Perugia 2019
and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria
Candidate City European Capital of Culture
Perugia 2019 and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria Application of the City of Perugia for the Title of European Capital of Culture 2019 Project curator: Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation
Basic principles
Structure of the programme for the event
Organisation and financing of the event IV
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City infrastructure V
Communication strategy
Evaluation and monitoring of the event VII
Additional information
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English Language Consultancy: Scuola Lingue Estere dell’Esercito Italian Army Language School Graphic design: Marco Galmacci and Rocco Pezzella Hello, Savants! with Dani Montesinos Photography: Andrea Angelucci, Giancarlo Belfiore, Matteo Crocchioni, Marco Giugliarelli, with the graphic collaboration of Chiara Dionigi Printed by: graphicmaster srl tipolitografia
Basic principles
I - Basic principles
Why does the city which you represent wish to take part in the competition for the title of European Capital of Culture? ————————————————————————— Perugia, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, is applying for the title of European Capital of Culture 2019 in order to mobilize all the resources of the city and the surrounding territory in such a way as to react to the anthropological crisis that is characterizing not only the local reality but, to some extent, all European medium-sized cities. Not only must an answer be found to the present identity crisis and lack of prospects that affect Perugia (a consequence of several social and economic factors recently affecting the entire region: Box 1); but, more importantly, an attempt must be made, to give a cultural boost to the city so as to reinvent its future. In so doing, the very concept of city has to be redefined, along with its driving role in development, as a place of production of ideas, social innovation, dialogue and hospitality. A city that aims to restore the urban quality and, in particular, to regenerate its historic centre, by changing its development model that has led to the fragmentation of its form and has favoured the dispersion of the social capital due to the proliferation of “anonymous” suburbs, the consequent impoverishment of urban relationships, the weakening of community links and the difficulties of integrating new communities. With this project, Perugia, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, would like to pose a profound question of a more historical rather than occasional nature, and that is: how to redesign a new integrating formula, at both the municipal and regional level, and how to provide a dynamic example of active integration and participation in order to appraise its identity and wide cultural and social resources, and bring the city back to its ancient and typically European vocation as an innovative and advanced city model. Although Perugia is, in fact, a typical example of an Italian and European medium-sized city, in terms of its population and urban surface area, as well as its real and potential role in the regional urban network, its historical and cultural background gives it a distinctive and special character. The historical legacy of the city (Box 2) and of the Umbrian region can be seen in its unique residential style, a more harmonious quality of life, a genuine integration
with the natural environment, a strong link with the past and traditions, a constant enrichment of social capital and civic values, and an administrative commitment towards policies related to the widening of spaces for cultural purposes. However, like many medium-sized cities, Perugia has, with the passing of time, lost its attractiveness and competitive edge. This, a result of objective disadvantages and creativity gaps when compared to major metropolitan and cosmopolitan cities which, so far, have been favoured by international cultural exchanges and the forces of a global economy. Hence, the need for Perugia to reinvent itself and start again to “make its own places” of production of ideas and socialization, as an answer to the depopulation and social impoverishment of historic city centres and face the imbalance determined by the territorial development – problems that are also being felt within the European Union. The ECoC competition for 2019 represents a unique opportunity for Perugia to experience its ability to react, to return to a new leading role and come out of a state of uncertainty. The value of such an experience goes beyond Perugia and Umbria and could become a model to follow for the other Italian and European medium-sized cities struggling with a similar state of need. The ECoC competition also allows Perugia and Umbria to re-launch their vocation and unique experience on the issues of hospitality, integration, dialogue and democratic participation in the making of Europe. On the issue of integration, which is currently critical, Perugia and Umbria have much to offer. Perugia and Assisi recognise themselves as cities of integration and dialogue because, they have faced the cultural experience of the social encounter before than other Italian cities. Moreover, Perugia and Umbria can offer an original contribution to the strengthening of the founding principles of the European Union, today undermined in a structural way in the cultural, social, economic and institutional fronts. Perugia 2019 intends to give complete interpretation to the competition in order to reaffirm the above mentioned principles, by proposing innovative models of participatory and deliberative democracy that will be able to involve Umbrian and European local communities. The main choice of Perugia 2019, in giving an answer to the crisis and reinventing its future, is to invest in human capital, its level of excellence in education, culture and creativity, and give a new central role to
I - Basic principles
the academic and research institutions, which are the main agents of urban creativity. Perugia, and the entire region of Umbria – with its articulated cultural capital, the wealth of values and inspiring principles, such as the extensive quality of the
landscape, the richness of the social capital, the Franciscan spirituality and the democratic values – will be able to produce long-term positive effects on the goals that the city and the region want to achieve, if successful in winning the ECoC title.
Box 1
The social, economic, urban settlement and demographic context
- although the population in the Municipality of Perugia is increasing, there are just a little over 7,000 inhabitants in the historic centre (when the city’s expansion began there were 25,000 inhabitants) out of the total 162,000 city residents (more than 225,000 inhabitants if considering the surrounding area); - the elderly population accounts for 25% of the total, which is higher than the already elevated Italian average; - the foreign population accounts for 13% of the residents (15% if foreign students are also included), and this gives an appreciable, multicultural character to the city; - the city has a very high concentration of educational institutions, especially at the university level, among which the University for Foreigners of Perugia is the most important in the country, and there are also innovative firms and highly qualified public and private services; despite this however, the university student population is decreasing; there is a high rate of unemployment and young people, especially those with a high level of education, are leaving the region; - over the last few years, there has been a statistically significant increase in crime and social insecurity due to the increased use and smuggling of drugs; - a survey conducted on a significant sample of the city’s Italian and foreign university student population, which was part of the pre-application research process, indicated that the historic, cultural and artistic qualities of Perugia are very much appreciated; however, the survey also indicated that young people demand more security, accessibility, technological innovation and a project of urban regeneration; - the regional population is also on the rise (there are almost one million inhabitants); the birth rate and the number of immigrants from other Italian regions are however definitely decreasing, whereas the number of foreign immigrants is very high, so much so that Umbria holds second place among the Italian regions with the highest percentage of foreign residents; - the main reason why the city attracts immigrants is its long-standing tradition of hospitality, together with the presence of quality welfare services; - the main strengths of the region are its social cohesion (Umbria is among the regions with the lowest inequality in the distribution of income); the remarkable development of associations and social capital; the urban settlement model which is made up of small historic towns; the low density in population, the wealth of scenic beauty, cultural activities and heritage which, when combined, contribute to making Umbria a region where the quality of life is high and enjoyable; - although the manufacturing and production system of the region vaunts the presence of various firms that can be considered innovative and competitive on the international market, they are mainly based on a relatively weak fabric of small to very small companies which have been heavily affected by the recent crisis and which depend very much on local demand and thus suffer from reduced productivity and insufficient internationalisation; - the city’s urban development, mainly based on urban peripheral growth and the presence of several shopping malls and recreational facilities which have established themselves outside the urban areas, has taken away much of the vitality of the historic centres and changed the pattern of the original model of urban settlement in Umbria. In summary: - so far, Umbria has been able to provide its citizens with economic wellbeing, social cohesion and a quality of life that meets the best national standards; however, to guarantee these standards in the future and avoid any possible setback, Umbria urgently needs to consolidate its economic base, give way to a new process of economic development and improve the urban quality. - in this regional context, the city of Perugia has the same urgent need and the utmost responsibility to counter the unprecedented signs of social slow deterioration and the loss of attractiveness and resume its indispensable and active role as the main city of the region and of central Italy, as it lies between Florence and Rome.
I - Basic principles
What, for it, would be the main challenge of this nomination? What are the city’s objectives for the year in question? ————————————————————————— The challenge that Perugia 2019, and Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, aims to address, concerns mainly the city. However, the project will have a positive impact on the entire Umbrian region and even outside Umbria itself, making Perugia a city open to relations and contacts with others, well beyond the city’s limits. Thus, the city intends to become a possible model for other Italian and European historical cities that are dealing with similar issues. The challenge is to reverse the ongoing course of the gradual urban deterioration and impoverishment of the social fabric, through a well-articulated process of the city’s cultural, social and economic regeneration, which is to take place particularly in the historic centre. It is endowed with important urban features and monuments, yet is marked by the ever more deteriorating quality of urban and social life. A regeneration that will allow the historic centre to be repopulated by new ideas and new residents and become the hub of the new urban knowledge-based economy through its educational institutions, creativity, social innovation and cultural and artistic production. A place with new functions that will focus on the needs of its citizens, especially those of young people, and of the community as a whole. This, in turn, will enhance its historical and cultural roots while experimenting with innovative and interdisciplinary forms of working. The challenge then, is to undertake an exemplary process that involves investment in culture, knowledge and creativity in order to face the slow decay of the historic centres of Italian and European medium-sized cities; to accentuate the leading role of the capital city of the Region by making it a key point of reference in the territory, in particular by leveraging on the cultural and university system of the city; to become the cornerstone of a new polycentric and multi-polar regional model, made up of a network of cities, each with its own strengths and differences; increase the value of the resources and the widespread cultural heritage of the territory, and to relate them to Europe. The general objectives that Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, intends to pursue through its candidacy are in keeping with some of the strategic points of Europe 2020 and are in synergy with Creative Europe.
In fact, these objectives are inherent to the challenge the bid sets forth and derive from the implementation of two multiannual programming processes: – a Cultural Strategic Plan dedicated to the innovation of urban, social, cultural, economic, and tourism policies, which are to be inter-connected and integrated; and – a Cultural Programme to enhance the city and the region’s offer by producing highly innovative events and a better integration of the existing programming. The objectives are: • to reposition Perugia and Umbria in the Italian and European context through the establishment of networks of national and international relations; to appraise and strengthen the territorial brand and public image; to activate the productive and cooperative collaboration that the Cultural Programme will generate; and to strengthen the hospitality system and resources; • to promote social relations at all levels, to combat the younger generation’s tendency to isolation, inertia and lack of purpose by regaining reliable and vigorous resources that foster collective development; to favour internal social cohesion and focus on internationalisation processes that place particular attention on European integration; • to establish a new cohesion pact based on a different polycentric model aimed at overcoming the economic and social gap among urban and rural areas, by means of the creation of a system that involves the various elements which contribute to enhancing an integrated appraisal of the territorial resources and give a new leadership role to the capital city of the region; • to strengthen the role and contribution of universities, other institutions of higher education and research, cultural operators and business entities, in order to develop human resources for a knowledge-based economy and increase individual and collective expertise in the cultural sector; to promote innovative and creative enterprises by increasing the value added of the more traditional production chains and, most of all, by the birth of new ones that are linked to creative and cultural production and to the appraisal and fruition of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage; and lastly, to create new employment especially among young people;
I - Basic principles
• to bring about the regeneration of the historic centre of Perugia, together with the creation of new places of knowledge and social connectivity in the whole urban area, as a fundamental component in the redesigning of a new type of medium-sized European city; to reverse the current social and economic hardship; to produce a better general quality of life for residents, citizens and visitors; and, to promote new forms of economic, social and urban development by means of new functions connected to the production of culture and creativity and to the relevant restoration of disused structures; • to reactivate the city and the region’s longstanding associational, democratic and European tradition, by activating a new civic engagement, social innovation of the city and a platform of dialectical debate on issues of European identity and differences; and, by experimenting new forms of participatory
Box 2
and deliberative democracy, with the involvement of the highest possible number of local communities within Europe. The credibility and sustainability of these objectives are based on a series of positive factors that already exist and continue to endure in Umbria: a complex of educational institutions that are centres of excellence and open to young people from all over the world; a great tradition of restoration and urban regeneration, strengthened by the reconstruction following the earthquake in 1997; the beauty of the Umbrian urban contexts and landscape; the region’s tangible and intangible heritage, which is among the finest in Italy; the excellent firms in the sectors of fashion, agriculture, food, furniture and decoration, mechanical engineering and the green economy; and, the extensive experience in the fields of social policy and cultural events, all united to a democratic tradition that has provided widespread stability and wellbeing.
The historical context of the city of Perugia
The urban design of Perugia is characterised by a star-shaped layout, with five districts that stem from the centre of the city, like the fingers of a hand, as can be read in the definition given by Leon Battista Alberti in his “On the Art of Building”. The depth and width of the ditches that surround the region’s many agricultural fields are no farther than a few hundred metres from the centre of town. This allows one to perceive the intense relationship that exists between the town and the countryside, between man and nature, which this place has consolidated over the millennia and which only partially disappeared in the second half of the last century. Thousands of years of settling in this urban area have made the people who live here capable of creating a refined and sophisticated relationship between nature and architecture, a relationship that is characterised by an overt elegance and simplicity that echo and reverberate the Franciscan spirituality. The city has developed and preserved its harmonious beauty, taking the form of a polycentric urban layout that unfolds along its quaint, narrow and winding roads that converge towards the Platea Magna Communis, which is the hub of the life and culture of the city where sociability and freedom are deeply rooted. The city plan and architecture is also an emblematic and superb showcase of medieval culture as can be seen in the thirteenth-century Fontana Maggiore, whose decorative tiles are an almost mirror-like image of the very city itself and its diversified social structure. The variations in the urban structure also reflect a typical aspect of the city’s history: the adaptation of its architecture and spaces to the changing needs and the culture of the times. And, in this regard the city provides many examples such as: the powerful, defensive walls from the Etruscan/Roman Age, with its most important Etruscan Gate that continues to preserve its age-long splendour; the spectacular Sopramuro Square, an audacious feat of engineering of the first half of the thirteenth century; the seat of the Studium of Perugia, built over the Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital in the fifteenth century; the transformation of several convents and monasteries after the Unification of Italy, such as the seventeenth-century Olivetani Monastery which became the seat of the University of Perugia; the beautiful complex of San Francesco al Prato, which currently houses the Academy of Fine Arts (whose church is to become the City Auditorium); the Conestabile della Staffa Palace, which currently houses the Augusta Municipal Library; and, the Antinori Palace, the seat of the University for Foreigners. It is also worth mentioning that historically Perugia made an important contribution to European architectural culture by creating a new type of Franciscan monasteries, convents and churches in Assisi, which were characterised by the fusion of Roman art with the international Gothic art, and which later spread throughout the European continent.
I - Basic principles
Explain the concept of the programme which would be launched if the city was nominated European Capital of Culture? ————————————————————————— The central theme is “making places” and rendering them meaningful. The method chosen consists in promoting the spirit of those cultural roots that have always allowed Perugia and the cities of Umbria to be places of hospitality and social life. The goal is to envisage the city as a place in which one can be part of the dialogue within the community and wish the city to be a new representation of the world. Making places means rediscovering a culture of development, where the past is the future, in which places are “protagonists” and not merely physical spaces, and in which both the tangible and intangible aspects of the ideas, processes and things shared all reside within the living body of the city. Thus, the concept upon which the Perugia 2019 project rests, involves three specific ways of conceiving and regenerating the city, which have been inherited as part of the urban cultural history: 1. the city of ideas which stimulates creative thought and is capable of renewing the wealth of knowledge and the ways in which ideas are translated into reality; 2. the city of dialogue which encourages debate among those who, while asserting their identity and rights as citizens, participate democratically in the life of the community; 3. the city of hospitality that gives hospitality not only in terms of accommodation, but also in terms of participation in a wider, more inclusive network of cities, one that is working as a system and makes productive use of all the resources that the different territories and their communities possess.
Perugia, conceived and designed as a cultural city that promotes and redefines in itself the historic polycentrism of Umbria, therefore intends to propose, in Europe, an advanced prototype of a medium-sized city that: • knows how to experiment new ways of growing and reaching a new and more stable equilibrium by means of investment in human and social capital; • knows how to take decisions that, with a visionary and confident outlook, determine its future and, through culture, help reacquire its strong historic identity; • knows how to renew the ways to generate art, culture, creativity and the languages in which they are expressed because it gives central importance to the production of ideas; • knows how to constantly practice dialogue which means exercising tolerance, listening to others, respecting and integrating differences; • knows how to offer hospitality, as the art of peaceful coexistence and total experience; • knows how to spread its model of development and revitalise its image by opening up a dialogue with other medium-sized Italian and European cities that are willing to face the challenges of today.
Could this programme be summed up by a slogan? ————————————————————————— The bid of Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, can be fully summed up with the slogan “Making Places”. This slogan is intended to highlight the patient work of regenerating the social, cultural and urban fabric, and the three concepts of being a city, which lay at the foundation of the project. The choice of the slogan was also made by taking into account proposals that came from an international call for ideas that was launched in March 2013 and from discussions within the local community, especially with local authorities.
I - Basic principles
Which geographical area does the city intend to involve in the “European Capital of Culture” event? Explain this choice. ————————————————————————— The project of Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, has already in its title the expression of a three-level territorial participation that is not only geographic and administrative, but also takes on a deeper symbolic meaning, particularly with reference to the theme of “places”. The first level involves Perugia, the city that aspires to be the 2019 European Capital of Culture and where most cultural events will take place. It is here that the main actions are going to be experimented, in terms of urban and social regeneration, and the revitalization of the city, notably its historic centre, bringing with it a wealth of structural and infrastructural interventions, cultural initiatives and creative industries. The second level of territorial adhesion and participation is the “places of Francis of Assisi”, that represent the link with regional sites and places, rich in symbolic value, that in time have provided experiences, spiritual references and fundamental values not only for European culture. The PerugiaAssisi Peace March, founded in 1961 by Aldo Capitini, still represents today’s most important meeting point of the world’s pacifist organisations and also an important moment of common growth of religious and non-religious thinking. The urban history of Perugia cannot be understood without reference to the ancient layout and polycentric structure of Umbria, of which Perugia is the capital. It is here that the third level of territorial involvement stands: the region. The Umbrian places, complementary to Perugia, express at their best, together with a social, artistic and cultural capital of extraordinary vitality, the essence and image of the region’s cultural offer. These will become locations of a further part of the cultural programming, chosen on the basis of their uniqueness, contributing in this way to a project where Perugia creates a system of all the valuable components of the surrounding territory, and without which its driving force will be less.
Please confirm that you have the support of the local and/or regional political authorities. ————————————————————————— The candidacy of Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, emerged as a result of an initiative prompted by the political and institutional authorities of Umbria whose main efforts were carried out by the Municipality of Perugia, the Municipality of Assisi and the Region of Umbria. Following an initial period of study which began in 2009, the respective Municipal and Regional Councils of Perugia, Assisi and Umbria drew up and approved the specific guidelines that confirmed their willingness to develop the candidacy project. In April 2012, this willingness led to the creation of a proper Foundation of participation called Fondazione Perugiassisi 2019 whose founding partners are the Municipality of Perugia, the Municipality of Assisi and the Region of Umbria and who act as the main bodies in the governance of the entire process. Membership in the Foundation was also made open to private and public entities in the local area. Throughout the preparatory phase, these local government institutions have accompanied the progress of the project and in particular by: • overseeing the strategic orientation of the entire project; • facilitating cooperation between institutions and administrative bodies; • approving the setting up of the project and its main components; • supplying useful information and contextual data for ex-ante evaluation; • fostering an environment that would be amenable to the success of the project and to the community participation; • indicating local authority programmes, policies and actions that converge with the project or that will be strengthened by it; • playing a significant role in the contribution of ideas and planning; • indicating resources to be allocated to the project in terms of operational costs and infrastructures; • contributing to the operation’s visibility and generally raising awareness among citizens and the area’s social, political and economic forces; • participating in the creation of a system of institutional relations on a European scale.
I - Basic principles
While the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation, as the organising body, has complete autonomy in terms of the artistic and cultural choices it makes, it is the firm intention of the institutions mentioned above to continue their stewardship of the project during its executive phases in the coming years, and to ensure their political, administrative and financial support which is indispensable in the achievement of project accreditation and success and in guaranteeing the attention necessary for the successive stages of the expost evaluation.
How does the event fit into the long-term cultural development of the city and, where appropriate, of the region? ————————————————————————— The local authorities attributed a significant role to the Perugia 2019 project, which includes the city and the entire region, from the very moment it chose to take part in the ECoC competition. A role that involves guiding and strengthening the long-term policies and future strategies of the social and cultural development so as to bring forth change. The basic strategic idea is that Perugia and Umbria have a chance to reverse a trend of social and economic hardship by making full use of the present social and cultural assets of the region, in a perspective of renewal and connection with contemporary times and with Europe. The ECoC competition represents an extraordinary opportunity to achieve these goals. The Perugia 2019 project looks to the future well beyond the year of the title, and therefore pays close attention to the outcomes, as long-term effects produced by the event. Considerable importance has been given to the converging points between the activities of the project and the public policies to be followed by local administrations. This is clearly evident, in terms of methodology and in the structure of the project, that groups all the long-term actions and connections to the Cultural Strategic Plan, and that are already or will be developed and implemented through the various planning instruments of the public authorities.
The first converging point between the programme of the event and long-standing public policies lies in the strategic guidelines of renewal, strengthening and completion of the city’s cultural infrastructures to which the project is connected. An example of this, as will be seen later, is the proposal to create artistic, cultural and hi-tech work centres in various forms (i.e. creative laboratories and a Living Hub as a new generation creative incubator) through the restoration and preservation of existing public buildings in the historic centre. This leads to a second converging point of the project with the ongoing programmes involving urban regeneration, especially in the historic centre, at both the urban and social level. Thanks to cultural actions, policies will be more effective and goals will be reached more quickly. Furthermore, as third converging point, the project integrates itself with the cultural policies of the city and the region, particularly in a new approach towards the development and interpretation of the cultural resources at its disposal, as envisaged by the Cultural Programme of the event. It strongly favours cooperation and coproduction with different cultural institutions, both regional and local, and other European cultural realities. Therefore, the objective is twofold: i) to enhance the systemic features and innovation through the increased development of the cultural offer in both the city and the region; ii) to enhance its international outlook and thus gain access to some of the finest examples of European artistic creativity. In the same direction of the structural strengthening of the cultural offer goes the effort to invest in training of managerial skills in the cultural field, which is also present in the bid. This, through collaboration and exchange between universities and academic institutes in the city and with other ECoC cities. A cooperation agreement in this field with Aarhus 2017 is to be completed. A fourth converging point concerning the project is that it is backed by long-term, regional policies in the field of tourism, particularly cultural tourism. The ex-ante analysis carried out in preparation for the bid created a cognitive platform that was useful in shaping the project interventions while, at the same time, guiding local administrations in their decision making and in their evaluation of directions of change; thus, giving further impetus to a new reevaluation of both the city and the region toward 2019 and beyond.
I - Basic principles
To what extent do you plan to forge links with the other city to be nominated European Capital of Culture? ————————————————————————— During the preparation of the bid, Perugia has considerably enhanced its institutional and cultural relations with some of the Bulgarian bidding cities, especially with Sophia and Plovdiv. The Municipality of Sophia, together with the ECoC cities of Guimarães, Riga, Košice, and Umeå, took part in a meeting promoted by the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation which was held in Perugia on the 9th of May 2012, on the occasion of the 2012 Europe Day. There, the Municipality of Sophia and the Municipality of Perugia entered into a long-term agreement to develop cultural exchanges aimed at more than just meeting the needs of the ECoC project. A similar long-term agreement, concerning different contents, has been signed between Perugia and the Municipality of Plovdiv. The two agreements were ratified on the 19th of June 2013, in Bulgaria, during the Italy/Bulgaria conference entitled, “The Future of Historic Cities in the European Capitals of Culture”. Cultural-exchange agreements are also due to be signed with Shumen, Ruse, Varna and Burgas.
In addition, both Universities of Perugia have signed numerous agreements of cooperation and exchange with Bulgarian Universities pinpointing common areas of cultural interest and these exchanges will continue beyond 2019 (see Figure 1). Relations with Bulgarian bidding cities have been intensified both through the presence of highprofile Bulgarians within the Scientific Committee of Perugia 2019 and the participation of Bulgarian experts in events promoted in Perugia related to the bid. The workshop/contest of ideas that was held to select the best idea for the restoration of the former prison building of Perugia is worth mentioning as is the 1st Assembly of the Twin Cities which took place on 28th June 2013. Furthermore, all the Bulgarian bidding cities have been invited to join the “ELCN – European Local Communities Network”, promoted by the Municipality of Perugia. Various exchanges between Bulgarian cultural institutions and Bulgarian artists and Perugia have been included and promoted within the Cultural Programme and these will be further developed as the projects progress. Perugia, together with Sophia and Plovdiv will collaborate to organise a joint exhibition on Etruscan and Thracian cultures and a workshop on intercultural dialogue.
• Figure 1: Collaboration agreements between the Universities of Perugia, of Sofia and Plovdiv
University of Food Technology - Plovdiv University of Perugia
University of Sophia “Sveti Kliment Ohridski”* University of Plovdiv “Paisij Hilendarski” New Bulgarian University
New Bulgarian University University for Foreigners Perugia University of Plovdiv “Paisij Hilendarski”* * in progress
I - Basic principles
In case your city gets the title, do you plan to cooperate with the other bidding cities in your country which have been pre-selected? Perugia 2019 is committed to creating agreements for the cooperation and coproduction of cultural events with the cities that pass the pre-selection phase, once these are known. At this stage, a first mutual willingness to cooperate in the urban mobility, sustainable events and popular music has been shared with the Municipality of Lecce. Furthermore, the Municipality of Perugia is one of the promoters of “Italia 2019”, an initiative which grew out of the awareness that many Italian regions are represented among the Italian candidate cities and that – given the number of participants and the complex nature of the competition – the quality and number of the projects undertaken will presumably be very high. This wealth of cultural and financial resources – which the candidate cities will commit to providing in any case, regardless of the outcome of the bid – must not go to waste and can therefore be placed at the service of the cultural and economic development of the whole country. The city that receives the title of European Capital of Culture 2019 will thus be, in our opinion, at the head of a network of candidate cities and, in this way, each will be able to contribute to the success of the event, both nationally and throughout Europe. “Italia 2019”, a project coordinated by the Association of Culture and Art Cities, has a distinguished logo and is preparing a website, that will encourage the development of relations and agreements among the candidate cities, even beyond 2019. This opportunity takes on even greater relevancy in that it also corresponds to the new cycle of the European programming period 2014-2020, within which “Italia 2019” could become a driving force in relation to the redefinition of the Italian cultural policy; and, in this regard, contacts have already been made with the National and Regional Governments.
