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RENTAL Arrears

Our Portfolio Managers at Petrusma Property Management take a ‘zero tolerance’ response to rental arrears.

This means that arrears are done on a daily basis and quick action is taken as follows to ensure prompt payment is made:

Payment Options

We offer the following methods for your tenants to pay rent: internet banking via direct debit or BPay.


Once your tenant falls one day behind in their rent we send them an SMS stating we haven’t received their rent payment and can they contact us to advise what is happening. The vast majority of tenants reply to this and inform us when we can expect their payment. We then follow up on the day they nominate they are paying to make sure the agreement is met.

Once a tenant is 7 – 10 days in arrears we are permitted to issue a ‘Notice to Vacate’ via personal delivery for non-payment of rent (you will be made aware if this is happening). The notice is used as a demanding letter whilst also providing us with the legal avenue to claim compensation or possession of the property. This provides your tenant 14 days to pay the rent or vacate the property.

Phone Calls

When your tenants are issued with a Notice to Vacate we attempt to contact them by phone to find out what is happening and why rent is not paid. You are notified of any communication that is made with the tenants.

Property Visit

If the tenant is unable to be contacted we pay a visit to the property to make sure tenants have not vacated and not informed us.

Tribunal Action

If the tenant is still in the property once the Notice to Vacate has expired and the rent is still not paid we make an application to the Magistrates Court for possession of the property to be returned to the Landlord.

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