS1313, 5gm, 24mm. KM-926
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah Copper, Brass and Bronze Coins
H60a: AE 20 Pul in Toughra Obv-! “Afghanistan” above. Legend in center bounded by a circle, date below toughra.
H59a: AE 25 Pul in Toughra
Rev-! “Pul” above. Value 20 in center within a circle.
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above. Legend in center bounded by a circle, date below toughra.
HQ1348, 5.5gm, 25mm. KM-919.1
Rev- “Pul” above. Value 25 in center within a circle. !
HQ1349, 6.0gm, 25mm. KM-924.1
H60b: Brass 20 Pul in Tougha Obv-! “Afghanistan” above. Legend in center bounded by a circle, date below toughra.
H59b: Brass 25 Pul in Toughra
Rev- “Pul” above. Value 20 in center within a circle.
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above. Legend in center bounded by a circle, date below toughra.
HQ1348, HQ1349, 5.5gm, 25mm. KM-919.2
Rev-! “Pul” above. Value 25 in center within a circle. !
HQ1349, 6.0gm, 25mm. KM-924.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah
450080: AE 10 Pul in Nasta-leeq
H61a: AE 10 Pul in Toughra
Obv-! “Kabul” above, date blow legend script within dot-
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above. Legend in center bounded
ted circle.
by a small circle, date below toughra.
Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 10 in a dotted circle in center. Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 10 in center within a cir!
cle. !
HS1311, HS1312, 5.8gm, 24mm. KM-930
HQ1348, HQ1349, 5.8gm, 24mm. KM-918.1
H63a: AE 5 Pul in Toughra Obv-! “Afghanistan” above, date below toughra within H61b: AE 10 Pul in Toughra
circle. Small date.
Obv-! “Afghanistan” above. Legend in center bounded
Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 5 in circle.
by a small circle, date below toughra. ! Rev-! “Pul” above. Value 10 in center within a circle. !
HQ1349, HQ1350, 2.9gm, 22mm. KM-923.1
HQ1349, 5.3gm, 24mm. KM-918.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah
H65: AE 2 Pul in Toughra H63b: AE 5 Pul in Toughra Obv-! “Afghanistan” above, date below toughra within Obv-! “Afghanistan” above, date below toughra within
circle. Large date. Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 2 within circle. Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 5 in circle. !
HQ1348, 1.8gm, 18mm. KM-917
HQ1350, 2.9gm, 22mm. KM-923.2
H66: AE 2 Pul in Nasta-leeq Obv-! “Kabul” above, date below script within dotted
H64: AE 5 Pul in Nasta-leeq
Obv-! Kabul above, date below script within dotted cir-
Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 2 in circle.
Rev-! “Pul” above. Value 5 in cricle. !
HS1311, 1.8gm, 18mm. KM-928
HS1311, HS1312, 3.0gm, 22mm. KM-929
H67a: AE 1 Pul Obv-! Date and Afghanistan in center surrounded by nine stars. Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 1 in center surrounded by a circle. !
HQ1349, 1.0gm, 16mm. KM-A922
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m
Muhammad Nadir Shah
H67a.1: Brass 1 Pul Obv-! Date and Afghanistan in center surrounded by nine stars. Rev-! “Pul” value above. Value 1 in center surrounded by a circle. !
HQ1349, 1.0gm, 16mm. KM-A922.1
H67b: Brass 1 Pul in Toughra Obv-! “Al-Ghazi” to the right. Date below toughra, all surrounded by 8 stars. Rev-! “Afghanistan” above. Value 10 within cirlce. “Pul” below. !
HQ1349, 1.0gm, 16mm. KM-922.2
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 2 , P e r s i c G a l l e r y, I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P e r s i c G a l l e r y - P. O . B o x 1 3 0 3 7 2 - B o s t o n - M A 0 2 11 3 • w w w. p e r s i c g a l l e r y. c o m