Petra's Planet Magazine - Issue 4 - Adventure in Jordan

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Meet Latifah the Camel!

Make sweet mint lemonade!

A adventure in

Investigate awesome ancient

Jo Or RD da An N! ruins!

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Marhaba! That’s Arabic for hello, which is the main language spoken in Petra, and that’s where I’m having a great time this issue. Believe it or not, Petra wasn’t named after me… this magical city has been around for a lot longer than I have!

PETRA’S Jordan

Here’s Petra in the south of the CLUBHOUSE Middle Eastern country, Jordan. It’s an ancient city – over 2,300 years old – and is often called one of the new seven wonders of the world! Why is Petra special? Because it’s hidden are deep in a canyon and all the buildings carved into the sandstone rock face. The rocks are pinkish in colour, so sometimes Petra is called the ‘Rose City’. One of the main ways to enter Petra is through a It 1km-long narrow gorge called the Siq. on has rock walls up to 182m (597ft) high y either side – that’s as tall as a 30-store building! You can walk there or get a ride ! in a small horse-drawn carriage, like I did







The first thing you see when you step out of the Siq is Al-Khazneh (‘The Treasury’) – the huge tomb of an ancient prince. Some say it got its name because of a local legend ab out robbers hiding their loot in an urn at the fro nt of the building. Bedouins (Arabs who live in the desert) used to shoot at it to try to spill the treasure. They even left bullet hol es in the building! The funny thing is, the urn is solid – there’s no treasure hidden inside it at all!

I like to relax along the banks of the River Jordan, but you’ll see plenty of camels, donkeys and horses in Petra!

Petra is in the kingdo m of Jord bold natio an and this nal flag. Th is e capital c Amman, ab ity of Jord its out 235km an is (14 and its nat ional curre 6 miles) north of Pe tr ncy is a Jo rdanian din a, ar.

nt There are almost 3,000 ancie giant tombs in Petra, including the d Royal Tombs of former kings an o the queens, which stretch high int azing mountains. There’s also an am ne. amphitheatre carved out of sto ces I enjoyed imagining performan Who from thousands of years ago. there was famous back then? Were rite ancient pop stars? My favou re places to explore, however, we ars the cave dwellings. Until 30 ye but ago, Bedouins lived in them, in now you’ll only spot donkeys there! I’d love to sleep in one, of but it’s forbidden as the city Petra is now a protected park.

So who did all this amaz ing carving? It’s all down to the Nabataeans – a really cleve r group of Arabs who lived 2,00 0 years ago and made Petra a great city. They not only turned it into a bustling centre of trade for silk and spices, they also fig ured out how to make waterway s, which carried 12 million gallons of water every day – that’s enough for 100,000 people to drink, cook and bathe in! Back then, Petra also had a differe nt name – it was called Raqmu.

ns There are six ancient Nabataean silver coi scattered around these pages. Be an archaeologist and dig them up for Petra!

Rio Ma is k ra no ‘Ma vilho wn a rv sa s Petreallou ’. It m‘Cidad s a Greegreise aCcittuyalleyanse ’. I fro k wor! ‘r m

Did yo u know ?

d ock’? t Very for ‘stone he f in Jo rdan itting for ’ or , but I’m no Petra sure t abou t me! so

My name’s Fatima and I loved showing Petra how we live here in Jordan!

E ife LIF Local L l in petra

There are still many Bedouin families living just outside Petra – just like Petra’s new friend Fatima.

Home School

a small school Fatima’s village has pected to and children are ex the ages of study there between girls study 4 and 16. Boys and y local boys separately, but man in Petra skip school to work can make instead, where they souvenirs to good money selling nd this, the tourists! To get arou ening classes, school now offers ev n get a better so that everyone ca ouin families education. For Bed ss the desert, who still travel acro hools, which there are mobile sc aching tents. set up temporary te school week Across Jordan, the ursday. is from Sunday to Th

Traditionally, Bedouins were nomads who moved around the desert, but Fatima’s family has settled in a village just outside Petra. Fatima lives in a big house with her parents, six brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles and cousins. They have electricity, water, a TV and internet access. However, Fatima’s grandfather grew up in the caves inside Petra and has many happy memories of living there. Bedouins who live in the desert live in large tents made from goat’s hair and they live a very different life! Some Bedouins also still live in caves or stone houses just outside Petra.


