Education 2019

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Contents Education

Recent Publications :

Complete Series List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Adult Education & Continuous Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Childhood Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Curriculum Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Educational Administration & Organization

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers. . . . . . . . . . . 67

Educational Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Educational Strategies & Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Our Representatives – Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Educational Systems & Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 General Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Our Representatives – eBooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Higher & Further Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 History of Education

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Industrial & Vocational Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Language Teaching & Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Leadership in Education

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Philosophy & Theory of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Social Discrimination & Equal Treatment Study & Learning Skills

Teacher Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Teaching Skills & Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Teaching Specific Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Teaching Students with Different Educational Needs . . . . . . 49

Selected Series : Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Black Studies and Critical Thinking

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Complicated Conversation. A Book Series of Curriculum Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis . . . . 57 Global Studies in Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 [Re]thinking Environmental Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Social Justice Across Contexts in Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik / Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy . . . . . . . . 61

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Sub-Classification Adult Education & Continuous Learning

Regina Egetenmeyer • Paula Guimaraes • Balázs Németh (eds.)

Daniel Büttner

Joint Modules and Internationalisation in Higher Education

Die Entstehung von System- und Institutionenvertrauen – Die Bedeutung von Zertifikaten nach DIN EN ISO 9001 als Vertrauenssubstitute

Reflections on the Joint Module «Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning» Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 202 p., 7 ill., 11 tab.

Zur Funktion der ISO 9001:2015-12 bei der Auswahl von Bildungsdienstleistern

Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy. Vol. 71 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73625-8 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-73641-8

This volume places the development of the Joint Module «Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning» (COMPALL) in the context of international development in higher education and adult education. Based on this framework, the authors discuss the development of the joint module in terms of its institutional and didactical structure as well as participants’ motivation and diversity. The book is divided into three parts: (1) Internationalisation in Higher Education, (2) Internationalisation of Higher Education: The Case of Adult Education, and (3) Internationalisation of Higher Education: The Example of COMPALL.

Regina Egetenmeyer • Monica Fedeli (eds.)

Adult Education and Work Contexts: International Perspectives and Challenges Comparative Perspectives from the 2017 Würzburg Winter School Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 226 p., 9 ill., 12 tab. Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy. Vol. 72

Berlin, 2018. XXVI S., 304 S., 4 s/w. Abb., 44 s/w Tab. Berufliche Bildung im Wandel. Bd. 21 geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74334-8 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74437-6 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Nach der Einführung der 2015er-Novellierung der DIN EN ISO 9001 mussten Bildungsanbieter prüfen, ob diese Norm für ihre Tätigkeit relevant wäre. Fraglich ist dabei, ob die demokratisch nicht legitimierten Dokumente privater Normungsorganisationen zur Grundlage von Gesetzen oder Verordnungen werden sollten. Der Autor betrachtet kritisch die DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 auf Grundlage einer Dokumentenanalyse. Die Bezugnahme auf die Norm in der Vertragsgestaltung birgt die Gefahr, dass es weniger um die Qualität der Bildungsmaßnahmen als um den organisatorischen Rahmen geht. Dieser wird mit der Realisierung von Lerneffekten gleichgesetzt, um Vertrauen in den Bildungsanbieter zu ermöglichen. Damit wird die Problematik der Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Bildungsanbieters auf die Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Bewertungssystems verlagert.

hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73702-6 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95 also available as Open Access

Saskia Eschenbacher Adult education has deep connections with employment contexts. This volume discusses interrelations within transnational contexts studied during the Würzburg Winter School on Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (COMPALL). The book shows that adult education and work contexts are influenced by international and transnational developments. The findings are presented in three chapters: Lifelong Learning Policies Targeting Employment Contexts; Transnational Perspectives on Lifelong Learning Policies; Employment Perspectives and Professionalisation in Adult Education. Regina Egetenmeyer is Professor of Adult and Continuing Education at the University of Würzburg/Germany. Monica Fedeli is Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning Methods in Adult Education at the Università degli Studi di Padova/Italy.

Transformatives Lernen im Erwachsenenalter Kritische Überlegungen zur Theorie Jack Mezirows Berlin, 2018. 341 S. Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik Bd. 75 geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-76802-0 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76806-8 CHF 70.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.30 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

Die Beschäftigung mit der Theorie Transformativen Lernens ist nicht nur deshalb lohnenswert, weil sie existenzielle Veränderungsprozesse Erwachsener adressiert. Sie fundiert diese auch theoretisch im Kontext der Erwachsenenbildung und macht sie einer empirischen Erforschung zugänglich. Ihre aktuelle Diskussionslage ist jedoch in Teilen defizitär. Dieses Buch konstruiert systematisch kritisch Begrifflichkeiten, theoretische Konstrukte und Grundannahmen der Theorie nach Mezirow für den deutschsprachigen Leserkreis. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf Mezirows Rezeption der Arbeiten von Habermas. Die Autorin legt Inkonsistenzen und Widersprüche frei, identifiziert dem Ansatz inhärente Leerstellen und arbeitet Möglichkeiten einer Weiterentwicklung Transformativen Lernens heraus.


Adult Education & Continuous Learning

Bernd Käpplinger • Maren Elfert (Hrsg.)

Claudia Pohlmann

Verlassene Orte der Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland

Bildungsurlaub – Vom gesellschaftspolitischen Anliegen zum Instrument beruflicher Qualifizierung?

Abandoned Places of Adult Education in Canada Berlin, 2018., 199 S., 30 farb. Abb., 10 s/w Abb.

Eine Analyse der Bildungsurlaubsdiskurse in der Weiterbildung

Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik / Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy. Bd. 74

Berlin, 2018. 315 S., 5 s/w Abb., 25 Tab.

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-75735-2 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76149-6 CHF 52.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Der Sammelband fokussiert verlassene Orte der Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland und Kanada. Damit wird zum disziplinären Gedächtnis beigetragen und zukunftsorientiert analytisch nachgefragt, was man von diesen Orten und ihrem Schicksal für heute lernen kann. This volume focuses on abandoned places of adult education in Germany and Canada. The chapters contribute to keeping the memory of the discipline alive and explore what we can learn from the fate of these places for the future.

Martina Kattein

Arbeitsmarktmobilität in höherem Lebensalter Eine empirische Untersuchung gelungener betrieblicher Wechsel und Reintegrationen Berlin, 2018. 608 S., 25 Tab., 17 Graf. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-76340-7 CHF 122.– / €D 104.95 / €A 107.90 / € 98.10 / £ 80.– / US-$ 118.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76771-9 CHF 122.– / €D 116.95 / €A 117.70 / € 98.10 / £ 80.– / US-$ 118.95

Die Autorin erforscht in ihrem Buch betriebliche Wechsel und Reintegrationen in Erwerbsarbeit, die Erwerbspersonen in höherem Lebensalter gelungen sind. Die Studie zielt insbesondere darauf, die Qualität der neu aufgenommenen Stellen zu ermitteln und Vorgehensweisen der Erwerbspersonen bei der Stellensuche sowie ihre Handlungsmodi mit der Umbruchphase in höherem Lebensalter zu identifizieren. Zudem werden Einstellungskriterien von Unternehmen untersucht. Basierend auf qualitativen Interviews verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse eine große Heterogenität in den Vorgehensweisen und Handlungsmodi der Erwerbspersonen in der Umbruchphase in höherem Lebensalter. Für einige Handlungsebenen werden Möglichkeiten zur Unterstützung von Erwerbsbiografien in höherem Lebensalter aufgezeigt.

Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik. Bd. 73 geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74027-9 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74147-4 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

In einer diskursanalytisch angelegten Studie erforscht die Autorin Bildungsurlaubsdiskurse in der Weiterbildung. Mittels Interviews und Programmanalysen untersucht sie, inwieweit sich eine Akzentverschiebung vom gesellschaftspolitischen Anliegen zum Instrument beruflicher Qualifizierung im Bildungsurlaub vollzogen hat. Die Befunde zu den Bildungskonzeptionen, Planungsstrategien und Begründungslogiken zeigen, dass es nicht einen einheitlichen Bildungsurlaubsdiskurs gibt, sondern träger- und fachbereichsspezifische Spezialdiskurse. Die Autorin rekonstruiert diese im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftspolitischer Ansprüche, pädagogischer Prinzipien und ökonomischer Kriterien.


Childhood Studies

Janae Dimick

And This Little Piggy Had None Challenging the Dominant Discourse on Farmed Animals in Children’s Picturebooks New York, 2018. X, 140 pp.

and influence natural settings. Such childhood relations with the environment are explicitly linked to familial, sociocultural, geographical, and educational contexts. While the book is theoretical and will be of interest to academics and students, the use of accessible language, vignettes, and figures will make it useful to teachers, policy-makers, parents, and others genuinely concerned with children’s relationships with other humans and the natural world.

Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 16 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5262-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5263-4 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

And This Little Piggy Had None: Challenging the Dominant Discourse on Farmed Animals in Children’s Picturebooks is a fascinating critique of how «farm» animals are represented in children’s literature. Drawing from the fields of critical animal studies, critical discourse analysis, and animal behavior research, Janae Dimick questions the validity of these representations as environmental, societal, and other negative effects related to factory farming emerge. Questioning the socially constructed categories that humans use to classify which animals are used for consumption and which are meant for companionship, the book works to dismantle the «truth» of what children learn from the informational texts that are read to them in educational and home settings. The first of its kind, this book will make readers question their relationship with nonhuman animals and rethink how language creates narratives that ultimately act to the detriment of humans, nature, and animals. Students studying critical pedagogy, ecolinguistics, ecopedagogy, early childhood literacy, ecocriticism, bioethics, critical animal studies, environmental studies and education, and human-animal studies would benefit from reading this easily accessible text.

Carie Green

Children’s Environmental Identity Development Negotiating Inner and Outer Tensions in Natural World Socialization New York, 2018. XXVI, 164 pp., 7 b/w ills. [Re]thinking Environmental Education. Vol. 10 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3200-1 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3199-8 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5805-6 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Children’s Environmental Identity Development: Negotiating Inner and Outer Tensions in Natural World Socialization draws inspiration from environmental education, education for sustainability, environmental psychology, sociology, and child development to propose a theoretical framework for considering how children’s identity in/with/for nature evolves through formative experiences. The natural world socialization of young children considers not only how the natural environment affects the growth and development of young children but also how children shape

Marianne N. Bloch • Beth Blue Swadener • Gaile S. Cannella (eds.)

Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education and Care—A Reader Critical Questions, New Imaginaries and Social Activism Second Edition New York, 2018. XIV, 362 pp., 15 b/w ill. Childhood Studies. Vol. 7 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5417-1 CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5418-8 CHF 71.– / €D 64.95 / €A 65.– / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

This second edition of Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education and Care—A Reader: Critical Questions, New Imaginaries & Social Activism is a foundational text that presents contemporary theories, debates and political concerns regarding early education and child care around the globe. Chapter authors are leading contributors in discussions about critical early childhood studies over the past twentyfive years. The volume editors of Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education and Care are long-time scholars in the reconceptualizing early childhood movement. Audiences include students in graduate courses focused on early childhood, early years, and primary education, critical childhood studies, critical curriculum studies and critical theories/perspectives. Marianne N. Bloch is Professor Emerita in the Departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Beth Blue Swadener is Professor and Associate Director of the School of Social Transformation at Arizona State UniversityTempe. Gaile S. Cannella is an independent scholar, former professor and endowed chair and series editor for Childhood Studies, as well as Post-Anthropocentric Inquiry at Peter Lang. All are founding members of the International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education group and are former early childhood classroom teachers, scholars who have conducted research that is published in multiple books and refereed journals and early years policy activists.


Childhood Studies

Curriculum Studies

Tim Kinard • Jesse Gainer • Mary Esther Soto Huerta

Joy Barnes-Johnson • Janelle M. Johnson (eds.)

Power Play


Explorando y empujando fronteras en una escuela en Tejas through a multilingual play-based early learning curriculum

Equity in Teaching and Learning to Meet Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation

New York, 2018. XX, 242 pp.

New York, 2018. XXIV, 270 pp., 10 ills., 18 tables

Childhood Studies. Vol. 4

Social Justice Across Contexts in Education. Vol. 10

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3415-9 CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 94.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5137-8 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3414-2 CHF 37.95 / €D 32.95 / €A 33.95 / € 30.95 / £ 24.95 / US-$ 54.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5138-5 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4520-9 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5139-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Power Play tells the story of activist teachers and the very young together in a play-based curriculum in a public school in Texas. The authors narrate (with playful interruptions) a curriculum that is powered by the students’ lived encounters—the languages, landscapes, beliefs, histories, geographies, politics, economies, ideas, people, things, matter, and matters of fact and fiction that students carry with them to school, that carry them to school, through school, through their lives.

STEM21: Equity in Teaching and Learning to Meet Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation is designed to contribute to discourses about how STEM teaching and learning can become more equitable, serving the needs of readers across the STEM educational spectrum. STEM21 is meant to problematize the status quo educational practices of STEM stakeholders including preservice and inservice teachers, district leaders, informal educators, policy makers, and the research community. While many books are narrowly targeted either for academics or practitioners, the outcome is limited dialogue between and across those spaces. This volume weaves together field-based research, personal narrative, and education theory, while providing for reflection and discussion. STEM21: Equity in Teaching and Learning to Meet Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation is undergirded by the principle that engaged STEM education accommodates theory and practice that is equitable, rejects deficit model thinking, and is community relevant. Equitable STEM pedagogy builds autonomous pathways to learning; creates a culture of questioning and transparency; celebrates diversity of thought, habit and culture; and embraces a social justice stance on issues of race, class, gender, environmental responsibility, health, and access to resources.

Elisabeth B. Thompson-Hardy

Girlhood, Beauty Pageants, and Power Trailer Park Royalty New York, 2018. XVI, 178 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 522 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-1348-2 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-1347-5 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4476-9 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Girlhood, Beauty Pageants, and Power: Trailer Park Royalty explores the phenomenon of child beauty pageants in rural communities throughout the American South. In a bricolage of poststructural feminism, critical ethnographies, critical hermeneutics, and cultural studies lenses, this book analyzes how the performance of participants— most from a lower socio-economic bracket—and the power exercised by beauty pageant culture work to formulate girls’ identities. Girlhood, Beauty Pageants, and Power also examines how depictions in popular culture through film, videos, documentaries, and television shows add to the dialogue. Author Elisabeth B. ThompsonHardy suggests rural pageant culture works to create girlhood identity and shapes the way participants view the world and themselves—through intricate cultural work in terms of gender and class. This book is intended for students and teachers who are interested in dissecting rural girlhood and development, Southern American beauty standards, and the effect of the media on girls’ identities.

Warren J. Blumenfeld

The What, the So What, and the Now What of Social Justice Education New York, 2018. XVI, 298 pp., 4 b/w ill., 2 tbl. Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Vol. 12 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6099-8 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6098-1 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6062-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

The What, the So What, and the Now What of Social Justice Education uses a three-tier format to present a foundational guide for the implementation of social justice education. The book also outlines some best theoretical practices that can be developed to work toward more equitable communities. The What, the So What, and the Now What of Social Justice Education begins with the What of social justice education by defining primary and secondary terminology and introducing an overarching


Curriculum Studies

conceptual framework within this field of inquiry. The So What of social justice education highlights the importance of studying this field of inquiry and promotes why one should strive to reduce social inequities and make our world more socially just. The Now What of social justice education provides some best theoretical practices that can be used and adapted by individuals, institutions, and larger societies to work toward shortand long-term solutions in working toward a more equitable and less oppressive world. Each tier introduces influential researchers, theorists, and practitioners who have significantly advanced our understanding of issues connected to social justice education pedagogy and practice. The What, the So What, and the Now What of Social Justice Education is suitable for both graduate and undergraduate courses in education. The book can also function as a primary academic and training source for educators and educational staff, as well as a reference for academic researchers in several disciplines and as a resource for community organizing and activism.

Joseph L. DeVitis • Pietro A. Sasso (eds.)

Colleges at the Crossroads Taking Sides on Contested Issues New York, 2018. XX, 524 pp., 6 b/w ill., 3 tables Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 517 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3422-7 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3421-0 CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4580-3 CHF 71.– / €D 64.95 / €A 65.– / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

Focusing on crucial issues in higher education, this book challenges readers to go beyond taken-for-granted assumptions about America’s colleges and universities and instead critically examine important questions facing them in today’s troubled world. Each chapter presents divergent perspectives, that is, «pro» and «con» views, in the hope of stimulating reasoned dialogue among students, faculty, administrators, and the public at large. Readers will explore how internal factors in the academic community often interact with external social, economic, and political influences to produce conflictual results. They will see that academe is hardly value-neutral and inevitably political. This book urges them to transcend strident political persuasion and instead engage in the careful analysis needed to make colleges better. The text provides in-depth appraisal of key topics of controversy: the purposes of higher education, liberal education, academic freedom, political correctness, tenure, shared governance, faculty workload, admissions tests, student learning, Greek life, the worth of college, equity and social justice, athletics, student entitlement, technology and distance instruction, and college amenities. The book will appeal to students, faculty, staff, and all those interested in the future of higher education. It is especially useful for courses in contemporary issues in higher education, foundations of higher education, higher education and society, college student development, and the organization and administration of higher education.

Matthew Farber

Game-Based Learning in Action How an Expert Affinity Group Teaches With Games New York, 2018. XVI, 238 pp., 12 b/w ill. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 80 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4474-5 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4471-4 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

How are expert educators using games in their classrooms to give students agency, while also teaching twenty-first century skills, like empathy, systems thinking, and design thinking? This question has motivated Matthew Farber’s Game-Based Learning in Action: How an Expert Affinity Group Teaches With Games showcasing how one affinity group of K12 educators—known as «The Tribe»—teaches with games. They are transformational leaders outside the classroom, in communities of practice. They mentor and lead newcomers to game-based learning, as well as advise game developers, academics, and policymakers. Teachers in «The Tribe» do not teach in isolation—they share, support, and mentor each other in a community of practice. Farber shares his findings about the social practices of these educators. Game-Based Learning in Action details how the classrooms of expert game-based learning teachers function, from how they rollout games to how they assess learning outcomes. There are plenty of lessons to be learned from the best practices of expert educators. These teachers use games to provide a shared meaningful experience for students. Games are often the focal point of instruction. Featuring a foreword from James Paul Gee (Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Professor of Literacy Studies, and Regents’ Professor), this book comments on promises and challenges of game-based learning in twenty-first century classrooms. If you are looking to innovate your classroom with playful and gameful learning practices, then Game-Based Learning in Action is for you! Matthew Farber, Ed.D. is Assistant Professor in the Technology, Innovation, and Pedagogy Program at the University of Northern Colorado. His research is at the intersection of teacher education, learning technologies, and game-based learning. Dr. Farber has been invited to the White House, and he has been interviewed about games and learning by NPR, Fox News Radio, USA TODAY, and The Wall Street Journal. He is also an Edutopia blogger, a Certified BrainPOP Educator, and he is in the iCivics Educator Network. His first book, Gamify Your Classroom: A Field Guide to Game-Based Learning, Revised Edition features a foreword from USA TODAY’s Greg Toppo. To learn more, visit:


Curriculum Studies

Randa Elbih

Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror Educational Responses New York, 2018. XVI, 278 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 360 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4865-1 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3105-9 CHF 56.95 / €D 49.95 / €A 50.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 54.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1810-4 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses examines how global financial and socio-political systems propagate a lopsided dialectic of current events that influences teachers’ pedagogies of 9/11 and the War on Terror. The lopsided dialectic is one that encourages patriotism and militarism, conceals imperialism, and shuts out Muslim voices. Interviews with Muslim American students and high school teachers plus textual analysis of high school U.S. history textbooks demonstrate how curriculum and educators impact marginalized students’ identities and sense of belonging. As Muslim students describe their isolation and fear, and teachers discuss the challenges they face, readers will also learn how «us versus them» rhetoric deflects attention from the erosion of democratic values and the underlying socio-economic reasons for the War on Terror. Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses is easy-to-read and directed toward teachers, scholars, and curriculum developers, and includes actionable suggestions for teaching these topics in a balanced and holistic way. The ultimate goal of Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses is to grow critical dialectical pedagogy (CDP), a new introduction to the field of critical pedagogy, in order to nurture the next generation of global citizens. Dialectics of 9/11 and the War on Terror: Educational Responses can be used in teacher training, curriculum and instruction, multicultural education, secondary social studies education, research in education courses, as well as other areas of instruction.

Hani Morgan

The World’s Highest-Scoring Students How Their Nations Led Them to Excellence New York, 2018. X, 186 pp., 3 b/w ill., 1 tbl. Global Studies in Education. Vol. 35 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5142-2 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5143-9 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5144-6 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

The World’s Highest-Scoring Students focuses on how various countries transformed their school systems into the world’s leading systems of education. Hani Morgan covers eight countries: Finland, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, Estonia, and the United States. His book offers ideas on how the United States can improve its school system so that

it can regain its status as the world’s undisputed leader in education. In addition to offering a brief historical context for each country, Morgan describes important practices that helped these nations achieve stellar results in international testing. Some of the subjects covered include teacher preparation programs, cultural attitudes toward education, and teacher recruitment practices. His book differs from other texts on this topic because he describes in detail the most recent practices that various educational systems have used to maintain top academic performance and the strategies others have implemented to climb to the top. The World’s Highest-Scoring Students offers a new perspective on this topic in several ways. This book provides a balanced view of the highest-ranking nations in education, offering the outstanding practices they use to achieve stellar results but also pointing out the problems they endure. In addition, Morgan discusses various controversies about international tests, including the limitations of using these tests to evaluate students.

Beth D. Tolley (ed.)

Studying Abroad What We Didn’t See Coming New York, 2018. XXIV, 130 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5096-8 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5097-5 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5691-5 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Studying Abroad: What We Didn’t See Coming is a collection of testimonials that documents the unexpected outcomes of study-abroad cultural experiences. It highlights the value of such experiences and the throng of interwoven dynamics, and showcases the educational learning opportunities for those who participate and how their teacher preparation is enhanced. Its most valuable aspect, however, is the illumination of those dynamics that caught all participants unaware—unaware of cultural similarities and differences, the power of relationships, the intricacies of language, the universal characteristics of children, and mostly, unaware of themselves. Studying Abroad: What We Didn’t See Coming offers insight to those considering international travel, those involved in cultural exchange and study, those who want to learn and be reminded of life lessons gleaned through the documentaries of others, and those who simply want a reminder of the goodness of people. This book would serve as an excellent resource for any study-abroad course or program, as well as courses on language education, teacher education, educational foundation, multicultural education, and human growth and development.

Curriculum Studies

Educational Administration & Organization

Lisa K. Childress João M. Paraskeva • Shirley R. Steinberg (eds.)

The Twenty-First Century University


Developing Faculty Engagement in Internationalization,

Decanonizing the Field

Second Edition

New York, 2016. XII, 731 pp., num. ill.

New York, 2018. XVI, 226 pp., 2 b/w ill., 2 col. ill., 27 tbl.

Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 491

Complicated Conversation. A Book Series of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 48

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-1422-9 CHF 190.95 / €D 169.95 / €A 174.95 / € 158.95 / £ 126.95 / US-$ 205.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5421-8 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95


eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5422-5 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

ISBN 978-1-4331-1421-2 CHF 53.95 / €D 47.95 / €A 48.95 / € 44.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 57.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1465-6 CHF 56.95 / €D 52.95 / €A 53.95 / € 44.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 57.95

Curriculum: Decanonizing the Field is a fresh and innovative collection that is concerned with the totalitarian Western Eurocentric cult that has dominated the field of curriculum studies. Contributors to this volume challenge dominant and counter-dominant curriculum positions of the Western Eurocentric epistemic platform. At a time when the field laudably claims internationalization as a must, arguments presented in this volume prove that this «internationalization» is nothing more than the new Western expansionism, one that dominates all other cultures, economies and knowledges. Curriculum: Decanonizing the Field is a clarion call against curriculum epistemicides, proposing the use of Itinerant Curriculum Theory (ICT), which opens up the canon of knowledge; challenges and destroys the coloniality of power, knowledge and being; and transforms the very idea and practice of power. The volume is essential reading for anyone involved in one of the most important battles for curriculum relevance – the fact that there is no social justice without cognitive justice. João M. Paraskeva is Full Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, where he is founder and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Program Director of the EdD/PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy. He is also Director for the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture at Umass Dartmouth. His latest books are Transformative Educators and Researchers for Democracy: Dartmouth Dialogues (coedited with Thad LaVallee, 2015), International Critical Pedagogy Reader (co-edited with Antonia Darder and Peter Mayo, 2015) and Conflicts in Curriculum Theory: Challenging Hegemonic Epistemologies: Education, Politics and Public Life (2011/2014). Shirley R. Steinberg is Research Professor of Youth Studies at the University of Calgary and the Director of the Institute of Youth and Community Research at the University of the West of Scotland. She is a prolific author and international speaker, and was recently awarded lifetime achievement awards for Social Justice from Chapman University and from the International Conference on Critical Media Literacy.

During the last few decades, many university presidents and provosts have expressed an intent to internationalize their institutions to equip students with the broad intellectual skills necessary to succeed in the global twentyfirst century. However, these well-intentioned calls for internationalization have remained little more than rhetoric. Obstacles embedded in developing faculty engagement in internationalization are largely responsible for this inability to turn rhetoric into reality. This groundbreaking second edition of The Twenty-First Century University identifies what successful institutions have done to overcome endogenous challenges and successfully engage faculty in the internationalization process. The book provides updated case studies on two exemplary institutions, demonstrating how these institutions operationalized Childress’ «5 I’s of Faculty Engagement in Internationalization Model» (including intentionality, investments, infrastructure, institutional networks, and individual support) from 2007 through 2017. This book also presents a typology of strategies for faculty engagement in internationalization that higher education leaders can use to increase their faculty’s international teaching, research, and service on campus, regionally, and abroad. Finally, this second edition includes a model of faculty engagement in internationalization within academic departments that institutional leaders can use to ensure that explicit connections are made between internationalization and individual disciplines.

Raynard Sanders

The Coup D’état of the New Orleans Public Schools Money, Power, and the Illegal Takeover of a Public School System New York, 2018. XX, 300 pp., 1 table Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 14 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3744-0 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-3745-7 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

The Coup D’état of the New Orleans Public Schools explores and criticizes the contemporary educational reforms of the New Orleans public school system. The New Orleans education reforms implemented after Hurricane Katrina, using the corporate model approach, have been an academic failure with charter operators making millions of dollars while re-



Educational Administration & Organization

establishing a segregated school system based on race and class—all in the name of school reform. Despite the claims of unprecedented academic success the educational reforms have been a dismal failure academically and operationally, and have resurrected equity and access issues. Equally as disturbing the reforms firmly have re-established a tiered public school system that segregates students by race and class. The Coup D’état of the New Orleans Public Schools puts the corporate education reform movement in its proper context, which is to create a new twentyfirst century model for turning around urban public school districts in the United States. This book reveals what really happened pre- and postHurricane Katrina that contributed to the state takeover of public schools in New Orleans. This story is told through the eyes of parents, students, activists, political leaders, and Orleans Parish School Board members and employees who have been largely ignored. It also includes an analysis of the author’s personal experience of almost forty years in New Orleans public schools as a teacher, principal, and college professor.

Educational Psychology

Theodorea Regina Berry

States of Grace Counterstories of a Black Woman in the Academy New York, 2018. XXVI, 128 pp. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 108 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2708-3 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2707-6 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5000-5 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

States of Grace: Counterstories of a Black Woman in the Academy recognizes, acknowledges, and centers race and gender through the embodiment of Black womanhood in the academy in the context of grace. Encapsulated in concepts of grace, this book reveals the dynamic, multidimensional presence of a scholar who brings her wholeness into her scholarship and teaching, providing insights and guidance along the way.

M. Cathrene Connery • Vera P. John-Steiner • Ana Marjanovic-Shane (eds.)

Vygotsky and Creativity A Cultural-historical Approach to Play, Meaning Making, and the Arts Second Edition New York, 2018. XII, 342 pp., 12 b/w ill., 1 table Educational Psychology. Critical Pedagogical Perspectives. Vol. 34 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3059-5 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4698-5 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

The second edition of Vygotsky and Creativity: A Cultural-historical Approach to Play, Meaning Making, and the Arts presents an enriched Vygotskian perspective on children’s and adults’ symbolic engagement with imagination, artistic expression, and multi-modal forms of expression. Artists, psychologists, and educators present their research and practice in different learning environments and analyze their findings with a reliance on cultural historical activity theory. The connections between creative expression, learning, teaching, and development are situated in a theoretical framework that emphasizes the social origins of individual development and the arts. The authors share a view of learning as an imaginative process rooted in our common need to communicate and transform individual experience through the cultural lifelines of the arts. Vygotsky and Creativity, Second Edition includes the additional work of internationally known Vygotskian scholars whose contributions enhance theoretical, expressive, and pedagogical views on creativity, play, and the social construction of meaning making.


Educational Psychology

Svenja Krämer

Kerstin Seitz

Lernhabitus von Frauen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund

Feedback in Fachgesprächen

Einflüsse auf den Lernprozess und Folgerungen für didaktisches Handeln in der Erwachsenenbildung/ Weiterbildung.

Der Einfluss von Feedback in Fachgesprächen auf die Lernwirksamkeit im Metalltechnikunterricht Berlin, 2018. 241 S., 43 s/w Abb., 20 Tab., 6 Graf. Beiträge zur Arbeits-, Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Bd. 36

Berlin, 2018. 292 S., 15 s/w Abb., 17 s/w. Tab. Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik. Bd. 76

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74571-7 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-77009-2 CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.60 / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74613-4 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-77022-1 CHF 66.– / €D 62.95 / €A 64.– / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

Dieses Buch behandelt migrationsbedingte Veränderungen und die Vielfalt von Teilnehmenden in der Erwachsenenbildung bzw. Weiterbildung. Ziel ist die Erweiterung einer Transparenz bezüglich der Einflüsse auf die Lernprozessgestaltung. Die Autorin befragte hierzu Frauen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund mit Hilfe der erzählgenerierenden Methode der narrativen Interviews und rekonstruiert deren handlungsleitende Orientierungen mit der dokumentarischen Methode. In einer sinngenetischen Typenbildung setzt sich die Autorin mit den Perspektiven und Bezügen zu Lernen und Lernerfahrungen (bzw. der Lernhabitus) der untersuchten Frauen auseinander. Sie entwickelt ein Partizipationsmodell zum Weiterbildungsverhalten und legt das Modell einer unterstützenden Didaktik dar.

Tom McCarthy

Developing the Whole Person A Practitioner’s Tale of Counseling, College, and the American Promise

Dieses Buch erforscht Fachgespräche als Möglichkeit der strukturierten und lernförderlichen Lehrer-Schüler-Kommunikation. Die Autorin entwickelt ein Feedback-Instrument, das sich an der Theorie von Hattie und Timperley orientiert. In Verbindung mit einer dreigliedrigen Unterrichtsreihe bringt sie dieses zum Einsatz und untersucht den unmittelbaren Anwendungskontext. Darüber hinaus liefert sie erste Befunde, die aufzeigen, dass sich ein reglementiert-prozedurales Feedback lernförderlich auswirken kann, da es die Haltungen und Handlungen der Studierenden in Problemsituationen verändert. Weiterhin zeigen sich positive Effekte hinsichtlich der Förderung von Lernen, Verstehen, Motivation und Selbstwirksamkeit. Die Untersuchung bietet eine Grundlage für die unterrichtsnahe Erforschung metakognitiver Lernunterstützungsansätze.