Explain how the event could fulfil the criteria listed below. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria. As regards “The European Dimension”, how does the city intend to contribute to the following objectives: —————————————————————————
a) to strengthen cooperation between the cultural
operators, artists and cities of your country and other Member States, in all cultural sectors. Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, believes the European dimension is yet another “place to be created” and therefore wishes to make a contribution by submitting its application. In fact, in an effort to promote cooperation between European cultural institutions, while the bidding process is underway, the University of Perugia and the University for Foreigners have joined the Network of the Universities of the European Capitals of Culture, which was founded in Pécs, Hungary, in 2006. The University of Perugia is also partner of the “Charisma” project, a consortium of 22 European Research Institutes in the field of research and conservation of artworks. Moreover, the University for Foreigners has initiated a series of exchanges with several European Universities characterised by the presence of numerous international students. Therefore, a European network will be established to facilitate dialogue between students and professors and encourage good practice in learning, research and provision of services. Several other agreements of collaboration and partnership are also planned within the bid (see Cultural Programme), most of which are still in the preliminary stage. Particular importance will be given to events that favour a coproduction logic. Specifically, activities between Perugia and some ECoC cities have already been identified for the period 2016-2018 and will be completed in 2019, as indicated in Figure 2. Furthermore, exchanges with Dubrovnik (bidding city for ECoC 2020), Novi Sad (which has close relations and cultural exchanges with Umbria), Oslo (symbolic city of the Nobel Prize for Peace) have been planned. In addition to a multilateral project on interreligious and interethnic dialogue, and a project on Peace Theatre, a further project concerning the endurance of cultural values during wartime is in its planning stage with Sarajevo (the symbol of inter-ethnic dialogue). Long-term relations of cooperation between twin cities from Umbria and Europe will also be encouraged and subsidised.
I - Basic principles
b) to appraise the richness of cultural diversity in
Europe; The character of Umbria is markedly European in that it has always considered the recognition and respect for the diversity of the different cultures of Europe to be fundamental principles. These principles find tangible form in tolerance and hospitality. Its exemplary behaviour, especially with respect to immigration, is the main reason why Umbria, although not endowed with a very strong production system, is at the top of the list of Italian regions with the highest percentages of foreign residents. Added to this are the region’s important cultural events which, over many decades, have been international in character and open to the major art movements that have crossed Europe. Consequently, the enhancement of the European cultural diversity, in which culture plays a central role, both in the definition of identity as for its ability to facilitate the integration of European citizens, by means of the recognition of their unique nature, will be one of the pillars of the Perugia 2019 candidacy. La Valletta 2018 Taking over from ECoC 2018 to ECoC 2019. – Project of solidarity on themes of social welfare and hospitality between the Hospital Order of St. John the Baptist of Rhodes and Malta and Assisi; – Project for young artists that envisages a comparison between the works of Piero della Francesca and Caravaggio, in Perugia and La Valletta; – Project on the baroque style with the Segni Barocchi Festival of Foligno – Project concerning football and sports, as an example of popular culture and passions Aarhus 2017 A collaboration on the most important themes of the Rethink Project, development of new cultural management professions, European values and participatory democracy. Additional collaboration on further cultural projects is yet to be finalized between the two artistic directors
Mons 2015 Eventual collaboration between the Doudou Festival, one of the most famous in Belgium on the UNESCO list and the Festa dei Ceri in Gubbio
San Sebastián 2016 Eventual collaboration for an itinerant festival focused on the music cultures of European linguistic minority groups, ending in Perugia
To give an example, one of the projects deals with intercultural and interreligious dialogue and will be established in cooperation with the cities of San Sebastián (ECoC 2016), Plovdiv (bidding city for ECoC 2019), Dubrovnik (bidding city for ECoC 2020) and Sarajevo. The aim is to create a working group able to promote initiatives to encourage integration. Another project will be based on a reevaluation of the values that are the foundations of the European Union, including the re-launching of the concept (Rethink) of Aarhus, (ECoC 2017) and with the cities of Marseille (ECoC 2013), Mons (ECoC 2015), Aarhus (ECoC 2017), Pafos (ECoC 2017), and La Valletta (ECoC 2018). This project will combine countries from the two European areas: those that face the Baltic Sea and those that face the Mediterranean Sea. A third project, a collaboration between Assisi and Oslo, under the auspices of the Sacred Convent of Saint Francis, will involve a meeting in Assisi of all the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize who are alive today. • Figure 2: Content of the collaborations with the ECoC cities
Sophia 2019 Eventual collaboration in order to create a workshop focused on dialogue
Pafos 2017 Eventual collaboration for an itinerant festival focused on the music cultures of European linguistic minority groups, ending in Perugia Plovdiv 2019 Eventual collaboration for an itinerant festival focused on the music cultures of European linguistic minority groups, ending in Perugia Eventual collaboration for an exhibition dedicated to Etruscan and Thracian cultures
I - Basic principles
The Cultural Programme aims to appraise and enhance European cultural diversity, by way of calls for ideas and proposals within Europe that highlight this need and by means of the majority of the art events that have already been planned. These include events promoting the popular musical traditions of the various European ethnic groups and minorities; projects like The Self Portrait of a Capital, which, by means of European polycultural forms, proposes new ways of seeing and narrating the city; or a project concerning the creation of international World-Houses in Perugia, meeting places for the promotion and production of linguistic and cultural identities of the various foreign communities in Umbria. Other initiatives will involve Perugia’s twinned cities and will feature exchanges connected to the culture and popular traditions they share, or are inspired by. In particular, there will be periodic exchange visits of artists from twin cities and the creation of artworks that will remain permanently in loco.
c) to bring the common aspects of European cul-
tures to the fore; European unity appears to be more an ambitious objective than a given, but artistic and cultural production has always been the first indication of creative ferment and tension that searches for common cultural features and experiences that are closer to different cultures in Europe, in both the cultural traditions of the past and those of the present. To this end, one of the aims of Perugia 2019 is to encourage this effort by implementing a workshop type of environment, which patiently creates the ideal city of dialogue and shared culture. In the Cultural Strategic Plan, that is one of the two pillars of the project, the search for common European roots will be carried out through structural initiatives dedicated to the communities that enhance the principles and application of participatory democracy and the rights of European citizens. The Cultural Programme will foster, experimentally, the ability to generate new languages, new forms of expression and, consequently new ideas. It will also highlight both the cultural affinities and differences while nonetheless affirming, in a constructive way, the potential diversity as a fundamental cultural principle. This through the interweaving, hybridisation and integration of all that is pre-existing. This last is the underlying theme of the events included in the programme, that crosses many of the projects as in the case of Landed (music
and cross-media project) and Perugia Open Ear that will explore the relationship between sound and new technologies. Taking into consideration the historic relations between Umbria and Europe, on artistic, scientific and religious themes, two aspects emerge that play a key role and act as a backdrop: its relations with the northern European area regard the rebirth of cities and the formation of free communes in the Medieval Period; its relations with the Balkans and the Iberian peninsula, regions that have been marked by cultural and religious conflict. It is within this geopolitical framework, that it is worth mentioning the important contributions of St. Francis and St. Benedict, which are more than just purely spiritual. They have left a social and economic legacy that far exceeds the borders of Italy itself (consider the management of Monasteries and the financial institutions Monte di Pietà ). In Christian culture, St. Francis is the patron saint of Italy and St. Benedict of Europe. The places of Francis in Umbria, together with the Basilica of St. Francis, have been part of the UNESCO World Heritage since 2000. The Benedictine movement is also well known for its influence in European culture and history. To recreate these important historical connections between European countries, Perugia, Assisi and Norcia, together with various Benedictine Orders throughout Europe, will promote a European Network of Benedictine Abbeys. Therefore, in light of the wealth of such sites in Umbria, the aim is to be awarded the European Heritage Label, established in 2011 by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. Can you specify how this event could help to strengthen the city’s links with Europe? The event has been planned in such a way as to favour one of the important objectives of the participation to the ECoC 2019 competition: to make Perugia a more European and international city, one that is better integrated into the principal networks of European relations particularly those concerning cultural institutions and activities, creative and innovative firms, and local and regional government. The incentive to enter into European coproductions and develop shared creativity will strengthen the local system of cultural institutions, production and events in terms of relations, contacts and capability, as well as stimulating the creation of trans-European networks that will permit an ever-increasing, artistic and cultural collaboration.
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The overall programme of events planned for 2019 will facilitate an increase in the number of European tourists visiting Umbria, especially in the sector of cultural tourism. The development of new, creative and cultural industries, by means of specially designed infrastructures in the city of Perugia, open to exchanges and interaction with European markets and organisations, will contribute to the establishment of new links among European cities and new networks of shared knowledge. The inclusion of Perugia’s two universities into new European networks of inter-university collaboration (a process that began along with Perugia’s bid) particularly with universities that have a high percentage of international students, can strengthen cooperation in terms of teaching and research while increasing learning opportunities for students. It will also contribute to the internationalisation of university faculty and staff and to the professionalism of the cultural sector. The project regarding the network of European twin cities will be an opportunity to reaffirm some of the founding principles and values of Europe, starting with the European rights of citizenship. Finally, within local and regional government, positive effects will be felt thanks to the efforts of specially designated task forces that will be in charge of preparing community programmes and creating the related partnerships. To this end, the Region of Umbria (as it has already done during the bid with the initiative POR FERS 2007/2013 – The Conservation, Enhancement and Promotion of the Environmental and Cultural Heritage) will evaluate the possibility of inserting into public announcements a clause that rewards initiatives that are connected to the ECoC title and the trans-national nature of the proposal.
Explain how the event could meet the criteria listed below. Please substantiate your answer for each of the criteria. As regards “City and Citizens”, how does the city intend to ensure that the programme for the event: —————————————————————————
a) attracts the interest of the population at
European level; For several years, the leading cultural events that are held annually in Umbria (Umbria Jazz, Festival of the Two Worlds, Festival of Nations, Sagra Musicale Umbra, FestArch, International Journalism Festival, etc.), have long been internationally renowned and acclaimed for both their vast array of artistic and cultural proposals and the participation of worldfamous artists. Umbria is equally famous for its artistic, cultural heritage and scenic landscapes which are notably intrinsic elements of the territorial “brand”. Therefore, quite naturally, the project primarily envisages the further enhancement of these well-known assets, and more generally, of the cultural and artistic resources along with the continuous ability of innovation and renewal of the specific proposals related to the project. The decision to involve many young European artists in the cultural events of the Cultural Programme by means of calls for ideas and exchanges, creating artworks and installations on commission, along with training activities and workshops, will further draw the interest of European young people. In light of this, some of the scheduled events, such as the Festival of the World, Umbria on the Move, People in Public Squares, Sounds of Minorities, foresee the involvement of the audience, which will be an additional attraction, as will the network of festivals and events related to historical, folk and cultural traditions. Furthermore, the main (and exemplary) strategy chosen to regenerate the historic centre contemplates creative laboratories and a Living Hub to attract young people and students who are willing to contribute their ideas. In view of this, the urban environment, with its strong symbolic dimension, favours creativity and provides the best conditions and tools for further settlement and the setting up of start-up firms. All activities scheduled in the framework of European local communities envisage comparing multiple and different cultural identities, fostering intercultural dialogue, guaranteeing the
I - Basic principles
social inclusion of minorities and disadvantaged groups and ensuring the rights granted by European citizenship; all of that together with planned events on the theme of peace, will further draw the attention of those Europeans who are more sensitive to this issue and who already see Umbria, and particularly the places of Francis of Assisi, as their ideal setting. Finally, the project, with its wide range of activities, will not merely focus on event attendance, but aims to provide a profound immersion experience, interconnecting tourism, the landscapes and the cultural and artistic heritage as a whole.
Encourages the participation of artists, stakeholders in the socio-cultural scene and the inhabitants of the city, its surroundings and the area involved in the programme; The project, as a whole, has been engineered to ensure the widest possible participation and contribution of ideas on the part of the local cultural stakeholders, the citizens of Perugia and Umbria and of the different aggregate forms of civil society (in particular of associations), since this latter historically represents one of the strengths of both the city and the region. All cultural events within the Cultural Programme, foresee the complete involvement of the cultural realities present in Umbria, with their artists and facilities, that, since the earliest stages of the project, put forward proposals which were eventually submitted to the artistic and cultural board and integrated into the programme. The subsequent calls for ideas and proposals aim to elicit new initiatives, entirely based on a bottom-up approach. The urban regeneration of the historic centre of Perugia through the establishment of new cultural and creative activities, able to develop new artistic and entrepreneurial projects, is founded on the active and lively involvement of all citizens, especially young people, as well as on the participation of the main educational institutions with their Italian and particularly foreign students. Many initiatives centred on folk traditions, festivals and the enhancement of the cultural heritage of the local communities within the network of Umbrian municipalities, albeit with a more modern interpretation, such as the project People in Public Square – Future Memories of Umbria and Europe, would be inconceivable without their direct involvement. Umbrian entrepreneurs, leading institutions, social and cultural associations, along
with numerous municipalities, have already clearly demonstrated their willingness to participate in the creation and implementation of the project by joining the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation.
c) is sustainable and an integral part of the long-
term cultural and social development of the city; The entire bid has been devised to include the involvement of both citizens and institutional and administrative entities and to produce positive impacts, and long-lasting effects well beyond 2019. In light of this, the project contains a structural Cultural Strategic Plan and places major importance on the ex-ante and ex-post evaluation. The follow-on strategic actions, particularly those involving urban and cultural infrastructures, comply fully and consistently with the guidelines of the territorial administrations and envisage enhancing the cultural offer of both the city and the region. Additionally, the activities of urban and social regeneration, especially those focusing on the historic centre of Perugia, through the establishment of new cultural, creative and hi-tech activities, are intended to prompt a new phase of socioeconomic development for the city. Many projects of the Cultural Programme, in the fields of art, tangible and non-tangible cultural heritage, and the performing arts, favour learning and the sharing of common experiences that go beyond the mere conception of the event in that they are engineered to function as workshops that can generate possible future activities, also on a permanent basis. In this sense, the development of new competencies in the planning, management and networking of the local cultural operators, will lead to a further strengthening of the cultural milieu of the city and of Umbria. The establishment of the “ELCN – European Local Communities Network” aims at consolidating the process of a participatory democracy that will not end with the 2019 expiration date of the title. Ultimately, the entire bid project, with its cultural, social and infrastructural system, is fully integrated into all of the local and regional public policies, so as to produce a long-term, positive impact on the development of the city and the entire region.
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How does the city plan to get involved in or create synergies with the cultural activities supported by the European Institutions? ————————————————————————— Perugia has had a long experience in the successful design, implementation and efficient management of European projects in the field of culture. The Region is also involved in major European projects within the 7th Framework Programme for Research (i.e. FP7 Project “Arts Festivals and the European Public Culture”) and has a very active European office in Brussels. Building on these existing strengths, the strategic guidelines of the Perugia 2019 project, included in its programme content, take into consideration those actions and initiatives that aim at intelligent growth (i.e. innovation, creativity, knowledge, learning and attention towards young people); sustainable growth (i.e. eco-sustainable events, long-lasting effects of urban and socio-cultural policies); and, solidarity (i.e. new employment in the cultural and creative industries, greater social cohesion, citizenship rights, integration/inclusion). Concerning the synergies with the cultural activities promoted by the European institutions, the contribution to the Europe Day on the 9th of May and the long-standing collaboration between the International Journalism Festival and the European Parliament Information Office in Italy will be strengthened. In addition, a special event will be organized in the year of the ECoC title to promote actions involving the communication of European projects and issues that focus on the rights of citizenship and provide support to the European Parliament, with respect to its initiatives in the fields of freedom of expression and gender equality. As outlined in the Cultural Strategic Plan, equal support will be given to the European Commission with reference to European citizenship, so as to raise awareness on the status and rights of European citizens and the subsequent implications these aspects have in day-to-day living. Various projects have been presented in reference to the “Europe for Citizens” programme as an addition to the Umbrian institutions that have continued their participation over the years in European programmes dedicated to students and schools.
However, the main effort will be to give a wider scope to the planning process, called for in the cultural, social and economic programmes promoted by the European Union, with regard to the new 2014-2020 programming period. In particular, the actions that can easily be connected to the “Creative Europe” programme will be championed in that these would be well-suited in supporting not only many of the projects of Perugia 2019, but also the key players in Umbria, who are networking with European entities. Especially worth mentioning are those referring to the policies of transnational cooperation, the exchange of experiences among policy-makers and cultural operators, new cultural and media business models, the best capacitybuilding elements in the cultural and creative sector, the circulation of cultural products, and the support of young creative enterprises (i.e. the Living Hub of Perugia). There will be additional educational and training programmes that will seek to encourage the participation of Umbrian entities and institutions in European programmes such as “Erasmus”, as it undergoes change between 20142020, and “Horizon 2020”, in the fields of research and innovation. In this sense, the Region of Umbria has committed itself, through the Sviluppumbria – The Regional Agency for Economic Development of Umbria to operate effectively in guiding and supporting public organisations, the cultural system, academic institutions, and young creative enterprises, in seizing the opportunities to compete in various events and contests and build partnerships within Europe. Through its candidacy, Perugia 2019 intends to ultimately augment the inclusion of its territorial elements and entities within European networks so as to participate more actively in the exchange of ideas and experiences.
Are some parts of the programme designed for particular target groups (young people, minorities, etc.)? Specify the relevant parts of the programme planned for the event. ————————————————————————— The candidacy project, in its articulated form, is aimed at a heterogeneous public and directs specific attention to: (i) the younger generation, children and pre-adolescents (ii) the disadvantaged categories in terms of cultural fruition, (iii) the elderly, and (iv) people with reduced abilities in general.
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• From top to bottom clockwise: Umbria Jazz 2013 public; religious leaders meeting held in Assisi in 1986; workshop in the historic centre of Perugia during a festival dedicated to childhood and children
I - Basic principles
Therefore, many of the supporting initiatives of the bid are primarily dedicated to the urban regeneration of the historic centre of Perugia and specifically aimed at young people and those who have left the labour and production market. In view of the longterm effects, the reasons for these choices are many: the desire to provide employment opportunities in the creative sector; to re-invent itself through the cultural entrepreneurships; and to strengthen the presence of residents in the historic centre. As can be seen from the various projects that were prepared for schools and other academic institutions (which were in part initiated in 2013) and a series of collaborations aimed at integrating the Formative Offer Plan to include information and learning on the European Union, the programmes addressed to young people embrace different age groups prior to their becoming of legal age or before attending university. The children’s segment, on the other hand, will benefit from ad hoc events such as the The European Children’s Festival which is also envisaged in the programme. The bid will also pay special attention to the ethnic minorities living in Perugia and Umbria (which is the second-highest region in Italy in terms of percentage of immigrant population, excluding the foreign student population) and several events within the Cultural Programme, such as Festival of the World, will include their direct involvement. Similarly, much attention will be given to the elderly and the people with reduced abilities. The aging of the European population and the increase of life expectancy determine not only an increase in the percentage of the elderly in the total population, but also a growth in the number of elderly that travel. This change demands new kinds of innovative, reliable and affordable services. On the other hand, those who have reduced abilities (statistics show that 36 million Europeans like to travel and 6 million are frequent travellers) require not only appropriate infrastructures, but also integrated services that can ensure physical accessibility, provide adequate information, fruition and enjoyment. In compliance with European objectives, Perugia 2019 has amply adopted the standards of total accessibility in that it has promoted services, such as mobility and communications, that cater to and encourage the elderly and other citizens who are normally less involved in cultural activities to take a greater part in the demand for culture. Perugia 2019 foresees that all events and initiatives that have
been programmed by virtue of the bid will be organising with methods and solutions, both technical and technological, that guarantee access to all types of users, especially those that are disadvantaged in terms of age, socio-cultural conditions and disabilities of any kind. In fact, this last aspect is being linked to a specially designed health care program (established in connection with the bid) which aims to strengthen the medical and health facilities that are made available to tourists.
What contacts has the city or the body responsible for preparing the event established, or what contacts does it intend to establish, with: - cultural operators in the city? - cultural operators based outside the city? - cultural operators based outside the country? Name some operators with whom cooperation is envisaged and specify the type of exchanges in question. ————————————————————————— The relationship with the cultural operators of the city and of the Umbrian region has been widely participatory at all levels, as opposed to being simply hierarchical. As amply demonstrated by the Cultural Programme, a multiplicity of ideas, proposals and projects that foster collaboration between different realities have been accepted, with the aim of stimulating a broad, innovative cultural vision that brings into play a consolidated experience in the search for new forms and expressions. The response has been positive and generous. A process to foster the active participation of young Umbrian and international artists through calls for ideas and proposals has been built. With regard to the European and international operators, the bid has led to the emergence of a system of relationships, networks and contacts of Umbrian realities that allows us to capitalize on their consolidated experience in the field of cooperation. The framework of collaborations with European and international cultural operators and those from Perugia, is still in progress and will be further implemented with the project (see Figure 3).
I - Basic principles
VISUAL AND FIGURATIVE ART Palazzo della Penna (Perugia); The Academy of Fine Arts (Perugia); The Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria (Perugia); The Alberto Burri Foundation (Città di Castello); Ciac- Italian Centre for Contemporary Art (Foligno); The Giardino dei Lauri (Città della Pieve); Todi Contemporary Art (Todi); Viaindustriae (Foligno); GAI- Young Italian Artists (Turin); DA2 Digital Art Development Agency (Bristol); ICA- Institute of Contemporary Art (London); Sofia Architecture Week (Sophia).
INTANGIBILE CULTURAL HERITAGE Archive of Shared Memories of the Municipality of Perugia; Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology (University of Perugia); Fonoteca Trotta (Perugia); FUA - Umbrian Architecture Foundation (Perugia); University for Foreigners of Perugia; Associations of the Historic Centre (Perugia); Calendimaggio Entity (Assisi); Maggio Eugubino Association (Gubbio); Giostra della Quintana Indipendent Entity (Foligno); Corsa all’Anello Entity (Narni); Palio dei Terzieri Association (Città della Pieve); Le Infiorate di Spello Association (Spello); Palio di S. Michele Entity (Bastia Umbra).
THEATRE ARTS – PERFORMANCE Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria Theater (Perugia); Fontemaggiore Contemporary Theatre (Perugia);Tieffeu- Umbrian Puppet Theatre (Perugia); Sacco Theatre (Perugia); N.U.Da- Contemporary Dance Network of Umbria (Perugia); Festival of the Two Worlds (Spoleto); Caos- Siri Factory Arts Centre (Terni); Centre Santacristina Theatre (Gubbio); Rotunda (Cracovia); Anne Teresa De Keermaeker and Alain Platel (Bruxelles);Tim Etchells e Graheme Miller (London), UNIMA- Union Internationale de la Marionnette – Institut Superieure de la Marionette (Charleville-Mézières). Exchanges with theatrical centres and artists from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Spain, Slovakia, Poland, as well as the theatre schools from Strasbourg and Athens are in the planning phase.
COMMUNICATION International Journalism Festival (Perugia); RAI Archives Umbria Region (Perugia); Perugia Radio and Tv Journalism School- Rai (Perugia).
t MUSIC Perugia Music Conservatory (Perugia); Sagra Musicale Umbra (Perugia); Umbria Jazz Festival (Perugia);Umbria Ensemble (Perugia);Tetratkis Group (Perugia); Musical Box Eventi (Perugia); Umbrian Association of the song and songwriters (Perugia); Young Jazz Festival (Foligno); Experimental Lyric Theatre (Spoleto); Festival of Nations and The Ensemble of Nations (Città di Castello); Tempo Reale Festival (Florence); Micrologus Ensemble (Spello); Trasimeno Blues Festival (Trasimeno Lake); Sentieri Selvaggi Ensemble (Milan); Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester (Vienna); Junge Deutsche Philharmonie (Frankfurt); European Choral Association (Bonn); Trinity College (Dublin); Ensemble La Fenice (Auxerre); Futuresonic Festival (Manchester); STEIM - Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music (Amsterdam); Berklee College of Music (Boston). CROSSMEDIA AND MULTIMEDIA Immaginario Festival (Perugia); University of Perugia (Kultur-Fabrik Perugia); Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary (Perugia); Torre dei Lombardi (Magione); Palazzo Collicola (Spoleto); Sky- Sky Arte (Milan); Cattleya (Rome); Rai- Rai Fiction-RaiEdu- Rai5 (Rome); IULM- University Institute for Modern Languages (Milan); Cattolica University (Milan); Ied- European Institute for Design (Rome); V2- Institute for the Unstable Media (Rotterdam), Waag Society for Old and New Media (Amsterdam).
EDUCATION, LEARNING AND SCIENCE Enti Locali per la Pace Association (Perugia); Dipartment of Man and Territory (University of Perugia); University for Foreigners of Perugia; Regional Education Office of Umbria (Perugia); Articity (Perugia); Post Foundation (Perugia); Perugia Science Fest (Perugia); Psiquadro Association (Perugia); Gurdulù Association (Perugia); Università dei Sapori (Perugia); Umbria Book Festival (Perugia); Readers Club of Perugia; Art Restoration Schools (Spoleto); Violin Making School (Gubbio); Italian Benedictine Convent Network (Assisi - Norcia); Science Park (Foligno); International Peace Centre (Sarajevo); Sarajevo Winter Festival; Amsterdam Smart City; Forum Democrit Science Festival (Sophia); Fundaciòn Seneca (Murcia); Glasgow Science Festival; Techmania Science Center (Pilsen); Lower Silesian Science Festival (Wroclaw); ZOOM Kindermuseum (Vienna).
CULTURAL HERITAGE Regional Directorate for Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Umbria (Perugia); Augusta Library (Perugia); New Library of Arconi (Perugia); State Archive of Perugia; Associations of thr Historic Centre (Perugia), FestArch (Perugia); Umbrian Museum System (Perugia); International Society of Francisan Studies (Assisi); Accademia Properziana del Subasio (Assisi); The Sacred Convent of Assisi (Assisi); FAI- Italian National Trust (Rome).
• Figure 3: Collaborations with cultural operators from Perugia, Umbria, Italy and Europe
I - Basic principles
In what way is the proposed project innovative? ————————————————————————— Perugia 2019 is innovative for the following reasons: its desire to establish an original design for a medium-sized European city in connection with its territory Perugia, a dynamic city of learning and laboratory of knowledge, becomes the cornerstone of an advanced polycentrism, in which the ample spreading of competencies and specific identities is re-launched as a reciprocal system and a common feature of the whole territory. Perugia 2019 is the city from which a further 91 historic centres extend, converge and interact while yet maintaining their own originality; its desire to return to the “making” of places For Perugia 2019 the “places” to build and rebuild, refer not only to “physical places” that need to be restructured and restored in order to be given back to the community, but also to those social and involving relations between people that must lead to the creation of an agora of dialogue, encounter and debate. These “places”, typically of the historic centres, are a ferment of ideas, a statement of bottom-up participatory democracy, where there is an intense city life and an on-going movement of new shared resources and trust. It is the citizens themselves who are the main target audience of the project and at the same time the protagonists of the processes that involves the new “places”; its desire to be open to innovation and experimentation in its cultural programme It aims to express, by means of an unusual programming method, free and creative processes, and directions to stimulate opportunities where experiences and different expressive languages, but also diverse artistic areas are to be engaged. The complexity is the backdrop and the cultural risk is wide-ranging. The proposed projects are worth for their ability to create openings and blend creative thought, art and technology, in this way reaching new and innovative processing.
