From beach-life to boat-life

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HOT From beach to boat

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© Philip Dupont 2008

From beach-believer to boat-believer: a peoplemovement Jesus had walked down from the mountain (Matt 8,1) and people were in a state of deep amazement (Matt 7,28). The authority, the stature of Jesus was shocking. They had never heard anything like this. Then He walked through the cities by the lake and crowds followed him. His disciples were around Him. He performed healings, he blessed and helped people (Matt 8,2-17). There was a people-movement around Him. I am sure the disciples enjoyed it. They were His crew. They might get some of the attention, praise and admiration too. They explain, gave reports, had press conferences, coped with the medias, made all the arrangements, sold T-shirts and CD-series. There were in! Itʼs time to move from charismatic to apostolic, from good vibrations to right impartations and true invasions But suddenly Jesus gave an order (Matt 8,18): letʼs cross over to the other side of the lake. All were shocked. Why? And why now? Healing crusades could be arranged, these beaches could the epicenter of a massive explosion of the supernatural. They could settle there. Heaven was open over them. The right place for a national and even international Jesus-headquarters. Care-groups could be organized, barbecues could be arranged, seminars and workshops, programs for the children as well as Christian fishing-businesses and prison-visitation. A beach covered by thousands of people... a beach-revival. But no. Jesus commanded them to cross the lake. He decided to leave the beach-life to enter boat-life. Few people, hard work, bad weather, no roof if the storm rises... and it did rise. Beach is the charismatic life. Boat is the apostolic... sent on a specific track, commissioned for an assignment, with a mandate to break up, clean up, conquer and keep new territory. The disciples focused on people, Jesus focused on destiny. They focused on enjoying the move of God, He focused on extending it. They focused on blessings, He focused on building. They focused on keeping the territory and Godʼs position, He focused on invading a whole new region and challenging the devilʼs positions in Decapolis. Major extension in Jesusʼ communication Until then Jesus had called them, talked with them, talked to them... and now He goes to a new level. He gave orders. Our relationship with God must upgrade. In the future God will give orders. Prophetic decrees will come from the heavenly headquarters. We want a governing church but we donʼt know how to deal with orders. We think that God suggests and proposes. He has but it will change. His communication-specter will be enlarged and new dimensions of communication will be added. One of them is: commands. Remember God gave Ten Commandments, not ten propositions. He gave us a new commandment about love, not a new suggestion added to other suggestions which we can consider until we make our mind. There will be issues in the future when God has made His mind and we must obey him in order to rule with him. Propositions are for charismatic beach-life: Choose between barbecue and kite flying. Orders are for apostolic boat-life. Jesus gave even orders to nature and affected meteorology. How can we exercise authority if we are not under authority ourselves? An other shift takes place in His communication. He went into the boat and his disciples followed Him. Here there are no words. He just moved and the disciples were so attentive that they caught the nonverbal message. Action speaks. He moved, they moved. This is a new level. We have been so low in the Spirit that we need a word of knowledge for everything, in every meeting. God had from time to time HOT From beach to boat

to scream into our ears close-range for us to hear. Or letters of fire on the wall. In the future He will sometimes move and He will trust that we are so connected, so well tuned that we pick it up and move with Him. No words, no orders, no instruction, no screaming, no prophecy... just an action. Settled. And we are in the boat with him. Fantastic! Can we reach that stature... yes we can. I am convinced that God has so much to say but we are not positioned to hear it and receive it. We are so feeble that only soft suggestions can be received. Beach is rest, boat is test and best Being on the beach is just flowing with the move, with the crowds, lay back and see what happens, maybe fighting with the fears and unbelief of people. Being in the boat is forming the future, coping with the spirit of abortion, facing death alone or with few, fighting your own fear and unbelief. On the beach you enjoy the rest God has created. In the boat you have to recreate the rest the devil has destroyed. Charismatic miracle and apostolic disaster at the same time Jesus commanded the storm to be still. This has been the source of many messages about miracles. Was it a miracle? If it was, then it was a survival-miracle where God had to intervene to rescue them from disaster. They didnʼt pass the test as they were formed by restmentality. Jesus was not pleased with them, it was not a successstory. He had to correct them strongly. They didnʼt have to settle the storm, they had to row through the storm and get to the other side. Charismatic mentality wants to remove difficulties. Apostolic mentality trains people to breakthrough in all types of circumstances and environments. What about an ending like: “Hello guys, how was the trip?” “Oh a little turbulence but we managed. We didnʼt want to wake you up, it was not that serious!” “Thank you, I really slept and now I am fit for fight... letʼs invade Decapolis and take back the territory.” You will be tested on your “home-ground” Interesting to see that these fishermen are tested and stretched beyond their limits on their home ground, the lake! Without God we cannot make it. No talent can do it. It takes more than empathy, more than leadership-charisma, more than musicality, or administrative or money-making talent. If the grain doesnʼt fall to the ground and dies... you know the rest. I remember the time where God told me that teaching would not do it. Everybody loved my teaching ministry. Some didnʼt believe in my leadership but at least in my teaching capacity. But God said: no way, it will not work. Like saying to the musical virtuoso: forget being in the worship-team. Or to the rich businessman: forget your money, it will not make any difference. God doesnʼt want our skills, talents and charisma... He wants us. “Come, follow me and I will make you...” Leave the beach and jump into the boat. You will lose your life but you will get His. And become like Him and you will be qualified to represent Him and bear His supernatural fruits. You will reach the place called FULFILLED DESTINY! We all have a Decapolis to invade, a NO-GO zone waiting for us. Watch out, a very imperfect storm and demonic forces might hit you. So donʼt do it alone... you need to be in the right boat and connected to the right captain! See you on the lake! With you for a serious, genuine and lasting breakthrough...

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© Philip Dupont 2008

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