How relevant is the eternal life?

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HOT Eternal Life

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© Philip Dupont 2008

How relevant is eternal life? Every Christian - dead or alive - knows the words of John 3,16 saying that God sent His Son, so we could have eternal life. For most people eternal life is about two things, which both are important but irrelevant for us in these days, where God wants to build His house, the church, who is going to be His agent and representative here on the earth. A power-house carrying and using its governmental mandate until the world has been totally filled with Godʼs glory. What is eternal life then about? For most Christians it is about place and duration.

Then we will become invincible and fulfil our mission for Godʼs Kingdom.

The location Because we are so tired of living here on this earth. “God has to do something about it soon and take us home... we are on our way to heaven! Oh yes, letʼs get out of here, Heaven is waiting. Let us sing about the Pearl Gate!” Interesting but irrelevant. Have you ever considered that Godʼs agenda is about heaven invading earth. When Jesus came, heaven penetrated the until then almost impregnable world. The devil had governed unchallenged, hit when things became a too serious threat to his regime, made sure that the prophets were murdered when they came to Jerusalem, the capital of religiosity. The spiritual silence must not be disturbed, and the people were kept in darkness. But when nobody expected it any longer - except a couple of elderly people, who had succeeded in connecting to heaven and thus being well informed of Godʼs plans and calendar - Jesus left heaven and broke into the earthly and demonized scene. Moreover He came as a baby born of a virgin. Could it be smaller or more vulnerable? No. But it was powerful and very relevant!

Why is it so important to us to know how heaven looks like, when we will be taken home, who is the beast, and what is the meaning of 666, or whether we are in the time of the 3rd trumpet? What if we were not taken home at all . . . what then? Does God not still have the power, the resources and the life and freedom to keep us up for 7 years? He has done it before and he can do it any time. What if we can no longer withdraw money from our bank account because we are Christians? Wow! What a disaster? Actually some of us cannot even now . . . because the credit-limit has been crossed. The duration Oh yes, an eteeeeeeernal life. Interesting, but totally irrelevant. There are so many things, to which we have no explanation. Time is one of them. By the way there is no time in heaven. What is then eternity seen from heaven? “Oh, we must be there from eternity to eternity.” Yes, and what does that mean? What is the difference from being there ”eternally” and from “eternity to eternity”? Philosophers have grumbled about eternity, and mathematicians have researched the infinite. Some have even become insane because of it. . . the human brain cannot catch it, nor embrace it. And in spite of that, God has put eternity in the heart of man. These two concepts of eternal life connected to location and a duration are totally irrelevant to us. To be honest it is even a little scary. . . but enough about that. God will care for both. What is eternal life then about? Eternal life is imperishable life . . . which means that:

HOT Eternal Life

It cannot be controlled when it expands It cannot be kept back when it is moving It cannot be stopped when it steps forward It cannot be kept down when it is growing and raising It cannot be intimidated or shaken when threatened It cannot be conquered when attacked It is not indecisive or wavering when challenged It cannot be overtaken when chased It cannot be compared when looked at It cannot falter, even under hostile circumstances THIS is Godʼs gift to us! THIS is eternal life! Do we want to live this life? Do we want to let our mentality and our inner man be formed by this life? Yes we do.

This is VERY relevant to me and to our congregation. In the same way it is VERY relevant to you if you want to be part of the work, God is going to accomplish in this decade of destiny. We will really breakthrough and see Godʼs church rise in the full power of the eternal life. A couple of questions before we continue... What does Stephen Hawking, late Michael Petrucciani, and Joni Earecson... and you and me have in common? Let me then introduce these 3 persons for you. Stephen Hawking is one of the most influential contemporate researcher and pioneer in modern physics. Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father's old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science. Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time. After gaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1669 by Isaac Newton. His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel. Stephen Hawking has three popular books published; his best seller A Brief History of Time, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays and most recently in 2001, The Universe in a Nutshell. About his sickness he says: “I am quite often asked: How do you feel about having ALS (Motor Neurone Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)? The answer is, not a lot. I try to lead as normal a life as possible, and not think about my condition, or regret the things it prevents me from doing, which are not that many. It was a great shock to me to discover that I had motor neurone disease. I had never been very well co-ordinated physically as a child. In my third year at Oxford, however, I noticed that I seemed to be getting more clumsy, and I fell over once or twice for no apparent