If the city in question is awarded the title of European Capital of Culture, what would be the medium and long-term effects of the event from a social, cultural and urban point of view? ————————————————————————— The medium and long-term effects that Perugia 2019 may generate have been divided into five areas and dimensions of impact which form the basis of the monitoring and evaluation system. Other elements have also been considered in relation to the bid, even though they are being financed independently of the awarding of the title. These effects are derived from infrastructural investments that will help regenerate the historic centre of Perugia, and from others in general (i.e. completion of the San Francesco d’Assisi Airport, improvement of urban mobility and providing of services). The social dimension • the training of highly-qualified human capital with a strong orientation towards creativity and innovation – with a greater percentage of this capital continuing to live in loco (instead of leaving to find work elsewhere in Italy or abroad, as happens today); • the strengthening of the city’s leadership role in the region, of which it is the capital; • an increase in the general feeling of a shared identity and social cohesion; • greater integration between social policy and policy in other areas (cultural, environmental, industrial, infrastructural and tourism industries), which will also encourage the creation of new social initiatives and businesses in the historic centre of the city; • an increase in the level of citizen participation in the decision-making processes and involvement in the planning and execution of projects with the increased awareness of the effects these generate; • a rebalanced demography of the historic town centre, a strengthening of the number of younger people, especially those with a higher level of education, who enter the job market (young graduates, professionals, etc.); • a reduction in social deterioration and a corresponding increase in security for residents.
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The cultural dimension • a strengthening of the cultural services offered to the whole city and the region; • an intensification of cultural exchanges and collaborations between local and international operators; • the creation and enhancement of artist residencies in all cultural fields; • the blending of different languages and forms of expression of diverse origins, thanks to the establishment of creative incentives for young artists and performers; • an increase in management and project-building skills; • the involvement of citizens and local communities in the planning and creation of cultural events, which will increase the level of knowledge, skills and propensity for creativity and make use of citizens’ associations, which represent Umbria’s wealth of resources. The economic dimension • the development of new entrepreneurships in high value added sectors (characterised by an intensive use of highly-trained human capital and new technologies), with particular reference to the cultural, creative and hi-tech industries; • the creation of new and qualified employment, especially for graduates, by fostering closer contacts between companies and their product and/or services markets; • an increase of private investments and sponsorships in the cultural and creative sectors; • greater incentive towards internationalisation for the city and regional economy and society; • the development of high-quality tourism geared to those who are culturally aware of the context of the local area (the current demand is predominantly limited to the lower middle class income bracket). The infrastructural and environmental dimension • improvement of accessibility by air and local mobility and the completion of alternative means of transport to provide better access to the historic town centre; • a consequent improvement of the environmental sustainability of urban traffic; • the completion of broadband cabling in the Perugia municipal area;
• a quantitative and qualitative increase in cultural and tourism supply of the city (above all in the historic centre) by strengthening the organisations and infrastructures behind the regional services networks (i.e. museums, theatres, libraries); • the development of the environmental sustainability of events. The communications and public image dimension • a better positioning of the brand of Perugia and Umbria in terms of territorial marketing; • an improvement in the national and international reputation of the industrial, business and financial sectors; in the cultural sector (operators, artists, associations); and in the tourist trade (in terms of supply, demand and intermediaries), with a consequent increase primarily in the number of tourists (to reduce seasonal variation), increase the average length of their stay and the amount of money they spend and finally in the investments to improve the quality levels and services offered. Do the municipal authorities intend to make a public declaration of intent concerning the period following the year of the event? The ECoC competition is strongly supported by the municipal authorities and their desire to ensure its success has been amply demonstrated on many occasions. Following the ECoC year, the territorial administrations will provide sustained continuity to the interventions previously undertaken, thanks to the recognition of the ECoC title. The efforts and projects which will be included in the multi-annual programming, particularly with regard to infrastructures, will be assessed in terms of timelines and means to guarantee future consolidation and longlasting effects of all the interventions and activities begun; and, in this sense, the municipal authorities are ready to make a public statement of intent. Moreover, with the Cultural Strategic Plan as a structural element of the bid, the governing bodies have demonstrated their willingness to pursue the project objectives of transformation and long-term development (well beyond 2019) in order to take the project forward to its complete fruition.
I - Basic principles
How was this application designed and prepared? ————————————————————————— The application submitted by Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, was designed and prepared through a network of interactions with regional, national and international participants and the taking of specific initiatives. After a long and intense work led by the institutions, with the support of all politic forces to raise citizen awareness of the importance of the ECoC bid, an essential step was the establishment of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation, by the Municipality of Perugia, the Municipality of Assisi and the Region of Umbria, whose task was to prepare the candidacy application and manage the project upon conferment of title. The intention was to go beyond devising a mere juridical management model. The intention was “to make” a representative “place” that would be the centre of social gatherings and meetings. As a result, the Participatory Foundation is a private, non-profit organisation whose mandate is to serve the public. It, along with the patrimonial wealth brings together the additional participation character, that is typical of associations. Hence, the organisation allows the complete involvement of both public and private entities that play an active role in making strategic decisions within the Foundation. The Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation may therefore be defined as a social “ecosystem” open to all. It is a vibrant entity within the city and a meeting place for public debate where the contribution and sharing of ideas in a collective project is much welcomed. It is thus an “experimental laboratory”, based on a democratic and pluralistic form of government, where new and comprehensive practices that represent the entire social fabric, public values and collective responsibility are the norm. Currently, it comprises more than 80 participating members in addition to the three founding partners. It comprises several Municipalities of the region of Umbria; the Province of Perugia; the University of Perugia; the University for Foreigners; the Academy of Fine Arts; the Conservatory of Music; the Chamber of Commerce of the Province of Perugia. Accession to the Foundation has also been granted to other cultural associations, private institutions and foundations; business associations and enterprises in all sectors; trade-union organisations; research institutions; entities that promote development and individual citizens. Currently the Foundation is still open to new members.
The preparation of the bid has foreseen the following initiatives: 1) the design of an elaborate process of the candidacy project and application, which is fully documented on the website, put forward by the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation and supported by the Mecenate 90 Association, who has been involved in local development and strategic planning and in promoting cultural activities and heritage at the national level for more than 20 years; 2) the appointment of a Cultural Artistic Director who (in collaboration with all the parties involved, particularly the Scientific Committee) is to prepare the artistic programme aimed at involving all city and regional cultural groups and institutions in order to define the cultural profile of the entire project; 3) the appointment of a Project Manager who is to coordinate and integrate the various steps of the application process; 4) the appointment of a Scientific Committee (an external, advisory body to the Foundation) consisting of high-profile public figures from the world of culture, arts, entertainment and new media (this Committee has not only designed the Manifesto but also contributed to the validation of the project contents and, above all, to the Cultural Strategic Plan and Cultural Programme); 5) the setting up of an inter-institutional Roundtable for Strategic Planning (promoted by the Municipality of Perugia and coordinated by the Mecenate 90 Association) which, along with the support of qualified, external, national experts, is to develop the topics and contents of the Cultural Strategic Plan as well as the corresponding plan of urban regeneration and infrastructural investments; 6) the establishment of two working groups, consisting of national experts, who are to define an integrated evaluation system for the entire project and communications plan; 7) the employment of qualified experts for the creation of focus groups and specific surveys regarding the tourist trade, creative industries and a new generation creative incubator along with a comprehensive survey of the student population of both Universities of Perugia; 8) the establishment of a Candidacy Supporters Club made up of individuals who have enhanced public opinion and raised awareness regarding the importance of the candidacy.
I - Basic principles
In addition, much importance has been given to citizen and stakeholder participation and approximately 120 public meetings have been held for the presentation of the European Capital of Culture action; the identification of topics and projects; the sharing of objectives and priorities; the presentation of the Manifesto; and, the outlining of the progress made throughout the various application phases. Considerable work has also been done to increase the awareness of both citizens and social, cultural and economic organisations. This has entailed not only an intense Internet communications campaign but has also involved the social media and the press. Public events, such as the Thursdays of the Capital, together with a series of meetings for promotional and publicity purposes on topics and issues connected with the application have been organized. Many promotional activities
regarding the application have targeted young people and have included the opportunity to do voluntary work. A considerable number of initiatives in the European dimension have been directed at schools. Moreover an info point open to the public has been set, a selection process for young applicants based on social media has been conducted and also open calls on the Web have been launched. Finally, the international activity coordinated by Mecenate 90 has led to the formalisation of agreements and relations with the Bulgarian applicant cities (above all at the inter-university level) and with other past and future ECoC cities; the development of a programme based on the European Twin Cities Project; and, the establishment of the “ELNC – the European Local Communities Network”, which represents an important underpinning of the bid.
• Figure 4: Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation’s governance stucture
The Perugiassisi 2019 Participatory Foundation Internal Bodies Participating Members CHAIRMAN FOUNDING PARTNERS Municipality of Perugia Municipality of Assisi Region of Umbria
PARTICIPATING PARTNERS Other Umbrian Municipalities Province of Perugia Chamber of Commerce University and Arts Institutes Associations, Cultural Entities Business Associations Companies and Businesses Other Local Entities
External Bodies
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE High Profile Individuals from the Cultural and Public Realm
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Structure of the programme for the event
II - Structure of the programme for the event
What structure does the city intend to give to the year’s programme if it is designated “European Capital of Culture” (guidelines, general theme of the event)? How long does the programme last? ————————————————————————— The project of Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, rests on two pillars: – a Cultural Strategic Plan that identifies the structural, infrastructural, cultural and social actions that will have a long-term impact and prompt a process whereby the urban layout and the social dimension of the city can be re-launched and regenerated. The initial timeframe is 2013–2019, with a long-term projection of the impact of the project that will reach 2029; – a Cultural Programme that increases the value of the local components with the best European cultural and artistic expressions, through an articulated proposal of events and co-creative laboratorial activities. Most of the events are scheduled for 2019, the year of the ECoC title, but the programme also includes activities that are to begin earlier and continue into 2016-2018. THE CULTURAL STRATEGIC PLAN OF PERUGIA 2019 —————— The Cultural Strategic Plan is the means by which the project aims to guide and follow through the long-term development objectives of the city and the entire Umbrian region. This is a plan in which culture, art and creativity are not regarded in a strictly cultural view but rather are seen as driving forces that add social, educational and economic value and improvement to the region’s image. The Cultural Strategic Plan has been developed as part of the bidding process, under the stewardship of the Municipality of Perugia along with the collaboration of the Municipality of Assisi, the Region of Umbria and all of its administrative entities, and is structured to last well beyond 2019. Thus, Perugia 2019 does not simply offer a rich calendar of prestigious events. Rather, it envisages an integrated system of structural projects and related administrative policies and strategies that include public and private partnerships in the cultural, urban, social, tourism and economic fields.
The Cultural Strategic Plan focuses on three major project areas that reflect the three ideal city models which constitute the backdrop of the Perugia 2019 bid: Project Area 1 refers to the concept of a city of ideas and creativity where culture is seen as training and education; Project Area 2 is inspired by the concept of a city where the exchanging of ideas creates the culture of dialogue; Project Area 3 envisages the city as a system of interconnected networks where hospitality is paramount. In addition to these three major project areas, the building of a cross-network that is both tangible, (i.e. consisting of smart systems to support the related infrastructures and events) and non-tangible (i.e. international relations and the multiplicity of connections among individuals, organisations and businesses) is foreseen. Project Area 1 – The City of Ideas The entire city of Perugia and, most importantly, the process of revitalising its historic centre is the focal point of this project area. In view of this, Project Area 1 plans to interlink the city centre with the other urban areas and suburbs where most residents have moved. This approach will thus result in a harmonious revitalisation of the historic centre and the rest of the city, where new places of social connectivity and the bridging of knowledge will be built. The project area foresees the active involvement of the cultural realities, in particular of the city’s academic institutions (the two Universities of Perugia, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Conservatory of Music). In addition to these last, the IALS – Italian Army Language School and the RAI – Radio and TV Journalism School also express what Perugia has to offer to the polycentric regional system. While the project area aims to improve the relationship between the city and its citizens, it sets young people as its primary target group. In addition, it is also open to other social groups who possess entrepreneurial skills and productive and innovative ideas such as those who are unemployed and have to “re-invent” an occupation for themselves, artists that are willing to expand their professional profiles and skills, companies and craftsmen who wish to renew and widen the scope of their businesses.
II - Structure of the programme for the event
The core idea is to re-configure the city, especially its historic centre, as a big laboratory that is open to creativity and cultural expression and becomes a sort of spreadable Living Lab. In strict adherence to its urban policies, Umbria has a long history in preserving its historic city centres. In particular, the 1976 “Pilot Plan” for the programmed conservation of the cultural heritage, which was headed by the late Prof. Giovanni Urbani and introduced the innovative concepts of environmental risk and danger, gained national and international recognition. In fact, the 1979 earthquake, as well as the even more devastating one in 1997, constituted a sort of field validation of the principles set forth in Prof. Urbani’s Plan and provided the occasion to test the innovative techniques for the restoration of the tangible and non-tangible cultural heritage. Thus, the “Strategic Framework for the Enhancement of the Historic Centre of Perugia” was begun in compliance with the “Regional Law 12/2008” which is a benchmark in the field of regulatory policies regarding interventions on city centres. Additionally, the 2008 regional bid “PUC 2” (concerning major second-generation urban renewal projects – The ROP ERDF funds), provided an opportunity for the Municipality of Perugia to systematically re-scale, renew and extend its plans for the city’s restoration and revitalisation. More specifically,
the “PUC 2” has generated a comprehensive set of projects (most of which are funded and included in the infrastructure section of the candidacy application, as illustrated further on) and are in line with Project Area 1 of the Cultural Strategic Plan of Perugia 2019. Project Area 1 is based on a three-level structure: • a network of creative laboratories; • a system of services for the cultural production and use; • a Living Hub, to be created in the former prison of Perugia. The Creative Laboratories Network which means building a widespread system of places and conditions to guarantee the realisation of activities, productions and social, artistic, cultural and creative projects. These projects can be undertaken by self-employed individuals, free-lance operators, companies, small cooperative businesses, enterprises, partnerships, associations and informal working groups. In view of this, the bid will allow the development of specific instruments that will provide advantages (i.e. services, regional laws, financial incentives, support and access to tender offers, subsidised credit and technical meetings with the relevant institutions) to attract participants.
• Figure 5: Graphic exemplification of the structure of Project Area 1
II - Structure of the programme for the event
The main organisations in industry, trade, craftsmanship and commerce, along with companies, trade unions and regional development agencies will all be involved in the creation of the network. Their support will be required to consolidate the network positioning in the market by providing guidance and mentoring. In keeping with this approach, the CNA – National Confederation of Craftsmanship and SmallMedium Umbrian Enterprises, has submitted a project called “The hub of creative craftsmanship�, and the League of Cooperative Businesses in Umbria has involved its members in an animation project, which are both coherent with the original concept. Thus, the cultural entities present in the area, along with their historical associations, will play a leading role in this process. The four main academic institutions of Perugia will support this course of action by mentoring specific student projects, in order to foster a stronger and more consistent interaction between higher education and the job market. Moreover, the Cultural Programme of the bid includes several projects for art laboratories that may originate in creative ateliers, where it will be possible to experiment new management models, as this is already common practice in Umbria for many events and cultural activities. Finally, numerous calls for ideas on specific themes will be launched to develop an ad hoc technological platform to give support to the co-working groups and collaborative activities in the network, as well as to the interdisciplinary nature of the contributions. Although these laboratories will be primarily set up in the historic centre of Perugia, they are planned to be in other areas of the city as well. Thanks to a census mapping database of all publicly-owned (and currently unused) buildings located in the historic centre or in its immediate surroundings, some spaces in which to hold the laboratories for the new creative and cultural activities foreseen by the project have been identified. In particular, these are the Sciri Complex, the Via Fratti Complex, the former Indoor Market Hall and other municipal and state-owned buildings, such as former military barracks. In this regard, the bid envisages fund allocations for the infrastructural sector that will allow the retrieval of approximately 5,000 square metres, which account for about a quarter of the estimated surface area. The creative laboratories will stimulate citizens in
re-claiming their city, through the implementation of policies that are aimed at preserving a more balanced mix of social diversity in the historic centre. Further interventions foresee projects that regard urban furniture, the maintaining and re-integrating of arts and crafts activities, and the creation of urban and community gardens. The second is the Cultural Services Networks (focused on Perugia, but also present across the entire region) that refers to theatre and performance, in particular the Umbria Theatre Company; to the museum network, in particular the Regional Museum System; to the library and archive network, among which is the new Arconi Library; to the network of conference halls and multi-purpose spaces, including the new Auditorium of S. Francesco al Prato; to the network of open spaces, mostly the beautiful and magnificent medieval squares in Perugia and Umbria. In addition the Cultural Services Networks will have a dual function: (1) they will support cultural production and experimentation by means of creative laboratories and educational institutions (in view of this, and especially for major events, the most important cultural realities will endeavour to boost the industry of culture within their field of competence; namely, with schools, specialisation courses, demonstrative platforms, etc.); and, (2) the networks will support the cultural fruition on the part of the citizens of Perugia and Umbria by strengthening the access mechanisms (i.e. business agreements, incentives, pricing policies) and providing complementary services within the commercial, entertainment and recreational areas (such as bookshops, wineries, multi-ethnic restaurants, etc.), in order to increase financial revenues that derive from cultural activities (which are currently rather low) while encouraging access to the historic centre. Furthermore, the Cultural Services Networks are already being restructured and expanded by the Municipality of Perugia in order to provide better access and interconnection between the historic centre and the other urban areas. In view of the bid, Perugia has also scheduled the implementation of a series of infrastructural projects and enhancements related to cultural services, with an estimated cost of 80% of the overall budget, as shown in the following pages.
II - Structure of the programme for the event
Network of exhibition and museum-related services
Palazzo della Penna, Rocca Paolina In addition to the restoration work to the Palazzo della Penna, the Rocca Paolina, currently the main entry gate to the historic centre of Perugia and an internationally significant example of alternative mobility (a complex system of automated paths inside the fortress, connected to an exchange node), will also undergo a requalification and will be equipped with technological devices, to improve the vast spaces to be used for exhibitions and tourist reception.
PALAZZO DELLA PENNA – Museum of Contemporary Art- The project involves restoring the Palazzo della Penna and transform it into a centre for contemporary culture, where activities related to the visual arts, literature, music, theatre, photography, publishing, technology, environment, sustainability and training will be carried out. The Museum of Contemporary Art, which is housed in the Palazzo della Penna, is the main pole of the network of municipal museums in Umbria. The Museum System of Umbria, established in 1990, is the first example of a well-structured national museum network that comprises 109 public, private and Church-owned museums throughout Umbria. Since 2002, Palazzo della Penna has hosted a rich and important collection of art works and numerous exhibitions. After undergoing an initial renovation process that expanded its exhibition space by almost a third, it will now renew its mission. In the spirit of the bid, it will promote activities connected to contemporary cultural interests and exchanges of experience. Based on these criteria, the Readers’ Circle, the Archives of the Shared Memory of Perugia and the Gourmet Cafe-BIOǾ will function as permanent and non-traditional “museums”, to be included in the cultural programme of the new Centre of Contemporary Culture. Arconi Library, San Matteo degli Armeni In addition to the construction of the new Arconi Library, interventions have been planned on the former convent of “St. Matthew of the Armenians” that will be converted into a specialised documentation centre, referring to the now wellestablished activities of the Perugia-Assisi for Peace. The involvement of the Region of Umbria and the Municipality of Perugia in the library sector is based on cutting-edge initiatives (such as Born to Read project, Umbria Books, The Readers’ Club, and the “In Vitro” projects). This commitment is further demonstrated by the Centre for the Preservation of the Book in Spoleto.
Network of libraries and archival services
ARCONI LIBRARY - The project foresees building a multimedia library equipped with cutting-edge technology and innovative architectural design and services. A library open to all age groups and backgrounds and it will be specialised in contemporary cultural works. It will attract those segments of the population that until now consider libraries as structures for citizens who only cultivate professional interests of study and research. Thus, the aim is to transform it into a space of socio-cultural aggregation. The new Arconi Library will complement the role of the old Augusta library, one of the jewels of the city. Information boards (including digital ones) will display information on the cultural activities of the city, tourist guides, brochures, etc. In addition to hosting events related to visual arts, video and photography, there will be a space specially designed for children and it will provide services such as “open shelves” and multimedia technology. It will have a computerized system to check out material and the interior design and furniture will be in keeping with these new functions.
II - Structure of the programme for the event
Puppet Theatre, Theatre of Cortone, Pavone Theatre, European Centre for Performing Arts Studies The interventions include the restoration of buildings, mostly owned by the Municipality, whose functional recovery is expected to significantly enhance theatrical performances offer in the city. The Puppet Theatre, in particular, managed by the Compagnia Tieffeu, is dedicated to children and young people, while the Teatro Pavone is used for various types of performances. The Umbrian system of theatres, whose main venue is TSU- The Umbria Theatre Company, includes a network of 19 historical theatres, spread across the Umbrian territory. In the 1980s, all theatres underwent an earlier restoration, based on a complex project of national significance. To further strengthen this system, the TSU and the University of Perugia envisage the creation of a “European Centre for Performing Arts Studies” equipped with a media centre, a library, an exhibition hall, a large garden and a guesthouse for foreign scholars.
Network of convention centres and multi-purpose spaces
Network of theatrical and performancerelated services
S. Francesco al Prato, Sala dei Notari, Fatebenefratelli Complex, S. Bevignate and other historical city venues and halls, S. Giuliana Sports area In addition to the significant recovery of S. Francesco al Prato, the on-going restoration aims to recover and restore important former convents. Thus, places of great historical and architectural importance (such as the former Fatebenefratelli Complex) will be re-structured and converted into multipurpose spaces to be used for concerts, conferences, exhibitions, performances and other types of cultural activities. Another important intervention is the renovation of the sporting complex of S. Giuliana, which is adjacent to the historic centre. The plan is to equip the complex with a covered stage, sound and lighting equipment and new seating arrangements.
S. FRANCESCO AL PRATO – The project involves the renovation of the Church of S. Francesco al Prato that will be turned into a major city Auditorium (this is a work currently underway). The functions of the new space will become a venue for concerts, choreography, dance and theatrical performances as well as for meetings, conferences and other types of mass events. To access this complex (which is adjacent to the Academy of Fine Arts, located in the former convent which is also due to be expanded) it has been designed a new automated path that will be connected to a new parking lot and interchange node.
II - Structure of the programme for the event
In the framework of major improvements on cultural infrastructures that are being made by other Umbrian towns in relation to the bid (though not included in the capital expenses of Perugia 2019 project budget) special mention must be made regarding the project of Assisi that involves the re-structuring of 28 sites (one for each Member State and due to increase in 2019) dedicated to the dialogue between European cultural identities within the city. It contemplates cross-cultural exchanges of ideas and creative experiences with artists from different countries (envisioned in the Cultural Programme), for which the Municipality of Assisi plans to invest approximately 28 million euros. In addition to the above, there are other cultural infrastructural projects currently underway, which are located throughout the Umbrian region as can be seen from the figure below, that demonstrate the vitality and willingness of the municipalities to honour their commitment to the bid. The third element of Project Area 1 is linked to the flagship project of the bid which comprises the creation of a multi-functional centre, called the Living Hub. The centre will host social, recreational, business-related and professional activities which will be a sort of “talent garden” for those who want
Municipality of Città di Castello Designing of the Burri Square and a Centre for Contemporary Art at the Palazzo Vitelli
Municipality of Montone Restoration and preservation of Rocca di Braccio to become a Cultural and Documentation Centre
Municipality of Pietralunga Renovation of the former cinema into an exhibition gallery
Municipality of Castiglione del Lago Renovation of the former airport that will host an aquarium and an Aviation Museum.
Municipality of Corciano Preservation of the Etruscan Necropolis
Municipality of Passignano sul Trasimeno Construction of a museum documentation centre
Municipality of Città della Pieve Restructuring of the Fortress and its walkways
8 9 10 11 12
5 11
Municipality of Bevagna Restoration of the Roman Amphitheatre Municipality of Cannara Completion of the City Museum Municipality of Bastia Umbra Restructuring of the former slaughterhouse and converting it into a multipurpose hall to include an auditorium and a library Municipality of Torgiano Renovation of the Palazzo Baglioni to host a Wine Museum and a Wine Production Centre
• Figure 6: Projects for new cultural infrastructures in different Umbrian municipalities
1 2
Municipality of Montegabbione Renovation of the former slaughterhouse so as to become a venue for cultural activities
to engage in entrepreneurial ventures in the cultural, creative, social, artistic and hi-tech fields, with an emphasis on highly-qualified young graduates. The project also targets young people from other Italian regions and different European countries and aims to attract them thanks to the city’s more profitable technical, logistics and services conditions. As for the headquarters of the Living Hub, the project foresees the re-structuring and restoring of the men’s ward of the former prison of Perugia, located in the historic centre, which was closed down in 2006 and is highly representative for the necessary urban regeneration. The conversion of this former prison has the dual, symbolic meaning of being a place of suffering and confinement that is now being transformed into a place that prompts ideas and fosters freedom through creativity. Moreover, through this project, the city regains a very large and important part of its urban estates heritage situated just outside the city’s ancient walls. The Living Hub represents a more sophisticated model of a traditional incubator where ideas are germinated and brought forward. It will have a multifunctional character and will be consistent with the
12 8
10 9
15 16
Municipality of Deruta Establishment of an infrastructural complex in the historic centre to be designed as a creative hub for artistic ceramics
Municipality of Marsciano Technological upgrading of the city’s brickworks museum
Municipality of Acquasparta Restoration and preservation of the Accademia dei Lincei
Municipality of Stroncone Completion and restoration of the former Chiesa del Gonfalone into a Centre for Studies on Medieval Music
Municipality of Spoleto Adjustment and upgrading of the city theatres
Municipality of Spello Restructuring of a 3rd Century A.D. Roman Villa.
Municipality of Trevi Restoration of the Park and Fabri Villa to become a Regional Observatory for Biodiversity
Municipality of Montefalco Restoration of the old Franciscan wine cellars and create a Centre for Simultaneous Translations
19 13 20
18 24
Municipality of Foligno Recovery of the city’s former sugar production factory Creation of the Parco delle Scienze e delle Arti di Foligno,
Municipality of Norcia Renovation of the St. Francis monumental building complex to host a library and an archive
Municipality of Cascia Completion of the St. Margaret Complex as part of the urban museum network
Municipality of Terni Renovation of municipality Theatre Verdi
II - Structure of the programme for the event
size and production-related features of the city and the region. The restoration plan also contemplates the use of various means of funding. It will combine financial resources (from European funds and public and private sectors) and it will have an ample shareholding system that will be open to the general public; therefore, citizens will actively participate in the renewal of the historic centre of the city. In this regard, contacts are underway with two major financial institutions that specialise in both banking business ethics and project-based funding systems. Given the considerable economic and financial commitment that the restoration project of the entire structure requires, it has been decided to begin with the more functional areas. Thus, the project investment budget currently foresees the restoration of only the men’s ward of the prison (11,000 square metres of usable indoor space and 4,000 square metres of outdoor space). It is believed that, with the appropriate financial incentives and well-devised services, the project should be able to house about 40 small start-ups in the
Living Hub (the University of Perugia, to date, has facilitated the establishment of more than 30 spin-off firms and it should be equally noted that every year, about 4,000 graduates from the two Universities of Perugia enter the job market). In addition to the four academic institutions, other potential partners have shown an interest to act as technological and cultural mentors for these newly-created businesses. These are large companies, based in Umbria or outside the region, that operate in various sectors, from fashion to computers and telecommunications, from arts and crafts enterprises to cooperatives. These companies are willing to mentor the new businesses and entrepreneurs and are available to eventually establish corporate ventures to financially support these initiatives, using risk capital where applicable to foster their growth. During the bidding process (promoted through the framework of the Kultur-Fabrik Perugia research project headed by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Perugia) a workshop/call-for-ideas initiative was
CORE RESOURCES Permanent and temporary headquarters of new creative, cultural and high-tech enterprises
CORE RESOURCES Advanced services/activities related to the creative workshop networks and the cultural services indicated above, with the addition of co-working spaces and FabLab (makers, open databases, etc.) geared primarily towards traditional as well as innovative industries and manufacturing companies in Umbria
CORE RESOURCES Relocation of traditional and non-traditional enterprises, such as specialised professional services and law offices, accounting firms, financial institutions, marketing and engineering companies, and architectural design firms
CORE RESOURCES Marketing and corporate venture activities to host flagship companies or small groups of enterprises looking for new talent/ideas/products and to promote links between domestic and international markets to create fresh business opportunities CORE RESOURCES Database with “Job Listings” for creative writers, artists, performers, their groups or associations (i.e. advertisements, auditions, performances, exhibitions, talent scouting, job placements, etc.)
