Education - Reasons to go private

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Reasons to go private There are many benefits to a private school education for your child


espite the ongoing financial crisis, many families are still satisfied to pay for the numerous benefits only a private school can offer, whether it’s at a nursery, kindergarten, primary or secondary school level. The size of a school, teacher-to-pupil ratios, sports, library and laboratory facilities, extracurricular activiA number of private ties options and schools also boast a even length of the particularly strong ac- school day are all factors taken into ademic record which consideration. many parents may Many private consider an advantage schools, for example, are chosen for pupils attending because they are them able to offer a more family-oriented environment and attractively smaller classes than state schools provide. This creates a better opportunity for teachers to give individual pupils more

attention if and when required. Respect for authority and discipline are usually also easier to enforce in this kind of environment. In many cases, private schools can also supply sports or educational facilities that government funds cannot stretch to at state schools, particularly during these financially difficult times. Afternoon activities provided on-site at private schools are another attractive incentive, helping not only to keep pupils constructively occupied during the afternoon but also encouraging them to develop a variety of skills and become more rounded individuals. A wide range of extracurricular activities are offered at most schools, catering for interests as diverse as drama and archery depending on the school. Parents may also prefer to avoid the need for extra afternoon classes towards their children taking international exams in addition to the state school graduate certificate.

This can be achieved by sending a child to a facility that offers classes during the regular school day that will eventually lead to their taking international examinations such as, but not limited to, A-levels or the International Baccalaureate, and opening the way for specific university studies overseas. A number of private schools also boast a particularly strong academic record which many parents may consider an advantage for pupils attending them. Often there are also practical issues to consider including the school’s language of instruction. Expatriate as well as many Cypriot families often feel that schooling in a language other than Greek is their most viable option. This is particularly true for families that may be passing through Cyprus for a time before the parents’ work takes them somewhere else, such as in the case of embassy personnel. It is worth noting, though, that a number of Greek private schools also thrive in Cyprus, offering pupils all the benefits in the comfort of their home language. Many families also prefer to have their child educated in the multicultural environment most private schools can offer, and provide their children with strong additional language skills. Some private schools provide tuition

in more than one language from as early as kindergarten level and most private schools in Cyprus are attended by pupils from around the world. Private schools also make strong efforts to play an active role in the local community. Private school pupils are often encouraged to volunteer for a variety of worthy causes and children are encouraged to learn more about the world around them and do what they can for charity. It is also worth noting that private schools have in recent years also been included in many Education Ministry educational programmes, including second year of secondary school access to the state’s laptop subsidy. When both parents work full-time, private kindergartens in particular may also be the only feasible choice for younger children, since they have operating hours that are in many cases far longer than the state-provided alternative. A bonus is that they may not necessarily close for the holidays for as many days as state schools do. Sometimes, the choice to send a child to a private school may come down to something as simple as family tradition. If a parent or, in some cases, grandparent attended a specific school, it may be a natural choice for a child to go there too. It is also important to note that, even during these cash-strapped times, some private schools have been adjusting their fees or offering special scholarships and incentives in recognition of the financial difficulties faced by some families today. Many parents also factor in the potential cost of afternoon lessons when deliberating between private or state school. Taking all this into account, it is no surprise that private schools still remain the first choice for so many pupils and their parents.




Private schooling figures Private system is a popular route for EU learners


ccording to the most recent official figures available, (2011-2012) of the 26,687 pupils at pre-school and pre-primary level in Cyprus, some 17,019 attended private facilities. In the primary school category, of the 53,955 pupils 4,174 attended private schools. Of the 62,740 pupils in secondary school, some 11,290 were attending private ones. Cyprus is amongst the EU countries with the highest percentage of pupils in independent private institutions. According to official EU figures for 2012, in almost all countries across Europe, On average, 14% of great majority of pupils students from primary the (82%) attend public instituto upper secondary tions but in Ireland, Latvia, education in the EU re- Lithuania, Romania and more than 98% of ceive their education in Croatia all pupils are enrolled in the private settings public system. On average, 14% of pupils from primary to upper secondary education receive their education in private settings - both grant-aided (governmentdependent) and independent. EU popularity The highest percentage of students in private establishments is in Belgium (French and Flemish communities) where 47.2% and 62.7% of pupils attend private grant-aided (government-supported) institutions. Attendance at private grant-aided institutions is also widespread in Spain, France, Malta (between 21 and 26%) and the United Kingdom (15.8%). Independent private educational institutions that receive less than 50% of their funding from the public sector account, on average, for only 2.9% of enrolments. However, as reliable data on the distribution of pupils between grant-aided and independent private institutions is not available for all countries, these figures may be underestimated. Portugal has the highest percentage of pupils in independent private institutions (13.4%), followed by Cyprus (12.5%), Luxembourg (8.3%), Malta (7%), and Greece (6.1%).

corded in Sweden (where the figure almost tripled) and Iceland (where it doubled). Since 2006, the proportion of pupils in private settings has remained almost constant, with only a slight increase of 1.1% at European level. This increase was largely due to the continuing rise in pupils numbers in the private sectors of Cyprus, Hungary, Portugal, Sweden and Iceland.

Rising numbers Between 2000 and 2009 in Central and Eastern European countries, the percentage of pupils in private institutions increased by around one and two times but it must be taken into account that the baseline figure was very low. However, the greatest increase of enrolments in private institutions was re-

Spending Public expenditure on education in the EU-27 in 2010 was equivalent to an estimated 5.4% of GDP, while the expenditure of both public and private sources of funds on educational institutions amounted to 6.3% of GDP. The highest public spending on education relative to GDP was observed in Denmark (8.8% of GDP), while Cyprus (7.9%), Sweden (7.0%), Finland (6.8%), Malta (6.7%), Belgium (6.6%) and Ireland (6.5%) also recorded relatively high proportions.

