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October 2022 Meeting Minutes


October 24, 2022

The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Monday, October 24, 2022 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse President Annette Beck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Annette Beck, Kerry O’Neal, Megan Clay, Kurt Bossert, Rob Seitz, Jo Hunt, and Mike Morse STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley, Joe Anderson

1. MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Members present: Joy Dodd, Steve Dodd, Randy McAllister

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the September 26, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Jo Hunt, seconded by Mike Morse. Motion carried.


(a) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Annette Beck made the presentation. It was noted that there was an additional member of the nominating committee that was not included in the list of members who would sit on the committee this year when the motion was passed at the prior month’s meeting. Laura Harrison is also a member of SLC that has agreed to serve on the committee. In Aline’s absence, Annette indicated that the committee has nominated the following members to be listed on the ballot that is sent out to membership for the upcoming vote for SLC board members starting their term in February, 2023: Tom McBride, Jo Hunt, and Kurt Bossert. There will be a portion of the upcoming Scene that will include biographies of each of these individuals. Additionally, there is some re-working of the ballot that Aline and her are working on prior to sending out the ballots to membership later on this year. The members of the Dock/Lift Compliance Committee have compiled the pertinent information that needs to be available to all members should they want to make any improvements to the shoreline/waterfront area of their property. A packet of information will be made available to all members through the SLC website as part of this program being rolled out. In addition, the members of the committee will be assessing the lake-front properties and will make a determination on which properties are not in compliance with the current regulations. Information will be sent out to these members before the end of the calendar year with the timeline of events that must happen in order for the member to regain the compliance status of this matter in terms of their SLC membership. Annette then asked if the SLC Board as a whole will be in agreement with this proposed schedule and terms of the agreement that the committee is asking each member to abide by. It is important that the board as a whole be in agreement with these recommendations in case there is a question from the membership. Rob made a motion that the SLC Board (as a whole) will endorse the recommendations coming out of the dock compliance committee. Kerry seconded. Motion carried.

(b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe Anderson gave the report. He indicated that there were the following changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month:

• Joyce Martin “B” Membership retirement – 6621 SW 40th Street

It was also noted that there are currently 18 people on the waiting list for a Class B membership. Mike made a motion to approve the changes in membership as presented above. Megan seconded. Motion carried.

It was discussed at length the information that was discovered about the property that was sold at 7537 SW Robinhood Ct earlier in the year. Upon information that was relayed to Joe from the real estate agent that was involved in the sale, the ownership of the property, as it currently is titled, is not able to apply for a membership w/ SLC that accompanied the residence when it changed ownership. After discussion by all in attendance, it was decided that a letter will be drafted by Joe giving the current ownership of the property to get in contact with the Lake Club (through Joe) a deadline of November 30, 2022. This letter will be shared w/ Aline prior to sending it to the property owner. Information will be included in the letter pertaining to the by-law matters that are in play here and what they need to do in order for the property to be eligible for a SLC membership.


• See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and shelter.

(d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Will be sent out in the next few weeks.

(d) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation SLC currently has a cash balance of $325,142. The amount of outstanding A/R is $2,128, most of that being insurance assessments that have still yet to be paid. It was indicated that the invoice outstanding for Kurt Walker of $750 is the invoice for a new boat he launched this past summer and has yet to pay the invoice. Annette indicated that she would reach out to him to get it paid. Additionally, it was discovered by the Budget Committee that when the prepared budget for 2022 was presented to the Board last year, the total expenditures for the annual budget was not an accurate number. This was due to the budget being prepared in MS Excel and when new line items were added to the expense section, their $ amounts were not included in the total of all expenditures that were being budgeted for. This has caused the actual budget that was approved to be a budget deficit instead of a budget surplus. Additionally noted, the budget to actual reports included in the monthly financial packets that have been sent out this year show the correct budget that does encompass all expenditure accounts and their totals. The Budget Committee is scheduled to meet on 11/2/22 to go over the budget and to prepare a draft of the budget to bring to the board next month for review and approval. The members of the Budget Committee are Pam Leinwetter, Aaron Elwell, Travis Stryker, Randy McAllister, Jo Hunt (chair), and Joe Anderson (staff).

CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: Tod Longstaff in the amount of $2,860 for mowing services. Mike made the motion to approve the check approval, Kurt seconded. Motion carried.

Mike Morse made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report Kurt Bossert seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

(e) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. Boat ramp improvement discussion – Quote that Jeff is recommending is from Reece Construction. Cost to the club would be $57,552.86. it was relayed to us this week that they can start work as soon as next week if we are ready for them Jeff has put in for a permit with the State. If we are okay with them starting work next week, they would start dropping off their equipment at the beach later on this week, but work would not start until Monday, October 31st. After discussion about what communication needs to be relayed to membership given all of the boats that are still on the water, a communication plan was finalized and will be sent out via the Email blast to all membership. During the meeting, Jeff stepped out to call the contractor to get a firm timeline on the work so this information can be communicated to all members. It was then relayed to the Board that worst case scenario is the work will take 2 ½ weeks to complete. Best case scenario is it will be done in under 2 weeks time. After all discussion subsided, Mike made a motion for work to start on 10/31/22, unless for some other reason, the contractor is unable to delay that long, then we will re-convene and discuss an earlier start date. Kurt seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jeff indicated that the contractor we used earlier in the year to spray the weeds on the dam, Bruce Rinkes, may still do another spray this fall. He will assess the need later on this fall and reach out to Jeff with his recommendations. Jeff indicated that if there is room in the budget to incorporate the fence repairs/replacement project at the clubhouse into the ’23 budget, he thinks we should get this need addressed given our non-compliance for current code guidelines.

Finally, he mentioned that he has the materials to do the soil sampling collections for the members that have signed up for the service. This will begin later on next month once the deadline to sign up, which has been set as 11/7/22, has passed.


Kevin: (In his absence, Joe Anderson read an email sent earlier that day from Kevin highlighting a few topics)

Dam Maintenance Project: BG Consultants started their survey efforts two weeks ago and may be complete or close to complete with the field work. Concept designs will be under way in the next week or so continued on page 14

Sanitary Sewer/ Pump Station Rehab Project: The sanitary sewer rehabilitation portion is awaiting some legal items as the selected contractor went belly up. They had been looking for a replacement, but the paperwork is now with legal to sort out how it will be handled. This work is really only around the treatment plant and up to Fountaindale Rd. so really minimal impacts on SLC.

The Pump Station Replacement project was out for bids and the bidding was extended an additional two weeks (I believe the bids are now due this Friday (10/28/22)). The County would like to accelerate the construction with potential of using two contractors (one subcontracting to the other). I reminded Jeff Hunt at the County that we do not want impacts on boating season to residents.

He did ask if it would be possible to lay the bypass line on the shoreline instead of floating it within the lake. I sent out an email that a few responded to last week (I attached the email, latest response, and my original email with attachment for you). If the board is in favor of this direction, I will let Jeff know we don’t have an issue with it provided they agree to include verti-slicing and seeding where the pipe is laid. I don’t think it will cause a lot of damage as it is only a 3-4” pipe but agree that they should be on the hook to repair the grass that they lay the pipe on. Let me know and I will reply to Jeff Hunt.

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