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October 2022 Meeting Minutes

continued from page 13

Wattles: Steve Dodd and I attended the October SID Meeting and discussed the wattle program with them. They had received Annette’s letter and we discussed the need to keep the program. After discussion, the SID board voted to hold another meeting with Mission Township and SLC to discuss splitting the cost 3ways. That meeting was to be set by SID and Annette is going to help with Mission Township. I have not heard of a date for the meeting yet.

Lawn Fertilization (Soil Sampling project): I know there was an email received at the office from Brent Boles discussing the lawn fertilization/lake nutrient loading information. I have not forwarded that email to the LQEC committee yet but will today. It is interesting that it contradicts the science and what has been seen at other larger lakes around the country. LQEC will have to evaluate the approach Brent notes from Lake Javaro (MUCH smaller lake and watershed) and see how it plays into the SLC recommendations.

Jo Hunt made the motion to be supportive of the county’s change in laying the pipe on the grass on the backyards of those affected homes. Kerry Seconded. Motion carried.

LQEC: Update provided by Randy McAllister

Budget recommendations – 1 sediment basin has been budgeted for in both ’21 and ’22. LQEC is recommending that we not budget for another sediment basin in ’23; He just wants to make sure that the accrual is made for the ’22 expense

He is asking for approval to purchase 100 wattles that need to be purchased prior to them being placed throughout the community in early December. Jo Hunt made a motion to approve the expense. Mike seconded the motion. Motion carried.

LQEC is working on an upcoming email blast to send out to members regarding the Invasive Species education component. This will be one of many email blasts sent out to members over the winter months to help educate them on the importance of this program. The first component will help highlight the changes that have been made to the rules and the addition of any new rules surrounding this program so that all members are made aware of these changes before we get into the new year. He finally indicated that we have 20 people signed up for the Soil Testing Sample. He is asking that all members of the Board of Directors and the LQEC sign up as an act of good faith to show all members that this is a good exercise for all members to participate in.

Kurt: Insurance: Nothing to report

Property: Nothing to report

Annette: Scene: See update above

Social: Nothing additionally to report

Aline: By-laws: Nothing to report as she was absent from the meeting

Kerry: Nothing to report at this time

Jo: Website: Nothing to report

Mike: Club Liaison: Nothing to report

Megan: 4th of July: Nothing to report

Rob: Dock Improvements/Construction: Nothing to report


(a) Grant Award Status – See update provided on Phase 1 above

(b) Pump Station Project – See update provided above

5. NEW BUSINESS: None noted.

6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, November 28, 2022

Aline Barrett, Corporate Secretary

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