EU spending on education

Most EU Member States reported public expenditure on education within a range between 4.0% and 6.0% of their GDP, with only Romania (3.5 %) and Luxembourg (3.2 %) below this range — note that the data for Luxembourg excludes the tertiary education sector. Between 2005 and 2010 the combined public and private expenditure on education as a share of GDP rose by 1.9% in Ireland, 1.6% in the United Kingdom and 1.4% in Cyprus. The only EU Member States to record decreases in their relative expenditure were Latvia, Romania, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

Local rules and regulations Setting up a private school in Cyprus According to the Education Ministry, Primary and Secondary Education offered by private schools in Cyprus is divided into three categories according to their syllabus and timetable. ”As regards secondary education, there are 36 private secondary education schools in Cyprus, under the jurisdiction of the department of private education which prepare students for enrolment in Tertiary Education in Cyprus or abroad and the smooth transition in the labour market. “The Department of Private Edu-

cation is also responsible for the private institutes (frontistiria), which offer courses on a variety of subjects in the afternoon,” the minstry’s website notes. In order for a Private School (Primary or Secondary) and a Private Institute to get established and operate in the Republic of Cyprus, approval must be given by the Minister of Education and Culture. Permission to operate a Private School and a Private Institute in Cyprus can be given to natural or legal persons of a Cypriot nationality or citizens of

other EU member states. Non-EU citizens can also establish a private school upon the approval of the Minister of Education and Culture, according to the Education Ministry. “Within the framework of the educational reform, which is in the process of materialisation, changes are expected to be brought about as regards the Department of Private Education the chief one being its expansion staffed with more personnel to meet the needs of the department, which are on the increase,” it adds.




Educational excellence at The

“Inspiring Young People to Think and Care”


he core purpose of our school is to provide excellent, innovative and creative education that enables all students to realise their full potential and to enjoy a fulfilled life as confident, compassionate and healthy members of the global community, continuing to learn, and contributing to a better world for all. Our provision of a world class student-cen‘The great strength of tred educational proour School is that we gramme is based very ensure all our students closely on the English Curriculum for achieve to their poten- National pupils aged 2 to 19 years; tial and beyond’ that is from Pre-School up to A Level and university entrance. Our students are highachieving, confident and happy. They aspire to entry into the best universities in the world and go on to take their place in important and influential positions both in Cyprus and abroad. However, what is equally important is that whilst our students are with us they are happy, engaged and keen to learn. Academic Excellence We place an emphasis on ensuring

that our teaching is of the highest quality and will inspire our young people to succeed and grow as independent learners. This is achieved through regular and indepth teacher professional development where we explore and develop the latest approaches and pedagogies. Each child is given individual attention and allowed to grow in confidence in their

Applications are being taken in both primary and secondary departments,although some years may already be full.

Our Senior School entrance exam is being held on th Thursday 5 March at 1.30pm.Closing date for applications isTuesday 3rdMarch and can be completed either online via our websitebelow or by calling us directly.


and expectations are demanding. In addition, staff dedicate their time and energy to supporting each and every child so that no one is left behind. Systems are in place which identify each child’s potential, monitor progress towards targets, and put in place support strategies to ensure those targets are met. As a result, excellent examination

Providing educational excellencefor pupils aged2 to 19 years; fromPre‐Reception up to ‘A’ Level and university entry

abilities and learning. Achievement is carefully monitored so that levels of innate academic potential can be raised as children progress through the school. As one teacher puts it: “The great strength of our school is that we ensure all our students achieve to their potential and beyond.” Academic standards are rigorous

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Junior & Senior School results are achieved year after year. For example, in the 2014 IGCSE examinations our students gained the highest marks in Europe or Cyprus for Physics, English Literature, French, Art, Physical Education and Travel & Tourism. 100% of students passed their IGCSE examinations and 92% of students achieved at least 5 A*-C grades including Maths and English and 57% of all passes were at A*/A. At AS level in 2014, 42% of the results were a grade A which is the highest grade at this stage. These are some of the best academic results on the island. Students go on to study at a range of prestigious Russell Group universities in the UK, but also in other parts of Europe and in the United States. Pastoral Care We invest in a Pastoral system which places an emphasis on relationships, well-be“I would love to come ing and personal develback and have another opment. At the Junior 15 years at the School. School class teachers are supported by teachIt’s the best School in ing assistants and Year Cyprus” Leaders, all of whom have a close overview of each child’s progress and well-being. In the Senior School a dedicated Head of Year 7 ensures a smooth transition to the demands of Secondary education and the Heads of Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 continue to support and guide students to achieve their full potential in an atmosphere of civilised and harmonious relationships. The Personal Social and Health Education programme across the School contributes to the social, emotional and moral development of the children and prepares them to be responsible citizens of the global community, caring for themselves and for others. Extra-Curricular and Enrichment The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities. Afternoon activities are offered at no additional cost and cover academic support, creative arts, drama, music and sport. We have a thriving orchestra and children regularly perform in musical events both within the school and in theatres throughout Nicosia. Students are able to showcase their talents whatever they may be. They can participate in large-scale productions such as the musicals or have the chance to perform

solo. This year the students have written their own musical version of Alice in Wonderland. At Secondary level there are opportunities to take part in islandwide sporting competitions and the school has enjoyed recent success in boys’ Basketball and Football tournaments. Older students have the opportunity to take part in Model United Nations, Debating and Young Enterprise competitions. They can also access the valuable leadership and team building skills acquired through the Duke of Edinburgh award. We also organise regular excursions. Pupils engage in a range of field trips to support their learning and go on visits within Cyprus and around the world. This year alone Senior students have been skiing in Switzerland and visited London and Berlin, whilst Junior pupils have enjoyed residential trips to Troodos and the Akamas peninsula. In addition to encouraging personal development we take pride in promoting a caring ethos and encourage our students to be active citizens by engaging in fundraising and other volunteering activities. Since September this year

the School has raised thousands of euros for a range of causes and charities both local and global. Many of our students are happy to volunteer their spare time for worthwhile causes. New technologies All our classrooms are equipped with projectors and whiteboards and we are beginning to develop students’ use of tablet technology to enhance learning and add challenge. We are working with Microsoft to ensure the latest technologies are available to our students and staff. EAL – English as an Additional Language One outstanding feature of our school is the fluency and proficiency of our students’ English whether they enter the School at Primary or Secondary level. The EAL programme is rigorous and pupils are given the opportunities to develop a proficiency in English, in spoken and written form, as quickly as possible. There is a strong emphasis on delivering lessons completely in English which develops the children’s

confidence in the language. For children entering Year 7, there are many support systems in place to enhance a child’s level of English enabling them to fully take part in lessons and also understand the terminology required for different subjects. The Junior & Senior School offers an education which is world class and based firmly on the British model. We find that when students leave us to go elsewhere in the world they are fully prepared academically and socially and succeed wherever they go. We also find that they miss our warm and happy environment and long to return. One graduate, now in Military Service, said recently “I would love to come back and have another 15 years at the school. It’s the best school in Cyprus”. Applications to the Junior department take place throughout the year. Please contact Mrs Kasapi at the School on 2266 4855 or email: or visit our website at or The deadline for applications to the Senior School is Tuesday March 3, 2015. Senior School Entrance Exams will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 1.30pm. This year new applicants will receive a discount of €1,000 off the first year’s fees. Scholarships may also be available for entry into Year 7 for high academic achievers, gifted musicians and bursaries will be offered to those who are in financial need. Please contact the Senior School for details. If you have any questions, please contact the school on 2266 0156 or email: Alternatively, visit the school website at and complete our online application.




