30 minute read
Products in Action
from October 2020
by PHAM News
Nightingale facility keeps patients safe and warm
AIC Heating UK has supplied three stainless steel Nesta 2ˡ0kW boilers to the new ward block at pHS pightingale Centre, Whiteabbey Hospital, in County Antrim.
The design of the new ward was delivered by CͽF uadrant, AIC’s partners in Ireland, and involved a full boiler house to deliver our sustainability vision
replacement. Using three pesta lus 2ˡ0kW boilers, they also installed a plate heat exchanger for the boiler installation.
In addition to the high water content (up to 560 litres) promoting operational stability, lower pressure drop and a high efficiency yield (10ˡ%), the pesta lus boilers harness one of the highest modulation ranges (up to 10̆1) in its product category. Favin McKay, sales executive at CͽF uadrant, says̆ ̦We suggested the AIC pesta boiler for its reliability, efficiency, and compact space
saving design, and also because it can cascade through a high kilowatt output.̧
Stephen Wilson, M' at AIC Heating, adds̆ ̦We were delighted to work with CͽF uadrant on this very important project, from planning stages through to commissioning, and having pesta lus boilers installed and operating as they were designed to perform.̧ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/820/3˝
Quiet solution for big government initiative
1codan air source heat pumps have been supplied by Mitsubishi 1lectric to OÁO 1nergy for two government schemes. These aim to develop and showcase technologies that reduce the carbon emissions associated with providing heat and hot water. ̵The two OÁO schemes, the ‘Ñero Carbon Home roject’ and

‘Ñero Carbon Heating Trial’ are funded by the 'epartment for Business, 1nergy and Industrial Strategy (B1IS) through its 1nergy Innovation rogramme.̵
`essica Tan, M' of OÁO Smart Home, says̆ ̦Mitsubishi 1lectric is a well-established leader and innovator in its sector and its air source heat pumps are no exception. The trials allow us to develop alternatives to gas heating, which is a critical piece to ensure maximum protection
under our lan Ñero – which commits to halving customers’ carbon footprints by 2030.̧
With a sound pressure level of just ˝5dB(A), Ultra uiet 1codan provides renewable heating and hot water production for a wide range of installations. Units are available as ˡ.5kW and 11.2kW. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/820/3˞
Active drainage ventilation
Marley’s H'1 soil system and its Studor ositive Air ressure Attenuation (AA) system are being installed at a property in hase 2 of the South West dands development located beside the capital’s Wembley football stadium.
The Studor AA offers a solution to the issue of pressure fluctuations compromising traps in high-rise buildings. The combination of the Studor AA, Maxi-Áent and Mini-Vent air admittance valves comprise a complete Active 'rainage Áentilation system to prevent pressure changes, guaranteeing traps remain full of water. This project involved a number of AA’s, Maxi-Áents and Mini-Áents being located throughout the building, while the 110mm and 160mm diameter H'1 takes the waste down through the building to connect with the underground drainage. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/820/3˟
Pressing pipes with greater speed
The Megapress and rofipress piping systems from Áiega have been used on an extensive refurbishment of the Bertrand Russell Tower at the University of 1ssex’s Colchester Campus. The Ferman engineered press connections were selected to provide a quick, clean, reliable and durable heating and water supply solution on the first of a series of planned refurbishments for the university’s student accommodation.
The renovation of the 16-storey tower included the complete replacement of all interior elements and building services to modernise and improve the tower for better building performance.
Thick-walled steel tube was specified for the new heating pipework and

Megapress allows the tube to be cold press connected, offering between a ˕0% and ˗0% savings in time. The contractor also chose Áiega’s rofipress system for the copper water distribution pipework. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/820/3ˠ
MVHR provides warmth and cooling
Equipment from Vent-Axia has been specified as part of a luxury 1300m2̵new-build family home in Kingswood, Surrey. The property spans four floors, with five Áent-Axia Sentinel Kinetic high flow mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MÁHR) units providing quiet, energy efficient ventilation for this extensive project.
The Áent-Axia MÁHR system was combined with geothermal intake ducts, which harness ground energy to remove the extremes of outside temperatures. As fresh filtered air is drawn through polymer ducts, renewable geothermal energy is transferred to the intake air, providing natural warmth when very cold outside and natural cooling when it’s hot. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/820/38

Why electric boilers are ideal for the high life
Replacing outdated electric heating technologies with more effi cient electric heating systems is something that many heating engineers are asked about, especially when doing work in high-rise fl ats. Roy Marsden from Heatrae Sadia discusses how electric boiler technology presents opportunities.
For high-rise buildings where electric powered heating is often used, the past reputation and reliability of electric systems, such as storage heaters, hasn’t always been the best. Electric heating, however, has come a long way since the days where it was considered to be a very limited solution.
Advancements in the sector have led to the development of highly effi cient electric boilers. As a result, trade professionals can recommend electric boilers with confi dence, especially in developments like high-rise
Roy Marsden
Product Manager at Heatrae Sadia
buildings where gas is not often a viable option.
Just like gas fi red boilers, electric boilers can work with conventional wet radiators, as well as underfl oor heating (UFH) systems, to provide central heating. Similarly, the units are typically compact, wall hung and effi cient, set up to be controlled and operated by a programmer and thermostat. Some electric boilers, such as the Amptec by Heatrae Sadia, even modulate in the same way as a gas boiler, improving running effi ciency.
While electric direct combi boilers can provide enough heating and hot water for most small to medium households, an electric boiler can also be paired with a direct cylinder too. Consumers who enjoy powerful showers or want to be able to quickly run a bath will benefi t from a high performance unvented hot water cylinder, fed directly from the cold water mains.
The Megafl o 1co by Heatrae Sadia, for example, can deliver up to 72 litres per minute of hot water, and another tap or shower being turned on at the same time will not signifi cantly impact this. The performance however will depend on the mains water pressure as well as the fl ow rate into the property.
Easy install The installation process of an electric boiler is very similar to that of a gas appliance, making it a straightforward process for most heating engineers. In fact, with the majority of electric boilers coming factory assembled, tested and preplumbed, they are even simpler to install than conventional boilers. On top of this, there is the added bonus of not having to worry about the fl ue pipe, condensate drainage or other plumbing issues.
One factor to consider before installing is the space available in the home, as customers in
Electric boilers can work with conventional radiators as well as underƽ oor heating Some electric boilers can modulate output in the same way as a gas boiler Most boilers come factory assembled and pre-plumbed for ease of installation
Their compact size makes them an ideal heating solution for high-rise developments
high-rise developments often have less room. As a result, it is important to consider products that are compact. Products such as our Electromax system combine an electric boiler with a hot water cylinder to provide full wet central heating and unvented domestic hot water from one compact unit.
Modern, high quality electric boilers which are installed and maintained correctly have a life-span of around 25 years,

so both the installer and the customer can be assured that the investment is going to last.
Longer life In order to off er even more assurance, we ensure the long operational life of our Amptec boilers by using solid state technology for the switching of the heating elements to achieve a much longer switching life than those using conventional electro-mechanical devices. To further prolong the boiler’s life, the heating elements are copper sheathed to last and run at low Watts density.
While electric boilers have been on the market for some time now, it is possible that not all customers will know about the technology. This is especially true if they have been used to electric heaters. In these scenarios, trade professionals have an opportunity to discuss with customers how a modern electric boiler can replace older technology for a more effi cient and well-heated home. ◼ phamnews.co.uk/820/3ˢ
How computer controlled infrared works
The government has been pouring money into programmes that promote sustainable heating for homes and buildings, and electric solutions have much to off er in achieving its carbon reduction goals. Here, Oliver Baker of Ambion Heating looks at the advantages of computer controlled infrared heating technology.
Over the summer, we saw the government commit £3bn to help fi x the UK’s ‘leaky’ homes and make public buildings more energy effi cient – a ‘down payment’ with the promise of more sustainability initiatives to come.
The Green Homes Grant is now open to applications, and with other policies and incentives designed to tackle the challenge of decarbonising heat, including the underconsultation Clean Heat Grant, the Heat and Buildings Strategy (due later this year), and the Future Homes Standard (due Oliver Baker to be implemented in 2025), CEO of Ambion Heating sustainability is now a major focus, across the public, commercial, housebuilder and domestic sectors.

