Petra's Planet Magazine - Issue 3 - Awe Inspiring Australia

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Cute koalas & cool kangas!

Bella’s secret Aussie recipe!

awe-inspiring AWE

a Australia! and!

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m Some of the world’s best surfers come fro n Australia. Can you find 5 surfboards hidde found in this section? Tick this box when you’ve them all! Canberra was built just over 100 years ago to be Australia’s capital city. Its name is thought to come from the Aboriginal word for ‘meeting place’. As well as being home to Australia’s Parliament, Canberra is famous for Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, where you can spot lots of native species. It also has the huge manmade Burley Griffin Lake, named after the man who designed the city. I did a segway tour around the lake and it was great fun!

– You’ve probably heard of ULURU of a giant red rock, which is one arks. Australia’s most famous landm – It’s sacred to local Aborigines the indigenous population of Australia. Uluru is made from tiful sandstone and glows a beau use red at dawn and sunset. Beca the rock is so old and home to many ancient Aboriginal rock rld paintings, it’s an important wo heritage site.

Sydney is Australia’s larg est city, and probably the place you know best. Sydney is famous for many things, especially the Op era House, which it took 10 ,000 people 14 years to build . It looks like it has white shells or sails and they reach the sam e height as a 22-storey building ! There’s also Sydney Harbour Br idge (which some people call the Coathanger – can you see why?) and brilliant “Legend has it that Bondi Beach. See if you remove a rock my Factfile over the from Uluru, you’ll page! be cursed!”

Petra just loved hopping about all over Australia with me!

ife local LIFE L

in AUSTRALIA in Australia? How does it So what’s it like growing up I did some investigations… compare to where you live?


uthern Australia is in the So summer there Hemisphere, so it’s in Europe. when it’s winter here le we’re all This means that whi s, Australian wrapped up in scarve long summer kids are enjoying a y Christmas holiday – and a sunn alian school heatwave! The Austr d of January year starts at the en rms, rather and there are four te half-term than three, with no that, the breaks. Other than ects are school day and subj gets so similar to ours. As it ers, it’s hot in Aussie summ to wear compulsory for kids outside. hats when they play No hat, no play!


l specia e r a t ir the A chools se f o ls s o Scho e-learning ive in the l c distan r kids who e lessons up fo . Kids hav stead ck t in Outba he interne lass! t over oing into c of g


Outside school, I joined Sydney kids, Josh and Chloe, at the local Monster skate park, where I had a go at BMXing, skateboarding, rollerblading, and I learnt how to do the bunny hop on a scooter! Not bad for a beginner! Kids here also like playing football, or going to the beach to surf or swim. Because the weather is so good in Australia, kids get outdoors as much as possible. When I went to Josh and Chloe’s house, we had fun playing backyard cricket too! It’s cricket, but in the garden!


Rio Ma is k ra no ‘Ma vilho wn a Austrvel sa’. I s ‘Cid r lo after aagliar iusstChet meaade An e it dr n rain tarce!tic y’. Iiesst con

Did yo u know ?

a fall o f only with an a tinent ve 6 Sri L anka 00mm a rage yea ge 2000 mm o ts over r. per y f rainfall ear!

Australia is an amaz ing melting pot of cultures. In the la st 70 years, over 7 million people have moved there – that’s a quarter of everyone living there! As well as th e Aboriginal communities who fir st lived there, people have come fr om the U.K., New Jos h a n Zealand, Asia (espec d Chloe ially China, India invited a barbe and Vietnam), Italy, me ove cue. Th Germany, Greece r for ey told summ e – all over! This mea m e th a r, their ns you can hear t , family c in two or t many different lang ooks ou hree tim uages, see many t s ide es love the different churches an ir barbie a week. Austra d temples and lians s! We a in buns taste a huge variety te saus with lot of foods from a g es s of sala by pavlo different countries al d, follow va for d l in one city! e essert, melt-in which is d -the-m a o uth mer big in whipp ingue, c ed crea o vered m real fav ourite in and fresh fruit . It’s a Australi served a and is after C h o ristmas ften tried lam dinner. ingtons I a lso – see p find out a how to make th ge 21 to em with Bella!