The English School, Nicosia – F

ounded in 1900, the English School, Nicosia has grown into the leading educational institution both locally and regionally. The school stands as a unique example of unrivalled academic success as well as preparing young men and women for admission to the highest quality universities. The School’s facilities, apart from the traditional stone ‘Main Building’, include a new Science Building which houses upto-date Chemistry, Physics, Biology and I.T. labs, along with the Design and Technology Centre and extensive Sports facilities. Academic Excellence The English School promotes academic excellence through high quality teaching and learning and seeks to maximise individual potential by providing rich and engaging educational experiences and challenges, supported by talented and trained staff, in a safe and caring environment and using modern pedagogical techniques and new technologies. Detailed information about the English School’s Summer 2014 external exam results are available on the School’s website: Here are some of the highlights: I/GCSE overall achievement: 78.9% A* and A grades. UK Average, 21.2 % AS Level overall achievement: 65.9% A grades, 83.2% A and B grades A2 Level: 64.6 % A* and A grades UK Average, 26% The English School students’ outstanding achievement is also recognised in terms of awards from the UK Examination Bodies At the Edexcel High Achievers Awards, English School students achieved 31 prizes for top National, European and International exam performance in a wide range of subjects: Art, Biology, Chemistry, Design Technology, English Language, Geography, History, Maths, Further Maths, Modern Greek,

The Main Building courtyard with the arches dating from 1938

Reasons for trusting your children’s future with The English School • 115 years of academic excellence • High quality teaching and learning • Modern Infrastructure and state of the art labs • The English School students’ outstanding achievement is recognised in terms of awards from the UK Examination Bodies • English School graduates attend some of the most prestigious universities in the UK and abroad Music, Spanish, and Turkish. 71% of these students were also awarded for top international achievement in their Edexcel exam. In the Cambridge International Exam Awards (CIE) our students similarly shone with five Outstanding Learner Awards in First Language English Language, English Literature, Computer Studies and Applied ICT. Beyond the school gates English School graduates attend some of the most prestigious universities in the UK. It counts within its top ten university destinations Cambridge, UCL, Imperial, King’s and Edinburgh to name but a few,

Tones of creation performed by members of the thriving English School community

• S tudents’ personality is enhanced through extracurricular activities • English School graduates hold key positions in our social and business community • Our students are assured a dynamic career path • Ultimately, the School’s mission is to guide students into becoming well rounded and successful citizens

with Economics, Engineering, Law and Medicine amongst the students’ most preferred courses. English School graduates can also be found currently studying at top USA institutions such as Brown, CALTECH, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, MIT, UCLA and Yale as well as at universities in EU countries. The exceptionally competitive LSE, where EU students form 10% of their student population, made an astounding total of 28 offers to the School’s students between 2009-2014. A table released by Cambridge showing ‘2013 Applicants & Acceptances to Cambridge by countries outside UK’, shows that Cambridge University received 77 applications from Cyprus that year: 15 students

from all over Cyprus were made an offer and of those, 10 were from The English School. In fact, 43 of the School’s students received an offer of a place to study at Oxford and Cambridge during the period 2009-2014, with 56 of its students having gone on to study Medicine/Dentistry between 20092014. Global citizens The English School believes that the modern student not only requires good academic skills. They also need to be open-minded, able to analyse, think critically, question, be flexible and prepared for the local and global challenges they will face in and be-

Some of English School Edexcel high achievers: Academic excellence verified by a UK prestigious Examination Board




115 years of Excellence Mediterranean modern United Nations: A unique interactive experience based on highly educated young strong personalities.

yond education. The English School, particularly through its extra-curricular activities, aims to stress the importance of students’ ability to work effectively as part of a team, and to develop their full potential, regardless of ethnic origin, religion or sex and enable them to become democratic, European and global citizens. The extensive extracurricular programme includes a vast variety of activities aiming to promote the multi diversified skills of the students. Such activities include Sports, the Sciences, and Theatrical performances. MEDIMUN, Comenius, the Radio Club and Station, are also among the many activities and clubs which cater for all interests. The School’s Choir and Orchestra offer the opportunity to those who are musically inclined to demonstrate their talents, as does our Arts Centre for those with an artistic flair. Pastoral support The School boasts a strong pastoral programme which creates an environment

where all students are actively responsible for their own conduct and development, and which helps ensure that they are emotionally literate, resilient and able to effectively deal with situations both in their personal life and in their education. A thriving community and its mission The English School prides itself on a strong bond between students, staff, parents (ESPA) and former graduates (ESOBGA). This sense of community, tradition and of unity of purpose is the essence of what makes the school a dynamic and proactive educational institution that is the legacy of its founder, Canon Frank Darvall Newham back in 1900. The School encourages students to develop into autonomous citizens who care for the world around them and who are tolerant of different cultures. Ultimately, the School’s mission is to guide students into becoming well rounded and successful citizens who are ready to face the complexities and challenges of the 21st century.

The School’s Hockey team - hockey was introduced to Cyprus by our Founder Canon Frank Darvall Newham

The Science Building housing Physics, Chemistry, Biology, IT Labs, Resource Centre and University Entry Advice offices

Entrance Arrangements 2015

The English School, Nicosia will be offering places for six Year 1 classes and a number of Mid-Programme entries for Years 2, 3, 4 and 6 as follows: Entrance Examinations for Year 1 entry to the School will be held on Saturday 7 March 2015. Registrations to sit the examinations will begin on Monday 9th February and end on Monday 2nd March 2015 at 1.30pm. Details and applications

forms can be found on the School’s website www.englishschool. and at the School (tel. 22799300) from 8.00a.m.-1.30 p.m., 9th Feb - 2nd March inclusive. Applications for entry into Years 2, 3, 4 and 6 will be accepted at the School from 4th – 15th May 2015. Further details can be obtained from the School’s website or from the School on 22799300.

