April 2023

Page 6

More funds released to help boost UK heat pump market

Unveiled within a package of proposals designed to drive more investment in green energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, the government has extended its heat pump incentive scheme and announced a new £30m Heat Pump Investment Accelerator to help boost production

The government has extended the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) for an additional three years, to help households and small nondomestic property owners across England and Wales invest in low carbon, energy efficient heating.

The scheme, which launched in May 2022, offers grant funding of £5000 off the cost of an air source heat pump or £6000 off the cost of a ground source heat pump or biomass boiler. With this extension, people will now be able to access funding until 2028.

The announcement was made as part of the government’s energy security strategy, released under the banner of Powering Up Britain, to support the growth of the heat pump market to around 600,000 installation per year by 2028.

Energy secretary Grant Shapps also unveiled ‘The Great British Insulation Scheme’, a policy designed to step up insulation installation in the least energy efficient homes in Council Tax

bands A to D, while more funds (£240m) have also been set aside to support hydrogen production projects under the Net Zero Hydrogen Fund.

The Heat Pump Association (HPA) welcomed the announcement, saying that the proposed plans, if implemented effectively, will succeed in providing much needed clarity for the heat pump industry to invest in the technology and will help to drive heat pump rollout across the country.

The Association says it is also pleased to see details of the new £30m Heat Pump Investment Accelerator to boost the heat pump manufacturing and supply chain. By unlocking investment in the supply chain it is hoped that businesses can better gear up for increased heat pump demand in the UK and unlock the economic benefits of net zero.

Phil Hurley, chair of the HPA, comments: “The announcements follow our recommendations for transforming Britain’s heating by

tackling heat pump investment and affordability challenges. The government has today doubled down on placing heat pumps at the forefront of the switch to low carbon heating, and we are pleased to see further progress on specific policies to drive the pathway to an installation rate of 600,000 heat pump systems per year.”

Missed opportunity

The Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA), however, was less enthused by the proposals, describing them as a missed opportunity and “underwhelming” for the UK’s ground source heat pump sector.

“Although we welcome the commitment to heat electrification, the £30m heat pump accelerator fund and announcements on ‘rebalancing’ bills and the BUS, much uncertainty remains,” says GSHPA chair Laura Bishop. “Long overdue changes to energy levies for example are not expected for at least another 20

months, which may yet be affected by General Election timing.”

The GSHPA argues that there has been a disappointing lack of urgency around the limited amount of measures designed to boost the heat pump sector and that the government has failed to grasp the potential of proven technology that has been widely adopted elsewhere in Europe.

Speaking on behalf of heat pump manufacturer Daikin, Henk van Den Berg, the company’s strategic business manager shares concerns that the latest proposals will fall short of what is really needed to drive market growth.

“While it’s reassuring to see the government taking steps to get the UK onto the path to net-zero, the latest announcements are missing a clear timescale for the important shift of the Climate Change Levy away from electricity,” he says.

“The government continues to split the nation’s focus on renewable heating, with further investment in hydrogen, which lacks the technology and infrastructure to make a meaningful and immediate impact. Couple this with not bringing forward a ban on fossil fuel boilers in UK homes, and the government is missing a huge opportunity to decarbonise homes in the short to medium term.”

Daikin argues that while extending the Boiler Upgrade Scheme is a positive step, there is a real need to promote transition technologies, such as hybrid heat pumps, as these can be retrofitted into UK homes quickly and easily, allowing homeowners to take a first step into renewable heating.

Inside this issue phamnews.co.uk APRIL 2023 | VOLUME 61 | ISSUE 3
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That was the easy bit...

Setting targets to reduce carbon emissions and making pledges to address the country’s reliance on fossil fuels are relatively easy ways to generate some positive headlines, but committing to policies and delivering outcomes have proved to be a rather more challenging proposition for successive governments. Dubbed ‘Powering Up Britain’, the government’s most recent set of proposals to scale up affordable, clean energy and promote green industries have been heralded as tackling climate change concerns while also addressing energy security issues.

However, as with so many similar announcements, the success or failure of such initiatives are only likely to be determined long after the politicians who made them have left the scene. That being the case, while there might be some plaudits to be gained by being seen to be forward thinking and establishing long-term goals, there is not so much glory in actually seeing them through. How often have previous administrations made noises about investing in Britain’s nuclear future with very little actual progress to show for their ambitions?

The latest pronouncements included an extension of the current heat pump incentive scheme for a further three years – now set to run until 2028. While welcoming the government’s apparent commitment to encouraging the growth of heat pump sales, some manufacturers have expressed doubts about whether the Boiler Upgrade Scheme will ultimately prove successful having underperformed since its launch in May last year. It has been suggested that the disappointing take-up of grants thus far can be put down to a lack of publicity and an unwillingness of the government to actually promote the scheme (see news item on page 6) – some cynics might even suggest that ministers would be quite happy if the funding announced doesn’t ultimately need to leave the Treasury.

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Energy Saving


Editor’s Viewpoint
APRIL 2023 VOLUME 61 ISSUE 3 Contributors Inside this issue 3 04 News Review 11 People on the Move 11 Talent Show 12 Your Views 12 Merchant News 14 Exhibition Review 16 Training Update 17 Gadgets & Tools 18 Business Matters 30 Products in Action 39 Product News 41 Competition 42 Directory How modern, more efficient pumps can play a big part in helping users reduce their energy bills Why choosing a shower enclosure should require consideration of a wide range of factors The challenge of heating tower blocks can be overcome with the installation of low carbon heat panels Follow us on twitter @PHAMnews Steve Schofield Energy Saving Products Oliver Baker Electric Heating Mick Bone Showers & Enclosures 21 31 38 30 Products in Action Our regular round-up of recent case studies Don’t forget to use our online reader enquiry service to quickly find the web page you need
Showers & Enclosures Electric Heating Products to help consumers to reduce their energy bills and maximise the efficiency of their heating systems Advice on selecting the right shower enclosure and responding to the growing demand for wetrooms How installers can make the most of the drive to bring electric heating costs in line with gas prices 21 31 36 The Essential Magazine for Plumbing, Heating & Air Movement Professionals Incorporating: Plumbing & Heating News Plumbing & Heating Equipment News Published by: Pinede Publishing Ltd 16 Hawkesyard Hall, Armitage Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1PU Tel: 01889 577222 Email: CEvans@datateam.co.uk www.phamnews.co.uk © Copyright 2023 Plumbing, Heating & Air Movement News All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without written consent from the publisher. Attributed articles represent the views of the Author(s) and are not the necessarily those of the Editor. The publishers accept no responsibility for claims made by manufacturers or advertisers. This magazine includes a number of colour editorial photographs paid for by suppliers. 25,856 ABC Audited circulation Jan-Dec 2022 FREE SUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES: Tel: 01580 883844 Email: pinede@c-cms.com Editorial & Southern Sales Office: PHAM News, 1b Station Square, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1DP Tel: 01525 716143 Editorial Email: editor@phamnewsedit.co.uk Sales Email: NWood@datateam.co.uk Northern Office: PHAM News, Argyle Business Centre, 8 Leicester Street, Southport, Lancashire PR9 0EZ Tel: 01704 501090 Email: RJackson@datateam.co.uk PUBLISHING TEAM Managing Editor Chris Jones Assistant Editor Carol Hitchcock Publishers Chris Evans / Russ Jackson Southern Advertisement Manager Nathan Wood Classified Sales Sharon Nutter Administration Sue Bethell Production Fran Critchlow Design Consultant Tim Plummer ISSN 1368-9061 Printed by: Precision Colour Printing Ltd. Origination by: Design & Media Solutions Look out for next month’s issue Water heating & Cyinders Tools & Workwear Heating Controls Test & Measuring

Research confirms heat pump efficiency

Real world monitoring has shown that air source heat pumps (ASHPs) can operate with high efficiencies, even in cold weather conditions, according to interim heat pump performance data released as part of the Electrification of Heat Demonstration Project.

Funded by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), the Electrification of Heat Demonstration Project is working to understand the technical and practical feasibility, and constraints of a mass rollout of heat pumps into British homes.

A total of 742 heat pumps were installed by the delivery contractors – Warmworks, E.ON, and OVO Energy – into a broad spectrum of housing types. These heat pumps are being monitored throughout the trial to assess performance.

The data show that the median seasonal performance factor in ASHPs was 2.80 (280%), a significant increase of 30 -40% since the Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme (RHPP) heat pump trial was undertaken between 2011 and 2014.

Innovation in the industry and in the heat pump systems themselves is thought to be a leading factor in this performance improvement.

When the study looked at cold weather performance, it found that on some of the country’s coldest days (where mean daily temperatures fell to as low as -6°C) there was only a marginal decline in whole system performance. The median ASHP system efficiency was

2.44 (or 244%) on the coldest days of the year.

High temperature ASHPs –those which can achieve flow temperatures similar to that of a gas boiler – were found to provide a viable solution for meeting the heating demand of a property. The high temperature units performed with similar efficiencies to low temperature ASHPs.

Heat pumps in hybrid systems were typically used to meet 32-50% of the space heating demand. They had a median SPF of 2.54, which is lower than standalone ASHPs.

Marc Brown, business leader –homes, at Energy Systems Catapult, says: “The interim findings highlight just how far the industry has come in innovating to improve the performance and efficiency of heat pumps.

“With the release of this data, we can finally put to bed the notion that heat pumps do not work in cold weather conditions and that they are inefficient to run. We’ve observed the exact opposite. They are three times more efficient than gas boilers and work in cold weather conditions. Innovation is changing the game in the heating sector.”

Need to clarify levels of hydrogen readiness

The Industrial and Commercial Heating Equipment Association (ICOM) has launched a campaign to clarify the different levels of ‘hydrogen-readiness’ of boilers and other combustion products entering the market.

According to the trade body, three types of labels have been created which will signify different hydrogen products: hydrogenblend; hydrogen-ready; and 100% hydrogen.

Currently only hydrogen-blend is available on the market, however, with the UK’s first Hydrogen Champion, Jane Toogood, recently calling on government for a grid blending decision in 2023, ICOM is urging contractors to familiarise themselves now.

ICOM director Steve McConnell explains: “Use of hydrogen as an

alternative to natural gas is a vital step in ensuring we can decarbonise heat in the UK. As a result, there are a growing number of products entering the market which are able to use hydrogen, to a lesser or greater degree. These are labelled in different ways, so it’s important that specifiers and end users understand the different levels of hydrogen-preparedness.

‘Hydrogen-blend’ products are able to run on natural gas with up to 20% hydrogen added. ‘Hydrogenready’ products are also able to use up to 20% blends now and, crucially, can be converted quickly and cheaply to 100% hydrogen in the future. ‘100% Hydrogen’ products sold in the future will be able to run on a 100% hydrogen gas network without any need for conversion.

Calls for greater diversity

Sexist and outdated stereotypes, as well as poor career advice, have been identified as major obstacles preventing women from pursuing a career in the plumbing and heating industry, according to a survey by the Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation (SNIPEF).

Of the 674 people polled, 39% believed that outdated stereotypes were the primary barrier, while 21% cited poor career advice. Additionally, 12% of respondents pointed to a lack of respect for women in the industry. Only 28% of people thought there was no barrier to women entering the profession.

Commenting on the study’s findings, Fiona Hodgson, chief executive of SNIPEF, says: “It is unbelievable that in 2023 outdated and sexist stereotypes continue to be made about what women can and cannot do, often reinforced by misguided career advice that the trades are men-only professions.

an apprentice plumber from Elgin, pictured above).

Later this autumn, SNIPEF will unveil its new Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion action plan, aimed at confronting industry misconceptions, to encourage more girls and women to consider training as a plumber and setting its ambition to have women making up 10% of all apprentices by the end of the decade.

Appealing to all

Calls to improve gender equality in the industry have also received the backing of the CIPHE. The Chartered Institute has acknowledged that gender parity needs to be addressed, especially in light of the current skills shortage, and more young people need to be encouraged to undertake a career in engineering.

To explain in more detail, ICOM has launched a paper to establish the definition of hydrogen-ready non - domestic appliances that would be supplied with a 100% hydrogen gas concentration and includes boilers, water heaters, air and radiant heaters and burners. For a copy of the guide, please use the online reader link below: ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/05

“We need to encourage greater diversity into our industry, helping us address the current skills shortage and meet the demand from 30% of customers who have stated their preference for a women plumber.”

SNIPEF is looking to promote the small but growing number of women who are challenging these misconceptions and entering the plumbing industry, finding it an attractive and lucrative career option (including Nina Hamilton,

“It is key that young people of any gender are educated on the potential that plumbing and heating engineering has for them and their future,” says CEO Kevin Wellman. “It must be made common knowledge that university is not the only path to a successful and profitable career, and that a variety of pathways into plumbing and heating, including paid apprenticeships, are available.

“If we are able to increase the esteem of our industry in the eyes of young people, and especially girls, we will soon see the benefits that gender diversity has to offer heating and plumbing.”

News Review 4 PHAM NEWS APRIL 2023

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Powered by ON technology, our reliable, space-saving Navien Combi Boiler (NCB) range puts hot water first. And, at Navien, we put you first. From expert training and technical support, to earning points towards exclusive rewards with the Navien Choice loyalty programme, to warranties of up to 12 years – when you’re looking for more as a Navien installer, we’re ON it.


Heat pump survey shows big skills gap in the industry

Only 18% of engineers are currently installing heat pumps, and 44% do not know where to go to get trained, indicating a significant skills gap in the industry. These are just a few of the results from a survey commissioned by Energy Efficiency at City Plumbing, where installers were asked about their knowledge of renewable technologies in the heating market and whether they planned to become certified to install them.

The results show there is significant work to be done to provide installers with all the information they require about the topic, inspire them to seek training, and address their concerns.

Over a quarter (27%) of respondents said it’s easy to find a heat pump course where they live, but many more

(44%) said they don’t know where to get trained. Just 18% of installers currently install heat pumps and only 6% are MCS certified.

When it comes to awareness of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, 32% said they didn’t know about it. Only 45% of installers say they are confident they know enough about heat pumps to explain their benefits to customers.

Adam Foy, MD of Energy Efficiency at City Plumbing, says: “This is a significant issue for everyone if we want to achieve net zero targets and it is one that we should be talking about urgently. As an industry we need to make training more accessible.

Search is on for a Local Hero who can make a real difference

The SGS Engineering Local Hero Awards is back, with nominations now open to discover a generous tradesperson to become the third winner. Last year’s winner James Anderson (pictured) of Depher appeared on Good Morning Britain and made headlines in national newspapers for his work ensuring that vulnerable people received plumbing work free of charge, so that their heating could stay on throughout the cold winter.

We should be there for installers who are interested in upskilling and encouraging others that doing so will be good for their business.

“The underlying interest is there. Our survey also revealed that 49% of installers would consider becoming MCS certified if there was a course available locally. Moreover, when we asked installers if becoming certified would be good for their careers, 82% agreed. It’s not possible to achieve government targets without trained installers, so now is the time to act.”

Turn to page 16 to find out about City Plumbing’s training provision at the Energy Efficiency Centre in Farnborough

Now, the third edition of the Local Hero Awards has been launched by UK retailer and manufacturer SGS Engineering to shine a light on the most generous and thoughtful plumbers, builders, mechanics, electricians, joiners, gardeners, and more, who have put others first with their kindness.

One national winner will be awarded a £1000 cash prize, while up to five regional winners will each take home cash prizes worth £250. Dave Gordon, general manager at SGS Engineering, explains:

“If you know of a tradesperson who has done everything in their power to make the

No publicity for upgrade scheme

New data discovered by renewable energy specialists The Eco Experts reveals that a lack of publicity has contributed to the disappointing performance of the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme. Google Trends search data highlights a clear consumer interest in ‘air source heat pumps’ over the last 12 months, but minimal searches for the ‘boiler upgrade scheme’ or ‘heat pump grant’.

According to the data, there was keen public interest around ‘air source heat pumps’ in 2022, with UK searches for the term hitting peak popularity of 100 from 11th-17th December 2022. Yet interest around the ‘boiler upgrade scheme’ during the same year was significantly low, with searches for the scheme

world a better place then let us know – a £1000 cash prize could be the perfect way to thank them for their generosity!”

