Philippine Collegian Issue 21

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Court orders Palparan to surrender — Page 3 Philippine Collegian Opisyal na lingguhang pahayagan ng mga mag-aaral ng Unibersidad ng Pilipinas - Diliman 10 Enero 2012 Taon 89, Blg. 21

Isabella Patricia H. Borlaza


Continued on page 5 »

Terminal Cases Delfin Mercado


Students may pay through credit card in June The UP administration will be implementing credit payments for registration fees in pilot campuses Diliman, Manila and Los Baños by next academic year. Among the administration’s projects to automate processes in UP, dubbed as Electronic UP or ‘E-UP’, this alternative payment option aims to provide more convenience and security for parents and students, explained Vice President for Administration Maragtas Amante. The Board of Regents approved the credit payment option in October 2008, but the implementation was delayed due to contract biddings, detailing of the included fees, and settlements with the Department of Trade and Industry and the Commission on Audit, said Amante. Under the agreement with winning bidder Citibank, students who would settle registration fees through credit card can pay their banks within a 12-month period. However, they will have to shoulder a 1.22 percent convenience fee. The Office of the University Registrar has yet to confirm the scope of the credit payments but the administration plans to include all student-related fees. By means of the credit card option, registration payments will be guaranteed through the student’s parents, said Amante. The administration is also exploring the idea of implementing credit payments in the Philippine General Hospital and the UP Press. Student leaders, however, criticized the said proposal saying that while the idea may benefit credit card holders, payments through credit card are at

Ending searches

DIMMING HOPES. Late-night construction workers put up with a meager salary despite the dangers they face at duty. Independent think-tank IBON Foundation reports that the daily minimum wage in Metro Manila has dropped to only about 41% of the amount needed for decent living, 11% less than the figure 10 years ago. John Keithley Difuntorum

Alleged bribery in GASC delays resolution on SR selection rules Keith Richard D. Mariano

The General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC) has deferred debates on possible amendments to the Codified Rules for Student Regent Selection (CRSRS) after an outside party allegedly attempted to bribe one student council (SC) to vote in favor of certain proposed modifications. The GASC convened at UP Visayas Miag-ao on December 20 to 21 to discuss among others the CRSRS which will govern the selection of the next SR in April. The SR is the lone representative of students to the Board of Regents, the highest policy-making body of the university. Continued on page 5 »




Opinion Page 10

Editorial Page 2

Kung paano binubuo ang mga mito ng paggunaw Kultura Pahina 6-7

ow does it feel to end decadeslong searches? How does it feel to finally, after an eternity, find what you have been looking for? Fascination? Catching a glimpse of that elusive “God particle” – the Higgs boson – may mean the end of a 50-year search, and the beginning of new advancements in physics. Pinpointing the theoretical particle may spell the end of speculation on a lot of other theories, and the beginning of new explorations in the realm of the unknown. Finding the Higgs boson will usher a milestone in human discovery, and possibly change the way we look at all things forever. Hope? Finding a cure for cancer or AIDS may well fuel a revolution in the pharmaceutical industry and bring new hope to patients who are ever waiting for miracles. Lives will be extended, and a whole new chapter on health and human longevity will be opened. No longer will we dread mankind’s incapacity to treat these deadly diseases. At least one less family, one less person in every corner of the world will regain hope, and will be able to live as normal as ever. Wonder? To finally find the person we would like to be with, in sickness and in health. To end that search that all of us embark into, to finally meet the guy or girl to whom we would dedicate our lives. Searching for love is an arduous task, and yet when we finally end this search, we may find actual fulfilment. Redress? Bringing perpetrators of human rights violations to justice may, in some way compensate for the loss of a loved one. Happiest of all would be the return of a long-lost desaparecido, after long years of searching and waiting. Reuniting with a friend, a sister, a child, brings more than just compensation, but a promise of catching up with lost time. Redemption? Succeeding in the protracted struggle, having the workers and peasants take over and build a just government , winning over the dominant order and restructuring society – it is a promise of redemption that is as elusive as the Higgs boson, an undertaking that is as comforting as a cure for cancer, a search made out of love. For indeed, we, or some of us still do believe, that the time for societal change will come, however distant, however elusive. We yearn for it, we strive for it. And in our dreams, we already know how we would greet that glorious day. ●

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2 • Kulê Opinyon

Martes 10 Enero 2012

Muckraking The hallmarks of traditional politics – partisan bickering, pompous grandstanding, and accusations of brazen corruption – were witnessed in Miag-ao this December. And for a change, the perpetrators weren’t fat, balding congressmen. The General Assembly of Student Councils (GASC), the body mandated to deliberate on rules governing the Student Regent (SR) selection, reconvened in UP Visayas last month. The Office of the SR described the event as largely successful, as 45 out of the 52 student councils were able to send delegates. That being said, SR Ma. Kristina Conti added that it was “one of the most fractious and deeply divided assemblies convened,” marked with “accusations and libellous stations.” The strife started with disagreements regarding some members’ posting of live updates of the body’s proceedings on Facebook and Twitter. The move, Conti later noted, did not only distract members from the conduct of the assembly, it also ran the risk of promoting “inaccuracies and incompleteness [of] information.” Isolated quotes, for instance, could be taken out of context, and the choice of updates appeared to lean and favor one particular party’s agendas. “Delegates came to the assembly representing councils, not parties,” Conti stressed. “The content and substance of the posts of non-councils reflected a particular bias that offended the assembly.” Most recently, charges of corruption surfaced after a representative from UP Visayas admitted that he was offered a monetary bribe in exchange for his vote on certain amendments. All the while, online squabbles reverberated on social networking sites. Fanatics, members, and even alumni of political parties did not pull any punches with their status updates and tweets, arguments and counter-arguments, reckless muckraking and malicious mudslinging.

QUOTED “A slogan that says ‘It’s more fun in the Philippines’ sounds callous at a time when many of our fellow Filipinos are still reeling from the series of tragedies that struck barely a few weeks ago.” —Columnist Bong Austero on the new tourism slogan launched by the DOT, Manila Standard Today, January 9

Marianne Rios

And in the aftermath of the entire tussle, the GASC, in its first meeting of the academic year, has little to show for in terms of results. Meaningful and intelligent debate on key issues hounding the university – on which a bulk of the proceedings ought to have been spent – competed for precious minutes and was ultimately compromised. Urgent resolutions, including the UP community’s response to the victims of typhoon Sendong, were sidelined in favor of empty exchanges of rhetoric. Even the proposed amendments to the Codified Rules for Student Regent Selection, however questionable, ought to have received more attention. The UP Charter formalized the GASC as an institutional mechanism to “advance the interests, welfare, and aspirations of the students of the national university” across


campuses. It is appalling, then, that a body whose foundation is built on the spirit of student empowerment has been rendered inutile by the illmotivated machinations of some parties. It is also ironic that a body that was specifically created as a venue for the selection of the UP studentry’s lone representative to the Board of Regents is now sacrificing the interest of the students just to forward the nakedly biased agendas of some. In the national stage, the victim of this kind of politics – heinously named traditional politics because of its ubiquity – is the people. It translates to the deplorable delivery of social services. Unpaved roads. Poorly equipped hospitals. Eighty students in one classroom. In the realm of campus politics, the ramifications may not be in the scale of life and death. But as the training ground for the future congressmen and senators, majors

and presidents of the country, the politics in the national university must be held in the highest regard and subject to the most rigorous of standards. If anything, now is not the time to be divided. UP continues to receive substantially less subsidy than it needs, the campaign to surface abducted UP students Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño had taken a decisive turn, and the Aquino administration appears bent on perpetrating the ills that his now incarcerated predecessor had made worse. It is therefore important to show a united front. While disagreements are inevitable, there is a difference between the principled reconciliation of varying stands, and letting matters descend into immature and malevolent discord. The latter is already “traditional” in national politics; let it not be so for UP. ●

Philippine Collegian Punong Patnugot Marjohara S. Tucay Kapatnugot Richard Jacob N. Dy Tagapamahalang Patnugot Dianne Marah E. Sayaman Panauhing Patnugot Glenn L. Diaz, Larissa Mae R. Suarez Patnugot sa Balita Victor Gregor U. Limon Patnugot sa Lathalain Mila Ana Estrella S. Polinar Patnugot sa Grapiks Chris Martin T. Imperial, Ruth Danielle R. Aliposa Mga kawani Ma. Katherine H. Elona, Kevin Mark R. Gomez, Marianne F. Rios, Ma. Victoria M. Almazan, Ysa V. Calinawan Pinansiya Amelyn J. Daga Tagapamahala sa Sirkulasyon Paul John Alix Sirkulasyon Gary Gabales, Amelito Jaena, Glenario Ommamalin Mga Katuwang na Kawani Trinidad Gabales, Gina Villas Pamuhatan Silid 401 Bulwagang Vinzons, Unibersidad ng Plipinas Diliman, Lungsod Quezon Telefax 981-8500 lokal 4522 Email Website Kasapi Solidaridad: UP Systemwide Alliance of Student Publications and Writers’ Organizations, College Editors Guild of the Philippines

“I really have to choose? Okay. Si Senator Miriam [Defensor-Santiago], kasi kailangan namin ng boto niya sa impeachment [ni Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona].” —Kris Aquino, youngest sister of President Benigno Aquino III, when asked who would she date among Santiago, former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and former first lady Imelda Marcos, Gandang Gabi Vice, January 8

“The hike in OFWs health insurance premium will not only bleed us dry, it also sucks out our blood leading to death due to deprivation of free and affordable social services. The government is killing us so softly by imposing additional fees in pretense of better social services.” —Migrante-Middle East Regional Director Leonard Monterona on the increase of Philhealth premium,, January 8

3 • Kulê Balita

Martes 10 Enero 2012

Court orders Palparan to surrender Victor Gregor Limon Unless Retired Major General Jovito Palparan turns himself in to face kidnapping and illegal detention charges linked to the disappearance of UP students Karen Empeño and Sherlyn Cadapan almost six years ago, he could not expect the court to address his petitions for relief. This was the resolution reached by Judge Teodora Gonzales of the Bulacan Regional Trial Court Branch 14 in the January 2 hearing of the said cases filed against Palparan and three other officers of the Philippine Army, Lt. Col. Felipe Anotado Jr, S/Sgt Edgardo Osorio, and M/Sgt. Rizal Hilario. “Considering that [Palparan is] still at large, the court has no jurisdiction over the person of said accused; the court declared that the omnibus motion concerning [him] will not be acted upon unless they are arrested or they voluntarily surrender,” Gonzales said. The ruling was a response to the

motion for preliminary investigation filed on December 22 by Palparan’s lawyer, Narzal Mallares, seeking to recall the warrant of arrest and hold departure order issued against the retired general. On December 19, Palparan attempted to leave the country but was barred from boarding his flight to Singapore at the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport. Since then, police officials have failed to locate his whereabouts. Meanwhile, co-accused Anotado and Osorio have already surrendered voluntarily but are currently kept in custody of the military at Fort Bonifacio. Hilario is also still at large.