Learn the Llngo! Australians might speak English but they definitely have some favourite phrases. Here’s Petra’s guide on how to talk like a local: Arvo – Afternoon Bonzer/Ripper – Fantastic Stoked – Very happy Fair dinkum – True Barbie – Barbecue Cobber – Friend Bathers/Togs – Swimsuit Bush Telly – Campfire Go off like a frog in a sock – Sound angry (LOL!) Moolah – Money Tucker – Food


Many Aussie s chools have a ‘nude food’ po licy, which mean s bringing your lunch to schoo l in recyclable pac kaging and no junky treats! It ’s good for yo u and it’s good fo r the environment to o!


how K H koala PETRA’S lost ADVENTURES FRIENDS his tail! ITH FUN W


boriginal culture is full of stor ies about how the world was created, how the sun and the moon were made and how animals came to be. They’re known as ‘Dreamtime’ stories and this is one I heard on my trip to Australia…


LongCLUBHOUSE ago, when the world was still young, the great land of Australia was in the throes of a fierce heatwave. The earth was dry and parched, the watering hole had dried up and the leaves had all withered in the sun.


“That’s not the CURIOUS spirit, cobber !”

Kangaroo and Koala were suffering terribly. They had been friends for a long time and even lived by the same tree. They often joked that they had the two longest and most powerful tails in the outback, but today there was no joking.

“What will we do, Kangaroo?” moaned Koala. “If we don’t find something to drink soon, we will surely die.” He slumped by the edge of the waterhole, tired and listless.

“That’s not the spirit!” said Kangaroo. “I remember something like this happening when I was a young joey, and my mum hopped for miles until she found a river. That’s what we should do – let’s see if we can find water somewhere else!”


“Ugh,” grumbled Koala, who was all out of energy. “I suppose we could.” And so they set off together, away from the watering hole and across the searing heat of the desert to look for water.

“Keep up now!” cried the Kangaroo. “I’m pretty sure it’ll be in this direction!” And he bounded from side to side and hopped around

in circles looking for the tiniest glint of water in the sunlight, while Koala sloped along behind, rather grumpily.

At last, they saw a wide riverbed in the distance and Kangaroo hopped towards it at full pelt hoping for some water, but, when he reached it, there wasn’t even a sip. When Koala finally trundled up, he couldn’t help moaning. “All this way for nothing,” he said, and he sat down in a disgruntled heap.

“Don’t be like that!” smiled Kangaroo. “I’ve got a great idea – let’s dig down. There might be some water just under the surface.” “Perhaps you could start?” yawned Koala. “I’m quite exhausted after walking all this way.” Kangaroo felt sorry for his small friend, so he let Koala take a nap, while he started to dig with his powerful back legs. After a while, the heat and hard work got the better of Kangaroo and he stopped to take a break too.


Koala stirred from his sleep and Kangaroo said, “It’s your turn!” But Koala had no intention of getting any more hot and bothered than he already was. “But your legs are so much more powerful than mine – and I’m still so tired from the journey. Just a little more sleep…” And Koala yawned and closed his eyes again. Kangaroo sighed and got up again and carried on digging the riverbed, until his legs ached and he needed to rest again. He nudged Koala to wake him up. “You know, this would be a lot quicker if there were two of us doing it.” But Koala stretched and yawned and said, “But you’re

so good at it. I’d just get in the way. Let me rest a while longer and I’ll help you later…” This time, Koala pretended to go to sleep and when he opened one eye to peek, he saw that Kangaroo had got up again and was digging away with his back legs. Koala smiled to himself. Moments later, Koala heard Kangaroo let out a cry of delight. His friend started to dig more frantically. There was a sudden trickle and then a mighty gush of water into the hole. Kangaroo looked up and said, “Water! I’ve found…” But before he could finish his sentence, Koala had leapt up, dashed across the dry riverbed, knocked Kangaroo out of the way and was guzzling up the water for himself.


s for eating? What are koalas famou er. w See page 30 for the ans Spearmint leaves

1. 2. Olive tree leaves 3. Eucalyptus leaves

“Why, you lazy, selfish beast!” cried Kangaroo, and he grabbed Koala

by his long tail to drag him out of the way, but in his anger, he accidentally yanked Koala’s tail right off!