Nominations will remain open until 11th April. The experts at SGS will be reviewing every single entrant, then working up a shortlist of finalists, who will be contacted and then revealed publicly on 13th April.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/06

peaking at a mere 15 from the 3rd-9th April 2022. The term ‘heat pump grant’ also experienced a low search volume in 2022. Its highest search score reached just 28 from the 27th March-2nd April.

The Eco Experts writer and researcher Josh Jackman comments: “The government has failed the public and the planet by refusing to publicise its own Boiler Upgrade Scheme in a year when consumer interest around air source heat pumps has reached peak popularity. This new data highlights the government’s two-faced approach to its climate targets: introduce a grant to tick a box, then neglect it completely.

“After ending the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive in 2022, this deliberate abandonment of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme takes the government’s record on providing UK households with energysaving and affordable technology to a new low.”

Warning about fake pump threat

As part of a commitment to ‘Keeping Britain Glowing’, Glow-worm has unveiled its new logo, already visible across its social media channels, as well as on its website, marketing materials, and merchandise.

The new logo features a Union Jack emblem and will replace Glow -worm’s existing logo, which has been in place for more than 10 years. The new logo will become a familiar sight on the manufacturer’s boilers, heating controls and accessories from 2024.

With a manufacturing base in Derbyshire, Glow-worm recently earned the ‘Made in Britain’ accreditation across its Energy, Ultimate and Easicom boiler ranges. An official license mark, ‘Made in Britain’ helps to identify and certify British-made products.

Pump experts are urging the UK government to take action against the influx of non-compliant central heating pumps being imported into the country. More than 100,000 such pumps are believed to be sold in the UK every year, with many coming from Far East exporters that have exploited supply chain issues to gain a foothold in the market.

Steve Schofield, chief executive of the British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA), says: “We estimate that circa 10% of the one million central heating pumps (circulators) being brought into the UK are non-compliant. It is a swarm –it is blatant and it is now over-the-counter. Once fitted, they are costing consumers hundreds of pounds every year on their heating bills, and it is seriously impacting the UK’s ability to meet its net zero obligations.”

The government estimates that, based on 2021 energy prices, minimum energy performance standards from compliant pumps provide an annual savings of £75 and 8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

News Review 6 PHAM NEWS APRIL 2023
Visit the OFTEC website to find your nearest training centre www.oftec.org Looking for heat pump training? Ask about OFTEC courses Demand for heat pumps is growing, so now is the perfect time to take full advantage with OFTEC’s heat pump training courses. Scopes of registration • OFT21-504D - Design of heat pump systems. • OFT21-504A - Installation, commissioning and servicing of air source heat pumps. • OFT21-504G - Installation, commissioning and servicing of ground source heat pumps. On completion, heating businesses can access OFTEC’s heat pump CPS and MCS registration schemes, allowing you to undertake installations funded by the Boiler Upgrade Scheme and putting your business in prime position to benefit from the growth of the heat pump market. PHAM-AD-APR-OFTEC_PHAM 10/03/2023 12:24 Page 1


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Apprentice shortage felt across industry

The majority (85%) of tradespeople think there is a shortage of apprentices entering construction, according to new research from Screwfix. When it comes to attracting future talent, while nearly all (99%) tradespeople would recommend a career in the trades, 92% believe more can be done to encourage people into the industry.

Quizzed on why they would recommend a career as a tradesperson, 86% said it was the pride in a job well done, while being your own boss (72%) and customer satisfaction (64%) came in second and third respectively.

Looking at the support needed to take on an apprentice, just 12% said they knew how to do it, with assistance and advice for hiring (39%) and training (31%) apprentices identified as the biggest barriers.

To encourage more apprentices into construction trades, and help tackle the ongoing skills shortage, last year Screwfix unveiled a new initiative to fund the training of trade apprentices. Working in partnership with Flexi - job Apprenticeship Agency, TrAC, Screwfix will support both apprentice and employer with financial support to cover the cost of training.

Jack Wallace, Screwfix marketing director, comments: “We know that there is a shortage of apprentices coming into the trade and our latest research continues to indicate that much more needs to be done to ensure that the trade attracts future talent. The research also shows the rewarding career opportunities on offer to those working in the construction trades, with an overwhelming majority recommending it as a career.”


to get on board

A campaign designed to inform installers about upcoming changes to the Buildings Regulations has been launched by Polypipe Building Products.

The new regulations came into effect in June 2022, allowing for a one year grace period that is due to expire on 15 June this year. This means installers will need to be up to speed on what the changes mean at the sharp end, when the rules come into full force.

Polypipe’s campaign is designed to make it easy to understand the new rules and will run throughout 2023. It kicked off with the launch of a new game show – ‘A Question of Regs’ – and will include a number of regional events and educational activities to offer installers support through this transition period.

Dan Love, head of commercial at Polypipe Building Products, says: “Last year England, Wales and Scotland introduced the biggest set of Building Regulation updates to impact the heating sector in over a decade. Heating engineers – whether they install oil, gas or renewables in existing homes or new builds – need to ensure that they are familiar with the changes. That’s why our team have introduced this multi-faceted campaign to support installers as this grace period draws to a close.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/08

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Scratch to win prizes

Making its debut at HVACRLive in April, Clivet will be showcasing its range of products, including the Smart Living portfolio of integrated home comfort and energy management solutions. To tempt even more visitors to its stand, Clivet is running a scratch card promotion where everyone’s a winner.

Anyone who attends a short product demonstration on one of the company’s four product areas will receive a scratch card which can be redeemed immediately on the stand.

HVACRLive’23 is set to take place at Excel, London, on 18th and 19th April. Find out more on the link below.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/07

◼ UFH specialist Continal has launched a new Live Chat Service, where installers can get help with technical, product or installation advice online. The Live Chat is available during Continal’s office hours of 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, by visiting www. continal.co.uk where the Live Chat box will appear on screen automatically.

◼ To help generate customer leads for installers, Spirotech has launched a new Find an Installer tool. It sits on the Better Heating website, which provides essential information on how air and dirt separators work, their benefits and the symptoms of a contaminated system. The tool can connect homeowners looking to upgrade their heating system with a local Spirotech Approved Installer in their area.

Back again for 2023, the Glow-worm Mystery Trip is now open and installers are encouraged to start earning points for their chance to join. The annual event offers them the opportunity to earn a place for themselves and their partner on a trip of a lifetime, by collecting points for every Glow-worm product they install and registering via the customer loyalty platform, Club Energy. Previous trips have taken installers to destinations including Vietnam, Mauritius, and most recently Mexico.

Ask the experts in the installer group

The Drayton Community Facebook group is planning to host a number of industry experts in the upcoming months to discuss topics ranging from low temperature systems, heat pumps and hybrid systems, and best practice to achieve greater efficiency from heating systems.

During each live session, the audience will be able to submit their questions, which will be answered throughout by the panellists. The first live Facebook session of 2023 took place last month, where Richard Burrows, Kimbo Betty and Rob Berridge joined Clare@Drayton to cover pumps, including everything installers need

to know about best practice for the most efficient heating systems.

Clare Weller, trade marketing manager, says: “We’re excited to be continuing the investment in The Drayton Community this year with our live expert panels. We have a great line - up of guest speakers joining us throughout the year who will be sharing their valuable insights and knowledge with Drayton installers. The wide range of topics planned will help installers to further develop their skills and offer their customers even more efficient heating.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/09

◼ Tradespeople signing up for a Checkatrade membership will be eligible to claim a Toolstation gift card of up to £200 to spend in store, online or on the app. To be eligible for the gift card, tradespeople must meet Checkatrade’s member criteria which includes passing a bespoke vetting process and possessing valid public liability insurance.

◼ Wavin has announced the launch of environmental product declarations (EPDs) for its suite of products sold in the UK and Irish markets. Based on third-party verified life cycle assessments, EPDs transparently map production processes to resource impacts. Providing details on the environmental impact across the entire life cycle, EPDs enable building designers, planners, contractors and developers to choose more sustainable products and solutions.

News Review 8 PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023

Free net zero guide for social housing

Social housing providers are being advised to start planning a phased approach to heat decarbonisation across their building stock, in a new guide from Baxi.

‘Decarbonisation and affordability of heat – a phased approach’ is a free downloadable guide that aims to provide social housing providers with a framework for achieving net zero, particularly in harder-todecarbonise social homes.

Baxi states that with many residents struggling with fuel bills, social housing providers face the dual challenge of solving fuel poverty while achieving their own environmental targets. The guide recognises that only a comprehensive mix of technologies,

implemented at scale within suitably prepared housing stock, will be able to face up to the netzero challenge, while maintaining maximum comfort and minimum disruption for residents. The four-phase approach encourages social housing providers to take a fabric-first approach within harder-to-heat homes to ensure that the buildings are as efficient as possible and suitable for the low-temperature heating prescribed by Part L of Building Regulations. As a next step, housing providers are being urged to consider accessories which will improve the energy rating of existing systems, before planning larger scale investments such as air source heat pumps and heat networks or longer-term solutions such as hydrogen boilers.

David Cook, sales and specification director, residential, says: “Feedback from our customers indicates that a number of constraints can make certain social homes hard to decarbonise. In buildings like these, full decarbonisation could take some time to achieve. With that in mind, we’ve set out to support housing providers with a guide to the typical steps involved in decarbonising heat to help our customers plot their pathway to improved energy efficiency and net zero. Our goal is to provide social housing providers with the right heating solution at the right time to improve the comfort of residents while making significant carbon savings.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/10

Money for Pink Ribbon charity

Wall panel brand Showerwall has announced that its recent collaboration with The Pink Ribbon Foundation has succeeded in raising £1170 for the charity.

To mark Breast Cancer Awareness month, which took place last October, Showerwall pledged its support by donating money from every sale of its acrylic panels which featured the colour pink. The campaign took place over a three -month period, finishing at the end of December 2022.

As part of the collaboration, Showerwall also helped to educate people about the importance of regular ‘self-checks’ in the shower, via a social media campaign that was supported by Instagram influencers who shared their experiences of being impacted by breast cancer. Product manager Steph Harris comments: “We’re proud to have worked with a charity that supports all those affected by breast cancer, and we’re looking forward to collaborating again in the future.”

Sharp rise in pipe insulation sales

He adds that the growth in sales of foam products could also be partly attributed to an increase in the number of properties switching to ground source heat pumps.

“Heat pumps work at lower temperatures than a traditional heating system, therefore good insulation is key to getting the most out of the system,” comments Eray. “Without good all-round insulation, including loft insulation, wall insulation and double glazing, some people will find heat pumps do not produce enough energy to keep the building a comfortable temperature.”

Insulating pipes has additional benefits beyond reducing energy consumption, including condensation control, frost protection and noise reduction.

As energy prices continue to rise and people look for ways to reduce their heating bills, a supplier of HVAC equipment is reporting a big rise in sales of pipe insulation.

TG Lynes says it has seen sales of Armacell pipe insulation double in the last 12 months.

Eray Guleryuz, commercial team lead at TG Lynes, says: “People are more aware than ever of the measures that can be taken to reduce energy bills. Some estimates suggest that up to 25% of all heat produced escapes through the pipes before it reaches the final destination.”

Jamie Bomber, national sales manager at Armacell, comments: “Increasing energy efficiency, thus reducing costs, has become one of the main drivers in the specification of our products for the built environment, both in the domestic and commercial HVAC building sectors. Whether the heating and cooling sources are heat pumps or conventional equipment, system performance, system longevity and the working and living environments are significantly enhanced with the inclusion of ArmaFlex insulation materials fitted to pipework, ductwork and within the building fabric.”

News Review PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023
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People on the Move

ADEY Innovation has promoted Helen Isherwood to the position of MD. Helen has been with the business for six years, most recently as innovation director and also has 25 years experience heading marketing and product teams in countries around the world. She will now focus her experience on growing ADEY and Alpha Scientific in the UK and internationally.

Merchant business James Hargreaves has made two promotions, with Carl Bridge (pictured) stepping up from purchasing director to MD, and Gary Beaumont moving to sales director from regional director. Bill Davies, the former sales director, will continue working part-time as commercial director.

Intatec’s founding directors Stuart Gizzi and Cynthia Fisher have given more autonomy to the senior leadership team in a recent shake-up. Stuart will now step up to CEO, with sales director Darran Bougourd (pictured) taking Stuart’s place as MD. Both Stuart and Cynthia will retain their positions on the board.


Nuaire has appointed Jessica Cook as strategic marketing director within the climate management solutions business unit at Genuit Group for the brands Nuaire and Domus Ventilation. Jessica was previously head of marketing for Nuaire and Domus Ventilation, later serving as general manager for Domus Ventilation.

Stephanie Lowe has been promoted to deputy chief executive of SNIPEF, having served 18 months as acting chief executive while Fiona Hodgson was away from the post. Stephanie joined SNIPEF as industrial relations officer in 2006 and has held a variety of roles in the organisation through the years.

Sanitary equipment specialist Siamp UK has announced the appointment of Kevin Lewis as area sales manager for the South West. Kevin joins with a wealth of experience in the construction and plumbing merchant industry, including positions as branch manager and area sales manager in the south of England.

Neoperl UK is implementing a strategic succession plan resulting in the managing director Kevin Gates (pictured) moving to the role of European business development director, while Mike Burton becomes operational site director and Chris Neath moves up to director of sales to lead the UK business.

EnviroVent has appointed Andrew Firth and David Frimpong (pictured) as heads of specification for the North and South, respectively. Andrew brings over 40 years experience in product specification and system design, while David, whose previous role was business development manager for the Genuit Group, has over 10 years experience in the HVAC sector.


For further information about any of the stories featured in this issue, simply enter phamnews. co.uk/423/ followed by the relevant enquiry number

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No room for heat pump growth

I write in response to Louise Howlett’s letter in the Pham News March 2023 issue.

I don’t know if the heat pump market is going backwards, but it will struggle to go forward for various reasons, some mentioned in the letter.

Firstly, the cost of installing a heat pump is way beyond the contemplation of most people. Most people would have to take out a serious loan to cover the cost, if they could get one. Then, after installation, what is the life expectancy before more money has to be paid out?

In all the advertising photos of a heat pump installation they are positioned in a nice clear area with plenty of space around. There are a large number of properties in the UK that do not have that space, including terraced and many semidetached houses to mention just some. In the area I live, the houses have a modest patio area which is where a heat pump would be placed. This would render the area virtually unusable, and who wants to sit next to a heat pump when it is running?

As Louise says, they install in mainly off grid locations which implies that more space is available. Also, France is a much larger country than the UK and they have much more land per head of population, which again implies that more space is available.

The majority of houses in this country were built without taking into account the installation of a heat pump. Indeed, new build houses come with a postage stamp size garden!

Also, the British public are aware that there are much larger countries than ours that continue burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate. So why, they may ask, is our small island being asked to save the planet at great expense?

This is not to say that we should stop striving to reduce our energy consumption, and there are ways it can be done with our existing infrastructure. For instance, fitting a good control system to a gas installation would help to achieve this. I am sure that many others will have similar ideas.

The idea of heat pumps no doubt works in the right situation, but for the majority in the UK it is like scrapping everything we have now and starting afresh at great expense both financially and materially. I am not hopeful that it will be welcomed with open arms.

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The latest figures from the Plumbing & Heating Merchant Index (PHMI) report show total value sales for January 2023 through specialist plumbing and heating merchants were +13.4% higher than January last year. Price inflation rose +11.6% over the same period, while volumes increased just +1.7%. With one more trading day in January 2023, like-forlike sales were +8.0% higher.

Total value sales over the last three months, November 2022 to January 2023, were +11.7% higher than the same period a year ago. Volume sales were -0.3% down and prices were +12.0%. Month-on-month January value sales were +22.3% higher than December 2022, but with five extra trading days in January.

Mike Rigby, CEO of MRA Research, which produces the report, comments: “The biggest opportunity to drive volumes up this year must come from energy and water saving products. Last year’s updates to the Building Regulations – largely seen as an interim stepping stone to the more stringent Future Homes Standard, which will come into force in 2025 - are driving the message home that as an industry, we must strive to upgrade and create homes which use less energy, water and resources.”

Expanded distribution centre

Following a period of continued growth, KBB distributor PJH has announced investment in an enlarged Thirsk Distribution Centre, more than doubling the capacity of the site it replaces to over 10,000ft2. Investment in the new regional distribution centre, with its improved logistics, capacity and stock holding, also lowers PJH’s carbon footprint through a more regionally deployed fleet and reduced delivery miles.

