1 minute read

Letter from the SLC Board President

Hello, I am Tom McBride, your new president of the Sherwood Lake Club. Meef and I have lived at 6724 SW Aylesbury Road for 30 years. I am also in my first year on the Board…go figure!

Thanks to Annette Beck for her service as a board member and the most recent president. Annette has guided the Board through the initial steps of dam and auxiliary spillway restoration, sanitary sewer project, lake environment issues and restoration of the silt ponds. We all appreciate her leadership and patience in dealing with all these issues.

Most of the issues mentioned above will continue to be major projects throughout 2023. The board will keep each of you informed of the progress and, hopefully, the conclusion.

The board, with your help, will continue to increase membership value with another sparkling 4th of July and other membership activities.

Please mark your calendar and join us for Spring Cleanup Day at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 22. Please email office@ sherwoodlakeclub.org or call 785.478.3305 if you and your family can help. We need helpers, please.

I will also need your help and assistance throughout the year… so be expecting a call. Plus, do not hesitate to call with an issue or suggestion.

Thank you,

Tom McBride

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