And that is why the Koala has a short and stumpy tail... didn’t he

deserve it?

The End There are many d ifferent aboriginal communities living in Australia and ea ch group has its own version of the Dre amtime stories and how th e world came to be . That means lots of fun stories about koal as and kangaroos! I loved them all!


Floriade Fun!


cyber olympics

From late September to early Australia October, the city of Canberra celebrates the arrival of spring with the Floriade Festival. By day, you can roam through Commonwealth Park admiring thousands of beautiful blooms and listening to school bands. By night, the park is magically lit, and there are food stalls, circus acts and music. Our favourite is the Gnome Knoll where you can buy a garden gnome, paint it and enter it into a competition to win prizes! Melbourne Festival also takes place in October, bringing 17 days of free music, theatre and family fun to Australia’s second biggest city!

On October 8, the first ever Cybathlon takes place – a high-tech multi-sport contest for people with disabilities, using the latest cutting edge robotic technology to help them go for gold. Athletes from all over the world will be competing in six sports, including races using powered prostheses, robotic exoskeletons and the power of the mind to control a computer! Welcome to the future everyone!

Petra’s H e roes!

Petra has not just one hero this month, but lots of them! Booster is a website that allows fundraisers to go online, design t-shirts for their chosen charity and sell them online to raise money. In May this year, they launched B-Cause Kids ( ) for children who wanted to do good and make the world a better place. So far, thousands of kids have got involved. 12-year-old Ella Csuka set up a childhood cancer foundation following the death of her cousin, and 10-year-old Liam Fitzgerald raises awareness and funds for a leukaemia charity, having recovered from it himself. Hopefully, Booster will be available worldwide soon for more kids to get involved!

Petra’s Challenge! 14

Why not start your own charity fundraiser this month? What worthy cause will you choose?

Weird World!

World Space Week! From October 4, it’s World Space Week – a massive, worldwide celebration of everything to do with outer space. This year’s theme is all about remote sensing – or how we can learn more about our precious planet by looking at it from space. Let your school know, as there’ll be cool events taking place and lots of great resources at

Perhaps I cou ld be the world ’s first parrot in spa ce?

COlourful KOALA Staff at the Australia Zoo Rescue Unit were recently called in to help a koala that was found injured by the roadside. Luckily, the injury was minor, but while examining the koala, they found something very special – she had an incredibly rare genetic disorder called ‘heterochromia’ which causes her to have two different eye colours – one bright blue and one brown! It doesn’t affect her eyesight at all, but it does give her something in common with world-famous musician, David Bowie, who also had different-coloured eyes. Staff have named the koala ‘Bowie’ in his honour and are allowing her to recover before releasing her back into the wild.

It’s only right that the world’s biggest island has an obsession with ‘big things’! No matter where you go in Australia, you’re bound to see a giant statue, sculpture or even a building with a funny shape. There are over 150 of them in Oz! The Big Banana in New South Wales was the original – it opened over 50 year ago and is a giant yellow banana you can walk through at an amusement park. Other attractions include the Big Merino (a sheep), the Big Prawn, the Big Pineapple and the Big Lobster. All very silly, but great fun to track down!


largest Australia might have the world’s and artificial banana, prawn, lobster the sheep, but America is home to It’s world’s largest ketchup bottle. 00 so big, it could hold over 640,0 bottles of normal ketchup!


Let’s bake! join Bella in her kitchen to bake yummy cupcakes, pies and much more!

s ’ a l l Be g n i k Ba p p A t s a l B d a o l n w o D



Did you kno w tha kangaroos t there are more living than people in Australia ? It’s true!