“It’s another significant investment for PJH and supports further the growth in our national logistics infrastructure that provides next day deliveries for our customers,” says Richard George, CEO of PJH. “It increases our total number of Distribution Centres to seven and our overall warehouse footprint to 355,000ft2. ”

New plumbing outlet in Widnes

Beesley & Fildes, an independent builders merchant with 11 branches across the North West, has opened a dedicated, onestop plumbing and heating department at its Widnes branch.

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The new facility is designed to cover all plumbing and heating eventualities, from a simple pipe repair to major complex projects. Among the items showcased are value-for-money central heating systems, radiators, boilers, underfloor heating, copper tubes, water tanks, waste and overflow fittings, and brassware valves and accessories to suit all kitchens and bathrooms, all under one roof.

A team of specialists will also be available during the counter’s opening hours to offer expert advice on any plumbing and heating requirements, including guidance on technical specifications and fitting instructions.

Adam Taylor, plumbing and heating category manager for Beesley & Fildes, says: “We’re excited about this latest commercial venture because it’s totally new to Widnes and the first of its kind, making it the perfect port of call for the entire area’s heating and plumbing trade. It’s a place where customers can instantly identify what they need and trust that every item offers premium quality and ease of use.”

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Adam Taylor (right) with Liam Stirzaker

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Industry show continues to pull in the crowds

ISH, staged in Frankfurt from 13th to 17th March, remains Europe’s pre-eminent event for the HVAC and sanitation industry, offering an opportunity for some of the sector’s biggest names to showcase their latest products and design ideas to over 150,000 visitors. Here we pick out some of the highlights at this year’s show.

Decarbonisation, the use of renewable energies and greater energy efficiency were the big themes at this year’s ISH, staged for the first time in four years. The exhibition organisers have announced that a total of 153,734 visitors from 154 countries attended the event over the course of five days, making the most of the opportunity to find out about the latest advances in heating technology and bathroom trends.

The show attracted 2025 exhibitors who were able to showcase the latest developments for the heating market, airconditioning and ventilation technology, intelligent home and building automation as well as modern and sustainable bathroom design and innovative installation technology.

Visitors were able to evaluate a number of solutions for achieving climate - protection goals in buildings, the decarbonisation of the heating sector and security of supply. Not surprisingly, heat pumps in various versions, widely viewed in Europe as the key component in the implementation of the energy transition, were prominent on many stands. But many other solutions were also on display, such as CHP installations, fuel - cell heating systems, photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, hydrogen - capable condensing boilers, wood-based systems, such as pellet heating

systems, digital solutions, home ventilation with heat recovery and energy-saving automation. Innovative ventilation systems and touch-free fittings, which are gaining in importance in the wake of the pandemic, were also on the agenda, as were new ideas for conserving materials and resources in the bathroom sector.


Eco-friendly heat pumps for all types of buildings were the dominant technology on the Vaillant stand, as well as intelligent energy management and hydrogen-ready boilers.

Another focus area was the services available to its installer customer base, including online

support ranging from planning to maintenance and the remote optimisation of heating devices, as well as an extensive learning portal with more than 500 training courses. Across Europe, the Vaillant Group has trained more than 45,000 installers in 2022.

The company announced at the show that it plans to double production capacity with a new heat pump factory in Senica, Slovakia. The new factory, with a floor space of 100,000m2, is designed to deliver 300,000 heat pumps a year. The group, which also manufactures heat pumps in Germany, France and the UK, will thereby double its production capacity to well over 500,000 heat pumps per year.

From 2025, Vaillant says that it will only supply heat pumps with natural refrigerant. The company currently uses the natural refrigerant R290, which does not contain any health-endangering chemicals. The refrigerant is particularly environmentally friendly due to its low global warming potential and allows high flow temperatures. As a result, these heat pumps can provide heating and hot water comfort not only in new buildings but also in older, less insulated existing buildings.


Alternatives to traditional gas and oil systems were also prominent on the Viessmann stand, which took up an impressive 1600m2 of exhibition space. The company

took the opportunity to unveil around 60 new highly efficient climate solutions for the first time. Highlights include the Viessmann ‘Invisible’ heating system –described as a huge innovation step. The space-saving solution consists of a heat pump, DHW cylinder and optional home ventilation system, as well as an electricity storage system, designed specifically for new builds. The innovation aims to turns rooms previously used for building equipment and appliances into additional living space.

As well promoting the latest advances in air/water monobloc heat pumps, which all run on the natural R290 refrigerant, Viessmann also promoted the benefit of hybrid systems consisting of heat pumps and gas condensing boilers. The hybrid systems enable easy retrofitting solutions, i.e., the ability to add a heat pump to existing gas or oilfuelled heating systems later on to increase the share of annual heat output attributable to renewable energy sources to more than 70%.

Panasonic Showcasing its wide range of heating and cooling applications, Panasonic’s stand featured key innovations from its Aquarea heat pump range together with interactive features, a tech wall highlighting U-Vacua technology, displays showcasing the inner workings of the units, and new R290 chillers from the company’s

expanding range.

Also on show was the Aquarea EcoFleX – a flexible space heating, space cooling, air cleaner and domestic hot water system. The heat pump features the company’s nanoe X technology, which utilises hydroxyl radicals which have the capacity to inhibit five types of pollutants, including certain viruses and bacteria, to clean and deodorise.

Other highlights included Panasonic’s Mini Monobloc. Using R32 refrigerant, it is described as an ideal solution for new build projects. The unit can be easily installed in areas with limited space, or even in larger spaces that require a more aesthetically pleasing and unobtrusive design.


Visitors to the NIBE stand were invited to catch up on the company’s latest heat pumps with climate-friendly refrigerants and solutions for energy management, as well as new advances in battery storage for solar power.

Highlights included what the company acclaims as its most efficient ground source heat pump yet – the S1256, which boasts a SCoP of 6.22. The inverter-controlled GSHP is capable of delivering up to 300 litres of hot water without the help of an immersion heater.

The company also unveiled new wireless smart home accessories to work with its S series of heat pumps, making it easier for users to control

Exhibition Review 14 PHAM NEWS APRIL 2023

and monitor their heating system. The smart accessories have been designed to constantly monitor and control the temperature and air quality, using sensors to communicate with the heat pumps, automatically adjusting humidity and CO 2 levels for improved comfort and lower energy consumption.


Home comfort and security solutions provider Resideo revealed its latest to help installers and consumers tackle the energy and water management challenges. These range from energy efficient products such as room thermostats and multi - zone controllers, to water leak detectors and lead-free water PRV valves, to new energy efficient gas adaptive and hydrogen-ready products. Product highlights included the Honeywell Home HCC100 multi-zone controller, designed to simplify the installation of underfloor heating and cooling and give users the ability to individually manage up to eight zones/rooms in a home or office. It offers a single, flexible controller, which can integrate into both new and existing installations, supported by the Resideo Pro app to make installations and configuration faster and simpler.

Also on display was the L Series water control products range which helps consumers protect against costly water damage and the need to make home insurance claims. The Resideo L1 WiFi Water Leak & Freeze Detector alerts consumers to leaks or frozen pipes with smartphone notifications, on site alerts and an alarm. While the Resideo Braukmann L5 WiFi Water Leak Shutoff Valve automatically turns off the water supply to the home when a water leak is detected by the attached sensing cable or by a paired Resideo WiFi Water Leak & Freeze Detector.


As well as presenting developments across its five areas of expertise – system technology, valves and accessories, area heating systems, hydronic balancing, and pump technology – Taconova unveiled its new TN Comfort System and ‘Plan - Tech - Care’ initiative designed to make planning and installation easier.

Visitors were able to explore the company’s tried-and-tested TacoSetter hydronic balancing products, which ensure heat is efficiently distributed within a building, helping building owners to save energy and reduce operating costs.

Taconova also presented its broad range of circulation pumps, including the glandless circulator pump TacoFlow3 GenS, which is claimed to be one of the smallest on the market.

Visitors to the stand were also able to get an advanced viewing of the company’s new heat interface unit, described as the first fully

electronic hybrid device with an interface for integration into a building’s automation system. The unit has a very shallow installation depth and is said to ensure improved drinking water hygiene and increased convenience.

Stiebel Eltron

Split into three different zones, the Stiebel Eltron stand presented new products from the areas of heat pumps, ventilation and domestic hot water preparation, as well as complete system solutions. Products on display included four standardised heat pump sets, each for use in new and existing buildings. The pre-configured system solutions are said to be appropriate for around 80% of applications in detached and semidetached houses and can also be installed in series.

In addition to the heat pump sets, the company promoted a new home station as a further solution for decarbonisation in multi-storey residential buildings, as well as new energy management software which networks the company’s heat pump and PV solar systems to maximise energy savings.

Conex Bänninger

The specialist provider of fittings, valves and accessories showcased its varied jointing solutions with live product demonstrations.

Visitors were able to learn about the company’s >B < MaxiPro range of fittings, designed for pipe jointing in air conditioning and refrigeration applications, and the flame-free >B< Press fitting, described as the ideal solution for heating and plumbing installations.

Available in copper and copper alloy and compatible with a wide range of press tools and jaws, this flame-free range is designed with an innovative 3-point press system (up to 54mm) which ensures a secure, permanent, leak-free joint suitable for multiple applications.

It also provides installers with an unpressed joint indicator feature that assists the identification of unpressed joints.

Other key products on show included the >B< Press Inox, a quick and simple-to-install flame-

free fitting, manufactured from stainless steel. It too is designed with the innovative 3-point press system to ensure a leak-free, secure and permanent joint.


Showing its latest product innovations and solutions on how sanitary products can be cleverly connected with building services, Geberit provided visitors with an opportunity to view the WC Duofix installation system and Geberit WC system through a flush-out test and installation.

Other products of note are the Acanto WC, which now features a more efficient and quieter flush, and the Sigma70 actuator plate which is designed to provide a focal point in the bathroom thanks to new colours and materials.

The Swiss manufacturer also showcased its digital and intelligent connectivity solutions, with Geberit Connect, a concept that digitally networks various sanitary products.


The Black Forest-based Hansgrohe Group unveiled an expanded product portfolio in the areas of furniture, ceramics and mirrors. The premium bathroom brand presented two different bathroom

furniture ranges – Xelu and Xevolos – in several variations for enhanced planning flexibility. With matching washbasins (with and without tap hole), the furniture series merges into a single unit. In addition, Hansgrohe’s Xuniva washbasins offer a wide range of other combination options, with different shapes and installation variations.

EluPura is the name of a new toilet range. Featuring two design variations, round or SoftCube, the EluPura uses just 4.5 litres per flush, while the company’s HygieneEffect glaze prevents bacteria from multiplying on the product, and a rimless design helps to make cleaning easier.

The expanded product portfolio, including washbasins, toilets, furniture and mirrors, will be available in the UK from June this year.


The focus for the Fluidmaster family of brands at ISH was the efficient and effective movement of water, through intuitive technology and design. Products on show included the water - saving AirGap 6000 toilet cistern fill valve and touchless technology for washrooms, combining user convenience with

the opportunity to conserve water and guard against vandalism.

Efficient flushing and filling mechanisms, conserving water by using the right amount of water for the application, and the creation of new technology which enables better water efficiency, all form part of the company’s product offering. The company also took the opportunity to present its Wisa Variotronic height adjustable wallmounted toilet, which has been specially developed for hospitals and healthcare facilities.


The manufacturer of innovative stainless steel and aluminium radiators and towel rails introduced a number of new designs for the first time at the show. These included the new Ponte convector radiator, available in five sizes and varying lengths and power outputs, from 1 to 3kW. Made from mild steel, the radiator can be controlled by a smartphone and features antifreeze and open window functions to reduce energy consumption.

Also new is the ShoozDry, a hand finished stainless steel shoe dryer, said to offer a stylish alternative to having wet footwear from hanging around the home. With two models, designed to hold two of four pairs of shoes, it comes with a choice of 16 PVD colour options.


Presenting its latest product range for CO2-neutral heat supply for the first time, visitors to the Windhager stand were able to view the company’s new compact pellet boiler – the BioWIN Ultegra. Delivered completely pre - assembled, it is operated exclusively via the company’s app. Windhager is also introducing its new Infinity Plus control system, which is already integrated in the Ultegra. Thanks to the commissioning wizard and simple connection technology, the system has been designed for speedy set up. Other products on show included the AeroWIN Evolution range of heat pumps, which can be used in monobloc design in new buildings as well as existing buildings.

Exhibition Review 15 PHAM NEWS APRIL 2023

Training Update 16

Farnborough centre opens its doors

City Plumbing and GTEC Training have joined forces to create the Energy Efficiency Centre, which offers accredited training courses for installers.

Based in Farnborough, Hampshire, the facility will focus on showcasing renewable energy home heating technologies such as heat pumps, underfloor heating and solar panels – and train engineers to install them. It will also be open to the public and include a range of fully kitted-out zones, highlighting how alternative home heating solutions work in real life, as well as an accredited training room.

Adam Foy, MD of Energy Efficiency at City Plumbing, says: “Our industry-leading Energy Efficiency Team has been in

Get ready to do business

New ‘business ready’ modules have been added to some of the training programmes available from building services training provider Logic4training. Designed to ensure candidates hit the ground running when it comes to finding and winning work, the free modules will cover all the essentials of setting up and running a successful business.

New entrants who complete one of Logic4training’s plumbing packages or gas Managed Learning Programme (MLP) will be able to take the courses online and find out more about the business skills that will enable tradespeople to reach their full potential in an evolving sector. The courses will cover a number of aspects of running a business, including winning work, writing a CV, using social media, employing staff and

building a website.

place for over a decade, offering an indemnified design service along with impartial advice on technologies and manufacturers. As the market evolves, we are looking to support our installers through their journey and this partnership and the Energy Efficiency Centre are crucial steps in this process.”

The partnership has been boosted by news that it has secured government funding through the BEIS Home Decarbonisation Skills Training Competition to reduce the cost of courses to installers.

Griff Thomas, MD of GTEC Training, adds: “GTEC is delighted to be playing a part in Energy Efficiency at City Plumbing, with our first in-merchant training facility in Farnborough. Heat pumps are playing a key role in the UK’s drive to reduce the carbon footprint of our buildings – the ideal solution for energy efficient properties.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/11

Learn for free on oil or heat pumps

Engineers who want to enhance their knowledge of oil installations, fault finding or the installation of air source heat pumps can now take advantage of free training from Warmflow. The manufacturer is offering the courses at its seven training centres located across the UK and Ireland.

The company has partnered with a number of centres offering OFTEC and BPEC heat pump courses, in addition to less in-depth product familiarisation courses. The training will provide an opportunity to learn about Warmflow’s Zeno air source heat pump, featuring Warmlink remote control technology, and its Agentis oil boiler range, which includes the AA rated combi oil boiler. ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/12

Gain green skills at Trafford Park

A collaboration between Resideo and the Green Skills Academy, based in Trafford Park, means installers in the North of England can benefit from training that focuses on energy efficient and low carbon technology.

“Most tradespeople feel confident with the practical side of the job, but often come unstuck when it comes to things like administration, tax, marketing and even getting paid,” says Logic4training MD Mark Krull. “That’s why we have focused to ensure that not only do our candidates thrive in the learning environment, but they also have a successful career.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/13

Product donation has sticking power

Geocel is offering support to All Mastic Ltd’s training and NVQ assessment programme by providing some of its products and equipment free of charge for trainee use.

Based in Portishead, Somerset, All Mastic is a mastic sealant application company and works in association with CITB and the Association of Sealant Applicators.

A one-day course is available for contractors who are looking to upskill, while a three-day course offers experienced applicators the opportunity to gain an NVQ Level 2 qualification in sealant application. All Mastic also acts as the UK provider for the CITB SAP apprenticeship course, providing a location for other sealant application contractors to send their apprentices on day release for a period of 18 months to learn about all aspects of the industry.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/16

Electric heating CPD course

ThermoSphere has introduced a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course named Specifying Electric Heating & Achieving Compliance, which offers an hourlong online or face-to-face session to construction professionals who specify, install, or use electric heating.