Jeremiah J. Sims

Revolutionary STEM Education Critical-Reality Pedagogy and Social Justice in STEM for Black Males New York, 2018. XXX, 212 pp., 1 b/w ill.

New York, 2018. XVI, 358 pp., 7 b/w ill.

Educational Psychology. Critical Pedagogical Perspectives. Vol. 36

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5163-7 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4950-4 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5164-4 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5760-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5160-6 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5254-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Using the professional life of psychologist-educator Thomas N. McCarthy as a touchstone, Developing the Whole Person: A Practitioner’s Tale of Counseling, College, and the American Promise explores the achievements and difficulties of postwar counseling psychologists and psychologist-administrators in American higher education. They advanced a whole person development model for student life inside and outside the classroom, despite skepticism from faculty and other administrators and the emergence of a potent student freedom model in the late 1960s that insisted students were adults. These two models have persisted in tension with one another ever since.

Revolutionary STEM Education: Critical-Reality Pedagogy and Social Justice in STEM for Black Males by Jeremiah J. Sims, an educator, researcher, and administrator from Richmond, California, is calling for a revolutionary, paradigm shift in the STEM education of and for Black boys. STEM education has been reliant on axioms and purported facts that for far too long have been delivered in a banking or absorption model that is, arguably, anti-critical. Unsurprisingly, this pedagogical approach to STEM education has failed large segments of students; and, this is especially true of African American males. Revolutionary STEM Education highlights, chronicles, and investigates the potential inroads and vistas of a Saturday Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program, Male Aptitudes Nurtured for Unlimited Potential (MAN UP), which was designed to foster interest and competence in STEM by middle school Black boys. This program was impelled by a critical-reality based pedagogical approach, which was formulated to arrive at socio-academic synergy,


Educational Psychology

that is, a thoughtful conjoining of students’ real life concerns, joys, ways of being, and socio-cultural identities and the curricular material covered in the courses offered at MAN UP. Sims’ lived-experiences as an inner-city, low-income Black male are interspersed throughout Revolutionary STEM Education; however, the heartbeat of this book is, undoubtedly, the stories of the positive transformation that the MAN UP scholars experienced while becoming more competent in STEM, developing positive STEM identities, and learning to use their STEM knowledge for social justice.

Educational Strategies & Policy

Mariam Arouna

Positionierungen im Fluchtkontext Zur Handlungsfähigkeit geflüchteter Jugendlicher vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Flüchtlingskonstruktionen Berlin, 2018. 286 S. Interkulturelle Pädagogik und postkoloniale Theorie. Bd. 6 geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-76759-7 CHF 60.– / €D 51.95 / €A 53.40 / € 48.60 / £ 40.– / US-$ 58.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76763-4 CHF 60.– / €D 57.95 / €A 58.30 / € 48.60 / £ 40.– / US-$ 58.95

Lev S. Vygotskij • Irina Leopoldoff Martin

La science du développement de l’enfant Textes pédologiques 1931-1934 de L.S. Vygotskij Bern, 2018. 432 pp. Exploration. Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education. Vol. 184 br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3348-1 CHF 60.– / €D 50.95 / €A 52.80 / € 48.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 57.95

Mit der Verbindung eines subjekt- und diskurstheoretischen Vorgehens erörtert das Buch die Lebenssituation geflüchteter Jugendlicher im Spannungsfeld von Selbst- und Fremdpositionierungen. Dafür rekonstruiert die Autorin zunächst die gesellschaftlichen Vorstellungen über Geflüchtete in ihrer historischen Entwicklung: Das Ineinandergreifen von Flüchtlings- und Fremdheitskonstruktionen bedingt eine Stigmatisierung von Geflüchteten als die gesellschaftlich ‚Anderen‘. Konträr dazu positionieren sich die Jugendlichen selbst als handlungsfähig und vermögen so essentialistische Narrative des ‚passiven Flüchtlings als Opfer‘ infrage zu stellen. Erst ein Narrativ, so das Fazit der Studie, das die Handlungsfähigkeit der Akteur_innen anerkennt, bietet die Grundlage einer gesellschaftlichen Zugehörigkeit.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3441-9 CHF 60.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.60 / € 48.– / £ 40.– / US-$ 57.95

Rebecca Day Babcock • Terese Thonus Pour la première fois, des textes pédologiques de Lev S. Vygotskij (1896-1934) sont traduits en français. Les chercheurs en sciences humaines ont ainsi la possibilité de connaître une partie largement ignorée de son œuvre : celle consacrée à la pédologie, à la science du développement de l’enfant. Dans l’introduction, les éditeurs montrent l’importance de ces textes dans lesquels se manifeste de manière exemplaire la pensée profondément dialectique de Vygotskij analysant la continuelle transformation du système psychique humain. La partie Fondements de la pédologie comprend des cours dispensés en 1934 par Vygotskij à des enseignants de Leningrad pour leur faire comprendre sa vision du développement de l’enfant. Les textes sur La périodisation du développement de l’enfant montrent des résultats concrets de sa pédologie, où les notions de crise et de rupture sont nodales. Dans les articles consacrés à La pédologie et ses sciences voisines, Vygotskij détermine la spécificité de l’approche pédologique du développement de l’enfant, comparée notamment à la psychologie et la pédagogie. Un ouvrage indispensable pour toute personne qui aspire à connaître dans toute sa diversité l’œuvre de ce grand scientifique. Lev S. Vygotskij est né le 17.11.1896 à Orcha (Biélorussie) et mort le 11.6.1934 à Moscou. Professeur de pédologie et de psychologie, il est connu pour ses recherches sur le développement de l’enfant, sur la défectologie, sur la psychologie de l’art et sa théorie de la construction du psychisme humain par l’appropriation d’instruments sémiotiques historiquement construits dans l’interaction sociale.

Researching the Writing Center Towards an Evidence-Based Practice Revised Edition New York, 2018. XIV, 352 pp., 5 tbl. pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3522-4 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4479-0 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Researching the Writing Center is the first book-length treatment of the research base for academic writing tutoring. The book reviews the current state of writing center scholarship, arguing that although practitioner-researchers continue to value anecdotal and experiential evidence, they must also appreciate empirical evidence as mediating theory and practice. Readers of this revised edition will discover an evidence-based orientation to research and be able to evaluate the current scholarship on recommended writing center practice. Chapters examine the research base for current theory and practice involving the contexts of tutoring, tutoring activities, and the tutoring of specific populations. Readers will investigate the sample research question «What is a ‘successful’ writing consultation?» Researching the Writing Center concludes with an agenda for future questions about writing center practice that can be researched empirically. This revised edition of the text is intended for writing center professionals, researchers, graduate students in English, composition studies, and education, and peer tutors in training. It is also suitable for courses in writing center theory and practice, learning center theory and practice, composition studies, education, and learning assistance.


Educational Strategies & Policy

Ronald Barnett • Michael A. Peters (eds.)

The Idea of the University Contemporary Perspectives New York, 2018. X, 624 pp. 7 b/w ills., 9 tables Global Studies in Education. Vol. 18 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4978-8 CHF 126.– / €D 109.95 / €A 112.70 / € 102.50 / £ 82.– / US-$ 122.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4979-5 CHF 75.– / €D 65.95 / €A 66.90 / € 60.80 / £ 49.– / US-$ 72.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4980-1 CHF 79.– / €D 72.95 / €A 73.– / € 60.80 / £ 49.– / US-$ 72.95

The Idea of the University: Contemporary Perspectives, Volume 2 is a companion to The Idea of the University: A Reader, Volume 1, which presents readings from the major texts on the idea of the university over the last two hundred years. This volume consists of essays from the leading contemporary scholars of the university across the world. The essays examine ideas of the university that lie tacitly in its national and global framing, and offer creative ideas in taking the university forward, both on a regional and on a world-wide basis. Specific lines of inquiry include those of citizenship, cosmopolitanism, wisdom, ecology and freedom. The thirty chapters in this volume have been invitingly grouped to offer intriguing ways into the material, which in turn opens the way to very large conceptual and theoretical issues. In an era of marketization, can universities attend to any global responsibilities? Might regionalism—in Europe, in South America, in Africa—prompt new ideas of the university? What understandings of knowledge are feasible in a digital age? Amid local, national, regional and worldly callings, how might citizenship be construed? In a final section, a space opens for more speculative inquiries as to the conceptual possibilities ahead: Just what ideas of the university might feasibly be entertained for the twenty-first century? Might it be envisaged that the university has both responsibilities and possibilities in playing a part in bringing about a better world? Those concluding chapters in The Idea of the University: Contemporary Perspectives respond in original ways and all in an optimistic fashion.

Theresa J. Canada

Desegregation of the New York City Schools A Story of the Silk Stocking Sisters

author as well as the stories of her elementary school classmates. Desegregation of the New York City Schools provides a chapter explaining the history of PS 6 and this time period. There are chapters that describe the contrast between Northern and Southern school desegregation and the psychological and emotional impact these events have had throughout the lives of the girls in the narratives. The book concludes by discussing the sociopolitical issue of economic inequality and education. In a society where women still earn less than men, obtaining an education and earning a living is important for women and women of color in particular. Finally, this book addresses the dilemma of the re-segregation of public schools. Desegregation of the New York City Schools is suitable for courses in education policy, education law, and women’s and gender studies.

Jeff Astley • Leslie J. Francis • David W. Lankshear (eds.)

Values, Human Rights and Religious Education Contested Grounds Oxford, 2018. XVI, 380 pp. Religion, Education and Values. Vol. 14 pb. • ISBN 978-1-78874-525-3 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78874-526-0 CHF 70.– / €D 66.95 / €A 66.70 / € 55.60 / £ 45.– / US-$ 67.95

This volume brings together three key and contested areas facing educationalists within schools, colleges and universities: values education, religious education and human rights education. Challenges and opportunities within each of these three areas may be illuminated and explored by bringing them into creative dialogue. These core constructs were explored in a recent seminar convened by the International Seminar on Religious Education and Values, the leading international association for religious educators and values educators across the world. This volume presents twenty-one key contributions made to the seminar, spanning both conceptual and empirical perspectives and rooted in both religious and secular traditions. It draws together a unique collection of international perspectives on the interlocking themes of values, human rights and religious education.

New York, 2018. XVI, 190 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5737-0 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5738-7 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Desegregation of the New York City Schools: A Story of the Silk Stocking Sisters explores the use of young black and brown children to eliminate segregation in an urban public school to meet the challenges of equal education opportunity in the North during the mid-twentieth century. Author Theresa J. Canada, herself part of the experiment, tells the story of the desegregation of PS 6—an elite New York City public school—through the narratives of seven of the girls who desegregated the school. While all of the names within each narrative have been changed, the book follows the

Jeff Astley is the Alister Hardy Professor of Religious and Spiritual Experience within the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit at the University of Warwick and Honorary Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University. Leslie J. Francis is Professor of Religions and Education at the University of Warwick and Director of the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit. David W. Lankshear is Research Fellow within the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit at the University of Warwick and Visiting Professor at Glyndwr University.


Educational Strategies & Policy

Mari Castañeda • Joseph Krupczynski

Natalia Collings (eds.)

Civic Engagement in Diverse Latinx Communities

Cases of Teaching and Learning Across and Beyond K–12 Settings

Learning From Social Justice Partnerships in Action New York, 2018. XII, 302 pp., 1 b/w ill. Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas. Vol. 17 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5014-2 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4726-5 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4825-5 CHF 55.– / CHF 55.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.10 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Students, faculty, and community partners alike will find Civic Engagement in Diverse Latinx Communities: Learning From Social Justice Partnerships in Action accessible not only because it includes an array of examples regarding Latinx civic engagement, but it also demonstrates that personal experiences are powerful tools for the production of new knowledge. This book reveals an epistemology of social justice that aims to investigate and develop a new Latinx community-university praxis for how to engage with diverse communities in the twenty-first century.

Alicia Chavira-Prado (ed.)

The Feminist Alliance Project in Appalachia Minoritized Experiences of Women Faculty and Administrators in Higher Education New York, 2018. XIV, 154 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4717-3 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5612-0 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

The Feminist Alliance Project in Appalachia: Minoritized Experiences of Women Faculty and Administrators in Higher Education illustrates the minoritized experiences of women faculty and administrators in higher education and highlights Appalachia as a geographic and cultural region, a sector in academia that still remains relatively ignored in mainstream feminist studies. This book is based on autobiographical and autoethnographic narratives of diverse women who discuss their similar and unique forms of oppression as students and as professionals in the academic workplace within Appalachia. Their minoritized experiences exemplify women’s relational ties and the need for what the volume editor Alicia Chavira-Prado names the Feminist Alliance Project. Chavira-Prado calls for feminists to develop and enact an allied feminism that transcends class, race, or other artificially constructed borders and identities, as well as the specific subjectivities that have separated feminist groups. The narratives in The Feminist Alliance Project in Appalachia support the claim that white and nonwhite women experience similar minoritization within specific junctures of space, gender, and other identities. They thus show the need to be allies in recognizing and opposing all women’s minoritization in order to end women’s oppression. The book is of interest to women’s studies, Appalachian studies, Latina/x studies, regional studies, American studies, critical theory, cultural anthropology and ethnic studies, autoethnography courses, sociology, philosophy, diversity and inclusion and human resources professionals in higher education, and the general public.

New York, 2018. XIV, 180 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4917-7 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4916-0 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4912-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

This book compiles cases of teaching and learning that were written by practitioners from a variety of backgrounds in education—elementary school, middle school, high school, and adult instruction—in public, charter, and private institutions, face-to-face and online. Cases of Teaching and Learning Across and Beyond K-12 Settings is intended primarily for use in education courses that have students from different specializations, but it also can be an important resource for instructors and students in any education courses who want to develop a broad focus on learning (for example, thinking about middle school students as former elementary and future high school, college, and adult learners). A historical and developmental approach to learning is a founding principle of this book: all cases are written as stories of never-ending multi-faceted development, making them distinct from video cases that are gaining popularity. These cases capture memorable experiences related to teaching and learning that problematized existing practices and thus presented ample opportunities for critical thinking and creative performances. Each case in Cases of Teaching and Learning Across and Beyond K-12 Settings is paired with analysis written by its author that relied on the theories and research summarized in the first part of the book. The selection of the theories was based on their presence in current research literature, mainly serving as foundations for empirical research, and relevance to various standards for teacher education and leadership. The analyses embedded these theories and allowed for their in-depth understanding and exploration. They can serve as springboards for various written and oral assignments, collaborative and individual.

Peter Cumper • Alison Mawhinney (ed.)

Collective Worship and Religious Observance in Schools Oxford, 2018. XIV, 396 pp. Religion, Education and Values. Vol. 13 pb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-655-6 CHF 77.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.90 / € 61.80 / £ 50.– / US-$ 75.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78707-656-3 CHF 77.– / €D 73.95 / €A 74.10 / € 61.80 / £ 50.– / US-$ 75.95

This book examines the law and policy governing school acts of collective worship in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, and their equivalent in Scotland, which is known as religious observance. The fact that the majority of UK schools (including non-denominational ones) are required by law to organize acts of collective worship/religious observance for their pupils has provoked significant controversy in recent decades. Yet,


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perhaps surprisingly, there has (to date) been a relative paucity of published interdisciplinary scholarly material on such matters. In seeking to rectify this anomaly, the book takes a holistic approach whereby it examines the nature and consequences of the collective worship/religious observance duty from a variety of perspectives. These range from examining the law and policy governing collective worship/religious observance in each country within the UK, to exploring the legal and educational challenges and opportunities thrown up by the current obligations. In addition, scholars from beyond the UK offer insights into the possibilities and dilemmas that the current statutory duties pose for schools and wider society. The aim of this book is to shine a light on an important issue that has often been neglected and ignored by policymakers.

George J. Sefa Dei • Isaac Nortey Darko • Jadie McDonnell • Suleyman M. Demi • Harriet Akanmori

African Proverbs as Epistemologies of Decolonization New York, 2018. XVIII, 304 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3394-7 CHF 144.– / €D 124.95 / €A 128.30 / € 116.70 / £ 94.– / US-$ 139.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3393-0 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

Jordi Feu • Òscar Prieto-Flores

Democracy and Education in the 21st century The articulation of new democratic discourses and practices Bern, 2018. VI, 222 pp., 1 fig. b/w, 1 tables Social Strategies. Monographs on Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. 54 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3085-5 CHF 88.– / €D 76.95 / €A 78.70 / € 71.60 / £ 58.– / US-$ 85.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3086-2 CHF 89.– / €D 84.95 / €A 85.90 / € 71.60 / £ 59.– / US-$ 86.95

The main objective of this book is to describe how educational initiatives are emerging that are hopeful in terms of strengthening democracy in a real way in a convulsive world like the current one. Recently, some of the neoliberal educational reforms that have been implemented in many countries have fostered, in a macro-systemic way, the weakening of democratic practice in various ways. It is also true that bureaucratization of public school in modern states has also tended to defeat the purpose of community and family participation in schools. But there is evidence of schools and educational contexts that have been able to institutionalize participation mechanisms in which students, families and the community have a voice and participate actively in the majority of the decisions of the centres. The contributors of this book highlight the challenges and the opportunities democratic education faces while commemorating the centenary of John Dewey’s contributions.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4587-2 CHF 68.– / €D 62.95 / €A 63.– / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

African Proverbs as Epistemologies of Decolonization calls for a rethinking of education by engaging African proverbs as valuable and salient epistemologies for contemporary times. The book addresses the pedagogic, instructional, and communicative relevance of African proverbs for decolonizing schooling and education in pluralistic contexts by questioning the instructional, pedagogic, and communications lessons of these proverbs and how they can be employed in the education of contemporary youth. It presents a critical discursive analysis of proverbs from selected African contexts, highlighting the underlying knowledge base that informs these cultural expressions. Explore alongside the book the ways in which these Indigenous teachings can be engaged by schools and educators to further the objective of decolonizing education by providing a framework for character education. This character-based framework equips the learner to be knowledgeable about power, equity, ethics and morality, and to develop a conscience for social responsibility, as well as to embrace traditional notions of self-discipline, probity, and hard work. This text goes beyond the mere documentation of proverbs to tease out how embedded knowledge and cultural referents in these knowledge bases and systems are critical for transforming education for young learners today.

Barbara Fouquet-Chauprade • Anne Soussi (éds)

Pratiques pédagogiques et éducation prioritaire Bern, 2018. VIII, 224 p., 21 tabl., 7 graph. Exploration. Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education. Vol. 185 br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3502-7 CHF 43.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.60 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3548-5 CHF 43.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.20 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95

Depuis plusieurs décennies, un grand nombre de systèmes éducatifs s’est doté de Politique d’Education Prioritaires (PEP) dans le but de réduire les inégalités scolaires. Mais qu’y font vraiment les enseignants ? Leurs pratiques permettent-elles réellement de réduire ces inégalités ? Quels sont les dispositifs mis en place dans ces REP ? Les maitres ont-ils vraiment des pratiques si différentes ? Comment peuvent-ils innover ? L’ouvrage présente différents regards sur les pratiques pédagogiques en éducation prioritaire. Les différentes contributions sont regroupées en trois axes. Le premier s’intéresse aux prescriptions et cherche à comprendre quelles sont les marges de manœuvre laissées aux acteurs scolaires. Le deuxième se centre sur des dispositifs et innovations développés dans ces écoles et à leur efficacité. Le troisième traite des pratiques effectives au sein des classes et à leurs effets. Ces différentes contributions apportent un regard nouveau sur l’Education Prioritaire et produit des résultats contrastés sur un objet toujours d’actualité.


Educational Strategies & Policy

Robin K. Fox (ed.)

Adoption Matters Teacher Educators Share Their Stories and Strategies for Adoption-Inclusive Curriculum and Pedagogy New York, 2018. XVI, 218 pp., 2 tables Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Vol. 8 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5887-2 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5888-9 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Adoption Matters: Teacher Educators Share Their Stories and Strategies for Adoption-Inclusive Curriculum and Pedagogy explores the experiences of educators inside and outside of the classroom with students who are adopted. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 1.5 million children in the United States who have been adopted. Adoption is not a new way to form a family, but there have been shifts in adoption practices. Two of those shifts have been the increase in open adoptions and an increased understanding of how international adoption can influence children. Since the 1970s, the work of the Adoptees’ Liberty Movement Association and other organizations working on behalf of adoptees has raised public awareness about adoption and spread adoption stories. In the United States, adoption is rarely a secret any more, and many children who are adopted are aware of it. This means that professionals working with children who were adopted need to be prepared to understand the lived experiences of these children and their families. The stories in Adoption Matters describe the experiences of teacher educators and illuminate how adoption continues to shape their professional practice. Educators’ narratives reveal the intricate processes they have encountered in building their own families through adoption, as well as their struggles and triumphs with individual schools and school systems. Adoption Matters hopes to disrupt the notion that adoption and adoption-related issues should be secret, taboo, or dismissed.

Mark A. Frederick • Pietro A. Sasso • José Miguel Maldonado (eds.)

The Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory A New Model for Student Success

of student development measured by the UniLOA. This book champions a model of student success. The DSDM was developed from common factors identified in multiple theories and models within the areas of human and student development as well as empirically based theories and models of education. By first defining complementary elements within the theories and models then establishing accurate operational definitions, the planning and engagement of appropriate services, supports, interventions, and programs (SSIPs) and the active assessment of their outcomes can lead to a more effective response to current challenges faced by higher educators. As a metamodel, the DSDM reconceptualizes student success within higher education that is disruptive to the current accepted paradigm of student learning and engagement. This book is intended for faculty and staff interested in critical debate about issues in higher education and for deliberation by graduate students in college administration programs.

Simon Güntner • Louis Henri Seukwa • Anne Marie Gehrke • Jill Robinson (eds.)

Local Matters How neighbourhoods and services affect the social inclusion and exclusion of young people in European cities Berlin, 2018. 322 S., 70 s/w Abb., 10 s/w Tab. hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73661-6 CHF 35.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.80 / € 28.– / £ 23.– / US-$ 33.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0353-0427-5 CHF 58.95 / €D 55.95 / €A 55.95 / € 46.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 60.95

Where young people grow up makes a decisive difference to their life chances. Drawing on case studies from ten European cities, this book looks at how the local environment and the services available for young people affect their socialization. What comes to the fore are the local matters. On the one hand, there are experiences of discrimination and marginalization due to distance and isolation, decay and neglect but also related to piecemeal and top-down approaches to youth and social services. On the other, we find signs of positive transformation and drivers of social innovation: community building projects, the revitalization of abandoned places, appreciative approaches to servicing and a whole array of tactics that young people deploy to overcome their daily struggles.

New York, 2018. XXX, 410 pp., 7 b/w ill., 9 tables Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society. Vol. 69 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3418-0 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4517-9 CHF 71.– / €D 64.95 / €A 65.– / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

The Dynamic Student Development Metatheodel (DSDM) is a meta-theory based on empirically based inferences drawn from a national survey entitled the University Learning Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA). The UniLOA’s current dataset consists of over 500,000 college student participants and has supported impressive findings that allow for the reconceptualization of long-held cultural artifacts and assumptions regarding the way students grow, learn, and develop (GLD) and how decision makers within postsecondary education have selected to engage the domains

Lasse Skogvold Isaksen

Educational Accountability Reform in Norway Education Policy as Imitation Berlin, 2018. 191 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-72845-1 CHF 41.– / €D 34.95 / €A 35.90 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-72916-8 CHF 43.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.20 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

Educational accountability systems have during the last decades levitated as the leading global political instrument to turn around education systems. International organizations are promoting the accountability sys-


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tem as key tool for enhancing the quality in all levels of the enterprise of education. The study analyses how national education policy in the age of globalization is a result of an adjustment and transformation of international education policy and trends. The author enquires how the national level in Norway comprehended the international educational accountability policy and transformed the policy to fit the Norwegian context. One of the main findings is that the international educational accountability policy was transformed in Norway in a manner that discarded the core rationale behind the policy – the policy became an imitation.

intersects with all of these categories) constitutes a landmark achievement in critical pedagogy and social justice education. Edited by two leaders whose work spans both academic and grassroots communities, Radical Imagine-Nation was conceived during a time of political turmoil both nationally and internationally, a time when freedom and democracy seemed out of reach for millions around the world.

Annelies Kamp • Majella McSharry (eds.) Youb Kim • Patricia H. Hinchey

Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment Second Edition New York, 2019. XX, 154 pp., 1 b/w ill., 1 table pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3501-9 CHF 40.– / €D 34.95 / €A 35.70 / € 32.50 / £ 26.– / US-$ 38.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6031-8 CHF 40.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.– / € 32.50 / £ 26.– / US-$ 38.95

For teachers and teacher educators striving to address a growing number of state mandates relating to the education of English language learners (ELLs), Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment, Second Edition provides a reader-friendly survey of key topics, including: legal and professional imperatives, cultural concerns, linguistics, literacy instruction, assessment, policy, and politics. This overview will be useful to in-service teachers with little or no preparation for working with ELLs but who nevertheless face legislative demands to teach both academic content and English. It will also be useful to teacher educators trying to squeeze preparation for working with ELLs into already overflowing teacher preparation programs. Though many try, no one text can provide exhaustive information; there is simply too much to learn. This second edition instead provides readers with a road map to critical topics and to specific resources they can use independently to learn more, as they will surely need to do.

Peter McLaren • Suzanne SooHoo (eds.)

Radical Imagine-Nation Public Pedagogy & Praxis New York, 2018. XII, 328 pp., 3 b/w ill., 1 table Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 13 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4375-5 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4379-3 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4376-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

This collection of essays, poems, and reflections by scholars, public intellectuals, artists, and community activists (as well as those whose work

Re/Assembling the Pregnant and Parenting Teenager Narratives from the Field(s) Oxford, 2018. XIV, 310 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-180-3 CHF 95.95 / €D 82.95 / €A 83.95 / € 76.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 93.95 also available as Open Access

In 2003, Wendy Luttrell posed an important question: what might result if we were able to turn questions of judgement about pregnant and parenting teenagers into questions of interest about their sense of self and identity-making? This book takes up the challenge, offering a re/assemblage of what is, can be and perhaps should be known about teenage pregnancy and parenting in the context of the twentyfirst century. The collection presents original contributions from leading commentators in four key contexts: the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Aotearoa New Zealand and the Republic of Ireland, all sites of elevated incidence of and/or concern around what is commonly articulated as the «problem» of teenage pregnancy and parenting. In offering a multi-disciplinary reading of the narratives of young men and women, this volume engages with the ambiguity shared by all of us in confronting the life transition that is pregnancy and parenting. Annelies Kamp is Associate Professor in Leadership in the College of Education, Health and Human Development at the University of Canterbury in Aotearoa New Zealand. She was also a teenage parent. In the years since her daughter was born Annelies has completed her education and held senior leadership roles in the public service, industry training and the non-government sector. Her most recent book, A Critical Youth Studies for the 21st Century, was published in 2014. Majella McSharry is a lecturer at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University in Ireland. She has worked as a secondary school teacher and is currently director of the Professional Master of Education at DCU. Her research has focused predominantly on the embodied experiences of teenagers and particularly the construction and articulation of gender through embodied praxis.


Educational Strategies & Policy

Anthony J. Nocella II • Priya Parmar • David Stovall (eds.)

From Education to Incarceration Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline

çais appris/enseigné et pratiques enseignantes ; réformes curriculaires, approches méthodologiques et manuels scolaires ; prise en compte des langues nationales, articulation langues premières/français langue de scolarisation.

Second Edition New York, 2018. XXII, 450 pp., 18 b/w ill., 15 tables Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 453 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3517-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4510-0 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Michael A. Peters • Ronald Barnett (eds.)

The Idea of the University A Reader, Volume 1 New York, 2018. XXXIV, 694 pp. Global Studies in Education. Vol. 17

The school-to-prison pipeline is a national concern, from the federal to local governments, and a leading topic in conversations in the field of urban education and juvenile justice. From Education to Incarceration: Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline is a ground-breaking book that exposes the school system’s direct relationship to the juvenile justice system. The book reveals various tenets contributing to unnecessary expulsions, leaving youth vulnerable to the streets and, ultimately, behind bars. From Education to Incarceration is a must-read for parents, teachers, law enforcement, judges, lawyers, administrators, and activists concerned with and involved in the juvenile justice and school system. The contributors are leading scholars in their fields and experts on the school-to-prison pipeline.

Laurent Puren • Bruno Maurer (éds)

La crise de l’apprentissage en Afrique francophone subsaharienne Regards croisés sur la didactique des langues et les pratiques enseignantes

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2191-3 CHF 139.– / €D 120.95 / €A 123.70 / € 112.50 / £ 90.– / US-$ 134.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2190-6 CHF 85.– / €D 74.95 / €A 76.10 / € 69.20 / £ 56.– / US-$ 82.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1888-3 CHF 90.– / €D 82.95 / €A 83.– / € 69.20 / £ 56.– / US-$ 82.95

The Idea of the University: A Reader, Volume 1 is a unique compilation of selected works of the major thinkers who have contributed to the discourse on the idea of the university in the German, English, American and French traditions, dating from the establishment of the University of Berlin in 1810. Readings include excerpts from Kant and Humboldt in the German tradition of Bildung through to Jaspers, Habermas and Gadamer; Newman, Arnold, Leavis and others in the British tradition; Kerr, Bok and Noble, among others, in the American tradition; and Bourdieu, Lyotard and Derrida in the French tradition. Each reading is prefaced with a brief editor’s explanatory note. The Idea of the University: A Reader, Volume 1 provides a comprehensive account of the university, and is matched by a second volume of original essays on contemporary perspectives.

Bruxelles, 2018. 452 p., 12 ill. b/w, 29 tab. b/w

Robert J. Soucy

Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques. «La recherche en mouvement» / « Savoirs pour savoir faire». Vol. 1

A Critique of the Customer Model of Higher Education

br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0698-2 CHF 62.– / €D 53.95 / €A 55.– / € 50.– / £ 41.– / US-$ 60.95

The Tail Wagging the Dog

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0912-9 CHF 62.– / €D 59.95 / €A 60.– / € 50.– / £ 41.– / US-$ 60.95

New York, 2018. XVI, 336 pp.