Arrest and detention

On January 5, the Department of Justice and the Department of Interior and Local Government announced a P1 million bounty for anyone who can provide information leading to the arrest of Palparan.

Mothers of the missing UP students, Concepcion Empeño and Linda Cadapan, welcomed this development but maintained that those respondents who have already surrendered (Anotado and Osorio) must be detained at a regular jail facility. “[The] dubious and sleight of hand transfer of [Anotado and Osorio] to military custody … is essentially thumbing the nose versus the basic sense of fairness and decency,” private prosecutor and National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL) secretary general Edre Olalia said in a statement. According to Olalia, Anotado and Osorio were transferred from Bulacan provincial jail to the military detachment in Fort Bonifacio on the basis of a 1937 executive order issued by President Manuel Quezon, which states that active military personnel facing court martial proceedings should be held in military custody. Mrs. Empeño expressed her dismay with the transfer. “Ang dami

nilang karapatan pero parang wala silang pananagutan sa mga kasalanan nila,” she said in a phone interview.

Other charges vs Palparan et al

Aside from kidnapping and illegal detention charges, the prosecution panel also asked the court on December 6 to reconsider the court’s earlier ruling against the rape case also filed against Palparan. The other cases dismissed by the court for lack of merit were torture, serious physical injury, arbitrary detention, and maltreatment of prisoners. The court will discuss the said motion on the next hearing on February 6. Olalia said the prosecution is hopeful that Palparan and Hilario would be arrested by then. “The first step towards justice would happen once all the accused are arrested,” he said. Asked about the possible reason why Palparan remains at large, Olalia expressed suspicions that the retired

general may be getting help from his allies in the military. “Marami pa rin naman siyang kakampi sa militar at posible na sila ang nagtatago sa kanya, kaya mahalaga na tumulong ang mga tao sa paghahanap sa kanya” he said. Mrs. Empeño and Mrs. Cadapan called for the public to join in the manhunt for Palparan and Hilario, saying justice has been waiting to be served for more than five years now. “We continue to ask the Filipino nation to join us in the people’s manhnt for Palparan and Hilario. If we let human rights violators walk free, more violations can happen in the country.” According to human rights groups in Central Luzon, more than 700 incidents of human rights violations have been recorded in less than two years that Palparan was assigned to the region during Gloria Arroyo’s all-out counter-insurgency program Oplan Bantay Laya. ●

Fireworks hitch hurts 17 at Lantern Parade Rachel Sandalo What started off as a festive celebration of an annual UP tradition ended in disaster when a firework misfired during the fireworks display finale of the 2011 UP Lantern Parade on December 16. According to the UP Diliman Police (UPDP), the mishap occurred when one of the firework cylinders toppled another cylinder which then exploded, charging straight towards nearby spectators. Of the 17 injured, Jomerson Salazar, 18, and Lucia Dimaguila, 67, were the ones rushed to the Capitol Medical Center (CMC). Salazar was found unconscious while Dimaguila reportedly fell heavily on her arm when she stumbled down while running. The rest were treated at the UP Infirmary for minor injuries. Dimaguila underwent surgery for a dislocated shoulder. She was taken home from the hospital before Christmas and is scheduled to have follow-up consultations at CMC for 8 weeks. Salazar was discharged on January 3 after spending 18 days in CMC. According to Josefa Salazar, mother of Jomerson, despite experiencing slight headaches due to the head injury, he can already talk and move about and may already go back to school. UP has annually held the Lantern Parade since 1922. This year’s celebration

showcased more than 60 floats from more than 30 participating schools, colleges and student organizations.

Defective fireworks

Following the incident, Quezon City Police District (QCPD) took into custody firework technicians Mark Vallejo and Julieto Labete. However, QCPD Station 9 commander Supt. Michael Macapagal said no charges were filed against the two technicians. Instead, the victims and Solar Harvest, the university’s fireworks contractor since 2003, decided on a compromise agreement the day after the incident. “Napagkasunduan namin na hindi na kami magkakaso basta sasagutin ng Solar Harvest ang lahat ng gastos sa ospital at iba pang gastusin,” said Josefa Salazar. In a statement for the police, Labete claimed that the pyrotechnic products they used may also have been defective. “Siguro factory defect. Hindi naman namin sasadyain na ganoon ang mangyari,” he told the police. To find out the real cause of the fireworks accident and to prevent similar accidents in the future, the UP administration formed a multi-sectoral task force the day after the event. The members included Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs Melania Abad, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Maria Corazon Tan, Acting Director

BAGONG TAON, BAGONG PASANIN. Pag-asa man ang hatid ng bagong taon sa karamihan, tila pagsubok naman ito sa mga tulad nina Ricky dela Cruz, isang jeepney driver, matapos magpatupad ng oil price hike ang mga kumpanya ng langis noong January 3. “Dati-rati, mga 700 ang kinikita ko. Ngayon, mga 500 na lang matapos tumaas ang gasolina...” wika ni dela Cruz. Inaasahan pang magkakaroon ng mga panibagong price hike sa mga susunod na araw dahil umano sa pagtaas ng presyo ng krudo sa pangdaigdigang merkado. Chris Martin Imperial of the Campus Maintenance Office, Engr. Alden Aynera, Campus Security Office, Prof. Elvin Ebreo in cooperation with Special Services Brigade, UPDP and QCPD, and student and alumni representatives of the fireworks display sponsor Beta Epsilon fraternity. The task force iscurrentlyconducting an onsite internal investigation on quality control to ascertain whether the the fireworks were launched correctly. A collection of videos from the setting to the launching of fireworks are also being reviewed.

According to Vice Chancellor Abad, another main concern of the task force is the provision of medical support to the injured. “Accountable tayo sa lahat. Reminder na lang sa atin na kapag may malalaking events mas maging equipped ang lahat ng security personnel, operators and [other] people on the ground.” Abad added. In a statement, Chancellor Caesar Saloma said “the UP administration is deeply saddened that what started as a celebratory and traditional UP

Christmas activity… ended in injury to several participants.” “[This incident, however,] also demonstrated how the UP administration, students and employees, the UP campus local government unit, UP alumni, and the Philippine Red Cross quickly responded and rallied around those who were affected. The UP Administration and the sponsors jointly wish for the speedy recovery of Jomerson and Aling Lucia,“ Saloma added. ●

4 • Kulê Balita

Martes 10 Enero 2012


Rachel Sandalo FA prof at kapatid, tinangkang pagnakawan

Tinangkang pagnakawan ng isang lalaki sina Propesor Ruben David Defeo ng College of Fine Arts (CFA) at nakatatanda nitong kapatid na si Maria Marta Defeo noong ika-1 ng Enero dakong alas diyes ng umaga sa kahabaan ng Agoncillo St., UP Campus. Naglalakad umano ang mga biktima sa nasabing kalsada nang biglang hinablot ng suspek ang bag ng 71-anyos na ginang. Nagawang makipaghatakan ng propesor ngunit bigo siyang makuha ang bag mula sa suspek. Agad namang rumesponde ang isang security guard nang marinig ang sigaw ni Gng. Defeo ngunit agad na nakatakas ang suspek na dala ang bag sakay ng isang bisikleta patungong Area 2. Samantala, nasaksihan ni SP/Cpl. Juan Encarnacion ng UP Diliman Police (UPDP) ang habulan ng security guard at ng suspek kaya’t agad sumunod ang pulis. Nahuli ang suspek sa may Viola St., Area 2 matapos itong habulin at gulpihin ng taumbayan. Nakuha mula sa suspek ang bag at ilan pang ari-arian na nagkakahalaga ng mahigit-kumulang P20,000. Nakilala ang suspek na si Rolando Turino, 29, karpentero at residente ng UP. Minabuti naman ng magkapatid na Defeo na iulat na lamang ang insidente sa UPDP at huwag nang sampahan ng kaso si Turino.

Bangkay natagpuan sa Acad oval

Ika-21 noong Disyembre 2011 nang natagpuan ang bangkay ng nakilalang si Moises Amelito Pancho, 38, sa UP Track and Field Oval dakong 10:30 ng gabi. Namataan ng nagpapatrol na guwardyang si Rositilo Holoyohoy ang nakahandusay na katawan ni Pancho sa likod ng Bahay ng Alumni. Inakala ni Holoyohoy na tulog lamang ang biktima. Nang lapitan niya ito at makitang duguan ang ulo, agad na syang tumawag sa UP Diliman Police (UPDP). Narekober sa pinangyarihan ang isang improvised na kalibre .22 pen gun at basyo ng bala. Ayon kay Case Investigator PO2 Alvin Quisimbing ng Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (CIDU) ng Quezon City Police District (QCPD), binaril ni Pancho ang sarili sa bibig na tumagos sa likurang bahagi ng kanyang ulo. Isang laboratory assistant si Pancho sa UP College of Engineering at residente ng Kristong Hari St., Pook Dagohoy, UP Diliman. Hindi naman makapaniwala ang ama nito na si Basilio Pancho sa nangyari. “Hindi ko akalaing magagawa niya ‘yan sa kanyang sarili,”. Aniya, wala raw syang alam na dahilan kung bakit gustong

VIVA NAZARENO. Tangan ang mga tuwalya at suot ang pulang damit, dumagsa ang humigit-kumulang walong milyong deboto sa taunang pista ng Poong Nazareno noong Enero 9. Pansamantalang pinutol ang serbisyo ng mga telcom companies sa mga lugar na dinaanan ng prusisyon sa gitna umano ng banta ng terorismo. Chris Martin Imperial magpakamatay ng anak liban sa madalas na pag-aaway ng mag-asawa.

Vintage bombs, nagkalat pa rin sa UP

Nakatanggap ng tawag ang UP Diliman Police (UPDP) noong ika-14 mula kay Engr. Jojo Arosal ng Lucky Star Construction na may apat na 25-pounder drop munitions na nahukay mula sa ginagawang PhaseII ng Chemistry building construction site sa Regidor St. Agad itong itinawag sa Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team ng Quezon City Police District (QCPD). Isang 155 mm projectile naman ang nahukay ng residente ng UP na si Juper Abergos, 39, malapit sa Faculty Center kiosk noong ika-7 ng Disyembre na naiulat agad kay Sgt. Federico Tique ng UPDP. Ayon kay Chief EOD Police Inspector Noel Fabie Sublay ng QCPD, sa UP lang nakahahanap mga tumpuk-tumpok na malalaking bomba sa buong Kamaynilaan. Mahigit kumulang 70 vintage bombs na ang naitalang idinispatya ng disposal unit simula 2008. Ayon kay Sublay, matagal nang nais magsagawa ng pulisya ng clearing operation sa campus upang maalis na lahat ng nakabaong bomba sa UP ngunit hindi nila ito maisagawa dahil na rin sa kakulangan ng pondo. Isang military camp at Rest and Recreation Center (R&R) ng mga Amerikanong sundalo ang Diliman noong panahon ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig. ●

USC swears in new councilor, BA rep Isabella Patricia H. Borlaza The UP Diliman (UPD) University Student Council (USC) proclaimed new council members on January 9 to fill vacant posts left after the dismissal of councilor Melvin Banzon and the resignation of College of Business Administration (BA) representative Wesley Paul Cortez. Banzon is a member of Nagkakaisang Iskolar para sa Pamantasan at Sambayanan (KAISA), while Cortez is a member of Alyansa ng Mag-aaral para sa Panlipunang Katwiran at Kaunlaran (ALYANSA) Fifth year Materials Engineering student Armani Mikhail Alcayaga replaced Banzon as councilor, while fourth year BA student Leigh Wade Wong succeeded Cortez as BA college representative. Alcayaga is a member of Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND UP) and placed 13th in the 2011 UPD USC elections. Leigh Wade Wong was appointed and endorsed to the UPD USC by the BA college student council.