The School is offering the following scholarships for the academic year 2015-2016 to Year 1 entrants, to be awarded according to their performance in the Entrance Examinations: First Place: Second Place: Third Place:

100% annual tuition fees 50% of annual tuition fees 50% of annual tuition fees




The Heritage Private School English private school with an international outlook


he Heritage Private School and Institute, with mountain and sea views, is an impressive sight along the Limassol to Troodos road. With over 1,000 culturally diverse students aged 2 to 18, the School holds the prestigious British Council International School Award. This approved and academically selective school aims to provide the same high quality of education as a well-respected UK private school, yet with competitive fees. Teaching is in English following the UK National Curriculum, and qualifications include IGCSEs, A Levels and a formal School Leaving Certificate (Apolytirion) at the end of Year 13. The Heritage is a Cambridge International Fellowship Centre and a centre for both Cambridge and Edexcel International Examinations. Students typically progress to university, many having achieved exceptional results. Ethos Academic progress, personal and social development, respect, team spirit and good selfdiscipline are all key aspects of the School’s ethos and nurtured within a caring and appro-

priately orderly environment. The well-qualified and experienced staff aim to develop the full potential of every individual, with many academic and extracurricular activities to help everyone find their own niche. Students are encouraged to accept responsibility for their learning from an early age, and always be proud of their efforts and achievements. Extracurricular and Institute There are many after-school clubs, plus extra classes including English, Greek, French, Russian, Art, Photography and ICT. Courses for adults also run during mornings and afternoons. The sports teams and the very popular

Heritage Basketball and Football Academies participate in inter-school tournaments. Extra classes in Drama, Music and Dance are offered by PATH (Performing Arts at The Heritage). Institute and PATH classes, the Academies and Summer School are open to all in the community. Facilities The classrooms in the innovatively-designed buildings contain interactive whiteboards, heating and air conditioning, and are rich with stimulating educational displays. The School also has specialist drama and dance studios, soundinsulated music rooms, well-equipped science

and computer laboratories, tennis courts, cricket practice lanes, a FIFA Star 1 full-size football pitch, a Learning Resource Centre, and a Cafeteria serving home-cooked food. The state-of-the art Multifunction Hall and the stunning 1,500 seat outdoor Amphitheatre host school and community events. There is ample car parking, plus a school bus service. Invitation The Heritage Private School warmly invites you to entrust the education and pastoral care of your children to their dedicated team. Join them and share their superb modern facilities, excellent teaching, and beautiful location.

The French-Cypriot school of Nicosia is offering a pedagogical approach unique in Cyprus N ext September, the 4th academic year will start at the French-Cypriot school of Nicosia (EFCN). More than 230 pupils of which almost 50% Cypriots attend the EFCN, which was inaugurated in September 2012 by the President of the Republic of Cyprus and the French minister of foreign affairs. The school is part of the Agency for the Teaching of French abroad (AEFE) network which counts 320,000 pupils and 494 schools worldwide. Starting school as early as 2 years old The EFCN offers classes from the age of 2 with the Toute Petite Section which 15 children attend. This first year allows pupils to enter progressively within the school framework, to socialise and live together which constitutes a first step towards the language appropriation and autonomy. An efficient and ambitious language policy From nursery to high school, the EFCN offers a unique language curriculum in Cyprus. The pedagogy relies on one hand on the co-operation of two paths, one in French language and one in Greek language with common subjects taught in French,

and on another hand a rich and efficient modern foreign language policy with other subjects being taught in English. A third modern foreign language, Spanish or German, is to be chosen from the third class of secondary school. Assistance measures for pupils The EFCN offers in primary school one hour per day of homework assistance for pupils supervised by teachers. This aims at providing pupils whose parents do not speak French with quality assistance for personal work. French

as a Foreign Language (FLE) workshops are also dispensed in order to reinforce the knowledge of French. In secondary school, specific measures to help with the acquisition of French are implemented. New pupils work in small groups with a FLE teacher during the week. Moreover, some hours of French as School Language (FLSco) are also being dispensed in order to help pupils out with their everyday French at school. Again this year, the EFCN in partnership with the Institut Français de Chypre (22 45 93 33/35) offers a 36-hours FLSco course from the end of March 2015

in order to better prepare children who intend to join the school next September. Co-operation with the French Institute The French Institute of Cyprus is the EFCN main cultural partner. To that extent, the school benefits from all the cultural events, meetings with artists, exhibitions... Quality extra-curricular activities The EFCN offers a variety of extra-curricular activities: music, dance, aïkido, zumba, mini-tennis... For the the small ones, the mini club is open every afternoon until 4.15pm providing parents with a quality child-care centre within the school. A recognized quality diploma The pupils within the school

prepare the French baccalaureate which is internationally recognized. This diploma grants access to any university or higher education institution anywhere in the world. Many former students are currently studying in France, the United-Kingdom or Lebanon. Competitive fees The EFCN offers a quality pedagogical approach with extremely competitive fees amongst the cheapest of the private schools in Nicosia. Registration begins on Monday 9th March 2015 until Friday 3rd April 2015. For pupils who would like to join the secondary school, free entry exams (Maths, English and Greek) will take place on Wednesday 4th March 2015 from 2.15pm to 6.15pm.




The American International School in Cyprus - Your School of Choice


he AISC Mission Statement expresses the school’s main philosophy: to “inspire students to become life-long learners who value integrity, cultural diversity, and the pursuit of excellence…our qualified teachers work with the school community to prepare students to be creative, critical thinkers, and socially responsible citizens.” Our strong leadership teamand highly trained faculty ensure that the school meets and exceeds our mission statement on a daily basis. Our Mission is achieved by delivering a robust curriculumthat imparts the values of international mindedness and intercultural understanding, and is supported bypolicies that emphasize accountability and responsibility. Our programs are taught from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm each day with after school activities and tutorials at no extra cost extending to 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Our school year includes 180 instructional teacher-student contact days. Our student body represents 45+ nationalities, speaks 38 mothertongue languages and our teachers come from countries around the world and

hold international and North American teaching certifications. Our students are taught an international curriculum that includes North American standardsleading to The American University Preparatory Diploma and the International Baccalaureate Diploma.Class sizes are small, with a faculty/student ratio of 1:7. Specialist teachers provide differentiated 1:1 instruction for students new to English, or those with learning difficulties. The AISC curriculum is

enriched through a variety of specialty subjects taught during the instructional day including: modern world languages, research writing, music, art, drama, computer programming/web design, and physical and health education, guidance and counseling services, and pastoral care starting from Grade 6. Included in the tuition are after school activities such as Computer Club, Puppetry Design, Rosetta Stone (offering 25 languages), Paper Engineering Club, and in the

older sections,Drama, Model United Nations, Film and Writer’s Club, Knowledge Bowl, Yoga/Pilates, band, choir, drama and a variety of athletic teams and clubs. Students have the opportunity to develop leadership skills through participation in student government councils and the National Honor Society. Also unique to AISC are our Cultural Heritage and Service Learning Programs. Students travel to historical and cultural sites across