Resideo has contributed to one of the key elements of the Green Skills Academy – a full-sized, low-energy model house that demonstrates how energy efficient products work in a real-world environment. Its Honeywell Home evohome thermostat is installed alongside a heat recovery and cooling system to show how a full system should be fitted to achieve optimal results.

In addition, the Resideo Academy is working with Green Skills to provide industry training for installers. Resideo has

provided equipment and products to kit out the training booths with the latest in energy efficient heating control technology, smart products, CO and smoke alarms, and security kits.

Darren Cooke from Resideo says: “We hope installers, apprentices - and those with an interest in expanding their green skills - will make use of this unique learning facility.”

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The course aims to cover the latest changes in the construction industry, such as the addition of Primary Energy Ratings in SAP calculations, the evolving Part L Building Regulations, and their impact on specifying electric heating for residential and commercial projects. The CPD explores not only SAP 10 and Part L, but also specifying floor heating, reducing water and energy waste in water heating, and the future of electric heating.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/15

No need to leave the island

Highlands College in Jersey has launched a net zero training facility, funded by the Jersey government’s Retrain initiative, to provide training and assessment in technologies that will support the Carbon Neutral Roadmap. The facility has been developed in partnership with GTEC to deliver the training required to take advantage of the opportunities presented by Jersey’s transition away from gas and oil. Installers can train on a range of technologies, including air source heat pumps.

Previously, installers had to travel off-island to gain required qualifications, but with this new facility they can now upskill locally. The courses align with the government’s initiative to develop The Contractor Quality Scheme (CQS), a Jerseyspecific quality assurance scheme for those wishing to carry out government-funded work as part of the new low carbon heating incentive.

Griff Thomas, MD of GTEC Training Ltd, says: “We have been delighted to help setup and deliver training in partnership with Highlands College. There are some ambitious targets in Jersey for carbon reduction and this has to be underpinned by ensuring that installers have access to the high quality training that they need, without having to leave the island.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/17

Combo kit offers more value

A new two-piece combo kit has joined Makita’s extensive range of LXT products. The kit (DLX2460TJ) features a brushless impact driver and brushless combi drill.

Housed in a type 3 Makpac connector case for easy storage and transportation, the kit also includes two 5.0Ah batteries and Fast Charger, which can be used across the LXT range.

The impact driver (DTD153Z) delivers a no-load speed of 3400rpm and provides up to 3600 impacts per minute – making it capable of driving screws up to 125mm into timber without a pilot hole and up to 30% faster than a conventional drill/driver.

The compact brushless combi drill (DHP487Z 18V) has variable speed control to deliver up to 1700rpm, 25,500bpm and 40Nm maximum fastening torque for a wide range of drilling, fastening and hammer drilling applications. Weighing up to 1.7kg, this lightweight combi drill is a versatile power tool that can handle a wide scope of applications. It also has a single sleeve keyless chuck for quick and easy bit changes with 20 torque settings, plus drill mode for added fastening control.

Kevin Brannigan, Makita’s marketing manager, says: “These kits offer significant savings when compared to buying the components individually, making these a much more economical purchase for end users. We have added the kit to our line-up to offer even more choice, with a premium range of power tools that can tackle a wide variety of jobs on site.”

Gadgets & Tools 17

Pocket pen light is there when you need it

New to the Laser Tools range is this neat, multifunction, rechargeable aluminium pen light that combines a 2W COB (chip on board) work lamp together with a 2W LED torch.

The pen light body features a magnetic base and a pocket clip, making it easy to get the light where it’s needed. The LED is a bright 150 lumens while the COB work lamp has two settings: high (170 lumens) or low (80 lumens) — working time 2 to 4 hours, charging time 2.5 to 3 hours. Powered by the built-in 3.7V 750mAh Li-ion battery, the pen light is rechargeable from any convenient USB source.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/19

Pipe cutting tool is ideal for frequent use

The Knipex Pipe Cutter for multilayer and pneumatic hoses is designed for a wide range of pipe and hose cutting applications, ranging from Ø 4 to 20 mm. The tool features a universal support for right-angled positioning to ensure accurate and precise cuts every time.

The ergonomically shaped handles are made of glass fibre reinforced plastic, making it easy on the hands even during continuous use. Thanks to the low force required and automatic opening feature, the tool is said to be ideal for any job that requires frequent cutting. The blade is made of high-strength special grade steel, oil-hardened and tempered, for extra durability and longevity.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/323/20

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Add to your core skills to tackle general repair and fixes

Training your team in general repairs and building upgrades could see you enhancing your core business by offering a more complete service - so says Logic4training’s Mark Krull. Here, in his latest column offering advice for small businesses, he looks at what’s driving the repair and maintenance markets and how tradespeople can get involved.

Over the past few years, the majority of us spent much more time at home than at any other period in recent history. Time on our hands and sometimes extra cash for those on furlough, but with nowhere to spend their earnings, inspired a sharp rise in home improvement projects during the periods of lockdown. This trend continued post-pandemic, with more than three-quarters (77%) of UK homeowners investing in their properties in 2021.

The other trend inspired by Covid is a dramatic rise in holiday lets. With foreign travel off the table, or fraught with

New course to cover repairs and maintenance

The new Property Maintenance course from Logic4Training is aimed at experienced trades people as well as those just starting out in the industry who want the skills needed to complete essential maintenance and repairs. The course covers a broad range of topics, including mould and damp issues, basic plumbing, heating, and electrics. Candidates will also learn how to identify building defects, make necessary repairs, and determine when professional help is needed.

Mark Krull, MD at Logic4training, says: “We are delighted to launch a new course to skill up the growing number of people who are undertaking property maintenance and repair. Total household spending on maintenance and repair has risen over 60% in the last decade, making it a valuable business opportunity for tradespeople and property maintenance professionals, particularly with the recent boom in short-term holiday lets.

“We wanted to make this course as accessible as possible. No formal experience is required,

opening it up to homeowners undertaking renovation work, self-builders and tenants, as well as landlords who want to save money by bringing skills ‘in-house’. This course delivers the skills and confidence to use tools and ‘do-ityourself’, making the budget stretch further.”

Upon successful completion of the course, candidates will receive a Logic4training Certificate in Property Maintenance. To find out more and sign up for Logic4training’s Property Maintenance training course, use the link below.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/21

uncertainty, many more people chose UK destinations for a break. According to analysis of council figures by the BBC, the number of holiday lets in England rose by 40% between 2018 and 2021. In a CPRE research report, findings show that in rural staycation hotspots this increase rose 1000% between 2015 and 2021.

Outside of holiday lets, the rental sector offers a number of business opportunities to multi-skilled tradespeople, particularly in commercial buildings (such as office blocks) and student accommodation where general upkeep is very much the responsibility of the landlord.

Complementary skills

Successful businesses identify opportunity and diversify to meet demand. Having staff in your team with a wide range of skills will enable you to take on more work. Add-ons could be anything from decorating to insulation and general repairs. Many property maintenance tasks do not require formal qualifications, and a number of complementary skills can be covered in one course.

Gaining more rounded skills means you’re less likely to need to call in outside help when completing your bread-andbutter tasks, and more likely to provide a tidy finish that will lead to happy customers and repeat business.

By seeking out practical talent ready to grow your business quickly, you may also come across future engineering stars who can go on to be upskilled in more training heavy areas, such as gas ACS.

Location matters

Where you live will also impact the services you offer – caravan parks, for example, need LPG servicing; homes by the sea suffer from external masonry issues; student areas will have a high turnover of tenants and therefore continued maintenance works at regular intervals.

The ideal customer-base for this type of works is landlords and estate agents, who will have a number of properties that need looking at, at any one time. Flexibility is really important in this marketplace. Consider offering weekend and evening call-outs to cover emergencies – particularly important in the rental sector.

In line with the holiday-let boom mentioned at the start, there has been a sharp rise in holiday let management companies and they will be looking for trades people able to maintain the upkeep of properties on their books. Whether part of a wider business ambition, or just a desire to bring more skills in-house and ensure jobs are fi nished neatly, taking a broader view when it comes to the maintenance tasks peripheral to your core business will help you stand out from your competitors.

Get the course

We here at Logic4training have launched a new course designed to give both beginners and experienced installers the instruction they need to carry out a wide and varied range of repair and maintenance skills. See the tinted box, left, for further details.

Business Matters 18
Taking a broader view when it comes to maintenance tasks peripheral to your core business will help you stand out from your competitors
Mark Krull Director at Logic4training
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Energy Saving Products

Why pump performance should not be overlooked

With more companies and consumers more open to discussing ways they can reduce their energy consumption, it is a good time to highlight why the purchase of modern, more efficient pump systems can prove to be a wise investment. Steve Schofield from the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association (BPMA) provides some key facts and figures.

The subject of energy, or rather energy efficiency, has long been a topic of vague disinterest among the vast majority of households and billpayers. Energy, or rather the complex business sector that produces and delivers it, has historically struggled with engagement. Energy efficiency, in particular, has more often than not been misrepresented as simply a penny-saving exercise involving the change of lightbulbs for modern replacements, and switching lights off when rooms are unoccupied. Or boiling the kettle less, another suggestion often heard.

However, with the huge global rise in the cost of energy, and its near constant headline coverage by the broadcast media, not to mention the financial pain we are all now enduring, perhaps 2023 has the potential to see a real change in attitudes. A change that could positively impact all aspects of energy use.

Of course, greater autonomy in our energy provision is now understood and acknowledged as a stand-out way to protect ourselves from market volatility caused by unstable regimes. But the drive for improved efficiency across all the avenues of energy use will simply mean that the energy we do produce and secure as a country will go that much further. This will not only allow us to make big savings on our domestic bills and to ensure our homes stay warm

through the winter months, it will also have a massive impact on the efficiency, and ultimately, the profitability of our commercial and industrial sectors.

Big opportunity

The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) has been a longstanding advocate of not only the need for improved energy efficiency across the UK’s vast installed base of pumps and pump systems, but also the massive opportunity it presents for significant energy use reduction. The operation of pumps and their associated systems accounts for around 20% of the world’s entire electrical energy consumption, and in some highuse industrial applications, this can be as much as 25-50% of the total electrical energy usage. Across the European continent pumps are the single largest user of electricity within industry, consuming over 300 TWhpa of electricity, which in turn accounts for over 65 Mton of CO2 emissions. Unfortunately, the vast majority of pump systems operating today were not originally designed with energy conservation as a major consideration. It is now well documented that rotodynamic pumps, which account for 80% of the installed base across Europe, are between 20-30% oversized. This is usually due to an in-built ‘safety factor’ allowing for potential future uprates, or any wear in the pump or fouling of the system. But this simply means

 The operation of pumps and their associated systems accounts for around 20% of the world’s entire electrical energy consumption

they are using far too much energy for the required duty. As such, there is huge potential to save massive amounts of energy if these pumps are properly sized, operated and maintained. In fact, if pump systems are initially designed with energy use in mind, and the pumps are optimised for efficiency, a saving up to 50% in electrical energy can be achieved.

In essence, it is important to know as much about the pump system as possible and to create a pressure/flow profile for the system, as the energy required to drive the pump is directly related to the flow and pressure required.

Energy audits

It is also important to carry out regular energy audits to help determine where energy use reduction measures can be employed, and in turn how operating costs can be lowered. The government has estimated that most companies can reduce their energy consumption by 10-20%, and energy audits carried out in accordance with ISO 14414 have shown that savings of 30-50% are not unusual. By reviewing utility bills, you can get an indication of the savings to be made and the investment that you should be prepared to put into the auditing process.

Across most industrial sites, some two-thirds of the total energy consumption is used to power electric motors, an integral part of any pump system. The overall cost associated with operating these essential pieces of equipment throughout their entire lifespan can be broken down as follows: 5% accounts for the initial purchase/installation costs, 10% for ongoing maintenance and a massive 85% for the energy used to run them.

Clearly, any reduction in the energy consumed by electric motors is important, and with modern designs that reduction can be as much as 30%. It is also evident that many pumps and motors are constantly operated at full power, irrespective of process needs, something which can be managed with the addition of variable speed drives. So, across Europe’s installed base there is the potential for significant energy savings, savings which can in turn drop to the bottom line and increase the profitability of any business.

Certified scheme

Given the amount of energy consumed by pumps in their normal operation, and the potential for energy efficiency gains within pump systems, the BPMA has developed the Certified Pump System Auditor Scheme (CPSA).

Through the CPSA, pump engineers are being trained to correctly assess the efficiency of pump systems, and to provide appropriate recommendations in order to improve the efficiency of those systems. The CPSA accreditation is achieved by successfully completing a fourday residential course, followed by the satisfactory completion of a pump system audit. Only then can ‘Certified Pump System Auditor’ status be achieved.

Within the full ESOS Guidance document, the ISO/14414-Pump System Energy Assessment standard is referenced as an auditing methodology that can be accepted by ‘Lead Assessors’ approved by the Environment Agency. Accordingly, it is hoped that CPSA accredited persons (who are trained according to the ISO 14414 standard) will be recommended by Lead Assessors to undertake the pumping system elements of company-wide energy audits.

Time for action

In conclusion, it is hoped that with the heightened publicity around the cost of energy, and society’s growing appreciation of its importance to our very existence, we will begin to see far greater urgency in the adoption of energy reduction measures across our commercial and industrial sectors. Ultimately it’s a question of choice, and whether businesses are prepared to finally address the ‘Capex vs Opex’ argument and begin to enjoy the long term financial gains available through improved operational efficiency. The offer being: pay for the new equipment now, and recoup the cost through the energy savings made over its operational life. But either way, supported by the documented evidence that significant savings can be made through the correct selection and efficient operation of pumps and their related systems, the BPMA will continue its efforts to drive this clear and important message. ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/22

Steve Schofield CEO of the BPMA
Significant savings can be made through the correct selection and efficient operation of pumps and their related systems

Energy Saving Products

Saving water also reduces energy bills

Washrooms are an obvious place for owners and managers to start reducing water consumption, while also offering the potential for lowering energy use and a building’s carbon footprint too. Richard Braid from Cistermiser explains more about some of the water efficient solutions already available.

While there is understandably a huge focus on the benefits of energy saving products and the importance of decreasing carbon emissions, water efficiency is crucial too. Population growth, rising water use and climate change are likely to affect our water resources, and the UK could face water shortages by 2050 if water efficiency action is not increased. A recent investigation has even suggested that England will face an ‘ecological disaster’ and huge shortfalls in water supplies if there is a severe drought this summer – and with the country having just experienced its driest February in 30 years, the National Drought Group has warned that England is ‘one hot dry spell’ away from drought.

It has been estimated that an additional 4000 million litres of water a day will be needed by 2050 and over half of this requirement will need to come from reducing demand for water. Many UK organisations understand they can make a positive environmental impact by decreasing the amount of water consumed in their buildings (while also lowering their utility bills). There are multiple courses of action that can be taken –including making improvements within washroom facilities.

Flow control

Perhaps the best known and widely adopted water saving devices on the market today are timed flow and sensorcontrolled taps and showers. Timed flow products release a measured amount of water after push button activation, whereas sensor-controlled tap and shower solutions only provide water once the infrared sensor detects user presence.

As well as reducing the amount of water that can be wasted if they are left running (either accidentally or deliberately), these tap and shower solutions also save energy (and subsequently lower carbon emissions). As


 Timed flow and sensor controlled taps and showers can help save energy as well as reduce water waste

 Modern urinal flushing technologies offer significant reductions in water use (typically 27-80%)

 Some dual flush drop valve toilets can be prone to leaks and often go undetected

 Cistermiser’s Sensazone system uses motion sensors to reduce water and energy use, while also protecting buildings from flooding

minimal hot water is used, the energy required for heating water is reduced and, if coupled with thermostatic controls, the water temperature can be pre-set, further increasing energy savings and reducing scalding risk.

Sensor-controlled taps and showers also have the added benefit of being non-touch. This makes them more hygienic, as the likelihood of bacteria and viruses spreading via crosscontamination is decreased.

Flushing systems

Water efficiency can be further improved by modernising urinal and toilet flushing systems. The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 put stipulations in place to restrict the amount of water flushing devices are allowed to use, in addition to the various types of intelligent controls used to minimise water wastage.