OL ool CO s



a g n a k K GAZINE A M E TH

ind out d in Australia. FFUN WITH n u fo ly n o re a age. ent marsupials nder over the p U n w o D These magnific m o fr s and more dude all about them


Korangi... the Kangaroo! G’day, mate. The name’s Korangi, which is Aboriginal for Kangaroo, and I’m what’s known as a marsupial. That means the ladies carry their young (we call them ‘joeys’) around in a pouch, but I’m a fella so I don’t know much about that! I’m famous for my muscly tail and strong back legs – I use them to hop around. And if you think hopping is slow, think again! I can get up to 30 miles per hour with hops of over 7 metres long! There are actually four types of kangaroo in Australia – the eastern grey, the western grey, the antilopine and the red. I’m a red – the biggest of the lot! Reds grow to roughly 1.6m long. I live here with my mob and we have a bonzer time, grooming each other and grazing on the grasses and flowers. I’m quite partial to a bit of moss, myself. You might have heard about kangaroo boxing – when kangaroos fight each other to impress the ladies – but that doesn’t happen often. Generally we get on well. Just don’t try to annoy us – we can pack a real punch! Find out about my marsupial mates over the page.


Only in o o Oz.. …. Many of the animals living in Australia are unique to this beautiful country, just like the kangaroo. Meet some of them here…

KOALA rd In the Aboriginal language, the wo se ‘koala’ means ‘no water’, and the y cuties got their name because the get most of their moisture from munching on eucalyptus leaves in – their favourite food. They sleep trees for up to 20 hours a day up and snack all night, often storing leaves in their cheek-pouches for later. Each koala needs about 100 trees to survive. Like ’roos, koalas have pouches. Koala babies stay inside the pouch for six months, then spend the next few months clinging to their mums. Couldn’t you just cuddle a koala?

WOMBAT l, The wombat is another marsupia s which uses its short, muscular leg and sharp claws to dig amazing underground burrows. Wombats are about the same size as badgers and they come out at night to feed on vegetation. One of the cleverest y things about wombats is that the y produce cube-shaped poop! The do this so that they can mark out ay. their territory without it rolling aw y ver It’s really true! They also have y tough skin on their bottoms, so the can use their behinds to block the ack! entrance of their burrows from att

f e e R r e i r r a B Great Off the east coast of Queensland in Australia lies the world’s largest coral reef – one of the seven wonders of the natural world and home to hundreds of tropical isles. The reef is over 1,800 miles (3000km) long and is even visible from space! Most importantly, it’s home to over 400 coral species and supports around 10% of the world’s total fish species. Whales, sea cows, dolphins, sea turtles and hundreds of bird species also depend on it to survive. Schools in the local area can even join a Reef Guardian scheme to care for this precious marvel.

It’s true that kangaroos box each other to work out who’s the boss. It actually happened on an ordinary street in New South Wales. Watch it here!


PLATYPUS This weird-looking little creature, which looks like a cross between a beaver and a duck, spends most of its time swimming in rivers, foraging for shrimps and insect larvae. The platypus may look funny, but the males have razor sharp spurs on their ankles, which produce venom toxic enough to kill a small dog and seriously injure a human! The platypus, along with s, another native Australian specie called the echidna, are the only mammals to lay eggs. Cool!

The emu is Australia’s biggest bird and the second biggest bird on the planet – it can grow to the height of a tall man. They can’t fly, but for those long spindly legs make up es it – an emu can reach up to 30 mil g, (48km) per hour! Emus eat anythin and can store fat for weeks at a ry time, so they don’t need to eat eve day. The Australian coat of arms bears both a red kangaroo and an emu, and many Aboriginal groups believe that, if you look closely, you can see the outline of an emu in the Milky Way!

KILLER CREATURES Australia is also well-known for its deadly animals and it boasts saltwater crocodiles, great white sharks, stinging stonefish, box jellyfish, toxic funnel web spiders and the world’s most venomous snake – the inland taipan! But, surprisingly, in a recent study, Australian Geographic found that horses, cows and dogs had killed more people than any of the nasty natives listed above!

Did you know that the Great Barrier Reef is bigger than the U.K., Holland and Switzerland put together!


Bake IT!

you Lamingtons work best if r 24 refrigerate your cake fo – hours before dipping it ! bly otherwise it’s too crum

Ask an adult to help!

Lusc ious Lam i ngtons

Bella has been busy cooking up some classic Australian treats. Lamingtons are delicious bite-sized squares of sponge cake, dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut. Great for parties!