According to UPD USC Chair Jemimah Grace Garcia, the USC reached a consensus to dismiss Banzon in their December 12 General Assembly (GA), after Banzon failed to comply with the attendance requirements stipulated under the 2009 USC House Rules. During the first semester of the school year, Banzon failed to attend 60 percent of GAs convened by the council. He was then put on probation with the condition that he must attend 80 percent of GAs to be held in the second semester, Garcia said. Banzon, however, was absent during the first three GAs this semester without any valid excuse. Article X Section 1.a of the 1981 USC Constitution states that “if a council member fails to attend four consecutive regular council sessions without informing the body of his or her status of the reasons why he or she has not been attending or working, he or she shall automatically be dropped from the roll.” Three consecutive absences would warrant a warning, but since

Banzon was already under probation, the council motioned for his dismissal, UPD USC councilor Jianica Therese Fuentes said. Garcia said the USC held a total of 12 GAs during the first semester, while usually the second semester would have less. According to the USC’s computation, Banzon would not meet the 80 percent mark needed for his reinstatement after his three absences. Though the attendance of a council member is also measured by the number of UPD USC activities he or she attended, the council eventually resolved to establish attendance in the GAs as a quantifiable basis for performance, said Fuentes. Meanwhile, ALYANSA councilor Paolo Miguel Gupalor is also currently on probation as he was only able to attend 46 percent of the total GAs held during the first semester. On the other hand, Cortez resigned from his post after he received a five-month scholarship to Singapore. ●

5 • Kulê Balita

Martes 10 Enero 2012

Alleged bribery in GASC delays resolution on SR selection rules Amid debates over the agenda and House Rules, a UP Visayas SC representative brought to the attention of the assembly an alleged attempt to bribe the council. The said representative confessed of having been offered an “incentive” to vote for certain revisions. A non-SC member has reportedly offered the UP Visayas SC P2,000 for every amendment including the provision of a minimum academic standing as set by the University Code for SR nominees and the disengagement of the national alliance of SCs Katipunan ng mga Sangguniang Mag-aaral sa UP (KASAMA sa UP) in the SR selection process. The KASAMA sa UP, by virtue of its historical role in the re-establishment of the Office in 1987, is mandated to

ensure maximum student participation in the selection of the SR under Article V, section 3 of the CRSRS. The alliance can issue memoranda to organizations; and conduct symposia, fora and personal orientations in line with the selection process. Another amendment proposed is to delegate voting powers to the councils, increasing the current 18 votes to 52. The current rules on voting guarantee only one vote for each of the regional units like UP Palo and Pampanga. Meanwhile, autonomous units—UP Diliman, Manila, Los Baños, Baguio, Visayas, Cebu and Mindanao— are entitled to two votes each. Any student or student council can propose amendments to the CRSRS as early as October every year. The Office of the SR then forwards

the collated proposals to all SCs across the UP System in time for the deliberations in the GASC. “[I]t is almost embarrassing to report that grandstanding and corruption have found its way into our ranks. The [first GASC of this academic year] was one of the most fractious and deeply divided assemblies convened,” said SR Ma. Kristina Conti.

Delaying tactic?

With the allegation of bribery at hand, Conti ruled to defer deliberations on the proposed amendments to the codified rules until the investigation on the complaint of attempted bribery raised by UP Visayas SC is concluded. The Office of the SR has created a special investigation team, which will be composed of former student

« from page 1 regents Cori Alessa Co and Jaqueline Eroles, and faculty members. The investigation covering all UP units with focus on UP Visayas will determine if the case may be elevated to the Student Disciplinary Tribunal. The SR targets to have the investigations finished by the end of this month. However, political party Bigkis ng mga Iskolar Para sa Bayan Tungo sa Makabuluhang Pagbabago (BIGKIS) of UP Manila has pushed for the “immediate” reconvention of the GASC before the end of the month. “We call on anti-amendments student councils to stop the filibustering that bastardize the democratic process of voting on the proposed amendments,” the party said in a December 27 statement. BIGKIS also accused the SR of “witch-hunting” on the allegation of bribery. “What happened was a farce, a mockery of our democratic aspirations. [T]he SR and her allies forcibly and systematically silenced the majority and denied us once again of our dream of a reformed CRSRS,” according to BIGKIS. Conti explained that the proposed amendments will still be discussed and voted upon when the GASC reconvenes on February or March immediately after the investigation is concluded. For the results of the GASC to be credible, we must ensure first the integrity of the body, added Conti.

Live tweeting

Meanwhile, the GASC reprimanded some members who posted live updates of the assembly using their respective political parties’ accounts on micro-blogging website Twitter and on social networking site Facebook following reports of “misleading” and “biased” presentation of information. “Delegates came to the assembly representing councils, not parties. The particular sources being unnamed, the content and substance of the posts of non-councils reflected a particular bias that offended the assembly,” said Conti in a statement. The GASC agreed on a motion to regulate the use of cellular phones, laptops and other recording devices “that will distract the delegates and impair the quality of the discussion, unless in emergency circumstances and with permission of the body.” Student publications, however, take exception to the motion provided that they should be bound to the principle of accuracy and fairness. “The GASC shuns indiscriminate public attention, inaccuracies and incompleteness in the information, and irresponsible behavior pertaining to the assembly, its delegates and its results. [The assembly] is a body that promotes precision in communication and credibility in reportage in order to bridge political and personal divides,” said Conti. ●

Students may pay through credit card in June « from page 1

ILL FATED. Lady Maroons Blocker Pau Genido, goes in for a kill in a volleyball match against the UE Lady Warriors held at the FilOil Flying V Arena on January 8. Maroon volleybelles dominated the first set before bowing down to UE’s offense with a set score of 1-4, suffering their 7th loss in the season. Airnel T. Abarra

odds with the idea of UP as a ‘People’s University’. According to Student Regent Ma. Kristina Conti, this new payment option shows how the UP administration is forced to ensure it gets needed funds from the students come enrolment time. “For the majority of the students who experience inconvenience every semester because of the high rate of UP tuition, ‘misplaced’ bracket in the STFAP [Socialized Tuition Financial Assistance Program] or unsettled loans, this development means little, if not nothing,” said UP Manila University Student Council (USC) Chairperson Cleve Kevin Robert Arguelles. In the previous semester, the number of granted tuition loans surged to 2,300 in Diliman, the highest number of loaners recorded in the last twenty years, according to data from the Office of the Student Scholarships and Services (OSSS). The data from the OSSS also revealed that since 2006, over 600 accounts still remain unsettled and 135 of these or 22 percent are from students enrolled in the previous semester. “UP student loans and credit payments are two different but similar

payment schemes. For one thing, the credit card scheme guarantees the administration that fees will be settled because of the presence of the bank in the loan equation,” said Arguelles. These installment payments, however, do not revolutionize the concept of ‘study now, pay later’ (SNPL), said Conti. Though the SNPL scheme works better in centralized scholarships, the idea should be explored, she added. The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) handles the SNPL program in the Philippines. The low repayment rate of only 3 percent, however, has pushed CHEd to reconsider the introduction of stricter guidelines in July 2011. In UP, the implementation of credit payments only implies that UP has become unaffordable and needs to be paid in installments. In the end, it is higher state subsidy for education and other social services that will benefit most UP students, UP Los Baños USC Chairperson Pura Beatriz Valle stated. Out of the UP administration’s P17 billion budget proposal for 2012, the government has approved only a third or P5.74 billion. ●

6-7 • Kulê Kultura

Mga Bersyon ng Paggunaw

Tatapat sa Biyernes ang ika-21 ng Disyembre ngayong taon. Naniniwala ka man o hindi na ito ang petsa ng katapusan ng mundo, marahil buong pananabik mo pa ring sasalubungin ang bukang-liwayway sa araw na ito. Hindi na bago sa kasaysayan ng tao ang mga ganitong prediksyon. At sa patuloy na pagbabagong-bihis ng sibilisasyon at lipunan, nag-iiba rin ang mga hinuha ukol sa pagkalipol ng sangkatauhan.●

Dreading Doomsday Glenn Diaz Whether it’s a rogue, uncontrollable virus that wipes out the human race or a robot prototype that gains consciousness and mounts a rebellion against their human masters, technology often enters our consciousness when we imagine the end of the world. Even the once very real threat of a nuclear apocalypse, while also ideological, is at its core a technological occasion, the result of a chilling arms race that could have easily obliterated a vast majority of the human population. In hindsight, it seems natural for technology, as the hallmark of human civilization, to be invoked when we talk about its demise. Technology is intertwined with mankind’s history: from the quaint stone tools used in hunter-gatherer societies to the steam engine that ushered in industrialization, from the Sony Walkman that heralded individual alienation to the touch-screen technology that supposedly supplants a real human caress. These shifts in definitive technologies echo shifts in human thought and relationships in society – from primitive communalism to feudalism, from capitalism to its advanced, multifarious definitions – indicative of how technology shapes history and, to a certain extent, vice versa. And so when a society is deemed “advanced,” what is often implied is that that it has made leaps in the way it is able to harness nature to suit its needs. Human agency is key in the way we imagine the future (or non-future) of the human race, and unbridled excess and wanton insatiability – both in conceiving new inventions and harnessing resources – always spell disaster. The portrayal of technology in apocalyptic scenarios therefore highlights its double-edged quality: that it can nurture but also annihilate. And since we are at a point in human history when advancements in science is fastest and most pronounced, the imperative of caution is also loudest. Unfortunately, technology is also a very profitable venture. The biggest firms today – from Facebook to Apple, from pharmaceuticals to energy companies – all partake in the hefty technological pie. As a result, what was once a hallmark of the greatness of the human imagination has been transformed into a commodity. What was once a showcase of the great human spirit is today just another manifestation of an entrenched inequality as some can afford it more than others. Excess, then, exists beyond the normal doomsayers’ sounding board of environmental degradation and religious fanaticism. Even technology, with its imaginative zeal and purportedly apolitical rendering, is susceptible to the most basic of human natures: greed, and it is a tendency that could very well take us to the end of the world as we know it. We need not look into the future. In 1986, a nuclear accident in a Ukraine facility in Chernobyl released fatal radioactive material that affected almost the whole of Europe. Just last year, what is now called the Great East Japan Earthquake caused a number of nuclear accidents, including meltdowns in its Fukushima complex, near which hundreds of thousands were evacuated. When we speak of 2012 then, the threat seems to come not from an ancient calendar or from malevolent robots from outer space; not from a wayward asteroid or a new strain of bacteria that is resistant to all known antibiotics. The threat comes from here and now, in the way technology is used or, more often than not, misused. ●