Modern urinal flushing technologies include mainsflushing sensor-controlled valves (that flush direct from the mains) and infrared and hydraulic control valves (that control the flow of water to the urinal cistern). They offer significant reductions in water consumption

(achieving savings of around 75-80%) as well as lowering costs – indeed, thousands of pounds per year could be saved because uncontrolled urinals flush intermittently, potentially consuming upwards of 850 litres of water a day.

Meanwhile, dual flushes for toilets have become increasingly popular in recent years (either being push button, or sensorcontrolled for a hygienic, nontouch solution). We would stress that while dual flushes can reduce water use (choosing the smaller flush option can save around two litres of water on every flush), it is essential for users to understand the different functions, with a study by WRAS revealing that 80% of people were inadvertently wasting water by pressing the wrong button.

It is also important to consider that the design of some dual flush drop valve toilets mean they can be prone to leaks. According to Waterwise, between 5 and 8% of toilets are leaking at any one time (often undetected, from the

q A water efficient washroom can help to minimise water consumption as well as saving energy and reducing utility bills

cistern into the bowl), adding up to around 400 million litres of clean, fresh water leaking from UK toilets every day. It’s estimated that a third of commercial washrooms have at least one leaky toilet – each wasting between 215 and 400 litres of water on average per day and costing between £187 and £348 per year.

Leak prevention

The above statistics inspired the development of our EasyflushEVO, a flushing valve that prevents leaks from toilet cisterns. It will not leak due to debris, scale or degradation of the seal (it doesn’t have a flush seal below the waterline, unlike traditional flush drop valves). The award-winning product can save up to 78,475 litres of water per unit per year and can achieve a return on investment in just eight months.

Leak prevention in washrooms can be taken even further with our Sensazone solution, which intelligently controls water supplies using motion sensors that allow water to freely flow once a washroom becomes occupied. This reduces water and energy use, while also protecting buildings against water damage or flooding, potentially decreasing insurance premiums.

Preserving resources

In recent years, the owners and managers of commercial and public sector buildings have become increasingly interested in water saving solutions, either because of a sense of environmental responsibility or to help reduce utility costs. Modern solutions that control the amount of water used by taps, showers, urinals and toilets are helping to ensure that washrooms are water efficient, contributing to the essential preservation of precious water resources.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/23

Richard Braid Cistermiser managing director u Cistermiser’s deck-mounted Vecta + Sensor mixer tap

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Energy Saving Products

Helping solid fuel consumers to make the cleaner choice

As the cost-of-living crisis continues, many homeowners are exploring alternative ways in which to heat their homes, such as a wood burning stove, so it is important for installers to educate consumers on choosing the most energy efficient and cleaner burning appliances and fuel. Calvin May from HETAS highlights some of the key issues and best practice requirements for installers to follow.

The next phase of policy development has now been published by the government under the Environment Improvement Plan. The plan’s aim is to further support the reduction of particulate emissions from solid fuel heating appliances, something that fits well with our organisational purpose in reducing the impact of particulate and carbon emissions on the environment. While statements confirm that a ban on solid fuel heating is not being implemented for the foreseeable future, heating installers play a pivotal role in supporting future clean air strategies through educating consumers on quality fuels, efficient appliances, and the importance of maintenance and servicing.

The Cleaner Choice

In 2022, we launched the Cleaner Choice Approval Scheme, an initiative designed to allow consumers to make more informed choices around appliance selection. All Cleaner Choice appliances meet the necessary legislation for installation in the UK, CE (UKCA) marking and building regulation compliance, while at the same time requiring a 50% improvement on current particulate limits for the most stringent requirements in the UK and promoting the best available technologies in relation to particulate reduction.

This should give installers and purchasers reassurance that the appliance being specified meets all necessary legislation, while also providing clear guidance within accompanying instructions on the correct operation and installation practices required to maintain safety and ensure compliance.

In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, installers can not only help consumers remain safe when using their heating, but also save them money when selecting and fuelling their appliance. An existing open fire will have an efficiency of around 40%,


Many existing open fires will lose around 60% of energy up a chimney, meaning only 40% of heat will be used to warm a property


A Cleaner Choice closed room heater can achieve efficiencies of around 80%, with pellet appliances getting up to 90%


Wood labelled with the Ready to Burn logo should contain less than 20% of water if sold in volumes under 2m3

 All HEATS Cleaner Choice wood burning appliances have been independently verified to meet all current regulations

effectively meaning that only 40% of the fuel being burned is utilised for heating the property, with the additional 60% being lost up the chimney.

In comparison, a Cleaner Choice closed room heater can have efficiencies up to around 80%, utilising the fuel better to heat the property and generate more useful heat from the same amount of fuel being burned, saving on ongoing operating costs. A Cleaner Choice pellet appliance can go one step further, with verified efficiencies of around 90%, as well as even cleaner operation.

Installers can support more informed choices during any onsite assessment survey by promoting these messages, while at the same time ensuring the appliance is correctly sized

fuels should utilise Ready to Burn certified fuels and installers should advise their customers to look out for the Ready to Burn logo when purchasing wood fuels.

Fuels clearly labelled with the Ready to Burn logo means they comply with Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards) (England) Regulations 2020, and aims to reduce particulates from solid fuel domestic burning by making sure that wood sold in volumes under 2m³ is certified as having a moisture content of less than 20%, or when sold over 2m³ it is accompanied by appropriate instruction on how to season the fuel before use.

Regular maintenance

Ongoing maintenance is a critical part in keeping the installation operating in the most energyefficient and cleaner burning way. Many consumers are unaware of the importance of their upkeep and that is essential to the good and successful operation of the appliance.

Installers should advise their customers that servicing and maintenance should be carried out at least once a year, but stress that this can vary depending on the appliance and consumer’s choice of fuel. Therefore, the timeframes and instructions given by the manufacturers need to be followed to keep appliances working at optimum performance.

for the room, and the proposed design of the installation promotes safe and clean operation of the appliance, through adequate ventilation and dispersion of combustion products through the chimney.

Customers with concerns over energy efficiency need to be made aware of not only the safety that a regular service ensures, but also of the implications that falling behind on regular services can have on the likes of house insurance policies.

We are all working towards a zero-carbon future, and, on this journey, we need to acknowledge those who rely on solely solid fuel as their vital energy source. Installers play a critical part to this and can help remain on the front foot with educating and guiding people to make choices for a cleaner, safer world.

Ready to Burn

Alongside appliance selection, it is important for installers to recommend the appropriate fuels suitable for the appliance as required by the appliance manufacturer. All appliances designed to burn wood-based

For those wishing to further advance their training in solid fuel, wood, and biomass, HETAS offers a wide range of training courses specifically for installers, retailers, specifiers, local authorities, Building Control officers, and those who are involved in the wood fuel supply chain.

Find out more

For more information about cleaner, safer choices for solid fuel use within the home, please use the online reader link below.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/24

Calvin May Head of technical for HETAS and Woodsure HETAS launched the Cleaner Choice Approval Scheme to better inform consumers about appliance selection

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Control to enhance heat pump’s CoP

Following the launch of its range of high efficiency heat pumps, Modutherm has introduced the NordFlex+ Wi-Fi controller. Designed for use with the company’s range of AW Monobloc heat pumps, the NordFlex+ is BMS compatible and allows up to 16 units to be operated from one device. Controllability is further enhanced by its remote monitoring capabilities, with the operating parameters also easily accessed via a mobile app.

The controller uses cascade logic to ensure the heat pump system always achieves the highest CoP. It manages the compressor speed of all the heat pumps in a system to maximise efficiency in line with heating demand. This ensures the running time (and fuel consumption) of the heat pumps is evened out for optimum system efficiency and reliability.

As it is designed for hybrid systems, the NordFlex+ controller works with a range of additional heating technologies and systems, including boilers, district heating networks and heat pumps. Using the NordFlex+ controller’s configuration tool allows for the creation of a hybrid, flexible and future-proof system, incorporating heat pumps and other energy sources. Multifunctional control capabilities allow it to be designed into a huge range of projects without the need for any additional programming.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/27

U-values made easy

Independent builders merchant MKM has developed a U-value calculator to help installers determine the rate of heat loss from a building. The information gathered will help build a picture of what materials can be used to improve insulation.

The process allows users to select the area they wish to look at insulating – such as roof, external wall or floor – before breaking that down into a subsection and precisely choose any variant within those parameters. The lower the U-value, the better the thermal performance of the building envelope.

This calculator incorporates materials from a variety of sources, providing a greater variety of insulation options to choose from. Its key purpose is to help ascertain how a rating can reach levels suitable for compliance with legislation – much of which is going to be changed or updated over the coming months and years. The calculator can help identify areas of the building where improvements can be made to increase energy efficiency.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/28

Energy Saving Products

Recycled plastic ups the sustainability credentials

With a commitment to improving the energy performance and sustainability of its products, National Ventilation has increased the use of recycled plastic in their manufacture. For example, the Monsoon Energysaver MON-MEV DC Multi Room Unit is now available in recycled plastic. It is a mechanical extract ventilation unit, which has been designed for continuous extract of stale air from separate areas around the home, or for commercial applications where a multipoint extractor system is needed, including toilets, changing rooms and cubicles. Also made from recycled material is

the Monsoon Shower Extract Fan Kits, which can be purchased as an extract kit or extract kit with an energy-saving LED shower light. The kits incorporate everything required for a fast install, and both contain a 100mm UMD100T mixed flow in-line fan (pictured), 6m of PVC flexible ducting, an external fi xed grille and cable ties. The Monsoon Shower Extract Kit contains two internal diffusers, while the Monsoon Showerlite LED Extract Kit features an LED light and two air diffusers.   ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/26

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thinner than our previous model, LowBoard 2® offers a build-up height of just 18mm for a fully-encased underfloor heating system, reducing installation risk by showing exactly where the pipes are and delivering the best possible heating performance. 18mm

Energy Saving Products 28

Get a better insight into boiler performance

With the aim of helping to reduce heating costs, Intergas has introduced Intergas Diagnostic Software (IDS). IDS provides an installer with instant access to the burner control units of all Intergas boilers, providing an insight into boiler performance, fault history and parameters. Installers can also commission a boiler, produce and send detailed information on boiler settings to landlords and build a reliable picture of its historical operation to make evidence-based decisions on the required level of service and maintenance.

All that’s needed is a USB cable that connects a PC to the boiler. With more statistical information to hand, installers will be better able to advise customers on suitable controls and relevant upgrades, including low-flow taps and showerheads to reduce water use, to improve efficiency and lower bills.

Intergas also offers a bespoke training day for IDS which covers installation and setup, data access and storage through to advanced commissioning and evidencing. Only installers who are MiREG+-registered are eligible to receive this training, which can be booked through the local area sales manager.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/29

Compact ASHP units deliver more for less

Designed to provide an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional heating and hot water systems, the Enviroair Air Source Heat Pumps from Firebird are available in single phase outputs from 7.5 to 16kW. Featuring a single Monobloc unit which is installed outside the property, the range provides a compact and space saving solution.

As well as providing up to 5kW of energy to a home for every 1kW of power used, the Enviroair is said to be ultra-quiet in operation and emits

fewer decibels than a domestic fridge.

To support installers, Firebird’s Technical Hub aims to make the planning and installation process of the heating system as simple and as trouble free as possible.

Based at the company’s UK headquarters in Plymouth, the Technical Hub provides a free home heating consultation and technical support package for heating professionals. The service not only ensures that important warranty criteria are met, but provides valuable support in complying with MCS requirements.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/30

TRV learns usage patterns to reduce energy costs

Trade retailer ElectricalDirect has added the Radbot 1 Intelligent Thermostatic Radiator Valve (TRV) from Secure to its expanding range of heating solutions. Designed to optimise household energy usage, it is said to be an ideal solution for installers looking to help customers reduce their energy bills during the current cost of living crisis.

Easy to fit, the Radbot 1 can be installed on any radiator that has an existing thermostatic radiator valve. It is compatible with wet central heating systems, including gas boilers, oil boilers and heat pumps, and works with all standard heating controls and smart thermostats. By using a self-learning algorithm, the TRV continually monitors the home environment to detect and predict occupancy patterns, with no need for apps, smart thermostats, or setting complex schedules. In doing so, it can offer energy savings of up to 30% by using its learned data to adjust and match the heating to the occupancy in any room and therefore only heating the space that is used.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/31

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Fan coil units pair with heat pumps

The revamped fan coil unit range from Jaga is designed to provide dynamic heating and cooling with optimised renewable energy. The Briza range features one of the slimmest units on the market, and because it operates at low water temperatures it works well with heat pumps. The energy efficient EC motors ensure that the system runs nearly silently. Installation options include either wall mount in casing, ceiling-mount without casing, or built-in, along with 2-pipe or 4-pipe heat exchanger options. Simplified control packages can help installers select the most suitable control method from a range of options. The Briza range also includes optional ventilation for better indoor air quality.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/32

Easy to fit TRVs help to save on energy bills

The Ecocal TRV range from Altecnic has been designed to help homeowners to control room temperatures, improve comfort levels and reduce their heating costs.

An Ecofys-Institute study revealed that replacing a manual radiator valve with a TRV can achieve energy efficiency improvements as high as 13-19%, meaning that it would typically take just two years to gain a return on investment for the average cost of a TRV.

Available in 8, 10 and 15mm versions, the Ecocal TRVs have been manufactured for both retrofit and new installations. For ease of installation they are designed with a serrated sliding tailpiece to avoid the need for any alterations to pipework.

The models have a reversible body for either vertical or horizontal fit and are suitable for use on flow or return pipework, providing the installer with further flexibility. Thanks to their positive off position, they even allow for radiators to be removed without needing to be drained.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/33

EC motor technology makes the difference

Because older pumps are less efficient, Wilo is encouraging installers who are fixing or upgrading heating systems to not install like-for-like fixed speed pumps, and instead seek higher efficiency models, such as those in its Yonos Pico range.

As an example, Wilo says based on a cost of 34p per kWh for electricity, and the heating being on 24 hours a day, a fixed speed 100W pump could cost 82p to run. In comparison, a modern pump with an electronically commutated (EC) motor works from as low as 4W to a maximum of 40W, meaning a 60% reduction in electricity usage, and bringing running costs down to approximately 33p per day. If the pump operates at a lower speed, these costs can be reduced even further, by as much as 80%.

Andy Thompson, national sales manager for plumbing and heating at Wilo UK, says: “There are many high efficiency heating circulator pumps available on the

market now, like those from our Yonos Pico range. These typically offer up to 80% better performance in terms of energy efficiency owing to EC motor technology, and smart features like working only on demand.”

The Yonos Pico line has been designed with a small footprint to fit into tight spaces, with toolfree wiring for simple and fast connection. The range also uses features like pictograms to make the commissioning stage simpler and quicker.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/34

Products 29 PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023
Image credit: Ian Briggs at I.R.B Heating

Products in Action

19 luxury apartments served by two boilers

Residents at 10 Berkeley Street in London are benefiting from 33% energy savings, thanks to two powerful Thision L Plus 200kW wall-hung boilers from ELCO. The Mayfair property contains 19 high-end residential apartments, each utilising the boilers for their heating and hot water requirements.

Lifting station saves the day at FE college

When an FE college in Nottinghamshire called on DL Mechanical’s expertise to advise on a change-of-use project to improve the facilities for mechanics apprentices, the Sanispeed+ from Saniflo was specified to provide a solution to take away the grey water.

Changing a classroom to a workshop required the installation of a wash down area. A site survey confirmed that no drains were in the immediate

vicinity of the required area, so an alternative solution was found.

The Sanispeed+ was specified to discharge the water from the new washdown area. Terry Fisher, mechanical contracts manager at DL Mechanical, oversaw the project. He explains how Saniflo’s solution was a real problem solver:

“The Sanispeed+ pretty much enabled the project to go ahead. Bar drilling a bore hole – which would have been prohibitively expensive – a pumped solution was the only way forward. The Saniflo unit is a simple plug and play solution so proved easy to install and it has been working efficiently and effectively from day one.”

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Aaron Housen of commercial heating specialists Dunamis Heating & Mechanical Services was asked to replace the old boilers with a more efficient system. Aaron explains: “The plant room is very compact so when the owner looked for an alternative, we had to look at designing a new system, considering what products we could use to maximise the space without compromising energy efficiency.