• •

You need

• •

125g butter 225g caster sugar 3 eggs, beaten 200g self-raising flour 110ml milk 350g icing sugar 25g cocoa powder

• • • •

1 tbsp unsalted butter 112ml boiling water 175g desiccated coconut

• •

Deep rectangular baking tin Baking parchment Mixing bowls Sieve

• •

your We’d love to hear your recipes too! Ask ebook parents to share them with us on our Fac page:

Heat the oven to gas mark 4/180°C/350°F, grease your baking tin and line its base and sides with baking parchment. Beat the 125g butter and caster sugar in a bowl until they’re light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs. Sift in half the flour and stir in half the milk. Add the remaining flour and milk, and stir until they’re well combined. Spoon your cake mixture into the baking tin and smooth over the top with a spoon. Bake for 30 minutes or until a skewer prodded into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Let your cake cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then place it on a wire rack to cool completely. For the icing, sift your icing sugar and cocoa powder into a bowl, then beat in the butter and water until the mixture is smooth. Tip desiccated coconut into a separate bowl. Cut your cake into 15 cubes, then spear a cake cube with a fork. Dip it in the chocolate icing to cover it completely. While the icing is still wet, dip each side and top of the cake cube in the coconut. Repeat with your remaining cake cubes. Let them all set before serving.


M i n i Boom e rang

Want to make a boomerang tha t not only flies but also come s back to you – just like a real Au stralian boomerang? Print off our Petra’s Planet Mini Boom erangs, cut them out, stick the m to thick card or cardboard an d you’re ready to fly! Downloa d them from petrasplanetmagaz Here are a few ideas for having fun wit h your mini boomerangs:


• To launch your boomerang, lightly hold its outer curve

(or point) between your thumb and forefinger, then flick it with your other index finger. It will take a few goes to get it just right.

• You can also try flicking it off the edge of a table. This works best if the boomerang is only half on the table edge with one arm facing towards your flicking finger.

• If you need help with your technique, visit the Boomerang

Association of Australia for top tips: articles/how-to-throw-a-boomerang/

• When you’ve got your technique sorted, see how far your boomerang can fly, how long it can stay in the air for or how quickly it can come back to you.

• Why not adapt our basic templates and make your

homemade boomerang thicker or thinner, or change the angle to see how that affects its flight? What difference does adapting the size and shape make?

? w o n k u Did yo

n icon. a li a r t s true Au m as hunting a is g n omera nally used the used for o b e h T io ly s tradit y they’re main set the e in ig r a Abo but tod avid Schummy ngest , s n o p D lo wea stralian cord for the u A . t r spo ld Re hen he r w o , t W c e s j Guinnes row of any ob which flew ever th a boomerang, t)! d 5f launche 427.2m (1,401. for


oin JOIN j





and r spot the difference ou in t ou nd Fi u? yo e cool How observant are Petra’s also got som ! iz qu a eg m r ou in test your memory tions for you! Aussie recommenda

SPOT the

differenCe Can you spot six differences between these two photos of Petra sightseeing at Sydney Harbour Bridge? How eagleeyed are you?

A When you think you’ve found them all turn to page 30 to see if you’ve got them right!



? y t i c h Whic

y, alian cit r t s u A n r isiting a ch lette v a E ’s : a r T t Pe e HIN nce. Se h one? o c i h ly n w o t rs bu y appea it . c e h t of age 30 p n o r we the ans



Hey, you should give this wacky new animal ! species a special name u What will yo call it?


This crazy animal mash-up features three different Aussie animals. Can you name them all? Answers on page 30!


sizzling sa usages

This pile of sau sages is ready to go on the barbie, but will there b e enough for the guests? Count how many there are, then check pag e 30 for the answer!


The amazing australia quiz!