Better solutions However, while any scheme to encourage a move towards more cost eff ective and low carbon heating is to be welcomed, arguably, the government is in danger of missing a trick by focusing on one or two technologies. It should be looking to broaden its scope to include newer, more innovative heating systems that not only deliver on reducing cost and carbon, but also help futureproof buildings by being a long term, rather than a shorterterm, solution.
One such option is computercontrolled infrared heating (CCIR), which has several benefi ts over traditional electric heating and low carbon systems such as air source heat pumps.
CCIR’s sensors give it the unique ability to learn about the environment it is operating in and optimise heat settings accordingly, enabling users to benefi t from super-effi cient, sustainable and cost-eff ective heating.
Compared to traditional convective systems that heat the air within a room, CCIR consumes half the energy needed to achieve the same levels of comfort by radiating to
Computer controlled infrared (CCIR) heating has ŭāƑāũÖķðāłāƩŶŭŋƑāũ traditional electric heating and low carbon systems such as air source heat pumps
the fl oors, walls and surfaces of each room.
What makes it diff erent is that the software within each panel constantly monitors each individual room and learns about the energy storage characteristics within it, adjusting its routine to maintain the ambient temperature within the room, maximising its effi ciency and using fewer units of energy than a traditional heating system. 1Ƨ óĢāłóƘāùėā Firstly, CCIR is intrinsically more effi cient than traditional central heating, as it heats the material within a room, rather than the air, which can escape from doors and windows.
We also recently conducted an independent assessment to review the performance of the CCIR technology against both traditional convection heating technologies and air source heat pumps. It calculated a performance ratio for each heating system to accurately assess the effi ciency and create a benchmark for comparison. The

higher the performance ratio, the more effi cient the system was at supplying the required heat demand.
The results showed that the mean average performance ratio for Ambion’s technology was calculated to be 2.79 against the benchmark of 1 for traditional systems and 2.60 for air source heat pumps. This means it reduces energy use and carbon emissions by over 60%.
W Ambion’s heaters can calculate when the electricity supply to the system can be paused while still achieving the required room temperatures
Time and money savings CCIR systems also are easier to install, whether they’re being retrofi tted into an existing building or installed within a new build, because they simply need wiring into the mains rather than plumbing in. For installers in particular, this saves precious time to be able to get onto the next job as quickly as possible.
Another benefi t is reducing the administrative burden of processing warranty claims. For example, unlike air source heat pumps, CCIR has no moving parts and requires no annual maintenance, so it makes an ideal choice for customers – particularly housebuilders – looking to ensure that they have minimum after sales issues and warranty claims. Improved comfort Many end users opt for infrared heating because the heating experience feels more natural and comfortable. Infrared feels like standing in direct sunlight, and once the fabric of the room is saturated with energy, it emits a comfortable, radiant heat.
Infrared can also reduce and prevent damp and improve the air quality within a building because unlike traditional central heating, it’s not reliant on circulating air, so there’s typically less circulating dust. The natural heat and improved air quality creates a much more comfortable living environment.
Long term solution With an increased focus on sustainability and the net-zero by 2050 target, it is important to consider the longer term and to future-proof as much as possible – for example, while some heating solutions could seem to be a safe bet right now, it is likely they will be overtaken by newer and more effi cient systems in the not-too-distant future. Forward-thinking end users wanting to avoid the pain of further upgrades should look at more cutting-edge technologies like CCIR that will stand the test of time.
Looking ahead The future of heating is low carbon. Therefore, it is important to take time to understand and investigate all the alternatives to gas central heating – such as CCIR – to ensure that the benefi ts are not only felt in the short term but are also sustainable solutions for the longer term. ◼ phamnews.co.uk/820/˝0
ķĢĿķĢłāĞāÖŶāũŋƦāũŭ ĕÖŭŶĞāÖŶ-ŽťŶĢĿāŭ
¦ĞāŋƒāũƪŋƒĿÖũŶĢŭÖ łāƒŭķĢĿķĢłāāķāóŶũĢó ŭŶŋũÖėāƒÖŶāũĞāÖŶāũĕũŋĿ NƘóŋ̍ƑÖĢķÖðķāĢł˜˙, ˞˙, ˡ˙Öłù˚˙˙ķĢŶũāóÖťÖóĢŶĢāŭ̇ ŶĞā˜˙dĿŋùāķĞÖŭÖł1ũ ũÖŶĢłėŋę̪̆ÖłùŶĞā˞˙, ˡ˙ Öłù˚˙˙dĿŋùāķŭóŋĿā ƒĢŶĞǪ̪̈ũÖŶĢłė̍ ˜ĴÂāķāĿāłŶĞāķťŭŶŋ ÖóĞĢāƑāĕÖŭŶĞāÖŶŽťŶĢĿāŭ̇ ƒĞĢķāťÖŶāłŶāù ŶāóĞłŋķŋėƘāłŭŽũāŭ ĢłóŋĿĢłėóŋķùƒÖŶāũùŋāŭ łŋŶĢĿĿāùĢÖŶāķƘĿĢƗƒĢŶĞ ŭŶŋũāùĞŋŶƒÖŶāũĢłŶĞā ŶÖłĴ̇ŶĞāũāðƘĿÖĴĢłė ĿŋũāĞŋŶƒÖŶāũÖƑÖĢķÖðķā̍ ¦ĞāŋƒāũƪŋƒũÖłėāĢŭ ŭŽĢŶÖðķāĕŋũĞÖłùƒÖŭĞĢłė ÖłùùĢŭЃÖŭĞĢłė̇ƒĞāũāÖ łŽĿðāũŋĕðÖŭĢłŭÖũā ũāŨŽĢũāù̇ĢłÖťťķĢóÖŶĢŋłŭ ŭŽóĞÖŭŭóĞŋŋķŭ̇ ũāŭŶÖŽũÖłŶŭ̇ĞāÖķŶĞóÖũā āłƑĢũŋłĿāłŶŭÖłùŋƧóāŭ̍ ¦ĞāƘÖũāŭŽťťķĢāù óŋĿťķāŶāƒĢŶĞÖł ŽłƑāłŶāùÖóóāŭŭŋũƘĴĢŶ ÖłùÖ˚̍˞ĿťũāƒĢũāùóÖðķā ĕŋũāÖŭƘĢłŭŶÖķķÖŶĢŋł̍ āóŽũāðũÖóĴāŶŭÖũā ťũŋƑĢùāùĕŋũƒÖķķĿŋŽłŶĢłė̇ ƒĢŶĞĢłķāŶ̓ŋŽŶķāŶóŋłłāóŶĢŋłŭ ÖŶŶĞāðÖŭāŶŋĕÖóĢķĢŶÖŶāāÖŭƘ ÖóóāŭŭĕŋũĕŽŶŽũā ĿÖĢłŶāłÖłóā̍ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝˚
Choice for every budget

łāƒũÖłėāŋĕāķāóŶũĢóĞāÖŶāùŶŋƒāķũÖĢķŭĞÖŭðāāł ķÖŽłóĞāùðƘĢŶÖóŭŽłùāũĢŶŭķŶũÖĞāÖŶðũÖłù̍¦Ğāłāƒ ŶŋƒāķũÖĢķŭÖũāťũā-ƩķķāùƒĢŶĞÖłāƦāóŶĢƑāĞāÖŶŶũÖłŭĕāũ ķĢŨŽĢùÖłùťũā-ƩŶŶāùƒĢŶĞÖŨŽÖķĢŶƘĞāÖŶĢłėāķāĿāłŶ̞ŭŋÖ ŭŶÖłùÖũùāķāóŶũĢóÖķŋŽŶķāŶĢŭÖķķŶĞÖŶ̪ŭũāŨŽĢũāù̍ ¦ĞāóŋķķāóŶĢŋłĢłóķŽùāŭóŋĿťÖóŶ̇ŭťÖóā-ŭÖƑĢłėŶŋƒāķ ƒÖũĿāũŭĕŋũāłŭŽĢŶāŭÖłùÂ!ŭ̇ÖłùÖķŭŋķÖũėā̇ĕāÖŶŽũā ťĢāóāŭĕŋũĕÖĿĢķƘðÖŶĞũŋŋĿŭ̞ÖķķÖƑÖĢķÖðķāÖŶÖũÖłėāŋĕ ťũĢóāťŋĢłŶŭ̍zƦāũĢłėÖóŋŭŶ-āƦāóŶĢƑāŭŋķŽŶĢŋł̇ķŶũÖĞāÖŶ̪ŭ ťŋťŽķÖũ1óŋũÖĢķÖłù!ĞāķĿŭĕŋũùĿĢķùŭŶāāķùāŭĢėłŭĞÖƑā ðāāłŶũÖłŭĕŋũĿāùĢłŶŋāķāóŶũĢó-ŋłķƘƑāũŭĢŋłŭ̍DŋũŶĞŋŭā óŋłŭŽĿāũŭķŋŋĴĢłėŶŋĿÖĴāĿŋũāŋĕÖŭŶÖŶāĿāłŶ̇ŶĞāũā̪ŭ ÖłāƒũÖłėāŋĕÖŭƘĿĿāŶũĢóÖķũÖĢķŭĢłÖťũāĿĢŽĿŭŶÖĢłķāŭŭ ŭŶāāķŭāŶŋƦðƘÖũÖłėāŋĕƩłĢŭĞāŭ̇ĢłóķŽùĢłėłŶĢŨŽā ũŋłơā̛ťĢóŶŽũāù̜ÖłùũŽŭĞāù!ŋťťāũ̍ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝˛

Hot water when and where you need it
1ƗŶāłùĢłėĢŶŭťŋũŶĕŋĢķŋŋĕ ŭťÖóāŭÖƑĢłėƒÖŶāũĞāÖŶĢłė ŭŋķŽŶĢŋłŭĕŋũóŋĿĿāũóĢÖķ āłƑĢũŋłĿāłŶŭ̇¦ũĢŶŋłĞÖŭ ķÖŽłóĞāùŶĞāRłŭŶÖƪŋƒ ŶŋũāùĕŋũÖťťķĢóÖŶĢŋłŭŶĞÖŶ ĞÖƑāÖũāŨŽĢũāĿāłŶĕŋũĞŋŶ ƒÖŶāũðŽŶłŋÖóóāŭŭŶŋťũāĞāÖŶāùŭŽťťķĢāŭ̍ ̵ÂĢŶĞŶĞũāāóÖťÖóĢŶƘŭĢơāŭ ŶŋóĞŋŋŭāĕũŋĿ̇ĢłóķŽùĢłė ˞̇˚˙ or ˚˞ķĢŶũāŭ̇ŶĞāƒÖŶāũ ĞāÖŶāũĢŭÖƑÖĢķÖðķāĢł˚̍˞Öłù ˛ĴÂťŋƒāũũÖŶĢłėŭ̍RŶÖķŭŋ ðāłāƩŶŭĕũŋĿķŋƒŋťāũÖŶĢłė ťũāŭŭŽũāŭ̇ŋłķƘũāŨŽĢũĢłė ˙̍˞ðÖũ̍ ̵DŋũāÖŭāŋĕĢłŭŶÖķķÖŶĢŋł̇ ŶĞāķÖŶāŭŶRłŭŶÖƪŋƒĿŋùāķ ĕāÖŶŽũāŭŶŋťóŋłłāóŶĢŋłŭ ÖłùóŋĿāŭƒĢŶĞÖƒÖķķĿŋŽłŶāùðũÖóĴāŶ̇ťũāŭŭŽũā ũāķĢāĕƑÖķƑāÖłùùĢāķāóŶũĢó ıŽłóŶĢŋłŭ̇ÖķķŭŽťťķĢāùĢłŶĞā ðŋƗ̍RŶóÖłóŋłƑāłĢāłŶķƘðā ĞĢùùāłĕũŋĿƑĢāƒĢłŽłùāũŭĢłĴķŋóÖŶĢŋłŭÖłùƒÖŶāũ ŶāĿťāũÖŶŽũāóÖłðāÖùıŽŭŶāù ŶŋÖĿÖƗĢĿŽĿŋĕˠ˞΅!̍

̵¦ĢłÖĢĿťŭŋł̇ĿÖũĴāŶĢłė ùĢũāóŶŋũÖŶ¦ũĢŶŋł̇ŭÖƘŭ̆ ̦¦ĞāťÖłùāĿĢóĞÖŭ ĞĢėĞķĢėĞŶāùŶĞāłāāùĕŋũ āƑāũƘŋłāŶŋĴāāťŶĞāĢũ ĞÖłùŭóķāÖłÖłùŭÖłĢŶĢŭāù ŶĞũŋŽėĞŋŽŶŶĞāùÖƘ̇ āŭťāóĢÖķķƘĢłŶĞāƒŋũĴ āłƑĢũŋłĿāłŶ̍ ̵̦1ƑāłƒĞāũāŭťÖóāĢŭÖł ĢŭŭŽā̇ŶĞāłāƒRłŭŶÖƪŋƒ ŶŋũāùťũŋƑĢùāŭťķāłŶĢĕŽķ ĞŋŶƒÖŶāũĕŋũĞÖłùƒÖŭĞĢłė ÖłùťāũŭŋłÖķĞƘėĢāłāŭŋŶĞÖŶ ťāŋťķāÖũāĕŽķķƘťũŋŶāóŶāù ƒĞĢķāÖŶƒŋũĴ̧̍ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝˜
Keeping net-zero targets on track
mÖũĴmómÖłŽŭ̇ĿÖłÖėĢłėùĢũāóŶŋũÖŶŶĢāðāķ 1ķŶũŋłḃùĢŭóŽŭŭāŭĞŋƒƒāóÖłĿÖĢłŶÖĢł progress made towards net-zero targets despite Covid-˚ˢ’s transformational impact on the economy and the way we live and work.
Prior to the Covid limited outside space. Cities have pandemic the UK’s also borne the brunt of the virus’ city centres were economic and social impact. experiencing a boom. Population density accelerates Changing perceptions ŶĞāŭťũāÖùŋĕŶĞāƑĢũŽŭ̇ķāÖùĢłė of urban centres spurred a to more invasive lockdown ťũŋķĢƩóťāũĢŋùŋĕùāƑāķŋťĿāłŶ̇ ĿāÖŭŽũāŭŶĞÖŶŭŶĢƪāėũŋƒŶĞÖłù and a forest of cranes dotted łāėÖŶāĿÖłƘŋĕŶĞāðāłāƩŶŭŶĞāŭā the skyline of most major cities. ÖũāÖŭťũāƑĢŋŽŭķƘŋƦāũāùĢłŶāũĿŭ Once viewed as the poor relation of leisure and retail. ŶŋķāÖĕƘŭŽðŽũðŭ̇ŽũðÖłóāłŶũāŭ were experiencing a renaissance. Town planning ŽŶóĞÖłėāŭŶŋŶĞāƒÖƘƒāķĢƑā̇ These factors have led some in ťũāóĢťĢŶÖŶāùðƘŶĞāóŋũŋłÖƑĢũŽŭ̇ the property sector to predict could reverse this trend that one of the legacies of the completely. pandemic could be a return to
Lockdown has demonstrated suburban living and a fall in the limitations of smaller urban demand for city centre living. ťũŋťāũŶĢāŭ̇ƒĞāũāťāŋťķāÖũā But returning demand for forced to work from home for suburban development would āƗŶāłùāùťāũĢŋùŭŋĕŶĢĿā̇ƒĢŶĞ have a profound impact on the property sector’s ability to reach sustainability targets. ¦ĞāāłƑĢũŋłĿāłŶÖķðāłāƩŶŭ of city living were explained in a report from the Committee on Climate Change in ˛˙˚ˢ̇ƒĞĢóĞ pushed for the Government to promote high-density housing as a means of minimising car use and improving air quality.
The pre-Covid boom in city centre living also consisted primarily of large-scale and high-density build-to-rent ùāƑāķŋťĿāłŶŭ̇ŭŽťťķāĿāłŶāù by a burgeoning student accommodation market. These