Cyprus and participate in case studies that incorporate inquiry-based learning and learning across all subject areas as well as a service component as a way to “give back” to Cyprus. Additionally all K-12 students are involved in class and individually designed community service projects at local, regional and international levels. Some of our local projects include, The UN Hope for Children’s Shelter, Adopta-Family,Nicosia Dog Shelter, the Red Cross,UNICEF, World Vision, and the Association for Children with Rare Diseases. Importantly, AISC prepares our students for their post-secondary studies and shapes them into life-long learners. As the first IB School in Cyprus, AISC offers 11thand 12thGrade students with an invaluable university preparatory program that encourages the holistic development of the individual. The IB is an entry way to all universities in the UK, North America – and others around

the world. Parents are also actively involved in the school community through parent committees. These groups enable parents to positively support the school and its mission. AISC encourages a mutual respect among its students, parents and staff so that our policies and practices can be implemented to their fullest. AISC ensures student learning and well-beingas the priority. It gives students a sense of community and provides them with a variety of opportunities to grow into internationally-minded citizens of the world. Michelle Kleiss, EdD, Head of the School, invites you to visit the school to learn how you can make AISC the school of your choice.




IT Achievements and Developments At The Grammar School and Grammar Junior School Nicosia


he Grammar School has announced that it is now recognized as a Microsoft Showcase School for 2014-2015. The school has joined an exclusive group of 150 schools across the world, which successfully integrated technology with teaching and learning to deliver more personalized education to students using mobile and cloud technology, including the use of devices like mobile phones, tablets and laptops.The Grammar School has also announced that its students have achieved a remarkable 100% success rate during the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exams of the last academic year. The following IT developments have taken place during the academic year 2014-15: • GSNETlife; the school’s Intranet portal, a virtual workplace that provides tools enabling students, teachers and staff to collaborate in one convenient centralized location. • Robotics; an innovative programme, which involves multi-disciplinary learning including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The programme is now part of The Grammar Junior School curriculum while Grammar School students have the opportunity to join the Robotics Club. • The Grammar and Grammar Junior Schools are now partners with “Gnositechnia”, a modern web-based education portal based on Greek text books. The Grammar Jun-

ior School has been selected by Gnositechnia as a “Model Primary School”, a title recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, due to its modern educational-technological equipment. • The school is also partners with “Funecole”, an innovative, structured and complete collection of syllabi and learning content, which encourages the development of critical thinking in computing. The programme has been approved by Cambridge International Examinations. • A number of the schools’ teachers have been selected by Microsoft as Microsoft Innovative Educators (MIE) for 2014 and Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIE Expert) for 2015.

• Finally, all Grammar School students have received Microsoft Office Pro Plus, free of charge. By using technology in class and at home, the schools provide new ways of learning and

communicating, which help and also excite students. The Grammar School and Grammar Junior School ensure the quality in children’s education in order to equip them with the skills necessary for their future success.




The American Academy Nicosia Quality Education in a Caring Environment


n our ever changing world it is important to find an education designed to focus on the whole child. The American Academy Nicosia is committed to a values-based education that teaches students to celebrate diversity in a spirit of understanding and tolerance. We believe that this is crucial to equip young people for the modern world. Educating the mind and the spirit from the time that children enter our school as 3-years-olds until they graduate from the Academy at the age of 18 or 19 creates a knowledgeable and wise young person ready to confront the challenges of life. The American Academy Nicosia is a private English Language school located in the heart of Nicosia. The Academy provides PreSchool, Primary and Secondary level education following the British Curriculum. As a school certified by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cyprus its curriculum also reflects local variations to ensure that it also provides students with the Cypriot Certificate of Education. The school operates

as a non-for-profit business, ensuring maximum investment in educational development together with attractive levels of school fees. The school has a rich history, stretching back for over 90 years. Founded in 1922, the Academy first opened its doors as a pioneering school providing secondary education to young women growing up in Cyprus. Its high quality education created opportunities for these early students to enter a wide range of professions or to join other young women from around the world who were increasingly determined to pursue study at university. Today the school opens its doors

to both girls and boys and has expanded to also provide education for Pre-School and Primary aged children. Students from all over the world now make the Academy a truly International School. This multinational environment not only creates a stimulating atmosphere but it offers a broad range of global perspectives to its students. Our ethos & values Remaining central to The American Academy Nicosia is our founding philosophy. We promote a balance of academic, physical and social development for all our stu-

dents. Our holistic approach encourages students to be responsible and active citizens. This distinctive community seeks to nurture students in an atmosphere inspired by its Christian legacy developing in each individual the universal virtues of honesty, care and understanding. High expectations for both staff and the student body is central to this vision in which drive and determination ensures that everyone understands their potential and sees improved performance in all strands of school life. Our mission The American Academy Nicosia is dedicated to providing high quality education for each student. It remains committed to supporting each family through careful and considerate pricing and effective partnership. Its success is measured in continuing to see its students grow in excellence, knowledge and wisdom, becoming citizens with high values of honour and respect for themselves, for others and for the world around them.

Our teachers Our teachers are well qualified professionals with wide experience of teaching in an English speaking school. Our graduates Our graduating students gain entry to universities around the world including the United Kingdom, European countries and the United States of America, as well as universities and colleges here in Cyprus. Competitive fees At the American Academy Nicosia fees are set extremely carefully as it is important for us to make our high quality education and our caring environment accessible to students from all walks of life, helping to ensure that every child becomes fully educated and equipped for the modern world.

Leading education since 1987 The International School of Paphos


visit to THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PAPHOS will provide you with indepth personalised information about the philosophy, the goals and the curriculum of the school. You may meet the staff who will be delighted to discuss and present to you the state-of-the-art facilities, the comprehensive programme and the dynamic, multi-faceted education awaiting your child. Since 1987, the school has provided highquality education with individual attention and care for each of its students. Aims: The school’s main aim is to provide students with the opportunity and means to make optimum use of their personal strengths, enabling them to develop into critical, independent thinkers and socially responsible citizens who will embrace lifelong learning. It provides a stable and positive environment for teaching and learning - one which recognises the values of self-discipline, of diversity and co-operation. Another goal is to consistently maintain the high expectations of ISOP’s students and to support the objectives they set for themselves. Valuable partners in and contributors to this effort are not only the students and staff, but also their families and other members of the community. Successes: All these factors have contributed to 28 years in which the school has acted as a pioneer in many areas that determine the quality of educational services. Continuous emphasis on professional training and development for its teaching staff forms part of the school’s success. As a result of its high teaching standards, pupils of ISOP frequently win awards from international examination boards and go

on to study at renowned universities across Europe and elsewhere. Innovative and Child-Centred Evaluation: The collection, evaluation and sharing of relevant information relating to student performance is one ingredient of success in education. In the field of assessment and targeted teaching, ISOP was the first school in Cyprus to introduce IGCSEs (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) across the curriculum, in 1995. More recently, the school implemented continuous assessment which is an ongoing process of monitoring and feedback in the form of individual targets set for each pupil. These targets relate to a student’s performance and skills but also to their social development and behaviour.