“The apartments needed to have a continuation of their heating and hot water services, so we chose the Thision L Plus from ELCO. Having the ability to

squeeze almost 200kW onto the wall – given the space constraints – was a key factor in selecting the units for this project.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/36

Ground source heat pump system cuts down carbon

Kensa Contracting and Thurrock Council have switched on the first ground source heat pump in a landmark energy upgrade scheme, replacing night storage heaters in three social housing high-rise tower blocks at Chadwell St Mary in Thurrock.

The ground source heat pumps, which are linked by a shared ground loop array system, are expected to reduce fuel bills by over 50% for some households and cut carbon emissions by 70%, saving an estimated 7080 tonnes of CO2 over the lifetime of the heat pumps.

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Specifying for all shapes and sizes

Choosing a shower enclosure requires thinking about a wide range of factors, from bathroom size and construction material to end user needs and expectations. Here, Mick Bone from Lakes offers some pointers on how to create the perfect showering space.

Ashower enclosure needs to be a number of different things: stylish, practical, built to last, and so much more. At the same time, bathroom shapes, sizes and styles can be as unique as the individual customer. This understanding has always underpinned our design process here at Lakes, helping to create showering spaces that reflect a varied range of bathrooms and lifestyles through beautifully designed and precisionengineered products for the ultimate showering experience. A perfect blend of design and performance is required from all products in the bathroom, and a shower enclosure is no different. Both elements are evolving all of the time, with new styles and trends complemented by fresh innovation to assist with installation and versatility.

First principles

The installation process is something manufacturers are always focusing on, to help us better supply easy-toinstall, high-quality products. We are also keenly aware of what we can learn from the installer’s experience using our products, which influences our development going forward. So, how do you choose the perfect shower enclosure for your customer? First, let’s start with space.

Material matters

Once you’ve assessed your space and know which direction you’re going to take, it’s time to start thinking of materials and aesthetics. Particularly with those smaller en-suite or awkward spaces, consumers are looking at shower enclosures featuring increased glass and reduced metal to maximise the space they’re working with. One way to ensure a shower enclosure looks sleek and premium is choosing the right glass within an enclosure to give a clean and crisp appearance. Lakes’ Ambient and Wave ranges are ideal for this scenario.

Black is beautiful

space. There are now around 1.8 million households that span two or more generations, so the number of multigenerational homes is also on the rise.

On the level

Starting out by focusing on choosing an enclosure suited to the amount of available space you are working with is probably the most crucial piece of advice that we can offer.

Whether you’re working with a large space or are hard pushed for it, making the right decision is made a lot easier by the range of choices at your disposal.

If you’re hard pushed for space, an over-bath shower and bath screen combination may be the answer, or perhaps a bifold door. The more space you have to play with, the more you are likely to start going down the route of walk-in showers or full wet rooms, where panelling and minimalism are all important.

Colour is of course another key consideration – trends in this space are always evolving, with black developing from a trend to a staple over recent years. Our new Wave Black range reflects this. However, the process of introducing the Wave Black range wasn’t simply a case of putting a lick of paint on our Wave stock.

In line with our commitment to quality, the colouration was a focused and detailed operation built around creating a durable fi nish that would stand the test of time. Again, it’s important to always focus on the balance of quality design and performance.

It’s also becoming more and more important to consider multi-generational options when designing a bathroom

A wetroom is often an ideal solution for all members of the family, whatever their age or capabilities. Maximising the available space in the bathroom, a wetroom tends to offer a much larger showering space than a traditional enclosure and has no shower tray threshold to manoeuvre around, avoiding trip hazards for all users. However, if this isn’t possible due to plumbing restrictions, then a low-profi le shower tray that sits at approximately 45mm high could be used instead, providing a more accessible shower entrance than standard height trays. Low threshold trays make it easy for both young and old users to access the shower, while non-slip trays are a much safer option for vulnerable age groups.


Lastly, we all know that sustainability is going to become an even more crucial part of installers’ decision-making criteria going forward. From the materials used for the shower enclosure itself, to the packaging it is delivered in, consumers are more conscious than ever of the wider impact of any renovations or installations to their home.

A good idea to keep ahead of this is to check for any credentials advertised by manufacturers. Here at Lakes, for example, we are certified as Carbon Neutral Plus for our UK operations in recognition of our continued commitment to reducing our impact on the environment.

We also introduced 100% recyclable packaging across our operations in 2019, helping to remove approximately 2000 kilometers of banding and nearly two million pieces of polystyrene a year from landfi ll. We are also committed to 100% recycling all of our product waste (primarily glass and aluminium) and all recyclable site and office waste.

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 The size and shape of the bathroom will influence what kind of enclosure to specify

 Glass enclosures that minimise visible fixings are popular for smaller spaces

 Multi-generational homes will benefit from wetroom designs or low level shower trays

 Customers are increasingly conscious of sustainability, so look for manufacturers that prioritise sustainable practices

Showers & Enclosures 31 PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023
Mick Bone Head of specification at Lakes

Showers & Enclosures

Why wetroom sales continue to rise

The market for wetroom installations has increased significantly in recent years, so what are the key features that appeal to consumers? James Abrams from The Roxor Group highlights some of the reasons for their popularity.

There are many reasons why wetrooms are appealing to homeowners.

Primarily, this is due to the impact it can make to your overall bathroom aesthetic. A wetroom design offers a sleek and modern finish and is becoming increasingly recognisable as a desirable, luxury feature as they help to create a ‘wow factor’ in the bathroom. Additionally, wetrooms are ideal for maximising the usable space in a bathroom, especially for small or irregularly shaped rooms.

Increase value

While it can be a big investment, a wetroom can also increase the value of a property due to its functionality and luxury aesthetic appeal. Plus, even if the property owner isn’t looking to sell just yet, with so many design options available they’re guaranteed to find a style that suits their needs.

Wetrooms also have the added advantage of being a multigeneration friendly room. They are incredibly accessible for

Multi-fit mixer model offers an easy shower upgrade

all ages, for example, limited obstructions means potential trip hazards are reduced to a minimum, perfect for elderly users, people with mobility issues and young children.

As well as being ideal for busy families, wetrooms are also much easier to clean than a traditional shower enclosure due to fewer surfaces, grooves and crevices.

Big demand

At The Roxor Group we have certainly seen an increased demand for inclusive bathroom designs and a wetroom offers the perfect solution. We continue to expand our wetroom portfolio across our leading nuie and Hudson Reed brands with a range of new outer framed screens, now available in a variety of finishes.

The Rene collection from nuie was also updated last spring, now boasting a wide range of satin black and chrome enclosures – ensuring we can meet all needs and have something to suit every bathroom style. While wetrooms increase accessibility, we would also

recommend installing a slip resistant tray, especially for homeowners who suffer from mobility issues.

Our slip-resistant shower trays have a stylish, slimline design and are available in over 40 sizes meaning no-one needs to compromise on style over safety. Whether you are looking for a square, rectangular, quadrant or offset quadrant tray, there is a style and shape to suit everyone’s bathroom needs.

Wetrooms are a significant

investment and do take longer to install than a standard bathroom, as the entire room needs waterproofing and therefore we would always recommend hiring a professional to install any wetroom.

If installed incorrectly a wetroom could cause serious issues in the future, potentially damaging a property and leading to expensive repairs. Retailers and merchants therefore need to ensure customers are aware of the potential complications that can arise when installing a wetroom before they commit to the investment.

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Up to speed on colour trends

To support customers who want to tap into the current trend for black bathroom accessories, Bristan has introduced new black finishes across its taps and showers range. Bristan launched the option of black finishes across its popular taps and bathroom accessories earlier this year, and now four black showers have been introduced to the collection: Prism, Cobalt, Buzz and Craze.

The Mira Form is the latest addition to the Mira Showers range. Claimed to be the only multi-fit concentric mixer shower on the market, it is described as a true problem-solving product, allowing installers to easily upgrade to a dual outlet, whether replacing an existing concentric mixer shower or fitting a new one. Installer-friendly features include 110-153mm adjustable inlets, a telescopic deluge system with 200mm height adjustability, push fit fittings and an over shroud that

covers up all previous connections and fixing holes.

The Mira Form offers two statement showerheads across the two outlets. The single outlet is equipped with a large, push button 110mm hand showerhead boasting four spray experiences, while the dual outlet model offers users the addition of a 250mm deluge head for greater water coverage.

With easy-to-use controls, the shower is designed with Mira’s intelligent thermostatic technology

– which helps to control the shower temperature, preventing the risk of scalding to provide a safer shower experience.

Installers that choose the Mira Form can take advantage of points and rewards when registered as a Mira InstallerPRO member. The free membership service offers priority technical support, business development tools, the latest professional training – plus a range of merchandise and retail vouchers.

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As well as offering a bold design, the Buzz and Craze bar showers are thermostatic and feature Bristan’s Wallmount 12 fast fix bracketing system. Thanks to its isolation valves on the inlet feeds, the system makes installing bar showers even easier and enables pipework to be accessed without removing the shower.

Chris Tranter, senior product manager at Bristan, comments: “At Bristan, we are always looking for brilliantly simple ways to fulfil the everyday needs of our customers and our new black finishes are perfect for merchants looking to offer a wider choice of taps and showers across contemporary

finishes. Alongside creating products which meet the latest trends and innovative designs, our products are versatile and easy to fit so they are often a popular choice for our customers.”

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James Abrams Sales director at The Roxor Group  The brushed brass wetroom screen from nuie features a 1000mm outer frame with support bar
Wetrooms are ideal for maximising the usable space in a bathroom, especially for small or irregularly shaped rooms

Showers & Enclosures

Modern mixer for any project

Aimed at the house builder, contract and hospitality sectors, the Mian shower collection from Aqualisa offers a contemporary mixer shower with a safe, cool-touch surface and premium design for both domestic and commercial applications.

With a choice of square or round styling, plus single outlet, dual outlet and bath shower mixer options, each model features a high quality chrome finish, brass body and metal handles. There is also a temperature override for added safety.

These durable, high-performance systems include fast-fix brackets for straightforward installation in any bathroom, wetroom or shower room setting.

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Pre-assembled for a faster install

The Fast Fix assembly system by Roman has been expanded to cover all sliding door shower enclosures in its Innov8, Embrace, Haven8 and Haven6 ranges.

The assembly is designed so that the final shower enclosure mainframe installation is a ‘slot and tighten’ exercise, which can be done in seconds. Consequently, the main profiles effortlessly link together as the structure is assembled onsite. As much of the process as possible is now preassembled in the Roman factory to ensure that the final installation in the bathroom is simple, quick and easy.

The top and bottom rails are unattached for easier handling, and the side panel can be quickly attached to the rails, which are

A more luxurious shower solution

The Pulsify shower range from Hansgrohe offers a luxury shower experience with high performance and water saving technology that can be tailored to suit every bathroom, budget, and taste.

The range includes different spray modes for various showering options, including a microfine PowderRain that creates a gentle rain to envelope the user in water droplets, and Intense PowderRain for an invigorating shower. Users can easily switch between spray modes at the touch of a button. The flow of water can be adjusted by directing the inclination angle on the Pulsify showerpipe.

The ShowerTablet thermostat allows users to control temperature and water volume and doubles as a shelf and docking station for a hand shower. The Pulsify range boasts a modern and easy-to-clean design available in Chrome, Matt Black,

dropped into slotted sections on the wall profiles. The door is attached to the other end of the rails, and the unit is secured into the wall profiles.

David Osborne, CEO at Roman, explains why the Fast Fix system has been extended: “With larger shower enclosures now being commonplace, many consumers are adding larger units or simply replacing baths – they are extremely difficult to manoeuvre into properties, up a flight of stairs, and particularly around small bathrooms during installation. Demand for such units is only getting stronger so Roman has innovated to eliminate these problems.”

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and Matt White, which can be combined with other Hansgrohe bathroom products.


Features + 11 flat panel sizes in 8 or 10mm + 3 curved panel sizes in 8mm + 1950mm high (exc. fittings) 1985mm high (inc. fittings) + Toughened safety glass with LifeshieldTM easy clean coating ultimate
Elmsfield Park, Holme, Cumbria LA6 1RJ Telephone: +44 (0)1539 564040 • Email: sales@kudosshowers.co.uk www.kudosshowers.co.uk + Choice of fixings to suit all situations + 3 deflector panel options + Available in silver/chrome, matt black, bright nickel, brushed nickel, polished gold and brushed gold + Suitable for fitting to tiled floors or shower trays
walk-in enclosures

Wetrooms are a watertight hit with clients

Transforming tired old bathrooms into a modern marvel of accessible, spa-like spaces is a specialty at Cheshire Wetrooms, and owner Richard Davis uses the products from Kudos Showers to design and build wetrooms for customers looking for a bathroom that meets all needs.

Richard has been installing Kudos products for over a decade. His introduction to Kudos started when his van, advertising that he was a wetroom installation specialist, was spotted by the founder of Kudos Showers Bruce Ledwith while creating a brand new wetroom product solution, Aqua4Ma, back in 2011. Bruce got in touch to see if Richard would test his new product invention, and Richard has been installing Kudos products ever since. Aqua4Ma is unique in that no tanking is required, simply solvent welded boards that allow fitting and tiling within the day.

Cheshire Wetrooms has been installing domestic wetrooms since 2007 and more than 50% of their projects are for people with some form of disability or aging customers who are future-proofi ng their bathrooms. They are largely customers who don’t want to move house and they are often fitted at the same time as a stair lift to make access up the stairs and in the bathroom easier.

High-end renovations

Cheshire Wetrooms focuses on top end installations, and its USP is the ability to create truly bespoke designs suited to the customer’s needs.

A recent example occurred where his client wanted a room that was functional but not institutional looking. The resulting design had a 150mm weight bearing shelf flow around the room which could be used for support, and it included a seat within the shower of a completely open plan room. It wasn’t a constant reminder of a person’s limitation; it was like a boutique hotel spa bathroom to be enjoyed. His installations cost on average of £12-15k per bathroom and each install takes around two weeks.

Overcoming hesitancy

Richard readily accepts that there is still a nervousness about installing a wetroom. He agrees that many older wetrooms he has seen have leaked but he explains that a badly installed shower tray can leak too. It’s a lot about the quality of the installation and products used.

“The benefit of Kudos wetroom products is that there is no tanking to destroy, which is a main source of leaking in a wetroom,” he says.


 Began installing wetrooms in 2007

 Over half of customers are people with disability or concerns about aging

 Specialises in high-end, bespoke wetroom designs

 Projects cost on average £12,000 to £15,000 per bathroom

 Each installation takes around two weeks to complete

Attention to detail

When asked what else he likes about Kudos products, Richard says: “I love the attention to detail. It’s the little things like on the bottom of the screens the plastic strip to stop glass from touching the tiles. Little holders that you make for the screws, so you don’t have to fiddle about. You’d be surprised, it makes a lot of difference that someone has thought about it and the process we go through to install it. No one else does that. It’s that thought level that gives Kudos the edge on anyone else.”

Favourite things

So what’s Richard’s favourite Kudos product? “Aside from the detailed fittings, the quality is great and the add-ons too, like the deflectors, they work well. I visit many bathrooms where I am taking out Kudos products that were fitted 20 years ago and they are still working well, it’s just a dated design that I am removing. They stand the test of time and that gives me confidence to install the brand.”


Richard concludes with his views on latest trends in the market:

“All my current installs are in Brushed Brass which is weird as I’ve spent the last 10 years removing gold enclosures. They look great, although it takes the industry a while to line up a new fi nish, so you can end up with a brass profi le for a shower screen and then taps, furniture, handles, shower heads, basin wastes and everything having to line up and match. Micro cement is also becoming very popular as it’s available in any colour and it’s easy to clean.”

So, what’s the future for Cheshire Wetrooms? Richard says: “To continue creating lovely wetrooms for lovely customers and I’ll keep installing lovely Kudos products too. And the future looks bronze, according to the soon-to-be-launched glass sample you’ve just shown me.”

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Showers & Enclosures 34 PHAM NEWS APRIL 2023
Richard Davis Cheshire Wetrooms Before Out of date, out of style, and out of order – this bathroom no longer met the needs or taste of the householder Richard designed and built the new wetroom using Kudos’s Aqua4Ma wetroom system that results in a boutique look that is also accessible to people with varying ages and special needs

Keeping all family members clean!

Ideal for busy homes and beloved family pets, the Abode wall outlet handshower in antique brass makes daily showering tasks quick and easy. The shower is available in exposed (AB2728) and concealed (AB4534) options and is part of the company’s Serenitie shower collection.