« Schooling is not the same as learning » : ainsi débute le rapport 2018 de la Banque mondiale sur le développement dans le monde – « Learning to realize education’s promise » – consacré intégralement aux questions éducatives. Cette assertion simple nous rappelle qu’il ne suffit pas de développer l’accès à l’éducation dans les pays en voie de développement pour que « plus » signifie « mieux ». Les pays dits du Sud, et notamment ceux d’Afrique francophone subsaharienne dont il est question ici, connaissent en effet une grave crise de l’apprentissage qui se révèle être aussi une profonde crise morale, comme souligné dans le même rapport, en laissant sur le bord du chemin des générations d’enfants sans acquis scolaires, privés des compétences de base qui leur auraient permis d’accéder à un avenir meilleur tout en les rendant acteurs du développement. Les 17 chapitres de ce recueil, rédigés par 25 chercheurs du Sud et du Nord (spécialistes en éducation, linguistes et didacticiens des langues), apportent un éclairage sur cette situation et formulent des propositions. En Côte d’Ivoire, au Bénin, au Burkina Faso, au Cameroun, au Sénégal, au Niger, aux Comores, les contributeurs, à partir d’analyses de cas et de corpus, d’enquêtes de terrain ou de réflexions plus transversales, sondent les dysfonctionnements, mettent en évidence des difficultés ou témoignent de pratiques innovantes. Les questions liées à l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues occupent ici une place centrale et constituent le fil conducteur des trois parties de l’ouvrage : normes et maîtrise du fran-

Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Vol. 4 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4991-7 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4992-4 CHF 71.– / €D 64.95 / €A 65.– / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

A Critique of the Customer Model of Higher Education is part of a public discussion as to why American higher education, once rated number one in the world, is now rated number twelve. The book’s purpose is to expose the many drawbacks of the present system of evaluating college teaching. The book also raises questions about the role social class plays in American academia today, especially where the customer model is involved. A Critique of the Customer Model of Higher Education is based on a wide variety of sources; among them are some of Soucy’s own teaching experiences, along with the experiences of other teachers with student evaluations and research studies of undergraduate culture. This book describes how various students view their college educations, ranging from students at large public universities, to those at small, selective private schools, and to students at community colleges. A Critique of the Customer Model of Higher Education is a provocative book that might upset some defenders of student evaluations of college teaching, while pleasing teachers who no longer want to see the drawbacks of the customer model of higher education brushed under the rug.


Educational Systems & Structures

Jennifer Ayala • Julio Cammarota • Margarita I. Berta-Ávila • Melissa Rivera • Louie F. Rodríguez • María Elena Torre (eds.)

PAR EntreMundos A Pedagogy of the Américas

ing to participation in redevelopment and public education decisionmaking. Further, participants also believe such recent efforts for change in Camden are intended to benefit a targeted, potentially gentrifying, population and not the majority low-income minorities who currently reside there.

New York, 2018. XX, 260 pp., 12 b/w ill., 3 tables Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas. Vol. 15 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4475-2 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4485-1 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4486-8 CHF 52.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

PAR EntreMundos: A Pedagogy of the Américas challenges the standard narratives of «achievement» to think about how Latinx students can experience an education that forges new possibilities of liberation and justice. Growing Latinx student populations have led to concerns about «assimilating» them into mainstream academic frameworks. This book offers an alternative, decolonizing approach that embraces complex Latinx identities and clears a path toward resisting systems of oppression. Educating Latinx students should involve more than just helping them achieve in school but rather having them recognize their agency to transform the larger structure of education to promote justice-oriented practices. The authors offer a framework for such transformation by honoring their theoretical lineages, proposing a set of guiding principles, and sharing stories about collective social action within and outside Latinx communities. PAR EntreMundos: A Pedagogy of the Américas is a practice of liberation and freedom.

Keith E. Benson

Vera Centeno

The OECD’s Educational Agendas – Framed from Above, Fed from Below, Determined in Interaction A Study on the Recurrent Education Agenda Berlin, 2017. 448 pp., 7 fig. b/w, 10 tables, 1 graph Comparative Studies Series. Vol. 28 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-71772-1 CHF 84.– / €D 71.95 / €A 74.– / € 67.30 / £ 55.– / US-$ 81.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-73973-0 CHF 88.– / €D 79.95 / €A 80.80 / € 67.30 / £ 55.– / US-$ 81.95

This book looks at the backstage of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development’s (OECD) educational agendas. By explaining the rise and fall of its first educational agenda – Recurrent Education – it explores the organisation’s institutional structures and functioning, as well as its decisionmaking processes. The volume brings together theoretical approaches and empirical findings to expound on the organisation’s three overlapping constitutive dimensions of actor, arena, and instrument. The study shows the significance of intertwined institutional and conceptual changes for educational agenda-setting and knowledge production within the organization. The author turns the focus from the diffusion/reception of international policies to their production, and analyses a large volume of internal documents across time (1960s–1980s).

Education Reform and Gentrification in the Age of #CamdenRising Public Education and Urban Redevelopment in Camden, NJ

David Gamson • Emily Hodge (eds.)

New York, 2019. XL, 200 pp., 18. b/w ill., 2 tables

The Shifting Landscape of the American School District

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6071-4 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5988-6 CHF 98.– / €D 94.95 / €A 95.– / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

Education Reform and Gentrification in the Age of #CamdenRising: Public Education and Urban Redevelopment in Camden, NJ examines the perceptions and interpretations of Camden—a New Jersey community whose population is predominately minority, historically impoverished, and rapidly employing neoliberal strategies in public education and urban redevelopment. Using the framework of standpoint theory as a lens to alternatively view change and «progress» in Camden (dubbed by city officials as #CamdenRising), this book highlights the views of Camden residents who hold little sociopolitical capital yet are profoundly impacted by the city’s efforts in employing neoliberal approaches within urban development and public education. This book will center current and future resident viewpoints on living in a city whose leadership employs neoliberal tactics in redevelopment and in rebranding public education. Participants in this work reported feelings of political alienation pertain-

Race, Class, Geography, and the Perpetual Reform of Local Control, 1935–2015 New York, 2018. XXII, 244 pp., 13 b/w ill., 18 tbl. History of Schools and Schooling. Vol. 62 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3396-1 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3395-4 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4425-7 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

The Shifting Landscape of the American School District offers a new perspective on the American school district. The educational system of the United States has long been characterized by its tradition of local control, and the district has symbolized community involvement in education. Scholars have written insightful studies on individual city systems and school districts, but rarely has the district—as an organizational form


Educational Systems & Structures

itself—been the subject of scrutiny, and Americans have continued to take the district for granted as the primary unit of local schooling. In recent years reformers have also built many of their innovations upon the belief that it is the traditional, bureaucratic, hierarchical district that requires overhaul. The Shifting Landscape of the American School District seeks to challenge that perception. The editors argue that the pervasive view of district history—the notion that the school district is a holdover from the progressive reforms of the early twentieth century—has shrouded a fascinating story of the ways in which districts have evolved, innovated, and reacted in response to state and federal mandates, national reform movements, demographic shifts, desegregation, structural/organizational changes, and a shifting political climate. The chapters in this volume offer compelling evidence of the many ways that districts have expanded, contracted, integrated, consolidated, reorganized, and been torn apart over the past century. By covering a wide range of time periods, the authors are able to draw fascinating parallels between the past and present.

Daniel R. Heischman

What Schools Teach Us about Religious Life Second Edition

deliver the promise of the next generation. We hear that our students are not prepared, and that our teachers must not be prepared to teach those students. Managing preparation has become an obsession for policy-makers who claim that national competitiveness is at stake. After more than one hundred years everything is well managed, yet no one is prepared. This preparatory mindset presumes that learners must be prepared before they can participate in society, and that this preparation must be managed intentionally using models, an implementation plan, and a system for assessing and evaluating the impact of those models. It’s biggest failing is that those with the greatest stake, our young and adult learners, no longer recognize it as an effective model. Empowered by digital technologies, learners today are no longer willing to wait to be prepared. We seek experiences for which we are unprepared for what we’ll learn. Unprepared for What We Learned: Six Action Research Exercises that Challenge the Ends We Imagine for Education shares six exercises drawn from students, teachers, and school communities wrestling with problems of practice for which they were unprepared. Readers will question standards, outcomes, and global competencies; negotiate personalized learning; and ultimately co-create innovative school communities that disrupt the preparatory mindset. Together, these young and adult learners participating in the authentic work of their school communities will challenge the ends we imagine for education.

New York, 2018. X, 178 pp. pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3520-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4296-3 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard

Learning from Bad Practice in Environmental and Sustainability Education New York, 2018. X, 176 pp.

The second edition of What Schools Teach Us About Religious Life continues to explore the ways in which private education in the United States mirrors the growing complexity and fluidity of religious life in the United States. Through the study of ten different private schools—representing a wide variety of religious traditions as well as some secular institutions—a picture of contemporary culture, and the place of religious belief within the culture, emerges. Each chapter of this second edition of What Schools Teach Us About Religious Life contains a different picture of how individual schools then address that culture.

Tim Kubik

Unprepared for What We Learned Six Action Research Exercises That Challenge the Ends We Imagine for Education New York, 2018. XIV, 194 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 519 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4739-5 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5235-1 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Unprepared for What We Learned: Six Action Research Exercises that Challenge the Ends We Imagine for Education explores how twentieth century models of education are not delivering on their promises, or helping to

[Re]thinking Environmental Education. Vol. 9 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3165-3 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3164-6 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1692-6 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Learning from Bad Practice in Environmental and Sustainability Education illuminates the notion of bad practice from the perspective of environmental and sustainability education (ESE) and how it is possible to learn from it in order to avoid the relentless pitfalls and blind spots that are part of any educational field. Combining lessons from Danish and South Korean NGOs involved in both formal and non-formal ESE with emerging theoretical perspectives on education, the important question is: Why do practitioners, educators and researchers have such a hard time dealing with the challenges of bad practice and is it possible to understand bad practice as not only something that mars the educational purpose of ESE, but also as something that at the same time protects the very ideals we find in the fields. Through empirical analysis, and theoretical perspectives from Jacques Lacan and Slavoj Slavoj Žižek, Learning from Bad Practice in Environmental and Sustainability Education argues how we, as teachers, practitioners and researchers can learn from bad practice and move beyond the comfortable position of finger pointing and push for more genuine good practice.


Educational Systems & Structures

Doug Selwyn

All Children Are All Our Children New York, 2019. XVI, 202 pp., 1 b/w ill., 1 tables Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 529 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6163-6 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

side as well as inside schools. It draws upon positive examples of schools which are succeeding in engaging marginalized young people, providing worthwhile forms of learning and improving young lives. This second edition contains two expansive case studies that exemplify, explain and illustrate the themes coursing through the book. Living on the Edge’s second edition remains a «must read» for anyone concerned about or implicated in the struggle for more socially just forms of education.

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6164-3 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6165-0 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Baudelaire Ulysse

What would schools and communities look like if the health and well-being of all our children were our highest priorities? More important than test scores, profits, or real estate values? What actions would we take if we wanted to guarantee that all our children were growing up with what they needed to be healthy, happy, and successful—and not just some of them? The United States was once among the healthiest countries in the world. As of now, it is ranked no better than twenty-ninth. Those who bear the brunt of our worsening health are the poor, people of color, and, most of all, our children. All Children Are All Our Children situates our ongoing health crisis within the larger picture of inequality and the complex interplay of systems in the U.S. based on class, privilege, racism, sexism, and the ongoing tension between the ideals of democracy and the realities of corporate capitalism. Public education is caught in the middle of those tensions. All Children Are All Our Children begins by defining what we mean by health, looking at the many factors that support or undermine it, and then identifies steps that can be taken locally in our schools and in our communities that can support the health and well-being of our young people and their families, even as we work towards necessary change at the state and national policy level.

Mapping the Genealogy of Racial Identity and Manifestations in Socio-Political Discourses

John Smyth • Terry Wrigley • Peter McInerney

Living on the Edge Rethinking Poverty, Class and Schooling Second Edition New York, 2018. XVIII, 310 pp., 1 b/w ill. Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society. Vol. 70 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3510-1 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4577-3 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Living on the Edge: Rethinking Poverty, Class and Schooling, Second Edition confronts one of the most enduring and controversial issues in education—the nexus between poverty and underachievement. This topic stubbornly remains a key contemporary battleground in the struggle to raise standards. Living on the Edge maps and compares a number of competing explanations, critiques inadequate and deficit accounts and offers a more convincing and useful theory. The authors challenge the view that problems can be fixed by discrete initiatives, which in many instances are deeply rooted in deficit views of youth, families and communities. The book systematically interrogates a range of explanations based out-

Racialized Consciousness

New York, 2018. XVI, 222 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5577-2 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5578-9 CHF 98.– / €D 94.95 / €A 95.– / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

Racialized Consciousness discusses how race, as an invention, has had profound consequences on the economic, political, and social conditions of humans across the world, particularly in the United States. Today, it continues to manifest in those conditions while shaping in no uncertain terms the way Americans view and interact with each other. Racialized Consciousness aims to supplement the extant body of literature by drawing the readers’ attention to the salient factors that compel them to embrace, more often than not, race as their primary purveyor of identity. Each chapter of Racialized Consciousness unfolds with a diachronic juxtaposition of racially motivated events, political developments, and historical and legal documents in symbiotically dialectical dialogues. Critical race theories both mediate and assess the extent to which their racialized consciousness has been liberated or deepened, either symbolically or materially. Critical race theories, as informed by the social sciences, legal studies, and social psychology, serve both as a bifocal lens to view and a dialectic interface to examine issues such as racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, white supremacy, white nationalism, black nationalism, Chicanos, discrimination, prejudice, slavery, mass incarceration, racial injustice, immigration, and Jim Crow; and concerns such as affirmative action, meritocracy, colorblindness, and micro-aggressions; and legacies of court cases such as Brown v. Board of Education, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Loving v. Virginia. The depth, acuity, multidimensionality, fairmindedness, breadth, lucidity, accessibility, theoretical perspectives, and resourcefulness of this book will expand and deepen discussions in sociology, political science, cultural studies, foundations, and social psychology courses. Students, professors, researchers, and librarians alike will want to read Racialized Consciousness and keep it handy, as they look back into one of most racially charged elections in 2016 and into the future where race, racial identities, and racial politics could potentially become more ubiquitous, complicated, and consequential.


General Education

Robert Bahlieda Erin Cameron • Constance Russell (eds.)

The Economic Gulag

The Fat Pedagogy Reader

Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Inequality

Challenging Weight-Based Oppression Through Critical Education

New York, 2018. XII, 336 pp.

New York, 2016. VIII, 276 pp., num. ill. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 467 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2568-3 CHF 181.95 / €D 160.95 / €A 165.95 / € 150.95 / £ 120.95 / US-$ 195.95 pb.

ISBN 978-1-4331-2567-6 CHF 52.95 / €D 46.95 / €A 47.95 / € 43.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 56.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1784-8 CHF 55.95 / €D 51.95 / €A 52.95 / € 43.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 56.95

Over the past decade, concerns about a global «obesity epidemic» have flourished. Public health messages around physical activity, fitness, and nutrition permeate society despite significant evidence disputing the «facts» we have come to believe about «obesity». We live in a culture that privileges thinness and enables weight-based oppression, often expressed as fat phobia and fat bullying. New interdisciplinary fields that problematize «obesity» have emerged, including critical obesity studies, critical weight studies, and fat studies. There also is a small but growing literature examining weight-based oppression in educational settings in what has come to be called «fat pedagogy». The very first book of its kind, The Fat Pedagogy Reader brings together an international, interdisciplinary roster of respected authors who share heartfelt stories of oppression, privilege, resistance, and action; fascinating descriptions of empirical research; confessional tales of pedagogical (mis)adventures; and diverse accounts of educational interventions that show promise. Taken together, the authors illuminate both possibilities and pitfalls for fat pedagogy that will be of interest to scholars, educators, and social justice activists. Concluding with a fat pedagogy manifesto, the book lays a solid foundation for this important and exciting new field. This book could be adopted in courses in fat studies, critical weight studies, bodies and embodiment, fat pedagogy, feminist pedagogy, gender and education, critical pedagogy, social justice education, and diversity in education. Erin Cameron (PhD, Lakehead University) is Assistant Professor in the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. She has published numerous book chapters and articles in journals like Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society. Constance Russell (PhD, University of Toronto), a Professor in the Faculty of Education, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada, has published numerous articles and book chapters and is editor of the Canadian Journal of Environmental Education and co-editor of the Rethinking Environmental Education book series for Peter Lang.

Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 524 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5376-1 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5377-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5378-5 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

The Economic Gulag: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Inequality is a trenchant critical analysis of the devastating ravages of capitalist patriarchy in our modern society and its pervasive and increasingly destabilizing negative influence on our views and values regarding power, gender, wealth, and inequality. It extends the investigation begun in The Democratic Gulag (2015) that argued that we live in a social and ideological gulag dominated by the meta-ideology of patriarchy that has defined and circumscribed every aspect of the social experience of humanity for millennia to the detriment of all. The Economic Gulag explores how patriarchy is infused within capitalist theory and practice. It offers a socially democratic critique and alternatives to reform its dominance. Through the lens of critical theory and the use of current empirical and statistical research, The Economic Gulag deconstructs the modern neoliberal capitalist wealth myth and its underlying theory of homo economicus. This book exposes a system rife with deception, inequality, human exploitation, and misery that is touted as the unchallenged champion of democratic individualism and success. The Economic Gulag makes a powerful case for the pressing need to dismantle the democratic and economic gulags in which we live and replace them with a new ideal social democracy based on true economic equality and fairness in a post-patriarchal and post-capitalist world. It concludes with fifteen radical, powerful, and transformative recommendations for change that will provide the «shock therapy» required to usher in a new socially democratic order liberated from patriarchy and all its vestiges.

R. Michael Fisher

Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows The True Story of an Indigenous-Based Social Transformer New York, 2018. XXII, 338 pp., 15 b/w ill. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 525 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3448-7 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3447-0 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5536-9 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

In times of extreme cascading global crises facing humanity, all responsible humans need to re-evaluate the dominant worldview that has brought us to this point of facing extinction. As a species we need to relearn the «good» ways from our greatest allies in Nature and from Indigenous cultures that lived in relative harmony with Nature. Equally, we need to learn the best ways to think critically and act on the holistic understanding that may guide us beyond our individual and collective trance and illusions cast forth like chains upon modern societies through elites who manipulate fear. Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows offers a unique strong «medicine» for the reconstruction of a healthy, sane, and sustainable future for all. Utilizing the form of an intellectual biography of Four Arrows (aka Dr. Don Trent Jacobs) and his daring activist life and


General Education

true teaching stories, the author creates a powerful adventure into the firey philosophy, activism, and emancipatory inspirations of one of the world’s great visionary prophetic educators and social transformers. Through a number of unique experiences, including firefighting, whitewater kayaking, wild horse training, world-class athletic competitions, and counter-cultural activism, Four Arrows has become a connoisseur of fear and courage. This book shows how he walks a universal ethical path of Fearlessness at a time when too many remain trapped by their fears. Among other readers, high school teachers and post-secondary teachers across diverse disciplines will find great ideas, eliciting dialogues and study questions for students, who now face a globalizing world where they can take charge of the future via fearless engagement.

Johannes Gutbrod

Schule und Gemeinschaft Eine problemhistorische Rekonstruktion Berlin, 2018., 249 S., 4 Graf. Grundfragen der Pädagogik. Studien - Texte - Entwürfe. Bd. 21 geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74830-5 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Nicolas Rouvière (éd.)

Enseigner la littérature en questionnant les valeurs Berlin, 2018. 370 p., 2 ill. n/b, 5 tabl., 1 graph. Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien. Theorie – Geschichte – Didaktik. Vol. 112 rel. • ISBN 978-3-631-76674-3 CHF 75.– / €D 64.95 / €A 66.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-77052-8 CHF 75.– / €D 71.95 / €A 72.80 / € 60.70 / £ 50.– / US-$ 73.95

A quelles conditions est-il possible d’enseigner la littérature par le questionnement éthique ? Quelles difficultés pédagogiques cela pose-t-il ? Quels sont les effets sur les élèves, en termes d’engagement dans la lecture et de réflexivité sur soi ? Après la vague structuraliste, l’enseignement de la littérature s’est construit contre une lecture psychologique et moralisante des textes. Le présent ouvrage inaugure un tournant éthique de la discipline des lettres, à la faveur d’une convergence nouvelle entre la philosophie morale, les théories du sujet-lecteur et des lectures actualisantes, ainsi que la didactique du philosopher avec les enfants. Il réinterroge les corpus scolaires, les démarches d‘enseignement, les postures du professeur, et les gestes de lecture des élèves.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74832-9 CHF 52.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

E. San Juan, Jr. Bilden Schüler schon dann eine Gemeinschaft, wenn sie dieselbe Schule besuchen oder dieselbe Schulbank drücken? Auf systematische Weise überprüft der Autor die Richtigkeit dieser Annahme. Er führt in Konzepte verschiedener Klassiker pädagogischen Gemeinschaftsdenkens ein und fragt, was «Gemeinschaft» für Pädagogik und Schule bedeutet bzw. bedeuten kann.

Carlos Bulosan—Revolutionary Filipino Writer in the United States A Critical Appraisal New York, 2017. XIV, 134 pp., 5 b/w ill. Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 12

D. Michael Rivage-Seul

The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News New York, 2018. XVI, 264 pp., 7 b/w ill. Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 15 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4951-1 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4952-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4954-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

D. Michael Rivage-Seul’s eye-opening new book, The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking: Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News, invites readers to try out what Baba Dick Gregory calls the «magic glasses» of critical thinking. Gregory’s eyewear suggests ten rules for seeing through the haze created by any culture’s ruling group mind. The criteria urge students to: (1) reflect systemically, (2) select market (as an organizing principle), (3) reject neutrality, (4) suspect ideology, (5) respect history, (6) inspect scientifically, (7) quadra-sect violence, (8) connect with your deepest self, (9) collect conclusions, and (10) detect silences. The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking then applies those criteria to a broader contemporary context where fascist tendencies reminiscent of the 1930s are unmistakable. Surprising interpretations of familiar Hollywood and documentary films illustrate every point, making this book a fascinating text and discussion starter for critical thinking and composition courses at the secondary and post-secondary levels.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4244-4 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5765-3 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.10 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4245-1 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Carlos Bulosan—Revolutionary Filipino Writer in the United States: A Critical Appraisal is an in-depth, critical evaluation of Bulosan’s major works in the context of the sociopolitical changes that configured his sensibility during the Depression, the united-front mobilization prior to World War II, and the Cold War witch-hunting of the fifties. Unprecedented for its thorough historical-materialist analysis of the symbolic dynamics of the texts, this book uses original research into the Sanora Babb papers that have never before been linked to Bulosan. Sophisticated dialectical analysis of the complex contradictions in Bulosan’s life is combined with a politico-ethical reading of U.S.-Philippines relations. San Juan takes the unorthodox view that Bulosan’s career was not an immigrant success story but instead a subversive project of an organic intellectual of a colonized nation-in-the-making. Today, Bulosan is hailed as a revolutionary Filipino writer, unparalleled in the racialized, conflicted history of the Philippines as a colony/dependency of the United States. This book follows San Juan’s pioneering 1972 study Carlos Bulosan and the Imagination of the Class Struggle.


General Education

Higher & Further Education

Tracey Wilen-Daugenti

James Ottavio Castagnera

Career Confusion

Riding the Fifth Wave in Higher Education

21st Century Career Management in a Disrupted World

A Survival Guide for the New Normal

New York, 2018. XII, 188 pp., 30 b/w ill.

New York, 2018. X, 138 pp., 1 table

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5846-9 CHF 103.– / €D 89.95 / €A 91.70 / € 83.30 / £ 67.– / US-$ 99.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3372-5 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5847-6 CHF 34.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.20 / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3371-8 CHF 38.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.90 / € 30.80 / £ 25.– / US-$ 36.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5848-3 CHF 34.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.– / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4705-0 CHF 40.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.– / € 30.80 / £ 25.– / US-$ 36.95

Career Confusion explores why there is career confusion in today’s professional world. By examining the sequence of events and transitions that formed the current professional and career landscape, Dr. Tracey Wilen aims to encourage and guide readers to navigate this new job market with tact and gumption. In reviewing prior revolutions in the United States economy and job landscape, insights unfold on how the past has led us all to today, and how we can prepare for the continuing changes that will shape tomorrow. Career Confusion looks at how transitions have created skills gaps, new training requirements for jobs, different requirements for individuals and firm leaders, and myriad effects on education and educators. The book also discusses career planning, talent management, and job pursuit in the modern world with suggestions on what can be done at each stage. Career Confusion is a must-read for students preparing to enter the professional realm, and professionals will find helpful tips and insights that will aid their career trajectory, no matter the industry or experience in their career.

The Fifth Wave in higher education is breaking on American shores. Unlike the four waves that preceded it from colonial times through the post-WWII mega-versity expansion, this wave is disrupting all sectors of the higher education industry. It will sweep away those institutions—be they public, private non-profit, or for-profit—that fail to recognize and meet the threat. Harvard professor Clay Christensen, the father of «disruptive innovation,» predicts that as many as half of all American universities will close or go bankrupt within the next 10 to 15 years (See Inside Higher Ed, April 28, 2017). Riding the Fifth Wave in Higher Education: A Survival Guide for the New Normal charts the dimensions of the Fifth Wave challenge and offers numerous general and specific suggestions for surfing the wave and surviving its tsunami-like impact. Part One of this concise handbook explains why our industry is in treacherous waters and outlines the impact of the Fifth Wave to date on all three major sectors of American higher ed. Part Two offers a range of practical responses, including ways we might break out of the tuition-discount «death spiral» and the facilities «arms race,» as well as identifying our prospects for removing the albatross of onerous federal regulations from around our necks before it drags us under. If you have time to read only one book about today’s crisis in American higher education, Riding the Fifth Wave in Higher Education is the right choice. If you plan to research the topic in depth, Riding the Fifth Wave in Higher Education is the perfect place to start.

Tracey Wilen-Daugenti

Digital Disruption The Future of Work, Skills, Leadership, Education, and Careers in a Digital World New Yorkaw, 2018. X, 206 pp., 30 b/w ill., 1 tbl. pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4921-4 CHF 34.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.20 / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4918-4 CHF 36.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.– / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95

Everything we do is impacted by technology—how we communicate with others, connect at work, learn at school, and live our lives. We are accustomed to and dependent on technology. But how do we rethink our approach to the new technologic world of work, leadership, lifelong learning, skill development, and careers? The accelerated pace of technology and competition is causing workplace environments to become more technical, diverse, and in need of disruptive leaders. This new landscape requires innovative styles of leadership and new techniques of managing organizations. Digital Disruption: The Future of Work, Skills, Leadership, Education, and Careers in a Digital World covers the key forces impacting the future of work, industries, leadership styles, skills, and education with a focus on how to remain relevant in an ever-increasingly complex digital world. Drawing on over twenty years of research, Dr. Tracey Wilen’s twelfth book will intrigue readers with up-to-date information on the latest trends in a disruptive world, along with practical advice, innovative best practices, case examples, and pragmatic tips and pointers. Digital Disruption offers educators, executives, and students a fresh approach on how to navigate the future to ensure success. Digital Disruption is suitable for myriad courses, programs, and students, including business, education, sociology, human resources, gender studies, technology, leadership, management, and career management.

Joseph L. DeVitis (ed.)

Making College Better Views from the Top New York, 2018. XIV, 234 pp., 14 b/w ill., 1 table Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society. Vol. 68 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3480-7 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3479-1 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4498-1 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Today’s colleges and universities are facing mounting criticism from both internal and external interest groups and constituencies. While strident calls for reform accelerate, resources for higher education have weakened. Thus, demands to improve college education abound amidst hard times. This timely book, Making College Better: Views from the Top, offers more rational and practical responses to that public outcry by allowing


Higher & Further Education

college presidents and chancellors from a wide variety of postsecondary institutions the opportunity to address, in measured ways, many complex issues and how they might be untangled. Moreover, these academic leaders provide possible remedies to make college better through more strategic policies and practices. Making College Better will appeal to all those interested in the future of higher education, including students, college administrators and other higher education personnel, parents, legislators and other officials, and public and private sector leaders. It is especially useful for courses in the organization and administration of higher education, the college presidency, contemporary issues in higher education, foundations of higher education, higher education and society, and college student development.

Teresa Heinz Housel (eds.)

First-Generation College Student Experiences of Intersecting Marginalities New York, 2019. XXIV, 242 pp., 2 b/w ill., 1 tables Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis. Vol. 10 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5702-8 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5703-5 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5521-5 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

First-Generation College Student Experiences of Intersecting Marginalities examines the intersecting relationships between a student’s identity as a first-generation college student (FGCS) and other identities such as race, class, LGBTQ+, and spiritual identity. This book breaks new ground by examining highly diverse populations of FGCS, rather than predominantly White undergraduates at four-year public universities. First-Generation College Student Experiences of Intersecting Marginalities explores the intersections of identities that may be marginalized in different ways across a student’s educational journey in research-grounded chapters that discuss real academic experiences of faculty, administrators, graduate students, and undergraduates.

Vesa Korhonen • Pauliina Alenius (eds.)

Internationalisation and Transnationalisation in Higher Education

Robert J. Nash

Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary Teaching in Academe One Professor’s Pedagogical Tips and Reflections New York, 2018. X, 242 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5851-3 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5852-0 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5853-7 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

There is no book exactly like Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary Teaching in Academe: One Professor’s Pedagogical Tips and Reflections. Very few professors have taught for half a century. Even fewer have written books on pedagogy from a personal narrative perspective and in plain English, without a particular cause to promote or axe to grind. Countless numbers of books have ruminated on the past, present, and future of higher education, but few authors have written their books as memoirs meant for both an academic and general audience. Few actually offer concrete tips drawn from years of personal experience for classroom teaching, mentoring, constructing curricula, courses, and programs, working with colleagues, and creating an interdisciplinary philosophy of educational theory and practice. Few of these books can be generalized to a number of helping professions. Teaching and learning happen in all the human service professions, not just in the American university. This book is grounded largely in author Robert J. Nash’s experiences, both positive and negative. Nash is less interested in propounding or expounding and more concerned with narrating his always-evolving stories of being an interdisciplinary professor who has experienced both success and struggle but who has always emerged as inspired and rejuvenated by his work, and the work of his students, in higher education. This book is a personal-narrative celebration of all that is and can be wonderful about the American university, including students, colleagues, and administrators. Nash concentrates on possibility rather than on liability but strives always to present an honest picture of higher education (both its strengths and weaknesses) and his place in it throughout the decades. The result of Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary Teaching in Academe is a vote of confidence for faculty, staff, and students.

Bern, 2018. 314 pp., 4 fig. b/w, 9 tables Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education. Vol. 17 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-2776-3 CHF 91.– / €D 77.95 / €A 80.30 / € 73.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 87.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-2966-8 CHF 91.– / €D 86.95 / €A 87.60 / € 73.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 87.95

Internationalisation have recently featured in discussions and initiatives related to various fields of higher education. Educational leaders, institutions and national policy-makers, but also international actors, such as the European Union and UNESCO, have promoted the internationalisation of higher education. Increasing emphasis on internationalisation has diversified also teaching and learning contexts in higher education and has given rise to a growing need for searching appropriate cross-cultural pedagogical approaches. However, internationalisation in the context of higher education is a multifaceted concept and involves more than just one international dimension in institutional or pedagogical activities. These recent developmental features are examined in the book with the conceptual lense of emerging pattern of internationalisation.