CORE RESOURCES Research labs on the semantic web and advanced reality regarding artistic and cultural productions
COLLATERAL RESOURCES New generation Urban Centres (project already foreseen by the Municipality of Perugia with a reduced scope), that contribute significantly to the direct and active participation of citizens in the decision-making process related to specific aspects of the candidacy application and, more generally, to the current and future urban development
ADDED RESOURCES Other complementary functions (i.e. residential, commercial, recreational and social areas) aimed at satisfying the needs and preferences of young people: i.e. creating places for art, scientific and photographic exhibitions, staging of plays, viewing of films, holding live concerts, providing "digital” public squares (conceived and designed to replicate the "medieval squares") and creating venues for conferences and focus groups
• Figure 7: What the Living Hub offers
II - Structure of the programme for the event
• From top: Aerial view of the former prison of Perugia; ev@ sione - the winning project of the ideas competition workshop Kultur-Fabrik Perugia
II - Structure of the programme for the event
begun that involved numerous project groups (including professors and students) from 16 Italian universities. Their winning ideas (assessed and selected by a national and foreign panel of judges) are illustrated in the Figure below. A European bid will be made to select the best and final intervention project. Project Area 2 – The City of Dialogue This project area is based on the special relationship between Perugia and the Places of Francis of Assisi; but it may also include all the municipalities in Umbria and be extended to all European territories including the European cities twinned with Umbrian cities. Umbria and European citizens are identified as the primary target group. Its central ideas are the recognition and exercise of the rights of European citizenship along with the recognition and enhancement of local cultural identities. For the purposes of dialogue, tradition has made Umbria the capital of ecumenism, with important interreligious and non-religious peace initiatives. Moreover, the “Local Authorities for Peace Movement” has based its seat of national coordination in Perugia. The project area will issue policies that address social regeneration, inclusion, integration and cohesion that will be seen as soft infrastructures. The main tools to be used are those of the processes of a participatory democracy and the creation of a full European awareness through direct experience. The underlying themes have identified two main objectives that must be achieved: 1) to foster the exchange of experiences on the part of European citizens that derive from specific social situations directly at their level of aggregation within society (the Cities), at their level of representation within the national political institutions (the Municipalities), and in connection to European institutions; 2) to recommend shared proposals for the management of issues relating to daily life and the participation of all citizens of local communities, in close connection with the European dimension. This programme, from now until 2019, will be enriched by an ever-widening promotion of cultural exchanges that will take place through a network of activities that exploit the already existing relations at the institutional level, among the citizens themselves and especially the twin cities initiatives. The project, leading up to 2019, will be developed on three layers and it will have three timelines. The starting point was the 1st Assembly of European Cities Twinned with the Cities of Umbria (June 2013)
where various projects on the Community programme “Europe for Citizens” were presented. Partnerships established for proposal submission will form the basis for the project launch, regardless of their approval. In this context, the 2014 bid of Perugia, for the title of “European Youth Capital” (EYC) in 2017, would acquire particular importance. In the 1st phase (2014) projects devoted to the issues of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity as well as the education of the future European citizen will be launched in schools and across the territory. In smaller urban centres, efforts will be made to enhance the relationship between the cultural heritage and widespread local identity. In order to train new professionals in the management of participatory processes, the University of Perugia, in collaboration with other Italian universities, will establish the first European Master entitled Promoters of the Processes of Participatory Democracy for young graduates. Also starting in 2014, a project called Cultural Ambassadors will be launched. This will be a theoretical course, aimed at preparing young Umbrians for the role of “cultural ambassadors” which will be followed by internships that will last 8 months to be held at institutions in Europe. In this regard exchanges have already been initiated with the cities of Riga, Sigulda and San Sebastián. The Brain Back project, launched by AUR – The Umbria Research Agency to counter the brain drain, will harness the network of young Umbrians who study and work abroad (700 participants and nearly 60 countries) to create a network of their skills, experiences and ideas. Other projects, such as an eventual international festival of universities, are being evaluated. In the 2nd phase (2015-2018) projects in various areas within the newly-formed ELCN – European Local Communities Network will be initiated through the experimentation of innovative practices of participatory democracy and new models of widespread cultural production. In the 3rd phase, which coincides with the ECoC year (2019), a new platform for a European Charter of the Rights of Citizenship and the establishment of a permanent Forum of Local Cultural Identity will be elaborated. The esteem of the twin cities initiative, between Umbria and Europe, is a strength of the project area, and it is further enhanced by the extension of the network of European cities twinned with Umbrian cities (1st level network) that will be linked to the networks of European cities twinned with other European cities (2nd and 3rd level networks). With
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regard to the types of exchange and communication between the twin partners – beyond the initiatives already mentioned and the meetings, as required by the Community programme “Europe for Citizens” – on-line interaction tools will be used to test methods and practices of participatory democracy. A further initiative relates to the establishment of cultural embassies in Perugia, promoted by the project Kultur-Fabrik Perugia. This initiative aims to enhance the European dimension of the historic centre by developing relations between countries. These cultural embassies will be run by youth associations, in agreement with the administrations, in which the different countries involved can freely express their cultural ideas and opinions. Finally, the places and itineraries of meditation, the preaching and good works of Francis of Assisi, with the collaboration of the International Society of Franciscan Studies and the Accademia Properziana del Subasio, will play an important role. The Franciscan and Benedictine itineraries will be included in an integrated proposal that combines the hospitality of monastic places together with the contemplation of the important themes running through contemporary life.
Project Area 3— The City of Hospitality This area of interest refers specifically to Perugia and the entire region in a strategic way. It aims to establish a new model of hospitality and attractiveness in the tourist trade. It also aims to incorporate the new, emerging trends in contemporary tourism with the well-established, traditional tourist assets of Perugia and Umbria. In fact, the transformations that have occurred in recent years in the tourism sector have revealed a number of global megatrends that will continue to influence the dynamics of tourism on a global scale throughout the current decade. A new, more discerning traveller has emerged, focused on experiencing an authentic, personalized type of holiday, shaped to one’s specific interests and much of this thanks to the help of the web and new media. Despite the many technological changes in the ways of travelling (acquiring information, choosing destinations, etc.) the traveller’s experience is nonetheless still a “natural” experience. Web tools and social networks merely serve the traveller’s need
TOURISM MEGATRENDS 2020 Evolution of the composition of demand
The changing psychology of tourists
Increase in tourism of the middle classes in emerging countries Increase of tourism among senior citizens, coming mainly from central and western Europe Increased needs of accessible tourism (36 million people with reduced ability travellers in Europe) Increase in new forms of travel/ accommodation (carpooling, couchsurfing, etc.) practiced especially by young people Increased desire for new/better holidays Polarisation of expenditure Increased number of weekend breaks/ short holidays The search for an authentic experience Increase in the use of web and mobile media Focus on sustainability
Increased number of flights, routes, The demand for advanced and innovative offers/proposals Demand for specific services, adequate infrastructures Diversification of services to better meet the needs of users Increase in spending to satisfy “wants” Increase in demand for low-cost flights and at the same time luxury accommodation/exclusive holidays European traveller who needs quick links and short breaks Customising of journeys to specific interests of consumers. Holidays oriented to consumers’ physical and psychological well-being Online, direct holiday booking, knowledge of user rating, continuous, informed, worldwide access to data Increased awareness of energy consumption, environmental protection and conservation of cultural sites
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to interact with the territories and people. Therefore, the demand for an integrated system of traditional services with innovative services that are environmentally friendly, increases. In addition, by 2020, the number of travellers in Italy is expected to grow by 2.9% per year (half of which will be from the BRICS and Gulf countries), with an increase of 4.8% in expenditure (see “The Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Tourism in Italy in 2020”). The type of “offer” will therefore change according to the needs of the traveller. On the other hand, the philosophy underlying the cultural supply system of Perugia 2019, is: • linked to an Umbrian model of hospitality that is able to involve the public and artists from all over Europe and the world, not only as audiences or performers, but rather, and above all, as participants to a unique, complete and integrated experience that is replete with fruitful exchange between the local and European dimensions; • directed at a dynamic use of new technologies that function not only as communication tools but also as an interaction system and fruition of the territory and the tangible and intangible heritage; • inspired by a culture of accessibility, energy, social and environmental sustainability. The interplay between the vision of Perugia 2019, that is based on the territorial identity – distinct, but nonetheless part of a wider hospitality and meaningful relationship with others – together with the use of new, accessible and sustainable digital technologies (services, information, consumption) that strengthen the bond between the people and the cultures of the area, outlines a type of tourism that is unique in Italy. The trip to Umbria itself becomes a holistic, cultural experience, where the local traditions, artistic crafts, food and wine, physical wellbeing, cultural events, landscapes, heritage, new technologies and cross-media of arts and languages are all inseparable components that reflect the art of living (objectives clearly outlined in the “Plan for Tourism Marketing of the Region of Umbria”). To achieve the new model of hospitality a “Strategic Plan for Attractiveness”, based on three key assets has been established: • constant monitoring of the dynamics of the supply with the demands for tourism. The aim is to identify the degree of attractiveness of Perugia and of the Umbrian territory and to take specific actions where necessary to increase such degree;
• organisation of the territory supply and its components from the point of view of demand and the tailoring of the offer to identify and respond to specific targets; • organisation of the entire regional territory by using criteria that takes into account the supply typology and demand fulfilment rather than geographical features. Implementation of the plan will also allow the creation of personal services and innovative, sustainable information systems; the training of new and specialized personnel to accompany this transformation; and, the activation of networks that interconnect the territory with its cultural and economic sectors. Enhancing the relationship between the environment and the therapeutic effects of physical wellbeing will be a priority. On the basis of the region’s experience and organisation in terms of public health, a space dedicated to the promotion of health education, organised by the Centre for Experimental Health Education at the University of Perugia, in collaboration with the Region of Umbria, is due to be evaluated. A key role in the realisation of this project consists of the narrative and informative network of Perugia 2019, based on a mix of digital technologies that are strongly connected, even physically, to the territory. A series of instruments, combined with efficient information services and customer care, will be devised to enrich the cultural experience of the visitor. In particular, use will be made of: (i) the design and implementation of a library of apps for the web and for mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.); (ii) an array of technologies and interactive tools that will enhance appreciation of the Cultural Programme of Perugia 2019 and the entire cultural and environmental heritage (i.e. augmented reality systems; geo-referenced app, web streaming, etc.); and, (iii) the development and strengthening of mobile information systems for tourists and visitors. Finally, the tourist information system will be enhanced with proper ECoC Doors that will be found at the main terminals and points of access (airports, highways, railway stations, bus stations, etc.). These will be equipped with: (i) interactive multimedia centres for virtual tours, mapping and definition of tourist itineraries; (ii) information on the multimedia descriptions of events and cultural heritage; (iii) information agencies and reservation desks; (iv) the sale of typical gastronomic products accompanied by food and wine tasting; and, (v) exhibition and sale of quality handicrafts.
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Although the strategic enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage is extremely and equally important, the need for the conservation and enhancement of the widespread, ethno-anthropological tangible and intangible heritage (also through the use of digital technologies) is indispensable for the cultural identity of the territories and communities that live there and in particular for the inhabitants who are the custodians of collective memories. The already ongoing classification and mapping of the tangible and intangible heritage in: (i) events (rites and ceremonies, oral and musical performances, dances, etc.); (ii) food preparation; (iii) craftsmanship skills and handicraft production; (iv) activities and related services (courses, workshops, exhibitions, fairs, etc.); and, (v) related itineraries (routes, other places of interest, etc.) will create an “Archive of Local Knowledge”. Specifically, Perugia 2019 proposes a special project of itineraries, called Traditions Along the Paths, which is divided into 12 themes, each corresponding to a month of the year. Aspects of the social life of the community, such as the preparation of food products, manual craftsmanship, cultural activities and popular traditions, will be interconnect in this project. An itinerary that leads to the Umbrian town that is closest to the particular theme will be indicated. In close relation with Project Area 2, a Multimedia European Archive of Knowledge and Local Resources (digital and accessible from web mobile), that brings together information, knowledge and research on the local cultural heritage, collected through the twin city project, will also be implemented and promoted at the European level. The itineraries defined in the project have been further incremented by other thematic itineraries that were either already planned, currently in progress or contemplated by the “Plan for Tourism Marketing of the Region of Umbria”. They are: (i) the Franciscan and Benedictine itineraries (already listed under Project Area 2); (ii) the Etruscan itineraries; (iii) the ancient Roman consular road Via Flaminia; (iv) the Road of the Longobards; (v) the Chocolate road (connected to the Eurochocolate event which is being evaluated by the Council of Europe as a new European Cultural Route of the Council of Europe); (vi) the bike trails and slow tourism; (vii) the food and wine itineraries; (viii) the itineraries of good health; (ix) the routes of wild nature and extreme sports; and, (x) the itineraries of the liveable and friendly nature.
THE CULTURAL PROGRAMME OF PERUGIA 2019 —————— In Perugia and in Umbria, culture has always been a spreadable laboratory, open to talents and different voices, throughout the territory. Strong has been the commitment to experimenting with languages, crafts and technologies. The cultural identity of Umbria is the search for a shared idea that also represents a vision of the world that looks at the essence of things; values the present timespan in history because that present belongs elsewhere and it is the basis upon which to create the future - a visionary gaze (from San Francesco to Burri, from the pacifism of Aldo Capitini to Penna or Angela of Foligno) - a momentum that transposes the secular deeds that are treasured in the medieval stones into the light of nature and the landscape so as to become one the reliance on an active community. The cultural system in Umbria has for decades promoted new forms of cultural fruition that have seen broad participation (the Umbria Jazz Festival, the International Journalism Festival, FestArch, the Umbria Theatre Company, Fontemaggiore, the Puppet Theatre and the Sagra Musicale Umbra) and have been ahead of their time for their interest in terms of cross-media and the interweaving of different arts and cultures (Festival of the Two Worlds of Spoleto, CAOS – Siri Factory Art Centre and IMMaginario of Perugia). The cultural concept The Perugia 2019 Cultural Project envisages the city as a European Cultural Atelier where that which is ancient turns into project-building. The guidelines for this are the development of an integrated system whereby a Capital becomes the “construction site” of ideas (the transmission of knowledge), a city where cultural experiences are exchanged (using the model of dialogue and integration), a city of hospitality and cultural networks that render Perugia accessible and make the inner city areas and the entire regional territory an open and internationally attractive place. The project has its own story to tell, with an essential premise: the awareness of wanting access to both the languages and the most innovative technologies while, at the same time, being open and ready for future changes and innovations that can only presently be known, in part, compared to 2019. The classical concept of a monumental complex is procedurally understood as an idea of a cultural complex, in which
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the city integrates and proposes itself as a European model. The program is a story-like “transmission” of knowledge and values: the narrative of how a new city develops and emerges into a new reality that is just as highly accomplished in its old identity as it is in its capacity to respond to a future that will be supranational in identity. The Cultural Programme through the metaphor of the Fontana Maggiore To better describe the methodology that lies behind the Cultural Programme of Perugia 2019, the Fontana Maggiore has been chosen as a metaphor for a place/artwork that characterises the city’s heritage. The Fontana Maggiore (built between 1275 and 1278 by the architect Fra Bevignate da Cingoli and sculptors Nicola Pisano and his son Giovanni) represents an ancient example of a design method that can be viewed as a symbol and network for the collection, retrieval and “irrigation” of ideas from which a model of comparison and creativity can emerge. Elevated as a spring, on a circular base of tiered steps that wrap around the entire structure, the Fontana Maggiore consists of two pools of white and pink stone with a bronze basin at the top which supports the nymphs or the theological virtues. The lower basin is a polygon of 25 sides, each separated by a small column, and each containing two carved bas reliefs for a total of 50 tiles. It reflects the pedagogical story of knowledge and values that makes Perugia a great community. The upper basin is a polygonal basin consisting of 12 sides, which tell the story of Perugia. The symbolic choice of the Fountain comes from its ability to restore the full meaning of the overall artistic and cultural proposal which can be found in the following aspects: • its dynamic and centripetal form sets the square in motion, it gives life to the city in its social and cultural processes, it is the identifying symbol of that agorà of citizens which the cultural programme aims to encourage, it is the place where people meet, discuss and share; • the story of how it was built is itself a formidable artistic laboratory which illustrates the highest synthesis of thought, technology and European crafts that culminated in centuries of collaboration which traces the transmission of techniques from father to son, shows different artists at work, and is the synthesis of the building of the “holy stones” of Assisi, and of the civil and non-religious laboratory that is Perugia;
• the balance and openness towards strong and clear values, such as spirituality and the civic strength of the city, that are the cornerstone of social and territorial unity that Perugia 2019 wants to use to strengthen confidence, trust and cooperation as it looks ahead to the future. The architecture of the Fontana Maggiore and the circular steps that surround the fountain symbolise the vitality and the inter-play between the two basins. The upper basin is a large, stable laboratory of ideas and cultural production very much like an open “construction site”. It is a vast Living Lab, with multi-creative laboratories that needs restructuring. And, like other infrastructures, such as the former prison ward (the place of segregation which is to be transformed into a space of cultural production and open research) this project is to be completed for Perugia 2019. The lower basin, with its fantastic inter-play of tiles, is the symbol of a new and ideal practicality that represents the thematic areas that form the structure of the Perugia 2019 Cultural Programme. The thematic areas, which are closely interrelated with each other, constitute a cultural offer that envisages events, productions, co-productions and initiatives aimed at enhancing, presentations and representations with respect to: • Visual and figurative art; • Performing arts and theatre; • Music and dance; • Cross-media and multimedia exchanges (the blending of languages and forms of expression); • Tangible cultural heritage (historical, artistic, architectural and landscapes); • Intangible anthropological heritage (traditions, food and wine, crafts, sports culture, popular festivals and events); • Communications, journalism, video and photography; • Literature, philosophy, education, training and scientific culture. Added to this will be other entertainment, games and environmental experiences. Successively, a call for ideas and proposals will be promoted not only in relation to these areas, but also with respect to other activities, such as cinema and sports, which do not have a considerable number of events in the Cultural Programme that is currently being prepared.
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The Fountain and the cultural processes From the symbolism of the Fountain a philosophy of man re-emerges. The true, authentic foundations of the city lie in the pivotal sharing of knowledge and awareness. It is the “know-how” that leads mankind to a positive concept of “social individual”, entirely free of ideological pre-conditions. This individual, who is interested, motivated and willing to share himself with others, will be open to the environment and the exchange of experiences with the world: he lives with the desire to be one world. This cosmopolitan, global outlook of the individual gives a new and added importance to knowledge and to “know-how” which give him the freedom to act. The modern city wants to express the meaning of this circular concept. The Cultural Programme will follow a narrative theme of a complete and inter-connected cause and effect system linked to the central idea of Perugia 2019 and the three fundamental ways that define the city together with the three principal guidelines. 1) MAKE IT NEW The City of Ideas The city is the place where ideas must set people free. In a city of ideas, the importance of knowledge and skills is of primary significance; it is here that a collective rebirth of the culture and the intellect must be seen. This necessitates, in particular, a steady flow of intellectual ideas from young people. A vigorous, useful, pragmatic and productive learning is needed, so that an array of services may be offered. In addition to being creative and entertaining, these services also fully respect diversity and the needs of people with reduced abilities. 2) SHARING The City of Dialogue Knowledge and know-how are always something to share and it is this which allows the city of ideas to create a truly welcoming city. Dialogue and the life of the community give new meaning to words like “individual” and “society”, which in turn highlight the importance of real participation. A welcoming city interconnects with others by sharing its meeting places with its visitors and residents. There will be a cross-media collage of art, music, theatre, dance, cinema and literature: a fusion of our cultural heritage with local, shared memories. Thus, the integration between the differing social, linguistic, generational and cultural needs, together with this multiplicity of experiences, give new meaning and a new perspective to the citizenry in an urban environment.
3) WORLD’S LANDSCAPES The City of Hospitality Dialogue means tolerance and a desire to redefine exactly what is meant when with the words “individual” or “society”. Following the paths, the places and the spirituality of Francis of Assisi, an openness to the world and those around us is implicit in his teachings. The networks embrace the region and accentuate the need to give a territorial and international interpretation to the city as the capital of culture. The participation of peoples of different linguistic and ethnic backgrounds, the contrast between the classic and the contemporary, the cultured world with the experimental and popular, make the region extremely attractive. Both the skilled artisan and the unskilled labourer create such extraordinary works of beauty that Europe cannot but be attracted to the lands of Francis. They are truly an authentic and inescapable point of cultural and artistic reference. Thus, the choices that have been made in the Cultural Programme clearly indicate the following aspects: – the multimedia and cross-media approach; – the blending of the varieties of linguistic forms in the choice of events; – the blending of the varieties of linguistic forms in the choice of different styles of communication from one generation to the next; – the framework of places and venues that cover the whole territory; – the integrated network of partnerships; – the abundant network of European and international relations; – the vision that is both sophisticated, yet open to the participation of others. The programme covers the period 2016-2019, with most events concentrated in 2019. The events are part of a process whose aim is to bring people closer together, foster participation and include all parts of the territory.
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• Figure 8: Graphic model of the concept which is the basis of the Cultural Programme
What main events will mark the year? For each one, please supply the following information: – description of the event – date and place – project partners – financing ————————————————————————— In the intention to “make new places” centres where people can meet, socialize and exchange ideas will be set up. The Perugia 2019 Cultural Programme may be seen as an ongoing project, open to enrichment from the many open calls and the participation and contribution of all other interested bodies. The programmed events for the period 2016-2019 are fluid and open to change, in response to new situations and the ideas, aspirations and contributions of the institutional bodies and citizens themselves. There will be a re-emergence of cultural and social themes in the city. Perugia 2019 has long-term goals. The ideas is to create a new city and a new citizenry, with the passion that characterises the heritage and the enthusiasm of the future.
What follows below is a summary of the main events that make up the present Cultural Programme of Perugia 2019. The period, place and partners have been indicated; however, the budgetary component is not shown, as negotiations are still ongoing. A more detailed description of events is provided in Appendix 1 – The Cultural Programme. The Perugia 2019 programme will include not only the specific events, especially created for the ECoC candidacy, but also the regular calendar of events in Umbria, provided by the network of cultural associations and bodies.
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MAKE IT NEW The City of Ideas –––––––––––––––– • The Self Portrait of a Capital Exchange of music and visual art created by young European artists on the theme of the city. Partners: Centre of Contemporary Culture Palazzo della Penna, The Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia, CIAC (Italian Centre of Contemporary Art of Foligno), Todi Contemporary Art, GAI - Tourin (Young Italian Artist Association), The Conservatory of Music of Perugia, The University of Perugia, other Conservatories of Music, Art Schools and Universities from Europe. Location: Perugia. Target: the general public, young people and artists. •Peace – An Educational Revolution Workshops for education, research and the spreading of the theme of peace. Partners: The Association of Local Entities for the Promotion of Peace, The Regional Education Authority of Umbria, The University of Perugia, The University for Foreigners of Perugia, The Sacred Convent of Assisi, The International Peace Centre of Sarajevo; The Festival of Tolerance of Plovdiv; others to be announced. Location: Perugia and Assisi. Target: the general public, students. • The Hidden Ancient Umbria Events and exhibitions regarding the lesser-known parts of Umbria, to be held inside the RoccaPaolina fortress, exploring ancient Umbria and its depiction in Italian painting. Partners: The National Gallery of Umbria, The Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Umbria, The Municipal Library Network of Perugia, The University of Perugia, The University for Foreigners of Perugia, The Regional Museum Network; others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: the general public, scholars and tourists. • Park of the Etruscan Walls – Imaginary Journeys in the Alterna Urbs of the Time Public art exhibitions along Perugia’s Etruscan walls, with commissioned artworks to famous artists, multimedia installations and story-telling workshops. Partners: The Archive of Shared Memories of the Municipality of Perugia, The Municipal Library Network of Perugia,The University of Perugia, The Regional Museum Network, Associations of the Historic Centre of Perugia, N.U.Da (Contemporary Dance Network of Umbria), V2 (Institute for the
Unstable Media), The Dance Moves Cities Project, ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art), others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: the general public, tourists. • Burri and the Place of Contemporary Art Workshops on contemporary art and the themes of the promotion and restoration of art, with exhibitions, demonstrations and talks. Partners: Alberto Burri Foundation of Città di Castello, Il Giardino dei Lauri, Centre of Contemporary Culture Palazzo della Penna, The National Gallery of Umbria, Palazzo Collicola, Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary, Via Industriae Cultural Association, Torre dei Lambardi, European galleries and contemporary art centres to be announced. Location: Perugia, Spoleto and Città di Castello. Target: The general public, artists. • Making Theatre – The Santacristina Theatrical Centre Theatre workshop for young European actors, with performances to explore the use of unusual theatre spaces. Partners: The Santacristina Theatrical Centre, Theatre Centres in Strasbourg and Athens, others to be announced. Location: Gubbio and other places in Umbria. Target: The general public, young actors. • Algorythm – Science, Creativity and Learning Project based on the relationship between art and science, with talks, seminars, science events and meetings between artists and scientists. Partners: Perugia Science Fest, The Gurdulù Association, The Psiquadro Association, The University of Perugia, The POST Foundation (Science and Technology Centre), The Municipality of Terni, Laboratory of Experimental Sciences of Foligno, Science Park and Science Fest of Foligno, Amsterdam Smart City, Forum Democrit of Sophia, Fundacion Seneca, Glasgow Science Festival, Techmania Science Center, Lower Silesian Science Festival, ZOOM - Kindermuseum Wien, others to be announced. Location: Perugia and Foligno. Target: The general public, young people and members of the scientific world. • Perugia Open Ear Project dealing with unusual and creative applications of music in the fields of choreography, jingles, music therapy, the recycling of materials, and in the new technologies. Partners: The Umbrian Song and Songwriters Music Association, The Conservatory of Music of Perugia, The University of Perugia, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people.