Mary Joy T. Capistrano Halos limasin ng bagyong Sendong ang buong lungsod ng Cagayan de Oro. Karamihan sa mga kabahayan, kung hindi nawasak ay nalubog naman sa baha. Wasak at kung saan-saan matatagpuan ang mga sasakyan at mga puno. Ang patong-patong na bangkay ng mga biktima ang pinakakalunos-lunos na larawan sa lahat. Trak-trak kung ang mga ito’y hakutin at hindi na makilala pa ang ilan dahil sa pagkakalubog sa putik. Kung malala nang maituturing para sa mga Pilipino ang mga ganitong pangyayari, wala pa sa isang kapat nito ang nangyaring lindol sa Haiti kung saan tinatayang 100,000 ang bilang ng mga binawian ng buhay. Sa halip na bigyan ng malalim na suri at solusyon ang mga samu’t saring kalamidad na nagaganap sa iba’t ibang mga bansa, iniuugnay ito sa mitolohiya ng katapusan ng mundo ngayong 2012. Dulot nito, binabaling ng mga tao ang sisi sa nasabing phenomenon na nakatakdang mangyari sa halip na sa kani-kanilang mga sarili. Katulad na lamang ng bagyong Sendong na resulta ng ilegal na pamumutol ng puno sa kagubatan. Ayon nga sa mga ulat, pangkaraniwang ulan lamang ang dala ng Sendong ngunit dahil walang punong susuporta sa lupa bumigay ito at nagkaroon ng “flash flood” na naging sanhi ng pagkamatay ng maraming tao. Idagdag pa dito ang mga minahan sa kabundukan na lalo pang nagdulot ng panghihina ng lupa. Samakatuwid, tao rin ang dahilan ng mga kalamidad, lalo na ang walang habas na pag-extract ng mga likas na yaman at hindi sustainable na operasyon ng mga naglalakihang kumpanya. Nais marahil paniwalaan ng tao na hindi siya ang sanhi ng mga nangyayaring sakuna. Sa halip, masarap isipin na isa lamang itong natural at nakatakdang pangyayari ayon sa kapalaran ng mundo. At upang higit na maligtas sa sisi, nagpapatupad ng mga alternatibong paraan para sa lumalalang krisis ng kalikasan ang mga kumpanya na may layuning pangalagaan umano ang kalikasan. Katulad na lamang ng Kyoto Protocol, isang pandaigdigang kasunduan ng United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) kung saan napagkasunduang magbabawas ng paggamit ng greenhouse gases ang mga industriyalisadong bansa. Hindi ito sinang-ayunan ng Estados Unidos dahil malilimitahan nito ang pagpapatakbo ng kanilang mga industriya. Sa halip, naghain sila ng solusyon upang pangalagaan ang kalikasan sa paraang nakabatay sa teknolohiya ng kanilang mga industriya. Bagamat marami nang naihaing mga solusyon, sunod-sunod pa rin ang mga kalamidad. Ayon kay Naomi Klein, isang manunulat, pinagkakakitaan din ng mga kapitalista ang mga kalamidad at tinatawag niya itong “disaster capitalism” o ang pagsasamantala sa panahon ng krisis. Sa sunod-sunod na pagdating ng mga kalamidad, sa halip na paigtingin ang pangangalaga sa kalikasan, lalo pang ikinukubli ng mito ng katapusan ng mundo ang mga sakunang tao rin naman ang may likha. ●


Toni An

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6-7 • Kulê Kultura

Mga Bersyon ng Paggunaw

Tatapat sa Biyernes ang ika-21 ng Disyembre ngayong taon. Naniniwala ka man o hindi na ito ang petsa ng katapusan ng mundo, marahil buong pananabik mo pa ring sasalubungin ang bukang-liwayway sa araw na ito. Hindi na bago sa kasaysayan ng tao ang mga ganitong prediksyon. At sa patuloy na pagbabagong-bihis ng sibilisasyon at lipunan, nag-iiba rin ang mga hinuha ukol sa pagkalipol ng sangkatauhan.●

Dreading Doomsday Glenn Diaz Whether it’s a rogue, uncontrollable virus that wipes out the human race or a robot prototype that gains consciousness and mounts a rebellion against their human masters, technology often enters our consciousness when we imagine the end of the world. Even the once very real threat of a nuclear apocalypse, while also ideological, is at its core a technological occasion, the result of a chilling arms race that could have easily obliterated a vast majority of the human population. In hindsight, it seems natural for technology, as the hallmark of human civilization, to be invoked when we talk about its demise. Technology is intertwined with mankind’s history: from the quaint stone tools used in hunter-gatherer societies to the steam engine that ushered in industrialization, from the Sony Walkman that heralded individual alienation to the touch-screen technology that supposedly supplants a real human caress. These shifts in definitive technologies echo shifts in human thought and relationships in society – from primitive communalism to feudalism, from capitalism to its advanced, multifarious definitions – indicative of how technology shapes history and, to a certain extent, vice versa. And so when a society is deemed “advanced,” what is often implied is that that it has made leaps in the way it is able to harness nature to suit its needs. Human agency is key in the way we imagine the future (or non-future) of the human race, and unbridled excess and wanton insatiability – both in conceiving new inventions and harnessing resources – always spell disaster. The portrayal of technology in apocalyptic scenarios therefore highlights its double-edged quality: that it can nurture but also annihilate. And since we are at a point in human history when advancements in science is fastest and most pronounced, the imperative of caution is also loudest. Unfortunately, technology is also a very profitable venture. The biggest firms today – from Facebook to Apple, from pharmaceuticals to energy companies – all partake in the hefty technological pie. As a result, what was once a hallmark of the greatness of the human imagination has been transformed into a commodity. What was once a showcase of the great human spirit is today just another manifestation of an entrenched inequality as some can afford it more than others. Excess, then, exists beyond the normal doomsayers’ sounding board of environmental degradation and religious fanaticism. Even technology, with its imaginative zeal and purportedly apolitical rendering, is susceptible to the most basic of human natures: greed, and it is a tendency that could very well take us to the end of the world as we know it. We need not look into the future. In 1986, a nuclear accident in a Ukraine facility in Chernobyl released fatal radioactive material that affected almost the whole of Europe. Just last year, what is now called the Great East Japan Earthquake caused a number of nuclear accidents, including meltdowns in its Fukushima complex, near which hundreds of thousands were evacuated. When we speak of 2012 then, the threat seems to come not from an ancient calendar or from malevolent robots from outer space; not from a wayward asteroid or a new strain of bacteria that is resistant to all known antibiotics. The threat comes from here and now, in the way technology is used or, more often than not, misused. ●


Mary Joy T. Capistrano Halos limasin ng bagyong Sendong ang buong lungsod ng Cagayan de Oro. Karamihan sa mga kabahayan, kung hindi nawasak ay nalubog naman sa baha. Wasak at kung saan-saan matatagpuan ang mga sasakyan at mga puno. Ang patong-patong na bangkay ng mga biktima ang pinakakalunos-lunos na larawan sa lahat. Trak-trak kung ang mga ito’y hakutin at hindi na makilala pa ang ilan dahil sa pagkakalubog sa putik. Kung malala nang maituturing para sa mga Pilipino ang mga ganitong pangyayari, wala pa sa isang kapat nito ang nangyaring lindol sa Haiti kung saan tinatayang 100,000 ang bilang ng mga binawian ng buhay. Sa halip na bigyan ng malalim na suri at solusyon ang mga samu’t saring kalamidad na nagaganap sa iba’t ibang mga bansa, iniuugnay ito sa mitolohiya ng katapusan ng mundo ngayong 2012. Dulot nito, binabaling ng mga tao ang sisi sa nasabing phenomenon na nakatakdang mangyari sa halip na sa kani-kanilang mga sarili. Katulad na lamang ng bagyong Sendong na resulta ng ilegal na pamumutol ng puno sa kagubatan. Ayon nga sa mga ulat, pangkaraniwang ulan lamang ang dala ng Sendong ngunit dahil walang punong susuporta sa lupa bumigay ito at nagkaroon ng “flash flood” na naging sanhi ng pagkamatay ng maraming tao. Idagdag pa dito ang mga minahan sa kabundukan na lalo pang nagdulot ng panghihina ng lupa. Samakatuwid, tao rin ang dahilan ng mga kalamidad, lalo na ang walang habas na pag-extract ng mga likas na yaman at hindi sustainable na operasyon ng mga naglalakihang kumpanya. Nais marahil paniwalaan ng tao na hindi siya ang sanhi ng mga nangyayaring sakuna. Sa halip, masarap isipin na isa lamang itong natural at nakatakdang pangyayari ayon sa kapalaran ng mundo. At upang higit na maligtas sa sisi, nagpapatupad ng mga alternatibong paraan para sa lumalalang krisis ng kalikasan ang mga kumpanya na may layuning pangalagaan umano ang kalikasan. Katulad na lamang ng Kyoto Protocol, isang pandaigdigang kasunduan ng United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) kung saan napagkasunduang magbabawas ng paggamit ng greenhouse gases ang mga industriyalisadong bansa. Hindi ito sinang-ayunan ng Estados Unidos dahil malilimitahan nito ang pagpapatakbo ng kanilang mga industriya. Sa halip, naghain sila ng solusyon upang pangalagaan ang kalikasan sa paraang nakabatay sa teknolohiya ng kanilang mga industriya. Bagamat marami nang naihaing mga solusyon, sunod-sunod pa rin ang mga kalamidad. Ayon kay Naomi Klein, isang manunulat, pinagkakakitaan din ng mga kapitalista ang mga kalamidad at tinatawag niya itong “disaster capitalism” o ang pagsasamantala sa panahon ng krisis. Sa sunod-sunod na pagdating ng mga kalamidad, sa halip na paigtingin ang pangangalaga sa kalikasan, lalo pang ikinukubli ng mito ng katapusan ng mundo ang mga sakunang tao rin naman ang may likha. ●