Palmira Pečiuliauskienė • Valdemaras Aleksa

Motivation of New Generation Students for Learning Physics and Mathematics Berlin, 177 pp., 7 fig. b/w, 48 tables Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft. Vol. 33 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74611-0 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76332-2 CHF 47.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

The aim of the research is to reveal the effects of inquiry on the motivation of new generation students for learning Physics and Mathematics. Self-Determination Theory gives a theoretical background for the research. Quantitative methods dominate in this monograph. The mono-


Higher & Further Education

graph analyses the motivation for learning science in terms of inquiry levels, as well as in terms of real and digital Physics labs. The monograph also reveals the role of significant social issues in promoting intrinsic motivation and communication of lower secondary school students. The monograph considers motivation for learning Mathematics. The research discloses students’ attitude towards the educational and social benefit of learning Mathematics.

History of Education

Cristina Alarcón López • Martin Lawn

Assessment Cultures Historical Perspectives Berlin, 2018. 430 pp., 1 fig. col., 2 fig. b/w, 4 tables, 2 graphs Studia Educationis Historica. Studies in the History of Education. Vol. 3 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-67516-8 CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.90 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-653-06867-2 CHF 86.– / €D 77.95 / €A 78.50 / € 65.40 / £ 54.– / US-$ 78.95

Catherine Schnedecker • Angelina Aleksandrova (éds)

Le doctorat en France : mode(s) d’emploi Bruxelles, 2017. 294 p., 24 tabl., 25 fig., 4 graph. br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0623-4 CHF 56.95 / €D 48.95 / €A 49.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 55.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0620-3 CHF 59.95 / €D 53.95 / €A 54.95 / € 45.95 / £ 37.95 / US-$ 55.95

Initiative inédite, motivée par l’expression des attentes et besoins concrets des doctorants, cet ouvrage s’est fixé comme objectif de donner aux doctorants en sciences humaines et sociales de fin de 1ère année (et au-delà), un ensemble construit d’outils transversaux, théoriques, méthodologiques et techniques, destinés à faciliter leur parcours doctoral. Il aborde les points-clés du doctorat, des plus connus (écriture scientifique, connaissance institutionnelle) aux moins abordés (la gestion du temps, du stress, de l’image de soi, de l’isolement) en passant par les plus indispensables (exploitation de logiciels de traitement de documents, modalités de travail collaboratif, insertion professionnelle). Professeur de linguistique française à l’Université de Strasbourg, Catherine Schnedecker est membre de l’équipe « Fonctionnements discursifs et traduction » de l’EA 1339 LiLPa, où elle développe ses recherches principalement dans les domaines de la sémantique référentielle et lexicale ainsi que de la structuration des textes en diachronie et en synchronie. Depuis 2016, elle est directrice de l’école doctorale 520 - Humanités. Elle a été, de 2012 à 2016, déléguée scientifique à l’HCERES (sections des Unités de recherche et des formations & diplômes). Elle est, entre autres, l’auteur de Lire, comprendre, rédiger des textes théoriques (2002). Docteur de l’Université de Strasbourg (2013) et lauréate du Prix de la Fondation de l’Université de Strasbourg (2014), Angelina Aleksandrova est, depuis 2016, maître de conférences en sciences du langage à Paris Descartes et membre de l’unité EA 4071 EDA (Éducation, Apprentissages, Discours). Représentante des doctorants auprès de l’ED 520-Humanités et du Collège des Écoles Doctorales (Strasbourg) pour la période 2009/2011, elle a participé aux vagues d’évaluation par l’HCERES des Écoles doctorales en 2015/2016 en qualité d’expert jeune docteur.

Large scale assessment influences national and international educational policy debates and reforms. Assessment data is increasingly used as a government instrument. However, within the contemporary realm of the current global testing regime both the cultural and the historical conditions of assessment are often neglected. This volume is therefore devoted to the reconstruction of «assessment cultures» (interpretation patterns, discourses, instruments, practices) and their involved groups of actors. The contributions cover examples of Western European, Eurasian, East Asian, Latin, and North American as well as international settings and refer to epochs ranging from the early modern period up to the current context.

Judith Harford (ed.)

Education for All? The Legacy of Free Post-Primary Education in Ireland Oxford, 2018. XII, 248 pp., 2 b/w ill., 8 tables, 8 fig. hb. • ISBN 978-1-78874-242-9 CHF 85.– / €D 72.95 / €A 74.70 / € 67.90 / £ 55.– / US-$ 82.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78874-272-6 CHF 85.– / €D 80.95 / €A 81.50 / € 67.90 / £ 55.– / US-$ 82.95

This book, commissioned to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the introduction of free postprimary education in Ireland, examines its origins, legacy and impact. The contributions are written by a range of scholars internationally recognized for their expertise in the fields of history of education, sociology of education, education policy and curriculum. Collectively, they theorize both the historical context for the introduction of free education as well as the impact of the initiative on the promotion of equality of opportunity. The book takes a long view, bringing new knowledge to the field by analysing previously unexamined primary sources, drawing on up-todate research on educational disadvantage and assessing the changing emphases of Irish educational policy over time. Judith Harford is Professor of Education at the School of Education, University College Dublin. She has published internationally in the fields of history of education and teacher education policy. She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (London) and the Massachusetts Historical Society (USA) and an International Clinical Practice Fellow of the American Association of Teacher Educators.

History of Education

Linda C. Morice

Coordinate Colleges for American Women A Convergence of Interests, 1947-78 New York, 2019. XVI, 262 pp. 4 tables.

Industrial & Vocational Training

Matthias Becker • Lars Balzer • Marlise Kammermann • Georg Spöttl

Ausbildung zum Beruf Internationaler Vergleich der berufsförmigen Ausbildungskonzepte für benachteiligte Jugendliche

History of Schools and Schooling. Vol. 63 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5869-8 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Frankfurt am Main, 2017. 312 S., 52 s/w Abb., 38 s/w Tab. Berufliche Bildung in Forschung, Schule und Arbeitswelt. Bd. 15

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5870-4 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-67369-0 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.– / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5871-1 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-653-06625-8 CHF 49.– / €D 43.95 / €A 44.80 / € 37.30 / £ 31.– / US-$ 44.95

Coordinate Colleges for American Women: A Convergence of Interests, 1947–78 explores the history of the coordinate college—a separate school of higher learning for women connected to an older, all-male institution. This book places special emphasis on three (previously all-male) liberal arts colleges located in the Midwest and upstate New York. They established women’s coordinate colleges in the years following World War II, but ended them by 1980, becoming fully coeducational. The author draws on new primary sources to show that, in each case, a coordinate college was created to meet the converging interests of the founding institution—not to improve the education of women. The work is set in the context of four major social movements during the mid-to-late twentieth century involving civil rights, student rights, antiwar protest, and women’s liberation.

Eine Ausbildung zum Beruf ist meist die Grundvoraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Berufsbiografie. Für Jugendliche werden jedoch auch oft Ausbildungsangebote geschaffen, die sich zwar an Berufskriterien orientieren, jedoch nicht immer zu gesellschaftlich anerkannten Berufsabschlüssen führen. Unter anderem werden zeitlich verkürzte Formen der Berufsausbildung entwickelt, um bestimmten Zielgruppen den Berufseinstieg zu erleichtern oder Beschäftigungsfelder mit geringeren Qualifikationsanforderungen zu erschließen. Der Band stellt empirische Untersuchungen und theoretische Diskussionen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu verkürzten Berufsausbildungen vor, um Wirkungen und Effekte der Konzeptionen zu erschließen und zu bewerten. Die Buchbeiträge gehen insbesondere der Frage nach, welche Formen der Berufsausbildung als Ausbildung zum Beruf angesehen werden können.

Rita Nikolai

Schulpolitik im Wandel Historische Wurzeln und schulstrukturelle Wege in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern und Berlin nach der Wiedervereinigung

Matthias Becker • Axel Grimm • Volkmar Herkner • Reiner Schlausch (Hrsg.)

Flensburger Perspektiven zur Lehre und Forschung für die Berufsbildung 20 Jahre biat

Berlin, 2018. 371 S., 14 s/w Abb., 11 Tab. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-67648-6 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-653-07040-8 CHF 58.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

Nach der Wiedervereinigung entschieden sich die ostdeutschen Bundesländer und das wiedervereinigte Berlin für unterschiedliche Schulstrukturmodelle. Mit dem Buch wird erstmals eine vergleichende systematische Analyse der schulstrukturellen Entscheidungsprozesse vorgelegt. In Kombination von akteur- und ideenzentrierten Perspektiven analysiert das Buch, welche Mechanismen die jeweiligen schulstrukturellen Entscheidungen erklären können. Die Analysen beruhen auf Auswertungen von amtlichen und nichtamtlichen Dokumenten, Presseberichterstattungen und Experteninterviews mit damaligen schulpolitischen Akteuren. Nicht überall kam es zu einer Übernahme des westdeutschen Schulstrukturmodells, vielmehr entschieden sich einzelne Bundesländer auch für eigenständige Wege in der Schulstruktur.

Berlin, 2018. 453 S., 43 s/w Abb., 11 Tab., 4 Graf. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-72924-3 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-72925-0 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Das Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik – kurz biat – wurde 1997 an der Flensburger Universität gegründet. Es hat sich in relativ kurzer Zeit zu einer namhaften Einrichtung für die Ausbildung von Lehrkräften an berufsbildenden Schulen in den beruflichen Fachrichtungen Elektrotechnik, Fahrzeugtechnik, Informationstechnik und Metalltechnik entwickelt. Darüber hinaus ist das biat eine renommierte Stätte der Berufsbildungsforschung geworden. Nach 20 Jahren des Bestehens blicken die Herausgeber zurück, beschreiben die gegenwärtige Situation, und wagen einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft. So versteht sich das biat auch heute noch als starker Fürsprecher der beruflichen Bildung: verortet in Flensburg, ausstrahlend regional, national und international.



Industrial & Vocational Training

Patrick Gollub • David Paulus • David Rott • Marcel Veber (Hrsg.)

Janis Vossiek

Studentische Forschung im Praxissemester

Collective Skill Formation in Liberal Market Economies?

Berlin, 2018. 214 S., 22 s/w Abb., 10 s/w Tab.

The Politics of Training Reforms in Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-71875-9 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-73905-1 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

Dieses Buch präsentiert studentische Studienprojekte, die im Rahmen des Praxissemesters an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster entstanden sind. Sie sind Resultat aus Projektseminaren der ersten beiden Kohorten in den bildungswissenschaftlichen Begleitveranstaltungen am Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft. Thematische Schwerpunkte sind beispielsweise Unterrichtsqualität, Inklusive Bildung, Inklusionsorientierte Schulentwicklung, Lehrer-Schüler-Interaktion sowie Unterrichtskommunikation. Die präsentierten Studienprojekte überzeugen in multiperspektivischer Hinsicht durch bisher unberücksichtigte Fragestellungen, durch präzises methodisches Vorgehen beziehungsweise durch die schulpraktische Relevanz der Forschungsergebnisse.

Daniela Leitner

Zur Professionalisierungsgeschichte des Lehrerberufs in Österreich Berlin, 2018., 183 S., 3 Graf. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73966-2 CHF 41.– / €D 34.95 / €A 35.90 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-73967-9 CHF 43.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.20 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

Die Autorin befasst sich mit der Professionalisierungsgeschichte des Lehrerberufs in Österreich und eruiert, anhand welcher konkreten historischen Ereignisse Schritte in Richtung Professionalisierung und auch Einbrüche in dieser Entwicklungslinie festgemacht werden können. Eingespannt in politische Interessen zwischen Staat, Kirche und politischen Parteien, gab es außergewöhnliche Bedingungen für das Lehrpersonal in Österreich, die sowohl Hemmnisse als auch Bereicherungen für die österreichische Bildungslandschaft und die in ihr lebende Gesellschaft darstellten. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass Lehrpersonen in Österreich im Laufe der Geschichte eine besondere Stellung mit außergewöhnlichen Bedingungen einnahmen und diese auch noch heute einnehmen.

Bern, 2018. 230 pp., 1 table Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education. Vol. 16 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-2969-9 CHF 77.– / €D 65.95 / €A 68.20 / € 62.– / £ 51.– / US-$ 74.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-2970-5 CHF 77.– / €D 73.95 / €A 74.40 / € 62.– / £ 51.– / US-$ 74.95

The book captures the development and variety of vocational training institutions in Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom since World War II from a comparative perspective. While all three countries have undertaken several attempts to reform training from classical craft apprenticeships towards modern dual apprenticeships, their reform processes have yielded divergent results: In the United Kingdom training became largely organized around a publicly financed «training market» with little influence for employers and unions in training politics. Conversely, the social partners were included in reform processes and the provision of training in Ireland and Australia, which enabled the development of dual apprenticeships. These differences, which have been largely neglected in political science and education studies alike, are explained by the interaction between partisan governments and organized interests. Only non-right governments managed to bring together employers and unions in training reforms, which was the main political prerequisite for the development of dual apprenticeships.


Language Teaching & Education

Patrick Farren

Transforming Language Teaching and Learning

Ismail Güleç • Bekir Ince • Alpaslan Okur (eds.)

Three International Teacher Education Studies

Research in Second Language Education

Oxford, 2018. XXII, 461 pp., 24 fig. b/w, 28 tables

Certain Studies on Teaching Turkish as a Second Language

Rethinking Education. Vol. 11 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-1718-4 CHF 77.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.90 / € 61.80 / £ 50.– / US-$ 75.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0353-0478-7 CHF 77.– / €D 73.95 / €A 74.10 / € 61.80 / £ 50.– / US-$ 75.95

This book examines the beliefs and attitudes of teacher educators, teachers and student-teachers about the impact of language teaching and learning. It draws on three research-based studies carried out by the author in collaboration with colleagues at the National University of Ireland, Galway, King’s College London and the Lynch School of Education, Boston College. The volume begins with a clear outline of various approaches to research-based practice and a scholarly consideration of language acquisition and learning theories, before embarking on a journey across three countries that reflects on partnerships and dialogue. The focus of each study is the ongoing interaction between participants and the data is drawn from semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, surveys and classroom observations, as well as referencing the work of student-teachers. As the studies unfold, «transformative language pedagogy» is seen to enhance the social-psychological model of autonomous language teaching and learning by offering it a critical and moral-philosophical underpinning. The book offers valuable insights into language teaching and learning and, importantly, into the intersection between teaching, learning and being in the world.

Claudia Grümpel • Analía Cuadrado Rey (eds.)

A Plurilingual Corpus on Telecollaboration in Third Languages Bern, 2018. 226 pp., 3 fig. col., 42 tables, 2 graphs Telecollaboration in Education. Vol. 5 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-2792-3 CHF 73.– / €D 62.95 / €A 64.90 / € 59.– / £ 48.– / US-$ 71.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-2793-0 CHF 77.– / €D 69.95 / €A 70.80 / € 59.– / £ 48.– / US-$ 71.95

Telecollaboration has been applied in foreign language education for more than two decades. This corpus study on telecollaboration in Third Language Learning has been carried out in institutional (CEFR) and noninstitutional settings following the principle of autonomy in the framework of Higher Education implementing online tandems and student recordings in order to analyze discourse patterns. The chapters of this issue are original studies on corpus data of the L3Task project reflecting findings and new research paradigms and instruments that consolidate teaching and research methodology on online tandem practice for third language learning.

Berlin, 2017. 238 pp., 17 fig. b/w, 59 tables, 17 graphs hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74658-5 CHF 41.– / €D 34.95 / €A 35.90 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74659-2 CHF 43.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.20 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

With regard to convergence policies Turkey is leaning towards Africa and the Middle Eastern countries and their efforts for global integration, thus intensifying synergy regarding Turkish language education policies. In recent years Turkish has become more popular as a world language. Turkish cultural centers opened in many countries and have played a significant role in gaining increasing interest in the Turkish language. Alongside with this development Turkish as a foreign language has come into prominence as a special study field. Especially when social, cultural and economic effects of powerful nations on other countries are considered, the examination of problems in this field and the immediate presentation of solutions are very important. The contributors to this volume examine the effects of language education methods, the effect of language on cultural transfer as well as the attitude towards and the motivation in language learning by taking a closer look at social platforms like YouTube and Facebook that provide an opportunity for language learning. Ismail Güleç was a research assistant at Istanbul University Institute of Turkish Studies. Currently he is a professor for Turkish Language and Literature at the Department of Old Turkic Literature of İstanbul Medeniyet University. Bekir İnce is an Associate Professor at Sakarya University. He was a Turkish teacher in France for the Turkish Republic Ministry of National Education and currently he is a member of the administrative board of the Sakarya University Turkish Language and Application Research Center. Alpaslan Okur is an Associate Professor at Sakarya University. He holds a doctorate degree in the field of Turkish education. Currently he is director of the Sakarya University Turkish Language and Application Research Center.


Language Teaching & Education

Sezgin Inceel

Silvia Melo-Pfeifer • Christian Helmchen (Hrsg.)

Bilingualism and Music Education

Plurilingual literacy practices at school and in teacher education

A Turkish-German Perspective Berlin, 2018. 177 pp., 11 fig. b/w, 3 tables hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-76035-2 CHF 41.– / €D 34.95 / €A 35.90 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76989-8 CHF 41.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.20 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

Berlin, 2018. 239 pp., 14 fig. b/w, 5 tables, 2 graphs geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73868-9 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74254-9 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

This book offers a variety of theoretical and empirical foundations regarding the development of plurilingual literacy practices in primary school contexts around Europe. It presents a range of concepts related to multilingual education and multilingual teacher education, such as pluriliteracy, identity, the pluralistic approaches (namely intercomprehension and «éveil aux langues») and translanguaging in pedagogy. From an empirical perspective, the authors present and discuss suggestions regarding the integration of multilingual activities in the classroom and in teaching education programs.

Research indicates that parents play an essential role in their children’s musical and language development. Moreover, neurocognitive studies point to the similarities between music and language processing. Based on the previous literature, the present study focuses on the Turkish immigrant parents’ beliefs and practices regarding bilingualism and music education. Interviews, observations and questionnaires are applied to generate qualitative data. Findings indicate that the participants’ positive beliefs are influenced by distal factors, such as cultural features, their own backgrounds, and socio-demographical characteristics. However, the lack of their theoretical knowledge regarding the subjects seems to have a negative impact on these beliefs.

Françoise Le Lièvre • Mathilde Anquetil • Martine Derivry-Plard • Christiane Fäcke • Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen (éds)

Langues et cultures dans l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur au XXIe siècle (Re)penser les politiques linguistiques : anglais et plurilinguisme Bern, 2018. XVIII, 242 p., 10 tabl. Transversales. Langues, sociétés, cultures et apprentissages. Vol. 46 br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3014-5 CHF 78.– / €D 66.95 / €A 69.30 / € 63.– / £ 52.– / US-$ 75.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3015-2 CHF 78.– / €D 74.95 / €A 75.60 / € 63.– / £ 52.– / US-$ 75.95

Malgré les recommandations des institutions de l’Union européenne invitant les Etats à reconnaître la diversité linguistique de leur territoire et à promouvoir l’enseignement des langues selon une éducation ouverte à la pluralité et à l’interculturalité, on constate de nos jours une hégémonie croissante de l’anglais. Cette langue n’est plus considérée comme une « langue étrangère » mais comme la lingua franca de l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur en Europe et dans le monde entier. Notre ouvrage, en tandem avec le second volume publié dans Heteroglossia (2018), réunissant didacticiens des langues, historiens et économistes, se propose d’examiner le rôle de l’anglais dans les stratégies d’internationalisation et d’interroger le plurilinguisme effectif des individus et le multilinguisme des institutions. Plus largement il s’agit de (re)penser les politiques linguistiques dans l’université du XXIe siècle, afin d’articuler la position hypercentrale de l’anglais avec la gestion d’un plurilinguisme plus démocratique.

Bernard Schneuwly • Christophe Ronveaux

Lire des textes réputés littéraires : disciplination et sédimentation Enquête au fil des degrés scolaires en Suisse romande Bruxelles, 2018. 534 p., 15 ill. b/w, 35 tab. b/w ThéoCrit’. Vol. 13 br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-1009-5 CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.50 / € 65.– / £ 53.– / US-$ 78.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-1010-1 CHF 81.– / €D 76.95 / €A 78.– / € 65.– / £ 53.– / US-$ 78.95

Mesure-t-on assez ce qu’il y a d’étrange au projet d’émancipation d’enseigner la littérature à tous ? Ce livre documente cette singularité en décrivant ce qui s’enseigne effectivement dans les classes au primaire, au cycle d’orientation et au gymnase. Il vise à comprendre comment se transforme l’objet d’enseignement, la littérature, pour une génération d’élèves. Notre dispositif de recherche quasi expérimental a fait passer auprès de trente enseignant·e·s deux mêmes textes contrastés. L’un, classique, Le loup et l’agneau de La Fontaine, est bien connu des enseignant·e·s et bardé d’apprêts pédagogiques et didactiques. L’autre, inconnu, tiré de la littérature romande, La négresse et le chef des avalanches de Lovay, ne fait l’objet d’aucun accompagnement préalable. Les enseignant·e·s s’y prennentils différemment pour enseigner un texte classique et un texte contemporain ? Quelles variations constate-t-on d’un degré à l’autre ? Qu’est-ce qui se construit graduellement pour des élèves de 11 à 17 ans ? Au départ des soixante séquences d’enseignement qui ont été rassemblées, le livre envisage tour à tour trois focales : un grand angle pour les séquences d’enseignement, un angle moyen pour les instruments de l’enseignant·e et un angle micro-analytique pour les activités langagières. Deux processus sont mis en évidence : les élèves transforment leur rapport au texte à travers une « disciplination » croissante suivant leur scolarité ; dans leurs pratiques, les enseignant·e·s disposent d’une large panoplie d’instruments et des dispositifs issus par « sédimentation » d’une histoire parfois lointaine, plus récente ou contemporaine.

Language Teaching & Education

Leadership in Education

Ronald A. Sudol • Alice S. Horning (eds.)

Defining Literacy Standards

Eleanor Blair (ed.)

Essays on Assessment, Inclusion, Pedagogy and Civic Engagement

Teacher Leadership

New York, 2019. VI, 208 pp., 3 tables

The «New» Foundations of Teacher Education – A Reader

Studies in Composition and Rhetoric. Vol. 10

Revised edition

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4199-7 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

New York, 2016. IX, 239 pp.

eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-1-4331-4200-0 CHF 44.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

As individual institutions of education at all levels respond to the call for greater accountability and assessment, those who teach literacy face the challenging task of choosing what to measure and how to measure it. Both defining literacy clearly and tying that definition to strategies for assessment are two of many challenges faced by educators, theorists, and members of the public who assume responsibility for assessing literacy as well as developing and improving literacy programs. In a pluralistic and democratic society sensitive to multicultural variation, we need to find our way between the competing needs for inclusiveness and for clear and useful standards. Multiple definitions of literacy raise the issue of whether there can be a standard or set of standards and if so, what they are in an environment of multiple literacies. Indeed, the downside of the defeat of older monolithic notions of literacy is the undermining or at least the questioning of well-established methods of literacy assessment. To some extent, the older methods of assessment have been revised in the light of more expansive definitions of literacy. But will this kind of revision be enough? How are the criteria for judgment to be known and applied? Thus, this volume addresses the problems of assessing literacy development in the context of multiple and inclusive definitions. Each section consists of chapters that deal with the issue of definitions per se, with standards in postsecondary settings, with the K-12 situation, and with alternative, non-school environments where literacy is critical to human functioning in a democratic society.

Bernd Tesch

The Reconstruction of Sense in the Foreign Language Classroom An Introduction to Reconstructive Foreign Language Research Berlin, 2018. 214 S., 4 s/w Abb., 16 s/w Tab. LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy. Vol. 9 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-73636-4 CHF 47.– / €D 39.95 / €A 41.10 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-73648-7 CHF 49.– / €D 44.95 / €A 44.90 / € 37.40 / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

This book is an introduction to reconstructive foreign language research using the documentary method. It contains an intensive reflection on social practices and the role of language awareness within the context of the instructional interaction in the foreign language classroom. The narrative interview can independently be used for research on language and professional biographies as well as professional dispositions, and attitudes of foreign language teachers provide valuable insights into biographical formations. Similarly, it can be deployed for research on the foreign language learner, too. The working steps of the documentary method are being illustrated on the basis of concrete examples so that the book can be used by researchers as well as by students as a methodological introduction.

Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 408 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2790-8 CHF 57.95 / €D 50.95 / €A 52.95 / € 47.95 / £ 38.95 / US-$ 61.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1799-2 CHF 60.95 / €D 56.95 / €A 56.95 / € 47.95 / £ 38.95 / US-$ 61.95

Teacher leadership as a dimension of teachers’ work has never been more important. This topic has emerged as a major component of both state and national standards, and as such, it is included in most contemporary teacher education programs. Three decades of research have focused on teacher leadership as an essential element of school improvement, but its relationship to the potential transformation of the teaching profession remains unexplored. This revised edition of Teacher Leadership: The «New» Foundations of Teacher Education provides an overview of the scholarship being done in the field and a framework for questions and discussions regarding the sustainability of teacher leadership efforts. In this edition, each of the five sections is accompanied by an introduction and reflection questions on the various issues related to teachers acting as leaders in classrooms, schools and communities. The book opens with a completely new section that presents scholarship related to teacher leadership and social justice, where the role of ideology in the work of teacher leaders is considered. This book includes the work of over thirty authors and is an essential tool for guiding dialogue regarding the various facets of teacher leadership and its impact on school culture, student learning and professional learning communities within the context of twenty-first century school reform. Teacher Leadership: The «New» Foundations of Teacher Education – A Reader is intended for undergraduate and graduate education students. Eleanor Blair (PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville) is Associate Professor at Western Carolina University (WCU). She teaches foundations of education courses in curriculum, teacher leadership and history/philosophy of education at WCU and in Jamaica through the WCU-Jamaica program. Recent publications include The Social Foundations Reader: Critical Essays on Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century (co-edited with Yolanda Medina) and Foundations of Education: Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Leadership in Diverse 21st Century Schools (forthcoming in 2016).



Leadership in Education

Gloria Graves Holmes

Justice in Search of Leaders A Handbook for Equity-Driven School Leadership New York, 2018. XX, 324 pp. 8 tables

tion. It can transform leaders into marionettes and immobilize local school reform. Within Paradoxes of Reform is the humbling, tantalizing reality of dualism as more endemic to schools than reformers realize and are prepared to deal with. The text asks those pursuing educational change to seek a deeper understanding of schools themselves, and probe further into the reasons underlying mixed progress.

Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 516 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2722-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2721-2 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4860-6 CHF 103.– / €D 94.95 / €A 95.– / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

Justice in Search of Leaders: A Handbook for Equity-Driven School Leadership is a guide for educators who are committed to equity-driven teaching, leading, and policy-making, and would like to operationalize socially just school practices for all children. Moving beyond a heroes and holidays approach to addressing racism, bias, injustice, and a cluster of isms, it provides a deeper understanding of the causes of structural inequities in schools, and suggests approaches for deconstructing them. The book includes a frank discussion of race, racism, social dominance, and implicit bias, and encourages both objective and subjective analyses of how they infect school practice. America’s ambivalent response to race, racial identity development, the nature of prejudice, and how humans form values and develop belief systems is explored in some depth. There is also a critique of Whiteness as a socio-political concept as it relates to power and privilege, and as a demographic reality as it relates to institutional discrimination in schools. The book is not a critique of white people, and it is important that readers make that distinction. This leads to a discussion of the tricky and challenging process of changing beliefs, values, and attitudes as they relate to school leadership and teaching, and how all of this is connected to the power dynamics in schools.

Aleksey A. Tikhomirov

Paradoxes of Reform Change-Minded Superintendents, Language, Leadership, and Dualism of Progress New York, 2018. XX, 230 pp. 29 b/w ills., 15 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4728-9 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4724-1 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5438-6 CHF 52.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

In this era of externally imposed mandates, regulations dominate education. Fortunately, there are schools where education thrives despite the pressures of test-driven agendas. Featured in Paradoxes of Reform: Change-Minded Superintendents, Language, Leadership, and Dualism of Progress are superintendents who manage imposed change without abandoning local visions of good schooling, and who are unafraid to uphold their own views of what is important to students. By embracing what this book calls boundary-spanning leadership and resisting the bureaucratization of the mind, these superintendents prevent their systems from becoming schooling machines with a non-democratic or counter-educative agenda. Dualism can reign even among leaders known for their progressive qualities, masquerading as supposedly well-intentioned school reform that, in reality, makes schools more vulnerable to the workings of bureaucratic specialization, the technical-rational approach, administrative conformism, and an instrumental perspective on educa-

Carolyn M. Shields

Transformative Leadership Primer New York, 2016. 192 pp., num. ill. Peter Lang Primer. Vol. 32 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3197-4 CHF 31.95 / €D 27.95 / €A 28.95 / € 26.95 / £ 20.95 / US-$ 33.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1796-1 CHF 33.95 / €D 31.95 / €A 31.95 / € 26.95 / £ 20.95 / US-$ 33.95

Transformative Leadership: A Primer both delivers a complete and engaging overview of transformative leadership and also clearly distinguishes it from other popular approaches to leadership. Hence, this will be the text of choice for many graduate courses in educational leadership. Carolyn M. Shields shows how the tenets of transformative leadership interact with one another, and how they provide a lens for leadership that offers an excellent, inclusive, equitable, and socially just education for all students. Using anecdotes and narratives drawn from empirical research, as well as current data, Dr. Shields establishes how transformative leadership comprises a comprehensive approach to leadership in highly diverse contexts, and how it can empower students who are traditionally marginalized due to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, home language, or religion. Accepting a mandate for educational change, reconstructing knowledge frameworks, and redistributing power in more equitable ways are starting points for transformative leaders. Changing the structures, cultures, curricula, and pedagogies of the school to be more democratic and emancipatory; acknowledging our interconnectedness and interdependence with global neighbors; and accepting responsibility for promoting both public and private good are processes that implement the transformation. Taken together, these changes cannot be accomplished without considerable collaboration, conversation, and moral courage. No leader wanting to promote excellence and equity for all should be without this primer that offers a new way of thinking about all aspects of schooling, from facilities and fiscal issues to academic programs and school policy. Transformative leadership offers a promising and robust theory of change for all situations and contexts. Carolyn M. Shields (PhD, University of Saskatchewan, Canada), is a professor and former dean of education at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She has written twelve books, hundreds of articles, and spoken in numerous countries, always addressing the provision of academically excellent, inclusive, equitable, and socially just learning environments for all students.


Philosophy & Theory of Education

Roberta Ahlquist • Paul C. Gorski • Theresa Montaño (eds.) Eleanor Blair • Yolanda Medina (eds.)

