Klasse / Class Open philately Open philately
Navn / Name Birgitte Rostoft Lilly Juhl
Exponattitel / Title of exponate Færøerne - ´the land of maybe´ H C Andersen, hans liv og eventyr
Point Medalje / Medal Diploma 51 60 Bronze
Open philately
Lilly Juhl
Frimærkefortællinger om kulturhistorisk personer i Danmark
Open philately
Troels Mathias Mikkelsen Ringe Frimærkeklub v/ Kim Jensen
Grækenland i krig 1912 - 1922
Silver bronze
Ringe - Kort fortalt
Silver bronze
Silver bronze
66 69 68 66 65 67 66 66 73 72 70 71 72 73 72 73 73 73 70 70 73 74 72
Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver bronze Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver
Literatur Literatur
Ton Steenbakkers
Traditional philately Youth Them. Class A Youth Them. Class A Youth Them. Class A Youth Them. Class A Youth Them. Class A Aerophilately Postcards Open philately Open philately Literatur Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Postal history Postal history Postal history Open philately Youth Them. Class B Youth Them. Class A Postal stationery Postal stationery
Jon Klemetsen Kristoffer Barkenfeldt Elizabeth Espinoza Tobias Staf Felicia Nordlund Anton Sylwan Jon Klemetsen Egil Kiserud Gunnar Dahlvig Liv Marion Strømnes Palle Offersen Poul Andersen Karl Chr. Sørensen Niels Kristian Hansen Kim Jensen Svend Bek-Pedersen Lilly Juhl Lilly Juhl Per Gustavsson Manolis Gustavsson Elizabeth Espinoza Lars-Olof Nilsson Hálfdan Helgason
Official publication of the Dutch philatlic association ´Skandinavie´ Italia under Vittorio Emanuele III; Små bruksmerker Flags of the world Dansen genom tiderna Vinter-OL Fotboll Antons fordon Italia under Vittorio Emanuele III; Luftpost Fra Svangstrand til Kongens Utsikt og Sollihøgda Filatelist - ett märkligt fenomen Alf Prøysens ´Blåbærturin´ Odense Frimærkeklub 100 år 1916-2016 Østrig 1850 - 1918 Belgisk Congo 1886-1960 27 øre provisorierne 1918 Grønland fra 1938 Mourning Letters Glemsomhed, Uvidenhed eller Snyd Danske breve sendt til udlandet og retuneret Vi ångar till Åbo Maps Min del av världen Formular cards of France 1870 & 1873 The London types of the International Reply Coupons
Priser / Awards
Stig Jacobsen
Open philately
Jan Drejer
F. D. F. Frivilligt Drenge Forbund Soldat i Tyskland, Den Danske Brigade og Det Danske Kommando 1947-58
Large silver
Post- og Stempelhistorie frå Nordhordland
Large silver
Tag med på en udflugt til Munkebjerg SAMOS Plebiscit Slesvig 1920
78 76 78
Large silver Large silver Large silver
Literatur Traditional philately Traditional philately
Jan B.Thorshjeim, Olav Idsø og Audun Hanstveit Vejle Frimærkeklub Troels Mathias Mikkelsen Odd Arve Kvinnesland
Postal history
Peter Sondhelm
Faroe Islands - Stamps for inland letters during World War II
Large silver
Traditional philately Traditional philately Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Aerophilately Aerophilately Postcards Postcards Postcards Open philately Open philately Open philately Open philately Literatur Literatur Literatur
Tomas Bolsø Terje Karterud Kaido Andres Hallvard Slettebø Per Bunnstad Magne Skjånes Petter J. Taraldsen Steinar Furunes Peter Thy Matti Pesonen Yngve H. Lundblad Robert Schou Jan Lauridsen Einar Nagel Karl-Erik L. Olsen Erik Christensen Finn Malm John Guldborg Hansen Philip Rasmussen SFF Ulf Nilsson Arne Eriksen JSC MARKA
75 76 77 78 78 78 78 78 76 75 78 77 79 75 77 80 82 83 80 83 81 80
Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil
David Lu
Some Companies Which First Used Perfins in Denmark Danmark tofarvede merker øreutgaven Tartu University (evolution througt the centuries) Danmark - dagen derpå Western Jönköping´s County until 1894 Post i Finnmark 1850-1905 Christiansand Postkontors historie 1785-1945 Sunderland from 1770´s to Victoria and Edward VII Southern African Pioneers in World War II Finland´s first rural mail carrier cancels and lines Norsk Luftpost 1870-1950 Min Zeppelin luftpost samling Dampskipsruten Archangelsk-Vardø White Star vs Cunard Line From Helgø to Skorpa Helstaten Danmark´s endeligt Verden bløder hjælp Røde Kors The Birth of a Nation Wagner. Viljen, værket, arven The Swedish Stamps Magazine Filatelisten 2016 Feltpostinspektøren - posten i krig 1940 The postage stamps of the USSR 1961-1974 CHINA: Airmails & Forerunners-The ´DiaMond´ Collec ion formed by May & David Lu. FRPSL