Martes 10 Enero 2012

Waiting for the End Toni Antiporda “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” Matthew 24:36 We’re always thinking about the end. Our little lives are yet to begin, but we already find ourselves pondering about death and about the various ways that we as a humanity could go. Without the knowledge of how it all ends, our little lives are rendered devoid of purpose, bereft of meaning. We’re so preoccupied with the end that we even have developed it into a discipline: eschatology, that study of the final events of history and the ultimate destiny of humanity. It concerns the four last things: death, judgment, heaven and hell. Religion plays with this precarious urge to know how it ends, by treating heaven as a commodity to sell and hell as an immediate threat. For thousands of years, even before the Mayan calendar has been a part of our consciousness, religious sacred texts and folklore have prophesied about the end of days, filling the minds of the faithful with images of worldwide famine, ground-shattering tremors and rivers of fire surfacing on the earth, all serving as mere precursors to the coming of a great Messiah. Contemporary apocalyptic imagination rests heavily on the idea of destruction and pandemonium. Beyond the overt imagery of devastation and chaos fed by the mass media, religious leaders themselves further the confusion of their flock, with factions still existing even among the faithful. Via their fervent speeches on the pulpit, citing current world and regional wars, natural disasters and famine as signs of the end, they instill unwarranted fear in the hearts of believers. As our history shows, nothing pushes people more into blind obedience than fear. In truth, Christianity has been introduced into our country by way of fear. Spanish conquistadors and friars easily instilled unquestioning subservience to our newly Christianized ancestors by constantly bringing up images of a fiery hell and inciting eternal damnation on their minds. After 400 years, the same tactics remain. Modern charismatic televangelists mesh natural and man-made incidents with biblical posturings to paint a truth of the prophecies slowly materializing. Their constant call to seek for salvation, repentance and forgiveness often entails, if not a steady stream of donation to the local parish, constant policing of the flock. Religious violence still has its roots in apocalyptic imagination and theology. Prevailing images of warring nations and a crumbling earth all but makes us fear the apocalypse. But, if Scripture is still to be believed, Revelation 21 tells us that we’ll see “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth would pass away. At its core, the apocalypse is really about new creation, transformation, and change - an old world paving the way for a new kingdom. If the apocalypse could be seen in this light, not only would it quell our fears, but it would also demystify our religious institutions and deflate our very human arrogance. Perhaps we’ll never cease on thinking about the end. Even after 2012, there would be another set of dates marking the supposed end of the world. We still look to it with uncertainty. For it is possible that there is no salvation and no damnation in the end. Just a void, and nothingness. ●

The day after tomorrow Katherine Elona Isang posibleng scenario sa paggunaw ng daigdig: yayanig ang lupa at manginginig ang dagat. Gagambalain ng lindol ang Pilipinas at dadaluhong ang mga delubyo sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng globo. At sa isang hudyat, tuluyang guguho ang buong mundo. Ngunit ika nga ni Britney Spears, maaaring salubungin ang napipintong katapusang ito ng sayawan at pagdiriwang. Usap-usapan ang nakatakdang pagpawi ng sangkatauhan sa Disyembre 21, 2012 batay sa Mayan calendar, kaya umaawit tungkol sa magdamagang party sa pagtatapos ng mundo maging si Jay Sean at Nicki Minaj. At bukod sa mga kanta, laksa-laksang pelikula rin ang may kanya-kanyang interpretasyon sa kung paano darating ang inaasahang pagwawakas. Marami nang teorya ukol sa kung kailan nga ba tuluyang magugunaw ang lahat. At lagi’t lagi, sinasakyan ito ng popular na kultura at nagsisilabasan ang mga produktong awit, pelikula at iba pa na patungkol dito ang nilalaman. Haka-haka dati ang pagguho ng mundo sa taong 2000, at nagsulat ng party song ukol dito si Prince, ang “1999.” At nang dineklara ng pastor na si Harold Camping na magtatapos ang mundo sa Oktubre 21, 2001, dumami ng 634 porsyento ang digital sales ang awitin ng R.E.M. na “It’s The End of the World As We Know It” ayon sa Billboard Charts. Bukod sa mga nabanggit na awitin na pawang pagyakap sa mga huling sandali ang tema, may mga kanta ring naisulat ukol naman sa kalungkutan ng paglaho ng lahat. Halimbawa rito ang The End ng The Doors at The Day the World Went Away ng Nine Inch Nails. Mababatid dito ang polaridad sa tema ng mga awitin—ang labis na pagsasaya at ang pagiging maselan ng damdamin ng tao sa kabilang banda. Nagdagsaan din ang mga pelikula tungkol sa iba’t ibang paraan ng paggunaw ng mundo. May mga binabalikan ang nakasulat sa Book of Revelations ng Bibliya (End of Days), may mga patungkol sa natural na kalamidad (Armageddon), o kaya nama’y pagkalat ng nakamamatay na sakit (Contagion). Sa mga pelikulang ito, makikitang nagtatagumpay ang ilang bahagi ng sangkatauhan dulot ng pagkakaisa at pagtutulungan—isang mensaheng nagsasabi na maging ang banta ng pagtatapos ng mundo ay kayang igpawan ng tao. Ngunit kung susuriin, ang mga tagumpay na ito ay hindi posibleng maganap kung hindi dahil sa isang catalyst na nangunguna at nagsisilbing bayani—ang Estados Unidos at ang mga institusyon nito. Hindi lamang pelikula kundi maging mga palabas sa telebisyon kagaya ng Dexter, na patungkol na rin sa pagtatapos ang mundo ang tinatalakay ng kasalukuyang season. At kahit ang panitikan, pinapaksa rin ang nakaambang katapusan. Halimbawa na lamang ang binubuong antolohiya sa kasalukuyan na Thursday Never Looking Back na maglalaman ng mga akdang maglalarawan sa maaaring huling eksena ng daigdig. Bagaman paglaho’t kawalan ang paksa, may tanaw pa rin sa bahagi ng iba’t ibang larangan ng sining na hulmahin ang imahinasyon at bigyang-hugis ang mga walang anyo’t hindi pa umiiral. Nahuhumaling kasi talaga ang mga tao sa konsepto ng katapusan ng mundo, ayon sa propesor ng sociology na si Margaret Gonsoulin. At aniya, bunga ito ng ligalig ng tao na mahanap ang kahulugan ng kanyang buhay sa panahong nahihirapan siya. Sa kasalukuyan, hinaharap ng mundo ang hindi lamang mga kathang-isip na trahedya. Sa paglala ng problema sa kalikasan, nananatiling hindi handa ang mga tao sa pagharap sa mga kalamidad. Ang Pilipinas, halimbawa, ay madalas na hindi sapat ang paghahanda sa delubyo bagaman madalas itong dinadaanan ng mga bagyo. Umiigting din ang problema sa ekonomiya hindi lamang sa bansa at patunay dito ang kabikabilang malawakang protesta sa iba’t ibang panig ng mundo. Ngunit sa halip na hanapan ng solusyon ang mga konkreto’t tiyak na problema, nauuwi ang mga tao sa mga hindi tiyak na paniniwala na higit pang pinaiigting ng popular na kultura. Sa huli, hindi tunay na sinasalamin ng mga produktong ito ng media ang sentimyento ng mga tao. Inililihis lamang ng mga ito ang marahas ng konsepto ng katapusan sa mga positibong ideya ng pagtatagumpay at pagdiriwang na siyang nagsisilbing panandaliang takas sa nananatiling malupit na kondisyon ng pamumuhay. Wala namang nakatitiyak kung kailan magwawakas ang lahat. Maaaring magunaw ang mundo bukas, sa makalawa o sa ika-21 ng Disyembre. Ngunit hindi gaya ng mga nakaraang hula, may mga likas na balakid at problema sa pamumuhay ng tao na hindi lilipas at basta-bastang makalilimutan. ● an garo linaw sa Ca na ni EJ Ta Y i n o i h h u a b p Di yo ng Disen

8 • Kulê Lathalain Joan Cordero at John Toledo Hilera-hilerang mga bangkay at nawasak na mga sementadong bahay sa Hilagang Mindanao ang iniwan ng Bagyong Sendong noong Disyembre 16. Nilimas ng bagyo ang mga tirahan, imprastraktura, kabuhayan, at iba pa. “Inidoro at tiles na nga lang ang natira sa mga bahay malapit sa ilog,” ani Soraya Escandor, estudyanteng nagvolunteer tumulong sa mga nasalanta ng bagyo. Sa dami ng mga namatay, nagkakaubusan na ng kabaong, at lupang malilibingan. Sa kasalukuyan, nasa 1,257 na ang patay at 173 ang nawawala sa itinuturing na bagyong may pinakamaraming namatay sa unang dekada ng ika-21 siglo, ayon sa National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). Ayon sa United Nations, pangatlo ang Pilipinas sa most disaster-prone areas sa buong mundo noong 2011. Sa katunayan, 19 na bagyo ang dumaan sa Pilipinas nitong 2011, mga bagyong nagdulot ng samu’t saring pinsala sa mga buhay at ari-arian (sumangguni sa sidebar). Bago ang bagyong Sendong, pinakamarami ang bilang ng patay na iniwan ng bagyong Winnie noong 2004 sa Samar-Bicol Area. May pinakamataas naman na halaga ng pinsala ang bagyong Pedring na humagupit tatlong buwan bago ang Sendong.


Sa dami ng mga sakunang ito, sa tuwing panahon lamang ng kalamidad kumikilos ang NDRRMC ng pamahalaan, ani Dr. Giovanni Tapang, chairperson ng AGHAMAdvocates of Science and Technology for the People. Wala umano itong “preparatory practice” sang-ayon sa Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 (RA 10121) na nagsasaad na maaari nang gamitin para sa disaster risk reduction, mitigation, at ibang aktibidad bilang paghahanda sa bagyo ang calamity fund na ginagamit lamang sa aktwal na panahon ng kalamidad. Gayunman, hindi rin tuluyang napupunta ang calamity fund sa mga mamamayang nasalanta. May pagkakataong ginagamit lamang itong pang-Christmas cash gift sa mga opisyal ng gobyerno noong 2010, ayon sa isang di-pinangalanang opisyal ng Department of Interior and Local Government sa mga ulat. Ginamit din umano ni Gloria Arroyo sa pangangampanya bilang congresswoman noong 2010 ang P105 milyon na calamity fund, ani Department of Budget and Management Secretary Florencio Abad sa isang press briefing. Ayon sa 2011 veto message ni Pangulong Aquino, “[there is an ] imperious need of maintaining sufficient provision under the calamity fund for actual calamities and prevent its full utilization for pre-disaster activities...” Bagaman nasisigurado nito ang paggamit ng calamity fund para sa relief operations, taliwas umano ito sa RA 10121 lalo pa’t

Martes 10 Enero 2012

tinatanggalan nito ng mandato ang NDRRMC na siyang pangunahing kumikilos sa panahon ng sakuna, ani Tapang. Nakasaad din sa batas na pangalawang prayoridad lamang ang pagresponde sa kalamidad, at kailangan maglaan ng 30 bahagdan ng calamity fund para sa disaster preparedness. Disaster preparedness, sa halip na disaster relief ang dapat paglaanan ng pansin ng gobyerno, ayon sa organisasyong Center for Disaster Prevention (CDP). “We should have typhoon drills, pre-positioned relief goods, evacuation plans and community-based disaster risk assessments [and] clear and direct lines of responsibilities between the national and local disaster agencies,” ani Tapang. Mahalaga ang preventive at preparedness aspect upang mabawasan ang maaaring maging pinsalang dala ng bagyo, ani Juan Carlos Padolina, deputy executive director ng Citizen’s Disaster Response Center. “[The] key to effective disaster preparedness and risk reduction is the development of appropriate scenarios arising from multi-hazard and risk management,” ani Dr. Renato Solidum ng Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology. Tumutukoy ito sa mga mga plano’t pamamaraan upang mapabilis ang relief at recovery, paghahanda ng mga komunidad at bansa sa mga konkretong hakbang upang maibsan ang pinsala ng sakuna. Sinusubukan naman umano ng mga organisasyon ng gobyerno na balaan nang maaga ang mga mamamayan.“[We] immediately set out to rationalize and to speed up... mapping... landslide-prone areas and the dissemination of geohazard information to increase public awareness,” ani Dr. Karlo Queaño ng Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB). Gayunpaman, mga local government unit (LGU) umano ang dapat na pangunahing magpatupad nito. “Although we also gave socialrelated programs, it must be the LGU’s primary concern,” dagdag niya.