Assault on Kids and Teachers

The Social Foundations Reader

Countering Privatization, Deficit Ideologies and Standardization in U.S. Schools

Critical Essays on Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century New York, 2016. 380 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2942-1 CHF 190.95 / €D 169.95 / €A 174.95 / € 158.95 / £ 126.95 / US-$ 205.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2941-4 CHF 53.95 / €D 47.95 / €A 48.95 / € 44.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 57.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1584-4 CHF 56.95 / €D 52.95 / €A 53.95 / € 44.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 57.95

The Social Foundations Reader is meant for undergraduate and graduate students in introductory foundations of education classes. No other contemporary reader provides such a broad and yet critical view of the issues typically addressed in an introductory foundations course. Instead, most provide a generic and typically conservative perspective on schools and classrooms and do little to encourage students to consider the important roles of critical theory and social justice in the creation of school environments that are responsive to issues of equity and diversity. This book provides a different lens through which students can view what happens in twenty-first-century schools while also considering the perspectives of multiple constituencies: parents, teachers, students and communities. The reader of this text is exposed to a wide range of scholarship in the foundations of education; essays range from the more traditional work of John Dewey to the controversial ideas of Henry Giroux. Contested topics associated with teaching, learning and leading in contemporary public schools are considered within a context where grappling with the answers to fundamental questions that will ultimately guide meaningful school reform is an essential part of becoming an educator. Each of the five sections in the book is accompanied by an introduction and summary/reflection questions to both guide reading and challenge students to think critically about how to synthesize and apply the ideas being presented. Eleanor Blair (PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville) is Associate Professor at Western Carolina University (WCU). She teaches foundations of education courses in curriculum, teacher leadership and history/philosophy of education at WCU and in Jamaica through the WCU-Jamaica program. Yolanda Medina is Associate Professor in the Teacher Education Department at BMCC/City University of New York. She is past president of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) and vice president of the Maxine Greene Center for Aesthetic Education and Social Imagination.

New York, 2018. XXII, 244 pp., 2 tables Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 523 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5119-4 CHF 132.95 / €D 115.95 / €A 118.95 / € 107.95 / £ 86.95 / US-$ 128.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3282-7 CHF 41.– / €D 35.95 / €A 36.70 / € 33.30 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5116-3 CHF 41.– / €D 39.95 / €A 40.– / € 33.30 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

In Assault on Kids and Teachers, educators from across the United States push back against the neoliberal school reform movements that are taking the “public” out of public education, demonizing teachers, and stealing from youth the opportunity for an equitable, just, and holistic education. Contributors, including teachers, educational and community activists, teacher educators, critical education scholars, and others, expose how racism, economic injustice, and other forms of injustice are created and recreated both locally and nationally through educational policies more intent on turning schools into profit centers and undermining teacher unions than on strengthening public schools. Topics include the privatization of public schools, the growing influence of grit ideology on school practices, zero tolerance policies and the school-to-prison pipeline, Teach For America, the lies behind the charter school movement, and the damage TPAs are doing to teacher education. Beyond leveling critiques at these and other troubling trends and practices, though, contributors describe the many sites and forms of resistance emerging in response to these assaults on kids and teachers from students, parents, teachers, and other concerned people. Assault on Kids and Teachers is both a call for deeper understandings of anti-democratic and regressive school reform initiatives and an invitation into movements for putting the “public” back into public education.

Daniel Araya (ed.)

Augmented Intelligence Smart Systems and the Future of Work and Learning New York, 2018. XX, 256 pp., 49 b/w ills., 14 tables New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 81 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3334-3 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3333-6 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4543-8 CHF 52.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Where the Agricultural Revolution harnessed domesticated animals for pastoral farming, and the Industrial Revolution leveraged machines for factory production, so today the Computational Revolution is advancing computers to augment human intelligence. Indeed, many now argue that the promise of exascale computing and the slow migration towards a


Philosophy & Theory of Education

computational society may represent a new threshold in human history. This «transcension» of earlier stages of tool-mediated work and learning foreshadows a momentous change in the kinds of cities we might build, the kinds of medicine we might practice, and the kinds of education we might provide. What is perhaps most surprising about the current Computational Revolution, however, is its expanding reach. The question that many now ask is «what is the trajectory of this human-machine symbiosis?» It would appear that we are on the cusp of a sea change in our capacities to augment human intelligence. But what is the future of work and learning? Will augmented intelligence help us in transforming a waning industrial society? These are the kinds of questions that we explore in Augmented Intelligence: Smart Systems and the Future of Work and Learning.

Cristian Bota

Pensée verbale et raisonnement Les fondements langagiers des configurations épistémiques Bern, 2018. IV, 264 p., 2 ill. n/b, 5 tabl. Exploration. Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education. Vol. 182 br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3308-5 CHF 45.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.60 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3408-2 CHF 45.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.20 / € 36.– / £ 30.– / US-$ 43.95

La problématique du raisonnement est habituellement modélisée à travers une formalisation d’opérations cognitives, considérées comme étant universelles et indépendantes de leur matérialisation dans des textes. En questionnant cette perspective traditionnelle et ses prolongements contemporains, l’ouvrage approfondit la problématique du raisonnement sous l’angle des interactions entre le langage et la pensée et de leur rôle moteur dans l’apprentissage. En s’appuyant sur les apports combinés de Vygotski, de Volochinov et de Medvedev ainsi que ceux de Saussure et de Coseriu, l’auteur met l’accent sur la nature sociale, systémique et dynamique des processus de signification et examine les corrélations dialectiques des signes linguistiques avec les opérations de la pensée.

Mara Cogni

Philosophy and Education Engaging Pathways to Meaningful Learning New York, 2018. VIII, 238 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5348-8 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5349-5 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5350-1 CHF 52.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Philosophy and Education: Engaging Pathways to Meaningful Learning represents a philosophical approach to learning. It encourages students to think critically and form well-reflected opinions around relevant concepts in the English language, literature and society, such as inequality and duty. Philosophy and Education embodies a more engaging style (than is traditionally common) with the text - instead of reading long texts and answering questions about that text, it motivates learners to relate their own experiences and interpretations to the view communicated in the text, by actively and continuously engaging them to test one opinion against another. Philosophy and Education is primarily designed to help students improve their reasoning skills both orally and in writing, and

prepare them for tests and exams at the end of the upper secondary and university-preparatory courses. Some of the chapters in Philosophy and Education have been used in the classroom, resulting in highly engaged students who feel they are offered the opportunity to relate to the classroom experience in a meaningful way. None of the activities ask students to make lists of words or spend enormous amounts of time on close reading and interpreting texts - instead, they are required to reflect and share their own thoughts on the relevance of the texts, movies, etc. to their own lives. They learn new words and ideas by discussing the myriad of philosophical questions presented, which makes learning a conversation about life.

Joseph L. DeVitis (ed.)

Popular Educational Classics A Reader New York, 2016. 432 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2834-9 CHF 190.95 / €D 169.95 / €A 174.95 / € 158.95 / £ 126.95 / US-$ 205.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2833-2 CHF 52.95 / €D 46.95 / €A 47.95 / € 43.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 56.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1735-0 CHF 55.95 / €D 51.95 / €A 52.95 / € 43.95 / £ 35.95 / US-$ 56.95

The last half century has created deep tensions in how we analyze educational and social change. Educators, policymakers, and concerned citizens have had to cope with competing belief systems in evaluating and acting upon school policies and practices. This illuminating book untangles many of the roots of those persistent debates that have divided the nation for so long. It offers readers a critical opportunity to reflect on our continuing ideological struggles by examining popular books that have made a difference in educational discourse. The editor has specifically selected key books on social and educational controversies that speak to wide audiences. They frame contextual issues that so-called «school reformers» have often neglected – much to the detriment of any real educational progress. Ultimately, this text is meant to stir our consciences, to disorder our certainties, and to compel us to treat education and culture with both reason and passion. It is highly relevant for courses in social foundations of education, school reform, educational policy studies, philosophy of education, history of education, politics of education, curriculum studies, and teacher education. Joseph L. DeVitis is a past president of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA), the Council of Learned Societies in Education, and the Society of Professors of Education. Two of his books have received Choice awards from the American Library Association and three have earned AESA Critics’ Choice awards as outstanding books of the year.


Philosophy & Theory of Education

Tim Spuck • Leigh Jenkins • Terrie Rust • Remy Dou (eds.)

Best Practices in STEM Education Innovative Approaches from Einstein Fellow Alumni Second Edition New York, 2018. XLVI, 584 pp., 39 b/w ill., 36 tables Educational Psychology. Critical Pedagogical Perspectives. Vol. 27 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5416-4 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5098-2 CHF 68.– / €D 62.95 / €A 63.– / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education are seen by leaders from across the globe as key to economic success and prosperity. The goal of this book is to improve the state of STEM education, not only in the United States, but internationally as well— good education anywhere is good for education everywhere. As the body of STEM-learning research grows, this second volume provides the unique perspective of nationally recognized educators who have spent, collectively, more than 600,000 hours at the interface between teaching and learning. The 24 chapters included in this volume are the product of years of practice, mistakes, reflection, and refinement. They provide the experiential pragmatism backed by research so desired by practitioners. Each chapter communicates how its author has implemented a specific STEM practice in the classroom and how the practice might be modified for use in other classrooms, schools, and learning environments. These are stories of success, as well as stories of struggle. Readers of this second edition will gain powerful insight about what really works when it comes to teaching and learning STEM. This book will serve as an excellent resource for use in any science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching methods course, and no professional education library, K through college, should be without a copy. Tim Spuck is the STEM Education Development Officer at Associated Universities Inc. Major awards include the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics Educator Achievement Award, Pennsylvania Christa McAuliffe Fellowship, and the Tandy Technology Scholars Award. Tim earned his M.Ed. in Science Education from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and his Ed.D. Curriculum & Instruction from West Virginia University. Leigh Jenkins is currently a doctoral candidate in Administrative Leadership at Shenandoah University in northwestern Virginia. Leigh taught biology and environmental science for 18 years in West Virginia. She holds a M.A. in Sociology and an M.A. in Science Curriculum and Instruction. Leigh was awarded the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship, Japan Fulbright Memorial Teachers Fund Scholarship, and was the 2016 West Virginia Conservation Teacher of the Year. Terrie Rust is an ITEEA Distinguished Technology Educator. She has contributed globally on STEM education projects, most

notably while working in India. Terrie holds M.A. and M.Ed. degrees in education fields, and an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in Organizational Leadership. Terrie received numerous awards for her teaching programs from ITEEA and ACTEaz. She is currently serving as a STEM consultant in the DC area. Remy Dou is a clinical assistant professor at Florida International University working on undergraduate and out-of-school STEM education research. Previously, he served at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and at the National Science Foundation as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow. He is also a Worlds Ahead Graduate at Florida International University, received the Jhumki Basu Scholar Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.

Eva Novotny

Ermächtigen Ein Bildungsbuch. Für eine wache Zeitgenossenschaft im Spannungsfeld von Individualisierung und neuen Formen von Gemeinschaft 3. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage Berlin, 2018. 312 S. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74903-6 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-75088-9 CHF 64.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

Wie kommt es, dass sich Menschen – angesichts höchst entwickelter Produktivkräfte – Vernunft und Freiheit wieder absprechen lassen? Welche Mentalitäten brauchen sie, um vor Zumutungen der Freiheit nicht zurückzuschrecken, Herrschaftsmythen zurückzuweisen und sich effektiv in die eigenen Angelegenheiten einzumischen? Die Autorin analysiert die Kapriolen des Zeitgeistes und avancierte Praktiken biopolitischen Zugriffs auf Köpfe und Körper. Sie entwickelt 6 fundamentale Bildungsdimensionen – Selbstdenken, Eigensinn, Dynamik sozialer Systeme, autonome Moral, Sprachmacht, Humor. Voraussetzungsvolle Tugenden, die allerdings das soziale Klima und Lebensformen, in denen sie am besten gedeihen, ständig hervorbringen. Herrschende Bildungsagenturen werden kritisiert, mögliche Bildungsanlässe aufgezeigt. Genderblicke weisen Kurse aus patriarchaler Verstrickung in eine essayistische Existenz. Eva Novotny studierte Erziehungswissenschaften, Psychologie, Philosophie, Sonder- und Heilpädagogik und war an der Universitätsklinik für Neurologie und Psychiatrie des Kindes- und Jugendalters in Wien tätig. Sie absolvierte eine Ausbildung in analytischer Psychotherapie und arbeitet freischaffend als Wissenschaftlerin, Psychotherapeutin, Organisationsentwicklerin, Trainerin, Coach und Supervisorin.


Philosophy & Theory of Education

Social Discrimination & Equal Treatment

Petra Munro Hendry • Roland Mitchell • Paul Eaton

Troubling Method

Joseph E. Flynn, Jr.

Narrative Research as Being

White Fatigue

New York, 2018. X, 242 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5539-0 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5540-6 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5541-3 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Troubling Method seeks to extract narrative inquiry from method. The shift to a post-humanist, post-qualitative moment is not just another stage in modernism that seeks to «improve» knowledge production, but is a shift to understanding research as an ontology, a way of being in the world, rather than a mode of production. Fundamental assumptions of research: method, data, analysis, and findings are deconstructed and reconfigured as a mode of relational intra-action. Troubling Method is constructed as a dialogue between the three authors, focusing on their work as qualitative, narrative researchers. The authors revisit six previously published works in which they grapple with the contradictions and ironies of engaging in pragmatist, critical, and feminist qualitative research. After a lengthy introduction which problematizes «method,» the book is divided into three sections, each with two chapters that are bracketed by an introduction to the issues discussed in the chapters and then a «dialogue interlude» in which the authors deliberate what makes possible the questions they are raising about method and narrative research. The three sections attend to the central premises of «narrative research as being»: 1) relationships, 2) listening, and 3) unknowing. Troubling Method is ideal for introductory or advanced courses in qualitative research, narrative inquiry, educational research, and those aimed at employing critical theories in qualitative and narrative inquiry.

Nathalie Wallian (éd.)

Intervention éducative et médiation(s) Contextes insulaires, cultures diverses, explorations plurielles Berlin, 2018. 462 p., 8 ill. en couleurs, 7 tabl., 7 graph. Transversales. Langues, sociétés, cultures et apprentissages. Vol. 47 br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3677-2 CHF 113.– / €D 96.95 / €A 100.10 / € 91.– / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3683-3 CHF 113.– / €D 107.95 / €A 109.20 / € 91.– / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95

En éducation et en formation, la dialectique entre enseignement et apprentissage implique une rencontre entre des acteurs aux univers symboliques et aux mondes culturels hétérogènes. Les transformations, fruits de ces interactions, reposent sur une (re)médiation active des savoirs, mais elles questionnent également le poids des contingences et des contextes, qu’ils soient locaux et/ou périphériques, sociaux et/ou historiques, culturels et/ou structurels, discursifs et/ou incarnés. Ces contextes influencent tant la dynamique de construction et de transformation des divers acteurs que les dispositifs et les systèmes avec lesquels ils interagissent. Derrière des rapports universels au savoir se glissent des pratiques intimes et contingentielles dans l’acte d’apprendre : de la qualité de la rencontre dépendront les modalités d’appropriation du savoir par l’apprenant. En prenant la médiation pour ce qu’elle est, irrégulière et discontinue, contingente et aléatoire, éphémère et historiquement ancrée, l’explorateur didacticien ou chercheur, pourra tracer des pistes exploratoires inédites d’un «être avec», qui redéfinissent l’altérité comme une opportunité pour (se) comprendre et (se) transformer.

Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice New York, 2018. XX, 178 pp. Social Justice Across Contexts in Education. Vol. 8 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5026-5 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5895-7 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5027-2 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

White Fatigue: Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice explores how, despite the pleas and research of critical scholars, what passes for multicultural education in schools is often promotion of human relations and tolerance rather than a sustained critical examination of how race and racism shape social, political, economic, and educational opportunities for various groups, both historically and currently. Simultaneously, our nation’s social mores have changed over time and millions of White Americans find racism morally reprehensible. This book illustrates that despite that shift, it is not uncommon to experience White Americans—in classrooms and other spaces—struggling to understand how racism functions. This struggle is often talked about as White resistance, White guilt, and White fragility. White fatigue is an idea that helps explain and differentiate this struggle for better understanding among White folks who feel racism is wrong but do not yet have an understanding of how racism functions. White Fatigue: Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice ultimately argues that if we are to advance our national conversation on race, educators must be willing to define reactions to conversations about race with more nuances, lest we alienate potential allies, accomplices, and leaders in the fight against racial injustice. Joseph E. Flynn, Jr. is an associate professor of curriculum and instruction at Northern Illinois University, and his work centers on the intersection of race, curriculum, and social justice. Previously he co-edited Rubric Nation: Critical Inquiries on the Impact of Rubrics in Education.


Social Discrimination & Equal Treatment

Heather A. Cooper

The Teacher’s Closet Lesbian and Gay Educators in Georgia’s Public Middle Schools New York, 2019. XVI, 162 pp.

ogies of Jesus that shape their biblical ethics, as well as churches in the U.S. that are invested in breaking the mold of homogeneity, civil religion, and uncoupling commitments to patriotism from loyalty to one Kingdom. Educational institutions and religious organizations that are committed to combining justice and diversity efforts with a Jesus ethic will find White Jesus to be a compelling primer.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6112-4 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6111-7 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6011-0 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

The stories in The Teacher’s Closet: Lesbian and Gay Educators in Georgia’s Public Middle Schools reveal the intricate and multifaceted process of identity management that lesbian and gay Georgia middle school teachers regularly engage in, with the intention of carefully negotiating the conservative, heterosexist, and at times homophobic culture of education. Disclosure for a homosexual teacher is not a one-time event. As the stories reveal, managing one’s sexual identity is an ongoing process. A feeling of uneasiness surrounding acceptance from others is also a regular occurrence in the homosexual community. To understand why lesbian and gay teachers feel the need to conceal and protect their homosexual identities, it is necessary to understand the social and political climate that forces them to surrender their real identity. In our heterosexist society where homosexuals are often portrayed as different, even sinful, it is not surprising that many homosexual teachers refrain from disclosing their sexual identity to their students, especially in the conservative state of Georgia. The Teacher’s Closet is relevant to courses that include diversity in teacher education and teach inclusion and equality in education.

Alexander Jun • Tabatha L. Jones Jolivet • Allison N. Ash • Christopher S. Collins

White Jesus The Architecture of Racism in Religion and Education New York, 2018. XXVI, 120 pp., 5 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5768-4 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5769-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Steven Kniffley Jr. • Ernest Brown Jr. • Bryan Davis

Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self) Black Masculinity, Psychopathology, and Treatment New York, 2018. VIII, 168 pp. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 86 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3171-4 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3170-7 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1693-3 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity, Psychopathology, and Treatment provides a comprehensive analysis of the development of racialized masculinity in Black males. This text explores the current theories related to gender development and racial identity development and their impact on the formation and expression of Black masculinity. Specifically, this text investigates the intersection between Black masculinity development, racial identity, and race-related traumas/ stressors. Out of K.O.S. (Knowledge of Self): Black Masculinity, Psychopathology, and Treatment highlights the dual experience of social oppression and cultural identity suppression as the catalyst for the formation of unintegrated Black masculinity, and its subsequent influence on Black male mental health. Lastly, this book provides a comprehensive discussion concerning therapist variables and clinical interventions that can be helpful when working with Black males in a clinical setting.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5770-7 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

In White Jesus: The Architecture of Racism in Religion and Education, White Jesus is conceived as a socially constructed apparatus—a mythology that animates the architecture of salvation—that operates stealthily as a veneer for patriarchal White supremacist, capitalist, and imperialist sociopolitical, cultural, and economic agendas. White Jesus was constructed by combining empire, colorism, racism, education, and religion; the byproduct is a distortion that reproduces violence in epistemic and physical ways. The authors distinguish White Jesus from Jesus of the Gospels, the one whose life, death, and resurrection demands sacrificial love as a response—a love ethic. White Jesus is a fraudulent scheme that many devotees of Jesus of Bethlehem naively fell for. This book is about naming the lies, reclaiming the person of Jesus, and reasserting a vision of power that locates Jesus of the Gospels in solidarity with the easily disposed. The catalytic, animating, and life-altering power of the cross of Jesus is enough to subdue White Jesus and his patronage. White Jesus can be used in a variety of academic disciplines, including education, religion, sociology, and cultural studies. Furthermore, the book will be useful for Christian institutions working to evaluate the images and ideol-

Virginia Lea • Darren E. Lund • Paul R. Carr (eds.)

Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness Views from the Past and Present New Yorkaw, 2018. XIV, 376 pp., 4 ill., 2 tbl. Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness. Vol. 5 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2151-7 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2150-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4400-4 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Whiteness is a narrative. It is the privileged dimension of the complex story of «race» that was, and continues to be, seminal in shaping the socio-economic structure and cultural climate of the United States and other Western nations. Without acknowledging this story, it is impossi-


Social Discrimination & Equal Treatment

ble to understand fully the current political and social contexts in which we live. Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness explores multiple analyses of whiteness, drawing on both past and current key sources to tell the story in a more comprehensive way. This book features both iconic essays that address the social construction of whiteness and critical resistance as well as excellent new critical perspectives.

Vernon C. Lindsay

Critical Race and Education for Black Males When Pretty Boys Become Men New York, 2018. XII, 122 pp.

ten out of place at best—or worse, completely discounted in academe, a betwixt place. By not fitting into a particular mold, trans* academics experience a variety of adverse events including microaggressions, outright hostility, and exclusion. These adverse experiences create a context wherein trans* academics engage in various forms of additional labor. While not necessarily unique to trans* academics, these various forms of labor provided evidence to support my assertion that trans* academics are or become professionally Other. Given this Other status, trans* academics must form broad coalitions to bring about change within higher education organizations. Additionally, higher education leaders have an opportunity to change organizational contexts to better support trans* academics by radically re-imagining colleges and universities. This text would be an excellent choice for graduate and undergraduate courses about gender, qualitative research methods courses, and courses about academic careers, and organizational theories.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5460-7 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5459-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5461-4 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Critical Race and Education for Black Males: When Pretty Boys Become Men is not another boring academic book full of complex theories and jargon that only people who have earned a doctoral degree can understand. It is a series of narratives based on the author’s experiences as a Black male from the third grade through earning his PhD in Policy Studies in Urban Education. Each chapter illustrates how race, racism, and gender influenced Dr. Vernon C. Lindsay’s upbringing in Chicago, Illinois, and the south suburbs. In vivid detail, he provides insight to his life as a preacher’s kid, the struggle in searching for an authentic vision of himself, and how school suspensions, detentions, and other infractions impacted the process to realize his full potential. Critical Race and Education for Black Males: When Pretty Boys Become Men is written in a format conducive to students and teachers. It strategically uses language that makes the material relatable to Black males and practical for educators who desire to create positive relationships with their students. Critical Race and Education for Black Males is designed for courses that reflect the following themes: critical race theory in education; African Americans and education; introduction to urban education; social theory in educational foundations; critical pedagogy; gender, difference, and curriculum; and teaching and learning in the multicultural, multilingual classroom.

Erich N. Pitcher

Being and Becoming Professionally Other Identities, Voices, and Experiences of U.S. Trans* Academics New York, 2018. XIV, 216 pp. 1 b/w ill., 1 table. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4851-4 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4725-8 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4852-1 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Being and Becoming Professionally Other: Identities, Voices, and Experiences of U.S. Trans* Academics is a path-clearing book that provides a rich, in-depth account of the lived experiences of 39 transgender or trans* academics. Despite increased visibility of trans* issues within higher education, college environments remain unfriendly, and in some cases, overtly hostile to trans* people. While there is much discussion of gender equity and faculty diversity, these conversations rarely include trans* academics’ voices. As a study participant described, trans* voices are of-

Elizabeth J. Meyer • Annie Pullen Sansfaçon (eds.)

Supporting Transgender and Gender-Creative Youth Schools, Families, and Communities in Action Revised Edition New York, 2018. XXII, 332 pp., 6 b/w ill., 3 tables Gender and Sexualities in Education. Vol. 9 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3494-4 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4821-7 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Supporting Transgender and Gender-Creative Youth brings together cutting-edge research, social action methods, and theory on the topic of transgender youth and gender creative kids. The chapters included specifically address issues in education, social work, medicine, and counseling as well as challenges and recommendations for families and parents. It is well researched and accessible to a broad audience of individuals invested in improving the social worlds of gender diverse children and youth. Elizabeth J. Meyer is Associate Dean and Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Colorado Boulder. Meyer is the author of Gender, Bullying, and Harassment: Strategies to End Sexism and Homophobia in Schools (2009) and Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools (2010). She completed her PhD at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Annie Pullen Sansfaçon is Professor at the University of Montreal’s School of Social Work. She has conducted many projects on the experiences of trans youth and families and is one of the co-founder of Gender Creative Kids Canada. Pullen Sansfaçon completed her PhD at DeMontfort University in the United Kingdom.


Social Discrimination & Equal Treatment

Menah Pratt-Clarke

A Black Woman’s Journey from Cotton Picking to College Professor Lessons about Race, Class, and Gender in America New York, 2018. XXVI, 272 pp., 20 b/w ill. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 107 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4973-3 CHF 100.95 / €D 87.95 / €A 89.95 / € 81.95 / £ 65.95 / US-$ 97.95

viduals, communities and to national history. In unravelling these diverse modalities of gap, the text illuminates the types of ruling binaries that tend to direct dynamics of power and knowledge in a settler colonial context. This reveals not only the features of the crisis of «Indigenous educational disadvantage» that the policy seeks to address, but the undercurrents of a different type of crisis, namely the authority of the settler colonial state. By unsettling the normalised functions of gap discourse the book urges critical reflections on the problem of settler colonial authority and how it constrains the possibilities of Indigenous educational justice.

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4974-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4970-2 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

A Black Woman’s Journey from Cotton Picking to College Professor: Lessons about Race, Class, and Gender in America traces the journey and transformation of Mildred Sirls, a young Black girl in rural east Texas in the 1930s who picked cotton to help her family survive, to Dr. Mildred Pratt, Professor Emerita of Social Work, who, by lifting as she climbed, influenced hundreds of students and empowered a community. As a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and scholar-activist, Mildred lived her core beliefs: she felt that it was important to validate individual human dignity; she recognized the power of determination and discipline as keys to success; and she had a commitment to empowering and serving others for the greater good of society. Such values not only characterized the life that she led, they are exemplified by the legacy she left. A Black Woman’s Journey from Cotton Picking to College Professor reflects those core values. It celebrates ordinary lives and individuals; it demonstrates the value of hard work; and it illustrates the motto of the National Association of Colored Women, “lifting as we climb.” A Black Woman’s Journey from Cotton Picking to College Professor can be used for courses in history, ethnic studies, African-American studies, English, literature, sociology, social work, and women’s studies. It will be of interest to sociologists, anthropologists, historians, political economists, philosophers, social justice advocates, humanists, humanitarians, faith-based activists, and philanthropists.

Sophie Rudolph

Unsettling the Gap Race, Politics and Indigenous Education New York, 2019. XX, 204 pp., 1 b/w ill., 9 color ills. Global Studies in Education. Vol. 36 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5915-2 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5914-5 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5916-9 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Unsettling the Gap: Race, Politics and Indigenous Education examines pressing issues of inequality in education. The notion of gap—and the need to close it—is used widely in public and policy debates to name the nature and scope of disadvantage. In the competitive world of education, gaps have become associated with students who are seen to be «falling behind,» «failing» or «dropping out.» A global deficit discourse is, therefore, mobilised and normalised. But this discourse has a history and is deeply political. Unsettling the Gap examines this history and how it is politically activated through an analysis of the «Australian Closing the Gap in Indigenous Disadvantage» policy. In this policy discourse the notion of gap serves as a complex and multiple signifier, attached to indi-

Karleen Pendleton Jiménez

Tomboys and Other Gender Heroes Confessions from the Classroom New York, 2016. X, 155 pp., num. b/w ill. Gender and Sexualities in Education. Vol. 7 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2695-6 CHF 152.95 / €D 135.95 / €A 139.95 / € 126.95 / £ 100.95 / US-$ 164.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2694-9 CHF 39.95 / €D 34.95 / €A 35.95 / € 32.95 / £ 25.95 / US-$ 42.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1802-9 CHF 41.95 / €D 38.95 / €A 38.95 / € 32.95 / £ 25.95 / US-$ 42.95

Have you ever been told that you’re too girlish or too boyish? We are all potential targets of the gender police, some more so than others. And how did you respond? Did you hide or change or rebel or hurt or gleefully celebrate your style? Tomboys and Other Gender Heroes is a study that brings together gender stories from approximately 600 children and youth. Set in both urban and rural contexts, these young people show how their schools and communities respond to their bodies, passions, and imaginations. As one 13-year-old student expresses, «My flowered jeans make me feel happy because they represent the sort of feminine side to me and at the same time show my masculine side. They also make me feel like I’m a part of a large force that stands up to bullying and criticism, to express themselves and to show the world that our lives have meaning.» In this book, student writings are framed by teaching strategies and gender theory, featuring themes of sports, film, media, landscape, joyfulness, and gender creativity. The research will be of great interest to university students in the fields of education, gender, sexuality and women’s studies, sociology, social work, psychology, counseling, and child development. This book is ideal for teachers, professors, parents, and community members who hope to create accepting environments for gender diversity. Karleen Pendleton Jiménez is a writer and Associate Professor of Education at Trent University. She publishes academic and creative works on gender, lesbian desire, learning, and Chicana/Latina experience. She wrote Are You a Boy or a Girl? (Lambda Literary Finalist) and the award-winning cartoon Tomboy.


Social Discrimination & Equal Treatment

Study & Learning Skills

Kersha Smith • Marcella Runell Hall (eds.)

Kristopher Copeland • Garret L. Castleberry (eds.)

UnCommon Bonds

Competition, Community, and Educational Growth

Women Reflect on Race and Friendship

Contemporary Perspectives on Competitive Speech and Debate

New York, 2018. XVI, 230 pp., 2 b/w ill. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 372

New York, 2018. XXII, 274, 2 tables

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4877-4 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5239-9 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4874-3 CHF 41.– / €D 35.95 / €A 36.70 / € 33.30 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5238-2 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4878-1 CHF 41.– / €D 39.95 / €A 40.– / € 33.30 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5240-5 CHF 52.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

UnCommon Bonds is a collection of essays written by women representing multiple identities; all uniquely addressing the impactful experiences of race, ethnicity, and friendship in the context of the United States. The essays unapologetically explore the challenges of developing and maintaining cross-racial friendships between women. A primary goal of this book is to resist simplifying cross-racial friendships. Instinctively, the editors believe that there is a unique joy and pain in these relationships that is rarely easy to summarize. The essays reflect narratives that challenge assumptions, disclose deep interpersonal struggles, and celebrate the complex sisterhood between women across racial lines. For more information, please visit:

Competition, Community, and Educational Growth: Contemporary Perspectives on Competitive Speech and Debate is an up-to-date text providing informed academic thought concerning the impact of forensics. Its primary focus is to demonstrate how the forensic activity allows students to actively engage and learn outside the classroom. Specifically, Competition, Community, and Educational Growth focuses on how students educationally grow through the activity. The book frames methods and pedagogy as best practices to provide educational growth for students and explicitly connect learning outcomes for students. Coming from the perspective of higher educational instructors, the book provides insight beyond the high school experience. Competition, Community, and Educational Growth examines contemporary perspectives on competitive speech and debate theory, experience, and methods of instruction.

Sean Whittle (ed.)

Religious Education in Catholic Schools Perspectives from Ireland and the UK

Stéphane Guillon • Najoua Mohib (éds)

La professionnalisation en débat

Oxford, 2018. X, 260 pp.