schemes presented opportunities ŶŋĢĿťķāĿāłŶĢłłŋƑÖŶĢƑā̇łāƒ̇ more sustainable heating systems.
Clean living In electric panel heaters and ĢłŭŶÖłŶÖłāŋŽŭƒÖŶāũĞāÖŶāũŭ̇ developers found solutions that not only provided excellent óŋĿĕŋũŶĕŋũũāŭĢùāłŶŭ̇ðŽŶÖķŭŋ minimised the environmental impact of the building. These homes have also been perfect environments for the implementation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) systems as well as heat
W Stiebel Eltron’s CON Premium U wall convector comes with an integral controller and automatically switches ŋƦĢĕÖũŋŋĿĢŭƑāłŶĢķÖŶāù
pumps – both highly sustainable solutions.
A return to urban sprawl would undermine many of the gains that society has made in improving sustainability. And it could also increase demand ĕŋũŋķùāũťũŋťāũŶĢāŭ̇ƒĢŶĞķāėÖóƘ heating systems that may rely on fossil fuel.
The heating sector now has a ŭĢėłĢƩóÖłŶŶÖŭĴŋłĢŶŭĞÖłùŭŶŋ promote innovation. This will be crucial at a time when we already ĕÖóāŭĢėłĢƩóÖłŶóÖũðŋłũāùŽóŶĢŋł targets – a ˚˞% reduction in energy used for heating by ˛˙˜˙. To meet these targets amid a ŭĢėłĢƩóÖłŶŭĞĢĕŶĢłėťũŋťāũŶƘ ķÖłùŭóÖťā̇ŋŽũŭāóŶŋũłāāùŭŶŋ maintain the market for the latest electrical products through innovation.
Whether the post-Covid future ĢŭÖũāŶŽũłŶŋŶĞāŭŽðŽũðŭ̇ŋũ a renewed approach to city centre living – where green space and working from home is front of mind for developers – sustainability will be key. As a key ťÖũŶŋĕŶĞāðŽĢķŶāłƑĢũŋłĿāłŶ̇ƒā will need to adapt swiftly. ͻ phamnews.co.uk̓ˡ˛˙̓˝˝
Easy plumb boiler solution

The ECB ˛˚˙ electric combi boiler from Advance Appliances provides mains pressure hot water, ĕŋũĕÖŭŶðÖŶĞƩķķĢłėÖłùťŋƒāũŭĞŋƒāũĢłė̇ƒĢŶĞŋŽŶ the need for relief valves, as well as vented central ĞāÖŶĢłėĕŋũĕŋŽũŶŋƩƑāũÖùĢÖŶŋũŭ̍¦Ğā1!Ģŭŭāķĕcommissioning and if required can be used on sealed ŭƘŭŶāĿŭƒĢŶĞŶĞāÖùùĢŶĢŋłŋĕÖťķÖŶāĞāÖŶāƗóĞÖłėāũ and pump. The unit is said to be best suited for use in single bathroom apartments. ¦ĞāóŋĿðĢóÖłðāłāƩŶĕũŋĿóĞāÖťāķāóŶũĢóĢŶƘ ŶÖũĢƦŭŽťťķĢāŭŽŭĢłė˟kW and ˜kW single phase immersion heaters. An overnight charge from the ˟kW immersion will provide enough hot water for a bath and a shower. The ˜kW heater acts as a hot water ðŋŋŭŶĢłóÖŭāŋĕāƗŶũÖùāĿÖłù̍
The ECB is independently CE marked and is preplumbed and pre-wired. There are high levels of circuit ťũŋŶāóŶĢŋłŶŋťũāƑāłŶŋƑāũĞāÖŶĢłėÖłùÖłÖķÖũĿƩŶŶāù which sounds if this should occur. Store temperature is āÖŭĢķƘÖùıŽŭŶāùŋłÖĕÖóŶŋũƘƩŶŶāùŶĞāũĿŋŭŶÖŶ̍ ł̨̪ũÖŶāùťŽĿťĢŭÖķŭŋŭŽťťķĢāùƩŶŶāùÖłù wired, to plumb straight into the radiator circuit. The stainless steel thermal store comes with a ˚˙-year guarantee and a two-year guarantee on parts. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝˞

Infrared panels target heat
Infrared panel heaters from Tansun are claimed to be highly āƧóĢāłŶðāóÖŽŭāŶĞāƘŋłķƘ heat targeted areas instead of a whole room. Infrared heaters also produce immediate heat, therefore consuming less energy than standard heaters that require warm-up time, and are ĿÖłŽĕÖóŶŽũāùŶŋŋƦāũŋťŶĢĿŽĿĞāÖŶ performance all year round.
Infrared heaters can be used with Tansun’s energy saving controllers, which include time lag switches/motion detectors and dimmer devices. With zoning ÖłùóŋłŶũŋķ̇āłāũėƘāƧóĢāłóƘĢŭŋťŶĢĿĢŭāù̇ and heating bills can be reduced.
The programmable timer is a function that automatically deactivates the product at intervals throughout the day. This is known as a run-back timer.
Tansun has also designed an app for

controlling its heaters. This allows for remote interaction outside the building where the product is installed so that users can control the heating coming on. Its features include being able to turn ĞāÖŶāũŭŋłÖłùŋƦ̇óŋłŶũŋķŶĞāťŋƒāũķāƑāķ at ˞˙ͮ̇ˠ˞ͮ or ˚˙˙ͮÖłùťŋƒāũóŋłŶũŋķ of individual heating elements. Users can ŭƒĢŶóĞðāŶƒāāłŭĢƗóŋłłāóŶāùĞāÖŶĢłė systems using a single remote, making it hassle free to operate multiple heaters from more than one device. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝˟
Fully programmable Aztec

The Aztec series of electric boilers from Trianco includes models that are WiFi enabled, and they are fully controllable via the supplied digital programmer. Available in either combi or system ƑāũŭĢŋłŭ̇ŶĞāƘĕāÖŶŽũā!ŭŶĞÖŶŋƦāũĕŽķķ modulation. Customers can also choose to pair the Aztec boilers with the Salus i¦˞˙˙ internetenabled thermostat with wireless capabilities.
Designed to operate via WiFi and smartphones, the i¦˞˙˙ŋƦāũŭĞŋĿāŋƒłāũŭĕŽķķũāĿŋŶāóŋłŶũŋķÖłù ƪāƗĢðĢķĢŶƘŋĕŶĞāĢũĞŋŶƒÖŶāũÖłùĞāÖŶĢłėłāāùŭ̍¦Ğā
Aztec Mini Combi and Mini System units can also be óŋłŶũŋķķāùðƘùĢėĢŶÖķĞŋĿāÖŭŭĢŭŶÖłŶŭķĢĴāķāƗÖ̍
The Mini Combi is available with a ˚˛kW water heater, with optional heating outputs of ˡ, ˚˙ or ˚˛kW.
The Mini System has heat outputs of ˡ, ˚˛or˚˝kW. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝ˠ
For staycation accommodation