Literatur Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Postal history Traditional philately Traditional philately
Vejle Frimærkeklub Helge Nehm H.P. Burgman Per Skaarup Jon Iversen Valter Skenhall Hjalti Johannesson Paul Clemmensen Pall Palsson
Traditional philately
Karsten Jensen
Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history
Henning Rasmussen John Vestergaard Jensen J.H.J. Pasop Per-Olof Jansson Holger Rudolf Evers Hallvard Slettebø Henning Mathiesen Juozas Urbonas Kaj Jensen Johannes Andersen J. Brandt Christensen
Postal history
Audun Hanstveit
Postal history
Christian Czubek
Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history
Hans Urbak Erik Nicolaisen Roar Grøtting Erik Torbensen Øistein Bøe
Postal history
Niels Buus
Postal history
Karl-Erik L. Olsen
Glasraadens Vejle Slesvig Plebiscit 1920 The Gullfoss postal stamps Svenske båndmærker 1920-36 Finland, the Russian period 1938 års Jubileumsutgåva, Gustaf V 80 år Icelandic Crown Cancels Denmark´s third issue: 2 skilling Christian IX Danmarks Tofarvede Øreudgave 1875-1905. Introduktion til at samle tofarvede Den danske våbentype Danmarks Kvadratiske skillingsmærker 1851-63 Germania Canada , the Admiral issue 1912-28, rates and destination The postal history of the Faroes Islands till 1945 Posten i Egersund Dansk Postkontor i Hamburg indtil 1864 Baltic states people´s deportation mail Skibspost til og fra Norge Posthistorie fra Lemvig Postdistrikt, indtil 1933 Forsendelser med Chr. X. udgaver 1921-22 Stempel og posthistorie kring postkupéekspedisjonane på Södre Stambanan GRØNLAND - Kalaallit Nunaat, A brief survey through the postal history between 1774 and 1939 Svensk dampskibspost 1870 - 1951 Den første Verdenskrig, Tønder amt / Kreis Tondern Portotakster 1872 - 1946 for norske helpost-brevkort Epidemi-bekæmpelse før sygdomsårsager var erkendt Postal history on and along The Sognefjord up to 1905 Anvendelsen af Chr.X. Frimærkerne. Takster og forsendelsestyper Posten i Nord-Troms 1830-1945
82 82 80 80 83 82 83 81 82
Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil
82 82 80 81 83 82 80 81 82 83 82
Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil
80 82 82 83 83
Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil
Special prize
Special prize
Postal history Postal history Postal history
Dirk Pestlin Jan Læby Søren Chr. Jensen
Postal history
Steen Jack Petersen
Postal history Postal history Postal history Thematic Thematic Thematic Postal stationery
Dieter Fullrich Gustaf Gustafsson Andreas Striib Knud Rask Overgaard Inge Johansen Knud Rask Overgaard Lars-Olof Nilsson
Postal stationery
Dankward Ufer
Postal stationery Aerophilately Open philately Traditional philately Open philately Literatur Literatur Literatur
Louise Lindblom Stig-Arne Svensson Hans Schønning Paul Clemmensen Heikki Virtanen Stefan Heijtz Gunnar Lithén Antanas Jankauskas
Traditional philately
Kristian Aune
Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately Traditional philately
Hans H. Blom Lars Dreyer Peter Nielsen Klaus Bonde Larsen Lennart Hultgren
Traditional philately
Eivind Lund
Postal history Postal history Postal history
Anders Lundgren Jan Lauridsen Stefan Heijtz