Sa ilalim ng RA 10121, kinikilala ang “disaster risk reduction and management” sa LGU na may “decentralized powers, responsibilities, and resources.” Pinahihintulutan ang lokal na pamahalaan na gamitin ang calamity fund upang makapaghanda sa sakuna, ngunit hindi rin umano lubusang makapaghahanda dahil limang bahagdan lamang ng kabuuang badyet ng LGUs ang inilalaan para sa paghahanda. Halimbawa, kung nasa isang milyon ang badyet ng isang LGU, P35,000 lamang ang para sa paghahanda, at P15,000 ang para sa relief, ayon pa sa CDP. Bukod sa badyet, problema din ang pagpapalaganap ng impormasyon hinggil sa mga sakuna, at pagpapatupad ng mga palisiya. Sa katunayan, kahit na binalaan na ng

NDRRMC si Cagayan de Oro (CDO) Mayor Vicente Emano hinggil sa lakas ng bagyong Sendong, hindi pa rin napaghandaan ng lungsod ang bagyo. “Ibig sabihin lamang, mayroon nang kapabayaan mula sa gobyerno sa salik ng palisiya sa paghahanda sa sakuna at sa pagpapatupad nito sa baranggay level,” ani Cheamson Boongaling, mananaliksik ng Center for Environmental Concerns-Philippines. Halimbawa, bagaman bumili ng P150,000 na Doppler radars at naglaan ng P1.6 bilyon sa Department of Science and Technology ang administrasyong Aquino, hindi pa din napapabilis ang pagbibigay-babala. “Walang directive ang gobyerno na i-maximize ang mga resources [nito] sa mga disasters,” ani Boongaling. Samantala, kulang din ng 13 warning systems para sa 18 pangunahing ilog ng bansa. Sa Mindanao naman, nangangailangan ng P300 milyon badyet para sa isang “automated warning system” na papalit sa mga lumang “rain gauge,” ayon sa Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration.

Balangkas ng trahedya

Mga tala ng kapabayaan sa pagtugon sa sakuna

Tunay na salarin

Ngunit kahit pa man may maayos na warning system, hindi pa rin tunay na maiiwasan ang pinsala bunsod ng walang habas na pamumutol ng puno at pagmimina. Kapansin-pansin ang mga naglalakihang mga trosong inanod ng baha noong bagyong Sendong. Noong Disyembre 30, labintatlong araw pagkatapos ng hagupit ng bagyo, kinumpiska ng Department of Environment and Natural Resources ang mga trosong diumano’y bunga ng illegal logging operations sa Lanao. Ayon sa imbestigasyon ng UP Task Force Sendong, malaking salik ang legal mining operations ng VicMar Development Corporation, na itinuturing na pinakamalaking “logging operator” sa Iligan simula pa 1975, sa naganap na flash flood sa CDO. Sa Compostela Valley naman, nasa 31 ang idineklarang patay at 150 ang nawawala nang gumuho ang lupa ng Barangay Napnapan sa Pantukan, isang komunidad ng minahan, noong nakaraang Huwebes. Hindi maikakailang salarin ang malawakang pagmimina, na pinagtitibay ng Philippine Mining Act of 1995 na nagpapahintulot ng large-scale mining sa mga dayuhang korporasyon, sa mga nagdaang sakuna. Isa ang Napnapan sa 1,912 na landslide-prone barangay bunsod nang walang habas na pagmimina ng ginto, tanso at silver ng mga kumpanyang Nationwide Development Corporation at Napnapan Mineral Resources Inc., ayon sa MGB. “Aquino even exempted mining Dibuho ni Luigi Almuenza

Disenyo ng pahina ni Roanne Descallar

9 • Kulê Lathalain

Martes 10 Enero 2012

companies from the existing total log ban this year,” ani Liza Maza, tagapagsalita ng progresibong alyansang Makabayan. Pinapaburan umano ng gobyerno ang mining companies na siyang direktang nag-aambag sa paglala ng sakuna, ani Boongaling. “Ang mga token policies [na mining at logging] ay environmentally destructive,” dagdag niya.

Maling pagbaling

Sa kabila nito, sinisi pa ni Pangulong Aquino ang “informal settlers” na piniling manirahan sa mga lugar na malapit sa sakuna. Nakatira malapit sa ilog ang karamihan sa mga biktima ng mga sakuna, ani NDRRMC Executive Director Benito Ramos. Napipilitang manirahan malapit sa ilog ang informal settlers dahil dito nanggagaling ang kanilang kabuhayan, ani Gloria Arellan, kalihim ng Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap. Malinaw ang malaking pangangailangan sa pabahay at maayos na kabuhayan sa rehiyon ng Cagayan at Iligan, na pang-anim sa may pinakamataas na “poverty incidence”, ayon sa National Statistical Coordination Board. Bukod pa rito, umaabot sa 153,598 na pamilya o 11 porsyento ng populasyon sa Mindanao ang maibibilang na “informal settlers” noong 2010, ayon sa National Housing Authority. Sa paghambalos nang paulit-ulit na sakuna, malaki ang pangangailangan para sa alternatibong solusyon. “’Di priority ng government ang usapin ng climate change at ang urgency to act [before] a disaster,” ani Boongaling. Nagiging sanhi tuloy ang mga sakuna upang lalong mabaon sa utang ang bansa, dahil sa pagpapautang at grant offers ng World Bank at iba pang institusyong pampinansiya. Kung napaghandaan lamang ang sakuna, hindi na sana maglalabas ng malaking badyet para sa pinsala. “Kailangang baguhin ng gobyerno ang framework on preventive [measures] at baguhin ang mga polisiya sa mining, lalo na sa deforestation... hindi mabilis lumaki ang mga puno. Ilang years ‘yun pero ang baha at landslide [ilang oras lang],” ani Padolina. Pansamantalang tumila ang ulan sa Cagayan at Iligan, ngunit hindi pa tapos ang pagdating na mga sakuna. Bagaman makatutulong ang pagdating ng tulong at donasyon sa mga biktima sa kanilang muling pagbangon, maiibsan lamang ang kanilang paghihirap sa maagap na paghahanda para sa sakuna. Sa ganitong mga pagkakataon, higit ang pangangailangang matuto sa mga aral ng mga nagdaang sakuna upang hindi na maulit ang trahedyang ito.●

HALAGA NG PINSALA Sa bawat sakunang dumaraan, laging may naiiwang bakas: mga bangkay, gibang mga bahay, sira-sirang mga gamit, mga pamilyang nagsisiksikan sa mga evacuation center. Itatala ng sumusunod na mga datos ang lalim ng pinsalang iniiwan ng mga nagdaang sakuna sa bansa: Kabuuang bilang ng biktima ng mga sakuna noong nakaraang taon: 9,867,622 Kabuuang populasyon ng Pilipinas noong 2011, ayon sa National Statistics Office (NSO): 101,833,938 Kabuuang bilang ng namatay sa mga sakuna noong 2011: 1,541 Bilang ng bagyong pumasok sa Pilipinas sa taong 2011: 19 Bilang ng nasalanta sa bagyong Sendong: 1,141,222 Nasalanta sa Bohol at Negros Oriental: 82,556 Nasalanta sa Zamboanga del Norte: 4,947 Nasalanta sa Compostela Valley at Davao del Norte: 5,080 Nasalanta sa Agusan del Sur at Surigao del Sur: 14,648 Nasalanta sa Lanao del Sur: 139,879 Nasalanta sa Hilagang Mindanao: 894,112 Bilang ng mga nasugatan sa bagyong Sendong: 6,048 Bilang ng mga nawawala sa bagyong Sendong: tinatayang 173 sa kasalukuyan Bilang ng mga namatay sa bagyong Sendong: tinatayang 1,263 sa kasalukuyan Pinakamataas na bilang ng mga namatay sa bagyo: 5,101 (Bagyong Uring noong 1991) Kabuuang halaga ng nasirang ari-arian noong 2011 ayon sa National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC): P26.50 bilyon Badyet para sa 110 state universities and colleges (SUCS) sa 2012: P23.6 bilyon Pinakamataas na halagang pinsalang dulot ng bagyo: P27.296 bilyon (Bagyong Pepeng noong 2009) Halagang pinsalang dulot ng nakaraang bagyong Sendong: P1.40 bilyon Halaga ng mga imprastrakturang napinsala ng bagyong Sendong: P 1.11 bilyon Halaga ng mga nasalantang palayan ng bagyong Sendong: P289 milyon Tulong pinansyal mula sa NDRRMC para sa mga biktima ng sakuna noong 2010 at 2011, ayon sa Citizens Disaster Response Center: hanggang P10,000 bawat pamilya Bilang ng sako ng NFA rice na mabibili gamit ang nasabing halaga: halos pito Inilabas na tulong pinansyal ng DSWD para sa Cagayan: P203 milyon Bilang ng pamilyang makakatanggap ng tulong:2,900 Inilabas na tulong pinansyal ng DSWD para sa Illigan: P242 milyon Bilang ng pamilyang makakatanggap ng tulong:3,459 Tulong pinansyal sa bawat pamilyang namatayan: P5,000


