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HOT Accuracy & Sharpness

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© Philip Dupont 2008

Accuracy and sharpness enhance your power If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed but skills bring success (Eccl 10,10). A true believer doesnʼt haste. When do we rush? We rush in 2 diametrical opposite situations. In times of no breakthrough, when things believed for donʼt work yet... whatever the reasons might be. In times of beginning breakthrough, when we get so excited that our soul becomes inaccurate. The battle is not over, the transition is not fulfilled, the territory is not subdued, the victory is not established... and we think we are there already. Then our shouts of premature celebration generate deceiving echoes, which are the platform of unclear discernment and wrong decisionmaking. To rush is: - A sign that we donʼt trust Godʼs ability to create the expected breakthrough, to make things work in a perfect way or to keep things moving right and strong. We precipitate a development. We force God and we might get what we want. But what we want might not be what is needed. - A sign that we might need other things than results. The Israelites asked for meat and they got it... but they stayed unchanged and died in the wilderness. They didnʼt make the transition which would have taken them into their final destiny and role. Intensity, sharpness and acceleration.

but we resist or ignore Godʼs work in us. We are reluctant to changes. We want the new things but in old format. We resist Godʼs work with us and by doing this we amputate Godʼs work through us. Before true apostolic churches rise in the power of the Spirit there will be human attempts to produce the same result. As prophetic light shines and apostolic patterns and power are released, some will try to catch it without having established the platform for it... or the inner dynamic to propagate and develop it... or the type of life to carry it. We quote: Arise, shine! (Is 60,1). But in order to be able to rise and shine in stead of rise and decline, our light must come first. What goes out must first go in and transform us. The angel came to Mary and warned her... her answer was powerful: “Be it done to me according to your word!” The key-thing is done to me. Not through me... yet! She picked up very quickly that she had to be made. It had very little to do with systems and procedures and everything to do with her as a person. Therefore itʼs essential to take notice of the prophetic word. But itʼs even more essential to ask God to let it be done to us. The church must be “done”. We must be clear. The 3 main Kingdom platforms

Sharpness must precede and accompany acceleration. Acceleration accompanies the rise of intensity in our inner man and in the house. We need them all to build strong lives and strong churches. We need them all to bear genuine and lasting fruits. We need them all to affect our contemporary society in a relevant way. The fake comes often before the authentic.

They are: believers, families and churches. This new move of God will build on a new type of believers, a new type of families and a new type of churches and all 3 are on the way. God will raise them up and they will break the religious mould and become a powerful sign of invincible life and hope for our cities and nations. Three platforms: Kingdom-believers, Kingdom-families and Kingdom-churches. But we must not and cannot rush into it. The place of waiting on unfolding revelation and accurate instructions This place is a real painful thing for efficiency-champions, for activists and performers.

Before Jesus came there had been other messiahs.

Two fresh revelations from the heart of God

Before the apostles there had been other guys doing things... like Theudas who rallied 400 men and he was killed and all disappeared... like Judas the Galilean who also had disciples and was killed and all were dispersed (Acts 5,33-39). Before David came Saul, a false king before the authentic one. Jonathan in his isolation and hunger for connection and brotherhood connected to a fake fatherhood... and he missed a powerful and lasting connection to the house of David and he died on the wrong battlefield (1Sam 14; 18,1-4; 20,42 and 31,1-4). Before Jesus comes back people will say that Christ is here and Christ is there (Matt 24,23). Prophetic warnings of a Kingdom-breakthrough on earth God is sending prophetic warnings regarding the future. Why? The main reason is that we must be informed so we can take accurate basic decisions and ask Him to position us so we can partner with His Spirit in fulfilling the agenda of the Father. God is “warming up” for a mighty work. The ultimate effect will be the rise of the church in unprecedented life, power and influence. But we can be sure of Satanʼs furious attempts to resist, fight or divert Godʼs agent on earth, the church. What I believe is this: as God begins to reveal His plans there will be people who will carry and attempt to fulfil the right message but with wrong motives and means. Fulfilling Godʼs supernatural agenda through natural resources will never work and the message will be discredited. Moses himself ran into this very situation as he tried to take the Jewish people out of Egypt through his own ability. Was he not called for this? Yes he was! But Moses was inaccurate, unsharp and it cost 40 years before God could fulfil His plans in His own way. There is no alternative to Godʼs way.

The first one is about the order of fatherhood and son-ship (donʼt focus on gender here). Itʼs about Tran generational blessing, about impartation and acceleration, about spiritual genes and legacy. The second is about apostolic churches and networks. Both are scriptural, born in the Fatherʼs heart. Prophetic words and prophetic teaching about these are quite common in various sectors of the church worldwide. So no alarm so far. Amos prophesied that God never does anything without telling His prophets (Am 3,7). But just as supernatural as His warnings and revelations are, just as supernatural their outworking will and must be. God will be zealous because these tools are very powerful and connected with strong promises. He will not let man mess it up or pervert them. For this very reason God had to park Moses away in the desert and pacify him until he was “made” for the fulfilment of the plan. God hindered an exodus initiated by human power. He didnʼt tolerate a move directed through leadership skills taught by pyramid builders and upheld by sun worshippers. Even Moses was a very skilled person and his time at the Pharaonitic court was God-ordained. God faces 2 challenges with His people To get them to do what He wants them to do... things they donʼt want to do. To hinder them in doing what He wants them to do... things they want to do, but without Him! With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough...

The need for instruments God had to work on Moses. Listen: Godʼs method is always men. Not systems, not manuals, not charts. We want God to move through us HOT Accuracy & Sharpness

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© Philip Dupont 2008

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