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Andfinally... Get involved with Emphasis! This is your magazine

Share your PH story

Tell our readers about any aspect of your journey with PH. We like to include experiences from both loved ones and carers.

Tell us your tips

Found something that makes life with PH a little bit easier? Contact us with your recommendations, findings, and nuggets of advice, so we can share them with others via these pages.

Submit a letter

Want to comment on something you’ve seen in Emphasis, or share an opinion or feedback for print? Write us a letter or send us an email – you’ll find the addresses at the bottom of the page.

Send us your poems, pictures or photographs

We love to celebrate the talents and achievements of our readers. Send us something that has made you smile, something you’re proud of, or something you want to share with others. This is a great way for children to get involved and see themselves or their work in print too.

Pass on a feature idea

If you’d like to see a topic covered in this magazine, or you have an idea for an interview, send us your suggestions.

Get in touch!

Contact us here at Emphasis by emailing media@phauk.org or writing to Emphasis, PHA UK Resource Centre, Unit 1, Newton Chambers Road, Thorncliffe Park, Chapeltown, Sheffield S35 2PH

Your next issue will arrive in September

Don’t forget to tell us if you’rehouse!moving

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