Halaga ng pinakamurang kabaong: P8,000-P8,500 Tulong pinansyal sa mga nasiraan ng bahay: P5,000-10,000 Halaga ng pagpapatayo ng isang simpleng bahay, ayon sa National Housing Authority: P200,000 Kabuuang bilang ng nasirang bahay noong 2011: 51,721 Bilang ng nailipat ng DSWD na pamilya sa Calaanan na parte ng Core Shelter Assistance Project: 80 Inilaan ng DSWD para sa Core Shelter Assistance Project: P206 milyon Inilaan ng NHA sa mga ipapagawang bahay sa Cagayan at Iligan: P20 milyon Bilang ng pamilyang makakatanggap ng mga tulong pabahay ng NHA at DSWD: 3,000 Bilang ng bahay na nasalanta sa Cagayan: 7,317 Bilang ng ipapagawang bahay ng NHA sa Cagayan: 3,000 Bilang ng bahay na nasalanta sa Iligan: 5,249 Bilang ng ipapagawang bahay ng NHA sa Iligan: 1,166 Ipinamahaging financial aid ng NDRRMC: P10,000 bawat pamilya Kabuuang cost of assistance mula sa NDRRMC, DWSD, DOH, LGUs, at NGOs: P155 milyon Tulong pinansyal kada taong nasalanta: papatak sa P1,666 Pagkaing mabibili sa nasabing halaga: isang sakong NFA rice at 25 lata ng sardinas Inilaang badyet ng administrasyong Aquino para sa calamity fund noong 2011: P1.17 bilyon Inilaang badyet para sa disaster preparedness na hindi pinasa ni Pangulong Aquino noong 2011: P5 bilyon Inilaang badyet para sa disaster risk reduction at management activities ngayong 2012: P14.2 bilyon Inilaang badyet para sa mga kalamidad ngayong 2012: P7.5 bilyon Kabuuang unprogrammed funds o pera ng bayan na wala pang paglalaanan para sa 2012 : P161.69 bilyon

Sanggunian: National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, Office of Civil Defense, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, Citizens Disaster Response Center, Center for Environmental Concerns, Department of Budget and Management, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Education, Department of Social Welfare and Development, National Housing Authority, National Food Authority, IBON Foundation, Philippine Daily Inquirer, ABS-CBN Corporation, Ayala Land Incorporate

10 • Kulê Opinyon

Martes 10 Enero 2012



Creep* Kung kasalanang mortal ang tumingin sa mga mata mo, pinupulbos na ng apoy ang kaluluwa ko sa impiyerno. Ganito lang talaga ang moda ko ngayon. Pinapawi ang lumbay ko ng pagkamangha sa maliliit na detalye tungkol sa’yo. Tuwing gabi, kumakatok ka sa isip ko, at marahan kong binubuo ang isang pangarap: Sasamahan mo ako sa aking kama. Kakalkulahin ko ang pintig ng iyong damdamin, at mapagkukurong hindi tama ang halikan kita. Yayapusin ko na lamang ang iyong mga bilbil hanggang sa mangalay ang mga braso ko. Sa panaginip ko, nakasandal ka sa braso ko. Sa tunay na mundo, wala naman talaga akong matatawag na brasong pwedeng sandalan, dahil mas payat pa ito sa hita ng matabang sanggol. Tuwing ibinubuka mo ang iyong labi upang magbiro, nandoon lamang ako sa isang sulok, pinagmamasdan ang siwang ng ngipin mo. Maganda ka pa rin, naisip ko. Maganda ang mata mo. Maganda ang buhok

mo. Pero pinakamaganda pa rin ang mga biro mo. Tanggap ko nang invisible ako para sa’yo. Mahalaga ka para sa’kin, pero ako lang ang nakakaramdam nito. Sa wari ko, kapag sinabi ko ito sa’yo ngayon, ang tangi kong konsuwelo ay simpleng salamat, na madalas mong tugon sa mahahabang text ko tuwing birthday mo. Nagpasama ako sa’yo noon papunta sa aking kolehiyo. Maingat ang pag-angat ko ng mga paa upang makasabay sa maliliit na hakbang mo. ‘Di man lantad, alam kong alangan kang samahan ako. Maaaring sa isip mo’y ito’y walang iba liban sa sabay nating nilalandas ang daanan. Ngunit hindi para sa akin. Bawat salita, bawat amoy na naiiwan mo, tinatandaan at iniingatan ko. Kumot ko ang ngiti mo sa malamig na gabi. Duyan ko ang tinig mo sa balisang mga sandali. Halos isang taon na rin nang huli kitang makita. Binubuo ko na

Bawat salita, bawat amoy na naiiwan mo, tinatandaan at iniingatan ko

naman sa malikot kong isip ang pangarap ko. Binabagalan ko na naman ang paglalakad. Nauutal na naman ako tuwing may sasabihin ako sa’yo. Pero ako lang ito, dahil alam kong hindi mo bibilisan ang paglalakad mo upang magpang-abot tayo. Malaki na sana ang kumpiyansa kong may dulot ang milya-milyang pagitan ng ating mga mundo noon. Akala ko, mabubuo ang tapang sa paglipas ng panahon, at mabubura ang mga alaala ng agwat ng noon at ngayon. Pinaniwala ko ang sariling balang araw, mapapagod din ako. Pero hindi pala hacienda ang damdamin na maaaring sukatin kung ilang ektarya, o sardinas na may expiration date. Hindi pala ito abo ng patay na maaari mo na lang ihagis sa karagatan para walang bakas na maiwan. Sa pagbalik ko sa kahibangang ito, parang wala akong binalikan, dahil nalaman kong hindi pa ako nakaalis, at hindi pa kita handang kalimutan. ● *Pasintabi sa Radiohead


K. Hindi ko na maalala kung paano tayo nagkakilala. Basta natatandaan ko na lang, isang araw, lagi na kitang kasama saan man ako magpunta. Ewan ko nga ba kung paano tayo nagkasundo. Ako na unang araw pa lang ng klase ay may kaaway ng seniors, ako na hindi man lang halos marunong managalog noon; at ikaw na halos hindi mapansin sa isang sulok, isang modelo ng kagandahang asal, mabait na bata nga raw. Hindi ko na talaga maalala kung paanong ang sobrang magkaiba nating ugali ay nagtagpo, at higit pa roon ay nagkasundo, hanggang sa ngayon. Basta ang alam ko, isang araw, sabay na tayong kumakain tuwing rises. Pinipilit mo pa nga akong kumain talaga; nasa phase kasi ako noon na iniluluwa ko lahat ng kinakain ko. Paborito nating orderin noon ‘yung goto na may hard-boiled egg, at hindi mo nakalilimutang ikuha ako ng kutsara at tinidor para kainin ‘yun – tinidor para sa mga buto ng kalamansi. Madalas, tayo ang magkasama’t nag-uusap. Sa’yo ko unang nasabi ang maraming bagay – unang pag-ibig, unang mga kabiguan, unang mga

pangarap. Hanggang ngayon nga ay pinapaalala mo pa rin sa akin na ikaw ang nagpakilala sa akin sa Kule, at minsan, ilang taon na ang nakaraan, sabi mo magiging editor ako ng dyaryo ng UP. Ewan ko ba, pero pagdating sa ‘kin, palagi kang tama. Tama ka noong una akong nakaranas ng pagkatalo. Tama ka noong unang beses akong umibig at nabigo. Tama ka rin nang sinabi mong magiging editor ako ng Kule. Pero sa sarili mo, bihira kang magkwento. Palagi, ‘pag kinukumusta kita, sasabihin mo lang, “Eto, walang bago.” Sabi mo, sapat na sa’yong makinig sa akin. Na palagi naman tayong ganoon. Ewan ko ba, lagi ka namang ganyan. Mula pa noon, parang sa ating dalawa, ako na lang lagi ang nagsasalita. Ako ang nagdadala, ang nangangarap, at tumutupad ng mga pangarap. Sabi mo, para sa’yo, masaya ka nang naaabot ko ang mga gusto kong abutin. Na masaya ka nang magkaibigan pa rin tayo hanggang ngayon. Hindi ko nga alam kung paano nangyari, pero kahit na hindi na tayo halos nagkakasama, kahit hindi na katulad noong hayskul na halos anino na natin ang isa’t isa, ay nagawa pa rin nating maging

Hindi ko na talaga maalala kung paanong ang sobrang magkaiba nating ugali ay nagtagpo, at higit pa roon ay nagkasundo

pinakamatalik na magkaibigan. Minsan, nag-iisip pa rin ako kung sapat ba ang mga pag-uusap natin sa birtuwal na mundo para panatilihin ang relasyong ito. Isang beses sa isang taon na nga lang tayo talaga nagkikita. At sa mga panahon pang iyon, bihira naman tayong magsalita at kausapin ang isa’t isa. Kadalasa’y magkukumustahan, kaunting usap, at iyon na. Tila sa pagdaan ng panahon, sapat na sa ating minsa’y magkatabi at maramdaman ang presensya ng isa’t isa. Maaaring may iba na tayong circle of friends, may iba na tayong pinoproblema, may iba na tayong mga pananaw sa buhay. Pero lagi’t lagi, sa iyo pa rin ako bumabaling kapag kailangan ko ng kausap. At nakagugulat na lagi’t lagi, alam mo kung anong problema ko. Makailang ulit na ba kitang biniro na ikaw ang ultimate stalker ko (e kasi naman, pati pangalan ng mga kaibigan ko, kabisa mo)? Pero ito ang totoo – kahit minsan lang tayo magkita, kahit na parang ang random lang ng mga pinag-uusapan natin, mahalaga ‘yun para sa’kin. Mahalaga ka para sa’kin. Kasi ikaw ‘yung tipo ng kaibigang for life na. ●

UJP-UP Alumni Homecoming

Now on its 23rd year, the Union of Journalists of the Philippines – UP Diliman will be having an Alumni Homecoming Party on February 25, 2012, 7 pm-12 mn, at the TV Studio, Media Center, UP College of Mass Communication. We are inviting all alumni members to join us as we celebrate and reminisce more than two decades of Pagsusulat, Paguulat, at Pagmumulat. There will be performances from KONTRA-GAPI and the UP Repertory Company, and lots of other surprises. For inquiries, you can contact Sarah Torres at 09164477755 or email us at ujp_

2012 National Congress on Good Governance

The UP NCPAG Student Government will hold the 2012 National Congress on Good Governance (NCGG) on 13-15 January 2012 at NCPAG, UP-Diliman. With the theme of “Enhancing the Relevance of the Youth in Achieving Sustainable Human Development through grounded Public Administration and Governance in Philippine Society”, the NCGG will be a nationwide Paper Conference and Plenary Presentations to be attended by distinguished speakers, students from various courses and faculty representing different schools all over the Philippines. It will also feature an immersion program on the first day which aims to make all delegates grounded on reality which NCGG will try to give a solution. For more information, contact Jules Guiang at 09054502488, visit us on Facebook or

UP Cinema Application

Make your 2012 productive! Join UP Cinema, a university-wide organization of film enthusiasts. We have a sign-up booth at AS walk, from January 10 (Tuesday) to January 13 (Friday), 10am - 5pm. Orientation will be on January 20. Free workshops with great speakers await your application so join now, and experience film beyond the screen! Contact Kim (09066567251) for more details.


