sherwood scene

October – December 2024
October – December 2024
Tom McBride: President 6724 SW Aylesbury Rd. Topeka, KS 66610
Kurt Bossert: Vice President 7544 SW Blue Inn Pl. Topeka, KS 66610
John Wendling: Treasurer 7151 SW Fountaindale Topeka KS 66614
Jo Hunt
7031 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614
Megan Clay
3735 SW Herefordshire Topeka, KS 66610
Mike Morse
3941 SW Chelmsford Topeka, KS 66610
Rob Seitz
7061 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614
Paul Feist
3624 Blue Inn Rd. Topeka KS 66614
Randy Forbes
7619 SW Robinhood Ct. Topeka KS 66614
Board member contact information is available at in the member’s only section. Email manager@ if you need help signing in.
Clubhouse Rentals
12/22 – Marney rental
12/24 – Hopkins rental
1/1 – Elliott rental
1/4 – Moser rental
1/9 – Bridge Club
1/23 – LQEC Committee
3/20 – LQEC Committee
Board of Director Meetings
12/23 – Sherwood Lake Board Monthly Meeting
1/27 – Sherwood Lake Board Monthly Meeting
1/28 – Sherwood Lake Board Annual Meeting
2/24 – Sherwood Lake Board Monthly Meeting
3/24 – Sherwood Lake Board Monthly Meeting
Other Events
1/14 – Sherwood Improvement District
2/11 – Sherwood Improvement District
3/11 – Sherwood Improvement District
Lake Patrol Schedule:
On call only until April 1, 2025. Please call 785.221.2628 if you need assistance.
Access to Sherwood Scene
Know a member who cannot access the Sherwood Scene online? Have them contact 785-221-3248 or manager@ to have a hard copy provided.
Member News
Dick Edington took his 85+ senior softball team to the World Championships in Las Vegas where they won 1st place.
You have probably received the ballot to vote for three board members to serve on the Sherwood Lake Club Board of Directors for a three-year term beginning in 2025. It’s important, so please take a few minutes to vote, these are your neighbors who will be making decisions impacting us all in the next few years.
I urge you to attend the Sherwood Lake Club Annual Meeting January 28, 2025, 7:00pm at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. The Board will be discussing what happened in 2024 and what we hope will happen in 2025.
Another article in this month’s Scene will explain the status of the dam and spillway project. We do know the Kansas Water Resource Department has received a commitment from FEMA, but we are facing additional “red tape” from FEMA to complete the application process.
As a reminder, please do not cross the “buoy line” in the two south coves while construction on the sewer pumps is proceeding.
I am ready for Summer!
Again, have a wonderful Holiday Season with your families, Thank you, Tom.
Any dock or shoreline additions or improvements must be approved by SLC. KDWR and Shawnee County Planning require a permit for any NEW improvements. Repairs or replacing existing shoreline without changing the layout do not require permits. When in doubt, give the SLC Lake Manager a call at 785-221-3248. For new docks or lifts contact Rob Seitz at 785-478-1745.
You can watch the video and take the quiz via the website. If you do not have access, contact the Lake Club Manager 785221-3248 or email manager@
Andrew Hinkle
Bruce Kahre
Ashley & Toni Grady
Whitney Baker
Leslie Riegsecker-Murata
Greg Umscheid
Greg Yakshaw
Ryan Hamilton
Mark Degroff
Holly Johnson
1. Reminder to have your sprinklers winterized before the temperatures stay below freezing.
2. Clubhouse is decorated for Christmas.
3. Orange buoys are still in place while sewer membrane is being replaced, please stay clear of these coves.
4. Members’ dues will be sent out in January. Please review your email on the website. Members can edit their own email address. Members without an email please contact (785) 221-3248 for alternate method to receive their dues statement.
5. Managers goal is to have members visit the website. If there are other links members would like to see on the website. Contact Manager or office.
6. Fishery a lot of members have been catching nice size crappie. We stocked the lake with walleye in November. Five hundred that were 8 inches long.
7. Leaves are being vacuumed from storm drains to help the lake quality. Members can assist by bagging their leaves and disposing or mulching them.
8. Lake Patrol on winters hours on call bases only until April 1, 2025.
Happy Holidays!