Aimed at leisure and holiday accommodation sectors, the Velis Evo electric storage water heaters from Ariston deliver a reliable and āƧóĢāłŶŭŋŽũóāŋĕĞŋŶƒÖŶāũĕŋũ country cottages, mobile homes and cabins. 1ÖóĞŽłĢŶðāłāƩŶŭĕũŋĿŭťÖóāsaving twin-tank technology and measures just ˛ˠóĿùāāť̍¦ĞāÁāķĢŭ Evo also boasts a best-in-class ErP rating, as well as fast reheat times. RŶŭāłāũėƘāƧóĢāłóƘóũāùāłŶĢÖķŭ are further enhanced by a low ˚̍˞ĴÂťŋƒāũŭŽťťķƘ̇ƒĞĢóĞĢŭĢùāÖķ ƒĞāłĢłŭŶÖķķĢłėĢłķāĢŭŽũāŋũŋƦŭĢŶāÖťťķĢóÖŶĢŋłŭÖŭÖłÖķŶāũłÖŶĢƑā to hot water cylinders.
Velis Evo electric storage ƒÖŶāũĞāÖŶāũŭÖũāÖķŭŋƩŶŶāùƒĢŶĞ ũĢŭŶŋł̪ŭÖĕāŶƘƘŭŶāĿ̍¦ĞĢŭ includes ‘anti-ŋƑāũĞāÖŶĢłę̪̇̇ÖłŶĢĕũāāơĢłė̪Öłų̀ùũƘĞāÖŶĢłėŭāķĕùĢÖėłŋŭĢŭ̪ĕŽłóŶĢŋłŭ̇ťũŋŶāóŶĢłė ťũŋùŽóŶŭĢłŶĞāāƑāłŶŋĕāłāũėƘ or water failures. All units have an anti-legionella function that automatically increases the ŶāĿťāũÖŶŽũāŋĕŶĞāƒÖŶāũŽťŶŋ ˟˞°C once a month to ensure healthier water. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝ˡ
Dry towels year round
'āŭĢėłāùŶŋƒŋũĴĢłùāťāłùāłŶķƘŋĕÖĞāÖŶĢłėŭƘŭŶāĿ̇ the range of electric-only towel warmers from Vogue ťũŋƑĢùāāÖŭƘƘāÖũ-round heat. For added convenience, the models in the range are available with a remote controlled heat element.
Items in the Electric Collection only require a fused ŭťŽũóŋłłāóŶĢŋł̍¦ĞāũĿÖķŶũÖłŭĕāũƪŽĢùĢŭĞāÖŶāùðƘ an electric element within the unit.
Electric Dryline technology is available across ŭāķāóŶāùĿŋùāķŭ̍'āƩłāùðƘŶĞāÖðŭāłóāŋĕƪŽĢùŭ̇ Dryline allows the towel warmer to be heated by a ŭĢķĢóŋłāĞāÖŶāũóÖðķā̇ƒĞĢóĞĢŭÖŶŶÖóĞāùŶŋÖĕŽŭāŭťŽũ̍
Some of the models in the Electric Collection ĢłóķŽùāŶĞāFũÖóā̇ÖóŋłŶāĿťŋũÖũƘķÖùùāũũÖĢķ̇ designed with large diameter tubing; the industrialstyle minimalist Serene; Ballerina, a traditional,

ťāũĢŋù-ŭŶƘķāƒÖũĿāũ̒ÖłùDŋóŽư̆ťĢóŶŽũāù̜̇ÁŋėŽā̪ŭ ƪÖėŭĞĢťĿŋùāķ̍ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˝ˢ
Low surface temperature for vulnerable settings

1óŋķāóŋƦāũŭÖũÖłėāŋĕķŋƒŭŽũĕÖóāŶāĿťāũÖŶŽũāāķāóŶũĢó ũÖùĢÖłŶťÖłāķĞāÖŶāũŭ̇ĢłóķŽùĢłėĿĢũũŋũāùŋťŶĢŋłŭ ̛ťĢóŶŽũāù̜̍¦ĞāƘťũŋƑĢùāóŋłŶũŋķķÖðķāĞāÖŶÖłùÖũāŭŽĢŶÖðķā for bathrooms and toilets. ¦ĞāóŋĿťÖłƘ̪ŭũÖłėāŋĕŭķĢĿķĢłād¦ũÖùĢÖŶŋũŭÖũāŭŽĢŶÖðķā for care homes, schools, nurseries, and sheltered accommodation under HSE guidelines. Available with either a wireless or mains controller, they are available in white as ŭŶÖłùÖũù̇ƒĢŶĞŶĞāŋťŶĢŋłŋĕ˚ˡŋŶĞāũóŋķŋŽũŭĢĕũāŨŽĢũāù̍¦ĞāƘ can be installed vertically or horizontally and are available for móŋłŶũŋķŭ̇Ŷŋŋ̍¦ĞāŭāāłāũėƘāƧóĢāłŶũÖùĢÖŶŋũŭũāŨŽĢũāłŋ ťķŽĿðĢłė̇łŋėŽÖũùŭÖłùłŋťĢťāƒŋũĴ̍ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˞˙

Toolbox essentials
Most installers have a set of tools that they couldn’t do without, but what other products can you add to your armoury that would make your work easier? Richard Harvey from Wolseley looks at some of the tools that could prove to be a wise investment for industry professionals.

When it comes to tools, every installer has their favourite, but there’s always room in the toolbox for another product that will help get you through the working day. Here are some products which I think should be close to hand.
Headtorch from Raptor When it comes to repairing a kitchen ŭĢłĴ̇ŋũƩƗĢłėÖðŋĢķāũ̇ĢłŭŶÖķķāũŭĿÖƘ struggle to see what they’re doing purely because they’re in a tight space with limited light. That’s why a good light source, like a headtorch for example, is always invaluable when performing engineering work. Choosing a headtorch instead of a ƪ ÖŭĞķĢėĞŶƒĢķķŭÖƑāĢłŭŶÖķķāũŭŶĢĿāŭŋ they no longer need to manoeuvre a hand torch to see what needs repairing or replacing.
The Vision One hands-free headlamp from Raptor features four light modes so that installers can work in low light areas such as lofts, boiler cupboards and plant rooms (RRP £˚˟̍ˢˢ).
Monobloc tap spanner set with backnut from Rothenberger A toolbox staple. This tap spanner set from Rothenberger will come in handy for every installer that regularly installs monobloc taps. Quick and easy to use, the set covers the most commonly used monobloc tap nut sizes and is supplied with a tommy bar for increased torque. Finished in brushed chrome, this attractive spanner set can also be used in a wide range of other applications (RRP £˟̍ˢˢ).
Raptor air temperature probe The Raptor temperature probe can be used to measure temperatures in air and liquids, detergents, semi-solids and non-toxic chemicals. Compliant with both BS EN ˟˙˞ˡ˝̟˚ and BS EN ˟˙˞ˡ˝̟˜ standards, the Raptor air temperature probe is compatible with any K type thermometer or multimeter with a K type input (RRP £˛˞̍ˢˢ).
Fire extinguisher from Regin ÂĞāłĢŶóŋĿāŭŶŋƩ ũā̇ĢŶťÖƘŭŶŋðā overly cautious. Although every óāũŶĢƩ āùĢłŭŶÖķķāũƒĢķķĞÖƑāóŋĿťķāŶāù ŶĞāðÖŭĢóƩ ũā-Ʃ ėĞŶĢłėŶāóĞłĢŨŽāŭ̇ it’s essential that the right type of extinguisher is used on the job. The Regin ˚ĴėťŋƒāũƩ ũāāƗŶĢłėŽĢŭĞāũĢŭ a real hero. With the ability to be used ŋł̇ͽ!Ʃ ũāŭ̇ŶĞĢŭāƗŶĢłėŽĢŭĞāũóÖł Richard Harvey Commercial director at Wolseley

ðāŽŭāùŋłāķāóŶũĢóÖķƩ ũāŭ̇ŭŋķĢùŭÖłù combustible liquids (RRP £˜˜̍ˢˢ).
Makita DAB job site radio For anyone who works on site, jobsite radios are a must. As they operate without a conventional plug, installers can add a spot of entertainment to their day, whenever they are working in silence. When it comes to choosing the right jobsite radio, it’s important that it can withstand harsh conditions. The Makita DAB job site radio has elastomer bumpers for protection against rough handling, and the IP˟˝ stamp of approval for dust and shower-proof construction (RRP £˚˛˞̍ˢˢ).
¦ĞŋũŋŽėĞƪŽŭĞ ¦ĞāĢłłŋƑÖŶĢƑā¦ĞŋũŋŽėĞƪŽŭĞĞÖŭ óĞÖłėāùŶĞāĿÖĢłŭƪŽŭĞĢłėėÖĿā̍ NĢėĞķƘāƦ āóŶĢƑāÖłùķāŭŭƩùùķƘŶĞÖł ťŋƒāũƪŽŭĞĢłė̇ŶĞā¦ĞŋũŋŽėĞƪŽŭĞ āłÖðķāŭĢłŭŶÖķķāũŭŶŋóĞÖłėāŶĞāƪŋƒ direction, disturbing contamination within heating systems and radiators āƑāłĕŽũŶĞāũ̇āłŭŽũĢłėÖĿŋũāāƧ óĢāłŶ ƪŽŭĞ̛͎˛ˢ˚̍ˢˢ).

