1 minute read

Specialist support from someone who understands

Our Listening Line support service gives you dedicated time with a PH professional to discuss your worries or concerns.

• Free and confidential

• An impartial listening ear

• Available to all PHA UK members, family and friends too

Talking to someone who already understands PH means you don’t have to explain your condition first.

Find out more or book an appointment by emailing listeningline@phauk.org or calling 01709 761450

Appointments can also be booked via our website at www.phauk.org

Calls take place with Paul Sephton, a former clinical nurse specialist in PH. Paul has many years of experience supporting people affected by pulmonary hypertension, both in a clinical environment and as part of the PHA UK team.

“Paul’s support lifted me. He was so understanding and supportive, and it was helpful to chat with someone who knows about this disease.”

PHA UK member

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