So you live in the New Covenant!

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HOT The New Covenant

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© Philip Dupont 2008

Are we really living and operating according to... … the New Covenant or are we still in the Old with bloody animals, sweaty priests and religious slavery? Why the question? Let me turn it around. To be honest the believers and the churches in the Acts of Apostles were having a life, we donʼt really know about. We definitely need some reality-therapy and face the situation. Could it be that we have been ”hijacked” and on a way to a wrong destination? Could it be that we have left the track and come to a place where the Kingdom of God is seldom present or even absent and we have become fossils... we missed the transition into a totally new era and landed in a hostile and alien place where our only goal is to survive and somehow ”do something for God”. We remind our communities of something, which has been powerful, which has influenced continents and formed civilizations, which had the favour of many and was feared by some. Could it be that we are the debris of something, which was on the course of greatness but collapsed? How come the lives of Christians and churches could bring the Roman Empire to its knees and 2000 years later, we are so diluted that people donʼt even know where our church-buildings are. The first generations of Christians used their creativity to escape and hide away from the ferocity of a perverted society and lunatic emperors but our contemporary churches use its creativity to be found by people who donʼt even look for them. How come one single bible verse about righteousness could threaten the well-established religious system of penance and generate a move of God all over Europe called Reformation with global societal repercussions... but todayʼs evangelical and Pentecostal churches which have roots back to Reformation, are impotent and contaminated by religion and humanism, denying the power of true repentance and a life in the Holy Spirit aligned with Godʼs Word. Yes, we have been hijacked Yes, New Covenant Christianity has become hijacked and we are reproducing Godless Old Covenant life and ministry. You know, dead works are not ugly works. Good and highly talented works can be dead works. It is the case. And there is no use blaming ourselves or each other, circumstances or our political leaders and parliaments, or our church-leaders. Letʼs just face reality and repent, which means turn around and walk in a new direction. Just as simple as that. Which direction? There is only one: we must become Kingdom believers again, connected together to be Kingdom churches living in the power, freedom, purity and simplicity of the new Covenant established by Jesus, the crucified, resurrected and glorified Son of God, who is the firstborn of many brothers. Jesus lived by the power of the new Covenant while John the Baptist was the transitional figure. Men and women are mentioned in the Old Testament who lived and operated after New Covenant dynamics, mindsets and technology. Abraham, Moses and David were living a New Covenant life in Old Covenant times. We are not even living Old Covenant lives and we are in New Covenant times. There is a lot of sweat and blood in our personal and church lifestyles. A lot of performance, a lot of unnecessary burdens and very little rest in God, a lot of wrong wars and casualties. Could it be that we today -which means in New Testament times- live and operate after Old Covenant dynamics, mindsets and technology and God is not there anymore? Old Covenant is dead entertainment HOT The New Covenant

The fruits are mess and chaos, an atmosphere of inferiority and shame, vulnerability to condemnation - just ask the church how many read the Bible daily, pray daily and speak about the Kingdom on a daily basis and you will see the cloud of condemnation come over people. Other fruits: feelings of rejection, jealousy, performance, comparison with others. Exhaustment and burnouts are common among church members. And among leaders and pastors. All these fruits are growing inevitably and regularly on lives and ministries rooted in an expired Old Covenant and its perverting spirit. Thatʼs why worship turns into concerts expressing more talent than anointing. Preaching builds on charisma and eloquence rather than on revelation. Sunday morning becomes like a TV-show, offerings are often a mixture of distorted biblical understanding and motivational pep talk and emotionalism. Or just cool calculation: leaders order and have fun... members pay or run! Then the multimedia expert and the light-man might become more important than the Holy Spirit. And my goodness, people like it. They donʼt like it because God is present, moving, and working. They like it because they know it. From where? From BBCʼs Breaking News or from the last U2-concert they attended. Actually, Bono is better in the offering stuff and talking with presidents and people in high positions than most preachers, even than solid faith preachers are. And Steve Balmer -one of the CEOs at Microsoftis better than most pastors in motivating people. Think, non-believers could run the church, if they are just talented enough. Itʼs amazing how quick we replace anointing with good talent. To be alive in New Covenant times... ... is such a privilege. But living in New Covenant times and operating after expired Old Covenant patterns is a gross sin committed by believers, churches and even ministers. Jesus Christ fulfilled a total redemption to set mankind free from the Kingdom of darkness and the power of sin and flesh. Why then do we place ourselves under the curse of the Law when God wants us to migrate and establish us into the powers of the worlds to come, which can already be operating in our age. The New Covenant is the force of the Kingdom and its fundamental dynamic. If we donʼt preach the gospel of the Kingdom, we will produce proselytes and slaves. And we will become their slave masters. People who join churches who neither preach nor live the Kingdom, are drawn into legalism, performance (dead works), eternal condemnation and immaturity, powerlessness and barrenness. Oh yeah, churches can still grow as we study secular management and develop intelligent marketing strategies. And there can still be signs and wonders... because God is good... all the time... and to all! And the offerings are on the way up... yeah because God is faithful to His Word and He is a Giver. Oh by the way, God can prophesy through a donkey. But it doesnʼt make donkeys Godʼs prophets. Stones can worship, which doesnʼt make a heap of them a worship band. We must go back to go on... Not back to Alexander Dowie or Martin Luther or even Chrysostomos. Back to Jesus the Son of God introducing and carrying the Kingdom, back to the explosion He released from His new position in heaven into a company of people whose lives and mode of operation launched a new era. But during centuries, we have lost it. But we can and will regain all of it, bit by bit. But still, some essential and extremely powerful bits of the picture are tragically missing. So we must go back to go on! The New Covenant is about... ... connecting with the throne of God in heaven ... limitless supernatural resources in our lives and families ... high level of authority and efficiency ... ruling with Christ on earth

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© Philip Dupont 2008

... negotiating the future of cities and regions ... extraordinary wealth in order to fulfil destiny ... the end of the power of sin and self ... irreversibly destroying the works of the devil ... restoring Eden situations and environments ... unstoppable explosion of the supernatural ... people added by God to His house in the 100始s and 1000始s In 3 words: heaven on earth! With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough, Philip Dupont

HOT The New Covenant

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漏 Philip Dupont 2008

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