Petra’s loved havi ng you along for he r trip around Austr but were you paying alia, attention? How m uch do you remem from your exciting ber trip? Let’s find out…


Australia is… a) The world’s largest continent b) The world’s largest desert c) The world’s largest island


Australia’s national currency is the Australian dollar and smaller coins are called ‘cents’.


ustralia’s capital city is… A a) Sydney FACT! b) Canberra of Tasmania is d an The isl ate. Australia’s smallest st rt. c) Melbourne ba Ho is y cit


nother name for A FACT! Ayer’s Rock is… Ayer’s Rock is 348m a) Aloha high but is thought to extend several miles b) Uluru under the ground – nobody knows how c) Uvavu deep it goes!


n Aussie word for food is… A a) Grub b) Fodder c) Trucker

Its capital


FACT! A favourite treat for Aussie kids is the Tim Tam – a chocolate-covered biscuit that’s a bit like the UK’s Penguin bar.

Which of these famous structures is in Sydney?



6 A baby kangaroos is called a… a) Jimmy b) Joey FACT! c) Johnny Male kangaroos are



Hi! I’m Max and I’ve loved visiting Australia. I’m a real action addict, so the outdoor sports here have kept me busy! Do you remember the backyard sport Petra played with her Aussie friends? Unscramble the letters to work out what it was, then see page 30 to see if you got the right answer!

often called ‘Jacks’ and females are called ‘Jills’!


Aussie wildlife is so AMAZING!


% of the w that 80 Australia o n k u o y Did animals in in plants andnd anywhere else u fo aren’t ? Wow! the world


hich Australian animal W has cube-shaped poop? a) Wombat b) Platypus c) Box jellyfish


he indigenous people T of Australia are… a) Maori b) Aborigine c) Greek


Which Australian attraction can you see from space? a) Sydney Harbour Bridge FACT! b) The Red Centre Austr Kangaroo alia has c) Great Barrier has kangaIsland, which Reef penguin co roos and a

lo Bay with w ny, and Shark turtles an hale sharks, d sea cow s!


The Outback’s special emergency service is called the… a) School of the Air FACT! b) Flying Doctors The aircraft in this c) Bush Medics special service fly the equivalent to 600 flights around the earth every year!


The first people reached Australia over 50,000 years ago. Historians think they sailed on rafts made of bamboo and were swept there by winds!

Now let’s see how you did! Why not keep a travel journal like I do, then you’ll find it easier to remember all those fun facts?

Turn to page 30 For the answers, then find out how you did here… 1 to 4 correct

5 to 7 correct

Not bad for a beginner, but it looks like you need to take another journey with my magic mirror. It’s a perfect excuse to read my magazine again!

I’m impressed! Would you like to come on another travelling adventure with me? That way, you’ll get an even better score next time!

8 to 10 correct Are you Australian? You must be to know so much! Maybe you could teach me a few things? Get in touch – I love talking to my fellow explorers!


Hi! I’m Teo the tiger and I’m not very impressed that there are no big cats in Australia! I thought I’d better introduce this section or I’ll be completely ignored, and that makes me grumpy!

THE he GOOD ood


What are Aussie kids watching and listening to? What’s hot and what’s cool? Find out here with Petra and friends! Top Sydney band 5 Seconds of Summer aren’t just big news in Australia, they found international fame after touring with One Direction and their first single She Looks So Perfect topped the charts in both the UK and in Australia. They’re in the middle of a world tour right now, and if you haven’t heard their latest album, Sounds Good Feels Good, we highly recommend it! If you want to check out more Aussie talent, try Jessica Mauboy’s catchy R&B or Adelaide pop rock brothers At Sunset.



As Youtube sensations go, 9-year-old Charli from Queensland is quite unexpected, but she is one of Australia’s biggest stars. With the help of her 6-yearold sister and chief tastetester Ashlee, she runs the CharlisCraftyKitchen channel, featuring kid-friendly party treats and bakes. With over 630,000 subscribers and over 20 million views per month, she’s bigger than Jamie Oliver! Experts say her channel earns over £95,000 per month from advertising. Don’t spend it

In late August this year, Australia celebrated Children’s Book Week with the motto: Australia! Story Country. The current Children’s Laureate is Leigh Hobbs, whose writing and illustrations are laugh-out-loud funny. Leigh’s characters include h d Leig ading a Horrible Harriet and, our lo n re Dow piring ww. favourite, Mr Chicken. See s n i s w s’ Hobb ndar from more at cale laureate ens childr


! p i T s ’ a r t e P


Ever heard of Australian Rules Football? It was invented in Oz and the end of September sees the Grand Final taking place with eight teams competing for glory. It’s like a cross between football, rugby and basketball, as you have to bounce an oval ball while carrying it and punch the ball to pass it. It’s great fun and is even getting popular over here. It’s played on an oval pitch, but you can try it in your local park. Give it a go!