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• Public Architecture Sound installations, stories and multimedia created for castles, strongholds, fortresses, monasteries and aqueducts, plus exhibitions and meetings on the theme of the flexible city. Partners: FestArch, The Regional Museum Network, CAOS (Siri Factory Arts Centre), The University of Perugia, The Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia; FUA (The Umbrian Architecture Foundation), Sofia Architecture Week, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, tourists. • Youtopia – Streets and Roots of the Future Project for mapping and narrating the city by means of citizen involvement and the use of new media, with the creation of short multimedia works. Partners: Festival IMMaginario, Sky, Sky Arte, Cattleya film producer, Rai, Rai Fiction, RaiEdu, Rai5, IULM (The University Institute for Modern Languages of Milano), Catholic University of Milan, IED European Institute of Design Roma, the RAI Archive for the Region of Umbria, Radio and TV Journalism School. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and artists. SHARING The City of Dialogue –––––––––––––– • The Tower of the Sciri – Instruments of Urban Narration Project involving visual installations and multimedia at the medieval tower of the Sciri in Perugia, with theatre, music, dance and images of the urban and non-urban landscape. Partners: Deja Donné Company, The Archive of Shared Memories of the Municipality of Perugia, The Umbrian Regional Sound Archives O. Trotta, Steim Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people, students, senior citizens and immigrants. • Festival of the World – The Other Europe Events of lesser-known music, theatre and dance groups, to re-launch two of the re-structured public squares in Perugia, for Perugia 2019. Partners: The Fontemaggiore Theatre Company of Innovation; The University for Foreigners of Perugia, Experimental music and dance groups from Umbria, The Umbrian Regional Sound Archives O. Trotta, Futuresonic, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and immigrants.
• Umbria on the Move – the Places of Francis Jazz, pop and ethnic music concerts, throughout the 92 cities of Umbria. Partners: Umbria Jazz Festival, The Conservatory of Music of Perugia, Cultural associations in the historic centre of Perugia, Trasimeno Blues Festival; Young Jazz Festival, Berklee College of Music; others to be announced. Location: Perugia and other places in Umbria. Target: The general public, young people, immigrants and tourists. • Advanced Archive of Shared Memories Perugia Seen From Within Exhibitions and other events based on the Archive of Shared Memories of Perugia. Partners: The Archive of Shared Memories of the Municipality of Perugia, The Municipal Library Network of Perugia, The National State Archive, The University of Perugia, The University for Foreigners of Perugia, The Regional Museum Network, Associations of the Historic Centre of Perugia, Waag Society for Old and New Media, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and senior citizens. • The European Benedictine Site Workshops and itineraries connected to the creative, spiritual, meditative life and crafts of Umbria’s Benedictine sites. Partners: The Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia, The University of Perugia, The University for Foreigners of Perugia, The Regional Museum Network, The Benedictine Convent Network, Articity, others to be announced. Location: Perugia, Norcia and other places in Umbria. Target: The general public, tourists. • Assisi – the Joyous Gaze of Spirituality Numerous projects exploring the theme of dialogue and spirituality, by means of multi-media workshops, site-specific artistic events, talks with writers and visits to Roman Assisi. Partners: The Sacred Convent of Assisi, The International Society of Franciscan Studies, Accademia Properziana del Subasio, FUA (The Umbrian Architecture Foundation), The Academy of Fine Arts, of Perugia; The University of Perugia; others to be announced. Location: Assisi. Target: The general public, academicians, members of the religious communities and tourists. • Dante, Virgil and Ovid – The Unity of Life and Poetry Series of poetry readings at cultural venues throughout the city. Partners: Umbria Books Festival, The Readers’ Club of Perugia. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and senior citizens.
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• The European Children’s Festival International festival with theatre, puppetry, children’s workshops and street artists - living statues. Partners: Tieffeu (Umbrian Puppet Theater), Unima (The International Federation of Marionettes), Institut Supérieur de la Marionette; others to be announced. Location: Perugia and Assisi. Target: The general public, family groups and children. • The Dream of Protecting and Cherishing the Created Series of “cultural walks” with poetry and music in places of great beauty. Partners: FAI (The Italian Environment Fund), others to be announced. Location: Assisi and other places in Umbria. Target: The general public, tourists. • The World-Houses of Perugia Network of cultural centres belonging to the multicultural community in Perugia, with a programme of artistic and cultural events. Partners: Embassies and cultural centres of European countries. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and immigrants. WORLD’S LANDSCAPES The City of Hospitality _____________________ • Atelier of Living Arts Staging of Contemporary performing arts and events from residential artistic centres in the lesser-known, forgotten parts of the city. Partners: Indisciplinarte and Caos (Art Centre Opifici Siri of Terni), Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker; Alain Platel, The Dance Moves Cities Project, Tim Etchells, and Graham Miller. Location: Perugia, Terni, Assisi and the E45 Highway. Target: The general public – namely, young people and artists. • Festival of the Arts – Perugia 19 International programme of literary and dance events specially created for the different theatres throughout the region. Partners: The Umbria Theatre Company, theatrical companies of Belgium, France, Portugal, Romania and Bulgaria. Location: Umbria. Target: The general public, young, people, tourists and artists. • Europe on the Shores of Lake Trasimeno Wine and Food journeys along the shores of Lake Trasimeno, to rediscover the culture and traditions of the places. Concerts and events with special background sound effects. Partners: Articity, Università dei Sapori
of Perugia; others to be announced. Location: Lake Trasimeno and the surrounding Municipalities. Target: The general public – namely, young people, immigrants and tourists. • Landed Project regarding sound and the theatrical use of space in the airport of Perugia, with the involvement of young European musicians and artists in collaboration with the festival of the Theatre of Peace of Sarayevo, at present in the planning stages. Partners: Musical Box Events, The Music Conservatory of Perugia, Sentieri Selvaggi Association, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people, artists and tourists. • Contemporary Canon The Festival of the Two Worlds will hold its theatre, dance and music programme in honor of Perugia 2019. Partners: The Festival of the Two Worlds, others to be announced. Location: Spoleto. Target: The general public, young people, tourists and artists. • Perugia Minimal A music composition project dedicated to the description of Perugia. The Artistic Director will be Michael Nyman. Partners: Umbria Jazz Festival, Musical Box Events, The Conservatory of Music, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and artists. • Orpheus 2019 from Monteverdi to Berio and Beyond Training courses, performances and concerts dedicated to the myth of Orpheus. Partners: The Experimental Lyric Centre of Spoleto, others to be announced. Location: Spoleto, Perugia, Spello, Gubbio and Castiglione del Lago. Target: The general public, young people. • People in Public Squares – Future Memories for Umbria and Europe Itinerary to appreciate the history and architecture of Umbria to include the historical and cultural importance of local celebrations. Partners: The Umbria Ensemble; Tetraktis Percussions; Ensemble Micrologus, foundations and associations that organize replicas of historical events, exhibitions and performances in Umbria’s twin cities. Location: Umbria. Target: The general public – namely, senior citizens and tourists.
II - Structure of the programme for the event
• Saint François d’Assise Project involving young European orchestras in a performance of a 20th century masterpiece, to be staged in various venues between Perugia and Assisi. Partners: The Perugia Foundation of Classical Music, Sagra Musicale Umbra, Gustav Mahler Jugendorcheste, Junge Deutsche Philharmonie; European Choral Association, Trinity College. Location: Perugia and Assisi. Target: The general public – namely, young people, senior citizens and tourists. • The Contemporary Renaissance – The Dream of Alberto Staging of a collective project of contemporary music, and visual and performing arts. Partners: The Festival of Nations, the Tifernauti, The Esemble of Nations, Tempo Reale, La Fenice Group, DA2, others to be announced. Location: Città di Castello. Target: The general public, young people and artists. • The Right Place Theatrical co-production project, in various European and Umbrian sites, involving Directors of diverse nationalities. Partners:The Sacco Theatre Group, others to be announced. Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people and artists. • The International Journalism Festival Special Edition of The International Journalism Festival with meetings, debates and other events dedicated to journalism, information and freedom of the press, according to the 2.0 model. Partners: International partners to be selected by The International Journalism Festival. Location: Perugia. Target Audience: The general public, young people and experts in the field of communications. • Sounds of Minorities Festival dedicated to the musical cultures of linguistic minorities. Partners: Dancity Festival, others to be announced Location: Perugia. Target: The general public, young people.
How does the city plan to choose the projects/events which will constitute the program for the year? ————————————————————————— The majority of events that make up the Perugia 2019 project, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, will consist of the already on-going development of a precise, well-defined application planning activity. This activity will have two complementary phases that will favour shared and joint action plans rather than selection procedures. This process foresees the participation of the cultural institutions and entities of Perugia and Umbria, as well as an increase in the existing cultural activities and international and European relations (in particular, those with the Bulgarian bidding cities). As of 2012, a common, participatory path was developed together with the city and regional cultural entities that began with the already existing fabric of the significant cultural events of international importance. The common path is aimed at defining and sharing the concept of the programme and its project lines. The implemented process is based on a dual, bottom-up/top-down system and has been developed through open assemblies, special interest/cross-sector roundtable discussions and one-to-one meetings. It has allowed the staff of the cultural artistic direction and the leading players in the cultural sector to identify project areas in which to intervene and develop the individual aspects of each project, including the choice of topics, the partnership network and the relative timeframes. Special emphasis will be given to the importance of the substantial presence of cultural elements and entities in the region that will promote projects aimed at maximising, re-energising and further enhancing their offer, while at the same time highlighting the international cooperation networks so as to bring them back to the ECoC project system. In this regard, an effort will be launched to encourage shared projects, put together partnership agreements and create co-production opportunities. Finally, the Cultural Programme will be further enriched with proposals to be collected through open calls, also at the European level, starting in 2015. The staff of the cultural artistic direction will begin a selection process of the proposed projects based: • on project relevance; • significance; • quality and extension of the partnership network; • economic sustainability, and implementation feasibility.
II - Structure of the programme for the event
• Figure 9: Graphic summary of the Cultural Strategic Plan and the Cultural Programme
Cultural Programme
Make It New. The City of Ideas Cultural Strategic Plan Creative Laboratories Network Cultural Services Networks Living Hub
The Self Portrait of a Capital Peace – An Educational Revolution The Hidden Ancient Umbria Park of the Etruscan Walls Burri and the Place of Contemporary Art Making Theatre – The Santacristina Theatrical Centre Algorythm – Science, Creativity and Learning Perugia Open Ear Public Architecture Youtopia – Streets and Roots of the Future
Sharing. The City of Dialogue Cultural Strategic Plan ELCN (European Local Community Network) Twin Cities Network Europe for Citizens European Charter of the roghts of citizienship European Youth Capital 2017 Kultur-Fabrik Perugia Cultural Ambassadors
Torre degli Sciri – Instrument of Urban Narration Festival of the World - The Other Europe Umbria on the Move – The Places of Francis of Assisi Advanced Archive of Shared Memories – Perugia Inside The European Benedictine Site – Public and Private Assisi – The Joyous Gaze of Spirituality Dante, Virgil and Ovid – The Unity of Life and Poetry The European Children’s Festival
Franciscans and Benedectine Routes
The Dream of Protecting and Cherishing of the Created
Forum of Local Cultural Identity
The World Houses of Perugia
World’s Landscape. The City of Hospitality Cultural Strategic Plan Archive of Knowledge and Local Resources Infomobility Systems
Atelier of the Living Arts Festival of the Arts – Perugia 19 Europe on the Shores of the Trasimeno Lake Landed
Thematic Itineraries
The Contemporary Canon
ECoC Doors
Perugia Minimal
App Perugia 2019
Orpheus 2019 from Monteverdi to Berio and Beyond
Library of Apps
People in Public Squares
Traditions Along the Path
Sant Francois of Assisi The Contemporary Renaissance – The Dream of Alberto The Right Place International Journalism Festival Music and Sounds of Minorities
Visual and Figurative Art
II - Structure of the programme for the event
Theatre Arts– Performance
Music Dance
Crossmedia and multimedia
Tangible Cultural Heritage
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Communication Education, Learning and Science
2017 2018
2019 Jan Mar
Apr Jun
Jul Sep
Oct Dec
Organisation and ďŹ nancing of the event
III - Organisation and financing of the event
Organisational structure 1.1
What kind of structure is envisaged for the organisation responsible for implementing the project? What type of relationship will it have with the city authorities? ————————————————————————— The implementation of the project will be based on three interconnected organisational pillars: a network management model aimed at promoting greater involvement and sense of responsibility on the part of the stakeholders and the social and cultural organisations of the region; a private/public governance which emphasizes participation and social cohesion in the decision-making processes; and, a matrix organisational architecture that combines a guiding structure with a project-based structure. The objectives of the organisational model will be to guarantee the implementation of a successful, efficient, and costeffective project that promotes synergies and networking activities at various levels. It also aims to fully exploit human and cultural resources in addition to
providing a unique opportunity for the territory to organise events and manage cultural processes at a high level. It further aims to develop new organisational skills, to stimulate collective learning, the emergence of professional communities in the cultural sector, and the increase of inter-institutional collaboration. The network management model will be divided as follows: a) a network hub represented by the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation – the supervisory body of the project – which will have a twofold nature: institutional and operational. Its task will be to guarantee the preparation, development, governance and direction of the cultural event. The Foundation will coordinate the planning, organise the marketing and handle the communications, fund raising and operative budget of the entire production. It will furthermore lead initiatives linked to social and citizenship issues and guarantee a transparent and open relationship with the territorial administrative authorities; b) the nodes of the network made up of the stakeholders and the social and cultural entities of Perugia and Umbria (i.e. associations, institutions, advanced training centres, schools, local administration offices,
• Figure 10: Management model
• Evaluation and Legacy Structure Schools & Academic Institutions
Non-Profit Organizations
Local Businesses & Corporations THE PERUGIASSISI 2019 FOUNDATION Municipalities
Volunteers Curtural Services
• Transparency and Social Responsibility Observatory Committee (Board of Trustees)
Civil Governement Istitutions Creative Laboratories
III - Organisation and financing of the event
foundations, festivals, research centres, networks, the tourist trade, companies, non-profit organisations, etc.) that will be responsible for the production, realisation and presentation of all the events listed in the project programme; c) an external network that will have an inter-institutional taskforce located in the City of Perugia, called the ECoC Office, and will be made up of a Transparency and Social Responsibility Oversight Committee (Board of Trustees) and a primary, independent European agency that will be in charge of the Evaluation and Legacy of the event; d) a network of volunteers made up primarily of students and local citizens, who will welcome, assist and escort guests, provide information, front-line activities and organise guided tours. As stated above, the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation will be responsible for the governance of the project and will handle the management, coordination and implementation of all the strategic decisions. Its flexible, adaptable and evolving model, as well as its fast decision-making processes, will allow the Foundation to organise fund-raising activities – both public and private – which will be essential for the project. It will maintain an open channel of communication with the European Commission to guarantee a constant update on the state of the project. The
matrix organisational architecture will combine the guiding functional structure of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation with the project structure of each single event/initiative organised by the entities of the territory. This combination will favour distributed hierarchies and the integration and collaboration of the participatory bodies. Thus, rather than a centralized structure, it will privilege the sharing of experiences, different identities, cultural and artistic diversities, economies of scale and scope, shared leadership and the pooling of knowledge. The streamlined functional structure of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation will guarantee a complete overview of the project, including the planning and optimisation of resources, and shared audiences between events. It will be divided into Senior Management, made up of the Managing Director and Artistic Director, and the three Operational Areas. Thanks to a number of senior operators that have been placed in key positions and an internship programme specifically designed for junior operators selected among the student body of both universities of Perugia and other academic institutions, the organisational chart of the Foundation will be kept flexible and light which will allow it to contain operating expenses and act quickly. The project-based structure will guarantee the small as well as large-scale implementation
• Figure 11: Operational structure of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation for the managing of the Perugia 2019 events
Steering Committee Administration board
Managing Director
Artistic Director
Audit & Reporting
Production & Activities
Events Coordination
School & Social Activities
Technical Direction
Volunteers Front Line
Marketing & Communication
Events Coordination Web & Social Media
Fund Raising & Sponsor Communication
Procurement Office
Administration & Finance
III - Organisation and financing of the event
• Structure of the organization
Managing Director Will be in charge of the development, organisation and implementation of the project and be assisted by staff that will include an expert on internal auditing and reporting; business management; the monitoring of the programme and project management. A legal expert will deal with contracts and tenders. Artistic Director Will be assisted by staff and will be in charge of the artistic direction as well as the coordination and planning of the cultural events. Production and Will coordinate the production, staging, technical direction and preparation of Activities Group all events, activity planning and operational programme planning and execution. Will coordinate support activities, availability of facilities, welcoming of guests and front-line services. Will coordinate and manage volunteers, social activities, cultural exchanges between twin cities, and activities related to training and educational institutions. Marketing and Will deal with operative and strategic marketing, the development of new projects Communication and co-marketing and partnership activities. It will also handle fund raising and Group sponsorship, internal and external communications, advertising, corporate image policies, press and media relations, public relations and institutional relations. Administrative Area Will be responsible for the operational budget, financial accounting and all of the administrative aspects related to the Foundation and the event. It will also be in charge of human resources and the General Secretariat. of projects by several regional entities. There will be different types of projects with different parameters, audiences and specifically-designated specialized teams. Every territorial cultural entity will act independently and be responsible for its own initiatives and successful conclusion thereof. All initiatives in the programme will follow a co-production logic in which the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation will ensure a co-production allocation of funds that will be added to the financial contribution, work and services provided by each entity. This logic will not only guarantee the complete involvement of all the cultural organisations but will also ensure organisational and financial efficiency. The co-production logic will also apply to the creation of community shared access systems that will be open to all audiences (box offices, cards, etc.), communication networks and services, co-marketing and staging operators. The ECoC Office It will be located within the Municipality of Perugia, to complement the Strategic Planning Table during the planning phase and will involve the other territorial administration offices. Its task will be to monitor, coordinate and oversee the development of the Cultural Strategic Plan and the implementation of
all the infrastructural projects connected to Perugia 2019. It will facilitate and supervise the use of all infrastructures while ensuring coordination and communication with the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation; whereas, infrastructural work and budgeting will be managed by different local administration offices. Evaluation Structure and Legacy This task will be given to a leading European Evaluation Agency that will verify, in cooperation with the University of Perugia, the effects, impact, achievements and legacies produced between 2020-2029. It will carry out an on-going monitoring effort as outlined in the project evaluation grid and will maintain close contact with the E.U. Offices and the Italian governmental authorities with regard to reporting in the field of Evaluation. Transparency and Social Responsibility Oversight Committee (Board of Trustees) This group will consist of independent, external experts that will monitor the evaluation aspects of the project connected to social responsibility – with particular attention to accountability, transparency, legality, environmental sustainability and the respect of stakeholders’ rights and interests.
III - Organisation and financing of the event
Steering Committee Administration board
Managing Director Artistic Director
Project Structure Territorial Participants
Management Committee Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation
Activities & Production
Marketing & Communication
Administration & Finance
Project A Project B Project C Project D
If an area around the city is involved in the event, how will the coordination between the authorities of the relevant local and regional authorities be organised? ————————————————————————— Coordination between local and regional authorities has been assured from the very beginning with the creation of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation, of which the Municipalities of Perugia and Assisi and the Region of Umbria are Founding Partners, along with many other municipalities and the Province of Perugia as Participating Partners. Through the governing bodies of the Board of Directors and the Foundation’s Steering Committee, the city’s government entities and the provincial and regional authorities are involved in inter-institutional collaboration, that will allow, upon conferment of title, to establish strategic and operational decisions and guidelines (in addition to continuing to make appropriate financial decisions as has been done throughout the entire application process). It should be noted that all departments as well as the different administrative sectors of the local and regional authorities have been involved in the project and have provided valuable contributions since its inception. Coordination between Perugia and other Umbrian towns, variously involved in the ECoC bid, will be through membership of the Foundation, which remains open and free of pre-entry conditions to new stakeholders.
• Figure 12: A matrix structure for the managing of the Perugia 2019 events
According to which criteria and under which arrangements has or will the artistic director of the event been chosen? What is or will be his/her profile? When will he/she take up the appointment? What will be his/her field of action? ————————————————————————— From the very start of the application process, the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation decided to appoint a Cultural Artistic Director whose task, together with the support of the Scientific Committee, would be not only to devise the Cultural Programme but also to identify and validate the cultural theme-line of the entire project. This choice was based on the need for a highly-qualified professional figure with multidisciplinary competencies who would be able to supervise and promote the multiple and diverse contents, languages and activities that the bid of Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, intends to propose. The selection process involved a detailed assessment of the Curricula
III - Organisation and financing of the event
Vitae of outstanding Italian candidates with notable experience in the organisation of prominent cultural events. The final choice has fallen on Arnaldo Colasanti, a 56-year-old Italian intellectual with both a consolidated professional experience and numerous interests and activities in the fields of arts, literature, poetry, philosophy, music, cinema and communications. Colasanti has been in charge of various literary and artistic events. He is the author of monographic and other types of essays. He has worked as the author and host of several cultural programmes for RAI, Italy’s national public broadcasting company. Moreover, he has directed many other cultural initiatives in Umbria which have demonstrated a deep knowledge of the regional territory and cultural landscape and he will surely bring added impetus and new contacts from diverse fields that will further enrich the project.
Financing of the event
What has been the usual annual budget for culture in the city over the last 5 years (excluding expenditure for the present ECoC application)? Please fill in the table below —————————————————————————
2009 2010 2011
Usual Annual Budget for Culture in the City
Overall Annual Budget for the City
% of Overall Annual Budget
2.70 3.88
209,413,443 191.295.088
See note*
Five-year Average
Usual Annual Budget for Culture in the City
*For the year 2013, the city’s annual budget will be approved on 30th of September, and therefore it is not possible to indicate the exact amount of funds to be allocated for cultural events. Please note that the offices in charge of culture have requested € 8,792,753 for 2013 and that said amount will be discussed, confirmed or reduced upon approval of the city’s budget.
III - Organisation and financing of the event
Please explain the overall budget for the European Capital of Culture project (i.e. funds that are specifically set aside for the project). Please fill in the tables below ————————————————————————— Total Expenditure Euros
Operating Expenditures Euros
[In case the city is planning to use funds from the usual annual budget for culture to co-finance the ECoC project, please indicate the amount which will be taken from the usual annual budget for culture from the year of the submission of the bid to the ECoC year included: Euros].
Total Income in the Budget
From the Private Sector Euros %
Income from the Public Sector National Government
For 2013 and 2014 the Municipality of Perugia has invested € 100,000 in the bid. Currently, it isn’t possible to state precisely how much of the annual budget will be allocated to cultural events and ventures in the subsequent years and the sums that will be assigned to specific expenditure items. However, this does not affect the city’s commitment to finance the project as detailed in the following tables, according to the financial line illustrated in the related Appendix. From the Public Sector Euros %
Capital Expenditures %
2.3 Please explain the operating budget for the ECoC project. Please fill in the tables below. ————————————————————————— a) Overall operating expenditure:
Operating Expenditurs
Programme Expenditures
Programme Expenditures
Wages, Overheads, Administration
2020 Total
81.5 13.9
III - Organisation and financing of the event
b) Planned timetable for spending the operating expenditure:
Programme Expenditures
Wages, Overheads, Administration
Promotion and Marketing
Overall capital expenditure —————————————————————————
Capital Expeditures Euros
2018-2012 2013-2014 2015-2016
18,262,420 44,267,509
Funding of New Cultural Infrastructure or Upgrading Existing Facilities
Urban Revitalisation
Urban Mobility Infrastructures
Others Expenditures Euros
1,550,000 1,000,000
1,000,000 116,222,084
If appropriate, please insert a table here that specifies which amounts will be spent for what type of capital expenditure over the years from the application to the ECoC year. The Financial Appendix contains a more detailed table.
Have the public finance authorities (city, region, State) already voted on or made any financial commitments? If not, when will they do so? —————————————————————————
The public authorities financing the bid have expressed their commitment to ensure completion of the project as a whole and most of the investments have already been decided. Upon conferment of the title all formal steps to confirm the estimated remaining investments will be activated. To date, the Italian Government has made no formal commitment.
III - Organisation and financing of the event
What is the plan for involving sponsors in the event? ————————————————————————— The fund-raising strategy to be used in getting support and other forms of proceeds and revenue from private entities for Perugia 2019 will be based on the following plan: • to potential sponsors will be offered a long-term visibility plan along with the opportunity of receiving benefits and specially-tailored communication projects whereby a single firm can ‘adopt’ a single event if it so chooses; • national sponsors: special forms of sponsorships will be afforded to firms with national and international reputation, who might be interested in the importance that the ECoC title can give. Priority will be given to brands that are normally involved in cultural partnerships and/or firms that may be interested in promoting their brand in Umbria, Italy or Europe. Merchandising and commodity exclusivity will be assigned in proportion to the investments
made with the additional opportunity of being classified as main partner and official sponsor of the event; • local sponsors, such as Umbrian enterprises: will be given preferential status in that these can ensure continued investments throughout the region’s tenure of the title; • technical sponsorships, product sponsorships, service sponsorships (total or partial), media partners and sponsors such as hotels and public transport agencies will be favoured in order to minimise costs, improve the quality of organisational services and enhance the promotion of the entire event; • a donor programme consisting of private individuals and small enterprises that cannot otherwise sustain the financial commitment of a sponsorship, will be given the opportunity to contribute with a pledge to provide a specific service or benefit.
According to what timetable should the income be received by the city and/or the body responsible for preparing and implementing the ECoC project if the city receives the title of European Capital of Culture? Please fill in the tables below: ————————————————————————— a) Income to be used to cover operating expenses:
Operating Expenditures Source of Income EU
2008-2012 Euros
2013-2014 Euros
National Government
2015-2016 Euros
2017-2018 Euros
2019-2020 Euros
Total Euros
Region Sponsorship
380,000 730,000
300,000 600,000
570,000 1,046,000
4,490,000 7,624,000
5,850,000 10,000,000
III - Organisation and financing of the event
b) Income to be used to cover capital expenditure:
Capital Expenditures Source of Income EU National Government
2008-2012 Euros 3,819,731 2,213,429
2013-2014 Euros 797,920 1,400,076
2015-2016 Euros 50,000 30,250,000
2017-2018 Euros 50,000 35,250,000
2019-2020 Euros
Euros 4,717,651 69,113,505
Private income
Other Total
Which amount of the usual overall annual budget does the city intend to spend for culture after the ECoC year (in euros and in % of the overall annual budget)? ————————————————————————— It is not possible to provide a definite answer to this question, not only because it is virtually impossible to predict the political and administrative framework in 6-7 years, but also because there is an objective difficulty in predicting the overall amount of the budget after 2019-2020. However, it is possible to estimate that the financial situation will go back to figures slightly higher than those existing before the financial crisis, where the cultural sector accounted for 4-5% of the overall municipal budget, i.e. about 1% of capital expenditure investments. To date, the funds the city has committed itself to allocate, only for capital expenditure investments, within the 2019-2020 ECoC budget, amount to 1,760,000 Euros.
25,344,333 3,520,000
City infrastructures
IV - City infrastructure
What are the city’s assets in terms of accessibility (regional, national and international transport)? ————————————————————————— The City of Perugia is situated along the International Highway Network E45 (Finland – Italy, Sicily) which cuts across Umbria in a north/south direction. The segment of the E45 that falls within the Umbrian territory consists of a freeway that has two lanes in each of the directions. The E45 is connected to the TEN No.1 Corridor (Berlin – Palermo) by a 58 km highway interchange. Perugia is also connected to the national railway system (through the Ponte S. Giovanni and Fontivegge stations); and, through this network, it is connected to both the HighSpeed/AC Trains of the TEN No.1 Corridor and
BRENNER ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
617 6 h 10' 8h
the regional railway system (through the Umbria Central Railway at the S. Anna station). The nearest seaport links to Perugia are Civitavecchia, on the Tyrrhenian Sea (one of the principal cruise ship ports in the Mediterranean) and Ancona on the Adriatic Sea. Both of these seaports are waterway terminals of the EU/TEN Highways of the Sea Project. The City’s airport is called San Francesco d’Assisi and it is located halfway between Perugia and Assisi (15 Km). Currently servicing the airport is Ryan Air and other low-cost airline companies. The local public transport companies have merged into a single regional entity called Umbria Mobilità. The following table outlines the geographical connections and transport data regarding the principal elements cited above.
(border with Germany)
(border with Slovenia) ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
490 4 h 54' 6 h 55'
• Figure 13: Graphic exemplification of the links between Perugia and the most important hubs of comunication
TARVISIO (border with Austria) ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
534 5 h 20' 8h
COMO (border with Switzerland) ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
ANCONA ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
510 5 h 20' 6h
168 1 h 41' 2 h 40'
VENTIMIGLIA (border with France) ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
552 5 h 31' 9 h 15' FREJUS
(border with France) ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
628 6 h 17' 7 h 30' FLORENCE ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
155 1 h 33' 2 h 10'
CIVITAVECCHIA ROAD distance (Km): average travel time: RAILWAY average travel time:
165 1 h 39' 4 h 15'
170 1 h 42' 2 h 40'
IV - City infrastructure
What is the city’s absorption capacity in terms of tourist accommodation? ————————————————————————— The City’s current absorption capacity in terms of tourist accommodation is 6,471 hotel beds and 6,233 non-hotel/alternative sleeping arrangements, for a total of 12,704 beds. In keeping with the general planning aspects and policies of the candidacy project and the hospitality approach expressed in Project Area 3 of the Cultural Strategic Plan, the absorption capacity for the ECoC event must be evaluated including the tourist districts of Perugia, Assisi and the entire regional territory of Umbria. This endeavour is obviously further justified by the fact that numerous events in the 2019 Cultural Programme will be held in the “places” of Francis of Assisi and a great part of the regional territory. This means that visitors to Perugia 2019 will be able to stay not only in Perugia itself but in other parts of Umbria. The user frequency rate in both hotel and non-hotel accommodation is very low throughout the entire year (with a comprehensive yearly average of 13.3% in 2012) and it reaches a maximum peak (of 28.7%) only in the month of August. Therefore, even taking into account a lower estimate of the actual yearly arrivals/departures, and adding a hypothetical 1020% increase in tourist arrivals for the event in 2019, the absorption capacity of the entire region would be amply capable of hosting the number of tourists that the event would attract. In addition to the above, Perugia 2019 has also put together an alternative hospitality/accommodation network of people and families that will be opening their homes to young people from all over Europe. The desire to embrace and welcome others, which is a precise goal of the candidacy bid, gave way to our Open Your House, Open Your Mind project which
4-5 *
1-2 *
Region Total
emerged in collaboration with the international, non-governmental association, “Servas porte aperte”. This project aims to create a network of artist residencies that will voluntarily be made available to those who will visit Umbrian cities, because it is our belief that this custom will foster intercultural exchange and friendship among people of different nationalities and backgrounds. The Servas network in Umbria currently offers 50 such places and our commitment is to significantly augment that figure by having more people sign up for the initiative as we look forward to 2019. This initiative will also complement the regional strategy that is being devised to further enhance and develop the tourist trade. The target is to increase the quality as well as the quantity of the sector’s supply and demand which is currently positioned at a level that is either equal to or less than the national averages with regard to money spent, length of stay, and services received. A “Tourist Marketing Plan”, that aims to reposition the regional system of the tourist trade, has therefore been launched. The Cultural Strategic Plan foresees some systematic changes which are consistent with the regional planning in this specific sector: • the enhancement of the local public transport with the aim of increasing service frequency and reducing journey times between Perugia and the main regional urban centres by 20-30% so that they do not exceed 40 minutes; • the reorganisation of the tourist information system by completing and enhancing the regional network of such services, the completion of the websites dedicated to tourism and culture (which are strictly interconnected), and the development of an information system that will not only give practical information to users but also make a wide range of apps on Umbrian cultural and natural resources available to them.
4,671 8,987
4,758 14,956
Country House
2,349 12,288
IV - City infrastructure
What projects are to be carried out between now and the year for which the city is applying for the title of European Capital of Culture in terms of urban and tourism infrastructure, including renovation? What is the planned timetable for this work? ————————————————————————— The long-term renovation work for urban and tourism infrastructure linked to the ECoC title, concerned mainly with the renewal, redevelopment and revitalization of the historic centre of Perugia and listed in the budget capital account, will include: • conservation of historically relevant buildings and monuments and basic urban renewal, 88.6% of which has already been approved and is currently underway; • urban regeneration projects, both tangible and intangible (paving, green areas, colour planning, urban furniture, energy efficiency improvements, telecommunications infrastructures, architectural barriers, safety measures, etc.). 79.4% of these have already been approved, but social policies, along with the policies related to those sectors of interven-
tion which could have indirect social repercussions, will have to be substantially enhanced. • urban mobility works, limited to those strictly connected to the renewal of the historic centre (accessibility and sustainable mobility) and to the ECoC candidacy application (the airport). In spite of these major limitations, the works planned (to be funded as part of the 2014-2020 budget programme) make up 74.5% of the estimated total budget required. In the Regional Implementation Programme of the Development and Cohesion National Fund related to residual funds from the 2007-2013 programmes, at least 25 million euros have already been earmarked for infrastructural works over the next two years which are fundamental for the Perugia 2019 candidacy. The following table outlines the most important works connected with the bid and lists the physical structures involved. Initiatives in the sector of tourism are limited to the enhancement of the city and region’s absorption capacity and information system and are part of the infrastructures covered in the Cultural Strategic Plan.
DESCRIPTION AND TYPES OF INFRASTRUCTURAL INTERVENTIONS CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION City Walls, Etruscan Arch Bulagaio Arch, Agostino di Duccio Arch, Sacred Acropolis of Perugia
Conservation and restoration with diagnostic studies, seismic studies and research into the history and settings of the monuments. An important role is played by the diagnostic work on movable artworks carried out by the University of Perugia as part of the CHARISMA Project.
URBAN RENEWAL A number of works are underway which are aimed at the general revitalization of Renewal of the public the historic centre of Perugia (paving, equipped green spaces, public lighting, open spaces in the city public Wi-Fi, energy efficiency improvements, video surveillance cameras, paths for the visually impaired, etc.) Some of the spaces involved have both a particular urban and symbolic significance: major renewal works will be carried out on Piazza Grimana (with the Etruscan Arch and the University for Foreigners) and Piazza del Bacio (the central square in the complex designed by architect Aldo Rossi in the 80s,) which will be the locations for some of the most important events in the Cultural Programme. Of particular note are the projects and initiatives carried out by the Experimental Centre for Health Education and Promotion of the University of Perugia. The plans for urban marketing and environmental management are included within these actions. URBAN MOBILITY The main works regarding urban mobility are the creation of the second line of the Urban Mobility Mini Metro automated people mover and the completion of the transport interchanInterventions ge system (car parks and escalators) to provide easy access to the northern side of Perugia’s hilltop. The second line of the Mini Metro is of particular importance for connecting the historic centre with the S. Anna Station (terminus of the Ferrovia Centrale Umbra, part of the local public transport system) and the Monteluce (former hospital) area of the city.
IV - City infrastructure
As part of Perugia’s bid, other infrastructural works at some of the institutes in the historic centre of Perugia are currently being evaluated also from the point of view of their economic feasibility. For example, the Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia is planning to build a new warehouse for art works; a new multi-purpose lecture hall which will replace the former refectory; and, the renovation of the west wing of the Franciscan convent with its garden. These works are intended to improve the institute’s teaching and research facilities, as well as enhance its electronic archive of over 10,000 works of art and its museum, which has one of the largest and most important collections in Umbria. Regarding urban mobility – and in particular accessibility to the city centre, which occupies an elevated position compared to the rest of the city – an integrated system of fringe parking lots and escalators was created in the 70s to facilitate the walk up the slopes to the city centre. A further step towards creating an alternative mobility system was taken with the building of the first line of the Mini Metro. Designed by Jean Nouvel, it involved complex engineering works and innovative technological solutions that increased the international reputation of alternative mobility system of Perugia, as is shown by the substantial funding the Municipality of Perugia received for this project as part of the EU programmes. Completion of this system is an important component of the capital expenditure budget, and it is complemented by policies which favour environmentally sustainable mobility (cycle lanes, car sharing, car-pooling, electric vehicles, etc.). With regard to telecommunications infrastructure, Perugia is located on the main fibre optic backbone cable of the RUN (Regione Umbria Network). Free Wi-Fi Internet access has recently been activated (there are 24 hot spots in Perugia’s main squares, libraries and public areas). The regional broadband network (RUN) is being completed and the target is to obtain 100% coverage of the territory at 30 Mps and 50% of the territory at 100 Mps by 2020. For Perugia in particular, the MAN broadband network (Metropolitan Area Network) should be completed in the next two years. Priorities for overcoming the digital divide (both at a social and infrastructural level) will above all concern the public administration (WiPAN) and the school system. As for remote access to services (primarily cultural and
educational services, but also administrative and health services, etc.), it will be possible to create websites to give access to different types of services, thus further developing the computer access points already being used by the Municipality of Perugia. Finally, with regard to transport infrastructure that directly concerns the city of Perugia, modernisation and development of both the road and rail network is planned (and approval for this has already been given by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure), in order to improve interregional and national connections. Particular importance is being given to the completion of the airport, which is part of the investment budget for the candidacy application. Priority will be given to the creation of permanent flight connections with the main hubs in Italy (Rome and Milan) and Europe (London, Paris and Frankfurt) in order to guarantee access to worldwide air travel.
IV - City infrastructure
An example: The Former Hospital Requalification
A Project for the Grimana Square
To give a better idea of the efforts that Perugia is making to renew the city, we have provided a description of the project for the renewal of Perugia’s Monteluce General Hospital. While this is not directly related to the candidacy itself, it exemplifies the new approach to urban and regional transformation that is being taken. The renewal project, which is the final phase of the process of relocating the hospital and giving back to the city the entire area it occupied, is promoted by the Region of Umbria, the Municipality of Perugia, the University of Perugia and Perugia’s hospital by means of an innovative private-public partnership. Chosen through an international call for ideas and proposals, this architectural project creates a new urban complex that is environmental sustainable and autonomous, distinctive in design yet, at the same time, integrated with the historic city. The project, whose construction volume is approx. 65,000 cubic meters, is characterised by a functional relation that combines innovation and tradition within the preexisting building design. In addition a project of restoration and frescos of the Santa Maria Assunta church, door of the new Monteluce neighborhood.
Grimana Square is one of the most prestigious access points to the historic city centre. Three important monuments overlook the square: the Etruscan Arch, the medieval church of San Fortunato and the eighteenth century building Palazzo Antinori, University for Foreigners location. With the passing of time, the square has lost its identity mainly due to urban mobility needs. The project aims to divert the traffic away from the centre of the square, thus creating a pedestrian area. The intention is to create a tiered structure that takes advantage of the natural slope of the area, to enhance the social functions of the “place” and create a view of the surrounding countryside. In this way we will emphasise and preserve the beauty of the monuments and create a new open-air site for the cultural events of 2019. At present, the project is not foreseen in the infrastructure budget and it will be evaluated in the coming months.
Communication strategy
V - Communication strategy
What is the city’s intended communication strategy for the European Capital of Culture event? _____________________ What do we want to communicate? The aim of Perugia 2019, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, is to re-configure the reputation of the city. Through the communication of the events we aim to promote Perugia and the entire Umbrian territory as a new, ideal model of the medium-sized European city, defined as: • a city of dialogue; • a city where culture means generating ideas and where ideas in turn spawn new patterns of development and new modes of social interaction; • a city of cultural diversity that is open to multi/intercultural input and solidarity, is appealing and welcoming, and favours dialogue from which new identities and interpretations of citizenship can emerge; • a city intended as a “network beyond space and time” thanks to the historical Umbrian polycentric patterns of settlement; • a city that shares a deep historical legacy with the entire Umbrian region that allows it to look forward. In light of this, its historical identity becomes a resource that opens itself to new technologies, prompts creativity, shapes knowledge and drives the city and the entire region to establishing connections with other cities and entities in Europe and the world, by setting up new networks or making use of pre-existing channels. How do we want to reach this target? We are planning to establish relationships and networks at both the local and international level. Communications will take place through a variety of networks including those of the territory. There will be a mix of different strategies, where the content adjusts its messages to the chosen communication media and thus to multiple audiences. The very content and process of communication will be co-generated along with local, national and international audiences applying a bottom-up communication model.
Multiple Audiences Perugia 2019 does not consider the targeted audiences as mere spectators but rather as “co-stars” who play a “supporting role” in the communication process. Thus, it is envisaged to involve the citizens of Perugia, Umbria, Italy and other European and non-European citizens, along with the key players and operators in the fields of art, culture and those in the creative industries present in the city, the region, Italy and Europe. In particular, the communication strategy will be aimed at prompting the full-scale participation of opinion leaders and Italian and European citizens who are part of social and/or communication networks (i.e. blogs, college radio stations, web TVs, organisations, associations, networks, etc.); young European students; all groups of nonEU citizens residing in Europe; elderly people; and, Italian and European linguistic, cultural and social minorities, including people with reduced abilities. Communication processes and tools In a framework of co-generated and shared communication strategies we will rely on networks that will function as infrastructures with which to disseminate information and generate reproducible content to be used with other media. In particular, a crossmedia and trans-media strategy (mainly but not exclusively) will be implemented, based on: • participatory communication: based on a constant dialogue and involvement (already begun in early 2013) aimed at large audiences so as to actively involve them in the communication content; • collaborative and viral communication: that constantly prompts the spontaneous spreading of information among people; • joint communication on the themes and the artistic programme of Perugia 2019 via the direct and proficient use of contacts (scheduled to begin in mid-2017) that will target numerous communities of interest (i.e. groups of people who have a shared interest or passion).
2015 2016
2017 2018
Making citizens aware of the ECoC action and in particular of the Perugia 2019 Project
Activating regional and international networks through participation projects
Completing the communication strategy process begun in the pre-selection phase
Strengthening and extending local and international networks
Full-scale promotion of the projects and events of the Perugia 2019
Communication Presentation of the results strategies will be regarding the impact adapted to the Cultural of the ECoC on the Programme of Perugia Municipality of Perugia 2019 both at the local and international level
V - Communication strategy
To implement these processes and reach these objectives the following tools will be used: • social networks, blogs, web TVs and web radio stations for an in depth examination of the themes related to the bid and also as catalysts and amplifiers of the communication process; • local, media and digital-media events: a) regional events that function as catalysts and amplify interest; planned events that will actively involve citizens (i.e. public debates, focus groups and cultural events of various kinds); b) media events to promote exchanges among local, national and international media that bring about the dissemination of content; c) digital events created and developed through digital platforms that will generate new networks and favour the spreading of content; • competitions intended as international open calls for ideas, projects and proposals that contribute to the creation and sharing of content with a bottom-up approach; • traditional media, websites, newsletters, radio, television, press and billboard campaigns.
Volunteer network Ambassador network
8 10
42 30
Let’s go to 2019 * Europe Day
The Future Starts Now Let’s go to 2019 * Kultur-Fabrik Perugia
2,881 5 foreign delegations 7 meetings 3
Challenge Instagram_#star4Eu Web radio/livestreaming Let’s go (Students) to 2019 * Press Conference
Articles from local newspapers Articles from national newspapers TV/radio broadcasts Newsletter Website
200 students involved in 6 Bands / 32 dj
Challenge Instagram_#bepg
Let’s go to 2019s Paper View *
• Use of the communication tools in 2012-13
10 guests 50 of host homes
Focus group
Beginning with 2014, all communication materials will display the EU logo next to the Perugia 2019 logo. Regarding the content level, Perugia has included cultural events in its annual planning since 2012 (i.e. Europe Day and European Music Day) under the patronage of the Information Office of the European Parliament in Italy; and debates on European issues have been held during the International Journalism Festival.
Let’s go to 2019 * European Music Day
How does the city plan to ensure the visibility of the European Union, which is awarding the title? —————————
Let’s go to 2019* Open Your House Open Your Mind
Beginning as early as 2014, a campaign will be launched that will continuously monitor the impact of the communication strategy and the resulting effects. This will be done by combining traditional methods (i.e. performance, result and impact indicators) with innovative tools (netnography, sociability index, reputation index, web tracking, etc.) while keeping abreast of advances that will emerge in this field from now until 2019.
6 83 4 10 8 11,012
5 200 students 16 projects 240 pictures #star4eu #perugia2019 2,830 pictures #bepg #perugia2019 5 livestreaming of events Issue #0 20 students/editors involved in 18 articles 10,000 print copies 300 of editorial offices involved 20 193 8 22 21 26,694
* “Let’s go to 2019” is a framework for a series of activities created specifically to involve citizens on issues concerning the bid of Perugia 2019 such as: “Let’s go (Students) to 2019” (a newspaper that gathers contributions from all the schools of Perugia);“Let’s go to 2019’s Paper View” (a project that involves an exchange of content among European newspapers); “Let’s go to 2019_Europe Day”; “Let’s go to 2019_Piazza Nova” (a temporary architectural installation);“Let’s go to 2019_European Music Day”; “Let’s go to 2019_Open Your House Open Your Mind” (an invitation to citizens to open their homes to host international artists); and, “Let’s go to 2019_Open call for ideas-Kultur-Fabrik Perugia”.
V - Communication strategy
Community blogs, opinion leaders, associations, voluntary ambassadors, university radio stations Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+), blogs Web radios, viral communication Web TVs, satellite channels
Public Debates with regional stakeholders on the theme “The Future Starts Now” ECoC Network (conferences, meetings, debates, PR projects) “Let’s go to 2019” Activities* Digita Media (events on social networks regarding ECoC, blog content development in collaboration with the Bulgarian bidding cities)
open calls for slogan open calls for ideas Miscellaneus
Spreading of the Perugia 2019 and the EU logos Local press campaign, national and international television and radio, national and international PR Websites, newsletters, web-based campaigns Info-points, information desks within local, national and international events
Traditional methods (performance, result and impact indicators) Innovative tools and methods (i.e. netnography, sociability index, reputation index, web tracking, etc.)
A collaboration with Spazio Europa has been established to include training and information sessions on the European Union in the school “Formative Offer Plan”. The active participation of communities at the local, national and international level will be achieved by involving bloggers and opinion leaders who are specialised on the topics that the EU proposes every year in order to encourage debate and dialogue within and among Member States. This means interconnecting influential nodes of community networks that deal with the topics indicated by the EU and establishing conceptual links, through blogger networks based in various Member States and in the European Capitals of Culture designated in the preceding as well as the subsequent year. The objective is to explore the issues and raise the awareness of all citizens on European topics, a year in advance, through the creation of innovative and quality content, devised ad hoc in various areas of
interest. For example, in 2014 Opinion Leaders from Marseille and Košice (ECoC 2013), Plzeň and Mons (ECoC 2015), will reflect on the topic concerning 2015, “European Year for International Cooperation”. Additionally, the best content will be presented each year during the regional festivals and those who will have actively participated in the project will be invited to Perugia for an exchange of ideas.
Evaluation and monitoring of the event
VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event
Does the city intend to set up a special monitoring and evaluation system: -for the impact of the programme and its knock-on effects? -for financial management? _____________________ The following statement is in response to both of the above points. The evaluation system has played a crucial role throughout the entire preparation process in proposing the Perugia 2019 bid. This aspect has been considered in its broadest perspective: not only as the final phase aimed at assessing the results and the impacts to be achieved, but also as a preparatory phase aimed at defining the general strategies and the objectives of the project. Equal importance has also been given to the monitoring and control of management and programming, including financial management and the fundamental issues concerning Social Responsibility and Accountability. For these reasons, Perugia 2019 has elaborated an integrated system of evaluation, considering different timeframes for each of the evaluation phases, beginning with the year 2013 and ending with the year 2029 (an additional 10-year successive period following the year of nomination and conferment of title).
INTEGRATED EVALUATION SYSTEM Ex-Ante Evaluation Program & project management monitoring Social Responsability Ex-Post Evaluation
2013 - 2014 2 years 2015 - 2020 2013 - 2020 8 years
6 years 2019 - 2029 11 years
Ex-Ante Evaluation During the preparatory phase of the bid, an ex-ante evaluation has been launched, taking into consideration the city, the regional context and the various stakeholders. Moreover, specific activities have been carried out concerning the principal range of targets. First, a contextual analysis has been commissioned to outline the social, economic, tourist, cultural and technological characteristics of the city and the region. The study was conducted by a mixed group including researchers from the AUR – The Umbria Research Agency, CST – The Italian Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism and the Promotion of Tourism in Assisi, ISTAT – The Umbrian Regional Office of the National Institute of Statistics, and the University of Perugia. This ex-ante overview has served as the general basis on which the strategy of the bid has been defined and therefore constitutes the first phase of the evaluation system for Perugia 2019. Second, specialized interviews, focus groups (such as that involving tourism industry operators whose aim was to analyse tourist absorption capacity in terms of accommodation and mobility within the local territory) and meetings related to the issues concerning the cultural, economic and social contexts were conducted. These provided additional cognitive elements about the expectations, perceptions and requests of the stakeholders, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to be taken into consideration in the bid. A further principal target range was the university student population. A sample survey of students from the four academic institutions of the city was conducted, for a total of 998 units. Thanks to this analysis, the reputation of the city, among foreign and Italian students, their suggestions regarding improvements to be made to the city’s services and facilities, and their impressions about the candidacy project were clear. In addition to this process, a review of the interventions of the public policies implemented by the local and the regional authorities has been conducted, which led to the elaboration of the Cultural Strategic Plan, one of the two pillars of the Perugia 2019 project, and thus to the definition of the three Project Areas. This also allowed us to better identify our objectives and expected outcomes and create a cognitive platform on which to base the elaboration of all of the aspects of the bid.
VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event
Program & project management monitoring and control The efficiency of the project and management monitoring, which comprises the control of the financial management, will be handled by the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation and an ECoC Office, to be specifically instituted within the Municipality of Perugia, that will concern infrastructures. The overall efficiency, monitoring and control of the entire project will be evaluated according to the Project and Program Management Monitoring and Control criteria, in order to evaluate the development of the process within eight specific areas, also related to the cultural and infrastructural programs. Social Responsibility and accountability Perugia 2019 gives particular importance to issues related to Social Responsibility and has therefore deemed it necessary to introduce this aspect into its evaluation system. Inspired by the guidelines of the ISO26000 “Guidance on Social Responsibility” (2010) and the European Commission Green Paper “Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility” (2001), the Perugia 2019 Social Responsibility issues concern directly the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation as the managing body of the event, and also all public and private institutions involved. The evaluation is based on the respect of the laws, values, rights and interests of the stakeholders and on the resulting responsibilities regarding activities, relationships and social dialogue. The evaluation of Social Responsibility and Accountability will be conducted by a proper and independent Observatory of Transparency along with the Board of Directors of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation. Ex-Post Evaluation In an effort to devise an ex-post evaluation system, a preliminary research of the assessment aspects derived from the experience of Liverpool 2008, the ECoC Policy Group 2009-2010 Papers and from other ECoC cities was conducted. Several documents regarding the impacts and legacies connected to this particular event as well as the most recent indicators related to creativity, creative industries, territorial impacts, cultural participation and environmental sustainability have been examined. With regard to this last aspect, it is important to highlight how markedly active the territory involved in the Perugia 2019 ECoC project is in implementing evaluation processes concerning the environmental
sustainability of events and projects. The Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation has offered its collaboration to some of these initiatives, among which the most important are: • Z.E.N. Zero Impact Event Network: is a program financed by the Interreg IVC Program and led by the Sviluppumbria – The Regional Agency for Economic Development of Umbria in partnership with other European entities. Its objective is to devise a methodology to reduce the impact of events on the cities’ historic centre and cultural heritage. The project began in January 2012 and will end in September 2014; • “Green Heart Quality”: is a “brand name” given by the Region of Umbria to institutions, events, firms, touristic and commercial facilities, professional societies and industries that faithfully adhere to specific requirements that guarantee environmental sustainability. Perugia 2019 intends to launch a cooperative effort, along with the European city that will be named European Green Capital for the year 2019, in order to exchange experiences, good practices and create joint projects that will foster an urban ecological lifestyle in which culture assumes a central role. With regard to the Perugia 2019 project aimed at the cultural and creative industries, an important resource and experience has been that of “CREA. RE - Creative Regions Europe”, a project financed in 2010 within the Interreg IVC Program, for a duration of 3 years, and carried out by 12 local and regional public entities of 10 European countries, including the Region of Umbria and the Municipality of Narni. Its main objective is to foster a better integration of the cultural and creative industries in the regional policies for economic development, by providing the necessary tools to identify and implement specific support measures. Generally speaking the ex-post evaluation system will aim at assessing the effectiveness, the impacts, the results and the transformations at various levels generated by the Perugia 2019 project. Starting from the experience of Liverpool 2008 and the ECoC Policy Group 2009-2010, and taking into consideration the Commission’s proposal for the European Capital of Culture for the years 2020 to 2033, the impacts generated by the event across five dimensions will be assessed: social, cultural, economic, communication and reputation, environmental and infrastructural.
VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event
The ex-post evaluation will come under the responsibility of an external, independent European body or agency that will collaborate with the University of Perugia; moreover, it will be in very close contact with the OfďŹ ces of the European Commission. The evaluation tools will be made up of focus groups, statistical indicators analysis, sample surveys, web analysis and other techniques to be established.