Departments: The International School of Paphos caters for children at Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Levels. The school curriculum, though modelled on the English National Curriculum, is enhanced to meet the requirements of the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture and those of its multicultural student body. Through IGCSE examinations, AS and A Levels and its recognised School Leaving Certificate (Apolytirion), which is awarded to graduates of ISOP, students are afforded the skills and qualifications they need for their future academic and professional careers. The school also offers afternoon lessons at its Private Institute. State-of-the-Art Learning Environment: In building its modern facilities, ISOP has ensured that each student has the necessary

breathing space to feel comfortable, both within the classroom and outside, and to perform well in a friendly environment. The school boasts a luxurious, self-enclosed Kindergarten complex, well-lit and spacious classrooms, Science and ICT laboratories, a spacious art facility with an internal gallery, a fully equipped Music Room, a Media Room for multimedia presentations and video/TV screening, library, bookshop, cafeteria, covered and open play spaces for each school section, elevators and ramps connecting all levels for wheelchair access, central heating, air-conditioning and interactive whiteboards. ISOP also features an enclosed sports centre, built to modern standards and seating more than 400 spectators, with facilities for tennis, basketball, badminton, volleyball and handball as well as an indoor swimming pool. The school’s outdoor sports facilities include an Astroturf football pitch, a running track, basketball and volleyball courts and facilities for athletics. This year the facility has been further enhanced with the addition of a purpose-built Drama/Performing Arts Studio. How to Gain Entry: Entrance exams for ISOP are held throughout the year for students who come from abroad or from other private schools. Students transferring from public schools in Cyprus are evaluated on specific dates in spring. This year the Entrance Examinations are scheduled for Friday 27th & Saturday 28th March 2015. For further information about our school please visit our website




Private British School Aspire We are the change you have been waiting for...


spire Private British School, fully licensed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and located in a brand new building on Tombs of the Kings Avenue in Paphos, is host to a vibrant school community where children of all ages are inspired to develop aspirations for their future. Aspire Private British School is proud to provide quality education in accordance with the British National Curriculum through effective and consistent teaching; a brand new premises with high-quality and up-to-date resources; a constructive and innovative learning environment promoted through positive reinforcement; clear guidelines and a policy of respect and toleration for one another as global citizens. As a School of Excellence, Aspire Private British School operates a limited and selective intake policy in its commitment to giving personal care and attention to each and every child. Small class sizes allow teachers the time and opportunity to really focus on students’individual requirements. The children are encouraged to embrace Aspire’s unique ethos and adopt it as their own. School of excellence As a school with exceptional standards, literacy and numeracy form the heart of the teaching programme; a firm grasp of the key skills in English and Mathematics allows students to develop and excel in all other foundation subjects. Literacy skills such as reading, researching, comprehension, using inference and effective oral and written communication skills are the best tools to understanding and approaching all other subjects such as History, Geography, ICT and many more. Similarly mathematical skills can be applied in subjects such as Chemistry, Physics and Economics

members of the school community feel safe and comfortable in their learning environment.

to further enhance a student’s capabilities in these areas. Aspire Private British School is a fully licensed Edexcel Centre and students are able to take a variety of formal qualifications throughout their career at Aspire such as GCSE, IGCSE, GCE AS levels, GCE A levels and the Apolytirion (School Leaving Certificate) all of which allow students direct entry into UK, European and worldwide universities. Beyond boundaries The importance of the development of the holistic child is recognised and the new dance studio, sports facilities, library and Art and Design Suite enable the students to excel in their own particular fields of creative interests. Students’ academic studies are further enhanced by additional opportunities to take learning outside of the classroom; educational study visits, national and international residential trips to places of interest such as London and ancient Athens, theatre visits, environmen-

tal events, cultural events and presentations and House competitions, tournaments and quizzes. The school operates complimentary after school clubs such as sport, cookery, art, drama, Student Yearbook Committee, Film Club and many more. Aspire Private British School is an Independent Operator of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award which allows students the opportunity to formally present their voluntary, physical and interest skills as well as their survival skills developed through a series of camping expeditions which become gradually more demanding. The Award is an internationally renowned qualification that carries great weight on a student’s university application or CV. Working together At Aspire Private British School a parental partnership is welcomed and promoted as parental involvement and interest in a child’s education boosts results, encourages a

positive attitude to learning and increases the likelihood of a student progressing to higher education. Contact with parents is ensured by open lines of communication; consistent contact through the student diary for parents and teachers; informative assessments and feedback to students and parents; termly reports and parents’ afternoons as well as an active and thriving PTA. Students are expected to adhere to a high standard of dress code through the uniform policy as uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos, setting an appropriate tone, instilling pride and supporting positive behaviour and discipline. A smart uniform and a firm but fair disciplinary policy nurtures cohesion and prepares students for future expectations in the working world. Aspire Private British School has effective policies and rules that students are expected to observe and these promote the ethos and values of the school ensuring all

Next steps The school’s premises are located in such a central yet stunning location; Aspire Private British School is 500 metres from the beautiful blue Mediterranean Sea and breathtaking Cyprus coastline. The new road system surrounding the school provides safe pedestrianised areas, a designated cycle lane and a bus stop outside the main entrance to the school. Students and parents who are interested in enrolling at Aspire Private British School are encouraged to contact the school to make an appointment at their earliest convenience as class sizes are strictly limited. Prospective students undertake an interview and assessments in English and Mathematics. Education is the greatest gift we give to our children and is the key to their future and to their very identity. Every child deserves an education that is stimulating, effective and inspirational. Aspire Private British School offers all of this and more. ASPIRE PRIVATE BRITISH SCHOOL Tombs of the Kings Avenue, Paphos, 8046 Telephone: 00357 26623606 Email: Website:




