KSAE Association & Meetings Vol. 5 / Summer 2021

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ur longstanding relationships with legislators of both parties, and from across all regions of Kansas, allows us to provide the level of engagement needed by an association to be successful,” said Capitol Strategies partner Sean Miller. “We work with our clients to identify realistic goals and develop and implement the strategy, timeline and resource allocation necessary to achieve their objectives.” Capitol Strategies was founded in 1976 and is one of the longest operating government affairs firms working in the Kansas Capitol. Started Capitol Strategies was founded in 1976, making it one of the longest by John C. Peterson, a former Kansas State operating government affairs firms at the Statehouse. Front row, from representative, he works alongside Bill Brady left: John C. Peterson, founder and chief executive; and Bill Brady, and Sean Miller, as well as other associates. partner. Back row, from left: Leigh Keck; Sean Miller, partner; and Since the firm’s creation, it has grown to be Michelle Butler. Not pictured is Tom Cox. one of the most respected and successful can be difficult for many associations due to staff size and the government relations entities in the state of Kansas. crowded legislative schedule.” Government affairs firms, such as Capitol Strategies, bring However, Miller cautioned that an organization such as his resources to the Capitol that an association may not be able requires support from association membership. “It’s equally to provide. “Associations in Kansas have very different important for an association to understand that a good lobby needs, so understanding those needs and working to bolster team is only a piece of the puzzle,” he said. “Having a their existing framework is key,” Miller said. “Some of our membership that is active and regularly communicating with clients have very active governmental relations staff and their local legislators and the state administration often is the others have no presence at all in the Statehouse.” tipping point for achieving success.” While smaller associations may outsource their legislative Capitol Strategies works with an association’s leadership to advocacy needs, larger associations may use government develop priorities and work to engage its general membership affairs firms to provide extra resources and help bridge the throughout the legislative process. When developing an gaps inherent in a compressed legislative schedule. organization’s priorities, Miller notes that it is important to also educate the leadership teams on the opportunities Professionals within a government affairs firm work with and challenges that will be present during the legislative legislators and other state leaders daily, so their personal session. Once an organization recognizes the importance relationships and legislative experience can help an association of engagement and other challenges, a full strategy can be achieve the goals most beneficial to their membership. developed that includes traditional media, social media and personal outreach aimed at key members of the Legislature. “Our staff size, and their diversity of experiences from all Miller explained, “The timing of these actions can be levels and types of governmental involvement, allows us to absolutely critical to the ultimate success of the initiative.” have a thorough understanding of the process, the people and thus the opportunities that may present themselves at any However, with every industry comes its challenges. As the given time,” Miller explained. “We are able to cover all the decision makers in the Kansas Capitol change every two to committee work and other activities during the session. This

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