The final version of the bid book of Perugia 2019...SEEDING CHANGE!
Seeding change is the slogan of Perugia 2019 – European Capital of Culture, Candidate City
In the Middle Ages, farmers learned how to reinvigorate their farm land by rotating crops. Then, a crop that depleted the soil of nutrients would be replaced by a crop that fixed nutrients. That radical change required a seasonal “seed change”.
Seeding Change is therefore a slogan, a way of speaking, but also an figure of speech that expresses a process. It means a clear, strong and habitual act that has now a new meaning because it is projected into a future that sees #Perugia and #Umbria aimed at “seeding” a strong European culture.
“You can’t solve a problem with the same mindset that created the problem; a seed change is required”
So, #Perugia #perugini #Umbria #umbri come on!!!