USC UPD is still accepting donations for the victims of Typhoon Sendong particularly medicines, food and school supplies for the relief, rehabilitation and medical mission on January 1619, 2012 in Cagayan de Oro City. For cash donations, please deposit to PNB account number 393989700021. You may drop your donations at USC Office, 2nd Floor, Vinzons Building or contact 0917757529/09159327331. Serve the People!

11 • Kulê Opinyon

Martes 10 Enero 2012


Ano ang dapat maging New Year’s Resolution ni Pang. Aquino?

Ano pa edi magka buhok!:))) at tama na ang paninisi sa dating administrasyon, panahon na upang sabihin niya kung saan ba patungo ang ika niyang tuwid na daan. 1026209 Jolens. new year’s resolution for PNoy: sana matutunan n nyang mag-let go... mag-let go sa Hacienda Luisita. ‘11-27985 MuRilYo Dapat tglan na nia pagpapap0gi ahe. tutukan naman nia ang sambayanang pilipin0 11-47474JC BABE Siguro dapat gawing New Year’s Resolution ni Aquino ang pagpapatubo ng buhok niya nang sa gayon ay tumubo din ang pag-asa nating maging malaya mula sa mga naghaharing-uri at tuluyan na tayong makapagsarili. 11-42913 Baek Seung Jo PS. Merry Christmas! “next year, i’ll stay absolutely still.” apparently he’s doing things in his own retarded way so he might as well do nothing; and those actions are not helping the nation. quezon city science high school .ang dpat maging new year’s resolution ni pang.aquino?aaksyon na sya ng bonggang bongga! Para mdama sya ng mga tao;) 1112331 magparami ng buhok! Haha.. XD baka pag tumubo na yung falling hair niya, tumubo nrn ang budget ng SUCs. XD 201178754 Ang dapat New Year’s Resolution ni PNoy ay ang pagbenta sa kanyang porsche para ibili ng mga pagkain para sa mga walang pagkain ngayong Pasko. XD 1130153 mdss-CE wag na yellow, iba


dagdagan pa ng budget UP at ibang state universities. 11-49540 “itigil ang katangahan” 2010-26148 sana ang maging new year’s resolution ni pnoy ay manatiling single hanggang matapos yung term. LELS. :3 --10.32134

Sino ang nagpainit ng Pasko mo?

sinong nagpainit ng pasko ko? Ung nagpainit ng ulo ko, si pres. Aquino. Tapos!! 0765064 Yung mga fantasies ko. ^^ ngek. That sounded wrong on so many levels. :))) pero putek, ang gwapo nya tlga eh! Sana tatanggapin nya yung Christmas present ko.. Hihihi :”> 1035451, BS UMAASA d p nman pasko, pero kht cna na pwd ko hug para mgshare ng body heat. :) 11-28846 Walang ibang nagpapainit ng Pasko ko kundi si BRO at ang family ko!!!(nbsb eh hahaha) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! 1120886<3sha Annyeong! Girls’ Generation ang nagpapainit ng aking Pasko. They’re so awesome lalo na si tiffany. Sabi nga sa kanta nilang “The Boys” - “GIRLS’ GENERATION MAKE ME FEEL THE HEAT” Hello rin sa g16 and friends. 201044673 chanahc compsci. nagpainit ng pasko ko?wala nga eh. Pero nagpainit ng ulo ko ngayong magpapasko. .prof ko sa isang subject wd 5 units>.< hmmf.hulaan nyo=p Hello kay thea at jerizza:) 1112331 Yung boyfriend ko syempre. Duh uh?! bawal plastik nuh. Hahaha. :-)) 2011-78754 nagpainit ng Pasko ko? hm.d na kelangan, ang init na nga e.XD XD > 1149540 C OBLE, ANG LUSTY NIYA LAGE SHANG NAKAHUBad,LALO NA nung

NAGKASTAR SHA,Deym! 0850886 pa3k mbb


tawang-tawa ako sa article na “kung bakit ang pangit nina aljur at kim chiu” ni carlos miguel esquivel. lalo n s pusa acting ni kim chiu! hahaha trulalike! 0727056 si Edward ang nagsabi nung tungkol sa first law of alchemy. .as in Elric, hindi yung fairy. 11-34305 they always say this and im going to say this again: ang galing talaga nung delfin mercado b un? i was about to put a smiley kaso im not prepared 4 the sorrow it will bring. . . hehe 10-17181 XIAN STAT terminal cases - naniniwala rin ako sa equivalent exchange - although not with smiles and frowns for they are not of trading value. Nakasalalay sayo yan hindi sa iba. 07-48553 comment lng ako dun sa article ni carlos miguel esquivel,kunwari tinira nya ng negative un mga artista pti mga shows eh pti naman pla sya nanu2od at blak pang mg auditioN?w/ dat atTitUde, you doNt dserve 2 be part of pbB..cguradung mrming gGya sa mga pngsa2Bi mO,buT dis tym ikaw na ang tinitira ng MARAMING NEGATIVE OPINIONS!. 10-18941 EDZ CASTRO ,BA APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY bkt ganun ung ep? Ang kadiri basahin halatang hindi sya talaga ung regular na writer nun. Ang bastos ng dating.haha 0878195 nagseselos ako! CHOS. GOOD JOB MR. Delfin Mercado! ikaw na ang masaya! ang ganda ng column every week! favorite ko yung last week. hindi ako smoker pero nagustuhan ko yun ng bongga! :) -JANA CU,bs MatE,09-23492

Shocks! Ang ganda talaga ng mga sinusulat ni Delfin Mercado! Nakakainlove siya!! :)) 1020098 BS CHEM to C.M. Esquivel- ang 2ny n taga UP ay hnd gnyn mg criticize ng artista at ms lalong iba ito sa “paninira”. U should NOT use a subjective observation lalo n sa ckat na newspaper. nkakhya kpg my nkbsang professionls It cn dirt our image. Btter luck nxt tym.. Pls no hrd feelings :) 201178490 -MPS ... Hi 2 marco.. Lav lav I really enjoyed “Kung bakit ang pangit nina Aljur at Kim Chiu” haha! Kudos to the writer. 201001041 Hanep na galing ni Delfin Mercado.Ang ganda ng article mo.Ikaw na talaga!Agree dn aq s article Kung bakit ang pangit nina Aljur at Kim Chiu.Haha. 201048830 Hello err’body ! :) bakit ang astig ng ULE ? Nakakaathar mathado ! haha . nakakatuwa si carlos miguel esquivel ! goodjob ! tama ! pangit nga si aljur at kim ! haha ! thumbs up ! *hi tohamdy abdou and karen romero ! :)) 20110111256 (UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST) JOJIENA -AB.BROADCAST COMM. Hahaha, ang lupet ng Tule, ang comedy version ng Philippine Collegian, naka2baliw at naka2tuwang basahin. Rock on Collegian staffers, u deserve salute from me. GBU 09467355707 Christopher Rivera Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) Marikina Polytechnic College, Marikina Carlos Esquivel, insted of ABS nd GMA, btr watch d highly phlosphicl nd artstic BOKU NO PICO. Vry intlectualy stimulating nd creative! 8.22797


para kay 1155118 BS BA: Para sa iyong kaalaman, hindi sapat na sa sarili lamang tayo magsilbi dahil ang kalakhan sa ating pilipino lalo na ang mga magsasaka na tali sa lupa buong buhay nila! Maglingkod sa sambayanan, huwag sa dayuhan! 10-07284 bs activism Para ki 0954105 at 0924486 at 1127985, maswerte pa kayo yan lang binabayaran niyo at nakakapagaral kayo. Yung ibang estudyanteng kagaya natin, walang ibang choice kundi itigil ang pagaaral kasi walang pangmatrikula dahil di kayang tustusan ng mga magulang nila at ng iba pang mga dahilan. Tignan din sana natin yung kalagayan nila kasi kahit di tayo directly apektado ng mga nararanasan ng bansa, at kahit minimal lang ang mga magiging consequences ng pagiging mulat natin sa mga nangyayari, yung simpleng pakikialam ay malaking bagay na para sa kanila. Di ko sinasabing makirally kayo kasi kahit mga nagcamp out ay madami namiss na mga lessons at karamihan at least brackets B at C. Ang punto ko lang ay makialam sana tayo. 0978517 rakenrol


Pabati naman, Kule! Belated happy anniversary kay 11-28520. I love you! :) 1128510. hi po. Hoy ex ko, kung nasaan ka man ngayon, sana madapa ka. Alam mo kung sino ka! 1155333 hello kule :) just wanna say (kahit di na to mapublish), MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! keep up the good work guys! u added spice to my depressing UP life. thank youuuuuu 200922780 BA Film

Ze Boombooroomboom edisun!

Mamamamamamaligayang Bagong Taon sa inyo naglilipanang birds across the Pilipeniz! Sa pagpasok ng New Year, pumasok din ang mga kumukulong pasabog ng 2012! Ooh Lala! Umiinit ang mga tumitilamsik na hagupit ng orgasmic 2012 across the UPez system. Boom #1: Sino itey na ateng na nagiwan ng sangkatutak na kalurkeyhan at kalashingan across the grassy plains ng Kolehiyo ng Kalandian! As in sa uber sabog na ng kanyang statements. Napasigaw tuloy siya: “Pinangalan ako sa tita ko!” Lurkey! Boom #2: Mas nakakalurkey si koyang na nagpapanggap sa kanyang leathy jacks na umaaligid across the sangUPez and taking boys by the numbers! As in sulutan to the max ang bet na laro ni koyang! Uber Victory nga naman ang bittersweet words ni koyang while playing his favorite game: basagan ng jar of hearts. Kaya kayow diyan, beware! May Vumuvulusok teh! They sting so bad. Boom #3: Sa nakaraang flight of the titibelles ay naka-spot ang yours truly ng isang umaalab na birdie! As in pinkish red ang efex ng lolo ninyo habang itinatakbo across AS! Asus, tilibelles naman ang mga ateng sa nakitang birdie ni macho koyang! Hmm… repressed, gustong magpapasok. Char! Boom #4: Sa pinakahuling pasabog ngayong bagong taon, may nagpasabog ng bagong utot! Yes dears, bagong utot! As in lumaganap na across AS ang nakaka-charming na amoy na galing sa friendly bowels ng ating friends. Nakow, baka ikaw na susunod ateng! Ihanda mo na mga discreet powers mo, you’ll never know. Hahahahar! Dahil napagod na aketch kakasagap ng negavibes across Pilipenis, I’ll retire for a while. As in go back to my boys, chos! As if naman may boylash pa akesh! Oh well, keribells. Don’t forget, bagong buhay na mga dear. Baguhin ang mga buhay bago mag-end of the world!

Next week’s questions

1. Ano ang masasabi mo sa impeachment efforts laban kay Cheif Justice Renato Corona? 2. Ano ang more fun gawin sa Pilipinas? Send in your opinions and feedback via SMS! Type KULE <space> YOUR MESSAGE <space > STUDENT NUMBER (required), NAME and COURSE (optional) and send to:


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