1łùĕāāùƩ ŶŶĢłėŭŶŽðĕũŋĿ!āłŶāũ This tub of ˜˚˙āłùĕāāùƩ ŶŶĢłėŭėĢƑāŭ installers a cost-āƦ āóŶĢƑāƒÖƘŋĕıŋĢłŶĢłė copper tubes in line with EN ˚˙˞ˠ standards. Light and neat, they make the handling and installation process easier. Embellished with smooth lines to ĿĢłĢĿĢŭāƪŋƒũāŭŶũĢóŶĢŋłŭ̇ŶĞāāłù-feed Ʃ ŶŶĢłėŭĕũŋĿ!āłŶāũťũŋƑĢùāÖłāÖŶÖłù āƦ āóŶĢƑāóŋłłāóŶĢŋłðāŶƒāāłóŋťťāũ tubes by using solder wire to achieve a highly reliable joint (RRP £ˠ˙̍ˢˢ).

Gas App pŋŶÖķķŶŋŋķŭƩ ŶĢłÖłĢłŭŶÖķķāũ̪ŭŶŋŋķðŋƗ̇ and Gas App is one of them. With an array of features, it is designed to help registered gas engineers improve their quality of work whilst saving time and money. The app includes: a library of manufacturer’s manuals and instructions; digital documents such as gas inspection forms; landlord gas safety records and job sheets; as well as monthly competitions and a community for installers to share best practice. Installers can feel at ease knowing they have access to an endless source of help whenever they need it (free on the App Store and Google Play).

Find out more For more information on must-haves for the toolbox, visit the trade essentials section on the Wolseley website to see a range of high-quality, high-performance tools installers need to get the job done. ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˞˚
Professional kit for better results

¦ĞāŶāóĞłŋķŋėƘĢłťũŋĕāŭŭĢŋłÖķťŋƒāũŶŋŋķŭŭāŶŭŶĞāĿÖťÖũŶ ĕũŋĿŶĞāĢũ'RÈóŋŽłŶāũťÖũŶŭ̍pĢóĴ!ĞÖłĕũŋĿNĢbzbRŋƒāũ ¦ŋŋķŭāƗťķÖĢłŭĞŋƒĕāÖŶŽũāŭķĢĴāðũŽŭĞķāŭŭĿŋŶŋũŭÖłùÖùƑÖłóāù battery tech can help plumbing and heating installers get jobs ùŋłāĕÖŭŶāũ̇ĿŋũāāƧóĢāłŶķƘÖłùŭÖĕāķƘ̍
Bbrushless motor technology in cordless and ĿÖĢłŭťŋƒāũāùŶŋŋķŭĢĿťũŋƑāāƧóĢāłóƘ̇ ĢłóũāÖŭāŭÖĕāŶƘ̇ÖłùťũŋƑĢùāÖķŋłėāũķĢĕā̍ DŋũĢłŭŶÖłóā̇ÖðũŽŭĞķāŭŭĿŋŶŋũóÖłĢłóũāÖŭā working time by up to ˝˙% when used on ķŋłėāũ̇ĞĢėĞ-ƑŋķŽĿāùũĢķķĢłėıŋðŭ̍¦ĞĢŭĢŭĢĿťŋũŶÖłŶ because power tools are a vital part of any installer’s tool ðÖė̇ÖłùĢŶĢŭƒŋũŶĞĢłƑāŭŶĢłėĢłÖťũŋĕāŭŭĢŋłÖķðũÖłù ŭĢłóāŶĞāùĢƦāũāłóāŭðāŶƒāāłŶŋŋķŭóÖłðāŭŶÖũĴ̍ !ĞāÖťāũŶŋŋķŭ̇ĕŋũĢłŭŶÖłóā̇ĿÖƘŽŭāðũŽŭĞāùĿŋŶŋũŭ where the carbon brushes are in constant contact with ŶĞāóŋĿĿŽŶÖŶŋũùŽũĢłėŽŭā̍¦ĞĢŭĕũĢóŶĢŋłƒĢķķĿāÖłŶĞÖŶ the brushes will need to be replaced as they wear out over ŶĢĿāƒĢŶĞŽŭā̇ťŽŶŶĢłėŶĞāŶŋŋķŋŽŶŋĕÖóŶĢŋłĕŋũÖƒĞĢķā ÖŶķāÖŭŶ̍łùùŽāŶŋŶĞāĿŋũāóŋĿťÖóŶùāŭĢėłóŋĿťÖũāù ŶŋðũŽŭĞāùĿŋŶŋũŭ̇ĢłóŋũťŋũÖŶĢłėŶĞāðũŽŭĞķāŭŭĿŋŶŋũ permits a reduction in size and weight of tools for easier ĞÖłùķĢłėŭŋƘŋŽóÖłĴāāťėŋĢłėĕŋũķŋłėāũ̍ Nick Chan ¦ĞĢŭĢŭĢĿťŋũŶÖłŶðāóÖŽŭāťķŽĿðĢłėÖłùĞāÖŶĢłė Marketing manager for HiKOKI āłėĢłāāũŭùŋŶĞāĢũĕÖĢũŭĞÖũāŋĕŶŋŽėĞıŋðŭ̇ÖłùĞÖƑĢłė Power Tools UK ÖłāƧóĢāłŶðũŽŭĞķāŭŭĿŋŶŋũ̇óŋĿðĢłāùƒĢŶĞðÖŶŶāũƘ

ÖĿŋŽłŶðũŽŭĞķāŭŭĿŋŶŋũŭ óÖłĢłóũāÖŭāƒŋũĴĢłė ŶĢĿāŋłĞĢėĞƑŋķŽĿā ùũĢķķĢłėıŋðŭ
32 ĿĢłŭ
ķāłėŶĞŋĕŶĢĿāũāŨŽĢũāùŶŋ ĕŽķķƘóĞÖũėāNĢbzbR̪ŭ˜˟V ðÖŶŶāũƘťÖóĴŭ
łŽĿðāũŋĕŶĢĿāŭ NĢbzbR̪ŭðÖŶŶāũƘťÖóĴ óÖłðāóĞÖũėāùƒĢŶĞŋŽŶ ĢĿťÖóŶĢłėťāũĕŋũĿÖłóā
ķāłėŶĞŋĕŶĞā'Á˜˟DAX óŋĿðĢùũĢķķ