“Σοφία πάντων κάλλιστον” “Wisdom above all” is our motto T

he American Academy Group of Schools, both of Limassol & Paphos, is by definition a multicultural context, whose mission is to develop citizens of integrity and lifelong learners. We reach our aims by creating genuine, and positive, respectful and professional relationships between staff, students and parents and by providing a wide range of opportunities for academic achievement within a safe and secure environment. At the American Academy we are committed to creating a nurturing learning environment where students, the school and community collaborate to develop academic excellence, ethical behavior and personal responsibility. The Academy’s safe and flexible learning atmosphere helps children acquire the most important skills and knowledge in order to develop into valued members in the world of tomorrow. The main objectives of our schools are to create a learning en-

vironment that prioritizes the development of students’ skills and competencies in various aspects of their personality. We strive to provide the best education through internationally certified British curricula to improve the level of the students’ intellectual intelligence without forgetting the emotional and spiritual side of them. The American Academy has various facilities that help enrich the educational process, such as a Computer lab, a Science lab, a learning resource centre, an Art

room, a Theatre, and a sports playground used for physical education lessons and school events. Moreover, the school also organizes meetings with parents during open days, offers private meetings on request and continuous communication. As for the Academy’s students, their ideas and requests are voiced through the students’ council elected by the students themselves and student committees. Each member of the school staff is committed and trained to interact with your children in the best and

safest way possible. The school is looking forward to the future with great enthusiasm, keeping pace with the educational and technological changes to develop its work and to raise a generation that loves learning and is able to meet the challenges and difficulties throughout life. The American Academy is an English Private School that offers highly classified education for children from the age of 2 with our Angel’s Sun Nest Nursery School, Kindergartens, Early Years, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools

till the student is ready to choose a profession and pursue undergraduate studies in various universities worldwide. The school is proud in offering an excellent Summer School, a widely popular International Summer School, a Learning Support Center, an Institute and a very well known Boarding School. Please come and visit us!!! Ph 77772277-25337054-26939495 fb: American Academy Limassol & Paphos

Med Schools: Making Stars Shine! M

editerranean Schools are celebrating their twentieth year; standing proudly at the forefront of education. Its English-speaking co-educational learning environment and cemented concrete academic and vocational foundations provide students with a flourishing future. All Mediterranean Schools are accredited by the Ministry of Education embracing and delivering the British National Curriculum, covering Key Stages 1-5 which are solely taught through the English medium. The innovative, unique and outstanding knowledge Med’s highly qualified teaching staff transfer to its multicultural students is truly inspiring. Personalised teaching and learning is at the heart of all three schools: Pre-Med (Nursery), Med Junior (Primary) and Med High (Secondary). Med Schools welcome children from the tender age of 6 months and provide a nurturing and enriching journey up to the age of 18 years. Soaring Results Med Schools’ mission is to sharpen and mould its curricula according to its students’ needs and equip them with the necessary international qualifications required for Higher Education and employment. • Students excelled in their external Edexcel IGCSE, GCE A-Levels and BTEC exams, scoring some of the highest results in the whole of Cyprus, as well as Europe. Accelerated Curriculum As an accelerated six-year High School

the curriculum is crafted to be broad, unique and invigorating, branching out to offer its students the opportunity to follow a traditional academic route (IGCSEs and GCE ALevels) or a vocational route (BTECs), recognising the demands of employers. IGCSEs: • Art & Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Design & Technology, Drama, English Literature, English Language, French, Geography, Greek, History, Mathematics, Physics, Russian and ICT. GCE A-levels / BTECS: • Applied ICT, Art & Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Design & Technology, Drama & Theatre Studies, Economics, English Literature, French, Geography, Greek, Graphic Design, History, IT, Leisure & Tourism,

Mathematics, Music Technology and Physics. Learning Enrichment Centre The notion of ‘Every Child Matters’ is embedded within all departments and the LEC caters for students with recognised learning needs such as dyslexia, ADHD, ADD and aided by special educational needs teachers. Healthy Body & Mind Med Schools ensure that all students are exposed to the real world and are sculpted into sensitive, knowledgeable and active members of society. An array of projects and clubs serve this purpose. • Comenius Project • Move Week • Euroscola • M.E.D.I.MUN • Green-Environmental Awareness

• Healthy Lifestyle Awareness • Anti-Drugs & Anti-Smoking Awareness • Domestic Violence Awareness • P revention of cruelty to animals Awareness • Voluntarism • Charity Campaigns Mediterranean Schools Larnaca, Cyprus Office hours: 7:15 - 17:30 TEL 7000 1220, (+357) 24664733 FAX 7000 1277, (+357) 24664734



education Cyprus law ensures that all children living here, regardless of their nationality, are entitled to an education either at state or private schools

Safeguarding quality The Education Ministry of Cyprus works closely with private schools in the country to ensure levels of quality and pupil safety are maintained. Speaking to The Cyprus Weekly, an official in the ministry’s Private Primary and Secondary Education department said private schools were obliged to inform the Education Ministry of any planned changes. These include not only fee increases or decreases but also alterations to the school curriculum, the official explained, adding regular annual inspections are also carried out. “The ministry also works closely with parents associations,” she added. The official noted many private schools frequently participate in educational and other school-related competitions and Education Ministry programmes.

A right to education


right to education is ensured by Article 20 of the Constitution of Cyprus, and is not limited to the citizens of the Republic, but it also covers nonCypriots living here. Based on the above and also according to the provision of the Compulsory Education Law of 1993, parents are obliged to register their children at a school - within their educational region if planning to attend a state school— or at the private school of their choice. The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the education of children of the age of three years and over, who study in public,

community and private nursery schools. Pre-Primary Education According to the ministry’s guide on education in Cyprus: “Pre-Primary Education is responsible for complementing the task of a family, for the support, with every means, of the most complete possible development of a child, for satisfaction of the basic needs of his personality and his exposure to supporting and constructive experiences, with the aim of realising his skills and capabilities and of developing a positive self-image.” The educational programme of a nursery school aims towards a way of life that would re-

tain, as much as possible, as many elements of the natural way of a family life, with emphasis on a free and creative activity of a child, through individual approaches that focus on children, in an environment that reinforces cooperative learning, experimentation and team work. “Emphasis is given on the attribution of personal interest towards each child separately, depending on his peculiarities, skills and needs, on love, support, trust, acceptance, safety and respect of individual diversity, peculiarity and variation,” the ministry says. From September 2004, one year of pre-primary education became compulsory in the lead up to primary education. This can be completed at accredited private kindergartens as well as at state schools. Primary Education Primary education is compulsory for all children who reach the age of five years and eight months on September 1 of the year that their study will begin. “The corner stone of the aims of Primary Education was and continues to be the balanced development of children’s personality, with the creation of favourable conditions for the conquest of knowledge, the development of equitable attitudes and the cultivation of skills, 33 rendering them capable of undertaking future responsibilities and action in the continuously changing world,” the ministry notes. Gymnasium-level Programmes differ at private schools which may implement overseas systems or their own leaving certificate but state Secondary General Education offers a six-year programme of education for students aged between 12 and 18. At Gymnasium (Lower Secondary school) the main orientation is the general humanistic education. Education in the Gymnasium is compulsory, until the student completes the three-grade gymnasium educational cycle or he reaches the age of 15, whichever of the two occurs first. According to the ministry, the basic aim of Gymnasium is to promote the development of students in relation to capabilities of their age and corresponding demands of life. Gymnasium constitutes a self-existent school unit of general educational direction. It complements the general education which primary school provides and prepares students to accept the increased general humanistic education which it provides, preparing them at the same time to attend, afterwards, the Unified Lyceum or the Technical Education, which they can select after their graduation from Gymnasium. Lyceum-level At Lyceum the educational system is more