• Calendar
• Request Clubhouse Rental
• Request Beach Shelter Rental
• Your Boat Registrations
• Boat Fees and Restrictions
• Boat Registration - Motorized
• Boat Registration - Non-Motor
• Boater Safety Course & Quiz
• Dock System Changes Request
• Sherwood Scene Archive
• Map of Members
• Rules of Lake Sherwood
• Bylaws of Lake Sherwood
• BOD Meeting Minutes
• Dam & Spillway Info
• Marina Waiting List
• Marina Slip Allocation Process
• Boats For Sale
• Marina Diagram
• Board of Directors
We received word from the Kansas Water Office (KWO) that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided the State of Kansas with funding for dam rehabilitation projects. With that allocation, FEMA requested the KWO resubmit all applications for funds in order to determine final allocations. We continue to wait for final word from the KWO regarding grant dollar allocation for our project. We are currently projecting a late May construction start provided the funding is determined to allow time for bidding and funding for the SLC percentage match responsibility.
You should have received a ballot to vote for three members to serve on the Board of Directors for a three-year term starting January 2025. Please return your ballot with your vote. Election of the board members will occur at the Annual Meeting to be held January 28, 2025, 7:00 pm at the clubhouse. The following are this year’s nominees.
Megan is finishing her first three-year term on the Sherwood Lake Club Board where she has been chairing the Sherwood 4th of July Celebration Committee. Megan works remotely for New York Life Insurance Company. Megan, her husband Jeff and their two boys have enjoyed boating and the various activities in the Sherwood community. Megan would like to continue on the Sherwood Board to express the Class B Membership’s perspectives and concerns.
Joe recently retired from Hills Pet Nutrition where he worked for 29 years in various financial positions such as Vice-President of Finance, Controller, and International Controller. Joe, his wife Diana and their two daughters have enjoyed Sherwood since 2017. Joe now has time to give back to the Sherwood community and would like serving on the Board.
Janell is the Music Instructor at Jay Shideler Elementary School. Janell, her husband Tom and their two boys have lived on Sherwood for four years and enjoy the socializing and activities of the Sherwood community. Janell has particularly been concerned and involved with the silt basins and other means to keep the lake clean and at the proper levels. Janell has shown this interest by attending nearly every Board meeting over the past year.
Rob is finishing his first three-year term on the Sherwood Lake Club Board where he has been chairing the Committee which oversees the construction and maintenance of the docks and the lake frontage of the home sites. Rob, his wife Coleen and their children have been long time residents of the lake and enjoy a variety of community activities. Rob would like to serve a final three-year term to keep improving the quality of life at Sherwood.
Trey, his wife Kelcie and their two daughters have lived at Lake Sherwood for over three years and have enjoyed the lake activities, 4th of July events and the community as a whole. Trey is Vice President of Prairie Band Health Services and has served in various positions at Stormont-Vali Hospital, Lawrence Memorial Hospital and Via Christi Health. Trey has a history of seeking out grants for private and public entities.
Topeka, KS 66614 Bus: 785-272-8858
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The Sherwood Sailing Club completed its 2024 Holiday Awards Banquet and gift exchange. It has been another great year of social events and sailboat racing. This year, we ran 15 regular-season races from May 19th to September 29th. The best eight races for each of this year’s 17 sailors were used to calculate the following season winners:
1st Place: Tony Towle
2nd Place: Bob Meinzer
3rd Place: Al Hunt
4th Place: Dave Orr
5th Place: Chuck Towle
This year’s Commodore Cup Regatta winners were:
1st Place: Al Hunt
2nd Place: Jo Hunt
3rd Place: Jim Phelps
4th Place: Dave Orr
5th Place: Bob Bobo
This year’s winner of the Charlie Hoch Award for the 1st season race was: Bob Meinzer
This year’s winner of the Ron Gwaltney Award for the last season race was: Al Hunt
This year, 20 sailors and crew members participated in races. In the Spring, during June, we offer sailing lessons to any lake members who want to learn. We also have several social events during the year and do not require members to sail. So let us know if you want to join.
2024 SSC Officers:
Jim & Joy Phelps, Commodores
Al Hunt, Vice Commodore
Chuck Towle, Treasurer
Julie Hein & Linda Gwaltney, Social Chairs
Q. What have you been catching lately?
A. Crappie, other fish are a little more difficult this time of year.
Q. Where on the lake is the best place to fish?
A. Fish move to deeper water in winter so the east end of the lake and along the channel is best. It is also best to fish from a boat. It’s not great fishing from the bank unless you can reach the channel.