TIMELINE - Before the event (2015 - 2018) - Event 2019 - After the event 2020
METHODOLOGY - Planning and programming, schedule, estimate, identification and definition of requirements - Management - Check and control
MONITORING AND CONTROL TASKS 1. Detection 2. Variance analysis 3. Identification of the causes 4. Corrective actions 5. Review and new plan
PROGRAM AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESSES SUBJECT TO MONITORING AND CONTROL - Scope monitoring (cultural and infrastructural programs) - Time monitoring - Budget and cash flow monitoring (financial management)) - Supply chain and procurement monitoring - Quality monitoring - Human resource monitoring - Communication monitoring - Risk monitoring
TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES - Project baseline and WBS - Planning - Gantt diagram, PDM, Logical Network, CPM - Milestones Plan - Contractual and agreement guidelines - Budget and financial plan - Matrix of responsibilities - Stakeholder matrix - Press evaluation - Probability and impact matrix, RBS - Audience satisfaction - Performance Report - Surveys • Figure 14: Monitoring and control of the project and the Cultural Programme
VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event
• Figure 15: Social responsibility and accountability
ENVIRONMENT Environmental protection is among the top priorities of Perugia 2019 Issues: - Pollution prevention measures - Sustainable use of resources (recycled materials, energy-savings, emissions, waste disposal management and compliance) - Protection of natural environment
ACCOUNTABILITY Auditing of decisions, programs and impacts of Perugia 2019 Issues: - Organizational governance - Decision making processes and structures - Communication - Cultural Programme
EMPLOYMENT Perugia 2019 respects its workers Issues: - Employment creation and policies - Employment relationships - Workplace conditions and social protection - Health and safety precautions in the workplace environment - Human development, training in the workplace and skills development - Fundamental workers’ rights
TRANSPARENCY Make all decisions, policies, activities and impacts of Perugia 2019 clear and transparent Issues: - Responsible political involvement - Fair competition and trade practices - Decision-making processes - Managerial procedures - Allocation of supplies - Fund raising and budget - Evaluation System
STAKEHOLDERS Perugia 2019 takes into consideration and responds to the requests and expectations of its stakeholders Issues: - Stakeholder approach - Community involvement - Customer satisfaction - Social investment - Promoting social responsibility
ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR Perugia 2019 is based on a precise system of values Issues: - European citizenship - Honesty, loyalty, integrity, impartiality, legality and transparency - Cultural promotion - Completeness of information LEGALITY Perugia 2019 complies with and enforces all local, national and international norms, directives and regulations Issues: - Anticorruption measures - Respect of intellectual property rights - Compliance with national and international directives and regulations -Privacy and protection of data METHODOLOGY - Defintion of guidelines and best practices - Ethical code - Integrated approaches - Organizational procedures - Procurement procedures - Reporting - Participation processes and dialogue with stakeholders - Environmental impact analysis - Transparent and efficient processes and technologies - Sustainable supply and procurement
RIGHTS Perugia 2019 focuses on the rights of its citizens Issues: - Social and cultural rights - Discrimination and vulnerable groups - Accessibility - Cultural diversity - Citizenship - Health and safety - Access to essential services - Access to and development of technology - Fair marketing, information and contractual practices
VI - Evaluation and monitoring of the event
• Figure 16: Expected ex-post evaluation impact
EXPECTED IMPACT SOCIAL - Training of highly-qualified human capital oriented towards creativity - Strengthening of the city’s leadership role in relation to the region - Increase in the general feeling of a shared identity and social cohesion - Greater integration of sector-based policies - Greater participation of citizens in the decision-making process - Balanced demography in the historic centre - Reduction in social decline and increase in security for residents
SUB-AREAS OF IMPACT EVALUATION TARGETS SOCIAL • European co-operation • European perception • Social and territorial cohesion • Social Inclusiveness • Cooperation among stakeholders and participation of citizens • Cross-sectoral policies and projects • Public and social services
CULTURAL - Strengthening of the cultural services for citizens - Intensification of international cultural exchanges and collaborations - Creating and enhancement of artist residencies - Blending of artistic languages and forms of expression - Increase in management and project-building skills - Involvement of citizens in the organization of events
CULTURAL • Cultural vibrancy • Cultural participation and access • International projects • Innovative projects • Audience satisfaction • Residential attractiveness for artists and creative youth
ECONOMIC - Greater employment rate of young graduate people - Development of new entrepreneurships - Development of new employment opportunities - Increase of private investments and sponsorships in cultural and creative sectors - Greater economic and social internationalisation - Development of high-quality tourism
ECONOMICA • Employment • Vistor expenditure • Cultural expenditure • Accomodation • Funds, investments and sponsorships for the cultural sector • Number and typology of cultural and creative industries
COMMUNICATION AND REPUTATION - Better positioning of the territorial brand in terms of marketing - Improvement of the public reputation of Perugia and Umbria with regard to its productive, commercial, financial, cultural and tourism sectors
ENVIRONMENTAL AND INFRASTRUCTURAL - Improvement of accessibility by air and local mobility, and enhancement of accessibility to the historic centre - Improvement of environmental sustainability of urban traffic - Completion of the broadband cabling of Perugia - Qualitative and quantitative increase in cultural and tourism supply of the city - Environmental sustainability of events
COMMUNICATION AND REPUTATION • International, national and local press and media coverage • Social media performance • Citizen, student and tourist awareness about the event • International, national and local reputation of the city • Event reputation among sponsor and funders • Citizen, student and tourist reputation of the events AMBIENTALE - INFRASTRUTTURALE • Infrastructural development • Environmentally sustainable measures and projects • Number and typology of art and cultural facilities, new facilities • Accessibility to infrastructures • International, national and local accessibility • ICT availability • Sustainable and innovative mobility
Additional information
VII - Additional Information
What, in your opinion, are the strong points of the city’s application and the parameters of its success as European Capital of Culture and what, on the other hand, are its weak points? _____________________ The ten strong points of the Perugia 2019 Project, and the Places of Francis of Assisi and Umbria, are: 1. The great cultural heritage and value system firmly rooted in the European tradition Perugia and Umbria, through the re-birth of European cities in the Mediaeval period and the establishment of the communes as the backbone of Umbria, have shown their strong European ties. To this, we may add the Franciscan and Benedictine teachings and the constant practice of dialogue, followed also by the World Peace Movements, and a peculiar concept of humanity and hospitality towards all. A further strong point is the central role that has always been given to cultural policies, abundantly clear from the many international festivals and events that characterised the 20th century. The above, so much a part of the region’s cultural heritage, becomes the driving force behind Perugia 2019, enriching it with contents and values. 2. The notable cultural wealth of the region Both Perugia and the Umbrian region, with its cities, towns and landscapes have extraordinary features for becoming a widespread capital of culture, including events, activities, structures, tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This alone would suffice to indicate the region’s suitability for the ECoC title and its attributes to meet the demands of the application form. Yet, what it has to offer is a demonstrable vitality and the ability to renew these cultural resources so as to meet the challenges of an ever-changing modern future. 3. The notable wealth of the region’s social capital Though Perugia too, today, is in the throes of an economic crisis, it nonetheless shares with the region a considerable wealth of social capital, strong civic values and great potential. The efficiency of the region’s local public administrations, the abundance of associations, clubs, cooperative small businesses and the active role of trade union and business associations are worth being mentioned. The same is true of the four main Academic institutes
of excellence, along with the many other acclaimed centres of learning and training (with both Italian and non-Italian students); the strong presence of not only foreign students but also permanent nonItalian residents, attracted by its warm hospitality; the rooted democratic tradition together with a mature spirit of cooperation and collaboration in the decision-making process between different entities. It is the very combination and interplay of these elements that strengthen the underlying foundation of the project. 4. The participation of all Throughout the candidacy process, Perugia 2019 has strongly encouraged participation on the part of all groups in society. The success of this initiative could be judged by the level of commitment and interest expressed for the Perugiassisi 2019 Participatory Foundation. It includes not only institutions, cultural associations and business organisations, but also the weak and disadvantaged, and groups that reflect the multi-cultural backdrop of life in Umbria today. This large and composite participation is the necessary fuel that powers the engine of the project and will be fundamental to the successful implementation of the programme and activities. 5. Governance and management guidelines already operative A governance and management system was immediately set up for Perugia 2019 to manage and guide the project. The Perugiassisi 2019 Participatory Foundation is the hub from which local and regional authorities will be coordinated. It is also responsible for bringing together all other contributing agencies and bodies to ensure the presence of suitable frameworks for the development of the project. 6. A contained, sustainable and realistic budget Perugia 2019, in foreseeing and planning its budget (regarding operating expenditure and infrastructure investments), has taken into consideration the restricted national budget and the realistic availability of funds both from private sponsors and government sources. It must be borne in mind that all of the entities involved are subject to the present economic crisis in Italy and therefore a careful management of the resources, based on a coproduction model and economies of scale, can nonetheless assure the aspired level of quality regarding the projected actions and events and the completion of the programme itself.
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7. Long term effects The project is built upon strategies, structural and infrastructural interventions and actions aimed at producing long-term effects on multiple dimensions for a time period that goes ten years beyond the ECoC title. Besides the methodological importance and envisioning an articulated system of evaluation and monitoring, it assures wide prospective to the project. 8. Real and visible changes The bid includes infrastructural projects, such as the new cultural containers and venues of Perugia and the restoration and transformation of the former prison into a Living Hub, that would bring real and visible changes and provide concrete effectiveness to the project. 9. A fully committed territory The project foresees Perugia as the main protagonist and beneficiary of the many actions of the Cultural Strategic Plan and Cultural Programme. From this starting point, other cultural events will spread through the region, creating both a positive model, whose effects will reflect back on the territory, and a cultural supply system that will lead to a greater demand and renewed interest on the part of citizens and tourists in Umbria. 10. Strong political backing that places local and regional authorities in a leading role All local and regional public administrations will provide firm political backing to the project along with financial resources and cultural initiatives, and they will be the focal point in all decision-making processes of the project events. With reference to possible weak points, the Perugia 2019 Project, although ambitious, is fully aware of the risks involved, for both its goals and envisaged activities, in such times of economic crisis and financial constraints. It is precisely this awareness that leads to some observations concerning a few potential critical points of the project. The first observation is that risks related to cultural actions can nonetheless produce opportunities, and therefore are worth taking a chance and not seeing them as threats. The ambition, if rendered efficient and is nourished by passion, dedication, commitment, and provides a solid perspective towards its
objective, can turn into a stimulating element rather than an unrealistic attempt. The future of the city and the region is at stake and thus the project cannot assume a relinquishing attitude. The related potential weak point is that the persistence of the economic crisis entails financial difficulties and the depletion of resources, even though a contained budget should allow for an operative margin. The second observation refers to the history of the region that relies on its own, local, circumscribed vision, and therefore gives way to a persistent tendency of self-reference. The related potential weak point may be a reluctance to recognise Perugia in its crucial role within the cultural context and its economic importance both nationally and internationally. As regional capital, Perugia is a key point of reference in central Italy, therefore priority will be given to increasing public awareness and furthering consensus building, regarding the many benefits that conferment of the ECoC title would bestow on Perugia and Umbria.
Does the city intend to develop particular cultural projects in the coming years, irrespective of the outcome of its application for the title of European Capital of Culture? Please comment. _____________________ The City of Perugia has already begun work on several projects in preparation of 2019, and the preliminary work that has been carried out so far with regard to urban, cultural and regional infrastructural investments, indicates and confirms a substantial willingness and commitment to complete the planned interventions even if the city does not obtain the ECoC title. Furthermore, as to cultural events, the strengthening of the cultural infrastructures of the project will surely lead to an increase and greater quality of the regional cultural supply. There will also be opportunities to continue to hold some of the events currently included in the Cultural Programme of the bid through a subsequent evaluation by the local authorities, in accordance with the cultural realities of the territory involved.
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Please add below any further comments which you deem necessary on the subject of this application. As confirmation of the effort to involve the entire regional community, more than 266 cultural, sports and social associations were met during the candidacy process. As a result, 96 requests to join the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation were presented and as
of September 2013, 79 have been officially admitted by the Board of Directors. The following table of “Cast & Credits” illustrates and confirms the entire region’s commitment to the Perugia 2019 project:
Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation Founding Partners The Region of Umbria Municiplaity of Perugia Municipality of Assisi
President: Catiuscia Marini Councilor for the Promotion of Culture and Tourism in Umbria: Fabrizio Bracco Mayor: Wladimiro Boccali Councilor for the Social Services, Cultural Activities and Youth Policies: Andrea Cernicchi Mayor: Claudio Ricci
Partecipating Partners Provincial Government
The Province of Perugia
Municipalities of Umbria
Anci (The National Association of Italian Municipalities) Umbria, Municipalities of: Acquasparta, Bastia Umbra, Bevagna, Cannara, Cascia, Castiglione del Lago, Città della Pieve, Corciano, Deruta, Foligno, Marsciano, Montefalco, Montegabbione, Montone, Norcia, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Pietralunga, Spello, Stroncone, Torgiano, Trevi
Academies and Educational Istitutions Agencies and Public Institutions Associations, Foundations and Cultural Entities
Trade, Social and Professional Associations
Enterprises Board of Directors
University of Perugia, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Academy of Fine Arts, The Conservatory of Music, 8° Didactic Circle of Perugia, San Paolo I Degree Secondary School, Bernardino Di Betto Comprehensive School, Alessandro Volta Technological and Technical State Institute, Cavour - Marconi Professional Institute of State for Industry and Crafts Adisu - Agency for the Right to University Studies, AUR - Umbria Research Agency, Seu - Servizio Europa Umbria, Sviluppumbria - Umbria Regional Economic Development Agency, Valnestore Sviluppo Srl. Accademia Properziana del Subasio, Adsi - Italian Historic Houses, Aib - Italian Library Association, Aidda, Alta Scuola, ANPI (National Association of Partisans of Italy) Perugia, State Archive of Perugia, Intra Umbria APS, State Archive of Terni, Arci - Independent Association of Social and Civil Promotion, Radici di Pietra Association, Sportiva Tartufai Association, University Students Associations, Center for American Studies - Amerindiano Club, Circolo Schermistico Umbro ASD, Unesco Club of Perugia - Gubbio, Dspu – Umbria Deputation of National History, National Institution for the Deaf, Angelo Celli Foundation, Brunello Cucinelli Foundation, Aldo Capitini Studies Centre Foundation, Alviero Moretti Original Contemporary Ceramics Foundation, Editori Umbri Association, Fabbroni Foundation, Assisi International Foundation, Lungarotti Foundation, Foundation for Agricultural Education in Perugia, Perugia Classical Music Foundation, POST Foundation, Official Tourist Guides of Umbria, Experimental Science Laboratory of Foligno, Lions Club Corciano Ascanio Della Corgna, Lions Club Perugia Host, Luigi Bonazzi Cultural Association (Perugia), General Mutual Aid Society, Monastery of St. Benedict International Society of Fraciscan Study, Unpli - Union of Pro Loco Association of Umbria, Umbrian School of Public Administration Perugia Chamber of Commerce, Confederation of Independent Artisans Trade Unions of Umbria, Cgil - Provincial Department of Labour of Perugia, Cisl - Italian Confederation of Workers’ Trade Unions of Umbria Umbria, Cna National Artisan Confederation and small and media-sized enterprises of Perugia, Confartigianato - Confederation of Craftsmanship Enterprises, Confcommercio - Confederation of Commercial Enterprises, Confindustria Confederation of Industrial Enterprises of Perugia, Federalberghi - Hotel Federation of Umbria, Egeeneers Order Foundation, Fua - Umbrian Architecture Foundation, Uil - Italian Labour Union of Umbria, Regional League of the Cooperatives and the Mutual Aid Associations of Umbria Forma.azione, Grifo Agribusiness Group, Nexo Corporation Perugia, Sistema Museo Society, Nexus&soci Company, Spagnolia Città della Domenica
Bruno Bracalente
Vice President
Stefania Giannini
Giorgio Mencaroni, Andrea Ragnetti
Accounts Auditor
Vincenzo Consiglio
Organizational Chart
Admistration Manager
Loredana De Luca
Paola Gualfetti, Serena Innamorati, Milva Lucaroni, Maria Alessia Manti, Giulia Paciello, Annarita Pastorelli, Piercarlo Pettirossi, Claudio Quaglia, Carla Romani, Francesca Tasselli, Caterina Tosetti, Nicoletta Vinti
Mariya Petrova Borisova, Adina Curta, Paola De Felice, Elisa Di Toro
Perugia 2019 Project Scientific Commitee
Paolo Belardi, Stefano Benazzo, Alessandro Campi, Alberto Clementi, Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens, Brunello Cucinelli, Giuseppe De Rita, padre Mauro Gambetti, Piergiorgio Giacché, Andrea Granelli, Alberto Grohmann, Maria Grazia Mattei, mons. Vincenzo Paglia, Cristina Papa, Maria Prezioso, Neli Radanova, Francesco Scoppola, Filippo Timi, Bruno Toscano
Cultural Artistic Director
Arnaldo Colasanti
Project Manager
Lucio Argano
Technical Assistant
Mecenate 90: Ledo Prato, Nicolò Savarese, Giulia Fiaccarini, Nina Però, Simone Grigioni
Massimo Cossignani, Luca Ferrucci, Rolando Marini, Daniele Pittèri, Antonio Preiti, Oscar Proietti, Maria Elena Santagati, Roberto Segatori
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Appendix 1 Cultural Programme ————————————————————————— The following is a detailed description of the principal events and projects that have been planned so far in the Cultural Programme of Perugia 2019, as listed above in answer to question II.2. All of the said events and projects will take place in 2019, but some of them will preview between 2016-2018. The programme will be enriched by eventual contributions resulting from calls for ideas and proposals from local cultural operators and the community. WORK IN PROGRESS ________________ MAKE IT NEW The City of Ideas The Self Portrait of a Capital This is a “multi-cultural” European project based on the theme of the city. The purpose is to establish a network of highly specialised, European, artistic training centres in Perugia through a multi-disciplinary exchange of knowledge, ideas and research within the musical and artistic sector. The creative theme is a narrative of the life of the city: its secret and hitherto unknown places. The method is that of the “journey” of expressiveness: The Departure: Umbrian musicians and artists will create a series of works that will be shared with artists and musicians from a wide number of European educational centres. The latter will be asked to interact with the original artworks and to “create” as one. The Return: Reflections and unexpected rewritings, imbued with a European perspective, will be added to the original works. There will be an intense and close collaboration with the Performance Space of the Fratebenefratelli Palace and the GAI (Young Italian Artist Association) of Turin. Peace – An Educational Revolution This project is made up of two integrated, complementary parts aimed at the creation of permanent, educational, cultural ateliers and activities, centred around the unifying theme and value of peace. School Didactics is an initiative whereby the cultural themes of peace, social integration and tolerance will be developed in collaboration with schools and universities. Conversations of Assisi will look at the experience of the “Perugia/Assisi Peace March”, together with the annual meeting “A Civilisation of Love” that focuses on the transformation of nuclear
weapons into clean energy. These events have turned Assisi into an international meeting place for peace by leading world cultural figures. A special Archive containing documents on the theme of peaceful cohabitation among peoples, will be made readily available in the Sacred Convent of Assisi, through a series of events and meetings. The Hidden Ancient Umbria A virtual model, situated in the Rocca Paolina (Perugia), will represent The Ancient Subterranean Umbria and its relation with past cultures and civilisations. This event will not only be a source of historical information but it will also feature the contributions made by the local school students through digital devices (i.e. videocam, smartphone, tablet). Original Itineraries in Italian Painting, housed at the Arconi Library, will consist of a workshop of “images” and “forms” that will trace the development of European Medieval Art as it made its way into the thematic interpretations of Umbrian art. Park of the Etruscan Walls – Imaginary Journeys in the Alterna Urbs of the Time This will be a meaningful and innovative “journey” into a “hidden” Perugia – an interplay of archaeological history and the modern world through the communicative languages of Contemporary Art. There will be commissioned artworks of famous artists, experimental didactic workshops for young people with smart applications to create a multidimensional vision of the city along the Etruscan Walls and the Etruscan Arch. Perugia and its prestigious churches, boarding schools, logge, palazzi, temples and its very streets, will be centre stage in a new and bold communicative reality. The heart and seasons of European history are here along the kilometres of streets and paths that make up a precious citadel of incomparable beauty and cultural interconnectedness for the whole world to see. Burri and the Place of Contemporary Art The project aims to create an advanced workshop for the discussion, learning and restoration of Contemporary Art which will consist of two phases: The Heritage of Knowledge on Contemporary Art The creation of a permanent book collection of all the works on Contemporary Art Criticism since 1945 will be housed at the Burri Foundation. The initial collection will consist of 30,000 volumes chosen by an appraisal committee made up of representatives of the most important national and international Art institutions. All the volumes will be made available in e-book format. This heritage will be enriched through the contributions and partner-
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ships of European and international art institutions. Heritage of Contemporary Art Materials The creation of contemporary art restoration laboratories in Perugia, Spoleto and Città di Castello. The laboratories will focus their activity on the study of the material of the stylistic evolution of Contemporary Art and its relation with technologies. Making Theatre – The Santacristina Theatrical Centre A highly specialized theatrical workshop conducted in collaboration with the Santacristina Theatrical Centre, directed by Luca Ronconi. The workshop, in partnership with the prestigious theatrical centres of Strasbourg and Athens, will be open to young European performers and will culminate in an unusual theatrical production, that will see a most innovative and experimental use of space. Partnerships will be extended to other Eastern European theatrical institutions. Algorythm – Science, Creativity and Learning The PLACES (Platform for Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged with Science) is an already consolidated initiative financed by the Seventh Framework Programme involving 70 European cities, including Perugia. It aims to promote individuals and social networks that are dedicated to the development of the territory and its relationship with science and technology. Umbria Science is a regional network of scientific communication. It includes a system of events, museums and institutions based on scientific knowledge and the pursuit of innovation. The central hub is the Science Park, a spectacular, creative and informative park located in Foligno. The project will bring together both scientists and artists in order to compare similarities between scientific and artistic creativity. Perugia Open Ear Perugia Tanz! Choral movements created by choreographers will be staged without music by Perugia academies and they will be filmed and placed on a website. Competing composers from all over Europe will write the music for these dances. The winner will be announced at a public event, to be held in the Brecht Theatre located in San Sisto. Perugia Jingle will see multi-national telephone and video games companies show their wares in designated city buildings with the emphasis on the musicality of telephone ring tones and devices for making and listening to music, to further encourage engineering inventiveness and the appreciation of music in all its forms. Perugia, City of the Mozart Effect Conferences, debates and experimental seminars, to explore
yet further new discoveries in Music therapy, will be organized in collaboration with the Assisi School of Music Therapy and other important national and international institutions, such as The Institute for Music and Neurologic Function. There will also be shows and concerts produced by the differently abled who have directly experienced the therapeutic effects of music. Perugia Ecosound This event will see performances by two musical groups, The Vegetable Orchestra and The Bamboo, who perform with the aid of waste materials. Hosting these groups and other environmentally aware groups is important to increase public awareness of the need to recycle. Perugia Sound Space will involve the setting up of designated areas within the city where European artists of electro-acoustic music can conduct experiments like “sculptures” involving sound. Public Architecture From Benedictine and Franciscan monasteries to public works: Forts, Castles and the City Walls, the formidable presence of forts and castles in Umbria is testimony both to the religious life of the time and to the politics of the period itself. Steps: a) young Italian writers will be entrusted to re-invent and rewrite the history and stories of those forts. Videos based on these writing will then become the poetic representations of the past and will be shown in each castle, b) other artists will create virtual drawings, visual art installations and arrangements of lights to enhance the history of these forts and their architectural characteristics (i.e. the shape of the walls, their style, the materials used to construct them, etc.). c) a virtual map of images and news concerning Umbrian forts will be set up in the Perugian Fort Rocca Paolina. This exhibition will provide cultural and touristic information regarding the Umbrian territory. The Secret Sound of Water, will be a symbolic experience of a 4-km walk along the Roman aqueduct Spello-Collepino. This walk will be enriched and redesigned by the sound of electronic music together with the recorded readings of Umbrian poets from Properzio to Penna. This, thanks to the collaboration of the Electronic Music Centres in Foligno, Umbrian vocal ensembles and the expertise of experimental theatre groups. The Flexible City will see culture as an element that transforms cities and examples of this will be visible through the FestArch performances, conferences and illustrations.
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Youtopia – Streets and Roots of the Future IMMaginario is a non-Festival dedicated to the new languages of cinema, television and the new media. It will show not only how the art of narration in digital times has changed but also the way people feel and think in the age of Internet. It will document both the transition from an ancestral analogic past to the modern digital reality of today, the evolutionary changes in language and the ways we think and perceive the world. Its ateliers, training workshops, events and exhibitions carry our prized trademark Umbria Creativa. The specific project will be a collective storytelling event whereby narrative maps will emerge starting from the map of Perugia and its symbols. The places, streets, people and ideas will become the conduit of a participatory narration, produced through the collaboration of many authors and artists in the form of a rich mosaic enriched by films, photographs and videos. The story will not just show different approaches but also different languages and sounds that demonstrate just how multi-cultural and international Perugia is as a city and true meeting place and crossroads of different cultures. There will be an overlapping of maps of places, stories and sounds. Visitors may choose how to view and organize the multi-media exhibits through the web, thereby personalizing their “itinerary” into the creative world of Umbria and interaction with the various social media. SHARING The City of Dialogue –––––––––––––– Torre degli Sciri – Instrument of Urban Narration This is a project of communication, cross-media and multi-media design presented through video, theatre and dance reflecting Umbria’s tangible assets and intangible cultural heritage. The medieval Tower will thus be made again a place of observation. Steps: Lightbox A system of 50 video cameras positioned at different angles at the top of the Sciri Tower will send out light able to encompass the distant hills and at the same time illuminate the city area below. This interplay of images will be accompanied by theatrical performances, artistic representations, live music and vocal ensembles. The moving lights from the Tower will form a backdrop to the images and stories being projected from within the Tower. Inscape will be a game of imaginary enemy sightings that will be accompanied by dialogue and images (memories, testimony, voices).