Dänemark 1918 - 1926, der 7 und 12 öre Tarif Dansk Vestindien Posthistorie 1877-1917 Maskinstempler & Stempelmaskiner Thomas Cook & Son´s undercover address P.O. Box 506 in Lisbon Das Schwedische Postamt in Hamburg 1823-1869 Postal usage of Christian IX. Issues in Danish West Indies II. Verdenskrigs aftryk i den danske post Chess - War on 64 Squares The story of the non-polluting Two-wheeler Homo Sapiens´ Liv og død i asfaltjunglen The first postal cards of Austria-Hungary GANZSACHEN VON SCHWEDEN, die Postkarten mit Rahmen von 1872 bis 1911 Sveriges brevkort 1872-1921 Svenska luftpostförbindelser till utlandet 1920-1945 La Cour slægtens tidligste historie Holbøll´s Danish Christmas seals 1904 - 1927 The Presidents of Finland DAKA GF 10 Faroe Islands Stamps and Postal History 2017 Facit Norden 2018 Special Lithuaian postage stamp catalogue 1918-2012 The Netherlands - King Willem III. The four issues with the Kings portrait Great Britain- Queen Victoria, The line-engraved issues Dansk Vestindiens portomærker cent-udgaven 1902-1905 Danmarks Tofarvede Øreudgave 1875-1905 Danish West Indies 1856-1917 Tjänstefrimärken i litet format 1910-1919 Ecquador. The Second Issue, British and French stamps Sept. 1. 1873-1881 Postal History of Bohuslän until 1911 Russia via Vardø Faroe Islands Postal History to 1953
83 80 80
Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil
80 81 80 83 83 83 83
Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil
81 81 80 86 88 85 87 87
Vermeil Vermeil Vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil
Large vermeil
88 87 85 85 87
Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil
Special prize
Large vermeil
Special prize
87 86 89
Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil
Special prize
Special prize
Special prize
Postal history
Tony Gade
Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history
Henry Christensen Maurice Buxton Palle Offersen Are Døvle Jaan Roots Niels Erik Thunbo Pedersen Steve Lund Stefan Petriuk
Postal history
Arnold Sorensen
Postal history
Peter Wittsten
Danish West Indies: Prephilatelic mail withthe Royal Mail Stream Packet Caopany to Denmark 1842-1872 Posthistorie fra Holstebro og omegn For Safe Conveyance Karavel bogtryk - anvendelse og portosatser 1927-1933 The Postal History of Finmark up to 1896 Postal Censorship in Estonia 1919-1921 Samsøs Posthistorie Lund, Postal History to 1935 MONGOLIA 1878 - 1941 Danish West Indies Printed Matter - Dansk Vestindien Tryksager Sweden - Denmark : Mail in the Öresund Region 1848-1869
Postal history
Erling Johan Aune
Norwegian postal rates to foreign destinations 1907 to 1946
Postal history
Geir Lunde
Postal history Postal history Thematic Thematic Thematic Youth Trad. Class B Aerophilately Astrophilately Postcards Postcards Postcards Postcards
Otto Kjærgaard Kurt Hansen Leif W. Rasmussen Leif W. Rasmussen Tommy Samuelsson Oscar Stommendal Arni Gustafsson Dr. Stephan Lachheim Lise Woller-Nielsen Hans Uno Hansson Palle Offersen Stig Asklund
Torben Hilberg
Erik Sørensen
Karsten Jensen
Den postale utviklingen i Nord-Rogaland og Ryfylke- området 1846- ca. 1890 Oh, Lonesome Me-High Seas Relayed Letters Dansk Returpost Human Exploitation of Nature’s Wild Life An evolving Society Allied fighter aircraft operations 1939-1945 Swedish Coil Stamps 1920-1938 Zeppelin Mail to and from Iceland How became the mankind dream true to reach the stars Copenhagen - Seen Througt Fritz Benzens Postcards. The Baltic Expo in Malmö 1914 Med sporvogn gennem Odense centrum På kur till Karlbad! Den offentlige transport i København og omegn, fra hestedrift til motordrift Grenaa Gamle Stad Danske frimærkefrankerede forsendelser til og fra udlandet 1851-1905
Large vermeil
88 85 86 87 85 86 85 88
Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil
Large vermeil
Large vermeil
Large vermeil
Large vermeil
87 85 85 88 88 85 85 88 88 85 88 88
Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil
Large vermeil
Large vermeil
Special prize
Special prize
Special prize Special prize Special prize
Special prize
Special prize
Facit Special Classic 2018
Luchtvaart en luchtpostencyvlopedie deel 2
Special prize
Traditional philately Traditional philately
Gunnar Lithén J.L.C.M. & H.H.C. TSchrootsBoer Ivan Refsgaard Jensen Lennart Siesing
Danmarks første konge på mærkerne The Bicoloured Danish skilling issue 1870-1875
92 91
Gold Gold
Special prize Special prize
Traditional philately
Klaas Biermann
Norway Coat of Arms 1855-1868