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reason. But it was not until I was at Cambridge, in the following year, that my father noticed, and took me to the family doctor. He referred me to a specialist, and shortly after my 21st birthday, I went into hospital for tests. The realisation that I had an incurable disease, that was likely to kill me in a few years, was a bit of a shock. How could something like that happen to me? Why should I be cut off like this? My dreams at that time were rather disturbed. Before my condition had been diagnosed, I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I dreamt that I was going to be executed. I suddenly realised that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved. Another dream, that I had several times, was that I would sacrifice my life to save others. After all, if I were going to die anyway, it might as well do some good. But I didn't die. In fact, although there was a cloud hanging over my future, I found, to my surprise, that I was enjoying life in the present more than before. I began to make progress with my research, and I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde, whom I had met just about the time my condition was diagnosed. That engagement changed my life. It gave me something to live for. But it also meant that I had to get a job if we were to get married. I therefore applied for a research fellowship at Gonville and Caius (pronounced Keys) college, Cambridge. To my great surprise, I got a fellowship, and we got married a few months later. Up to 1974, I was able to feed myself, and get in and out of bed. Jane managed to help me, and bring up the children, without outside help. However, things were getting more difficult. This lasted until I caught pneumonia in 1985. I had to have a tracheotomy operation. After this, I had to have 24 hour nursing care. This was made possible by grants from several foundations. Before the operation, my speech had been getting more slurred, so that only a few people who knew me well, could understand me. But at least I could communicate. I wrote scientific papers by dictating to a secretary, and I gave seminars through an interpreter, who repeated my words more clearly. However, the tracheotomy operation removed my ability to speak altogether. For a time, the only way I could communicate was to spell out words letter by letter, by raising my eyebrows when someone pointed to the right letter on a spelling card. It is pretty difficult to carry on a conversation like that, let alone write a scientific paper. However, a computer expert in California, called Walt Woltosz, heard of my plight. He sent me a computer program he had written, called Equalizer. This allowed me to select words from a series of menus on the screen, by pressing a switch in my hand. The program could also be controlled by a switch, operated by head or eye movement. When I have built up what I want to say, I can send it to a speech synthesizer. At first, I just ran the Equalizer program on a desktop computer. However David Mason, of Cambridge Adaptive Communication, fitted a small portable computer and a speech synthesizer to my wheel chair. This system allowed me to communicate much better than I could before. I can manage up to 15 words a minute. I can either speak what I have written, or save it to disk. I can then print it out, or call it back and speak it sentence by sentence. Using this system, I have written a book, and dozens of scientific papers. I have also given many scientific and popular talks. They have all been well received. I have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life. Yet it has not prevented me from having a very attractive family, and being successful in my work. This is thanks to the help I have received from Jane, my children, and a large number of other people and organisations. I have been lucky, that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope.” Obviously there is something in this man, which cannot be kept down. Michel Petrucciani was a famous jazz-pianist. Thirteen albums have HOT Eternal Life

been produced. Michel was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as "glass bones," a disease that stunted his growth (he was only three feet tall and weighed barely 50 pounds) and weakened his bones. But he gave his first concert as a professional when he was 13. Within a few years, Michel had worked with some of the best jazzmen and rhythm sections in the world. In 1994 he was made a knight of the Legion of Honour in Paris. Michel Petrucciani was a national hero in France, and his records were best sellers in Europe. French President Jacques Chirac was among the many who paid tribute to him, praising his ability to "renew jazz, giving himself up to his art with passion, courage and musical genius." He called him an "example for everyone." On January 6th, 1999, Michel Petrucciani passed away in Manhattan at the age of 36, from a pulmonary infection. "My philosophy," said Michel Petrucciani, "is to have a really good time and never to let anything stop me from doing what I want to do." Obviously there was something in this artist, which could not be kept down. Joni Earecson might be known of many Christians. In 1967 a diving accident left her quadriplegic in a wheelchair unable to use her hands. In 2003 she received The Lifetime Achievement Award by ECPA (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association). A record of her outstanding contribution shows the following: Author of more than 30 books, including the ECPA Gold Medallion Award winning "Tell Me the Promises" and "Tell Me the Truth." Her book "Joni" has over 3,000,000 copies in print in more than 45 translations. President and founder of Joni and Friends, a disability outreach organization that has collected and donated over 14,000 free wheelchairs to 53 developing nations. Host of "Joni and Friends," a daily inspirational radio program reaching over 850 broadcast outlets providing hope and encouragement to other people with disabilities and their families. Has been on the air for 20 years, with 5000 programs, and was the National Religious Broadcasters' "Radio Program of the Year" in 2002. Serves on several boards, including the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelisation, the Board of Reference for the Christian Medical and Dental Society, the American Leprosy Mission, the National Institute on Learning Disabilities, Love and Action, and Christian Blind Mission International. Holds honorary Doctorates in Humanities, Humane Letters and Divinity. Somehow there is something in this woman, which could not be kept down. So whatʼs the point? As I meditate upon these 3 personsʼ life-stories I cannot but admire the capacity God has laid into every single human being to fight, to overcome, to focus on the positive, to mobilize faith and hope in the darkest hour, to more than survive but to pioneer, penetrate and break new ground against all types of odds... even the most resistant. Two of them are not believers, one is. As far as we know. Now my point is: if there is so much God-deposit even in the fallen nature, how much more is there when the new life in Christ is birthed into the human spirit? Do you understand? This is the life Jesus had from heaven, even in a human vessel. This life couldnʼt be overcome