ťŋƒāũŶŋėāŶŶĞũŋŽėĞŶĞāŭāāƧóĢāłŶķƘ̇ĿÖŶŶāũŭ̍ mŋùāũłóŋũùķāŭŭðÖŶŶāũƘťŋƒāũŶāóĞłŋķŋėƘŋƦāũŭĿŋũā ťŋƒāũÖłùùŽũÖðĢķĢŶƘŶĞÖłāƑāũðāĕŋũā̇ĿāÖłĢłėŶĞāĢũ performance now often matches that of their corded óŋŽłŶāũťÖũŶŭ̍ũŋĕāŭŭĢŋłÖķėũÖùāóŋũùķāŭŭŶŋŋķŭĞÖƑā the added advantage that you can take a cordless tool ÖłƘƒĞāũā̇ƒĢŶĞłŋķāÖùŭŶŋŶũĢťŋł̇ÖłùƘŋŽùŋł̪ŶĞÖƑā ŶŋóÖũũƘĞāÖƑƘŶũÖłŭĕŋũĿāũŭÖũŋŽłùāĢŶĞāũ̍ 1ƧóĢāłŶŽŭāŋĕŶĢĿā ¦ĞĢŭÖķķĿÖĴāŭĕŋũāƧóĢāłŶƒŋũĴĢłė̇ÖłùŶĢĿāĢłŶĞā ðÖłĴĕŋũĿŋũāıŋðŭŶŋėāŶùŋłā̍ũŋĕāŭŭĢŋłÖķ̇ĞĢėĞ ťāũĕŋũĿÖłóāťŋƒāũŶŋŋķŭóÖłĢĿťũŋƑāƘŋŽũťũŋƩŶÖðĢķĢŶƘ Ŷŋŋ̇ŭÖƑĢłėŶĢĿā̇ĿŋłāƘÖłùāłāũėƘ̍¦ŋŋķŭƒĢŶĞ NĢbzbR̪ŭmŽķŶĢÁŋķŶdĢ̟ĢŋłðÖŶŶāũƘ̇ĕŋũĢłŭŶÖłóā̇ťũŋƑĢùā ŽŭāũŭƒĢŶĞÖƒāŭŋĿāĿÖĢłŭ̟ķĢĴāťŋƒāũ̇ƒĢŶĞÖķķŶĞā freedom and convenience associated with cordless Ŷŋŋķŭ̍mŽķŶĢÁŋķŶŶāóĞłŋķŋėƘĿÖĴāŭĢŶťŋŭŭĢðķāŶŋŽŭā ˜˟ÁðÖŶŶāũƘťÖóĴŭƒĢŶĞ˚˗ÁĿÖóĞĢłāŭ̍RłŶāķķĢėāłŶ connecting technology makes it possible for the battery pack to detect whether it is being used on an ˚˗ÁŋũÖ ˜˟ÁùāƑĢóā̇ÖłùÖŽŶŋĿÖŶĢóÖķķƘÖùıŽŭŶŶĞāƑŋķŶÖėā̍
Using the UC˚ˡÈd˜óĞÖũėāũ̇ŶĞā˜˟ÁðÖŶŶāũƘťÖóĴŭ can be fully charged in just ˜˛ĿĢłŽŶāŭ̍RłÖùùĢŶĢŋł̇ the battery packs have a particularly long service ķĢĕā̆¦ĞāƘóÖłðāóĞÖũėāùŽťŶŋ˚˞˙˙ times without ÖłƘÖťťũāóĢÖðķāĢĿťÖóŶŋłťāũĕŋũĿÖłóā̍¦ĞāāłāũėƘ available in the battery pack is displayed on the battery itself through a four-ŭŶÖėāóĞÖũėāĢłùĢóÖŶŋũ̍¦ĞāóũŋŭŭťķÖŶĕŋũĿƪāƗĢðĢķĢŶƘŋĕŶĞāmŽķŶĢÁŋķŶðÖŶŶāũƘĿāÖłŭ ƘŋŽóÖłŽŭāŶĞāŭÖĿāðÖŶŶāũƘŋłÖƑÖũĢāŶƘŋĕŶŋŋķŭ̇ reducing the number of batteries needed (or needing to be checked that they are charged) and making for ĿŋũāāƧóĢāłŶƒŋũĴƪŋƒ̍
ÖĕāŶƘĕāÖŶŽũāŭ RĕƘŋŽùŋĞÖƑāŶŋóĞĢŭāķŋŽŶŋķùðÖŶĞũŋŋĿŭÖłùĴĢŶóĞāłŭ̇ a cordless SDS-ķŽŭNÖĿĿāũ̇ŭŽóĞÖŭŶĞā'N˜˟'̇óÖł ĞāķťƘŋŽėāŶŶĞāıŋðùŋłāĿŋũāāƧóĢāłŶķƘ̍RŶĞÖŭÖŭĢĿĢķÖũ ťŋƒāũŋŽŶťŽŶŶŋÖĿÖĢłŭťŋƒāũāùŶŋŋķ̇ƒĢŶĞŶĞũāāĿŋùā ÖóŶĢŋłŭāŶŶĢłėŭ̆ùũĢķķĢłė̇ĞÖĿĿāũùũĢķķĢłėÖłùóĞĢŭāķĢłė̍ RŶ̪ŭóŋĿťÖóŶ̇ķĢėĞŶƒāĢėĞŶÖłùÖķŭŋĢłóķŽùāŭŽŭāũŭÖĕāŶƘ ĕāÖŶŽũāŭ̍DŋũėāłāũÖķùũĢķķĢłėıŋðŭ̇ÖóŋĿðĢùũĢķķķĢĴāŶĞā 'Á˜˟'ÇĞÖŭÖĞŽėāĿÖƗĢĿŽĿĞÖũùŶŋũŨŽāŋĕ˚˜ˡpĿ̇ with ˛˛ŶŋũŨŽāŭāŶŶĢłėŭÖłùÖðŽĢķŶĢłd1'ƒŋũĴķĢėĞŶ̍RŶĢŭ also only ˛˙˝ĿĿķŋłė̇ŭŋĢŶ̪ŭėŋŋùĕŋũŶĞŋŭāŶĢėĞŶŭťÖóāŭ ŽłùāũŭĢłĴŭÖłùÖũŋŽłùðŋĢķāũĢłŭŶÖķķÖŶĢŋłŭ̍ ¦ĞāũāĢŭÖłŋŶĞāũĢĿťŋũŶÖłŶÖùƑÖłŶÖėāŋĕĞĢėĞ ťāũĕŋũĿÖłóāťŋƒāũŶŋŋķŭ̞ŽŭāũŭÖĕāŶƘ̍¦ĞāðāŭŶ manufacturers build individual safety features into ùĢƦāũāłŶŶƘťāŭŋĕŶŋŋķ̇ķĢĴāŋŽũŭŽťāũŭÖĕāłÖĢķāũŭ̇ ùũĢķķŭ̇ŭÖƒŭÖłùðũāÖĴāũŭ̍¦ÖĴāNĢbzbR̪ŭāÖóŶĢƑā Dŋũóā!ŋłŶũŋķ̛D!̜ĕŋũĢłŭŶÖłóā̇ƒĞĢóĞŭŶŋťŭŶĞāŶŋŋķ ŶŋũŨŽāĢłėƑĢŋķāłŶķƘŽłùāũķŋÖù̇ťũŋŶāóŶĢłėŶĞāŽŭāũ̇ ƒĞĢķāŭāũÁĢðũÖŶĢŋłũŋŶāóŶĢŋł̛Á̜ùÖĿťāłĢłė is built into the tool to reduce the level of vibration ŶũÖłŭĕāũũāùŶŋŶĞāŽŭāũ̍ mŋũāėāłāũÖķķƘ̇ŶŋŋķŭƒĢŶĞðũŽŭĞķāŭŭĿŋŶŋũŭĢłóũāÖŭā ŋťāũÖŶŋũŭÖĕāŶƘÖłùŋƑāũķŋÖùťũŋŶāóŶĢŋł̍¦ĞāƘùŋł̪Ŷ ėāłāũÖŶāŶĞāŭÖĿāĞāÖŶ̇ÖŭŶĞāũāÖũāłŋóÖũðŋł ðũŽŭĞāŭ̇ÖłùóÖł̪ŶðāðŽũłŶŋŽŶ̍¦ĞāƘÖķŭŋŋƦāũðāŶŶāũ protection on kick-ðÖóĴóŋłŶũŋķƒĞāłŋťāũÖŶĢłė̍ŋĿā ĿÖłŽĕÖóŶŽũāũŭŭŽóĞÖŭNĢbzbRÖķŭŋĞÖƑāťŋƒāũóŽŶŋŽŶ ŶāóĞłŋķŋėƘ̇ƒĞĢóĞĴāāťŭŶĞāŋťāũÖŶŋũŭÖĕāŶŋŋ̍ ͻťĞÖĿłāƒŭ̍óŋ̍ŽĴ̓ˡ˛˙̓˞˛

Workwear that is a cut above the rest
The old cliche that looks matter is never more in force than when an installer is interacting with customers, which is why it pays to invest in workwear that refl ects the competence and professionalism being brought to the job. Annabel Stones from Scruff s off ers some sartorial advice.
Choosing professional workwear to refl ect your high standards goes a long way towards building trusted and long lasting relationships in the plumbing and heating trade. First impressions are also all the more important when you’re self-employed, and while casual clothes such as jeans and a t-shirt may tick the comfort box, they won’t send the message of ‘experienced, respected tradesperson’ to your customers.
When it comes to off ering plumbers and heating engineers a choice of workwear in terms of style, comfort and aff ordability, Scruff s has set the benchmark high. Over the past 15 years we

Annabel Stones
Category manager at Scruffs
We’ve seen a clear move away from wearing old clothing to buying professional workwear to ensure they look the part
[¦Ğāũŋƪ āƗ Holster Trouser is made from 2-way stretch fabric and Cordura in the knee area X The Trade Bodywarmer keeps the core warm and can be layered for maximum ƪ āƗĢðĢķĢŶƘ
have grown to become one of the leading workwear brands, off ering a head-to-toe range focused on performance clothing and safety footwear at a decent price. Looking the part Over the last few years we have seen a clear move away from tradespeople wearing old clothing and sportswear to work and a growing trend towards buying professional workwear, investing in clothing that ensures they look the part.
We’ve put together two examples from our current ranges – one ‘best’ and one ‘good’ – which would both work perfectly for a tradesperson in the plumbing and heating sector.