Festival of the World – The Other Europe A theatre, dance and music project that will attest the material and non-material heritage of Perugia. The restructuring of Piazza Grimana opposite the University for Foreigners (in the historic centre) and Piazza del Bacio (just outside the centre) is of great importance to the city. This urban project will go hand in hand with a cultural process in a city that focuses on the coming together of diverse peoples. In the Festival of the World, Piazza del Bacio square will be the centre of events and shows that will unite communities from both the city centre and the outskirts. Perugia will become the place that “speaks” of the “other” Europe (those European cities that have peculiar cultural traditions, not the Europe of the Grand Tour”. There will be a “Festival of the other Europe” featuring young emerging rock groups and artists. Umbria on the Move – the Places of Francis A musical project centered on a unique landscape, the places of Francis,where various forms of modern music (pop, jazz, ethnic) to tell the story of a “joyful community of European music” in the land of Francis. Ninety-two cities for ninety-two kinds of music. With the aid of fast digital medium (webcam, i-phone, tablet) and travelling film crews, we will record the concerts live. A global vision of Umbria, with its vibrant places and communities, will reach the world through web TV. Advanced Archive of Shared Memories – Perugia Inside The project aims at teaching people to cherish memories of the city. The memories will be stored on digital cameras, smart phones and tablets. They will then be re-elaborated on the virtual map of the territory, with the idea of re-creating the city of the past that is immersed in our collective memory. There will be strong support and collaboration on the part of Historic Centre Associations, ateliers, and the local craftsmen from the historical centre.Rich will be the memories from the craftworks ateliers, the historical houses, the edicole, churches, streets and lesser known monuments. The archive itself will generate further exhibitions. The European Benedictine Site From the Umbrian Benedictine experience we plan to establish small, laboratory-like workshops/museums of “mediaeval gardens” where tourists can explore and examine mediaeval remedies, science, knowledge of plants, animals and natural cosmetics; the location will
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be Norcia and its surroundings. Forma vitae: visitors will be able to experience different ways of life, starting from the Benedictine rule “pray and work”. There will be an opportunity for young artists and scientists to stay for a short period in a communal residencewhich could lead to the combination of crafts and fine arts, as in the Bauhaus School. This alternative way of life is also open to the general public who may wish to experience the “living of life” by the Benedictine rule. With this in mind, Benedictine “houses” within the territory will offer hospitality to those who wish to appreciate their “rule”. Stays will be enriched by trips, debates and multi-cultural sharing of experiences. Assisi – the Joyous Gaze of Spirituality The project multi-media laboratory town of Dialogue This project envisages transforming the town into a multi-media “workshop of dialogue”. The intent is to create a world that will tell a story and speak of spirituality and culture in the form of a dialogue. The location will be in Assisi, behind the Basilica, in the ex-cave of the pink stone. Instruments and methodologies of advanced technologies (i.e., virtual reproductions in digital form, a multi-media archive and documentary library of films, images, voices and interviews which will be done in collaboration with the national cinematographic libraries and the Umbria and State archives) will be used. There will also be a multimedia library containing videos and sound recordings of local food fests and popular celebrations in Umbria together with multi-lingual translations of the dialogues that could be the first of its kind in the world (The Multi-media Laboratory of Dialogue). The Home of European Unity whereby 28 places, both religious and non-religious, will be chosen in Assisi in which to experiment with the idea of dialogue as that which is unique amongst diverse cultural groups and communities. This will also emerge through the experience of producing artistic works that are inspired by the frescos of Giotto in the Upper Basilica. Signs and Forms of a new Humanism Assisi is the place par excellence of dialogue with the teachings of great writers and Italian and European intellectuals. Believers and non-believers are called upon to work together to protect and cherish humanity, its existence and its future. Roman Assisi will be a meaningful example of “virtual reality” retracing the historical evolution from the so-called “civiltà pelasgi-
ca” to that of Roman culture in Assisi. This will be carried out under the curatorship of the journalist Piero Angela and the collaboration of the Universities of Perugia,, the regional Museums and Libraries, the Umbrian National Gallery of Art, schools from the Province, the Academy of Fine Art, and the F.U.A. (The Umbria Architecture Foundation). Dante, Virgil and Ovid – The Unity of Life and Poetry This project envisages a public reading by Vittorio Sermonti of such unabridged classics as Dante’s The Divine Comedy, Virgil’s Aeneid and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Sermonti will take us along a wonderful “journey” into the roots of European imagination, visiting many of the region’s hundreds of cultural centres, theatres, squares, oratories, churches and museums. Sermonti is considered one of the greatest living authorities on The Divine Comedy. He will preside at meetings and entertain audiences of all age groups in these glorious open air readings, where young and old will be held spell-bound by the magnificent voice and performance of our “maestro” Sermonti. The European Children’s Festival Is a project that will be carried out in collaboration with TIEFFEU, Perugia and Assisi. The plan is two-fold: The European Children’s Festival will include creative, formative and entertaining shows, workshops and activities for children of all ages. There will be considerable online collaboration regarding the key tenets of the festival. International and Italian theatrical companies such as The Obrazov theatre of Moscow, The Taptoe Theatre, The Magic Lantern of Prague, The Theatre of the Puppets on Water of Vietnam, the Teatro GiocoVita, Philippe Genty, and the Opera dei Pupi of Mimmo Cuticchio, will be among the many participants. There will be spectacular shows and events in the public squares (The Bread and Puppets, Sarruga production, The Fura dels Baus and The Molino Rosencrans, La Toupin). The workshop “Giona” will see the collaboration between Italian and European cities, which have created permanent exhibitions about Toys and Games. Figure Theatre’s shows involving international protagonists (L’Institut International de la Marionnette de CharlevilleMézières, the Damu of Prague, the Theatre and Cinema Academy of Bucharest).will also delight audiences. Moreover, an international exhibition of children’s book illustrations, with a group of
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illustrators from Bratislava, Slovakia will take place. The International Festival of Living Statues, with street artists from all over Europe, known as “living statues”, will narrate the story of the Umbrian identity. The dreams of great artists, Pinturicchio, Burri, Penna, Sassoferrato and Perugino, together with the religious figures of Francis and Chiara, will pour out into the streets as though emerging and coming to life from the books, museums, fountains and churches of medieval and contemporary life. The Dream of Protecting and Cherishing the Creation Much importance is given to the protection of nature and the safeguarding of the environment in Assisi and the land of Francis. Therefore, in close collaboration with the FAI – The Italian Environmental Fund, the Sacred Convent and the Upper Church of San Francesco d’Assisi project aims to protect and enhance the beauty of the surrounding areas known as the “Selva del Sacro Convento” and the “Bosco di San Francesco” which have already been open to the public for the last two years. “Cultural walks” will be conducted along these areas with poetry readings set to individually selected pieces of music to further appreciate the beauty of nature. Meetings and contacts between scholars, researchers, intellectuals and documentary filmmakers to identify and propose new ways of living that respect the environment will be encouraged. Together with our interest in the land, we wish to develop the theme of Water, its springs, spas and healing qualities. We not only wish to promote a healthy style of life but also an examination and appreciation of the historical importance of water and waterways as, for example, the river Tiber. Finally, we may mention the creation of a “Magic Wood” located at the Fuseum, on the outskirts of Perugia, and the art centre and museum park of Brajo Fuso where we will hold art, theatre and drama classes and tell stories about the park and museum. The World-Houses of Perugia This is a project that aims to recognize and appreciate the diverse international cultures that make up life in Perugia and Umbria, where many have chosen to settle. “Centres/Houses of cultural exchanges” will be created where different peoples can meet and share experiences that derive from diverse linguistic and cultural identities. From art to music, literature, photography, cinema, dance and theatre – ties will
be strengthened with Romania, Moldavia, Albania, India, Ecuador, The Philippines and Morocco. WORLD’S LANDSCAPES La città dell’accoglienza –––––––––––––– Atelier of the living arts This is a project of performing arts, music, literature, cross-media, multi-media and communications. The designation of residential, studio and workshop facilities to bring about the revitalisation of the artistic environment of the territory will take three directions. a) the setting up of exhibition galleries in two clearly contemporary and non-religious locations (the ancient forges of the steelworks of Terni and the San Francesco d’Assisi Airport) which will be linked to the mysticism of the Umbrian territory and its magnificence. This project will be entrusted to the theatre director, Romeo Castellucci. The project will involve the study of sacred images in secular places and will include large-scale participation of residents in a collective “choreography”; b) two major Belgian choreographers, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Alain Platel, who will engage dancers from the European project, Dance Moves Cities, in the rediscovery of the empty, abandoned spaces of the city of Perugia; b) the British film director and writer, Tim Etchells, and the British visual artist, Grahame Miller, who will take inspiration from the E45 Highway which stretches across the entire region. Festival of the Arts – Perugia 19 The Umbria Theatre Company will celebrate Perugia European Capital of Culture 2019 with a festival dedicated to the contemporary culture of theatre, dance and visual arts. Producers, actors, choreographers, dancers, set designers, playwrights and artists from Italy, Europe and all over the world will create a magnificent, concerted celebration to transform Perugia and other cities in the region into one gigantic stage thanks to the network TSU of more than 80 spaces. The festival will be characterized by a multiplicity of themes and will last three months. The relationship between the territory, audiences and visiting artists will be fundamental in accentuating and further promoting the creation of a territorial system of artistic residencies.
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Europe on the Shores of the Trasimeno Lake This will be a cultural and gastronomic journey. The wine and food of Umbria will be served along the shores of the lake. The chefs, however, will be young European chefs (already guests of the many territorial residences and culinary schools) who, together with the knowledge of local traditions, will have the opportunity to be creative with Italian dishes. The intention is not to mix the traditions but to re-live the Umbrian culture through the talent and eyes of those who come from afar. It is not the juxtaposition of different dishes that creates the multi-cultural environment but the way different cultures work and “travel” together, sharing diverse tastes and ideas. Music too will play a central role. “Music for Sunset” on the Trasimeno is a performance that will celebrate all forms of natural life in and around the lake—from migrating birds to the ebb and flow of the waters of the lake. In this floodlit-performance of music and literature, nature and water will be the unifying theme. Landed Cross-media and music project This is a project inspired by the tradition of environmental music. It will be the only contest within the Cultural Programme with the theme “The Umbrian Landscape: Quality of Life and Way of Thinking” and it will be open to young European musicians and composers. Its purpose is to select one or more proposals/projects that will create musical scores or soundtracks that reflect the above theme for the “St. Francis” Airport. Landed peace is a festival of the “Theatre of Peace” created and organized in collaboration with the theatrical experience of Sarajevo, Novisad and the Perugia Theatre Company. Contemporary Canon Theatrical works, dance, music, literature and cinema will come together on one unique “journey”, a kaleidoscope of the second international millennium. With the staging of these art forms, reflection will be encouraged on the meaning of contemporary culture. In one great performance we will show the new rules for the best cultural production from 2000 to 2019. Perugia Minimal This is a project of unpublished music written by young Italian composers, of international importance, that is under the guidance and curatorship of Michael Nyman. The idea is to write contemporary music, starting from both well-known and less well-known places of interest, to compile a
labyrinth-like musical score of Perugia. The musical narration will then become a multi-media map for the general public. Orpheus 2019 – From Monteverdi to Berio and beyond Hosting and training residency for Young European Opera Singers. An international panel of judges will select those who are to attend a two-year course in “The Interpretation of Ancient Music”, to be held in Perugia. A related project called Memories for the Future: Orfeo 2 al quadrato a performance staged at the end of the course with the participation of the best and finest opera singers. Memories for the Future: Orfeo 2 al quadrato aims to recapture Orfeo 2, coordinated by Luciano Berio in1984, which was taken from the opera of Monteverdi with transcriptions by Maurizio Dini Ciacci, Ludovico Einaudi, Luca Francesconi, Betty Olivero and Marco Stroppa. The performance is not a mere repeat, but rather the innovation of an experimental idea. Luca Francesconi and Pippa Delbono will stage a new, original performance that will nonetheless have ties to the roots of the past. Orpheus 2019 “Song Against Dryness” will be the culmination of European research into contemporary musical theatre. It aims to set up a permanent “Contemporary Musical and Poetic Workshop” in cooperation with new, young European musicians, writers and poets. People in Public Squares – Future Memories of Umbria and Europe This is a project of visual and figurative arts, performing arts, and music as part of the tangible and non-tangible cultural heritage. The programme events will be held in a myriad of places, involving 263 easily accessible cultural venues in Umbria (theatres, cloisters, terraces, oratories, museums and the very squares and streets where local celebrations are held). There will be a “retrieval” of an exceptional heritage of historical events; notably, “local celebrations” and “Umbrian Associations”. The intention is to further enrich this great cultural heritage of traditions which shows local identities that co-habit and interact with people and languages of different European cultures. Twin city celebrations could also be organized: Perugia with Sophia, Gubbio with Glasgow, Assisi with San Sebastian and Foligno with Tallin. The Umbrian cultural heritage offers an itinerary of exceptional social and historic importance. The following is a list of the most important local festivities and celebrations: Il Palio dei Colombi di Amelia, Il Calendimaggio di Assisi, Il Palio di San Michele di Bastia Umbria, Il
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Mercato delle Gaite di Bevagna, Il Palio dei Terzieri di Città Della Pieve, Il Palio dell’Oca di Città di Castello, La Giostra della Quintana di Foligno, I Giochi della Porte di Gualdo Tadino, La Fuga del Bove di Montefalco, La Corsa dell’Anello di Narni, Il Palio dei Quartieri di Nocera Umbra, Il Corteo Storico Miracolo di Bolsena di Orvieto, Il Palio delle Barche di Passignano sul Trasimeno, La Giostra dell’Arme di San Gemini, Il Cantamaggiodi Terni, Il Palio dei Terzieri di Trevi and Il Rinascimento ad Acquasparta. Saint François d’Assise This is a project involving music and the landscape of Perugia and Assisi. This project will “revive” the dream of Francesco Siciliani, the main protagonist of The Sagra Musicale Umbra, and it will stage a musical masterpiece of the twentieth century. The outdoor performance will face Saint Francis and there will be four panels showing the journey from Perugia to Assisi through which the story of the “Umbrian landscape” will also be “narrated”. The orchestra, comprised of the best and finest Umbrian musicians, will be further enriched by the participation of internationally recognized soloists from acclaimed orchestras, including: The European Union Youth Orchestra, The Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester and The Junge Deutsche Philharmonie. The Sagra Musicale Umbra will join forces with The Junge Deutsche Philharmonie to stage and produce an unrepeatable work of extraordinary beauty. The Contemporary Renaissance – The Dream of Alberto This is a performing arts, music, education and training project in Città di Castello of which The Festival of Nations and The Burri Foundation are curators. It aims to give a visionary, dream-like, artistic aura to a public square. a) The dream of Alberto, conceived by Alberto Burri, will be a visual and sound map of the city squares in Città di Castello. This project envisages the participation of international artists who have an already longstanding involvement with the Festival of Nations and other Umbrian groups such as The Perugia Conservatory of Music, electronic music groups of Foligno and the Tetrakis Ensemble. There will be a workshop/performance in Perugia on the theme of “body, dream and home” which will be coordinated by N.U.Da—Network Umbria Danza and the Perugia Theatre Company. b) Ofanim will follow the principal concept of recalling the music of Luciano Berio to reflect his dream of a piece of music dedicated to the drying kilns. Garibaldi Square, where the ancient Porta Sant’Egidio could once be seen, will play a central role in evoking the project of Alberto
Burri and his desire to mix renaissance elements with contemporary art. Renaissance elements will then gradually blend into the contemporary, in a threedimensional projection, with a musical background that includes the original work of Heiner Goebbles and Salvatore Sciarrino. This project is under the curatorship of the Tifernauti. The Exact Place This a European project involving the collaboration of film directors and actors from six European countries who are to produce six spectacular events to be held in Perugia. The Exact Place includes the residential artistic facilities and the organization of the exchanges. The project will have two phases. The first will be to decide the exact European “destinations” with which to liaise: Sofia, Edinburgh, Assisi, San Sebastian, Breslavia and Bratislava. Film directors from the various countries (who will be housed in the residential facilities) will, with the aid of local technicians and artists, create a show on the “exact place” of the host city. In the second phase all six final events will be hosted in the city of Perugia, in the six designated creative “places”. The different places will show the diverse poetic, artistic and multi-cultural interpretations and Perugia will become the main stage of all the European cities that are being represented and therefore the capital of European theatre. The International Journalism Festival Artists will become the “special correspondents” of civilization. The Festival of Journalism will be curator of the world’s greatest exhibition of art, photography, cinema and literature. These artists will represent the selfless dedication of all those who are committed to denouncing the crimes against the environment and the more serious injustices and crimes committed against humanity—a dedication that has allowed our culture and civilization to evolve. There will be a wide range of exhibitions, both in the form of tangible and non-tangible elements, dedicated to illustrating the strong cultural opposition to all forms of violence in society. Sounds of Minorities This festival will not be a simple ethnic festival but rather a festival to bring together different experiences dedicated to the 40 million people in the European Community who speak a language other than the eleven officially recognized languages. It will be an extraordinary event of multi-cultural identities that will show how the musical traditions and themes of European linguistic minorities are a vibrant and ever-present reality. This project will be an addition to the ongoing collaboration between Perugia and other important cities and leading European capitals that deal with the issues of “minority groups”: San Sebastián, Pafos, and Plovdiv.
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Appendix 2. Financial plan ————————————————————————— The overall operational budget put forth in relation to the Perugia 2019 ECoC initiative must be analysed separately in terms of operating expenditures and investment expenditures: not only in compliance with the application form, but also because the operating budget falls under the responsibility of the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation, that has full managerial autonomy, while investments depend initially on the local, regional and national authorities; namely, the Municipality of Perugia, the Region of Umbria, and on the national Government once the title has been awarded. Operating expenditures The Foundation’s budget consists of three main items: – expenditure for event activities – communication and marketing expenditure – overall expenditure The costs of the activities refer to both the expenditures for the social and cultural events that are strictly related to the ECoC title (that is, to the production and co-production quotas that will be covered by the Perugia 2019 Foundation) and to the expenditures for all other initiatives managed in real time. Generally speaking, the production of events will be transferred to institutions and cultural entities in the region within a co-financing, co-production or cost-sharing system (as the case may be) and retain their complete box-office income. We have not considered the costs of all the other regular cultural activities that will surely increase what the territory has to offer in the time period 2014-2020 but the producers of these events will be given the option of using the Perugia 2019 logo if they so choose. The communication expenses include the costs of the promotional, publicity, Web and social media campaigns, and represent approximately 10% of the total of all other annual costs. The overall expenses account for 11% of the total costs and include staff wages and fees as reported in the organisational structure’s full costs table of the project. They also include consultancy fees, payments for purchases of goods and services related to operational needs, financial and fiscal charges, and the depreciation of capital assets. An increase of the operating budget could be evaluated if required by the Cultural Programme, but always in respect of the economic sobriety envisaged by Perugia 2019.
Income to be used to cover operating expenditure The income deriving from the national Government corresponds to the amount that will be requested as a State contribution for the European Capital of Culture. The income deriving from the local public administrations (Municipalities, Province and Region) refers to funds and cash grants allocated for activities that are strictly related to Perugia 2019. The income deriving from private sources refers to the funds received from cash sponsors and technical sponsors, interchange of goods and services, and charitable donations pertaining to Perugia 2019. The Foundation’s own income refers to the revenues deriving from the use of the ECoC 2019 brand (merchandising, sale of advertising space or time, etc.); it does not include proceeds such as box-office earnings which belong to the cultural entities. Capital expenditures The capital expenditure refers to all of the infrastructural investments connected to the Cultural Strategic Plan that were made between 2008 (the year in which the Municipality of Perugia started making arrangements for its participation in the ECoC initiative) and 2018 (the year by which all the interventions must be completed). For 2019, 2020 and subsequent years (at least until the national and EU scheduling program 2014-2020 is completed), the logic to be adopted is the following: • if title is awarded (in 2014), the greatest efforts will be made to concentrate all of the investments of the cultural sector within the time period 20142018, while only the expenditure for supplementary maintenance, unexpected circumstances and additional improvement measures will be postponed to the following years; • if title is not awarded, such investments, or most of them, will be spread out over a longer period of time (2014-2020). In the time period between 2008 and 2012 (the year in which the Perugiassisi 2019 Foundation was constituted), the Municipality of Perugia initiated and promoted a detailed program of structural measures concerning the historic city centre, taking advantage of all the opportunities offered by the regional, national and EU programs (POR 20072013).
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As of 2012, following the official decision to participate in the ECoC competition, the projects that had been approved and those that had been envisaged have both converged in the application objectives and are integrated into the Cultural Strategic Plan, that is one of the two basic actions of the Perugia 2019 Project. Therefore, the investments foreseen by the Cultural Strategic Plan refer above all to Project Area 1 and may consist of the following action categories, depending on their nature and purpose: • Creative Laboratories Network aimed at the recovery of public real estate and premises (owned by the State or Municipality) with an overall usable surface area of about 5,000 square metres. • Cultural Services System concerned with theatres, museums, libraries, multi-purpose halls and recreation centres, auditoriums, etc., most of which are already being preserved and restored thanks to the various founding resources (especially those connected with POR FESR 2007-2013 and PAR FSC of the national program). • Living Hub aimed at the restoration of the men’s ward in the former prison of Perugia, for which the Government has already initiated a formal acquisition bid. It consists of 11,000 square metres of actual indoor surface space and 4,000 square metres of outdoor space. It includes the technological equipment needed for the construction of the entire advanced network system (broadband telecommunications network, co-working platform, etc.). • Preservation and restoration aimed at architectural structures and monuments. • Urban requalification (energy savings, public lighting systems, parks, gardens and other public areas, telecommunications equipment, video surveillance, on-line access points, etc.), aimed at revitalising the most marginal and degraded areas of the historic centre that are inhabited mainly by the resident population. • Urban mobility aimed at building a second line of the Mini Metro light-rail system and the completion of the transport hubs that provide access to the historic centre. The already planned measures aimed at upgrading the regional transport infrastructure are excluded, with the exception of the completion of the airport expansion works. As far as Project Areas 2 and 3 of the Cultural Strategic Plan are concerned, only some of the investments aimed at systematic interventions have been taken into consideration: for example, the
network of reception points, rules and incentives for the development of accommodation facilities other than hotels, applications for mobile terminals, projects for the enhancement of the spreadable non-tangible heritage, and the strengthening of the services offered by the regional networks of museums and theatres. An estimate of the real estate investments has been made on the basis of the projects that the Municipality of Perugia has already designed. Wherever projects have not been designed, the estimate has been made on a parametric basis. The table below shows the timeline of the investments which reaches a peak level in the years 2015-2016 in order to guarantee the completion of works by 2018.
million € 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2008-12 2013-14 2015-16 2017-18 2019-20 Total Estimated Sicured
Overall, the resources that have already been allocated and are currently being used account for 32.9% of the total requirements and are expected to run out in 2015 (see the following dyagram).
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% 100 90
70 60
50 40 30 20 10 0 2008-12 2013-14 2015-16 2017-18 2019-20
Income to be used to cover capital expenditures As far as the Region of Umbria is concerned, the percentage rate of the investments allocated to the Municipality of Perugia (almost all of them were aimed at the ECoC bid) in the time period 20072013 accounted for 2.3% of the total amount of the Structural Funds, which is equivalent to about 37 million euro. As the total of the resources allocated to Umbria in the time period 2014-2020 should not be significantly different from the previous amount, a slightly higher percentage (2.7%) has been estimated, which is equivalent to an overall sum of 43.1 million euro. This is deemed to be a very reasonable estimate but it presents quite a challenging spending constraint in that most of the investments must be concentrated in the time period 2014-2018, which will require a considerable effort on behalf of the Region (currently, the regional rate is equivalent to only 40%, which is not different from the national average). As for the Municipality of Perugia and considering that the total amount of the investments for 20082012 was about 10.5 million euro (mostly allocated for the ECoC bid) and only 5.1 million euro has actually been spent, the estimate made was actually very close to these figures and it provided an additional amount (in terms of commitments) of 14.3 million euro for the time period 2013-2018. Therefore, state contributions will have to be more substantial. In fact, considering the investment amount of approximately 3.6 million euro that was made for the years 2007-2012, the estimated amount for the years 2013-2020 is 65.5 million
euro. And, this is not a mere auspicious desire, albeit motivated by the eventual conferment of title, but rather a realistic estimate that would in essence only cover the costs of building the second Mini Metro Line for which the preliminary steps in obtaining final approval have been completed. Considering that transport infrastructural investments are one of Italy’s top priorities, and considering the country’s long delays in this regard, it is believed that the Mini Metro project has considerable probability of being approved independently of the awarding of title. We have not in any way considered eventual EU direct funding, through the funds that are allocated to future community programmes, as a precautionary measure even though we have obtained good results in previous years (4,5 million euro) especially in areas where the city has gained an admirable reputation (i.e. alternative mobility, eco-sustainability and social policies). In addition, private investments that have gone into the capital expenditures chapter were kept either within or slightly above the amounts and estimates previously approved: 14 million euro in comparison to the 13 million already allocated. These funds are linked partly to the co-financing that is being requested in connection with investments to be made or shared in the private sector, and partly to the contributions being made primarily by the Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia Foundation.
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Possible scenario should ECoC title not be awarded Assuming the criterion previously indicated, the simulations that have already been carried out should the city non be awarded the ECoC title upon conclusion of the designation process in 2014, indicate, as far as investments are concerned, a reduction in the peak period 2015-2016. However, these will not compromise or alter the willingness and commitment to bring renewed vitality to the historic centre of Perugia as this endeavour is already firmly underway. million â‚Ź 90 80
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Region Government
In fact, the following table illustrates the detailed and analytical framework and timelines of the investment projects.
3,617,000 Creative Lab 10,426,000 PROJECT AREA 1 14,043,000 Cultural network 15,263,720 and services 3,630,000 PROJECT AREA 1 18,893,720 6,200,000 Living Hub 23,380,000 PROJECT AREA 1 29,580,000 Preservation and 4,217,052 Restoration 1,395,000 PROJECT AREA 1 5,612,052 Urban 8,284,455 Regenration 3,150,000 PROJECT AREA 1 11,434,455 29,427,702 Urban Mobility 86,794,382 PROJECT AREA 1 116,222,084 900,000 PROJECT AREA 2 900,000 7,320,000 PROJECT AREA 3 7,320,000
2008-12 2,117,000
2013-14 1,500,000
2,117,000 1,874,312
1,500,000 6,609,408 500,000 7,109,408 4,000,000
2,003,052 2,003,052 2,170,780
2,214,000 6,113,675
2,170,780 10,097,276
6,113,675 13,330,426 10,500,000 23,830,426
4,000,000 2,214,000
5,926,000 5,926,000 6,780,000 750,000 7,530,000 2,200,000 12,940,000 15,140,000
4,500,000 4,500,000
600,000 600,000 6,000,000 40,294,382 46,294,382 450,000 450,000 3,425,000 3,425,000
1,000,000 1,000,000
940,000 940,000 1,870,000 650,000 2,520,000 2,535,091 1,050,000 3,585,091 5,406.284 5,863,000 11,269,284
520,000 520,000
260,000 260,000
3,617,000 3,036,000 6,653,000 10,579,867 2,930,000 13,509,867 3,800,000 12,500,000 16,300,000 193,052 500,000 693,052 3,302,755 2,100,000 5,402,755 15,423,518 15.931.382 31,354,900 300,000 300,000 5,810,000 5,810,000
5,340,000 5,340,000 691,873 200,000 891,873
2,380,000 2,380,000 10,440,000 10,440,000 395,000 395,000
1,000,000 1,000,000
1,550,000 1,550,000
1,000,000 1,000,000
35,000,000 35,000,000 450,000 450,000 3,375,000 3,375,000
904,000 643,276
2,050,000 2,050,000 3,126,000 500,000 3,626,00 2,400,000 9,940,000 12,340,000 1,250,000 245,000 1,495,000 1,803,333
643,276 2,983,390
1,803,333 2,780,000
2,983,390 100,000 100,000
2,834,510 65,000,000 67,834,510 500,000 500,000
1,250,000 1,250,000
• Photo winners of the challenge #BEPG (tell Perugia), launched in collaboration with Instagram Perugia (5/12/2012 > 15/7/2013) with the aim of promoting the bid through the social network channels. From top to bottom the photos that have received the most “Likeâ€?: @paosara (Sara Paolini) and @ lafatinarossa (Antonella Manca)
• From top to bottom: Francesco Federici during “Music for Sunset”, Isola Maggiore - Trasimeno Lake; View of Assisi