RIGHT TO LEARN: Whether private or staterun, a school’s role is to help children reach their full potential through education

flexible and offers various specialisations depending on an inclination, skills and interests of a student. The Education Ministry is currently considering changing the Unified Lyceum introduced from the 2000/2001 school year onwards back to the earlier specialisation cycles system although it remains unclear when the change will be made. The high school cycle of the Public Secondary General Education offers a programme of three-year duration for students aged between 15 and 18. Secondary Technical and Vocational Education (TVE,) meanwhile, is offered in two streams, Theoretical and Practical. Students who successfully completed the third grade of Gymnasium are eligible to study these programmes. The duration of education for both streams is three years. Upon successful completion of the programme, students of TVE are awarded a school leaving certificate, which is recognised as equivalent to a School Leaving Certificate of a public six-grade secondary school.




Opening the path to a lifelong love for learning for Russianspeaking children in Cyprus


.I.T.C is a Russian - English private school approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus providing pre-school, elementary and comprehensive secondary education in the heart of Limassol. The school follows the curriculum of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, emphasising on the English language. From this academic year the subject of Mathematics is additionally taught in English. In addition to this, our students may choose to prepare during school hours for the internationally acknowledged Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam for which L.I.T.C. is an Authorised Examination Centre. The well-equipped premises of the school include spacious and well-lit classrooms with interactive boards, a rich library and a fully equipped IT lab. Our teaching personnel is carefully selected to match the

standards of the education we want to provide our students with and it is highly qualified and experienced. Having successfully passed their final examinations, the school graduates from the 9th and 11th forms are awarded a Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Apolytirion) of the Republic of Cyprus and optionally, having taken exams at the Russian Embassy School, obtain the relevant Attestat from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. L.I.T.C. has been awarded certificates of recognition by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Cyprus for actively promoting the Russian language and culture on the island. Having successfully participated in two Comenius pro-

jects of the LLP of the EC, our school is now involved in collaborative projects with other schools in Europe through the eTwinning platform for teachers. Being an official Examination Centre for TORFL (Test of Russian as a Foreign Language) by Lomonosov University L.I.T.C. Private Institute offers a variety of courses for both students and adults. We also offer preparatory classes, extended day groups, extracurricular activities and external studies for pupils from English and Greek schools. This year, keeping up with the tradition, the L.I.T.C. Summer School with intensive English lessons for children aged 6-17 starts on the 8th of June. L.I.T.C. Russian-English Private School 340, Agiou Andreou Str., 3035 Limassol, Cyprus Tel: 25343376, Fax: 25343398

Primary students performing in the “Aladdin Trouble” Musical

Kindergarten children in their end of year presentation

Logos School of English Education


stablished in 1973, Logos School is one of the oldest English schools in Limassol, with a well-established reputation for solid academic and moral standards. With a student body of just over 300 pupils, Logos has the luxury of small class sizes with plenty of individual attention. Primary classes do not exceed twenty four (with no more than twenty students in the early years) and the higher level secondary courses often provide tutorialstyle instruction for groups of less than five students. Over the years, the intimate atmosphere has been a trademark of Logos School. The tuition provided in the school is in English. A UK based curriculum is used as we prepare students for GCSE’s, ‘AS’ levels and ‘A’ levels. The school is a centre for the University of Cambridge International Examina-

tions Board and the Edexcel Examinations Board. Our students’ qualifications in these examinations allow many of them to study at universities in the UK. Students who complete grade twelve also receive their high school diploma (equivalent to the Apolytirion), the necessary qualification for entering higher education establishments in Cyprus, the USA and many other countries. Reflective of Cyprus generally, our school welcomes children of all ethnic, economic and religious backgrounds. We stress equality in opportunity for everyone. To experience the warm and friendly atmosphere, you are invited to arrange an appointment to see the school at any time.

Students shine at Silverline Private School S ilverline Private School offers quality education for all students from kindergarten to A-level. Set in its own spacious grounds in leafy open countryside just minutes from the bustling Limassol city centre, this purpose-built school offers a rich and unique learning environment. Silverline is privileged to offer students modern, purpose-built facilities including a dance studio, ICT suite and allweather multi-sports pitches. The learning environment is enriched by the latest technology, enhancing learning possibilities and providing a portal to the world beyond classroom walls. All the learning spaces within the school, including the kindergarten, are enabled through wireless connectivity and resourced with interactive whiteboards. An extensive extra-curricular programme of after school clubs and activities are offered, where individual talent can shine through in sports, music, art, crafts, drama, sciences. At Silverline, the ethos of the school permeates every level of academic tuition and its associated activities. Every student is valued; the excellent teacher/ student ratio means individual contributions are respected, encouraging a sense of security, belonging and a healthy belief

in the student’s own self worth. Highly qualified, professional and enthusiastic teaching staff are committed to ensuring your child’s development and love for learning is nurtured in a welcoming, secure and educationally thriving environment. From kindergarten, where the importance of learning through play is encouraged through to Primary and Secondary school, where the rich, balanced curriculum challenges and stimulates students, the emphasis is on producing young people who are responsible, compassionate, confident and eager to learn. At Silverline students are encouraged to be creative and flexible thinkers, as well as academically high achievers. Learning should be enjoyable. Understanding essential life skills such as using initiative, working in collaboration, being part of a team, are

also important lessons. Silverline embraces the unique partnership established between staff, students and parents. This dynamic relationship is an integral element of the school’s success. A school can only thrive when children, parents and staff work together as a powerful, cohesive team, where communication and support are actively encouraged and respected. Silverline does both; a family school where students enjoy being part of a growing family. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent will ever make. Words and pictures can only provide a small insight into life at Silverline Private School. The school’s open door policy welcomes visitors to Silverline Private School. See for yourself why Silverline is special.

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