Entre intentions et réalisations

hb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-982-3 CHF 93.– / €D 79.95 / €A 81.50 / € 74.10 / £ 60.– / US-$ 90.95

Bruxelles, 2018. 207 p.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78707-983-0 CHF 93.– / €D 88.95 / €A 88.90 / € 74.10 / £ 60.– / US-$ 90.95

br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0716-3 CHF 47.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.80 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

Catholic schools continue to be a popular choice for parents, including many who do not profess the Catholic faith. One of the distinguishing features of Catholic schools is the importance they ascribe to Religious Education (RE). This volume draws together researchers from Ireland and the UK to bring into focus the complex range of issues around the teaching of RE. Within the public sphere, there is considerable discussion about the role of education in passing on and engaging with religious matters. The essays gathered here make an important contribution to an ongoing debate about the place of RE in Catholic schools within pluralist societies. Given that almost all Catholic schools are publicly funded, the questions explored in this volume are not only of interest to advocates of Catholic education and those involved in researching and teaching RE, but are also relevant and topical for Irish and British society more widely.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0717-0 CHF 50.– / €D 44.95 / €A 45.60 / € 38.– / £ 31.– / US-$ 45.95

La polysémie du terme même de professionnalisation ne permet pas de s’accorder sur un angle d’approche à privilégier. Une telle thématique est source de tensions dans la mesure où elle est le point nodal d’un rapport de forces entre deux systèmes dont les objectifs diffèrent : le marché du travail d’un côté, l’offre éducative de l’autre. Positionner le processus de professionnalisation comme objet central d’un ouvrage en sciences de l’éducation rend possible une lecture plurielle d’une problématique qui interroge le système éducatif en tant qu’il se transforme malgré lui pour répondre à des injonctions parfois paradoxales. Les auteurs ont développé des expertises dans les différents champs concernés ici : enseignement, formation, travail social. On trouvera dans cet ouvrage un effort définitionnel qui montre combien la professionnalisation est perçue à la fois comme un processus d’homogénéisation des pratiques à l’intérieur des groupes professionnels, mais également comme une injonction à modifier le contenu des savoirs transmis, pour répondre aux demandes du secteur productif en termes de compétences professionnelles ; ensuite une description des mécanismes de professionnalisation en termes de mise en oeuvre de dispositifs, d’ingénierie de diplôme, de modalités de financement et d’outillage des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de ses acteurs ; enfin une réflexion sur les cadres théoriques ou idéologiques sous-jacents à ce processus de professionnalisation et les risques que cette évolution engendre sur le marché du travail et les systèmes de formation.


Study & Learning Skills

Nadia Santana, DNP, FNP-BC Michele Knobel • Judy Kalman (eds.)

The Ultimate Nurse Practitioner Guidebook

New Literacies and Teacher Learning

A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Into and Surviving Nurse Practitioner School, Finding a Job, and Understanding the Policy That Drives the Profession

Professional Development and the Digital Turn New York, 2016. VI, 262 pp. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies. Vol. 74 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2912-4 CHF 152.95 / €D 135.95 / €A 139.95 / € 126.95 / £ 100.95 / US-$ 164.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2911-7 CHF 39.95 / €D 34.95 / €A 35.95 / € 32.95 / £ 25.95 / US-$ 42.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1823-4 CHF 41.95 / €D 38.95 / €A 38.95 / € 32.95 / £ 25.95 / US-$ 42.95

New Literacies and Teacher Learning examines the complexities of teacher professional development today in relation to new literacies and digital technologies, set within the wider context of strong demands for teachers to be innovative and to improve students’ learning outcomes. Contributors hail from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Finland, Mexico, Norway, and the U.S., and work in a broad range of situations, grade levels, activities, scales, and even national contexts. Projects include early year education through to adult literacy education and university contexts, describing a range of approaches to taking up new literacies and digital technologies within diverse learning practices. While the authors present detailed descriptions of using various digital resources like movie editing software, wikis, video conferencing, Twitter, and YouTube, they all agree that digital «stuff» – while important – is not the central concern. Instead, what they foreground in their discussions are theory-informed pedagogical orientations, collaborative learning theories, the complexities of teachers’ workplaces, and young people’s interests. Thus, a key premise in this collection is that teaching and learning are about deep engagement, representing meanings in a range of ways. These include acknowledging relationships and knowledge; thinking critically about events, phenomena, and processes; and participating in valued social and cultural activities. The book shows how this kind of learning doesn’t simply occur in a one-off session, but takes time, commitment, and multiple opportunities to interact with others, to explore, play, make mistakes, and get it right. Michele Knobel (BEd, University College of Southern Queensland; MEd, University of Southern Queensland; MEd.TESOL and PhD, Queensland University of Technology) is a professor at Montclair State University. Her publications include New Literacies (2011, with Colin Lankshear) and A New Literacies Reader (Peter Lang, 2013, edited with Colin Lankshear). Judy Kalman (BA, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; M.S., Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados-IPN; PhD, University of California, Berkeley) is a professor at DIE-CINVESTAV, Mexico City. Publications include Literacy and Numeracy in Latin America (2013, edited with Brian Street) and El Profe 2.0 (2013, with Irán Guerrero and Óscar Hernández).

New York, 2018. XVIII, 162 pp., 2 tables. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5535-2 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4927-6 CHF 34.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.20 / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4928-3 CHF 34.– / €D 32.95 / €A 33.– / € 27.50 / £ 22.– / US-$ 32.95

The Ultimate Nurse Practitioner Guidebook: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting Into and Surviving Nurse Practitioner School, Finding a Job, and Understanding the Policy That Drives the Profession will help you pursue a successful career as a nurse practitioner (NP). In this book, you will learn about the profession; how to choose, finance, and survive NP school; and how to proceed after graduation. The nurse practitioner profession is one of the fastestgrowing medical professions in the United States. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans have become insured, with NPs filling the gap and providing affordable access to care. NPs work in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, and they have complete autonomy in many states. Nurse practitioners see patients of all ages and in a wide variety of settings, write prescriptions, and order labs and tests, all while providing excellent patient care. The Ultimate Nurse Practitioner Guidebook aims to help anyone interested in a career as a nurse practitioner determine whether it is the right path for them, and will also help current NP students successfully complete their programs. This book is a must-read for those who are interested in attending nurse practitioner school, current nurse practitioner students, and even practicing NPs.


Teacher Training

Teaching Skills & Techniques

Joe L. Kincheloe • Shirley R. Steinberg (eds.)

Robert W. Blake • Brett Elizabeth Blake

Classroom Teaching

A Road Less Traveled

An Introduction

Critical Literacy and Language Learning in the Classroom, 1964–1996

Second Edition

New York, 2018. XVIII, 306 pp.

New York, 2018. X, 232 pp.

Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 520

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5727-1 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5688-5 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Classroom Teaching is an introductory text that challenges the antiquated ways that teaching and curriculum have been presented. By adding chapters to Joe L. Kincheloe’s original volume, this second edition gives a fresh, politicized viewpoint of power and politics in an era of corporatized education. The authors set the scene to introduce cutting-edge notions of teaching, knowledge-making, and ways of seeing the world. The essays included in this second edition of Classroom Teaching present a critical pedagogical approach to a socially-just praxis of schooling and being in schools. This edition also includes essential essays on diversity, sexuality, and media which are contemporaneous with today’s concerns in society. Pre-service teachers, interns, and teacher educators in North America will find Classroom Teaching engaging and unique as they commit to an informed vision of educating our children and youth.

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3263-6 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3262-9 CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.60 / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4812-5 CHF 71.– / €D 64.95 / €A 65.– / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

A Road Less Traveled: Critical Literacy and Language Learning in the Classroom, 1964–1996 takes us through what Robert W. Blake calls the «jaunty journey» of the English/English Language Arts classroom from its linguistic and literature foundations, to emphases on close reading techniques and structures to composing and responding to literature. A Road Less Traveled heads bumpily into the path of learning how to work with «non-native speakers» and other «basic» students toward a (re)-burst of a renewed interest in poetry and drama, reader response, a process approach to writing, and the diverse student, showing through the often winding and blurry road along the journey of our literacy travels over 30 years, that what we understood best about reading and writing has stood the test of time.

Magali Brunel • François Quet • Jean-François Massol (éds)

L’enseignement de la littérature avec le numérique Bern, 2018. 242 p., 21 ill. b/w, 28 tab. b/w. ThéoCrit’. Vol. 12

Lara Rodríguez Sieweke (eds.)

Learning Scenarios for Social and Cultural Change «Bildung» through Academic Teaching Frankfurt am Main, 2017., 226 pp., 3 fig. col., 24 fig. b/w Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis. Vol. 82 hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-72928-1 CHF 41.– / €D 34.95 / €A 35.90 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-72929-8 CHF 43.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.20 / € 32.70 / £ 27.– / US-$ 39.95

The anthology departs from the fundamental idea that the university is deeply connected to the ideal of «Bildung» and to democratic values. If the university should serve as an open space to develop democracy and to meet today’s social, cultural and ecological challenges, then one has to take into account the different disciplines’ approaches to education. Thus, the featured proposals on school and university education come from diverse research fields such as general education, media education, art and aesthetic education, philosophy, ethnology, sociology, performance art and gender.

br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0646-3 CHF 49.– / €D 41.95 / €A 42.90 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0647-0 CHF 49.– / €D 45.95 / €A 46.80 / € 39.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Premier ouvrage consacré aux usages du numérique dans l’enseignement de la littérature, ce livre ouvre un nouveau champ de recherche, à la croisée des travaux qui portent sur la littérature numérique, sur la littératie médiatique et sur le numérique éducatif. La première partie se propose d’identifier les différentes approches de l’enseignement de la littérature recourant d’une manière ou d’une autre au numérique, en particulier les différents outils et dispositifs utilisés par les professeurs et formateurs ; la deuxième et la troisième parties interrogent la spécificité de la lecture, de l’écriture et de la littérature lorsque le numérique entre dans la classe. Enfin, pour élargir la réflexion, c’est la littérature numérique, comme objet d’enseignement dans les classes de littérature du secondaire, qui est envisagée. Le parcours développé dans l’ouvrage présente ainsi les usages du numérique sous différents aspects : le matériel informatique et le recours à internet dans le cours de littérature ne sont pas seulement des outils, supposés faciliter le travail de l’enseignant et des élèves, ils modifient la relation pédagogique, le corpus littéraire, et les enjeux didactiques.


Teaching Skills & Techniques

Robert Cowan

Teaching Double Negatives Disadvantage and Dissent at Community College New York, 2018. XIV, 154 pp. Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 526 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5576-5 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5567-3 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5484-3 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Teaching Double Negatives: Disadvantage and Dissent at Community College asks whether exploring narratives that subvert dominant Western paradigms of progress in classrooms enables students to re-narrate and represent their lives. In seven years of teaching literature and philosophy at Brooklyn’s only community college, Robert Cowan worked with many kinds of disadvantaged students—those on welfare or homeless, single moms and the formerly incarcerated, traumatized war veterans, and immigrants from over 140 countries. These students had many reasons for wanting to dissent from the social norms that sought to define and marginalize them. One might imagine that disadvantaged students would identify with texts that are subversive, challenge dominant race/class/gender paradigms, and try to interrogate the globalized systems in which we live. But do they? Do the philosophies of Debord and Heidegger, the novels of Christa Wolf and Jean Genet, contemporary slave narratives and Dead Kennedys lyrics, poetry by Aimé Césiare and Taliban fighters, actually speak to them? Can you teach dissent to the disadvantaged and produce a positive result? Teaching Double Negatives explores the responses of students to texts from a variety of traditions and time-periods within the context of overarching theoretical debates about counter-enlightenment, globalization, multiculturalism, identification, recognition, and critical pedagogy. Teaching Double Negatives is an insightful collection that problematizes the assumptions of instructors and powerfully engages the intersectionality of students, appealing to readers across the educational spectrum.

Markus Cslovjecsek • Madeleine Zulauf (eds.)

Integrated Music Education Challenges of Teaching and Teacher Training Bern, 2018. 418 pp., 29 fig. b/w, 2 tables Mousikae Paideia. Music and Education. Vol. 1 pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-0388-0 CHF 67.– / €D 57.95 / €A 59.40 / € 54.– / £ 44.– / US-$ 65.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0351-0475-2 CHF 67.– / €D 63.95 / €A 64.80 / € 54.– / £ 44.– / US-$ 65.95

Schools are generally oriented towards discipline-based programmes and therefore students often accumulate fragmented knowledge, disconnected from real life concerns. The eighteen contributors to this work suggest that music offers a highway to developing a more appropriate integrated education. They present a range of views on Integrated Music Education rooted in various cultural traditions, based on several interdisciplinary models and integrated arts curricula, inspired by psychological concepts and referenced

to recent teaching experiments as well as original research. In this innovative book, the reader is invited to go beyond the dichotomy between ‘education in music’ and ‘education through music’, exploring the opportunities put forward by Integrated Music Education thanks to a constant movement from the theoretical roots through a precise description of teaching activities to the benefits for students in terms of integration of knowledge, personal development, and social and cultural belonging. Lastly, there are some new and interesting ideas for training teachers. Ausgehend von einer Reihe kultureller Traditionen, interdisziplinären oder integrierten künstlerischen Ansätzen, psychologischen Konzepten sowie originären Erfahrungen und Forschungen, stellen die Autoren dieses Buches den Reichtum einer ‘integrierten Musikpädagogik’ für die schulische Bildung vor und reflektieren, wie Lehrpersonen für diese Herausforderung qualifiziert werden können. Jedes Kapitel enthält eine Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache. Se basant sur certaines traditions culturelles, sur des approches interdisciplinaires ou d’intégration des arts, sur des concepts issus de la psychologie ou encore sur des expériences et recherches originales, les contributeurs de cet ouvrage exposent les richesses d’une ‘éducation intégrée de la musique’ en milieu scolaire et réfléchissent à la manière de former les enseignants pour relever ce défi. Chaque chapitre dispose d’un résumé en français.

Giuliana Cucinelli

Digital Youth Praxis New York, 2019. VIII, 106 pp., 3 b/w ill. Minding the Media. Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching. Vol. 18 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-1811-1 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-1810-4 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4482-0 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Developments in information communication technologies (ICTs) have altered the fabric of youth culture in terms of a young person’s access to information and ability to communicate with a global audience. The conditions, opportunities, and limitations of using digital media are different for marginalized urban youth. In order to harness the educational value of digital media in the lives of disenfranchised youth, we must understand its potential as a means of empowerment. Central to this book is the development of a model for working with youth using ICTs called digital youth praxis (DYP), which offers praxis orientation of ICTs that are critical, creative, and grounded in social justice. This model includes three tenets: the DYP H3 model, used for understanding context and ICT creation practices; the DYP phases, which offers six phases for critical ICT making; and the DYP typology, which offers insight on three different levels of ICT engagement and what they include. The purpose of this model is to clarify concepts and propose interdisciplinary relationships among concepts, provide a context for interpreting the findings, explain observations and creative content, and to encourage theory development that is useful to practice. Providing insight based on community-based fieldwork with marginalized youth, the interdisciplinary nature of Digital Youth Praxis is an excellent guide for formal and informal educators interested or engaged in youth media productions.


Teaching Skills & Techniques

Melinda Ann Dooly Owenby • Robert O’Dowd (eds.)

Nicholas D. Hartlep • Amardeep K. Kahlon • Daisy Ball (eds.)

In This Together

Asian/American Scholars of Education

Teachers’ Experiences with Transnational, Telecollaborative Language Learning Projects

21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences New York, 2018. XXIV, 204 pp. 2 b/w ills., 6 tables.

Telecollaboration in Education. Vol. 6

Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 18

pb. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3501-0 CHF 77.– / €D 65.95 / €A 68.20 / € 62.– / £ 51.– / US-$ 74.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4947-4 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

also available as Open Access

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4946-7 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Bern, 2018. 232 pp., 34 fig. col., 4 fig. b/w, 20 tables, 28 graphs

This book provides a nexus between research and practice through teachers’ narratives of their experiences with telecollaboration. The book begins with a chapter outlining the pedagogical and theoretical underpinnings of telecollaboration (also known as Virtual Exchange), followed by eight chapters that explain telecollaborative project design, materials and activities as well as frank discussions of obstacles met and resolved during the project implementation. The projects described in the volume serve as excellent examples for any teacher or education stakeholder interested in setting up their own telecollaborative exchange.

Amanda J. Godley • Jeffrey Reaser

Critical Language Pedagogy Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education New York, 2018. XXVI, 174 pp. 10 tables Social Justice Across Contexts in Education. Vol. 9 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5303-7 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5305-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5306-8 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Critical Language Pedagogy: Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education demonstrates how critical approaches to language and dialects are an essential part of social justice work in literacy education. The text details the largest and most comprehensive study ever conducted on teachers’ language beliefs and learning about dialects, power, and identity. It describes the experiences of over 300 pre- and in-service teachers from across the United States who participated in a course on how to enact Critical Language Pedagogy in their English classrooms. Through detailed analyses and descriptions, the authors demonstrate how the course changed teachers’ beliefs about language, literacy, and their students. The book also presents information about the effectiveness of the mini-course, variations in the responses of teachers from different regions of the United States, and the varying language beliefs of teachers of color and White teachers. The authors present the entire minicourse so that readers can incorporate it into their own classes, making the book practical as well as informative for teachers, teacher educators, and educational researchers. Critical Language Pedagogy: Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education provides a muchneeded theoretical explanation of Critical Language Pedagogy and, just as importantly, a detailed description of teacher learning and a Critical Language Pedagogy curriculum that readers can use in K-12, college, and teacher education classrooms.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5664-9 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Asian/American Scholars of Education: 21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences shares the knowledge and travails of Asian/American luminaries in the field of education. This unique collection of essays acknowledges the struggle that Asian/American Education scholars have faced when it comes to being regarded as legitimate scholars deserving of endowed or distinguished status. The chapter contributors in this volume include former doctoral students, children, protégés, and colleagues of the Asian/American endowed and distinguished professors featured in the book: A. Lin Goodwin, Suzanne SooHoo, Kioh Kim, Krishna Bista, George Sugai, Yali Zou, Yong Zhao, Robert Teranishi, Asha K. Jitendra, Shouping Hu, and Ming Ming Chiu. Asian/American Scholars of Education makes an important impact by asking: Why are there so few Asian/American endowed and distinguished faculty members in education?

Oscar Koopman

Science Education and Pedagogy in South Africa New York, 2018. XXIV, 220 pp., 6 b/w ill., 13 tables Complicated Conversation. A Book Series of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 51 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4808-8 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4804-0 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4809-5 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Science Education and Pedagogy in South Africa is a contemporary contribution that entices science teachers to ‘re-examine’ or ‘rethink’ the pedagogical strategies they use in their teaching. It offers fresh and exciting teaching approaches that explore new ways to tackle the worrisome problems of how to plan, implement, and present excellent and quality learning opportunities. From this perspective the book is also a driver to enhance, promote, and accelerate learner performance in science education, given the many challenges that plague the subject. Science Education and Pedagogy in South Africa paves the way for researchers, postgraduate science education scholars, as well as pre-service and in-service science teachers to become empowered in their professional growth and development in search of appropriate pedagogies for a multicultural classroom.


Teaching Skills & Techniques

Marc Romainville

L’Art d’enseigner

Xavier Roegiers

Précis de didactique

From Knowledge to Competency

Bruxelles, 2019. 318 p., 2 ill. b/w, 3 tab. b/w

An Original Study Assessing the Potential to Act through Multiple-Choice Questions

br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0960-0 CHF 38.– / €D 31.95 / €A 33.– / € 30.– / £ 25.– / US-$ 36.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0961-7 CHF 38.– / €D 35.95 / €A 36.– / € 30.– / £ 25.– / US-$ 36.95

Coménius jette, en 1657, les fondements de la didactique. Ambitieux, il promet à ses lecteurs un « art universel de tout enseigner à tous ». Une foule bigarrée de successeurs, acquis à cette noble cause, apportent ensuite leur pierre à l’édifice, qu’il s’agisse de philosophes, de pédagogues ou, à partir du développement des sciences humaines, de chercheurs en éducation, en psychologie et en didactiques spécialisées. La moisson a été abondante ; elle peut donner le tournis à l’enseignant du XXIe siècle qui chercherait, en peu de temps, à en tirer les principales leçons. Cet ouvrage a l’objectif de l’y aider : il se propose de ramasser – dans un langage clair, direct et dénué de jargon inutile – l’essentiel de ce que la florissante littérature didactique peut apporter à l’enseignant d’aujourd’hui pour la conduite efficace de ses enseignements. Pour alléger le propos et s’assurer de leur réalisme, de nombreux exemples et illustrations jalonnent la réflexion, l’humour n’étant pas exclu à titre d’assouplissant didactique. L’ouvrage est articulé autour des principales composantes de l’Art d’enseigner : comment alimenter la soif d’apprendre des élèves ? Définir et annoncer des visées claires d’acquisition ? Bâtir les enseignements sur le déjà-là ? Apprêter les savoirs pour les rendre enseignables, sans les déformer ? Choisir la méthode adéquate ? S’assurer que la cible est atteinte et corriger le tir au besoin ? Gérer la discipline et installer son autorité de maître, au sens de celui qui a la responsabilité de faire apprendre ?

Gunda Schneider

Children Can Fly Berlin 2018., 94 pp., 6 fig. b/w hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-76342-1 CHF 24.– / €D 19.95 / €A 20.50 / € 18.70 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76863-1 CHF 24.– / €D 21.95 / €A 22.40 / € 18.70 / £ 16.– / US-$ 22.95

The Polish Doctor and Pedagogue Janusz Korczak comes from a Jewish family. Though he did not join a religious community he was familiar with the biblical tradition, as is the author, a Christian theologian. The biblical tradition understands life as a gift, which provokes joy. Education means to live together with children as people with respect to their rights. Korczak lists the Child’s Right to Die, the Right to Today, and the Right to be what it is. These rights contain the children’s self-determination as a person, so that «they can fly». The Author reflects the education of her three children with these thoughts. There are no educational recipes or ideals. The understanding of life and time, responsibility, forgiving, belief in God and prayer, death and finitude are discussed.

Bruxelles, 2018. 336 p., 15 graphs, 40 b/w fig., 10 coloured fig., 30 tables. pb. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0624-1 CHF 54.– / €D 45.95 / €A 47.30 / € 43.– / £ 35.– / US-$ 51.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0625-8 CHF 57.95 / €D 52.95 / €A 53.95 / € 44.95 / £ 36.95 / US-$ 53.95

We gain knowledge, we obtain qualifications and degrees – but does this allow us to act in the diverse real-life situations we face, from medical diagnosis to essay writing, from mathematical problems to the assessment of a project? This book addresses the method and results of a wholly original study, based on the following question: what makes us competent? What allows us to act in concrete ways to process situations that require much more than knowledge? The study deconstructs our internal mechanisms and sheds light on the respective roles that cognitive and emotional factors play in our ability to process complex situations. The results are drawn from a database that includes over 11,000 people from 8 countries across 3 continents, speaking 4 different languages. The results reveal some striking insights into the variables that influence our potential to act, including age, gender, culture, and the relevant areas of competency. The study offers, in a concrete way, based on a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQ), a way to very precisely determine each person’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to taking action, at both emotional and cognitive levels. It therefore lays the foundations for finding specific ways of increasing everyone’s potential. As well as a civil engineer and teacher with a PhD in Education, Xavier Roegiers is a professor at UCL in Belgium. As an expert for UNESCO, UNICEF, OIF and other multilateral organizations, he has been instrumental in leading curricular reforms in many countries, across primary, secondary, professional and higher education. He is especially interested in the impact of curricula on the construction of a more equitable and humane society. He has written many books on the competency-based approach.


Teaching Skills & Techniques

Teaching Specific Subjects

Marc Surian

Whitney Blankenship (ed.)

Didactique du français et accueil des élèves migrants

Teaching the Struggle for Civil Rights, 1948–1976

Objets d’enseignement, obstacles et régulation des apprentissages

New York, 2018. XII, 216 pp., 13 tbl.

Bern, 2018. VIII, 233 p., 9 ill. en couleurs, 26 tabl. Exploration. Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education. Vol. 181 br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3310-8 CHF 43.– / €D 36.95 / €A 38.– / € 34.50 / £ 29.– / US-$ 41.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-0343-3341-2 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.40 / € 34.50 / £ 29.– / US-$ 41.95

Un élève allophone est confronté à un ensemble de défis à l’issue de sa migration. Il doit à la fois apprendre une nouvelle langue, s’inscrire dans un contexte scolaire inconnu, construire des relations et s’ouvrir à l’altérité. S’il est adolescent, la tâche s’amplifie, car il est aussi tenu de préparer son insertion professionnelle. Ce livre analyse les pratiques des enseignants travaillant avec de jeunes migrants en fin de scolarité. Comment leur apprennent-ils à parler, à écrire et à communiquer dans des situations diverses ? Quels sont les obstacles auxquels ils font face ? Comment essaient-ils de les surmonter ? Voici quelques lignes de force de leurs démarches : les enseignants proposent des situations ancrées dans les contingences des élèves ; ils misent rapidement sur des activités de production ; ils conçoivent les dispositifs en fonction des projets individuels. La présentation de nombreux exemples permettra d’alimenter d’autres expériences et de former les enseignants. Une tâche particulièrement importante dans les espaces scolaires, pluriels et multilingues qui caractérisent nos sociétés actuelles.

Teaching Critical Themes in American History. Vol. 1 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4953-5 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4366-3 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5413-3 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Teaching the Struggle for Civil Rights, 1948–1976 will provide readers with critical content knowledge of lesser known figures and events in the 20th century Civil Rights Movement. As the initial volume in the Teaching Critical Themes in American History series, the book will also fulfill the aim of the series, which is to provide teachers with history content, pedagogical strategies, and teaching resources organized around key themes in American history and critical topics on which they might want to concentrate. In Teaching the Struggle for Civil Rights, 1948–1976, traditional civil rights narratives are expanded through the use of an intersectional lens within historical analysis essays that provide additional context to the larger civil rights movements of the period. The pedagogical issues essays focus on common concerns and disputes that often surround the teaching of civil rights. Lesson plans and related resources addressing the topics highlighted by chapter authors are also included in the book. Social studies and history methods professors and curriculum coordinators will find the book helpful for introducing the teaching of civil rights movements. Pre-service and in-service educators can use the lesson plans and resources as models for their own units of study.

Nathalie Brillant Rannou • Christine Boutevin • Gersende Plissonneau (éds)

À l’écoute des poèmes : enseigner des lectures créatives Bruxelles, 2018. 276 p. ThéoCrit’. Vol. 11 br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0175-8 CHF 51.– / €D 43.95 / €A 45.10 / € 41.– / £ 34.– / US-$ 49.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0176-5 CHF 51.– / €D 48.95 / €A 49.20 / € 41.– / £ 34.– / US-$ 49.95

Depuis le colloque de Marseille « Enseignement & Poésie » en 1993, l’écoute des poèmes, les façons de les considérer, de les lire et de les étudier, ont donné lieu à de nombreuses expérimentations et à l’émergence de réflexions critiques quant à leur didactisation. L’édition poétique contemporaine, l’action culturelle, les pratiques pédagogiques ainsi que la réflexion des enseignants et des chercheurs dans toute la francophonie ont suffisamment cheminé pour qu’une mutualisation des travaux en cours s’impose. Or l’enjeu de la recherche universitaire tient moins à la récapitulation de « bonnes pratiques enseignantes » qu’à l’analyse des phénomènes de réception des poèmes, des protocoles créatifs et des conditions qui en permettent l’accès aujourd’hui. L’oralisation poétique revisitée, tout particulièrement, engage des expériences de lecture à la fois sensibles, émancipatrices et réflexives. Le présent volume rassemble des contributions d’origines géographiques et méthodologiques diverses, consacrées à la réception et à l’enseignement de la poésie de la maternelle à l’université. L’objectif des auteurs, en tant que poètes, chercheurs, enseignants, est de contribuer à la formation de lecteurs créatifs et disponibles à l’évènement de lecture des poèmes.


Teaching Specific Subjects

Theodore W. Burgh

Is God Funky or What? Black Biblical Culture and Contemporary Popular Music New York, 2019. XIV, 250 pp. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 111 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4949-8 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4948-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6117-9 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Black music is a powerful art form. Artists’ creations often go where words cannot. The music is special—sacred. However, it’s still frequently shoehorned into the ambiguous categories of secular and sacred. Is God Funky or What?: Black Biblical Culture and Contemporary Popular Music complicates the traditional categories of sacred and secular by exposing religious rhetoric and contexts of contemporary popular black music and by revealing the religious-based biblical references and spirituality that form the true cultural context from which these genres emerge. The personal beliefs of black music artists often include, if not revolve around, the heavens. How come we are bombarded by the «thank Gods» in televised award shows, liner notes, or interviews for songs by musicians that some millennials might call «ratchet?» Is God Funky or What? shares anecdotes probing connections between specific forms of popular black music and religion. The qualifications of sacred and secular typically depend on context, lyrics, location, and audience (age, race, religion). Through a woven narrative of lyrics, godly acknowledgments, recorded and original interviews, biographies, and recordings from various genres of black music, this book explores how artists have intertwined views of God, perspectives regarding a higher power, spirituality, and religion in creating their music. Their creations make up an organic corpus called the Artistic Black Canon (ABC). Using the ABC, this book shares and explores its remarkable interpretations and ideas about life, music, spirituality, and religion. Is God Funky or What? also shares how we can better make use of this music in the classroom, as well as better understand how essential it is to the lives of many.

Sylvain Doussot

L’apprentissage de l’histoire par problématisation Enquêter sur des cas exemplaires pour développer des savoirs et des compétences critiques Bruxelles, 2018. 376 p. br. • ISBN 978-2-8076-0869-6 CHF 62.– / €D 53.95 / €A 55.– / € 50.– / £ 41.– / US-$ 60.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-2-8076-0870-2 CHF 62.– / €D 59.95 / €A 60.– / € 50.– / £ 41.– / US-$ 60.95

À quelles conditions les pratiques d’études de documents menées en classe d’histoire peuvent-elles faire sens avec les récits du passé? L’enquête didactique proposée pour répondre à cette question part du constat qu’il est possible de faire construire par les élèves des savoirs critiques sur le passé sans qu’ils développent pour autant leur capacité à le faire par eux-mêmes. À certaines conditions, que l’ouvrage décrit à travers de nombreux exemples, un véritable travail d’enquête critique, entendu comme problématisation historique, peut en effet être organisé en classe. Sa dynamique repose sur la production et la gestion des tensions entre les idées explicatives et les faits. Pourtant, les discours méthodologiques et les entraînements, du primaire au secondaire, ne permettent pas la maîtrise de cette compétence à enquêter de manière critique. Or

cet écart entre les potentialités critiques des élèves et leur faible usage face à des situations scolaires et quotidiennes constitue un enjeu éducatif essentiel en ces temps de diffusion massive de l’information. Pour étudier ce problème, l’auteur construit progressivement une hypothèse didactique : puisque l’entrainement et l’enseignement de règles méthodologiques ne suffisent pas à rendre compétents les élèves, on peut envisager de faire de certaines séquences de classe des exemples exemplaires (des paradigmes au sens de Kuhn) d’enquêtes. Leur exemplarité en fera des modèles explicites d’enquêtes historiques qui serviront de point de comparaison lors des séquences suivantes. L’exploration didactique de cette hypothèse repose sur un retour à des études clefs de ce champ de recherche et sur des travaux d’épistémologie, de sociologie et d’histoire de l’histoire.