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, based

on the book by Ransom Riggs, is out in late September and, with director Tim Burton at the helm, you can expect a real visual feast. It stars 19-yearold Asa Butterfield and the ‘Peculiar Children’ all have unusual powers or traits, including invisibility, extra mouths and super strength! The trailer looks amazing!





Did you know that you can buy a Petra’s Planet t-shirt and help a child in Kenya go to school? Elimu (which is Swahili for ‘education’) is a fantastic charity, which gives young children in Kenya the opportunity to get an education they couldn’t afford – and now you can help out too! £2 from every special t-shirt sold goes straight to Elimu. Who will you choose? Visit and type in ‘Petra’s Planet’.



Petra’s Planet has a great goodie bag of prizes to give away, including membership to our virtual world and a brilliant book! To enter our competition, answer this:

Where does Petra go in our next issue?

Ask your parents to enter our latest competition by quoting “Petra Prize Australia” on our Facebook page, along with their answer. To enter, visit:

(See page 30 for terms and conditions.)

! N I W

: s r e w s An Spot the Difference:

KOALA QUIZ: Eucalyptus leaves Which Way?: SYDNEY Mixed-up Marsupials: It’s a kangaroo, koala and a platypus. Sizzling Sausages: 24 sausages The amazing australia Quiz! 1. c, 2. a, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. c, 10, b. Australian Sport Anagram: Cricket hidden boomerangs: Pages 8, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29.


Petra’s Planet magazine is published by Dramaforum Oy. All rights reserved © 2016 Dramaforum Oy. Petra’s Planet is a trademark of Dramaforum Oy registered in Europe and other Jurisdictions. CONTACT DETAILS: Dramaforum Oy, Vaisalantie 4, Innopoli 3 02130 Espoo - Finland + 358 40 576 5801

For more fun and games, visit:

What do kangaroos like to wear? Jumpsuits!

PICTURE AND SOUND CREDITS: P13: Concurs dell Castel bottom left (Alberich Fotografs - ; P13: Sonoma Marin top right (; P14: Floriade Gnomes (; Cybathlon centre right (; P14: Booster; Digeridoo’s sound (; P15 Koala Bear (www.; P28 5 Seconds of Summer (www.facebook. com/5secondsofsummer); Charlis Crafty Kitchen (; p29 Australian Football (; Miss Peregrines ( All other images: iStock and Getty Images.

Competition Terms and conditions: 1. Promoter: Dramaforum Oy, see address below. 2. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 11.59pm on October 1 2016. Only one entry accepted per person. Entries after the closing date will not be considered. 3. Anyone under 18 years old must have the permission of an adult before entering. 4. Employees of Dramaforum Oy and their family members and any associated company connected with the competition are not eligible to enter the competition. 5. No alternative prizes will be offered, and there is no cash alternative. 6. Dramaforum Oy will not be responsible for any indirect, special or consquential damages or losses suffered by the entrant or a third party. 7. Three winners will be selected at random from all correct entries. The promoter’s decision will be final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into. 8. Winners will be notified via Facebook within 28 days of the competition closing date. 9. If we can’t contact the winner within a month of the closing date, we will offer the prize to an alternative entry. 10. Once contacted, you must provide your full name, address and email address. We will use your contact details only to adminster this competition, and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission. 11. A list of winners can be obtained by sending an SAE to the Dramaforum Oy address shown below within six weeks of the closing date. 12. When you enter the competition, you agree to be bound by these rules. 13. Dramaforum Oy does not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury occurring to the participant arising from his or her entry into the promotion or from his or her acceptance of this prize. 14. The competition is subject to the laws of Finland, England and Wales.

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