Paul Illingworth, design manager at Abode, comments: “Given the recent rise in pet ownership, the latest trends continue to embrace a practical choice of hardware with specially designed shower areas for our furry companions now a common feature of the UK home. Whether an extension to the main family bathroom or dedicated mud room on the ground floor, homeowners are now looking at incorporating these pet-friendly features in the home, which are convenient and save both time and money being spent at the groomers.”

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Showers & Enclosures

Sustainable shower tray with many fitting options

Available in 21 dimensions and colours, the Sustano shower tray from Duravit can be floor-mounted, semi-recessed or flush-fitted. For further installation flexibility, each side of the tray can be shortened by 100mm to meet individual requirements.

The frameless shower tray is made from the company’s recyclable DuroCast composite material and is supplied with two outlets for different installation heights, with the outlet pipe cut to the length required. The smooth, easy-clean drain cover, with its grid in the same colour as the shower tray, is unobtrusively recessed in the shower tray so that it can scarcely be seen or felt.

The colour choice includes five matt options – white, cream, light grey, dark grey and Greige matt – plus a gloss white finish. Thanks to its non-porous surface, the shower tray is said to be pleasantly warm to the touch.

Its low weight makes handling simple at the point of installation and makes it easy to be fitted by one person. The low overall height is only 30mm while the flush-mounted option is available in the 1200 x 1200mm size.

Duravit says that the Sustano shower trays feature a high degree of surface hardness and thickness, making them relatively resistant to damage and dirt, while cleaning the surface only requires a soft cloth and warm water, or a standard household cleaning product.

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New slate grey ultraslim shower tray

PJH’s Bathrooms to Love Collection now includes a new and improved ‘RefleXion’ Slate Grey shower tray. Said to be ideal for contemporary wetrooms and walk-in enclosures, the ultra-slim 25mm high rectangular shower tray with a slate grey effect is made from natural stone resin.

Complete with coordinating steel grate and waste, finished in the same slate grey effect, the tray boasts a tested waste flow rate of 33 litres per minute. This 90mm, flush-fitting waste offers top surface access for ease of cleaning and maintenance, while a slip resistant slate-effect surface finish offers peace of mind for the consumer.

The rectangular tray is available in nine different sizes, ranging from the smallest, 1000 x 800mm, to the largest, 1700 x 900mm, and comes with a two-year guarantee.

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Fluted glass for stylish discretion

Part of the Portrait Collection from The Shower Lab is a new shower screen featuring a matt black frame and brushed gold 10mm fluted glass. Available in widths from 1192mm and a generous height of 2000mm, the company offers a choice of eight components and 10 glass finishes.

When paired with fluted glass, the screen is said to create a uniform aesthetic that provides privacy and stylish discretion. The fluted glass is also available in fixed panels, bath screens and sliders. Delivery is approximately eight weeks from order.

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Walls set in stone

For customers who want to make a bold statement in the shower room, Cullifords has a wide collection of natural and man-made stones in eye-catching colourful patterns to help create an at-home spa aesthetic. The deep veining of the marble slabs and brecciations help to create bathroom walls and surfaces that are said to be akin to a piece of art.

Options include the Rose Aurora Macchia Vecchia (pictured), described as an exquisite marble with stunning pink, grey and white veining, and Titanium Blue Granite – featuring a monochrome palette of white, black and cream with swirls of blue and gold –which is said to be an ideal pairing for black brassware.

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Easy way to save water in the shower

The retrofittable Ecobooster from Neoperl offers an easy water-saving fix for a tap or shower. The watersaving device has a default mode offering a reduced flow rate and a boost mode allowing for higher water flow on demand.

In a home that has 3bar supply pressure, the Ecobooster on a shower can reduce a boost flow of up to 20 litres per minute to either 11 or 8 litres per minute, whichever the user finds an adequate shower. Considering an average shower is 8 minutes long, and anyone with teenagers in the home will think this is a minimum time, then it could save up to 96 litres per shower.

The Ecobooster comprises a number of components working together, including a pressure compensating washer, aerator, check valve, optional backflow prevention check valve, plus a switch and housing unit.

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Electric Heating 36

Market reform points to an electric future

The government is looking to reform the electric market to bring prices down for users, which is expected to make electric heating more affordable and in line with gas prices.

Alistair Bell from ThermoSphere explains what this means for the future of heating.

In the UK, emissions are falling in line with 2050 net zero goals. We are now only 19% short of our 2030 target. Still, commercial and residential heating demand is set to change drastically. The latest Climate Change Committee (CCC) parliamentary report states that half of demand must become low carbon by 2035 to achieve 2050 net zero. The main way this is happening is through electrification. The 2025 Future Homes Standard is squeezing gas boilers out of the market. Low carbon, sustainable heating is becoming a must for installers as customers and clients specify efficient options with the need to keep energy costs down. As greater changes to the energy mix, market reforms, and national grid flexibility are soon coming, electric heating will become one of a few future-proof options for the construction industry.

Reform in the works

The UK’s electricity mix is becoming greener. 2022 was a record-breaking year as 40% of electricity came from renewables, and in May, the total was 73%. As this trend continues, commercial and residential heating must be prepared to further electrify. Greener electricity isn’t the change that will drive the transition to low carbon electric heating methods. The UK government announced and concluded its Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) last year. The review, touted as the “biggest electricity market reform in a generation”, aims to enhance energy security and cut


 The electrification of heat is a key policy in meeting the UK’s net zero targets

 The UK’s electricity mix is trending towards renewables

 Government is working on market reforms that will bring electricity prices in line with gas

 Direct electric heating offers many advantages in multi-storey buildings as there is no need for external equipment

 Specifying electric heating can help future-proof a property as market reforms set in

electricity costs as the UK moves to a cleaner energy system.

One of the most significant consequences of the REMA review will be decoupling the gas and electricity markets. Currently, the highest gas prices set the price of electricity, which drives higher electricity prices, including renewable electricity, which should be significantly cheaper.

When the decoupling reforms come in, the price of residential and commercial electricity should drop significantly, especially as the renewables mix continues to increase past 40%. This could make electrical heating one of the

least carbon intensive forms of heating, as well as the least expensive. Making the most of this by deploying electric heating solutions is important to ensuring future-proof heating in commercial and residential buildings.

Taking stock

Ensuring the future changes requires matching the right technologies to the right properties. Direct electric and heat pumps are the most popular forms of low carbon electric heating and the UK’s varied building stock requires both. New homes built after 2025 and spacious, two-storey

 As renewables increasingly power a greater proportion of the grid, electric heating will become the sustainable choice in heating

buildings are suitable for heat pump installation. However, large portions of the UK building stock are made up of smaller, older, and multi-storey buildings where heat pump installation is impractical. And as former commercial buildings are transformed into residential flats in the wake of the shift to hybrid work, retrofitting increasingly involves smaller heating solutions for multistorey properties.

Direct electric heat

According to our research, 54% of construction professionals say that the best low carbon heating solution for smaller homes, apartments, and multistorey buildings is direct electric heating because it does not require external equipment and has a minimal footprint.

The future REMA reforms may also lead to an increased participation of low carbon flexibility technologies, including more electricity storage and wider use of demand side response (DSR). UK homes have recently experienced this with the limited roll-out of the National Grid ESO Demand Flexibility Scheme, a residential DSR technology that ended in March.

As demand side activity increases, giving domestic and commercial properties the ability to receive financial rewards for temporarily reducing their electricity consumption, buildings with low carbon electric heating have the potential to receive the most benefit as they have the most capacity to shut off.

In addition, direct electric heating can manage turning off with greater control as it does not operate on a central heating system, unlike gas or air-to-water or ground source heat pumps. This enables more zone-specific shutting down and warming. When turning off is required, buildings that don’t use centralised heating systems can choose to turn off specific areas and keep others heated. What’s more, with new underfloor heating products, on average it only takes approximately 20-30 minutes to heat a room, meaning temperature and comfort levels can be quickly restored after a shut off.

 Electric underfloor heating can be installed in almost any room, including bathrooms and kitchens, and is suitable for most types of flooring

Electric residential and commercial heating is the future-proof option to keep pace with upcoming changes to the energy mix and market reforms. The UK’s varied housing stock can also benefit from direct electric heating as the national grid becomes more flexible.

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Alistair Bell MD of ThermoSphere

Discrete panel heaters

Manufactured in Germany, a range of infrared panel heaters are available from Herschel which can be wall or ceiling mounted. Pictured is the Select XLS White Frameless model which is produced as a discrete slim panel in a range of sizes to suit different heating requirements. The heater is over 95% recyclable and also features Herschel’s SMART-R receiver technology integrated into the panel for smartphoneenabled control or voice command.

Other options include glass, mirrors or a blackboard design, as well as customised pictures in a matt or gloss finish. Easy to install in both new and existing properties, the infrared heaters are said to offer an energy efficient heating solution for all areas of

Electric combination boiler for safety and advanced control

the home, including living rooms, bathrooms and bedrooms, as well as patios and conservatories.

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Radiators provide accurate energy control

Available from Spanish manufacturer Haverland is a range of aluminium electric radiators, designed to provide users with a quick response to heat demand and an environmentally-friendly heating solution.

The range includes the Haverland RCTT Connect that features a thermostat with PID technology and energy optimisation algorithms to achieve further cost savings. A ‘consumption control’ function provides real-time data on the consumption of each device to better enable the user to manage the cost of heating.

These electric radiators also come with a Wi-Fi pairing system which means that the device can be controlled from any mobile device or tablet, and from any distance. It is compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa and, with Haverland’s free app, it is possible to quickly adjust temperatures and control electricity consumption. For further energy savings, it also includes 24/7 programming and an open window detector.

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Extending its range of electric heating solutions, the Electric Heating Company has launched the Mercury Electric Combination Boiler. The new boiler is claimed to provide a cost-effective alternative to electric storage heating, oil, solid fuel or LPG systems and is described as an ideal solution for properties with no access to mains gas supply and homes which have gas boiler restrictions, such as listed buildings and bed-sit sleeping areas.

Suitable for both wet central heating systems and underfloor heating, outputs are 12 and 15kW single phase, and 18 and 24kW three phase. They are suitable for small properties that have a shower and hot water outlets for sinks, but for homes with larger hot water requirements, they can be combined with a hot water storage cylinder.

The combi boiler is said to be virtually silent in operation and, being electric, does not require a flue and there is no need for an annual safety certificate. As well as being 100% efficient at the

point of use, the heater requires minimal maintenance and comes with multiple fail-safes within the unit. Temperature can be adjusted using an easy to use digital control panel, with outputs ranging from 30° -60°C (hot water) and 20°85°C (central heating), while further energy savings can be achieved with the added benefit of weather compensation control.

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ECO SMART ELECTRIC HEATING & HOT WATER THE FUTURE OF YEAR 5 WARRANTY 01698 820533 electric-heatingcompany.co.uk *5 Year Warranty is on boilers registered within 60 Days of purchase On Demand Heat Instant DHW Energy Efficient Sc an the code & find out more

Electric Heating 38

High rise heat: the low carbon way forward

The challenges of heating tower blocks in a modern and efficient way can be overcome with low carbon heat panels, says Oliver Baker from Ambion, who argues for a futureproof solution.

As with many property types in the UK, tower blocks have seen a major rise in the cost of energy over the past 18 months. This is largely due to the fact that most of these high-rise multi-occupancy buildings use uncontrollable electric storage heaters, which are expensive to run and don’t provide sufficient temperature control. In addition, in many cases residents are unprotected by the government’s price cap and are unable to switch energy suppliers.

As a result, local authorities, housing associations, landlords and installers are considering new ways to help residents – particularly those who are vulnerable to fuel poverty – to reduce bills while also reducing carbon emissions.

At the heart of the challenge is heating – how to replace often decades-old systems with an affordable low carbon technology that keeps residents out of fuel poverty. Conventional electric heating systems don’t address the high cost of energy, while convection systems - including heat pumps - are not as effective in combating mould and damp issues. In addition, lack of space for a large system means some

technologies are both cost and convenience prohibitive.

Property challenge

With the government’s net zero plans focusing on electrification for heating homes, many properties are turning to heat pumps. However, this technology is often unsuitable for smaller homes and multioccupancy buildings. With a high upfront cost and a lengthy, complicated and often disruptive installation process, these systems require space that is often not available in properties of this size. Requiring pipework, radiators and external condenser units, heat pumps can also be costly to service and maintain.

In addition, convection systems, including heat pumps, don’t help combat the mould and damp that tower blocks are prone to. In fact, the warm air they produce, when coming into contact with cold walls, can cause further mould and condensation.

With traditional systems failing to ensure the whole home

is adequately and efficiently heated, many housing providers are turning to low carbon heat panels as a solution.

Futureproof solution

Low carbon heat panels can be fitted in a new home or building, or retrofitted to replace an existing gas or electric heating system using the electrical mains wiring.

The technology has a unique control system which uses constant dynamic pulsing –rather than a ‘zoning’ on/off approach used by other systems – to dramatically reduce energy usage and maintain a room’s temperature within 0.1°C of its target, 24 hours a day.

Discreet infrared heat panels are then used because building materials absorb and store infrared, releasing it between pulses, making it the perfect partner for the pulsing approach.

The results of using dynamic pulsing plus the infrared panels are significant – users can expect to use 63% less electricity when compared to conventional systems – which also equates to a 63% reduction in carbon emissions.

The system also reduces the unit cost of electricity because it works best across 24 hours. This flat demand profile – there are no morning or evening energy spikes in usage – means that if a homeowner is on a flexi tariff, the system can achieve around a 25% saving in the unit cost of their energy.

Carbon cutters

 Infrared panels offer a quick and easy way to install a low carbon heating option

Low carbon heat panels can also reduce carbon emissions by up to 80% in flats when compared with conventional heating systems, and are fully futureproofed to partner with solar and battery solutions. Running costs are also slashed by 80% in these properties when compared to traditional heating systems, safeguarding residents from fuel poverty.

Some buildings and residents are already seeing the positive effects of using low carbon heat panels. For example, in an 8-storey social housing block from 1956, which contains 47 dwellings, the switch to Ambion’s solution saw energy usage drop by 80%, energy costs fall by 74%, and carbon emissions cut by 80%.

Opportunity to improve

Living in a warm and safe environment is critical to our health and wellbeing. Britain’s tower blocks often get bad press, but there’s an incredible opportunity to intelligently renovate this housing stock and extend the life of these buildings as warm, comfortable and low carbon homes.

To meet the UK’s legally binding target of achieving net zero by 2050, whatever heating solution is chosen to replace electric storage heaters needs to be built for the future, radically reducing carbon emissions and the associated impact on the environment.

Tower blocks may pose unique heating challenges, but with the right technology, they can be future-proofed and converted into the affordable, sustainable and safe housing they were originally designed to be.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/56


 Tower blocks present the challenge of delivering electric heating in a low carbon way

 Infrared panels offer a more efficient alternative to storage heaters

 The technology uses efficient dynamic pulsing rather than an on/off approach to deliver heat

 They partner well with solar and battery storage solutions

Oliver Baker CEO of Ambion Heating
With traditional systems failing to ensure the whole home is efficiently heated, many housing providers are turning to low carbon heat panels as a solution

PV system


power house

The Vitovolt 300 solar PV system from Viessmann enables homes to generate their own electricity through a modular photovoltaic solution, which includes a package of accessories that fit together seamlessly.

The product can be quickly installed with plug-in electrical connections and fully wired components. Power storage can be added via a BYD Battery Box Premium, with all the power flows of the PV and battery system monitored through Viessmann’s Energy Management System.

The PV package is also suited for use with one of the company’s heat pumps, enabling householders to generate electricity for use both as energy and heat, reducing running costs of the heat pump as well as energy costs for the entire home.

All elements of the system can be controlled via the Viessmann One Base control platform, which, via the Viessmann ViCare app, allows customers to view and optimise the use of their self-generated energy, whether it be for domestic electricity consumption,

storage, heat or mobility.

A typical Vitovolt 300 package provides a photovoltaic output of 4kWp, producing around 3800kWh per year, which according to Ofgem is well over the typical annual UK four-person household consumption level of 2900 kWh.

