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November 2022 Meeting Minutes

continued from page 15 year, there was discussion about the marina and the clubhouse rates that are currently being charged to applicable parties. After further discussion, a motion was made by Mike Morse to increase the annual lease fees associated with the marina slips by $100 per slip; $400 slips would be $500; $350 slips would be $450. Kevin Beck seconded the motion. Motion carried. In addition, Mike Morse made a motion to increase the daily rate for clubhouse rentals by $100; Weekday rental would now be $175 with weekend rentals at a $200 rate. The security deposit would also be increased by $100 up to $250 for all rentals. Kerry O’Neal seconded the motion. Motion carried. There was discussion about the capital improvement projects that could be addressed during the next fiscal year. These included clubhouse roof, carpet, windows, siding, and painting expense; all of which were decided to move forward with an approval on, per a motion from Aline to start discussions w/ contractors to get bids on this work to be completed in 2023. Mike seconded this motion. Motion carried and the 2023 budget was passed with these modifications to insure a surplus budget was approved

(e) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. Boat Ramp Project was complete and re-opened on 11/14/22. They have collected all the soil testing samples from the members yards that signed up for the service. Collections were taken to the county offices for testing. They will provide us with a summary report for each location so that we can then take the pertinent information to the members specifically and also analyze from a communitywide perspective, how we need to move forward given this information that they will be able to supply to us. He has encountered some significant issues with our irrigation system throughout the year. There are talks of being able to put in some sensor devices so the landscape company can get notified if an issue arises throughout the year that may be due to a leak in our pipes. This could save significant $$$ if they are able to catch the issue early, which they would have the ability to do. He will gather more information and bring it back to the board over the next couple of months.


Kevin: Dam Maintenance Project: They have completed their surveys. Preliminary strategies of what options they have for us to consider; they should get these to us prior to Christmas – move forward w/ townhall meetings after the 1st of the year

Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project – county is still in legal matters trying to find out what contractor will be able to pick up this project and then next steps will be communicated out to SLC from Jeff Hunt from the County offices.

LQEC: Update provided by Kevin Beck on behalf of Randy McAllister Sedimentation Basin #5 has started (sw 40th and Canterbury Town Rd) has been completed; #3 is supposed to be started very shortly

Wattles will be deployed this Saturday, have 16-18 volunteers signed up; there will be a change in time due to football game on Saturday, will send out an email blast once the change is set

Kurt: Insurance: Nothing to report at this time

Property: Thanked Tracy Lynch for stepping up and working on the grounds. The areas are looking better than ever given the time of year we are in.

Annette: Scene: See update above

Social: Nothing additionally to report at this time

Aline: By-laws: Nothing to report at this time

Kerry: Nothing to report at this time

Jo: Website: Nothing to report at this time

Mike: Club Liaison: Nothing to report at this time

Megan: 4th of July: Nothing to report at this time

Rob: Dock Improvements/Construction: Nothing to report at this time


(a) Grant Award Status – See update provided on Phase 1 above

(b) Pump Station Project – See update provided above

(c) 2023 Ballot – It will be ready to go once the wording is updated/removed given the

5. NEW BUSINESS: Dam Funding – should start thinking about how we may have to split the cost among membership

6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, December 26, 2022

Aline Barrett, Corporate Secretary

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