Grand Prix Nordic
Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal history Postal stationery Postal stationery Aerophilately
Sven-Börje Ewers Philip Rasmussen Erling Berger Albert Schröder Steen Jack Petersen Carsten Bjerg Markku Lehmuskallio Jonas Hällström Roger Quinby Torben Norup Sørensen
Tidiga svenska poststämpler 1686-1830 Danish Postal Rates 1864-71 Netherlands International Mail 1813-1868 Färöer bis 1945 The postal service on Faroe Islands during WWII Odenses Posthistorie Postal history of Greenland Denmark 1927-1952 The Caravel Postal Stationery Classic Postal Cards of Finland 1871 - 1884 Danish Airmail
91 93 92 90 90 92 90 92 90 90
Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold
Special prize Special prize Special prize
Jan Læby
Dansk Vestindien stempelpapir og stempelmærker 1774-1917
Special prize
Per Bunnstad
Albatross - a dramatic event during the First World War
Grand Prix International
Master Class
Leif W. Rasmussen
Animals subjected to Man
Special prize Special prize Special prize Special prize Special prize
Large gold
Master Class
Lars Engelbrecht
The Bicoloured Postal Stationery of Denmark 1871-1905
Large gold
Master Class
Tom Lauridsen
Danmarks og DWI´s Tofarvede frimærker ´51 omvendt serien´
Large gold
Master Class Master Class
Jan Berg Gunnar M. Loshamn
Private Ship Letter Stamp Issuing Companies: up to 1900 Danish West Indians Mail 1754-April 1st 1879
Large gold Large gold
Traditional philately
Torben Malm
Service Stamps of Denmark 1871-1924
Large gold
Winner of the Championship Class (Nordic Champion)
Grand Prix National
Klasse / Class Polar Philately
Navn / Name Sven-Erik Hjelt
Exponattitel / Title of exponate Australian Antarctic 1947-1982: Stamps and Station Cancels
Medalje / Medal Diploma
Polar Philately
Claus Zielinski
FS Polarstern: vom Bau bis zur Indienstellung, öffentliche Auftritte, eigene Marke, Schiffspoststempel, Fahrtabschnitte ANT und ANT III
Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately
Frank Blechschmidt Cheryl Ganz Stephen Bennett
Polar Philately
Dan Chaij
Polar Philately Polar Philately
Jacques Favre Graham Englefield
Polar Philately
Pierre Losserand
Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately
Stephen Allen Graham Englefield Marc Hammond
Polar Philately
Richard Hindle
Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately Polar Philately
Claudio Manzati Dickson Preston Daniel Bringer Daniel Bringer Christian Czubek Graham Englefield Jiří Kraus Jiří Kraus Ross Marshall Christian Murguet Dickson Preston Marc Hammond Hugh Osborne
The British Antarctic Territory 1963-1982 Airships over the Arctic Pioneering Female Scientists of the Antarctic Argentina's Claims to the Falklands, South Atlantic Islands and Antarctic Peninsula, and the British Response The birds of the 6 th. continent Australia's Antarctic Charter of Denmark's "Kista Dan" 1953-1957 The International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) in the Heart of the Antarctic The Four Great Norwegian Polar Explorers The Antarctic Voyages of the "Commandant Charcot" 1948-1951 The Norwegian Possessions in Antarctica The Postcards and Cancellations from Amundsen's Maud Expedition, 1918-25 Russian Drifting Stations Greenland Postal History 1938-1985 Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-04 Swedish Scientific Expeditions to the Antarctic Regions 1895-1904 In Night and Ice - Man in the Arctic Mawson's Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914 Finding Antarctica - Then Finding More of It The Swedish South Polar Expedition 1901-1904 Oasis Station - Soviet Antarctic Expedition The Antarctic Expeditions 1897-1922 U.S. Army Post Offices in Greenland Adrien de Gerlache: Polar Explorer and Maritime Pioneer South Georgia Postal History 1904-1942
Priser / Awards
Bronze Silver Large silver Large silver Large silver Vermeil Vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Large vermeil Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Large gold Large gold