UK director of sales Chris Johnson says: “The Vitovolt 300 offers a great foundation for UK homes to transition to renewable technology for heating. It’s a very attractive option for homeowners looking to reduce their reliance on energy companies while also increasing the sustainability and value of their property.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/57

More assurance that the pipe’s right

A new product enhancement to the Hep2O range has been designed to further improve security and reliability. The new Wavin Hep2O SmartSleeve features a rolled shape for the head of the sleeve, which enables a more efficient insertion and removal of the pipe when being fitted.

The sleeve’s barb technology has also been improved to provide a stronger grip on the pipe. This adds extra strength and security to the joints and provides greater assurance around the reliability of installation by protecting against knocks or unforeseen incidents.

The SmartSleeve’s In4Sure joint recognition provides a rumbling sensation to let an installer know that a pipe has been inserted properly and that the fittings have been correctly

Glass panel delivers the heat with infrared


Josef Allen, product designer at Wavin UK, says: “We understand that customers can often find themselves working in tight, awkward or hardto-reach areas, which makes it harder to move about and adjust fittings quickly. With an easily adjustable product like Hep2O, incorporating the new SmartSleeve, they can tackle these challenges more effectively. That’s why gaining customer feedback through plumber focus groups was also essential to the development process of our new Hep2O SmartSleeve, and we’re confident it’s designed specifically for the needs of the trade.”

The new SmartSleeve comes in a range of sizes, including: 10, 15, 22 and 28mm.

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/58

tanks can be used to increase capacity for large properties, or those with particularly low incoming flow rates.

Aimed at both homes and non-domestic properties, the Pilkington HeatComfort radiator is a glass infrared panel offered as a low carbon solution. Unveiled at the recent FutureBuild exhibition, the range will be fully launched this summer and is based on the glass manufacturer’s electrically conductive NSG TEC glass to convert electricity into heat, directly heating objects and people in the room.

The launch represents the debut of the architectural and automotive glass giant to the heating market, with the radiator being manufactured from its UK base in Merseyside.

The panels are single sealed units with wall brackets and are available in a variety of sizes and power ratings. The slimline panels have curved, polished edges and are available with a polar white or mirrored glass front, making them suitable for use in bathrooms. These models are designed to integrate with smart home control systems for domestic applications and Building Management Systems (BMS) in commercial developments.

Leo Pyrah, marketing and VA manager at Pilkington UK, says: “This innovation builds on our considerable experience in manufacturing heated glass for automotive and specialised transport, and complements our existing glass technologies.” ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/60

Elegance in graphite

Water boosting specialist Salamander Pumps has launched TankBoost, a single unit solution to ensure water performance remains at optimum levels even in large, multi-storey homes. It will deliver flow rates up to 80 litres/ min and pressures up to 3.0bar for homes where showers, taps, toilets and more are being used at the same time.

As the latest product in the expanding MainsBooster range, TankBoost combines a cold water storage tank and an integral pump. The stainless steel pump is submerged within the tank, which ensures quiet operation.

The product has been designed

to meet the water pressure and flow needs of domestic and light commercial installations, with four tank sizes available ranging from 100 to 450 litres. Additional storage

TankBoost is the first product in the Salamander Pumps product range to deliver flow rates beyond 36 litres/min, ensuring powerful showers, strong flowing taps, and quick toilet cistern replenishment, even when they are being used at the same time.

Gareth Richards, technical director at Salamander Pumps, says: “It’s a standalone, costeffective solution that can be trusted to ‘run the show’ –working hard to meet the water performance challenges that often occur when multiple outlets are running at once, e.g. in larger, multi-storey properties, such as extended homes, HMOs, social housing settings, hotels and B&Bs.”

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Bathrooms to Love by PJH has added a matt graphite grey option to its premium fitted bathroom furniture range, Texture. It sits at the top end of the portfolio, with high specification storage incorporating softclose hinges and drawer boxes, contrasting oak-effect interiors, durable 18mm doors and panels, and plenty of interior drawers and shelves to help organise space.

The furniture is characterised by an elegant, soft fluted, tactile design and offers three handle choices in matt black, brushed brass or chrome.

Texture is available in a number of unit options, including basin, WC, tall, drawer, base, wall and mirrored cabinets.

It also teams up with the choice of complementary basins, WCs, worktops, and colour matching plinths and panels, all available from Bathrooms to Love.

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Product News 39 PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023
For further information about any of the products featured on this page, simply visit phamnews. co.uk/423/ followed by the relevant enquiry number. ONLINE
Booster works to put the pressure on
home into a real

Small and mighty boiler for compact plant rooms

Providing a compact and efficient heating solution for plant rooms with limited space, Hamworthy Heating’s new Stratton mk3 wall-hung condensing boiler features a 5:1 turndown ratio, low class 6 NOx emissions across all models, and up to 97% gross seasonal efficiency.

Designed for simple installation and maintenance, the new Stratton mk3 features a small and lightweight design. The boilers incorporate the latest stainless steel heat exchanger technology and are said to offer exceptional system tolerance. Available in seven different models with outputs from 40 to 150kW, single units can also be cascaded to meet building demands or larger installations more effectively.

The Stratton mk3 is available with a range of easy-to-install AHRI certified plate heat exchangers designed to enhance energy efficiency and performance. Compact and lightweight, the range includes 316 stainless steel plates with copper brazing for maximum durability. A full range of frame and header kits and accessories to support system design are also available from the Hamworthy Heating range.

Fully compliant with Building Regulations Part L, the Stratton mk3 is supplied with a five-year warranty as standard.  ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/62

How low can you go with UFH?

New from Omnie is the LowBoard 2, the latest upgrade to its LowBoard panel for underfloor heating. The new product consists of routed lower and upper panels with a combined profile of just 18mm, which Omnie claims makes it the thinnest overlay system on the market. Its predecessor, LowBoard, had a lower panel profile of 15mm but, like other overlays, LowBoard also required a ply upper layer, which can add at least 6mm to its overall depth.

Enhancements to hydraulic balancing unit

The brass SpiroCross 3-in-1 solution from Spirotech has a brand new design that saves on space, installation and maintenance. The new SpiroCross AX-J is the latest update to the SpiroCross hydraulic balancing unit, featuring a new powerful external neodymium magnet, which optimises dirt separation and ensures even the smallest magnetite particles are removed from system water. Collected contaminants can then be quickly and easily removed from the SpiroCross AX-J using the draining valve, and can be carried out even while the system remains fully operational.

The product, which combines hydraulic

balancing with air and dirt removal, is suitable for domestic and light commercial heating systems, is available in three sizes from 1in up to 1½in connections, and comes with a 20-year warranty.

ASM Pete Chamberlain says: “Our brass SpiroCross 3-in-1 hydraulic balancing, air and dirt removal unit has been a firm favourite amongst installers working on larger domestic and light commercial systems for many years. The enhanced SpiroCross AX-J includes the familiar external magnet found in the SpiroTrap MB3 to keep systems free from contaminants.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/65

Rhino unveils internal racking

Known for its external accessories for vans, Rhino has now unveiled an internal racking product, the MR4, said to provide a durable and modern internal racking system.

With leg panels and shelves made from rigid and robust powder-coated steel, alongside sleek and modern aluminium drawers, each MR4 configuration has been tailored to maximise vehicle storage space, with Rhino providing bespoke fitting kits for all units. MR4 is described

as being easy to fit, with no drilling required for many vehicles, using only Tek screws to secure into place.

Speaking on the new launch, Steve Egerton, group CEO, says: “In 2022 we launched a wealth of new external accessories, and we start 2023 with our very first internal product in our 20-year history. Our focus has always been around continuous product development and innovation, and we are excited to be applying these same principles to this new product range.”

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LowBoard 2 has a 15% higher heat output than its predecessor and a 40% higher heat output than unfoiled low build-up systems or alternative overlay solutions.

The panel’s routing allows for a multi-directional pipe channel

pattern, eliminating the need for separate straight and loop panels while also ensuring the warm water pipe can be easily laid around any room layouts. The channels are spaced 150mm apart.

The upper ‘over’ panel is 6mm thick wood fibre (or 12mm plywood for tiled applications) and the proportional pipe channel pattern places the encapsulated warm water pipe within 3mm of the floor surface. Bonded to the over panel is a layer of patented aluminium AL HEX foil diffuser to improve the in-channel foiled surface area that is in contact with the warm water pipe.

Omnie says the result is greater heat output, better heat transfer and a more even heat distribution.

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30% recycled packaging

Water treatment products from Fernox will now be packed in 265ml and 500ml bottles manufactured from 30% recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE). This move is part of the company’s longstanding commitment to product innovation and energy efficiency of heating systems. To expand on these innovations, it is now also focusing on the environmental impact of product packaging.

“Although the bottles will look and perform like our existing ones, the adoption of 30% recycled content will lower our overall use of virgin plastics,” explains sales director Greg Banham.

“However, there is always more to do. Sustainability is a work in progress, and we are continuously looking to improve our efforts in our supply chain, logistics and overall environmental impact.”

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/64

Heat pump design service supports new installers

Heat pump distributor Secon

Renewables is launching a design service to guide installers, builders and merchants through the equipment selection process. It offers a complete solution to the new build sector, while also supporting installers who are new to the renewables industry. Secon’s Heating Design Service will be available to customers who place an order for a heat pump and cylinder package and aims to ensure the correct information is available in order to size heat pumps, underfloor heating and radiators correctly. Once an order is placed, the client then completes a form

and forwards all drawings and information to Secon, who will prepare the necessary calculations and drawings and return an indemnified design to the customer. This process is expected to take 10 to 15 days.

MD Kevin Carling says: “Our design offer not only saves contractors time but also gives them the confidence that all the products they get are designed to meet the building’s needs. There is a shortage of installers in this sector and we need to make the transition for traditional fossil fuel installers to start installing heat pumps as seamless as possible.’’

◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/67

Product News 40 PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023

Stepping up production to meet demand

With more people turning to their wood stoves and fires to provide an affordable source of heat, DRU is reporting an increase in production of its Dik Geurts Ivar selection of classic and contemporary stoves. They meet British and European emissions and efficiency standards and are suitable for replacing older, inefficient stoves or open fires.

The Ivar series includes the Aste, Soren and Modivar stoves, all based on classic designs. They are easily installed into Class 1 chimneys, and feature a dark anthracite colour finish. Each model in the range has an A+ energy label, with an efficiency rating of over 80%. And for added air quality, there are external air and room-sealed options available. For homes with no chimney, customers can choose from a range of freestanding models, which are available in a selection of sizes and capacities with built-in wood storage.

This month we’ve teamed up with testo to give one reader the 300 Ultra Smart Kit, giving engineers the power to take accurate measurements in domestic heating systems

In addition, the Ivar 10 H2O Store model is an Ecodesign ‘boiler stove’ with a substantial 4.7kW room heating output and 5.5 kW of water heating power. It provides supplementary water heating for radiators, showers and general domestic hot water.

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Monobloc is among the quietest

Quiet Mark accreditation has been awarded to LG’s air-to-water heat pump – the Therma V Monobloc ‘S’. This certification assures customers that their heat pump will not make noise that interferes with a home’s health and wellbeing. LG says the low noise and high performance of this model is achieved by using inverter motor technology and an improved fan and orifice.

The unit comes with a Seasonal Coefficient of Performance of up to 4.67 (average climate/low temperature application) and a A+++ rating. The COP rises to 4.9 (outdoor air 7°C/leaving water temperature 35°C) and can deliver a leaving water temperature of 65°C if required.

The models that have achieved the Quiet Mark accreditation are the 5, 7, 9 and 12kW models in single phase as well as the new 9 and 12kW three phase models ◼ phamnews.co.uk/423/69

Terminal meets fire standards

The Titon FireSafe range has been expanded with the addition of the non-combustible FireSafe 100mm Push Through Pull Kit, suitable for social housing as well as new build and refurb residential applications. The product is a fire rated terminal and ducting kit that has been designed specifically for applications that need to be non-combustible, as set out in Approved Document B (fire safety) Volume 1: Dwellings, 2019 edition. It is performance tested to BS EN13141-2:2010 and corrosion salt sprayed BS EN ISO 9227:2012.

The new kit has been developed to work with Titon’s constant flow Ultimate dMEV, but it is also compatible with the vast majority of 100mm fans on the market. For

easy installation on site, it can be cut down to a desired length.

Speaking about the introduction, Roy Byom, Titon’s social housing manager, says: “This product will enable installers with achieving a fire rated through the wall duct application, from ground floor to properties at higher levels.”

The new product comes in terracotta and white, with special paint finishes available on request, depending on the quantity required.

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Get your hands on the testo 300 for smart measuring technology that supports you every day in the efficient, problem-free performance of your tasks and has the ability to connect to up to four smart probes. Alongside resilience and high performance, the testo 300 features intuitive touch operation via its 5in HD display with self-explanatory measurement menus, fast start-up, easy electronic reports that can be sent wirelessly, and the newest design gas sensors for all applications, including hydrogen (20% mix).

This device will also offer screen mirroring when used with the testo SMART app, which gives you access to an integrated customer address book – this means you can email your reports while on site directly to anyone who needs access to them.

With the testo 300 Ultra Smart Kit, you will be equipped for all the most important measurements for domestic heating systems: the testo 300 flue gas analyser is supplied with O2 and CO sensor up to 4000 ppm, basic flue gas probe, testo Bluetooth connector, 1x testo 510i Bluetooth differential manometer, 2 x testo 115i Bluetooth pipe clamp thermometers, 1 x testo 316i gas escape detector, instrument carry case, and AC/USB power supply.


PHAM NEWS | APRIL 2023 Product News
TO ENTER: Which of the following items is NOT included in the 300 Ultra Smart Kit? Q (a) Carry case (b) Flue gas probe (c) Smart TV Email your answer to editor@phamnewsedit.co.uk with ‘testo’ in the subject line. Please make sure you include the following: * Your name * Your company’s name * Contact telephone number * Please type ‘YES’ or 'NO' after your answer to indicate if you are happy to receive email offers from testo Please email your entry before the closing date of 1st May 2023 For a chance to win the testo 300 Ultra Smart Kit, simply read the question below and send your answer to PHAM News. The winner will be selected from a draw of all the correct answers received. Only one entry is allowed per person. One lucky winner will receive the testo 300 Ultra Smart Kit, a flue gas analyser kit that lets engineers take the most important measurements in domestic heating systems. THE PRIZE WIN a testo 300 Ultra Smart Kit! www.testo.co.uk

Safety Products

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Training & Assessments

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Training & Assessments

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Articles inside

Training & Assessments

page 43

Enhancements to hydraulic balancing unit

pages 40-42

More assurance that the pipe’s right

pages 39-40

PV system a power house

page 39

Electric Heating 38 High rise heat: the low carbon way forward

page 38

Electric Heating 36 Market reform points to an electric future

pages 36-37

Showers & Enclosures Sustainable shower tray with many fitting options

page 35

Wetrooms are a watertight hit with clients

pages 34-35

Showers & Enclosures Modern mixer for any project

page 33

Showers & Enclosures Why wetroom sales continue to rise

page 32

Specifying for all shapes and sizes

page 31

Products in Action

page 30

Easy to fit TRVs help to save on energy bills

page 29

Energy Saving Products 28

pages 28-29

Recycled plastic ups the sustainability credentials

page 27

New Aquarea L Generation heat pump

pages 25-27

Energy Saving Products Helping solid fuel consumers to make the cleaner choice

page 24

Energy Saving Products Saving water also reduces energy bills

page 22

Energy Saving Products Why pump performance should not be overlooked

page 21

Add to your core skills to tackle general repair and fixes

pages 18-19

No need to leave the island

pages 16-17

Gain green skills at Trafford Park

page 16

Get ready to do business

page 16

Training Update 16

page 16

Industry show continues to pull in the crowds

pages 14-15

Expanded distribution centre

pages 12-13

Your Views Star letter

page 12


page 11

People on the Move

page 11

Ask the experts in the installer group

pages 8-10


page 8

Apprentice shortage felt across industry

page 8

No publicity for upgrade scheme

page 6

Heat pump survey shows big skills gap in the industry

page 6

Calls for greater diversity

page 4

Need to clarify levels of hydrogen readiness

page 4

Research confirms heat pump efficiency

page 4

That was the easy bit...

page 3


pages 2-3

More funds released to help boost UK heat pump market

pages 1-2
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