A cut above For those looking for a high spec outfi t, we’ve put together our ‘best’ options. Starting with our bestselling safety boot, the Switchback. It’s a great all-rounder – hard wearing, lightweight and providing fl exibility and all-day comfort. It looks really smart and comes in three

colours, with tan being most popular amongst plumbers. We’d team these with our slim fi t ro Flex Holster Trousers, which are part of our Flex range, made from a 2-way stretch fabric. The knee area is protected from wear and tear with Ballistic Cordura fabric, and they come in three leg lengths, and with a clip belt.
Our Trade Bodywarmer is becoming more and more popular and is great for layering up with our bestselling Trade Hoodie and our Trade Active olo.
Value for money For those on a budget, we’d recommend our Hatton safety boot, which off ers great value without compromising comfort or durability. It’s lightweight and features a composite toe cap and steel midplate for protection.
Our regular fi t Worker lus Trousers are made from lightweight and durable fabric and feature knee pad pockets, tuck-away holster pockets and plenty of additional pockets to store your essential tools and accessories. This trouser is also tough, with hard-wearing, abrasion resistant hems and pocket reinforcements for enhanced durability.
To ensure this outfi t is comfortable both indoors and out, we’d opt for our Worker Softshell, which is made from water resistant fabric. The fl eece lining helps to retain body heat while the secure ơipped pockets off er storage for accessories. Feedback on this product has been glowing – particularly from those who need to layer up in colder conditions.
Branding Our Worker Hoodie is also a fi rm favourite with plumbers. It’s made from brushed back fl eece with ơipped pockets and an adjustable hood. The ribbed hem and cuff s ensure a comfortable fi t while reinforced elbows off er long lasting durability. This item is ideal for embroidery – so you can add your business’s name to it.
Our customers tell us it’s important to have clothing that looks good when you’re talking to customers, but at the same time works hard and provides excellent performance at the right price.
For anyone who is a selfemployed plumber or engineer, as a professional tradesperson you really are the ‘face’ of your business. Feedback we’ve gathered from Scruff s’ focus groups has helped us design our latest range so that our products make you look the part while feeling comfortable all day long. ◼ phamnews.co.uk/820/˞3
Cordless models up to the same jobs as plug-ins
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Multitool range streamlined for easier selection
¦ĞāmŽķŶĢmÖŭŶāũ˞˙˙ŭāũĢāŭ̇ĕŋũĿāũķƘ ĴłŋƒłÖŭmŽķŶĢmÖŭŶāũ̇óÖłðāÖùÖťŶāùŶŋ óŋĿťķāŶāÖũÖłėāŋĕĢłŶāũĢŋũıŋðŭŭŽóĞÖŭ ŭÖƒĢłėƒŋŋùÖłùĿāŶÖķ̇ÖŭƒāķķÖŭŭÖłùĢłė ÖłùũāĿŋƑĢłėŶĢķāŭ̇ÖłùĢŭÖƑÖĢķÖðķāƒĢŶĞ ùĢƦāũāłŶťÖóĴÖėāŭĢłóķŽùĢłė̇ŶĞāmm˞˙˙ ķŽŭ¦zƒĢŶĞĿŋũāŶĞÖł˜˙ÖóóāŭŭŋũĢāŭ̍¦Ğā mŽķŶĢmÖŭŶāũ˜˙˙ŭāũĢāŭ̇ťũāƑĢŋŽŭķƘĴłŋƒł ÖŭmŽķŶĢ¦ÖķāłŶ̇ĢŭùāŭĢėłāùĕŋũŭÖƒĢłė ƒŋŋù̇ĿāŶÖķ̇ťķÖŭŶāũðŋÖũùÖłùťķÖŭŶĢóŭÖłù óÖłðāťŽũóĞÖŭāùƒĢŶĞÖƑÖũĢāŶƘŋĕðÖŭĢó ÖóóāŭŭŋũĢāŭ̍ŋŶĞmŽķŶĢmÖŭŶāũ˜˙˙Öłù ˞˙˙ŭāũĢāŭĿŽķŶĢŶŋŋķŭÖũāóŋĿťÖŶĢðķāƒĢŶĞ ŶÖũķŋóĴÖłùŶÖũķŋóĴķŽŭÖóóāŭŭŋũĢāŭ̍

DāĢłĢŭŋƦāũĢłėŽťŶŋ͎˚˙˙ĢłĿÖơŋł ƑŋŽóĞāũŭŶŋóŽŭŶŋĿāũŭŶũÖùĢłėĢłŶĞāĢũ ŋķùłŋł-ŶÖũķŋóĴDāĢłŶŋŋķŭĕŋũŶĞāłāƒ mŽķŶĢmÖŭŶāũ˜˙˙̇˞˙˙Öłùˠ˙˙ŭāũĢāŭ̇ƒĞāł ŶĞāƘũāėĢŭŶāũĕŋũŶĞāŶĞũāā-ƘāÖũDāĢłķŽŭ ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˞˞

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¦ĞāłāƒbłĢťāƗŶāť!ŽŶ!ÖðķāĞāÖũŭ āłŭŽũāŭĢŶŶÖĴāŭŭĢėłĢƩóÖłŶķƘķāŭŭāƦŋũŶ ƒĞāłóŽŶŶĢłėóÖðķāŭ̍ÂĢũāŭŋũŭŶũÖłùŭ óÖłðāóŽŶŋłāÖĕŶāũŶĞāŋŶĞāũƒĢŶĞŶĞā ŭŶāťťāùðķÖùāŭ̍¦ĞāƘĿÖĴāĢŶāÖŭĢāũŶŋóŽŶ ŭĢłėķāÖłùĿŽķŶĢ-óŋłùŽóŶŋũóÖðķāŭĿÖùāŋĕ óŋťťāũÖłùÖķŽĿĢłĢŽĿŽťŶŋÖùĢÖĿāŶāũŋĕ ˚˞mm (˞˙ĿĿ˵̜̍ ŋķĢùpÈmóÖðķāŭóÖłðāóŽŶāÖŭĢķƘÖłù ťũāóĢŭāķƘŽťŶŋÖĿÖƗĢĿŽĿŋĕ˞ x ˝ĿĿ˵̍ ¦ĞāŭŶāťťāùðķÖùāŭ̇ƒĢŶĞÖĿĢķķāùŭāũũÖŶāù āùėāŋłŶĞāĕũŋłŶÖłùÖƪÖŶāùėāŋłŶĞā ðÖóĴ̇ĞÖƑāðāāłÖùùĢŶĢŋłÖķķƘĢłùŽóŶĢŋł̟ ĞÖũùāłāù̍¦ĞāŭĞāÖũŭóÖłóŽŶƒĢũāŭÖłù ŭŶũÖłùŭŋłāÖĕŶāũŶĞāŋŶĞāũ̇ŶĞŽŭũāùŽóĢłė ŶĞāāƦŋũŶũāŨŽĢũāùðƘŽťŶŋ˝˙ͮ̍¦ĞāŭŶāť óŽŶŶĢłėÖķķŋƒŭĕŋũÖóķāÖłóŽŶƒĢŶĞŋŽŶ ŶĞāóÖðķāŭðāĢłėóũŽŭĞāùĢłŶĞāóŽŶŶĢłė ťũŋóāŭŭ̍ ¦ĞāāũėŋłŋĿĢóùāŭĢėłŋĕŶĞāĞÖłùķāŭ āłÖðķāŭÖłŋťŶĢĿŽĿóŽŶŶĢłėĕāāķāƑāł ƒĢŶĞķÖũėāũùĢÖĿāŶāũŭ̍ťĢłóĞėŽÖũù ÖķŭŋťũāƑāłŶŭĢłıŽũĢāŭÖłùŶĞāðŋķŶāù ıŋĢłŶĿÖĴāŭŶĞāóÖðķāŭĞāÖũŭťũāóĢŭāÖłù ŭĿŋŋŶĞ-ũŽłłĢłė̍¦ĞāŶāť!ŽŶĢŭłŋŶ ŭŽĢŶÖðķāĕŋũŭŶāāķƒĢũāÖłùĞÖũù-ùũÖƒł ͻ phamnews.co.uk/ˡ˛˙̓˞˟

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