Rio Ma is k ra no ‘Ma vilho wn a In Jrvoellosa’. I s ‘Cid rdau t m ad traadgi re ns, CBietdy oeuai nse hea tioen!al r ’. I n men w

Did yo u know ?

ed ds ea with carves c -and-whit r ta all e bigge ssels on ed ‘keffiy th eh r the tasse e edge. T ’ impo he ls, t rtant the p he more erso n!

Petra’s local Bedou ins are known as the B’doul tribe, which is made up of around 500 families. Many of the B’doul tribe, like Petra’s father an d uncle, work in Petra as guides or performers, or running souvenir stal ls or small cafes, Traditio or offering donkey rid n a l B ed es up some of the ouin foo it ’s d e liciously d isn’t h steeper steps. Man y Bedouins have ot, but s picy, he f la v o u r r by and learnt to speak seve . A lot o full of ral languages so f dishes special a r they can talk to tour e s p c ic o oked wit e mixes ists. I found them nine spic , m ade h to be very kind and e o s f ground eight or friendly. They e n u joyed th p toget were always happy her. I re to chat and I which is e national dish a was offered many cu , mansa lly m ade fr ps of mint tea! f om lam yogurt b cooke , with ric d e , in and top almond ped wit s an d p h in e nuts. on a hu It’s serv ge roun ed d platter, flatbrea along w d. Just it like in S Petra’s ri Lanka h Planet, (see Issue 2 with ou ), we all r right h ate ands. It down w was all ith mint wa tea or r lemona efreshin shed de. Mak g mint e it in F on page un with 20. Friends


Learn the Llngo! Though everyone in Petra seemed to be good at speaking different languages, my friend Fatima taught me some Arabic phrases to share! Marhaba – Hello Maa salama – Goodbye Shukran – Thank You Na’am – Yes Laa – No Ismi . . . . – My name is... Keef halak (to a man); Keef halek (to a woman) – How are you? Here’s Jordan written in Arabic!

Petra’s Tip! Fatima inv ited celebrat me to a special ion for h er baby brother. You can find out what hap pens in m y bo Petra Dis covers P ok, etra!


The secret city of Petra is one of the most magical places I’ve ever seen!


Petra is one of those places that is so spectacular and special, it’s hard to fit it into five facts, but here goes…


2 3


You can visit Petra in the evening, when the rock walls are beautifully lit up with over 1,500 candles and you can listen to Bedouin songs and stories. It’s magical! Read a story from Jordan on page 9! It’s hard to imagine when you look at it now, but because the ancient waterways were so good, Petra once had lots of lush, green gardens. Archaeologists have even found a big swimming pool in the centre of Petra with an island in the middle, and gardens all around it. Sounds great fun!

Two earthquakes in the year 363 and 551 destroyed

many of Petra’s buildings and its water systems, so it stopped being the great civilisation it once was. It fell into ruin and, in time, Bedouin Arabs discovered it and began to use the caves as homes.


Nobody in the west knew that Petra existed until a Swiss explorer called Johann Ludwig Burckhardt stumbled upon it in 1812. It was such a secretive place, he went there in disguise as an Arab, led by a local guide!


Archaeologists think they’ve only uncovered 15% of Petra’s hidden secrets. They believe that beneath the sands, there are many more buildings and monuments, which were once home to over 20,000 Nabataeans!

Dig up some more facts on Petra and Jordan on pages 26 and 27!

The most geneFRIENDS rous ITH FUN W



man in the world! O

ne of the most well-known an d well-loved heroes in Bedouin folklore is a man called Hatim Al-Ta’i. Why is he famous? Not because he is handsome or brave or strong, but becaus e he is generous – his name ev en means ‘generosity’! STAY


Fatima told me that Bedouins believe generosity is the most important virtue you can have!


Before our hero was born,CLUBHOUSE his mother had a vivid dream. A powerful spirit called a djinn came to her and asked her whether she would rather have ten strong, brave sons or one who would grow up to be the most generous man in the world. His mother chose the latter and, in time, she fell pregnant with her one and only son. She called him Hatim Al-Ta’i and, even as a child, he got a reputation for helping other children. He gave away his shoes, his clothes and even his favourite toys to anyone he considered to be more needy than himself.


As he grew older, so his generosity grew larger. One day, when he was travelling across the desert with his caravan of camels, a sandstorm began to whip up around him. Hatim Al-Ta’i spotted a tent and made his way towards it, seeking shelter. The tent was owned by an orphaned boy who, following the Bedouin tradition of being a good host, welcomed in Hatim and offered him some food. Hatim was aching with hunger and very grateful, so the boy cooked up a delicious meal of goat meat stew.

“Did you enjoy that?” asked the boy. “Very much so!” replied Hatim. “Then I will make you some more!” said the boy. Hatim didn’t want to be rude and say no, so the boy disappeared for a while and came back with more goat’s meat, and he prepared another meal. This went on for many hours – the boy preparing dishes and Hatim eating whatever he was served, not wishing to cause offence. It wasn’t until the morning, when the sandstorm had died down, that Hatim could see that the boy had used every single goat he owned to feed his guest. The boy now had nothing so, to repay his kindness, Hatim gave the boy all of his one hundred camels and went on his way, leaving the boy stunned.

Did you know?

Rio is k nown a s Marav ilhosa’. ‘Cidade I t mean ‘Marve lld ouof ngs stories s Csta ityrti Instea ’. I agre ! a time’, Jordanian h ‘Once upeon

wit stories begin with ‘Once upon a ma time, in days of old’ or ‘Kaan ya kaan, fee qadeem al-zamaan’. Read our story with an Arabic beginning!


News quickly spread of Hatim’s generous act and the king, not wishing to be outdone, invited Hatim to his palace. The king praised Hatim for his kindness, and gave him two fine, strong camels loaded with riches and treasures, the likes of which Hatim had never seen. Hatim humbly thanked the king and made his way home across the shifting desert sands. When he arrived and his fellow Bedouin tribesmen saw his enormous wealth, they couldn’t help but feel envious. “You come from the king with all this wealth, while we struggle and suffer with nothing!” they cried.

“Then help yourselves!” smiled Hatim. “Take it and divide it among yourselves and you need never suffer again.” His neighbours couldn’t believe their luck. They rushed forward and loaded their arms with the king’s riches, but a wise old woman of the tribe called out to Hatim, “They will leave you with nothing, young man! Grab

something while you can!”

But Hatim just replied, “I was put on this earth

to give to others and that is what I am doing! Generosity is my wealth.”

The King’s Riches

d Hatim’s camels droppe s on some of the king’s riche sert. their way across the de lost There are four treasures u on pages 9 to 11. Can yo spot them all?

By the time the people had finished, there was nothing left for Hatim – not even the two camels. When he walked into his tent that night, he may have been empty of hand, but his heart was full of happiness. And that is why Hatim Al-Ta’i is a legend and is known among Bedouins far and wide as the most generous man in the world.

The End In Bedouin culture, there are ma ny more stories about Hatim Al-Tai’s ge nerosity, and many tales of kind hosts going hungry so they could feed their guests. Be ing a kind and generous host is a very imp ortant part of Jordanian culture.


High-Speed Camels! Camel racing is big in the Middle East and, every November, an important race takes place just south of Petra in the desert valley of Wadi Rum. Bedouins compete against visitors from other Middle Eastern countries, but actual jockeys haven’t been allowed for the last 10 years – they used to let children race the camels and there were too many injuries. Today, on the back of each camel is a little robot, which monitors the speed and finishing position of each animal. These friendly giants pick up quite a pace and can reach speeds of 40 miles (64km) per hour! Last year, 360 camels competed and prizes for the owners included cars, money and even swords!

IN Petra

Mega Monument Recently, archaeologists were amazed to find a huge new monument hiding under the sand in Petra – and it was spotted from the sky, using high-tech satellite imagery and drones! They estimate that it’s double the size of an Olympic swimming pool. The dig so far has revealed that it appears to be a huge platform with a smaller platform in the middle. They think it once had grand columns all the way around it and a massive staircase. It may have been used in ancient ceremonies. Petra wonders what they’ll find there next!

Tongue TwisterS! I think camels have quite a way to go before they can outpace the cheetah, which is the fastest animal on land and can reach speeds of 70mph!


Wow! Camel racing is taken so t seriously in the Middle East tha a fast camel can sell for vast amounts of money – over £750,000!


We love a silly made-up day here and lnternational Tongue Twister Day on 13 November is one of the best. To get the most fun out of the day, get your BFFs to say at least two of the tricky tongue twisters below five times in a row! Can you do it too?


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.


The sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick.


Round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.


She sells seashells by the sea shore.


Red lorry, yellow lorry.

BIG FOOT A tour guide in Bolivia has stumbled upon one of the biggest dinosaur footprints ever! It’s 1.2 metres wide and palaeontologists think it belonged to an Abelisaurus – a carnivore, which roamed South America around 80 million years ago during the late Cretaceous Period (which followed the Jurassic Period). Experts think that the Abelisaurus may have been up to 9 metres tall, but, as only one skull has ever been found, it’s all guesswork for now! A true mystery dino!

! s e o r e H s ’ a r t e P 9-year-old Bailey Matthews is an inspiring fellow. Last year, he won a Pride of Britain ‘Child of Courage’ award for completing North Yorkshire’s gruelling Castle Howard Triathlon despite having cerebral palsy – a condition which affects Bailey’s movement and speech, making everyday things like getting dressed really tough. He also won a BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award for his outstanding achievement. Not content with this though, he then set himself the challenge of completing five more triathlons between June and September this year. He now even has a sporting challenge named after him called the Be More Bailey Triathlon! “It isn’t a triathlon just for children with disabilities, it is for every child” says Bailey. And he’s so inspirational, the phrase ‘Be more Bailey’ has really caught on, so this month, you can guess what Petra’s challenge is… let’s all be a bit more Bailey!

Petra’s Challenge! Do something you think is impossible this month – don’t let anything stop you. If Bailey can do it, you can too!

Weird World! The crazy Lopburi Monkey Banquet in Thailand, which takes place in November, is like the mad hatter’s tea party, but for madcap macaque monkeys! The people of Lopburi believe the mischievous monkeys (who are well known for picking pockets) bring them good luck so, every year, they set up a tall, towering banquet of tropical fruits, sticky rice, and sweet egg puddings. What starts off as a feast soon turns into a gigantic animal food fight, as the monkeys get more and more excited! Watch out!


t Scientists have discovered tha Lopburi’s macaques have been e as plucking out human hairs to us floss after feasting! No dental visits for these monkeys!

l l i w t a W wh ? e k a b you itchen to join Bella in her k kes, pies bake yummy cupca and much more!

Bella’s Baking Blast APP

! W O N T U O

: t a d a o l down e n a l p s petra

Here’s my to well-groom p tip for looking ed and sop his in a selfie – make sure ticated there camel in the photo with ’s a you!

ANIMALS r e v C cle s l e m ca AWESOME

an – ditions of Jord n co rt se e d e ive th re. h animal to surv about them he re o m It takes a toug t u o d in F ITH is just that! and the camel FUN W


85% of J made up o ordan is fd animal spec esert, so the ies have had to that live here a hot, dry co dapt to life in nditio are famous ns. Camels fo great at en r being durance!


Meet Latifah ...the Camel Hello dear, how lovely to meet you! You look familiar – didn’t I give you a ride earlier? I give so many tourists rides around Petra, you see. Here’s something you probably didn’t know – there aren’t any wild camels in Jordan. In fact, there aren’t any truly wild camels anywhere in the Middle East. Camels were domesticated by their owners over 2,000 years ago. But I’m certainly not a pampered pet! I’m a hardworking camel and when I’m not giving rides around the ruins, I’m carrying my owner back to his home, or lugging his stuff around. That’s what we’re good at, see? That’s why some people call us ‘beasts of burden’ or the ‘ships of the desert’. Notice I only have one hump. That’s because, like all camels in Jordan, I’m a dromedary. No second hump needed for me! Find out more about dromedaries and our two-humped comrades over the page. Now, I must go and find a shady spot to relax in before the next ride!


CAMEL c amel c CRAZY razy Petra’s brainbox parrot pal, Professor Winston, gives you the lowdown on the two main species of camels: the dromedary and the Bactrian. Which one is which?

Dromedary Number of humps Location Size Fur

Legs Feet


One est North Africa, Middle East, Southw ia tral Asia and Aus and Weighs up to 600kg (94 stones) high res met 2 grows up to iest Shorter hair than a Bactrian. Furr on the hump, throat and shoulders. Usually brown Long and skinny Two toes on each foot with flat, d. padded soles to cope with the san pe Quite square in sha There are around 15 million dromedary camels in the world! That’s higher than the population of Jordan, which is 9.5 million!

! e r e h p s io B t n Brillia

Bactrian Two, which can flop to one side Further north in Central Asia and colder climates Weighs up to 1000kg (157 stones) and grow ups to 2.3 metres high a Has a long woolly coat, a mane and from ur colo in ies shaggy beard. Var beige to dark brown on a Shorter, stumpier and hairier than dromedary camel Two toes on each foot, with bigger, r rounder and hairier feet. Plus toughe ains terr soles to cope with rocky There are thought to be only 600 are Bactrian camels in the wild. They now critically endangered

The Dana Biosphere Reserve is the biggest nature reserve in Jordan and is a two-day walk north of Petra. It covers 308 square kilometres (119 sq m) and includes mountain ranges, desert sand dunes and an ancient village. It is home to over 800 plant species, 215 types of birds and 38 species of mammals, including a type of goat with curly horns called the Nubian ibex. The ibex was hunted so much that, at one point, there were only five of them left. Thanks to the Biosphere, there are now 400 ibexes in Jordan!

have survived on camel’s milk for years and, now, ?canBedouins KNOW YOU DID buy it in the supermarket and some cafes in the UK have in some parts of the USA, you been using it in coffee. It tastes a little sweeter than cow’s milk. Would you try it?

Sun Survival Machine

The dromedary’s single hump is a lifesaver in dry conditions, but there ’s more to surviving desert heat than a hump !

Sweat Glands

Camels have only 25 % of the sweat glands fo und in cattle, so they ca n hold in as much moisture as possible. Their bodie s have adapted so th at they only start swea ting in extreme heat – above 41°C.


This unusual feature is full of fat, not wate r, as many believe. All this fat – 36kg (over 5 stones) of it! – is broken down into en ergy when the came l needs it. Camels can go with out water for up to 15 days at a time but, when they do find water, they glu g up to 20 litres per minute – th at’s like drinking 35 pints of milk!


Both species of came l can close their nost rils between each breath . This helps them to ke ep sand out of their air ways, but it also cleverly tra ps moisture on the way in and out, so that noth ing goes to waste.


Dromedary camels have two sets of thick eyelashes as well as thick eyebrows. These prot ect them from the strong glare of desert sunshine, but also from dusty sand storms. Getting sand in the eyes is very painf ul!



Fact 3

Did y amel’s that a c en rows wh g p m u h fed and it is well is when it shrinks hungry?

Like giraffes, when they’re walking, camels move both legs on one side of the body at same time.

Fact 2 Camels a re

well known fo r spitting , but they only do th is when the y feel und er threat. It’s one of their defe nce mechanis ms.

F act 4 Came ls s

urvive eating by foods that m other os handle animals can t ’t , like t horny and dr plants y gras ses. T do this hey thanks to the tough ir tongu es!







Play Petra’s brilliant board game, dress up a camel, make a refreshing glass of mint lemonade, try your hand at sand art, and send Petra’s latest postcard!


This is based on the game of mancala, which some people believe is what the carved game boards were used for in ancient Petra.

Petra is a city of board games! In many places, you’ll see stone slabs with round depressions carved in them. They look like they once held marbles, and they inspired us to create this fun game. Let’s play!

1. You need two players, two cups and Petra’s Planet Game Board and Counters from 2. Decide which side of the board you want to play on and who will go first. Turn the Game Board so that your side of the board is in front of you. 3. Before you begin, put four counters on each section of the board and a cup at each end. The cup on the right is yours. 4. Player 1 picks up all the counters in any one of their six sections on their side and, moving to the right and anti-clockwise around the board, puts one counter in each section. If they’ve picked up from the right-hand end of their side, they can put one counter in their cup. 5. If the last counter in their hand goes into the cup, they get another turn straight away. If not, it’s Player 2’s turn. 6. If a player places a counter on an empty section, they can put that counter and all the counters in the section directly opposite into their cup. 7. When a player runs out of counters in their six sections, the game ends. Add up how many counters you have – the winner is the player with the most counters!


An ancient Petran game board!

Camel Fashion


Many of the camel s in Petra, like Lati fah, have beautifu draped over their l fabrics humps. Can you de corate this camel special? Use our in to make it look spiration station to get some ideas fo r your design!

k All camels looes! good in strip

Some camels just can’t get enough tassels!

Diamonds are popular . Latifah loves them!

Petra’s Tip! Use brig ht, colours. bold, jewel-like I saw lot s of red when I w as in Pet ra.

et from e h S g n ri ou ol C l e m a C r ou Print out /free


Make your Mint Lemo nade look more professional by putting a slice of lemon or sprig of mint on the edge of each glas s!

Ask an adult to help!

ng i r e t a W Mouth

MAke IT!

e d Lemona M i nt

ordan, Bella J in a tr e P from one de for every tra got back a e n P o e m c le in s t r in e Ev of m ite ping up jugs e four, so inv ip rv h e w s n ld e u e o b h s s ha g and so refreshin it... ’s It . y jo n e to how to make ’s re e H ! d n rou your friends

• • •

You need

• •

240ml water 100g sugar Juice of 6 large lemons 200g self-raising flour 50g fresh mint leaves 480ml water (as well as the 240ml above) Ice


Pour the water and sugar into a small pan and bring them to the boil, keep the heat on high until they become thick and syrupy. Let the pan cool down, then place it in the fridge for an hour to chill it. While you’re waiting, squeeze the juice from the lemons and pour it into a tall pitcher. Throw in the mint leaves and whizz them with a hand blender for about a minute. Pour 480ml water into the pitcher and stir. Pour in a little bit of syrup at a time, stir and taste. Keep pouring until it’s the right level of sweetness for you. Pop some ice cubes into each glass and serve to your friends!

pes too! Ask your We’d love to hear your reecithem with us on our shar parents or teachers to bo ce fa w. ww : ge pa ok Facebo

Petra’s Planet Postcard

It’s not often somebody gets to visit a country with the same name as them! Just to prove it happened, ysend a postcard of Petra in Petra to your friends and tell them about your adventures with her in Jordan! Print out the front and back from and just stick them together!


Su pe r SAN D ART

in Petra, you’ll see Everywhere you go sand art souvenirs – people selling lovely . lourful sand pictures bottles filled with co detailed, we don’t Some of them are so But we can tell you know how they do it! one here… how to make an easy

haped r to make a cone-s Wrap your A4 pape tape. e tip. Secure it with th in le ho l al sm a funnel with and pour it through nd sa of ur lo co e on Take jar. om of your bottle or tt bo e th to in el nn the fu ch time rent sand colour ea ffe di a g in us at pe Re th how it looks. til un you’re happy wi into le, skewer or straw ed ne g in itt kn a rt Now inse ass, e side against the gl on wn do it ag dr d the jar an other. streak through each s ur lo co nd sa e th so that you have around the jar until Repeat all the way ol sand art! a pattern you like! Co


You need A4 paper Sticky tape

nt Play sand in differe om colours (available fr craft shops) Empty clear glass jar or plastic bottle or Knitting needle, skewer or straw

Petra’s Tip! You can make you coloured r own play san d o r using foo d colour sugar in only a sm g. Use all drop a n d stir it in, then le t it dry o ut






idea! I’d I love this ottle sand art b y m e t a r ch deco rts to mat a e h d e r y nd. with prett or lilac sa k in p d n a , gift my collar e one as a iv g n e v e I might Daisy! to Katja or





g fun, sy with some puzzlin bu lls ce n ai br ur yo Keep s for entertainment ea id ol co d an ns ! quizzical questio answers on page 30 e th e Se ! ng ga e th from Petra and

! e c a l P g n i e z a m A

Petra is a labyrinth of tombs and caves and Petra has lost her way in it. Can you help her find her way out?


exit 24

Only one of these ancient urns contains hidden treasure. Can you work out which one it is by looking at the letters on each urn?






How famous sights-savvy are you? Are you as world-wise as Petra? See if you can match these famous places to the cities where they belong.



Hidden Treasure

T r EI tL






A. Rio


C. Petra . PAris D B. London

What AM I? This rock at Petra has been carved into something special. Follow the clues to work out what it is, then see page 30.