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by darkness. Even when he died and when he passed through the kingdom of darkness nothing could hold him there.

him in the desert. Until it was in the thousands. It cannot be intimidated or shaken when threatened

Eternal life is imperishable life . . . which means that: Oh yes, intimidation can jump on us and mistreat us badly. We can be shaken. We can be threatened but it will only be short term. The life of God inside of us, in our mandate cannot be shaken or intimidated. In these days everything will be shaken in our lives, in our ministries, in our churches, in leadership, in structures... and what can be shaken will fall apart and fall off. And what is birthed by God, sustained by eternal life, loaded with Kingdom-power will stay unshaken. On the contrary it will become even more established, sharpened and clarified.

It cannot be controlled when it expands It cannot be kept back when it is moving It cannot be stopped when it steps forward It cannot be kept down when it is growing and raising It cannot be intimidated or shaken when threatened It cannot be conquered when attacked It is not indecisive or wavering when challenged It cannot be overtaken when chased It cannot be compared when looked at It cannot falter, even under hostile circumstances

Should I go on? I could but I wonʼt. Can I challenge you with some revelation apostolic homework? Go through the next 5 points and let God speak to you and develop them. They go like this:

This is one of the cornerstones on which a breakthrough-life and a governing church can be raised. Beside this there is no hope for breakthrough, there is no hope for spiritual influence, even less for spiritual government.

It cannot be conquered when attacked It cannot be indecisive or wavering when challenged It cannot be overtaken when chased It cannot be compared when looked at It cannot falter, even under hostile circumstances

Eternal life is imperishable... and it means: It cannot be controlled when it expands

The final shaking and scary question As Jesus was born in Bethlehem there was an immediate reaction in Jerusalem. From two companies of people: the political and the religious. Two types of controlling systems. Herod felt threatened and with him all Jerusalem and he found new allies in the Pharisees and religious leaders as they felt threatened too. And they perceived the situation totally right but they refused to align and resisted the move. As soon as the new move of God was launched the controlling system were challenged and had two options: to surrender and align or to attempt to control, either individually or through alliances. But what had been born was loaded with eternal life and no control could take over or even affect what God had launched.

Now the HOT-question is: why are good things falling apart, why do Holy Spirit waves stop rolling, why do churches stay on the same level, why do our lives go in circles in stead of following prophetic lines, why do churches go from revival t o funeral, why do things which start in the Spirit end in flesh, why are Godʼs gifts stolen from us... when eternal life is like God says it is? Maybe we have more traditions than real life and the Word of God has been made of no power. And our churches have lost its prevailing mentality. And its fruits and governmental influence.

It cannot be kept back when it is moving

As you can see “eternal life” is much more than where in the universe we will spend eternity and about how long is eternity. It is here and now!!!

Jesus died on the cross, and the next 3 days he went through both paradise and hell... but death could not keep Him back. Life cannot be kept back by any form of death.

Have regular and strong God-encounters!

I wish you a divine time of homework as you consider these vital issues seriously before God! There are people waiting on the other side of your breakthrough. Come alive, download words of life, and be Therefore after the resurrection Jesus sent His Spirit... life moved on. continuously filled with the Spirit of life. Pray life, prophecy life, Resurrection was not the final point. It was the foundation for what had proclaim life, display life, arise and shine life! to happen. God initiated the next phase of the mission. Fire came and became a fire-storm swallowing up sin, passivity, childishness, death, With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough, perversion, religion. As the Spirit hit 120 human lives on earth, it became a killer-wave which wrecked the works of the devil in that keycity. The devil tried to abort the whole thing and the apostles were very Philip Dupont close to quit and go back to the old life and level. But life stepped forward, jumped forward... and nothing could stop it. It cannot be stopped when it steps forward

It cannot be kept down when it is growing and raising Even when things are hidden from public eyes, the things of God can develop behind the scene. Even as Elijah felt alone, isolated and threatened, God had moved outside his horizon. Seven thousand were moving forward, growing, rising under cover. They were called, shaped, taken through processes until the day of their release. As John the Baptist lived alone with God and proclaimed the prophetic word in the wilderness, God was developing something behind the scene. And as John went on with God, people began to come out to HOT Eternal Life

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© Philip Dupont 2008

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