Daniel G. Krutka • Annie McMahon Whitlock • Mark Helmsing (eds.)

Keywords in the Social Studies Concepts and Conversations New York, 2018. XXXIV, 382 pp., 5 tables Counterpoints. Studies in Criticality. Vol. 527 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5643-4 CHF 144.– / €D 124.95 / €A 128.30 / € 116.70 / £ 94.– / US-$ 139.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5642-7 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5639-7 CHF 65.– / €D 62.95 / €A 63.– / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

Keywords in the Social Studies takes words commonly used in social studies education and unsettles them in ways that will redefine the field for years to come. Throughout the book, leading and emerging scholars in social studies education experiment with keywords central to the field seen as either taken for granted (such as family and technology) or perennially contested (such as terrorism and freedom), offering readers new positions, approaches, and orientations to what is possible to teach in the social studies. Focusing on democratic ways of living and being in the world as citizens, this innovative collection offers chapters organized around twenty-six keywords and ten invited responses to survey the unsettled terrain we call «the social studies.» Each chapter attends to a specific keyword selected for both its contemporary applicability to different aspects of K–12 social studies education and to its dominant presence in the curriculum thought that structures social studies education in classrooms, museums, and beyond. Drawing inspiration from Raymond Williams’ work on keywords in culture, over fifty authors discuss complex and contested components of each keyword by way of offering diverse accounts that range from autobiographical narratives to historical genealogies, from critical implications of specific curriculum texts to offering vignettes of classroom teaching that deploy a keyword concept in practice. Keywords in the Social Studies is timely and essential reading for graduate students and faculty in social studies education and curriculum studies; students and teacher candidates in undergraduate and graduate education courses; and practitioners teaching in schools, museums, and other spaces of learning.


Teaching Specific Subjects

Gregory Lowan-Trudeau

Francisco Marcos Marín (ed.)

Protest as Pedagogy

Humanidades Hispánicas

Teaching, Learning, and Indigenous Environmental Movements

Lengua, Cultura y Literatura en los Estudios Graduados New York, 2018. XXII, 426 pp., 14 b/w ill., 16 tables

New York, 2019. XII, 168 pp. [Re]thinking Environmental Education. Vol. 13

enc. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4455-4 CHF 144.– / €D 124.95 / €A 128.30 / € 116.70 / £ 94.– / US-$ 139.95

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3381-7 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

en rústica • ISBN 978-1-4331-4462-2 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3380-0 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4456-1 CHF 68.– / €D 62.95 / €A 63.– / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6017-2 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Written during a time characterized by catalyzing Indigenous environmental movements such as Idle No More, political upheaval, and the final years of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Protest as Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Indigenous Environmental Movements was motivated by Gregory Lowan-Trudeau’s personal experiences as an activist, educator, and researcher. Insights from interviews with activists and educators in a variety of school, community, and post-secondary contexts are presented in relation to teaching and learning during, and in response to, Indigenous environmental movements. Looking toward future possibilities, the rise of renewable energy development by Indigenous communities across Canada is also considered. Throughout Protest as Pedagogy, these inquiries are guided by a theoretical framework built on concepts such as decolonization, Herbert Marcuse’s repressive tolerance, Elliot Eisner’s three curricula, and broader fields of study such as social movement learning, critical media literacy, Indigenous media studies, and environmental communication.

Thomas A. Lucey • Kathleen S. Cooter (eds.)

Financial Literacy for Children and Youth Second Edition New York, 2018. VIII, 302 pp., 8 b/w ill., 12 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3361-9 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3360-2 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Doce profesores con amplia experiencia educativa ofrecen este libro para ayudar al lector a interrelacionar conocimientos en los campos de Lengua, Cultura y Literatura. Se trata de un libro único en su género, de contenido enciclopédico, sin ser una enciclopedia, y de planteamiento didáctico, con muchos ejemplos y ejercicios, a partir de una idea nuclear. Esa idea central es «cómo hacer cosas en Lengua, Cultura y Literatura a partir de los conocimientos que se adquieren en cada capítulo» en un texto divulgativo de nivel culto, pero no especializado. El público es, en principio, el compuesto por estudiantes universitarios de español en universidades de todo el mundo. Algunos de ellos tienen el español como lengua materna y otros como lengua segunda. De hecho, el experimento de aplicación práctica de la primera redacción del libro se hizo con estudiantes de las dos categorías. Muchas más personas estarán interesadas en la lectura, porque les ofrece una visión de conjunto e interrelacionada, algo que es excepcional y sumamente valioso en el estado actual de los conocimientos. En el uso didáctico, la Sociedad del Conocimiento permite recurrir a información complementaria cuando sea preciso, lo cual evita sobrecargar el libro. Éste es lo más ágil posible, para permitir una lectura seguida de los ejercicios correspondientes. Para escribir un libro tan especial se ha contado con un grupo de doce especialistas, siete mujeres y cinco hombres, de centros de Europa y América, todos ellos empeñados en ofrecer al lector unas páginas para que trabaje y disfrute haciéndolo.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4504-9 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

The 1% and the other 99%…the Haves and the Have Nots… Words such as junk bonds, subprime mortgage, bailouts, derivatives, and housing bubble have become part of the daily vernacular of the ordinary American. There is a chasm arguably growing between the «Haves» and the «Have Nots» which teachers must acknowledge and instruct the adults of tomorrow. Financial Literacy for Children and Youth, Second Edition asserts that teaching is a social and political act capable of enabling the teachers of today to delve into the practical, theoretical, and socio-historical perspectives of financial literacy instruction in schools with the hopes to better the life outcomes of young people. Each section of the book reflects one of those perspectives. Each chapter is written by well-known financial literacy educators and is followed by questions designed to encourage discussion and critical analysis. The book is designed for both preservice and in service social studies teachers and is written at a level understandable to both undergraduate and graduate students. The book challenges the teacher or teacher-to-be to think critically about financial literacy instruction as a necessary and important portal to social justice for the students of today.

Gabriel Parriaux • Jean-Philippe Pellet • Georges-Louis Baron • Eric Bruillard • Vassilis Komis (éds)

De 0 à 1 ou l’heure de l’informatique à l’école Actes du colloque Didapro 7 – DidaSTIC Bern, 2018. 344 p., 33 ill. en couleurs, 24 graph. en couleurs, 5 tabl. en couleurs, 12 tabl. br. • ISBN 978-3-0343-3307-8 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 86.90 / € 79.– / £ 65.– / US-$ 95.95 also available as Open Access

Depuis que l’informatique est un objet d’enseignement–apprentissage, les acteurs de la recherche se rencontrent régulièrement autour des dilemmes que suscite cet objet. C’est à ce titre que, depuis 1988, les colloques de didactique de l’informatique, puis le colloque Didapro – DidaSTIC, explorent ce domaine. Cet ouvrage constitue les actes de l’édition 2018 tenue à la Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud à Lausanne et présente les recherches les plus récentes dans le domaine, classifiées en trois grandes thématiques. Au cœur de la discipline Informatique – rassemble


Teaching Specific Subjects

les articles qui portent une réflexion sur les fondements de la discipline informatique, ce qui lui donne sens, la délimite ainsi que sur l’organisation de ses concepts. Formation des enseignant·e·s et enjeux institutionnels – réunit les recherches centrées sur les questions cruciales de formation des enseignant·e·s à l’enseignement de l’informatique ou présentant la situation propre à un pays. Quels enseignements, avec quels outils ? – fédère les études de dispositifs d’enseignement, d’outils et d’usages innovants pour l’apprentissage de l’informatique aux différents niveaux de la scolarité.

Fida Sanjakdar • Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip (eds.)

Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People Issues about Democracy and Active Citizenry New York, 2018. X, 234 pp., 3 b/w ill. Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society. Vol. 71 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3464-7 CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3463-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Olwyn E. Mark

Educating for Sexual Virtue A Moral Vision for Relationships and Sex Education Oxford, 2018. XII, 242 pp. Religion, Education and Values. Vol. 12 pb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-128-5 CHF 63.95 / €D 54.95 / €A 56.95 / € 50.95 / £ 41.95 / US-$ 62.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78874-097-5 CHF 65.– / €D 58.95 / €A 59.30 / € 49.40 / £ 40.– / US-$ 60.95

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is an issue surrounded by controversy and debate, with important implications for the interconnected roles of the state, the school and the home and for the way we understand ourselves, our sexual identity and our personal relationships. This book charts the development of the moral and spiritual narrative in RSE policy in England. In particular, it expounds and critiques the popular moral narrative of «informed choice»: an approach which advocates providing young people with the maximum amount of information around their sexual choices and defends a view of sexual morality which holds that anything goes, as long as it is in private, between consenting adults and harms no-one else. Alongside a comprehensive critique of this narrative, the book offers a unique contribution to the ongoing development of the moral and spiritual framework of RSE by presenting a Christian vision of a sexually and relationally educated young person. In particular, this enriched vision explores the cultivation of the virtues of Christian love and chastity. The findings presented here are highly significant for anyone concerned with developing and delivering RSE within a robust moral framework. Olwyn E. Mark is Head of Research and Strategic Partnerships at Love for Life, a Christian charity specializing in the development and delivery of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programmes. She is also a Research Fellow and Visiting Lecturer at the London School of Theology, where she completed her PhD. She has an MA in Bioethics from St Mary’s University, Twickenham and an MA in European Politics from Brunel University. She has been involved in the development of numerous faithbased RSE projects, both nationally and internationally.

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4583-4 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People presents cutting-edge empirical and theoretical research on the role of critical pedagogy in transforming sexuality education. Featuring the work of scholars from around the globe, including the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Finland, this unique collection of work expands the meaning of pedagogy in the field of sexuality education by augmenting young people’s voices and agency, and by emphasizing a democratic and civic focus. This volume identifies and interrogates theoretical frameworks based on critical theory and critical pedagogical discourses, cross-cultural studies and critical literacy to offer new ways to conceptualize critical pedagogy in sexuality education. Many of the practical classroom applications presented will engage educators and classroom teachers in the areas of curriculum design, classroom pedagogies and institutional reform. They can also be applied to the formulation and implementation of more effective policies for sexuality education involving schools, community groups and students. The chapters in this volume interrogate texts, institutions, social relations and ideologies impacting contemporary sexuality education policies and pedagogical practices, prompting a consideration of alternative models of sexuality education for today’s globalized age.

M. Billye Sankofa Waters • Venus E. Evans-Winters • Bettina L. Love (eds.)

Celebrating Twenty Years of Black Girlhood The Lauryn Hill Reader New York, 2019. XIV, 332 pp., 1 table Urban Girls. Vol. 2 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5782-0 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4716-6 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4713-5 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

The album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill sold over 420,000 copies in its first week, received ten Grammy nominations (winning five). Celebrating Twenty Years of Black Girlhood: The Lauryn Hill Reader critically engages the work of Ms. Hill, highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the album. Beyond the album’s commercial success, Ms. Hill’s radical self-consciousness and exuberance for life led listeners through her Black


Teaching Specific Subjects

girl journey of love, motherhood, admonition, redemption, spirituality, sexuality, politics, and nostalgia that affirmed the power of creativity, resistance, and the tradition of African storytelling. Ms. Hill’s album provides inspirational energies that serve as a foundational text for Black girlhood. In many ways it is the definitive work of Black girlhood for the Hip Hop generation and beyond because it opened our eyes to a holistic narrative of woman and mother. Twenty years after the release of the album, we pay tribute to this work by adding to the quilt of Black girls’ stories with the threads of feminist consciousness, which are particularly imperative in this space where we declare: Black girls matter. Celebrating Twenty Years of Black Girlhood is the first book to academically engage the work of the incomparable Ms. Hill. It intellectually wrestles with the interdisciplinary nature of Ms. Hill’s album, centering the connection between the music of Ms. Hill and the lives of Black girls. The essays in this collection utilize personal narratives and professional pedagogies and invite students, scholars, and readers to reflect on how Ms. Hill’s album influenced their past, present, and future.

Genevieve A. Schmitt

The Complexities of Learning Arabic in the 21st Century New York, 2018. XVI, 216 pp. 44 b/w ills., 2 color ills. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5732-5 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5733-2 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5734-9 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

The Complexities of Learning Arabic in the 21st Century examines how of the four levels of difficulty and hundreds of languages spoken worldwide, Arabic is considered a category 4, which means it is among the most difficult languages to learn. While Modern Standard Arabic (Fusha) is most frequently taught, it is the native language of no country or people; however, the many regional dialects (Amiyya), often dismissed by educators, make up the living language of Arabic. Due to its linguistic complexities, educators are divided on how to teach Arabic in domestic language programs in the United States and in study abroad programs in the Arab world. An investigation into programs catering to Americans learning Arabic as a foreign language revealed a heavy emphasis on reading and writing in MSA, but scant attention given to speaking and listening in the real language of the people—dialects. In Complexities of Learning Arabic in the 21st Century, recommendations are made for improving pedagogy and materials so that students can gain genuine communicative competence in Arabic, which means not only understanding MSA, but also speaking and listening in at least one dialect, the language of the people.

Jim Senti

Teaching Teachers With Theater! Performance Training & Tactics for Classroom Teachers New York, 2018. XXXIV, 162 pp., 15 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5697-7 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5701-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5698-4 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Teaching Teachers With Theater!: Performance Training & Tactics for Classroom Teachers explores day-to-day classroom performance challenges K–12 teachers face and how the practice of certain theater techniques used to train actors can improve a teacher’s student engagement and connection. Jim Senti’s work exposes K–12 classroom teachers to the activities and training that will help them become a more comfortable, connective, exciting, and engaging teacher in the classroom. Teaching Teachers With Theater! defines typical challenges teachers face in the classroom. The activities in each chapter vary from how the reader can improve their body language, voice, and physicality to illustrating how developing acute observation can help train a teacher’s empathy and compassion. This book also explains how improvisation games help train a teacher’s ability to deal with surprises in the classroom and even offers some tips on how to tell a great story. Teaching Teachers With Theater! translates the vocabulary used in theater to a vocabulary a teacher often uses and gives teachers simple step-bystep activities, which could be extremely useful in faculty development. In the end, these practices will help teachers become stronger communicators by learning to be far more comfortable with performing in order to genuinely connect with their students. If a teacher is comfortable in their ability to communicate, they will have a stronger connection with their students. They will without question become far more entertaining to their students. This engagement will solve the majority of classroom management issues.

Timothy T. Yuen • Emily P. Bonner • María G. Arreguín-Anderson (eds.)

(Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM Increasing Participation Throughout Education and the Workplace New York, 2018. XVIII, 238 pp., 3 b/w ill., 7 tables Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas. Vol. 19 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5171-2 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5175-0 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5176-7 CHF 52.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

(Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM: Increasing Participation Throughout Education and the Workplace presents a critical investigation into Latin@ underrepresentation in STEM throughout the education pipeline

Teaching Specific Subjects

and workforce. (Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM highlights nationally relevant research related to the creation of opportunities for Latin@ students in STEM and the ways in which these opportunities increase Latin@ participation in STEM. Of particular interest across the chapters is the notion of building and sustaining a strong STEM identity within Latin@ students. As such, the authors present ideas through various lenses including teacher preparation and transformative teaching strategies, family and community involvement, and innovative programs for minority students. A broad range of STEM fields (including mathematics, robotics, and computer science), grade levels, and learning environments (including informal and formal, rural and urban) are represented throughout the chapters. Thus, (Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM presents research-based practices that increase Latin@ participation in STEM as a single collection for educators, administrators, and policymakers. In addition to learning about the great efforts that scholars are doing in broadening diversity in STEM, readers will be able to take away ideas for designing and implementing similar educational programs and teaching strategies for their own students.

Miguel Zavala

Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies Decolonial Pedagogies, Literacies, and Methodologies New York, 2018. XIV, 180 pp., 7 b/w ill. Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning. Vol. 17 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4738-8 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5940-4 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies: Decolonial Pedagogies, Literacies, and Methodologies presents an investigation of decolonization in the context of education and what this means for ethnic studies projects. It accomplishes this exploration by looking at the history of Raza communities, defined broadly as the Indigenous and mestizo working class peoples from Latin America, with a focus on the complex yet unifying Chicanx-Mexican experience in the Southwest United States. This book bridges the fields of history, pedagogy, and decolonization through a creative and interweaving methodology that includes critical historiography, dialogue, autoethnography, and qualitative inquiry. Collectively, this work opens new ground, challenging scholars and educators to rethink critical education rooted in traditional and Western frameworks. Arguing for decolonial and Indigenous approaches, the author invites educators and cultural workers to reflect on learning and community in their praxis. Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies will be of interest to students of ethnic studies and Latin American and Mexican history. It is also relevant to teachers, teacher educators, and scholars who are intent on creating spaces of hope and possibility rooted in Freirean, decolonial, and Indigenous frameworks.

Teaching Students with Different Educational Needs

Tammie M. Causey-Konaté • Margaret Montgomery-Richard (eds.)

Called to Sankofa Leading In, Through and Beyond Disaster— A Narrative Account of African Americans Leading Education in Post-Katrina New Orleans New York, 2018. XXVIII, 126 pp., 1 b/w ill. Black Studies and Critical Thinking. Vol. 109 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5408-9 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2995-7 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5401-0 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Called to Sankofa is a collection of Hurricane Katrina survival stories by African American education leaders in New Orleans. It draws upon the West African concept, Sankofa, which loosely translates to «return to the source and fetch.» The griots, through their stories, fetch salvageable and knowledge-laden valuables linked to their resilience and rebuilding efforts. Thus, the Sankofa concept serves as a lens for examining leadership in the aftermath of disaster; it serves as an intense magnifier and illuminator of lessons considered relevant and profoundly valuable to guide one’s understanding of how to lead in, through and beyond disaster. Past experiences yield teachable moments. The lessons excerpted from these moments reveal the sources from which the leaders draw the resilience to recover from trauma, the vision to guide others, the courage to challenge the status quo, the imagination to make a way where there is none and the stamina to press beyond peril toward an unpromised future. Called to Sankofa rejects the assumption that «all was broken» in education—either before or due to Katrina, and through the storytellers, we are reminded that to rebuild things better than before, one must take stock of, extract meaning from and be guided by what constituted the «before.» Hence, Called to Sankofa documents the leaders’ acts of resilience, optimism, strength, passion and resolve and details the support structures and sources of inspiration that enabled within them the capacity to adapt to the chaotic and uncertain environments and to be moved to action and leadership.

Georg Feuser

Wider die Integration der Inklusion in die Segregation Zur Grundlegung einer Allgemeinen Pädagogik und entwicklungslogischen Didaktik Berlin, 2018., 357 S., 5 farb. Abb., 4 s/w Abb., 1 Tab., 1 Graf. Behindertenpädagogik und Integration. Bd. 12 geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74291-4 CHF 58.– / €D 49.95 / €A 51.40 / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74505-2 CHF 61.– / €D 55.95 / €A 56.– / € 46.70 / £ 38.– / US-$ 56.95

In der Entwicklung der Integration beziehungsweise Inklusion im deutschsprachigen Raum ist heute eine zentrale Tendenz zu erkennen: «Die Integration der Inklusion in die Segregation» eines sowohl selektierenden und ausgrenzenden als auch in Sonderinstitutionen zwangs-inkludierenden Erziehungs-, Bildungs- und Unterrichtssystems. Der Autor wirft den Blick zurück auf die Grundlegung einer „Allgemeinen Pädagogik und entwicklungslogischen Didaktik», die von Anfang an die Transformation dieses Bildungssystems in ein inklusives und eine entsprechende Strukturreform des institutionalisierten Bildungswesens gefordert hat.



Teaching Students with Different Educational Needs

Die Einlösung des Menschenrechts auf uneingeschränkte Teilhabe an Bildung ist und bleibt im Sinne der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention eine Frage der Didaktik einer nichtausgrenzenden Pädagogik.

Thomas David Knestrict

Controlling Our Children Hegemony and Deconstructing the Positive Behavioral Intervention Support Model

Emer Ring • Patricia Daly • Eugene Wall

New York, 2019. XIV, 130 pp., 2 b/w ill., 2 tables

Autism from the Inside Out

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5560-4 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

A Handbook for Parents, Early Childhood, Primary, Post-Primary and Special School Settings

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5561-1 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Oxford, 2018. XVI , 306 pp., 17 fig. col., 5 fig. b/w, 24 tables

Controlling Our Children: Hegemony and Deconstructing the Positive Behavioral Intervention Support Model represents the first steps in a protest movement. It is a microscopic look into a system that educators take for granted as a positive force for children. In a thorough and detailed fashion, Thomas David Knestrict deconstructs the troubling history, development, and eventual embrace of a ubiquitous system of control that our public schools and government now mandate for use. Knestrict uses a powerful social justice lens to reconstruct the framework of a more responsive and just system of supports that result in autonomy, not scripted control. Controlling Our Children is perfect for pre-service teachers learning how to manage a classroom that fosters autonomy and an internal locus of control. It is also a perfect book for a graduate-level course in discipline discourse or disability studies. This book is for anyone who is at all worried about imposed systems of control that hinder the development of free will, freedom of choice, and personal autonomy in an age of false news, political manipulation, and control.

pb. • ISBN 978-1-906165-82-6 CHF 31.– / €D 26.95 / €A 27.50 / € 25.– / £ 21.– / US-$ 30.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78707-838-3 CHF 31.– / €D 29.95 / €A 30.– / € 25.– / £ 21.– / US-$ 30.95

Autism from the Inside Out is the first book to focus on providing Irish parents, early childhood, primary, post-primary and special school teachers with effective strategies for supporting children with autism spectrum difference at home and in educational settings. Presenting contributions from a range of national and international experts in education and psychology, the volume emerged from an evaluation of education provision commissioned by Ireland’s National Council for Special Education, which clearly identified a need for additional guidance, advice and support for parents and teachers. The book rejects «disorder» in favour of «difference», emphasizing the importance of a child-centred approach and the dangers of over-generalization. It includes chapters on effective teaching strategies to promote learning; responding to children’s strengths and needs through individualized planning; assessment practices; the role of the Special Needs Assistant; managing transitions; the environment as the third teacher; promoting children’s wellbeing; and effective leadership for inclusion. Emer Ring is Head of the Department of Reflective Pedagogy and Early Childhood Studies at Mary Immaculate College. She worked previously as a primary teacher and a senior inspector with the Department of Education and Skills and has published widely in the area of education, with a particular focus on autism spectrum difference and inclusion. Patricia Daly is Head of the Department of Educational Psychology, Inclusive and Special Education at Mary Immaculate College. Previously she worked as a post-primary teacher in Ireland and lectured at several universities in the United States, including Ohio Dominican University. Eugene Wall is Acting President of Mary Immaculate College and previously worked as a primary teacher and educational psychologist. He lectures in developmental and educational psychology and is co-author of the MICRA-T and SIGMS-T, two of the most widely used standardized tests in Irish primary schools.

Trish McMenamin

Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice New York, 2018. XII, 150 pp. Complicated Conversation. A Book Series of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 50 hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4923-8 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4924-5 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice discusses special school provision in an education policy climate in which inclusion is the dominant motif. In this context, the special school sector is an anomaly and special schools inevitably occupy an uncertain and somewhat invidious position. This situation raises a number of questions concerning matters of justice and fairness with respect to special schools and their communities. It also raises questions about the validity of the view that only inclusion can represent justice in education for disabled children and young people. Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice explores these matters from a philosophical perspective that centres on the broader question of what, in regard to where they go to school, might constitute a just state of affairs in education provision for disabled children. The New Zealand education context provides the case in point in the book, but the matters it examines and the broader argument and philosophical analysis that it pursues have a much wider international significance and application given the pervasive and dominant influence of inclusion in education


Teaching Students with Different Educational Needs

policy across the world. Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice offers a new perspective to international debates and conversations about matters to do with inclusion, justice, and the education of disabled children. It will be of particular interest to scholars working in the field of education in areas such as inclusive and special education, philosophy of education, sociology, and policy studies.

Satu Uusiautti • Kaarina Määttä (eds.)

New Methods of Special Education Berlin, 2018. 278 p., 1 b/w ill., 7 b/w tab. hb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74420-8 CHF 64.– / €D 54.95 / €A 56.50 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74514-4 CHF 64.– / €D 60.95 / €A 61.70 / € 51.40 / £ 42.– / US-$ 61.95

Miriam Twomey • Clare Carroll (eds.)

Seen and Heard Exploring Participation, Engagement and Voice for Children with Disabilities Oxford, 2018. XII, 422 pp., 28 fig. b/w, 14 tables pb. • ISBN 978-1-78707-516-0 CHF 44.– / €D 37.95 / €A 38.10 / € 34.60 / £ 28.– / US-$ 42.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-78707-517-7 CHF 44.– / €D 41.95 / €A 41.50 / € 34.60 / £ 28.– / US-$ 42.95

This volume brings together a range of international contributors to explore new ways of carrying out research with children with disabilities. It also investigates how scholars across a wide variety of disciplines are engaging with one another in innovative research and practice related to children’s engagement, participation, agency and voice. It includes perspectives from fields as diverse as psychology, early childhood studies, speech and language therapy (SLT), occupational science and therapy (OST), law, education and disability studies. A wide range of creative and practical methodologies for eliciting children’s voices are interrogated and articulated in the book, which will be of interest to both professionals and researchers. Miriam Twomey is Assistant Professor in Early Intervention at the Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID), at the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin. She has a background in teaching and research in the fields of early intervention, autism spectrum disorders and intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities. Clare Carroll is Lecturer in Speech and Language Therapy at NUI Galway. Before entering academia, she worked as a speech and language therapist, where she established her interest in early intervention disability services. Her other research interests include integrated care, team working, and the participation of children with disabilities in research.

This book introduces research and solutions tested in schools with students with intellectual disabilities, socioemotional difficulties, and extreme illnesses. It also provides extremely talented students’ opinions on best teaching practices. In addition to students, the authors aim to bring out voices of their parents, teachers, and other people supporting them. The book serves people working with questions of special education: practitioners, researchers, and teachers and students in the field of special education worldwide. The authors present successful study processes which are secured by caring interaction, flexible, and student-centered teaching and multi-professional collaboration. The elements of caring education are the guiding principles of new special education.


Selected Series


Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society Edited by Joseph L. DeVitis and Linda Irwin-DeVitis As schools struggle to redefine and restructure themselves, they need to be aware of the new realities of adolescents. This series is committed to depicting the wide variety of adolescent cultures that exist in today s troubled world. It is primarily a qualitative research, practice, and policy series devoted to contextual interpretation and analysis that encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary critique. The series addresses such issues as curriculum theory and practice; multicultural education; adolescent literacy; aggression, bullying, and violence; media and the arts; school dropouts; homeless and runaway youth; gangs and other alienated youth; at-risk populations; peers, family structures, and parental involvement; identity formation; race, ethnicity, class, and gender/LGBTQ studies; and overall social, biological, psychological, and spiritual development.

ISSN: 1091-1464

New York, 2018. X, 234 pp., 3 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3464-7 CHF 139.– / €D 123.40 / €A 126.90 / € 115.35 / £ 92.– / US-$ 149.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3463-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4583-4 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

New York, 2018. XVIII, 310 pp., 1 b/w ill. pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3510-1 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4577-3 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

New York, 2018. XXX, 410 pp., 7 b/w ill., 9 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3418-0 CHF 113.– / €D 98.95 / €A 100.80 / € 91.70 / £ 74.– / US-$ 109.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3417-3 CHF 69.95 / €D 59.95 / €A 61.95 / € 55.95 / £ 45.95 / US-$ 66.95

Volume 71

Fida Sanjakdar • Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip (eds.)

Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People Issues about Democracy and Active Citizenry

Volume 70

John Smyth • Terry Wrigley • Peter McInerney

Living on the Edge Rethinking Poverty, Class and Schooling, Second Edition Volume 69

Mark A. Frederick • Pietro A. Sasso • José Miguel Maldonado (eds.)

The Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory A New Model for Student Success

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4517-9 CHF 71.– / €D 64.95 / €A 65.– / € 54.20 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

New York, 2018. XIV, 234 pp., 14 b/w ill., 1 table hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3480-7 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3479-1 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4498-1 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

Volume 68

Joseph L. DeVitis (ed.)

Making College Better Views from the Top

Selected Series


Black Studies and Critical Thinking Edited by Rochelle Brock and Cynthia B. Dillard Black Studies and Critical Thinking is an interdisciplinary series which examines the intellectual traditions of and cultural contributions made by people of African descent throughout the world. Whether it is in literature, art, music, science, or academics, these contributions are vast and far-reaching. As we work to stretch the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of issues critical to the Black experience, this series offers a unique opportunity to study the social, economic, and political forces that have shaped the historic experience of Black America, and that continue to determine our future. Black Studies and Critical Thinking is positioned at the forefront of research on the Black experience, and is the source for dynamic, innovative, and creative exploration of the most vital issues facing African Americans. The series invites contributions from all disciplines but is specially suited for cultural studies, anthropology, history, sociology, literature, art, and music. Subjects of interest include (but are not limited to): Education, Sociology, History, Media/Communication, Spirituality and Indigenous Thought, Women s Studies, Policy Studies, Advertising, African American Studies, Black Political Thought. ISSN: 1947-5985

New York, 2019. XIV, 250 pp.

Volume 111

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4949-8 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Theodore W. Burgh

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4948-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Is God Funky or What? Black Biblical Culture and Contemporary Popular Music

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6117-9 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 New York, 2018. XXVIII, 126 pp., 1 b/w ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5408-9 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2995-7 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5401-0 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Volume 109

Tammie M. Causey-Konaté • Margaret Montgomery-Richard (eds.)

Called to Sankofa Leading In, Through and Beyond Disaster—A Narrative Account of African Americans Leading Education in Post-Katrina New Orleans

New York, 2018. XXVI, 128 pp.

Volume 108

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2708-3 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Theodorea Regina Berry

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2707-6 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

States of Grace Counterstories of a Black Woman in the Academy

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5000-5 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. XXVI, 272 pp., 20 b/w ill.

Volume 107

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4973-3 CHF 100.95 / €D 87.95 / €A 89.95 / € 81.95 / £ 65.95 / US-$ 97.95

Menah Pratt-Clarke

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4974-0 CHF 55.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.60 / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4970-2 CHF 58.– / €D 52.95 / €A 53.– / € 44.20 / £ 36.– / US-$ 52.95

A Black Woman’s Journey from Cotton Picking to College Professor Lessons about Race, Class, and Gender in America



Selected Series


Complicated Conversation A Book Series of Curriculum Studies Edited by William F. Pinar Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice.

ISSN: 1534-2816 COCO

New York, 2018. XII, 260 pp.