Q. Is there anything different about fishing on Lake Sherwood?
A. We don’t have structures and brush underwater like some of the bigger lakes so smaller fish don’t have that protection from predators. Instead, as they move to deep water they form a stack from the bottom of the lake to the top. It’s a great time to catch crappie when they are all stacked together.
Q. What bait and lures do you use?
A. I use the same year-round, a Roadrunner or Fin Spin dressed with a crappie jig. My favorite color is Chartreuse but I have caught fish with every color available.
Q. When will you start fishing for other fish?
A. Walleye start spawning in late February to early March when the water temperature is around 45 degrees and the lake stops freezing. Bass will spawn around 60 degrees and Crappie 60-65 degrees.
Q. What is special about their spawning season?
A. Fish are easy to catch when they are spawning. Fish are feeding as normal but they also will bite as they protect and defend their territory. They see the lures as a threat.
The Lake Quality and Environment Committee added four new members this year. The committee works with our Board to keep Lake Quality issues at front and center to help keep Lake Sherwood a pristine lake for use of the membership.
Many LQEC reports, general information, and studies are now on the Sherwood website. After you log on, click on the “LAKE QUALITY – LQEC” quick link to see lots of valuable information.
Water testing was done four times in 2024 and chemicals remain within safe levels. The latest report (Link), as well as graphs showing last five years results (Link), are on the website. The results show high Phosphorus levels. This can lead to an algae bloom. An algae bloom will likely result in a fish kill as well as requiring a period in which any swimming, skiing, tubing activities are restricted. Our upstream neighbors at Lake Vaquero had an algae bloom and huge fish kill episode late this summer. Lake Sherwood avoided a similar issue, for now. To help combat the high Phosphorus levels we are working to develop a system to lower the amount of dead leaves ending up in the lake this fall and winter. The Lake Manager developed a method to vacuum out many of the leaves that blow over the wattles and into the storm drains. (see photos) All members can help with the lowering of phosphorus levels by bagging or mulching your leaves so that fewer leaves end up in your lake.
We thank the twenty-two volunteer members for placing wattles placed on the 150+ storm drains throughout the neighborhood in early November. The wattles help keep out both leaves and sand. They will be removed in early Spring. We thank the volunteers who monitor and replace wattles as necessary and remove dirt, sand and leaves that builds up against the wattles.
Compare to prior years, less than half as many walleye fish were stocked this fall as the Board is keeping expenses low when possible. The last Fish Study was in April 2021 (Link). Hopefully a fish study can be done in 2025. A new study will help determine whether the recent years fish stocking choices have been successful and what needs done to keep the fish ecosystem balanced and vibrant for both lake quality and our many fishing members. Also, early next year, we plan to send members a survey on fishing to gauge progress on goals previously set, including the reduction of white crappie to allow larger crappie to thrive.
The LQEC also wants to remind the members that invasive species, particularly Zebra Mussels, are a very serious hazard. They now infect almost every public lake and many private lakes in Kansas. Lake Sherwood has been working for years to keep Zebra Mussels out of the lake. It only takes one member putting one boat or flotation device into the lake after it is exposed to a lake with Zebra Mussel microscopic larvae and we can lose the battle. Once lost, there is no method to eradicate Zebra Mussel. The Lake Quality section of the website includes item 4b (Link)which shows and explains some of the devastating effects of Zebra Mussels. Please do your part to keep Zebra Mussels out of Lake Sherwood.
The following creel, possession and slot limits shall apply to all fishing on Lake Sherwood.
Individuals that violate these limits shall be suspended from all Lake Club Privileges for one (1) year from date of violation, in addition to “Penalties” as may be determined under the Sherwood Lake Club Rules and Regulations which may be amended or updated from time to time.
Adopted 05/2021
We found the missing results - Yay!
0-4 yrs old
1st – Walker Wendling
2nd – Hadassah Eilert
3rd – Payton Fisher
5-9 yr old
1st – Caden Gill
2nd – Christian Robertson
3rd – Bowen George
10-13 yr old
1st – Carson Gill
2nd – Hudson Dohrman
3rd – Dylan Meggison
14-16 yr olds
1st – Andrew Wolverton
2nd – Brady Bromich
3rd – Jaxon Whitehead
1st – Halsey Elliott
2nd – Hannah Van-nort
3rd – Kristin Robertson
All minutes can be found on the website, Members can use the links below to retrieve them.
August 26th:
September 23rd:
October 28th: