[M] eat: building illustrating natural food chain through performance

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4th year project ‘[M] eat’ by Karolina Petruskeviciute University of Strathclyde 2016/2017



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Consolidation Govan Masterplan strategies Building typology Site decision



13 15

Concept Concept idea Building concept Precedents Aspirations Concept on site Building layout diagrams Architectural Promenade

18 20 21

22 23 25 32

Detailed Design Site Plan Floor Plans Main Space - cooking stage Bleeding stage Looking down Building from outside Technical section and details Environmental strategy

36 37 42 46


50 54 58


[M] eat building, proposed to be in Govan’s Graving Docks, is a conceptual project which addresses attention to massive meat consumption nowadays. The main purpose of the building is to allow the visitor to confront natural food chain process and to celebrate it. Due to that, building becomes perfomance venue and everyone plays a part by gathering next to main stages- killing and cooking. Building becomes a special place in Glasgow and an outsanding place in Govan which attracts visitors to celebrate food chain through performance.

Another important feature of [M] eat building is an architectural promenade which starts outside the building and continuous all the way up to third floor. This experiential journey steadily becomes more dramatic as visitors continue moving around the space. The purpose of this booklet is to present [M] eat building project. Booklet is divided into separate parts which analyse urban conditions, concept of the building and detailed design.


Semester 1 overview:

Project location: Govan Govan’s urban problems Sin City Masterplan strategies Building typology Site decision




1 st semester’s overview

[M] eat building is located in Govan. Govan is a district in southwest City of Glasgow, which used to be autonomous parish. Govan is well situated near popular and busy roads and motorways. However, nowadays Govan is isolated from the rest of the city as there is lack of current development, attraction points and huge depopulation. Govan is a challenging district for design project as the proposal has to contibute to area’s improvement.


Location: Govan

Masterplanning exercise and proposed strategies address urban fabric problems as well as create a coherant development with a specific character. [M] eat building is part of a Sin City Masterplan. Each building within the masterplan becomes part of the system which aims to encourage ‘sinful’ activities in a nice way.

Govan’s geographical context

1 st semester’s overview




1 st semester’s overview


Urban problems

Sin City Masterplan strategies

1 st semester’s overview


Sin City Masterplan

Master Plan building typologies Martial Arts Centre

The Martial arts center in Govan is offering a new activity to the local community. It provides services suitable for Olympic level athletes and is fully equipped for medical emergencies during training or therapy after injuries. The building doesn’t focus solely on the physical aspect of the sports but also on its more spiritual side by incorporating meditation rooms and quiet study areas.





The Brewery in Govan combines a factory which aims to enhance the economy of Govan and generate new jobs for the community, with an inviting social space to enjoy some very good beer at any time of the day. The factory is able to produce up to 100 000 barrels a year which provides enough for the beer hall of the brewery but also for the Glasgow area’s bar. Bottles and cans of the beer can be bought in the retail shop.




The Burlesque and Costume Factory

10 4 2



2 1


1. Racing Facility 2. Residential blocks/ housing 3. Martial Arts Centre 4. Burlesque 5. Night Club 6. Brewery 7. Transport Hub 8. Bath House 9. Renovated Lyceum

10. [M] eat building

The Burlesque Performance Theatre and Costume Factory combines two typologies into one - a theatre and a sewing factory in order to increase the levels of employment and introduce an entertainment venue in Govan. This facility houses an active theatre with full-time burlesque dancers who rehearse and perform in-house. These shows are supported by a 50 people full-time sewing department fabricating the costumes for the different performers, as well as costumes and luxury dresses for sale in the retail unit in order to generate profit and self-fund the burlesque performances. [M] eat building

Slaughterhouse & Steakhouse in Govan is an unusual typology building which combines a barn, slaughterhalls, restaurant and leather workshops. The concept of the building tries to touch current issues of massive meat consumption and huge domination in the market taken by big cooperations as well as it tries to educate about natural food chain and meat production.

Building typology: Slaughterhouse

1 st semester’s overview

[M] eat building concept developed from the primary building typology- slaughterhouse- which was part of the Sin City Masterplan.

Historically, slaughterhouse emerged as a coherent institution in the nineteenth century and played a big role in emerging, developing cities. However, a combination of health and social concers, exacerbated by the rapid urbanisation experienced during the Industrial Revolution, led social reformers to call for isolation, sequester and regulation of animal slaughter. As a result of this tension, meat markets within the city were closed and abattoirs built outside city limits. Nowadays, as slaughterhouses are isolated from society, behaviour with animals is not controlled- they are routinely skinned while apparently alive, and still blinking, kicking, and shrieking. During the first semester, the research and analysis of slaughter houses history and importance in the City of Glasgow was conducted. The map in following page illustrates the importance of cattle market and slaughter facilietys within the pre-mass production urbanscape. The map shows the main cattle market in Glasgow throughout the 19th century. Cattle Market and Slaughterhouse in Gallowgate was the main place in Glasgow and surrounding areas for meat trading and was owned by Corporation of Glasgow Markets and Slaughterhouses. Based on this information, a conclusion that slaughterhouses have a historical relation with the City of Glasgow proves that this building typology is suitable for Sin City Masterplan.


1 st semester’s overview


Building typology tradition in Glasgow

Building typology requirements and site decision

1 st semester’s overview

Decision to locate [M] eat building on the Graving Docks in Govan was based on building typology requirements and Sin City Masterplan strategies.

Good site access from different sides allow to create public and private entering points which naturally dictates the building facilities arrangmenent. Different access points are required to provide production line which is hidden from the public - cattle and food delivery services are located in the back of the site. Moreover, large areas of unutilezed green land allows to grow grass which can feed cattles in the barn.

[M] eat building is part of Sin City Masterplan and is the most important point on the Govan Road which encourages horizontal district development and attracts visitos from the east side. Moreover, changes according to building typology requirements have affected masterplan development: school in front of the building is moved to the cental area and diverse uses introduced in the residential area in the west side of the Graving docks.





Project concept

Design development: concept

[M] eat building concept is to provide a venue where natural food chain is celebrated through the performance and becomes dramatic, theathrical ceremony.

Another aspect of the building is to emphatize animal (cow) transition to the food (steak) via experiential journey which allows to explore process from stage one -killing,- to the last stage- cooking. Diagram bellow presents concept integration into the building:


Un Chien Andalou: attraction to discover undiscovered yet

Design development: concept


Concept and building relation: Performance and experience

Design development: concept

Concept in plan:

1 Theathrical , dramatic big space framed by serving facilities

Concept in 3D:


Two stages: 1- killing stage 2- cooking stage

Two approaches: 1- way leading to the main space 2- experiential journey

Main architectural aspiration is to create an expressive large space where the main performance stagecooking- is located. Another stagekilling- becomes the focal point of experiential journey which allows to see cow’s ‘ tranformation’ to the steak. Main space becomes a cone shape to symbolise chimney as a part of the cooking process.

Design development

Precedents Architectural precedents:

Cultural precedents:

At design development stage an analysis of architectural elements which create a large, atmospheric gathering space was conducted. After looking at famous and significant historical buildings I have observed that circular shape is most common and light plays an important role in creating spatial atmosphere. Contemporary architects, as Louis Kahn and James Stirling inspired to apply geometry. In particular Salk Institute Meeting House (by Louis Kahn) and Neue Staatsgalerie (by James Stirling) were examples to follow. There was a variety of cultural precedents which have inspired [M] eat building development. The most important are: Damien Hirst artwork

Damien Hirst is an English artist, entrepreneur and art collector. Death is a central theme in Hirst’s works. He became famous for a series of artworks in which dead animals (including a shark, a sheep and a cow) are preserved. “The cook, the thief, his wife, and her lover”

Movie “The cook, the thief, his wife, and her lover” is an extraordinary movie which not only has a great storyline but shows food preparation process and the kitchen life, restaurant atmosphere.


Design development


Aspirations. Development sketches

Concept on site: site strategies within Sin City Masterplan

Design development

Within the Sin City Masterplan, [M] eat building plays an important role as it is situated at the entering point to Govan and is main attraction along the Govan Road. Moreover, green path, which connects all masterplan buildings, continuous along Graving Dock site and leads to connection to BBC.


Concept on site: site strategies

Design development

Site access diagram

Privacy diagram

Building sitting and access diagram

Developed concept on site diagram

Final site layout diagram

A number of diagrams clearly represents site strategy and justifies design decisions. [M] eat building is using existing building along Govan Road to provide a facility where cattles are kept before slaughtering process. Main building is offsetted from the street line to express uniqueness in existing context. Main entrace is located on the east side of the building to make a statement that building is orientated to attract people to come to Govan. Green space around the building and becomes part of masterplan green path.


Building requirements & schedule of accommodation

Building facilities and organization

Design development

Restaurant area calculation:

Project brief consists slaughtering facilities, meat preparation area and restaurant space. Restaurant space depends on number of people who will use building at the same time. Depending on that, a calculation how many steaks one cow provides was needed. Calculation and research proved that 1 cow approximately provides 145 steaks. Restaurant space provides dinning for 300 people, what means that 2 cows has to be slaughtered per day. Interior space for restaurant was calculated based on the following guidelines: 1. Dinning room occupies approximately 60% of all space 2. Kitchen and food preparation area - 30% of all space 3. Storage and administrative facilities - 10%

Existing building is transformed to the barn

Administration block Workshop spaces Seminar rooms

Restaurant space Cooking stage

Serving facilities: Slaughter hall Butchery Meat and food storage Kitchens Washing rooms Plant rooms

To sum up, required spaces for restaurant to provide dining for 300 people are: Dining room : 850 sq m Kitchen : 425 Storage and administrative facilities: 140 sq m

Based on design concept, dining space is divided per two floors: approximately 550 sq m in the lower ground level and 300 sq m in the 2nd floor (including bar).


Building layout diagrams


Lower Ground Level

Ground Floor


First Floor 28

Second Floor 29

Third Floor



Architectural promenade. Visitors’ experience

Design development


Visitors enter the building through narrow gap and go down the ramp (1). As they enter, they can either choose to go up by stairs where the light ,coming down from skylights, leads the way (2) or turn to right (3) and go straight to main space. This part of the journey is framed by the walls and is leaded by the elements which appears in between them.

After climbing stairs, visitors reach focal point of experiential journey- bleeding stage. Through the metal strips which go around the glazed surface, visitors can glance at the bleeding animal (4).

As visitors continue the journey, they can enter the main restaurant space- cone- by going down the stairs. As they take that turn, they dramatic view of massive barbecue surrounded by theathrical kitchen. Above it goes a chimney which is supported by a number a columns. These elements divide large space and emphatizes verticality (5).

Main restaurant space can be entered at the second floor as well (6). People can look down from the ‘balcony’ and see main cooking stage from above.




Detailed design

Site plan

Detailed Design





4 5





2 1 1. Car park 2. Path connecting to BBC 3. Delivery access point to the site 4. Entrance to barn 5. External barn 6. Public space 7.Deliveries point 8. Main entrance 9. Administration block entrance 10. Green path ( part of Sin City Masterplan) 11. Public space

Lower Ground Floor Plan


12 14 11 14












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1. Ramp down 2. Entrance lobby 3. Cloakroom 4. Stair up 5.Entrance to the main space 6, ‘Barbecue’ 7. Performative kitchen 8, Food serving access 9. Lift 10. Preparation area 11. WC 12. Plant rooms 13. Restaurant seats and tables 14. Stair up 37

Ground Floor Plan







1. Ramp down - entrance 2. Bleeding stage 3. Barn 4.Vet check room 5. Killing room 6. Prep area 7. Circulation space 8. Slaughter hall/ butchery 9. Offal reserve room 10, Bin area 11. Deliveries access 12. Food storage 13. Cold rooms to store meat 14. Kitchen storage 15. Prep area 16. Kitchen 17. Lift 18. WC 19. Cleaning service area 20. Washing rooms 21.Entrance to administration block 22. Reception desk 23. Flexible workshop space 24. Meeting room

16 16




17 8







5 6


2 1 21 18





First Floor Plan

1. First floor access by stair 2. Bleeding stage 3. Stair up 4. Experiential journey 5. Stair down to main restaurant space 6. Lift






3 2 1



Second Floor Plan











13 7


4 15







1. Second floor access point 2. Bleeding stage 3. Experiential journey 4. Access to restaurant 5.Bar 6. Restaurant space 7. Stair up 8. Bin area 9. Deliveries access 10. Food storage/prep area 11. Washing rooms 12. Kitchen 13. Storage 14. WC 15. Access to staff block 16. Flexible seminar space 17.Administration meeting room 18.Office

Third floor/ roof plan

1. Third floor access point 2. Chimney 3. Rooflight





3 3


Detailed Design

Main space

Main [M] eat building space located in the middle of the building. Architectural elements, like circular shape, high volume, columns, suspended balconies and a number of skylights create dramatic, theathrical and majestic atmosphere. The focal point of the space -gigantic barbecue- is located in the middle and is surrounded by the permotive kitchen. Restaurant tables’ and seats’ layout reminds amphitheatre as they are orientated towards main performance space- barbecueand step up a meter per row to provide better visabilty for all restaurant visitors.

Main space can be reached from the second floor as well and visitors can absorb cooking performance from the balconies.


Main space visual







Section AA

Section BB


Detailed Design

Bleeding stage

Visitors who have decided to take an experiential journey have to climb up the stair which are framed by two high dark concrete walls with a narrow skylight in the ceilings. When they reach destination point a view of party exposed and party hidden bleeding cow is going to evoke controversial emotions - some might be scared, terified, others might have an aversion to bleeding animal. The purpose of this stage is to shock visitors by allowing to see them casual meat slaughtering process before they eat it. After seeing bleeding process, [M] eat building visitors can take another narrow steps and be leaded by the light to the upper level or continue the journey on the first floor and absorb meat preparation process step by step.



Section CC


Detailed Design

Looking down

[M] eat building visitors can experience and see all meat preparation process as the 1st and 2nd floor allow visibility to high volume ground floor facilities. Due to that, slaughter halls, cooling rooms and kitchen become part of performance. Chosen external envelope - polycarbonate facade provides light into serving areas but do not create any connection with outer world to make the [M] eat building mysterious and make sure that visitors feel like in ‘another world’.


External Visual. Night View


Detailed Design


East Elevation

North Elevation


Detailed Design

Materials. Polycarbonate facade

Polycarbonate wall system is a dominating choice for external envelope. This material has been chosen as expressed structure breaks up ‘chunky’ walls and brings vibracy. Moreover, it allows to get some sunlight but do not create connection with external world. This feature contibutes to the concept idea and makes [M] eat building to look mysterious from outside. People’s movement, work in the kitchens would create shadows on the walls during the night and the building is going to become a bright spot in Govan’s streets, attracting curious people to explore and find out what this building hides. Special part of the building- main entrance and bleeding stage- are expressed externally by different material- concrete. This material is used to create cold, dark atmosphere.


Detailed Design

West Elevation

South Elevation


Technical Section





Parapet Detail 1:10 @ A3


Rooflight Detail 1:10 @ A3


Slab Edge Detail 1:10 @ A3


Detailed Design

Environmental strategy

[M] eat building combines mechanical ventilation strategy with stack ventilation. Cool air is taken from outside and distributed around the building. Main space has ventilation system under the seats and cool air, going from below, ensures that building visitors enjoy fresh air all the time. Heat air rises up and is extracted through the rooflights. Chimney, which is located in the centre of main space, is enclosed by fire resistant fabric. The heat is extracted through the roof. Moreover, massive barbecue radiates heat which maintains warm temperature in the main space. Plant rooms are located in the lower ground floor.


Sectional Model 1:100



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