E. Sydney

Clue 1: I’m known as the ship of the dese rt Clue 2: I have two sets of eyelashes Clue 3: I can go without water for many


days at a time.


The Puzzling

Petra Quiz explorer Petra, You’ve been all the way to the city of Petra with s find out here… but did you take in all the interesting facts? Let’



What main language do people speak in Petra? a) Bedouin FACT! b) English A popular greetin between men in Jordg c) Arabic an

he ancient people who made T Petra a great city were… a) Romans FACT! b) Nintendoans In its heyday, Petra c) Nabataeans was such an im



is “May God salute your moustache!”

hat colour are the W rocks in Petra? FACT! a) Yellowish-orange Part of the film b) Rainbow coloured Ind iana Jones and Last Crusade e th c) Pinkish-red s filmed in wa

he capital city T of Jordan is…… a) Petra b) Raqmu c) Amman

portan city, it traded with t countries as far away as China.



he gorge you walk through T to get to Petra is called the… a) Striq b) Squeak c) Siq


e was This impressive gorg plates ic on ct te formed when h and moved under the eart split the rock in half!

Hi, Professor Winston here – super-brain extraordinaire! Did you brush up on your local lingo when you were with Petra? The anagram below is the Arabic word for ‘hello’. Unscramble it, then see page 30 for the answer!



Aqaba is the only city in Jordan to be on the coast. It is a popular diving centre right next to the Red Sea.



I would love to see some o f the ancient trea su of Petra. I w res onder if they wore ti aras?

pe that clet of roin place ir c k c la b f The headscar holds this n ‘agal’. is called a


he red and white head T scarves worn by Arab men are called… a) Kaftans b) Koffee-yeah c) Keffiyeh


The name Petra means… a) Sand b) Pet Lover c) Rock


It’s though may once t that Petra filled with have been and sculptutreasures r have been es, which over the ystolen ears.



hich building has bullet W holes all over it? a) The Amphitheatre b) The Saloon c) The Treasury

Which salty sea is on the Eastern edge of Jordan? a) Med Sea b) Bed Sea c) Dead Sea



One of the biggest buildings in Petra is called The Monastery. You have to walk up 800 steps to reach it and it’s front door alone is bigger than a house!

The Dead Sea isn’t a sea at all – it’s actually a massive lake!


he Bedouins of Petra T FACT! used to live in… Petra is big the site c ! So far, a) Tombs square mileovers 23 b) Tower blocks km), but it s (60 sq ma even biggey be c) Caves r!

The best way to get top scores in this quiz is to make sure you read Petra Explores first – it’s got all the facts for you!

Turn to page 30 For the answers, then find out how you did here… Mostly a’s Mostly B’s Great job, though you’re not quite as well travelled as Petra yet. Keep getting every issue of Petra’s Planet, and you’ll soon be a top-notch explorer! You just need a few more trips with us!

Keep trying! Petra’s top advice for you is to stay curious – it’s the best way to become an expert on the world around you and, if you keep reading Petra’s Planet, you’ll soon be getting top marks every time!

Mostly C’s Quick, pack your bags! Petra wants you to join her on her next adventure – expertise like yours will come in really handy. Don’t forget to bring your travel journal with you!


Hi! I’m Petra’s good friend Katja and I’m a pretty cool cat – that’s why she’s asked me to fill you in on the latest good stuff, of course! Better hurry, as I have to get my nails done…


cent entral! Get a slice of Bedouin life and discover some of the fun stuff coming up in Petra’s Planet and beyond! In the big cities of Jordan, like Amman, there are lots of new and exciting bands, mixing the sounds of Western music with Arabic lyrics. The rock band El Morabba3 are popular all over the Arab world and regularly perform sell-out concerts. Hear them at But traditional Bedouin music is also still an important part of Jordanian culture, using instruments like the rebab, which is a bit like a violin, and the guitar-like oud, which has a really cool twangy sound!


There is a character you may know who is a bestseller in Jordan – Pippi Longstocking! Jordanian children love her adventures and, in Arabic, she’s called ‘Jinan’! So next time you read Pippi, you know there are children in Jordan enjoying her stories too!