Volume 53

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5766-0 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Morna McDermott McNulty

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5767-7 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Blood’s Will Speculative Fiction, Existence, and Inquiry of Currere

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5570-3 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. XLVIII, 238 pp., 24 b/w ill., 26 col. ill. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6037-0 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5845-2 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Volume 52

Rosa Hong Chen

Pedagogy of Life A Tale of Names and Literacy

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6038-7 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

New York, 2018. XXIV, 220 pp., 6 b/w ill., 13 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4808-8 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4804-0 CHF 44.– / €D 38.95 / €A 39.40 / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Volume 51

Oscar Koopman

Science Education and Pedagogy in South Africa

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4809-5 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

New York, 2018. XII, 150 pp. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4923-8 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4924-5 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Volume 50

Trish McMenamin

Special Schools, Inclusion, and Justice

Selected Series


Counterpoints Studies in Criticality Edited by Shirley R. Steinberg Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints‘s editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before.

ISSN: 1058-1634

New York, 2019. XVI, 202 pp., 1 b/w ill., 1 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6163-6 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6164-3 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Volume 529

Doug Selwyn

All Children Are All Our Children

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6165-0 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. XXXIV, 382 pp., 5 tables

Volume 527

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5643-4 CHF 144.– / €D 124.95 / €A 128.30 / € 116.70 / £ 94.– / US-$ 139.95

Daniel G. Krutka • Annie McMahon Whitlock • Mark Helmsing (eds.)

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5642-7 CHF 65.– / €D 56.95 / €A 57.70 / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

Keywords in the Social Studies Concepts and Conversations

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5639-7 CHF 65.– / €D 62.95 / €A 63.– / € 52.50 / £ 42.– / US-$ 62.95

New York, 2018. XIV, 154 pp.

Volume 526

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5576-5 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Robert Cowan

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5567-3 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Teaching Double Negatives Disadvantage and Dissent at Community College

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5484-3 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. XXII, 338 pp., 15 b/w ill.

Volume 525

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3448-7 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

R. Michael Fisher

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3447-0 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5536-9 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows The True Story of an Indigenous-Based Social Transformer



Selected Series


Education and Struggle Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning Edited by Peter McLaren and Michael A. Peters WE ARE THE STORIES WE TELL. The series Education and Struggle focuses on conflict as a discursive process where people struggle for legitimacy and the narrative process becomes a political struggle for meaning. But this series will also include the voices of authors and activists who are involved in conflicts over material necessities in their communities, schools, places of worship, and public squares as part of an ongoing search for dignity, selfdetermination and autonomy. This series focuses on conflict and struggle within the realm of educational politics based around a series of interrelated themes: indigenous struggles; western-Islamic conflicts; globalization and the clash of worldviews; neoliberalism as the war within;colonization and neocolonization; the coloniality of power and decolonial pedagogy; war and conflict and the struggle for liberation. It publishes narrative accounts of specific struggles as well as theorizing «conflict narratives» and the political production of meaning in educational studies. During this time of global conflict and the crisis of capitalism, Education and Struggle promises to be on the cutting edge of social, cultural, educational and political transformation. ISSN: 2168-6432

New York, 2018. XXIV, 204 pp. 2 b/w ills., 6 tables. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4947-4 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4946-7 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Volume 18

Nicholas D. Hartlep • Amardeep K. Kahlon • Daisy Ball (eds.)

Asian/American Scholars of Education 21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5664-9 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

New York, 2018. XIV, 180 pp., 7 b/w ill.

Volume 17

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4738-8 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Miguel Zavala

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5940-4 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies Decolonial Pedagogies, Literacies, and Methodologies

New York, 2018. X, 140 pp.

Volume 16

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5262-7 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Janae Dimick

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5263-4 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

And This Little Piggy Had None Challenging the Dominant Discourse on Farmed Animals in Children’s Picturebooks

New York, 2018. XVI, 264 pp., 7 b/w ill.

Volume 15

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4951-1 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95

D. Michael Rivage-Seul

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4952-8 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4954-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News

Selected Series


Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis Edited by Virginia Stead Globalization increasingly challenges higher education researchers, administrators, faculty members, and graduate students to address urgent and complex issues of equitable policy design and implementation. This book series provides an inclusive platform for discourse about – though not limited to – diversity, social justice, administrative accountability, faculty accreditation, student recruitment, admissions, curriculum, pedagogy, online teaching and learning, completion rates, program evaluation, cross-cultural relationship-building, and community leadership at all levels of society. Ten broad themes lay the foundation for this series but potential editors and authors are invited to develop proposals that will broaden and deepen its power to transform higher education.

ISSN: 2330-4502

New York, 2019. XX, 204 pp., 1 b/w ill., 9 color ills. hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5915-2 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5914-5 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Volume 36

Sophie Rudolph

Unsettling the Gap Race, Politics and Indigenous Education

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5916-9 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. X, 186 pp., 3 b/w ill., 1 tbl.

Volume 35

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5142-2 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Hani Morgan

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5143-9 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

The World’s Highest-Scoring Students How Their Nations Led Them to Excellence

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5144-6 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2017. XX, 166 pp.

Volume 33

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4043-3 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95

Yusef Waghid • Nuraan Davids

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4044-0 CHF 45.95 / €D 40.95 / €A 40.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95

Education, Assessment, and the Desire for Dissonance

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4045-7 CHF 48.95 / €D 44.95 / €A 44.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95

New York, 2016. VIII, 152 pp.

Volume 32

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2858-5 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95

Markus Deimann • Michael A. Peters (eds.)

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-2857-8 CHF 45.95 / €D 40.95 / €A 40.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1821-0 CHF 48.95 / €D 44.95 / €A 44.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95

The Philosophy of Open Learning Peer Learning and the Intellectual Commons



Selected Series


Global Studies in Education Edited by Tina (Athlone C.) Besley, Cameron McCarthy, Michael Peters and Fazal Rizvi

ISSN: 2153-330X

New York, 2018. XVI, 298 pp., 4 b/w ill., 2 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6099-8 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-6098-1 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Global Studies in Education is a book series that address the implications of the powerful dynamics associated with globalization for re-conceptualizing educational theory, policy and practice. The general orientation of the series is inter-disciplinary. It welcomes conceptual, empirical and critical studies that explore the dynamics of the rapidly changing global processes, connectivities and imagination, and how these are reshaping issues of knowledge creation and management and economic and political institutions, leading to new social identities and cultural formations associated with education. Scholars have sought to use the term «globalization» to summarize dynamic processes now being expressed in the intensification and movement of cultural and economic capital across national borders, the acceleration of mass migration, and the amplification and proliferation of images generated in the Internet and in electronic mediation generally. These processes are now fully articulated to the organization of knowledge in educational institutions and the social and cultural environments in which both school youth and educators now operate. However, there is no settlement or general agreement, nor is there a developed literature, about how globalization processes function in the institutional terrain of education and how they impact the integration of social subjects into contemporary institutions such as the school. This new series therefore aims to provide a venue for rigorous interdisciplinary research that seeks to describe, document, theorize, and intervene in the brave new educational world defined by globalization processes.

Volume 12

Warren J. Blumenfeld

The What, the So What, and the Now What of Social Justice Education

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6062-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

New York, 2019. XXIV, 242 pp., 2 b/w ill., 1 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5702-8 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5703-5 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Volume 10

Teresa Heinz Housel (ed.)

First-Generation College Student Experiences of Intersecting Marginalities

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5521-5 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2019. XXVIII, 188 pp., 2 colour ill., 7 b/w ill., 14 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5991-6 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5524-6 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Volume 9

Peter J. Guarnaccia

Immigration, Diversity and Student Journeys to Higher Education

New York, 2018. XVI, 218 pp., 2 tables

Volume 8

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5887-2 CHF 93.– / €D 80.95 / €A 82.50 / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Robin K. Fox (ed.)

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5888-9 CHF 93.– / €D 89.95 / €A 90.– / € 75.– / £ 60.– / US-$ 89.95

Adoption Matters Teacher Educators Share Their Stories and Strategies for Adoption-Inclusive Curriculum and Pedagogy

Selected Series


[Re]thinking Environmental Education Edited by Justin Dillon and Constance Russell The [Re]thinking Environmental Education book series is a response to the international recognition that environmental issues have taken center stage in political and social discourse. Resolution and/or re-evaluation of the many contemporary environmental issues will require a thoughtful, informed, and well-educated citizenry. Quality environmental education does not come easily; it must be grounded in mindful practice and research excellence. This series reflects the highest quality of contemporary scholarship and, as such, is positioned at the leading edge not only of the field of environmental education, but of education generally. There are many approaches to environmental education research and delivery, each grounded in particular contexts and epistemological, ontological and axiological positions, and this series reflects that diversity

ISSN: 1949-0747

New York, 2019. XII, 168 pp.

Volume 13

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3381-7 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Gregory Lowan-Trudeau

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3380-0 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Protest as Pedagogy Teaching, Learning, and Indigenous Environmental Movements

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-6017-2 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. X, 148 pp.

Volume 12

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3519-4 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95

Bob Coulter

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3518-7 CHF 45.95 / €D 40.95 / €A 40.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95

Building Kids’ Citizenship Through Community Engagement

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4526-1 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

New York, 2018. XXVI, 164 pp., 7 b/w ills.

Volume 10

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3200-1 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Carie Green

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3199-8 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Children’s Environmental Identity Development Negotiating Inner and Outer Tensions in Natural World Socialization

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5805-6 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. X, 176 pp.

Volume 9

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3165-3 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-3164-6 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4539-1692-6 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Learning from Bad Practice in Environmental and Sustainability Education



Selected Series


Social Justice Across Contexts in Education Edited by SJ Miller and Leslie David Burns

ISSN: 2372-6849 SJACE

New York, 2018. XXIV, 270 pp., 10 ills., 18 tables hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5137-8 CHF 129.– / €D 111.95 / €A 114.60 / € 104.20 / £ 84.– / US-$ 124.95 pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5138-5 CHF 50.– / €D 42.95 / €A 44.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

Social Justice Across Contexts in Education addresses how teaching for social justice, broadly defined, mediates and disrupts systemic and structural inequities across early childhood, K-12 and postsecondary disciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary educational contexts. This series includes books exploring how theory informs sustainable pedagogies for social justice curriculum and instruction, and how research, methodology, and assessment can inform equitable and responsive teaching. The series constructs, advances, and supports socially just policies and practices for all individuals and groups across the spectrum of our society’s education system. The series provides sustainable models for generating theories, research, practices, and tools for social justice across contexts as a means to leverage the psychological, emotional, and cognitive growth for learners and professionals. It positions social justice as a fundamental aspect of schooling, and prepares readers to advocate for and prevent social justice from becoming marginalized by reform movements in favor of the corporatization and de-professionalization of education. The over-arching aim is to establish a true field of Social Justice Education that offers theory, knowledge, and resources for those who seek to help all learners succeed. It speaks for, about, and to classroom teachers, administrators, teacher educators, education researchers, students, and other key constituents who are committed to transforming the landscape of schools and communities.

Volume 10

Joy Barnes-Johnson • Janelle M. Johnson (eds.)

STEM21 Equity in Teaching and Learning to Meet Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5139-2 CHF 50.– / €D 47.95 / €A 48.– / € 40.– / £ 32.– / US-$ 47.95

New York, 2018. XXVI, 174 pp. 10 tables

Volume 9

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5303-7 CHF 118.– / €D 102.95 / €A 105.40 / € 95.80 / £ 77.– / US-$ 114.95

Amanda J. Godley • Jeffrey Reaser

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5305-1 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

Critical Language Pedagogy Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5306-8 CHF 45.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. XX, 178 pp.

Volume 8

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5026-5 CHF 98.– / €D 84.95 / €A 87.10 / € 79.20 / £ 64.– / US-$ 94.95

Joseph E. Flynn, Jr.

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-5895-7 CHF 42.– / €D 36.95 / €A 37.60 / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

White Fatigue Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-5027-2 CHF 42.– / €D 40.95 / €A 41.– / € 34.20 / £ 28.– / US-$ 40.95

New York, 2018. XX, 162 pp., 1 table

Volume 7

hb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4685-5 CHF 95.95 / €D 83.95 / €A 84.95 / € 77.95 / £ 61.95 / US-$ 92.95

Nga-Wing Anjela Wong

pb. • ISBN 978-1-4331-4686-2 CHF 45.95 / €D 40.95 / €A 40.95 / € 36.95 / £ 29.95 / US-$ 44.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-1-4331-4687-9 CHF 47.– / €D 42.95 / €A 43.– / € 35.80 / £ 29.– / US-$ 42.95

Opening Doors Community Centers Connecting Working-Class Immigrant Families and Schools

Selected Series


Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy Herausgegeben von Bernd Käpplinger and Steffi Robak

ISSN: 0934-3695

Berlin. 2018. 292 S., 15 s/w Abb., 17 s/w. Tab. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-77009-2 CHF 66.– / €D 56.95 / €A 58.60 / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-77022-1 CHF 66.– / €D 62.95 / €A 64.– / € 53.30 / £ 44.– / US-$ 64.95

Die Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik widmen sich der theoretischen und empirischen Erwachsenenbildungs- und Weiterbildungsforschung. Sie reflektieren deren Internationalisierung in ihrer Wirkung nach innen und außen und begleiten diese kritisch. Sie sind ein transnationales Forum, wo Leitideen nationaler und internationaler Konferenzen fortgeführt werden. Es wird auch ein Raum für solche Grundlagenarbeiten offeriert, die der Konstitution und dem internationalen Vergleich der Erwachsenenpädagogik dienen. In der Reihe kann auf Deutsch und Englisch publiziert werden. Manuskriptvorschläge sowohl etablierter Wissenschaftler/innen als auch ambitionierter Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen können an die Herausgeber/innen gerichtet werden. Sie werden in Absprache mit dem Verlag begutachtet – oder peer reviewed – und ggf. zur Aufnahme in die Reihe empfohlen.

Band 76

Svenja Krämer

Lernhabitus von Frauen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund Einflüsse auf den Lernprozess und Folgerungen für didaktisches Handeln in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung.

Berlin, 2018. 341 S.

Band 75

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-76802-0 CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.60 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

Saskia Eschenbacher

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76806-8 CHF 70.– / €D 66.95 / €A 67.30 / € 56.10 / £ 46.– / US-$ 67.95

Berlin, 2018., 199 S., 30 farb. Abb., 10 s/w Abb. geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-75735-2 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95 eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-76149-6 CHF 52.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Transformatives Lernen im Erwachsenenalter Kritische Überlegungen zur Theorie Jack Mezirows Band 74

Bernd Käpplinger • Maren Elfert (Hrsg.)

Verlassene Orte der Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland / Abandoned Places of Adult Education in Canada

Berlin, 2018. 315 S., 5 s/w Abb., 25 Tab.

Band 73

geb. • ISBN 978-3-631-74027-9 CHF 52.– / €D 44.95 / €A 46.20 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Claudia Pohlmann

eBook (SUL) • ISBN 978-3-631-74147-4 CHF 55.– / €D 49.95 / €A 50.50 / € 42.10 / £ 35.– / US-$ 50.95

Bildungsurlaub – Vom gesellschaftspolitischen Anliegen zum Instrument beruflicher Qualifizierung? Eine Analyse der Bildungsurlaubsdiskurse in der Weiterbildung



Complete Series List

Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society Edited by Joseph L. DeVitis and Linda Irwin-DeVitis American University Studies Series. 6: Foreign Language Instruction American University Studies Series. 14: Education Anglo-amerikanische Studien. Literatur, Kultur und Didaktik / Anglo-American Studies. Literature, Culture and Teaching Herausgegeben von Rüdiger Ahrens, Maria Eisenmann und Laurenz Volkmann Aspekte pädagogischer Innovation Herausgegeben von Gerald Grimm Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft Herausgegeben von Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg, Algirdas Gaižutis und Airi Liimets Behindertenpädagogik und Integration Herausgegeben von Georg Feuser Beiträge zur Arbeits-, Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik Herausgegeben von Alfred Riedl und Ralf Tenberg Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie / Studies in Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology Herausgegeben von Evelin Witruk Beiträge zur Sonderpädagogik Herausgegeben von Herwig Baier, Konrad Bundschuh, Manfred Grohnfeldt, Ulrich Heimlich, Annette Leonhardt und Reinhard Markowetz Berufliche Bildung im Wandel Herausgegeben von Jürgen van Buer Berufliche Bildung in Forschung, Schule und Arbeitswelt / Vocational Education and Training: Research and Practice Herausgegeben von Matthias Becker und Georg Spöttl Bildung und Organisation Herausgegeben von Harald Geißler und Jendrik Petersen Black Studies and Critical Thinking Edited by Rochelle Brock and Cynthia B. Dillard Childhood Studies Edited by Gaile S. Cannella Comparative Studies on Education, Culture and Technology / Vergleichende Studien zur Bildung, Kultur und Technik Edited by Tomasz Stepien Complicated Conversation. A Book Series of Curriculum Studies Edited by William F. Pinar Confronting the Text, Confronting the World Edited by Paul L. Thomas Counterpoints. Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education Edited by Shirley R. Steinberg Critical Education and Ethics Edited by Barry Kanpol Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness Edited By Paul R. Carr, Virginia Lea and Darren E. Lund Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides Edited by Priya Parmar and Shirley R. Steinberg


Critical Qualitative Research. Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching Edited by Shirley R. Steinberg Critical Studies in Democracy and Political Literacy Edited by Paul R. Carr Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education Edited by ENCATC Disability Studies in Education Edited by Scot Danforth and Susan L. Gabel Education and Struggle. Narrative, Dialogue and the Political Production of Meaning Edited by Peter McLaren and Michael A. Peters Education beyond Borders. Studies in Educational and Academic Mobility and Migration Edited by Fred Dervin Education Management Edited by M. Christopher Brown II Educational Psychology. Critical Pedagogical Perspectives Edited by Greg S. Goodman Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis Edited by Virginia Stead Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis Herausgegeben von Johanna Hopfner Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis Herausgegeben von Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg Estonian Studies in Education Edited by Jaan Mikk, Piret Luik and Marika Veisson Europäische Bildung im Dialog. Wissenschaft – Politik – Praxis Herausgegeben von Wassilios Baros und Solvejg Jobst European University Studies. Series 11: Education / Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 11: Pädagogik Exploration. Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education Edité par Georges Felouzis, Rita Hofstetter, Nicole Rege Colet, Bernard Schneuwly, et Bernard Wentzel Explorationen. Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft Herausgegeben von Jürgen Oelkers Foreign Language Teaching in Europe Edited by Manuel Jiménez Raya, Terry Lamb and Flávia Vieira Fremdsprachen lebenslang lernen Herausgegeben von Annette Berndt Gender and Sexualities in Education Edited by Dennis Carlson and Elizabeth J. Meyer Gesellschaft und Erziehung. Historische und systematische Perspektiven Herausgegeben von Dieter Kirchhöfer und Christa Uhlig Global Studies in Education Edited by Tina (Athlone C.) Besley, Cameron McCarthy, Michael A. Peters and Fazal Rizvi Grundfragen der Pädagogik. Studien – Texte – Entwürfe Herausgegeben von Jürgen Rekus Heidelberger Studien zur Bildungswissenschaft Herausgegeben von Monika Buhl, Silke Hertel, Volker Lenhart und Anne Sliwka Higher Ed. Questions About the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities Edited by Norman K. Denzin and Shirley R. Steinberg

Complete Series List


Higher Education Research and Policy Edited by Marek Kwiek

Social Justice Across Contexts in Education Edited by Leslie David Burns and sj Miller

History of Schools and Schooling Edited by Alan R. Sadovnik and Susan Semel

Studia Educationis Historica. Bildungsgeschichtliche Studien / Studies in the History of Education / Estudios de Historia de la Educación Edited by Marcelo Caruso, Eckhardt Fuchs, Gert Geißler, Sabine Reh, Eugenia Roldán Vera and Noah W. Sobe

Inclusion and Teacher Education Edited by Scot Danforth and Susan L. Gabel Intercultural Studies and Foreign Language Learning Edited by Theo Harden and Arnd Witte Interkulturelle Pädagogik und postkoloniale Theorie Herausgegeben von Heike Niedrig und Louis Henri Seukwa Interkultureller Dialog Herausgegeben von Annemarie Profanter Interuniversitäre Schriften zur Musikpädagogik und Musikwissenschaft Herausgegeben von Christoph Khittl und Peter Maria Krakauer Kolloquium Fremdsprachenunterricht Herausgegeben von Daniela Caspari, Lars Schmelter, Karin Vogt und Nicola Würffel Komparatistische Bibliothek / Comparative Studies Series / Bibliothèque d’Études Comparatives Herausgegeben von Jürgen Schriewer Konzepte des Lehrens und Lernens Herausgegeben von Susan Seeber und Jürgen Seifried Kulturwissenschaftliche Beiträge der Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft Herausgegeben von Marcelo Da Veiga Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule und Unterricht Herausgegeben von Gerhard Bach, Stephan Breidbach und Dieter Wolff Minding the Media. Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching Edited by Shirley R. Steinberg and The Estate of Joseph Pepi Leis Mousikae Paideia. Music and Education / Musik und Bildung / Musique et Pédagogie Edited By Markus Cslovjescek, Madeleine Zulauf and Janet Hoskyns New Disciplinary Perspectives on Education Edited by Stephen Cowden and Jones Irwin New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies Edited by Colin Lankshear, Michele Knobel and Michael A. Peters Pädagogische Rahmung Herausgegeben von Karin Schäfer-Koch Peter Lang Primer Edited by Shirley R. Steinberg Petite enfance et éducation. Nouvelles perspectives sur l’éducation et l’accueil des jeunes enfants / Early childhood and education. New Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care Edité par Gilles Brougère Positionen der Deutschdidaktik. Theorie und Empirie Herausgegeben von Christoph Bräuer und Iris Winkler Religion, Education and Values Edited by Leslie J. Francis, Rob Freathy, Stephen Parker and Mandy Robbins Rethinking Education Edited by Gerry Gaden, Judith Harford and Marie Martin [Re]thinking Environmental Education Edited by Justin Dillon and Constance Russell

Studien zur beruflichen Kompetenzentwicklung Herausgegeben von Joachim Rottmann Studien zur Bildungsreform Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Keim Studien zur Pädagogik der Schule Herausgegeben von Stephanie Hellekamps, Wilfried Plöger und Wilhelm Wittenbruch Studien zur Pädagogik, Andragogik und Gerontagogik / Studies in Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Gerontagogy Herausgegeben von Bernd Käpplinger und Steffi Robak Studies for Military Psychology and Military Pedagogy Edited by Hermann Jung Studies in Composition and Rhetoric Edited by Leonard Podis Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education Edited by Philipp Gonon and Anja Heikkinen Teaching Contemporary Scholars Edited by Shirley R. Steinberg Teaching Critical Themes in American History Edited By Caroline R. Pryor, Jason Stacey, Erik Alexander, Charlotte Johnson and James Mitchell Telecollaboration in Education Edited by Melinda Ann Dooly Owenby and Robert O’Dowd Theoretical Studies in Second Language Acquisition Edited by Simon Belasco Urban Girls Edited By Venus E. Evans-Winters Visual Learning Edited by András Benedek and Kristof Nyiri Wiener Islamstudien Herausgegeben von Ednan Aslan



Index Education

A Ahlquist, Roberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Cucinelli, Giuliana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Akanmori, Harriet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Cumper, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Huerta, Mary Esther Soto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Alarcón López, Cristina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Ince, Bekir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Aleksandrova, Angelina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

D Daly, Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Inceel, Sezgin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Aleksa, Valdemaras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Darko, Isaac Nortey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Isaksen, Lasse Skogvold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Alenius, Pauliina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Davids, Nuraan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Anquetil, Mathilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Davis, Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Araya, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Dei, George J. Sefa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Johnson, Janelle M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 60

Arouna, Mariam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Deimann, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

John-Steiner, Vera P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Arreguín-Anderson, María G. . . . . . . . . . . 48

Demi, Suleyman M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Jones Jolivet, Tabatha L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Ash, Allison N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Derivry-Plard, Martine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Jun, Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Astley, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

DeVitis, Joseph L. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 , 22 , 32 , 52

Ayala, Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Dimick, Janae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , 56

K Kahlon, Amardeep K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 56

Dooly Owenby, Melinda Ann . . . . . . . . . . 42

Kalman, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

B Babcock, Rebecca Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Dou, Remy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Kammermann, Marlise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Bahlieda, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Doussot, Sylvain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Kamp, Annelies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Ball, Daisy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 56


Jenkins, Leigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Käpplinger, Bernd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 61


Eaton, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Kattein, Martina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Barnes-Johnson, Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 60

Egetenmeyer, Regina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Kim, Youb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Barnett, Ronald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , 16

Elbih, Randa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Kinard, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Baron, Georges-Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Elfert, Maren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 61

Kincheloe, Joe L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Becker, Matthias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Eschenbacher, Saskia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 61

Knestrict, Thomas David . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Benson, Keith E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Evans-Winters, Venus E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Balzer, Lars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Berry, Theodorea Regina . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 53

Kniffley Jr., Steven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Knobel, Michele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Fäcke, Christiane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Komis, Vassilis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Blair, Eleanor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 , 31

Farber, Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Koopman, Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 54

Blake, Brett Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Farren, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Korhonen, Vesa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Blake, Robert W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Fedeli, Monica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Krämer, Svenja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 , 61

Blankenship, Whitney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Feu, Jordi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Krupczynski, Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Bloch, Marianne N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Feuser, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Krutka, Daniel G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 , 55

Blumenfeld, Warren J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 58

Fisher, R. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 , 55

Kubik, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Bonner, Emily P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Flynn, Jr., Joseph E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 , 60

Berta-Ávila, Margarita I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Bota, Cristian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Fouquet-Chauprade, Barbara . . . . . . . . . . 13

L Lankshear, David W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Boutevin, Christine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Fox, Robin K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 , 58

Lawn, Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Brillant Rannou, Nathalie . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Francis, Leslie J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Lea, Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Brown Jr., Ernest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Frederick, Mark A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 , 52

Leitner, Daniela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Le Lièvre, Françoise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Bruillard, Eric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Brunel, Magali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

G Gainer, Jesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Burgh, Theodore W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 , 53

Gamson, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Lindsay, Vernon C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Büttner, Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Gehrke, Anne Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Love, Bettina L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Leopoldoff Martin, Irina . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Godley, Amanda J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 60

Lowan-Trudeau, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . 46 , 59

C Cameron, Erin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Gollub, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Lucey, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Cammarota, Julio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Gorski, Paul C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Lund, Darren E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Canada, Theresa J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Green, Carie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , 59

Lysgaard, Jonas Andreasen . . . . . . . . . .18 , 59

Cannella, Gaile S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Grimm, Axel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Carroll, Clare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Grümpel, Claudia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

M Määttä, Kaarina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Carr, Paul R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Guarnaccia, Peter J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Maldonado, José Miguel . . . . . . . . . . . .14 , 52

Castagnera, James Ottavio . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Guillon, Stéphane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Marcos Marín, Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Castañeda, Mari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Guimaraes, Paula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Marjanovic-Shane, Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Castleberry, Garret L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Güleç, Ismail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Mark, Olwyn E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Causey-Konaté, Tammie M. . . . . . . . . . 49 , 53

Güntner, Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Massol, Jean-François . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Centeno, Vera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Gutbrod, Johannes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Maurer, Bruno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mawhinney, Alison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chavira-Prado, Alicia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chen, Rosa Hong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

H Hall, Marcella Runell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

McCarthy, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Childress, Lisa K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Harford, Judith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

McDermott McNulty, Morna . . . . . . . . . . 54

Cogni, Mara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Hartlep, Nicholas D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 56

McDonnell, Jadie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Collings, Natalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Heinz Housel, Teresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 , 58

McInerney, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 , 52

Collins, Christopher S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Heischman, Daniel R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

McLaren, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Connery, M. Cathrene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Helmchen, Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

McMenamin, Trish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 , 54

Cooper, Heather A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Helmsing, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 , 55

McSharry, Majella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Cooter, Kathleen S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Hendry, Petra Munro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Medina, Yolanda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Copeland, Kristopher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Herkner, Volkmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Melo-Pfeifer, Silvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Coulter, Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Hinchey, Patricia H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Meyer, Elizabeth J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Cowan, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 , 55

Hodge, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Mitchell, Roland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Cslovjecsek, Markus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Holmes, Gloria Graves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Mohib, Najoua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Cuadrado Rey, Analía . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Horning, Alice S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Montaño, Theresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Index Education

Montgomery-Richard, Margaret . . . . . .49 , 53

SooHoo, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Morgan, Hani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 , 57

Soucy, Robert J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Morice, Linda C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Soussi, Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Spöttl, Georg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

N Nash, Robert J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Spuck, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Németh, Balázs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Steinberg, Shirley R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 , 40

Nikolai, Rita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Stovall, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Nocella II, Anthony J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Sudol, Ronald A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Novotny, Eva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Surian, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Swadener, Beth Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

O O'Dowd, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Okur, Alpaslan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


Tesch, Bernd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Thompson-Hardy, Elisabeth B. . . . . . . . . . . 4

P Paraskeva, João M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Thonus, Terese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Parmar, Priya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Tikhomirov, Aleksey A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Parriaux, Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Tolley, Beth D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Paulus, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Torre, María Elena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Pečiuliauskienė, Palmira . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Twomey, Miriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Pellet, Jean-Philippe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Pendleton Jiménez, Karleen . . . . . . . . . . . 37

U Ulysse, Baudelaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Peters, Michael A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 , 16 , 57

Uusiautti, Satu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Pitcher, Erich N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Plissonneau, Gersende . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


Veber, Marcel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pohlmann, Claudia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 61

Verstraete-Hansen, Lisbeth . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Pratt-Clarke, Menah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 , 53

Vossiek, Janis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Prieto-Flores, Òscar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Vygotskij, Lev S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Pullen Sansfaçon, Annie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Puren, Laurent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

W Waghid, Yusef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Q Quet, François . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Wallian, Nathalie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

R Reaser, Jeffrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 , 60

Whittle, Sean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Ring, Emer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Wilen-Daugenti, Tracey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Rivage-Seul, D. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 21 , 56

Wong, Nga-Wing Anjela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Rivera, Melissa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Wrigley, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 , 52

Wall, Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Whitlock, Annie McMahon . . . . . . . . . .45 , 55

Robinson, Jill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Rodríguez, Louie F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Y Yip, Andrew Kam-Tuck . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 , 52

Rodríguez Sieweke, Lara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Yuen, Timothy T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Roegiers, Xavier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Romainville, Marc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Z Zavala, Miguel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 , 56

Ronveaux, Christophe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Zulauf, Madeleine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Rott, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rouvière, Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Rudolph, Sophie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 , 57 Russell, Constance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Rust, Terrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


Sanders, Raynard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sanjakdar, Fida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 , 52 San Juan, Jr., E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sankofa Waters, M. Billye . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Santana, DNP, FNP-BC, Nadia . . . . . . . . . . 39 Sasso, Pietro A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 , 14 , 52 Schlausch, Reiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Schmitt, Genevieve A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Schnedecker, Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Schneider, Gunda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Schneuwly, Bernard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Seitz, Kerstin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Selwyn, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 , 55 Senti, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Seukwa, Louis Henri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Shields, Carolyn M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Sims, Jeremiah J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Smith, Kersha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Smyth, John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 , 52



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