In 2004, Amman opened its very first children’s bookshop, Hakawati, and it’s hugely popular. Taghreed Najjar, an author from Amman, sells many books there. She has published over 40 books for children and is popular all over the Arab world, but sadly very few of her stories have been translated into English. Queen Rania of Jordan has also written children’s books. Her last book, The Sandwich Swap, even became a bestseller in the west, and is a great read about embracing differences. Definitely worth a read!



There are two animated films we can’t wait to see this autumn. The first is Storks, which follows the adventures of a delivery stork, Junior, who accidentally activates the company’s old baby-making machine and has to deliver his first ever bundle of joy. Things don’t go as smoothly as he’d hoped and this film is packed with laughs. And if you loved Shrek, then you’ll go mad for Trolls, which is from the same studio. Two trolls – grumpy Branch and ditzy Poppy – have to join forces to save their village from troll-eating baddies. It’s colourful, funny and the Justin Timberlake soundtrack will have you bopping in your seats.


If you got caught up in the Pokémon Go craze this year, then you’ll be desperate to get your hands on two brand new Nintendo 3DS games, Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, which come out soon. The action takes place in a whole new world on the tropical islands of the Aloha region and there are all-new Pokémon characters with fresh new moves to bank. Remember – gotta catch ‘em all!




Bella’s Baking Blast OUT NOW!

Petra’s Planet has just launched a cool new app called Bella’s Baking Blast, where you can bake, create and enjoy delicious virtual treats and feasts with your friends.

Join Bella the Bear in her creative kitchen to bake yummy dishes like cupcakes, pies, nachos, and lots more! You can also share your cookery creations with your friends and make their mouths water! Download the app today at:



c bundle of prizes to give Petra’s Planet has a fantasti to our virtual world and a away, including membership mpetition, answer this: brilliant book! To enter our co

an? What meal did Petra enjoy inetijotiord n by r latest comp Ask your parents to enter ou on our Facebook quoting “Petra Prize Jordan” To enter, visit: page, along with their answer. net conditions.) (See page 30 for terms and


: s r e w s An A-maze-ing Place:

Hidden Treasure: Urn 3 says ‘Treasure’. Monument Match: 4 A; 5 B; 1 C; 2 D; 3 E. What am I? A camel. The Puzzling Petra Quiz!: C answers are correct. Arabic Word Anagram: Marhaba

What do camels use to hide themselves in the desert? Camel-flage!

CREDITS Petra’s Planet magazine is published by Dramaforum Oy. All rights reserved © 2016 Dramaforum Oy. Petra’s Planet is a trademark of Dramaforum Oy registered in Europe and other Jurisdictions. CONTACT DETAILS: Dramaforum Oy, Vaisalantie 4, Innopoli 3 02130 Espoo - Finland + 358 40 576 5801

PICTURE AND SOUND CREDITS: P15 Petra Heroes ( history/2015/bailey-matthews ); P20 (; p24 El Morabba3 ( ); Hakawati Bookshop (; p25 Storks (www.; Pokemon ( All other images: iStock and Getty Images.

For more fun and games, visit: Competition Terms and conditions: 1. Promoter: Dramaforum Oy, see address below. 2. CLOSING TIME AND DATE: 11.59pm on November 1 2016. Only one entry accepted per person. Entries after the closing date will not be considered. 3. Anyone under 18 years old must have the permission of an adult before entering. 4. Employees of Dramaforum Oy and their family members and any associated company connected with the competition are not eligible to enter the competition. 5. No alternative prizes will be offered, and there is no cash alternative. 6. Dramaforum Oy will not be responsible for any indirect, special or consquential damages or losses suffered by the entrant or a third party. 7. Three winners will be selected at random from all correct entries. The promoter’s decision will be final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into. 8. Winners will be notified via Facebook within 28 days of the competition closing date. 9. If we can’t contact the winner within a month of the closing date, we will offer the prize to an alternative entry. 10. Once contacted, you must provide your full name, address and email address. We will use your contact details only to adminster this competition, and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission. 11. A list of winners can be obtained by sending an SAE to the Dramaforum Oy address shown below within six weeks of the closing date. 12. When you enter the competition, you agree to be bound by these rules. 13. Dramaforum Oy does not accept responsibility for loss, damage or injury occurring to the participant arising from his or her entry into the promotion or from his or her acceptance of this prize. 14. The competition is subject to the laws of Finland, England and Wales.

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